West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use VULNERABILITY OF FARMERS TO FLOOD DISASTER IN AKINYELE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, OYO STATE OF NIGERIA A Thesis by ADEGBILE Olusegun Adeyemi Submitted to West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use Université de Lomé Togo In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE November, 2014 Major Subject: Climate Change and Human Security VULNERABILITY OF FARMERS TO FLOOD DISASTER IN AKINYELE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, OYO STATE OF NIGERIA A Thesis by ADEGBILE Olusegun Adeyemi Submitted to West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use Université de Lomé Togo In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Approved by: Chairman of Committee, Committee Members Director of Program Abel Aderemi Adebayo Egbendewe-Mondzozo Aklesso Francis Obeng Kouami Kokou November, 2014 Major Subject: Climate Change and Human Security ii ABSTRACT Vulnerability of Farmers to Flood Disater in Akinyele Local Government Area, Oyo State of Nigeria. (November, 2014) Adeyemi Olusegun Adegbile B.S. (Agric. Economics). Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Chairman of Advisory Committee: Prof. Abel Aderemi Adebayo Akinyele Local Government Area, Oyo State of Nigeria is a popular place for flooding, which has negative consequences on farmers. Thus, there is need to reduce the vulnerability of the farmers to flood impacts. Vulnerability reduction requires adequate knowledge of the factors, which predispose people to flood impacts. Therefore, this study assessed the vulnerability of farmers to flood disaster in Akinyele LGA by using the MOVE framework. Primary data were obtained through questionnaire administration, expert interview and portable GPS device while secondary data were sourced from SRTM imagery and the Map of Akinyele LGA. The data were analysed with Statistical and GIS tools. This study identified two major flood plains in Akinyele LGA and Tola, Jarija, Ajeja, Alabata, Onilu, Lagbe and Ajibode are some of the flood-prone farming communities. Furthermore, the farmers are resource poor people, who are exposed to recurrent and damaging flood. Tola is the least flood vulnerable village while Ajibode falls under the most vulnerable class. It is recommended that river buffer zones should be set and enforced, major rivers should be dredged and policies for improving income should be implemented in the LGA. Keywords: Vulnerability, farmers, flood, disaster, Akinyele. iii RÉSUMÉ La préfecture d’Akinyele, Etat d’Oyo au Nigeria, est une place réputée pour l’inondation qui a des conséquences négatives sur les agriculteurs. Ainsi, il est nécessaire d’atténuer la vulnérabilité des agriculteurs du milieu face aux impacts des inondations. La réduction de la vulnérabilité requiert une connaissance des facteurs qui prédisposent les communautés aux impacts d’inondation. Alors la présente étude évalue la vulnérabilité des agriculteurs faces aux désastres que les inondations produisent dans la préfecture d’Akinyele par l’utilisation du cadre conceptual de MOVE. Les données premières ont été obtenues via des questionnaires administratifs, des interviews conduites auprès des experts et des données collectées du dispositif portatif GPS, par ailleurs les données secondaires ont été obtenues à partir de l’imagerie SRTM et de la carte d’Akinyele. Ces données ont été ensuite analysées avec les outils de statistique et au moyen du GIS. La présente étude identifie deux grandes plaines d’inondation dans les zones allant de Akinyele où Tola, Jarija, Ajeja, Alabata, Onilu, Lagbe, et Ajibode constituant les zones de production caractérisées inondables. En outre, les paysans sont généralement des personnes pauvres exposés le plus souvent aux inondations. Ajibode fait partir des plus vulnérables villages alors que Tola est le moins vulnérable. Il est recommandé que des zones tampon de la rivière soient établies et mises en vigueur, que des rivières importantes soient draguées et que des politiques d’amélioration de revenu soient mises en places dans la préfecture d’Akinyele. Mots clés: Vulnérabilité, Agriculteurs, Inondation, désastre, Akinyele iv DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to the victims of the August 26th, 2011 floods in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am very grateful to the Almighty God for the grace given to me to be part of this innovative MSc. programme. My appreciation goes to the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use for providing me with the funding for this degree. Furthermore, I am indebted to all lecturers, who have imparted their knowledge on me, in one way or the other, during my course work period at the University of Lome. I am particularly grateful towards Professor Adote Blim Blivi, Prof. Kouami Kokou, Dr. Fabrice Renaud, Dr. George Abbey, Dr. Komi Agboka, Dr Aklesso Egbendewe-Mondzozo and other members of staff in the academic and management team of WASCAL, Université de Lomé for their training, guidance and encouragement. I am grateful to the mentorship of my thesis supervisor, Prof. Abel Aderemi Adebayo of Modibbo Adama University of Technology Yola, Nigeria, as well as Mr. Idowu Amusa, Mr. Isaac Gbiri and Mr. Femi Adetimirin of GIS Department, Federal School of Surveying Oyo, Nigeria for their guidance during the field survey and data analysis. I am equally indebted to my wife, Bukola Adegbile, and my son, Daniel Adegbile, for their patience and endurance during my stay away from home. It is my prayer that the Almighty God will reward all of you bountifully (Amen). vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................................... iii RÉSUMÉ ............................................................................................................................................... iv DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................................ v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................... ix LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................................. x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................ xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Context and Justification............................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Problem Statement ........................................................................................................................ 3 1.3 Research Objective ....................................................................................................................... 4 1.4 Plan of the Thesis .......................................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................... 6 2.1 Concepts of Disasters and Hazards ............................................................................................... 6 2.2 Concepts of Risks and Vulnerability ............................................................................................ 7 2.3 Resilience and Capacities.............................................................................................................. 8 2.4 Flood as a Disaster ........................................................................................................................ 9 2.5 Determinants of Flood Impacts ................................................................................................... 10 2.6 Vulnerability Assessment Frameworks ...................................................................................... 11 2.6.1 The Conceptual Framework to Identify Disaster Risk ......................................................... 11 2.6.2 Bohle’s Double Structure of Vulnerability .......................................................................... 11 2.6.3 The Sustainable Livelihood Framework .............................................................................. 11 2.6.4 The Pressure and Release (PAR) Model .............................................................................. 12 2.6.5 The SUST Model ................................................................................................................. 13 2.6.6 The BBC Framework ........................................................................................................... 13 2.6.7 The MOVE Framework ....................................................................................................... 14 vii CHAPTER III: MATERIALS AND METHODS ................................................................................ 16 3.1 Study Area .................................................................................................................................. 16 3.2 Method ........................................................................................................................................ 18 3.2.1 Conceptual Framework: MOVE Framework ....................................................................... 18 3.2.2 Sampling Design Data Requirement and Method of Data Collection ................................. 20 a. Sampling Design ....................................................................................................................... 20 b. Method of Data Collection and Data Source ............................................................................ 20 3.2.3 Data Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 21 a. GIS Determination of Flood-prone Zones................................................................................. 21 b. Questionnaire Data Analysis and Indicators Development....................................................... 22 c. Determination of Vulnerability Index ....................................................................................... 24 d. Evaluation of the Vulnerability Index ....................................................................................... 26 e. Mapping Exposure, Susceptibility, Capacity and Vulnerability Indices ................................... 27 CHAPTER IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ............................................................................... 28 4.1 Flood-Prone Farming Communities............................................................................................ 28 4.2 Correlation among Vulnerability Indicators and Weighting ....................................................... 30 4.3 Flood Exposure of the Farmers ................................................................................................... 31 4.4 Susceptibility (Fragility) of the Farmers to Flood....................................................................... 35 4.5 Capacities of the Farmers against Flood ..................................................................................... 43 4.6 Vulnerability of the Farmers to Flood......................................................................................... 52 4.7 Robustness of the Vulnerability Index ........................................................................................ 53 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................... 55 5.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 55 5.2 Recommendations ....................................................................................................................... 56 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 57 QUESTIONNAIRE .......................................................................................................................... 60 VITA ..................................................................................................................................................... 65 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1 Map of Nigeria (Left) showing the location of Oyo State and Map of Oyo Sate (Right) showing the location of Akinyele Local Government Area (Ajadi et al, 2012) ......... 16 Figure 3.2 Map of Akinyele Local Government Area ………………………………………17 Figure 3.3 MOVE Framework by Birkmann et al (2013) ....................................................... 19 Figure 4.1: Map of Akinyele showing flood plains and major rivers (Source: Author).......... 28 Figure 4.2: Map of Akinyele LGA showing elevation and flood-prone villages .................... 29 Figure 4.3 Map of flood exposure of farming villages in Akinyele LGA ............................... 35 Figure 4.4 Flood susceptibility of villages in Akinyele LGA (Source: Author) ..................... 43 Figure 4.5 Capacity of villages against flood in Akinyele LGA ............................................. 51 Figure 4.6 Flood Vulnerability of Farming Communities in Akinyele LGA .......................... 53 Figure 4.7 Relative vulnerability index by standardisation normalisation method ................. 54 Figure 4.8 Relative vulnerability index by percentage normalisation method ........................ 54 ix LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Questionnaires responded to per village surveyed .................................................. 21 Table 4.2 Correlations among susceptibility indicators ........................................................... 30 Table 4.3 Correlation among the indicators of capacity .......................................................... 31 Table 4.4 Index of exposure based on elevation of the villages .............................................. 31 Table 4.5 Index of exposure based on closeness to river ......................................................... 32 Table 4.6 Index of exposure based on time of impact of flood on farms ................................ 33 Table 4.7 Index of exposure based on flood frequency ........................................................... 34 Table 4.8 Overall exposure of Akinyele farmers to flood disaster .......................................... 35 Table 4 9 Index of susceptibility based on average income of the farmers ............................. 36 Table 4.10 Index of susceptibility based on clay soil rate ....................................................... 37 Table 4.11 Index of susceptibility based on women land access limitation rate ..................... 38 Table 4.12 Susceptibility index based on poor human waste management rate ...................... 39 Table 4.13 Susceptibility based on surface water consumption rate ....................................... 40 Table 4.14 Susceptibility based on inadequacy of agricultural extension contact .................. 41 Table 4.15 Overall susceptibility of Akinyele farmers to flood disaster ................................. 42 Table 4.16 Index of capacity based on flood education access rate ........................................ 44 Table 417 Flood relief access capacity index .......................................................................... 45 Table 4.18 Processing facility capacity index.......................................................................... 46 Table 4.19 Geographical diversification capacity index.......................................................... 47 Table 4.20 Flood tolerant cropping capacity index ................................................................. 48 Table 4.21 Occupational diversification capacity index .......................................................... 48 Table 4.22 Social cooperation and agricultural insurance capacity index ............................... 49 Table 4.23 Overall capacity index of Akinyele farmers against flood disaster ....................... 51 Table 4.24 Vulnerability of the farmers to flood ..................................................................... 