Newsletter - The Toynbee School
Newsletter - The Toynbee School
Newsletter October 2013 In this issue: School Information The Toynbee Bake Off Numeracy Challenge National Recognition Marks Literacy Focus Awards and Trips PTA Events Sports Reports Dear Parents We have had an incredible start to the term. I have been absolutely delighted with how pupils have responded to the new uniform. I am sure you agree they look incredibly smart and this is already having a huge impact on behaviour, attitude and motivation. As with all times of change there are a few tiny points to iron out but we are determined to ensure pupils are following our new guidance. I thought I would share with you the comments of a number of members of our local community – “I would like to congratulate you on Toynbee Schools new uniform. I think your students look incredibly smart and do the school proud”. “My granddaughter looks extremely smart in her uniform. It is lovely to see pupils walking out of the school grounds with pride with the way they look”. The school has recently undergone a two day local authority inspection. A significant number of lessons were observed and the Hampshire County Council inspectors found that 85% of lessons in the school were good or better. The Leadership team jointly observed with the county representatives. We were delighted with the depth and pace of learning and the exemplary behaviour shown by our pupils. I would like to thank all the staff and our wonderful pupils for all the hard work that went into open mornings and evenings. The school was busier than ever and I received many positive comments about the vibrancy of the school, the smartness of the pupils and how impressed future parents were of the facilities and learning. We are particularly delighted that the County Council refurbishment of all our Science labs is now complete and that we have first class facilities for a department which got the best exam results in its history last year. I look forward to seeing you all at coming events and I am extremely excited about the PTA Christmas Fayre on 22nd December and the Carol Service on 05th December 2013. Matthew Longden - Headteacher Important School Information Parent Portal Lost Property An apology about the Parent Portal. Whilst this is still functioning for parents in years 8 to 11, a planned upgrade has prevented us from rolling use out to our Year 7 parents. We seem to have attracted more lost property than ever in the first month of term! Whilst we will always return named items to their owners, an incredible amount of new and quite valuable items are handed in without any form of labelling. Please help us to help you by naming as many items of school uniform and equipment as possible. Payments To School When making a payment to school by cheque, please write your child’s name, tutor group and the activity on the reverse of the cheque. Thank you. Alternatively, why not pay online – if you haven’t registered your child’s pupil link code yet (or have lost it and need a re-advice or help), please ring our Network Manager, Steve Smith, on 02380 269026 Ext 111. Free School Meals May we take this opportunity to remind all parents whose children are not currently in receipt of free schools meals that you are now able to very simply check your eligibility by visiting the web site: and then following the links that lead you to entering your details into the online form that appears. Your application will be given an immediate response and if successful, the school are advised straightaway. This is a good scheme that carries additional benefits such as uniform grants and concessions for Toynbee School activities. If you would like to know more, please phone Mrs Reeves on 02380 269026 Ext 109 who will deal with matters confidentially with you. A fix is being constructed and we hope to launch just after half-term. If year 8 to 11 parents have forgotten or lost log in details, please ring our Network Manager, Steve Smith, on 02380 269026 Ext 111. Voluntary Support Fund (VSF) A huge thank-you to everyone who has made donations to the VSF (especially parents of our new Year 7’s who have contributed over £800 so far). This fund receives entirely voluntary donations to the school from any source and for any amount and the money received helps to pay for special one-off projects that inevitably occur during the course of a school year. The current fund will be used to replace two big mirrors in the Dance Studio very shortly. If you would like to make a donation of any amount to the VSF (and we would stress that there is absolutely no obligation to do so), please put a cheque payable to Toynbee School in an envelope addressed to our Bursar (Bob