New York Trend April Issue
New York Trend April Issue
April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 The Death of Trayvon Martin, Where Do We Go From Here? Omarion Joins Kitts Music Festival (Page 17) By Justin Williams ,NYTrend Posted: NYTrend Facebook This nation is at a moment of intense anger over the shooting of Trayvon Martin on both sides of the aisle. One side claims that the racism that is obvious in Mr. Zimmerman’s rationale for shooting Trayvon is enough of an indictment for Zimmerman to be arrested. As it stands now, Zimmerman is a free man due to a technicality in Florida’s Stand Your Ground law, which proclaims that a community have taken their complaint to Washington, the steps of their local congress, television and news outlets to voice the opinion that both the law What is in question and Zimmerman’s actions is the circumstantial are replete with errors in evidence behind the judgment. The current motivations for the theory is that Trayvon was simply hunted and gunned shooting.......... down by a man who may person with firearms can have felt threatened, but defend himself if threatened only due to his biased by an attacker. Many in the perceptions of Trayvon African American Check us out online Nas Signs On To ESPN’s NFL Draft (Page 17) The Braxton’s Hosting... See Events (Page 19) Continued On Page 3 Prominent Attorney Speaks Out On Trayvon Martin (Page 10) PLEASE CALL FOR AFFORDABLE RATES & PACKAGES, FREE PHONE EVALUATIONS 516-564-3012 • [email protected] American Learning Institutes 6.25X8.5_Layout 1 1/23/12 2:53 PM Page 1 WOULD YOU GO INTO COURT WITHOUT A LAWYER? NO SO DON’T DARE GO INTO SCHOOL WITHOUT A PARENT ADVOCATE! • ATTEND SCHOOL MEETINGS • REVIEW OF CURRICULUM • MEET WITH PARENTS AND SCHOOL STAFF PLEASE CALL FOR AFFORDABLE RATES AND PACKAGES FREE PHONE EVALUATIONS Tel: 516-564-3012 Email: [email protected] We can help you get your child through school American Learning Institutes Parent & Student Advocacy Tutorial Services Academic Counseling SINCE 1978 Dr. Teresa Williams New York Trend NYC 516-564-3012 Serving: New York, Nassau, Suffolk Counties April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 TRENDING TOPICS The Death of Trayvon Publisher Speaks Out On FaceBook Martin, Where Do We Go From Here? Continued from page 1 rather than any abundance of menacing behavior by information, can the Trayvon. court of public opinion fairly comment on the However, the counter state of social justice a r g u m e n t i s t h a t in this case? When the supporters of Trayvon d e a t h o f a c h i l d are using race in a becomes a national situation that is more commentary on race, about the problem with i s that not law rather than racial overshadowing that tensions. Zimmerman, the real tragedy is that after all is a Hispanic this young teen died m a n w i t h a v e r y regardless of his race. recently outspoken Perhaps the racial talk black friend, Joe Oliver i s n e c e s s a r y a n d who has chastised the applicable given this public for judging a Nation's history of man on unfair terms r a c i a l l y m o t i v a t e d based o n killings of young the barely audible African Americans, i.e. racial e p i t h e t E m m i t Ti l l a m o n g presumably said by others. But if African Zimmerman on his 911 American men are and call. Could he have y o u n g men said a racial slur? Of specifically, to ever course. Does the fact cease to be seen as a that Zimmerman is r a c i a l l y e x p l o s i v e Hispanic with what issue, cases like these a p p e a r s t o b e a will have to be seen for singular, supportive t h e i r n o n - r a c i a l and willful black friend characteristics. We will precludes him from h a v e t o s e e t h e being a bigot? No it George Zimmerman’s does not. What is in as potentially innocent q u e s t i o n i s t h e so long as they are not c i r c u m s t a n t i a l proven guilty. To vilify a evidence behind the suspect prematurely or motivations for the f a l s e l y is to s h o o t i n g , s i n c e permanently weaken Z i m m e r m a n h a s any credibility left in refused to speak from the argument that a his point of view to any person’s race may still media outlets. get them buried sixfeet under. So where do we go By Justin Williams from here? Without an 3 New York Trend NYC Trayvon Martin Mothers of young black males can never rest. We worry about mistaken identity of our child, we fear a bullet from a misdirected individual will find them, we wonder if the 2 am phone call is bringing the news we hide deep in the recesses of our minds and we celebrate each birthday as a triumph that another year has passed and your son is safe. What's different in this country than when we were on the plantation? We were all in danger of getting hung, or separated from our families or getting whipped. Hundreds of years later the most endangered species remains the young black male... And every day in America there is a black mother who wakes up and goes to sleep...scared. -Dr. Teresa Taylor Williams/Publisher April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 189 TRENDING POLITICS PRESIDENT OBAMA SIGNS!JOBS ACT BILL "One of the great things about America is that we are a nation of doers -not just talkers, but doers. We think big. We take risks. And we believe that anyone with a solid plan and a willingness to work hard can turn even the most improbable idea into a successful business. So ours is a legacy of Edisons and Graham Bells, Fords and Boeings, of Googles and of Twitters. This is a country that’s always been on the cutting edge. And the reason is that America has always President Barack Obama had the most daring entrepreneurs in the number of barriers that were and small business will now world. " p r e v e n t i n g a s p i r i n g have access to a big, new "When their ideas take entrepreneurs from getting pool of potential investors -And this is one namely, the American people. root, we get inventions funding. that can change the way useful and important step For the first time, ordinary Americans will be able to go we live. And when their along that journey. " online and invest in businesses take off, For business owners who e n t r e p r e n e u r s t h a t t h e y more people become e m p l o y e d b e c a u s e , want to take their companies believe in. overall, new businesses to the next level, this bill will account for almost every make it easier for you to go new job that’s created in public. And that’s a big deal "Our economy has because going public is a b e g u n t o t u r n a America." major step towards corner, but we've still "Now, because we’re expanding and hiring more still recovering from one workers. It’s a big deal for got a long way to go. of the worst recessions investors as well, because in our history, the last public companies operate few years have been with greater oversight and p r e t t y t o u g h o n greater transparency. And "This bill represents exactly entrepreneurs. Credit for start-ups and small the kind of bipartisan action has been tight. And no businesses, this bill is a we should be taking in matter how good their potential game changer. Washington to help our i d e a s a r e , i f a n Right now, you can only turn economy. I’ve always said entrepreneur can’t get a t o a l i m i t e d g r o u p o f that the true engine of job loan from a bank or investors -- including banks creation in this country is the backing from investors, and wealthy individuals -- to p r i v a t e s e c t o r, n o t t h e it’s almost impossible to get funding. Laws that are government. Our job is to get their businesses off nearly eight decades old help our companies grow and the ground. And that’s make it impossible for others hire. That’s why I pushed for But a lot has why back in September, to invest. this bill. That’s why I know and again in my State of changed in 80 years, and it’s that the bipartisan group of the Union, I called on time our laws did as well. legislators here pushed for Congress to remove a Because of this bill, start-ups 4 New York Trend NYC April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 this bill. That's why I’ve cut taxes for small businesses over 17 times. That’s why every day I’m fighting to make sure America is the best place on Earth to do business. " "Our economy has begun to turn a corner, but we've still got a long way to go. We've still got a lot of Americans out there who are looking for a job or looking for a job that pays better than the one that they've got. And we're going to have to keep working together so that we can keep moving the economy forward. " "But I've never been more confident about our future. And the reason is because of the American people. Some of the folks beside me here today are a testimony to that. Day after day, they’re out there pitching investors. Some meetings go well; some meetings don't go so well. That's true for me, too. But no matter what, they keep at it. And who knows, maybe one of them or one of the folks in the audience here today will be the next Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg. And one of them may be the next entrepreneur to turn a big idea into an entire new industry. That’s the promise of America. That’s what this country is all about. " TRENDING BUSINESS FINAL CLAIMS DEADLINE NEARS FOR HISTORIC $1.25 BILLION SETTLEMENT !! "#$%&#'() *"#++) #*,-.