52 x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CRED- Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters DFID - Department for International Development GPS-Global Positioning System IPCC- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change LGA – Local Government Area NAIC- Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Corporation NDRRMCP- National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, Philippines WHO – World Health Organization UNOCHA – United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs UNISDR- United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Context and Justification Flood exists at the excess extreme end of water or moisture availability continuum. Flooding refers to a situation in which a usually dry area of land is covered by water resulting from excessive rainfall, overflow of rivers or dams, dam burst, blockade of water ways, earthquake or tsunamis, high tide and protective release of water from dams. The water that occupies a usually dry large expanse of land is referred to as flood. Flood is called a hydrometeorological disaster when it results from a combination of very heavy rainfall or typhoon and overflow of water bodies, including the oceans or seas and vulnerable features of the community where it occurs. It could also be a cascading disaster resulting from tsunamis waves or earthquake. With the exception of extreme events such as tsunamis, dam burst and spring flood, floods usually occur in flood plains. Flood plain refers to the flat part of valley, which spreads on either side of the river channel and is sometimes covered with water when the river overflows its channel (Summerfield, 2008). Therefore, both flood plain and the river are integral parts of the valley. Manuamorn et al (2009) opined that flood plains have traditionally supported high population densities due to their suitability for human settlements, economic activities and agricultural practices. However, floods equally affect more people than any other disaster in the world. Floods recorded the highest yearly average occurrence and number of victims between 2001 and 2011 and the highest number of occurrence in 2011 compared to other known disasters (Guha-Sapir et al, 2012). In West Africa, epidemics (204 events), floods (167 events) and drought (35 events) were the three most recurrent disasters among a total of 472 natural catastrophes reported between 1980 and 2010 while Nigerian record of the same period revealed that epidemics (49 events) and floods (35 events) were highly recurrent (UNISDR, 2014). Flood threatens food production, food prices as well as both nutritive and microbial quality of harvested food materials, and drives food insecurity and malnutrition. Flood induces migration and local community conflict and impair the capability of government to function effectively in flood-affected areas. Floods can cause chemical injury, worsen the transmission of water-borne diseases, such as typhoid fever, cholera, leptospirosis and hepatitis A. Equally, it can cause vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever, yellow fever, and West Nile fever (WHO, 2013). Hence, flood can have 1 negative effects on human security - food security, economic security, health security, environmental security, personal security, community security and political security. Flood is a major hindrance to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Floods and flood-related disasters are among the most damaging catastrophes in the world. Although the number of deaths resulting from disasters are decreasing worldwide, the number of affected people and economic impacts are increasing due to increasing number of hazards as well as increasing exposure of people and economic activities to floods (CRED, 2013). Globally, an estimated damages of $70.72 billion were associated with hydrological (flood-related) disasters in 2011, thereby making flood the second most damaging catastrophe for that year while flood-related events have an annual average damage of $21.39 billion between 2001 and 2010 (Guha-Sapir et al, 2012). In 2007, flood caused a total of £3 billion damages in England and Whales (World Bank, 2012). Floods resulting from the Indian Ocean Tsunamis of 2004 killed 226,000 people and caused huge livelihood losses and property damages (Kaplan et al, 2009). Pakistan rain-induced flood of 2010 recorded $10 billion in damages and affected 20 million people, among whom 3,000 deaths were recorded (World Bank, 2012). In Africa, damages from flood and other hydrologic disasters amounted to $1.01 billion in 2011, with an annual average of $0.08 billion for the period between 2001 and 2010 (Guha-Sapir et al, 2012). Nigerian flood of 2012 affected 35 out of 37 states, 3,870 communities and about 7.705 million people, damaged 597,476 houses, killed 363 people and put 387,153 internally displaced persons in camps (UNOCHA, 2012). Nigeria’s crude oil production declined by 500,000 barrels per day due to floods in the Niger Delta (Olayinka et al, 2013). Ibadan, the capital city of Oyo State of the country lost 100 people and incurred property and infrastructural damages worth 30 billion naira to 2011 flood and Akinyele was one of the most affected Local Government Areas by the flood (Taiwo et al, 2012). Flood does not only damage properties and endanger lives of people and animals; it equally leads to environmental degradation in the form of soil erosion, landslides, sediment deposition and the destruction of fish spawning substrates. Recognizing the fact that the risks associated with natural hazards and the threats to human security cannot be reduced by focusing solely on the hazards, on one hand, while people will continue to live with changing environmental conditions on the other hand, Birkmann et al (2013) reiterated the call made by the Hyogo Framework of Action (2005) to build resilience by reducing vulnerability to natural hazards. 2 Therefore, assessing the vulnerability of farmers and their communities to natural hazards and climate change impacts, such as flood, is a worthwhile effort. Firstly, this assessment will help in identifying farming communities and areas that are prone to flood. Secondly, it will provide a basis for planning and help in preventing development in risky zones. Thirdly, flood vulnerability assessment provides an understanding of the nature of flood, flood impacts as well as the coping and adaptive capacity of affected communities, which will help in designing the appropriate flood-related climate change adaptation policy and strategy. Lastly, flood vulnerability assessment provides a comparison among floodprone communities via ranking, which is crucial in identifying communities whose capacity and resilience building must be prioritised. 1.2 Problem Statement With the on-going climate change and climate variability and their consequential effects of increasing weather and climatic extremes, including heavy and concentrated precipitations, coupled with other environmental woes, flooding has become a major problem of the whole world including Nigeria (IPCC, 2012; Oyeleye and Adetunji, 2013). The total rainfall is increasing in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria (Fasinmirin et al, 2012; Amobichukwu and Egbinola, 2013) like many other Southern parts of Nigeria. The increasing rainfall, among other factors, has made Akinyele Local Government Area, Oyo State, a popular place for flooding (Taiwo et al, 2012). Further increases in rainfall may make areas that are less flood-prone to become more flood-prone. While flood-related economic damages and loss of life are pronounced in urban and coastal areas due to the concentration of infrastructure and people in flood hazard zones, floods in rural areas are closely linked to both agricultural production and livelihood of rural populations (Manuamorn et al, 2009). The most severe impact of flooding is the overall loss of livelihood for the farmers and their customers (Howard, 2012). The 2008 floods in Iowa, USA, accounted for an estimated $1.2 to $1.5 billion loss of anticipated gross sales for Iowa’s crop farmers (Swenson et al, 2008). Pauw et al (2010) estimated annual 0.7% (or US$9 million) agricultural GDP losses from flood in Southern Malawi, where small and medium-scale farmers are worst hit by the disaster. Based on the number of occurrence, flood is the most disastrous event in Nigeria since the 1980s (UNISDR, 2014). The 2012 floods affected 27.9% of yam, 21.6% of cassava, 17.2% of sweet potato, 31.4% of rice, 20.1% of maize, and 14% of sorghum producing areas along Benue 3 and Niger Rivers of Nigeria (Muhammad, 2012). The August 26th 2011 floods washed away fish and poultry farms estimated at over 100 million naira in Ibadan City (Taiwo et al 2012). Many studies have been carried out on flood risks, vulnerability assessment and mapping. One of these is the study by Manuamorn et al (2009), which reported that flood is the most frequent and most severe hazard that is affecting Thailand and its agricultural sector. Atedhor et al (2011) noted that the perceived causes of flooding in the selected flood areas of Benin City, Nigeria, are mainly increasing rainstorms and obstruction as well as absence of drainage systems. Odjugo (2012) showed that the cost of damage to buildings and property due to erosion and flooding was 3.9 billion naira. Flood claimed 14 lives between 1999 and 2010 in Benin City, Nigeria while Oyekale et al (2013) showed that the adverse impacts of flooding reduce with ability to migrate, monthly income and possession of other secondary occupations. Furthermore, Abah (2013) used GIS applications and modelling techniques and showed that Makurdi town is generally susceptible to flooding while very little has been done to steer away development from highly susceptible areas. In Oyo State, Taiwo et al (2012) investigated the perceived causes and the consequences of Ibadan floods and blamed hydrological factors, poor waste management, weak institutions and inadequate flood awareness for the calamity. However, the study concentrated on the urban parts of the City but left out the rural communities and did not assess the relative vulnerability of the affected communities. It is against this background that this study aims at assessing the vulnerability of farming communities to flood in Akinyele LGA, Oyo State, Nigeria. The pertinent research questions are as follows: Which farming communities are prone to flood in Akinyele Local Government Area? What are the capacities of the farmers’ communities against the flood? How vulnerable are the farming communities to flood? 1.3 Research Objective The main objective of this study is to assess the vulnerability of farming communities to flood in Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. The specific objectives are to: identify farming communities that are prone to flood; assess the exposure and susceptibility of farmers to flood; examine the capacities of the farmers to combat the flood; and map the relative flood vulnerability of these farming communities. 4 1.4 Plan of the Thesis This work is presented in five different chapters. The second chapter is the literature review, which discussed the concepts of disasters, hazards, risk and vulnerability as well as the concepts of resilience and capacity. It also presents the various vulnerability assessment frameworks. The third chapter presents the materials and methods, including the study area, materials used and the methods employed in data collection and analysis. While chapter four presents the results and their discussions, the fifth chapter deals with the conclusion and recommendations. 5 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW Vulnerability is a broad concept, which is related to other concepts, such as disasters, impacts, hazards, risks, resilience and capacity. Furthermore, different assessment frameworks have been used as the bases for quantifying vulnerability to hazards. Therefore, this chapter reviews the various concepts that are interlinked with vulnerability and the various vulnerability assessment frameworks. 2.1 Concepts of Disasters and Hazards Disaster refers to a slow or fast destructive event that causes loss of lives, injury to people, damage of properties, disruption of economic activities, loss of livelihood and/or causes environmental and ecological degradation. UNISDR (2007) defined disaster as a serious disruption of the function of a community or society, which results in widespread damages and losses that are more than the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. They are severe alterations in the normal functioning of a community or a society due to hazardous physical events interacting with vulnerable social conditions, leading to widespread adverse human, material, economic, or environmental effects that require immediate emergency response to satisfy critical human needs and that may require external support for recovery (IPCC SREX Glossary, 2012). According to Estrella and Saalismaa (2012), disasters occur in the presence of one or more hazards, vulnerability and physical hazards exposure. Therefore, disasters are the harmful consequences of the combination of hazardous events and the vulnerable elements/features of the society or community, which may provoke the inability of the society to cope and may compel them to call for external assistance. Disasters are characterized as slow or fast damaging events on the basis of duration of the impact of the hazard. Examples of slow disastrous events are drought and coastal erosion while fast disasters are tsunamis, cyclone, hurricane, typhoon, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, mass movements and so on. On the basis of their causes, Guha-Sapir et al, 2012 classified disasters as meteorological, climatological, hydrological, geophysical and biological. However, anthropogenic or technological classification may be added to the list to characterize disasters such as market fires, road accidents and building collapses. A clear distinction exists between hazards and disasters. A hazard is a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of lives, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic 6 disruption, or environmental damage (UN-ISDR Glossary, 2007). IPCC SREX Glossary (2012) defines harzad as the potential occurrence of a natural or human-induced physical event that may cause loss of lives, injury, or other health impacts, as well as damage and loss to property, infrastructure, livelihoods, service provision, and environmental resources. Estrella and Saalismaa (2012) pointed out that physical hazards, such as cyclones, flooding or landslides do not cause disasters by themselves. Therefore, hazards may be natural or man-induced, but disasters are purely unnatural because the presence of humans, economic activities and infrastructure are involved in their definition and characterization. For instance, a wildfire is a hazard as long as no man dies, no economic activity is disrupted and no damage to infrastructure is recorded. On the other hand, a wildfire that burns peoples’ farms is a disaster. Furthermore, hazards are potential disasters while disasters are actualized hazards. Disasters constitute major setbacks for the development of the world because of their destructive impacts on gains of development. Development achievements of many years can be lost to a single disaster within one day. According to NDRRMCP (2013), Typhoon Haiyan claimed 36.69 billion Pesos ($1.5 billion) in damages in the Philippines. Hurricane Katrina losses accounted for 125 billion US dollars (1.1% GDP), Japanese earthquake of 1995 costs 100 billion US dollars (3.2% GDP), Chinese flood of 1998 damages worth 30 billion US dollars while Haiti earthquake of 2010 claimed 8 billion US dollars (Ghesquiere and Mahul,2010). 2.2 Concepts of Risks and Vulnerability A dichotomy exists between disaster risk and vulnerability. Risk is the combination of the probability of an event and its potential negative consequences (UN-ISDR Glossary, 2007). Vulnerability refers to the physical, economic, social or political susceptibility of a system or community to damage resulting from hazardous events of natural or anthropogenic origin (Birkmann, 2006). Vulnerability is the characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard (UNISDR Glossary, 2007). In other words, vulnerability is the propensity or predisposition to be adversely affected (IPCC SREX Glossary, 2012). Vulnerability is a set of characteristics or features of an element at risk while risk is a potential result of the combination of hazard and vulnerability (Blaikie et al, 1994; Birkmann, 2006). 