i rregular intimacies


i rregular intimacies
S E X – V E R S I T Y
this photocopy provided for award consideration only and not for sale but public
presenation is free ’share for knowledge’
Norbert Nepomuk Dunkel © 2014
(philosopher, MA, PhD, Music teacher, organist, graphologyst)
due Bergadjev and Heidegger told the same, the philosophy is more ancient,
poliphonic (broader) thinking as any specialised scient, and it is standing
closer to Sophia […] and, the mathematical logic can not be a measure of
phylosophy which is a most complex and, IN RELATIONS INREACHED KNOWLEDGE,
therefor not: specialised narrow subjected (e.g. biolgoy psychology or, moral only)
Picture’s author: Agustín Esteve y Marqués (1753 - 1830) Valencia – Spain
-Is sexual identity prefabricated? Could I be a lesbian  Samaritan woman
in a phallocratic society, who play violin ?1
1 For the religous ancient Jewish tribe Samaritans were taboos, women were inferior, and, till the end of gothic,
medieval age, violin was a shameful because tavernal instrument, and be lesbian is an other problem for
”normally socialised” people.
Spiritual preludium
(myths are ancient teachings in pictures and symbols)
Ancient time in the remote past around 8 000 years Before Christ, Siva was depicted as one half male and one,
symmetric half of it was female (compare with Ardhanarisvara). And this is not really picture only. It is a
teaching. Before the creation there was no different forces or, polarity. Because before the manifestation the
One, the Whole do not need/ isn’t depend on any other things, because what is exist all before is whole, absolute,
the perfection of all = Atum/ tem (= Egyptian, Hinduism: Brahma –self fertilisation).
hyeroglyph of Aton
A R D H A N A R I S V A R A might androgynos or,
is before any schism, (as latin
secare = do slices, cut) so IT have no any gender. अर्धनारीश्वर, as sanskrit
says: Ardhanārīśvara. Sexual bimorphism, sexual bi-functions are just māyā =
not really as looks like, hereby sexual polarity as all polarities as well are
illusion of the material world, in the world of the forms. ARDHANARISVARA
depicted as half man and half women. And, in this way this totality possess
both side of the power. This symbol is just a symbol, the deity do not like as
androgyn(os) or hermaphrodite entity, the emphasis is on the beggining or
beyond the polarity. And ability to interact with itself, abylity of selfcreation,
which is symbolized by due Shen ring and, Uroboros snakes:
In any case, the ancient Egyptians understood the nature of duality. Hereby
that all things in this world is based on the polarity of opposites, and they also
understood that balance (evident in their concept of Ma'at) is also essential
about healthy body and mind and the acquisition of wisdom and knowledge.
Ardhanarishvara represents the synthesis of masculine and feminine energies
of the universe (Purusha and Prakriti) and illustrates how Shakti, the female
principle of God, is inseparable from (or the same as, according to some
interpretations) Shiva, the male principle of God. The union of these principles
is exalted as the root and womb of all creation. Another view is that
Ardhanarishvara is a symbol of Shiva's all-pervasive nature.
Beyond the realm of forms we aren’t male or female. Just, only our form, body, organs are. We are firstly souls, genderless exsitsences. This is a key
statement before any hormonal-biological explanation of sexuality.
Amon Re (Sun)
Nut (Sky, ayre)
Djed column (strength, permanence)
ankh cross
(life, united principles)
Geb (Male force,
As in ancient times known: yin♀ and yang♂ forces are UNIVERSAL, far away
more as gentials only. Sexuality is mainly force. We totally forgat the ancient
wisdom, how the Universe is breathing: like force and matter, emanation and
contraction. Light and dark, creation and emptyness. The beginning is the
differentiation, as metaphoric ancient symbol, as Geb and Nut will be
separated. This is the beginning of the manifested (material) world. And male
and female is born.
Ma’at is a secretful godess and the symbol of equilibrium. Its symbol is the
(bird’s) plume, the easyness of feather, the subtile plume. Frequently
associated with justice, when Anubis is measuring the Ka and Ba (soul) or, the
heart of dead is examinating in the underworld. Soul isn’t beneath the
physical body. Contrary, the soul is contain the body. Religions tend to
devastate the extsasis of sexuality, it is a proof evidence how ideologies does
not understand: love, eros, is the BASIC ATTRACTIVE FORCE which is keep the
diversity is one, whole. Eros = is a desire to be together, integrative. -Thot,
Empedocle, Aristote, Plato, so forth. Male and female couldn’t be a meaningful
classification at humans (complexity!). Classifications doesn’t works at
humans, only by external appearence, only! So, paradoxically Christianity
and Islam are materialistic, when discriminate homoerotism –as biologists
(metrialism) do.
Pathways towards to the wholeness
Final wisdom -and religion or any ideology do not needed.
The beggining of the schism of the wholeness, when male and female will
arising. Hereby childhood is an un-divided perfection. The body and the
nature of male and the body and nature of female are mutulated. They need
complementaryty. But what about androgynos type of persons?
Sexuality is: the separation from God but the way to the God also.
Independently from the appearence of body, opinion of any culture, humans
far away more complex than animals. All humans could be male or female
beneath his/ her own soul too, independently from their body and social
Identification just by the body type is shamefully primitive. This is a meaning
point: male depend on, occasionally, could be complex with an other male.
And this is the same
at females.
The principal is: the
wholeness. Not else.
about ’only man’ and
pervasive mistake.
women, and,
biological strucutre of
humans! And only
heterosexuals not the
main point.
way towards to the
Scrupolous misbeliefs
’only woman’ is an old
There are no two similar
womenhood is above the
femlae. We are first:
traditional behaviour by
only way, and not the
The main thing: from
wholeness trough by
schism, towards to the
wholeness again. Happy,
who is able to
understand. There are
some people, they not
complete male or female,
therefor those people’s choose about unity, sexual unity, sexual preference
or identity will proceed an other pathway parallel the broad way of
Askesis is an also misunderstood word and it was in the early christianityy’s
ages. Askeo = I grooming (about my soul, body, modesty, I am conscious). So
aksteism not self-torment. Metrion = mensura is important. In this context
yoga (from: yudge) and re-ligio is also the same. To finde the origine.
Polygamy/ polyandry also is an interesting question. It is a right to have
harem or, ability to love more than one person (agape)? Of course, there are
many oblivion traditions and, those were infiltrated; today used to be use
beliefs, wants, traditions, opinions. But the authentic life is beginning when
one is purifying his/ her own soul, and thoughts. I do want to purify all your
head my benevolent reader, through sexuality –in a higher landscape.
The manifested world is beginning with a hieromus gamos, sacred unifiction
when Nut (Sky godess) and Geb (Earth) have sexual unity (but the word sexual is
meaning = total unit). This Unity was all before. This is The In-visible, Unmanifested = Re (in ancient Egypt) causa sui, sub-stantia.
love/ inlove = opening the ego – contact with an higher entity
sex is a tool for tantric exstase
reincarnated souls
christianity - islam
desire do karma/ love is source of compassion
children are not for us
love others but sex is sinful
descendants for the tribe’s survive
trapped in desire - free want - influences - transparency - others’ pressure
The pure ENERGY-LIKE CONCEPTION OF SEXUALITY give us an other viewpoint, and, sexuality
will rectified by any sinful connotation. It is based on pre cristianity’s attitudes about joy of
What we see in this simple Djed2 hieroglyph reflects the same “serpent-spine-marrow-seedsoul” beliefs as ancient Greek expressed in old writings. We can see the evidence that the
ancient Egyptians had knowledge of the same internal processes and, we find described in the
Hindu Tantric tradition, as the a s c e n d i n g s e r p e n t p r a n a (sekhem). This energy of the
Kundalini has always been compared to semen or sperm rising up through the central
s u s h u m n a nerve channel within the spinal cord (compare with: Atum’s creation by
masturbation). Like the semen rising up through the phallus so as to seed one’s consciousness
with new and profound knowledge and wisdom – creating a rebirth in the individual. Due the
djet serpent and the djed pillar or column were associated with the 'resurrection god’ Osiris,
who ruled the Underworld. So, as we can see, the concept of sexuality was a part of life,
energy, resurrection, creation also. Sexuality wasn’t focus on genitalias, just in our pimitive
age which has less dimensions about life, because of materialism.
2 But there was a city, Djetet and not so far from it there was Djedu, and its symbol and fetish was the Djed
pillar in the remote past befor Osiris. Djed = sustainable, permanence.
history, psychological identity, genders as roles of the sexus, free will, genes, hormones other influencespolar
forces of the universe, chakras as energy centres, and, levels of the life and consciousness, chi [khí]: susumna3/
yin-yang: muladhara chacra (others, fellows) and its fire type of working, kundalini sneak as the flowing, vital
energy. Distinction (Jewish habdalah) always change, sometimes the fish are eatable when if those are scaly and
have fine, but before a kind of locust and fish without scaly were eatable! Kibbush [ordain previously forbidden
persons or thing or processes {clergyman}] could give permission for everyone –so just the viewpoints are
lack of trust
perfect sexuality: trust + pleasure
social expectations
only body
real intimacy
bad conscious
built social image
biology: somatic & psychophysiological mechanisms
other method - other results:
spirituality: separated ones and togheterness
3 it is a conduct, chanel, from the caudal region of column till the nasal regio of body
sexual diversity -with an un-veilled, inocent eyes of a thinker (philosophy, biology,
physiology, psychology…) TELL ME, WHAT DOES IT MEANS: Homo, Sex, Gender, Love,
beliefs (religion, scientific preconceptions), culture, obeity? Is a kind of sexual diversity a
felone, a crimen?
a review as the COMPOSITE VOLUME feature to show features of sexual diversity (biosocial, phylosophical, mythological, an
thropoligcal contexts)
did anybody a non-linear logical research about homosexuality?
fearless interdisciplinar added view points to:
re-discover the diversity of sexuality, to gain a holistic picture about it
What is important? Sexual attitude or, the human relation itself?
have memory the stochastic processes (biochemical-hormonal about our
topic) to remember earlier phase (foetal testosteron response –gay?)
-Do you remember? When did you decided: you’re hetero? -Is sexual identity
-or, is our brain infected by many ideologies?
-how could any love be against God?
might… there is no male and female, just a kind of expression of the final and UNIVERSAL FORCE
as yin and yang. Did you ever got a thaught: SEXUALITY IS AN ENERGY? We aren’t man and
woman. WE ARE A KIND A FORM OF THE FORMLESS BEINGNESS. Could be the love itself like an object
of any scient? This present study is versatile indeed, lead us in many territory (which is by
other fields composed) of human sexuality and homoerotism. INTERDISCIPLINARITY! History, art,
religion, human biology, gender roles… are drowing in deatils inreached picture about the
topic. Might there are no more categories like: hetero or homosexuality, and time to
deliberate ourselves from the religious sin of sexuality. Kinsey’s socialpsychologycal and
genetic examinations, physiology, Jung, Plato. Sexual psychology all together do confirm the
natural fact of the sexual diversity of mankind.
normal/ accepted, behaviour. Dependency/ influence by any culture and religion, sex -not
for descendants, women – not for man’s pleasure, love or possession? Loyalty -is testosteron
and oxytocine enough? Testosteron, gyrus cinguli, pleasure centre, sixt level of sexual
identity. No choice by freedom - no judgement. LAW OF IRREGULAR CONTINUATION –encoded
change, DNS replication’s copy, mistace of copy- mutation by chance, coincidence,
enviromental effects […] gay and lesbian animals, guy’s aren’t warriors anymore –what
about girls? FIVE GENDERS!4
-Can we see the world with INOCENT EYES? We’re all born in to the culture and the culture is
whispering about things which thing just exists, ”normal” and they were from the beginning
as a natural, habitual, normal as: statistically, morally, sociologically accepted things. When I
see the tv about animal channel or, I am hearing an average lecture at the university I, as You,
my benevolent reader, usually hearing, dogs are from wolves (but no proof evidence!!), and,
by the evolution, or, on the way of evolution (also no proof too) like subliminar stimuli, by
the culture used words. Those words to eliminate hiatus, we are growin’ up = socializiyng
among many ’pseudo-evidences’, received, accepted things. And its (common estabilish
opninions) specific thing is; we never questioning this pseudo-evidences, factoids, fallacies.
When we are in the toggle ages and in the childhood, of corse we’re just learning things those
were given by our parents and relatives and they comes from the nursery and elementary
school too. In this way, of course, we can not ask, query anything! The 1st question is comes
the age of obstinacy, defiance. Antill only the yang force is working on Earth undersand will
not be. We are living in the inbalance of forces. Yang, dominance, eruption, pressure,
competition, war. Age of Iron.
4 heterosexuals, bisexuals, people without sexual identity, homosexuals, transexual and transgender minorities.
ISLAM (VII. century, and not Abbasidas ones, as theocracy) WAS A RELIGION BEFORE HAD BECOME
6 000 years before Christ, archiologists found cultic reliques, lingam (erected penis) and yoni
(vulva), human faced God with bull’s horns, as Lord of animals. As worshiped idols of tantric
sexuality. There was a long periode, when tantra, and extsase and mystical sexual unity
wasn’t sin. There was many celebration, cult of the fertility. All cultures B.C. also knew about
hermaphrodits, bisexuals and homosexuals. Sometimes one God had many other aspect, just
narrow subjected teachers are thinking it is a polyteism. Gods with due of genitals, in shape of
little boy and an old man also. And there wasn’t arteficial moralism. Division, ethic
expectation and bad consciousness –related with sexuality or the human body.
Although gays, lesbians aren’t responsable because of the intauterin, early effects of
hormones, in my primitive, with hate fulfilled country ’gay’ for average people is a kind of
disgusting and un-ethic thing, but be smart, tricky politician or, business man tax–related
cheating is very brave and, it is means good ability, diligence and agility in the practical
world! Later on the question -related with identity- is emerge: who is really am I, who am I?,
and what is as a heritage, MEM5, incorporated values, fears, regulars exceptations from the
invisible authority. Therefor we, phylosophers doing, composing, making ”purifyng”
questions. Mainly, the western culture have much more respect of Father-shaped authority.
Many (phallocratic) religions have it. Behave as man, my son! Don’t be womenlike!!
We are speaking with words, but many times with meaningless words. Like word: principal of
female. Womanhood. What does mean female, women, girl? In the case of the ancient
Goddess Inanna, we just do not know, what meant: be female? Inanna [Ishtar, Isis, Astarte],
nevertheless, provides a many-faceted symbolic image. The mean is: a WHOLENESS PATTERN,
of the feminine beyond the merely maternal. She was a versatile Goddess, like Terrra mater
as later Demeter, Ceres (Goddess of grain, wheat), so, she was the goddess of grains or;
fertility, order [of nature], war (Pallas Athene, Artemis), love, heaven and Earth, healing –
maternal caring, emotions, the “Lady of Myriad Offices”. Of course we’re facing with
matriarchal, ancient goddess, so far in the remote past so we just have no idea… Inanna was
powerful, independent, self-willed feminine; the ambitious: so not the subordined-obeity type
woman ideal! Hereby we cannot to say: the woman is kind, gentile, mother type, family centered… because time goes on. By the way time, so it is time to tell you, my sweet reader, this
book for thinkers, not the superficials one, therefor we must clear, what words could meaning.
We need questions. We need clear ideas and well-definied statements.
5 By culture speredding, spawn away informations, beliefs, misbeliefs, tradition, historical facts, arts and
literature and, propaganda too.
SPECIAL PERMISSION TO [RE]ASK/ QUERY EVIDENCES. So we accept, there is night and light, but
there is no ligth only and no only dark alone, they are exists together only. NO SEPARATED
THINGS AT ALL! Night and daylight are as consequence from the rotating Earth’ and there are
many planets those just show the same face to the central star, so might night time never exist
in this side, dark hemisphere of Earth - in this case. In this way there aren’t female and male
only, because behind the genitals and performative behaviour of gender roles in society we
can find many other, transitive-episodic variety of human beingness.
We aren’t boys and girls of the Nature. We are socially shaped. Infected by opinions. And,
behind of religion there are many people those want to control others. Sexual energy is a
basic force, qi/ C’hi ’serpent’of Universe. Pleasure isn’t sin. EVEN, WE ARE INPRISONED IN
MANY ROLES, father, mother, student, soldier, poor, sick, elder but we, as AUTONOMIC ONES
So there is no only male without female, the ♀ yin (Indian terminus:. prakriti) and ♂ yang
(Ind. purusha)  are NOT SEPARABLE entities, they are complements for each other. Contraria
sunt complementraia.6 The empty circle  WU-CHI [vʊ- ʧɩ] in ancient Chinese meant the
archaic, primail Unity. Before the polarisation of forces. Yin and yang are depend on each
other, generating each other and, transform to ech other. Like in the Bible: Everything is
coming from the One; ”At the beginning the Logos been equal with God and the Logos has
been at God. At the wery beginning the Logos was at the God itself [before the creation].
Everything been by IT and, without IT anything were generated.” (John 1-3) More, one is
generating the other one. When [metaphorically] yang is old, ”old yang” going to be female
power as knowed as yin –and the reverse, because energy isn’t destroyable! According to de
law of conversation of energy. The mutation and transformation of energy is continous,
according to the law of change. Our Universe always the same as a caleidoscope, through
many change of the colourful patterns, superficially changes –but itself the Universe is the
same. Many patterns, but electricity or, gravitation not changed. Might the next manifestation
of Universe will not contain gravitation or, electricity but the Universe will the same. Just a
manifestations are different.
The beggining of the percievable, material, for us manifested world:
The final Unity begun yin/ prakriti and yang/ purusha.
The kvark-antikvark geometry is very similar beneath the proton like this old picture of Yi King, Book of
6 Those things are as contraries for each other in the same time resolves its contrary, and, togheter do
complementarity too. And related with sexuality it is also true.
Our in polarities inreached world is whispering, there is male and female and this is not true,
beacuse everything is continous –there are more. A male could be feamle psychologically
when a periode of his life’s duty need. Many of single mothers have to be masculine in several
situtions after their husband’s death.
And, by the illusion of AHAMKARA, (or: AHAŃKĀRA) by the wrong, false, materialistic
identification with the body, we are conditioned by parents, nursury, schools. Ahamkara
/AHAŃKĀRA = PSEUDO EGO, faliure of ’what am I, (look, social character, roles)’ or, what I
think about my own I amness. It comes from ancient Indian ahańakar. As A (as deprivative) Hank-Ar - he or she isn’t a spiritual ones, materialist body I, profane I, not a religious one.
Hereby we are human, before any particu lar functions as gender as well. We are
growin’ in to the [Christian] cultural heritage which forbid the homosexual love/ eros. But
ERŌS, in Sparta; EISPLENOS or, eisplenas is a kind of love + caring/ teaching, inspirative
relationship.(Xenophon: State of Lakedaimonias, Hesykhyllos, Kallimakhos)
Before we will touch any material, biological level of sexuality, we must to declair, all living
bodies have fin-energy body too. Even it is called aura or electro-magnetic field. And electromagnetic fileds also could have polarity which is could modifyng sexual behaviour also.
ERŌS = universal force of attractiveness –in due an-organic world and organic life
We see it through our special beigness. So no expectation about what is good for man or for
women. No any etalon, Biblical advice, old codex about values, normatives anybody have to
follow. This is a very important initiating point. Many scientist are blinde about how many
attractive forces are. Basicaly the one of it is the under signe of
the COMPELEMENTARITY, by the polarity drived forces, and,
by the similititude.
spin, electric charge
chemical affinity, nucelin acids and its complementer
enzymes and substrates, recdptors and its ligandums,
antibody and antigenes, sexual desire
The polarity is works at those cases
Similitudiness is a kind of higher level, and, it is working in the realm of humans. May the
eros urania as homosexual love in some case in belongign to this classification. It is most
important than average people are thinking.
The basic force of attraction is gravitation and, sympathetic RESONANCE including electrons,
Maxwell elecromagnetic fields and, in human sphere also. What if, homosexulaity less and
more is a kind of ATTRACTION OF SIMILITUDE which cannot evolved in animal world, because
physisology and instincts have more impact on the animal’s behaviour.
There is a problem with this word, love. We use it from an egocentric eyeview. I like it, I love
something. The true love isn’t pleasure or happiness. Love… is painful. The love is irrational,
and doesn’t fit any evolutionic view. Love is pain, although I love you I do what is pleasureful
or good/ useful for you. Love is an ability to choise the pain. To offer myself. To accept you.
To do something far away beyon my own interest. In other language love is: attract-like (erao
–Greek) or, strange-deeply:
as a Hungarian szeretet as szer [ʃer] (= somehing) + etet (is feedeng). Of course, love is the
condition with it we grow up. Inlove = isn’t sex. In-love could have making sex or, not. All
our wolrd is infected by the lack of the trust, therefor in-love relationships are also sensitive.
The lack of the trust is comes from our archiect of the society –which is autocratic.
Autochratism, any autoritism is eliminating trust, the relation isn’t symmetric even, the
authority is modest and just, fair. But in the soicety there are many injustice, there are no
equal opportunities. In-love and love, mother-like and it has more acceptance. Without
acceptiveness we aren’t humans.
Go to back to the energy. Chacra has meaning, wheel. Energy wheel as a weapon, dorje [laserlike energy-radiation] had been seeng in front of a war chariots when unknowed Arias were come
in the territory as todays named as India (2-3 000? b. c.).
Our civilisation is dying. It is a descendant wing and we haven’t any sorry about it. The oldtype of mankind/ civilisation is
falling slowly like when the tree
leaf fall in autumn. The
Universe do not know linear
things, everything is ciclic. At
the same person is also true, a
picroscopic somatic ciclus which
are alterating between yin and
yang pole. We have to deprivate
the polarity from only sexual meaning.
By the denied knowledge of the reincarnation; souls are coming again in to the body to learn.
Hereby souls have memories about previously history and souls haven’t presuure to chose any
gender –they will living in by sexual bimorphism shaped body even without sexual
activity.The electromagnetic fine-body around of the DNA and, physical body is aura, and, it
is photogenic with a special photographical technology. Just materialism makes us blind.
And… biologyst, physicians are developing in a serious in dimensions deprived university’s
atmosphere. There are so many manisfestations, beyond matter!! So, chacras are vortexes
(vortices) of energy, and those are working as portals, and they are supporting the body with
energy, transformed energy for body’s absorption, resonance (!), and, information. The
pictures below are represents (in two dimensions reduced form) about flow, wortex of
energies. Yin and yang are not opposite ones, closer: they are complementer forces for each
other. When light is born, dark also must be.
Inseparable energy flows, yan in ying and yin in less large yang energy wortes do spins in to each other:
There are many subtile ducti as energy drive (nādi) bodywide. If the energy quality yang,
sometimes the presence of genitals does matters, because the energy quality is stronger as
body, gentilas, or, gender roles.
Unfortunatelly unexplainable we can find vitrification worldvide –it is happen over 1000
degree in Celsius! During our. So, myths are speaking about really high technology and very
sophisticated knowledge far-far away befor our knowed civilisation. As we guess, our
civilisation is just a kind of recovery from a previously fallen, almost totally deteorated and
forgotten civilisation. We have seen many stonhenges, pyramids, arrranged stones according
to the Pythagorian principe, 2000 [!] years befor Christ and, befor Pythagore also!! Those
[archiological] finds are un-explainable. And, because those aren’t fit to the main stream
archiology… couldn’t have better publicity. In this aspect sexuality also will have an other
kind of context too.
Wadjet and Nekhbet (are two different energy flow?) are the ancient Egyptian equivalant of
the Hindu cobra serpents that symbolise the Pingala and Ida nerve channels of the physiokundalini-chakra system. Traditionally and as stated in the most reliable esoteric literature, the
etheric Pinglala and Ida nerve channels are each connected with the Pineal and Pituitary
glands in the brain. The positive, masculine-related Pingala channel is connected to the malerelated Pineal gland, and the negative, feminine-related Ida channel is connected to the
female-related Pituitary gland. Again, the Thalamus at the centre of the brain, is the Neutral.
This neuter area completes this Triad of the three power centres in the brain.
Hitler’s ingeneers built reverse driving-gear. Not pushing force, contrary, vacuum help (motor
of vortices) to do passive flying by the flow of electron and, antielectron. Not flying, but be flyed. But. It was descripted yet in ancient
India! India, as an origo is a source of all sague. I am sorry, terrible sorry
to say, but the ’modern’ civilisation just forgot Inida’s excellence. In the
epos of Mahabharata/ Bhāgāvād Gīta [sundara or, rukma] vimana was an
flying object or, bigger flying ’city’ with energy vortexes (vortices) –
flying saucers. And the cosmic energy is working beneath our biopsichical body too. Hereby, the only physiological, only biological view
is primitive. To be primitive is equal with to see things with less dimensions.
Sniff modell [repulsine] of Schauberger’s modell. A reverse vacuum
”inhale” aire for the flying plane: May the yin-yang qualities of
vortexes (vortices) = chacras could also influent sexual
preferences. According to the reincarnation or, at transplanted
ones, memory of an organ (cell-memories). The overfunction of
root chacra (see it later) and sex chacra could cousing more hungriness for sexual pleasure,
but today, un-ability for commitment is general problem. Yin force after time… as ag[e]ing
eder yin is going to transform to yang, it is looks like a pendulum. Like in the Hitler’s flying
saucer, ♂electron-♀positron emission and: levitation. As we know it:
Svastic cross is an ethernal–dynamic mouvement of yin-yang = wrill / prana,
even, it is had a bad context because of Hitler’s nacism. This symbol minimum 3000 years old symbol –from India. (fortunate, favour but, it is findable
in Egypt too, and this word also related with an extraterrestrial being: Brahma
too) Note, the energy is ’One’, even, in many forms could be manifested! This added view
might orient You, benevolent reader of mine, what kind of misconception we
and have, about yin-yang, or, male and female. Hereby, homosexuality must
just because by the variety of manifestation of the final, undividable force of
prāna, force of Universe.
Sexual bimorphism is not obligatory. Sometimes just the illusoric sexual bimorphism is
change. As we see it at insectides or, snales, worms, clownfish, or crocodiles and about few
serpents. And autogamy is also wellknown (snales, worms) and it is happened at few God and
Goddess too. We, as humans have personal what to do and cosmical program also, those are
encoded in our chacras those are working in our body.
Imitatio dei, to do as God did before, which is the Unification of Ida and Pingala by Egyptians and,
as Gray Osborn’s sight ( 2005)
Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) dominant female could trasmute herself to male, to give
sperm and providing fertility to the speices. Basically clownfish descendants are always
males. In the case of the lack of female the basic male gender is able to change, to be female,
to provide the species’ survival. Crocodiles’ eggs are very sensitive for the temperature,
between 32-34,4 C0 will male, and under or over this intervall femmle will born.
An ithyphallic Buddha with shamanic club. Both of them are a symbols of general energy of life. Because
Budhha have to beyond any sexual desire but sexuality not sin.
Sexual bimorphism and the simple thinking way of yes or no and, religious
prescriptions could suggest, just there are two gender or two sexual appearence or function. It
is not ture. Youngs are and elder are asexual or, we could have episodic sexual preference.
Therefor we speaking about sexuality but – through the topic we can approach many other
things too. Sexuality isn’t love, but there is the UNITY COMPONTENT in sexuality also. Hereby
THE SEPARATED BEINGS NOW ARE TOGHETER. Attraction and togheterness is deeple regulared
with hormones and biologically programmed behaviour, but the togheterness isn’t biological
classification. More, phylosophical (co-existence) and religious too. The ancient symbol of
life crux ansata which knowed as ankh cross, is taken from ank T shape as yang principe, and
the Shen loop as yin principe, eternity and, those composed by the support of ankh knot. The
other, earlier wellknowed symbol is the djed column as symbol of chacras and the levels of
UNIVERSE. JUST WE SEE the sexuality as shameful thing, antill the child have to be cover with
figure (1) with Ankh combined with djed column, herma? Phallic = archi-genesis = permanency (2) Shen loop,
yin polus, womb, utherus, an as a loop: infinite quality (3) Shen cross as transitional time-space symbol. Ankh
knot or, tjet, Isis knot as bondage between ethernal and temporal T and Ankh cross (life) in Udjat eye as unified
in our age, as a neoprimitivism, lots
of knowledge are oblivion, forgotten sage. Its interesting that the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph
of the Shen Ring enclosing the red Sun-disk also associated with [Amon] Ra, is also depicted
between the two Eyes of Horus, taking the position of the occultic “third eye” - being also a
symbolic depiction of the thalamus.
The Shen Ring is used as a symbol of union and unification and this would be correct in this
placement between the two eyes that symbolise the left and right brain opposites. Both
spiritually and biologycally, these particular iconographies of the Shen Ring, of which the
image above is one example, we are being as told that the Shen – associated with the Sun and
the Infinite Source – also represents the psychic gateway in consciousness. You, sweet reader
of mine can follow the symbolism based on the twin Uraei serpents of the ancient Egyptians
and, their correlation with the twin serpents of the Caduceus and Hindu chakra [nadi] system
Also noting the Tantric Hindu text descriptions of the etheric ”nerve channels” and, their
connection with the chakra-related power centres in the brain. On the biological level,
vasopressine could arrise both sexual desire -without emotion, and, huge emotions –but no
sex, depend on oher factors. Oxytocine7 (hypersocial hormone, at insects: aggregation
feromone –sign [all, come here!], come here it is a good place [food or female]) could build a
sustainable relationship and; the ”let the puppies to go” behaviour at the same mother. The
”adventure, stimuli-seeking” behaviour is associated with the dopamine hormone (D4
receptors) and the morphology/ lenghtness of the gene of D4DR could generate an unisex
behaviuor, e.g. heterosexual man could have desire to have sex with a man –in the presence of
the four times longer gene of D4DR. Phenomenological Sexual Bimorphy is coming from the
unity  as only later will be bimorphy. It is a bad news for the phallocratic people: all foetus
growin’ as potential female foetus. ”Just” the Y chromosome making males, more preciously,
the Y-chromosome-origined testoreron depending factor, so: just one thing (TDF) do iniate
sexual bimorphism. Might this was the reason for the previously matriarch.
shen loop (eternity) and the T –shaped temporal unity, T –cross. Note!, the ankh cross is the
crossing over of the mother and father –so it is a symbol of creation and life.
About the ancient tradition the ankh is Isis knot, tjet/ tyet. Life and good wealth. Its deeper
meaning; the source of life. Hereby sexuality isn’t a thing of genital organs but… we seriously
forgot it. Beyond the homosexuality, superficially the same gender, there is something general
attractiveness –when you, my cheerful reader, purifyng your brain. So, even Y chromosoma
makes us different, from the ancient sague’ viewpoint, the everything is adhese with itself.
The narcissistic Everything (Uroboros snake)
turn into itself
Greek Kerykeion/ Caduceus double snakes –Kundalini
as Susumna symbol (= energy flow of chakras)
Archeo cells, hydras, mitochondral RNA/ DNA should symbolize the eternity too. The uroboros snake is
symbolizing the eternal life, recurzivity, self-interaction, selfcreation and, the rejuvenation. The sephirot tree and
the backbone also analogies about centres of energies
7 and the oxytocine - vasopressine equilibrium, and bimorph nuclei. In a kind of autism, int he case of high level
of vasopressine cuses: no motivation for any external stimuly, including social life.
Euler (1941, Bridge paradoxe), later: János Neumann, Sándor Rémy) were engaged with
regular net, interconnections among facts, points (events, persons) as GRAPHs. Graph could
behave as spontan human contacts’ network. And SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS ALSO HAVE MANY
OTHER CONTACTS, NODES, INTERSECTIONS. Therefor homosexuality, as psycho-neuroendocrine, and, social-psychological-cultural topic has graph-conctacts, LINKS WITH
HORMONES, HISTORY, LAW (as ration without empathy or emotions, logic, free from any humanity –
Aristotelian logic, ”dry and cold”), religion, free will, the presence of much more prolactine and
vasopressine horomons. So, is rather better if narrow subjected ”doctors” stop to keep their
narrow, on the only one way working method. ’Cause this in graph, IN LINKS INREACHED
At the beginning as children we were the same: ”genderless”, even we were boys or girls…
and, old ladies have little mustage and, aging men are loosing muscles and, will having fat
breasts. Before, and after the sexually active periode, male and female will more similar. Like
children. For practical purpose - the soul itself is really androgynous. In this book when I
speak about love, I mean, supreme shared intimacy. Even there are many occasionally sex,
only desire, without soul. Or, people do love on the egocentric way. Matured persons share
themselves not the genitals only. But the lack of trust, lot of people did not share his or her
soul, tenderness, emotions. Hereby sexuality will not be a part of the whole relationship,
sexuality happen by the need of satisfaction –which is in youth age normal. But after the
novelty of the sexuality -predominantly sex is a part of the good relationship. Of course after
the latency teenagers are under the power of sexuality. We will see biological facts and we
will see beyond it.
The Bible is a compilation, and we do not know, why the scrolls about the records of
reincarnations were thrown away? How made decioson what kind of scrolls be out of Biblical
compilation? The previously spiritual experiences and genders could have impact in the
present life! Previously gender encoded in our subtile body-energy. I am male, but I feel
myself as a mother, hereby I with adore do teach others, to care others, even anaimals too. So
sexuality is alwasy a part of something and as a detail no reason to do much ado about
nothing. Nor force to do (if someone don’t want to do) sex or, forbid it (if someone want to
have sex). The Western-type man is mostly herat-centred as Christianity. The East-type man
has hara (umbilicar, abdomen) centred beingess. Christ is frequently depicted as flamehearted, Buddha always depicted with big stomach even he wasn’t fat at all. I do think, it is
most important, what kind of chacra or centrum has emphasis about cultures and peoples.
emotions, ego, cry and laugh hyper-social
coscmic, ethernal flow of energy, non-personal
Love: is an emergency exit -from ourselves
The failure of modern sexuality
By the old tradition of Gnosis, Sophia (as a metaphoric figure) was representing the first ’sin’ as
separation from the wholeness, the distancy from the God. Sophia was responsable about the
creation without partner. Like Demiurgos’ creation. (Demiurgos repeated the creation –in lower
level, so in the realm of imperfection) Illusion of matter. And Sophia is also a symbol of sage.
Sophia was the Light-Adam, which was involving both sexual principle. As androgynos, as a
mirror shape of God. The sexual principles were separated only after the Adams’s falling in
matter, and the womenhood was in the realm of spiritual world. Whatever, creation’s myth are
speaking about how we ’re missing what is the meaning of sexual principles.
Today we always identifying the sexual principles with sexual organs, delight, desire, and
genders’ behaviour. The myth of Sophia is the myth of how manikind is a mirror reflection of
God. Duality. Missiong the wholeness, not about physical sexuality. It is most important.
The ’drive’ be united again isn’t only the propriety of opposie gender. It is deeper. It isn’t
biology. Isn’t religion. Nor any rule, nor regular behaviour or prfeferency. And can emerge
All fetal mammals, regardless of whether they are XX or XY (their genetic sex) start out with
the same primordial gonads. Hereby we all, from a potentially neutral matter or, we are from
the „beginning of female”.
social develop: interiorisation of many social rules
chromosmal gender
genital develop
gonadal sexus
♀Müller tube (womb, tuba uterus) or,
♂Wolff-tube (Wolffian system) sperm duct
seminal vesicles
roles & performance
psychosocial effects
ideologies, religion
? loyality conflict: what am I choose, cultural/ familiar/ religional heritage or my inner
preferency identity ?
If the fetus is XY, and has secreted H-Y antigen and therefore developed testes, those testes
start functioning and secreting testosterone. In the presence of testosterone, the Wolffian
system becomes the vas deferens and seminal vesicles. Also, if the fetus is XY, the testes
secrete Mullerian inhibiting substance, which causes the Mullerian system to degenerate. If
the fetus is XX, it has no testosterone and has no Mullerian inhibiting substance. In the
ABSENCE of testosterone, the Wolffian system will not develop. In the ABSENCE of Mullerian
inhibiting substance, the Mullerian system does develop, and becomes as uterus and Fallopian
tubes and vagina. But, where is the sexus?
The latin word: ne-utrum (not x … nor y) is so meaningful when something or somebody not
this, not that, but not really neutral as sexusless, just not female, and not male, so, something
else. It is morden obvious: people cannot classified or described with only two categories. So
we need the bigger box with the label of other, else. Beyond the everyday’s classifications,
but wiht a right to be.
AMOR SANCTUS or, Amor Dei is a special love, yearning to be in love, unity with God. But
the differentiation is comes from the rational thinking and the world itself not rational (only
or, mostly).
This organs could be silent, as doctors are call, even the organs are, but no testosteron (and
estradiol, which is derivated from testosterone by aromataze) or estrgen produce. Or, if some
one has totally completely ready organs with the right hormone producing, but NO FELT
SENSATION of I am-ness as’ I belong to the male or female’
As the design is depict abowe how THERE IS NO DIRECT CONTACT between chromosomalgonadal sexus and the sexual behaviour in the case of developed mammas as dog, dolphines,
chimpans and humans. Because the SOCIETY OF MORE DEVELOPED RACES NEED MORE
FLEXIBLE ROLES or, the transcendence of roles.
Even mammalians really need two type of cheomosme, in some case partenoghenes could be.
But healthy preganancy not dedected. In the other case, about ’vertebrates’ with coulmn livin’
animals. Like fish, in South-california partenogenesis was dedected. At the ray-fish Pristis
pectinata’s female gave descendants, because of absence of male.8 Might this is a hope how
species in instinction danger coul de survived. In other case of the absence of male female
could transform into a male and providing sperm (clownfish).
When anybody do any judgement about sexuality, he or she alwas miss the fact, the sexuality
is a learnt behaviour and be hoosexual is never a question of decision or, choosen role, act,
felt sensation of identity or, right identity [male feel himself as male, no transsexuality] with an other
sexual taste/ preferency.
Today is wellknown; there is no significant difference about the testosteron level of due
hetero and homosexual males (1977, 2013). And more, non-sexual interest (”no sex, emotion
only”) behaviour is related with over-activity of V3 (vasopressine) receptor, so no sin,
because no free will about sexual attitudes. Because biological facts (as cultural facts too)
could generating smaller-bigger differences between people at the same gender. Like so called
lesbian continuum , not masculine like object focused sexuality. Lesbian continuum is
containes much more closeliness, trust and intimacy. ’Cause everyones ”prepared as potential
female”. Consequentelly lesbian behaviour was accepted earlier – not only by phallocratic
society. Females are more close to ech other both biologically and culturally too. In lots of
case, males do not kissing and cuddling, they just meet for sex –without trust and intimacy!
To be close for tohers, due physical and psychological proxemy at females is may the one
intercultural behavioural propriety. Hereby the idea of lesbian continuum. Might the
competitive male behaviour, tuch is an agressive sign, and male has just minimal level of
oxytocine ”as social hormone” as well.
8 the first detection is about 2014, the confirmed one is about 2015 South California, USA – the age of reedition of this text.
By the magic of contempory technology, materialistic scient, we always forgat about energy,
and, cell –memories. And: dynamic. Functions and sexual working are change periodically
[dynamōs], just our primitive, linear logic is suggesting, if someone have pussy is she, and she
will be she forewer. No way! Orlando/ Orlanda, Diotimus but Diotima at Plato (imaginative
wisdomed woman teacher of Socrate) and at Novalis give us awakening, an alarm klock. ON
THE BIOLOGICAL LEVEL (and we have four other levels) the inactivity of the V3 is causing ”no
emotion only sex” type of specific behaviour.
And… not the soul is androgunos only, the hypothalamical and the hypophyseal (or Pituitary)
structure also is also ♂♀unisex, both neuro and adeno part of hypophysis.
The GENDERLESS QUALITY OF SOUL was wellknown from indeed ancient times ’till the age of
Carl Gustav Jung [pron.: young/ yʊng] and the contemprorary sexualpsychology. The sexus, the
gender is the same, no male without female, and this is the same thing, but the nature express
itself on many other ways –as a surafce, phenomena. The western culture grow up under the
influence of the judeo-christian culture, which was indeed quite agressive and intolerant about
sexual behaviour. Because the Judeo-Christian culture was definitely phallocratic! Women
were a kind of posessions of their husband. And sexuality meaned animal-like, the desire even
in thoutghts was also sin. omen were victims as ”gentlemen’s” possession and authority.
Antill these ’modern’ days in many Islamic culture, women need their husband’s permission
to go in to the scool, or people buy wives for goats, and it isn’t causing a problem in both
’democratic’ or ’religious’ culture. But the congenital (= there is no ability, no possibility to do any
choice about) sexual orientation is ’serious’ problem… And… by the ’Christian’ religion
sexuality was a principal sin. Christianity based on bad conscious, and focus on sin.
