sturgis rider daily - Sturgis Buffalo Chip
sturgis rider daily - Sturgis Buffalo Chip
OF 68 Thursday Aug. 7, 2014 Train Pop Evil Pistol Day Parade Sturgis Sturgis Local Weather Thursday 8/7 Friday 8/8 Saturday 8/9 Don’t Miss Freedom Celebration Page 1 & 2 Hillclimb in the Black Hills Page 14 Today’s Bike Show Rat’s Hole Show Page 10 Today’s Ride Freedom Celebration Ride Page 4 Sturgis Buffalo Chip’s Wolfman Jack Stage Tonight 10:30pm...........Train 8:30pm.............Pop Evil 7:00pm.............Pistol Day . Parade Tomorrow 10:30pm...........Cheap Trick 8:30pm.............The Pretty Reckless 7:00pm.............Sweet Cyanide Rider ® Daily It’s Freedom Celebration Day! Forces combine for the best one yet A field of flags, a wall of tribute, a battlefield cross: all reminders of the precious freedom we enjoy in America. But freedom isn’t a stagnant concept, it has a pulse, a very strong one. You can tap into the pulse of freedom today – and send your own racing, too – at the Buffalo Chip’s Freedom Celebration and Ride. In the prior 23 years of the Chip’s Freedom Celebration, there’s never been a day like this. There’s so much happening: An escorted ride, recognitions, dignitaries, music, and a chance for all of us to express gratitude to military men and women everywhere, both the prominent personalities and the everyday heroes who walk among us and have served us so well. It kicks off Spearfish with the first ever Freedom Celebration Ride to benefit veteran’s organizations (See details, page 4.) The ride arrives at the Buffalo Chip CrossRoads, for a catered reception, group photo and brief program—still leaving in time to see the Veteran’s Memorial Wall or check out the Rat’s Hole Show and the entertainment the CrossRoads has on offer. As evening approaches the majestic Budweiser Clydesdales will parade through the field of 800 flags, bringing General Wesley Clark, (ret.) and other special guests into the Chip’s amphitheater for the evening’s concerts and presentations (campground admission pass required). It’s certain to be quite a spectacle and the ultimate photo op. Music from Pistol Day Parade and Pop Evil starts at 7:00 followed by the USAF Academy’s Wild Blue Country performing the National Anthem. The celebration ramps up with special presentations and remarks from General Clark, who rose to the rank of four-star general following a distinguished 34-year military career and continues to speak, write and promote efforts that benefit military veterans. “General Clark’s dauntless military service is inspiring and will bring a heightened level of patriotism to the event,” said Rod Woodruff, Buffalo Chip President. “We are grateful to have such brave and outstanding heroes attending Continued on Page 2 Sturgis PAge 2 our celebration, helping us to honor all veterans and their families.” The Buffalo Chip will present the Bob Hanson Distinguished Service Award, designed to recognize a serviceman or veteran who has shown outstanding valor. In fact several individuals will be honored this year. And through the efforts of Red Bull, Wells Fargo and Homes 4 Wounded Heroes a mortgagefree home will be presented to one veteran. (See sidebar for this year’s recipients.) When headliner Train takes the stage at 10:30, they’ll have a tough act to follow. As you can imagine, organizing an event of this scope and impact nearly amounts to a full-scale military operation in itself, but according to Buffalo Chip President Rod Woodruff, the Chip family can’t do enough to show appreciation for our military men and women. Rider Daily Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 “We have great appreciation of the heritage created for us by this country’s Founding Fathers,” he said. “Ours is a national heritage of freedom, honor, pride and courage that has been the envy of the world. No one understands the meaning and the costs of that birthright more than this country’s military service veterans and their families. We’re simply trying to do our part to give everyone a chance to reflect, to celebrate our freedoms and, hopefully, recommit to their preservation.” Riders who have been at the Buffalo Chip’s Freedom Celebration in the past say it’s not only the best day of the entire Sturgis Rally but it’s the major reason they return every year. Be there and you’ll see why! It promises to be a day for remembering that’s one to remember. Freedom Celebration Welcomes Dignitaries General Wesley Clark leads the list of heroes and guests There’s a large and impressive slate of special guests for the Freedom Celebration this year. It includes five individual recipients of the Bob Hanson Distinguished Service Award (denoted by *), and many others who have served our country honorably or work tirelessly to care for and honor our veterans. The list includes: General Wesley Clark, (ret.) Four-Star General, Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO, 1997 to 2000, Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient. Dorothy Woods, widow of Retired Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, killed in the 2012 Benghazi attack. Art of the Lakota & More Jason Redman,* retired Navy SEAL wounded in combat and author of The Trident. He is founder of Wounded Wear, which