View - Municipality of the County of Cumberland County


View - Municipality of the County of Cumberland County
Volume #45
September 2012
If you would like to be removed (or added) from (to) the mailing list, please send an email or call and I will
update my mailing list.
We appreciate any feedback that you may have. Also, if you have any events or
opportunities that you would like to add to the newsletter, please let me know,
as I would love to add it to the next edition.
If any links do not work, or any information is incorrect, please do not
hesitate to let me know.
Emily Burke
Recreation & Physical Activities Coordinator
[email protected]
Click on these links below to take you directly to the topic:
What’s Happening?
Recurring Activities
Funding Opportunities
Recreation & Active Living Opportunities
Leadership, Training & Educational Opportunities
Links of Interest
Sat, Sept 1st
Cumberland County Exhibition
MIDWAY by G & G Carnival Amusements 12 noon - 9 pm.
“Pay-one-price” ride bracelets may be available from the midway.
All Midway hours are “weather permitting!”
Oxford Exhibition
**Saturday is "Rodeo Day" - dress in your Western Finest**
Sat, Sept 1
Sat, Sept 1st
Visit for more information
Annual Labour Day Supper
Clam Digging
Learn how to dig for clams with a professional clam digger and learn about
the intriguing life cycle of the soft shelled clam. This event is perfect for all
ages. Wear old shoes or if your feet are tough go without, but remember
you will be on the mud flats, so hats, sunscreen and drinking water are
advised. Sponsored by the NS Department of Natural Resources. Contact
Sue at 254-2980 or email [email protected].
Age of Sail
Museum, Port
Five Islands
Provincial Park
Meet at the beach
parking lot
Sat, Sept 1st
Sat, Sept 1st
Sat, Sept 1st
Sat, Sept 1st
Sun, Sept 2nd
Sun, Sept 2nd
Sun, Sept 2nd
Sun, Sept 2nd
Sun, Sept 2nd
Tues, Sept 4th
Tues, Sept 4th
Wed, Sept 5th
Wed, Sept 5th
Blueberry Pie and Ice Cream
There will be blueberry desserts and blueberry ice cream, tea and coffee
Live Entertainment at the Chatterbox Café
Hupman Brothers
Tickets $20 in advance or $25 at the door
Ship’s Company Theatre: “Labour Day Laughs”
Richard Donat reads Stephen Leacock. A sampling of incredible gems in
"My Financial Career", "Nonsense Novels", and "Moonbeams from the Larger
Lunacy" will be read, as well as the famous courtship between a bank clerk
and judge's daughter.
For more information call 254-3000 or 1-800-565-SHOW or visit
Karaoke and Shuffleboard
Ottawa House
Chatterbox Café,
Rock Hounding Walk and Talk
Join a rock enthusiast and travel back 200 million years through the parks
rock geology, where some rocks and minerals on the beach were first
formed. You may step in mud and climb over rocks, so wear appropriate
footwear, bring a hat, sun screen and water. Suitable for all ages.
Sponsored by the NS Department of Natural Resources. Contact Sue at 2542980 or email [email protected].
Blueberry Pie and Ice Cream
There will be blueberry desserts and blueberry ice cream, tea and coffee
served. At 2:00 pm there will be a guest speaker on the former steam
railway which ran from Springhill to Parrsboro. A model shall accompany the
presentation to help illustrate points.
Rob & Patti in Concert
Enjoy live music by Rob and Patti. All donations in support of the people left
homeless by the devastating fire in Amherst.
Ship’s Company Theatre: “Labour Day Laughs”
Richard Donat reads Stephen Leacock. A sampling of incredible gems in
"My Financial Career", "Nonsense Novels", and "Moonbeams from the Larger
Lunacy" will be read, as well as the famous courtship between a bank clerk
and judge's daughter. For more information visit
Annual Out Door Church and Breakfast, Special Weekend Events
Five Islands
Provincial Park
Read-in In the Park
Bring a book & a chair and join the library at Victoria Square to celebrate
the love of reading. *In case of rain we'll be at the Four Fathers Library
Shakespeare on Trial
A fun, funny, fast-paced show that explores the Bard's relevance in the
world today. William Shakespeare has to defend himself as four fictional
characters challenge him to write in a modern way, arguing that no-one
understands him anymore. Contact 254-3000 or 1-800-565-SHOW or for more information.
Music in Victoria Square
Rocky Ripley performs
Shakespeare on Trial
A fun, funny, fast-paced show that explores the Bard's relevance in the
world today. William Shakespeare has to defend himself as four fictional
characters challenge him to write in a modern way, arguing that no-one
understands him anymore. Contact (902) 254-3000 or 1-800-565-SHOW or for more information.
Ship’s Company
Parrsboro Legion
Meet at the park
beach parking lot.
Ottawa House
Parrsboro Band
Ship’s Company
Age of Sail
Museum, Port
Victoria Square,
Ships Company
Victoria Square,
Ships Company
Thurs, Sept 6th
Thurs, Sept 6th
Thurs, Sept 6th
Fri, Sept 7th
Fri, Sept 7th
Fri, Sept 7th
Fri, Sept 7th
Fri, Sept 7th
Fri, Sept 7th
Sat, Sept 8th
Sat, Sept 8th
Sat, Sept 8th
Sat, Sept 8th
Sat, Sept 8th
Oxford Pioneer Heritage Club
First meeting of the year. Open to individuals age 55+, new members
welcome! Cost: $5.00/year
Ron Smith Exhibit
Cumberland County Museum and Archives hosts a launch for a photo exhibit
by Ron Smith
Shakespeare on Trial
A fun, funny, fast-paced show that explores the Bard's relevance in the
world today. William Shakespeare has to defend himself as four fictional
characters challenge him to write in a modern way, arguing that no-one
understands him anymore. Contact (902) 254-3000 or 1-800-565-SHOW or for more information.
After School Movie
The Oxford Library will be presenting “The Lorax” (rated G), fun for all ages!
Jammin’ It Up at the Capitol
Bring our own instruments to join in or simply enjoy the music! Donations
will be accepted at the door.
Bella’s Café
Hosting Michelle Leblanc
Shakespeare on Trial
A fun, funny, fast-paced show that explores the Bard's relevance in the
world today. William Shakespeare has to defend himself as four fictional
characters challenge him to write in a modern way, arguing that no-one
understands him anymore. Contact (902) 254-3000 or 1-800-565-SHOW or for more information.
Duncan’s Pub
Hosting Mark MacMillian
Shake n' Teaze" Rockabilly Burlesque Show
Teazers hosts Shake n' Teaze" Rockabilly Burlesque Show, 19+
Cover: $5.00
Cumberland YMCA hosts BBQ at Kent
Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Rib Sandwich, Pop & Water!
Hot Dogs - $1.00, Hamburgers- $2.00, ****Add Cheese for .50
Rib Sandwich - $3.00
Pop & Water - $1.00
All proceeds go to the Aquatics Department for Program Development.
Parkinson Superwalk
Registration starts at 12:30 and the walk starts at 1pm. For more
information go to or call 1-800-663-2468
Pickling Workshop
Come learn how to make yummy garlic dill pickles!
Presented by the River Hebert Garden Club.
Please call Su at 902-251-2959 to register as space is limited.
Ducks Unlimited Dinner & Auction
Doors open at 6pm, Dinner at 7pm
Come and share a fun evening with us for the ducks. Raffles, games, live
and silent auctions, a great supper and a fun filled evening in support of
Ducks Unlimited Canada's conservation work right here in Nova Scotia. For
tickets contact: Brent Cottrill at 243-3122, or Krista Elliott at 664-6136 or at
[email protected]
Shakespeare on Trial
A fun, funny, fast-paced show that explores the Bard's relevance in the
world today. William Shakespeare has to defend himself as four fictional
characters challenge him to write in a modern way, arguing that no-one
understands him anymore. Contact (902) 254-3000 or 1-800-565-SHOW or for more information.
Oxford Pioneer
Heritage Club Hall
County Museum,
Ships Company
Oxford Library
Oxford Capitol
Bella’s Café,
Ships Company
Duncan’s Pub,
Teazers, Amherst
Kent Building
Supplies parking
lot, Amherst
Centennial Villa,
258 Church St,
St. Paul Parish
Hall, Baronsfield
Road N, River
Community Hall
Ships Company
Sat, Sept 8th
Sat, Sept 8th
Cool Water
Hosted by Teazers
Teazers, Amherst
Benefit Dance for Cheryl Powell
Silent Auction, 50/50 and Raffle Draws
Oxford Legion
Sun, Sept 9th
Grandparents Soup & Dessert
Sun, Sept 9th
45’s Tourney
Bring a partner
Ottawa House
Amherst 50+
Club, Croft Street
Sun, Sept 9th
Shakespeare on Trial
A fun, funny, fast-paced show that explores the Bard's relevance in the
world today. William Shakespeare has to defend himself as four fictional
characters challenge him to write in a modern way, arguing that no-one
understands him anymore. Contact (902) 254-3000 or 1-800-565-SHOW or for more information.
Piece by Piece – Autism Association
First meeting. This group was created to be a resource for families who are
affected by autism as a way to gain support, find resources and raise
awareness about life on the spectrum. Contact Elaine (230-2053) for details.
Life Drawing Workshop
Life Drawing Instruction & Critique
Presented by: Bob Morouney. $7 per class
Old Fashioned Bread Making
Kitchen party! $5.00 admission. Contact Brenda Leenders at 902-893-4197
for more information.
For ages 55+. Cost is $0.10 a card. Please call 447-2798 for any inquiries.
Ships Company
Annual General Meeting
Tantramar Seniors’ College. Guest speaker will be Marshall Button. In the
event that a registration session is cancelled, a notice will be placed on and members will be notified by email.
Blueberry Supper
Prices – Adults: $10.00 Children (ages 5-10):$4.00 Preschoolers Free.
Take-outs Available! Sponsored by the Millvale United Church Women
Menu: Baked Beans, Chili, Brown Bread, Rolls, Blueberry Pie or
Blueberry Cheesecake, and Beverage.
Twisted Stitchers
Drop-in stitchery group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Four
Fathers Memorial Library. For more information call the library at 667-2549.
Information Session
Hear about becoming a sponsor of the Ottawa House
St. Paul’s Anglican
Church Hall,
Mon, Sept 10th
Mon, Sept 10th
Mon, Sept 10th
Tues, Sept 11th
Tues, Sept 11th
Wed, Sept 12th
Wed, Sept 12th
Wed, Sept 12th
Thurs, Sept 13th
Thurs, Sept 13th
Thurs, Sept 13th
September Superheroes
For grades P-6.