Even the world’s beginning had quite sexual act, as a pulsus, unity and separation as a
permanent fluctuation of forces. Aand Christianity is repeatating the misconcept of first sin –
and we all born with it. In Hinduism or, Krisna conscious, Vaisnava phylosophy: the realm of
God is pleasureful, fulfilled with pleasureful energy and joy, charm, love and beauty, not
force and authority. The evolution of mankind obligatory means: we will be out of tte
repeated genetical, sociocultural program. How is able to say, what is normal? When
something/ somebody is out of program (habit, expectations, learn programmes as beahviour)
will ab-normal, deviant. But there is a question, how many mistake, diversity, deviancy is
allowed? Where is the limit between variety and, faliure? The answer is alwasy depend on the
culture and, of course, depend on authority. The repeating program is a barrier on the way of
evolution. And… we always can find people those who want to control other’s mind, to
determinate, what is good or bad.
Invention is based on the break of schemas. We are growin’ up in the nursury, schools,
hereby we are epigenetically programmed. Our parenst are also influented by the negative
effects of culture: phallocratic, abuse with women and children, always competition, and,
repressed early sexual interesting -but pornography on the internet. The Aristotelian logic also
could be dangerous when it is used as overgeneralisation. Therefor Rogers’, or, Waldors’
schools do not want to apply only in Aristotelian way thinking teachers and more: carers,
nannies. My old, timeless advice, to teach both in schools and in family is the same. We have
to care and develop children with TRAINING, many plays, scene, games with much more joyful
movement so not sport only which is competitive.
They need to be more cooperative and its effect will be useful in the future related with our
children’s matured love-relationships. The linear logic, bad or good is very primitive, and its
result black and white only, Christian or Islam or Bahaï. The mainsteram is always a smily
killer against of diversity. The techer just help on the way of discover the word, she or he
AND DATAS!! Good teacher have ability about shifting his/ her own character , be as
matured adult and be a childish compaign on the way to discover the word and have
experiences. In my pirimitive country, the propaganda beside of family. And this propaganda
do mistakes about gays and gay’s human rights and, gay lifemates and later, their marriage or
rights to adopt children.
The propaganda overestimate the heterosexual family even, doesn’t matter, what the
preferency is? The POINT IS, ARE WE ABLE TO LOVE EACH OTHER, are we matured enough to
develop children providing an estabilihsed emotional enviroment (touch, qualified time,
unconditional acceptance)? What a primitive machination (manipulation) to influent souls,
Fear and patriotic emotions are good tools to alterate people’s behaviour, and those feeleng
are frequently misused. The GOD ITSELF IS: JOYFUL! The 1 sin is to eat from the apple of the
tree of knowledge (opposite with the tree of Life) which was offered by the snake [attention!, for
Jewish snake is as hatred animal, for Kopt-Christians the sign of the wisdom, and the Ouroboros snake is a sign
of the infinity],
but this is a deeply misunderstood story, and it was a Kopt-christian symbol.
cosmical return: yin, introversion
emanation, manifestation
yang/ extension: Brahma’s
Apple = wholeness, and… thinking, to know [”scientem bonum et malum”], is a beginning to do
by cognition things bad OR good, it is a beginning of the polarity, to break the world with
schism –in all sense of this word. The SEPARATIOn from God, it is a definitely firt sin =
mistake9 = loosing the consciousness, hybris, divine tragoedia. So, no 1 sin! The sin = unconsciousness, or, hybris. Even Jesus Christ didn’t cared about any various in-love/ sexual
intimacy, the hypocrite Church do it. Freud been speak about how the sinful sense of
sexuality, and, bad consciousness do a pervarsive neurotism of the whole society. Be in-love
is normal! By the way in-love, it is not obligatory physical contact. Not continous, permanent
toghetherness. Not dependency on the partner. Deep contact -for a while, not matrimony, but
sometimes could be. The love itself is important, -not the opinion of the highest priests. LOVE
IS NOT EMOTION. And, homosexuality isn’t separable from the society (classical Greek,
ancient Arabic so forth)
It is most primitive, when the deifinition of sexuality made by the object ♂♀of sexuality. If
the chosen object woman, at males, we’re facing with heterosexuality, if it other male, there is
homosexuality. The danger of this definition/ classification: we will have less dimensions.
The classification of homosexuality is just disappear when, the gentials have
no emphasis, just a choosen person in his/ her totallity, regardless the
preson’s gender!
In India, a whole religion were based on due Visnu/ Vaisnava, as yang-principal type worship
and, Siva /Shakti/ Shaivism as yin prinicpal-based worship. And, it is far away better, more
complex and more natural as Iudaism’ rigorous, authoritic father-like religion. Migth the city
of Dvaraka as Krisna’s city was a 1st place, where the metaphoric ’sword (father-likehood) of
God’ had became Logos/ joy of God. The sexual principle as basic, ENERGYFUL and JOYFUL
view of life far away could influent the mood of life.
Love, only in our world is looks like emotion and physical contact and its roots are comes
from our childhood. Touch, cuddle, hug, kiss are normal, and those are consequences of our
material world, as gravity electricity other kind of attractiveness are working. Even, if
somebody do not want to say somethig, because everything are resonance, vibration, therefor
9 Mistake and arror isn’t the same. Mistake is a bad conception, and error in good manipulation, function as a
mosaic could be. 6x7 = 42 but I could write 44 by error. Mistake is comes by bad preconception, like: snakes are
really sinful animals.
basically verbal expression is not possibile. Love could happen without touch, words –by
etheric (as fine, subtile) resonance.
Unfortunatelly just a happy/ balanced person could do love or, accept love (stabile selfestimation, beyond the cult of ego, without dependency and underestimate of ego etc.). Love,
in this world, couldn’t happen by itself, instantly. We do/ feel love by the egoistic view of the
soul, therefor mainly we just cannot do/ feel love –without any acceptance or desire of the
reciprocic love. The marriage always was a business/ social action too. -What about to buy a
wife for goats, do prohibition for wives to go to the school, or walk without chador [tʃʌδor]??
Women’s head covered with kerchief, and no alternatives, so forth. To provocate a war, or
causing pain for a fellow it is a sin. Not the privacy!
But nothing is prohibited or discriminated in the Bible (as a compilation, selected corpus,
composed by the Church, made by votes of highest Priest: what kind of scrolls will be
accepted? -in few occasions of the Synagoge) about sexuality or gay love (no origine sin –so
no reason for bad conscious), especially in the New Testament. Harappa [India] Mohen jodaro
has/ have radio-active ash cover. Sodoma and Ghomorra wasn’t punished by mainly gay love
only, we just simply dont know why Sodoma was annihilated (as we guess, by atom-bomb
[brahmastra as ancient sorces calls] attac –the sand’s silicium has became glass). May it was a
generally rotten, corrupt, depersonalised ”metropolitan” culture, metrosexualism, there were
many tribe, stock (of society) which cause a kind, in caotic meaned mixture of the population
Which culture ISN’T FIT the Jewish ideas. And so what? LESS CATEGORIES MAKES MORE
DEVIATIONS!! In the Jewish eye foreign culure’s habits are logically strange or, sin! Today
men are shavin’ his leggs, chests and they’re painting their eyebrows. Because the beauty of
man is means to be well-groomed (metrosexualism). Girls are wearing extra short skirts –in
this way do indignate people, or do an excitement for sexually hungy boys. Boys’ loins
obligatory have contour, emphasis on it. Bress, or little pile of loins, as: something particular
–instead of the whole personality, this is a corrupted primitive world! Independently any
sexual identity!!!
As previously gay boys looked well kept (against the barbarian, barbatus = hairy = animallike, ungroomed, smelly, wild male idol), and they have more colourful clothes. Back to the
old Jewish (and other old) traditions, in the temples were cultic prostituates. Sodoma had a
similarity with today’s great cities’ multiculturalism. Like in the ancient Athen, foreign
people, immigrants did ’dirthy things’ about money changers (shroffs), prostitution10 at both
gender. Prostitution, as something valueable (intimacy as closeness of body andsoul) change
to matter, to put someting saint in to the matter (πτόσίς, unlimited desire, confuse, bardo,
fallin’ in matter) is deeply corrupt.
10 in old Greek: pornos, more closer: peporneumenos = to sell something, after somebody sell him/ her body for
money). The Greek oikéma = to sit in the room [and waiting for the client] = prostitution. Hetaira = first: escort,
accompany, lover, later on, a man giving money to the girl (madam, more: to the boy) to hold, keep a persistence
of her conctact. A little bit like Japonese gesha, women she grown up and educated to serve intelligent [arts,
scientists, politic] and, for delight hungry man’s desire.
To rise poor circuimstances to somebody have to (by extertanl compulsion) sell on’s love is
very saeful. It is the betrayal the saint architect of Unity [love, vibration, holographyc systems].
UNITY as a basic construct of Universe -therefor prostitution (to sell one’s sexuality) is hybris:
de-graduate the basic dignity of every human being. Therefor, insolvency, faliure of humans
could be resolved by God’s grace, as: – redemption, ’sola fides et gratia’ only by grace and
unconditional faith –as Christianity told. Sodoma just an example about much more measure
of prostitution, criminality, many other form of ethic, tradition, habits, beliefs. And Sodoma
hurt the law of hospitality.11 But there wasn’t word for the basic solidarity. And these things
not about sexuality named as sodomia as well.
Due old Greak: l e s b i a z e i n , k h a s z k e i n meanings are: feel supressed erotic desire, but we
could find these words as fellatio (as not normal sexual behaviour or, as subordination12). The
sources of course, many Greek theater piece, history writters in Latin, poetres, so Plotine,
Alikhibiades, Ovide, Aristophane are also included. Sodomia and pederastia is a hard
translatiopn faliure: paidos = children without age and gender (like in German: das Kind, in
French, les enfants, but with gender: ♀die Mädchen, ♂il garçon). Pederasty was a kind of
s o c i a l l i f e , modus vivendi, to be all day with fellows, mates, and… not in the family.
Because of the old order of the ancient societies, women were 2nd gender of the society.
Later, pederasty means: l’amour avec les mâles, but not love or making love with children
(paidos-paida)! Sometimes anal intercourse was mentioned in negative context, katapygon
(or: kinein, binein = stiring up, fuck, brush… just for sexual satisfaction) used to be at both
gender, so at women also! Arabic people did not want anal intercourse [anşār women, hadīt] which was relation with Jewish too. So ”unwanted” posituras just hade have preconceptions
or racism! Finally we must acknowledge: anal intercourse was accepted during women’s
sensitive periode [huwa adan] and sexual intercourse used to used between thighs (inter
femoris) and, per anum [min duburin] at eromenos too. Just, only culture made things dirthy,
But the subordinated position itself was a reason to anal intercourse have had sometimes
negative connotation. Or, as lex Scantinia, or changing Greek values sometimes do not like it
at gay lovers, because it is not masculine (it’s hurt the man’s role). But the boy-love, gay love
was accepted among Greeks, Arabs, Babiloninas (Eshnunna’s lex).
11 Bishop John Selby Spong: Livin gin Sin, 1989
Like at Bonopos, sexual offer is frequently a strategy to avoid agressive conflict with the dominant male,
regardless the gender, so young males doing too.
Substitution, like faute de mieux (to find a partner by chance only) among soldiers, marines, in
prisons well knowed and it is not a primaer homosexuality. What interesting, in India and in
the ancient Arabic culture sex never was sin or sinful/ shameful thing! Love is an subjective
emotion but marriage is an act of the society. For someones homosexuality is allowed but out
of society, so they marriage isn’t allowed. Marriage is an society acknowledged codificationlike act.
theferor as free opinion, free believe, faith, sexual roles are refusable. And we have to stop the
overregulating religion or state –about privacy alternatives, mood, way of life. We are
looking for answers but sexuality is just sexuality, love with intimacy is much more. Therefor
the lines above are written with capital.
Minorities do not want only black an white classifications. Gender function, sexus could
transform in each other. We, as holographic units, we ar containing the wholeness, and other
part of our nature, gender, hiddened, shadow-personality (- Jung, C. G.) Sexuality is not sin or
shame! Unfortunatelly in Christianity sexual pleasure is sinful. Henceforth Popes makes
people blame, and cousing –benevolently- bad conscious. Sexuality is a pleasureful part of the
mediterranean life-feeling. Previously, in Hungary, homosexuality was punished -in jail about
seven years. And in the age of atom, and, spaceships, in Russia [2014] the homosexuality is
psychiatric-like disorder even, long before, in ancient societies, cultic prostituates and
homosexuality were a kind of sacred role, at saint mads. Emperor Claudius (a.d. II) did
prohibition to be maried, in his hope, his soldiers will not have any desire, and, raeason to go
home and leave the battlefield. One, of the Japonaise chaisar forbid woman are playing
theater pieces, and henceforth males as onnogatas played ”skirt” roles as women’s roles too
(kabuki theater).
Biologist wondering and discuss about two ancient tribe (classification) of Vulpes and Wolf,
and other researchers have an other opinion relation with Jackals – Wolves –Dogs too. We
have solid and primitive brain inscriptions about classifications and, making only yes or no
categories, without examination, our previously school was right about our develop?
Categories are behave as traps also, therefor we must be careful when we do choices,
categories, judgements. Hereafter, not only the homosexual phenomena is interesting, it is
also interesting, why homosexuality wasn’t a real problem in ancient times, in Arabic,
Hellenistic, India’s culture? -Why Christianity need family, gender roles, children, even we
are yet sixt billion? –Are everybody is able to develop children?
The competency is also deeply interesting, because the human existence is a mixture:
spiritual, intellectual, and of course, socially, biologically also composed. Thereferor I must
be a dancer, do not do steps forwarding to something, I have to dance around and about many
center-points. Girls are starwing, and in every year 15 of young girl die –because anorexie
which is coused by the beauty industry. External loco control is no better as us. Some people
need, what kind of love is good or not.
The sacrifice of living humans is a supreme SIN not else. As we can read
about the cult of Kacba, Dumat al-Ganda (Porphyrius: De abstinentia), old
Hebrew and, Mexican indians sacrifices… beauty slaves or youth men, or
many of virgin were choosen to sacrifice to the God. In India the sacrifice
was without blood, the smell (incenses) and the fine flowers were the
satisfaction (dinner, togetherness, slow, sexual intimacy [Kama Sutra]),
colourful lights and incenses, mutual hobbies as qualified time, theater,
music so forht). Our age’s people just want a fast satisfaction but, on the
impatient and selfish way.
Intimacy is an offer. To offer myself to you. Intimacy is a consequence of: we
are all together, the separation is juts an illusion even, we frequenrly
cirticied, therefor we have a little fear to share our intimcy with others.
I give PLACE and ’abstract, psychological-emotional space’, gestures, times,
and touches to you. Therefor to sell intimacy, as a supreme human thing,
due soul and body, was a real, menaingful and religious sin long before.
peporneumenos = sell something immaterial thing. And degradation: to put incorporeal,
mental nature into materialistic interest. Today might this is not evidency by the
spredding away stupidity. Intimacy is not carnal pleasure only, not only lust.
To sell something which by its own nature is impossibile for sale. Intimacy
couldn’t for sale, hereby: it’s means: de-gradiation. Of course in capitalism
everything, including human existence is for sale… Sexual pleasure is
avaible for money and it is separated from any human components…
It could be, the ways to express love, are how many people are, hereby
homosexuality, heterosexuality are unreal, uncertain categories. The manner
how someone express him or herself must be various.
All religions common meaning is the AHIMKARA (BE WITHOUT HIRT) as Buddhist
people call it:
life without any hirt, torture, killing, pressure, terror, agressivity, judgement.
No religion and no protrait of God forbid the mood of love of the variety about: how people
express their desires and love. Sometimes the love itself was so emphatic not the way how
tenderness was or, the way making love. Selfish souls (Hinduism:
jīva) just want to posses, developed ones offer ne pleasure of unity
and love.
Meleagros [2. B.C. cinic phylosopher]
Thérón, I see You,
the everything is open thrown you
but all, this Universe,
only a stupide vacuum-,
without You
”Echnaton loves Shemenkery” -as we can see it on two egyptian inscriptions (Percy
Neysberry 1928)13 Ekhnaton as IV. Amenhotep was a really bisexual and as his body’s
constitution was feministic. He oredered his own real representation in sculptures an reliefs.
Certainly, not supid peploe are know abut Daphnis et Cloé, Phyelmon et Baucis, Tristan und
Isolde, Apollo and Daphne (…) but what about what about many, in the last century well
knowed gay love as: Narkhissos and Apllollón, Protoklos and Akhilleus (Achille), Jonatan
and David14, Harún ar-Rasid and Abú Nuvas, II. Edward and Gaveston…
13 Allen T. George, ed. The Egyptian Book of the Dead (Documents in the Oriental Institute Museum at the
University of Chichago), 1960.; Bullough, Vern L. : Sexual Variance in Society and History, 1976, USA;
14 THE SECOND BOOK OF SAMUEL: CHAPTER1, 25-27.25. How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle!
O Jonathan, thou wast slain in thine high places.26. I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant
Antonius and Kleopatre is also well knowed, but what about Antonius and Hadrianus?
Samurays also have boy love and lovers. Ancient societies knows about eromenos –youth
who loved by sy.), Arabic gilman (boys without barb), kijan [~singer girl] gesa, hetaira
concubine. So, professionals parterns in social life. Those professional partners weren’t
obligatory sexual parterns, but they were helping in ’delectio’ amusment, making new
conctacts, looking for wifes, lovers, do arts, be together as qualified social time.
Ancient time homosexuality was a type of ”patriarchal homoerotism” –its comes from the
patriach quality of the society. So: it happened exclusivelly for men and women were
excluded. In the other hand, biologically, AMONG MANY CIRCUMSTANCES, the lack of the
foetal response for testosterone, could cause homosexuality, so no reason for shame,
sin. If one couldn’t do any choice… on also couldn’t have any responsibility.
Ethical judgement, or psychiatric disorder is a serious failure. Shame and penitency are
causing a s econdary bad consciousness and feeling of insuffc ience, so,
pedagogycally, discrimination is not allowed . Many youth gay girls or boys were
”succesfully” suicide because they false self pity, self-humiliation as they are different, sinful
ill or, defect.
There is something is good to know:
When war and brave is good, to kill will heroic thing. When the state need
peace be peacefulness will expected. Reward, norm, ethic, values are
changable. Antill, you do not disturb anyone, you can keep your own nature.
General ethic is all religion’s basis: awoid to kill, if you kill your food do on the
wery fast way. Give life for others, give place for others, avoid to cause any
pain, do not identify yourself as body, there is no death, death is just a door.
Your love, sexuality cannot be regulated by others.
To examen sexuality, both by catholic person or non-religious researcher, there is a
danger of hiddened, non-transparent father-complexus which is deeply influenting the
view point and bilief about what is normal and acceptable. We have to giving up 2nd
hand (from other sources gotten) ideologies, authority even it was from religious
hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women. 27.How are the mighty
fallen, and the weapons of war perished!"
Even Jesus told; ”The realm of Paradise will come wen you take the external as internal, when
you take above and below in one, when you put male and female in the unity.” Who, when
and, on what way do? -is individual, because we cannot to have the same circumstances and
way of experiences and enlightments. We have many damaged people, discipules, students
sexual life is their own. Exhibicionism, voayorism is a kind of personality disorder, infantiles
sexual behaviour or, part of sociopathy, and the parent’s, nursuries blinde’s consequency! We
must be curative not penitentiary! And those persons are real psychiatric (henceforth not
police’s) problems.
The existence couldn’t fit to any boxes. In my age, in my poor country of Hungary, there was
a political psychiatry, if somebody didn’t belief in scientific commonism, was a paranoide
personality! So, psychiatry becomed as a soften weapon to conquer not communistic people.
The phylosophical – quantumphysical final conclusion about
Logically, the Evil’s want always contrary of attraction. The Evil’s need is always making
distancies. To fabricate many atomised societies, against communities, sympathy, family.
Desigration is the antipole of love, accordance. In the cloth of moral, Evil itslef even those are
reverends, do many conditions of [by religion shaped] ethic love, [socially] acceptable in-love,
marriage. Love is unconditional: regardless age, gender, race, origine of society. When we
find by authorities allowed circumstances and conditions about love is suspicious. Like, AntiJesus. The phylosophical principal: love is always REDUCING THE DISTANCIES and evvil always
do remote, di-fferences and distancies among entities. By forces of love , and by
sympathetic waves. So, one tool in the hand of God about integration is attraction (erōs,
sometimes: epithymua as desire) and, harmony (to match, to fit). Erōs not animal-like, it is a general
power. And erōs, even, it is a bit animal like (”chemistry”, drive), never was separated from its
context: community, cohesion [parea, friendship] of communities. Arteficial division of love do
problems. Phylia [like –but no sex] and agape [unconditional acceptance], older Greek homilia to be
together, sometimes: be together to make love] happen without any agressive, cultural, or, primitive,
narrow subjected scientific influence. E.g. Russia declared homosexuality is a psychiatric
disorder. By the order of the politicians view/ needs. By the approach of Pope Benedec as
XVIth the classification of love which is the following:
–lovers, sexuality, desire, PHYLIA –friendship, fellowship, faithfulness, AGAPĒ –
unconditional love, religious love. But, as we could to reed, sacrality and the SOURCE OF LIFE
do not exclude each other. Love uóis supporting force, nurturing attitude for all livings. And:
"The Nile and all kinds of moisture are called the "efflux of Osiris". A. E. Wallis Budge. Be
compatred with Plotine’s God’s efflux and exhale, the irradiation of glory (light, fertilizing
energy). In esoteric literature, Efflux, [ruach Elochim] which also contains the Latin word Lux for
"Light", is considered to be an outward flow of light energy.
What an oddish assotiation? The Goddess’s (Isis) son Horus and seminal fluide? What an
impossibile story about Isis and Osisris, Isis has need to giving birth a childe from her
brother (!) but he was dead, and his missing penis was found and erected arteficially! See
below the quotation and its explanation by: James Bowles15. Warning, we have got a veil. We
gotta many of it! Migth not a transparent one wove by culture. ”These are the passages that
refer to Eye of Horus [orifice of penis] and its effluent water.”
(§ 43) "O Osiris the King, take the water which is in the Eye of Horus, do not let go of it."
(§ 44) "O Osiris the King, I conduct you to your son Horus; put him within yourself."
”The two appeals for Osiris to " ... take the water which is in the Eye of Horus .. and "..put
him within yourself," has two meanings. The first was an appeal by Isis for Osiris to take the
seminal fluids that she might get pregnant by means of it. The second was an appeal to take
the seminal fluids that man would live thereafter depending upon union in the act of
procreation. On a related matter, the Horus-Eye analogy suggests an origin to a Dynastic
period ceremonial custom. The custom being that in ceremony each of the Pharaoh-Kings of
ancient Egypt was bestowed with the deification of a Horus-King. This had to be for a very
specific (though previously unknown) reason. Could it have been in reality a Ceremony to
b e s t o w the new Horus-Pharaoh-King with the gift of fertility? It would be a rare gift indeed,
and totally consistent with the real Horus!”
Atum Ra as ithyphallic engrave (on Nasca’s plateau) and its contour
As the Giza’s pyramid16 text says: (§ 1248) "Atum Rá is he who (once) came into being, (The
primeval god who evolved from the Chaos.) who masturbated in On. He took his phallus in his grasp that he
might create orgasm by means of it, and so, (§ 1249) .. were born the twins Shu and Tefénet .. !"
15 James Bowles 30.000 years ago yesterday a new look at Nasca @ Agyptian mythology, 2006
16 The Shining Ones, (Watkins Books, 2006). (The source for the information about Behdet is The Pyramid of
Egypt by Prof. Livio C. Stecchini)
in other context -en kyklo
He made a classification to eliminate the sexuality -but why? Friends could have sex or,
lovers, occasionally can refuse the partner’s sexual desire –but not in the patriachial society.
In these society wives are possession of theire husbands. Love, in-love, passion, friendship,
acceptance is an experiment, chance how individuals conquer, surpass itsleves and try to be
integrated with others. Pope Benedec as XVIth behaved as Freud’s typical supressing person,
agressive father, he couldn’t integrated the sexuality and he gave a bad conception about
sexuality for others. You, my sweet reader, never follow other’s opinion, just go ahed to
realize your ownself. If sexuality refused, the energy of it also; as we se it at all jelous god. So
other Gods Godesses have sex and descendants [force of creation] isn’t allowed.
Orgasm – integration with others – secretine (oxytocine, vasopressine and dopamine change17)
Mother = whole, organic world, fertility, Prana, Síva18
Father/ we areness /tribe/ traditions
I amness
little world of the I am-ness
spiritual understanding how we are connected
Our develop is succeed from childhood (I am) to bigger circle of the word.
As Jesus told a in the Marc 16.15 ”…and you going to go to the whole kosmos to advertise
the evangelium [good news] for the whole creation.” (emphasis added) Jesus’ words were an ex
lex [out of law] satus in the age of only tribe solidarity (Mishna, Jewish tribes’ cohesion)
17 Today there aren’t any proof about primer virilisation in human fetal life, oxitocine is also a bisexual
hormone amd, the smae homones are behaving in different way in different gender.
18 Síva have created the word. For the material level [pātāla] Shiva’s wife (anima side) Parvati have created
Ganesa form soil and water or pulpe of palm. It is the beginning of the yin-yang forces. Only Síva or other God
on the partenogenetic way did the creation, like partenogenesis. Ganesha= like Hungarian Gan/ Kan = isvara =
Kan [Boar] Ős-úr [Elder-Lord] (shamanic antesedents)
 Human sexuality never animalistic, because we haven’t animal-like sexual drives and
prefabricated instincts and its operating mechinsm.
 Of course, matured people is able to control desires, but not just because. Occasionally, by
the purpose of spirituality, to develop more ability to resist, retain drives, and, be free, be out
of the power of instincts.
 Our hungryness, in this age, gluttony for sensations and be overvhelmed with estheticsensual pleasure is happen by the horrible emptyness of our soul. No poetry anymore, no more music (harmony), no more beauty. Just idiotic popular ”culture”. Nor more God –centre of
everything,, love, strong familiar realtionships. No more Latin, Greek, history, singing and
creative hobbies, just economy, human resourcement, management, law. Law, beacuse there
is no law = rights = insturments/ tools for poors. Thou constitued Low, to do legal exclusion
about poors. But everyone is suffering, because of lack of beauty which is related with the
LACK OF PERFECTION. Therefor are many substitutions.
 Homosexuality haven’t responsibility about it.
 Due hetero – homosexual preference have a same human approach: ability to love. To be
able to love, is the nature of God [totality as everything is well-integrated]. We rane’t able to love,
we just like, need money, power, the human society isn’t developing. Samuray and Sparta’s
soldier’s ’homosexuality’ [only by our view], so: diakonia, in lots of cases: PAIDIKA/ PAREIA =
Logically: evereryones is struggling to reach beauty through sexuality, theater piece, love,
hobbies, alcohol or drugs. The perfection is never born and never die. Its other name: God.
Hereby the totality is beyond the words –and Buddhism or Zen do not like much words,
because the world is cannot depict by the language.
God’s name in Buddhism or, in Zen, the never-born-never-passing away [never changable]
perfection. In Hinduism; Brahman = source of everything and, as we see it, no real difference
among the basic teaching of religions! In one way mutual pleasure, and sexuality and love
is reducing the distancy between people . Therefor sexuality isn’t sinful thing, and not
animal like at humans (beacuse it have many especially human levels and ”ingredients”). Of
course, sexual desire as all desires could do people be bogged, but it is an other question. Lord
Krisna have many recourses of pleasure, Krisna not Father-like [tirbe-leader!] opposite the quite
phallocratic godshape of Christianity. Krisna’s diversions, pastimes are autothelic, just for.
Lord Kisna isn’t a rigorous father, hi is mother-like, gentile, meek, mild-mannered. Krisna is
the source of rasa = rejoy, spiritual joyfulness.
The history of sexuality is speaking about how thereligion, priests, God’s commands and
later on physicians, and after psychologysts and… kings/ leaders (Konstanine, Iuliane)
and politicians (Tālibs, Monks, Mao, fasism), priests take possession of sexuality even,
sexuality could have numerous of variety, as many colourful people are living on the Earth. What is normal? Normal is: accepted by the mass. Something used to be, or, have ideological
permission to be… Unmatured people always choose psychopatic leaders, as Hitler, Stalin,
one type (just one type only) of the whole
modified shape by the examinator’s hand itself
slices (details only)
insturment, method, also can influence – do a distorsion about the examined object itself
scient person with special socialisation with specilaized eyes with a narrow, special language, with a special
narrow method
O n m a t r i a l s i t i m s b a s e d m e t h o d s, scientists, physicians, biologist, main question is:
SOMETHING IS VALID AMONG THE WALLS OF THE LAB? So, this is a main question: the
laboratory is not the sanctuary of everything. Metaforically: laboratory is a very tight and
strict narrow bar of the world!!! -Why? Because the invisible socialization. In the Kali yuga
(the periode of Kali = destroyer diety = ages of lack of God = knowledge, light) everything is for sale. Its
consequences: everithing is matter, and no other value. It is an invisible infection, more,
epidemy, more, pandemy, and it is really I told you, really contagous for scientist and
world-view (view of life) also. Everything just could have material causes and consequences,
that it is! General materialism, and Mammon is enthroned. We have, we’re working with
many PSEUDO-ENTITIES. And we have PSEUDO SCIENTS too. E.g. economy is not a scient, it
could not predict things, because the economy is influented by uncountable things, including
things out of economy. There is the evolutionist medicine, evolutionist psychologist even
evolution never has any proof evidences! It was accepted by voting by ’hands up’ of
biologists (annoing beside of this theory).
Darwinism is a prototype how authority is becoming as pseudo idea, factoide.
If someone observes the history of research of homosexulaity, it is obvious,
prefabricated preconception about it. Like genetic faliure, biologicalhormonal mistake, psychological mis-developing, obsession by evil, perversion.
-Was it just one of the researchers, who had have no prefabricated theory
about it?
Sometimes we see others, and we accept them. Sometimes we do not
understand people, just accept them. Just.
Miserable psychologyst researchers cannot shaw the difference between
erastes–eromenos (active one in a passive one, little yang in great Yin) love and, western-type male homosexuality. Many of them find the homosexual use more
femininic, regardless the samurays and Spartan soldiers. (Real masculine
intimacy) They ignored the lesbian continuum as slow transform from mate,
good mate, girl friend towards monogamous deep intimacy. Like, in Bushido
and Buddhist cloaster’s communities. Lesbians basically aren’t male
homosexual-lie. Male type of sexuality could be orgasm-focused regadless
emotion (anonyme-occasionally sex). Lesbian-feminism movement want to deconstruction the phallocratic classifications of sexist categories. Even the
biological gender, which layed down by males scientits or, the socially
composed more, preformed19 gender roles’ classifications too. Cloaster
homoerotism is beyond social gender, external pressure, clearly by mutual love, without the idea of family. Just by pure in-love, As Platonic love, by
absulute loyalty.
Sexuality isn’t queston of the choosen object, it is most primitive! More,
sometimes episodicly the choosen gender is changed. Primitive people even
prime minister or other leaders when thy are against liberalism, need
previously prefabricated idea of nature, ordo [order], moral. Otherwise human
dignitiy is not the question of liberalism.
19 geneder behaviour composed by performative elements: Gender Trouble: Femininsm and Subversion of
Identity, -Judith Butler, 1990.
Primitive people have a theory about oral fixation anal fiaxtion or fiaxtion
about penis, so they have fixation about fixations. (Psychologyst with narrow
subject) Hereby homosexuality is a very empty classification. And this empty
classification is contain sub- classifications: occasional (facultative) and
genuine as habit. Masculine or a feminine type body or whatever we want.
Unfortunatelly there are a small group those loosing their sexual interest or,
have no sexual orientation or, those who change their previously sexual
orientation. So might no boxes are enough for the (arteficial) classifications.
Sometimes we do not understand people, just accept them. Just. Might ortodox Russian tradition is permittive about love, agape and acceptance…
Subclassification have other sub-subclassifications, (1) males, they just
rediscover their penis at the beginning of the ages of adolescence. By the use
of masturbation might fixation could be, but this isn’t an answer to find other
guyz attractive. Nor oxytocine, nor testosterone level are responsable about it.
Nor familiar predispositions. (2) Those people, mainly are narcissistic, we
could find them, and (3) violent, agressive ones, and they do sex in a mixture,
agressive-erotic way. Yeas, it is truth a bit, but far away from the our over-all
Sexual behaviour always was colourful from the really remote past. People
had preferences about part of body (beauty man’s thighs, girl-like face,
gracious or, hairless body) or hair, type of sexual intercourse, type of body,
frequency, age or kinde of strata the partner belong so forth.
The postmodern question of identity show, identity is a prodcuct of political
activity or, on the basis of identity politicians are working? In ancient times
girl-like boys step by step was adaptating to female functions (berdache -at
american indians tribes), but without any discrimination or punishment. So,
”primitive indians” show much more spontanous intelligence, the individual
nature is gaven, unchangable, so give to hem or her place! Here we go!
Berdache youth males easily could change their way of life as erastes did too:
choose a wife, make descendants and living in family.
Putin (in Russia), Orban (in Hungary) not developed about due homosexualism
(as also uncertain classification) and liberalism. Both of them are antiliberalists but, not the liberalism is responsable about gay and lesbian
phenomenas (from bonobos, dolphins ’till humans) and more, any queer
movements. Gays and lesbians aren’t inferiors, nor immorlas, newds.
By the ”essentialist” homosexuality is a ready, made homosexuality idea or,
psychological constitution.
The reality is closest by constructionalists: the homosexuality is always
change according to the history, society, the opinion, reacts of one’s society.
It is obvious: same thing in different conctext will have due different
appearences and meanings.
I openly thend to use the word preferency , and, episodic sexual
behaviour terminuses -related with ”identity”. Because identity not only
intrinsic, political party, stupid people easilly could labelling peoples, groups
by external identity. By the view of heterosexuals. Even heterosexual category
is nothing? Do men have sex with women? What if, someones do not want to
sexual life with anyones? Mainly male (phallocratic) researchers construct
conceptions about male homosexuality in male-drived (phallocratic, sexist)
society. -Is there any independent researcher with innocent eyes?
Christian international solidarity try to deliberate Sudans slavers… 15
years by tomorrow. Slavery, in the 21th century! Sold slaves could only be
Islamic. How many years is necessary for any deliberation?
Buddha never told, you ”must”, nor Jesus or, nor Mohamed told, the religion is
compulsotoricly have to be propagated. Compulsion = agressive dissemination,
propagation by force = agressivity. Any dissemination of any idea be only in
the peacful way! Including homophoby or, into religion clothed compulsive way
of life! What I have read before? According to Al-Qur’an ‫القراب‬: 2: 57 ”There
should be no compulsion in religion” [lā ikrāha fi’d-dīni]. In the Qur’an there is no
analogy for ’diversity’ (marriage, support the vidow) like in the Jewish-Assirian
[rabbi ’ l-cālamīna – Mishna: ribbon ha-colimīm – al Fatīha] or, community or other
creation of God. But diversity, many way of life and, variety of beliefs are the
flower garden of God. We have universal commands (e.g. like Moses and ten
commands) and life guides for everyones (li-dawi’l-cilm min al-malā’ikati wa’t
taqalān20: including/ for all djinns21 and angels and humans) but we have different
cultures (harem – monogamic tradition –at Jewish in the case of the death of
brother the living brother have to provide descendant).
20 transcription - translation: C = breath, spiritus, as sad = ‫ص‬. ‫ = ث‬t like thing, English Jd = Aarcbci ‫ج‬
21 djinn is plural form, djinn have come in to English in this form, as bodiless gosst. But the singular form is:
djānn. Might meant angel/ malah or bodiless beings, there are many of meanings before Mohammed.
The same commands and aretē/ virtus [in English virtue]/ muruwwa will
’behave’ on different way because the influence of cultures. The word:
command is not sounds good in English, the word Qur’ān means: advertise,
good to know, now, openly revailed. Manifested.
The religious-cultural advertises, maximas, commands and forth are include
sexual, ecological, sociological modus vivendi (way of life) and those were
changed. Even, like Jewish or Islamic tradition, any extremic, fanatic people
wants, sutras (lines, ruins) be estabilished, be as for erever engraved roles so,
any changes aren’t allowed. And… it is a typical anal fixation-like behaviour,
be against any change, bo not flexibile. Fanatism is the same, and it is rooting
deeply into fear. Fear easilly could transform to agressivity. And our children
have many of it, by the Father like authority and Father like Gods. Even,
many God were Godesses, before (in age of Matriacrhy)
-Is there any difference between idolatry (to worship sacred idols, paints,
sculptures Heb. hanēf, [salmā] Ar. hānifāya [sanam]) and sutras? The meanings are
always beyond the words.
See the story with cAbd Allāh who ’ been written the ruins (sutras) were recited
by the Prophet Muhammed. ”Allah knows and hear everything.” [samīcun
calīmun] But the written line was: Allah is the Supreme who, have every
knowledge and sague (wisdom). [calīmun hakīnum] And the meaning is
understandable for everyone. The principal of any religion: we were born to reborn as more perfection and we fit to the God and, God not really curious
about our sexual life. God is waiting for our éclaire, enlightment: when we will,
or, will we realize our mutual origine? When we realize, we are brothers and
And finally, we have new times about self-determination. It is means: less
obligation from the society or religious society. Self-determination could be the
beginning of the peacful integration of ancient traditions. Among the cultures
the human rights are the essence: respect, be respected, liberty and giving
Might by the religions forbidden foods, tribes, identities and preferences had
gone… In those times relevant things today might obsolate. We are livin’
among many things but today out of date.
No more spreadding ideas as: invaders, conquerers needs. Certainly, without
pressure as child, open minded people, everyones is looking for the authentic
life, the point of ’origo’, qibla. Might hereby Mohammed have command what is
the right direction for the God’s pray.22 But the direction could everywhere –
because we have to have different experts (as Buddhism is teaching). The
qibla –after the hidjra- changed. But the ritualic elements are less important,
inner values have much more priorities.
Now, so called ’Islam state’ need humiliated, conquered followers (as
christianity did it long before). They need, not the God! Even religion is always
a good pretext to control other’s life.
THE HUMAN EXISTENCE is existence, whole, multilateral, sooner: not chemistry only, not just
biologism only, and nor sociology, nor psychology. Closer: vibration, and no words. It is
most stupid thing: when we’re speaking about world in the cloth of string theory, or we
speaking about the whole human existence by the way of sexuality: will this in the lab
working? The whole life is most bigger than narrow bar scientific subject: therefor scientist
are really stupid when they need, world will be less large and huge as it is as well. No
competency about sexuality, for any scientist, because scientist are stupid on the special
(narrow) way, and, LOVE CANNOT BE AN OBJECT OF ANY ANALYTIC (slices, slices, slices)
Law of category making. Less categoires than more anomalies/ deviancies. Hetero and homo,
is it enough? And what about e p i s o d i c h o m o s e x u a l i t y , identity, as we see it as: rites des
passages? - in Creta or in Sparta, when youth boys grow up, and learn be social among older
soldiers (paidika, love excellences, brave, ideas, yoth love and adoration) , but after EPISODIC
HOMOEROTISM (friends, pareia) they will have married. In lots of country boys preshrunk each
other, by MUTUAL MASTURBATIONS. IT IS NOT HOMOSEXUALITY, not an solide, genuine
identity, and generally identity could and must be changed otherways we never grow up!
Homoerotic preshrunk must be, by the lack of sexualpedagogy and LACK OF THE FATHER’S
PAY ATTENTION. It is a learning, harmless process, with porn papers, and during this process
phantasy and personal idea of girl beauty is shaping.
As dr Michael Newton’s hypnose-research, case studies23 about client’s previously life point
out: homosexuality is a part of the reincarnations’ task, what the soul need to be more expert.
22 The Qur’an definitely knows about predestination and free will (quadarīya - djabarīya) Free will is always
related with the consciousness, finally every is for God, - Īsāvāsyam –like Hindiusm/ Krisna-conscious says.
23 Journy of Souls, 1996, Llewlelyn Publications
Because love as: totality, if happen with soul, emotions, sexuality, isn’t analyziable. Of course
we can examinate it, but, by the nature of love, just in the very interdisciplinar context! Love,
as the entire existence of man, is absolutely & exclusively synthetic. To be it an existence. In
love: it is also existence. Make love by just the body’s want, it is also a gravity of love in the
level of matter. And… mankind have got the basileia, the ability of self-criticism, selfreflextion and, self-judgement, self-analyzing self-determination trhough self-exploration.