Dyer) and hand in to Reception. Please write pupil name, tutor group and ‘VSF’ on the back of the cheque. Unfortunately we cannot offer online payment for this. Thank you. Contact Details Have you moved house, changed email address or got a new mobile number over the summer? If so, have you let us have the new details? It is important that we have up to date details for every parent / guardian in case we need to contact you urgently. If you need to give us a change of information or if simply wish to check that we are holding the right details either email [email protected] or ring Mrs Theresa Morris on 02380 269026 Ext 110 Parent Governor Vacancy Toynbee recognise for Teaching & Learning for second year. Thank you for your responses. The ballot papers that you submitted have now been verified and counted and we are delighted to announce that Neil Williams (father of Chloe in Year 7) was successful. He joins the Governing Body having received 81 % of the votes cast. The Geography Department has been awarded the Secondary Geography Quality Mark for the second time. This award recognises excellence in teaching and learning in Geography. We are one of only sixty schools across the country to be awarded the Quality Mark in 2013, and one of two schools to be awarded this accreditation for the third time Key Dates for your Diary 16 Oct Year 9 Solent Skills Quest (am) 28 Oct Half term 12 Nov Fair Trade Year 8 PDL Day (all day) 22 Nov PTA Xmas Fayre (19.00) 27 Nov Year 8 parents Evening (16.15) 03 Dec Presentation Evening (19.00 Sports Hall) 05 Dec Carol Service Chandlers Ford Methodist Church (19.00) 12 Dec Inset Day 20 Dec Last day of term Toynbee on Twitter Keep up to date with what is happening at Toynbee on a daily basis at the touch of your phone! Follow us on twitter! Main School: @Toynbeeschool English Department: @Toynbee English History Department: @History_Toynbee PE Department: @ToynbeePE Music Department: @Toynbee Music Toynbee Achieves Silver Sporting Kitemark. Toynbee's excellent sporting provision across the community, curriculum, after school clubs and sports leadership skills development programme has rewarded the school with a Silver Kitemark. The Sainsbury’s School Games Kitemark is owned and created by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and is implemented and developed by the Youth Sport Trust. The Kitemark rewards school for their commitment too and the development of school sport and competition. It was first launched in June 2012 via the Sainsbury’s School Games website and the Kitemark is graded gold, silver or bronze. Only a few schools nationally have received a Gold award. The Great Toynbee Bake Off! Students in Year 7, 8 and 9 have been battling it out to see who can be ‘star baker’ in Toynbee’s version of the very popular TV series; The Great British Bake Off. A variety of skills and techniques will need to be mastered in order to achieve the perfect bake! Who will the judges pick??...... Thursday Year 7 Schedule Wednesday Year 8 and 9 Schedule 19th Signature cake 18th September Signature cake 26th September Technical Swiss roll 27th September Technical Swiss roll 10th October Signature bread sticks 2nd October Signature bread sticks 17th October Technical naan bread 16th October Technical naan bread 24th October Signature decorated biscuits 23rd October Signature decorated biscuits 7th November Technical jammy biscuits 6th November Technical jammy biscuits 14th November Signature tart (sweet or savoury) 13th November Signature tart (sweet or savoury) 21st November Technical mini bakewell tarts 20th November Technical mini bakewell tarts 28th November Signature pudding 4th December Signature pudding 5th December Technical strudel 18th December Technical strudel September Year 7 PDL Day a great success! On 30th September, Year 7 had their first PDL day. PDL stands for Personal and Developmental Learning and it allows students to both study learn in a different way. This year’s theme was Fair Trade and the year group spent the morning learning about the history of the slave trade, Human Rights, how Fair Trade works and its importance to society. They were then set challenges to create a mascot and an advert that could promote the work of Fair Trade and encourage other people to buy Fair Trade products. Each group then had to present to their tutor group and a winner from each tutor group presented to a judging panel and the whole of year 7! The judges said that they were overwhelmed by the work produced and the professionalism of the presentations, but in the end the winners were Katie Cobbett, Megan Lines, Sam Naylor and Max Haslam from 7HW. Congratulations to them – they won some Fair Trade products and