provides combat veteran amputees with specially fitted clothing, and Jumping for a Purpose, allowing wounded veterans to skydive. Marine Master Sgt. William "Spanky" Gibson* (ret) became the first above-the- knee American amputee to return to combat. Kimberly Dozier,* contributing editor to “The Daily Beast”, an AP correspondent severely injured by a IED explosion which killed her military escort and film crew in Iraq. She is the author of Breathing Fire: Fighting to Survive and Get Back to the Fight. Richard Marcinko,* Retired Navy SEAL Commander and Vietnam War Veteran, the first commanding officer of SEAL Team 6 and Red Cell and author of the Rouge Warrior series of books. Rep. Louie Gohmert, Republican U.S. Representative from Texas's First Congressional District. Debbie Lee,* mother of 2nd Class Petty Officer Marc Lee, the first Navy SEAL killed in action in Iraq, and Founder of Americas Mighty Warriors a respite/retreat for veterans located in Arizona. Bob Hanson, WWII army veteran, severely wounded in France and held captive in a German prisoner of war camp for 4 years. Going strong at 95, Bob is a rancher, blacksmith, cowboy, craftsman and war hero. The “Bob Hanson Distinguished Service Award” is named for him. *Denotes 2014 recipients of the Bob Hanson Distinguished Service Awards. Within our historical building you’ll find the finest collection of Plains Indian Arts, Crafts and Jewelry, plus Pine Art and Prints, Glassware, Pottery, Toys, an incredible selection of Native American and Pioneer Books, Tapes, CDs, Videos, Out-of-Print Collector Books and unique Craft Supplies. Prairie edge 605-342-3086 • 606 Main Street, Rapid City • [email protected] Open 7 Days a Week Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 5 Minutes with Led Sled’s Pat Patterson Sturgis Rider So you’re the Sportster guy, right? It’s pretty much what I’ve always done and what I’ve specialized in. I enjoy building any kind of bike but our forte’ is Sportsters for sure. Sportsters used to be called girl’s bikes; how’d you made them cool? I had always tinkered with my own bike, a ‘93 Sportster. Being broke and wishing there was something cool out there for my own bike just made me keep being creative with what I had. I never realized Sportsters were gonna be popular bikes down the road; they definitely weren’t popular then. When did you feel like people finally started respecting Sportsters? It was cool when I actually started getting credit for having a Sportster. I remember after building the Impaler: dudes who know a whole lot about motorcycles who had seen the bike for months saw it and said holy crap that’s a Sportster?” And I said, “Dude I thought you knew that!” That’s when I kind of thought maybe we were doing something pretty cool. It gets back to stereotypes like we were talking about. We were building cool Sportsters that weren’t just Sportsters anymore, they were cool motorcycles. People were just enjoying them as motorcycles. They’d first see the bike and say it was cool, then once they realized it was a Sportster they couldn’t go back and put their foot in their mouth after they’d drooled all over it. When you look at Baggers with 30” wheels what do you think? Baggers and Sportsters they’re pretty much at opposite ends of the Harley world. I have a Baggers Mag hat from Jeff Holt and I wear it for contrast sometimes. But at the end of the day I think a lot of people just like to look at cool motorcycles. Instead of being so critical I just try to look around and appreciate other stuff. Maybe that big wheel bagger isn’t something I want to ride myself but I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to jump on one and take a cruise around the block to see what it was like. You should ride everything just to get a feel for it. That’s open-minded! Well, variety is what makes the world go round. There’s more important stuff out there to be super judgmental about other than people’s taste in motorcycles. It’s all a big melting pot of bikers and motorcycles as far as I’m concerned. So you don’t pick your friends based on what they ride? I can hang out and run with a guy who has a big crazy bagger. If we’re buds, I can roll with him just the same as I roll with a dude on a Captain America chopper. It’s all about the attitude and who the dude is. But don’t you think people choose a bike that matches their personality? To a certain extent stereotyping, as horrible as it is, persists and you can say that the style of the motorcycle portrays the attitude of the rider for most bikers. But you can’t take that to heart every time. You have to give everyone a chance to just hang out. Maybe people change how and what they ride at different times. Look, I’m not a golfer by any means but I tell people that riding motorcycles is almost like golf. There’s a club for every type of motorcycling. You’ve got bar hopping, you’ve got traveling, If you could draw a picture of a caddy with a bag of nine motorcycles and you could be like: which bike are you gonna take for this trip to CA? I think I’ll do the dresser without the big front wheel. You know Rick Fairless is an avid golfer, right? Yeah, it would be really sweet if he had a tie die shirt with a collar on it to get into