7 Vulnerability of human population and economic activities to climate risks, such as flood hazards, depends on many factors, including the geographical location, exposure of population and infrastructure, socio-economic and cultural conditions, political and institutional structures as well as coping and adaptive capacity that differentiate the impacts on people and human system (Wisner et al. 2004; Barroca et al. 2006). Because the sources of vulnerability are greatly associated with societies’ patterns of development, small investments in reducing risk can have disproportionately large positive impacts in protecting communities from harm. Vulnerability is, therefore, known to change significantly with social or habitat changes (Adelekan, 2010). Furthermore, vulnerability is multi-dimensional, because it varies across physical space as well as among and within social groups. It is scale-dependent and dynamic, because its characteristics and driving forces changes over time, space and unit of analysis, including individuals, households, regions and systems (Birkmann, 2006 and Birkmann et al, 2013). 2.3 Resilience and Capacities Resilience is the capacity of a system or a person to deal with disturbances and the effects of stressors. It is a concept that grew out of several schools of thought, including ecology, psychology, socio-ecological systems research and critical infrastructures. The socio-ecological systems and infrastructural schools of thought, view resilience as the capacities of systems to reorganize themselves in the face of adverse events through the processes of revolt and remember (Birkmann et al, 2013). On the other hand, capacity refers to the assets and resources with which a community anticipates, copes, recovers and adapts to impacts of hazards. According to Armah et al (2010), capacity is the ability to plan, prepare for and implement adaptation plans. Therefore, capacities are the determinants of resilience. Resilience is the ability of a system to anticipate, absorb, cope with and recover from a hazard and maintain its essential functions, structure and interactions and includes the degree to which it is capable of self-organisation and its capacity for learning and adaptation (IPCC, 2012; Kaplan et al, 2009). Thus, resilience has three specific characteristics: the first is the amount of change the system can undergo and still retain the same controls on function and structure; the second is the degree to which the system is capable of self-organisation; the third is the ability to build and increase the capacity for learning and adaptation. Hence, Birkmann et al (2013) classified the limited capacities to cope or to recover as lack of resilience but put resilience improvement under adaptation. 8 2.4 Flood as a Disaster Flood is the water that accumulates in places that are not normally submerged. According to Oyeleye and Adetunji (2013), flood results from continuous long lasting heavy rains, leading to excess surface water above the capacity of available drainage system, which is either inadequate or blocked. Guha-Sapir et al (2012) referred to flood as a hydrometeorological disaster, because heavy rainfall, snow melting, glacier outburst and over-flow of water bodies are among its causes. Tsunamis, hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes and dam bursts are some of the geo-physical and mechanical phenomena that may cause flooding (Guha-Sapir et al, 2010; Guha-Sapir et al 2012). In addition, flood produces several deleterious effects on human life, property, economy and the environment, thus affecting human security. The most significant negative effects of flood on farming communities and farmers are decline in environmental quality, outbreak of diseases, complete crop failure, damage of seeds and loss of livestock. These impacts lead to rural-urban migration, decline in agricultural labour and reduction in food production as well as reduction in rural household income, which might lead to starvation (Armah et al, 2010). Empirical evidences reported by Guha-Sapir et al (2010) and Thanh Ha et al (2011) underscore physical and psychological health impacts of flood, which are determined by physical, social and other vulnerabilities as well as the flood nature, including its speed of onset. In addition, Oyekale et al (2013) found higher incidences of diseases, such as influenza, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, dysentery and malaria as well as higher health expenditures among fishers during flooding periods in Epe, Lagos State of Nigeria. Furthermore, flood can render rural dwellers homeless, increase their exposure to environmental health hazards, encourages loss of family relations and compound poverty situation. According to Orlove et al (2004) and Oyekale et al (2013), flooding is an environmental problem, which results in death of people and livestock, property losses, blockage of road networks, disruption of economic activities, inundation of homes with dirty water and refuse as well as rural migration. Lastly, flood does not only affect the victims but also impact the national economy negatively by increasing poverty rate. Although its negative impacts may be overwhelming, flood has its own merits. Accumulated flood water in dams and rivers is drawn for irrigation and city water supply; it can be used for hydro-electric power generation. Dry season valley vegetable farmers are aware that flood is responsible for the replenishment of nutrients in the flood plains where 9 they farm. The level of flood water in rivers correlates positively with harvest for that year (Bariweni et al., 2012; Oyeleye and Adetunji, 2013). Therefore, flood becomes a disaster when human livelihood, infrastructure and economic activities located along flood plains are poorly managed. 2.5 Determinants of Flood Impacts Impacts of flood varies with location, age, sex, income level, diversification of economic activities, social participation, marital status, household size, education, ability to migrate, availability of efficient early warning systems and governance (Ma et al, 2007; Oyekale et al 2013; Oyeleye and Adetunji, 2013). Poor people suffer higher negative impacts of disasters than rich people (Kaplan et al, 2009; Oyekale et al 2013) while ability to migrate and availability of assistance during flooding reduce the vulnerability to impacts of flooding (Oyekale et al, 2013). Flooding is known to create environmental problems. Environmental problems of flooding, such as inundation of homes with flood water and debris are likely to reduce with increasing work experience (Oyekale et al, 2013). Even though educated people are expected to avoid water contamination and reduce the water-related problems of flooding, Oyekale et al (2013) found that education increases the probability of water contamination and females were more susceptible to water contamination than males during flooding in Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria. Disruption of economic activities and loss of livelihood are common economic impacts of flood disaster. The rate of disruption of economic activities, as a result of flood hazard, reduces with increasing age, work experience, availability of help during flooding and the ability to migrate while larger household sizes and early warnings tend to encourage economic disruption (Oyekale et al 2013). However, Orlove et al (2004) reported that rural people, especially fishermen, do not always make use of flood warnings while Taiwo et al (2012) asserted that the effectiveness of a particular flood warning depended on the previous flood disaster experience of the people. Lastly, flooding leads to property losses and livelihood insecurity. Probability of property losses and livelihood insecurity during flooding reduces with monthly income, economic diversification, ability to migrate and social networking (Oyekale et al 2013; Armah et al 2010). 10 2.6 Vulnerability Assessment Frameworks Vulnerability assessment frameworks are views of vulnerability expressed in the form of models, which serve as guides for developing indicators for measuring vulnerability. An indicator is a variable or tool used for quantifying a phenomenon or situation. The value of an indicator is called index. Some of the frameworks, which have been used to develop indicators for assessing vulnerability are described below. 2.6.1 The Conceptual Framework to Identify Disaster Risk This framework considers disaster risk as a function of hazard, exposure, vulnerability and capacities. In this framework, hazard is defined in terms of its probability of occurrence and its severity while exposure includes structures, population and economy. On the other hand, vulnerability has physical, social, economic and environmental dimensions while physical planning, social capacity and economic capacity are included in capacity and measures. This framework recognizes vulnerability as a component of risk and differentiate between exposure, vulnerability and capacities (Birkmann, 2006). However, since vulnerability is social, this framework is deficient because it separated exposure as well as capacity and measures from vulnerability. 2.6.2 Bohle’s Double Structure of Vulnerability This model sees vulnerability as a concept with both external and internal sides. The internal side, coping, relates to the capacity to anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the impact of a hazard while the external side involves exposure to risks and shocks. The underlying principle of the double structure is the fact that vulnerability is the result of interaction between exposure to external stressors and the coping capacity of the affected household, group or society (Birkmann, 2006). The strength of the double structure of vulnerability is that it recognizes exposure and coping capacities as determinants of vulnerability but excludes sensitivity, which addresses the impact side of the hazard. 2.6.3 The Sustainable Livelihood Framework This framework can be seen as a model of vulnerability assessment (Birkmann, 2006). It refers to vulnerability as shocks, trends and seasonality, which influence livelihood assets. The livelihood assets refer to the human, natural, financial, social and physical capital of the people. According to the framework, the livelihood assets interact with the structures and processes, which encompass level of government, private sector, laws, policies culture and institutions. Interactions between vulnerability, livelihood assets and transforming structures 11 and processes, through livelihood strategies, produce livelihood outcomes. The livelihood outcomes include more incomes, improved well-being, reduced vulnerability, improved food security and more sustainable use of natural resources. The framework emphasises that the transforming structures in the governmental system or private sector and respective processes (laws, culture) influence the vulnerability context, and determine both the access to and major influences on livelihood assets of people. The approach stresses the empowerment of local marginalised groups in order to reduce vulnerability effectively as people and communities are examined in terms of their daily needs, instead of implementing ready-made, general interventions and solutions, without acknowledging the various capabilities poor people offer. The approach views vulnerability as a broad concept, encompassing livelihood assets and their access, and vulnerable context elements such as shocks, seasonality and trends, as well as institutional structures and processes (DFID, 1999 and Birkmann, 2006). Although the sustainable livelihood approach underlines the multiple interactions that determine the ability of a person, social group or household to cope with and recover from stresses and shocks, it remains abstract (Birkmann, 2006). In addition, this framework ignores the negative influence of the livelihood outcomes on the environment. 2.6.4 The Pressure and Release (PAR) Model This model defines disaster and risk as products of hazard and vulnerability. It views vulnerability to have developed from the root causes, through the dynamic pressures, to the unsafe conditions. The PAR approach describes how disasters occur when natural hazards affect vulnerable people (Blaikie et al, 1994; Wisner et al, 2004; Birkmann, 2006). The conceptual framework states that vulnerability and the development of a potential disaster are processes, which involve increasing pressure on the one hand and the opportunities to relieve the pressure on the other (Birkmann, 2006). According to Wisner et al (2004) and Birkmann (2006), root causes of risks such as limited access to power, structures and resources as well as ideologies, such as political and economic systems interact with dynamic pressures to create unsafe conditions upon which hazards act to produce disasters. The dynamic pressures are processes, conditions and activities that transform and channel the effects of root causes into unsafe conditions. The dynamic pressures include lack of local institutions, lack of training, lack of skills, lack of local investments, lack of local markets, lack of press freedom and lack of ethical standards 12 in public life as well as macro-forces, such as rapid population growth, rapid urbanization, arms expenditure, deforestation and decline in soil fertility. On the other hand, the unsafe conditions encompass dangerous locations, unprotected buildings and infrastructure, risky livelihoods with low income, epidemic diseases, rapid urbanisation and violent conflicts (Wisner et al., 2004). The authors further emphasise that the dynamic pressures should not be seen as being negative but that measuring vulnerabilities should involve the identification of the underlying causes and the driving forces in order to explain why people are vulnerable. Therefore, PAR framework is very useful in dealing with the indirect causes of vulnerability and disaster risk. However, the model should be used with care so that focus will not be put on the global and national political economic forces at the expense of local conditions that create vulnerability by contributing to dynamic pressures and unsafe conditions (Birkmann, 2006). 2.6.5 The SUST Model Developed by Turner et al. (2003), this conceptual framework is a model for assessing vulnerability in the global environmental change community. This model defines vulnerability in terms of the exposure, sensitivity and resilience. Moreover, vulnerability is viewed in the context of a joint or coupled human–environmental system (Turner et al, 2003; Birkmann, 2006). In contrast to the disaster risk community, this conceptual framework defines vulnerability as a function of exposure, coping response, impact response and adaptation response. The framework equally takes into account the interaction of the multiple perturbations, stressors and stresses. Another important difference between the frameworks discussed earlier and this one is that it examines vulnerability within the linked human– environment context (Turner et al., 2003; Kasperson, 2005; Birkmann, 2006). This framework is a good model for assessing vulnerability, because it takes into account factors and changes outside the local environment and includes the concept of adaptation, which is a determinant of resilience (Birkmann, 2006). However, the inclusion of impacts under the resilience part of vulnerability should be critically considered. 2.6.6 The BBC Framework According to Birkmann (2006), this framework is based on the works of Bogardi and Birkmann (2004) and Cardona (1999 and 2001), thus, the name BBC. It is developed out of the discussions on how to link vulnerability, human security and sustainable development. 