$) + / , , " / & / $ ,) 0 . ') ! 0 ' - * # $) !&/'-*#$+) 12.) /34/'-/$*/%) 0#'&) ".#$) %-+*'-&-$#,-.$) 56) ,2/) 789!)-+) /$,/'-$:) -,+) ;-$#") 42#+/<) !0'-*#$) !&/'-*#$+) 12.) 0#'&/%) .') #,,/&4,/%) ,.) 0#'&) =.') ,2/-') 2/-'+>) ) 5/) /"-:-5"/) 0.') #) +-?/#5"/) *#+2) 4#6&/$,) .') 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') @ - + - ,) 111<F"#*(G#'&/'Q#+/<*.&< Magazine Speaks On “Black!Leaders” Power Networking Business Resources FREE Seminars Top Speakers 2012 Annual SCWBEC Business Showcase and Power Networking Luncheon Friday, April 27, 2012 at Villa Lombardi 877 Main Street Holbrook, NY Exhibitor and Sponsorship Opportunities! 21Celebratingof Success! The Source Magazine (, the leading publication of Hip-Hop music, culture, business and politics is featuring three rising stars on its February/March cover: 2 Chainz, Tyga, and Mac Miller. For this groundbreaking cover, The Source is making a big statement, defining where Hip-Hop is going, in a “Coming Of Age”-type story. “Hey Young World” (p. 48) takes an up close and personal look into 2 Chainz, Tyga, Mac Miller, and Kendrick Lamar. Each artist sat down for an exclusive interview with The 6’ Exhibitor Table starting at $110 with FREE Membership Registration Source, to discuss leading his own movement. Exhibits Open to the Public 9:00am - 12:30pm 20-year old Mac Miller silences the naysayers $10 Admission includes professional headshot by doing what works best for him. Miller says FREE Seminars and NEW Showcase Presentations his fan base is “growing wider than people give POWER NETWORKING Luncheon 1:00 - 3:00pm me credit for.” And newly signed Def Jam artist 2 Chainz says he’s “hungry like that Ticket information found at younger me.” Tyga even admits, “most of my fans are from 12 to 25.” On-Line Early Registration Rates End March 30th New York Trend NYC April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 Also, in honor of Black History Month, The Source celebrates a new generation of History makers. “History In The Making”(p. 62) pays tribute to today’s influential and powerful leaders who are paving the way, creating tomorrow’s legacies. Keeping in line with the theme of “who got next,” this issue also highlights talented individuals who are taking over in their own space. Karen Civil (p. 26) shares her secrets on building a social media business, Bad Boy/ MMG artist French Montana (p. 18) talks about gearing up for his highly-anticipated debut, and Power 105.1!s The Breakfast Club (Angela Yee, DJ Envy and Charlamagne Tha God) (p.34) talks exclusively about dominating New York morning radio. In addition, Source Sports (p. 39) features US Olympic Runner LaShawn Merritt’s quest for redemption as he gears up for the Olympics. HEALTH NYC Health Department and Health and Hospitals Corporation Announce Increase in Colonoscopy Rate T h e N e w Yo r k C i t y H e a l t h Department and the Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) announced today that in just under a decade New York City’s colonoscopy rate has increased by 62%, signaling a major step forward in the fight against one of the most common – and deadliest – cancers. The city’s average colonoscopy rate is now 67%, up from 42% in 2003 when New York City first began tracking colonoscopy rates. During this time, a citywide push to increase screening rates has also eliminated racial disparities. In 2010, colonoscopy rates in the Asian community were on par with African-Americans, whites and Hispanics for the first time. However, the colonoscopy rate among Russian-speaking New Yorkers trails behind the citywide rate and the City will work with community partners to better understand the reason for the lag and find ways to increase colon cancer screenings. The announcement was made at the Coney Island Hospital in conjunction with the City’s partnership with the Citywide Colon Cancer Control Coalition. “Colonoscopy screening saves lives,” said New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley. “Two-thirds of New Yorkers are getting screening, but one third is not. If you're 50 or older or belong to a higher risk group, call 311 to find a screening location, and encourage friends and loved ones to do the same.” Actress Charlayne Woodard to Pay Tribute to Trayvon Martin at Upcoming Legislative Breakfast On Friday, April 13, Special Needs Network, Inc. (SNN) will stand shoulder to shoulder with elected officials, advocates, and community leaders around the country at the 6th Annual Legislative Breakfast taking place at the Radisson Hotel Midtown at USC to pay tribute to Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old high schooler from Sanford, Florida who was s h o t a n d k i l l e d b y n e i g h b o rh o o d watchman George Zimmerman. As a part of the tribute, acclaimed actress and playwright Charlayne Woodard will perform an original piece written especially for this occasion. ! A two-time Obie Award winner and a Tony Award nominee, Woodard is a veteran stage performer who has been heralded as a storyteller extraordinaire. She recently completed a successful run at the Kirk Douglas Theater in Culver City of her onewoman performance, The Night Watcher a story about the trials and triumphs as a godmother and an aunt. No stranger to the small screen either, Woodard has played the roles of Janice on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air; Vonda on Roseanne; and Sister Peg on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. ! Since its founding in 2005, SNN has been on the frontlines of the fight for equality for children and youths, with a focus on those with autism and related developmental disabilities. ! "The death of Trayvon is a tragedy, and we are excited to have Charlayne's performance celebrate his life and inspire our audience to do more to protect and empower all kids, regardless of whether they wear a hoodie, or have problems with spoken language because they are autistic," says entertainment lawyer and children's Don’t Become A Victim Of Medical Error . Get Informed, Entertained, And Inspired You’re in the hospital and it’s 3:00 a.m. Do you know where your nurse is? It’s a sad fact that every year more than 100,000 people enter American hospitals for one reason and leave on a funeral gurney for a completely different one! A n a t i v e N e w Yo r k e r , Margot Terrence, R.N., has worked at some of the finest hospitals in the country. For thirty years she has held positions ranging from staff nurse and unit manager to Chief Nursing Officer and Director – and she has seen it all! What she witnessed became the inspiration for her book, To Err Is Common (Prisyon Publishing); a novel that is based on actual incidents 6 New York Trend NYC taking place in hospitals across the United States every day. Join Nurse Andrea Pastori, a profoundly concerned and dedicated young nurse, who is looking for personal and professional fulfillment in a complex, stressful, sometimes depressing but often exhilarating, environment. While her character is fictional, the incidents Andrea encounters in her quest to serve as a compassionate and competent nurse are very real and tell the story of what those on the front lines, particularly nurses and their colleagues in hospital work, deal with daily in their fight against disease, stress, legal and administrative bureaucracy, accidents, injuries and the ensuing professional and personal heartache. While we have been somewhat enlightened by the many TV and movie portrayals of life in a hospital, much of what really happens remains a mystery. Andrea Pastori’s story is entertaining and inspiring, but more importantly it offers insight and information to medical professionals as well as assistance to readers that may help them or their loved ones survive a hospital stay. Andrea is a bright, attractive and gifted young woman who attempts to deal with the often tragic consequences of medical errors on patients and on those who became nurses and medical professionals to heal others but instead have ended up doing the opposite. Through her eyes you will take a long, hard, but also entertaining and involving, look at modern-day nursing. You will be both impressed and confounded by the complicated April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 books author Bonnie Berry LaMon, who serves on SNN's Board of Directors and has a seven-year-old son with autism. ! "Although Trayvon was not autistic, his death is a sobering reminder of how easy it is for children of color to be stereotyped because of their clothing and behaviors. If Trayvon was considered 'suspicious', then a child with autism who flaps his arms and spins would definitely be viewed as suspect," says SNN President and Co-Founder Areva Martin, Esq. ! Indeed, Trayvon's death ignited a firestorm of emotions as hundreds of thousands across the country took to the streets to protest the Sanford Police Department's decision to not arrest Zimmerman, who claims self-defense and is protected under Florida's 'Stand Your Ground' law. ! "We are humbled by the opportunity to join prominent leaders from around the country in a demonstration of solidarity in calling for justice for Trayvon and his family," says Areva Martin, who is also a nationally-recognized children's rights advocate. "We hope to raise awareness