The power and the intelligence is gaven, written as basielia24 (βάσιλεια, throne, power/
kingdom of God = Safe, source of every measure). We are God-like, no reason to limiting
others. Faliure and pain are organic part of everyone’s learning. And beatuty isn’t scientific
category (Kant), esthetic is closer to religion. We are the victimes of the linear and mostly
Aristotelian logic, therefor our categories are behaving as prison’s cells. We need many
bifurcations and non-identification with unquestioned statements, and other’s opinion.25
and becoming, transform, sorry, categories/ classifications aren’t solide concreet or rocks.
Jesus told: ”the truth is water-like”. (Only in the present works, fluide-flexibile.)
In the age of atom-science, there is a 2nd wave of poverty, greater mirgration. In Italy and
Hungary, the 1 percent of the population have more wealth than the 60% of the population. In
the age of Mars expeditions, ability to reach the Pluto with space sonda, socially insensitive
people = politicians cannot reach the poors. (Mostly they don’t want to) No medicine aid by
ebola stiked people, no drinking water, no help, no know how, about distribution and reorganisation, no dignity. Primitive newspapier writers depicted Mohammed with dog body
and they are saying: it is a freedom of medias. No way! But what if, on the picture the naked
Virgin Mary sucks Jesus? Is it allowed? The blame, blasphème the God is a very sad
beggining of the age of Dark, which is succeed without any knowledge of God. In the name of
God are many kill and war happening, so the Catholic Church has a serious faliure about hell.
The earth is the hell itslef. Wars are happen always. Starwing people, ill children without
medicine… So for who is problem the variety of sexual taste and sexual life?
24 both in Arami-old Hebrew languages haven’t difference between kingdom and power, like old-Greek too.
25 Alfred Korbizsky: Sciente and Sanity, in: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems, and General
Semantics –New York 1933
Children connot follow the gay parents’ model. The homosexual experience (around 20%
[Oliphant et al. 2003 USA]) never shape real gays at teenagers, and as it seems, homosexual
experiences also belong to the develop of masculine identity! More gays have moe active
right hemesiphere of their barain, and the corpus callosum which is do an interconnection
between the brain hemispheres is more girl-like at males too. And it is connected with Xq27
gene, solodarity, more expression, more easy and affective communication.
Why homosexuality is problem? Gay need not other’s permission. Homosexuality is problem
because we cannot how to love and how to die26. (Lack of cultural patterns) The focus on
genitals. Focus not on the integrative force. Our age a nee descending periode of the
knowledge of the unconditional love and God. Therefor homosexuality is problem even God
is without decision and punishment.
Religion isn’t faith and hope and deep belief in God and the care by God. Jesus and Buddha
knew how mankind naura is works. They didn’t want any institutional religion. Church, as
institution tend to behgave as authority, even, by Jesus’ opinion God is mother-like (caring,
acceptive, holding).
There wasn’t evolution, but, the involution was. Closer, the Falling is continues. The remain
of the fall = irradiation = expansion on Oness is erōs, as, in the matter working reminescence
of the light of the God. The remain of the energy of God in the matter, is the measurable
cosmic, background radiation (2,7 K –by COBE27). It was predicted by the Big Explose theory.
And, by George Gamow, Ralph Alpher and Robert Hermann (1948). Might the big bang was
the beginning of the manifesation of this world. The remain of it is the backgrund radiation.
Hereby, sometimes, everything was all together. Tighty. Unseparable. The trauma is always
the separation. This is a meaning point in lot of creation-myth including our psychological
develop of the ego. The Vedas been written about, everithing is ethernal just transform to
other fomrs and qualities. Fo rus, does not matter, Síva or Brahman were the Big Bumm, the
first explosion or, the reason/ initiator of any manifestation. The remain of energy of the
manifestation might the cosmical background radiation. The myth and religion aren’t against
’scientific’ physical knowledge just an other language and as we gess, myth do an deeper
explain of the Universe. We comes from the the One, and we have the Oedipalic oblivion/
forgotten ( previously we have identifyed with somebody  and we learn to ’share the
loved person’ with others, be overcomed about exclusivellyness –this is a psychological level
of ontological separation from the One).
26 Felt sensation in real orgasm: feeling of depersonification. Hereby orgasm, katharsis and death are so close to
each other. Today we are dying in hospitals, and we focus on our body, a wrong focus again.
27 cosmic background explorer
I called Jesus by phone, and He told me, Norbert never forget to mention, how love is
important, on the way as love [integration, distancy-reducing] is the same origine: of mankind.
Souls (sparks of God, jīvas) had got strong emotions about desire to dominate others and have
delights = karma-kānda. Freud: Lust-prinzipe, be trapped in matter, usu-seeker, usufrucutary.
Puppet –moved by instincts. Like childish need about agency-experience or with other word:
need for be competent. Hungry for competency. The tantric and Krisna’s love interpretation is
YOGA = to UNITE with sy. and sg. What people are like about caddling, stroke, make love just
will be by mutual agreement. In Islam, four wives or other countires community als also
allowed. Henceforth I do a colligate plan about, what love is? If we can believe in
reincarnation, between life we are living in groups, clasters = relatives (not in earth-like
meaning) too.
Before confused statements, we need to declare:
transcendental, spiritual feeleng of:
bliss, salvation (redemption)
psychological level of:
the same phenomenas are on different levles
transformed energy on the body’s (instincts) level like:
pleasure, delight, drive and thurstyness
And those separated things basically are the same but, because of our
material-social-psychological-spiritual beigness seems as different things.
Love, life in an acceptive family, community happen by healty reaction of mirroring. After is
happen by free want. Situation or psichological pressure or miserability is compel us to do or,
retain us to do something. It is time to be overcomed agression, and infantile compulsion
about those people they want to control others. Todays earlier reached human rights and gay
rights are in periculum, right side parties or Church want to control other’s beliefs or any
(1) It is better if we leave behind the word, identity, which is very temporal. Which is
sometimes less meaningful. I am not lesbian, I am a woman for an example, but
mainly I prefer to have sex with women, and I like tenderness and emotions. Hereby
just go ahed, my reader, forget your identity, PREFERENCY is comes by inner want, I do
not eat any animal food, even I am not Krisna believer, but I stop kill/ eat animals –
even we need some of proteines. Homosexuality was known centuries ago, it was a
kind of alternative, just the opinions were changed. And we do not know, what is the
few principal things those are cousing homosexuality. Therefor homosexuality is
happen by MANY CAUSES’ CONSTELLATION. Not a real illness, nor a real deviancy,
even there are some kind of form of homosexulaity those are comes from psychosocial circumstances.
(2) Love is means: I accept. I conscious about others’ need. I know, more, I acknowledge
we are the same. Therefor we need to reach the spiritual level of heart chacra.
Mankind is not conquered the level of umbillicar charca yet. We are so unmatured.
We arent’ able to love, or just be a tolerant ones. We need power. We’re poor. Love is
an universal architect of the manifested world. Our lovers aren’t our posessions. It is
very ancient, about hulc – ‫ٳ‬slamic law of divorce. Which is clearly declare women,
even males do not eat with and sleep with women in a menses periode (huwa adan/
dam) are free. She could be free from man. Women could have they own time and
what they want to do [Qur’ān 2:232 lā tacdilū-hunna –she is protected by walī]. They didn’t
weared mourning dress, they could have a new matrimonium.
(3) And, generally: love REDUCE ALL DISTANCES. The reason of many sexual dysfunction
is the reduced sexuality. Its reason is the lack of trust. And we are growin’ in the
seroius lack of trust. Trust and love are the same, reducing the distances among people
Love = Sekinā = dāru’s salāmi = place where God shinning = togheterness. If we are
speaking only sex, does not matter. Man without deep have sex without love. Let see;
what the love is generally meaning below:
OVERVIEW about the lave as force and integrative mechanism to unify different elemetns in
to the Whole -to understand, how love isn’t emotion (only)
The gravitation is really weak but universal force and its comes fromt the space curves or, the
massless messenger particules of gravitation (as labelled graviton). The magnetic and electric
attraction is more knowed in our everyday’s life. Weak force just do attraction beneath the
atom, and it is responsable e.g. γ (gamma) radiation. Strong nuclear force do attraction beneath
the atom only, more preciously, in the proton and neutron, just between the kvarks (gluon
gravitation magnetic force electric force electro-magnetic force
need for safe and fellows, oxytocine, serotonine
copulation instinct (feromones)
whole, weak
weak force
strong, specific
strong nucelus forces
extra strong, in stars
By the strugglie of quantumphysics to unifiy the forces of the Universe: to unify the gravitation (G)
and the Magnetic (M), Electro-Magneic (EM) and weak (W) and, the nuclear storng (S) nucelear
forces ”in one”. Psychologically; we can unify the level of the types of attraction and it is the
equasion of God.
I am
she/ he
we areness
unity with I am perfect unity
pre-perfect unity
dilatated we areness ego - I amness not me
belonging/ be integrated
parts, many illusorical, disseparated, independent entities, parts of the ground
gravity waves
black hole
neutron stellars
vaporation of matter
Brahman’s egg, totality
plurality of the beings
Kali’s destroy break the samsara/ carma, with God again
All ancient spiritual teaching about soul as composed entity = personality
28 Will be… as Gods’want would arrange something -unconditional belief
The induvidual being has many hiddened ingredients of its soul (Aristote, Platon,
part of
God's soul
psychosocial, ego
all part of the soul will decompose
the remain the God's soul as atma
dosen of aboriginal tribe’s knowledge). Henceforth, where is the sex, where is the
gender, what kind of part of the soul could be homosexual? The answer will be
enlightening. As we can see below (by Wesselman) in according to the same
category, ther is a comparative table to see, many different culture speaks about the
same, even with different words:
Ancient Egypt
forever living
arutam wakanl
muisak wakanl
nekás wakanl
Mind and soul aren’t the same. Minde and soul cannot localisable. These are in
everywhere, in the connections of synapses and in interconnections of functions. No
sexuality. But consciousness could be conditioned. Soul or the inocent mind hasn’t
In old Hindusm, a teaching about the soul, it is composed by 5 kind of aire –quality.
Like solide (Earth –bozons, Higg’s field, gravitation, to have weight = bariōs) , liquide,
(neutrons and electrons) aire, fire – protonlike behaviour, leptos-psychicos, and
plasmatic (heat + light). Among the four circle [Egyptian sacred geometry] there is the
seed-origine. The four other sourranding ones behave as memory, experiences, in
this way soul can ”learn” and remember. Plasma = fire, Spiritual, aire = astral,
psyhē, water –biology, zóē, Earth = death matter.
IN THE COSMOS EVERITHING IS CYLIC. Genders comes form Unity and… they will return to it
again. So there is an among psychologyst well-knowed process as
named androgyn phenomena, and its measure in society as:
CONVERGENCY OF GENDERS. Today, against the anxiety, which is
realted with the weak gender’s status, so many things, like sign of male
or female specific and external signs are overemphatized, therefor girls
need plastic implantatums, beauty chirurgy. Boys
in their teen ages have they early needs about
well endowed muscles and today is most fashion
sixt-pack abdomen (stomac) BUT: why they need
just an external signs of their sexuality? Because
the slowly started convergency (sexualpsychology
tests by Kinsey, end of ’60 years) of European genders. Because of the
influence of dictators of fashion about unmatured brains. Migth it is
normally happen, but masculinic (dominant) women are castrating their
boy babies and husband too. As we can see the picture below, there are
two Asian youth, but the are so feministic and, more: they show interracional signt too. And
this is a metrosexualism, how body is just an object in the capitalism, look is everithing, for
sell. No real look of gender. So the world is changing, as Jesus told as, the truth is like
woter , is changing from moment to moment, by moment… as ancient East phylosophy told
us: enchoring in the presence! -Is metrosexualism good or bad? Noneless. Just exsist. Without
judgement. Catholic church or, any religion have no reason to do any effort, bid, campaign to
influent peoples sexual identity, intimacy, and, preference. Not just because the relative
freedom of the man, but we know, we do thong from our unconsciousness, and, by the
invisible influence of ideologies –and, fear from the invisible audience, incorporated
authority, as our family, school, and other mates. -What is our purpose on Earth? Because
this world, is happen always between start and end, our what to do is, the hope. Love and
hope is the same point in every religion. Any conquistadors, invaders in privat territory are
inauthentic. The meaning of life: re -gain the contact with God, re -discover our
Godlike nature.
Our specific society makes our children, youth immatured, because of lack of job, or,
possibility to go a good highschool or university do a motivation youth people stay at home.
And, there is a retarded possibility to be slowly more independent, to survive alone by one’s
effort. And, we have many of ANDs, because the contexts and, interconnections of things, so,
this general situation about how mother’s hostel has impact on independency, sexual
maturation too. The overprotective mother itself is the inhibiting impact on the way someone
be adult enough and do her or his own life.
INDIA, GREEK AND, IN LATIN CULTURE ALSO! So, we frequently watching the sexuality
throughout the religious window. Therefor: we are under different kinds of preconceptions.
we can see MANY OTHER ASPECTS, view points of human sexuality, in the early ages of the
Hellenic culture (erōmenōs [younger boy, in Islam: gilmān] – erastēs [older, who did the initiation in to
the sexual life but, be feminine is weren’t allowed], naked sports in the ”gymnasium”, in latin:
catamitus29, [khʌtʌmɪnʊs] concubinus30 [khοnkhʊbɪnʊs] –in Roma -the prostitution happened
related with both gender!).
Or in the Islam ‫ ٳسلم‬culture (source: kitab31 al-bāh), mostly in the erotic literature of Sufism!
Which period was really permissive, acceptive about youth male homoerotism, »exaltatic inlove«. The racionalistic answer was: because one Islamic male could have (generally) four
wives. Therefor the sexual intecours was rational about ’frustrated’ young males (livat [lɪwʌt],
gilman, [ɡhɪlmʌn] erōmenōs-like [eromenoʃ]).
And… it is not only normal, it is necessary, boys are teaching boys first, and they sexual
organs are external, visible (colleges, military and common bathrooms, hammam [Hʌmmʌm] Turkish spah). The sexual behaviour in its complexity is socially-culturally learned
behaviour! Not happen by instinct nor, biological drives only! Sexual culture always based on
learned repertoire. Old times the bath places sometimes were a common for both gender.
Hammam was a kind of caffee too, talk, play chess, listen news, and beyond the ritualic
cleaning some menfolk find pleasure with a handsome youth servant… And something else:
and other cultures! East and Sud cultures have indeed more proxemity,
and touch definitely a kind of part of the communication between
people. Touch could be ’verbal pet’ also, as a prise of somebody. In India or, in Marrakesh, touch and hug between the same gender not
sexually happen! But to touch the opposite gender wasn’t allowed,
excipe the younger relatives. Among males and between females we can
see much more body language, gesture, even is hug or touch or
examination a new cloth so fort. ANTHROPOLOGYCALLY we can see the
sexual diversIty in many countries, in many, different cultures! The
ancient Arabic culture clearly declaired the difference between mahabba
(love) and ’isk (desire).
29 passive male in sexual ’cohabitatio’/ ’copulatio’ (to make love, fuck)
30 permanent lover –regardless the gender
31 book of love
The masturbation (istimna [’ɪʃtɪmnʌ]) was accepted. Not by Jewish, and see the story of Onaan
–and the obligation or, ’obsession’ about reproducing –to provide the future of the tribe.
(Onaan been empty his sperm to the soil –and give not descendant to his wife –as the serious
Jewish expectation was as a hard demand (by the fear of death, fear from the tribe’s
disappearence). Opposite the Jewish tradition and, according to the situation wen the brother
haven’t children or he deceased, there was an obligation, for the living brother, to substituate
his brother about begetting/ reprodue children related with the Jewish fear of the
depopulation). In the Afro-Surinami tribe, women have no words (and this is the same in
many and many tribes!) for the lesbian identity or behaviour. Mati = it is means, I am, at the
moment, with an other woman. And…. mati is never an estabilished statement, like: I am
[definitely] lesbian. This is an other examle for EPISODIC PREFERENCY, so no reason to do hard
unflexible categories. And matis ladies easily could be with a men. Soranos (II. c. A. D.
Greek physician in Rome) has been wrote: ”there are some kind of women, they behave as a
man so, they have sex with other dames” (Soranos called them: tribades). Plutharc’s opinien
was widely accepted as an idea of true love, FALL IN LOVE, INDEPENDENTLY THE DIFFERENCES
OF PHISIOLOGY, it is a noble love (mainly between boys). –Why it is noble? Because not the
gender is a main, principal issue, than the beauty. Beauty in many sense and, high-flown mind
and other treasures of the human soul. It is very important opinion –related with the
rediscovered the spontan32 diversity of human sexuality! Plutharc has gone before scientists,
anthropolgyst and, sexualpsychologysts and, before any human rights movement!
Unfortunately we arn’t biological beings anymore, therefor sexuality isn’t the same as we find
it in the realm of animals (= ”natural” normal, see, we aren’t natural anymore). The HUMAN
fashioned proclamation, fellows must be natural, because sexuality only for descendants, it is
only for reproducing. No way, in the case of humans it is a serious failure. Due at troglodits,
at cave man and in higher aristocratic-religious culture homoerotism was wellknowed praxis
(used to be used).
The PSYCHOLOGYCAL MOTIVES in the human sexual behaviour makes not animal-like issues.
The brain’s neocortex, psychical instancies, CULTURE also makes MUCH MORE INFLUENCES
related with sexuality so we must facing with them. Sexuality and love, love and marriage are
frequently associated but they are not the same. Marriages happened in many occasions by
just political - materialistic interest only, not by heart. Any marriage couldn’t work just based
on sexual desire.
So, WE MUST PURIFY THE IDEAS OF SEXUALITY and, we have to clean the estabilished concepts
of gender, ”natural”, conventional, heterosexual and homosexual, so forth.
32 So, not by degeneration! Genetic, molecular diversity (”variety”, suddenly emerged) new thing.
Fear and preconcepion about homoerotism. In the previously ages, long, long time ago, when
Atlantis was the crown of the human culture, in the ages of Hyperboreia, Lemuria, in the
centuries when pyramides –in a periode- where emerges, both male and female were equal.
In India, in Sparta women were a kind of 2nd citisens, and harem, so this situation had effect
how males and females looking for psychical relief, acceptance and love at the same gender.
Euqal is means: has voting right or the right to possess, have wealth, property and be able to
inherit or be independent. It is morden important, as we see first, because equality is means:
both gender were free for sex, or free to say: no sex! In the Latin empire [in a periode] woman
had voting rights too, and permission to do enterprises and deal
about familiary wealth or business fortune or do any profession.
Older times as might we can’t imagining, in the developed culture
ladies were free as they weren’t a property of men. Sexuality was
deliberated from any biologism and, ideas, sexuality was a
present, voluntarily shared pleasure for the beloved person. So,
ladies no longer served any man’s desire! Before the phallocratic
tyranny of masculine culture. Before the pressure to give boy
descendant to the kings, counts and barons. In older time there
was a man idea, as a beauty too, like in Greece, Mesopotania. We
forget to percieve the male beauty. We learned not appreciate the
male beauty.
WE HAVE SOCIALIZED EYES! The well-proportioned body of male was an idea of strong but
harmoniously developed man. Previously men were also adored as an expression of beauty.
(We cannot image it, especially in the homophobic countries.) Today the emphase (accent) is
on the look, the muscles, and there is a cult of body. The human body as a perfect machinearchitecture, and source of many pleasure were represented in the painting, sculpures many
ages ago.(e.g. Naked man –Ste Sebastian with arrows is a good example).
As Saadia Gason (X.century, Arabic) has been wrote, THE PASSIONATE ’EROS URANIA’ (so not
for descendants and familiary business) LOVE IS HAPPEN BETWEEN TWO MAN (Kūstā ibn Luka
[IX.c.] and ar-Razi –see the similarity with Creta!). Altogether, in those age, related with gay
love, there is no danger of castration, exile or, whipping)! Opposite the rigorous, overreligious
Sharīya (the decisive cganche, fundamental Islamic) behaved as fearful one, who looking for
sfae estabilished way of life. Opposite, in England, there was a 1st law against the homoerotic
relationship and, it was declared in 1553 (Henry the VIIIth). When the Musulmans conquered
Spain (711), they had annul all the punishment (like giving birht ”without” husband, children
illegitime). Hereby male ’in-love with male’ could be like in tenderness inreached (kisses,
hugs, cuddling) Platonic love (eros urania), friendship.
Homoerotism was an organic part of the everyday’s life. Spah, markets (as sociopetal, central
space), bath high-culture was similar to the theater culture in Roma, to meet with fellows, to
enjoy with social life, news, gossip, talk and curting, curtship or, planning busienesses, play
chess. Abu Nuvas (ʌBʊ nʊvʌʃ) and Stratón, Meleagros, Akaios, Dionyos, and, of course
Sappho is also an authentic source of earlier accepted homoxesuality.
The many aspect and; multiply influences of the sexual behaviour aren’t separable, including:
the polaric forces of the Universe, gonadal, hormonal, sociological and psychological aspects.
So, what is disgusting, un-naturale or immoral, cannot be a result of just one aspect (against
Ockham’s blade, un-reasonable reduction)
Lots of phallocratic culture were permissive about Sappho’s love, it was a kind of wumen’s
tenderness even, if the homoxesuality was forbidden for men. The sexual identity as learned
behaviour = gender, never was spontaneous, the patterns of parents, the socially expected
roles are deeply influented people’s developing identities. History speaks about personalities
they were change they own sexual identity as gender (Orlando – Orlanda, -novel by Virginia
Woolf, Maria van Antverpen 1769, they changed her name and look to male… Or in China,
closest friends; luan feng: knowed as ’3rd gender’. The 3rd gender is principally out of the
roles of gender. For Hungarians, Gyula Krudy been writting about Mariska Simli, a deviant,
half-fool writer woman, who weared reverend-cloth, and she didn’t want to be recognised as
And those were as knowed: »they’re eating the peach togheter«33, XVI –XI centuries Before
Christ!, kings Vei and Tsu, -and the entire Han dinasty). Unfortunately sexual hormones
(oestrogene, testosterone) and x-y chromosomas does not determine the psychologically felt
sensation of sexual identity. Many heterosexual people were (occasionally) felt good,
interesting, exciting impressions about the same gender! Of course, we see the world trough
the mental filter: we’re suffocating our emotions, we’re repressing our desires, we are tend to
follow social roles. Because we are affraid be enclosured by our ”social body”, and Church,
and, fear from the thought abouth possibility to loose career. We are livin’ in the shamemaking society. Homosexuality was under penalty of the law [as ystem of tyrannos] (prison, or
execution, mobbying, labelling, bulying!) and… it was punished in various non-formal way,
in many society e.g. exclusion. And the hiddened self under the heterosexual masque was
suffering. –How is possibile, to be, ownself? If you are ”straight”, but you are extraordinally
creative or, like Bruno (Giordano), Newton (Isaac) so, if you are indeed curious and
monomanicaly invenietive »really [= persistence of curiosity and motivation] scient«, your age will
find you as a strange, odd, curious, weird […] so, not an average, understandable person.
33 Hang and Sang dinasty, from the old history from III. century B.C. Prince Ling and his minister Ni-Xia were
in-love with each-other. They were walking in the the garden of fruits-trees, and Ni-Xia has been eaten a peach,
and he find it so delicious, so sweet, and he shared with prince Ling. So, thereafter homoseual love called as »to
eat the peach together.«
Identity is very complex, and, as a scientific facts display for us, it isn’t depend on the genetic,
biological sex, of body or, socio-psychological gender’s role! Identity also isn’t depend on
hormones (gondadotrope hormones) only. Physicians well known, it is an older evident, even,
if the testosteron produce is normally happen, but no testosteron (by genetic faliure, dihidrotestosteron hormone) receptors on the surface of the cells (membran), the body isn’t able to
detect the presence of the testosteron, so testoteron isn’t enough to be male, for example.
The name of Hermaphrodite for the genetical physician scients is: X matter. (Myth aren’t
fairy tales, there were autogamy in nature, todays, like snails. Hermes and Aphrodite’s love
had given birth of Herm[es] - Aphrodite. And God/ Atman ITself, as ONE (Plato, Plotine)
haven’t gender as we have it as well.) –Who said, if something is myth, that does not exist or
not true?? And what about Sarasvati river (discovered by satelit) and earlier denied runes of
Troian city??
Many meaningful teachings have got tale-like cloth. Like non-fact thing. But myths are far
away more! Many myth cover or, inerpret an ancient fact and stories and carries, reserve/
preserve important memories and values (real gigant sceletons –Qur’an, strange explosion at
Ghomorra –Bible, story of David and Goliath, Phaëton –collision with a commeth?, so forth).
Alone, the testosterone hormone only isn’t inhibiting the developement of Müller-tube (tuba
uterus), oviduct, or fallopian tube. From the Sertoly cells isolated X matter glycoproteine (”X
matter”) is do an inhibition for the Müller tube’s (oviduct’s) develope. With the knowledge of
psycho-neuro-immunology, we acknowldege, we aren’t under the direction of genes. The Y
chromosome has a regulative space (rti) 34 and this is against, the testicular develop-inhibitor P
locus wchich is findable in the arm of X chromosome. If there is no Hy antigene, which is
initiating the medullarisation’ process of the testis (medullarin moleculas) will not perfect
develop of male. And, in the intrauteral period of foetus, the hormones (testosterone and its
derivate: estradiol, Luteinic Horomone, LH, Follicule Stimulating Hormone, FSH, and the regulator
factor: GnRH as Gonadotropine Releasing Hormone as well) are the matters to shape the
developing brain as male type of brain (= extremely autistic) or female (= extremelly Williams
syndrome, non-intellectual and hypersocial). (Inter neurocellular-wiring, making female or, male
type of neuro-projections, testosterone, estradiol). Out of scient, myth and sage are speaking
about reincarantion, so previously female cell-memory or, the other direction of the chacra
wortex also could causing alternative identification or, right identification but other kind of
As before MANY scientis were suggesting, hormonal, emotional-social impacts, experiences
what we have, iniciating hormones’ activity which hormones turn in or, turn off lots of genes
those are responsable about how the brain is working towards.
34 Loco of the: Testosteron Inhibiting Regulator
So, in this way not material things, like 1. emotions, sotial interactions are causing 2.
neuroendocrine change, and this process has various 3. effects on the genes those are
coordinating 4. other biochemical produce. Those are 5. influenting the evaluation of
enviroment and organise over-complex answer related with social and objectival enviroment.
Unfortunally the picture is so overcomplex; nerve groth factor problem also could casuing
a soft problem of psychological sexual identity.
In this ways we can see, the develop of identity is very complex, and in many ways:
complicated. Pain could start/ turn on stress genes, just a slap by anger on your face dear
reader of mine, but I do not wish you, indeed, and corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH)
will be deliberated, by the genes which are in the hypothalamus. Thereafter CRH will turn on
genes, are responsable to produce POMC (proopiomelanocortine hormone). And…
suprarenal glandula will produce ACTH (adreno-cortocotrope homone). This, juts a sort of
example to demonstrate: how psychologycal effects turns to biochemistry, and body effects
are arrising. Henceforth human existence is deeply limited for analytic examination. We are
whole beingness. Henceforth we have to do a differentiation about sexus. And, I, as a
PHILOSOPHER WHO IS COMITTED AT THE SIDE OF TRUTH I must acknowledge, sexuality how
many levels has. So, goig into the datils we have to see the LEVELS AND ASPECTS of sexuality:
 GENETIC GENDER, it is a question of XX (♀) or XY (♂) chromosomas. Hormonal (gondadic) sexus, hormones
adjust genes and genes are producing hormones which hormones are help to express sexus trough the body including primail gender’s signs as external signs (penis and vagina) and internal conditions (testicle beneath
abdomen in childhood, uterus, so forth).
 GONADAL SEXUS, even the sexual hormons couldn’t to determine the identity nor the whole constitution,
appearence, contsitution of body,
visible gender: like bones, maled or
female pelvis, muscles, brests or
hairiness, lenght and voice, and the
male or, femal-type of brain, and,
the special one, right hemisphered male
brain. At the arists and male
homosexuals both of hemisphere of the
brain are symmetric, so there is
no dominant hemisphere, by the more
endowed corpus callosum which
is makes the hemispheres more
connective -comper with hetero,
”normal people”
Am I agree with my gender? Am I
agree with my sexus, but not agree with the roles are given by the genderhood?
 BEHAVIOURAL GENDER –but it is definitely depend on many cultural background!
 GENDER BEFORE THE COURT, gender before Law. ”If I was a boy, but I transformed my body as a transsexual
into the female appearence”, -before the Law I stand as a ”girl”, but my choiced gender is male! (But this is also
depend of the others country’s law.)
Seeng that, there are many point of the sexual develop, and those could be damaged or just
modified. As enumaretad points above are showing us, how the human sexuality has much
more complexity. Therefor this placement which is saying, is disgusting and overeductionism: how only the biochemistry is important between two persons when they fall inlove. (Un-measured, excessive reductionism –God forbid!). Although chemistry is could be a
’magic’, that makes a kind of person morden exciting to you and, another persons are
irrelevant. But chemistry isn’t everything! The human brain is socilalized throwout many
years in many places (nursury, schools, family). The matured personality’s behaviour is not
based on chemistry only. Commitment, loyalty based on responsibility even, the monogamic
ehaviour succeed under more oxytocin produce. But, commitment could cause more
oxytocine level. So soul and body in our, material level aren’t easier separable. Polygamy/
polyandry aren’t against the faith. Contrary, just one wife and husmband makes us blinde. We
have to be ower tribe-identity (separation from other tribes = families), tribe-solidarity.
Social networks are behaving as other networks, buti n the better coiety love is the main role.
Love ignore trieb and family, love is akcnowledge more bigger unites than snague-relations
only. Love is against any favoritism. Therefor love could be unwanted for those are keeping
the power.
Might there are many planets and those have different principles like yin and yang forces.
Our, basically yin-like (in war/ agressivity inreached) Earth by the human nature is yang type.
Exploit, tyrannia, authority, terror, agressivity, conquer, expansion, grow, ration, strenght so
forth. Including our religions too, we just have father-like religions, authority-guided,
authority-leaded. The scient is also a yang-type of approach of the word.
Unfortunatelly only scientist aren’t able to grab the meaning: scient is unable to reach the
word, just because the word isn’t yang. Intuition, meditation, sharing, subtile emotions,
mystic, receiving, care, faith, hold, nurture, so forth.
inocent and the demonized male idol
Or. Or testosteron (closest: dihydro-testosterone) produce, which is cousing a hunger for love, but
it isn’t conscious, so sexuality could be just a substitution of love. Intrauterine nonresponsibility for (Mother’s?) testosterone is a predisposition for gay boy baby. But. But the
frontal lobe (expecially in the right side) of the brain (moral and, evalvuation), and the entire
personality is working to evalvuate the person’s own act. The mankind’s totality couldn’t be
an analytic object for any scient. The man is a synthetic entity indeed. THE PERSONALITY ISN’T
INDEPENDENT ABOUT SOCIAL INFLUENCES. Like in Sparata’s army, and, in Creta [Xenophon –State
of Lakedaimonians], youth were isolated their own father. –For what reason?
To influent them, and, the attitude about women. Therefor, man’s ”orthōs” (aretē, brave) and
excellency was an idealistic value nad, idealistic love (eros urania). So, it isn’t sublimation as
old times and today’s military and sailor’s homosexuality. And more: the values of the
character were separeted from the gender! This is a point, what I wanted to show you, my
benevolent reader, how many factors are working, but not in the eyes in the present age’s
over-specialised eyes! Be careful when you do any reduction related with entire human
behaviour. Like, in the case of choiced fidelity (so not dependecy), unconditional love. In
Chine, love happened by internal proprieties of the personality, external appearence was far
away not enough! We are inprisioned by our own eyes/ desires; yes, oh, what a huge brest or
well endowed penis! Our society is totally denie the human dignity. The person is personality
(more factors), not hormone only, nor look as an external appearence only.
For the higher inetgrated person, the other person isn’t the source of one’s sexual desire. But
we are under effect of the god-forsaken television, we’re in the captivity of sensuality and
erotisim, and we’re less using our inwardness and, spirituality. We are in the prison of matter.
THE TOTALITY OF THE HUMAN EXISTENCE isn’t reducable even, the evolutionist35, materialistic
human biology would to suggest. Mind, soul isn’t separable from the human’s totality.
The entire human life in coincidental and in unknowed things inreached. And the sexual
behaviour also influented by many other mechanism, like, social reward system in the brain.
There are many gens are responsable about motivation. The promoter (= turn on buttom) is
the social interact itself. So: external effect  turn on the genes of motivation and social
behaviour  helicases, polimerases, telomerases […] to help to transcript the gene  and
activated gene is initiating other neurohormones (dopamine, oxytocine + endorphines –they
have impact on hypothalamus, which has oxytocine-sensitive cells. And the oestrogenesensitive cells -were discovered by the Hungarian: János Szentágothay [ʃanthaghotaee])- are
answering for the social enviroment even it is a lovable person, or there is a social tense of
35 Attention, the idea/ conception of evolution never was from Darwin (A.R. Wallace, Hobbes, Lamarck). And
it isn’t have proof evidence antill todays!
Excitment can be detected in the brain’s social reward system: tegmentum, gyrus cinguly
especially in ACC (Anterior Cingular Cortex), nucleus accumbens (”joy-centre”). The social
rezonance3 (it is a same habit/ wave-lenght/ psychologycal constiution/ emotional tuning,
humour36) it is very important if we find somebody firstly sympathetic, or after just a few
occasion we fall in-love with him or her. I do not speak about sexually hungry girls or boyz,
they’re mainly sexually motivated, and sex easily could be a kind of power on others, or the
evidence of the attractiveness of Ego: so, I am so attractive, how I am irresistible, I am so
marvellous, mainly older man have gorgeous youth dame to represent/ to compensate
something, so forth.
it was a questionable ancient heritage about chakras as weels of energy of the body. Chakras
do different functions about the energy body wich is cover the physical body. All chacras are
near to endocrine gland or/ and to the nerve sub-centre.
The root-chakra (Muladhara -root) is connect us with the Earth energy, and its centrum the os
sacrum, (sacral bone), cauda equinea and nervus ischiadicus, and the testiculars-ovariums and
the suprarenal glandulas. Vitality, stabilisation, Erath principal, elemental – planet Saturn.
sign, Capricorn, in the Jewish tradition: MALKUTH in the TREE OF SEPHIROT. Basis.
The abdominal chakra is about emotions, sexuality, to be survived, with elemental of water.
Swastisthana chakra. Prostata, uterus, bladder (vesica urinaria). Body intelligence with
The umbilicar (navel) chacra is the Manipura, and it is involving pancreas, plexus (nerve)
hypogasricus, fire elemental, leon, ram. Planet Mars, Sun.
The anahata chakra is very important about love and social relations. Ductus pectoralis (the
greater duct of lymph), plexus thoracalis, heart, thymus, chest, colour: green. Planet Venus,
sign: Taurus, Equilibrum. Its elemental is ayer, aire. After this point we can turn from
animalistic beingness towards to spiritual beings. This is a sensitive point of the non-different
sexual energy and, social interest and emotional needs. Chacras are associated with what we
have to do, related with matter, with be survived, with others, to understand bigger systems as
36 Dunkel, Norbert Nepomuk: Musictherapy, [for due physicians and artists too] 2004 Handwriting, Montréal,
Canada, 2006 Debrecen, Hungary
Sounds, as an octave (segment, spectrum) of the vibration, or, the light (an other segment of
vibration) also could be an element. E.g. the throat, Vishuddha chacra has voice element, and
its function a kind of consciousness, a kind of creativity: will be, and outspeaking the truth. I
cannot say much more, because, chacras are interesting about love as supreme thing, and,
homosexuality. Chacra’s energy have spin, unknowed dimensioned spin and closing –
opening function also. Chacras could controll specific functions, therefor bad chacra function
could cousing depression, hypothyreodism (throat).
In this way easilly could be, one is determined by chacra’s function, to have in male body,
much more yin energy and function. Who is able to say, it is an ilness or, sin?? The third eye
(pytuary gland) is an other chacra (luminescent, light -enlightment), but it is belong to the
higher world as crown chacra at the top of the head also.
In Budhhism there are five basic chacra, but of course, other schools could point out softer,
more sibtile working other chacras. Of course, if someone has blockage in his or her own
heart chacra, there is a problem with share love, to share everything, to care about other,
empathy. If the third charca is closed the person will blind for spiritual and religious = for
higher manifestationed thing. Henceforth chacras are working with nerves and endocrine
glands as a resonators! And yin –yang, as how energies transform to each other is music-like.
So even the Pope, prime minister or parties cannot do any judgement about gays! These
resonators are help, many different functions, tissues, hormones will be well-integrated, welltuned:
gummy membran, sounds
source of electric power
amplificators and transposition
of vibrations
As the figure shows above we, as the latin word says; per-sona (per-sonare, throwout of the
rezonance) do many symaptethic rezonance or, dysharmony. And this enegy vortex could
related with gay behaviour on the way if spin is yin more ying or, yang.
chakra on column - Hebrew Sephirot tree and Egyptian accordance Djed pillar = stable, force
There are many inter-systematic corresponding points between systems, methods, world
modells. The backbone (column) is a kind of energy-duct both electric impulses (neurons) and
chacra energy. The back bone is like Egyptian Djed column, hold the basis of body. The word
djed means “stable” and it is similar to the axis mundi or phallic herma, holding the Universe.
S so Egyptologists have established that the Djed Column or Djed Pillar, is a symbol of
stability and strength.
Figure The pest-t hieroglyph, including the djed (backbone of Osiris).
From An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary by A. E. Wallis Budge. p. 249
According to author and researcher Vincent Bridges, again the Djed is directly
associated with the serpent kundalinī processes in man that centre on the spine and
cerebrospinal nervous system. Referring to the pest-t hieroglyph above, Vincent
Bridges writes: ‘The name, “backbone of Osiris,” is written as a djed pillar with a
sperm-like tear drop shape moving upward toward an hemi-sphere. We can see this as
emblematic of the sexual force, the sperm, moving upward to the dome of the cranium –
the rise of the force of kundalini’.
The Djed pillar as the column of backbone with the levels of chakras –
spiritual staks.
We aren’t statical beings, there is a leadder, evolutionary orbital, what we have to be
absloved, but in indivudually ways. Chacras and the Hebrew tree of Sephirot, Egyptyan djed
column are a kind of plan/ hierarchy of the world. We have task be achived. Be social, leanr
acceptance, self-esteem, assertivity, be male and female, support other lifes, redicover the
cosmos beyond the matter… The change and evolution, sooner: development (= growth of
consciousness = not be biologic only, step by step: by out of the dark matter’s mechanism)
Which irregular continuation is ab origine [from the beginning] like Mandelbrote and Julia sets,
fractal mathematic, modular math and geometry, moleculas so, the variety of the
recombinations on alternative ways […], so the irregular continuation has encoded in the
genes, more, in everything, sooner:
Therefor: change and diversity is happen always, is succed everywhere & anytime. See the
matemathic models about how blood wessels, tree branches or rivers or trees doing
bifurcations… so, after ’infinte’ steps of copy, a kind of transfers (Turing, Neumann, strange
attractor in the chaos theory)… a new form is suddenly emerge.37 This is a LAW OF
IRREGULAR CONTINUATION. It is not evolution Darwin and his funs were a kind of primitive,
reductionist people. Evolution is the potentional chance, possibility: of the consciousness be
evolved, God’s principal’s appearence. E-volvere (it’s comes from latin) is roll-out, come out, the
inner nature of something is manifesting, compare with implement/ relalize, generally:
manifestation, something is opening, reveal.
Biological based heterosexuality as many biological step, ’once upon a time’ the previously
similarity by copy, by repeat [might suddenly] will change, as hormones, genes, behaviour too according to changing enviroment and other uncounatble and, unpredicitble conditions.
Everything is just transitional, even those are stones, mountains, human values, mostly
scientific facts: the deep nature of the World is: always temporal. Therefor scients are less
importants as humanities, wisdom as well. Even the personality isalso not a solid entity.
The Buddsism was a 1st which belief (and not religion) pointed out, how properties aren’t
constantly, solide entities. It was knowed as skhandas [skhanda: 1. trunk 2. mass, composed
sometghing by many other things, we use it as properties of the personality] which word was used to
depict personalities. But personalities have aging process, and it is the line of many change.