the big golf clubs (laughs). I think Alice Cooper is a big golfer too. Led Sled has been around about 10 years. You went into business at a challenging time. We started when it was really tough. It couldn’t get any worse for me because I started the shop when I was super broke. So I figured I couldn’t make any mistakes since I was already broke. The only place I had to go was up. I felt like I was doing something I needed to be doing. What’s coming next for Led Sled? Things have been moving really crazy. Big things are in the offing that could expand our line with some really cool parts with history to them. I’ve never done things by wondering how profit was gonna be or if it was worth it The enjoyment of learning how to do more is what drives me. I don’t have the typical business mind. I’m just street smart enough to know what’s practical and what’s gonna work. How’s the ’34 Ford hotrod? It’s awesome. Back when I started the shop that car was my daily driver. That thing’s been driven to Chicago, Louisville, KY, West Virginia, to Cleveland. I haven’t had time to maintain it so just a couple months ago, my buddy who helped me build it got laid off, and I asked him to take it and fix it up. Since he dropped it off it runs better than when it was brand new. I’m super excited about that. And we’re gonna be building a ’29 Ford sedan. Did you know I got Lichter’s old truck? It’s a ‘62 or ‘64 Ford. It’s the truck he drove when he was in college, and it still has the hat rack in it and the H-D sticker in the window he put there in ‘68. It’s patina’d real nice and I’m just gonna drive it. It’s just a sweet Colorado truck, a real cowboy truck. One last question: Is the beard real? I had a beard before Duck Dynasty made beards cool. Daily PAge 3 PAge 4 Sturgis Rider Daily Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 Inaugural Freedom Celebration Ride Ride for a reason at the rally The first ever Freedom Celebration Ride to benefit veteran’s organizations starts in Spearfish the morning of Thursday, August 7. Sponsored by the City of Spearfish, riders meet and register starting at 10:00 AM on Spearfish Main Street to enjoy the town’s shops, restaurants and amenities, followed by a concert featuring the USAF Academy’s country-rock band, Wild Blue Country at 1:00 PM. There’s a group picture then the ride leaves soon after, led by Jason Redman, retired Navy SEAL, author and philanthropist. After covering the scenic high plains and foothills north of the Black Hills riders arrive at the Buffalo Chip CrossRoads where they’ll have time to visit with participating celebrities, dignitaries and authors, not to mention take a gander at the famed Rat’s Hole Bike Show on site that day. Enjoy a catered reception and brief program, and take part in the group photo at the Buffalo Chip’s Field of Flags. Your ride donation of $50 benefits Wounded Wear/Jumping for a Purpose, Navy Special Warfare Kids, America’s Mighty Warriors and the Community Living Center at Fort Meade VA Medical Center. The Freedom Ride is just the beginning of a day filled with opportunities to show gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy and express appreciation to America’s military veterans who make it possible. It’s a small measure that’s much deserved and promises to be an inspiring day. Ride Schedule In Spearfish 10 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Parking on Spearfish Main Street and Registration, 1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. USAF Academy’s country-rock band, Wild Blue Country performs. Program and remarks from dignitaries 1:30 p.m. Group photo on Spearfish Main Street 1:45 p.m. Freedom Celebration Ride leaves for the Buffalo Chip At the Buffalo Chip and CrossRoads 3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Live music at the CrossRoads 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Program at the CrossRoads. dignitaries, reception and book signings 7:00 p.m. Budweiser Clydesdale Freedom Parade 10:00 p.m. Buffalo Chip main stage: USAF Academy’s Wild Blue Country performs the National Anthem, presentation of the Bob Hansen Distinguished Service Award, proceeds of ride presented to beneficiaries, mortgage-free home given to a wounded U.S. military veteran, remarks from General Wesley Clark, (ret.). Sturgis Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 Rider Devil’s Tower Riding Time Four Hours Total Distance = 181 miles Begins and ends at the Buffalo Chip Highlights: Boulder Canyon, Deadwood, Lead, Wyoming Black Hills and Devil’s Tower Skill Level: Moderate The Devil’s Tower ride is one of those rides many visitors to the Black Hills don’t take and they miss an amazing array of scenery in both Wyoming and South Dakota. This ride is a loop that starts and ends at the Buffalo Chip, taking you through two states and six highway changes. It will introduce you to the Western Black Hills. Head west on Hwy 14A (Boulder Canyon out of Sturgis) and pick up Hwy 85 South, just before Deadwood, as it joins Hwy 14A. In the first 50 miles, you will go through Deadwood and Lead, original Black Hills mining towns rich in Gold Rush history. Warning: There are several hills with 7% grade between Lead and Cheyenne Crossing preceded by