Make a superhero bookmark.
Free! Please call 667-2549 to register.
Back to School Fun
For grades P-6.
Join us for back to school fun!
Please call 902-597-2211 to register.
Family Game Night
Come join us for board game fun!
Maggie’s Place,
Tidnish Bridge Art
Mo’s Restaurant,
Five Islands
Oxford Pioneer
Heritage Club Hall
Collingwood Fire
Four Fathers
Memorial Library,
Ottawa House
Four Fathers
Memorial Library,
Springhill Library
Advocate Library
Fri, Sept 14th
Parrsboro Library
Fri, Sept 14th
Last Splash of Summer
Join us for a final splash of summer, making fishing poles and playing fun
fishy games!
Pius Burke
Musical performance by Pius Burke
Fri , Sept 14th
Bella’s Café
Hosting Mike Blakeney
Bella’s Café,
Fri, Sept 14th
Open Mic
Musical talents from near and far perform.
Free will donations at the door.
Refreshments available.
Open Mic
The finest variety entertainment in Cumberland County! Donations at the
Duncan’s Pub
Hosting Paul Mingo
Community Centre
Maritime Marionettes
Second Stage. Please call 902-254-3000 for more information
Benefit for Donnie Cooke
Hosted by Teazers
Ships Company
Teazers, Amherst
Fri, Sept 14th
Fri, Sept 14th
Sat, Sept 15th
Sat, Sept 15th
Victoria Square,
Parrsboro Citizens
Band Hall
Sat, Sept 15th
Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup
Call 902-251-2727 for more information.
Joggins Fossil
Sat, Sept 15th
Community Center
Sat, Sept 15th
Potluck Supper
Proceeds for the Centre. Casseroles, homemade baked beans, brown bread,
rolls, desserts and beverages! Prices – Adults: $10.00, Under 10: $5.00,
Preschoolers: FREE!
Parenting Workshop
FREE! Call NSCC for more details.
Sun, Sept 16th
Monthly Breakfast
Oxford Legion
Sun, Sept 16th
2012 Terry Fox Run
We are currently looking for volunteers to either help organize the event
and or work the day of the event, please call Corey at 447-2798
Annual Tribute to Fall Dinner
Savour a sumptuous, five-course autumn feast created from the finest of
Maritime delicacies.
Cash bar, $100 per person, including wine pairings
Menu designed by Chef Glen Wheaton
Hosted by Ship’s Company Theatre and Bare Bones Bistro – reserve tickets
by calling 254-2003
Maritime Marionettes
Kids Stage. The Maritime Marionettes present “Rumplestilskin”. A wonderful
children’s story brought to life by the magic of the Maritime Marionettes.
Please call 902-254-3000 or 1-800-SHOW or visit
for more information
King’s Kids Choir
Open invitation to all boys in girls grade P-6 to join the King’s Kids Choir.
Contact Linda Morris at 902-447-2093 for more information.
Celtic to Broadway Concert
Hosted by Showcase Productions, this concert will feature Celtic Harp Duets,
Celtic & Gaelic Songs, Lyrical Songs of Broadways and Sounds of the Pipes,
Penny Whistle and Piano. Performers will include Heather Shatford,
Machaela Osowski, Christine MacLeod, Jim Scopie and Zachary Hollen
Oxford Lions Park
Sun, Sept 16th
Mon, Sept 17th
Mon, Sept 17th
Mon, Sept 17th
Bare Bones Bistro,
Ships Company
Oxford Baptist
Christ Church,
Mon, Sept 17th
Village Meeting
Tues, Sept 18th
Readers’ Night Out Book Club
Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Four Fathers Memorial
Library. Call 667-2549 to register. September's book is Bleak House by
Charles Dickens.
Blood Pressure Clinic
FREE! No appointment necessary for more information call 597-7150 or
Wed, Sept 19th
Wed, Sept 19th
Thurs, Sept 20th
Thurs, Sept 20th
Thurs, Sept 20th
Thurs, Sept 20th
Fri, Sept 21st
Fri, Sept 21st
Fri , Sept 21st
Fri, Sept 21st
Preschool Screening
You can have your child seen by multiple professionals and services in one
location. Gain valuable information in nutrition, dental, speech & language
and child health & development. For children ages 1-4. Space is limited,
phone 667-7250 to make an appointment.
Seniors Wii Time
Seniors are invited to drop in to the library and try out the Wii gaming
system. Call 597-2211 for more details.
After School Movie
The Springhill Library will be presenting “The Lorax” (rated G)
Pugwash Village
Four Fathers
Memorial Library,
Seniors Health
Centre All Saints
Maggie’s Place,
Springhill Library
Springhill Library
Evening Pottery Class
For Adults & Youth with Melanie Landau & Charlie Atherton. (September
20th and 27th).Two sessions are necessary to have time to complete pieces
(bisque fire and glaze firing). One session is possible if pieces are not
glazed (painted, etc.). No skills required. Fees include class time, instruction,
clay, glazes, bisque and a glaze firing with additional studio time for
trimming and finishing pieces as needed. $30 (includes 2 sessions &
materials). If you have completed the workshop in 2011 or 2012, you will be
eligible to use the pottery facilities through the TBAG Open Studio Program
on Thursdays. Book ahead! Call the Gallery at 667-8555 or Charlie and
Melanie at 661-1887, email: [email protected]
Replay The Beatles
Many have said Replay "is" The Beatles, and audiences actually felt they
were watching John, Paul, George and Ringo. You'll no doubt get goose
bumps and butterflies-in-your-stomach as you sing along to your favourite
songs like She Loves You, Help!, Yesterday, Penny Lane, Get Back, Hey
Jude and 30 more! The show lasts 90 minutes, with multiple costume
changes. Add Liverpudlian accents, on-stage antics, authentic costumes and
instruments, and Replay is the closest you'll get to the real thing! Admission:
$32.50. Email [email protected] for more information.
Cumberland YMCA hosts BBQ
Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Rib Sandwich, Pop & Water!
Hot Dogs - $1.00, Hamburgers- $2.00, ****Add Cheese for .50
Rib Sandwich - $3.00
Pop & Water - $1.00
All proceeds go to the Aquatics Department for Program Development.
The Green Apple Day
Celebrate fall and apple! A fun time with stories, crafts and a game all about
this delicious fruit! Ages 3-12, contact 902-447-2440 for more information
Bella’s Café
Hosting R.A. Lautenschlager
Tidnish Bridge Art
Jammin’ It Up at the Capitol
Bring our own instruments to join in or simply enjoy the music! Donations
will be accepted at the door.
Oxford Capitol
Marigold Center,
Cumberland YMCA
parking lot,
Oxford Library
Bella’s Café,
Fri, Sept 21st
Cash is Back
A musical tribute to Johnny Cash. Please call 902-254-3000 or 1-800-SHOW
or visit for more information
Duncan’s Pub
Hosting Susan & Tony Robichaud
Ships Company
Dad’s Day
Kids, grab your favourite grown up guy ad join us for sack races, long
jumping, pool noodle hockey, relay races and much more fun! Call 667-7250
to register.
14th Annual Charity Grape Stomp
Music by Artful Knave. Come and watch registered teams of 4 stomp grapes
to raise money for charity. Email [email protected] for more information.
Four Fathers Dinner
Presented by the Cumberland County Museum and Archives, call 667-2561
for tickets and information.
Johnny Cash Impersonator
Tickets can be purchased in advance (902-552-2005) for $15.00 or $20.00
at the door.
Cash is Back
A musical tribute to Johnny Cash. Please call 902-254-3000 or 1-800-SHOW
or visit for more information
Seed Saving Workshop
A farm tour and potluck lunch precedes the workshop at 10:30 am and an
optional work bee follows at 3-4pm. Presented by Seeds of Diversity.
Please call Su at 251-2959 or Shannon at 251-2686 for more information.
Cribbage Tourney
Bring a partner
Maggie’s Place,
Cash is Back
A musical tribute to Johnny Cash. Please call 902-254-3000 or 1-800-SHOW
or visit for more information
Life Drawing Workshop
Life Drawing Instruction & Critique
Presented by: Bob Morouney. $7 per class
Clam Digging
Join us for a clam digging demonstration at Five Islands Beach. Learn how
to dig for clams with a professional clam digger and learn about the
intriguing life cycle of the soft shelled clam. This event is perfect for all
ages. Wear old shoes or if your feet are tough go without, but remember
you will be on the mud flats, so hats, sunscreen and drinking water are
advised. Sponsored by the NS Department of Natural Resources. Contact
Sue at 254-2980 or email [email protected] for more information
Scaredy Scarecrows
Join us for fall fun! Please call 243-3331 to register.
Ships Company
Tidnish Bridge Art
Four Fathers
Memorial Library,
Thurs, Sept 27th
Rise N’ Shine Book Club
Meets on the 4th Thursday of every month
To register please call 667-2549. September's book is The Art of Racing in
the Rain by Garth Stein.
September Superheros
Superhero bookmark! Make an Avenger or create your own superhero!
Thurs, Sept 27th
Peace Day
Join us for a story, craft and lots of fun!
Advocate Harbour
Thurs, Sept 27th
St. George’s Supper
Ham, Scallops and Beans! $8.00/person
St. George’s
Anglican Church
Fri, Sept 21st
Sat, Sept 22nd
Sat, Sept 22nd
Sat, Sept 22nd
Sat, Sept 22nd
Sat, Sept 22nd
Sun, Sept 23rd
Sun, Sept 23rd
Sun, Sept 23rd
Mon, Sept 24th
Tues, Sept 25th
Wed, Sept 26th
Thurs, Sept 27th
Jost Vineyards,
Amherst Lions
Oxford Legion
(Branch #36)
Ships Company
Broadfork Farm
3630 Boars Back
Road, River
Hebert, NS
Amherst 50+
Club, Croft Street
Five Islands
Provincial Park
Meet at the beach
parking lot
Pugwash Library
River Hebert
Thurs, Sept 27th
Tidnish Bridge Art
Thurs, Sept 27th
Evening Pottery Class
For Adults & Youth with Melanie Landau & Charlie Atherton. (September
20th and 27th). Two sessions are necessary to have time to complete pieces
(bisque fire and glaze firing). One session is possible if pieces are not
glazed (painted, etc.). No skills required. Fees include class time, instruction,
clay, glazes, bisque and a glaze firing with additional studio time for
trimming and finishing pieces as needed. $30 (includes 2 sessions &
materials). If you have completed the workshop in 2011 or 2012, you will be
eligible to use the pottery facilities through the TBAG Open Studio Program
on Thursdays. Book ahead! Call the Gallery at 667-8555 or Charlie and
Melanie at 661-1887, email: [email protected]
Teen Movie Night
Showing “The Avengers”
Thurs, Sept 27th
Sackville Early Music Festival
Music by Shawn Potter and Mikaela Tolf
Christ Church,
Fri , Sept 28th
Bella’s Café
Hosting Susan & Tony Robichaud
Bella’s Café,
Fri, Sept 28th
Open Mic
Donations at the door
Parrsboro Citizens
Band Hall
Fri, Sept 28th
8:00pm- 1:00am
Bucket List Auction and Dance featuring Big Fish
The Auction and Dance are part of the YMCA’s Capital Campaign. We are
hoping the evening’s events will wrap up the campaign, meeting our goal of
$580,000. The campaign has been used to raise funds to complete the work
the infrastructure.