13 The BBC framework stresses the fact that vulnerability analysis goes beyond the estimation of deficiencies and assessment of disaster impacts in the past. It underlines the need to view vulnerability within a dynamic process. That is, focusing simultaneously on vulnerabilities, coping capacities and potential intervention tools to reduce vulnerabilities as well as on social, environmental and economic dimensions of vulnerability, it clearly integrates the concept of sustainable development into the vulnerability framework (Birkmann, 2006). The BBC framework differs from risk analysis, because it focuses mainly on the different vulnerable or susceptible and exposed elements, the coping capacity and the potential intervention tools to reduce vulnerability. Furthermore, the BBC framework distinguishes between the responses before disasters happen and the responses needed when disasters occur. Thus, it is a problem-solving approach, which helps to analyse the probable losses and deficiencies of the various elements at risk and their coping capacities as well as the potential intervention measures, all within the three key thematic spheres (Birkmann, 2006). Hence, the BBC framework defines vulnerability in terms of exposed and vulnerable elements and coping capacities existing in the environmental, social and economic spheres. It emphasises the overall reduction of disaster risks by reducing vulnerability and exposure to hazards through various intervention strategies, such as land use changes, emission control, early warning systems, and insurances before hazardous event as well as disaster and emergency management during/after a disaster. 2.6.7 The MOVE Framework The MOVE (Methods for the Improvement of Vulnerability Assessment in Europe) framework is an integrative and holistic framework to systematize and assess vulnerability, risk and adaptation. It is a thinking and heuristic tool, which outlines key factors and different dimensions that need addressing when assessing vulnerability in the context of natural hazards and climate change. The key factors of such a common framework are related to the exposure of a society or system to a hazard or stressor, the susceptibility of the system or community exposed, and its resilience and adaptive capacity. This approach emphasises multiple thematic dimensions when assessing vulnerability in the context of natural and socio-natural hazards (Birkmann et al, 2013). Thus, it bridges the gap between the different concepts used within the disaster risk management (DRM) community and climate change adaptation (CCA) research. 14 Therefore, the MOVE framework defines vulnerability in terms of exposure, susceptibility/fragility and the lack of resilience. It presents the dynamic nature of vulnerability through temporal and spatial exposure but expresses its multi-dimensional characteristics through physical, ecological, social, economic, cultural and institutional susceptibility (or fragility) while the lack of resilience encompasses the capacity to anticipate, capacity to cope and capacity to recover. The framework shows that hazards of natural and socio-natural origins interact with societies’ vulnerability to produce risks in the form of potential economic, social and environmental impacts. Therefore, it suggests hazard intervention, as well as vulnerability intervention, including exposure reduction, susceptibility reduction and resilience improvement as parts of adaptation, risk management and risk reduction strategies. 15 CHAPTER III: MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 Study Area Location This study was carried out in Akinyele Local Government Area (LGA), Oyo State, South-western Nigeria. Akinyele LGA is a predominantly agricultural and flood-prone LGA, which is located between geographical coordinates of latitudes range 7o 29´N to 7o 40´N and longitude range 3o 45´ to 4o 04´. It is bordered in the north by Afijio Local Government Area, in the north-east by Iwo Local Government Area of Osun State, in the east by Lagelu Local Government Area, in the south by Ibadan North Local Government Area and in the west by Ido Local Government Area (Ajadi et al, 2012). Figure 3.1 Map of Nigeria (Left) showing the location of Oyo State and Map of Oyo Sate (Right) showing the location of Akinyele Local Government Area (Ajadi et al, 2012) With a total land area of about 219.2 km2, Akinyele LGA is made up of about 54 towns/villages, which are organized into 12 political (electoral) wards. These wards and their constituent villages are presented in Fig3.2 16 Figure 3.2 Map of Akinyele Local Government Area (Source: Ajadi et al, 2012) Geology and Soils The soil of the area were formed from rocks such as granites, gneisses, quartz-schist, biotite, gneisses and schist. They were formed under moist semi-deciduous forest cover and belong to the major soil group called ferruginous tropical soil (Ajadi et al, 2012). Climate, Vegetation and Drainage Akinyele LGA has a tropical climate with a mean annual temperature of about 32 oC. The relative humidity can be as high as 95% with a mean annual rainfall of 1250 mm. It is located in the tropical rain forest agro-ecological zone of Nigeria, although most of the forests are degraded or lost to agriculture and human settlement. Generally, the vegetation in the area is dominated by palm trees and the area may be referred to as a “dry forest belt’’. Akinyele is drained by Ona River (Odo Ona) and its tributaries (Ajadi et al, 2012). Population and Economic Activities According to the 2006 census, Akinyele LGA had a population of 211,359 with 105,897 females and 105,462 males. Based on a growth rate of 3.2% per annum in 2006, the National Population Commission estimated the 2014 population of the LGA at 272,513 people with 136,657 females and 135,856 males. The predominant inhabitants are the Yorubas, who represent 95% of the total population of the area. Other notable ethnic groups are Hausa, Igbo, Edo, Fulani, Nupe, Tivs and Efiks. The major occupation of the people is agriculture, through which crops, such as maize, cassava, oilpalm, cocoa and vegetables are grown and livestock, such as poultry, sheep, goat and cattle are reared. This is because the 17 area has a favourable climate and soil condition. Moreover, trading and civil service work are now competing with agriculture in the area. 3.2 Method 3.2.1 Conceptual Framework: MOVE Framework The MOVE (Methods for the Improvement of Vulnerability Assessment in Europe) Framework was used for this assessment due to its desirable characteristics. Firstly, it differentiates key factors of vulnerability (Exposure, susceptibility/ fragility and lack of resilience). Secondly, it specifies the different dimensions of vulnerability as physical, ecological, social, economic, cultural and institutional. Thirdly, it specifies that the dynamic nature of vulnerability could be expressed through spatial and temporal exposures. It differentiates coping from adaptation and incorporates the concept of adaptation into disaster risk management thereby bridging the concept and approach gaps between disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation communities. Birkmann et al (2013) defines the components and sub-components of the MOVE Model (Figure 3.3) as follows. Exposure - the extent to which a unit of assessment falls within the geographical range of a hazard event. Susceptibility (or fragility) describes the predisposition of elements at risk to suffer harm. The various dimensions are: • Social dimension: propensity for human well-being to be damaged by disruption to individual conditions (mental and physical health) and collective services (health, education services, etc.) as well as social systems and their characteristics (e.g. gender, marginalization of social groups); • Economic dimension: propensity for loss of economic value from damage to physical assets and/or disruption of productive capacity; • Physical dimension: potential for damage to physical assets, including built-up areas, infrastructure and open spaces; • Cultural dimension: potential for damage to intangible values, including meanings placed on artefacts, customs, habitual practices and natural or urban landscapes; •Environmental dimension: potential for damage to all ecological and bio-physical systems and their different functions, including particular ecosystem functions and environmental services but excluding cultural values that might be attributed; and 18 Figure 3.3 MOVE Framework by Birkmann et al (2013) •Institutional vulnerability: potential for damage to governance systems, organizational form and function as well as guiding formal/legal and informal/customary rules—any of which may be forced to change following weaknesses exposed by disaster and response. Lack of resilience or societal response capacity is determined by limitations in terms of access to and mobilization of the resources of a community or a socio-ecological system in responding to an identified hazard. Resilience encompasses capacity to anticipate, capacity to cope and capacity to recover. Thus, resilience includes preevent risk reduction activities, in-event coping strategies and post-event response measures. This differentiates resilience from adaptation because adaptation is a long term planned adjustments in the socio-ecological system based on the knowledge of the hazard and its impacts. However, resilience is a sub-set of adaptation. Hazard means the potential occurrence of natural, socio-natural or anthropogenic events that may have physical, social, economic and environmental impacts in a given area and over a period of time. According to MOVE Framework, hazard interacts with society’s vulnerability to produce economic, social and environmental risks which must be reduced through adaptation and risk management strategies. 19 Adaptation describes the ability of a community or a system to learn from the past disasters and change existing practices for potential future changes in hazards as well as vulnerability contexts. Therefore, hazard intervention and vulnerability interventions, including exposure reduction, susceptibility reduction and resilience improvement, are suggested as adaptation strategies (Birkmann et al, 2013). 3.2.2 Sampling Design Data Requirement and Method of Data Collection a. Sampling Design Purposive sampling, area sampling and simple random sampling techniques were used in this study. Firstly, Akinyele Local Government Area (LGA) was deliberately selected, because flood has been reported there and the LGA has a predominantly farming populace. Secondly, area sampling was used in identifying flood-prone farming communities from where data were gathered. Thirdly, simple random sampling was carried out to collect information from farmers in each of the seven selected flood-prone villages. b. Method of Data Collection and Data Source Secondary data used in this study include Satellite Imagery (Shuttle Radar Topographical Mapping, SRTM Data, which contains elevation), which was collected from the Federal School of Surveying Oyo and base map of the Local Government Area (showing road networks as well as location of villages and major rivers), which was sourced from Department of Surveying Akinyele LGA. Primary data included location coordinates, which are collected with portable GPS, and farmers’ socio-economic characteristics, which are collected with the use of questionnaires. Farmers’ socio-economic characteristics include farmers’ age, gender, farm enterprises/crop grown, other occupation than farming, size of household, years of education, income level, land ownership/tenancy, as well as the following. Flood Exposure: type of flood, frequency (return period), distance of farmland to river, and time of impact. Susceptibility/Fragility: soil type, drinking water source, waste management, right of women to inherit land and contact with agricultural extension service. Capacity to Anticipate: local early warning systems, anticipatory time allowance and flood education. Coping/Adaptation capacities: processing facility, pre-mature harvesting, construction of drainage channels at the edge of farms, flood tolerant crops and planting in other locations. 20 Capacity to Recover: Other economic activities, Savings and Cooperation and insurance policies. A total of 420 questionnaires were produced. This sample size was determined using the following formula, which was proposed by Statistical Canada (2010). 𝑛= 𝑧 2 𝑃(1 − 𝑃) 𝑧 2 𝑃(1 − 𝑃) 𝑒2 + 𝑁 Where n = sample size Z = a factor corresponding to the desired confidence interval Z = 1.96 if 95% confidence interval is desired. P = proportion of population corresponding to the population variability (P: 0<p<1) = 0.5 e = the desired margin of error = 0.05 N = total number of registered farmers in the study area = 11,286 farmers The distribution of the questionnaires responded to by farmers in the seven selected floodprone villages is presented in Table 3.1 Table 3.1 Questionnaires responded to per village surveyed Village Surveyed Tola Ajibode Ajeja Alabata Onilu Lagbe Jarija Total Source: Field Survey, 2014 No of Respondents 52 52 57 44 48 60 55 368 Percent 14.1 14.1 15.5 12.0 13.0 16.3 14.9 100.0 3.2.3 Data Analysis a. GIS Determination of Flood-prone Zones Physical development map of Akinyele was digitised using ArcGIS 10.0. Features on the digitised map (boundary, roads, villages and location of rivers) were vectorised. The vectorised features were combined with GPS co-ordinates to produce the Roads Networks and Villages Maps of the Local Government Area. To identify the flood plains of Akinyele Local Government Area (LGA), Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data was colour-ramped and used to produce the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the LGA by converting it to Triangulated Irregular Network 21 (TIN). Using overlay and manipulative functions available in ArcGIS 10.0, the vectorised villages, roads and location co-ordinates of streams and rivers were added to the SRTM and the DEM to produce the location maps of the Major Rivers and the flood-prone villages. b. Questionnaire Data Analysis and Indicators Development The questionnaires containing farmers’ socio-economic data, flood exposure, susceptibility and capacities data were analysed using frequency distribution, percentages and descriptive statistics through SPSS Version20. Based on the MOVE Framework of Vulnerability Assessment, relevant indicators were developed from the frequency distribution, percentages and descriptive statistics as well as the DEM, using Microsoft Excel Version 2013. The indicators were used to rank exposure, susceptibility and capacities of the farmers to flood. The components and subcomponents of vulnerability based on the MOVE Framework, the indicators that were developed for this assessment and the justifications for selecting the indicators are presented in Table 3.2 to Table 3.4 Table 3.2 Indicators of exposure and their justification Subcomponents Spatial Temporal Indicators Measuring Tool Average Elevation Mean Elevation of the The lower the elevation, Farming Village. the higher the flood exposure. Closeness to river Ratio of River setback to Distance from River Flood frequency Probability occurrence of flood Time of Impact Average time of impact The higher the value, the on farmers’ farms more the flood vulnerability Source: Author 22 Justification The higher the value, the higher the flood exposure. of Higher frequency increases vulnerability. Table 3.3 Indicators of susceptibility and their justification Subcomponents Ecological Indicators Measuring Tool Clay Soil Rate % of people farming on The higher the value, the clay soil more vulnerable. Physical Surface Water Consumption rate % of people drinking from surface water Surface water are most vulnerable to flood Environmental Poor Human Waste Management Rate % of Farmers defecating in the bush Poor waste management increases flood vulnerability Cultural Women Land Access Limitation Rate % negative response to the right of women to inherit land in the family/Village. Access to land by women reduces vulnerability Institutional Inadequacy of Contact with Agricultural Extension services % of Farmers lacking seasonal contacts with extension. Low contacts signify high vulnerability. Source: Author 23 Justification Table 3.4 Indicators of capacity and their justification Subcomponents Capacity to anticipate Indicators Measuring Tool Justification Flood Education Access Rate Flood Forecast Access Rate Rate of Access to flood education on media % of farmers who have access to forecast information The higher the access, the higher the capacity Lack of early warning systems worsen impacts Capacity to Cope/Adapt Adequacy of % of farmers who have processing facilities access to processing facilities Flood Relief % of farmers who have Access Rate access to flood relief materials Inadequate processing facilities Worsen impacts of flood on crop produce. Availability of relief reduces vulnerability Recovery Capacity Diversification of Economic Activities % of farmers who diversify their economic activities geographically and occupationally High degree of diversification reduces vulnerability Social Cooperation and Agricultural Insurance Rate % of farmers who participate in cooperative societies or possess of Agricultural Insurance policies. Social cooperation and agricultural insurance reduces vulnerability to flood Source: Author c. Determination of Vulnerability Index This involves four processes which are correlation analysis, weighting, normalization and aggregation of indicators. Correlation Analysis Using the approach of Damm (2010), correlation analysis was used to determine the degree of linear relationship between the indicators before weighting/ranking them. This is necessary because high degree of relationship between indicators may distort the vulnerability index, and mislead the end users. Since all the indicators were quantitative, they were analysed by using Pearson correlation. Two indicators of the same component of vulnerability with more than 65% (r>0.65) relationship between them were carefully analysed to consider the removal of one of them based on their importance. 