37 There is a disput about countability [in this way: predictibility], by the theory and math of Stephan Howking,
eveything is countable backwardly. But, The principe of Neumann and, the many law about infinite, there is no
any Demon of Laplace who knows every (1) conditions and (2) apparatus (Turing machines e.g.) to count with
all factor.
Including sexuality, transitional, accidental things, and we have to see, everything is
transitional –with this conclusion: no identification with superficial, false, transitional things!
But… homosexual38 behaviour or, any ”problem about” gender’s roles not a recent one.
(gender = [mainly] sexus and its sociology, sexus and behaviour/ roles/ acting in the society,
and the expectation, functions of society)
The presence of homosexuality was known centuries ago (Egyptien hierogliphs inscriptions,
in old India –Tantric sexual enlightement, and in Chine, before Han dinasty too, many Greek
authors, poets said about it). And the reflexion, critics of the homosexuality were also
-Why? Because the logical, biological, ethical, religious, traditional […] assotiatons of
marriage-love-sex are just hypocracy. In Japan, and India, in Roma, aristocratic families were
organising the marriage politically or, by material interests –and, when the engaged ones
were children! Therefor, consequelly in the previously ages gay love understood as
undeniable sincer, honoured ”straith” love!39 Without any hiddened individual interest
(konwn as platonic love).
The ”energetic conception” of sexuality open a new vindow for sexuality. Witouth any force
on sexual roles, shame or any compulsion by religion or tradition. Jesus wanted more social
attitude, empaty as Buddhism compassion. Jesus’ words [in Matthew 19.3 Marc 10.2 two person will
be in one’s body] were misused and misinterpreted or just misundersood.
a real boy, without muscles or unrealistically well endowed penis
38 The Hungarian Károly [Charles] Kertbeny [pronun.: kerthbanee] was a person who compose (1824) this quite
modest frase to substituate the humiliating word: sodomia, pederasty. Homo = like, similar, same + sexus =
39 Strait: could means ’I am hetero’, opposite the homoerotic love -in slang.
All people can share intimacy and sexual pleasure by heart, by free will, willingly -without
any influence of sexual appearence, income, gender, age, race, origin of society…
materialistic interest, familiar suggestion, religious value or, by obsoleted regulars (changing
society - changing roles). Ladies’ homosexuality and, in some cases:
not to give birth a baby, or be alone as a ”singly” was a
kind of ’the revolution of the individual persons’. Be not a part, property of man. And… of
course; protest against the society. In the proxemy future, when everyones have microchip
under one’s skin our own personal and intime space of life: will stop.
Healthy people didn’t want to be controlled by others (Adler, Jung, Maslow), so, one cannot
to say how people do their life’s and what they have to like. To avoid phalanster is: keep
diversity. The prefabriced interconnections are against of diversity, variety, and those links,
assotiations do u sas robots. Culture and misbeliefs aslo could programming us as drones.
Hereby the minimum of a kind of openessness a basic need to be well-oriented about outer
and inner programs and authentic (inner source) life. Women behaviour, not refuse marrige or
not refuse to giving birth a baby could be a parts of the programmed life.
The keyword of intelligence:
(1) intelligence could see its own programs (so called transparency)
(2) and intelligent organsim could learn (maintenance, change, overwrite earlier learnt
Women’s revolution had begun e.g. wearing masculine cloth, to smok, or, to do masculine
professions, so forth. Therefor in my country, in the periode of ethic and sexual erthic of
commusim, in the periode of Rákosi and Kádár, like Stalinism, or Maoism, the homosexual
behaviour including child illegitime40 was against the political system!! A scandal. And the
homosexuals, as ’deviant persons’ as they were called so, they weren’t fit to the ’communist
ethic’ therefor they were arrested.
All sexual alteration or, variety are also questioning the roles of society. Questions of the
liberty or, query about overregulation. And stop commands about privacy. To re-defineyn’ the
balance between indivuduals and, the community’s needs is continously happen. It must be.
What does it mean, women? Is a category?
Out of sexuality the so called Queer – theory is reveal, rolling out the veil: among many
conceptions, idiomas, scientific and religious idea, notion, and, patterns, psychological
effects, more, among different cultures… we are confused. It is not the situation of ”confused
methodology”, it is a more complex human existence –beyond many words.
For sure, be homosexual, or bisexual, or ’be in foreign skin’ as a trans-sexual, NOT A
homophoby, discirimination, and it is to time to recognize: primates (apes) are also showing
homosexual behaviour in their defintiely friendly (more oxytocine) relationship (dolphins,
chimpanzee, bonobos). Homosexuality, and more: a-sexual sentation/ identity are composing
the diversity of human sexuality too.
Queer –but for who? People are need the single meaning things, psychological fact: the
ambiguity, the ambivalence is a frustrating thing. matured persons are better, childish or
vulnerated persona re less tolerated it. Who is the man who seek man? Who is a girl in love
with an other girl? Yes, there is an undeniable effect from the patriarchal society, what is the
woman’s duty? Giving birth, and be a supporting partner of husband. -Who is brave enough to
break the roles? So there is a place for the gender theories but not so much, our subject as
’flower’ is composed by many colour, so there are many place for many theories and ideas,
but in well porportion, the Qeer-theroy also composed by patriarchal view, and, as we see, the
problem is, we did the problem trhoughout scientific approach, and religious prohibition.
And this subject really need gay-lesbian researchers those will have an other viewpoint.
40 giving birth without husband, ’bastard’ - in medieval age.
Seeng that, the sexuality and fertilisation, descendants no longer go together, there is no more
the obligatory logical copula. ”Copulation” no longer joinable in pair with love, or
faithfulness, or sin by any religion. Sexual impulses may without any sexual act (kiss, touch)
enhance the possibility of good co-operativity (dolphins, bonobos and, human etology), and,
impruve faithful relationship itself. MALE INTIMACY is a beginning of the long term,
estabilished friendship (dolphins doing few frictions on the friend’s dolphin’s skin with their
penis -without orgasm), and researchers recorded male couples as a forever friends.
Males aren’t warriors anymore, so things are changing including gender’s repertoire of
behaviour and other social roles.
The marriage, the strucutre of family was controlled by religion by political ideologies and
needs -because the family is an unit, ecological, social, culture-medium and psychosexual
»basic unit« of the society. The second step, when the society going to influence children.
To: internalize - incorporate values, expectations, culture, traditions, roles. Roles –I say again.
Going in to the school; it is the beginning of institutionalism. When always others saing to
you, smily reader, what must to do, what have to do, what is right, suituable. We have many
CLASSIFIED, LABELLED, RANKED achivement, behaviour, with verbal comment, classification,
rate and… discrimination/ verbal agression is conditioning us about our beliefs and behaviour.
The existential way of the human
Therefor any ”deviancy” could be a
OUT of… out of roles of biological
the primitive ”common sense”, out
stupidity). Death, funeral, as
incorporated by the Church. In this
we all, depend on others’ opinion,
opinion, and the fear from
neurotised persons as well. PICTURE: A CONTEPORARY
revolution in the eye of society. BE
mechanism, instincs, and be out of
of general opinion (common
sexuality and marriage was also
way, because we are social beings,
community, or, the congregation’s
excommunication makes us as a
The fact is, the modified sexual centres (especially INAH3 cells) in
hypothalamus, or,
the presence of the ”suspicios” XQ gene, or the decreased niveau (blood-level) of
testosterone at the fetus just facilitate [predisposition] to develop homosexual boy, or lesbian
!Predisposition isn’t a fact! Fact: in the case of overpopulation male rats (and many rodent
animals) start to be homosexual and, females start to show cannibalism and they’re eating
their newborns. In the last decade is wellknown, women have fertilisation problems, and men
has less number of vital sperms! -Is Mother Nature protest against Humanity? Not just
because the mankind’s overpopulation, but because humanity continously destroy the Earth as
, αια, Gaia41 = as a Whole, living ecosystem as well.
The undeniable sign of degeneration of humankind AND: destroy the God’s creation as:
HYBRYS (= sin, blame, igniminy, falling int o the ego, πτόσίς = ptōzīs, depression, poisoning
civilisation, lots of malfunctions, DISEASE [physician] -ILLNESS [patiens] -SICKNESS [society]42)
may caused by the Earth defense. Defense as, sterile people and epideimes/ pandemies…
And… what about the changing society?
Gender’s roles, sexual stereotypes are going away, and psychologist were protell (since 20
years), the psychologycal profile of male and female will approach each-other as
CONVERGENCY forwarding to the Androgynos Metrosexuality today. Deeper; the Atma the
final intelligence of Kosmos is androgyn, and it is everywhere –as Yoga AND Christ told us.
Just because everything is change continously.) And, it is proceed slowly by slowly since 2030 years ago. And… the percent of sexual DIVERSITY (previously: deviation) is a constant,
about homosexuality is around ~ 4-5%. The 15% of the western population has homoerotic
(1) dreams/ phantasy (2) liason/ flirt (3) experience without orgasm (7%), or has (4) a
complete occasional [episodic, so we cannot to know about estabilish identity] homosexual
experience by interest, curiosity (4,2%) or, based on longer time of deep, friendly love
(2,6%)43. Of course the sexual hunger in prison, hospital, college makes an other situation…
As Alfred Kinsey’s (USA 1950th and with Ahere Hite in the ’70 years) examinations were predict,
male will be more feminine, and female persons related with the suffraget mouvement
(feminism, women’s equality afforts, NOW44), will be more masculinic, autonomic and have
new places in the work market, and many lady will an authocratic leader as a manager.
41 Lovelock J. E. Gaia, 1979, 1987
42 Markiner, M.: Why people patiens? in: Journal of Medical Ethics 2 (1975, 81-85p)
43 This numbers are aproximately constants, 1996 University of Chigao, repeated survay in Univ. de Québec à
Montréal –but in Québec; homosexuality isn’t widelly accepted, only in Montréal, so we have more sincer
answers, 1994 –sondage by the Univ. of Oxford … and the mathematical extrapolation do a same percentage
about sexual minorities –of course in western culture only. Compare with Kinsey The Human Male Behaviour.
44 National Organisation of Women -USA
Women have new functions, ”social territory” (emancipation), but what about guyz? Today’s
madam’s complaining is: where has the machos got to? Is every man disappeared? Basically,
Freud’s was right and confirmed by Kinsey, potentially we are bisexual beings.
is comes from the effect of testosterone –at both gender! And, the male function to spread the
sperm away, and the testosterone dirved behaviour isn’t monogamic. The balance is the
vasopressine-oxytocine-serotonine coctail … and the cultural – religional influence.
The mankind is basically not only biological, therefor one’s has many other influences and, as
many tests are arguing, we are all, potentially bisexual. And finally, human sexuality step by
step will be out of ideologies. And it’s NOT SEPARABLE from ist complexity. I can promis you,
sweet reader of mine, every human instinct could be, and they will be stay out of biological
mechanism, if we, as philosophers suppose, mankind is a spiritual-mental and… selfdeterminating being. And sexuality be hand in hand, with acknowledged human rights45,
because, humankind is a self-determinating entity. Geshas (in Japan) might do not want to
serve menfolk’s dirthy desires. Ladies migth do not want to be a property of menfolk.
And, when sexuality will be out of any ideology: NO MORE CATEGORIES OF: HOMOSEXUALITY,
Be free from judgement, ’cause judgement has a backward effect –makes distancies. Makes
separation and, separation just an illusion. In the human genom there are many ’foreign’
periode of the genes form viruses or, from other archeo-cells, and human cell has many
strange, incorporated cell-organs as mitocondriums, cytocentrolums, endoplasmatic reticulars,
so forth. Co-existence. So we are living in the global co-existence!
Therefor separation is just an illusion. Like in Buddhsim, be without prefabricated categories.
Like INDRA’S NET in Idnia’s culutre, in the Indra’s net everything is connected with everithing
and now, by the quantumphysic is fact. Like how Jesus told to Nikhodeme, ”we must to born
twice”, after the biolocigal born we must -by inner needs- to born again, as psycho-socially,
and, spiritually too. In the Bible: the greek anote is means born again, renewenatedly, and
from above also. In acceptance and peacefulness. Culture, chador, nudity, to use
anticoncipients (contraconceptives) … so, religion is behave like old, hard tree or snakes.
Sometimes obsolated tree-trunk, serpent’s skin must be rejuvenated. Shedding must be. The
need of selfdetermination is known from Eric Berne’s works, be not programmed, stand out
form the fate-book.
45 IGLHRC = International Gay and Lesbian Human Right Comission
Thinking process is an invisible, uknown judgement. Buddha had many
teaching about it. It is a most useful excersise when we just see thing
from „”up” and no comment, no internal brain process as automatic
judgement, standing on something or somebody, no statement, no
internal comment. We are just a vitness. we just try to be neutral. A
new world will be arised. A new horizont. BEYOND good and bad.
The hypothesy and, earlier valid experiences, as Aristotean logic is always correspond with
our experiences slowly passing away. In this way things - thinks had become like ’instant’
perpetual things, opinions, roles, undestructable entities. But in the age of quantumphysic we
can see the wall, the LITMIT OF THE ARISTOTIAN LOGIC. And, we are making faliures (it is
much more as mistakes) beacuse we’re applaing wrong regulars for cases. No male and
female, not only because feminic males,
females or, genetically hermaphridites.
linear, timebinded thinking is wrong, and strongly
scientific, the
birfucations is a real propriety of the
nature (Julia
set, Mandelbrote set, fractals). THE
NOT THE NATURE! The water is flowing, therefor the water is liquid. Ooooh, what about when
ice? When it is a wapor or more, when hydrogen is oxidating, so flame is become water?
What about cristall-water??
46 Olivier L Reisler: No-Aristotelian Logic and the Crisis in Science, predicatums aren’t working in lots of
scientifi case and, it must be.
The phaneomena of adrogyn[os]. The whole universe is working by energy. More preciously,
with: energy and information. The ancient teach of sage, at the beginning the unipolar chī
(khī, od, pantha plērōma, today: Dirac ocean [infinite source of cosmic energy]) is a source of
everything. And this force had become two forces with a polarity as yang (shaping force ♂)
and yin (as matter, ♀) . Before gods were godess (!!), so, before the fallocratic society
made/ transform the primail mother [= source of everything] idols into male forms, the conception
about Universe was radically different (Mesopotamian, Egyptian view, IV. thousand years
God = the creating force has both male (yang) and female (yin)  principal of the power, it
had both working mood: andro + gynos. Like ”princess” Athene Tritogeneia of the Amazones
at the lake Triton. Homosexuality, when social gender, body’s gender is not enough: e.g. the
anima part of soul overcome on the male nature. (The wholeness is alwas hiddened in parts.)
But the classification homosexuality is more problematic, because earlier this kind of
classification was unknowed. This ide was later created (Westpha, The Opposite Sexual
Feelengs, 1870). So, homosexuality doesn’t exist, this classification sometimes religious,
sometimes ethical, sometimes other kinde of classification (psychiatry, sexology, biology,
sociology). Hereby, those people have sex with a same gender, or just have sex with a smae
gender occasionally don’t give as a good ebough classification. Mankind have visible sexual
bimorfism, but both gender are working beneath us.
We have two principals, TWO ASPEKTS OF THE SAME, ORIGINE FORCE [TSƱNG], two way the
primail power how they are working (as yin and yang). So, yin and yang NOT ONLY gender,
THAN HUMAN SEXUAL BIMORPHISM. People has Miller tube (tube of uterus, fallopian tube ♀)
or Wolff tube (ductus spermaticus ♂)47. The polarity is a law of the material world. And both
side of polarity is exist symultaniously in everyones as the picture depict (ida-pingala).
Creative people, like God, only if they are holding  both type/ side of the unic-basic power
(chi) as yin and yang.
47 The cellularic origine of this tissue of tube, is the same at both gender
The posession of due pwer will be able to creating things; I. 1. inspiration/ conception/ idea,
expnasion = the hungarian: Ős-ten/ Isten = (1) archaic space. ♂ And (2) something as firts of
all, first before… and (3) its mirror, there is a subtile matter for its IDEA’s manifestation, as:
māyā (veil). II. CREATION, the realisation of God’s idea. Fertilisation, with an idea/ matrix of
the shaping force, matter to giving birth to the new, creating thing♀. All beings are capable to
be creative if, they can hold both side of power of yin-yang, like the two aspekts: at the
beginning; indivisible universal energy (chi [tʃι])! And, at the same person the yin and yang
forces are flowing do alternative/ changed polarity (figure). Male body also could have
an other, yin type of energy vortex and the reverse .
The Djed column as bakbone, axis mundy (pillar of everything in many Türk-tatar, Hungarian
folk tales) a kind of channel. Through
this channel the manisfastation and
the Unification (Unio msytica with
God, Spirit) is happen:
reunion, Spirit
and soul
falling down in to the
matter, diversification,
manifestation, cyclic!!
Brahman, or, infinite, something empty
borders/ limitless] Hungarian isten/ ősten =
emptiness, or, ancient space for…). Just
extension. And the ♀matter = mater,
fertile female power is manifesting His
functioning [not gender only] God (’s
female (compare with Krisna believers).
space: BRIM,
FOR THE BEINGS: άπείρόν [without
archaic creator, or, ős tér = archaic
the ♂first being is male =
Mutter, Mother, mamma as a
ideas, so, after the male behavingexpansion) everyones is a kind of
The sexual bimorphy at the two genders are comes from the biginning -at finally ’ONE’. For
example, testiculars and ovaraium are correspondant, euqivalent, tsʊng . And more; they
has the same function ♂ ♀and cytologically [tissue] origine.
And the the pussy’s labium maior (grater lipps, in Latin) is originally (= as non only yin and yang, but
pussy and scrotal sac are comes from the same anatomical-histological origine [genital hill]) equal with boys’
scrotum (scrotal sac). But in the case of boys the labium maior will be united (sutura, seam),
grow together, and, in this way making a sac for testiculars they will descend from the
abdomen at the end of the periode of latency. In the presence of testosterone clitoris will
transform to the gland (bulb) of penis.
After these knowledge we can see the famous metaphor of wholeness by Plato, in: Banquet.
Banquet is about the origine of genders. Banquet is not only about the origine of genders, but
it is more deep and, meaningful. The origine of yin and yang is morden archaic, when Gaia/
Terra Mater, or the Sumerian godess Nammuas, as archaic mother of the sea, or; Virāt rūpa
[Andorgyn, source of everything in Hinduism], ether, aither, today: Dirac ocean, Higgs boson’s field
[in quantum physic] = FILLING IN THE WHOLE LOT. Fill in all the cosmos: like old-Greek pāntha
plērōma. Today, it is the rediscovered field (earlyer ether) today as named as Dirac–ocean
(negative particulars), and this field is a source of electron and anti-electron (yin, yang) and
they annihilating each others and giving radiating energy by annihilation.
Behind the sexual bimorphy, the POLARITY –originally- IS UNITED. The same gonadal
hormones makes different functions in female and in male. At both gender, the folliculi
stimulating hormone (FSH) help to produce ovule (femlae) or sperm (male). The lutein
hormone (LH) is also findable at both gender, so this is also a potentially ’one’. But later
ostrogen or testosterone and its receptors on the surface of the cells doing sexual bimorphism.
In female, the same luteinic hormone is generating the follicule’s opening and do stimulation
of the secretion of oestrogen. In male, folliculus stimulating hormone is regulating the
scrotal’s Sertoly cells’ (producing sperms) activity. So, THE SAME HORMONES COULD REGULATE
DIFFERENT THINGS: ’polarity in unity’. God is autogamous or, parteno-part, IT is able to be
fertile by own. Like ocean. Egyptian: Nut, Sumerian: Nammu (and there is the undeniable
similarity with the Virāt rūpa [ether, ocean]) and she gave birth to An-Ki = Sky♂ – Earth♀, so…
the polarity is coming from the nothingness, from the vacuity. God Aton (Atun) generate stars
by masturbation [= by ownself], he create Sut (♂, air, sky, brightness) and Tefnu (♀, vapour,
breath [ruakh elochim –at Jewish, source of life], eye of Amon-Re) IT IS/ BE -BY ONLY ONSELF.
The ancient and wisdom Hindu phylosophy speaks about the origine of the manifestation (=
māyā, material world). It is the METAPHOR OF SHIVA AND SHAKTI [ʃɐktɩ] Siva the pure
consciousness, Shakti is the māyā as illusion of the material manifestation. Shakti and Síva
are duing love contiously, they are the forever lovers. Todays humanities are dying, therefor I
must to say, metaphoric myths, aren’t non-valids, pseudo facts! Metaphoric expression was an
older form to tech people those have no words for unknowed things. Phsysycs, chemists are
frequently do not understand humantites text –by the fault of schools. Shak = it’s means: to
able. Shakti is able to realize Siva’s plans in the realm of forms. When Shakti is united with
Siva there is no material world –it is an other example about transforming forces, principles.
Venus barbata also knowed as hermafrodite/ adrongyne beginning of everything.
The third gender is also mentioned in ancient time. By the earlyer quotated hinduism speak
about three elements, those are constituating the wolrd –always all togheter. Those are gunas.
Guna = like prima materia in western phylosophy, so the primail, fine-etheric matter,
something which is the base of the manifestation of every material forms. There are three
genders (!), principals, or elements:
SATTVA (consciousness, as gun binding force, goodness)
TAMAS (matter, mass, passivity, lasyness)♀
RADJAS (energy, dinamōs = dinamic or, rag)
The three elements are composing the all world, like the kvarks are composing neutrons and
protons. Beneath these particulars. The proportion-measure of elements is infinite variable,
but sattva, radjas, tamas are always findable in the world. So, the polarity is also change.
Aton’s other name is the plenitude, totallity (compare with: pantha plērōma, VIRĀT RŪPA [vɪrʌt
rʊpʌ], eter, aither), so, altogehter, originally; Aton is not male , nor female. Gods aren’t ”fall”
in sexus or, wholeness is wholeness even God disseminate ITself as radiation, explosion.
Gender = sexus = part as humans have it as well. They are so frequently quotated -related
with both power of creation♂ and manifestation in matter♀. Zeus was crazy abut both sexual
pleasure and beauty. –Or… he had to spread aways his sperms?, be spawned his genetic
BEAUTY (as perfect constellations [of many things and many circumstances {to fit details as
recursive perfection}]) is God. Beauty = perfect proportions, perfect match, constellations,
perfect working, so art, beauty and transcendental things are always supposing-conditioning
each others.
Might Zeus was Narcissistic? He was permanently need beauty, and once, he fallen in-love
with a sepherd boy. He was a yung, handsome boy, 3rd son of Trōs (Homere: Iliade) named as
Ganymede. Zeus was snatch [abrutpion?, abuse?]49 the beautiful boy and taken him away…
finally in the Olympos. Ganymede’s father, Trōs, hade got many excellent horses, to feel
himself be recompensated. But what is the meaning/ symbolisation behind the myth? Myth
isn’t tale! Isn’t not fact!!
Gay love for the God it isn’t shameful? What disgrace! Might it is O.K. God had sex with a
just matured young male, but God Zeus [zʊʃ] felt love too! –Is sexuality a tool of the power?
Yes, it could be; at women todays, those play their games based on female sexual power. And
long before, it was a privilege at both gender (matriach, and for nobles men in Western
culture the, ius primae noctis50). Sexual attractiveness always could be a tool of manipulation.
48 Or, the deity is the only male as we find at the Khrisna believers, so, originally just the God is male and we,
behind the sexual bimorphism we all are women.
49 by the historian Ekhenemes, Minos, king of Creta was, who snatch the beautyful (kalos) boy. But inner
beatuty, brave (euprepēs, aretē, orthōs) was also preferred.
50 The law of the landowner, patron to have sex with the just married bride, financèe at the first night. Was it all
Mythology isn’t a fairy tale. BEHIND THE STORY there is the COMPLEX, TOTAL WORLDVIEW.
For an example, many volk tale has a hero, and hi is a princess and he become as a hero, and
his projectil is like the trajectory of the Sun –so the astrological elements undeniable.
When sex (or anything else) OUT OF only biologism, OUT OF many ideas and preconceptions
we can see how we are miserable when we continously doing judgements about many things.
If somenobody give sex it isn’t emotion or committment, no relationship and nor the top of
the beingness of humankind: as responsibility and, acceptance, regads. If we need sex only,
we say it! If the sexuality is a part of our love, we express it! If we love somebody, but we do
not want to any sex talk out it! That is it, be open faced, sincer –for both gender. Even we ’re
livin’ in a liar society…
But. But not only two akcnowledged genders. Plato sepaks about originally four genders (like:
four basic elements) by Arsitophane’s saying (in the Banquet). The spiritual wholeness (=
holyness!) can be imaged as a sphere, a ball. With two kind of genitals. By Plato we as
totality, as ball with both gender’s power attacked against the ”Central Cosmic Intelligence”.
As a consquence of the ”rebellion” [Catholic viewpoint] / disseparation/ unconsciousness [māyā,
Buddhism] = HYBRIS. OR, IGNIMINY, SHAME, LEAVING the Wholeness = Holyness. It was the
horrible and, this terrible divison/ separation hurt/ destroyed our, previously wholeness, ONEness. So, by the hand of God we were cut four parts. Therefor some dames need ladies
(Sappho’s love, trybades, lesbians), some boys fall in love with guys (homosexuality, or boylove) and, to serve the mankind proliferation mainly men crazy about have sex with women,
and, of course there are the radix, root of all sexuality, the bisexuals ones. They could have
sex with both gender (bisexuality). The meaning not the obejct, but the
attractiveness of beauty !!! The force to be united! even it’s seems as satisfaction.
Plato just forget something, there are a few people, with normal psychological profile, with
normal hormones and genitals, but without desire (V3 receptors over-activity, special
oxytocine effects?), or, and mainly: they have no any sexual identity, even, if they have a
perfect, unambiguous sexual appearence. In hungary we call them NINCS51 (= there is no/
not). People Without Gender Identity. They are insulted by many expectations, (grandma)
”give me an unkle”, (mom) ”when you will be married?” (as friends says) so forth.
Unfortunately scientists completely forgat what does it mean: metaphor? Metaphor is
awekens lots of different central area in the brain, in both hemisphere (pictures, shapes,
movements, trans-ferred meaning, fero = carry). And, scientific (as overspecialised) language
51 NINCS = in Hungarian: Nemi Identitás Nélküliek Csoportja (Nemi = Gender. Identitás = Identity. Nélküliek = Without sg. Csoportja = Group of sy.)
The deep meaning of Plato’s myth is: we were from the wholeness, we are fall into the body.
Therefor we are under the Law of polarity. And… Carl Gustav Jung was speaking about
every man ♂soul as animus have a female part as anima♀ too, and vica versa (inverserly)
ladies has more attributes as ♀anima at her own psyche, and her anima also has a part of
animus♂.  The old Chinese teaching is always return.  In other way also: every manfolk
have a little female hormon as oestrogene as well, and women are have a little portion of
testosteron as masculine homone as well.
But basically it is the less and more good way; if we return to THE ANCIENT CONCEPTION,
THAT SOUL HAVE NO GENDER. Even, Pope Franceso and the Vatican declare we are born to
male and female. We just becoming as sexual being trhough many socilaisation. Gender is our
categories, not the nature! Everything is continous! According to the Plato’s teach (which
wasn’t Plato’s own, it was a cultural heritage) C. G. Jung was demostrating: there are no only
male or only female, we are a kind of mixture of a wholeness! There is a kind of continuum
about everyting, the polarity mainly is in thinking exist, but have no reason for it!
So, every guy is a little bit holding a femeninine proprieties and girls are holding a kind of
measure of masculinity. It must be. Because we are changing our social roles from time to
time. If my wife will be dead, after my depression and shock I must develop my children,
even I am not able to give milk for it, but today I easily overcome on this problem.
Of course I have to be careful, be in tenderness inreached, show the safety for my baby, and I
must to tuch him or her, and providing clean, tranquil, and emotionally safe enviroment. If
males are able to change their original gender functions the mankind is able to survive, and
this is also true for females (gender’s flexibility). Kinsey, and many of genetic examinations,
physiology, Jung, Plato, sexual psychology all together just confirm the simple fact of sexual
diversity of mankind. Sexual bimorphy culd be an illusion about ”JUST TWO TYPE OF SEXUS”:
YES OR NO THINKING and SEXUAL BIMORPHISM is a serious trap and we just trapped in it.In the
microbiological life, at worms or snales sometimes no bimorphism, or sexual gender is
androgynos. So normality and, ethic isn’t related with sexual pleasure. When we have a
lifemate it is definitely other situation, we have responsibility with others, with our wives or
husbands or with our children. Today’s citizens are behave really childish, selfish as a
capitalism conditioned them. For them the other person is object only. As earlier women were
in object status, today gay, metorosexual boys those made by the consummer society as
objects only. Generating fashion and, tistorsion reality about look and externally rewarded
pseudo-identiy And new consummers. Be aware!
THEREFORE SCHOOLS ARE COMPETENTS, and chools must provide (of course, step by step!) to
develop children in the aera of sexuality52, students must be tolerant when they ’re dealing
about values and preferencies, be with others and its sexual diversities, have to discover
themselves’ identity -without sin and bad consciousness. But: students must ackowledge! and
practice! the responsibility and acceptance in their relationships! And it is a learned process
The true love is: when mum see daddy in the bathroom, and not find him disgusting. Theater
pedagogy is very good to perpare the student for the sexuality. Because todays 13-14-15 yeras
sujet (topic) just a cover, an exuse to show male nudity
This isn’t lack of oxytocine, this is lack of intelligence and
civilisation. And… nobody is aganist this. I was born in 1962
and my age’s bodies learnt courtelling on the different way:
first get new acquainties, to know the principal character of
the potential partner. Today no emotion, just sex in teenager stadium. So, no love, and more,
no responsibility.
Greek [Ionian, Creta, Sparta] homosexuality hasn’t specific word. But had have many for
relation, sexual desire or, the esthetic qualification and all this have succeed under the idea of
k a l o k a g a t h i a as kalos + agathos; beauty + strong body, and virtue.
Because eran, phylia, agapan (satisfaction) were also used (V. – IV.
B.C.). Erastes as, lovers about handsome (kalos) youth used to be used
in the Spartian stadium, sport sala to enyjoy, spend time and delight
with handsome and with well-proportian body blessed boys. But
sōphrosynē as direct sexual instinct, and satisfation was used only for
Satyros –they have well endowed penis as a symbol of (animal-like)
instinct and in other context: fertility also. In this periode abowe, greek
youth had idealised less large penis, so at the male nudity the Greek
idea was just matured or preadult youth with harmonius body, with
unrealistically little penis, and, in lots of case without hairiness of body -including genitals. Picture: David Vance  2007
52 Just one or two lesson by the teacher of biology isn’t enough! Step by step is means: teachers must have a
kind of network, e.g. litarature-colligaum: pictures, biology, poetry, music… So minimum 3-4 (or one
interdisciplinary polished) teacher must be involved, and expose minimum 3-4 aspect of the subject (anatomy,
art, movie, mythology, paints). And we must speak about sexuality in the age of 9-10-11, a few times. Just one,
big enlightement/ information is pedagocial mistake, and newer enough.
As we can see, in the interval of the V. – III. ages B.C. the male idol was not muscles only,
the well endowed body wasn’t the idea. The PROPORTIONS of body were, with large tigh[s]
(femur[es], μηροι [méroi]). It was a preferency and, intercourse was happened between tighs
(inter femores). Although anal penetration is living in the descendants’ imagination. Anal
intercourse was used with women in all ages as we can see it on many vases surfaces.
So, PAIDOS was a frase for guy-guys, like in English guy’z. The prular form of it was always
in masculine, even, paidika♀ = girl(s) paidōs♂, plurar: paidikōs, as fellowship, company.
Including sports, disputing, drinking togheter, do political life and, like in Sparta, fellows in
army. Strong friendship even with or, without sexuality, among soldiers (idelaistic love, eros
urania). The man who loved the social life, might they were extroverted kind of man, called as
padiakos, sometimes in the meaning in: phylos, and/ or, paiderastein, not as we are using it,
in quite bad sense of this word. Be social in old polis isn’t extroversion, those times and those
people had other kind of everyday’s love, social life. Paidika, or, homoerotic love wasn’t a
closet (not overt, hiddened, shameful) thing –regardless other opinion, and changing roles and
changing regualrs and law. This is a very big different, overt – closet culture about lesbian or
gay love, even lesbian love is more permittive –in a patriacrh society.
This is two different thing, be lesbian or gay behind the door, or going public, and going to be
a member in a society with this self-determination and unicness and social functioning. And,
this is a very plausibile ground
of the Gender-theories. Closet
culture is exclusive, regardless,
the member of society want to
go public, be a teacher, go to
the church, adopt children,
have a children from a
marriage, be a member of
family, congregation, be not
marginalized or eliminated
from the social spaces of the
average mainstream.
Old Greek culture was socially
gymnasion, sculputres. The
were by the hands of late Islam
have sexuality, and, eros is not
brokened penis on sculptures
or Christians, even agape could
obligatory including sex.
The penis was most frequently depicted. There wasn’t shame on naked human body. At
Satyros long, stick, or unrealistically well endowed penis was painted –related with the much
more sexual instinct. Satyros more freqently, or, less cases about Cenaturs, were symbolised
of animalistic instincts. But Pan, as ancient nature God was an ancient creation, not
differented yet, as Pan – pnathos is mean: whole, all, every.
Or, an other case, the type of penis told us about foreign men’s origine. Egyptien, Thrakian,
Jewish persons, and: slaves! were depicted (they used to do circumcision) by Greeks, with
circumcised penis. The picture of ’circumcisied penis’ also was a tool to design strange habits
related with strange tribes, the adjective, before somebody’s name: peritemnein (mutulated,
something is cut, cleaved, something is missing by cut) apepsolēmenōs (the glans penis is crop up, it
is visible). Greek tribes never understood why kalos/ euprepēs [Herodote, Aristophane] (natural,
normally handsome) penis was hirted and distorsed by circumcision?
¡The homosexual
behaviour was encompassed for slaves! Platonic love was legal only for liber, free citizens of
any Polises. Wolrdvide the worhsip of the nurturing breast, the monumnets of abstarct womb,
vulva, the sculptures and heremes-es of lingam [in India]. For hermas see it below:
Worhisp used to be antil now, worhsip the phallos as a force, and fertility, as womb and
vulva: due for fertility and pleasure. Christiasnty did us so shameful and hypocrite even, this
materialistic days people are crazy about their physical and easily awaible satisfaction. We
have to respect the archeo-tantric bless and teaching of sexuality, as Jesus told [in Matthew 19.3
Marc 10.2]: two person will be in one’s body. So ’two in one’, with an unified soul, surpasing
the Moses’ law. Otherway, many of Gods and Goddesses were naked as sculpures.
Undeniable there is an important moment about spontaneity. The reflection to the naked body
and otherwise there is a hard porno industry is speaking about our schisophrenic society. The
main secret about love and sexuality is the unity. And, for who is good enough to be united is
always a question of the presonal freedom. Earlier woamn had many pressure thye just were
taken as wives and nobody ask them about it.
The earlier wellkoned Islamic, Jewish poetry were comdemned. Those religion most
obsessive. Obsessive by the terrifyn’ thoughts, the tribe will be disappeared or will hirt the
Lord’s want/ reveal. Phylosophy it’s beginning like Tolstoj’s moral questions in the War and
Peace: What is Man?, what is its right, its place, what is its meaning?
The philosophical contrary isn’t findable at gays, heterosexual love isn’t opposite with gay
Before the conception the soul is just cerated or, the never born soul [atma, Tsung] as a part of God be
”infunded” in to the foetus -Is sexus prefabricated? – could have soul sexus? – Is wholiness a detail?
Not, but a detail is contain the holographic Wholeness, so all man are a bit womanlike and vica versa.
[huge - cosmical] + ATMAN [soul/ Tsung ]=
Supreme Lord, Supreme Soul)
/ Sarasvaty, Māyā, as material sphera for the
soul (upper soul) and ego (lower, material soul) -where is the sexus? –what is the sexus? Just
a reflecting light of the Supreme being’s love.
AHAMKARA, (the force to do separated ego as Atma)
Jesus told us about: My father is mother-like (forgiveness, nurturing, keep they children in the
nest, holding you, centripetal) and my mother is father-like (lead you, and protect you, but
centrifugal, out of the nest, authority, source of regulars!). This is how the two principle are
comes from.
So, the Heavenly Father ’Abba’ isn’t have a gender and any kind of sexual manifestation, it is
beyond the polaity. God, Deva = IShTAR, TARA = Istár = common IST with Hungarian Ősten,
Isten = Space/ archaic something as: it was before all. And the word space is more
meaningful: giving space for others, patientce, acceptance. As Hungarian [1] Ős – [2] tevő : [1]
archaic sometihing to [2] do all, before.Tér = space like: emptyness, as uterus, Okeanos, Nun,
place again: for any entities. Emptiness isn’t anything or nothing it is most important.
Emptiness / space … is the possibility for others. Emptiness is allow the Universe be plural.
(KINGDOM as ’βάσίς’ basileia
Even religious preconceptions or, just street people’s opinions, gay love is sin or disguasting.
1st Our world is just an superficial level (pātāla) of the Universe. Among many other levels.
(Māyā = not really truth, manifestations of forms) The World of the passing away forms.
Deeper: everyone is rooting in the United Origine. AHAMKARA = faliured identifications with
body only.
2nd All our identities are related with only external things/ rewards. Our identity alwasy comes
from others might un-authentic ones’ opinion. I am women, you are old, she is rich and those
are poors… It is a wery superficial everyday’s peoples level.
3rd In the deep we aren’t identifyng ourselves with any primitive things like, poor or women.
In the deeper level we cannot identifying ourseves as rich, poor, young, old, women or man,
we haven’t gender, wealth, so forth.
So, phylosophically could not exist in everyday’s used classifications. The true religion is
know that. But religions with hard prescriptions want to do order about peoples’ life. The
accursed social realations are comes from many superficial identifications. Difficulties in
relationships are comes from
statements, judgements, arguing –
identification in the form-world.
Our identification only from
external things, others opinions,
results, faliures, successes so
forth. In this apsect of the limitless
beingness superficial things have
no any importance –including
sexual taste, orientation or,
There are two authority, once is based authority as power and tradition and institution
(Church or Curt), and in the other hand, there is authority, basielia as power, and it’s based on
authenticity. The life is authetic, and the rigid ide of family isn’t it. Family could be
community-like, man and harme, woman and males, and the family not economic and
sociological, religionic unite a society. Gay marriage never exlude the family itself. A way of
diversity. As Jesus said (Lucas, 11. 52, matthew 13. 23) Ow for you, phariseans, how know
the scripturas (written low, Tora, Mishna), becasue you grab the law and the key of knowledge,
but you never entered to the God’s house, and you did retain the knowledge from the poors
(you didn’t share your knowledge).
Prehistoric reliques, engrave (VII.B.C.)
Etrusque paint (V. B.C.) Homosexual act -in prehistoric ages
The fact, (I.) sexual diversity is exist, the fact, (II) be yourself is a question of free will,
without hypocracy and neurotism, even, we do not choose our sexual identity (we born with
it), (III.) fact, the more
developed society is permittive,
tolerant. Our culture is based on
competition by the faliured idea of
capitalism. You must be a vinner
–as we hearing in the maternity,
child-care, schoolhood till our
death. Therefor the spontanious need
for tenderness, proxemy and love
is far away damaged. Male
tenderness –we must re-accept it
like in the Sparta’s army.
Prehistoric (!) picture on the soil -United Kingdom, XV B.C.
The confusoning fact are archiological facts: engraves, inscriptions on the surface of the far
away prehistoric stones. The erotic touches, strokes even without orgasm could find its own
ways as we see it at dolphines and at bonobos. E r o t i c a l o f f e r s are could resolv social
agressivity at animals, (e.g. Lorentz, Konrad) so, the erotism [as behaviour] is much more
complex at more developed animals as apes, dolphins as well! Sexuality is behave as states in
states as Wolfenden Report declared: homosexuals are incurabile, they couldn’t stop or
alterate their identity.
All long in the history, as we see that, in every age and, in every culutre male homoxesuality
(eros urania –eros epigai [heterosexual one]) were wellknown, and this diversity been presence continously. And, lesbian love mainly was accepted or, tolerated. It is very important to know.
In the VIII century in India the Kāma Sūtra the homosexuality was an integrant part of the
breviarium (handbook) of sex. Long ago, Ionian/ Dorian [Aiol] Spartian [5-4 c BC] youth hade
four possibilities in own way; to have sexual partnership as eromenos with erastē ♀, or with
an older man as erastes♂, or have vife, but his life spent among his youth fellows, or, he have
lots of partners in any military camp.