about the dire need for education and advocacy, and ensure that all kids are protected from senseless violence and given every opportunity to thrive." and sometimes maddening procedures nurses must undertake to successfully do their jobs, while keeping their personal lives intact. And you will have a new understanding of how and why things can occasionally go terribly wrong. One thing is for sure; you will gain a new respect for the challenges of this noble profession and for all who work in it. Margot Terrence knew early on in life that she wanted to pursue a career in nursing and she has fulfilled that quest for over thirty years. She has been able to manifest her passion for excellence in nursing and in patient care at some of the finest hospitals in the United States. She is currently the Director of Risk Management at a large urban hospital. COMMUNITY ACTORS DANNY GLOVER, JB SMOOTH, & LEON JOIN OTHERS TO CELEBRATE NO REPORTED HOMICIDES IN PUBLIC HOUSING DEVELOPMENT As we continue to improve public safety in one of the most dangerous public housing developments in NYC the HipHop Summit Youth Council (HHSYC), who manages SNUG for the King of Kings Foundation (KOK), along with a c t o r s D a n n y G l o v e r, J B Smooth, Leon and NYS Senator Malcolm Smith celebrate a major milestone of 37 consecutive weeks of no reported homicides or shootings in the infamous Redfern Public Housing Development. The anti-gun initiative, funded by NYS Senator Malcolm Smith, continues to improve public safety by working with community groups, housing r e s i d e n t s , c l e r g y, l o c a l businesses and law enforcement agencies. The Rockaway Development Revitalization Corporation is the project’s fiscal conduit. The successful Chicago-based organization Ceasefire acts as a consultant and uses a unique 5-prong “Public Health” approach to reduce gun violence. During a period when the Trayvon Martin issue is at the top of the news it is important that celebrities step up to the plate and use their influence to keep our young people calm. With Avery Johnson, Danny Glover, JB Smooth and Leon joining “Team SNUG” this may be the right time to have some open and honest dialogue about race, minority youth, gun violence, “Stop & Frisk” policies and the “Stand Your Ground” laws. “This is a great project and is needed to stop all the violence in our communities. I support the work of SNUG and applaud Malcolm for launching this lifesaving initiative.” stated actor Danny Glover. “The work that SNUG is doing to save lives is amazing and you guys can count on me to be a part of the team.” stated JB Smooth, actor from “Curb Your Enthusiasm”. “Programs like SNUG offer hope in neighborhoods that are out of control with violence and whatever you need me to do to help, I’m there for you.” stated actor Leon. “I’m excited about the superstars that have joined us to improve public safety and support our work to put an end 7 New York Trend NYC to the senseless violence that continues to plague our communities.” ended NYS Senator Malcolm Smith. “Our work to stop the killings has just started and we welcome the support of these stars.” said Lance Feurtado, Director of SNUG and Executive Director of the KOK. The SNUG Advisory Council (SAC) was founded by the HHSYC to solicit the support of celebrities and community leaders who are concerned about the dangers of gun violence. SAC will officially launch next month and offer guidance, fundraising, celebrity and media support to each SNUG site. Charles Fisher, one of the original Co-chairs appointed by the NYS Senate in June of 2008 to help officially launch SNUG, is responsible for the success of SAC. “The blessings just keep on coming and I know that we are truly on the right path and look forward to working with these tremendous actors to stop gun v i o l e n c e . ” s t a t e d To d d Feurtado, Assistant Director of SNUG and the Co-Founder of the KOK. “First of all I want to thank Danny Glover, JB Smooth and Leon for going the extra mile to help us stop gun violence. It is not often that we can find celebrities to take time out of their busy schedule to tackle such a delicate issue in poor and disadvantaged communities.” stated Charles Fisher, Chairman of HHSYC and Program Manager of SNUG. “With SAC we can bring Actors, Hip-Hop Artists and Professional Athletes together to take a real stand against the violence and bloodshed that is destroying our communities. I want to also thank Curtis Taylor of Curtis Media for his guidance and support for our gun violence prevention movement.” “Through our Hollywood team, Coach Avery Johnson and the Hip-Hop community we have some real Star Power that will definitely help us save more lives and attract the attention of other celebrities who are also concerned about the dangers of gun violence.” ended Randy Fisher, Executive Director of HHSYC and Outreach Supervisor for SNUG. Randy Fisher, Sen. Malcolm Smith, JB Smooth, Shahidah Omar, Danny Glover, Leon, Charles Fisher Queens Library’s Langston Hughes Community Library and Cultural Center Proudly Presents ! Thursday, April 5th 6:00 p.m. ! Cheryl Wills is a nationally recognized award-winning journalist for NY1 News with over 20 years experience as a television journalist. She is the author of the acclaimed Die Free: A Heroic Family Tale. Ms. Wills is also a blogger for The Huffington Post and a contributor to Author Talk: George Onuorah! presents The Political Diary of!a Rising Son with Special Guest Cheryl Wills ! ! Join George Onuorah as he discusses his new book The Political Diary of a Rising Son in which he evaluates modern politics and governance in both the United States and Africa including the Obama presidential campaign as well as his own recollections of President Obama’s inauguration. He also details his assessment of Nigerian politics as seen through his own ideological lens. George Onuorah is the Founder & CEO of Youths Int’l Inc, a non-for-profit youth organization designed to empower youth. Mr. Onuorah is a graduate of Political Science from York College and has served in various political capacities throughout Queens, New York. His work with youth has been widely recognized throughout New York State by such organizations as the Queens Courier, the New York City Council and the New York State Senate.! April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 NY1 Journalist Cheryl Willis Author George Onuorah COMMUNITY NEWS Runaway Squad Founder Joe Mazzilli Reunites Families with Runaway Children Mazzilli believes in acting quickly when searching for a runaway because their chances of being hurt increases with each passing day. Unless police suspect foul play is involved, they don't have the resources to get involved with finding runaways. Mazzilli talked about a 14 year old girl he had rescued a few years ago, who had been raped and abused and locked in a closet. They took her to the hospital and wanted to have a rape kit performed, but because the 14 year old would not agree, the hospital couldn't perform the rape test. The 27 year old rapist got off with no Joe Mazzilli,(L) founder of Runaway Squad, was the guest speaker rape charge. He was arrested for unlawful imprisonment. at Assemblyman William Scarboroughs' 29th A.D. Task Force This needs to be changed, he Meeting. Photo by Juliet Kaye said, so child predator/rapists J o e M a z z i l l i , f o u n d e r o f has seen Jassmym, please call don't evade rape charges and are out on the street sooner so Runaway Squad, was the guest Mazzilli at the number below. they can victimize another speaker at Assemblyman William Scarboroughs' 29th M a z z i l l i s a i d w h a t h i s child. A.D. Task Force Meeting. A organization is doing is trying retired NYPD detective and to rescue a child, and he has M a z z i l l i a n d t h e R u n a w a y now a private investigator, successfully reunited families, Squad work pro bono, or free. Mazzilli created his own team including teens from Queens. T h e y d o n o t c h a r g e . I f to find and rescue endangered Runaway children are a huge someone needs help with a r u n a w a y s a n d b r i n g t h e m n a t i o n a l p r o b l e m , h e s a i d missing teenager, call their hot home safely. He started the citing statistics of 1.6 million line at 1-877-4-A-RUNNAWAY. Runaway Squad 5 years ago as runaway children with 5,000 a result of having started the dying each year. Children face Pimp Squad at NYPD and many dangers as runaways, s e e i n g f i r s t h a n d h o w including being kidnapped, runaways were tortured and sold into sex trafficking and killed. The Runaway Squad being physically abused. 75% actually became a reality show to 80% of kids who end up as on A & E TV. Mazzilli has child prostitutes are runaways. r e s c u e d r u n a w a y s f r o m Mazzilli mentioned the recent S o u t h e a s t Q u e e n s a n d i s case of a young girl from the A guy got her c u r r e n t l y w o r k i n g t o f i n d community. missing 15 year old Jassmym under his control, and sold her Carr, a student at H.S. of f o r $ 5 0 0 t o s o m e o n e i n C o m m u n i t y L e a d e r s h i p a t Rosedale, seven days before J a m a i c a H . S . S h e i s 5 ' 8 " , she managed to run away. In weighs 175 pounds, has black those terrifying 7 days, she was hair and brown eyes. There are force to have sex with 20 guys, reports she has been seen in including the father of the guy Have you seen 15 year old the neighborhood. If anyone who paid for her. Jassymym Carr? DC 37 Gathering Attendees at a recent DC37 gathering included Latesha Campbell, Eric Handy, Marc Sanchez, Holly Brown, Darrel Murdaugh. 