Cost: $30.00
** Tickets can be purchased from either the YMCA or from committee
members. Prizewinners will be announced that evening.
Duncan’s Pub
Hosting Billy Graham
Amherst Curling
Club, Amherst
The Grandparent Connection
Come join us to kick off National Family Week with some traditional story
telling, native drumming and much more! Call 667-7250 to register.
Culture Days
A Canada wide celebration of the arts! Featuring an arts show,
performances, demonstrations and much more!
Live Entertainment at the Chatterbox Café
Katherine Wheatley. $20.00 advance tickets, $25.00 at the door.
Maggie’s Place,
Sat, Sept 29th
Sun, Sept 30th
Neon Highway
Live music, hosted by Teazers
Teazers, Amherst
Scott Woods and His Band
Musical tribute to fiddle bands, $20.00
Amherst Lions Hall
Sun, Sept 30th
Kids Matinee
Showing “Chip Wrecked”
Parrsboro Citizens
Band Hall
Tues, Oct 2nd
Classic Movie Night
Showing: “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” Free admission, donations
cheerfully accepted!
Classic Movie Night
Showing “Platinum Blonde”. Free admission, donations cheerfully accepted!
Four Fathers
Memorial Library,
Springhill Library
Open Mic
Come and listen to musicians from near and far share their talent.
Refreshments available. Free will donations accepted at the door.
Community Centre
Fri, Sept 28th
Sat, Sept 29th
Sat, Sept 29th
Sat, Sept 29th
Wed, Oct 10th
Fri, Oct 12th
Springhill Library
Victoria Square,
Chatterbox Café,
Mon, Oct 15th
Mon, Oct 15th
Fri, Oct 19th
Sat, Oct 20th
Brown Bag Lunch – “Phone Scams”
The course will center on frauds that target seniors and how to recognize
and prevent them. The focus will be on telephone, internet and email
frauds and scams.
This Brown Bag is open to the Public and all Tantramar Seniors’ College
members. Those attending are encouraged to bring their lunch to eat on
their lap and tea and coffee will be provided.
Presenter: Cheryl Laliberte, Senior Safety Coordinator for Cumberland
Village Meeting
Christ Church
Anglican Church,
basement hall
Rising Sea Level Conference
A conference titled "Rising Sea Level: The Impact on Coastal Communities
along the Bay of Fundy". The Fundy Geological Museum appears to be on a
tidal flood plain and with sea levels rising it is now possible that future tides
will exceed the height of the dyke that now protects the museum.
Registration Fees: $ 15.00 to cover nutrition breaks and lunch at the Ottawa
House by the Sea Museum
Eastern Canada Bluegrass Music Awards
Contact Charles MacKenzie by phone (902-662-2896) or email
([email protected]) for more information.
Funday Geological
Pugwash Village
Education Centre,
Maltby Little League Labour Day Tournament
The Amherst Little League is hosting its annual Labour Day tournament starting Saturday,
September 1st until Monday, September 3rd. For team schedules and times please contact the
Little League office at 902-667-7160.
Age of Sail Museum
Overlooking the tidal Greville River, the center pays tribute to the heritage of the communities along the Minas
Channel. Through pictures, video, storytelling, models, artifacts and hands-on exhibits, the museum brings to
life the history of shipbuilding, lumbering and local community lives.
Fall Hours starting September 1, 2012 (10:00am-6:00pm)
Week of September 2 we will be closed Wednesday the 5 and Thursday the 6 ONLY
From Sept 9 until Oct 8 we will be Open Thursday through Monday and closed Tuesday and Wednesday
Porthole Café open same as museum until Oct 1
Maritime Rockabilly Shakedown
Recurring Activities in Cumberland County
*Please be advised that schedules may change – please contact the groups for more up-to-date information
Coffee and Conversation
Informal drop-in designed to encourage discussion of parenting issues and
timely topics. A healthy snack and an Early Childhood Development program
is offered to participants’ children each week during the session.
Lunch and Stitch
Do you knit, crochet, hook rugs, sew or do other needle craft? Join a group
of like minded folks this summer, Mondays at noon in Victoria Square.(Last
day is September 3rd)
Bosom Buddies Peer Support Group
FREE!! Breastfeeding Support Group. Call Donna at 667-7250
1:00pm (starting Sept 10)
Kool Kats
2:45-4:15pm (starts Sept 17th)
A group for girls in grades 4-6 in the Amherst area. The group meets once a
week to participate in activities.
Card Parties
Citizens Band Rehearsal
Water Color Painting for Beginners
Leader: Margaret Wiles. No skills required, for children, youth and adults
$13 per lesson if you need materials; $10 per lesson if you bring your own:
must have 140 lbs cold press or rough good quality watercolor paper.
Individual instruction available
Babies Come First Club
Expecting, first time parents come together to share the ups and downs of
pregnancy, learn healthy choices for mom & baby, etc
FREE!! To register, call Donna at 667-7250
Chicks Night Out
3:00-5:00pm (starts Sept 18th)
Offered in partnership with Cumberland Early Intervention’s Parenting
Journey program. Provides a fun, safe place for girls grades 7-9 to be
involved in all aspects of planning and life skills. The group meets weekly
and either cook a meal, do an activity or volunteer in the community.
TV Bingo – Parrsboro (Channel 4)
All Ladies Barbershop Singing Group
Interested in singing harmony? The Cobequid Fun Tones invite you to try
their all ladies barbershop singing group. Further information, call Helen
Reade 447-3298 or JoAnna LeBlanc 447-2006
Maggie’s Place,
Victoria Square,
Maggie’s Place,
Amherst 50+ Club,
Croft Street
Maggie’s Place,
Amherst 50+ Club,
Croft Street
Wentworth Recreation
Parrsboro Citizens
Band Hall
Tidnish Bridge Art
Amherst 50+
Croft Street
Maggie’s Place,
Maggie’s Place,
Oxford Pioneer
Heritage Hall, Ellis
Street, Oxford
Junior Band Rehearsals
Anyone who has an interest in learning or playing is encouraged to drop in.
To join, call Rob 254-4669.
Dick’s Jamboree
Dick's Jamboree hosts a night of music every Tuesday night starting at 7pm
For more information call the YMCA at 667-9112
Card Parties – Parrsboro
Wednesdays Yoga (September 5th last day)
$8.00 drop in fee
Contact Charlene Smith 254-3330
Amherst 50+ Club,
Croft Street
Parrsboro Citizens
Band Hall
2 Victoria Street West
Tidnish Community
Parrsboro Legion
Parrsboro Regional
Elementary School
Craft Day
Amherst 50+ Club,
Croft Street
Goodness in Many Ways
9:30am-12:00pm (starts September 26th, cancelled October 10th)
FREE! Learn about fresh NS veggies and fruits, new ways to use frozen and
canned veggies and fruits, how to properly freeze them and new recipes!
Each workshop includes a meal that we will prepare and eat together. Phone
667-7250 to register.
Dr. Carson and Marion
Murray Community
Center, Springhill
Once Upon a Time
Read stories, participate in songs, rhymes, finger plays and have a snack.
Call 667-2549 for more information
Four Fathers Memorial
Library, Amherst
Rug Hooking at Ottawa House
Ottawa House
Museum, Parrsboro
$8.14 / class
$5.35 / class - student
For more information call the YMCA 667-9112
Oxford Legion
Cost $5.00. Contact Anita for more information at 661-4340
Bingo – Parrsboro
Yin Yan Yoga
This session will begin with invigorating flow Yoga to warm up and tone the
body, followed by slow yin postures to increase flexibility and finish with
relaxation. Dates will vary so please check with instructor Charlene Smith on
the 'Parrsboro Recreation' Facebook page or 'Yoga with Charlene' Facebook
group for the latest info. $55 for all sessions or $10 drop in fee.
Film For All at the Hall
8:00pm (1st and 3rd Wednesday)
$5.00 admission
Linden Community
Parrsboro Legion
Parrsboro Regional
Elementary School
Parrsboro Citizens
Band Hall
Snuggle Bugs
9:30-11:00am (starting September 20th)
Graduates of the Babies Come First Club come together to share ideas,
concerns, ask questions and learn new information about babies, parenting,
health an child education. Call Donna at 667-7250
Springhill Farmer’s Market
Tables are just $10 each.
For more information or to reserve your table contact Michelle at the Leisure
Services Department at [email protected] or 763-3000
Baby Friendly Drop-In
Meet with other families, have your baby weighed, chat with the Public
Health Nurse or Maggie’s Place CPNP Coordinator, and receive information
and support regarding breastfeeding and other issues.
Fun Day
Banjo Kids
A group offered in partnership with Schools Plus for boys in grades 4-6.
PCR Bingo - 99.1FM Parrsboro
Youth Drop In
6:00 – 9:00pm
This FREE program is offered in partnership with Maggie’s Place, Town of
Amherst, YMCA & volunteers. Youth are welcome to drop-in, hang out, do
activities and EAT!
Ages: 11 - 16yrs
7:00pm (cancelled Sept 20)
Community Choir Practice
7:00-9:00pm (2nd and 4th Thursdays)
Cost is $2.00 to play
Open Mic Night
Open Mic Night
Open Mic Night
Friday Fun Times
Emphasizing the importance of play and positive interaction between child
and caregiver. FREE!!
Amherst Farmer’s Market
Friday Night Fun
A fun night of activities including crafts, movies, games, canteen, and
swimming. Sponsored by the Town of Amherst.