24 Weighting of the of Indicators and Components Vulnerability This refers to ranking of indicators and ranking of components of vulnerability by assigning weights to them. Ranking indicators helps to remove distortions that may be created by co-linearity and data sources unreliability, which will mislead end users (Damm, 2010). Also, weighting depicts the relative importance of the indicators and each component of vulnerability in the model. Ranking may also reflect data source reliability. In this study, the willingness of the respondents to give their personal information as well as the correlation between indicators of the same component of vulnerability were considered in weighting the indicators. Indicators with low correlation (r< 0.65) and very reliable data were given highest weights while indicators with correlation above 0.65 or unreliable data were weighted 0.5 based on the approach of Damm (2010). To rank each component of vulnerability, the importance of each component to flood are considered. Exposure, susceptibility and capacities (resilience) are components of vulnerability (Birkmann et al, 2013) but the most important causes of flooding are heavy and prolonged rainfalls and river overflow while anthropogenic factors exacerbate its impacts (Taiwo et al, 2012). Furthermore, people in low-lying areas and those close to rivers experience longer time of flood impacts than people at higher elevation. Since elevation, closeness to river, time of impact and flood frequency are indicators of exposure, exposure is the most important component of flood vulnerability. Therefore, exposure is weighted 1 while susceptibility and capacity are weighted 0.5 each in this study. Normalisation of Indicators This process helps to give the same measurement unit or scale to the indicators so that they can be treated mathematically. Each indicator was normalised using the standardization method. This method is preferred to other statistical methods, because it avoids distortions created by large extreme values (outliers) by using the mean and standard deviation in scaling (Damm, 2010). The normalised value of an indicator (Y) for a village/town (i) is given by: Nyi = (Yi - Ῡ)/ẟy Nyi = Normalized value of indicator Y for village/town i. Yi = value of indicator Y for village i. Ῡ = mean of the values of Yi for all villages/towns. ẟy = standard deviation of Y. 25 Aggregation of Indicators Linear summation aggregation method was used. Index (I) of the indicator Y for a village (i) was calculated by multiplying its weight (Wy), by its normalized value. Iyi = Wy * Nyi. Vulnerability Index (Iv) of each component of vulnerability (Exposure, Susceptibility and Capacity) was computed as the arithmetic mean of the values of all indices of the component for each farming community. Given a component of vulnerability with indicators Y, measured for a village (i), then the Vulnerability Index (Iv) of the component of vulnerability in that particular village (i) is given by: Iv = ∑Iyi ∑(Wy ∗ Nyi) = 𝑛 𝑛 Where n = number of indicators of the component of vulnerability. Since vulnerability increases with exposure and susceptibility but reduces with capacities, the Composited Vulnerability Index, CIv of a particular village is given by: CIv = We*IvE + Ws*IvS – Wc * IvC Where CIv = Composited Vulnerability Index of the village/town/area. We = weight of exposure = 1; Ws = weight of susceptibility= 0.5 Wc = weight of capacity = 0.5 IvE = vulnerability index due to exposure of the village. IvS = vulnerability index due to susceptibility of the village. IvC = Index of resilience/capacities in the village. d. Evaluation of the Vulnerability Index Damm (2010) recommended that good modelling in quantitative vulnerability assessment requires that the composite index should be tested to ascertain its robustness, sensitivity and uncertainty. While robustness tests the fitness of the model, sensitivity analysis tests its response to variations in the data fed into it and uncertainty analysis reveals the uncertainties in the model as well as the index itself (Damm, 2010). 26 In this study, only robustness test was carried out using a different method of normalization of indicators. The method used was the percentage normalisation method which defines the normalised value of an indicator as: Nyi = Yi ∗ 100 ∑ 𝑌𝑖 Where Nyi = Normalised value of an indicator Y for ith village. Yi = value of indicator Y for ith village. ∑Yi = sum of the values of indicator Y for all the villages. e. Mapping Exposure, Susceptibility, Capacity and Vulnerability Indices The maps of flood exposure, susceptibility and capacity as well as the overall flood vulnerability map of the farming villages were produced using ArcGIS 10.0. Indices of exposure, susceptibility, capacity and vulnerability were grouped into five classes each and displayed as colour-coded symbols on the exposure, susceptibility, capacity and vulnerability maps of the flood-prone farming communities of Akinyele LGA. 27 CHAPTER IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Flood-Prone Farming Communities The colour-ramped Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data (Figure 4.1) and the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) (Figure 4.2) show that the flood plains are in the Northwest and the Southern parts of the study area. Both Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2 indicate that water bodies drain out of the LGA through the North-western and the Southern parts, making these two regions of the LGA the most flood-prone zones. Figure 4.1: Map of Akinyele showing flood plains and major rivers (Source: Author) Figure 4.1 shows that the prominent water bodies in the North-western part are Igbo Olobo Stream, Alajala Stream, Ajeja Dam, Ose Stream and Shanu Bandele River. On the other hand, Onilu River, Lagbe Stream, Gunwin River, Osun Stream, Ona River and Ajibode River are seen to dominate the drainage system to the South. Therefore, the flood-prone rivers are located in the North-western and Southern parts of Akinyele LGA. This also indicates that apart from Ona River, which was reported by Ajadi et al (2012) as the drainage 28 of the LGA, the Northwest part of Akinyele is drained by a watershed different from Ona River and its tributaries. Figure 4.2: Map of Akinyele LGA showing elevation and flood-prone villages (Source: Author) Figure 4.2 shows that the lowest altitude in the LGA is about 141m above sea level while the highest elevation is about 408m above sea level. The figure equally reveals that Ajibode Onilu and Lagbe villages lie in the flood-prone areas of the Southern part while Tola and Jarija are some of the flood-prone villages in the North-western part. However, information gathered from experts’ interview and ground truthing indicated that the Southern part of the LGA, which is predominantly urban, is more flood-prone than the North western part, which is rural. Furthermore, experts’ interview and ground truthing confirmed that flood episodes have been withnessed in many farming communities within the LGA, including Jarija, Tola, Ajeja, Alabata, Lagbe, Onilu and Ajibode. 29 4.2 Correlation among Vulnerability Indicators and Weighting Table 4.1 Correlations among exposure indicators Elevation Elevation Closeness to river Time of Impact Flood Frequency Source: Field Survey, 2014 1 -0.206 -0.480 0.118 Closeness to River Time of Impact Flood Frequency 1 -0.258 -0.648 1 -0.208 1 Table 4.1 records no significant linear relationship among the indicators of exposure because the correlation coefficients are less than 0.65. Thus the linear relationship among them is negligible and will not distort the final vulnerability index. Hence, they are all retained for the vulnerability index computation. The elevation is from a reliable data source and is ranked 1. The farmers relied on their eyes for measuring the distance of their farms from the river and relied on their memory to respond to questions on time of impact and flood frequency, hence, these three indicators are ranked 0.5. Table 4.2 Correlations among susceptibility indicators Indicators AI CSR WLLR SWCR PWMR IAEC 1 AI 0.425 1 CSR 0.006 0.466 1 WLLR -0.080 0.116 -0.022 1 SWCR 0.205 -0.533 -0.297 -0.028 1 PWMR 0.386 -0.344 0.053 -0.364 0.600 1 IAEC Source: Field Survey, 2014 (Note: AI= Average Income, CSR= Clay Soil Rate, WLLR = Women Land Limitation Rate, SWCR= Surface Water Consumption Rate, PWMR= Poor Waste Management Rate and IEC= Inadequacy of Agricultural Extension Contacts). Similarly, Table 4.2 shows that the coefficient of correlation between any two indicators of susceptibility is less than 0.65 and all of them are involved in the vulnerability index computation. However, it is a taboo to most of the farmers to disclose their income and their judgement of clay or heavy soil may not be accurate. Therefore, average income and clay soil rate are weighted 0.5 while others are weighted 1. Furthermore, Table 4.3 reveals that there is a very high correlation between Flood Education Access Rate (FEAR) and Geographical Diversification Rate (GDR), indicating that both indicators are co-linear. Yet, both indicators are retained because FEAR is a 30 measure of capacity to anticipate while GDR is a measure of capacity to recover and perform different functions in the model. However, FEAR and GDR are weighted 0.5 each. Table 4.3 Correlation among the indicators of capacity FEAR FFAR FRAR APF GDR FTCR ODR SCAIR FEAR 1 FFAR .a .a FRAR 0.446 .a 1 a APF 0.382 . 0.608 1 GDR -0.924 . -.428 -0.471 1 FTCR 0.180 . 0.515 0.262 0.090 1 ODR 0.289 . 0.507 0.627 -0.146 0.457 1 SCAIR 0.238 .a 0.547 0.622 -0.331 0.052 0.592 1 Source: Field Survey, 2014 (Note: a cannot be computed because FFAR is constant. FEAR= Flood Education Access Rate. FFAR = Flood Forecast Access Rate. FRAR = Flood Relief Access Rate. APF = Adequacy of Processing Facility. GDR = Geographical Diversification Rate. FTCR = Flood Tolerant Cropping Rate. ODR = Occupational Diversification Rate. SCAIR = Social Cooperation and Agricultural Insurance Rate.) 4.3 Flood Exposure of the Farmers Exposure refers to the extent to which a unit of assessment falls within the geographical range of a hazard event (Birkmann et al 2013). Exposure of the farmers to flood are indicated by both spatial and temporal indices, which are the elevation of the area, closeness of farm to river, average time of impact of the flood on farms and flood frequency. Table 4.4 Index of exposure based on elevation of the villages Village Average Elevation Tola 225.00 Ajibode 170.50 Ajeja 250.00 Alabata 250.00 Onilu 225.00 Lagbe 225.00 Jarija 195.50 Source: Field Survey, 2014 Value (Y) 4 5 3 3 4 4 5 Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ 0.0000 1.2247 -1.2247 -1.2247 0.0000 0.0000 1.2247 Wy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wy*Nyi 0.0000 1.2247 -1.2247 -1.2247 0.0000 0.0000 1.2247 The map of the flood plains of the LGA (Figure 2) shows that the farmers in the study area are farming in flood plains and the elevation data shown in Table 4.4 indicates that Ajibode and Jarija have the lowest elevation average (170.50m and 195.50m) with a ‘coded exposure value’ of 5 and, hence, have the highest exposure index of 1.2247 each. This means 31 that Ajibode and Jarija are the most exposed to flood while Ajeja and Alabata are the least exposed villages based on elevation data of the villages of Akinyele LGA. Closeness to River This indicator of exposure is defined by the following formula: 𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟 = River Setback X 100% 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟 The major river setback for buildings in Ibadan Oyo State is about 45m (Taiwo et al, 2012). The average distance of farmers’ farms from the river, the associated closeness to river, the normalized value (N), the weight (Wy) and the Index of Exposure of the farmers (Wy*Nyi) in each village, based on this indicator, are presented in Table 4.5. Table 4.5 Index of exposure based on closeness to river Village Distance to Name River (m) Tola 12.00 Ajibode 26.29 Ajeja 62.98 Alabata 22.23 Onilu 115.83 Lagbe 103.33 Jarija 17.55 Source: Field Survey, 2014 Closeness to River (Y) 375.00 % 171.18 % 71.45 % 202.45 % 38.85 % 43.55 % 256.48 % Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ 1.6793 0.0450 -0.7546 0.2957 -1.0160 -0.9784 0.7290 Wy 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Wy*Nyi 0.8397 0.0225 -0.3773 0.1479 -0.5080 -0.4892 0.3645 Table 4.5 shows that farmers in Tola, followed by their Jarija colleagues, locate their farms closest to river with values 12m (375% closeness) and 17.55m (256.48 % closeness) to the river respectively. This assigns exposure indices (Wy*Nyi) of 0.8397 and 0.3645 on Tola and Jarija farmers respectively. On the other hand, Onilu and Lagbe farmers located their farms farthest from the rivers with values 115.83m (38.85% closeness) and 103.33m (43.55% closeness) as well as exposure indices -0.5080 and -0.4892 respectively. 