8 New York Trend NYC LIA SOPHIA DC 37 business party gathering for Lia Sophia Jewelry. Attendees included Regina Lashley advisor, Carolyn Bogie hostess,and Maria Hernandez. April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 YORK COLLEGE FOUNDATION 5th Annual Scholarship Benefit Concert TO BENEFIT THE YORK COLLEGE MERIT SCHOLARS Monday, APRIL 30, 2012 7:30 PM FEATURING PATTI AUSTIN & TRIO PEFORMING “THE ELLA FITZGERALD TRIBUTE” ! SALUTING York College Merit Scholars The Merit Scholars are a group of talented and academically high achieving young men and women in pursuit of their higher education. !These students maintain a required academic standing of 3.25 to qualify and receive Merit Scholarships each year at York College. ! HONORING Lisa Ellis, Partner Fireman Capital Partners Charles Murphy, Senior Vice President Turner Construction Leroy Comrie, City Council Member Queens ! Master of Ceremonies Brenda Blackmon Anchor, My 9 News, WWORTV YORK COLLEGE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 94-45 Guy R. Brewer Blvd., Jamaica, NY 11451 For More Information: 718-262-3810 Online: annual-benefit Digital Proofing Bar © 2012 Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Ad: UniWorld Group, Inc. Photos: Anthony Barboza SWOP Digital Proofing Bar started off with small “ Ijobs but in no time I bid on a big project—and won.” Michael Smith turned a partnership with Con Edison into growth and success for his company, his community and our city. Michael started The Griffin Security Agency in the Bronx with just 40 employees. Today, thanks in part to the Con Edison Supplier Diversity Program, his company provides more than 500 local jobs. We’re always looking for entrepreneurs, like Michael Smith, who are ready to plug into a new network of opportunities. Find out if your business is ready to grow with us. Visit or call 212-460-3076. SWOP T:13.75” MICHAEL SMITH CONED 1117648_Smith_8 x13.75_03.25.12.indd 1 pson proof. PO # 3126 08-16-2011 OWNER, THE GRIFFIN SECURITY AGENCY 3/27/12 10:02 AM READERS SPEAK Reminiscent of Emmit Till Days....?? By Carolynn Terrell Nieves, Esq. (See also on: new york trend Facebook Why is my heart so heavy? Why do I feel as though we are reverting back to the days of Emmit Till? Florida is truly the old Mississippi now! Why do I now have tofear for my teenage sons and have to have “the so called talk” withthem more seriously as to how you can not trust anyone when you walk outside asyou will be perceived differently because you are black, even if your white friends are wearing the same thing as you, but you look suspicious and ofcourse you are up to no good. You must be up to no good because you are black. I had to explain to my boys, and daughter this morning who the Blac kPanthers were. Could you believe that! I have not heard or spoken thosewords since I was a kid! What the hell is going on here! Florida is now the O’KCorral! My kids just left Boca on winter break hanging with their dad andwalked around their uncle’s complex just like the one this young blackman was murdered in, probably looking suspicious to someone, thank GOD they were not shot. ....the Sanford Police Force and the county leaders in Florida has created such a racial divide as I have not seen since the 60’s! My daughter went out in our development yesterday walking with her headphones on as she normally does with her girlfriend who spent the nightand by the way is tall, black and beautiful and for the first time I wonderedwhether I should say to them before they left, be careful! That thoughtcertainly never crossed my mind regarding my daughter before when she wouldwalk out in my own development. Wow! There will be no peace for this manin Floridabased on how the police have handled this matter. As a lawyer and what I considered a good citizen I have always kept a cool head, but for the firsttime when I heard the Black Panther’s now have a bounty on this man, Imust say it is well deserved as they will most certainly handle him if they imprison him now! You can not shoot aninnocent young black teenage boyin the back, defenseless, worse than one would treat a wild animal and walkaway! I can not even look at this young kid’s picture without tearswelling up in my eyes as I see my Matthew and my Brandon everytime I look at him. I see his parent’s pain and I can not imagine how they are still standing. We have now retreated to the KKK and yes, bring the Black Panthers out, because the inaction and the insensitivity of the Sanford Police force and the county leaders in Florida has created such a racial divide as I have not seen since the 60’s! How we can have a Black/African American president in office who also said that Trayvon Martin could have been his son, and we al lknow the President wanted to say much more, and we have racist’s, that's right, I said it. Racists with guns a blazing walking around communities,calling th e m s e l v e s c o m m u n i ty w a tc h e r s is outrageous! Now my white friends, especially you mother ’s of son’s who are my son’s friends know good and well this would never have happened to one of your boy’s and if it did, an arrest would have been made immediately or the state of Florida would have been shut down! Yes, shut DOWN! When you have churches allacross the country wearing hoodies on Sunday, and schools having kids coming inwith Carolynn Terrell Nieves, Esq. hoodies and giving out skittles and ice tea to symbolize why young TrayvonMartin was shot/murdered in cold blood, you have to know things are truly bad! An dto think, my sons just returned also from February break from a college tour at University of Miami! Thank goodness dad, grandma, uncles and aunts were with them as though that will make a difference. Mama really has to think about that one! Time to pause my friends! What the hell is going on here? INTERVIEW A Breath of Fresh Air: A Chat with NBA Wife and Author Audrey!Griffin By: Jazmine Rogers career and family as well as her speaking tour If someone asked you to describe Audrey Griffin in five words what would you tell them? God-fearing, Smart, Loving, Nurturer and Fun!!! You are preparing to kick off a speaking tour. What will the tourentail of? There’s this ugly myth which leads ambitious women everywhere into believing that it is impossible to be well educated and have a successful career, a great marriage and a family that is taken care of. Due to this misconception many women find themselves making a choice between career or family, failing to reach their true potential. If this myth is our kryptonite then! Mother, Author, Entertainer, Lifestyle Blogger and wife of Adrian Griffin, Audrey Griffin is our superwoman! I was able to catch up with Audrey to discuss life as an NBA Wife, balancing her 10 New York Trend NYC The tour will consist of me reaching out to a community of young ladies from all walks of life aspiring to do better! I will be working with Polished Pebbles which is a Mentoring Program for young girls here in Chicago. I will be speaking to young girls in High School and Middle Schools on the southside of Chicago. ! I will also be a guest at the Cara program which I am looking forward to and speaking at the Cantar program for the Swish foundation, to name a few. then by visiting and speaking with them. Words are powerful and We use them everyday, I use them on my blog but I thought why not go into communities and touch lives of people who may not necessarily ! visit my blog. We can all use words of encouragement so I look forward to lifting people up so they can move forward with their purpose in life with boldness! my ! life came when my focus remained on Him. Reading his word& knowing it reminds me daily of my responsibilities and applying it in my life allows me to accomplish the daily things like working out, eating right, managing my time and coming up with creative ways to keep my family close and my marriage tight. !It’s the only way I know, well it’s the only way I know that works! What advice can you offer to young professionals struggling to balance a career as well as home life? What is your opinion on television shows such as Basketball Wives? Do you feel that they depict wives of NBA players in the best light? Take things one day at a time, don’t try and do it all at once, they didn’t build Rome in a day so no need to rush to build your empire! Do a little each day and continue to work towards your goals& don’t just make goals make a promise to keep your goals, then you will be more apt to accomplish them because there is a stronger emotional connection. What inspired you to go on a speaking tour? You wear so many hats NBA wife, mother, author etc. How do you maintain it all without allowing any of those areas to suffer? I knew I wanted to motivate and inspire others and I thought what better way to engage with others Staying focused and that calls for a daily dose of seeking God. I know that anything I have ever accomplished in April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 I think like all reality shows it is! entertainment. ! It doesn’t depict the wives of NBA players and ! I don’t think the show even depicts the women on the show in the best light at times. ! Are there any other projects that you are currently working on? I have some things in the works right now I’m really excited about! ! I will let them come forth in due time. Can we expect a new book anytime soon? ! Yes and all I can say is, it will definitely be creative and enlightening! 