6:00-8:00 for 5-8 year olds
8:00-10:00 for 9-12 year olds
Auction 45’s
Maggie’s Place,
Dr Carson & Marion
Murray Community
Centre, Springhill
Maggie’s Place,
Amherst 50+ Club,
Croft Street
Cumberland YMCA
Community Room,
Amherst 50+ Club,
Croft Street
Parrsboro Citizens
Band Hall
Oxford Pioneer
Heritage Club, Ellis
Old Warehouse Café,
Duncan’s Pub,
Amherst Legion
Maggie’s Place,
Lion’s Den, Electric St,
Cumberland YMCA
Amherst 50+ Club,
Croft Street
Bingo – Parrsboro
Kitchen Party Friday Nights
Ben Smith and local musician friends strum up a mix of jazz, bluegrass,
reggae, traditional, folk, blues and original compositions and invite you to join
in. Everyone welcome. Free admission. For more info call 243-4059
Pugwash Farmer’s Market
Free admission
Local meat, artisans, preserves, fresh bread, seasonal produce
Family Night
6:00pm - 8:00pm
The Family Night program is a chance for families to enjoy a fun evening
together at the YMCA and interact with other families. Activities include Gym,
Swim & Social time with snacks. Family Night runs the first Saturday of every
month starting September 8, 2012.
Youth Drop In
6:00 – 9:00pm
This FREE program is offered in partnership with Maggie’s Place, Town of
Amherst, YMCA & volunteers. Youth are welcome to drop-in, hang out, do
activities and EAT!
Ages: 11 - 16yrs
Cost is $2.00 to play
Karaoke & Shuffleboard
Parrsboro Fire hall
Old-Time Music & Dancing
last Sunday of the month (every month but December)
For more information, contact Hope Bridgewater at 548-2086.
Steve & the Boys
Wentworth Recreation
Chatterbox Café,
Parrsboro Legion
10224 Durham Street,
Pugwash (behind
Cumberland YMCA,
Cumberland YMCA
Community Room,
Oxford Pioneer
Heritage Club, Ellis
Parrsboro Legion
Amherst Legion
Trail Maintenance - notice of funding changes
In 2006, the Department of Health Promotion & Protection (now the Department of Health and Wellness),
Physical Activity, Sport & Recreation (PASR) branch initiated a new funding program aimed at helping the many
not-for-profit trail operators with maintenance costs associated with managing a trail. It is called the Trail
Maintenance Program and the maximum grant was set at $1000.00.
The grant program has helped a large number of trail groups with annual trail maintenance and numerous
groups when urgent emergency trail repairs were needed.
Now that the program has been in operation for a few years and to ensure that the funds allocated to trail
maintenance are being maximized and used to improve trails, the program has been reviewed and some
changes have been suggested.
Effective immediately, the funding formula for not-for-profit groups managing open sections of rail trail which
are built on Crown owned rail corridors has been amended. Operators of rail trail can now apply for a maximum
grant of $100/kilometre of open trail to a maximum of 50% of the total value of their annual maintenance work.
If the trail is less than 10 kilometers in length, groups can continue to apply for the maximum $1000 grant.
Operators of other types of trails (hiking, mountain biking, multi-use trails built on lands not owned by the
Crown, etc.) can continue to apply to the Trail Maintenance Program just as they have in the past and the
maximum grant for such trails will continue to be $1000.00.
The guidelines will be available on the PASR website located at:
For more information please contact Steve Vines at: 902-396-1325 or [email protected]
Kid Sport
Due: September 1st
Application info
1. Sport organizations must be a member of Sport Nova Scotia. To view members, visit
2. Approval is based on Statistics Canada’s Low Income Cut-offs.
3. Applications are accepted six times per calendar year; deadlines are January 1st, March 1st, May 1st,
July 1st, September 1st, and November 1st.
4. Application form(s) will not be approved until all information is received.
5. Proof of total family income must accompany application form. You must include either:
Proof of total family income (for tax return or notice of assessment call 1-800-959-8281); or
Authorization from the Department of Community Services or community services agency (for
office locations visit
6. Complete applications will receive a letter no more than four weeks after the deadline notifying them of
the status of their application.
Grant info
Grants are awarded for registration fees and equipment costs only.
Total grant will not exceed $300. Grants for equipment only will not exceed $200.
A child can only receive one grant in a calendar year.
Preference is given to athletes who are being introduced into organized sport for the first time.
Cheques for registration grants will be made payable to a league, association or club. Cheques/vouchers
for equipment will be made payable to a sporting goods retailer. (Note: KidSport
request proof of purchase.)
reserves the right to
Individual Coach Initiatives: Funding is available to individual coaches for certification or training initiatives.
Coaches will be supported based on the quality of their initiative and their ability to assist Nova Scotia athletes
and coaches at all levels. Generally, funding will not be available for traveling to events with athletes. Coaches
must be in good standing with their PSOs.
Funding Amount: $42,500
Application timeline: Coaches can apply at any time. Please submit applications by the 15th of each
month to be reviewed by the S4S committee.
Reporting timeline: A report must be submitted 30 days after the conclusion of the event. The report
must include details concerning the initiative for which funding was received along with receipts for ALL
Eligibility for future funding will depend on report being submitted.
For more information contact: Candice Petten, Support4Sport Coordinator - [email protected]
Individual Officials Initiatives: Funding is available to individual officials for certification or training
initiatives. Officials will be supported based on the quality of their initiative and their ability to assist the Nova
Scotia sport system at all levels. Officials must be in good standing with their PSOs.
Funding Amount: $30,000
Application timeline: Officials can apply at any time. Please submit applications by the 15th of each
month to be reviewed by the S4S committee.
Reporting timeline: A report must be submitted 30 days after the conclusion of the event.
Eligibility for future funding will depend on report being submitted.
For more information contact Candice Petten, Support4Sport Coordinator, [email protected]
Athlete Assistance: This funding provides direct assistance for high-performance athletes. Some funding
already exists for athletes who meet defined international, national and regional standards through Sport
Canada, NSHPP, the CSCA and the Nova Scotia Amateur Sport Fund. As part of this program, each PSO will
receive $750 annually for a PSO carding program to support athletes who do not qualify for the current funding
but who have been recognized for their potential high-performance results. Athletes can apply anytime.
Funding amount: $270,000
The amount of funding allocated in this area could vary depending on how many athletes qualify during
any one year.
Funding criteria/evaluation: Criteria for funding from this program will be based on the pre-existing
criteria that have been determined through the cooperation of SNS, the CSCA, and NSHPP. These
criteria are currently used to determine high-performance athlete funding in Nova Scotia.
Reporting process: Outline of activities during past year to be submitted by March 1st each year.
Athlete’s eligibility for future funding will depend on the Athlete Assistance Annual Report Form being
submitted annually. (Please see ‘Resources’ section on right hand side of page to download the report.)
Athletes will be tracked by CSCA and Sport Nova Scotia.
If you have any questions, please contact Evan McInnis at the Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic at 902-425-0659
for further information
Nova Scotia Amateur Sport Fund
Manulife Financial Community Sport Grant: Applicants are encouraged to read the eligibility information
noted here and ensure they meet or exceed the criteria before making application. Upon meeting the eligibility
criteria, complete the appropriate application form, and submit it and all requested supplementary information,
by March 1 or September 1.
The Sport Fund Allocation Committee reviews applications semi-annually. The deadline for submitting
applications will be strictly adhered to. All applicants will receive notification of receipt of application, and
selections will be completed by April 15 and October 15 of the award year. All applicants will be notified in
writing within 15 days of the selection committee’s decisions. All selections and allocations will be final. The
committee retains the right to alter allocations where commitments have not been met.
Eligibility: The Sport Fund Allocation Committee reviews and publishes eligibility criteria for each of the
award categories. Potential applicants should ensure they meet or exceed the noted eligibility criteria
before submitting an application for financial assistance:
Be local clubs and/or community sport organizations in good standing with the Provincial Sport
Organization (PSO), and have their application endorsed by the President of their Provincial
Sport Organization (using the forms provided),
Be requesting funding that will fulfill a need not already supported by existing programs, (e.g.,
Office of Health Promotion - Sport & Recreation Division funding opportunities; Canada Games
Management Group's Technical Standards Implementation Program; etc.).
How Do I Get An Application?
using For paper copies and email
versions of the application forms contact Lindsay MacAskill, tel. 902-425-5450 ext. 362; fax. 902-4255606; email: [email protected]
Toyota Evergreen Learning Grounds
Toyota Evergreen Learning Grounds helps schools create outdoor classrooms to provide
students with a healthy place to play, learn and develop a genuine respect for nature.
Amount offered: $500–$3,500 for schools, $500–$2,000 for daycares.
Applications for the 2012–2013 funding program will be accepted on 4 intake dates
throughout the school year, starting on September 4, 2012:
September 21, 2012 – for schools that have completed their design
process and are ready to plant in the fall
November 16, 2012 – for schools that have completed the design
process and need planning time for their spring plant date
March 1, 2013 – for spring plantings
May 31, 2013 – for late spring/early summer or early fall plantings
Schools applying for funding must have school grounds that are:
on school board property
publicly accessible (greater community included) at all hours of the day and on weekends
publicly funded (i.e. non-tuition based)
Daycares applying for funding must be:
publicly accessible (greater community included) at all hours of the day and on weekends, with
exceptions when students are using the site
For more information, or how to apply, visit:
Canada Arts Presentation Fund
On June 26, 2009, Minister Moore announced a renewal of funding for the arts. He also noted that the Arts
Presentation Canada Program will now be called the Canada Arts Presentation Fund and that its funding will be
kept at the current level for fiscal years 2010-2011 to 2014-2015. The program's mandate and objectives remain
the same.
For Professional Arts Festivals and Performing Arts Series Presenters:
There are two application deadlines for Canada Arts Presentation Fund (CAPF): April 30 and
September 30.
*Applicants with activities starting between April 1, 2013 and June 30, 2013 must apply by the April 30,
2012 deadline. All other applicants must contact their Regional Office to determine which deadline is
most appropriate for their organization.
Objective: The objective of the Canada Arts Presentation Fund (CAPF) is to give Canadians access to a variety
of professional artistic experiences in their communities. The CAPF recognizes that arts presenters are key
partners in achieving this objective by providing financial assistance to organizations that professionally present
arts festivals or performing arts series, as well as their support organizations.
Who can apply: Canadian, non-profit organizations incorporated under Part II of the Canada Corporations Act
(or under corresponding provincial or territorial legislation) that present, in a professional manner, artistic
experiences originating from more than one province or territory; or with a core focus on strengthening arts
presentation in Canada; Provincial, territorial or municipal institutions (including educational institutions that
organize presentation activities for the public), as well as similar institutions or organizations of Status or NonStatus Indians, Inuit and Métis are also eligible.
