JA 2012 cover - The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
VOL. LXXVII, No.7-8 JULY/AUG 2012 • • •• • THE HERALD JACKSON, MI VICE-CHAIRMAN: Right Rev. Bishop Irineu Duvlea ENGLISH EDITOR / SECRETARY: Archdeacon David Oancea ROMANIAN EDITOR: V. Rev. Fr. Anton Frunza¨ CHAIRMAN: Most Rev. Archbishop Nathaniel Popp STAFF: Rev. Igumen Calinic Berger Ph.D. V. Rev. Dr. Remus Grama Hdcn. Sebastian Dumitrascu Mr. Mark Chestnut Mr. Richard C. Grabowski CONTENTS English Section Episcopate Council Meeting ........................................ 2, 15 Convocation – 80th Annual Episcopate Congress ............. 3 St. Nicholas Camp 2012 Review ........................................ 4 Holy Synod Appoints Archbishop Nathaniel Locum Tenens .................................................................. 5 Save the Date – Family Life + All Auxiliaries Conference .......................................................................5 Money and the Proper Use of Wealth, George W. Grube ................................................. 6-7, 13 In Memory: Judith Roman Scavnicky ................................8 Dormition Monastery New Church Consecration ............ 8 World Church News ....................................................... 9-11 Hierarchal Schedule .................................................... 12-13 Financial Report ......................................................... 14, 15 Solia Calendar 2013 Advertising Contract .................... 16 Romanian Section Convocarea celui de-al 80-lea Congres al Episcopiei ...................................................................... 17 öPS Arhiepiscop Nathaniel numit locòiitor al scaunului de Mitropolit Primat al OCA .................... 18 Schimbarea la Faòa¨ .............................................. 18, 21-22 Vieòile Sfinòilor, Arhimandrit Roman Braga ............ 19, 24 Sfa[ntul Mare Prooroc Ilie Tesviteanul ..................... 20, 23 Lasa¨-ma¨ ôn pace, Pr. Romey Rosco ............................... 23 De vorba¨ cu olarul, Dumitru Ichim ................................ 23 Programul Sfinòirii noii biserici a Ma[na¨stirii Adormirea Maicii Domnului ....................................... 24 COVER> The Most Holy Mother of God, The Unfading Bloom – In this icon, the Most Holy Birthgiver of God holds her divine Son on her left arm, and in her right hand is a bouquet of lilies. This bouquet symbolically signifies the unfading flower of virginity and spotlessness of the All-Pure Virgin, whom the Church hymns: “You are the Root of virginity and the Unfading Blossom of purity.” Available from St. Tikhon’s Bookstore (888)454-6678 or stspress.com. 2 SOLIA — THE HERALD (ISSN 0038-1039) is published bi-monthly for $15.00 per year: United States, $20.00 per year: Canada, and $25.00 per year in other countries by The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, 2535 Grey Tower Road, Jackson, MI 49201-9120. Periodicals postage paid at Jackson, Michigan, and additional offices. Phone: (517) 522-3656, Fax: (517) 522-5907. E-mail: [email protected]. Internet: http://www.roea.org. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: SOLIA — THE HERALD, P.O. Box 185, Grass Lake, MI 49240-0185, U.S.A. Articles and news published in SOLIA do not necessarily reflect the views or the endorsement of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America. EPISCOPATE COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 2012 The Episcopate Council met at Vatra Romaneasca, Grass Lake, Michigan, on Saturday, July 21, 2012. The number of elected members constituted the quorum. His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel presided; His Grace, Irineu was also present. Archbishop Nathaniel brought to the attention of the Council the resignation of Metropolitan Jonah as reported on the Orthodox Church in America’s website; and, the fact that as senior hierarch in the Holy Synod, he (Archbishop Nathaniel) was appointed Locum Tenens of the Metropolitan See (see article elsewhere in this issue of Solia). Among the actions taken by the Council were: registering the Referendum positive vote for the Saints Peter and Paul Mission in Quebec City (Loretteville), QC to purchase a building; registering the Referendum positive vote for addressing the Holy Synod concerning the interference of Rev. Vasile Susan in the affairs of the Episcopate; Referendum positive vote for St. Dimitrie the New Mission, Frederick, CO, to obtain a mortgage. The finalization of the sale of the ROEA property in Niles, OH was reported. This was the site of the former St. John Chrysostom Parish and the temporary location of the Buna Vestire Mission. The property had been deeded to the Episcopate. A request from the Nativity of Our Lord Parish in Chicago for relief from