the opportunity to have lunch with the Senior Leadership Team to discuss their ideas and how the school can move forward. Congratulations to all year 7 who were exemplary on the day and clearly demonstrated their brilliance, enthusiasm and creative side. Well done Year 10 Photography Students visit Barton Peveril’s College darkroom. On Tuesday 25th June thirteen Year 10 Photography students visited the darkroom at Barton Peveril 6th Form College. Students prepared for the trip by selecting some of their best portrait images inverting them into Photoshop to create paper negatives. They also collected small personal items which reflected their personality so they could create their own photograms on the day. The group had already researched Man Ray and Laszlo Moholy-Nagy in class so were familiar with the concept of Photograms. Students were trusted to use the tanks of chemicals themselves and moved their work between the developer, stop, fixer and wash. They also had the opportunity to make some more experimental work by spraying on developer. This was a particular technique the students really enjoyed. All students came away with some fantastic results to add to their ‘Portraits, People and Personalities’ GCSE project and were able to see examples of A Level work and ask the staff questions about studying Photography at college. A huge thank you to Dee and Dave at Barton Peveril College. Geography News! On Monday 7th October 18 Geographers went to the Berry Theatre to see the Hampshire premier of TRASHED. This film highlighted the effects of our waste on the environment and people around the world. There were shocking examples of birth defects in Vietnam, uncontrolled waste dumping in Lebanon and water pollution in Indonesia Year 7 Geographers had a visit from Giles Gooding from Eastleigh Borough Council during the first week of October. He talked to them about sustainability in the local area and how the council is commited to making Eastleigh more sustainable. Pupils made a climate cloud pledge stating what they will do to reduce their carbon footprint Literacy is big news in Toynbee Reading for pleasure School this year! Every week, students will be introduced to a specific literacy focus during registration time. The same focus will then be revisited and reinforced in every lesson that week, right across the curriculum, through ‘literacy moments’. With a renewed focus on grammatical and spelling skills in all GCSE examinations, it is more important than ever to perfect these skills. Please discuss the literacy focus with your child each week and test their knowledge and skills in this area. This term we will cover the topics detailed below, and you will find resources linked to these areas on our website. Autumn Half Term 1. Back to basics – the most common spelling and punctuation errors. Autumn Half Term 2. Understanding sentences. The benefits of reading for pleasure are well documented. Children who read for pleasure in their spare time perform significantly better at school than other pupils, according to a recent major study into children’s reading habits. As well as the academic benefits, reading takes children to new worlds and fires their imagination and creativity. We are passionate about reading at Toynbee! All students in Years 7 and 8, as well as targeted students in Year 9, will be enrolled onto our Accelerated Reader scheme that Week beginning Focus monitors children’s reading ages, as 9/9/2013 Homophones – there, their, well as providing rewards and they’re incentives for reading. All students 16/9/2013 Homophones – to, too, two / have full access to the extensive book your, you’re 23/9/2013 Homophones – including collection in our LRC and Mrs Woods, weather , whether / are, our the librarian, is always happy to help 30/9/2013 Common tricky spellings – students find a book they will really including necessary, enjoy. definitely, successful, occasionally, independent etc Pictures: Some Year 8’s enjoying a good 7/10/2013 Proper nouns and read capitalisation 14/10/2013 Apostrophes for possession 21/10/2013 Apostrophes for omission 4/11/2013 11/11/2013 18/11/2013 25/11/2013 2/12/2013 9/12/2013 16/12/2013 Nouns, verbs, adjectives Tense Clauses Types of sentences Commas 1 Commas 2 Semi colons and colons My school is an Island On Tuesday 23rd September, four Year 9 pupils had a fantastic day at Sea. This was their prize for winning the Go4Set “My School is an Island” project last term. The ship, HMS SMITER, sailed from Portsmouth Navy Dockyard and onto the Solent and all the way to the Needles before heading back to Portsmouth Docks again. Our pupils had a go at steering the Royal Navy boat, while having a chat with the Commanding