For more information, visit:
RCMP Foundation
The RCMP Foundation's commitment to supporting programs in aid of Canada's youth at risk has been in
operation for the past 18 years, and has contributed more than 3 million dollars to over 670 programs in
communities across Canada. The programs address the constantly increasing challenges facing youth today, in
communities large and small, and across all social sectors.
The challenges included gangs, alcohol and substance abuse, bullying, suicide, internet safety, illiteracy,
poverty, unemployment, lack of self-esteem and social skills.
Projects should reflect partnerships with community groups
Projects must demonstrate evidence of significant and continuous
involvement of RCMP members in the project to be funded
Project should be non-core policing function
Projects must be a high priority within the Division
Projects must demonstrate clear linkages to the RCMP's operational
Projects must have a broad appeal within the community
Grant request MUST be a reasonable sized request (Maximum that can be requested per application is $10,000)
Projects should provide promotional opportunities for RCMP, RCMP Foundation and the community
*Additionally, to the greatest extent possible, the Foundation wishes to NOT fund buildings, surveys, equipment
and salaries.
The Fall 2012 Funding Round will open on August 27th and close on October 22nd at 11:59pm EST. All requests
for funding MUST be submitted within this time frame.
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada is pleased to announce that a call for proposals for Small
Projects enabling accessibility is now open. Please note that the call will be open from August 21, 2012 until
October 5, 2012. Only proposals postmarked on or before the closing date of October 5, 2012 will be
considered in this process.
The Enabling Accessibility Fund supports community-based projects across Canada that improves accessibility,
remove barriers and enable Canadians with disabilities to participate in and contribute to their communities.
The Small Project Component provides grant funding to projects that improve the accessibility of existing
facilities. Projects may include: the renovation, construction and retrofitting of buildings; the modification of
vehicles for community use; and the provision of accessible communication technologies, such as audio
induction loop systems and screen readers.
This component provides grant funding of up to $50,000 per project to improve the built environment through
renovation, construction and retrofitting of buildings; the modification of vehicles for community use; and
enhancements to make information and communication technologies more accessible.
Funding for at least 25 percent of the total eligible project costs must come from non-federal government
Who can apply?
not-for-profit organizations
small municipalities (with populations under 250 000 according to census data)
small private-sector organizations (fewer than 50 employees and under $5 million in gross revenue per
colleges and universities
territorial governments
Aboriginal governments
Organizations may apply for funding only when there is an open call for proposals.
Deadline: October 5, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
The application form and guidelines can be found on their web site. All applicants are encouraged to read the
guidelines before completing the application. For further information regarding the call, please visit the web site
Should you have any questions about the Small Projects enabling accessibility please contact by e-mail at: [email protected] or through the toll free number at: 1-866-268-2502 or TTY: 1 800 926-9105.
The 29th Annual Fundy Hockey School
Sept 4-18 at the Amherst Stadium
Fundamentals: 10-70 minute sessions, including final games
get an additional 60 minute session of specific training
Players $175.00, Goaltenders $100.00
Final Registration is due one hour prior to the first scheduled ice time.
Participant Information: The school is limited to 32 skaters, and a maximum of (4) four goaltenders in each
division. To avoid disappointment, please mail your application/ waiver as soon as possible.
Each participant will receive a Fundy Hockey School Jersey they will keep.
Visit and click on the Fundy Hockey School 2012 link for the brochure and application.
Brochures can also be found at Dayle’s Department Store in the Sports Cage or at a Cumberland County rink
near you.
Cumberland Jr. B Blues 2012 Training Camp & Try-Out Schedule
When: September 7th, 8th, & 9th
Where: Dr. Carson & Marion Murray Community Centre
Interested: Contact Terry at 667-1251 or 297-1121 or by email at [email protected]
Cumberland County Minor Hockey Association Registration
When: September 8th (Amherst) & September 13th (Springhill)
Where: The Amherst Stadium (8th) & the Carson & Marion Murray Community Centre (13th)
A Wilderness Canoe Retreat for Men
This unique men’s program, in its 22nd year, offers participants an opportunity to canoe through the remote
backcountry of southwestern NS. We will paddle through a stunning autumnal landscape that will inspire the
photographer, writer and artist in each of us. Inspired by the landscape and the supportive atmosphere created
by the wilderness journey, we will take time to share stories unique to our male experiences. Each day there is
time to relax, reflect and enjoy the solace the wilderness offers. For those who are interested, an overnight solo
experience is an optional part of the program. Father and son combinations are welcome. Each year we
alternate routes between the cranberry rich lakes along the Roseway system, and the mystical old growth of
Sporting Lake.
No previous wilderness experience necessary. Participants must be comfortable in the water and be in
reasonably good health. All meals and group equipment provided.
Program Cost: $610 (includes program fees, all meals, canoes and group equipment)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your spot in this program.
Sept 12-16th
Cumberland YMCA programs
Soccer & Basketball Stars
For more info contact [email protected]
These programs are designed to introduce children to team sport & basic sport specific skills.
- Ages for Soccer: 3 - 10yrs / Ages for Basketball: 5 - 12yrs
Register at the YMCA for Dance, Soccer & Basketball:
- Wednesday September 12th 3:00 - 7:30pm
- Wednesday September 19th 3:00 - 7:30pm
YMCA “Triathlon”
We are looking for teams of 1-3 members to participate in the YMCA Triathlon.
September 13th 6:00-8:00pm
Each Team will consist of:
1- Swimmer (400 m)
1- Cyclist (30 min Spin)
1- Runner (5K)
Team Registration Fee: Minimum $150.00 per team.
That's only $50.00 per team mate! (Fees can be raised through pledges or corporate sponsorship.)
All monies raised goes to the HFR and Aquatics Departments. Contact the Front Desk at 667-9112 to register or
for more information!
Group Swimming Lessons
For more info contact - [email protected]
Swimmers will be placed in levels appropriate to their age level. Lessons will be offered on Thursday evening,
Saturday & Sunday mornings. Lessons start the week of October 1st.
Register at the YMCA:
- Thursday September 13th 3:30 - 7:30pm
- Saturday September 15th 9:00 - 12:00pm
Spartans Swim Club
For swimmers between 8 - 18 yrs old who can swim 50 metres. Swim team starts mid-September. Spartans
practice Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri from 5:00 – 6:00 pm. Swimmers can choose to compete or be noncompetitive. Call Manson at 667-0152 or email [email protected] for more information.
Participants will raise money through collecting pledges and dance at the YMCA all night long. Participants will
have the opportunity to swim, enjoy snacks and prizes will be awarded throughout the evening. The Dance-AThon will be held on October 20th. Contact the YMCA for more details.
Dance! Dance!
For more info contact [email protected]
Are you interested in getting fit through dance? The Cumberland YMCA is offering a 6 wk session of Dance
throughout Cumberland County. Sessions will be offered in Oxford, Springhill, Amherst & Parrsboro.
Ages: 2 – 12yrs.
Historic Park Journey
Saturday, September 15th at 10:00am
Start your historical journey at the park office where the original Bentley farm house stood at the turn of the
20th century. As you walk the park, travel back to the time when only the Mi'kmaq knew of its beauty. View the
salt marsh where the Acadians dyked the powerful bay to grow crops. The trip ends at the beach where the
geological setting goes back over 200 million years. Walk is about 3 km long with some hills. Wear appropriate
footwear and bring a hat, sunscreen and water. Meet at the park office. Sponsored by the NS Department of
Natural Resources. Contact the park at (902) 254-2980 or email [email protected].
Terry Fox Run
When: Sunday, September 16th at 2:00 pm
Where: Oxford Lions Park
We are currently looking for volunteers to either help organize the event and or work the day of the event,
please call Corey at 447-2798
“I'm not a dreamer, and I'm not saying this will initiate any kind of definitive answer or cure to cancer, but I
believe in miracles. I have to.” Terry Fox
The Ship’s Company Theatre 11th Annual Golf Tournament
Four Fathers Half Marathon
Date - September 22, 2012
Location - Downtown Amherst
Time - Registration: 7:00 - 8:30 AM - YMCA
Race - 9:00AM - Across the world famous Tantramar marsh - Amherst to Mount Whatley and back again
Fee - $30.00
Contact : Ken MacKenzie - 669-1735
web site:
Running / Biking Club
Interested in a running or biking club? Please contact Corey by phone at 902-447-2798 or by email at
[email protected]. If there is enough interest shown, plans will be developed to create some kind of
Community Sport Development Coordinator
Sport NS will be posting for a Community Sport Development Coordinator for the Fundy region on/around
August 31. It will be posted on Career Beacon and on the SNS web site.
This is a posting for the Highland region, which is filling a mat leave, just to give you a sense of what it entails.
Leadership Training for Young Women
November 14th – 18th, 2012
Do you get fired up about issues and want to make a difference? Do you want to change things up in your life
or community? Then why not join inspiring young women from across the country at the ELLE Leadership
Training! (Or, if you know a young woman who could be interested, please pass this on!). The event is FREE. All
costs for attending the training will be covered by Girls Action Foundation.
In 2012, ELLE will be a bilingual training! There will be workshops led in English and French! This means, that
whether you communicate mainly in English or French, you`ll be able to fully participate!
Girls Action will bring together 25 inspiring young women for 5 days to learn new skills, explore passions,
dream, share and have fun.
You can learn how to:
Organize projects in your communities
Use multimedia (like photography and video) as a tool for change
Meet like-minded young women from across the country
Connect with mentors and other inspiring people
You will be encouraged to:
Discover and strengthen your own leadership style
Discuss the importance of taking care of oneself and strategies on how to make that happen
Develop a strong understanding of anti-oppression organizing
We expect participants to arrive at the training having thought about issues that interest them in their
communities. This training is a stepping-stone to more learning and wider community involvement!
Who can take part?
YOU, if you are a young woman between 16–25 years old
When is it?
The ELLE Project will take place from November 14th – 18th, 2012 in the Quebec Eastern Townships.
Deadline to register: September 3rd, 2012
For details about Logistics, Childcare and Selection Process click here.
Do you have any other questions about the ELLE Project?
For more information, contact Janine: [email protected]
Call 514.948.1112; Toll Free: 1.888.948.1112
Space is limited so apply now on – Girls Action Foundation`s online community for Young Women!