32 Time of Impact Table 4.6 Index of exposure based on time of impact of flood on farms Village Name Value (days) Tola 4.3846 Ajibode 8.3654 Ajeja 6.4035 Alabata 4.0000 Onilu 5.4167 Lagbe 4.1333 Jarija 4.0000 Mean(Ῡ) 5.2434 STD (ẟ) 1.6424 Source: Field Survey, 2014 Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ -0.5229 1.9009 0.7064 -0.7570 0.1055 -0.6759 -0.7570 Wy 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Wy*Nyi -0.2614 0.9505 0.3532 -0.3785 0.0528 -0.3379 -0.3785 According to Table 4.6, the average time of impact of the flood on farms is 5.24 days while the standard deviation is 1.64 days. Farmers in Jarija and Alabata, with the lowest time of impact, have the least flood exposure index (-0.3785) while Ajibode farmers, whose farms were flooded for an average time of 8.36 days have the highest flood exposure index of 0.9505. This means that farmers in Ajibode may experience higher yield losses due to flood than other villages while Jarija and Alabata may lose the least quantity of yield based on time of impact of the flood. Flood Frequency Flood frequency refers to the number of times the flood occurs per year. Table 4.7 shows that the average frequency of the flood in Akinyele Farming villages is 0.58 per annum. This indicates that the flood comes on an average of once in two years and the farmers may not have ample time to recover from one flood before another strikes. Ajeja farmers reported the lowest flood frequency (0.3732) while Lagbe Farmers reported the highest number of flood per annum (0.9667). This imputed the lowest exposure index (0.3998) and the highest exposure index (0.7303) on Ajeja and Lagbe farmers respectively. 33 Table 4.7 Index of exposure based on flood frequency Village Name Value(Y) Tola 0.4315 -0.5775 0.5 -0.2888 Ajibode 0.4556 -0.4858 0.5 -0.2429 Ajeja 0.3732 -0.7996 0.5 -0.3998 Alabata 0.5041 -0.3011 0.5 -0.1505 Onilu 0.9583 1.4286 0.5 0.7143 Lagbe 0.9667 1.4606 0.5 0.7303 Jarija 0.3927 -0.7253 0.5 -0.3627 Mean(Ῡ) 0.5832 STD (ẟ) Source: Field Survey, 2014 Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ Wy Wy*Nyi 0.2626 Overall Index of Exposure Table 4.8 summarises the index of exposure to flood for each of the farming villages of Akinyele LGA, while Figure 4.3 presents the map of relative exposures of the villages. In the table, Sum of Indices refers to the sum of indices of elevation, river closeness, time, and flood frequency. On the other hand, Exposure Indices refers to the Sum of indices divided by the number of indicators. According to the last column of the table (Exposure Indices), Ajibode, with an index of 0.4887 is the most flood-exposed farming community, followed by Jarija (0.2120), Tola (0.0724), Onilu (0.0648), Lagbe (-0.0242) and Alabata (-0.4015), while Ajeja (-0.4122) is the least flood-exposed farming village. This indicates that farmers in Ajibode village are likely to suffer more from flood-related yield losses than farmers in other villages, while farmers in Ajeja may suffer least yield losses, based on their exposure indices. Therefore, priority for reducing exposure of farms and agricultural activities to flood in terms of setting and enforcing river setbacks for farming activities in Akinyele LGA should be given to Ajibode farmers, Jarija, Tola, Onilu, Lagbe, Alabata and Ajeja in decreasing order of need. 34 Table 4.8 Overall exposure of Akinyele farmers to flood disaster Elevation Index Closeness Index Time Index Frequency Index Sum of Indices Exposure Indices 0.0000 0.8397 -0.2614 -0.2888 0.2894 0.0724 Ajibode 1.2247 0.0225 0.9505 -0.2429 1.9548 0.4887 Ajeja -1.2247 -0.3773 0.3532 -0.3998 -1.6487 -0.4122 Alabata -1.2247 0.1479 -0.3785 -0.1505 -1.6059 -0.4015 Onilu 0.0000 -0.5080 0.0528 0.7143 0.2591 0.0648 Lagbe 0.0000 -0.4892 -0.3379 0.7303 -0.0968 -0.0242 Jarija 1.2247 0.3645 -0.3785 -0.3627 0.8481 0.2120 Village Name Tola Source: Field Survey, 2014 (Note: Exposure Indices = Sum of indices divided by the number of indicators) Figure 4.3 Map of flood exposure of farming villages in Akinyele LGA (source: author) 4.4 Susceptibility (Fragility) of the Farmers to Flood Susceptibility was indicated in this study by Average Income (AI), Clay Soil Rate (CSR), Women Land Limitation Rate (WLLR), Surface Water Drinking Rate (SWDR), Poor 35 Human Waste Management Rate (PHWMR) and Inadequacy of Agricultural Extension Contacts (IAEC). Average Income of the Farmers Income has been shown by Armah et al (2010) and Oyekale et al (2013), among others, to be one of the important determinants of the vulnerability of people and nations to disasters. In flood-prone zones, poor people are more vulnerable to flood impacts, because they tend to locate their economic activities in flood-prone areas and have low anticipatory, poor coping and weak recovery capacities. Table 4.9 presents the average annual income of the farmers in each of the floodprone villages of Akinyele LGA and the corresponding susceptibility ‘value code’ (Y), Normalized value (Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ), weight (Wy) and Susceptibility index (Wy*Nyi). Average income is weighted 0.5 because the farmers in the area considered it as a table to release their personal information such as income. The mean income, ₦ 230,929.00 per annum, indicates that the farmers are generally poor. Farmers in Alabata village have the highest average annual income (₦292,045.45) and the lowest flood susceptibility (-0.6944) while Ajeja village whose farmers have the lowest average annual income (₦168,421.05) has the highest flood susceptibility. Table 4 9 Index of susceptibility based on average income of the farmers Average Value Village Name Income(₦) (Y) Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ Wy Wy*Nyi Tola 246,153.85 3 -0.4629 0.5 -0.2315 Ajibode 179,807.69 6 0.9258 0.5 0.4629 Ajeja 168,421.05 7 1.3887 0.5 0.6944 Alabata 292,045.45 1 -1.3887 0.5 -0.6944 Onilu 270,833.33 2 -0.9258 0.5 -0.4629 Lagbe 243,333.33 4 0.0000 0.5 0.0000 Jarija 215,909.09 5 0.4629 0.5 0.2315 Mean 230,929.00 Source: Field Survey, 2014 (Note: Value (Y) decreases with average income and indicates that susceptibility decreases with income level). This indicates that the propensity to suffer agricultural losses, as a result of flood is highest in Ajeja but reduces, in order, from Ajibode, Jarija, Lagbe, Tola, to Onilu while Alabata has the least propensity to incur flood damages. Hence, efforts and policies targeted at reducing flood susceptibility by improving income earnings of the farmers in Akinyele 36 LGA should prioritise Ajeja village, followed by Ajibode, Jarija, Lagbe, Tola, Onilu and Alabata villages. Clay Soil Rate Clay soil rate refers to the percentage of farmers whose flood-affected farms are located on clay or heavy soils. Soil water retention capacity determines the extent of damage to crops during flooding. Thus, crops planted on clay soils, which have the highest water retention capacity relative to other soil types, will suffer highest damage. Note that clay soil rate is weighted 0.5 because the farmers’ judgement of clay or heavy soils may not be accurate. Table 4.10 Index of susceptibility based on clay soil rate Village Name Value (Y) Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ Wy Wy*Nyi Tola 92.3 0.7962 0.5 0.3981 Ajibode 96.2 1.0129 0.5 0.5065 Ajeja 47.4 -1.6988 0.5 -0.8494 Alabata 95.5 0.9740 0.5 0.4870 Onilu 75.0 -0.1651 0.5 -0.0826 Lagbe 66.7 -0.6263 0.5 -0.3132 Jarija 72.7 -0.2929 0.5 -0.1465 Source: Field Survey, 2014 According to Table 4.10 Ajibode village has the highest clay soil rate (96.2%) and susceptibility index (0.5065) while Ajeja village has the least clay soil rate (47.4%) and least susceptibility index (-0.8494). Therefore, farmers in Ajibode may suffer the highest crop damages while Ajeja may lose the least yield quantity due to flood compared to other villages, based on clay soil rate. Hence, the use of drainage channels for reducing crop losses to flood should be given urgent attention in Akinyele LGA with particular focus on Ajibode, Alabata, Tola, Onilu, Jarija and Lagbe villages. 37 Women Land Access Limitation Rate Land is an economic resource needed for production and the number one resource in farming. Resource-endowed people are less susceptible to disaster impacts. Therefore, access to and ownership of land is a measure of susceptibility of rural dwellers to flood disaster. The most common form of land tenure in rural Southwest Nigeria is inheritance. In families where women are not allowed to inherit land, the access of women to agricultural land is limited. This compels such women to cultivate marginal and flood-prone soils and make them more susceptible to flood impacts than men. Table 4.11 Index of susceptibility based on women land access limitation rate Village Name Tola Value (Y) 76.9 Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ -0.2450 Wy 1 Wy*Nyi -0.2450 Ajibode 100 0.8966 1 0.8966 Ajeja 59.7 -1.0950 1 -1.0950 Alabata 95.5 0.6742 1 0.6742 Onilu 50 -1.5744 1 -1.5744 Lagbe 100 0.8966 1 0.8966 Jarija 90.9 0.4469 1 0.4469 Mean(Ῡ) 81.86 STD (ẟ) 20.23 Source: Field Survey, 2014 According to Table 4.11, the average women land access limitation rate (81.86%) is generally high in the LGA and indicates high susceptibility to flood impacts as women farmers are most land limited in Ajibode (100%) and Lagbe (100%) villages, followed by Alabata (95.5%), Jarija (90.9%), Tola (76.95), and Ajeja village, while the least limitation of women access to land is recorded in Onilu village (50%). Therefore, the susceptibility of women farmers to flood is highest in Ajibode and Lagbe (0.8966) and lowest in Onilu (1.5744), compared to Alabata, Jarija, Tola and Ajeja villages whose susceptibility values are 0.6742, 0.4469, -0.2450 and -1.0950 respectively. Hence, local policies that will improve women access to agricultural land should be implemented in the Local Government Area, with particular attention given to Lagbe, Alabata, Jarija, Tola and Ajeja villages accordingly. 38 Poor Human Waste Management Poor human waste management rate refers to the percentage of the farmers that uses bush and refuse dumping site for defecation purposes. Proper human waste management reduces the risk of contamination of water resources with harmful micro-organisms and worms and reduces susceptibility of people to flood-related infections, such as typhoid fever, cholera, Taniasis and Ascariasis. Table 4.12 indicates that there is a high rate of improper waste management practices (82.36%) among the farmers of Akinyele LGA. This signifies that there is either an inadequacy of toilet in the study area or a very low rate of adoption of modern human waste management system in the rural communities. Furthermore, the Table 4.12 shows that improper human waste management practices is most rampant in Ajeja (100%) and least rampant in Tola (61.6%). This imputes the highest and lowest flood susceptibility on Ajeja (1.0555) and Tola (-1.2419) respectively, compared to Alabata (95.5%), Lagbe (95%), Onilu (91.7%), Ajibode (67.3%) and Jarija (65.4%) whose flood susceptibility, based on human waste management are 0.7863, 0.7564, 0.5590, -0.9008 and -1.0145 respectively. Therefore, proper human waste management practices should be inculcated in the villagers and adequate facilities should be ensured to reduce the risk of infectious diseases through flood water contamination on farmers’ farms. Table 4.12 Susceptibility index based on poor human waste management rate Village Name Tola Ajibode Ajeja Alabata Onilu Lagbe Jarija Mean(Ῡ) STD (ẟ) Source: Field Survey, 2014 Value 61.6 67.3 100 95.5 91.7 95 65.4 82.36 16.71 Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ -1.2419 -0.9008 1.0555 0.7863 0.5590 0.7564 -1.0145 Wy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wy*Nyi -1.2419 -0.9008 1.0555 0.7863 0.5590 0.7564 -1.0145 Surface Water Consumption Flood causes water contamination and leads to water-related diseases (Oyekale et al, 2013). However, whether people will suffer from water contamination and water-borne diseases as a result of floods depends on the sources of their drinking water, the extent of inundation of their homes and general waste management practices of the community. Since 39 the waste management practices in farming communities of Akinyele LGA is generally poor (Table 4.12), the flood water is highly contaminated and the surface water resources are highly polluted with faeces as well as harmful microbes. Hence, farmers who consume river and stream water during farm operations are susceptible to flood-related diseases. Table 4.13 indicates that farmers in Alabata have the highest rate of surface water consumption (81.8%) with a flood susceptibility score of 1.2197 while Lagbe has the least surface water drinking rate (0%), with a susceptibility score of -1.3756. On the other hand, Ajeja, Tola, Jarija, Ajibode, and Onilu have surface water drinking rates 73.7%, 61.6%, 45.5%, 32.6% and 8.3% respectively, with susceptibility indices 0.9627, 0.5788, 0.0680, -0.3413, and -1.1123 correspondingly. This means that farmers are likely to suffer from the drinking water-related health impacts of flood in a decreasing order from Alabata to Ajeja, Tola, Jarija, Ajibode, Onilu and Lagbe. Table 4.13 Susceptibility based on surface water consumption rate Village Name Value (Y) Tola 61.6 Ajibode 32.6 Ajeja 73.7 Alabata 81.8 Onilu 8.3 Lagbe 0 Jarija 45.5 Mean(Ῡ) 43.36 STD (ẟ) 31.52 Source: Field Survey, 2014 Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ 0.5788 -0.3413 0.9627 1.2197 -1.1123 -1.3756 0.0680 Wy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wy*Nyi 0.5788 -0.3413 0.9627 1.2197 -1.1123 -1.3756 0.0680 Hence, the farmers should be made aware of the dangers of the consumption of river and stream water and be encouraged to carry potable water from wells/boreholes and purified water with them when they are leaving the village to their farms so as to reduce the risk of contaminated water infections among them. Inadequacy of Agricultural Extension Contact Agricultural extension agents are the media through which improved farming practices as well as flood risk reduction strategies can be communicated to farmers. Contact with agricultural extension services refers to the receipt of information from them through farm visits, meetings and mass media. 40 Table 4.14 Susceptibility based on inadequacy of agricultural extension contact Village Name Value (Y) Tola 7.7 Ajibode 30.8 Ajeja 47.7 Alabata 72.7 Onilu 75 Lagbe 80 Jarija 72.7 Mean(Ῡ) 55.23 STD (ẟ) 27.47 Source: Field Survey, 2014 Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ -1.7302 -0.8893 -0.2741 0.6360 0.7198 0.9018 0.6360 Wy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wy*Nyi -1.7302 -0.8893 -0.2741 0.6360 0.7198 0.9018 0.6360 Adequate contact of extension service agents with farmers indicates a good working relationship between them and suggests that flood risk reduction strategies will be effectively communicated to the farmers through agricultural extension services. Inadequacy of extension contact is defined as the percentage of the farmers who do not have access to seasonal information from agricultural extension agents. According to Table 4.14, 80%, 75%, 72.7%, 727%, 47.7%, 30.8% and 7.7% of the farmers in Lagbe, Onilu, Jarija, Alabata, Ajeja, Ajibode and Tola respectively lack seasonal contacts with extension service agents. This means that any seasonal rainfall or flood forecast eludes these high percentages of the farming communities of Akinyele LGA and makes them susceptible to flood-related yield losses. Furthermore, Table 4.14 indicates that Lagbe is the most susceptible (0.9018), followed by Onilu (0.7198), Jarija and Alabata (0.6360 each), Ajeja (-0.2741) and Ajibode (-0.8893) while Tola is the least susceptible to flood impacts, based on this indicator. Hence, information reaching farmers through agricultural extension service in Akinyele LGA should be improved upon so as to reduce their propensity for losses during flooding. Overall Susceptibility of Akinyele Farmers to Flood Table 4.15 summarises the susceptibility of farmers in Akinyele LGA to flood impacts based on their economic, social, environmental, ecological and institutional conditions. According to the susceptibility indices presented in Table 4.15 and the susceptibility map in Figure 4.4, Alabata village with an index of 0.5182 is the most susceptible to flood while Tola (-0.4119) is the least susceptible to agricultural flood impacts. 