business model innovation
business model innovation
CAS-HSG - CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED STUDIES BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION THELEADINGPROGRAMFORTHEDESIGNOFINNOVATIVEBUSINESSMODELS The leading program for the design of innova3ve business models WELCOME In this Business Model Innovation Certificate Program (BMI-CAS) leading experts from University of St. Gallen, Stanford University and accomplished practitioners teach you the necessary knowledge and tools to systematically innovate your business model. In four different modules, that take place on the executive campus of St. Gallen University and in the Silicon Valley as well as on site in your company, you learn how to break through the dominant industry logic and how to rapidly design innovative business model prototypes. There are many companies with excellent technological products. In particular, Europe is characterized by companies with sophisticated product innovation and process innovation ability. Why did many of these firms, that had been well known for their products for many years, suddenly lose their competitive edge? Within a short period of time strong companies such as AEG, Grundig, Nixdorf Computers, Triumph, Brockhaus, Agfa, Kodak, Quelle and Schlecker disappeared. What did they do wrong? The answer, although painful, is simple: these firms failed to adjust their business model to a changing external environment. Two well established methodologies represent a key role in doing so: The Business Model Navigator™ and Design Thinking. The Business Model Navigator, a concept developed in St. Gallen at the Institute of Technology Management, has successfully been applied for the creation of new business models at companies like Bosch, Hilti, SAP, ABB, Sennheiser and PWC, but also in several European startups. The concept of Design Thinking, a human-centered approach targeting the rapid design and testing of innovation prototypes is taught by one of its pioneers, Prof. Dr. Larry Leifer from Stanford University. In today’s business environment the ability to develop innovative business models is an essential condition to maintain long-term competiveness. In a more and more dynamic and complex market environment it is not sufficient anymore to build on innovation mechanisms that are limited to products and processes. The innovation of business models is the key element to transform innovative products into unique customer value. However, in Europe there are still only a few companies such as Hilti, LafargeHolcim or Nestlé that have addressed this perspective and successfully innovated their business model. Most inspiring examples are still located in the Silicon Valley. Amazon, Google, Apple, all of them continuously overcome established industry borders by applying new business models. Additionally, first-hand insights on innovation by SAP, Autodesk and Tesla gained during excursions in Silicon Valley and a Design Thinking & Leadership workshop contribute to a learning experience that is unique in executive education. 3 Prof. Dr. Oliver Gassmann Prof. Dr. Larry Leifer University of St. Gallen Stanford University OVERVIEW VALUE PROPOSITION Teaching and application of our research backed & industry Methodology for the structured development of business model innovation Creating best practice insights through • Case Studies • Company visits in Europe and in the Silicon Valey Dialogue with accomplished industry experts and academic leaders from St. Gallen, Berkeley & Stanford Providing a high valuable network of peers and a forum for discussion Implementation and assessment of a business model innovation project in your company "BASF has been working for more than five years with the Business Model Navigator™. It has led to concrete business concepts and also created a more open mindset. We applied the methodology […] in various environments and industries – and it worked fantastically!" Dr. Petra Bachem VP Marketing & Sales 4 A DIVERSE GROUP OF INSPIRING PEERS Legal The program is designed for senior executives and entrepreneurs who have the Finance/ Accounting experience and capability to drive business Sales/ Marketing model innovation in their team, their project, Operations their business unit or company. Consultant R&D We are looking for participants who are General Management MANAGEMENT FUNCTION Corporate Development Project Manager responsible for IT • business development • strategy and process management Architecture • innovation management Manufacturing Marketing Services has shown a great diversity of functions and sectors among course participants - an unique Retail chance for exchange of business experience and perspectives that facilitates to overcome Software Logistics Our experience in existing executive programs Insurance INDUSTRY Transportation blind spots of an industry. Energy/ Infrastructure Consulting Banking Asset Management Pharmaceuticals Telecommunication "We applied the Business Model Navigator™ in a 3-day workshop format with a customer. Apart from jointly developing business model option, "Wekey applied the Business Model Navigator™ in aa promising 3-day workshop format with a key thecustomer. common Apart experience has also strengthened our bonds for future intensive from jointly developing a promising business model option, cothe operation" common experience has also strengthened our bonds for future intensive co-operation" 5 Dr. Susanne Schröder Innovation Manager PROGRAM OVERVIEW OVERVIEW Leading experts from academia and industry, dynamic hands-on sessions and real world implementation, tailored to your