Atlantic Dowsers Society Gathering
When: September 7th at 7:00pm until September 9th at 1:00pm
Talks and Workshops for beginners and others on Water for Humanity, Dowsing for water and minerals, How to
dowse, Practical uses for dowsing, Labyrinths, Stone Circles, 2012 Equinox, Biodynamic Farming, Geopathic
Stress and more.
For schedule and further info check out our website at
Cost : $315.00 ($108.00 tuition + $207.00 meals/shared accommodations tax included)
Private rooms are $57.50 extra for the weekend
Please Register by August 30 2012 at
Dowsing tools will be available for purchase!
Pastel Workshop
For Adults & Youth with Jean Hearst from Virginia Beach, VA, USA. Saturday, September 8, 2012, 1:00 p.m.
to 4:00 p.m. $30
Using coloured textured pastel paper, students will learn to apply soft pastels directly to paper, concentrating on
tone rather than realistic color. Students will also learn how to rescue a “challenged” watercolor or acrylic
painting with soft pastel enhancement. All levels of experience with pastels are welcome.
Call the Gallery at 667-8555 or email [email protected]
SWITCH – Open Street
Sunday, Sept 9 – Halifax, Nova Scotia
On Sunday, September 9th, a 3km stretch of roadway on the Halifax peninsula will be closed to vehicular traffic
from 9am to 2pm and open to walkers, runners, bikers, in-line skaters, strollers, dancers, and much more. This
event will be similar to the famous Ciclovia event held weekly in Bogota, which has been successfully duplicated
the world over. Switch is about promoting healthy and active living, in a fun and festive community-based
atmosphere. This will be the first Switch in Halifax, with the hopes of making it a more regular event.
This is your official invitation to get involved and help make a difference in Halifax by volunteering for Switch!
The coordinators of Switch are looking for volunteers to marshal the route (on wheels or on foot), provide
information to event-goers, take photos, and be on hand to provide first aid.
There are two volunteer shifts available on the day of the event: 8:30am-11:30am and 11:30am-2:30pm.
To sign up as a volunteer please fill out the form at the following link, preferably by August 31st: If you have already signed up - thank you!
This is a great way to enjoy the event, while ensuring the future success of Switch!
If you cannot volunteer for a shift – be sure to spread the word – and drop by on Sept 9th to show your
Signals from the Soil Workshop
When: Monday, September 10th from 1:00-4:00 pm
Using common and other senses to determine soil health! Perennia Soil Specialist Amy Sangster and Organic
Specialist Av Singh will facilitate a discussion on interpreting soil tests and assessing soil health using sensory
tools. For more information, please call (902) 890-5899. Farmers Bryan and Shannon welcome you to Broadfork
Farm to talk soils (the foundation of the farm!)
Risks and Rinks Workshop
Please note that the Truro Recreation Centre will be the site of a Risk and Rinks workshop on Sept. 11.
This training program has been extremely well received when presented across Canada and we're delighted to
be able to be coming to Nova Scotia. The session will discuss a number of ongoing and new issues and concerns
relating to operators of indoor and outdoor rinks.
Some of the topics include:
• What is appropriate use of helmets? (staff and users)
• Personal and municipal liability
• Alcohol use
• Facility inspections
• Slip/trip falls
• User agreements
• Appropriate insurance vs. Excessive insurance
• ...and lots more
While we've received a good number of registrations already, there is still room for more. To register, download
the form from and either fax it to 519-537-8553 or email it
to [email protected]
"Becoming an Outdoors Woman" (BOW) Workshop
Women wanting to learn outdoor skills are encouraged to sign up for a three-day workshop called
Becoming an Outdoors-Woman.
Participants in the Sept. 14 - 16 program will have an opportunity to take part in bow hunting, archery, trout
and fly-fishing, geo-caching, and wilderness survival activities. Other classes include birding, canoeing, outdoor
cooking, trapping and snaring, and the safe use of shotguns and rifles.
The workshop will be held in Musquodoboit Valley at Mount Traber Bible Camp in Cooks Brook.
The program was established in 1991 to encourage more women to participate in outdoor activities. It is held in
most provinces and states throughout North America.
Applicants must be at least 18 years old and have until Aug. 8, or until the program is full, to register. The $229
fee includes HST, meals, accommodations and equipment. A limited number of scholarships are available.
For more information, contact Becoming an Outdoors Woman at 902-424-5832, e-mail [email protected], or
visit the website at
Barbara Coloroso
Barbara Coloroso is an international bestselling author and for the past 38 years an internationally recognized
speaker and consultant on parenting, teaching, school discipline, positive school climate, bullying, grieving,
nonviolent conflict resolution and restorative justice.
She has appeared on Oprah, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and NPR and has been featured in the New York Times,
Time, U.S. News & World Report, Newsweek, and other national and international publications.
1) Teaching Kids to Act Ethically & Bullying
Just Because It’s Not Wrong Doesn’t Make it Right From Toddlers to Teens, Teaching Kids to Think and
Act Ethically
The Bully, the bullied, and the Bystander Breaking the Cycle of Violence
Date: September 15, 2012 Time: 10:00am-4:00pm (Registration begins at 9:00am)
Location: Amherst Regional High School (190 Willow St, Amherst)
Cost: $60 + tax ($69.00) Lunch included
Facilitator: Barbara Coloroso
Preregister by September 7, 2012
Register Early-Space is Limited!!!
2) Kids are Worth it! Parenting with Wit & Wisdom – Free Parent Workshop 6-8pm
Women’s Summit
Save the date September 13 & 14. The Pictou County Women's Centre is hosting a Women's Summit in New
Speakers at the Summit include;
Nazanin Afshin-Jam, an Iranian-Canadian human rights activist. She has been an advocate for human rights
in her role as president and co-founder of Stop Child Executions. In February 2008, Afshin-Jam was appointed
by the Prime Minister's Office to the Board of Directors of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation.
Dr. Gail Dines, a professor of sociology and women’s studies at Wheelock College in Boston, an
internationally acclaimed speaker and author, and a feminist activist. Her writing and lectures focus on the
hypersexualization of the culture and the ways that porn images filter down into mainstream pop culture.
Jessica Danforth, a self-described "multiracial Indigenous hip-hop feminist reproductive justice freedom
fighter!" A proud Two Spirit youth, she is the founder and Executive Director of the Native Youth Sexual Health
Network, the first and only organization of its kind in by and for Indigenous youth working within the full
spectrum of sexual and reproductive health throughout the
United States and Canada.
Register here:
Susan Ball, NLP Life & Business Coach
Presents: Communicating with Children and Teens
1 day workshop
Saturday, Sept 22 10:00am-4:00pm
Registration fee: $115.00 (HST included)
There is always something new to learn and to teach and flexibility and awareness is key to a successful future
with children and teens. I will help you understand and reframe the challenges you are experiencing with your
own children or the children you work with or teach.
You will come away with fresh ideas that will open your eyes and mind.
Learn how to read your son or daughter better, how to set anchors that will quickly and easily shift their
behaviour. Learn what is important to your child and how to influence them by acknowledging what is important
to them. Improve your child’s reading, writing, and speaking skills.
Technology is changing more rapidly than the average person can keep up with and these changes affect how
children process information and act on the information they have processed.
In this workshop, you will learn about the power and influence of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube on children
and teens and the importance of working with this generation of future leaders. Discover what's new, what's
changing and the role internet and social media sites play in the development of children and youth.
Learn how to communicate effectively with children and teens today!
Who Should Attend This Workshop?
Parents, Teachers, Grandparents, Counsellors, Coaches, Youth Workers.
If you have children or work with them, don't miss this opportunity!
Susan Ball, NLP Life & Business Coach
[email protected]
Early Learning Center
For more info contact – [email protected]
Cumberland YMCA Early Learning Centre Programs are designed to facilitate growth in all areas of a child’s
development. Our YMCA Playing to Learn Curriculum delivers a hands-on approach that allows children to learn
and explore through play-based activities. Teachers ensure that the curriculum is fun and challenging, which in
turn provides a wonderful learning experience for your child.
(Full Day) is designed to facilitate growth in all areas of a child’s development. Utilizing our YMCA Playing to
Learn Curriculum children learn and explore through play-based activities.
Amherst Location (92 Church Street, Amherst):
Ages: 10 mths to 5 yrs
Days & Times: Mon - Fri (6:30am to 6:30pm)
Oxford Location (5228 Main Street, Oxford):
Ages: 18 mths to 5 yrs
Days & Times: Mon - Fri (6:30am to 6:30pm)
Preschool programs are focused on socialization with age appropriate activities offered in a play based setting.
Focus is on skill development, decision-making, problem solving and most importantly enjoying the process of
Ages: 2 1/2 - 3 yrs
Days: Tuesday & Thursday
Times: 9:00 - 11:00am
Locations: Amherst, Oxford and Pugwash
Focuses on child development physically, intellectually and socially in an inviting environment. Included is skill
development, decision-making, problem solving and most importantly enjoying the process of learning.
Ages: 4-5yrs
Amherst, Oxford & River Hebert Locations:
Days: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Times: 9:00 - 11:30 am
(Thursday from 1:00 - 3:00pm is also available in Amherst only)
Pugwash Location:
Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Times: 9:00 - 11:30 am or 1:00 - 3:30 pm
After School Programs
Available for students from P- 6. We utilize a hands-on approach that allows children to learn and explore
through play-based activities such as art, science, math and physical activity.
Days: Monday - Friday
Times: Afterschool – 5:30pm (West Highlands ends at 5:00pm)
Locations: West Highlands Elementary, Spring Street Academy, Cumberland North Academy & Oxford.
Held on In-Service & Storm Days as well as March and Christmas Break. They feature a structured day full of
fun activities, swim and gym time. Y-Days run from 8:30am to 5:00pm and are available September
through June for children in grades P - 6 at the YMCA Early Learning Centre in Amherst.
For more information on any of the YMCA programs listed above, please contact 667-4724.
Social Innovation Retreat
Tantramar Senior College Fall Registration
Tantramar Senior College holds their Fall Registration at Trinity-St.Stephen’s United Church from 4:00-5:15pm on
Tuesday, September 25th.
Male Spirit with Dominican Brother Joseph Kilikevice 2012
When: September 28th at 7:00pm until September 30th at 1:00pm
Welcome to a radically inclusive Male Spirit weekend retreat for men of all faith traditions and spiritual paths,
sexual orientations, and ways of being in the world. Using ritual, poetry and prayer from many traditions,
Brother Joe connects men with the Creator, the earth and each other in powerful interdependence, honouring
the diversity of men’s spiritual paths.