straights that begin and end with massive curves. It is best to keep your speed down in this area. Cheyenne Crossing puts you at about 30-minutes and 25 miles into the ride. You’ll cross O’Neil Pass (elevation 6,785), a popular winter snowmobiling area. In 15 more miles you’ll cross the Wyoming state line and reach Four Corners. The riding is easy here and you can make some time. Fifty miles into this ride, you will join Hwy 585 at Four Corners which will be the route General Custer took coming into the Black Hills in 1874. The 28 miles to Sundance is an enjoyable stretch of road lined with trees and mile-long meadows. Eighty miles into the trip you will cross under I-90 just before reaching Sundance. Hwy 585 ends in Sundance, so turn left on Hwy 14W and follow the signs to Devil’s Tower. You will reach the Devil’s Tower junction (Hwy 24) in 12 miles. In six more miles (about 2 1/2 hours into the ride) you will see “The Tower” looming 1,250 feet above the Belle Fourche River. Referred to by Indians as “Mateo Tepee,” or Grizzly Bear Lodge, Devil’s Tower was named the Nation’s first National Monument in 1906. Considered an important landmark in Tribal narratives, the dramatic and alluring character of The Tower evokes a sense of wonder to all who witness its grandeur. The Tower today rises above the grasslands and ponderosa pine forests as it did centuries ago to passing trappers, mountain men, gold rushers and Plains Indians. Exit the Monument on Hwy 24 and you’ll pass through Hulett and Alva. The highways in this area of Wyoming are made with gravel that is iron rich in minerals giving it a reddish color. This mixture is also softer and it is not unusual for a dusty residue to be on the roadway, especially near driveways and intersecting gravel roads. The South Dakota state line is just a few more miles further on Hwy 24, shortly after Aladdin. The Aladdin General Store is a popular stopping place and during the riding season you always see bikes parked in front. After 143 miles you will re-enter South Dakota where WY Hwy 24 turns into SD Hwy 34. Belle Fourche (pronounced “bell foosh”) comes up in seven more miles, where you turn right on Hwy 85, and connect with I-90 in nine miles. Take I-90 past Spearfish and Whitewood and on into Sturgis at Exit 34, which is Lazelle Street, through town and 3 miles east you’ll see the giant flag and buffalo sculpture welcoming you back home. Daily PAge 5 TOMRAU.COM 605.341.4300 CELL 605.390.2735 Black Hills Motorcycle Rides by Paul Mitchell is a concise yet detailed guide written by a veteran rider and writer. http://www. Copies are available at the Buffalo Chip CrossRoads in the Chamber of Commerce trailer. Images by Paul Mitchell and South Dakota Department of Tourism. DWI • DRUGS • CRIMINAL LAW Do you need legal advice? Do you need someone to fight for you? Call: 605-716-4968 1719 W. Main Street, Suite 307 • Rapid City Experience the Magic! • Own one of the most special and private locations in the Black Hills located within minutes of Rapid City! • Spectacular and panoramic views of Spring Creek Canyon and over 138 acres for private hiking and horseback riding!! • The original living area of the main lodge was built in the early 1900’s constructed of local felled logs including actual log jamming and stone fireplaces from petrified wood and local stones! • The main lodge encompasses over 10,000 finished sq.ft. with modem additions and updates throughout! • The main lodge has five bedrooms including an expansive master suite with a dream walk-in closet and dressing area, custom travertine tiled master bath with double vanities, heated floor, fireplace, steam shower and whirlpool with a private family room and deck nearby with hot tub!! • The four additional bedrooms are located in a private wing with two tiled baths, TV area and private kitchen area! • The two bedroom guest cabin with kitchen is located conveniently nearby providing private and romantic setting for your special guests! • Custom Kitchen including granite countertops, Viking appliances and formal dining area overlooking Spring Creek! • Four car attached garage with a separate Barn/work shop with 6 car lower storage! • Custom built attached pool house with a private bar and fireplace! • For more information on this beautiful property contact Torn today on MLS#116635. • Priced at $1,995,000. Virtual tour at!! PAge 6 Sturgis Rider TORC Results Bikers got the word and headed to the Buffalo Chip PowerSports Complex Wednesday. In the TORC Pro 2 race Keegan Kincaid, son of Pro 2 racer Jeff Kincaid, earned his first-ever Pro 2 race win, topping class points leader CJ Greaves for the top step of the podium. In Pro 4, Johnny Greaves returned to his accustomed position atop the podium after putting his Monster Energy machine at the front of the pack early in the race. Tuesday’s race winner, Mark Jenkins, took runner-up honors with Scott Douglas and his AMSOIL ride rounding out the top three. Finally, in PRO Light, it was a flip of the Pro 2 race with CJ Greaves holding off a hard-charging Keegan Kincaid for the victory. Tuesday’s winner, Jerett Brooks, finished third. Fans can follow TORC on TORC and on Twitter and Instagram at @TORCOffRoad. Photos by Chris Yashta. Buffalo