individual needs. This is the broad outline of a systematic program that consists of four modules spread over a period of five intense months. On the following pages you will find more information about each module. MODULE I | THE BUSINESS MODEL NAVIGATOR | AUGUST 22-26, 2016 | UNIVERSITY OF ST. GALLEN, CH MODULE II | DESIGNING BUSINESS MODELS | SEPTEMBER 26-30, 2016 | SILICON VALLEY, USA MODULE III | IMPACT & IMPLEMENTATION | OCTOBER 3 – NOVEMBER 11, 2016 | REMOTE AT YOUR COMPANY MODULE IV | LEADING CHANGE | NOVEMBER 14-18, 2016 | UNIVERSITY OF ST. GALLEN, CH "Working Business Model Navigator™ helped only to structure "Working withwith thethe Business Model Navigator™ helped us us notnot only to structure our our internal internalapproaches approachesbetter, better,but butdrove droveus usalso alsototoanalyse analyseand andunderstand understandour our competitors‘ business and therefore their and our position in the market competitors‘ business modelsmodels and therefore their and our position in the market space" space" Dr. Reiner Fageth, Management Board 6 A DIVERSE GROUP THE OF PROGRAM INSPIRING JOURNEY PEERS LEARN & UNDERSTAND THE ELEMENTS OF A BUSINESS MODEL CREATE NEW BUSINESS MODEL IDEAS & SELECT THE MOST PROMISING ONES PITCH YOUR IDEAS, GET EXPERT FEEDBACK & ANTICIPATE CHALLENGES CRITICALLY REFLECT WEAKNESSES OF YOUR CURRENT BUSINESS MODEL PROTOTYPING TO TEST THE MOST CRITICAL HYPOTHESES OF THE NEW MODEL IMPLEMENT A NEW BUSINESS MODEL & BUILD A COMMUNITY OF PEERS "Product innovations alone won't be enough to ensure our company's continuing success; we want to encourage our people to turn more of their attention to new types of business models. The Business Model NavigatorTM helps us to foster creativity and think in other dimensions.” 7 Dr. Volkmar Denner, CEO Robert Bosch GmbH Module I The Business Model Navigator Dates: August 22 – 26, 2016 Location: University of St. Gallen, Switzerland OVERVIEW A dynamic start to the fundamentals of Business Model Innovation. From the very beginning we encourage you to think critically and to challenge your own established assumptions: a key element of Business Model Innovation. Case studies and group workshops supplement the Business Model Navigator that serves as the theoretical basis to understand business models, their interplay and innovation. A closer look is taken on digital transformation and the potential of IoT and Industry 4.0 for Business Model Innovation. KEY BENEFITS • Systematically understand business models and their interrelations inside from theory as well as real world examples • Gain sensitivity for the business model of your organization and its weaknesses • Become aware of blind spots that origin from your industry perspective • Learn how to use the tools of the Business Model Navigator to systematically identify potential new business models HIGHLIGHTS Away from daily business the executive campus of the University of St. Gallen opens the chance for new strategic insights on the different aspects of your current business model. Get to know the other participants, a group of inspiring personalities and exchange your experience. Business Model Innovation CAS-HSG - CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED STUDIES 8 VIEW FITS Module II Designing Business Models Designing Designing Business Mo Designing Bu Dates: September 26 – 30, 2016 Location: Silicon Valley, USA Dates: SeptemberDates: 26 –Dates: 30, 2016 September Septembe 26 – Location: Silicon Valley, USA Location: Location: Silicon Silicon Valley OVERVIEW Hands-on design thinking sessions with one of its most accomplished OVERVIEW OVERVIEW Hands-on designHands-on thinking sessions wit Hands-on design design thin pioneers Professor Dr. Larry Leifer from Stanford University. Design pioneers Professor Dr.pioneers Larry Leifer fro pioneers Professor Profess Dr Thinking is a human-centered approach that integrates expertise from Thinking is a human-centered Thinking Thinking is a approach human-c is a hum design, social sciences, business and engineering. It is widely used in design, social sciences, business andscie en design, design, socialsocial sciences the rapid design of prototypes and the development of business model the rapid design of and thepro do theprototypes rapid the rapid design design of innovations. innovations. The module is being divided into seminars in which the methodological The module is being into semina Thedivided module The module is being is be d knowledge is imparted and complemented by excursions to some of knowledge is imparted and complemente knowledge knowledge is imparted is imp the world’s most innovative firms companies such as SAP, Autodesk the world’s mostthe innovative firms com world’s the world’s mostmost inno and Tesla, which act as a transition phase from theoretical knowledge to and Tesla, which act a transition phase andasTesla, and Tesla, whichwhich act asa real world application. By the end of the module, workshops play a key real world application. By endapplica of the real world realthe world application. role for the development of a business model prototype that you role for the development of athe busine role for rolethe for developm deve continue to drive towards implementation in the subsequent Impact & continue to drive continue towards implementatio continue to drive to drive towa Implementation Session. Implementation Session. Implementation Implementation Session Se innovations. innovations. KEY BENEFITS BENEFITS BENEFITS • Experience the university culture and grasp the entrepreneurial spirit KEYKEY • Experience the• university culture Experience • Experience the and