11 New York Trend NYC April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 TRAVEL A Spring Getaway In The City of Brotherly Love by Jim Weaver Although I lived in Philadelphia for more than half my life, I moved away a few years ago to a retirement community. Fortunately, I’m still close enough that several times a year my wife Barbara and I get back to visit. Coming back to the city now as a “tourist” has become a delightful experience. Wannamaker’s. Although its now a Macy’s, it stills retains much of the charm of years gone by when it was the city’s leading department store. The large bronze sculpture of the eagle is still located at the center of the first floor grand court. “Meet me at the Eagle” was once a phrase every Philadelphian knew. On a recent trip, we visited the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (America’s first art school founded in 1805) for the opening of a spectacular new exhibit “Henry Ossawa Tanner: Modern Spirit” which runs here through April 15th before traveling to Cincinnati and Houston. Looking upwards from there you e n c o u n t e r t h e w o r l d ’s l a rg e s t (confirmed on the web) pipe organ. The Wannamaker Organ is still played twice a day, Monday through Saturday, more often at the Christmas season, and for special concerts. Christmas brings an amazing light show in the space in front of the organ pipes. Go to YouTube online and search Philadelphia Opera Company’s “Hallelujah” Random Act of Culture (held in the Wannamaker Grand Court). Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Tanner was a Pennsylvania Academy graduate (1865) and the first African American to receive international acclaim as an artist. However, because of racial bigotry in America he was forced to move to Paris to pursue his career abroad. The exhibit features over 100 Tanner works, some of which have never been shown in the United States. One of my favorite paintings is “The Banjo Lesson” (1896) which depicts an old black man teaching his grandson to play the banjo. From the Hampton University Art Museum collection, it is one of the first painting by any artist to show African Americans in other than a serving role. Outside the Academy on the new Lenfest Plaza there is a fascinating new sculpture by American artist Claes Oldenburg. The 18 foot tall “Paint Torch” with orange paint blob at its base depicts a giant upright paintbrush which become a lighted torch at night. Oldenburg’s famous “Clothespin” sculpture is located near Philadelphia City Hall. Philadelphia Museum of Art After a delicious dinner at a nearby restaurant (there are about 60 restaurants within easy walking distance of the Warwick), we caught a cab to the Kimmel Center’s Verizon Hall for a concert by the highly esteemed Philadelphia Orchestra. Artistic Director Designate Yannak Nezet-Seguin conducted a program of Bach’s Brandenberg Concerto #5 and Mahler’s Fifth Symphony. It was a thrilling performance in all respects by one of the world’s leading orchestras. At the Philadelphia Museum of Art currently is an exhibit featuring of works Vincent Van Gogh. Titled “Van Gogh: Up Close” it will run through May 5th. I can hardly wait for Spring and the Philadelphia Flower Show, the Philadelphia Antiques Show, and the opening of the new Barnes Museum. To learn more about this great city and upcoming events view <> and <>. Nearby on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway the new Barnes Museum is set to open on May 19th. It will feature the Dr. Albert C. Barnes Collection including masterworks of the world’s great Impressionist and Postimpressionist artists. After a delicious lunch at the Pennsylvania Academy’s cafe (in the school’s architectural treasure, the Frank Furness Building), we went shopping at the old John 12 New York Trend NYC Several decades ago I attended a national convention held at the Warwick Hotel (now the Raddison Warwick) just off Philadelphia’s upscale Rittenhouse Square. It was a pleasure to return here and to see how its been improved without losing its beauty and charm. Because it is a historic property, much has remained as I recalled it, but much is also new and most attractive. It was wonderful to have valet parking at the front entrance and a fabulous breakfast at Tavern 17 (for 17th Street). I loved the Egyptian cotton sheets and 42 inch HD/TV and the service was both timely and courteous. Learn more online at <>. April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 ARTS & THEATER !"#$"%&'"(%)*+,)%-!!,##.)(/0)*1234) 5!26789/1):;)!/<98=>)#91/2?@A7)(:0 ! " # $ % & ' " ( ) % * + & + , -. /,)'"#-. 0"1#-2*. *#3#. $ ' , 4 5. ) ' 4 , 3. 6 " # 7 ' & 4. ! " # $ " % & ' " ( %) * + ,) % - ! ! , # #) , - $. 8 ' 4 , 3 9 % & : * ; - ' 4. 5 , < '. 4',)'$. %6.4#.="+-1.>#%.,. =",-$. -'?@. 6"'<+#%*3>. %-"'3',*'$. 4",&:. A#". * 4 " ' , ) + - 1 @. ' - B 4 3 ' $. CD,%154'".#A.D'645*2;.E5'. 4",&:. +*. ,<,+3,=3'. A#". *4"',)+-1. -#?. ,4. 45+*. 3#&,B#-. ,-$. ?+33. ,66',". #-. !*%2*. -'?. ,3=%). !"##$#%@. $%'. #%4. #-. 06"+3. [email protected]; !"##$#%. ?+33. ='. 45'. J"*4. 65>*+&,3. "'3',*'. A#". !*%@. ,-$. ?+33. ='. ,&&#)6,-+'$. =>. 45'. 3,%-&5. #A. 45'. #K&+,3. !*%. ?'=*4#"'. ,*. ? ' 3 3 ;. L , - *. & , -. 6 " ' M # " $ ' ". ! " # # $ # %& - # ?. ,4. ???;+-$+')'"&5;&#)( $+*J1%"+-145'1#$$'**;. 8'"&5,-$+*'. 6,&:,1'. $',3*. + - & 3 % $ '. ,. & # 6 >. #A. !"##$#%& ?+45. ,. EM*5+"4@. ,. 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Weston has been inducted into the ASCAP Jazz Wall of Fame, designated a Jazz Master by the National Endowment for the Arts, and named Jazz Composer of the Year three times by DownBeat magazine. He is the recipient of many other honors and awards, including France’s Order of Arts and Letters, the Black Star Award from the Arts Critics and Reviewers Association of Ghana, and a five-night tribute at the Montreal Jazz Festival. The concert will feature special appearances by poet Jayne Cortez and historian Robin D. G. Kelley. The following books will be available for purchase and signing by the authors: African Rhythms: The Autobiography of R a n d y We s t o n a n d A f r i c a Speaks, America Answers: Modern Jazz in Revolutionary Times by Robin D. G. Kelley. April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 “An African Nubian Suite” was developed with support of the Guggenheim Foundation. Ticket prices: $15 (regular); $10 (NYU students, faculty, staff). For more information, please visit weston. To purchase tickets, please visit the Skirball website or call 212.352.3101/866.811.4111. Subway lines: A, B, C, D, E, F, M (W. 4th St.); 1 (Christopher St.); N, R (8th St.); 6 (Astor Place, Bleecker Street). ENTERTAINMENT Palmer Williams Jr Stars in The Haves and the Have Nots The Haves and Have Nots is a show about two different family situations and two different economic situations. It’s about a family with a deep love for one another and the hope they have in overcoming their struggles. The other side is about a rich man, married for the second time to a woman with a wandering eye. His wife is high maintenance and he begins to wonder if his wife loves him or his bank account. The wife at one time was a Have Not, who acquired her wealth through marriage,” explained Palmer of the show. .9)!86:;:6)#2<58: An Alabama native and Knoxville College graduate, singer, actor, w r i t e r a n d p r o d u c e r, P a l m e r Williams Jr., will be appearing in New York on April 5th – 8th at the Beacon Theatre, located 2124 B r o a d w a y @ 7 4th S t r e e t i n Manhattan, in Tyler Perry’s stage play “The Haves and the Have Nots.” “I am playing a butler in “The Haves and the Have Nots.” I am lending comedic relief as a nosey butler into everyone’s business. Although I am revisiting the character of Floyd, the role I play in the House of Payne. The stage production has been a wonderful experience for me. I am putting all of myself into the production and having a lot of fun. Outside of the loveable barber, Floyd, on House of Payne, Palmer has appeared in other Tyler Perry productions such as “Laugh to Keep From Crying,” “Madea’s Big Happy Family,” “Madea Goes to Jail,” “The Marriage Counselor,” and another coming soon on DVD entitled “I Don’t Want To Be Wrong.” Initially in health administration, Williams was inspired to join the healthcare system when watching his mother die slowly of cancer when he was 9 years old. “I knew I had to do something since I came from a loving family with both a father and mother in the house, and then cancer destroyed that. Therefore, I acquired a degree in health care, since I did not want others to suffer what I had when a parent dies. My father later died of cancer as well,” The Ensemble Theatre Presents King Hedley II by August Wilson The Ensemble Theatre celebrates its completion of the August Wilson 10-play cycle with the upcoming presentation of King Hedley II. Who/What: Ensemble