Officer Lieutenant, Hugo Foyer. They also witnessed a Mock “man over board” exercise where the crew performed a rescue of the ship’s dummy. In amongst many Navy Protocols pupils also witnessed a war ship salute. Our pupils spent over four hours at sea and had a complete tour of the ship, including the engine room. They worked out that the whole journey used about 700 litres of diesel which cost in excess of £1000! Here is part of the letter sent by the Commander, Lt Hugo Foyer to the parents: “Dear Sirs and Ma’ams, Congratulations on your children winning the Best Overall Project at the Sea Vision education awards. I’m writing to introduce myself as the Commanding Officer of HMS SMITER, as I’m very happy to say that my Ship has been nominated by the First Sea Lord’s staff to take your children to sea for the day on Tuesday 24 September as part of their prize. HMS SMITER is a 50 ton displacement, 20 metre long patrol vessel based at Portsmouth Naval Base. The Ship’s main role is to provide navigation and seamanship training to University students from Oxford University Royal Naval Unit. If you aren’t aware of these units, there are 14 University Royal Naval Units (known as ‘URNUs’) around the country, which provide naval, leadership, and management experiences to undergraduates at some of the country’s most eminent universities; as well as Oxford my Unit also counts students from the Universities of Reading and Oxford Brookes among its members. Toynbee School will be in touch with the finer logistical details, but broadly speaking my plan for the day at sea is to greet the party on arrival at the Naval Base in the morning and take them to the Ship. My Executive Officer and second in command will give the party a safety brief about what to do in an emergency, and we’ll then sail for a tour of the Naval Base at 10.00 am before leaving harbour and heading west through the Solent. We’ll turn around in time to be back in port for 3.00 pm. During the day the party will tour the Ship and have the opportunity to steer, act as lookout, and lots of other things. Rest assured that we’re well used to looking after young adults at sea, but if you do have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.” Numeracy in Toynbee This year we are looking to raise the skills of all of our students when working with numbers. Complementing the Literacy drive started last year, we have a number of events and activities taking place this year that we hope will dramatically improve everyone’s skills in using numbers. The big innovation this term has been the Numeracy Challenge – 12 times tables! Every student and member of staff has been invited to complete a 12 times table grid in as little time as possible. The only thing is the numbers have been swapped around! Some feedback from our pupils: Tarran Gurtran: “It was once in a lifetime opportunity unless I was to join the Royal Navy. This was a great experience and it was worth the effort we put into the My School Is an Island Project” x 11 5 7 10 8 9 1 12 6 4 2 3 11 12 3 7 Nasser Ksous: “Overall it was a fun day and I learnt a lot of interesting things.” 1 9 2 Patrycja Bialecka: “We learnt how experienced you have to be to operate a Patrol Ship like that. We had the opportunity to look around the Ship and steer it. It is all about precision and concentration”. ‘’On our way into the Solent we passed the Spinnaker Tower and we also managed to travel as far as the Needles. This trip was fun and I would do it again and again if I could. It has totally changed my perspective of travelling by sea.” 8 6 10 4 5 Students have 10 minutes to complete the grid. The fastest three in each year group will receive a prize after the October half term holiday. We are also setting tutor group challenges. Why focus on the 12 times table? One of the key skills in working with numbers is to be able to multiply quickly. If we can do this, dividing numbers becomes a much easier task. This is a key life skill and we need to improve everyone’s ability to multiply numbers quickly. There is a new link on the school website for Literacy and Numeracy. Please click on this and look at the advice, guidance, hints and tips on how you can support your child to improve these basic life skills. More details on presentation evenings regarding Literacy and Numeracywill be availale soon. T Sing On Thursday 10 October, 25 Singers represented Toynbee at the annual T Sing Workshop at Thornden School. Our student joined youngsters from Thornden, Mountbatten, Perins and Kings Fair Oak schools. Toynbee students looked fantastic in the new school uniform. It was also really positive that Toynbee had so many boys at the event. T Sing is led by Dominic