Whether we feel ashamed, defeated, bored, overworked, stressed, isolated, lonely and depressed; or are feeling
alive, confident, hope-filled, forgiving of self and others, compassionate, enthusiastic and loving, we come
together to create the sacred space where the self can be revealed without fear of judgment or rejection, inner
wounds healed and new directions taken.
Our time together will be an opening into that place of our origins where we received the mandate to be men of
passionate purpose, filled with the power and dignity as the very sons of the Creator. Together we will create a
space to claim the sacred scripture of our own stories. We will celebrate one another’s fears, struggles and
triumphs; honour the spiritual, physical and emotional wholeness of men, with the clear intention to serve one
another as brothers, friends and guides on our life journeys.
Program Cost: $395 ($240 tuition+$155 meals/accommodations)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your spot in this program.
Register at:
Mold Making and Paper Casting
Held at the Tidnish Bridge Art Gallery
September 29th & 30th (Saturday and Sunday), 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Instructor: Valerie J. McFadden (Stone)
Hand cast paper is a simple and fun art that can used to create bas-relief images for card-making,
scrapbooking, Christmas ornaments as well as fine art for framing. Learn the basics of sculpting and creating
simple models of your own. Construct and pour a plaster mold for paper casting, complete a hand-constructed
Session 1: Feel free to bring along any small scale & simple items such as shallow scallop/clam shells, coins,
buttons, scrapbooking charms, etc., or any other “low-relief” items you may like to add to your model
Session 2: Bring any additional items you may like to add into the paper pulp, such as dried flower petals,
glitter, fine seeds, etc. or beads/buttons/charms, gold leaf/gold paint as well as your own painting supplies if
you wish (acrylics/tole paints are most suitable) as basic “embellishing” will also be demonstrated.
Bring a lunch (or use the restaurant next door).
Cost $55 (includes both sessions and materials)
Teen Legacy Club (TLC)
Members of Teen Legacy Club are taught the power of philanthropy, while learning the basic principles of
service. TLC members plan fundraisers, recruit members, interview grant recipients and much more. TLC will be
starting in Oct.
For more information, contact the Cumberland YMCA.
Going Deeper: Youth Ministry Networking with Doris Kizinna 2012
When: October 12th at 7:00pm until October 14th at 1:00pm
Are you involved in youth ministry? Gather with other leaders of youth to share, network and renew your
inspiration for this unique and vital ministry. In addition to gaining new skills and approaches, we will reflect on
the importance of this ministry – the “why” of youth ministry – for coming generations. Both volunteer youth
leaders and those in paid accountable ministry will come away from this workshop with renewed motivation,
new ideas and plans, as well as a growing network of colleagues and friends.
Program Cost: $225 ($70 tuition+$155 meals/accommodations) Thank you to the Youth and Young Adult Vision
Fund, United Church of Canada for supporting this program. Several partial bursaries are available, thanks to
the Vision Fund, Maritime Conference, and Tatamagouche Centre. Please apply early for these bursaries.
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your spot in this program.
Register at:
First Aid
For more info contact - [email protected]
Emergency First Aid - Includes CPR-A Certification (Adult CPR). For those who require a general knowledge of
first aid principles and the emergency treatment of injuries. Skills include: victim assessment, rescue breathing,
CPR, choking, allergies, managing severe bleeding, heart attack and stroke.
Standard First Aid - Includes CPR-C Certification. Provides comprehensive training covering all aspects of first
aid and CPR. Standard First Aid incorporates all Emergency First Aid and is designed for those who require a
more in-depth understanding of first aid including: legal implications of first aid treatment, spinal injuries, heat
and cold injuries, bone and joint injuries, abdominal and chest injuries, burns, and medical emergencies. (2-Day
Full Course: October 20 & 21, 2012
Recertification Course: October 13, 2012
NCCP Women-Only Workshop
Coaching Nova Scotia will deliver a Women's Only NCCP Multisport Competition Introduction Part B workshop
this coming October. Hosted at Acadia University, the workshop will run from October 19-21, 2012 and
consists of the following three modules: Design a Basic Sport Program, Teaching and Learning, and Basic Mental
Skills. The two-day course will be facilitated by Ann Dodge and features keynote speaker Natasha Burgess,
Canada~Snowboard Sport Development Manager and Atlantic Freestyle Development Coach, Canadian Sport
Centre Atlantic. Registration is now open for this FREE workshop. For more information,
Raising and Mentoring Boys and Male Youth 2012
When: October 24th at 2:00pm until October 26th at 4:00pm
Through this experiential and participatory program you will learn some of the essential skills, processes and
techniques to support the positive raising and mentoring of young males. We will also learn tools and an
approach to meaningfully engage young males within a group or community context and supporting young men
to take active roles in our communities.
We will explore the dynamics of male youth culture and some of the effects of both biology and socialization on
young males. As part of creating positive socialization for young males, we will examine hallmarks of rites of
passage experiences and the necessity for them.
Time will be provided to integrate the course content with regard to participants’ existing personal and
professional relationships with male youth. We will share our own resources, practices and questions in our
work to support healthy and positive models of male identity, and create new practices to utilize in our work and
personal contexts.
This course supports educators, parents, youth and social workers to more effectively create a safe, sociallyresponsible schools, families, and communities featuring boys who are happier, positively engaged, and
embodying their potentials.
Program Cost: $620 ($465 tuition+$155 meals/accommodations)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your spot in this program.
Register at:
RNS 15th Annual Conference and Trade Show
Recreation Nova Scotia is pleased to present Recreation: The Power of Community, RNS' 15th Annual
Conference and Trade Show taking place October 24th-26th at the Best Western Plus Glengarry & Central
Nova Scotia Civic Centre in Truro, NS.
Plan to experience a top quality program, excellent networking opportunities and a professional trade show.
Register for what will prove to be a memorable experience. You will leave the conference feeling energized,
connected, informed and full of new ideas!
For more information on the conference and trade show visit:
Babysitting Course
For more info contact – [email protected]
This YMCA program prepares youth to look after children, change diapers, learn to feed, safety in the home,
responsibilities, basic first aid, games and activities as well as what to do in an emergency situation. For ages
11-14yrs. There will be a Babysitting Course on October 26th, 2012.
Life Guarding Courses
For more info contact - [email protected]
Bronze Medallion - $80.00 (Members) $105.00 (Non Members)
Teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water-rescue
education - judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness. Rescuers learn tows and carries, and defense methods and
releases in preparation for challenging rescues of increased risk involving conscious and unconscious victims of
various types. Lifesavers develop stroke efficiency and endurance in a 500 m timed swim.
Prerequisite: Minimum 13 years of age or Bronze Star certification (need not be current).
Dates & Times: TBA
Bronze Cross - $80.00 (Members) $105.00 (Non Members)
Designed for lifesavers who want the challenge of more advanced training including an introduction to safe
supervision in aquatic facilities. Bronze Cross is a prerequisite for all advanced training programs including
National Lifeguard and Instructor certification. Includes a timed 600 m swim.
Prerequisite: Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid certifications (need not be current).
Dates & Times: TBA
National Lifeguard Service (NLS) - $150.00 (Members) $75.00 (Non Members)
National Lifeguard training is designed to develop the basic lifeguarding skills, principles and decision-making
processes which will assist the lifeguard to evaluate and adapt to different aquatic facilities and emergencies.
Prerequisite: Minimum 16 years of age. Bronze Cross certification and current. Standard First Aid
Dates & Times: TBA
Invitation to Wabanaki Conference
This is your invitation to sit in council with the Wabanaki Nations at their “Confederacy” Conference.
Where: St. Mary’s First Nation, New Brunswick; on the riverfront
When: September 1 & 2 (at the end of the Wabanaki Confed. Gathering)
First Light Ceremony opens each day; council begins after breakfast at about 9am.
Why: There is an immediate need for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people to get together. There are many
issues, yet unresolved and unsettled, that have become barriers among the different Peoples since the
beginning. These issues must be addressed head-on before true reconciliation and sincere relationships can be
formed. All of us have serious obligations under the original Maritime Peace & Friendship Treaties, signed by
the British ancestors with Mik’maq, Walostoqiyik, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot. The spirit of these treaties
must be revitalized and strengthened on both sides by the People. It is a time for the revival, renewal, and
reclaiming of Wabanaki, strength, and well being.
This year, via an unprecedented invitation, we have the opportunity to meet together, to build an alliance
together regarding our shared care and concerns for the Land, water, air and societies we share.
Hosts: The St. Mary’s First Nation Community is working with the Maliseet Grand Council to host this Gathering.
The Maliseet Grand Council works to create ways and means of protecting Maliseet knowledge and wisdom for
succeeding generations of Wolastoqiyik; to strongly support and promote programs that work to create fluent
speakers, (both adult & youth) of the Maliseet language; and, to work toward gathering and uniting the
Wolastoqiyik through Annual Assembly, Gatherings, Feasts, Pow-Wows, and Ceremonies. The Maliseet Grand
Council does not replace the INAC Chief & Councils, but seek to work together for the unity and benefit of the
entire Maliseet Nation
Email [email protected] for more information
Nova Scotia Women’s Summit
Please find attached the link to register for the NS Women’s Summit happening Sept. 13th and 14th in New
Glasgow. There will be pre-summit events happening on the evening of the 12th. There is also a Summit
Banquet the evening of the 13th, don’t miss buying your tickets, it will be a fabulous evening. A description of
speakers is included in the registration package. We are very excited about the agenda! Space is limited,
register early.
Open Farm Day
When: Sunday, September 16th
Farms Participating in Cumberland County: Jost Vineyards (Malagash, 257-2636) Broadfork Farm (River
Hebert, 251-1686), Wallace Ridge Farm (Wallace, 257-1149). For more information, please phone.
Open Farm Day is a province wide event on September 16th that creates the opportunity for participating Nova
Scotia farmers to open their doors to members of their community. We’re giving you a backstage pass to meet
your farmer, and really see where your food comes from. We also want you to have a first hand glance at our
farmers’ hard work and dedication to top quality products and services.
The Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture in association with Sobeys and all its partners are thrilled to be
celebrating the 11th year of Open Farm Day. Please take advantage of this great opportunity and visit as many
of these farms as possible. Share stories, ask questions, get involved and most importantly have fun!