Theatre Artistic Director Eileen J. Morris will become one of two female directors who have directed eight plays of Wilson's entire cycle. King Hedley II tells the story of a young man striving to make a difference in his world and those around him by planting needs -seeds that will bring beauty to his environment and seeds that will ensure that his legacy can be carried on. 14 New York Trend NYC Set in 1985, King Hedley II follows the characters created by August Wilson in Seven Guitars, in which a group of friends give account of incidents they believe lead to the murder of a popular musician. recalled Palmer. “You know if you bring your body to an alkaline state you can get rid of cancer, since cancer cannot survive in an alkaline state. They actually have alkaline drops you can get from a Holistic doctor to put in water or juice to kill the free radicals and balance the PH in your body. Our bodies were engineered to heal itself. This society worries itself sick and I believe that cancer is associated with stress and poor eating habits which builds up toxins in the body,” stated the singer and writer whose 11-old daughter was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at 3 years old. Palmer, who always had the acting and singing bug, learned not to take himself too seriously. When others told him that he was actually funny, he began to pursue a career in entertainment and through hard work found he had good timing. Palmer has been successful as a singer. His vocal credits have included singing background for Keith Sweat, Grammy award winner Monica and LCG. He also writes songs. His CD is entitled “Neo-Save.” Neo-Save is available on and on Palmer is also on Twitter and Facebook. His CD, Neo-Save, will be on sale at the Beacon Theatre as well as the CD “What A Man Wants, What A Women Needs” when “The Haves and Have Nots” play tour arrives at Soul Music Innovator Rahsaan Patterson releases new song 'Don't Touch Me' The story concluded with Ruby, a flirty young woman who meets an ang ry Haitian man named Hedley while visiting her cousin. In order to subdue him from an angry rage, Ruby offers herself to him and leads him to believe the child she carries is conceived by him. King Hedley II tells a story of hope and forgiveness of the common man who bears both physical and emotional scars, yet still dreams. April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 the Beacon Theatre April 5th through April 8th. “I am a 24 year old overnight success with the birthing of my career, and I am not even half way there yet,” claimed Palmer humbly. “I know those who come out and see The Haves and Have Nots will enjoy it. I look forward to doing the show at the Beacon. I have been to the Beacon a few times but it’s always like the first time, each time,” said the actor who also has a landscape business. Palmer also spends time speaking before fellowship organizations and various high schools where he can inspire youth about the entertainment business and talk about life in general. “When I come to New York, I will give 150% of myself in the show. I consider it an honor to star in a show and work for Tyler Perry with his writing skills. The way Tyler puts on a show is like no other and so I consider it to be a blessing to be associated with him. Tyler believes in me so I do not want to disappoint Tyler, my family or my audience,” remarked Williams. For tickets to Tyler Perry’s “The Haves and The Have Nots,” interested parties can call the Beacon Theatre Box Office at 212-465-6500 or for groups of 15 or more, call 800-232-5227. Tickets can also be obtained by calling 866-858-0008 or online at or To support April National Child Abuse Prevention Month Rahsaan Patterson kicks off his anti-sexual abuse partnership with RAINN (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network) by releasing a special song he wrote entitled "Don't Touch Me". Available for downloads via iTunes, proceeds from the song will help to raise funds to support RAINN's community outreach efforts. Patterson, himself a victim of sexual abuse, is now speaking out about his past. He spoke recently with The Tom Joyner Morning Show about being sexually assaulted in church at the age of six. "I was sexually assaulted when I was 6 years old and wasn't able to share it with my family until I was 18 years old. Looking back on it, I wish there was an organization like RAINN that I could have turned to for help with dealing with what happened to me," said Patterson. "After 30 years I finally have an appreciation and love for myself that has been missing for most of my life. The most important thing for me at this point is to be able to communicate through music and art and help others. What happened was extremely traumatic and will forever be embedded in my mind and in my life. It's nothing I can avoid so it's really about accepting it, owning it and knowing that it's happened but it doesn't have to represent who I am for the rest of my life.It's an ongoing healing process." ENTERTAINMENT DOVE AWARDS ANNOUNCE ARTISTS TO PERFORM LIVE AT AWARDS SHOW The Gospel Music Association (GMA) today announced that music legend Yolanda Adams, nominated for Contemporary Gospel Album of the Year for Becoming, will perform, along with nominated artists The Tenors and Tedashii, at the 43rd Annual GMA Dove Awards.! These accomplished artists will join the powerhouse talent already announced as performers for the awards show, including: Lecrae, Natalie Grant, Donnie McClurkin, Jason Crabb, Jamie-Grace, Kim Burrell, Kari Jobe, Danny Gokey, Ruben Studdard, Mandisa and The Isaacs . The GMA released the news today that the presenters for the event will include GRAMMY nominated R&B artist and Worship Leader Montell Jordan.! He is known to millions for his iconic songs This is How We Do It and Let’s Ride and the soundtracks to The Nutty Professor, 8 Mile, Save the Last Dance and The Fighting Temptations.! Montell Jordan has served as the Worship Leader at Victory World Church in Atlanta since 2010. Actress and music artist Tamela Mann, of Meet the Browns and Madea fame, is set to present at the ceremony.! She is acclaimed for her soulful soundtracks on Meet the Browns and Diary of a Mad Black Woman. 15 New York Trend NYC Yolanda Adams Aaron Lindsey is the Gospel music industry's top-selling producer.! His most recent work Love God, Love People which he co-produced with longtime collaborator Israel Houghton and industry legend Tommy Sims was awarded a GRAMMY for Best Pop/Contemporary Album.! He produced the RIAA Gold- Certified Thirsty for Pastor Marvin Sapp which charted in the Billboard Top 10 for an unprecedented 105 weeks. Lindsey also produced Pastor Sapp's Here I Am which set a record for Highest Charting Gospel Album in Billboard history.! April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 INTERVIEW Gospel Recording Artist Damita Haddon Talks Love, Life, Movies and!Music When Gospel music steps beyond the little box that people have tried to place it in for so many years something leaps within me. Gospel artists that don’t water down the true message of Jesus Christ while still remaining true to their artistry as musicians, creating amazing music that glorifies God is ridiculously rare. If I could sit and create a list of artists such as these Damita Haddon would be at the peak of my list. She never fails to put out the kind of music that you can’t help but play over and over because not only does it feed your spirit but it is just amazing music. This also happens to be the case with her latest single “I Love You“, which I can’t seem to take off of repeat. I was given the opportunity to speak with Damita for a little bit and while I can probably go on and on about how wonderful she is, I will just give you guys the opportunity to see for yourselves. I absolutely love your new single “I Love You” and I believe that it is a song that truly came from the heart. What inspired you to write this song? Well, the song was inspired by my mom passing about nine months ago and so it was a tribute in honor of my mom. It was just telling God how much I love him through the whole process. We may not understand why things happen in life. People can handle loving God when everything is going right but, I felt in the middle of my grieving and sorrow that I still had an obligation to tell God how much I love him in spite of everything that is happening in my life. .9)=6>?