Peckham, who himself, grew up in Chandlers Ford. Dominic, studied singing at the Royal Academy of Music, and has an established career with the Royal Opera House. He is also a fantastic musical educator, and is one of the four directors of the National Youth Choir of Great Britain. The day started with engaging and exciting warm ups. Dominic then spent some time speaking to the youngsters about striving for excellence in life. This is a key part of the way Dominic engages with young people. After that, the music began! We learned five songs from scratch, from a variety of genres, including opera. Small solo parts were given to students chosen by Dominic. For the Purcell operatic aria, the small chamber ensemble included Jake Arnold and Della Darvill – Year 8 pupils from Toynbee – well done to these two. The song of the day however was ‘Leave Me Alone’, from The Thriller album by Michael Jackson. Matt and Mike Gilham’s singing talents, were soon spotted by Dominic, and these two led the whole song with solo performances. At the afternoon performance, this pair of superstars received rapturous applause, and the song had to be reperformed for the encore. There was admiration from all the other schools about the quality of singing from Toynbee students. Jessica Orber, who is our singing teacher, was also there for the day, and we are indebted to her, for the amazing job she is doing. Attending Show Chorus each week, and, if invited – Show Case, also enables our students to develop first class singing skills. Dominic spoke to all the young people about the importance of group singing, and, about how much better it is to sing in groups than to sing individually. If your child is not already coming to Show Chorus, it’s not too late to join. We sing each Friday morning starting at 8.20. We finish in time for lessons at 9.00. Sport Awards Report This summer saw Toynbee PE department host the inaugural Sports Awards evening. On a sunny July Friday evening over 250 students and parents joined staff for an evening of celebration and recognition of the Toynbee pupils’ sporting year. The evening started with a BBQ put on by the Toynbee PTA, who worked tirelessly to feed the excited guests. Thanks to the interior decoration skills of Miss Cridland and Miss Howson the sports hall was transformed into a wonderful awards gala hall. Each nominee received a certificate and every winner received a trophy. Congratulations to the following winners; Year 7 Sportsman: Nehal Mehta Year 7 Sportswoman: Emily Tucker Year 8 Sportsman: Jamie Edwards Year 8 Sportswoman: Niamh Clouston Year 9 Sportsman: Matt Musgrove Year 9 Sportswoman: Emilia Goez Year 10 Sportsman: Chris Brewer Year 10 Sportswoman: Eilidh Currie Year 11 Sportsman: Luke Frost Year 11 Sportwoman: Charlotte Cunliffe Volunteer of the Year: Holly Bristow Participation Winner: Amber Bristow Team of the Year: U13 Girls Rugby Football Award: Alex Duthie Rugby Award: James Campbell Hockey Award: Connor O’Dowda Athletics Award: Ryan Coles Netball Award: Emma Payne Cricket Award: Zak Cox Girls Rugby: Courtney Hegarty Girls Football: Payton Howard Basketball Award: Tom White Dance Award: Sam Anghelides Badminton Award: Toby Peters Trampolining Award: Indie Nash Rounders Award: Katy Thompson Cycling Award: Aiden Collins Coach of the Year: Mr French U16 Netball Report The under 16 girls proved a force to be reckoned with at the recent Hampshire County Tournament. The girls faced some tough opposition with over 21 schools from across Hampshire attending. It was the last tournament that this fantastic team would attend and it was filled with excitement and sadness that they may not play in a tournament together again, it was this that inspired the girls to achieve their personal best. The girls came 2nd in their morning group stage narrowly missing out to a very strong Bay House side. This put them in the top group for the afternoon stage and the team put in a valiant performance, unfortunately the team suffered with a number of injuries and were not able to build on their 4th place spot last year and came in at 7th place. The team should be congratulated on their achievements whilst at Toynbee school they have been league winners for the last 4 years and have come in the top 7 at all Hampshire County Tournaments. Not only are they loyal team mates but great friends and a testament to how sport can positively influence your Toynbee life. When this team goes they will certainly be missed. Boys Football Girls Football The boy’s football teams have had a very successful start to the season. Our training night for Years 7, 8 and 9 regularly sees 80 students attending. This has led onto some very pleasing results. The Under 13 Girls