univ the interacting with students and faculty members interacting with students and faculty me interacting interacting with stude with • Learn to leverage principles of business model design for your own • Learn to leverage principles of • Learn • Learn to leverage to busine levera p innovative ideas and get support from sophisticated experts building a innovative ideas and getinnovative support from innovative ideas idea and business model prototype for your organization business model prototype for yourmode orga business business model prot • Understand and learn how to speed up the verification phase in business model projects • Understand and how toand speed • learn Understand • Understand lea an business model projects business business modelmode proje 9 Module III Impact Impact & & Implementation Implementation Dates: October October 3 November 11, 11, 2016 2016 Dates: Dates: October 33 – –– November November 11, 2016 Location: Remote at your company Location: Remote at your company Location: Remote at your company OVERVIEW OVERVIEW An intense intense time time of of adaption adaption & & implementation. implementation. Applying Applying the the An knowledge and and methods methods learned learned in in the the previous previous modules, modules, this this knowledge phase is is the the most most intensive intensive but but also also aa very very valuable valuable part part of of the the phase program: You You develop develop aa detailed detailed concept concept of of your your most most program: promising business business model, model, test test the the most most critical critical assumptions assumptions promising and drive drive towards towards the the implementation implementation in in your your company. company. Here Here and we support support you you with with advice advice on on how how to to address address the the most most critical critical we challenges occurring occurring during during the the project project via via aa virtual virtual expert expert sessions. sessions. challenges KEY BENEFITS KEY BENEFITS BENEFITS KEY • Transfer and apply the learnings to your company and industry • • Transfer Transfer and and apply apply the the learnings learnings to to your your company company and and industry industry context context context • • • Rapidly develop a business model Rapidly Rapidly develop develop aa business business model model company and collect regular feedback company company and and collect collect regular regular feedback feedback prototype prototype prototype within within within your your your • Build hypotheses and check your assumptions with your peers • • Build Build hypotheses hypotheses and and check check your your assumptions assumptions with with your your peers peers and colleagues in your company as well as the external and and colleagues colleagues in in your your company company as as well well as as the the external external environment environment environment • Learn managing and leading your team through your innovation • • Learn Learn managing managing and and leading leading your your team team through through your your innovation innovation challenge challenge challenge • • • Identify and learn how to overcome barriers to strategic change Identify Identify and and learn learn how how to to overcome overcome barriers barriers to to strategic strategic change change Business Model Innovation CAS-HSG - CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED STUDIES 10 Module IV Evaluation & Change Leading Change Dates: November 14 – 18, 2016 Location: University of St. Gallen, Switzerland After the implementation phase in your organization it is time for OVERVIEW reflection and addressing the human side of change. A key element of this module is the presentation of your innovation project in front of the course. Receiving feedback from our experts and other participants with diverse industry backgrounds represents an essential source for insights about further optimization of your business model. The seminar sessions of this module deal with: • Leading change for business innovation projects • Organizational energy in innovation leadership • IP Management: How to effectively leverage and protect innovation? • Understand the drivers of change and apply leaders • Receive useful opinions from peers and scholars about your project progression • Learn how to apply the new gained knowledge and methods to continue with the implementation of your innovation project 11 KEY BENEFITS COURSE LEADERS Prof. Dr. Oliver Gassmann is Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at the University of St. Gallen. He is Managing Director of the Institute of Technology Management and is head of the global field of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of St. Gallen. Until 2002 he worked for Schindler, leading its Corporate Research department as VP of Technology Management. He is co-founder of the BMILab which focuses on Business Model Innovation. Over a course of five years at the University of St. Gallen, Oliver and his team studied over 350 business model innovations which led to a revolutionary and practical framework of how to design new business models: The Business Model Navigator™. He also cofounded the advisory group BGW and the think tank GLORAD Shanghai-St. Gallen on global innovation as well as the Entrepreneurial BMI Clinic in Berlin which incubates start-up companies in Europe’s hottest startup scene. He did research at prestigious institutions like Berkeley (2007), Stanford (2012) and Harvard (2016) and is author of over 350 publications, of which several were awarded with prices like the RADMA