/@8)'308:A be fabulous. I’m going to say that it is going to cater mainly to the women. Its a reconciliation flick. It just really helps people to deal with situations like when kids have problems with their parents and so forth. Its a great film. Its gonna be really, really hot. It sounds great I’m excited! You and your husband appear to have such a healthy and loving relationship. Is there any advice that you can offer those who are married, engaged or hope to be married someday? Continue to communicate. Always communicate. When the lack of communication breaks down that is when everything else falls apart. It is very important to maintain communication. Sometimes the Christan walk can be such a struggle especially with so many distractions around us. How do you stay focused? Wow. Is there any advice that you can offer a person who may be coping with tragedy right now? The advice that I would give them is that it is okay to grieve and it is okay to go through the process. Its okay to fall apart because a lot of times in church they tell you “be strong” “hold your head up”. No, no, no, no, no I think I would tell someone go ahead and go through that process. Cry you know,! fall apart and get that out of your system. It is not healthy to try to hold things in. It certainly doesn’t help you or anybody else to put up a front like you’re okay. I believe healing takes place once the person begins to grieve. Its a loss. Its a life that was lost. Something that can’t be replaced. So, besides the fact that you wrote and coproduced some of your songs what is different about this new album? Its a different sound. Its much more edgier and much more contemporary than any other songs that I’ve ever done. Of course I put the signature songs on there that will be formatted for Gospel radio but for the most part I’m trying to go fishing in the ocean now instead of in the pond. It is very much more upbeat, a much more urban record that what you are used to hearing me do. When can we expect your new album to be released? I’m aiming for a summer release of this record. I hear that you are also leaping into the world of acting and starring in a new film! Can you elaborate on the project as well as your role in the film? Well, the film is based off of my story but it is written by a young lady named Tess Seiger. I’m starring in it, in my own film. Its going to Wow, man being focused is hard. Its hard in this Christian race in this day and time now to be focused. Its almost like a job or a task to remain focus. Its a lonely walk and I don’t me like lonely by yourself but its a lonely walk to actually stay focused and stay out of trouble. You almost close yourself inside of the house sometimes until you can get mentally ready to go out here in these streets and do what you have to do. Everything now in the media and all around us is just sex, sex, sex. It really takes a lot of prayer and meditation and concentration on the Word of God. That is the only thing that will help and strengthen us to be able to overcome the temptations and the obstacles that are out here because its heavy. Peer pressure is out there, the media is throwing things. We’re seeing everything and hearing everything. So we gotta counteract it by really just getting into the Bible and searching out scriptures and feeding on it and just make sure everything stays the way that it is supposed to stay. INTERVIEW If you’re looking to switch things up this Good Friday and you live in the Tri-State area Gospel recording artist Tye Tribbett has just the thing! He will be hosting a free concert featuring Kierra Sheard, which will be hosted by WLIB’s CoCo Brother. Peep the interview below for details! Tye Tribbett Discusses “Bouncing Back” For those who don’t know, what is the “Bounce Back”? It’s a free concert n give back featuring the best in gospel music. We give gifts to a chosen few who have bounced back from all types of opposition from alcoholism to drug abuse. What can we expect to see at the “Bounce Back” High energy performances, passionate worship! Giving of gifts.. Love being displayed with joy and fun! What inspired the “Bounce Back”? Thoughts of “Easter weekend”. It just “hit me”!that this weekend is all about Christ “bouncing back”..(and of course 16 New York Trend NYC I was thinking of a bunny rabbit too lol). But ultimately I wanted to do something for this area. Why is this an event that young people do not want to miss? Because it’s HIGH energy performances mixed with the message of the gospel that points them to who they/we need most !.Jesus! and if we have “better youth” then we have a better FUTURE! What are you currently working on and what can we expect to see from Tye Tribbett in the near future? A new CD this summer! April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 IN YOUR EAR Omarion Joins the LineUp for the 16th Annual St. Kitts Music Festival St. Kitts has added popular R&B artist Omarion to the roster of musical acts who will grace the stage at this year’s 16th !Annual St. Kitts Music Festival, which will take place June 28-30, 2012. ! He joins Roberta Flack, Damian Marley, Courtney Pine and Morgan Heritage, who have already been announced as performers for the event. ! “Omarion is an exciting artist who is known for his vocal, dancing and acting abilities,” said Senator Ricky Skerritt, Omarion Minister of Tourism & International Transport.! !“He is a renowned entertainer with worldwide appeal, so having him perform at the St. Kitts Music Festival will certainly reinforce the event’s reputation as the most dynamic musical show in the Caribbean with rich variety, worldclass standards, and exhilarating performances.” ! Omarion, who’s legal name is Omari Ishmael Grandberry, is an exceptional American! R&B singer, actor, songwriter, record producer, dancer, and former lead singer of the popular R&B group, B2K. !Omarion was the last member to join B2K and became the lead singer of the group.! Following their debut album, “B2K,” the band’s second album, “Pandemonium,” reached the top ten on the Billboard 200 and gave them their first #1 single with “Bump, Bump, Bump.”! The group’s third album was the ! After the breakup of B2K, Omarion started as “America’s Best Dance Crew,” on which he served his solo career.! His debut album, “O,” earned as a judge for the fifth season. him two BET Awards in 2005, the Viewer’s !Now in its 16th consecutive year, the Festival attracts Choice Award and the award for Best New both locals and visitors alike. It features a wide range Artist, as well as a 2006 Grammy nomination of musical styles on the popular market, including for Best Contemporary R&B Album.! His hit R&B, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Reggae, Soca, Calypso, Gospel singles include! “O,” “I'm Tryna,” and Contemporary music. Past artists have included “Entourage,” “Ice Box,” “I Get It In” (with such prominent acts as John Legend, T-Pain, Michael Lil Wayne) and “Speedin.” ! He was also Bolton, K.C. and the Sunshine Band, UB40’s Ali featured on Bow Wow’s hit song, “Let Me Campbell, Wyclef Jean, Ne-Yo, Air Supply, Kenny Hold You.”! In addition to playing the lead “Babyface” Edmonds, The Commodores, Dionne role of David in “You Got Served,” Warwick, Billy Ocean, Sean Paul, Boyz II Men, King Omarion’s acting credits include the movie Konris, Stephen Marley, Regina Belle, Maxi Priest, “Fat Albert” as well as several TV shows such Chris Brown, Biggie Irie, Bunny Wailer and Lord Nelson. soundtrack to the movie, “You Got Served.”! IN YOUR EAR ’ Nas, hip-hop’s most influential MC, and popular Texas guitar virtuoso Gary Clark, Jr. are collaborating on the music for ESPN’s three-day presentation of the 2012 NFL Draft from Radio City Music Hall in New York, April 26-28. ! A pair of new Nas songs – Train and The Don, from his upcoming Def Jam Recordings album – and Clark’s hit song Bright Lights from the Warner Bros. label will be used coming in and out of commercial breaks and in highlight packages of this year’s NFL Draft prospects. Nas will also add a few lyrics of his own to Bright Lights that embody the vibe of the athlete and rising to the top, in this case, realizing the dream of playing professional football. ! ESPN conducted shoots with both Nas (in New York) and Clark (in Austin, 717 New York Trend NYC Texas) in March. Video of the artists will be used in addition to their music. ESPN is also airing a promo segment on SportsCenter, NFL Live and other shows beginning this week that incorporates Bright Lights. ! ESPN has worked with both artists on previous occasions. Nas narrated a powerful feature for the ESPN newsmagazine, E:60, in 2010 that garnered a Sports Emmy about amputees in Liberia who play soccer, and Clark was one of the Warner Bros. artists featured during ESPN and ABC’s 2011 college football coverage. ! “The NFL Draft is set in New York in primetime, so we were looking at music that is central to that theme, and both Nas, who is from New York, and Gary Clark Jr. have that feel,” said ESPN music director Kevin Wilson. “When we heard the The Don and Train and proposed the idea of custom lyrics from Nas, we knew those songs were perfect for the Draft. Both The Don and Bright Lights are about New York City and there’s a great line in Gary’s song: ‘you gonna know my name by the end of the night’. That is the essence of the draft. We felt this could be a great collaboration, especially combining artists from different musical styles. Both parties were open to the concept and the music is going to add even more sizzle to our coverage of the event.” ! Nas said: “I know this from experience: every rookie has the chance to become a Hall of Famer. It’s why we never miss a game, even a play. Props to the NFL and ESPN for keeping us hooked on professional football all year round. As a fan, I’m happy to be part of it.” June April 4, 10,2012 2011- -April June11, 16,2012 2011 NAS Clark added: "I have mad respect for Nas and the things he's put out there over the years. I really enjoyed working on this project with ESPN and look forward to seeing the whole thing come together.” BEAUTY Black Hair Care: How Well Do You Know Your!Hair? All Hair Milk Is Not Created!Equal! By: Jazmine Rogers For some