team were in action in the Hampshire Cup and performed superbly, defeating Bittern Park 10-0!! Star performers were Poppy Vallance, Chloe Perry, Lauren Mees, Anna Mees, Emily Tucker, Lisa Gillham and Paige Morton! The girls are looking forward to putting a strong run together in this competition. Having been promoted to the premier division last year, Year 8 has won both league games to date. There was a 7-1 destruction of Perins followed by an excellent 2-1 win over a very strong Kings Winchester team. This puts them top of the league as things currently stand. Year 8 has also progressed in the County Cup defeating Sholing 4-2 playing some excellent football. Year 9, under the stewardship of Mr Collins has hit the ground running. They have defeated Perins 3-1 in the league and Test Valley 2-1 in the Hampshire Cup. Lewis Eades (Year 9) has been selected for the Eastleigh and Winchester football team and played the full game in the opening 1-1 draw against Andover. The Under 14 and Under 16 Girls team are in action later in the month. Cricket The league results are in and I am pleased to announce that both the Under 14 and Year 7 teams finished top of their leagues. This is a fantastic achievement and just rewards for a lot of hard work and some top performances! The next task for the boys is to join a local sports club. Girls Rugby Toynbee are currently Hampshire under 13 champions for girl’s rugby. It has been amazing to see over 30 girls attend training this year. Toynbee hosted the first round of the Hampshire Central League and entered three teams into this! For many girls this was their first experience of competitive rugby and Toynbee finished 1st, 3rd and 5th in the competition. There is real talent in this team especially from the New Year 7s. We look forward to watching them progress this year. Netball The Under 13 team have been entered into the National Cup this year. This is following their successful season last year where they won the District Cup and League and finished second in Hampshire. The girls travelled to Odiham to play a strong Robert Mays side. I am pleased to say Toynbee triumphed 24-18 to book a second round date with St Swithuns School. Parent and Teacher Association (PTA) The PTA would like to highlight the Christmas Market which is taking place on Friday 22 November, 2013 between 5.30pm and 8.00 pm in the sports hall. As part of this event, we are looking to organise a Tombola and also Raffle off a Christmas Hamper. Therefore if you have any unwanted gifts, books or other items suitable for the tombola or would be happy to donate items for a Christmas Hamper as detailed we would be really grateful. Items can be left with the school main reception marked clearly that they are for the PTA Christmas Market. Interested in having a stall at the Market? We would love to hear from you! Please contact Clare Cobbett on [email protected] Any help would be appreciated at the event which attracts lots of local people, so please get in touch if you could spare a few hours!! Hamper Items: Christmas pudding, Christmas Cake, Pickles, Biscuits, Nuts, Cranberry Sauce, Christmas Crackers, Wine, Mince Pies, Sweets, Christmas Crackers PTA Projects The PTA is currently working towards raising funds to acquire curtains for the top part of the sports hall. One single wall will cost between £4,500 – 5,500 making the cost of the whole hall between £15,000 – 20,000! That is several years of work. Any cash donations are very welcome, payable to Toynbee PTA to put towards this project. The PTA would also welcome any offers of help with this project, particularly with help with running our fundraising events. Please don’t hesitate to contact Bijal or Penny on the contact details provided. The next PTA meeting will be on 22nd October, 2013, in The Cleveland Bay at 7.30 pm. Contacts: Co-Chair of Toynbee PTA: Bijal Mehta mob: 07813588226, Email :- [email protected] Co-Chair of Toynbee PTA: Penny Stewart mob:- 07802483591, Email:[email protected] Community Information Days & Times Community Club Sports Facility Monday 5:15PM- 6:30 PM Monday 6:30 PM- 9:30 PM Tuesday 5:45 PM- 6:45 PM Tuesday 6:45 PM- 7:45 PM Tuesday 7:45 PM- 8:45 PM Tuesday 6:45 PM- 7:45 PM Tuesday 8:45 PM- 9:45 PM Tuesday 7:45 PM- 9:45 PM Tuesday 7:45 PM- 8:45 PM Wednesday 4:30 PM- 21:45 PM Thursday 6:45 PM- 7:45 PM Thursday 5:45 PM- 6:45 PM Thursday 7:45PM- 8:45PM Thursday 5:45 PM- 6:45 PM Friday 6:45 PM- 7:45 PM Friday 6:45 PM- 7:45 PM Friday 5:45 PM- 6:45 PM Friday 9:00 PM - 9:45 PM Saturday 9:00 AM- 12:00PM MLT Natural Coaching JD Fives Baddesley Park Hampshire Rugby Colden Common AFC Hiltingbury ST. Francis YFC JD Fives Eastleigh Blues MLT Natural Coaching Trojans Rugby