In Babylone (Iraq) the epic heroic poem of Gilgamesh, Enkidu and Gilgamesh loved each
other as strong, faithful heroes. In old Greek ”pederasty”53 (paidika guy’z [país/ peides = boys,
terapón/ terpaina, company54]– heterira: socious = fellows, partners) was a kind of masculine
tradition to transform boys to male, a kind of »rites de passages«, transit, from the childhood
towards the adolescent periode. In a tight-strict historic periode: Be feminin it wasn’t
accepted, so adult or elder man (erastēs, ɛrʌʃtɛʃ) was who introduced the youth boy to show
how the male pattern as a gender (as a behaviour) is looks in sexual situation? It is serious
faliure, all gay are femininic, even, in my country a Ph. D work was about it, even nor the
conception and nor the facts were seriously not true. This is an indicator how we re-discover
and forgat again, earlier well-knowed things, and how scientits are ignorant or, stupids (!) by
the sepcialisation, by they fucked up most narrow subjectedness. Specialism do many cases as
taken at random as well! About feminine rites de passage: in many tribes girls/ women will an
equivalent member of society only when they giving birth!
Many male was inloved with an other man, Ionatan and David, Narkhissos and Apollo, Antonius and Hadrianus (before Kleopatra [episodic Platonic love]), Narcyss and Goldmund, Harūn
ar-Rasid and the poetr Abu Nuvas, Patochrole and Achille… NOT THE SEXUAL DIVERSITY IS A
PROBLEM, THE PROBLEM IS OUR MINDE. Jesus have told anything (!) about gay love, as e.g. as
Muhhamed didn’t prohobited drinking wine. But in the Islamic, Ottoman empire had used to
use many type of drogs, ’aphion’ = derivatum of the poppy (Papaver somniferum).
After the gothic age of ’free love’ in the pagan praxis, in christian countries buti n the secret,
every day praxis, christianity been refuse lesbian or gay love. Mostly lesbian love was
evalvuated as wumen’s specific tenderness. Our minde is polluted (ideologies), our eyes are
contaminated (preconceptions), not our sharing love.
53 paiderastein [female plural]: offering, somebody [women, later, paidós] offer her own 2: penetration
54 A this word’s general meaning had become: cheerful company, including therapón = slave/ servant, gaçron
The history also depicture
Before Chirst there wasn’t any law to regulate the homoerotic
(lesbian) love, or bisexuality or, transsexuality. It is may between ~ 100 – 400 B.C. In the
Christianity stePaul (as earlier Saulus) was, who did prohibition to somebody wear the
opposite gender’s cloth, or do ”Platonic love”. But djelabia/ burnus in Western countries,
woman-like weares… And, we know, Paul was a kinde of paroxism type of personality, he
was need and stick to”order” to reduce his own anxiety. Saul was persecuting Jesus, and after,
he just changed the object what he pursue, so the prosecution –today called as paranoid
behaviour- by Paul is psychologaly clear: he was a paranoid character. In the gnōsis, γνόσίς
the early Kopt-Christian community the homosexual practice was known. And more;
sexuality was a celebration of life, not a sinful (= inferiority = as a similarity with animals)
thing. It is very important!
As we see before, ideology, misbeliefs, as a Faraday cage55 made on thoughts makes us as
deformed, distorsed persons/ relations. Ideology do misconceptions about things. So, in 313
A. D. chaisar (imperator, emperor, Kaisar) Constantine declared: ”now, all the Roman empire is
Christian yet”, and in 342 A. D. the first law against homosexuals was written. In 390 A. D.
homosexuality was labelled as ”contra naturam” (against the main stream, but the main
stream not obligatory natural). Augste, the bishop of Hyppo in the IVth centruy fallen in-love
with other man. And… he turn his own sexual desires in to the contrary, he depressed and
killed his own emotions and desires (incongruency). So his phylosophy wasn’t so authentic, it
was a psychological process, when he refused sexuality –including heteroseual desires too. Could we see, dear reader of mine, how psychological things had/ have impact on our
”rational” thinking?56 As I pointed out earlier in the case of Saulus-Paulus (stePaul), ideology
can be contaminous, influented by primitive preconceptions and, by intention to influent
Chaisar Iulian was a real imperator (emperor) and he ordered: the Plato’s academy be closed,
and, in 533 A. D. the Romanic Law about marital infidelity was changed, and as the lex Iulio
was declerad. By the Lex Iulio homosexuality (related with the undesirable Platon’ academic
and, the older, Greek tradition [world-view, polyteism, sophisticated philosophy including the personal
right to have independent opinion, modus vivendi] which wasn’t accepted anymore) was punished
with death. This was a 1st penalty of death against any sexual minority in the ”name of Jesus”.
(Even Jesus didn’t sayed anything related with sexuality, of course not; intimacy couldn’t be
an issue of any power, political or religional opinion, belief, supposition or want/
55 Which is a simple cube shaped metall wire –netting, cross-bars -to keep away any electro-magnetic
influence, outside’ effects, if, when, somebody put in the cage some electric machine, device.
56 The theory of goal-oriented rational thinking is ower.
Chinese Buddhism knwos about the independent nuns/ nurces, they have free wiil, so, they
hven’t sex, or have sex with other nuns in the cloaster (Ten Sister’s Society, Association of
Golden Orchids). Love not separable from the body’s needs, and of corse deep love by mutual
choice could happen without any ’somatic desire’ yearning pleasure, and sexual drive. So asexuality (lack of sexual desire) also not sin or illness! And… love could develop between the
same geneder too, by recoginization the values, noble, eminented, lofty mentality, glorious
intelligence, excellency in religion, in art, in social attitude, in other professions, basically: the
ability for love/ acceptance. In Japan; in the Hen-period (794-1185) people were indeed
tolerant about homoerotism. Japonese Buddhism never want the sexual frustration which is
emerge, by nature, in the case of catholic ’coelibatus’ (celibacy).
Mainly the problem is, homosexuality, bisexuality is alway SEPARATED FROM ITS CONTEXT,
the social relations, love and sympathy. Of course there are many superficial gay guyz as
heterosexuals as are. But sex and sympathy, love, if we do not separate them, sombebody’s
sympathy and in-love it is the principal thing. In this way we can see the way, HOW ONE’S
TOGHETERNESS, INTIMACY AND SEX… (the five language of love) it is one’s PRIVACY. My
sweet fellow, please, never want to a vegetarian eat meat! And, when intimacy, privacy and
inwardness (at Ortega y Gasset: ensimismamiento, intus as Latin said) are going away, there
is a periode of darkness, or, there is more power on people -by politicians.
In the old Hinduism the homosexuals and hermaphrodits were Ardanarisvara –related
people. They had believed: they are a double portrait (image) of Ardanarisvara. (Listen to me,
my cheerful reader, Isvara = God = Androgyn, it HAS BOTH SIDE of the ONE, principal, origine
NOT POLARIC POWER [chí] of creation!) By the India’s and Greek phylosophy: the final beauty
(arranged, integrated, not sensual only, the whole is in the detailes, -kosmikōs in Greek) is
God. It is both interesting and humorous idea; by the Śrī Krisna believers everyone is
basically female, because just a 1st entity, as God itself is male [expansion], but just in the
initiating moment of CREATION = EMANATION/ YANG = the centre of emanation/ irradiation =
space, Brim/ Brah’ Brahman, άπείρόν, (infinite, limitless -Plotine, or, in the contemporary
cosmology/ material aspect: the Great Blow, explosion –in the quantumphysic). And… it is
really menaingful sage by the aspect of universe, not by the viewpoint of sexuality! Is Erōs
(supersensible, extra-sensoric level of love) the /an arkhe57 [ = root/ ancient/basic]?
-Is Erōs as a basic law = principle/ essence = the fundamental way how the Universe is
working? -Do love things’ integrity?
57 άρξαί = roots, ancient-principal-initiating cause, (1) roots (2) roots of everything. It is very interesting, there
is no singular form in the case of word arkhai, just pural form exist: roots. Please, my kind reader, compare wiht
Buddhism (karma vāyu), never exist just one couse of something, lots of tings/ causes all, in the togetherness do
act, causing something!
The ATTRACTIVENESS (greek: erao = I attract, I draw) of electricity, magnetic force,
gravity or the attractiveness between the inseparable quarks58) is a material aspect of the
Erōs as attractiveness, »cosmical hug«. Eros is also force, ENERGY! ENERGY, without any
By the archaic hellenic myth, tantric (spin, braid a tissue-like something: everything is
connected) teach from India:
erōs prōteurhythmōs, eros is
about everything.
as the
Beauty, in Vaisnava religion and, by Krisna believers is over and beyond truth. Isvara Krisna
is a best example to demonstrate: the supreme thing is perfection, or its external look as:
beauty itself. The other name of perfection, good, supreme beauty […] is God. I remain you,
sweet reader of mine, as Immanuel Kant did it, there is no scient for beatuty! ”When I have
seen wood, river, when I shaw tomtit-bird and a newborn, just I thaught, how God is beauty”
– as Zoltán Zelk (Hungarian poetr) expressed it.
LEVELS/ FACES/ STRATAS/ FEATURES/ ASPECTS (hydrogen’s bridges, polarity about polar
moleculas, Wan der Vaals force too) OF THE ATTRACTION ARE PROVIDING THE WHOLE,
higher =
integrated level (’arhy’= order) of the lower untis (holon) things/ beingness (holarchy –Ken Wilber).
Of course, in India, homosexual males were relative unwanted because of the general, socially
accepted needs of descendants. And, in the Garden of Lave and the old Indian culture (Kama
castration, homosexuality, transvestitism) which was widelly known in the practice, had many
meanings: because the ”deviancy” wasn’t sin or, important, kliba is like: oh, he/she is an
other way. Its meaning is: lesbian, homosexual, impotency and more: transvestitism also. -Is
kliba an universal word for difference or, any deviation?? By the way of transvestitism, they
are out of the power of sexuality, hidjra [Hɪʤrʌ]. It meant: castrated (no
sexual instnict anymore) or, hermaphrodite59.
We can read about it in the famous epic, magnific heroic poem of
Mahābhārāta (Arjuna [ʌrʤʊnʌ]). Arjuna was a person who had a pleasure
by the hearing Krisna’s teaching, so EVEN ARJUNA WAS A REALLY WILD
ING! And Arjuna weared the 3 gender’s cloth = I am not ordinary mortal.
58 Protons or neutrons are composed by quarks, and between quarks müons are the medias they do the kvarks
really thighty/ inseparable -in the quantummechanic.
59 This word from the old Greek mythology: Hermes♂ and Aphrodite’s♀ descandant it is: ”son & girl” who has
both of gender (like God)
what a phenomena is Arjuna?? But ARJUNA is very clear, when he declair: ”O, Lord, my
supreme Lord, I AM BELONGING TO THE THIRD GENDER, and I shall hide the trail [trace on my skin
by the weight] of the bow in my arm…” The consequence –opposite with the kliba [klɪbʌ] is: it
could be normal, if somebody do not want to belonging to any habituated gender. Be unique
is not a really danger for the human socitey and… THE GENETIC DIVERSITY IS the key of the
healthy population –biologysts are know it. And, what about diversity of behaviour?? We can
do many different things (behavioral diversity, ’cause we aren’t drowns/ robots yet), why the
sexuality has so emphatic normalization? We do many different proffessions, hobbies, sports,
life-styles, so no way to discuss about gustation (bon gûte), familiar and, different habits of
the different cultures.
In ‫ٳ‬slam [‫– ]ٳسلݥ‬unfortunatelly- the [= al] Qur’ān [‫ ]لقرآنآ‬does not refuse the liwat clearly, on the
approriate way. The emphasis on the loyalty and respectfulness in marriage. Liwat was wellknowed (‫ لﺆاﺕ‬lɩ:vʌt = homosexuality/ anal intercorse) The question of homosexuality was
accepted, sometimes [leaders and idologies] refused –by the persons those were interpretate the
[al] Qur’ān. What a difference! Like about the Bible’s explanations
”I am so envy the coach to see,
I am desiring this cart to see -,
There is a content whole in the middle of wheel,
And there is a dick-shaped shaft
of the coach but what about me?
Come, come my other part,
Be quick my sweet half,
deal about how make love!” -Abu Nuvas’ fragment
Never forget, my patientful reader, the anal intercourse even, if
happen between man and women, was a well known way of
contraception of the sexual pleasure! It was an other reason and this is a very good example
how stupidity were becomed as fanatic habit. So, ancient times a kind of Jewish didn’t want
to see the delight on their wives face, hereby, this kind of man did love on the backward way.
Because by their wong faith; sexualitiy is for menfolk, mainly. But it is not true, and, like
India’s spiritual concept about in-love, as tatnric extase or, forag et ego. Poor menfolk
couldn’t to give food to many children! Of course anal intercour prevent starving children. Of
course, it never was a problem. In the ancient times, before Christ, the dried (exiccated) vesica
urinaria’s membran (pellicle) on the penis. The anal contact or the so called interrupted coitus
were the only prevention, anticoncipient way to prevent female’s unwanted conception!
People were depend on the weather, rain, field’s plants and goats… so in Africa, poor peoples
are depend on the grass, plants, and lambs and goats, hereby they do not want to generate
starving descendants! –Is God command humans to be plurified on the Earth? And what about
the great flood? Great flood happened to eradicate the wrotten mankind. –What if, the Gods
were non-terrestrial intelligence? Who could arrange one’s sexual life?
The Moses’suggested laws did emphatic discrimination related with the people of Canaan
those have sex on the way of homoerotism/ lesbianism too. SO NOT THE DIVERSITIY OF SEXUAL
CULTURE/ USUS (PRACTICE) ITSELF WAS SO ’DISGUSTING’ or, it wasn’t far away from the
”God’s want”. It is a typical Jweish problem, it is beyond the shadow of the doubt, the Jewish
needs have an emphasis on they own identity and an other emphasis: by descendant the tribe
be survived. Henceforth: they kept they own weak and fresh identity -among many tribes –in
Egypt, and afterward ancient times. Therefor ritulals, and compulsive acts related with
religion and, »identities-related feast« were most important, to compose an independent
identity and, today it is more understandable. And Jewish tribes hade to be survived, so
fertility and, descendants were very important. Therefor Onaan’s masturbation (without
descendant) was ’sin’. That is it!
(What about: the love of Routh and Naomi, David and Jonathan […]?) Behold, how ideology
is do many apposition (masque, cover) on the surface of any problem. If somebody fall in to
the situation of: ’I am all time the victim’ the perspective will be
strongly changed. Like Hungarians, they are frequently focus on
they bloody history.
The Mishna [conservatism] itself, and Maymonides, Origenes
(who castrate himself) are a proof evidence, how sticky
(perseverative) habit (to adhere to a subject), fear, ignorancy do
misinterpretations about something, even, the person is eminent
in some questions! Mainly about sensitive questions like in-love,
sexuality death. Cognitive psychologsyt are rediscovered, no
longer just rationalism, because of the hiddened emotional
physiological answers (orbitofrontal and hyppocampal neuronal effects), so the goal-oriented
rational thinking theory is ower. By the learned (conditioned) mind of Maymonides; lesbian
love was prohibited, just because it was acceped in Egypt!
And keep away any ”foreign” thing was force, related the Jewishness. Anything, were
accepted in Egypt, –those things, Godheads, traditions, ceremonies, and, including food were
prohibited among Jewish by they independent new identity. In this way Jewish distancy from
the Egyptian habits, including Egyptian wellkown homosexual love, made selfmade. Not by
God. And the distinguish itself was so desireable for ancient Jewish. But this is an old
forgotten also. Sometimes old in their times meaningful things are irrevelant today.
Even Jesus taguth them, indistinguish (= solidarity) is a key to understand, WE ALL, COME
FROM THE SAME ORIGINE. And… contrary… Adam was descripted as an Androgynos. As the
1st creature of God… As regards that, CHRISTIANITY HASN’T ANY AUTHETIC AUTHOR ABOUT
HOMOSEXUALITY, bisexuality. Just: opinions, just author’s beliefs were written… But they
aren’t scientific or, authentic. The »only one view point« (closest: view from nowhere) of
theology/ biology/ ethic… could couse a man with narrow subject. But contrary: everithing is
And… scientist/ specialist’s opinion aren’t really wisdom! (Therefor their research fields were
taken from their context.) Basicaly Jewish were tribes, foughts for surviving, they were, and
they are need to distinguish ourselves form other nations/ other culture and, other’s beliefs.
(Because the old Jewish history.) Today there are a few Jewish and Arabic gay’s and lesbian’s
assotiation. Unfortunately they are fighting with the orthodox ‫ٳ‬slamic suppression. To be
awakened!, and try keeping (continously) the light of acceptance. Related with way of living
and, beliefs and misbeliefs -related with God’s wants, values, history, religious commands…
we are seeng the diversity itself in the whole world. In the Cosmos everywhere. We should to
have more divers knowledge about all sexual diversity, including: biological, hormonal,
genetical, behavioural and psychological knowledge. Might we all the only race which is
killing and hurt other members of its own race. But no reason.
– infected by hiddened preconceptions, ideology, and obsoleted – unknowed informations.
Previously, the classification of animals was beased on description and visible morphology.
For example, about zoological taxonomy, phylum/ classis/ ordo/ species ’ categories weren’t
enough for entities. Slowly by slowly was realized with the richessness of the realm of
animals. Therefor biologyst did/ have created new ”boxes” as categories/ classifications to
approximate more preciously those animals they never fit to the categories. So, phylum +
subphylum + infraphylum were added, or: clasiss + superclassis and infraclassis ”were born”.
recently, they are working only with genetical analisys! What a different! In this way elephant
and sorex with proboscidian from western Africa (’Micus’ [mɪĸʊs]) are closer relatives!!
So, what about oddity? Unicness? What about power on others? Authoritic scientific
strucutre, hierarhcy and pretended belief about scientific ”facts” e.g. Darwinism. ”You must
follow the roles about your sexual life which is clearly declared by (…)61
60 Annunaki, Adam at Mesopotanians, Sumerians, arteficial being, slave. At the Jewish; the first man -by the
hands of God (or any Aliens?)
61 Church, priests, politicians, leaders, psychologists, what do you want.
More as we think, more homoxesuals are just escaping men… they are escaping from their
own mother! The phenomena wich is called AS MOTHER HOSTEL isn’t exist only from the
youth needs. We have to go! But the time culd be individual, and be autonomous,
independent, self-supporting is a learning process for due mother and her children too.
Sometimes going away is an ecaping mitgh with ideology, pretext, it happan by any excuse,
and earlier as the youth is able to be alone. Homosexual behaviour as a 3rd gender today,
easilly could be a pathway to escape from the petrified, fossil and inconvenient gender’s roles.
Gender = behavioural repertoire and cultural tradition and more: many outer (external)
expectings! Many obligations! Posessive, dominant parents are frequently interrupt/ perturb
the sexual maturation of his/ her girl/ son, or even sexual orientation too -through the lack of
practical know-how about how useful, to curt and gradually approach the ’opposite’ (closest:
complementer) gender.
Posessive, dominant parents aren’t help to learn equivalency, on the same rank, therefor their
children’s maturation and communication/ social attitude could have difficulties, perturbed/
damaged develop. Healthy people are developing on the basis of equality. Be peer/ fair with
each other.
not only in child-carehood, in the maternity, in the elementary school, in everywhere.
Emancipation did a mysbalance about male gedners function, so what is a new function about
father, if women have many new recently concered field of competency, and, the single
mothers’ number are increasing?? Society need male nurses, teachers, carers, and children are
need they father!
Authority based develop, family or Church makes great inhibition at person’s spntaneity.
Sponanetity and initiative is also important in the case of sexual develop. I want, I feel, I like,
I am oriented as… Authority is hardly against any sponaneity and selfexploration and selforganisation. It could cause a kind of damage on one’s psycho-sexual develop.
During I am writting this modest artickel the Hungarian rigth side party says, if they will have
the power, there will not Gay pride in Budapest. So, there are many people (Serbian too)
aren’t able to learn about other’s freedom or, the essence of any diversity. Henceforth EastEuropean handicapped people, our fellows they are living with any disability, anybody who
has any difference have more difficult situation -compare with the Western societies. The
more wants/ commands about be uniformed!, and similarity let it be –cause the less variety of
the colourfulness. Less human rights also. Tyranny, in all times beginning with the command:
something just in one way let be or, we don’t allow...
”About our ideology”, in name of God… E.g. we (Church, political party) don’t allow you
to have lifemate as your gender. You must to go any institute as we, as x, y kind of party,
Sarīa, Christianity’s law or, by other need, you must behave as ”normal people” and, of
course ”we as x, y ”party” are
able to declaire what is normal.
In your own interest, my people.
people” [by brain researchers]
statistically has more excitable
(or bigger) amygdala.
Amygdala is a part of the fear/
People with more anxiety need
are saying what to do, what is
ordered. Or, in other aspect,
externally rewarded, clear, rigid
do overadaptation and they
anxiety region of the brain62.
authority and roles. Authorities
normal or wanted/ what is
people with anxiety do need:
roles. This őpeople frequently
giving up they ownselves.
In this way conservativism, about gay love, is just unconscious psychological need for
safety, preserv surpassed categories. Even, the illusion of safety (be ethic, be ”normal”, be
accepted, fit to religious roles) are comes both from religion or law, or, commands – hereby,
because the external influence people musn’t to organise they own life.
62 With gyrus cynguli and limbic area and the Papez loop
A. One haven’t to deal about freedom and ones own pathway. For those might overadaptive people, liberty is most dangerous thing. Because the difficulty to do
decisions, and wear its responsibility.
B. At males: I. the first testosterone respons (in fetal life) is not happened, II. at due
gender: the overcomplex psychological identity is damaged, III. the over-globalisation
and the collision of cultures makes intercultural difficultuies (rebell against the gender
culturally humiliated, cindemned –women in Islam).
If somebody is free, one also necesserily have responsibility too. TO SEE CLEARLY, LESBIANS,
HOMOSEUXALS NEED NOT TO ALLOW any permission or influence about they sexual identity
(preferency) and behaviour. Even if, the European Union give human rigths and viewpoint for
the non-democratic Eastern European Countries, we see, although we have written and
declared rigths in the praxis but in the heads no places for them. In the Milosewich age,
homoxeuals were punished by BRUTAL soldier fellow’s, by VIOLENT ANAL PENETRATION. The
QUOTA was FOUR intercourse by different ”HETERO SOLDIERS”, paradoxically. And, after four
people’s penetration the well knowed question to the gay solder was: ”do you think, are you
gay yet?”
Selfish genes (which is Richard Dowkin’s faliured idea – genes are conservatives? no, see the
law of irregular continuation) have no any interest to generate homosexuals –according to be
survived and, genes be spredded away.Why nature try thomosexual, transsexual version?
Why this phenomena is exist (from the prehistoric age)?
Genes do not workin’ automatically. Those are intelligent moleculars, henceforht they are feel
the enviroment, accept outside stimulation, and they are waiting for enviromental information
to achive moderation, accomoation on the biochemical way –according to the equasion: learn
= change = accomodate/ adaptate. Any external or, internal (homeostatical) change need a
corrective/ adaptive answer. In the case of powerful social influence, little girls are attempt to
behave as boys (”general’s daughter” comissioned parent’s child). In Hungary, we have got
many refugies todays, and Islamic people are free from the cultural-religional people and by
curiosity, by their own want try to get homosexual experiences. Even Islam do prohibition. Is
Islam do?
Not rairly, in native tribes, youth wumen are in ”only girls” status, antill they will have
children and, after they will have a matured mother status –as young males, after they did
therir duty in the national army, as obligation. It is a kind of self-initiation. Also, we can find
for us strange initiation, when in the intact, aboriginal tribe, matured males used to be giving
toward they sperm both ritualic or valide anal penetration, and this is a ’normal’ way to young
boys have got the power of male. Or, antill the first succeful hunting, matured man has just
female beingness isn’t fasten, rotting under concrete.
In my poor country marriage and gay marriage handled with law. No other view. No other
interest. In the main radio station the brodcast specialists were discussing about marriage only
about law of inheritance, wealth, posession. What a primitive people are disponable about
The problem isn’t the gay marriage, the problem is: humans are lifting down, falling down,
we can’t to learn love!! Even people do marriage with the opposite gender. People are livin’
in the most induvidualistic society, consummer society and the other person is just for ’one
use’it is able, it is happen, youth people are maturing in their later ages. And, the separation of
people is tentetive, separated people, atomostic society is very good for politicians, for high
priests. So no connect witn love and marriage. Communities, as huge: tree-generational
colourful social enviroment.
If somebody marriaged, bot just later able to facing with her or him homosxuality or, any
faliure, ther is a racionalism, which is protect the person’s ego-idea. Is scient and religion
ready to change their stand-point, view? The function of the ego-protective psychological
mechanism is to keep the stability and protect the idol of ego. Or, the respect of an instituion
will be indestructable. So, when the distancy between t he ego and the fact is visible ,
cognitive dissonance (stress, tense) is generating. How is brave enough to confess, sorry I
have been failled? Related with this, all religion have the same basic teaching about empathy,
unity, love and, the saintness of all suffering living entity.
II. All religions including Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Krisna believers, Taoism,
Hinduism, Djainism the TOLERANCY, AND ACCEPTANCE IS MOST IMPORTANT because mostly,
1st of all: we cannot to know, why people behave as they behave. So judgement just makes
people disseparated, and the meaning of any religion is: TO RECOGNIZE WE ARE THE SAME, WE
any religion! God = ’creator mundi’ [who made/ created the world], the cosmic intelligence which
been long ago leaved behind as Golden Age, Age of Sage and harmony, - by ourselves as
separated/ fallened/ lost beings. The tolerance and pationtfulness is a sign of the intelligence
and benevolence.
III. All religions teaching: we aren’t body or the result of the evolution, WE ARE SOUL. SOUL
HASN’T GENDER, because it cannot has. The genetical/ biological/ cultural phenomena of
androgynous beingness is universal, the law of polarity is just a material word’s phenomena.
The category of lesbian or gay love, the category of bisexuality MAY SURPASSED YET IN THE
LAST DECADES. Old history is teaching us, about diversity, clolourfulness, acceptance,
coexistence… so, be more acceptive, focus on: WHAT WE HAVE AS COMMON (oooooh,
religions!) same value/ needs, same attribute, not foucus on, what makes differents or just
makes differences superficially, so it is the ethical-spiritual guidance in our life as human [=
urpass of the instincs, reflexion, consciousness on our acts] beings as well. THERE ARE MALE (’little bit
autistic-autonomic’) AND FEMALE (’hyper social’) TYPE OF BRAIN as well63. (Therefor things
were taken from their context.) Ccould we surpass categories as borders?? Could we believe
in the Human Rights and in the free will? Who gotta the perfect, right information, a mate just
could be/ shold be/ must! be happy only with a girl? I’ve got the impression (proof evidences
by many other scientific fields), lot of wants and deals aren’t free: because of many
unconsciousness influences. I am terribly sorry to say, but the goal-oriented rational thinking
theory is ower. But there is no person nor authority who can say for us, what gender is suitable
for us?
63 Psychology, gender theories… yin as right hemisphere, yang as left hemisphere… and Elevated fetal
steroidogenic activity in autism - Molecular Psychiatry (2014), 1–8 See more about autism (boys) and
hypersocial Wlliams-syndrome.
© 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 1359-4184/14 S Baron-Cohen1,10, B Auyeung1,2, B
Nørgaard-Pedersen3, DM Hougaard3, MW Abdallah3,4,5, L Melgaard3, AS Cohen3, B Chakrabarti1,6,
L Ruta1,7 and MV Lombardo1,8,9,10
Diversity (races, biotopes, genetic, way of life) is well-knowed today –excipe potiticians,
politicians just need power, so they are the persons, who firtsly wants to slip, divide the
population. Henceforth the Universe is pular, and, God itself likes the diversity! But… what
about the transitions? The not typical ones? Politicians or, the Church will execute them?
I MUST SHOW YOU my dear reader, in the INTERDISCIPLINAR (SYNOPTIC) WIEV: homosexuality or,
other sexual diversities have (I) inter-contextual meanings and (II) uncauntable
determinations. Hormones, genes, behaviour, society, culture and arteficial expectation
(religion, ethic and, political preferences, psychological fears and, misbelief about
descendants –and: near to 7 billion people on the Earth!). The principal thing is: less
influences/ control about people’s privacy. Humans life have got more externality, we have
lack of inwardness. Our private territory is controlled by microchips, CCCTV, security cams,
satellits… God forbid, the totally controled society! I dare to say, finally everything will be
out of ideology, so just free people could have/ to able to have responsibility. And no more
authorized persons about our life just because we are on the way as we are. Never forget my
reader: any difference about humans could be a reason for scapegoating. But after this dark
age (a periode of Kāli yuga), never happen. To get precious shilouette we are going into the
deatiles, to despicte homoerotism
Dominant mothers cause a blokc (as barrier) in the way boys are going forward to girls and,
they do inhibition to express of needs for tenderness –related with girls those generalized as
mother (incest inhibition). Of course with the prohibition of incestus.
Homosexuaity could be a sign how peope DO NOT WANT TO KEP EARLYER ACCEPTED gender’
roles, by others composed regulars too, and there are more masculinic girls, and femininc
boys. Because everything is continous, transitional. And more, temporary, peridoic. Including
sexual identity - as Wirgina Wolff had written, in the roman, Orlando. A single human being
is able to change. No predetermination. And it is the hope itself. And in this way, sexuality,
attitude and habit, is also change at the same person.
It is a best, if we speaking about love as force (F). And what is the force? Force only an
abstraction, and force is formed energy, energy, with direction  . And who deal about the
direction of energy? The energy wich is drive us, is the energy of the Manipura (jwel,
diamond) chakra. This element is Fire, and its regio/ area is the umbilicar part of the body
(suprarenal glands, pancreas, plexus solaris nerve). If this chacra works good enough, could
include the lower vital chakras with Earth and Liquid elements.
The navel string is symbolysing the contacts with others. The unity of elements even, the
pneuma (psyche, ruakh) as ayre/ air/ eter element is belonging to the heart chacra. From the
evolutionary perspective we have to facing with the umbilical chacra which is, with a power/
competency/ possibility/ ability also connected. Even the 2nd chacra’s name is sex chacra, the
umbillicar chacra with others also connected! Idea is a picture what somone want, the force is
fuel, and the drive is the flow of energy, the know-how. In this spiritual dimension
homosexuality have connected with 3rd chacra too.
Male intimacy was in use in old times, certainly in old Greek’s tribes and
Polis, e.g. male intimacy have been worked between ”hard warriors” ,
soldiers in the Sparta’s army. The solidarity (which word is very new
constituation) could be very useful about the group’s cohesion (parea). Very
bad fate, fortune, doom could be adventure-like if we have lovers, brothers,
mates, good snd cooperative fellows. Man love was named as Platonic love (eros urania, or
just wery strong frineship, parea) or, idealistic love, because no sex only, the relashionsip not
for marriage, dowry and not for children, like l’art pour l’ art. Yes, true love is happen for its
own sake. Not for tradition, not by cultural influence, not for money, so ture love (including
hetersoxexual one, including deep identifiaction with ideas, God, so forth) help us to our ego
IN THIS WAY (might not only by the dopamine or much more oxytocine) doesn’t meaningful
and not interesting what is the partner’s gender, age, origin of society, race, income,
occupation, religion so forth… Love is a fragile bridge between two persons or, between
groups. LIBERTY IS TO SAY YES and acceptance for the other preson independently his or her
any attribute. Liberi is also capability to say no for uncontrolled emotions, behaviour, traumadrived life, obsession. Lots of neurosis are comes from the lack of love, emotional safety.
”Being mirrored involves a message about onself” -as Andrew Meltroff have written. Honor
crescit onmnes as Latin express itself: loveful acknowledgement is nurturing everyones, and
helps about mates growing (social support, self-acceptance by others acceptance and love).
Sparta, Creta gave us written legacy about the sturcture of society. Youth male have better
partnerships with other youth company or, with elder soldiers or phylosophers. Women were
underestimated, therefor marriage wasn’t a place for idealistic love. In, those patriarchal
polished Platonic love (erastes and eromenos) happened between males. Man’s beauty was
preferred, heroes adored each other, and, they died for ech other. Etologycally males less and
more competitive. And in a phallocratic society man keep his ’supremity’, therefor: girl-like
behaviour isn’t was allowed.
But: less intimacy among men is depend of the culture, might more people need it, but they
not express the need for tenderness.
Although today everything is reachable, e.g. by the internet, there is no human touch
anymore. Jesus told us many lessons about love, but we cannot to do. Positive and,
unconditional strokes do grow children up. But no positive strokes in family, in schools.
Many of homoerotic relationship is based on, the friend, classmate, mates form the year is
giving storkes and pay attention. And it is not primail homosexuality. In Sparta, discipul
becomed as son – father like relationship, after this, after time, was a basis to develop strong
friendship between erastes and eromenos. And erromenos will not obligatory homosexual,
after the erastes-eromenos like relationship! The lack of unconditional love, positive strokes
without any condition, qualified free tim togheter is an unignorable condition to the healthy
soul, confidence, to be someone is ownself, without pathology, and, manipulative social game
as knowed Transaction Analyze, ’social games’ unconscious social interactions -Eric Berne
written about it. Friendship (= pareia, paidós = boys) is very important about cohesion in
social life, and free will. Plutharc (in: dialog about in-love) and Plato (Phaidros), Aristote
speaks (in: Nikhomakhos ethic) why inocent, strong firendship is important. Today male
intimacy is also missining, it is not so masculine. The identificatin with the same gendered
parents is important hwo to learn gender’s roles even, if everyoen is harmoniously, no any
pathology, homosexuality is arrising.
Archiologysts found Babilonian-Mesopotanian clays with arro-headed, cuneiform insrcipts
around 3 800 B.C. About, e.g. Gods have sex with Earth-inhabitans, long-long ago Gods have
been descended from the heaven (in religion records with latin words: worldwide!:
descendatio de cɶlo). Of course ancient people couldn’t do any realistic description about
strange things, so the Sol invictus [no-victorable] was a flame, radiating sphere/ circle/ face of
the Sun with wings (alas). The chariots of Gods, and the wings (alas) were of the aeroplains
(or descending units) of ancient visitors ”heaven-machine”. (General depict, pictures, reliefs:
disc-shaped Sun amongs pinions, sometimes areodynamicly shaped machin’s wings!)
For us, the sexual behaviour is interesting, and the fact, human as ”Homo sapient” been
arrised much more earlier as mainstream archeologist do believe. People had have meeting
with the Gods (early visitors) in the descending unit of the heaven machin. This place was for
teaching less civilized people, (leaders of the people like Moses, king David, and many-many
ancient leaders). And… this place was for the act of refreshing genes or do manipulation
about human genoms. So… the slogan of ”natura rerum” (the order of the Nature [as biological
is could be relative, because many undeinable [historical, archiological, astrological…]
signs are speaking about early visitors on the Earth.
Many misbeliefs we had and we have it; Colombus wasn’t the 1st who discivered America,
and China had got the power of gun powder -by most early –from sea appeared aliens. The
black plague never spredded away by rats or other rododents animlas… The compass was
discovered befor Chine’s ages, by strange aliens (!)… we are teaching wrong factoids to our
youth –since centuries! Huang-Ti (Caisar, the Yellow), Thot, Hermes Trismegistos, Echnaton,
as IV. Amenhotep [Imhotep] were human-alien mixture (see more about his cranium’s datas
and Sun-cult monoteism), and they had much more intelligence and huge sophisticated
technological knowledge.
Might we are the descendants of its genetic heritage and ancient, early ”aliens’ ” civilisation’s
legacy. Now, we could create
babies in vitro (beneath labglasses, test tubes), but earlier,
in the gothic age, to make
’homonculus’64 was forbidden
act, temptation by the Evil. The
question of homunculus (and
drones, robots?) does means: we
are out of any biological
mechanism yet. Near the selfcreation/
Sexuality is a gift, a pleasure
present for others. PRIMITIVE
In our age, in the last two decades tenderness just disappeared from our schools, culture, and
medias. In the American culture, to touch a child is very dangerous because the suspicious
shadow of the pedophily (but, with different meaning in Greek, in French). So, to express
love, tenderness, giving positive strokes perhabs not only verbally (touch, common but
meaningful silence, pray) isn’t good, isn’t allowed. But pornograpgy, oversexualised
advertises, naked people in newpapers doesn’t causing any problem: it is the hypocracy itself.
Starving youth, powerty, parent’s ignorancy, starving children for love, for acceptance and,
for tenderness. Although toggles, children, youth needs safety, direct contacts, touch is
healing65 and tranquillize most of anxietic persons. Love, pet, and, even gentile strokes are
help us, in our selfconfidence and better immunology status, people, social workers, teachers
are awoiding themselves to touch they own clients. Because every TOUCH HADE GOT A
64 Generating a little mate (and this ways imitating the Gods’s creation) in the test-tube (’eprouvette’) in the age
of creating gold/ philosopher’s stone in arteficially way.
65 During pet, gentile stokes Tumor Necrose Factor (TNF), Grow Hormone, both Dopamine and Serotonine and
many other, so called interlecuines, immunglobulines are deliberate, and those presence help to preserve our
–By the fucked up television. This is a very bad side effect of the pornography. Advertises
with topless girls, our wolrd is oversexualized. But no pattern of the tenderness –to the
children. Touch –is safe now. By the touch arrised oxytocin is a 1st decreaser of the anxiety.
Touch is awakens both dopamine-, serotoninerg (5HT) -, neuronal pathways in the brain –
related with the social reward system (ventral-tegmental area of mesencephal, oxytocyne + axis of
dopamine, gyrus cinguli, ACC66, nucelus accumbens). Intimacy could be sexuality also –mainly
for women, and, most often in the previous ages. Unveilled hungriness for sex, at women, is
relative recent (feminism, voting rights, wear pants and tie and do masculine professions). The
men’s gender’s role: be strong, or, to be strenghten, dominant that women are. This
manipulative social games destroy the emotional feeding about boys, mates, police officers
and soldiers. Generally, be masculine is just less tenderness –and it is generating many
alcoholic problems or other compensative behaviour with drugs. Just because the lack of love.
Lots of people isn’t recognise his/ her own sexual identity –on time. By the
lack of self-knowledge or, by the pression of incorporated fear, family’s
opinion –fear from the inner, INVISIBLE AUDIENCE. So, the invisible audience
is a barrier about the question: Who am I? Let the trancparency be! The so
called invisible audience is composed by internalized parents’ opinions
(strong superego), authorities’ opinions, expectations, retorsion (fear,
regulars, roles, obeity as rewarded pattern of behaviour). Those mates, they
aren’t able to see67 (why they refuse sex at all, uncosciousnessly shamed, frightened, so no
access to the child ego, to the adult ego (Eric Berne’s Transaction Analyze model about
unconscious social interactions) because the swallowed superego, Parent-ego as
consciousness is dominate. Loneliness, refused heteroseuality is the consequences and, fear to
discover one’s genuine sexual preference orientation. Fear from other’s opinion or fear from
the invisible audience and superego.
66 Anterior Cyngulare Cortex
67 self-transparency, self-knowledge –just with feed-back, only in social field could shaping a correct selfacceptance and transparency, - compare with productive love, positive critical notes, supportive behaviour,
escape from the poisoning parents
If my memory serves me on the correct way, as I remember I have a mate from the neighbour
hause, and he was around 13 year old. He asked me,” show my your glans.” (Not my penis,
just a glans). He have seen a darker coloured one in the open-air swimming pool, in the man’s
changing room. And, more, this penis was ”operated” (circumsied). ”Show me, what is the
normal one.” I remember this boy hade no father. He wanted to compare his body to an
accepted ’as normal’ one’s. He seemed helplessless. It was un-imaginable to ask his mother
about it. He was anxious. I think, the consequency is clear. The lack of information cause
vacuum-like situation.
cloth itself with a phenomena of disgusting. Feraful pussy (vagina dentata [vagine with teeth])
real, psychologycal or symbolic fear from castration (…) for younger boys not obligatory
arrising as oh, I am affraid of the unkowed pussy, or, I definitelly have fear from it. Fear
could arrising as disgust from any imminent, anxiously organ, situation and action.
Prohibition – inhibition – anxiety, aversion – disgust is a psychoanalityc chain to stop steps
toward the oppsite gender. Of course, we can see other causes, no pathology, just homoerotic
preference. The lieratury definitelly knowes about girls they find a penis wery disgusting,
mainly its end without [fore] skin.