reason at the start of my natural hair journey I was really naive believing that every product on the market does exactly what it claims to do. It didn’t take me long to realize that this is pretty far from the case. One of my initial obsessions was hair milk. I wasn’t sure what it was for or exactly what it did but I was convinced that whatever it was it had to do something pretty awesome and my hair was in desperate need of it.! Regular milk is a substance that provides much needed nutrients to the body so I assumed hair milk would do something similar to my hair. I eventually learned that hair milk was a cute but fitting name for a hair lotion that moisturized. So far I’ve experienced three different brands of hair milk and I can honestly say that hair milk is in no way created equally. My first experience was with the Palmer’s Coconut Oil Replenishing Hair Milk. It claims to “Replenish dry, damaged hair with Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Hair Milk. This lightweight non-greasy hair lotion penetrates deep, replacing natural essential oils.” For the most part it did what it said. It served as a pretty good moisturizer however it does leave a bit of a greasy residue but not too bad. My second and most pleasant experience with hair milk with the Shea Moisture 18 New York Trend NYC By: Jazmine Rogers Organic Yucca & Aloe Hair Thickening Growth Milk. This product’s claims are as follows ‘This product is for thin, fine hair and is color-safe. It thickens, volumizes and softens.” I’m not one hundred percent sure about the thickening aspect but this is the best moisturizer that I own. As soon as I apply this product my hair remains soft and moisturized the entire day without leaving a greasy residue. My most recent experience with hair milk was with the Carol’s Daughter Original Curl Definer Hair Milk. This products claims are as follows “Quenching, fastabsorbing lotion that defines, tames and restores luster to natural curls while conditioning. Made with essential oil of Lemongrass, Vitamin C and Apricot Kernel Oil for bouncy, soft, yet completely manageable curls.” Ummm not. So I purchased this product with high expectations for some reason. For one I am a sucker for good marketing, branding and packaging and I believe that this product has all three however the contents of the bottle weren’t all that great. Maybe this product is better for ladies with fully natural hair and I certainly wasn’t looking for the curl defining aspect of it but I did expect it to be a decent moisturizer. Before event purchasing this product I asked the sales girl in the Carol’s Daughter store for a good moisturizer and this is where she directed me. I tried this product out several times and I can honestly say that it did a poor job moisturizing my hair. It would moisturize for a little while and then leave my hair feeling really dry and to top it off it is a really greasy product. I do encourage everyone to try out the Shea Moisture Hair Thickening Growth Milk. It works like a dream and is pretty reasonably priced. Prior to my decision to transition my hair from relaxed to natural I truly believed that I knew all that there was to know about my boring old semi-healthy 1B hair. However, as I begin to reflect now I never actually knew too much about hair except that it needed to be per med every six to eight weeks, it never really e ve r g r e w p a s s e d b r a s t r a p length and I got it washed and set at the local Dominican salon once a week. It wasn’t until I made the decision to go natural and begin to do research and lear n more about African-American hair that I realized that for my entire 21 years on this planet my hair has been a total mystery. As a child I remember my hair being way too thick and too coarse for my mother to handle and being sent to a stylist to have my hair relaxed and braided. As a teen and young adult I just remember being a slave to my fabulous Dominican stylist because I somehow believed that she knew my hair better than me. After years and years of this I started to notice how flat and boring my hair had become and I began to miss the thickness and volume that my April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 hair once had. I truly believe this is what peaked my curiosity regarding natural hair. I had been s e a rch i n g a n d s e a rch i n g fo r a solution to my flat boring hair and one day while shopping I stumbled across the Hair T h i c k e n i n g Yu c c a a n d B a o b a b line by Shea Moisture. I had never heard of them before so I went online to look up reviews on the company and this is when I was truly introduced into the world of natural hair. I couldn’t even help myself. I was totally sucked in. Prior to this I always vowed that I would never go natural; however, there was no way I could deny the truth that stood before me. Since then I have discovered so many wonderful products and so many different things that my hair can do. One mor ning my mother and I were preparing to go out and she said “I never even knew your hair could do that” and my reply was “Me either.” I’m pretty sure that there is so much that I still don’t know about my hair but I feel that in this transitioning period I am lear ning something new everyday and I am so excited about it. While I am still sort of venturing into the unknown I am no longer afraid of my hair and I haven’t seen my stylist in months. EVENTS BRAXTON SISTERS TO HOST, JUDGE, AND PEFORM AT MISS BLACK COLLEGIATE PAGEANT ™ This June, the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in the National Harbor, Maryland will be an exciting place to be! The 1st Annual Miss Black Collegiate USA Scholarship Pageant ™ will be hosted at that location. During preliminary week which kicks off on Sunday, June 17th, there will be the Big Hats On The Potomac High Tea which is sponsored by Swan Noir. At the high tea there will be a special tribute to fathers, a big & pretty hat contest, and an honoring ceremony. The honorees include: Dr. Barbara Shaw, National President, National Council of Negro Women, Ms. Tara Joseph-Labrie, National President, Ja ck and Jill of Am e r i c a , I n c . , Theresa Sanders, President/CEO, Urban League of Long Island, Inc., Dee Marshall, International Speaker & TV Lifestyle Expert, Terrianne Small, Personal Development Coach, Najawa Glover, Temple University Student & Graduate of Inner Beauty Solutions, just to name a few. Throughout the week, events will consist of workshops and seminars sponsored by Oni-Bodi, The Budgetnista, The 1209 Affair, Style Evolution, Inner Beauty Solutions, Rev. Keisha Agard, DJ Vidal, & the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce Greater Washington Area. The official makeup sponsor is Iman Cosmetics. The Miss Black Collegiate USA Scholarship Pageant ™ will be held on Saturday, June 23, 2012 will be hosted by Towanda Braxton of the hit reality show, Braxton Family Values. There will be performances by Legendary Jessica Care Moore. The celebrity judges will be: Andre C a r t e r, E v e l y n B r a x t o n , Tr a c i Braxton, Trina Braxton, and Rich McKeown. The VIP After Party will follow the pageant with a special performance from Trina Braxton. Trina will also sign autographs and give away copies of her latest CD. The only way to gain entrance into the VIP After Party is to purchase a conference package. Packages will go on sale next week. Sponsorship opportunities are still available and the contestant application deadline is April 15, 2012. Conference packages will be available while supplies last. Gaylord room rates will be slashed Towanda, Trina, Tracey, Evelyn Braxton Of The Reality Show “The Braxton’s Family Values” half price for those purchasing conference packages with Miss Black Collegiate USA S c h o l a r s h i p P a g e a n t o n l y. Attendees will have an opportunity to purchase select events on an individual basis. The Miss Black Collegiate USA Scholarship Pageant ™ Exposing Minds, Not Bodies! ™ is also proud to announce that the Braxton family is a staunch supporter of this effort and have offered to bring a production crew to the pageant to film a portion to be shown on their hit reality show, Braxton Family Values. Braxton Family Values is the highest rated reality show in the history of reality shows in the United States, with a huge following overseas, particularly in Brazil. Beauty Bar The Official PrettyWithPurpose Launch Event Saturday, May 5th 4;00 pm – 7:00 pm Hosted by chouchounette Boutique Shopping Free Manicures Refreshments chouchounette Boutique 275 Flatbush Avenue Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY 11217 infoprettywithpurposecom Sponsored By: Faith Fashion Lifestyle 19 New York Trend NYC April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 April 4, 2012 - April 11, 2012 ‘Bounty Hunters’ Hiding in the Locker Room? +#'+$&$ 2&*1#(-)+$/(#6#2#*'$ ,-($ *-'$ -*45$'"#$ 4#&1)#$ 3)'$ ,-($ '"#$ 1&.#$ -,$ ,--'3&44$ &'$ &*5$ 4#<#49$ ?.&10*#$ 5-)($ 6"042$ 6-.#+$ "-.#$ %0'"$ &$ '-(*$MNL$%"#*$"#$0+$-*45$0*$ O ' "$ 1 ( & 2 #$ 3 # 6 & ) + #$ " 0 +$ + ' & ( 2 - .$ 6 & ) + # +$ ' " #$ -//-+0*1$ 6-&6"$ '-$ '#44$ "0+$ / 4 & 5 #(+$ ' -$ 0 * J ) (#$ "0 .$ *##24#++459 $ Gregg Williams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elp Keep Sports Safe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