41 Table 4.15 Overall susceptibility of Akinyele farmers to flood disaster SUSCEPTIBILITY INDICES Indicators/Village Tola -0.2315 AI 0.3981 CSR -0.2450 WLLR 0.5788 SWCR -1.2419 PHWMR -1.7302 IAEC Sum of Indices -2.4716 Susceptibility Indices -0.4119 Source: Field Survey, 2014 Ajibode Ajeja Alabata Onilu Lagbe Jarija 0.4629 0.5065 0.8966 -0.3413 -0.9008 -0.8893 0.6944 -0.8494 -1.0950 0.9627 1.0555 -0.2741 -0.6944 0.4870 0.6742 1.2197 0.7863 0.6360 -0.4629 -0.0826 -1.5744 -1.1123 0.5590 0.7198 0.0000 0.2315 -0.3132 -0.1465 0.8966 0.4469 -1.3756 0.0680 0.7564 -1.0145 0.9018 0.6360 -0.2654 0.4941 3.1089 -1.9534 0.8660 0.2214 -0.0442 0.0824 0.5182 -0.3256 0.1443 0.0369 (Note: Susceptibility Indices = Sum of indices divided by the number of indicators, AI= Average Income, CSR= Clay Soil Rate, WLLR = Women Land Limitation Rate, SWCR= Surface Water Consumption Rate, PWMR= Poor Waste Management Rate and IEC= Inadequacy of Agricultural Extension Contacts) Thus, the flood impacts on the farmers in Akinyele LGA are likely to reduce in order of importance from Alabata (0.5182) to Lagbe (0.1443), Ajeja (0.0824), Jarija (0.0369), Ajibode (-0.0442), Onilu (-0.3256) and Tola (-0.4119). Therefore, policies and strategies for reducing susceptibility of farmers to flood negative impacts − in terms of the improvement of farmers’ income, drainage construction and management training, improvement of women access to agricultural land by inheritance, discouragement of surface water consumption, proper human waste management practices and the improvement of the access of the farmers to agricultural extension services − should be implemented in the local government area. Furthermore, such flood susceptibility reducing policies should give priority to Alabata, Lagbe, Ajeja and Jarija villages, which have high flood susceptibility, than Ajibode, Onilu and Tola whose susceptibility indices are low. 42 Figure 4.4 Flood susceptibility of villages in Akinyele LGA (Source: Author) 4.5 Capacities of the Farmers against Flood Armah et al (2010) defined capacity as the ability to plan, prepare for and implement adaptation plans while Birkmann et al (2013) recognised the capacity to anticipate, capacity to cope and capacity to recover. Therefore, capacity refers to the set of resources at the disposal of a community to anticipate, cope, recover and adapt to impacts of hazards. The anticipatory, coping/adaptive and recovery capacities of the farmers include premature harvesting processing and storage, construction of emergency and temporary drainage channels at the edge of flooded farms, flood-tolerant perennial cropping, planting in other locations, which are not flood-prone, among others. However, their capacities were analysed using the most important indicators, including flood forecast access rate (FFAR), flood education access rate (FEAR), flood relief access rate (FRAR), adequacy of processing facilities (APF), Geographical Diversification Rate (GDR), Flood Tolerant Cropping Rate (FTCR), Occupational Diversification Rate (ODR) as well as Social Cooperation and Agricultural Insurance Rate (SCAIR). 43 Flood Forecast Information Access Flood forecast is key to flood risk reduction in every community. The farmers revealed that there is no specific flood forecasting system in the LGA. Furthermore, no river water level gauge is noticed in the major rivers like Orogun, Ona River and Ajeja Dam during ground truthing. However, some of the farmers only observe river water levels during heavy and prolonged raining days but this has never been accurate for timely farm operation flood risk reduction decisions to be taken before the occurrence of the floods. Therefore, the farmers’ access to flood forecast is very poor, indicating a very low risk reduction capacity. Flood Education Access Rate is weighted 0.5 (Table 4.16) because it has high correlation with Geographical Diversification Rate and may distort the final capacity index and vulnerability index. Flood Education Access Table 4.16 Index of capacity based on flood education access rate Value (Y) Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ Wy Wy*Nyi 100 0.8918 0.5 0.4459 Ajibode 96.2 0.7349 0.5 0.3674 Ajeja 66.7 -0.4830 0.5 -0.2415 Alabata 100 0.8918 0.5 0.4459 Onilu 41.7 -1.5152 0.5 -0.7576 Lagbe 53.3 -1.0363 0.5 -0.5181 Jarija 90.9 0.5161 0.5 0.2580 Mean(Ῡ) 78.40 STD (ẟ) 24.22 Village Name Tola Source: Field Survey, 2014 Flood education and awareness program are key to flood risk prevention and mitigation. Farmers who have adequate flood education will be able to reduce their losses and recover faster than those without adequate flood education. According to Table 4.16, most of the farmers (78.40%) in the surveyed villages said that they have received flood education and awareness programs on the radio or television at least once. This means that most of the farmers are aware of the risks involved in farming very close to rivers. The relative capacity indices, based on flood education rate shown in Table 4.16 indicate that Tola and Alabata 44 have the highest flood education capacity to reduce the risk of agricultural losses to flood than other villages while Onilu has the least know-how on flood risk reduction in farming. Hence, flood education capacity building programmes and policies should give priorities to Onilu, Lagbe and Ajeja farmers whose flood education level are lower than other villages. Flood Relief Fund Flood relief fund in terms of cash, food and seed are some of the aid supplied to flood affected communities by Nigerian government and Non-Governmental Organizations during and after 2011 floods. However, Table 4.17 shows that only 16.20% of the flood affected farmers in Akinyele Local Government Area received one form of flood relief or the other and this indicates a low coping and recovery capacity of the farmers. Table 417 Flood relief access capacity index Village Name Value (Y) Tola 76.9 Ajibode 5.8 Ajeja 0 Alabata 4.5 Onilu 8.4 Lagbe 0 Jarija 18.2 Mean(Ῡ) 16.26 STD (ẟ) 27.44 Source: Field Survey, 2014 Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ 2.2096 -0.3810 -0.5924 -0.4284 -0.2863 -0.5924 0.0708 Wy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wy*Nyi 2.2096 -0.3810 -0.5924 -0.4284 -0.2863 -0.5924 0.0708 Furthermore, Tola farmers have comparably high access to flood relief materials than other farming communities in the Local Government Area while Ajeja and Lagbe have the lowest access to flood relief. Hence, improving flood relief access of the farmers in the local government area, with particular attention to Lagbe, Ajeja, Alabata, Ajibode and Onilu compared to Jarija and Tola, is necessary. 45 Adequacy of Processing Facilities Table 4.18 Processing facility capacity index Village Name Value (Y) Tola 38.5 Ajibode 7.7 Ajeja 5.3 Alabata 11.4 Onilu 16.7 Lagbe 6.7 Jarija 54.5 Mean(Ῡ) 20.11 STD (ẟ) 18.98 Source: Field Survey, 2014 Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ 0.9687 -0.6541 -0.7805 -0.4591 -0.1799 -0.7067 1.8116 Wy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wy*Nyi 0.9687 -0.6541 -0.7805 -0.4591 -0.1799 -0.7067 1.8116 Availability and access to processing facilities are very important in mitigating the losses of flood-intolerant crops such as cassava and yam. Adequate processing facilities are necessary because farmers tend to harvest their cassava prematurely to reduce losses to flood. According to Table 4.18, only 20.11% of the farmers have adequate access to processing facilities while about 80% of them declared that the processing equipment available are inadequate for reducing losses during flooding. This imputes very low coping and adaptive capacity on majority of the farmers. The table also indicates that 54.5%, 38.5%, 16.7%, 11.4%, 7.7%, 6.7% and 5.3% of the farmers have adequate access to processing facility in Jarija, Tola, Onilu, Alabata, Ajibode, Lagbe and Ajeja respectively. Thus, Jarija has the highest processing facility capacity index (1.8116) to reduce flood yield losses while Ajeja has the least processing facility capacity to reduce flood yield losses. Hence, processing facility capacity building responses to flood should prioritise Ajeja, Lagbe, Ajibode, Alabata, Onilu, Tola and Jarija in their reducing order of need. Diversification of Economic Activities Economic diversification can be geographical or occupational (Armah et al, 2010). Geographical diversification refers to farming in other locations while occupational diversification connotes possession of other economic activities apart from farming. Among farmers in Akinyele LGA, enterprise diversification, the practice of planting more than one crop type and rearing of more than one animal species, is exhibited in addition to geographical and occupational diversification. Individuals who have diversified their economies geographically and occupationally have higher capacity to cope with and adapt to flood impacts than others (Armah et al, 2010). 46 Geographical Diversification Table 4.19 Geographical diversification capacity index Village Name Value (Y) Tola 15.4 Ajibode 15.4 Ajeja 84.2 Alabata 4.5 Onilu 75 Lagbe 86.7 Jarija 18.2 Mean(Ῡ) 42.77 STD (ẟ) 37.08 Source: Field Survey, 2014 Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ -0.7381 -0.7381 1.1171 -1.0320 0.8691 1.1846 -0.6626 Wy 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Wy*Nyi -0.3690 -0.3690 0.5586 -0.5160 0.4345 0.5923 -0.3313 Table 4.19 shows that Lagbe farmers have the highest geographical diversification capacity (0.5923) with 86.7% of them planting in other locations that are not flood-prone in the LGA while Alabata farmers have the least geographical diversification capacity (-0.5160) to reduce the crop losses to flood with only 4.5% of them planting in other areas. Therefore, the encouragement to build capacity by diversifying farming enterprises geographically should be directed mostly at Alabata, Ajibode, Tola, and Jarija farmers compared to Onilu, Ajeja and Lagbe farmers who have higher geographical diversification capacities. Flood Tolerant Cropping Flood tolerant crops such as oilpalm, plantain, banana and cocoa cope better with flood and reduce farmers’ losses during floods than most food crops. Table 4.20 presents the flood tolerant cropping capacity of the farmers in each village of Akinyele Local Government Area Table 4.20 shows that the flood tolerant cropping rate of the farmers is generally low with an average of 8.36%. This means that only 8.36% of the farmers in the flood-prone parts of the LGA cultivate crops such as oilpalm, plantain, cocoa and banana, which are able to tolerate flood and reduce the income losses of the farmers during flooding. Among the farming communities that are flood-prone, Ajeja, with a flood tolerant cropping rate of 26.3%, has the highest capacity index (1.5356) while Alabata, Onilu, Lagbe and Ajibode, with a 0% flood tolerant cropping rate, have the lowest capacity index (-0.7152), based on this indicator. Apart from Ajibode, which is a village whose farmers are not allowed to cultivate perennial crops, farmers in other villages of the LGA should be encouraged to 47 improve on their cultivation of the flood tolerant species, especially on agricultural lands, which are close to rivers so as to reduce their losses to flood. Table 4.20 Flood tolerant cropping capacity index Village Name Value (Y) Tola 23.1 Ajibode 0 Ajeja 26.3 Alabata 0 Onilu 0 Lagbe 0 Jarija 9.1 Mean(Ῡ) 8.36 STD (ẟ) 11.68 Source: Field Survey, 2014 Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ 1.2617 -0.7152 1.5356 -0.7152 -0.7152 -0.7152 0.0636 Wy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wy*Nyi 1.2617 -0.7152 1.5356 -0.7152 -0.7152 -0.7152 0.0636 Occupational Diversification Occupational diversification reduces the sensitivity of people to negative impacts of flood (Armah et al, 2010). This is because people with diversified occupations have other sources of income that are, perhaps, less vulnerable to disaster impacts. Generally, Table 4.21 shows that 55.75% of the farmers of the LGA have other occupations apart from farming. This means that about 44.25% of them have no occupation apart from farming, implying that they have no other income generating activity to sustain their livelihood, if there is complete crop failure due to flood. On village basis, 81.5%, 76.9%, 61.5%, 60.0%, 54.4%, 33.3% and 22.7% of the farmers in Jarija, Tola, Ajibode, Lagbe, Ajeja, Onilu and Alabata respectively have other economic activities apart from farming. Table 4.21 Occupational diversification capacity index Village Name Value (Y) Tola 76.9 Ajibode 61.5 Ajeja 54.4 Alabata 22.7 Onilu 33.3 Lagbe 60.0 Jarija 81.5 Mean(Ῡ) 55.76 STD (ẟ) 21.45 Source: Field Survey, 2014 Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ 0.9859 0.2678 -0.0633 -1.5414 -1.0471 0.1978 1.2003 48 Wy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wy*Nyi 0.9859 0.2678 -0.0633 -1.5414 -1.0471 0.1978 1.2003 From Table 4.21, the occupational diversification capacity index of the farmers is highest in Jarija (1.2003), followed, in decreasing order by Tola (0.9859), Ajibode (0.2678), Lagbe (0.1978), Ajeja (-0.0633), Onilu (-1.0471) and Alabata (-1.5414). Therefore, there is need to improve the income generating capacities of the farmers by encouraging them to participate in other income generating activities, such as agricultural inputs supply, produce marketing and petty trading to improve their coping, adaptive and recovery capacities against flood. Participation in Cooperative Societies and Agricultural Insurance Cooperative societies are the institutions through which farmers and other economic groups combine their economic and financial resources for the purpose of inputs procurement, produce marketing and micro loans sourcing. Armah et al (2010) reported that farming groups play vital roles in reducing flood vulnerability. On the other hand, agricultural insurance refers to the insurance cover provided for Nigerian farmers against natural hazards such as fire, lightning, windstorm, flood, drought, pests and diseases, invasion of farm by wild animals as well as accidents, so as to keep the farmers in business (NAIC, 2013). Possession of agricultural insurance policy in Nigeria also connotes assess to microbank loans. Therefore, cooperative societies and investment in agricultural insurance boost farmers’ recovery capacity. The higher the percentage of farmers that participate in cooperative societies or invest in agricultural insurance, the higher the recovery capacity and the lower the vulnerability of the farming population to flood disaster. Table 4.22 Social cooperation and agricultural insurance capacity index Village Name Tola Ajibode Ajeja Alabata Onilu Lagbe Jarija Mean(Ῡ) STD (ẟ) Source: Field Survey, 2014 Value (Y) 92.3 84.6 36.8 27.3 66.7 60 100 66.81 27.62 Nyi= (Y-Ῡ)/ẟ 0.9229 0.6440 -1.0868 -1.4309 -0.0041 -0.2468 1.2017 Wy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wy*Nyi 0.9229 0.6440 -1.0868 -1.4309 -0.0041 -0.2468 1.2017 Table 4.22 presents the capacity index of the farmers based on social cooperation and agricultural insurance rates. The table shows that the participation of the farmers in agricultural and other cooperative societies plus their investment rate in agricultural insurance 49 is generally high with a mean of 66.8% but highly varied with a standard variation of 27.62%. This means that about 66.8% of the farmers in Akinyele LGA participate in either cooperative societies or invest in agricultural insurance. Table 4.22 further reveals that Jarija village, with a cooperative and insurance rate of 100%, has the highest capacity index of 1.2017, followed by Tola (0.9229), Ajibode (0.6440), Onilu (-0.0041), Lagbe (-0.2468) and Ajeja (-1.0868) while Alabata has the lowest capacity index of -1.4309, given its lowest social cooperation and agricultural insurance rate of 27.3%. Therefore, agricultural cooperatives and agricultural insurance should be made popular among the farmers in Alabata, Ajeja, Lagbe and Onilu villages, whose capacity indices measured based on this indicator are low, so as to improve their recovery capacity against flood disaster. Overall Capacity of Akinyele Farmers against Flood Disaster Capacity index of a village is the arithmetic mean of the indices of the capacity indicators for the village. The overall capacity of the farmers against flood is summarised in Table 4.23 and Figure 4.5. The capacity index