Altough we know many predispositions, we, as researchers do not know just one, main,
dominant cause [of homosexuality], and by the experience and mirable diversity and
colourfulness of nature, we just akcnowledge it. Sexual minorities do not want any
permession by anybody. Today no daubt about who is responsable about waht, and sexuality
isn’t a reason for any discrimination.
Because there are many predictions but there isn’t just one cause is cousing homosexuality,
unfortunatelly we should introduce many several new classificiations of homosexuality. There
 dominant mother -depended homosexuality,
 lack of love –type of homosexuality,
 narcissism generated one,
 not labellled one,
 unconscious fear from women (mother’s shame)
 just-cannot-tosay-why-this preference is?… types.
Seeng that, in many culture, potenitally gay-lesbian youth have pretend themselves as
’normal’ people. But continous double-booking is sure: damage on soul, the double entry is a
break on the self-accomplishment, realisation of one’s healthy way of life. The career’s cost
more prize, pretended heterosexuality or, pretended beliefs in a christian college is ill-making.
It is a continous sterr –and living under stress’ presence is a hard health risk. Obviously
The liar society is reproducing itslef continosuly, through the people those pretend; accept
general rolef of society. And they will develop they children might on the same way of
hiddened self-identity or, overadaptation. And, hereby Jesus or Buddha been appeared to
break the chain. Adaptation is very difficult, when there is a difference between the declared
values and reality –children, they are growing up, will grow in the ambuiguity which is
anxious. It makes neurosis as well. Be honest but be straight (sincer), genuine or, just wear a
masquarade and making an appearence as normal people looks like. Unfortunatelly hiddened
ones, anxious ones, people they’re loosing hopes and personal wants, real friends, emotional
safe, social body (support) are much more thend to giving up they own dreams, authentic life,
and thye are closer to be suicide.
Scapegoating is also a really bad and in many times unconsciousness humiliating habit, to
discriminate68 people, and the reason is frequently ”just because”. Mobbying, bullying in the
elementary school, highschool or in workplaces is wellknown. Today, the moral
discrimination about gays is un-sustainable anymore. We have many biological,
endocrionological knowledge about sexual diversity, so we have stop any discrimination
including child adoption, gay marriage, stop extracommunication from any church. The basic
mechanism of the scapegoatong is to be free from agressive, cumulated bad emotions and
during the acting out, to find a pesrosn, situatuion, condition to criticize others, blame others
In this way always to keep one’s positive self-picture (as psychological interest). I am inocent
- you’re ashamed. Like in the Bible, no beam in my eyes, but your eyes have a splienter
68 to do difference is comes from Evil. Basically as all religions teaching, the di-fference, making distancies
between people is un-natural ”contra naturam”.
OBEITY – given (gotten) ethic codexes
Moses [12-16 (20)] Krisna (in Mahabhārātā) Abraham, Mohamed, Confucius, Hunag-ti, Preah
Pisnokar (Cambodia), so: commands from Indra ’s heavenly castle to… Arjuna (from Lord
Kristna) … and many leaders and Godheads gave us, granted commands to people to have
follow. And those times commands had been changed deeply and seriously. In the case of
Sodoma and Ghomorra (Lamekh, Noë/ Noach, a new beginning – flood) not really clear.
Might the story of Lot, as you know, my sweet reader, Lot’s wife turned back to see the
destroy of Sodoma and she becomed as calcificated, statue-like strombolit (might because of
the ray-making weapon??). And we find the reason, why people was unwanted (by the
corruption, but what is the meaning, genetgic or, moral corruption??) anymore befor the sight’ of God.
As we can see in the Bible at Liber Genesis (‫ח‬،‫ )ברא ש‬11. ”Now the earth was corrupt in the
sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence [= animal-like nature, ego, not Atma]. 12. God
looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the
earth.” –Was it genetical mistake? Was our ancestor animal-like? What/ who was corrupted?
-What does it mean sight of God? Might humakind was ”natural” but God want something
more. Like more civilised, Sophistikated-educated, more social. Perhabs God wanted a kind
of alterated beings – genetical modified people those behave more… those thye’re follow
God’s role… people they able to achive the… If God wan only heterosexual people why IT
(♀♂) did not create those like ones? Might the ”sin of incest” the endogamy as corrupt ethic
was so unwanted it made inbreedeng in the city. And by the inbreeding made monsters in
Sodoma. And God/ angels might was a foreign intelligence in the remote Biblical past, and
might extraterrestial intelligence helped to a primitive intelligence to have got enhancement.
In this kind of view we aren’t natural. And the age of microbiology, when we are able to
implant healty ribosome RNS into an oocell (ovule) to help in a kind of genetical disorder, we
are out of biologsm. Angels had sex with humans –obviously for the genetical crossing. As
Hebrew malah ‫ = ﬢﬡﬥﬦ‬one who is a messenger (as old Greek angelos, and aka at Sumerian
as well). Enokh believed and been written about falllen angels, they had to live on Earth. And,
occasionally had sex with the Earth dwellers. If this happened, what will be our opinion about
sexuality-homosexuality? In Enoch book, ”Gods’ sons’s [the guardians/ Nephelims? of the Sky] had
sex with the girls of Earth.” And Book of Moses 6. 1-4 too. Might Sodoma and Ghomorra
were punished beacuse of the [unwanted?] genetical mixture [Nephelims or Nephilims = giant fallen
ones] ? Those children from angels were named as star-childrens.
- IN A PICTURE -we have to re-think our unknowed history Migh we are a result of
the help of alien intelligence. Wing are symbolised the ability of aviation, fly.
about very large
sculps. And no
reliques finds
sceletons and
museums are
espose them.
69 from Psalm 82: “Jehovah takes his stand at the Council of El to deliver judgment / among the elohim.” “You
too are gods, sons of El Elyon, all of you.” Daniel 4:13 Annunaki as watchers: “Behold a watcher and an holy
one came down from heaven.”
It used to be, if something isn’t fit to our beliefs, including scientific ones, we just exlude
those facts. So, God’s hand was a help to mankide be survived –by cleaning of the Deluge/
Flood (Noakh, Noë). Might Titans, Gigases were realted with those giants, like David and
Goliath’s case. We just do not know, why guardians Nephelims did sexual mixture with
Earth’ girls? Might this happened against the God’s want, but we have to re-definy the
concept of sin and sexuality.
Genesis 6:1-4 reads:
”And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters
were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and
they took them wives of all which they chose... There were nephilim70 in the earth in those
days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they
bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”
[emphasis added]
If it happened in this way, we have genetical memories from those times. We are a refressed
race. As Sumerian says: Annunaki (beings from the sky). The connection between humans
and the Anunnaki is much more profound than that of masters and slaves. All the evidence
strongly advocates the concept that Adam and Eve and their ancestors, cousins, and whathave-you were created by genetic engineering and mixing the DNA of Anunnaki with that of
Homo erectus, the reigning progenitor of man at the time. Might the Homo erectus race was
agressive enough to exterminate, unfortunatelly succefully irradicate the race of Homo
neanderthaliensis. Fundamentally, this was because the Anunnaki needed someone to work
the mines in search of gold and other precious metal(s). –For what reason? Might those
angels, malah, messengers, nephilims were extraterrestrials… even this thought is not fit our
previously fabricated word-view…
Might Sky and Earth, Nut and Geb, Osiris and Isis, Uranos and Gaia […] are metaphorically
speaking about how the guardians/ watchers of sky had sex with the ”daughters of Earth”.
Like int he myth of Poseidon, who based a family, and took a beautiful girl as his vife and
made the bases of Atlantis. Might genetical mixture isn’t a question of the sexual license
might the genetical engeneering was really conscious and necessary. Might there is a
command of the Universe, the more intelligent one must help to, protect the lower rank.
The Old Testament’s book of Genesis was extracted from the older Sumerian records, if only
because of the similarity in their Comparative Religions. The Enuma Elish, the Sumerian Epic
of Creation, and Genesis have a variety of common elements. Stories of a Great Flood and
Deluge, among other stories, are also common to both Sumerian and Biblical accounts. An
inevitable conclusion is that the Anunnaki were as real as Noah, Moses or Abraham.
70 By Sumerian texts is similarly defined as “those who from heaven to earth came”.
By the need of God or, by today unknown interest, Abraham had got a command (Book of
Genesis). By the God’s weird, quite odd want: the sign of the alliance between the Jewish
tribe (and not mankind) and God (JHVH) is the circumcision. And Abraham and his son and
all the slaves bought by money have to be circumcised. (emphasis added) It is
confusing, why God had interest about people sexual life or appearence of
man’s genitals? By other source Jewish had got this habit from Egyptians.
In old times e.g. Jewish or, Arabic tribes weared just one person’s sin. Therefor commands
and its retaliation was in use. There wasn’t word and statement like today’s solidarity as well.
But tribe-solidarity was, tā taziru wāziratum like in the ‫ القراب‬Qur’an. So only one’s sin
(djarra-djanā) was shameful for all the tribe too. Although we know Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi
poems a lot, talk about love urania, gay in-love, by the misconception of religion, sexuality
has becomed a prohibited shameful thing. Religious prescriptions (furqān), life the guidance
or ummu’l-kitābi as yatun-muhkamatum, on ’the stone graved hard prescriptions’ like the
Bible, Book of Enokh at Etiopians slowly by slowly did many of prohibiton about:
everyday’s love, ceremonies, holy days (Mekka-hadj, pesach, christmas) beliefs,
foods, funeral, marriage, accept children (because the father not always sure) and how
about loan money [due in Mishna, Qur’an, zakāt al-fit] so forth. The guilty person (halï c) was
excluded from the community. The expulsion have lighter manifestation as civilised countries
do, unemployment, exclusive church, clubs, workplaces, knowed as moods of discrimination
(labelling or mobbiyng).
Because we are living in the shame making society everyones are muslimīna = subordinate,
submissive or, following people [religion or political roles]. Even, there is no direct link between
religion and sexuality nor homosexual preference. Unfortunatelly times goes on, even earlier,
in the remote past somethig was most useful, today we have to re-vide it. Hebrew and Islamic
people tend to be really rigide, there is no allowance to analyze the religious texts –and it is
fetisim–like. To forbid to questioning the lógos, [Egyptian] AMR, hokhmach, ration is just
autocratic attitude.
People for they forbid to worship any idols, pictures, reliefs, sculptures… are paradoxically
behaving as idolatry people. Because they paradoxically adore/ idolatry the text, ruins, scrolls
itselves even, all our religious scrolls had been corrupted, by language-devaluation,
corruption. In the 7:40 of Qur’an, the qestion about Vulgata kamÉlos (djAmal, camel) or
kamilOs (djummal, hawser-rope), and Matthew 19:24, Lucas 18:25, Marc 10:25. jesus told:
”Antill the rope (camel?) going to throw the needle. (Hattā yaliga’l-ģammalu fī sammi’l-hiya i)
[ģ = dj = ‫ ]ج‬Incoming words (a’ ģami, not arabic; persian-egyptian-berber), and today yet
meanigless word. [today] Miningless habit –forbid to have dinner with a woman she have
menses cycle for example. Might by the distorsion throw translation, the semantic evolution
(alterated meanings, lost meanings), the changed structure of the scrolls/ sutras (Kumran,
tabdīl) lost lines (nash) changed context, the changed architect and its interpretation of the
society… But people without meaning, repeat sūtras and psalms (psaumes).
They are tend to behave as obcessive-compulsive disorders because of the written roles. And
ritualic behaviour are giving illusion of the safe. Adherence to the religion, insistance on
one’s reveal exclude one’s own way (Hinduism, Buddhism is based on one’s own way’s
achivement). It’s a kind of tribe religion. No free place for the idnividuals, teherefor Arabic,
Jewish gays have more difficululties in their life. To be perfect, and always adhese to
obsolated not really valid religious prescriptions is a kind of paranoide, obsessive motif in the
behaviour, in Freud’s context it is anal fixation. (sitck to something, fanatical faithfulness).
Compare with Jacob and Isaiash’ vision, and when Ste Peter have meet with an angel in the
And… we are growin’ up in the idolatrycal society, we adore intelligent wahsing powder,
intelligent telephone, we’re worship plasma tv, we subordinating ourselves in the altar of
objects, we are victims of comsuption, we just do not know what the love is?
We aren’t able to understand others. Because many people do many things, because many
people behave on many ways, because there are many cultures and, because we are livin’ in
our own minde. Therefor if we aren’t able to understand others just practicing the virtue of
acceptance when if possible try to do unconditional acceptance too.
Opposite with the faliure – deviation – disorder –gender and quuer interpretation of
homosexuality, the cohesion force of homosexuality was well knowed in dorian army,
Sparta’s nad Dorian army, and in the Nazi SA. The phalanx is not only means the special
form shaped by shield on the battlefield by Roma’s soldiers. In Thebai phalanx meaned the
COHESION and SOCIAL FORCE of gay couples. Gay people have more sociable, teacher-like,
artistic and communicative members –according to the more developed corpus callosum, and
right brain hemisphere, and well polished emotional communication.
Freud -and his failled (one viewed) theory of LUSTPRINZIEP principal (paradigma) Freud’s
conception about life-instinct and death instinc have declared, all our motivation are comes
from the libido which is all somatic sensation and this drive lookin’ for source of pleasures.
So the German: ”Lust” (pleasure, libido) is not only sexuality, but touch, stroke, pet are also. In
this aspect sin, as a remain of animalistic sexual drive, instinct hold power on humans (those
had been corrupted –Genesis). The antinomy, the contrary is: why God built hatred instincts
in the creation? And: the mankind’s task is: be overcomed our instincts, which is means: I am
a leader, not my biological mechanisms are (Buddha, Jesus!, Muhhamned in Qur’an!) The
most of people are Pinocchio, as a puppet, moved by strong leashes of instintcs, so those are
loosing the ability to be intellectual and spiritual. And: in the new testament there is no,
anything prohibition about same gender’s related love and intimacy.
The Christianity is too sour, we have sinful feelengs, it is based on authority and obeity. The
religion is Re – ligare so re-bogging our existence to the God, therefor pleasure, and
joyfulness is a base of all religions. The hiddened fear of shame, fear of death could working
behind the scene of homophoby too. So be careful with obeity just for it, l’art por l’art. Much
more oxitocine could casue a kind of sexual feeling independently the other’s gender. So no
free will and… gender is also jus a mind-constructed idea. So, beity about social roles and
sexuality just a formal ’good behaviour’. Or permanent fear fromt he invisible audience, or,
internalized roles, force of the overgrow superego.
To say like, I am gay/ lesbian, -among of members of famlily, in religious
famaliy or, among the members they’re working in police, higher state’s
offices, in Church… sounds like a serious illness or a curse. So, it is a better
way, if the statement: fact-like. Neutral. Polite. Short. I am gay. That is it. It is
a fact, and not an issue to discuss it long. Unfortunatelly in lots of country,
even the lesbian or gay have no any sexual relationship, or, just any adventure,
excluse him or herself from many work (soldiers, police, urgency, teacher,
reverend). So, prevent the scandal, anger, one always must be focus on the HOW, –related with
the mood of communication and the strucure of communication of the tangented family. First:
be not involved others just closer friend or, other supporting/ helper person. One cannot living
in the atmosphere of hate or discrimination. World is change, and liberty can stand back, lot
of right side party against gays and, the pretext in Hungary always the same, less number of
newborns, and religious ethic.
A conform, strictly religious family and, to do a coming out, could happen like a deadly
strike, a scandal, because gay/ lesbian/ queer (transsexual) people leave the society’s role. We
are livin’ in the shame-making society, not my own son or girl is important, I heard it before:
”What the neighbours will say? What a shame! What sacndal will be!” And they are, in lots of
country, like East-Europian ones, going to a kind of exile. But to be, always living under a
socially accepted masque is also deadly, and psycholocigal tense. And dysstress cold make us
lethally ill on the psycho-somatic way. Countryside, little villiages do not tolerate them.
In my country there was a wave about coming out, mainly in Budapest (capital). During the
2nd Orban goverment, the fear of discrimination is rising again. Mainly advocats, policemen
are complaining about, there is a lack of the safety about the free identity. Might the Orban’s
closer relatipnship with Putine is generating fear, fear from the hiddened list about gay
persons. Officially there is no stigmatisation about gays, but political-economical instability
always good for labelling minorities.
There is a visible process to gay people swallow their earlier done coming out to say: I am
bisexual, or, I never was gay, or, now, I am hetero again. But what is behind the fear? Why
doctors, lawyers, teachers could not be gay or lesbian? Hungary have ”equal oppurtinities
office” but like in lots of countries, it is just a decorative organisation without any effect and
influence. Vladimir Putin71 forbid information be shared about alternatives of sexuality,
family and, gays (Juny, 2014).
Russian orthodox tradition, Talmud, Mishna, Sharīya minorities were refused. Minorities will
be refusing. Minorities were/ are/ will in exile. - Is there just one religion about ACCEPTANCE?
Is anyone’s sexual intimacy important for any institution or religion? JESUS NEVER FORBID
need authority, just simply swallow what authority need. -Is any religious tradition accept
others? The Hungarian KDNP as Chrsitian-Democratic party forbid to beggers are begging in
front of the churchs. Hungarian right side party is planning to forbid the existence of gay
couples and, the punishment by they plan is about 3 years in jail. The slogan: ”God,
patrimony, family!” could be dangerous. People they are living togheter in pace and love, do
not want advices, politician’s opnion’s and abuse of politician’s power.
71 RUSSIAN ANALYTICAL DIGEST No. 138, 8 November 2013 Homophobya as a Proxy for Traditional
to keep people in slavery. Poorness, bad conscious is also a tool in the hand of religion or
politics to have impact on people. Sexual ethic, normatives, expectations aren’t freaquently
authentic. Antill we do not dosturb our fellows, we have to shape our own lifestyle. Nonauthenticy could cause depression or, cognitive dissonance: who am I?
the apetite of sexual satisfaction todays are like other wants, desires. To keep desires
manipulative, arteficially, in higher degree is a basic, business interest. It is a part of the
consummer society. To pay for everything, is also important in our consummer society, and,
in this way people have no any possibility to keep desires one’s hand, to learn how can one
say no, and when have to say no. And what does it mean: enough.
Nor human papilloma viruses aren’t threating girls, and nor HIV virus not elective threat gays.
It is a myth by stupid uneducated people, and, I am terribly sorry, but by narrow subjected
doctors also. The human life form, -including sexuality is changing. As Helicobacter pylory
bacteria isn’t a God’s vengeance about greedy. Both HPV (6.11)72 and HIV and Helicobacter
doesn’t directly responsable about diseases. A KIND OF PRE-EXISTENCES, PREPDISPOSITIONS are
doing vulnerable circumstances about someone’s body. Viruses, bad cell-metabolism and
after those predispositions biological agens are able to be volative or just are infecting people.
And… the same illness could caused by different problems.
Like homosexuality, it is phenomenologically the same, as object-preferency, buti it is a result
by many uncountable causes.
Antill we do not know much, hiv was a Godhead’s penitency about gays and prostituates.
Antill we dont know about way of life, fast foods, stress, all gastric disease caused by alien
thing, bacteria, virus or, bad food. No, we are responsable what we eat, and how we live.
Homosexuality is like an abstractive, general word, as conception doesn’t exis as a
meaningful classification. Homosexuality, does not exist, there are so many love, just show:
many people and many culture are. Way (languages) of love = types of people.
72 Youth male people are could have neck-head tumors (mostly with bad oral higieny and, smoking people) also
carying HPV 6 11
- If the Pope change the Church’s opinion about gays73, is homoerotism will be accepted?
-If an authority refuse it will be refused?
Of course, our society is authority-based and same-making. As many other society earlier,
based on authority, fear and ranks. Consequentily: behaviour/ self-acceptance is depend on
others opnion. Love was given only by conditions. But love is unconditional acceptance,
those children they grow up in the circumstances of lack of acceptance are vulnarabile. Of
course, Church and State want to: family be keepen’ sustainable even, society’s structure had
been changed and change is involving almost everything. The earlier forms of family is over.
The family isn’t ecological, ideological basic unit of the State or of the Church, that is it. It
was before. Gay youth are punished yet, by they own preference, identity, and they are in the
wrong mental-higienic situation. The beginning of the social adventures, learn other, have
other’s acceptance, skills and rewards, successes… but be a member of any diversity is not an
encouraging start. The separation of any qeer people is a main penitency, but no reason for it.
Examinations and knowledge help to resolv fear and hate –related with differentness.
is beginning when society must follow the prime minister’s
-sexual preferency
And the leader is not represent the interest of any community. And alternatives aren’t
allowed. People do not want to more tyranny. Putin do not want to familiy without children,
but we are almost 6 billion. Olygarchaic relation don’t causing any ethical problem in Russia
or in the whole East-Europe. To steal (deeply rooted corruption) is normal, to kiss and hug
someone is sin?
73 This assay is about 2014 begun in September Debrecen City, Hungary
People had many force on they own want, people had has many influences, and PEOPLE WANT
SAFETY, NOT THE TRUTH –and obeity will be.
Humankind long ago is out of biological mechanisms, even it is happen by the
law of biology and biochemistry, but the mind could alterate any biological
programs. So, what is natural, or what is the law of God, is not evidence anymore,
because of the amount of misbeliefs, distorsed commands, and manipulation no
authentic source anymore.
People/ society had become atomistic, therefor egoistic too. And… earlier
individuals interest wasn’t accepted so this days selfishness/ childness, infantile
sexuality –relations without any responibility (in both hetero-, and homosexul relations)
is a rebound, re-compensation and … transformation, change of any ’normal’
average, accepted things. Finally, regardless the Chirstian church’ teaching,
family could develop based on community or homosexual couples with adopted
children. Henceforth:
 Be friends! This society do many competitive level of the general education. Schools
facilitate cooperative sytutations and,help to develope commitment!
 Friends could make sex (male-ype wild erotic and orgasm –centred/ focused and, female type of
intimacy as coudling, tenderness intimacy)
 Family – Church!, politicians- should create a thrusty enviroment
- have to have education system/ alternatives about „everyone is different”
 School should have to do authentic sexual education an more: attitudes (not verbally only, see
it below)
 Society should respect diversity
By the dynamic model of sexuality, the yin and yang pole is always turning into each other, of
course in our life by our identification we are seemeng as man or women. But in larger view
we are going to approach the ’opposite’ pole. Therefor Buddha was teaching how the solide
identification is dangerous. We’re changing!
Because of the needs of lower temperatue, testiculars needs skirt and testis need petticoat. To
wear pant isn’t healthy and logic. See any cultures, mankind had been wearing a kind of manskirt –of corse not in wintertime. - Alice in wounderland? Is everything reverse? Man fertilites
is dramatically decreased… not only related by alcoholism, stress, uncontrolled alimentation
supplement, drogs. The Catholic Church guard on the old-fashioned family picture… But. But
Church never reapeted the Salvator’s and propheta’s original teaching, because Church as
institution has its own interests. Church is always modified the original teching, so e. g.
celibate never was by Jesus words, but the personal property the wealth will return to the
Church, even several high priests, cardinals had/ have children!
The MAIN NEUROENDOCRINE part of the brain (hypophysis, hypothalamus) is a-sexual or, unisex. Even the olus of man type of brain is autistic-like, the womane pole brain is William
syndroem-like brain. Psycholoist are know, what does it mean standardisation, when only a
test applicable, RELATED WITH other, culture if: the test is able to integrate the key cultural
elements of the foreign culture (IQ, feminin or masculin psychological
charactericals those are strongly depend on cultures!! -so forth). So the soul
(not created entity/ from the eternity and forwarding the eternity) nor the
impotant parts of the brain hasn’t sexuality, even, oxytocine makes cells
in contact inreached, and, testosteron and its active metabolite estradiol
cut many interconnections (dendrit) among brain-cells… and, of course, testosteron do
transform muscles and bones to maleform. Creative people more feminine and, creative girls
are frequently boy-like, because more developed corpus callosum among the brain
hemispheres, and creative, on divergent way type of thinkers are definitelly not averageconventional people, because they are suing both hemisphere of their brain, or mostly, they
are using their right side hemisphere.
Tabus are behaving as viruses, mems, and the prolification could rooting in the soul and do an
infected brain. There is no forbidden animal –as Jewish/ Arabic people sayin’, porc really
clean and most intelligent animal, black goat (scpaegoating) is also inocent. Even, the sin of
the tribe taken upon it. Snakes are also giving a delicious meat but in Africa although, in
many tribes serpents are ”unclean therefor forbidden” animals. In Marrakesh dogs are
Things are behave as white screen, and people just do many unconsciousness projection and
develop several misbeliefs –and those family do a continous heritage, a hasardious mem. In
this way many generation are ”contaminated” vith cultural-Church’ mems, misbeliefs.
The malicious serpent was who influented Eve to eat from the fruit of the tree of wisdom, and
the boar was who hurted the eye of Horus, and the schwein was the main shape of the God
Seth. Uadjit/ Wadjet is under many other names worshiped cobra queen who guarded the
newborn Horus. The beetle symbolised the eternity and the orbit of Amon-Re even the beetle
comes form the caos and dung. The upper and lower Egypt is symbolised by the serpents of
Nehbet and Ureus. Of course an important animal from any shamanic (=obscessed with
important prorieties, designated) animals was forbidden to eat, to hunt, or, only after the
sacrifice was able to consume (e.g. bear and wolves). Animals are freequently symbols.
Egyptian symbol of the Kosmos (wings and stars)
and the phallic, T shaped pillar of the World
Egyptyan world-egg
We are living in our own word. We are mostly specialized in any studium or profession. We
are living in the brokened word, among many of detached things. Separation, deatils,
fragments, detached things makes us blind.
FEELEING (learned disgust and genetically encoded repulsing smells)
In the model of evolutionary psychology learned disgusting feeleng about faeces (shit) other
excrements (secretion, mucus, sweat) and the same genders body or genitlas comes from the
status guarded, controlled behaviour. Children, youth gays not learn yet to keep distancy as
adult males as learnt socially as well. Gilrs, and youth women’s proxemy is more closer to
each other, and they touch each other more frequently as boys do, becasue at boys isn’t a part
of the repertoire of the male gender. There is a significant difference, when brothers-sisters
are growing up togheter, and in Europe, there is no American stereotype about a separated
children room. Eralier, not only at the poors, parents and children slept in the same bed, so
intimacy, and, at the body cleaning was a normal, natural thing. Disgust is frequently hide
mysterious or fearful things, like the unknown opposite gender. Disgus also arise from any
community, common sense, opinion/ misbeliefs. Just see the spiders, snakes or bats. Boy are
usded to hate girlish mates, ’fagots’.
The sexuality is a kind of power, at primates/ apes, other monkies just the dominant male
could have sex with a member of harem. More, as we requently see, subordin[at]ed young
males offers themself as sexual object and the dominant male refuse it, or, sometimes
imitating sexual act with those youth males. This kind of behaviour, to offer they sexuality is
a way how agressivity be sublimated without any damage. Natural disgust/ aversion mainly
between men is both learned and genetically regulated. Testosterone in sweat, and the smell
of the scrotum (…) could triggering acute aversion at other male, and psychical racionalism (I
am not pervert) of its felt sensation, and see somebody blamed, ashamed, sin, even just a very
automotic ”bulbus olfactoricus” (smelling centre, like: state in the state, mesencephalon’s
area74 couldn’t overwritten by our control) could drive us in to the impulsive behaviour or
ideologization. Girls do like the hiddened testosteron in boys’ sweat. But as I declared before,
only one (here: bilological) dimension is ways to falsificate complex things.
In situation of an interview, 14 years old boys told, ”we have few common, [by everyone
exercised, so natural, not perverted] mutual masturbation (with an other guy) after swimming, I
have seen his genitals and I not find it disgusting, and I haven’t fear, beacuse he is a cool guy,
like a friend, and mostly, guyz have a same ’tool’ ”. About girls the significant difference the
need for more pay attention, and needs for intimacy and tenderness (oxytocine, serotonine).
Under effect of oxytocine, and before hardly learned behaviour (openessness) nude body, or
the vison of sexually excited (erection, masturbation) partner easilly could couse ”excitment
infection”. And it totally normal, like mass-hypnose, emotional infection about laugh, anxiety
or rag in group.
74 Intermediate pars of the brain, ancient, ”it is the raptilian part” of brain with the limbic area.
Mutual masturbation is not perversion just a part of sexual maturation, mostly at boys. It was
surprising, when by Kinsey’s research shown, in their life, 37 % of males had [any] complet
orgams by [any kind of] homosexual action. Below the 21 years old population, minimum 4%
of the people have homoerotic experiences.
Might it isn’t a problem. Finally, to see each other’s nudity under the shower, to compare each
other bodies, to percieve, how the other is react for pleasure and pain, is a kind of learning
empathy and identification . Many sporting youth staring at other boys muscles, even it is
a yeloussy, but an male identification too, as girls competency about beauty, shape, grooming,
bress. Boys after an age, stering at they father’s behaviour with women, we must learning
have social competencies. –Shall I do an other footnote? I am writting this book for everyone,
and it is above, a common basic psychological knowledge.
It is wellkonwed mechanism, when people do any projection –agression related, shameful or
selfdefending related projection. Because one is affarid of to discover thing in own inner side.
Beneath one’s personality. When somebody isn’t transparent, have sameful fear about one’s
own not manifested homoerotism, to protect one’s selfpicture, to keep one’s selfconfidence,
one is awoid to see the incongruency: difference, between the subjective self-image and the
real, by social-body (others, tradition, roles) composed self-image, the mechanism of projection is happen. In this case we find problems, tense, shame and blame in the outer world at
other persons. I am not homosexual, but you are and, I hate you, and one’s problem is
identified externally, at other persons. Like in the Bible, one isn’t find/ see the beam in one’s
eyes, but see the splienter (beam) in other eyes!
We have to looking after long-lasting things, like persistence of love –Jesus. Not always only
the pleausre of the moment. The pleasure of the moment isn’t sin, and pleasures are
important, because we have to love ourelves. Everidays pleasure are the small sources of the
vis vitalis (force of the life, Latin). But. This material world is like a transit. We must (by
inner compulsion) lead our instinct, not the instincts lead us. We just carry all our
previopusly, in the CHILDHOOD LEARNED behaviours, patterns love ability or disability,
cooperation… into sexual relationship also, so the friendship or dsyharmonic social ability/
dsyability is a most determinative, nothing else.
There are two type of making love, the orgasm-focused and, the tenderness centralised
togetherness. -Are we teaching this? Or the next generation is just repeating the previous
one’s body-focused life?
Narrow subject, specialisation as a proof evidence of stupidity. Migth everyones are know
about Einsten’s quotation, which is sounds: ” knowledge is stupid.” The deep meaning of life
not raional, or beyond the only left hemispheial brain working as logic, ration, and causalistic
way of thinking and, the real-critical knowledge is knows about its borders, narrow field, and
relations elated with other compontents. Without relations there are no anything, even
Ockham’s blade method/ fashion/ epidemy in scients. By Ockham’s opinion scientits have to
(by external compulsion) cut lots of subjects, relations to’ see clearly’ the original object/
topic of the scient. Of course, everything is connected: karma vāyu (Buddhism) so there is no
something without its interconnexions. And just an autonomic one could be authentic, and this
way we need many new autonomy-contracts… with our ownselves!
Both Yewish and Gypsies, Armenians […] and many others minorities’ problem is: we are
the victim –related with wars, persecutions, shoa (holocaust). If you are a member of any
sexual diversity (lesbian, gay, transsexual), PLEASE NEVER FIX, FASTEN, LAY DOWN ESTABILISH
dignity as human, sweet reader of mine, even, sometimes just God do respectation about it.
Hereby bad consciousness, to feel yourself guilty, might it will paralize you, and cousing a
really bad selfesteem. COEXISTENCE (as ontologigal togehterness) IS THE BASIS OF THE REAL
ACCEPTANCE. All our Earth is based on co-work, many coexistence of beings. The 2
meaning of coexistence even we have bad or less good proprieties, we also have better
dveleoped good characeristics in our personalities.
The primitive and supressive society or obscurous religious people hold an opinion: gay
people are infected by sin or, transvestitism or lesbian love/ identity is a punishment. Curse,
by the God’s hand. By the false way of the medicalisation, thing will an issue and problem
which are soluble by the physicians – this process is the MEDICALISATION. Gays, lesbians,
transvestiste person aren’t ill -in a traditional meaning. In ancient time the active but, not
feminine erastes (the man how is loving, active one -yang) is active75, and it wasn’t allowed
be feminine! The eromenos (man how is loved, more passive ones, yin in yang) aslo wasn’t
necessary femininic,
just a passive –receptive one, like, waiting for something.
75 Of course, sometimes hasitation do a passive man, but not as behavioural passivity.
–Other ways, when gays could do any kind of decision about they own sexual identity? –
(Might heterosexual) reader of mine, du you remember when you decided, O.K. I shall hetero?
never was a real ”pride”. As, the fierté, festival, a kind of eruption from anxiety, a part of selfacceptance, protest against marginalisation, and … might a kind of retarded identification
which could not happened in right time, during preadolescence age. Gay pride is a
deliberation from not necessarily expected roles. No mariage by cultural pressure, no child by
tradition. Gay communities aren’t infectious, just the so called latens homosexuals could got
an impulse, be transparent. Many people aren’t overt [open, manifest] gay, therefor their life
may unconsciousnessly unhappy. Even I do not know, what is it happyness, I mean, is it exist,
phylosophycally? But the lack of [psychological] transparency do difficulties in their life. People
have more chance, if they could stop their fate-scenarios. Thye need new permissions: I
could… and antitheses: I am giving up hiddened myself, or be sacrfied in the altar of parents’
best child. They need new decisions, new selfdetermination too (Eric Berne).
The earlier fashioned endocrinological theory, which was a lack of first testoterone respons,
transsexualism is counterpoin: the transsexual person feel him or herself as a ”right person”,
just in the wrong body. It is a special homoerotism, just relly tricky, the other, opposite roles
is accepted. But the are many of gays and lesbians, those havin’ felt sensation as I am girl, and
it is O.K. and I want girls, and it is also O.K. The identintification happened with the opposite
gender. Obviously ther are a parallel. So the problem with biological or, psychological sex.
Shlaughing, maulting sometimes must be. It is more easier, if someone has a socially safe,
acceptive background –as gay organisations as well.
The distancy from the parent, in the case of girls from father, in the case of boys distancy
from father do more possibility the lack of the identification with the same gender’s parent.
The late, retarded develop of autoerotism is also ”good” for shaping homosexuality, or, any
blockage on the process which is: to transfer erotism to the other person. Lesbians find the
penis or th sperm disguasting, and they have lack of learning woman roles. They have fear
from pregnancy –in a cases. Lesbians show more mutual sexual activity than male
homosexuals, they’ re active or passive type. Lots of women had bad bed-experiences, by the
selfish man’s sexual behaviour and, the refracter phase at men, but this is gaven by the nature.
Over-adaptative people might never had got an expectaton or command, please do this or do
that. Over-adaptive people never discover they ownselves, because of lack of motivation and
lack ow the psychological know-how. When those kind of people are homosexuals this
situation will hiddened. Might pdycho-somatic disorders will arrise.
I have Qur’an both in Hugarian (unfortunately I am Hungarian) and in Arabic too. I been read
the Mishna and Tora too. Religions, cultures are just guide-lines, not cages to close personal’s
freedom. Islam = Salem. (salāmi) 76It is means (originally) both peace and peacfulness, and
when people say hello: PEACE WITH YOU. NO STATEMENT, NO JUDGEMENT. Asilum, refugium
(dāru’s-salāmi). Contrary about Islamic conquerers. But Islam’s phylosophy is means: before
God, we all equal. Sarīya never meant terror, just the on Islamic based fanatic court. Cultures
and religions could agressive and not-permissive antill the day, when people are gowing up
under fear, or, infantile people need a dominant father idol -and its abstarct form: censure,
directions and commands.
…but the Church isn’t able. -What about us? Todays the Catholic Church is carefully prepare
to change its opinion about many questions. My own question is, is the Catholic Church able
to follow Jesus? Miserere nostri, Deus, secundum misericordiam tuam.77 Jesus love all
people, by the principal of agape = todyas it’s meaning: unconditional acceptance. Churches
and Popes cannot accept people, sucicide brothers have burried out of the cemetery, gays,
actors, philosophers, scientitst, thinkers, astronomers later astrologysts –related with
occultism-78 were refused. It is a remarcable incongruency and situation: Jesus hade lunch and
many dinner with floozy ladies, with fellows they changed foreign’ money, as shroffs, tiefs…
(and what about butchter kings, for delight hunger high priest, politicians?) How could it be?
Is Jesus always together with sinful & shameful people? -If Jesus used to be with the poors,
and he did show acceptance, so, Church must and have to do acceptance as Jesus did. –Is
Church late? –Is Church authentic? Not the homosexuality is sin, just the only instincts
drived, in this way animal-like life.
76 R. Paret: Der Koran. Kommentar und Konkordantz, and Muh. ālih alBindāq 1401/ 1981
77 Let it clemency for us Almighty Lord, by Your own clemencyfulness.
78 All religion are avoid to acknowledge other ways. This is a hybriys and intolerancy.
Poisoned Earth, to poison the food with antibiotics, preservatives, arteficial flavour & colours
isn’t sin, to keep the education in the poor level isn’t sin? To retain help about Africa,
children’s working, to consume amount foods, goods, benefits, cars, and people just starving
all of because the panedemic illness of having. Posession -instead of to be. To have, posession
instead of qualified human relationship! To exploite others, women, Earth, to keep wars in its
continue just beacuse of the profit about missiles and, to have resources. Have power to stop
develop electric cars, because of the fuel/ oil interest, to manipule and exaggerate differences
between cultures (Islam, Christianity) isn’t sin, but the sexual life as privacy, in the better
case, as the part of people’s love is shameful. Privacy not an issue for Churchs, for politicians.
That is it.
My Lord, allmighty, please- Iube silentium in audes audientium ut possit
Religion is an improper response to the Divine, an attempt to pin/ fix down what is eternally
in flux, forever moving, and shifting shape. Like Jesus’ words: truth is water-like.
Unfortuntelly religion is more reductive, while the Divine’s nature quite is expansive.
Religion is Thus blasphemy. Therefor theis poor works I dedicated to the Pope his-majesty,
Proxemy, closeness is morden important
79 Lord, please Give silence for the audiency (’s ears) and let comperhension be.
There was a clever man to exemplify how authority lead people (of course, in the name of many
Gods) in to the desperate, what kind of life is good? There was a thinker in Bizance, called him
as Alexandiran Kelemen. By his phylosophy,and Paul’s opinion (Letters to the Rom’s
inhabitants) antill there is no law, we are animal (non-moral beengs, not intellectual and religiousspiritual), and when the principal and laws (to be social and civilized) are appear, the
conception of sin is appear too. As we can see, it is a kind of dynamic, Buddhist phylosophy,
contaries are creating each others pole. But what is exist abowe polarity? Listen the answer
of the Alexandiran Kelemen: above sin and law the clemency/ grace exist. At Paul: clemency
is a supreme love. The way out of any type solid-rigid character of personality. Even
homosexuality is not sin, even the final unifiyng with the wholeness (ex-altatio) a kind of
extasis, has an eroic sensation too. As we are dying in the psychological part of orgasm, in the
qualified orgasum, we die in the orgasm and the katharis too.
good weapon/ reason/ pretex [pretence] to influent externally controled fellows.
Thinking about perceived things as: bad or good only. This an rediscovered truth by
transpersonal psychology and called it Borderline type of schism, primitive thinking of
polarity. What a pity, this is had been told by Buddhism, before psyhologyst they are didn’t
read other literatures like wisdome, religion… so t o d a y m a n y t h i n g j u s t
r e d i s c o v e r e d . Disgusting is O.K. But frequently, people are just do a projection, like in the
case of homophobism, lots of people hate gays, because they own hiddened or suffocated/
repressed homoerotic interest. Of course, if a friend of us constantly tempts us, coerces us we
be sexually involved, we have a free will to refuse them. I knew about suicide plan, beacuse
one of my girl from the University been in loved with an other student girl, but I also know
about boy, who did pressure his own best friend be sexual involved therefor, we, as good
enough teachers must speak about free will and tolerancy in same time! Obviously, friends
(from the same gender) sometimes have to deal sexuality or, do a clear agreement about what
they do or not, and it is normal, even, be honest is so dangeorus in our lying society.
Many people find the dog erful even, the dog is definitelly not wilde. But a dog is very good
surface for any kind of human projection. One didn’t see the dog itself, just one’s own projected fear ont he surface of the dog.