Chip Goes Global It was a spectacle on the Chip’s main stage last night as well-known Chinese actor Li Chen took delivery of a Jesse James custom motorcycle from the man himself. Li Chen, fabulously famous in his home country, was pleased to get a taste of authentic biker lifestyle at the Buffalo Chip. Look for more international visitors to discover what the rest of already know: the Chip is the best party anywhere™! Daily Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 Sturgis Rider Daily PAge 7 Victory Owners Party and Ride Celebrating 16 years together as fans of the brand, Victory owners will once again take to the hills—the Black Hills, that is. If you ride any model Victory motorcycle you’re invited to meet at the Lodge at Deadwood today to at 2:00 PM to meet friends old and new, followed by a group photo and self-guided group ride through striking canyon scenery. Riders reconvene at the Buffalo Chip’s Russ Brown Event Center to peruse the Motorcycles as Art show and enjoy a reception from 5:00 to 8:00 PM with complimentary food and beverages, and cash bar. Such is the enthusiasm for these motorcycles, Victory owners rides are notoriously well attended. Special guests are sure to turn up, too. Better still, this is the day when the winner of the Sturgis Rider Sweepstakes will be announced and it will happen on the Wolfman Jack stage between performances by Pop Evil and Train. The custom Cory Ness Victory 8-Ball with matching Epiphone guitar will ride one lucky winner home. (separately purchased concert ticket required.) This event is for Victory riders only. Preregistration is necessary and can be accessed at REPORTING FOR GRILLING ALL WEEK NEXT TO COME SEE General Wesley Clark at The Buffalo Chip on Thursday Night Follow us on PAge 8 Sturgis Rider Daily Biker Battleground Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 With History Channel cameras rolling—at the Crossroads in the day and the Buffalo Chip’s Main stage after dark—Biker Battleground Phoenix, the drama-laced custom bagger show that goads builders to out-do each other, reached a pinnacle. All five builders brought their over-the-top customs to the Crossroads for an unveiling, then celebrity judges moved in to scrutinize. The builders: Brian Jenkins, Kody McNew, Len Edmondson, John Shope and Paul Yaffe next appeared on the Wolfman Jack stage for the announcement: John Shope’s Dirty Bird Custom was chosen as the winner. The episode shot here in Sturgis will appear as the program’s season finale on the History Channel. Photos by Jordan Axtman and Rachel Omps. Rider Daily Len Edmondson Kody McNew John Shope Brian Jenkins PAge 9 Paul Yaffe Last Night’s Concert >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Country duo Florida Georgia Line and their band got the crowd jamming in the Chip amphitheater, before ZZ Top’s took the stage. Photo by Aaron Packard. Sturgis Too cool and old school, that’s ZZ Top. The boys from Texas were in prime form on the Buffalo Chip’s Wolfman Jack stage last night. They never disappoint! Photo by Jordan Axtman. Jeremiah James Korfe, winner of the Big Sturgis Gig, rocked loud and proud with a solid country vibe and strong performance. Photo by Aaron Packard. Sturgis PAge 10 Rider The Rat’s Hole Show Daily THE place to see and be seen It’s the longest running custom motorcycle show in the world and it’s been the springboard that launched dozens, even hundreds, of bike builders’ careers—builders such as Indian Larry, Donnie Smith, Dave Perewitz and Arlen Ness. When Big Daddy Rat Karl Smith established the Rat’s Hole Show in 1973, he intended it to be a showplace for custom craftsmanship. His son Ted has continued the show in that vein. The Rat’s Hole returns to the CrossRoads at the Buffalo Chip today, Thursday, August 7. With the famous Rat’s Hole International Judging Team and 16 classes including the Black Hills Bagger Showdown, you can count on seeing the best bikes in Sturgis at the Rat’s Hole. It’s the one award every owner and builder want: a coveted sculpted Rat Trophy. Best of Show winner takes the trophy on the Wolfman Jack stage this evening just before headliner band Train performs. The show is free to spectators; participants fee is $35. Pre-register online at www. You simply don’t see bikes Two fine examples of Rat’s Hole bikes from last year’s show. like these anywhere else. In its 26th year, it’s the legendary Rat’s Hole Bike Show at the Legendary Buffalo Chip. Rat’s Hole Show Thursday, August 7 Buffalo Chip CrossRoads Entry Fee: $35 Registration Before 10:00 AM Judging & Public Display 10: AM-4:00 PM Awards 5:00 PM Some things get better with age. Kyja Winger proved that by winning the Buffalo Chip’s Sassy & Classy Over 35 Model Search contest at the CrossRoads. Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 Sturgis Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 Moonshine Gluch: A destination The small Black Hills hamlet known as Rochford is 20 miles from Sturgis and has a full-time population of less than 15 people. Still, when the annual rally arrives, Rochford begins to rumble. Like other Western South Dakota cities, this tiny town has become known as a place for bikers to play, away from the big crowds and traffic in Sturgis proper. Each year, the revelry from the rally reverberates far from Sturgis and into places like Rochford, tucked well into the Northern Hills. Other minirallies pop up in a handful of regional towns. But Rochford has one thing those places don’t: the Moonshine Gulch Saloon. Over the years, the rally has drawn people from all across the world to Rochford, said Mike Kohl, who traveled about 800 miles from Appleton, WI, to help saloon owner Betsy Harn cook food on the grill. “I’ve seen people come here from Australia, Germany, Canada — you name it,” said Kohl, who has come to Rochford during the rally for the past eight years. Russ Kerstetter, of Kansas City, has been to the Rider Sturgis rally 15 times and attended the annual party in Rochford the past eight. This year, he came to Rochford on a 2003 HarleyDavidson Fat Boy, arriving with 15 friends to hang out in the town because he prefers places that aren’t on every tourist’s itinerary. “I like the little hole-in-the-wall places that are off the beaten path,” he said. “Small bars in small towns have got more character.” He said it’s more fun to be at a place like the Moonshine Gulch Saloon than some modern, cookie-cutter bar with no soul. The Moonshine Gulch Saloon is the epitome of a simple, yet special, small-town bar in South Dakota. It’s had the same owner for the past 37 years; the food menu is written on a whiteboard above the bar; it had no working air conditioner on Saturday; and it didn’t have beer on tap (instead, most of the brews were served from a cooler on the saloon’s porch.) It does have a lot of friendly people, an inviting atmosphere and the little touches that make the bar feel like it isn’t just a building, but a living entity. Unique features include a signed dollar bill taped StURGiS REal EStatE aUctioN VENDiNG lotS & HoME 4 city lotS total 15,000 sq. ft. w/ 100’ of Lazelle St. vendor frontage x 150’ deep, all zoned for Hwy. Service use. Showings scheduled for 10 am till noon on August 5th and 9 am till start of the Auction on August 7th August 7, 2014 at 10:00 am Date: Thursday, On-Site, 1736 LaZelle St., Sturgis, SD SacoRa StatioN FoR SalE!! 14200 Sturgis Rd. Piedmont, SD Property includes a bar and restaurant with full length western mural on the inside wall, RV sites, well, 17 mobile home spaces (3 owned trailers), shop building and 2 interstate billboards (1 lighted). These are just some of the many features of this Mobile home park and business. There is 842' of Interstate I-90 frontage. Please note: plans are being made to rebuild the Sacora Bar. Call Dave today 605-490-9959! MLS# 45323 $890,000 WEBSITE DOMAIN OF WWW.STURGISRALLY.COM FOR SALE!!! is currently purchased through Go-Daddy and hosted through The seller will assist the purchaser with the transfer of site. Included in the sale is the current website content. The site is a WordPress website. Site has not been blacklisted and does not have any negative history associated with it. David Wilson, Auctioneer/Broker • (605) 490-9959 RT Shaw, Broker Associate • (605) 490-1176 Chad Grahek, Broker Associate • (605) 391-5906 990 Main Street, Sturgis SD • (605) 347-7579 Visit for complete information Daily PAge 11 to the back of the bar about 15 years ago and the collection of baseball caps that hang from a wall. Bikers mingle with regulars and seem to have a blast. On the porch, old-timers swap stories about past rides, while others were inside waving their brews in the air and singing along to a spontaneous rendition of Jimmy Buffet’s “Margaritaville” by guitarist Donald Bachmeier, who has been coming from St. Paul, MN, to the Moonshine Gulch for the past 15 years. At one point, Kerstetter formed a smiley face in the middle of the road by performing a burnout on his 2003 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy, drawing applause from the crowd. “Bikers are the nicest, coolest people in world,” Kohl said. “I’ve seen one cranky guy in the past seven years.” There are plenty of places and parties across the Hills and beyond for people who want to enjoy the rally without staying in Sturgis the whole week. There’s the Custer County Fair in Hermosa that runs from Thursday to Sunday, the Street Dance in Belle Fourche on Thursday, the slightly larger Ham N Jam in Hulett, WY, and dozens of other events for people interested in exploring the small towns throughout the region. The Moonshine Gulch in Rochford is one of several places where mini-rallies pop up. A biker used his wheels to make a happy face in the road. Sturgis PAge 12 Rider The Bob Hanson Distinguished Service Award Daily Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 Military Hero Inspires Annual Service Tribute In some cases “hero “ seems too small a word. This is one of them. So in an effort to more tangibly recognize South Dakota war veteran, rancher and craftsman Bob Hanson, the Buffalo Chip this year has established and named an award in his honor. The Bob Hanson Distinguished Service Award is the Chip’s inimitable way of honoring those who have set themselves apart through their fortitude, sacrifice and patriotism while also creating a tribute to Hanson, an exceptional man of courage and grace. In the past, the Buffalo Chip has conferred