Award (1998). In 2014 he was awarded Leading Researcher by IAMOT in Washington and nominated for the Scholarly Impact Award by the prestigious Journal of Management (2014). He advised several Fortune 500 companies and is frequent Keynote Speaker. Today he serves as a member in several academic, economic and political boards, such as a member of the International Advisory Board of the Google Research Institute for Internet & Society and Zühlke. Prof. Dr. Larry Leifer is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the School of Engineering at Stanford University. He joined the faculty in 1976 after serving as an assistant professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, and 4 years at the NASA Ames Research Center’s Human Information Processing laboratory. He has served as founding director of the Stanford Veterans Administration Rehabilitation Engineering R&D Center; Smart Product Design Lab; Center for Design Research (CDR); Stanford Learning Lab; and Hasso Plattner Design Thinking Research Program at Stanford. Research themes include: 1) creating collaborative engineering design environments for distributed new product innovation teams; 2) instrumenting that environment for design knowledge capture, indexing, reuse, and performance assessment; and 3) design-for-sustainablewellbeing. His top R&D priorities include,, human-robot teamwork experience design, and the notion of a pan-disciplinary PhD program in Design. He has been granted an honorary doctorate by the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, and is an honorary fellow of the Design Society. Business Model Innovation CAS-HSG - CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED STUDIES 12 PRELIMINARY SELECTION OFSPEAKERS SPEAKERSOF THE PROGRAM Prof. Dr. Karolin Frankenberger is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Technology Management of University of St. Gallen and head of the competence center Business Model Innovation. Dr. Reiner Fageth serves as CTO of CeWe Color, overseeing the company's daily operations of the technical, research and development divisions. Espen Sivertsen, is CEO of Type A Machines. Type A Machines produces a complete 3D ecosystem of digital design and fabrication solutions. Prof. John Danner, is an UC Berkeley & Princeton faculty member where he teaches MBA courses on entrepreneurship, as well as other graduate courses on business model innovation and strategies for startups. Prof. Dr. Dietmar Griechnik, is Professor of Entrepreneurship and director of the Institute of Technology Management at the university of St. Gallen. Dr. Michaela Csik, is co-author of “The Business Model Navigator” (Pearson/Financial Times) and works as a Global Project Manager for New Business Models at LafargeHolcim. In her position, she is responsible for the group-wide set-up and implementation of Innovation methods and processes related to the design and implementation of new business models. Prof. Dr. Alexander Ilic is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Technology Management of University of St. Gallen and the Director of the Auto-ID Labs ETH Zürich/University of St. Gallen. 13 The Institute of Technology Management was founded in 1989 as one of the first institutes in Europe. It operates a research program, focusing predominantly on the development of real life problems in close interaction with leading international companies. Its director, Prof. Dr. Gassmann, is one of the most cited innovation scholars worldwide. The Business Model Navigator For more than 100 years the University of St. Gallen has established published by Hanser and the international reputation of the city as a center of knowledge and Financial Times Publishing has education. been cited as a ‘sensation’ by the leading German newspaper F.A.Z. and rapidly became a bestseller. Handelsblatt Ranking: No.1 among German speaking Business Schools Financial Times Rankings: No.1 among Business Schools worldwide with its Master in Strategy and International Management 14 GENERAL INFORMATION & CONTACT COURSE DURATION 15 days of attendance divided into three modules plus the opportunity for the adaption of learnings in your own business during module III. MODULE I I MODULE AUGUST 22-26, 2016 AUGUST 22-26, 2016 ST. GALLEN, CH ST. GALLEN, CH WORKSHOP LOCATIONS PROGRAM LANGUAGE PROGRAM FEES MODULE II II MODULE MODULE III MODULE SEPTEMBER 26-30, SEPTEMBER 26-30, 2016 OCTOBER 3 – OCTOBER 3– NOVEMBER 11, 2016 2016 SILICON VALEY, USA SILICON VALLEY, USA III NOVEMBER 11, 2016 AT YOUR COMPANY AT YOUR COMPANY MODULE IV MODULE IV NOVEMBER 14-18, NOVEMBER 14-18, 2016 2016 ST. GALLEN, CH ST. GALLEN, CH Executive Campus, University of St. Gallen Silicon Valley, Palo Alto, Stanford St. Gallen: German or English Silicon Valley: English 19’500 CHF including lunch, tuition fees, snacks and course material, not included travel expenses and costs for overnight stays ACCOMMODATION We will be happy to recommend you suitable accommodations close to the center and the course locations in St. Gallen as well as in Palo Alto ECTS CREDITS 15 INTEGRABILITY The Certificate Business Model Innovation can be integrated into the Executive MBA of the University of St. Gallen REGISTRATION For application please visit THOMAS MÖLLERS Program Manager Phone: +41 71 224 7227 Mail: [email protected] For help and information related to this program, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am welcome to provide assistance for your individual planning. 15 INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT – UNIVERSITY OF ST. GALLEN www.item-‐
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