To give birth was a spontaneous process and the medicalisation, in the age of the Hungarian
phisician, Semmelweiss, did the recently beared mothers to sic, by the unclean hands 80 of the
physicians. They were examined gravid, beared mothers after and after each other, so they as
physicians spreadded away the infection. Other. Depression is not only an illness, is the
undeniable phaneomena of the harmful civilisation –harmful for the citizens. But is more
easy, to do anything, to do not change the conditions of the society, and it is more ”useful” to
sell drugs, antidepressants even those pills are common stupefacient –and makes people
addictive. And makes extra profite too. Depression is frequently comes from unelaborated
everyday’s stresses (!), serious perturbation of peridian [daily] rhythm (of melatonin – sleepawakenin’ periode) pain, sedness, and desperate, social isolation, so forth, hereby, in the
generally meaned depression (as a painful experience of the life) not a genuine, real issue of
the health care system. Not a real part of the psychiatry. But it is an issue of degenerated
society and definitely something more: it is message to the consummer un-religionous society,
man-herd. Homosexuality also had a ’religional, cultural and, biological-medical…’
sociological [deviation/ later on gender theory] career. Of course, as a distributed/ shared pleasure/
gift, in the tantric exstasis wasn’t a sin, but later on it changed to sin, and, as ilness, gay
couples were acceptable under the sign, as ”poor qeers/ gays”! Homosexuality have seemed
as a brain/ hormone problem in the eyes of the materialistic scientist.
As a matter of fact: BRAIN is not only biological structure. Our brain is developing under
many social effect too, unfortunately biologist researchers are ignorant about the fact: BRAIN IS
SOCIALLY COMPOSED ALSO. And I not mentioned the quantumphysycal side off how our brain
is working. So, what if, homosexuals aren’t ill? -Is God create sinful souls? -Do God mistakes
around creation of souls?
And we have to count with other aspects of the human existence those could be an object for
scient or those are on the edge of the scient, but tihs work not scientifical only, we are looking
for wisdom.
80 Semmelweiss introduced the obligate hand’s desinfection -before the manual examination –about
newborns and its mothers.
-the Hungarian psychoanalitic researcher Lipót Szondy [Lipōth Sondhee] fate – analyzis. It has
basis, why people were choosen other people with the same illenss/ character?
Today, the later developed, socalled transpersonal psychology confrim; fate-analyze as
transgenerational traumas are exsits.
He was researching the unconsciousness motives and factors why we do choice an other men/
women? Why schisoid one do choice about schisoid female? Why the same, hiddened
genetic defect is attract the same (as Latin says: simile similis gaudet) person, of course
unconsciously?? Lipót Szondi: Analyzying of the Fate [both individuual and familiar curriculum] of
One’s Familiar Unconsciousness, metafamiliar fate-line, long history of familiary sicknesses,
disorders, important happenings in their lifestory –to gain a scientific answer about ”karma”,
problem’s repeating bad, early patterns, compulsion to repeat earlier suffered traumas. In the
case of sexual diversity we have no seen any remarcable interrelations. Excipe personality
disorder related homosexuality. I have seen Down syndromed girl and she is keeping her own
pesonality as [an idealized pop singer] boy figure. So, people aren’t able to learn gender’s
repertoar also problematic for the yes or no thinkin society.
According to the teach of carma (karma) and reincarnation, might previously male roles as
energy pattern is adhese to the newborn female body. I have seen lady, after her brain trauma
and, she is changed her sexual idenitiy too, and I have seen young male with ”high
borderline” personality disorder (no agressivity, but much more affect-lability) and he always
had questioned (doubt) about ”am I male?? I dont want to be!”
It is really intersting and, in our age is clear, the memory isn’t in our brain only. When we
speak about karma (carma), trans-generational traumas, or, familiar unconsciousness, or
faith-analyze, the socalled cell memory phenomena must be mention. Memory is succeed
in the total body, several brain centers just triggering/ initiating / turn on the memories. In the
cases of organ tranasplantation patient observed themseleves about alien feeleng or,
sensations or not integrated memories like alien, foreign memories. We just throw away the
scrolls from the Bible those had rouins about reincarnation.
The law of the Law of the Conservation of Energy and the Law of the Conservation of the
Information reincarnation (Hinduism, Buddhism) must be an issue of the scient like,
psychology, genetical heritance, effects by epigenetical information, quantumphysic.
However, sexus could be influented by cell’s memories, mainly, if the organ reciepeint is the
opposite gender. Many encounter is speaking about strange feelengs and dreams but from an
other age, sexuas, cultural… But where form the memories (energy’s patterns) of all the body’s cells? We almost see our body in many particulars summation, but mainly our body is a
whole system. By hormones, by interleuikines (immune hormones) or brain transmitters or
direct innervation, and mostly: the quantummechanical energy field could we be an undivisionable, not brokened whole.
The beginning of the cell-memory is the fetal, intratuterine life, as we know, many
psychologycal problem, mainly personality disorder and tendency for illnesses beginning in
the depressive, stressed mother’s stomach. The 2nd level of the cel- memory is the emotional
quality of the earliest mother-child relationship and its experiences. We have holographic
memory bank which is everywhere.
could cause a problem at the 3-4 years old child. It’s a kind of somatisation problem, and
difficulty to let the anus sphincter be relaxed. Retain, repress the fecalia (shit). Any regression
could cause fixation –related with the anal area (so called: anal fixation). I know males those
need the anal excitment in sexual intercourse in hetero context, but I also know a few about
my clients, those are gays but, do not want to anal stimulation (prostata sensibility!) in their
homoerotic culture.
our ill parts of the body, are speaking about our psycho-somatic sicknesses. In the case of
sexual aversion genitals or sexually meaningful phantasies and situations will refusing.
Psycho-somatic mechanisms could involve sexuality too. First we have to be respectful, if
someone do not want to e.g. oral sex.
And keep in minde, the sexuality is a part of the God’s mysterium, how separated beings
could be united again.
To think isn’t our real nature. In music, in extais and katharsis tought arre dispellin so: we will
be indeed alone. Without statements, thoughts and specification, calssification judgement,
discrimintion without any categories. During the process of mediation we can recognise our
thoughts and, after the recognisation we just let’s the thoughts go away. Love is an exaltatic
experience beyond the words! Not everithing is speakable. Therefor pictures and music is so
important. Tremendum. Katharsis. [I am impressed tremendously –comes from Latin] Taumazein
(admirare, admiring), asynthyā –in Buddhism, Sanskrit. Mystic is beyond all things, I repeat
you sweet reader of mine, mystic is beyond all human experience, beyon words, thoughts!
(Therefor music, love, and God there are) Today everything is subordinated to the simply
logic and money (interest). Hereby, we are blinde. We are slaves of many, or, extrenal interest/ habits or religions, political ideas even, those outer things aren’t belongs of the soul.
There is a Worldwide spredding away process to call as ’scient’ only math, chemistry or
physic. And humantities does not count as scient or knowledge. This is an evidence of the
dysbalanced world. Sexual diversity is cannot be understable without culture hisotry and
psychology, and without other humanities. People are thinking what a great things: mices with
erar on their back, or the luminescent bacteria… idea from the narrow subjected and really
inmatured and infantile scientists. Scient as a toll how we transform our life automaticly and
mechanically –without totality. We have seen before, homoxesuality isn’t the problem of
genes or, hormones. Without contextual knowledge we are
blinds, in this way does not matter what we focus on it.
Beauty is an other word for the God. Sexual intsinct is not
really love in both hetero and homosexuality. But find the perfection is a basic struggling of
the Soul. Because in the Beauty we are able to loose our separated beingness. Therefor we
like arts and hadsome, beauty fellows. ”With scientifical ONE WAY LOGIC, yes or no logic”
beauty isn’t understable. People, they called gay, are able to see the attractivity and the beauty
at the same gender. We can see many Greek sculputer about man beauty, with war-cloth,
bronze suit or, other breastplate is up, but nothing is down. And… not the muscles are
importants, but the proportions of the young human body. Paradoxically, the phallocratic
society perefers only female beauty, the phallocratic behaviour is sexits, indeed excludes
”other ways”.
We, usually working with one way, or math logic (convergence). But there is a nonmathematical, non-binarical or, non-Aristotelian logic, like YES OR NO… so, kind of exclusive
logic, in other name: OR/ OR logic.
Therefor SOMEBODY ISN’T MALE OR FEMALE, basically personality has female AND male
characteristics too. All person have due attributes of sexual proprieties. Beauty is beyond the
brain’s left hemispheric thinking. In this way beauty is: Ultra-verbal, Non-logic.
About the Neumann logic, sometimes thing isn’t have attributes between the only yes or no
cathegories, sometimes the question is un-rational, or something in same times is yes and no
simultaniously! Beauty and katharsis (catarse) main question of life and death, is a kind of
way-out of the separated Ego (little I, I amness – We areness)
About sexual diversity, unfortunately researchers are manily males, hereby the research itself
is authocratic/ fallocatic/ preconceptious/ sexist. Deep beliefs unconsciously can influent
logical thinking. Out of yes or no type of logic; the Word itself lies. In the yes or no paradigma glass sometimes isn’t transparent (monomolecular strata on it: reflexion of light), and in
the yes or no cathegories glass isn’t fluid OR solid. The glass as silicium dioxidate is both
liquid and solid, glass is less and more liquid, but the flowin’-process of the glass is indeed
most slow! For us the glass is soild –for the regular chemistry is liquid. As Heisenberg
equation tells us about the electrons impulse and its local attributes: if we know preciously the
loco of electron, we cannot to know its impulse preciously, and the reverse too. Heisenberg
(or Neumann, Minskowksi geometry, non-Lavoiser chemistry and non-Aristotian logic, nonEuclidian geometry) is a gate to escape from only binar logic, so man sometimes could be
woman, and female sometimes could have function or behaviour as males has as well.
Because things (substantia) are continous, like tings situations, properties as speed,
temperature, chemical activity/ attractiveness so forth.
MIGTH NO FEMALE AS LONLY CATHEGORY, or, without any backgraund and, the sexual organs or:
gender’s behaviour isn’t enough to be female: be female is caused by thausend of facts, AS
CONSTELLATIONS OF CAUSES: karma vāyu. The Paulette Février’s motivation, and the
Korbyzsky’s idea, to show things in non-Aristotian logic. The better knowed opus is from Oliver L. Reiser: The Non-Aristotelian Logic and the Crisis in the Science. (Which is based on yes/
or no logic only)
Consequentely electron is like a corpusculum, but electron could behave as wave. So, what if:
electron have weight, and spin and its impact on sensitive film is dedectable
we can measuring the wavelenght of the electron: is electron mass?,
is electron energy? The precious answer is: the electron is due particulum
because sometimes the electron is behave as radiation, energy.
So the f e l t s e n s a t i o n o f s e x u a l i d e n t i t y i s a l s o c o n t i n o u s : masculin type of
ladies ’till feminine type of men. According to the Neumann logic, something could be yes/ or
no and:, yes and no in the same time, and, or, the problem is not questionable/ no sense/ no
explain in a kind of ligical system. Like the overcomplex sexual attractiveness too. Sexologist
just examinate one or two levels of sexual behaviour, so must be no result.
The folloing design below is about the
”between”81 the ”opposite” gender:
masculine girls
ǁ ǁ
types and the diversity
ǁ ǁ ||| femininic males
somatic/ neurohormonic diversity
| ||| | |
- - - lesbian contin u u u u u u u m - - ’YES’
’ NO’
| ||| | |
childhood – lack of erotism autoerotism - homosexuality - transvestitism heterosexual pole elderness – loosing erotic
real problems or, just altered ways
Sensitivity and homosexually inductuve mothers (at girls fathers) are causing inhibition to the
heterosexual way. Those built in in childhood, and did prohibition towards the opposite
gender. In the case of transsexualism, the person is able to accept manisefestly his or her
identity, but the change of the visible and social gender roles is more easilly as chenge the
psychological idenetification/ fixation. Transsexualism is a special homosexualism, with
double identification and, openly refused gender of their somatic sexuality. Genetically all, we
are prefixed as females, and, if we accept Freud’s conception, we are potentially bisexual, we
will more flexibile and acceptive.
81 closest, no between, because intrapsychically everyones is holding both gender’s significants
Only biological oriented researchers are pointing out, how vasopressine hormone (water
metabolism) is important in monogamic behaviour (and, with oxytocine and a bit with
serotonine). But accomplishment (to realize two person’s unity) comitment, monogamy and
emotional based relation is mostly women-like, female-like. The higher integrated personality
(at male too) is able to share him or herself, and, to accept and integrate others in one’s life.
Lesbian love mainly not man-like, except dominant or agressive female’s behaviour which is
mna-like. The meaning of lesbian continuum is: the natural presence of oxytocine,
vasopressine and the society is permissive about closest beigness. Women have more
proxemy, to show emotions, touch
the body, have more collective
acceptance about affectionated
behaviour. Real giving of pay
attention. They need much more
tenderness and the main thing: be
Continuum means: like, smile,
touch, openness, tenderness, share
personal secrets, verbal strokes, hug, touch, pet, kiss, intimacy, sexual life. Men are frequently
orgasm focused, not like girls. In ancient societies the common duty was declared, after youth
ages, both gender must giving children to the society. Before marriage, beside family, beyond
marriage, over marriage, among heterosexual relationships.
Boys are complaining about girls, lack of virtu (aretē) intellectus (intelligence), girls are
complaining about boys, lack of tenderness, lack of togheterness… As it seems, sexuality is a
barrier on the way forwards to the love. The Hungarian Frigyes [Frederic, Friedrich] Karinthy
noticed. ”Man and woman never will be able to understand each other. Because… the man
need the woman and the woman need the man.”
Gentile is means, I am far away do regard about our common need, be loved. T h e r e f o r n o
real reason to do prohibition, no sex in frien dship, but it could happen
with allowance by due partners. The orgasm -focused type of making love is more male-type.
Testosterone and (during autoerotism and mastubation) learned orgasm
pattern and a tipical ”going to the highest point, and after the man’s
refracter stadium” is on biologic based. The tenderness centralised
togetherness is exist at both gend er, mainly at women, and at lesbians.
The true love is be together –without dependency or codependency.82 Someone have time
enough for other’s pet, gentile storkes, hug, kisses, admire him or her, do massage, spoil a bit.
Really in-love boy lovers aso do it.
82 Dependency isn’t love. The other’s presence give to someone the feeling of I amess. Someone need a
permanent toghether like infantile type of dinding. Co-dependnet person is, who likes if someone is dependig
from the co-dependent persond. Frequently those people find each other.
And, I have had to tell: eros could contain in-love, and in-love needn’t to sexual life be
involved. And, eros is eros, in-love some more, surplus about existencial experience. If we are
honest is a best: ”I need you (sexually) but I do not want you as in-love relation.”
Scient is based on the faith, believe in the scient itself and, in it own methods. Objectivity is a
myth. Methods are value-neutral and non-judgemental83 But we knowed, how the Hitler’s
anthropology and eugenetic program-progrom were succeeded, we have seen before; how
India made caste-system, how homosexuality, transvestitism were sin, ilness, disoreder, or
result/ sign of the obsession by Evil.
This is a belief only: homosexuality is a result of the bad familiar circumstances/ hormonal
metabolism/ psychoanalytical stop of the develop of personality, so forth . Homosexuality
could be by many things mentioned abowe, but there is no knowed dominant
facts . Anal intercourse is freequently associated with gay love, even,1. it is happened in
heterosexual context also, 2. there are many of gays, those do not like it, and do not it.
Wrong idea about gays, they have more testosterone blood level, they have much more apetite
for sex. Preconceptions do us blinde. I have heard before, gays have bigger dick therefor they’
desire is hardener.
The final belief is non-judgemental, and it is so old, before any biochemistry, anthropology or
LGBT studies . Which I kno due from Buddhism and from the teaching of Jesus: ”When the
beings are happy you are happy too. When the beings of the world are sad, you are
unhappy also. ” This is a measure with our mates, do love not war, wash yourself, not the
money, and let people growing in diversity. In Africa, if somebody born as ’white [skinned]
black’ as albino (lack of skin’ melanine) it is like God’s curse, the terrifyn’ superstition is
solid as a concrete, people are able to kill ”white blacks”. Among whites is inconvenient be
black, among yellows might not situable be red. Antill everyone isn’t free all, we are slaves of
our own fallacies…
Older times guys had bath and washing at rivers –in the presence of adult, postpuberted
(pubescere = growing the body’s hair) mates. There wasn’t bath-tube or bathroom. At the same
genders was common tho see each other uncowered chests or, the whole undressed body.
83 Casell, E.J. Nature of Suffering and goals of medicine, Nwe York, 1991
84 Lesbian-, Gay-, Bisexual-, Transexual minorities and its accumulated knowledge
Anthropology, ethnography also knows about dresses, fashion, how the clothes cover or,
uncover body. Clothes also tells about influences by ethic, Church, other authority. Why
people need authority even it is happen unconscioussly? Because:
socio-psychological fact: People need safe even the prize are lots of decision/ prescription/
adaptation-overadaptation. Henceforth they haven’t many their own decision about their own
life. If/ when we have got command, no responsibility for us. If/ when we have liberty, we
must lead our own life –with responsibility, anxiety, trial, error, so do our own pathway.
Why people are so bashful when separated bathroom is reachable, using towel to hide him or
hersleves? Why people aren’t bashful when no separated bathroom? Because we have to wash
ourseves, so, the nature is overwrite shamefulness. An other oocasion topless guys (proudly)
excercise themselves in the gym. Otherways, people can see each other at the shore, riverside,
at the RITUALIC WASHING (e.g. in India). Because of the culture -which is (in this case) not
against any natural. In the Islamic culture, during the funeral, relatives are saying ’rest in
peace’ and they doing it - touch and kiss the death body.
Or, relatives usually had prepare the deceased body of a member of family. It was a ritualic
cleaning and cloth up –and psychologyc time to say good bye, and an other quality of time
period, stand in front of God. So, the body, without any sexuality is visible. Today’s touch is
overvhelmed with erotic sensations or meanings, so, our culture is primitive, because it is
deprivating us from the healing touch. We have to do more hug, caddling, touch, pet, strokes,
to warm up the atomised society. We have to give back the soul to the body, which is an
object for the consummer society.
Originally: everithing is subordined under the market. The God is market, unfortunately the
food is behaving as other products. Money, capital, interest, enterprises-enterpreneurs,
working people are free to go, to be mobile. And… everything is about money. As a matter,
the market is free = liber/ libeus as Latin says. Liberalism is corresponding with freedom too,
more autonomy for individuals too, tolerancy about other’s religion, other uknowed beliefs
and way of life. Liberalism isn’t means: everything is allowed. We know yet, everything is
allowed antill somebody’s privacy isn’t disturbed, is untouched. EVERYTHING IS ALLOWED
People are frequently confused about what liberialism or, libeRTIAlism it is.
In India, dead body is burned, or, in higher mountain it taken on a rock (Buddhism), and the
rawens and other carrion birds, vultures were eating it, and it is a way how death people’s
corp goes to the sky. Death and disgusting body –by any diseases, plague- is tabu. But older
times family had got a common farewell or ’rest in peace’ act with sing, candels, and prays.
So the body was in its context, not tabu and not oversexualized. Our society do command:”
you must be attractive!” - Please, dear reader of mine, give it a greater size of shit. Antill the
end of 1800 years fat people were the healty, in abudance livings. And the crazyness of
fashion of thin girls initiated the suffer to fit to the new idea of beauty. The solution is
Buddhism-like, see it and go toward ! Opinions, habits depend on culture and loco
proprieties. It is a final nature of the emptiness of all things.
Anthropoligsts inform us about lots of strange habits about marriage, curt, so there is no fixed – estabilish normative, ESTABILISH CLASSICFICATION ABOUT HUMAN, because be human [is
equal with]: be unfinished. And the culture is very determinative.
In india and in Chine unwanted grils babies killed. The preferenc is giving boy, because
women are at home, and boys gain money, do works and businesses. This is how culture
allow to kill disabled, unwanted ones, by the poorness. By the culture approve basically sinful
things. According to the basic right to be alive, and, regardless any religion, the serious faliure
of social cast. And gender’s roles –no women in school and at work. –What kind of religion
is, to generate many sufferand deep discrimination? And esthabilish suffer by the rigide
society and un-equality? The culture’s endorsing is happening the people’s brain (as values,
as evidences!) and, makes them like, living in the cage of thoughts. Putin do not want gays
but he is responsable about many miserable faith of Ukrainen soldiers, and civile families!
What a contradiction! Pepople wehere do you live?
We have many external programs, patterns by parents, so the authentic being throw away
other’s patterns and scenography and brake the schemas. Be authentic is means: I am not the
copy, or some one’s duplificatum.
We have domesiticated dogs, and we modified them… raising arteficial races. And… we are
arrising genetically heritagable illensses at the sepcial race. We are resbondable about diabetes, displasy, column problems, eye problems, because the selected genes do genetical
diseases also. Here, this is the man. This is not about dogs, this is about how homosexuality is
related with ethic? What if? If homosexuality a kind of faliure? Why other people had and
have and will have any interest about other’s sexuality?? Vindicate power on others? Call
others toaccount just because different? In addition:
Turner (monosmoia) syndrome (with only one X), or any fragament of Y chromosome at
everyone or, X trisomia syndromed person (women-like) will behave as woman, because
potentially we are women (the Y chromosome is not about the body functions, which
information are contained only in X chromosomes). The absence of Y chromosome does not
causes any problem. We need the presence of X chromosome, and there is more danger if we
have just one of it, because the double X chromosome protect our health, even if a gene is
damaged the recombination could be by the copy of this damaged gene of the 2nd X.
Theese days my beloved crows are a common dwellers of the city. But which kind of cities?
Crows are eating the public opened leaved garbage, trash. And citizens do not want to
acknoledge, birds have wings, and they going to looking for other in litter inreached cities.
Primitive neurotic people are complaining about the crows voice. And… we erradicate the
primail places of the crows territory! And, we have to living together with animals. Who we
are? We destroyed the half of the nature, stop continue this deteriorating behaviour! The
nature is the God’s sanctuary itslef!
Of course, we have many federally protected National Parcs, but we have to protect children
and poors too, because the mass people selfish, have no empathy, education. Awaken! We’re
so far from the unity, love, enlightment.
This two examples just present how mankind behave as a really selfish being in the creation,
and we ’re behaving (contuniously) as soliter beings giving no place for others. Including
other mates. Politicians and Church are behaving as intruders even, homosexuals or hetero
ones don’t need them in private territory.
always going to gether. When we discover our mother source of both good and bad things.
Eve out mother is givin milk and safety for us, ambivalence always causes anxiety. Therefor
we do not want to see androgynos people. Our socialisation is based on yes or no, male or
female, warm or cold. Questioning the gender’s roles is also makes people instable and anger.
Not everything could cross the so called brain blood barrier and, hormones have active
metabolites makes the mechanism of sexual appearence and identity is more complex. Our
age is the age of many intersexual phenomenas and, androgyn appearence.
Transexualism is a quite inappriorate feeling of sexual identity and, gup between the soul and
body. Previously it was always hiddened, but thus days transsexuals appearence could disturb
many people those need previously values, habits, right or deprivation from rights.
Mainly homosexual, transsexual people aren’t feel themselves as ill or, different. The
physician may find them as persons they have malady. For the society might thye are
appearing as sick people. May. The wall will stop any biologism, psychologysm, religion: is
the faliure or
variation of the /
somebody be like
What if, if we just accept them? Because the main problem is: today, after many scientific
theory and, examinations, there are some people, they haven’t psychological problems,
haven’t hormonal problems, bad familiary atmosphere, and they are ”just homosexuals or,
ANDROGYNOS. So, genders are approaching each others and, this ia a cyclic, normal so not
pathological process.
Dis sataement is more meaningful. not the presence of estrogen or any other substance) that
feminizes females. Also keep in mind that the only way you can prevent a male from
developing male structures is to deprive him of testosterone or its effects. Giving him estrogen
will not make him female. Sexual differentiation is an example of how hormones can play an
organizational/ activating effect. ACTIVATING EFFECTS of hormones concern their influence
on behavior, sometimes structure too, and include hormonal control of sexual and parental
behaviors. Male fetuses have alpha-fetoprotein too, but it can't cross the Brain Blood Barrier
(BBB). Testosterone can cross the BBB, and it does, and is converted to estradiol in the brain
of a male fetus, where alpha-fetoprotein can't disable it. If a fetus is XY, and is secreting
testosterone, some of that testosterone is getting converted to estradiol, crossing the blood
brain barrier into the male fetus' brain, and masculinizing it. To become testes, H-Y
antigen must be present. H-Y antigen is present if the fetus has a Y chromosome. For
genetically male fetuses, the Y chromosome contains a gene that codes for the protein called
H-Y antigen, and this protein gets secreted very early on in development.
As Möbius loop can demonstrate us, it is a physically limited loop, ring, but unfinal. Once the
first face turn to the second face, as ”old yang” going to be yin polarity of force. The polarity
is also a periodic thing. Is it a paradoxon? Not, everything is periodic. Periodic, eventhough
continous thing just superficially looks like continous. All the Universe is working like this.
Jugas, periodes, eons, and submicroscopic oscillations related with cells and biochemical
processes as breath, Krebs-cicle, Calvin cicle, vibrating super string at M theories […] so
forth. It is also a component when we examine the phenomena of homoerotism.
Identification with the body is quite primitive, mainly in the case of intelligent-spiritual
beings. We aren’t body, we just had got a scagander be survived in the matter.
a man as muscleinic, well-proportioned idol
biology, physicians
transit field
genes activates hormones - hormones activates brains (hypothalamical) structures and other
genes those activate hormones which hormones alterate / activate chromosomas (to turn off,
or, turn on)
general problemes in interpersonal, familia communication
lack of the sexual identification - a same gendered parent’s is far away, or, shadow-like,
searching safety, relief, hungriness for love – amygdala, endigen opiats, oxytocinevasopressine, left orbitoforntal part of the brain,
abuse, poisoning relation with relatives, incest problems, neurotic reactions, personality
subcultures, individualism, ’in-love as permitted madness’, changing roles, nwe gender
functions, crysis of society, war, religion, beliefs about deviancy-tolerance
want for Self-determination, intercultural differences, Gender theory, comparative
anthropology, unkwoed factors and presdispositions
Prolactin and oxytocin could generating associative projections/ pathways later solid
biochemical trajectors as GRAPHs are in many contacts, nod, centres (see more: hormonal contacts)
inreached network. Both oxytocine and prolactine are able to cause behavioural antinomy at
the same person –binding, social behaviour or, separation. Due parts of the hypophysys85 is asexual, non-sexual or, unisex. The world, the functions aren’t unambigous. Ambuigvity could
happen according to the LAW OF THE IRREGULAR CONTINUATION / law of change/ evolution.
This enlighted cell has many connections and it is with the totality with all connections could
have a good function, so links, graph[s] are important. Mainly about the brain’s chemistry.
The cell is below how can everyone isolate from its connexes?? Which neighbour is in deed
The real knowledge is the knowledge of heart. But what is heart? Hearth is a meeting point,
crossing point, holographic centre of knowledges, therefor it is wisdom, sage yet. With heart
couldn’t develop any discrimination (I feel what the other being is feeling, and, it is more than
empathy). This was a reason why, in, with a great talent blessed Michael Ende’s roman, in the
Neverending Story, Sebastian sacrified his ultimate wish, with his ultimate memory about his
mom, in this form: ”I wish I need, you Witch, gotta heart!” And in a minuit, when the Witch
have got a heart, the Witch was able to feel, what kind of and many of painful thing were
caused by the Witch manipulations, wizzard and curses… and she exploded by the
painfulness overwhelmed heart.
85 adeno-, and neurohyphophysys.
As His-Holiness Pope Francesco told, Jesus been come to us, ”to give wein and oil for our
vulneras”. So, Jesus wasn’t to criticize us, or do any judgement. Salvation, forgiveness,
redemption never depend from any ecclesia. The presence of God isn’t automatically
redemption. WE MUST looking after too. Contemporary moral-theology is acknowledge, as
Vedantana told us befor Christ 2700 years ago, minimum!, so, our maturation, ethical
beingness, morality, therefor: our own soul will betrayal or, serve us. The frase, as ” Extra
ecclesiam non salvus” [there is no redemption out of Church] is simply not true. The sad truth is,
everyone must to do something about one’s spiritual develop. The Church and the
congregation is composed by many sinful people. SO, NO SHAME ON GAYS, LESBIANS, NO
SHAME ON TRANS-SEXUALS. Not the ’problematic identity’ is problem (and for who?, and when
is problematic?). It is not problem for others. NO USELESS INTERVENTION about any fellow’s
privacy and dignity. Antill one’s behaviour is correct (so there is no verbal, physical
agression, there is adaptation enough).
OPINIONS ABOUT GAD’S WANT always put us in different view-points. The Evangelic Church,
or, Die Reformatichse Kirche [reformed Church], as happened by the guidance of Martin Luther.
He experienced many God’s influence at his own life, and, by his experience, as how he
declared, we need the Clemency of God. We cannot be salved, we cannot reach the
redemption by our efforts as Budhhism declared. Evangelish interpreation of God and
ethic is speaking about predestination which is a kind of fate, [Greek] ananke. And it is
working about homosexual carieer also. In this view; what homosexuals culd to do? Just
laughing, and waiting for the age, whis will able tol detect, sexual diversity is far away from
sin or any kind of ilness or disorder, even, homosexuality could have relations with other,
primail psychological problems (fear from the girls, infantilism, hungriness for tendernes,
dominant mother at boys, or, at personality disorders).
We cannot to deal with sexual minorities. We jusr see: how Islam fought or Christianity
fought with Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholic Church conquered Evangeli or, Anglocan ones…
So… there is a periculum a danger, when indifferent thing (what I eat, what I hearing about
music – Victorian, restrictive, abnormal age of Anglia, frosened heart of England, AngleTerre) will have meaning int he eyes of cardinals, Popes, an King or Queens, or politicians.
But… alll religion COMMON wandt and message, we have to giving up our socialsation
about fight or flee, protest or hidden, we have to see what the diversity is: all monoculture is
abd origine wery dnagerous, because monocultures are very vulnerable, death like
monoculture because iths genetical, way of life’s nad by struture arrised weaknesses!
86 out of the Church -Latin people had to follow the Church’s opinion and fear from the excommunication
The designed suspicious gene as knowed as Xq28 as well. (1993, Dean Hamer) is findable at
both gender and at due hetero and homosexuals –but not at everyones at all. If this gene is
findable at only homosexuals, we find the „problem”. Even, we as researcher just do not
know, it is a consequence or, intiaiting factor? We know yet, one biological propriety is
determined (coded) by multiple genetic informations, just one thing could not cousing
anything. And just one genetic faliure (e.g. Down syndrome) could cose many different
problems (heart-, tooth-, hair-, tongue and eyes problems). Genes’ functions are doing
togheter a symphony!
As a well knowed physcist, Poincaré (in: Électricité et Optique 1901) told: ”If we are able to
giving a total mechanical explanation for a kind of phenomena, we’re also could giving
numerous, other kind of interpretations too.” But, as I pointed out, we have to choice a
broader view. There is no result if, we have no for totallity/ complexity good enough
viewpoint(s). And genes are not in sexuality including. The general motivation and erotism
seeker behaviour is related with dopamine D4DR gene. The longer, fourth time longer lenght
variety of this gene is responsibile about more needs of erotism -at bisexuals, to compare with
’normal’ hetero peple.
Some researchers are thinking the ’AFTP’ gylcoprotein’s malfunction is responsibile about
fetal (fœtal), in this way very early ambuigvity of sexuality –about the hardware of sexuality.
AFP = alpha-Fetal-protein or, alpha feto-protein, which is developing in perimatal periode.
The fact is, the osytocine an vasopressine itselves aare also Ianus-faced. Just a measure/ range
(nanogramm/ millilitre) changing do contrary functions of them. AFP is a glycoprotein of 591
amino acids and a carbohydrate moiety. AFP is a major plasma protein produced by the yolk
sac and the liver during fetal development. It is thought to be the fetal form of serum albumin.
AFP binds
nickel, fatty
acids and bilirubin
in monomeric, dimeric and trimeric forms also).
AFP may protect the fetus from maternal estradiol that would otherwise have a
masculinizing effect on the fetus, but its exact role is still controversial. The Human αfetoprotein is known as many tumor-markers too. In rododents the presence of AFP prevent
the virilisation at mice or rat’s fetal’ life-period. In human case, we just do not know, what the
AFP exactly do, even, in many cancer we can monitoring due urina and serum AFP-level
(Down syndrome, live cancer so forth). Human fetoprotein is produced by liver and yolc sac.
The 4q 25 chromosome is the initiator of its producing, and its main locus is findable on the q
arm of chromosome 4q25. Unfortunatelly we find a detail again instead of the whole picture.
Paradoxically the much more produce of estrogen (œstrogen) overwhelm the AFP system and
will masculinize the fetus. And this is a wery good moment to underlying critical periods and
critical measure/ range of hormons later, psychological effect how composing a very complex
sexual identity/ preferency. Without estrogen hormone XY chromosomic fetus will develop
into a female phenotypic form.
It is obvious, and source of many humour who woman other
kind of being as manfolk. It is true, the two gende has two
different type of genders. Ostrogen makes in wire and
assotioation inreached neural network, testosteron cut the neuron dendrits, and, by the conversion of testosterone into
estradiol by enzym of aromatase in many tissues may be an
tissue. Masculinization of the brain is thought to occur both by
conversion of testosterone into estradiol by aromatase. Woman’s corpus callosum [wich is do
links throughout itslef and making connection between left and right brain hemisphere] has
much more links, intercontext about both hemisphere. Man brain has less interconnections
about brain’s hemispheres. Man are mainly left hemisphere dominant, and females ar less
and more right hemisphered or two hemisphered. And this is working in behaviour and the
way of thinking. Sexual differentiation of the body is dependent on the presence or absence of
testosterone. But sexual differentiation of the mammalian brain is dependent on the presence
or absence of estradiol, which is formed/ metabolized from testosterone. So, if a fetus is XY,
and is secreting testosterone, some of that testosterone is getting converted to estradiol,
crossing the blood brain barrier (BBB) into the male fetus' brain, and masculinizing it.
”Masculinizing” it means giving it characteristics of a male brain, like being bigger, having a
different metabolic pattern, and some larger structures (INAH-3, SDN-POA) compared with
female brains. To prevent the brains of female fetuses from being masculinized by their
mother's estradiol, female fetuses have alpha-fetoprotein. Alpha-fetoprotein binds to estradiol
and disables it, so it can't get into the female's brain and masculinize it.
Fossile roles of the Princess –many stupid tales! Tales could ’behaving’ as early modell for
the soul which is in archaic stadium (periode) of its develop. The princess depicted as a
young, beauty, pritty girl and… she is just waiting… for the prince. This is a curse of the
Princess, only body, beauty, prity cloth… and… only be waiting for… Therefor; we have to
change the roles. Today, in Hungary, gay/ lesbian parent’s children everyday have some
discrimination. Might people aren’t able to got higher develop. Seengly, mems, scapegoating,
and the projection, of inner frustration is persist yet, and hate might slowly goes away. Gay
pride is a turning to contrary the shame: we aren’t the same [the law of the irregular continuation,
organic architecture of Cosmos] -as you’re as well.
I just recently found women’s deisre, advices on the internet, about movie, and male movie
stars. They want more male nudity (penis isn’t including), just for a not ”overmuscled”,
naturale constitution of beauty, real [not over-out-worked] man’s corp. Because in the city =
arteficial enviroment there is no more any NATURAL SITUATION related with natural body –
even without any sex, to see a death corpse, swimming or washing (in the natural water) or
have a sunbathing, or do something physical work in hot -be topless, halfnaked. Genitals
aren’t sin, and no first sin as sexulaty as Churches teaches. Contrary with Hindiusm, Tantra.
Shame is a tool, you will be under control. Male nudity is acceptable by my notice witout
erection. Not erotised nudity help the growing up generation, less erotism, less early wild
desires and strong anxiety related with sexuality.
Nude female genitals aren’t visible, but at males it could be. Male sculptures as at Greeks,
with unerected (flaccide) penis are acceptable, under the sign of art and beauty. Of course, in
the phallocratic, by males leaded society, ”other kind of male preferencies” aren’t allowed,
just the heterosexual man’s desire, hereby they want girl’s nudity indeed. The question of
male nudity and, the preferency of girl’s nudity is speaking about how hetero males are
despise their gay, ”feminin-like” [but isn’t true] fellows. Detestation is a diagnostic sign about
any socitey –related with cast, stratas of soceity, acceptance and liberty. Tidaythe cult of body, everything about look is like an epydemic sickness. Selfy! I am! Many selfy pics are
spredding aways by the illusion how the I is important.
First of all, free form any desire one can learn hidden mystery. Unleashed
desire do command for one –hereby Buddhism emphatised the clear
consciousness, without disturbing torsion waves. Secondly:
To be a friend/ lover it’s means: CONTACT. Contact is, when somebody
have mutuality, to feel the same lenghtwave as; mood and logic/ mood of
thinking and values (e.g. to respect, friendship/ responsibility,
psychological mutuality. This is ’contract’. No need for keep the person or possess the person.
Space is also imortant in healthy love relationship. The Man, who could be happy alone, is
able to be happy (sharing and recieving!) with someone too. I speak about non-dependent
persons they aren’t depending on others, or, they know very well at all, hapiness, finally isn’t
depend on any external condition. Other peoples aren’t to serve our needs.
”Outs for those, and what miserable the body –as Jesus told us- outs for those people they’re
dependig on other’s body, and more miserable that soul, it’s depending on due other’s body
and soul.” Because the material world just a bridge, so we musn’t to build hose, we should
just passing on. Due hetero and homosexuality has the same danger, more sexual desire
instead of ture love.
Of course, everything could be just a phenomena, and this kind of homosexuality is just
pretended even it is deeply unconscious. In the English psychoanalitic school, Melanie Klein,
Winnicott, has been written about the toggle’s separation and the depressive stadium at
children in they own early month. When the dual-union, the symbiose with mother is
damaged, and, when the child is realyzing, the mom’s want isn’t the child’s want, and… there
is an other, independent world from the child. The object is the mother (groomer), but after
the separation’s fear, anxiety and, more: the realization, the we are-ness is splitted, the child’s
selfknowldegde makes different about ego and not ego, I am-ness and foreign-ness, including
the body. And, in this way abject (alien object) as depersonalized, aliened part of the world
and it will be refused. Ab-ject is by Julia Kristeva87 constituated word to all the nonincorporated and and as: n o t i d e n t i f y e d p a r t o f t h e m o t h e r a n d w o r l d .
Trauma as general, social incorporal faliure
Psychoanalyze was a servant of the society including mylitary systems, valu-problems. The
periode of World war I, the neuroticism gave many cases for the in those times just recently
growing up psychiatry. Psychiaters did studies in the battle-field schocked patients. But the
mean thing was: victory is a purpuse. So the handicapped, depressed, neurotic, homosexual
soldiers were killed by the advice of militay psychiaters, because the military cohesion and
ability for figth was morden important than any health reparation!
Psychoanalize frequently served primitive directions/ fashions (political leaders) about what is
normal? Are Jews normal? Are ’unic’ suspicious homosexuals without children normal? Are
brave enough primitve people to kill others herows? Can we see mysinterpretated
psychiatrical factoids those droppened int he sphere of every day’s life?
I have just one question only:
Could we do any decision instead of God?
87 Bolgarian, Melanie Klein follower languagist, psychoanalyst.
After the separations fear and depression there will be the periode of creativity as the
RESTORATION OF (the idea/ situation, inner picture) THE BELOVED MOTHER. Therefor we find
many creative people androgyn-like, and ”damaged”/ altered/ diversity of sexuality related
with the incorporated femininity (first feminisation –by Kristeva) and more, autonomic
persons aren’t and didn’t wan to be comformic. With one word, some kind of homosexuality
is could be an imperfect separation’s result. We have to be careful
about overpsychologisation, because one thing is caused by lot of
other factors, so beware, homosexuality be medicalised. All abject was an organic part of the Self, and body-self, but after… will
be a forbidden, dirthy, separated part of the ego. Like body’s
hair88, smell of body, blood, acne, fat-belly. So we have to ”kill”
our mother to late on, be a bit separated beings. Hencefoth,
creativity, psychologial androgyness and bisexuality could have a relation with the early and
traumatic separation = un-elaborated loss-experience. I have to share something more about
psychoanalitic fact, in brief, Sandor Ferenci (the Hungarian Freud’s-Jung’s discipul) told, the
lack of the identification with father could be more important, in the case of creativity and
Of course, creativity is far away from only psychological question, but: creativity is the start
point of the Universe, and it is the first step of the activity of God (manifested [material]
world). The archaic, preoedipal and oedipal desire of unification with mother, has an incest
barrier. Mainly incest barrier is comes from the father authority, father’s prohibition. Therefor
anxiety is arrising, and it is could casue an early identification problem. By Kohut Heinz and
other, American Ego-psychologyst, not the instinct, but the emotions are the basic motivation,
so no ’homosexual instinct’ or, biological failure about sexual instinct. It is deeply
remarcable. This model, as emotions are base motivation, is far away better, and more
precious as Freud’s model of sinful/ shameful and neurotic man’s intrarpersonal conflict.