recognitions on deserving individuals such as Senator John McCain, Colonel Steve Ritchie, Bob Woodruff, Retired Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods and Former Navy SEAL Glen Doherty. Now, with the creation of the Bob Hanson Distinguished Service Award, the tradition becomes more firmly framed and a permanent part of the annual Freedom Celebration. Buffalo Chip President Rod Woodruff will present the awards to this year’s honorees on the main stage tonight between performances by Pop Evil and Train. (See story, Page 1) And who, exactly, is Bob Hanson? If you’re on hand tonight, you’ll find out and you’re in for a treat. Bob will be joining us for the Freedom Celebration wearing his WWII Army Cavalry uniform—a uniform that almost still fits, he says. Bob has been a horse trainer, a rancher, a gunsmith, a deputy sheriff, a race jockey, a sharpshooter, and a Vincent Black Shadow Bob Hanson boxer. And yes, he served his country in the armed services when he was called up, during which time he was severely injured when his convoy was struck by a shell, and he fell into enemy hands. He was so badly wounded, he wasn’t closely watched and so managed to get his Colonel released. Bob was held as a prisoner of war for over four years. How did Bob come to the attention of the Buffalo Chip? “I met him when he about 80 or 82, walking down the street in February in Bison, South Dakota, in a short sleeve shirt in 28-degree weather, having just taken care of his thoroughbreds!” said Buffalo Chip President Rod Woodruff. At that time Bob was driving to Rapid City twice a week for night classes, based on the premise: you’re never too old to learn “He never has a negative word,” said Woodruff. “Where do you meet a guy like that? He’s the embodiment of resolute spirit and indomitable will.” Today, at 93 years young the South Dakota native still does blacksmithing, builds branding pots he designed himself, and collects unusual cowboy items. And now, he’s also the namesake of a distinguished service award, a fact that feels just right. “I think he’s pretty proud of it,” said Woodruff.” For our part at the Chip, it’s pretty cool to have the chance to honor someone like Bob.” After purchasing the HRD company in 1928, Philip Vincent added the name to his own line of motorcycles. As an inventor and engineer, Mr. Vincent produced some very innovative designs during his career, and bikes carrying the Vincent HRD logo were known for their quality construction, and high prices. It was the latter that would lead to the company’s demise in 1955. Postwar Vincents looked a bit odd, as though all the individual components were bolted to each other rather than to a skeletal frame, which they were. But most important to buyers was that Vincents were the fastest bikes of their day. In 1949, a high-performance version of the Rapide joined the line. Called the Series C Black Shadow, it had black-painted engine cases and was even faster than the Rapide, and today is one of the most coveted classic motorcycles in the world. This particular Black Shadow has a rich history. It was brand new when Leo Splinter bought it. He actually owned a 1950 Indian Chief and ordered a brand new 1952 Chief – however, Indian workers had gone on strike and there was no expected delivery date for the new Chief. So, the Indian field representative for the Mankato, Minnesota area talked Leo into ordering a Vincent – which Indian was importing at that time. That same year, Leo and a friend rode from their home in Minnesota to Sturgis where they spent the weekend enjoying the races and even went to the dance in downtown Sturgis. Leo spent two years in Korea in 1953 and 1954, but upon his return, he and a couple of friends took their bikes to Daytona for Bike Week in 1955. He and two friends spent days on the road in some pretty nasty weather conditions to make the trip. They planned to make 500 miles a day in order to get to their destination in time for the races they planned to attend. They had a great time in Daytona, but the trip back proved to be not as good. The Black Shadow broke down in Alexandria, Louisiana, and Leo ended up leaving it there and riding with his friend until the weather kept them from riding any further (somewhere in Iowa). They took a bus back home, and returned to pick up the Vincent a week later. Later that same year, Leo married his wife Phyllis – and the two of them took the Vincent with them on their honeymoon. Leo and Phyllis and their sons still own this bike, which has been on display in the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame since 2003. Visit the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame At the corner of Junction and Main in Sturgis Open 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM during the Rally See the Museum’s Women Rider Exhibit at the Buffalo Chip Russ Brown Event Center, located at the Chip’s east gate. Free and open to the public all week. No ticket or wristband needed. Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 Top 5 Sturgis Rider Daily PAge 13 Bike Cleaning & Preparation Tips Chris Callen, Editor in Chief, Cycle Source Magazine 1. For greasy old Pans, Knuckles, and Shovels, I put straight kerosene in a spray bottle and use it like simple green cleaner. Spray it on and let it soak. It takes off grease & dirt. 2. For painted parts I use Wizards products. Mist & Shine is hands down the best quick polish for a lazy bastard, like me, that doesn’t ever wash his bike. 3. For chrome, a quick easy way to shine it up is Windex. 4. The kerosene in the spray bottle is also good for tire cleanup. If it’s towards the end of the week, you can use your toothbrush. 5. To keep annoying water spots off your bike after a wash, I prescribe a 120 mph blast. Chip TV Spokesmodel Cat Chassis interviews builder and gunsmith Jesse James. free motorcycle ride maps! As easy as 1-2-3! Follow these 3 simple steps and be on your way to finding exclusive local deals, offers and events! Search for “Black Hills to Go” in the iTunes APP Store or Google Play Store. Google Play Store Inducted yesterday to the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame were: (left to right) Jesse Jurrens, Keith Terry, Deb Chandler, Paul Yaffe, Clyde Fessler, Bonnie Truett, and Jay Lightnin Bentley. Learn more about them all at Install Black Hills to Go APP for FREE! iTunes Download APP before August 15 and be entered to win $100! Brought to you by Sturgis PAge 14 Rider Nitro National Hillclimbs Return to Rally It’s high-flying, straight-up racing action Racers who compete in the North American Hillclimbers Association (NAHA) are tenacious types, and they have to be. NAHA hillclimb courses aren’t for the faint of heart. NAHA events are held primarily in the western U.S. on unforgiving terrain, the kind of ungroomed uphill courses that take no prisoners. As the association’s website explains, “This style of hillclimbing differs from the typical style in the eastern states where the hills tend to be highly groomed, faster terrain.” This means spectators at the Buffalo Chip’s new PowerSports Complex (PSC) this year will see the hillclimbing equivalent of hand-to-hand combat in the war of man and machine vs. seemingly impossible uphill angles—the kind of battlefields that only exist in the NAHA. Be among the spectators at the new PSC this Thursday and Friday to witness bike and rider flying through the dirt on their way to the top of the Chip’s rugged 300-foot course. Hillclimb is the oldest of all motorcycle sports, the original extreme sport, and you have to admire both the courage of these fearless racers and their dedication when they must dust themselves off to try again. Just last year this competition drew national attention when it was featured on CMT. You can witness it live this year, right here at the Rally. All events at the Buffalo Chip PowerSports Complex are open to the public and separately ticketed. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit Advance tickets are $20 each for Hillclimbs. Nitro National “Rumble in the Hill” Pro Hillclimb Thursday, August 7 and Friday, August 8, 4:30 PM Buffalo Chip PowerSports Complex Daily Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 Sturgis Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 Rider Trike Riders Rule Trike owners on the TOUR Ride yesterday turned out in numbers large enough to beat last year’s total in spite of the weather. “That tells us next year will be even bigger,” said Roadsmiths’ Kirk Rush. Rush credits the Hill City Chamber of Commerce for rolling out the red carpet and the Buffalo Chip for hosting the ride’s arrival. And those hardy trike riders! Photos by Aaron Packard. S R TU GIS BU FFA LO C H IP’ S® presented by TRIKE OWNERS UNITED RIDE™ Daily PAge 15 PAge 16 Ultimate Builder Show Results The J&P Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show took place yesterday in Sturgis and the competition drew a great variety of bikes in four classes. Winners took home prizes provided by the show sponsors. Take a look at the first place winners and see more at Retro Mod: Dennis Crabtree Sturgis Rider Daily Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 List Lust 25 Most Obscure Sports in the World by David Pegg Freestyle: T.D. Ward Eric Powell: Radical Bagger Modified Harley: Kings Custom There’s still time to get to the Motorcycles as Art show in the Russ Brown Event Center at the Buffalo Chip’s east gate. Curated by Michael Lichter and Paul D’Orleans, the theme this year is “Built for Speed— Race Inspired Motorcycles and Art.” The eclectic collection of custom motorcycles come from a wide range of builders in the US and abroad. The motorcycles are accompanied by distinctive artwork that exhibits a motorhead vibe. It’s an inspiring way to spend an hour and it’s an easy walk from most anywhere in the campground. Admission is free. 25. Bo-taoshi (Japanese for “pole pulldown) 24. Extreme Ironing 23. Ga-ga Ball 22. Cheese Rolling 21. Snow Polo 20. Kaninhop (Bunny Jumping) 19. Underwater Hockey (Octopush) 18. Roller Derby 17. Man vs. Horse 16. Bog Snorkeling 15. Cardboard Tube Dueling 14. Bellyflopping 13. Moustache Growing 12. Chess Boxing 11. Buzkashi (involves a headless goat) 10. Pesapallo (Finnish Baseball) 9. Ferret Legging 8. Toe Wresting 7. Mountain Unicycling 6. Kite Tubing 5. Bossaball 4. Camel Wrestling 3. Wife Carrying 2. Quidditch 1. Shin Kicking
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