presented in the last row of the table shows that Alabata (-0.6636) has the lowest mean of the capacities to anticipate, cope with and recover from flood disaster followed by Onilu (-0.3651), Lagbe (-0.2842), Ajibode (-0.1200), Ajeja (-0.0958) and Jarija (0.6107) while Tola has the highest capacity to combat flood disaster. In other words, Alabata, Onilu, Lagbe, Ajibode and Ajeja are more unlikely to anticipate, cope with and recover from flood than Jarija and Tola. Therefore, flood anticipatory, coping and recovery capacity building strategies and policies, such as improvement of flood education access, improvement of flood relief access, increase in processing facility capacity, encouragement of crop cultivation in less flood-prone areas, cultivation of flood tolerant crops, combining farming with agricultural input supply and produce marketing as well as improvement of farmers participation in co-operative societies and investment in agricultural insurance should be prioritised in Alabata, Onilu, Lagbe, Ajibode and Ajeja than in Jarija and Tola. 50 Table 4.23 Overall capacity index of Akinyele farmers against flood disaster Indices per Village Ajeja Alabata Onilu -0.2415 0.4459 -0.7576 -0.5924 -0.4284 -0.2863 -0.7805 -0.4591 -0.1799 0.5586 -0.5160 0.4345 1.5356 -0.7152 -0.7152 -0.0633 -1.5414 -1.0471 -1.0868 -1.4309 -0.0041 Indicators Tola Ajibode Lagbe Jarija 0.4459 0.3674 -0.5181 0.2580 FEAR 2.2096 -0.3810 -0.5924 0.0708 FRAR 0.9687 -0.6541 -0.7067 1.8116 APF -0.3690 -0.3690 0.5923 -0.3313 GDR 1.2617 -0.7152 -0.7152 0.0636 FTCR 0.9859 0.2678 0.1978 1.2003 ODR 0.9229 0.6440 -0.2468 1.2017 SCAIR Sum of Indices 6.4256 -0.8401 -0.6704 -4.6451 -2.5557 -1.9891 4.2748 Capacity Index 0.9179 -0.1200 -0.0958 -0.6636 -0.3651 -0.2842 0.6107 Source: Field Survey, 2014 (Note: Capacity Index = sum of indices divided by number of indicators, FEAR= Flood Education Access Rate, FRAR= Flood Relief Access Rate, APF= Adequacy of Processing Facilities, GDR= Geographical Diversification Rate, FTCR = Flood Tolerant Cropping Rate, ODR= Occupational Diversification Rate, SCAIR = Social Cooperation and Agricultural Insurance Rate). Figure 4.5 Capacity of villages against flood in Akinyele LGA (Source: Author) 51 4.6 Vulnerability of the Farmers to Flood The composite vulnerability indices of the farming villages are summarised in Table 4.24 and figure 4.6. Among the components of vulnerability, exposure is given a weight of 1 while each of susceptibility and capacity is ranked 0.5. This is because the components of exposure in this study are hydrological factors while the components of susceptibility and capacity are anthropogenic factors. Furthermore, hydrological factors are more important causal factors of flood than human factors (Taiwo et al, 2012) Table 4.24 Vulnerability of the farmers to flood Villages Exposure Susceptibility Capacity Vulnerability 0.4887 -0.0442 -0.12 0.5266 Ajibode -0.0242 0.1443 -0.2842 0.1901 Lagbe -0.4015 0.5182 -0.6636 0.1894 Alabata 0.0648 -0.3256 -0.3651 0.0846 Onilu 0.212 0.0369 0.6107 -0.0749 Jarija -0.4122 0.0824 -0.0958 -0.3231 Ajeja 0.0724 -0.4119 0.9179 -0.5925 Tola Minimum -0.4122 -0.4119 -0.6636 -0.5925 Maximum 0.4887 0.5182 0.9179 0.5266 Source: Field Survey, 2014 (Note: Vulnerability Index = Exposure Index + 0.5(Susceptibility Index – Capacity Index) Table 4.24 reveals that Ajibode is the most vulnerable to flood-related agricultural impacts with a vulnerability index of 0.5266, followed by Lagbe (0.1901) and Alabata (0.1894) while Tola is the least vulnerable to flood-related yield losses with an index of 0.5925 followed by Ajeja (-0.3231) and Jarija (-0.0749). Figure 4.6 displays the relative vulnerability of the villages. It is worth noting that farming villages with high exposure, low susceptibility but high capacities, such as Tola and Jarija, have the lowest agricultural vulnerability to flood while places with low exposure, high susceptibility and low capacities, such as Alabata, have high agricultural vulnerability to flood. Furthermore, Ajibode, with very high exposure but low susceptibility and low capacities, possesses the highest vulnerability to agricultural flood losses. Thus, villages with low capacities tend to have high vulnerabilities while those with high capacities tend to be less vulnerable. Therefore while reducing exposure and susceptibility of the farmers to flood, the capacity building should be a priority in Ajibode, Lagbe, Alabata, Onilu and Ajeja villages. 52 Figure 4.6 Flood Vulnerability of Farming Communities in Akinyele LGA (Source: Author) 4.7 Robustness of the Vulnerability Index Figure 4.7 and Figure 4.8 compare the relative vulnerability indices of the farming communities, using the standardisation normalisation method, with the result of the percentage normalisation method. In both cases, Ajibode, Lagbe, Onilu and Alabata are among the villages with high flood vulnerability while Tola, Jarija and Ajeja have low vulnerability. Thus, the two approaches show similar patterns. However, Alabata, one of the villages in the highly vulnerable class under the standardisation normalisation method (Figure 4.7), emerged as one of the very highly vulnerable farming community under the percentage normalisation method (Figure 4.8). This agrees with the report of Damm (2010) that different methods of normalisation of the indicators could produce slightly differences in the relative vulnerability indices. 53 Figure 4.7 Relative vulnerability index by standardisation normalisation method Figure 4.8 Relative vulnerability index by percentage normalisation method 54 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusion Flooding, one of the effects of increasing trends of climate-induced changes in rainfall, is becoming a serious problem to farming communities of Akinyele Local Government Area, Oyo State of Nigeria. Therefore, this study assessed the vulnerability of the farmers to flood disaster in Akinyele LGA by using primary and secondary data. Primary data used in this study included farmers’ socio-economic characteristics and the flood-related data obtained through the use of expert interviews and structured questionnaires as well as geographic co-ordinates of points obtained by using portable GPS. On the other hand, the secondary data employed for this study were Map of Akinyele LGA and SRTM data. Using Geographic Information System techniques, two major flood plains were identified in Akinyele LGA: one in the North-western part and the other in the Southern part, thereby making these two regions the flood-prone areas of the LGA. Similarly, Ajibode River, Ona River, Ajeja Dam, Shanu Bandele River, River Asani, onilu River, Gunwin River, Osun Stream and Lagbe Stream are flood-prone water bodies while Tola, Jarija, Ajeja, Alabata, Onilu, Lagbe and Ajibode are some of the flood-prone farming communities. With the use of SPSS and Microsoft Excel softwares, relevant indicators were used to rank the flood exposure, flood susceptibility and capacity against flood in the farming communities. Generally, the farmers in the identified flood-prone villages of Akinyele LGA are exposed to highly recurrent floods, which return once in every two years and have an average duration of 5 days on farms. On the bases of the landscape and the characteristics of the flood, Ajibode village, with its lowest elevation and the longest time of impact of the flood on farms, is the most flood-exposed farming community while Alabata and Ajeja villages are the least flood-exposed farming communities, compared to others. Based on the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers and the ecological characteristics of the farming villages, Alabata is shown to be the most susceptible to flood impacts, followed by Lagbe, Ajeja, Jarija, Ajibode and Onilu villages while Tola is the least susceptible to flood damages. Fortunately, the farmers employ several strategies to combat flood in the LGA. These include premature harvesting and processing, construction of drainage channels at the edge of flooded farms and flood-tolerant cropping as well as planting in other locations and 55 diversification of economic activities. However, the capacity indices of the farming villages and the capacity map show that the farmers have very limited capacity to anticipate, cope with, recover from and adapt to flood disaster. Tola and Jarija have very high relative capacities, Ajeja, Lagbe and Ajibode exhibit low relative capacities while Alabata and Onilu have very low relative capacities against flood. Tola village, which has moderate exposure, very low susceptibility but very high capacity indices is the least flood vulnerable village while Ajibode village (most exposed, with low susceptibility and low capacity) is the most vulnerable. Lagbe village (moderately exposed, with moderate susceptibility and low capacity) and Alabata village (least exposed, most susceptible, with very low capacity) fall under the second most vulnerable village class. Therefore, villages with low capacities tend to have high flood vulnerability. 5.2 Recommendations The government should dredge the major rivers in the LGA as well as set and enforce river buffer zones for farm lands in the LGA with priorities for implementation placed on Ajibode, Jarija, Tola, Onilu, Lagbe, Alabata and Ajeja villages in decreasing order of necessity. Such river setbacks should include the major water bodies such as Ajibode River, Ona River, Ajeja Dam, Shanu Bandele River, River Asani, among others and only floodtolerant crops such as oilpalm, plantain, banana and cocoa should be encouraged on farm lands, which are adjacent to the buffer zones. Government should legislate and enforce the right of women to inherit land. 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The information obtained through this study is not meant for any political nor governmental purposes but for the purpose of MSc Research of the Researcher. You are assured of the confidential treatment of the valuable information you supply to me. Researcher’s Name: Adeyemi Olusegun ADEGBILE Researcher’s Affiliation: West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use, University of Lome, Togo. PRELIMINARY Name of Village …………………. Ward Number and/or Name………………………. Date of Interview………………………………. SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS Age: 18-25 51-55 26-30 56-60 31-35 60-65 Gender: Male 36-40 41-45 46-50 Above 65 Female Marital Status: (a) Single Mother (b) Married (c) Widowed (d) Divorced (e) Separated (f) Never Married Household Size……………………… Highest Education Status (a) Primary (b) Secondary (c) NCE/OND (d) HND/BSc (f) PGD/MSc What is/are the Source of land you use for Farming? Purchased Inherited Rented/hired What is the range of your monthly income? Less than 10,000 10,000-20,000 21,000-30,000 31,000-40,000 41,000-50,000 Above 50,000 60 What is the range of your annual income? Below 100,000 100,000-200,000 200,000-300,000 300,000-400,000 400,000-500,000 Above 500,000 FLOOD EXPOSURE Have you experienced flood/farm water lodging before? Yes No Which year/years did you experience flood/farm water lodging? Which of the following types of flood did you experience on your farm? (a) River overflow (River flood) (b) Farm water-lodging How many days did it take the flood water to disappear from your farm? …………………………… How close to a river/stream is your farm? …………….. Meters How often do you experience flood in your farm/village? (a) Annually (b) Once in 2 years (c) once in 3 years (d) 1 in 4 years (e) 1 in 5 years (f) 1 in 10 years (h) 1 in 15 years (i) 1 in 20 years Total Expenditure on Farm Activities: (a) Weekly ……………….. (b) Monthly Total………………………………… (b) Annual Total ……………………… SUSCEPTIBILITY How often does agricultural extension services visit your farm? Weekly Monthly 1 in 6 months Annually 1 in 5 years Others (specify) Not at all Do you receive any flood education or awareness program on radio or Television? Yes ……… No ……… Are women allowed to inherit land in this town? Yes …………… ……………………….. 61 No Which of the following is/are the source(s) of your drinking water? Tick as many as appropriate. Pure water Well water Borehole water River water Stream water On which type of soil is your farm affected by flood located? Clay/heavy soil Silt/medium soil Sandy/light soil Where do you defecate? Tick as many as applicable In the bush Near the dung hill (refuse dumping ground) Pit toilet in my house Public toilet Water closet in my house Is there a public toilet in this town? Yes ……….. No……….. If yes, how many public toilets are available? …………………………………. CAPACITIES Were you warned by radio/television/Extension Services that there will be flood? Yes …. No……. If yes, how long did it take the flood to arrive after the flood warnings? (Use the following table) Flood Warnings Radio Television Agric Extension Time interval Between Flood Warnings and Occurrence of Flood Months Weeks Days Hours Is there any local signs/means of predicting flood in your village or town? Yes ………. No……………….. If yes, please, specify these signs and the time interval it took the flood to come after the observation of these signs. (Use the table below). Local Signs Flood Time interval Between Sign Observation and Occurrence of Flood Months Weeks Days Hours Did you receive any assistance during and after the flood? Yes………… 62 No……… If yes What kind of assistance did you receive from the government to reduce suffering from the flood? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… What kind of Assistance did you receive ………………………………………………………………….. from NGOs? Is there a processing facility for your crop in your town/village? Yes ………. No………… Is the processing facility adequate/sufficient? Yes ………. No………… Are you able to process all your farm produce within your village/town? Yes ………. No………… Is there a market for your produce within your village or town? Yes ………. No………… If yes, do you sell all your produce in your town/village? Yes ………. No………… Do you transport part/all your produce to another town’s market to sell? Yes ………. No………… If yes why? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………. Which of the following did you do to reduce your losses due to flood? pre-mature harvesting construction of drainage channels at the edge of farms, changing planting date flood resistance crops planting/rearing animals/fishes in other locations that are not flood prone, migration None of the above Which of the following do you have in personally as a farmer? (Tick as many as applicable) Processing facility Storage facility Which of the following do you invest in personally as a farmer? (Tick as many as applicable) Agricultural Insurance Farmers’ cooperative society Other co-operative societies Savings: (a) Weekly…………………… (b) Monthly ……………………………. Annual Total……………………… (C) Other Economic Activities: (a) Civil service (b) Trading (c) Artisan Were you able to do the second season planting after the flood? Yes …………….. No …………………. 63 How long did it take you to ……………………………. months go back into farming after the flood? Please, choose the type of crops or animals that you are rearing and specify the size of land and/or number of the animals as well as your sales. Crops/Animal Land Area/No of Weekly Animals/chickens Sales(₦) Maize Cassava Water melon Melon (Egusi) Beans/Soybean Vegetables Oilpalm Cashew Cocoa Plantain Mango Banana Poultry Farm Sheep and goat Cattle Fish Farming Other crops/animals 64 Monthly Sales Annual Sales (₦) (₦) VITA Adeyemi Olusegun was born to the family of Adegbile in Ilora, Afijio Local Government Area of Oyo, Nigeria. He has a Bachelor of Agriculture Degree in Agricultural Economics from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria in 2007 and received an MSc. in Climate Change and Human Security from the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use, Université de Lomé, Togo in 2014. His research interests are in climate change and sustainable development, sustainable farming and energy systems, land use/land cover changes as well as disaster risk and vulnerability reduction 65