At Freuds discipline the instincts are the motivation’s base. 1stly, by the Budapest’s (Hungary)
psychoanalitic school, THE MOTHER IS FUNCTIONING AS MIRROR OF THE BABY emotions
statuses, and this is a Gestalt, and this mirroring is the basic condition infant to learn its own
beingness!, and its coherence –abut infant and mother dual-unio, unity. This is a basic
condition of the healthy Self-sturcture and, it is strongly relating with the later manifesting
ability to cooperation, confidence, love. Or, inability for trust in anybody, or, by the firts
feminisation’s [psycholocically, not by oxytocine!] faliure, at boys, the contact with girls as a
general mother, will be difficult. Emotionally ignorance is able to cause of many probelms,
and, our World is not able to do love, feel empathy and be caring for others. The initial
conditions of any process are very important, inital circumstances are most sensitive –about
final result. In intrauterin life too, hormonal and gonadal mechanisms and… life-experience
have impact on sexuality as many other human functions as well.
88 Today manfolk is shaving they leggs and chests (as Roma’s citisen before).
MATTERS?” –James Baldwin
Adaptation, when people are toghether, people packed tightly, are facing with many
inhibitions, tabus, social regulars, as sexuality too for egsample. In prison, youth hostels, fort,
barracks, colleges, hospitals homoerotism is normal sublimation of the sexual tense. We can
see many acts to substituate something. And… this is normal, the Sparta’s army was well
tolerating about male love, because friendly relationship is helping to fight/ cooperate for each
other’s survive in battle.
Why in every culture/ religion sky beingsm Olympian Gods had sex with humans?
Christianity belief according to the Bible: Genesis (26) ”Let Us make man in Our image,
according to Our likeness.” God or Gods? The pural form of God, is the majestic pluralis? –
Are Gods intelligent extraterrestials with their higher developed technology?
What about humankind genesis? Is our origine from other, more intelligent beings? Ant +
tropos, άνθροπός = being from the sky, from the interstellar space. Originally, being is
stearing/ observing the sky (= heaven’s origine). Osiris was from the Orion, and his sister and
wife, Isis from Sirius. (- Is incest?, or the deeper symbol of the same root of the polarity?) The
Hungarian word for God is more meaningful than God – good. It is beyond the polarity: as
Hungarian says: ISTEN, ŐS-TEN. archaic entity, who was always and befor all times. I am
affraid, the truth is schocking, frightening. Therefor Anthony de Melo told: ”people do not
want to the truth, they want to the safe (instead of truth).” I am really do not want upset you,
my sweet reader, but the ”Gods” had been gave us early normatives, commands to estabilish
the civilisation. Therefor homosexuality isn’t useful, if humankind want to spawn, genetically
incets is morden contra-productive. Although, homosexual’s mothers looks like more fertile
as Andrea Camperio Cian’s research is presenting us.
But the evolution - rolling out- of consciousness does work paradoxically, step by step
intelligent beings will come out of the only biological mechanisms! Zeus was fighting with
the a-morphic Gigases, as elemental forces of the natura. The Khaos [caos] has becomed wellformed Cosmos. Infant-researchers showing us, we are shaping our Self, by the mother’s
mirroring functions -about our infant-periodic emotions. We are learning ourselves by many
reflexions, feed-back, by others mirroring, in many situations. This is a key element of the
develop of the consistence of the growing soul. If the consistence (= integrated elements in
harmony) of Self is damaged, the identity could be change –without genetical/ hormonal/
gonadal problems or just diversity. The Man is a secret. Therefor it is a reason for religion.
Without religion we are just animals only.
His-Hooliness Pope Francesco accept gay love, because the EMPHASIS IS ON THE LOVE, not on
the way of love. In Africa in few tribe after the marriage the husband is, who will wear the
name of the vife! We cannot depend on beliefs, opinion about our own life even, we aren’t the
same as the average as well. –We have to overcome about many influency by old history, not
heartful religion and bad ideologies. The movie ”I love you man”89 isn’t about gay problems,
as sayed: ”to got a gay guy it easy, but to have got a Platonic relation (so, the love again) is most
Sexuality is newer about our free want. So, in this way no responsibility about our felt
sensation of sexual identity –see: hypothalamical ’nucleus bed’, and area striata, which is
frequently but not always tangented in the cases of transexualism. Our ELEMENTARY NEED IS: BE
LOVED reciprocically, so giving love and, be loved in the same time. The freedom is just a
metaphor; you could do any choice about your private life,
 even if, unconsciously we do choices by instincts, repeated bad patterns, so there are
no real (transparent, knowed, conscious) choice, but
 there is a possibility to be more expert, developed and do self-develop (learn more
about our choices, motivations, causes, and transparency about our own inwardness)
89 De Lines Pictures, Bernard Gayle productions, Montecito Pictures Company Production PUAL RUDD –
The traumatized soul, as every 3 man on Earth, could grow up with traumas, ignorance,
agressive parents or overregulated schools, rigid religion etc. and, the homosexuality it is just
a sign of the un-matured personality in theese cases. Of corse, we can see matured, perfect
personalities without any problems, and they are homosexuals. In this little column I am
speaking about the sexuality, as a way how we behaving with others, could be damaged. It is
more clear; in the case of sexual-dependet persons, they could do love, feel love, just doing
compensation, and it is not so important what on they are depending? It is a prison. Yes, the
unmeasured desire is a hard cell of the: always yearning soul. The deire of permanent
yearning is a kind of symptome of the disorder: one is unable to be alone. Someone is unable
to do love/ share something. (Serious problem with binding and separation). One is not able to
love, and do physical love is just a compensation to hide the one’s emptyness. Unability for
any, symmetric good relationship. So, this way those people are touched: PTDS (personality
disorder), mainly Borderline patiens.
They had have no emotional warmth,, they were not loved, just lack of tenderness, pay
attention, so they are a sympotmes „only” a kind of consequence of the ignorant soceity –
including schools, parents, physicians, brothers and sisters. Borderline people are couldn’t do
love, do adaptive behaviour, bear cirticial nots, wear frustrations. But hungriness for love do
not makes people really homosexuals. Our society’s want: we all, be manipulated, therefor
our society do not want to people learn inner control on ourselves. Like, eating never be
associated with other activities (tv, bathing, like me, I used to be drink hot, oversugarred
cacao in the bath tube relaxing in the hot water). Sex never be substituated by eating, and love
be never substituated by sex, instead of real human contact. When somebody fall in
desperative depression, or, years after mourning, it could be a pathologic funeral/ mour, a sign
of dependence or codependent personality disorder. By anxiety and impulsive control
problems B PTDS persons tend to use others as control, as external
functions, as mother substituions, they as: ’friends’ providing safe
enviorment. Dependency on sexuality is a kind of MECHANISM OF
also could couse a kind of psychological disturbance, because the other
person is less important. During the procession of growing up of the child,
the Ego itself will be very important. Narcissistic personality disorder, as all kind of
personality disorders are developing in early years of the child. And the contemporarian western society definitely helps to developing N PTSD. Wha could I tell, in the age of selfy??
We are socializing under the program of: you must be a best, you have to gain lots of money,
to build a superior career, so forth. In this picture the teenage boy control his abdominal ’sixt
piece’ muscles –are those strengthen yet and, visible enough? Those muscles for himself or…
for others’ pleasure, initiative, or in the wirst; because, to gain other’s pay attention?
Lots of narcissist person keep own independency, tend to have authority, prestige, power. The
libido and the interest is inhibited, in the via of others, forwarding to the society, and it is
return to the primail object, as a mother, but, by the prohibiton of incest, the person keep own
libido at ownself. The infant loves – disovers him or herself on the libidinalic vay, and, after,
the 2nd object will the mother be. May, as amount of psychologist are supposing, the object
will damaged (altered develop), and, in the case of a kind of homosexuality, the child’s ego
will be the object of the love. (inner gratification, independency, inner reward loco control)
To avoid be overpsychologyzed our beingness, we are out of chemical-, biological-,
psychological determinations, therefor we are generating things out of paradigmas. As
religion, self-sacrifice, benevolent-supporting behaviour, tautologies,art, beauty just for,
hobbies, gay love, so we out of… and it is equal with: professionalist be careful when do any
satement about a mechanism. This is exist, succeed beacuse this or that reason!
The endemy of selfy pictures is a sign, how the libido stop and isn’t able to touch other object
as itself. Grandiosity is a compensation of the underestimated ego or the neglecting attitude of
parents. Authors are not on the same opinion (Freud, Kohut, Kernberg) The competitive
society is also a part of the develop of the ego –social learning theory. The potention, keep
the first place, to have a power on others the process of how people do career is a very good
basis for any narcissitic behaviour.
In brief: homosexuality is far away from sin, but near to be undeveloped, sometimes
backwarded, stop develop of the ego. And more: the accepted, usual vay of infant’s
developing cannot be as anykine of measure for any critisism, because the via of
developing is always happen in different, other cultures too!! In the same society,
moreower, in the same family, in the same millieu, emotional atmosphere, among
same values and attitudes, the members, different children of famliy show different
characteristics and: results!
Our society is continously and increasingly facilitating to develop narcissistic people. More,
our society is a kind of + - society, if you haven’t enough money, good career enough, you
are nobody, and this is makes people a kind of Borderline (sometimes we are beloved,
rewarded by the bank, workplaces, relatives… IF we have … Sometimes we are hated, by the
banks, society ’cause we haven’t, we need, we are begging…) type people as well.
Consummer society name is not only consummers, the consummer society is predator-like. It
is consumming its own members. By the tyranny of money and posession.
The narcissitic society as the Personality Disorder too, has damaged empathic ability (poors,
homelesses, many people are out of work and social integration). The lack
of empathy, the parasitism or, at huge enterpreteners, like contemporarian
slave-keeping is very significant in the case of narcissisim. So, what about
love as not biological (built in program) phenomena only, as a transcendent
basis of the working mood of everything? The DEFICITE OF EMPATHY did our
rotten antihumanic society, and destroy any ability about social cooperation,
solidarity, and this is a real danger about famlily stability -not the sexual
diversity at all. The DEFICITE OF EMPATHY is causing global lonellyness.
Gay love, gay relationship didn’t exclude to keep children with or, without the acknowledge
of Church. Not the Church is important, the the safe and trusty enviroment is more important
for children. Like in the pseudo questions about rigid, unflexible traditions of Jewis, e.g. in
Sabbath happening, when a mule has been fallen in a hole. –What is to do? This is Sabbath,
therefor many things are forbidden (by the God’s want [?]) to do, but this is a poor suffering
animal in the pit, so… Biblical pericopes are very good to show, how rationalism, stupidity,
hypocracy casue a barrier between important things and the soul which isn’t want to help, and
grow up (wearing resbonsibility, be social, have empathy). For a toggle not the parent’s
gender is important, only the matured personality, ability to love! Certainly Sabbath isn’t
important for old Jews when any living being are suffering, we must to carry out the
unfortunated mul from the pit.
Gay marriage could be a theological and Church’s (institution) question, but in Jesus eyes, the
children’s fate, destiny is the PRIORITY: the children’s first need is love. Love is: much more
qualified time, joy, social game and safety, pay attention, focus on the child. The paren’t’s
sexual identiy doesn’t matter. It is very good if society teach both gay parents and children
about differences, ’otherness’ and self-acceptance. And: good behaviour enough (in front of
children). But homosexuality couldn’t heritagable.
It is an old misbeliefs, it is a Catholic orthodoxy: what the family is? The teaching is rooting
about, the marrigae is happened in the heaven. Although trough the all mankind’s history, as
we know, amount marriage happened by material interest, and the engaging happen far away
earlier, before the marriage, in childhood. Many anthropoligysts and by the televison we can
see tribes, communities in natives, those tribe’s members are ’wearing nudity’ so growing
children see and percieve body, peaceful dead corpses, in their age perceivable vulnus,
erection, variety of the bodies, curtulling, so no tabus in their life. Unity, love does not need
any instituional acknowledge permission. Have you seen the movie: Equilibrium? Or any,
similar movie to this subject, when people haven’t emotion or, to feel any emotion is
prohibited? The today’s crisis of family is comes the deeply rotten society, there is a huge
discrepancy between declared values and the practical life (hypocracy, incongruence, deficite
of empathy, lack of qualified time as a supreme love-language).
Because the ’opposite’ gender even if, the age of internet do not know, what is suitable for the
sexual partner, the same gender is able to providing pleasure. Boys discovers each other’s
body in doctor role-play, clothing down, wear nudity with excitment. Wearing the mascarade
of physician everithing is allowed, to examine the testis and penis with a pencil, or touch the
body, gradually approaching the sensitive parts of it. Growing youth have to ”learn” more
about different ways of satisfaction. Inhibition, overregulation by schools, parents or, by
religious shamefulness also could cousing much trust and closerness at the same gender. It is,
of corse, not primail, primer homosexuality. our, own children are unconsolable lonely!
The hungriness for love, and share loneliness also could cause a secunder (= compensatory)
homoerotism, so, what kind of society we have? TO THE POPE: in humanity believers do not
looking for sinful/ shameful guilty people (parents!), those people are searching solutions.
When we aren’t satisfied with our new geneartion is always our own fault. Teenagers with
laptops and tablets are able to reach prono websites but the aren’t able to do any acceptable
interpersonal communication, and keep contact with words, and be social with pantomimic.
Our teachers do classes about sexual organs, but do nothing about be social. As our new
generation’s parent as well. The media is too infantile to keep broadcast in their hand and deal
about. The money orientation keep ourselves slaves and we ate using long-long ago other as
our slaves or tools. The lack of authentic sexual-pedagogy is a symptome of our hypocratic
age. Porno on screens, and no pay attention and forbid on it, no father’s words: how dou you
wash your preputium (foreskin) my son, nothing.
Where is the emphasis, is emphasis on the family, or, on the disgusting desire and sex, or, on
the word: love? Love is something we must to share –I used must, because of inner
’compulsion’. Not just by Jesus’ teaching, Buddha enlightement: ” antill one of your brother
is suffering, you will suffer too” [Buddha’s speaches]. So, where is the ’accentus’ is on the love,
or on the desire, on the gender, on the teaching/ measure of Church?: ”When will come the
realm of heaven?” – which question was taken by Jesus’ discipules. Jesus told about unity and
forgein, our false, accidental identity: (Mathew 10.34 Lucas 12.49) Jesus answered them was
saying: ”When you take male and female, upper and down, external and internal in to One,
and those will in the Onessness. […]” Visually, East-West, North-Sud, out and in, so forth.
The Mankind’s life is an extravesion, expasnion:
vita activa
expansion towards the outer world
And by Jesus’ teaching have should be focus on our inwardness, visually:
intensity, vita complentativa
As, we can see, the cross (= from Latin: crucis, when East-West, North-Sud is corssect each
other!) is symbolising the crossing point, as Atma, it is a part of the Mah’ (Great/ universal)
Atma (soul) = superior soul, the Central Intelligence of the cerated (= manisfested = visible,
material) Universe. Homosexuality is not just made, in the process of „evolution”.
Ancient times hermaphrodites were blessed by Greek, Hindi people, because they had both
proncipal of the creative forces as yin and yang. We cannot image it. But this ancient praxis
(use) tell us, how the two principal had more honesty. By the spiritual heritage, which did not
forgot how sexuality is a spiritual part of the God’s cosmic emanation. We want to take thing
int o the boxes. Aaah, give it up! You aren’t able to find boxes for the diversity of the
At the beginning (if any beginning been) profileration, spawn, at the beginning, haven’t any
pleasure at bacterias, eukaryots, cells, fungies. Program –without sense, and emotion. And,
the extatic pleasure of flesh and soul about unification not for descendants only. Love is God.
Love: is giving space for an other being, in this way: GOD IS SPACE, PLACE TO LET A BEING TO
BE. Our age is age of terrorism, many starving people, force on ideologies, like wilde Islam,
keep modern slaves of money, and by money. And the Latin terror is means due fear,
(tremendum) and agressivity too (a-gredio = I stand upon/ in front of somebody as a barrier,
to stop somebody as highwayman/ robber =be agressive, stand too close). The contrary of
love not anger, but the fear. The fear, anxiety is the problem, not the way, how mates need to
express their love.
When a woman played music on violin was a sin, because, earlier, violin was in taverners
used music instrument. When Jesus touched and accdepted Samaritan women was a scandal,
’cause Jewish pepole never accepted the tribe, people of Samaria. For Jewish wasn’t allowed
to talk and make busieness with an ”external” ones. It is a typical example, what is trib-ego,
tribe solidarity, even if, Jesus told us, love your enemies as yourself. The psychology of tribesolidarity, tribe-ego todays is wellknowed.
So, to touch foreign person it was forbidden, and not used to be. Except Jesus –who: from the
remote past is continously showing without impatinetness: we are the same, no reason for any
group-identity. Even, if we are from Samaria, we are playing violin (which used to be use in
the ’sanctuary of alcohol and profan people’) and love the same gender. When Jesus was born
to this world, the God itself, becomed very empathic and did/ do much more solidarity with
humans. And… this is our main lesson, to rediscover, many individuals composed the United
One. Filiation: brunch from brunch, nations from nations everything from the basic roots of
the final Intelligence of the Universe. So God never could be just one nation’s God only. We
are included/ integrated by the acceptance and clemency of God.
–Could I be a lesbian Samaritan woman who play violin ?
We have to decompose all separating walls between people. Including sexual attitudes. Might
gays and lebians could have unambiguious right to constituate a kind of family too, may they
will have right for have adopted children or keep they own children in gay marriage in more
Ab origine we were born as social beengs. In family children are more protected –related with
abuse, poorness, emotional ignorance, although the institution of family, as isntitution might
obsolate. Might communities are coming up. People has more life endurance, and more
protected against cancer, illnesses and depression, because the social isolation is a powerful
stress on everyones. Basically people are arguing beside of the life in family. Be social is more valuable, even, if the family is near to be a kind of commutity, or the family is composed
by homo parents. But… we have less ability to be together, in a bad sense of liberalism,
society is more selfish and, henceforth more atomistic. We’re interconnected. WE NEED EACH
By tomorrow a decade ago more sexual parteners in women lifes also accepted. More is key
word in our, consummer-idiote society. ”Just once used” or, ”use and throw away” way of life
–unfortunately is expand antill our relationships also. The pain, and felt senstion of emptyness
and lonelyness/ separation/ deprivation from real love and; lack of the ontological
togetherness (like Mitsein –by Heiddegger) is unweareble for today’s primitive, childsh
people. ’Single’ culture is hard business interest too, including gyas, metrosexual guys and
males. It is a different sector of the beauty industry, gele and creams and shampoons and
colours for the hair, for the body, contact lens if someone do not like his/ her colour of the
eyes, brown cremes makes white skinned people’s skin more insolated-like, liposuccion, brest
and other beauty chirurgy, penis enlragment… so many substitution just cover our loneliness
and empty. STD (sexually transmitted disorders) are hardly related with promiscutity and,
promiscuity isn’t homosexual propriety at all. Sex without emotion could be, but it is a
patologic sign of our rotten Western culture (as alienation, composed things are going into
separation, dyssotiation –again the Wholeness), sign, and this sign is telling about our
emotionally primitive, childish society. Our age might, is a clever child’ age (intelligent
washing powder and intelligent mobiles) and age of childich adults (wilde desires, real
perversions, sudden delight and ease of many desires/ drives, less empathy).
As I told you, earlier, sweet and patientful reader of mine, in the „evolution” profileration,
spawn, at the beginning, haven’t any pleasure at bacterias, eukaryots, cells, fungies. Program
–without sense, and emotion. Afterwards intellectus and emotions arrize. But now: we
haven’t emotions and love, so there are many and many… bacterias in human shapes.
Instead of bress/ penis/ muscle enlargment
heart enlargment be!
never happen by the spontanious way. To sell (pornos, peporneumenos = somebody how sell
him/ herself for money) our time, kidness, body, sexual activity is a sign of the serious
damage of the soul. But mostly is happen by force, and is tangent due young ladies, and,
unfortunatelly younger, preadult boys. In many poor contries youth have no chocie, the
miserable poor ones are fucking just for foods. Therefor to sell basic alimentaries is
forbidden! Foods for everyones, but we need control about our own, uman spawn also!! Human dignity is captured by the power of many – and, by the pressure of poorness and misery.
Prostituation at both gender, if happen not by the pressure of deprivation, is a sign of serious
defetion of soul.
I say you, there is a blue hors with tre eyes and two tales os snakes are
weaing. In the reality this kind of animal indeed do not exist. But, by the
force or words and human phantasy and its tool: by language any unreal
could be sayed, and with the idea of snake-taled blue hors with three eyes we can do
operations, action in tales, sci-fi or, God avoiding us, genetical experiments, like mices with
luminescent ear on their back! (What a lack of acknowledge of the dignity of nature = hybris).
We’re using words, concepts, notes idea, might only productum of our brain, language,
culture, religious or political program. We can say near anything, but, what we can say is not
exist indeed. we are in the prison of our self-made construction of language (Wittgeinsten).
The Kama Sutra, many old Greek textus, archaic poems, Stratón, Sappho etc. are our sources
about ancient erōs and love = εράν-eran, and sexual habits. But, words e-g. in Greek and
France, many words have male plural forms (Greek: pais and heteira, heteirosz, as passive
lover/ friend/ fellow and the idea of: paidika-paidikós. In prular form: paides: = like boyz,
guyz, liking company, servant, therapōn/ therapaina, eran’(like, love, need) could be in
female as languistic gender too, but mainly it is male in plural [e. g. les enfants -an France]). As
Greek, as Hungarians does not any makes any different between love and/ be / fall inlove.
And it is cool!!!!!!!!! Meaningful. Because we have words for erotism, making love. I love
[greek: eran = I feel love intensively] you, it could be I love you by my heart and with/ without
erotism [erao = I attract], like in Hungarian, in Hungarian there is no word for I love you or I
am in-love with you. A man in my country could say something like this: ”Mary, I love you
so much, I want you/ I’d like be married with you”. As a guy cold say that: Joseph I like you,
or, ooooh, I am not [just] like you, my best friend, I love you with all my heart and I want or, I
do not want sex with you. So, we can say, I need you, I am horny because of you, I do not
love you but I wish you I would be happy if we have sex… And; ”I like you” is less love/
comittment as: ”I love you”. Of corse, we) in phallocratic culture) have different words to be
polite, to avoid be weak or homoerotic.
Man for an other man [verbally] is not beautiful, just handsome, not nice, just goodlookin,
might only cute. But a women is easilly could be beautiful, mesmerizyng. The [old] Greek
kalos = also means handsome, and beautiful, and does not matter man says for boy or for girl.
There is a problem with Gestalt (Whole-shape from German, Christian von Ehrenfels, 1890)
and idea of classifications (Carnap, Hempel). So ther is two type of man, pedestrian and man
who’s using car, hetero and gay. Classicifation couldn’t say more precious, specific things
about episodic behaviour, no homo or hetero, MOST PEOPLE HAS EPISODIC sexual preference.
Or potentially have versatily interest, but roles and expectations or fears are doing people not
sexually versatile. Many gay guy hav one-two heterosexual relationship aso. Many hard
heterosexual one have had homoerotic experience in sauna or the cloak room. Weber’s
Mengers idealtyps, realtypes doesn’t works. Ideal types as estabilish classicifations aren’t fit
how Jesus told: ”the truth is water-like.” hereby the ’always present’ moment is true, not the
previously learnt experinece, habit, tradtition, opinion… mostly by others given thoughts.
The living life isn’t type, just our brain fabricated thoghts and ide fixa. Therefor the
bisexuality is normal, as Sigmund Freud have guess, and told as, but in the more acceptable
form. In childhood, the man is potentially bisexual. So this, scientific potential bisecsualness
was an acceptable statement, and the truth. And as we see, edpisodic, flexibile behaviour
couldn’t fit to any prefixed category. As we can see: in old Greek culture the relationship of
eromenos (elder, matured man) and erastes (younger, passive fellow, sometimes lover, pais)
wasn’t problem. But to sell the body (heteria) as slave women did, even, if it was man’s body
(Greek: pornos, peporneumenos = to sell somebodies for money). It was serious hybris, the
closest intimacy with body, with soul. And the trybune deprivate the pronos from few rigths.
Pernanai = to sell. Who could be to sell any spiritual/ psychological thing? The tangented
person loose the rights for vote, loose be a the membership among archōns, to have money, to
be a member of the community of the Polis. What difference! In-love is not sin. But the
humuliation of love it was! Old Greek and Indian culture never had any Gods,
which dieties were forbid the vie w and depict of naturalistic human body, and
sexual preferences.
What interesting. Greek boy love, eromenos – erastes relationship didn’t
developed homosexuals. It was a periode for both erastes and ermonos. Of
course, real gays had their own way.
We do not know ehat biological sex is? Is anatomy? Is chromosomal? Is
hormonal? Or biological sex is all together?
beyond all religion
No evolution, only the consciousness is change its bio-mechanisms = living
forms, fungies and plans and animals bodies (platforms, careers). Not the
biological beings are evolving. The consciousness, cosmic atma, mah-atma
(mah = huge, general) so, ATMA, during the SAMSARA is continously selecting
numerous, approriate bodies to have more experiences. Be human = to be
exper with unwanted experiences too, and throw the experiences to feel the
wholeness what was behind us… (ptósis [fall], divina tragoedia [separation from
God], to chose the tree of knowledge90 but not the tree of life)
The final cor looking for better and better opportunities for experinces.
Materilasm was a scientific and by the kingdom’s ideology preferred fashion.
„The better/ fittets/ stronger, richest survival.” Byond the intelligence design
and long before, 159h ere rmote past, any religion 159h ere shamanistic
culture mankind know about the final core, as a centrum of the intelligence of
nature. The GUT91 (Great Unificatiomn Theory) is love itself.
in many cases idnetity is gotte from outside of the personality. Identity could
behave as a gluon, fix you to something. Identity is an illusion, easilly
changable. Identity is a part of ego, roles, ”have to do” and ”must awoid”.
Preferency is better, than identity. Preferency is closer and internal than
identity which is composed by abstractive things, and emotions, aspirations.
Eromeos (the youth how loved) wasn’t gay, the gay love was an process how
younger man learnt sexual attitudes. Erastes lived in a different society,
where man’ beauty was revealed. They wasn’t homosexuals, they lived, loved,
died… and we have labels for those people. To be queer it is means, I am not
strongly bilieve ehn, for whom, for what reason who am I? Be queer is against
the tyranny of normality.
90 On Palestinian territory, Tavernae montana alternifolia (?) it’s look like, an apple with one’s bit. But its fruit
is not apple. And no apple in whole Palestine, so, the metaphor is a rembrance of something forbidden thing or
advice: according to what happen if hybris, blame, ego as separation, betrayal … will done.
91 The struggling by quantum-physics: gravity and the electromagnetic force be united with the weak nuclears
forces (between neutrons or protons) as a final „Theory of Everything” –as Einstein’s deram.
Dear friend, we aren’t existing! We as illusionistic personality, Joseph Smith,
or Norbert Dunkel does not exist, we, as personals are: just a kind of
experience, as local phenomena of the totality existence. Which parts
(subjects) are integrated to be Whole –by the gravity, attractiveness of love.
We have many invisible contact, contacts with many other unknowed beeng.
Separation just an illusion. But we, thousand years ago identifyng ourselves as
ego, solitaer entity. The happyness is reunion. Sexuality is a specific, in this
world manifesting ’gravity’ to rediscover the way towards reunion.
The Man executed the diversity on erath, including other races. Thousand of apple were
exterminated by the hungryness of profite. Todays we know dosen kind of race (subspecies)
of apple. In Mexico 160h ered, yellow, black and orange coloured corns were a symbol of
many coloured skin of races in this way, the diversity.
Apples had many colourful variety. Once, reverend Constantine Kellere made a collection
about how many apple are exsist, and James principal just was admiring them during times.
Apples are mainly from Eurasia, and the city in Kazahstan: Alma Ata. It’s means: City of the
Apple. And, today, by the genetic selection happened an extermination about varieties. To do
red, great and visible cool apple for stupid consummers those buy apple about external look,
and… many other subspecies were disappeared…
Only biologist are know, how dangerous the lack of diversity. Reducing the possibility of
recombination […] tools, thoghts, possibilities we are becoming as machin (un-flexible
programs) sor we die. The Universe likes plurality. –Is God likes too?
Around 16 billion years ago in the middle part of Jura there were 4000 kind of species of
mammalias (uddered animals). Today, the remaine of the eradicated mammalias are around
5 000. It is not only by adaptative radiation. It is the rich of the creation. It is the abudance
of the diversity . It is the consequence of the irregular continuation .
The individual SEXUAL IDENTITY IS DEPEND ON MANY FACTORS. Regarding that, human race always
had/ has homosexual, lesbian, bisexual or, transsexual behaviour, SINCE PREHISTORIC ages, in
EVERY CULTURE. Of course, homosexuality could be a part of narcissistic personality disorder, of
fear from the girls if someone previously had a dominant mother. I have seen mentally
disabled (17 years old) girl, and she had male gender identity, and the parents were in panic,
’cause she weared tie, jacket. The girls behaviour wasn’t problematic, but her parents
couldn’t made head or tale of it (so the problem was delegated). The girl never grab the girls’
gender’s meaning, repertoires, just on the level on behaviour. She just actedas guyz. She just
loved a famous male pop-singer. She liked her spawns, guyz from the schools, as they’re. In
this way she did identified herself with him.
Seeng that, MANY FACTORS acts are shaping (continously) our character, and know that, sexual
identity is far away of our choice. Sexual identity isn’t prefabricated! We have to thinking in
the whole system. I. As chaos-theroy said, the initial conditions of any procession are very
important. Like at the sexual genes and hormones (gonads) and intrauterine asnwer for the
early produced and effects of hormones. II. By the caos [khaos] theory in many processes the
predictibility is restricited, unpredictible things could happen.
GONADAL hormons, CHROMOSOMES, GENDERS behavioural’s repertoire aren’t enough to
determine our own identity and sexuality -in the propriate way. By The Britihs Journal of
Sports Medicine the chromosomal gender isn’t determine always the physical constitution,
so genetic examinasions could explore if someone isn’t a 100% of woman athlete, but in the
everyday’s life she is functioning as dame. In the foetal life, there is the phenomena of
SEXUALITY couldn’t fit the roles which are belongs to the GENDER as cultural constrcution of
visible sex. In our ages many personal – social problems are incorporating by the medicine
(medicalisation, e.g. depression, medicalisation of womenness). In this way homosexuality,
bisexuality also have a possibility to be MEDICALISED. By physicians, by psychologytst, be the
biochemical knowledge. The hermaphroditism or, the intersexual phenomena not a problem
itself, the society is a problem which cannot accept the 3rd or 4th way of sexuality. Just
(visible) man or woman. Just two type of the diversity. No other way and this a FILPSOPHICAL
PROBLEM, ABOUT ANY ACCEPTANCE. Our society is saing this OR that only. So, there is no, but there
is AND. So, maybe THERE IS NO REASONABLE CATEGORY: homosexuality, bisexuality or other
sexual ”mis-appearence” mis-identity, mis-gender, or, not habituated look, oddity and odd
(but peaceful) behaviour and opinions as I suggest to you, sweet reader, those categories
must be emilinated. Henceforth, sexual education is most important in the end of the
periode of latency. Newspapers and television could HELP TO DISSEMINATE OF THE ATTITUDE OF
with contries which contries has hard laws against any alternative sexual manifestation. The
anthropologyst Gilber Herdt had many researchs about the THIRD GENDER AS NON IDENTIFYABLE
SEXUAL ORGANS OR HERMAPHRODITISM. Hermaphroditism or in medical terminus: intersexualism
(0, 4% in USA) could happen by much more factors (e.g. 5-alpha-reductase-insufficiency and: other
19 factors!).
In old times hermaphrodits were celebrated in most ancient greek and India’ shire/
prefecture, as in many untouched, native, aboriginal tribes. Hermaphoridts were treat as
special, rair, but natural phenomena. ”Of course” in some of native tribe intersexuality was a
fearfull thing, so they were killed or, they sexual organs were mutilated. In this case, in Europe, parents do decision about the newborn’ s gender. Homophoby is comes both of
MISBELIEFS WHAT IS NATURAL, or by religion’s orthodoxy. In the case of intersexualism the
physycians do a situaton of crisis; by the opninion of ASSOTIATON OF INTERSEXUALS. In their
adulhood they want to do diecision about their, FIRSTLY, PSYCHOLOGICALY MANIFESTED/ FELT
SENSATION OF THEIR IDENTITY PREFERENCE because identity is mainly mentally developing. Or,
some of them (intersexuals) definitely need to live as 3rd variation of gender! And WE MUST
lesbian and homoerotic love was partially refused by fear of death –psychoanaliticaly,
because descendants will not.
For the society: gay couples can adopt children, relevantly by they more social nature, and as
many researchers are declair, homo parents’ sexual identiy isn’t determinate the adopted
child origine identity. SUPRESSED HOMOSEXUALITY, homoerotic attitude culd be a volcano. Which
instinct is hiddened from the in this case affected, touched person, therefor isn’t not
the person see and, identify his/ her own hatred, unknowed inner propriety in other person.
And… do judgement, might agressive act by psychological tense. If somebody is late to
discover him/ her own hiddened identity, it could be dangerous, it may cause suicide or
depression reaction. So, many anger people are in my Hungarian country, they cannot
accept any differentness -since 17 years, related with the 1st gay pride, for example.
FINAL RESULT: the sexual appearence for the society means: there is an obligaton to follow the
socially composed idea, roles of gender. The classification of hetero-, homsexuality is not
based on any valide, stabile platform. Classificationare socially-culturaééy composed,
abstract ideas. In one hand: THE REVOLUTION OF PERSONALITY NECESSARILY REFUSE the earlier made,
by other made and, outher factors (Church’s beliefs, Darwinists’ misbeliefs, party’s ideology)
influented genders’ patterns. In other hand: the egoistic – dictatoric society denies earlier
accepted and respected laws, traditions. Both selfish and authoric society is against of
identity, just subordination and lie is acceoted. The ALL HUNAM RACE IDENTIY IS FALLED, when
money and materialism quonquered. And… never forget something, my dear reader, among
many biological datas, but there is a phylosophy: basically, potentially, MANKIND IS A SELFDETERMINATING RACE (POTENTIALLY AND, IT ISN’T HAPPEN YET). Like Jesus said: do not wish for other
anything, what you do not wish/ not accept for your ownself too! So, to follow externally
constituated roles isn’t enough for the pepole they want to be they own.
As I have seen a very meaningful frase, on the surface of a frigo in my frend’s kitchen:
”IF YOU WANT TO BELONG [do you really want to belong??] TO THE HERD; YOU HAVE TO BE A SHEEP. IF YOU
”It is too easy, giving advices to the ration, but the heart is less able to follow any advices, the
real love have no geography, henceforth love haven’t borders also.”
(Other rooms other voices 1943)
by the archaic hellenic myth erōs is a first shaping froce, therefor its name was erōs
erōs organized the world as a whole, well-composed Unity
Cosmos is come from Greek kosmikōs, kosmos = beauty. Erōs/ love is the struggling to reach
the beauty. When the love is disappearing, it is the disappearence of manfolk also.
We were born with unfinished brain – be open is a new beginning of the mankind.
Byrne Fone: Homophobia, Metropolitan Books, 2000
kenneth James Dower: The Grek Homosexuality, London, Duckworth 1989
Wanessa Bird: The No-Nonsense Sexual Diversity New International Publications LTD, Oxford-London 2001
L’homosexualité masculine pourquoi? -Collection ’ecologie humaine’, François-Xavier de Guibert, Paris 1998
Chapiters de: Gaston Bachelard: La philosophie du ’non’ –Paris, Presses Universitairesde Françe, 1962
Chapters from the history of sexual life -compilation by Tamás Oláh, Budapest HU 1986
Donath: Anatomy of the Human Body (HU, 2001)
Basic work (in Hungarian language):
Norbert Nepomuk Dunkel: Eros as arkhai (The Love92 as a principal of the Universe) 2004 University of Debrecen, Hungary, Library of the Dep. of Philosophy
special thanks because of valuable discussing with: Simon Alpár Lehel MA philosophy
92 (1) Higgs boson’s field – Dirac ocean, (2) Nuclear forces (3) Electro-magnetic foce, (4) inter-molecular
adhesive effects, e.g. Van der Vaals, hidrogen’s brodges…), (5) sociology sympathy, tribe or goal identities, love
and in-love, unconditional acceptance beyond the tribe identity
METHODOLOGY SHEET to do self-exploring (based on any subjects, like sexversity) in
jokes with sexsual content, tales about love, risqué-elfish short stories,
sexual diversity, organs, nude models, cultures, traditions…
fertility, diesases (hepatitis, aids, pailloma virus, etc). STD93
1 Resources (foundrising)
2 Technology – know how (distributed tasks, tools, small groups [3-4 person not more])
3 Appllied materials (books, pencils, colour chalks, scissors, glues, newspapier, lexicons,
nude/ act paint, love-verse, sort stories, love-song, sculputers, act paintings…
4. Target group (students, pupils and theire leaders, not only teachers, experts, valunteers)
4. Time/ duration / periods (pause, discassing group, meal, lunch)
5. Spaces, enviroments (for the pay attention be awakened, variety, monotony be awoid, use
garden, library, elder’s haus, hospital…)
6. Other components (e.g. age, gender, encountering by prostituates, gay experiences by gay/
lesbian/ sexual educator, how use the condom?, how to prevent ejaculation precox, what is the
polite curtulling, polite refusing, to planning family and child female ability got orgasm, !
teach the boyz !)
7. Instructions (organizyng the non-formal education, time, tools, intervalls…)
8. Learning (= changing and, not from books!!) objective, groups mutual education/
excercises AND…
9. … in the next month/ year DISSEMINATION of experiences and
knowledge for the next generation or schoolmates and keep spiritual
knowledge in
93 sexually trasmitted diseases
Example for an thematic
activity for students
Open discassing and role playing -move is very helping to facilitate to learn
roles for the youth (12-16 years) Lottery ones by random have got a slice of paper about roles or questions
normative crisis and comittment (what if, I have got a pregnancy?) change the way of life; I am only or… we
I am gay, I am psotituat, how i image my own mariage, what will happe IF I am straight have
a really best fiend who is curt me? How love is accept or on the polite way refused, what does
it mean borders of my needs, wants and ideas? What does it mean psychologically death, and
physical death? Love body or, love the person by heart? Desire, esthetic for eyes and
similarity about attitude/ values.
intercultural provocatives
? What about sex if- ?
I am Arabic, German, Italian,
Discuss legends and myth -be unveilled, unabiguious
religionS and sex
What if I am / you’re Buddhist, Krisna believers? If I have ADS, anorgasm, micropenis, uterus retrofelxus??
☺whises about sex, relation, love…☻
splitted gropus(s) Whises of girls♀
drow, verse, song,
whises by ♂boys
(understanding, less ideology, learned hate, disgusting, tolerancy, liberty)
nonverbal theater: be arranged, sorted out given situations as humorous play (love, divorce,
white one loves black ones)
PAUSE, BRAKE (which is not only free time and recreation, it is a possibility for youth, to discass,
without the presence of any teacher or authority, what they heard before)
Public, ”personal [authentic] library” library
Two or three sort (30’) interview about ex-prostituate, gay person’sright or, how I
discovered I am not the regular one, I have no sexual interest/ desire or someting else
Questions (!!!, evet he teacher / leader do a few to initiating: be the group personal-like, not
Ending –closing menaingful slogans (only 10’)
 disseminatinon of knowledge, attitudes
By elder, maturated (mentally, and the age about 15-20 year old) more expert students
leading activites about other schools less lecture more non-formal education
Instructions, and professional, organizer students… and + 3-5 valunteers (to arrange space,
food, etc.)
for 10 (!) – 14 years old students. ’Cause more learned/ more educated just a little bit elder
students for other studenst are more authentic.
© Norbert Nepomuk Dunkel
2014 28. October, Debrecen, Hungary