Hiltingbury Hawks U' 12'S Hiltingbury Fc Seniors Eastleigh Juniors - White Sholing Youth FC Eastleigh Blues Baddesley Park MLT Natural Coaching ST. Francis YFC Football Football Football Rugby Football Football Football Football Football Football Rugby Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Football Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Sports pitch Monday 6:00 PM- 9:30 PM Tuesday 6:00 PM - 8:PM Tuesday 8:30 PM - 10:00PM Wednesday 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Thursday 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Friday 5:00PM - 9:00 PM Saturday 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM- 12:00PM Weston Park Netball Club Treasure Gymnastics OG Fitness Weston Park Netball Club Treasure Gymnastics Treasure Gymnastics Treasure Gymnastics Eastleigh Badminton Netball Gymnastics Fitness Netball Gymnastics Gymnastics Gymnastics Badminton Sport Hall Sports Hall Sports Hall Sports Hall Sports Hall Sports Hall Sports Hall Sports Hall Monday 6:00 PM- 10:00 PM Tuesday 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Wednesday 6:30PM - 8:30 PM Thursday 6:00 PM - 9:00PM Friday 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM- 12:00PM Eastleigh Aikido Club Goju Ryu Karate Club Southern Sport Karate IPPON Jujitsu Treasure Gymnastics Eastleigh Aikido Club Aikido Karate Martial Arts Martial Arts Gymnastics Aikido New Hall New Hall New Hall New Hall New Hall New Hall Monday 7:30 PM- 9:30 PM Tuesday 7:17PM – 8.15PM Friday 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Friday 6:15 PM - 7:45 PM Kyudo Kan VW Taekwondo Rainbows Brownies Karate Martial Arts Dance Studio Dance Studio Dance Studio Dance Studio Facilities To Hire Dance Studio There are a wide range of facilities that are available to hire here at Toynbee. 3G Pitch Our state of the art Floodlit 3G rubber crumb all weather pitch looks like grass, feels like grass and plays like grass. It is suitable for football, full contact rugby and other multi-sport activities and is available to hire from 17.45 till 21.45 weekdays and 09.00 till 16.00 on Saturdays. The pitch can be hired as a full or half pitch per hour with removable net. Each half pitch provides groups with 2 x 5-a-side football markings. Equipment available on the pitch as standard includes 1 x set of full size goals and 4 x sets of 5-a-side goals. Half term bookings are available between 09.00 and 16.00 which is ideal for football and rugby camps, coaching as well as birthday parties. Sports Hall The Main Sports Hall is marked out with Badminton Courts, full size Netball Court, Volleyball Court, and full size Basketball Court (with additional practise rings) plus two cricket practise nets are available. Tennis and Outdoor Courts Toynbee has six newly re-surfaced tennis courts and five netball courts which are available to hire throughout the year. There are no floodlights therefore facilities are only available throughout daylight hours after 17.00 on weeknights and between 09.00 and 16.00 on Saturdays. The dance studio provides a smaller area than the New Hall but still offers a great venue for Pilates and Yoga activities. It has a fully sprung wooden floor, wall mirrors and full length curtains, meaning that your session can be kept confidential. Theatre The Toynbee Theatre can seat approximately 150 people and provides an ideal location for performances, award presentations, training and community activities. It has a stage area, lighting and presentation system and offers a friendly and intimate area. Library Recently refurbished the Library provides a perfect location for meetings, training and small workshops. With Internet access at the new Interactive Zone this is a great space for personalised learning and teaching. Classroom / IT Suites Toynbee School can offer a range of classrooms for training and learning. They are equipped with interactive whiteboards and additional equipment such as televisions, video and DVD players, projectors and computers can be accessed. It is also possible to hire the IT suites and food technology area. Classrooms can also be hired in conjunction with our sports facilities for training when lectures and practical lessons are combined. New Hall The New Hall is a perfect location for Dance, Gym and Martial Arts activities. It has a fully sprung wooden floor, air conditioning, has a full mirror wall and loads of natural light. No food or drink is permitted in this particular facility or heeled shoes. Please feel free to make an appointment to come and view the facilities here at the school. We can then discuss your requirements and make sure these are catered for [email protected]
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