Household Hazardous Waste Events
Organic Week
Come celebrate Organic Week with us! Wondering what Organic Week is? Check out the
Sunday, September 23rd
Plan for the day:
10:30-11:30am: Farm Tour
11:30-1:00pm: Picnic Lunch (please pack your own picnic, but we will have a nice, big Broadfork salad to
1:00-3:00pm: Seed-Saving Workshop
3:00-4:00pm: Work Party
Come for any part or al of the day! The seed workshop is sponsored by the River Hebert Garden Club and Seeds
of Diversity Canada, through funding from the Municipality of Cumberland
Sports Day in Canada 2012
Sports Day in Canada, on Saturday, September 29, is a national celebration of sport,
from grassroots to high-performance levels, in communities across the country. The
vision of Sports Day in Canada, now in its third year, is to reach out to all Canadians
to build, solidify and celebrate the role of sport in our country through a dynamic,
energetic and influential movement that inspires Canadians to move more.
Sports Day in Canada is presented by CBC Sports, Radio-Canada Sports, True Sport
and ParticipACTION, working with national sporting organizations and their networks
of coaches, athletes and enthusiasts across the country. It’s an opportunity for all
Canadians to celebrate the power of sport to build community, fortify our national spirit and facilitate healthy,
active living.
Community Engagement
September 23 to 29: Over a thousand local organizations, communities and schools will hold a blitz of Sports
Day in Canada events with community festivals, try-it days, open houses, games, competitions, meet-andgreets, tournaments, fun runs, spectator events and pep rallies. Organizers can create something new, or throw
open their doors to something they’re already doing.
Register your event so Canadians can search for local events. Free promotional tools are available.
Jersey Day
Friday, September 28: A national day to show your support for sport by wearing a jersey, team or club
Broadcast Events
Saturday, September 29: CBC Sports will broadcast the Sports Day in Canada event with sports anchor, Scott
Russell. The broadcast will include local community stories, live hits from local events, interviews with key
personalities and engaging discussions. Radio-Canada Sports reports from key communities and sporting events
throughout French Canada.
In the weeks leading up to Sports Day, CBC and Radio-Canada will air weekly broadcast vignettes to raise
awareness and drive participation of communities, organizations and the general public in Sports Day in Canada.
Each vignette will tell a unique sport participation story that extols the power and principles of good sport.
For the latest on Sports Day in Canada, go to
If your community or organization has not already joined the Movement, click here to learn more and then take
the next step by committing to good sport!
Active Living After School is Launching this Fall
Physical and Health Education Canada is proud to announce the upcoming release
of Active Living After School (ALAS), an initiative designed to assist after school
program administrators in delivering high quality programs and experiences to all
participants. The ALAS initiative includes a How-to Guide and an activity
equipment kit to help administrators in support of their programs. Through a
partnership with Canadian Tire Jumpstart, qualifying schools and
organizations may receive the guide and equipment at no cost.
With a focus on moderate to vigorous physical activity and healthy eating, the
objective of ALAS is to help ensure that all children and youth, regardless of their
age, abilities, gender, culture or socioeconomic status, have the basic skills
necessary to become healthy and enjoy lifelong physical activity.
The initiative is scheduled to launch this fall. Order capacity is limited, so register
for a chance to infuse your programs with new teaching resources and equipment. Visit this site for more
Trail Patrol Instructors
NS Trails is seeking trail wardens or trail enthusiasts interested in becoming certified trail patrol instructors. The
demand for trail warden training on non-motorized trail is exceeding the capacity of our current
We would love to hear from anyone from the non-motorized trail community who is interested in volunteering in
this capacity. Please contact [email protected] and include your phone number so that we may
call you.
Healing the Trauma of Racism
When: October 4th at 7:00pm until October 7th at 3:30pm
Trauma results from experiences that violate our sense of safety and connection. Institutionalized racism is a
profound social violation that is deeply wounding. Silence and denial around institutionalized racism in the
Maritimes often masks the cumulative toll it takes on our relationships with our bodies, loved ones and
communities. This program is designed break the silence and share ways of transforming the pain of racism in
our lives and communities. It does this in part through a politicized body-oriented approach called Generative
Somatics. We will take “transformation” from a good idea to a felt and lived experience that can deeply inform
our social justice and healing work.
What will we do?
We will hear the diverse experiences of First Nations communities and racialized communities in the Maritimes,
and explore what communities and individuals are already doing to heal, change and move forward from the
disconnect of racism. Building on our strengths, we will introduce an approach called Generative Somatics,
which offers a deeply personal and political lens for transforming the effects of racism. Finally, we will explore
practical applications of these tools in our region.
This three-day intensive will support building deeper alliances across communities of color in the Maritimes. We
will use body awareness and skills building to address our responses to individual and social trauma through the
body. Our ultimate goal for this 3-day intensive is that participants develop more choices in how they respond to
the trauma of racism/white supremacy and begin to transform the hostilities that play out within and between
our communities of color as a result of racism.
Who will be there?
This three-day gathering is for those who have lived experience of being subject to racism and/or colonization.
It will uniquely benefit those who are committed to addressing the connections of personal and social trauma
and the role of healing in broader social change work in the Maritimes. Mental health practitioners, communitybased healers, youth workers, clergy and community organizers will benefit from this program, as well as
activists of colour who want to explore what politicized, body-oriented approaches can offer the social justice
movement in terms of strategy, vision, and building power together.
Cost: Full and partial bursaries are available to cover the costs of tuition, room and board. Please contact our
Registrar if you would like to attend or register at
Be Still: Contemplative Photography 2012
When: October 12th at 7:00pm until October 14th at 3:30pm
Come learn and share with some exceptional professional photographers!
In our 11th year, we look forward to taking this program to a new, deeper level of engagement and practice.
Creativity exercises, reflection, sharing and analysis: this program aims to explore the act of photography as
both a meditative process and one of self-discovery.
For returning participants, we welcome your growth, challenges and experiences since the last time. For new
participants, this program offers you a renewed version of a tried and true process that will encourage
development of your own artistry and a contemplative approach.
All levels of experience are welcome to this safe, supportive learning community. Digital camera required.
Program Cost: $400 ($245 tuition+$155 meals/accommodations)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your spot in this program
Register at:
Safer School Zone Act
The province is reminding Nova Scotians that slower is safer in school zones, as part of a driver education
campaign launched the week of June 6.
The campaign supports the Safer School Zone Act that comes into effect September 1, 2012. It will mean
drivers will have to reduce speed in school areas to 30 km/h, in a 50 km/h zone, when children are present. In
school areas where the speed limit is higher, a 50 km/h reduced speed limit will continue to be in effect when
children are present.
"Slower is safer in school zones," said Maurice Smith, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal.
"Drivers need time to react to the unpredictable situations that are all too common in school zones from children
running onto the street to get a ball to texting their friends. Drivers need to slow down so they have extra time
to respond and keep our children safe."
The campaign runs June, August and September with television, radio and online spots. Collateral materials will
available for stakeholder.
Read more information here:
Be Active and Safe, Protect Your Noggin
The province is investing $200,000 to provide helmets to children and youth in need to help
them protect their noggins and play safe. About 15,000 children and youth will receive the
helmets through this partnership involving the province, injury-prevention stakeholders and
first responders from local law enforcement and paramedics. Medavie EMS is also contributing
funds as a corporate sponsor.
Injury-prevention partners like the QEII division of neurosurgery and Child Safety Link at the
IWK understand first-hand the effects that not wearing a helmet can have.
"We know the tragic human and economic costs that patients and families face when they
suffer a brain injury; prevention is the only cure," said Dr. Simon Walling, a neurosurgeon with
the QEII and IWK.
Paramedics and local law enforcement across the province will be give helmets to children and youth they
identify as in need in the communities they serve.
"It promotes safety and provides officers and paramedics an opportunity to interact with members of the
community in a very positive way through education and distribution of helmets to those most in need," said
Mark Mander, president of the Nova Scotia Chiefs of Police Association.
For more information on helmet safety, visit and
Strong Girls, Strong Canada: Leaders From The Start
This coming October, Canada will celebrate the first International Day of the Girl and Women's History
Month 2012. This year's theme - Strong Girls, Strong Canada: Leaders from the Start - gives Canadians the
opportunity to recognize girls as leaders and to celebrate the leadership role girls have played in Canadian
history. From girl guides to hockey players, and from entrepreneurs to community organizers, girls and young
women have been important leaders in their community, and on the national and international stages. There is
also growing recognition around the world that support for girls and their basic human rights is key for healthy
communities. In other words, Strong Girls will help build a Strong Canada that is safe, innovative and
economically prosperous.
During October, girls' and young women's roles and achievements in Canada's history and development will be
highlighted, as well as the challenges and opportunities they have faced over time. October 11, 2012 marks
the world's first International Day of the Girl. This day aims to make a difference in the lives of girls and young
women as citizens and powerful voices of change within their families, their communities and their nations.
The new poster, ways to celebrate and facts about Canadian girls in history will be coming soon to
'planat' Accessibility Map - Rick Hansen Foundation
“Let’s build a future where no one gets left behind. Join me to
help create a more inclusive world.” - Rick Hansen
What is planat?
planat (formerly Rick Hansen Global Accessibility Map) is an
easy-to-use online ratings tool that allows users to post and
search reviews from a mobility, sight or hearing perspective on
the accessibility of buildings and public spaces in communities
around the world.
planat empowers people to make informed decisions on everyday activities such as where they eat, shop, work, and
play. It is similar in concept to the consumer reviews commonly found on many travel websites, but with a focus on
accessibility criteria.
planat is part of the Rick Hansen Foundation’s ongoing commitment to improving accessibility and quality of life for
all people – including people with disabilities, the aging population and parents/caregivers using strollers.
How planat works:
Planat allows you to discover accessible restaurants, shops, accommodations, attractions and much, much more.
Based on a five-point rating system similar to consumer reviews found on travel websites, planat is focused on
accessibility features from a mobility, sight, and hearing perspective.
•Activate your location services to find options nearby or look up specific venues
•Post comments and rate venues using the simple five-point rating system
•Use map view, search bar and venue list options
•Filter results by location, venue type and minimum rating
•Search for reviews based on mobility, sight or hearing accessibility needs
•Contains accessibility information from around the world
For more information:
Active For Life
Active Kids Healthy Kids
Active Transportation Canada
Ageing Well Together (Nova Scotia)
Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic
Coaching Association of Canada
Coaching Nova Scotia
Cumberland Public Libraries
Explore Nova Scotia
Fundraising Central
Go Girl (Cumberland-based self-esteem
workout & girls club)
Health Canada
Nova Scotia Parks
Nova Scotia Trails
Education Canada)
Recreation Nova Scotia
Sport Canada
Sport Nova Scotia
Tantramar Seniors College
Trails Nova Scotia
Volunteer Canada
More People, More Active, More Often!