fulfilling its financial obligation to the Episcopate was read and discussed. Council affirmed that every parish is responsible to fulfill its obligation to the Episcopate. The chair brought to the Council’s attention certain small parishes in Canada in relationship to their status as parishes in the Episcopate. No action was taken. Cont. on page 15 PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 THE 80TH ANNUAL EPISCOPATE CONGRESS OF THE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX EPISCOPATE OF AMERICA CONVOCATION In conformity with Article III, Section 7, of the By-Laws of The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, we hereby call into session THE 80TH ANNUAL EPISCOPATE CONGRESS Friday, September 28 through Saturday, September 29, 2012 at ST GEORGE ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL 18405 W 9 MILE RD, SOUTHFIELD MI 48075 – (248) 569-4833 The Congress will be in session starting Friday, September 28 at 9:00 am Eastern Daylight Savings Time The Agenda, as will be presented in the Annual Report to the Episcopate Congress 2012, will include: Reading/Approval of the 79th Annual Episcopate Congress Minutes; Official Reports to the Congress; Reports from the Episcopate Auxiliaries; New Business as submitted by the Episcopate Council As per Article III, Section 1, The Episcopate Congress shall be composed of: • The Bishop • The Auxiliary Bishop(s) • The Vicar • The Parish Priest and Assistant Priest(s) • Two Lay Delegates elected by each Parish Assembly for Congress 2012 • Two delegates from each Auxiliary organization of the Episcopate • Priests under the jurisdiction of the Episcopate not having parishes, deacons, abbots, abbesses, if accredited by the Episcopate Council • Members of the Episcopate Council in office, including Auxiliary Presidents ex-officio. Should the duly-elected lay delegates be unable to attend, their alternates will represent the parish. No addition, substitution or ad hoc delegation will be recognized by the credentials committee. + NATHANIEL Archbishop of Detroit and The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 Thursday, September 27 – St. George Cathedral 9:00 am Clergy Conference 1:00 pm Lunch 2:00 pm Clergy Conference Reconvenes 5:00 pm Great Vespers 6:00 pm Supper 7:00 pm Episcopate Council Meeting (at Westin Hotel) 8:00 pm Delegate Registration (at Westin Hotel) Friday, September 28 – St. George Cathedral 8:00 am Delegate Registration 9:00 am Invocation to the Holy Spirit 80th Episcopate Congress Convenes 1:00 pm Lunch 2:00 pm Congress Reconvenes — Session II 5:00 pm Vespers 6:30 pm Supper & Program Saturday, September 29 – St. George Cathedral 9:00 am Procession of the Hierarchs & Clergy Hierarchal Divine Liturgy 12:00 noon Congress Banquet & Program Host Parish: St. George Romanian Orthodox Cathedral 18405 W 9 Mile Road, Southfield MI 48075-4033 (248) 569-4833 Hotel: WESTIN Southfield-Detroit 1500 Town Center, Southfield MI 48075 Reservations: (888) 627-8558 www.westinsouthfielddetroit.com Mention “Romanian Orthodox Episcopate” or “St. George Cathedral” for special rate. $79.00/night + 13% tax DEADLINE for group reservations: September 17, 2012 Delegates must arrange their own transportation. ADDRESS CHANGE Send your change of address to: SOLIA, PO BOX 185 GRASS LAKE MI 49240 or [email protected]. PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA 3 ST NICHOLAS CAMP 2012 REVIEW St. Nicholas Camp 2012 Students and Staff with Fr. Cosmin Vint the dormitories, and to fix up the buildings. It would This year, the Romanian Orthodox Deanery of also benefit greatly from the use of a bus or at least a Canada (RODOC) at Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan, 15-passenger van, as coordinating three or four vehosted 24 children from the ages of 7 to 15. We had hicles with drivers, making multiple trips to pick up three counselors, a full-time cook, an arts teacher, a kids, is not a good use of energy and time. music teacher, a driver, and three priests who came If a parish sends children to the camp, it would be and volunteered their time to help the camp run edifying to see an adult or two from the parish, to smoothly. During the week, we had visits from some come and supervise and help with various tasks. It interested parents who also helped with various jobs. would also be very helpful if at least one priest came The theme of the week was: “We Praise You,” to the camp for the entire week to help with the which refers to the last major section of the Divine teaching, and to be a presence at the camp. Liturgy. Children learned about the meaning of what All-in-all, we did our best at the St. Nicholas Camp we pray every time we participate in the Liturgy. In this year. The children ranged from helpful and very the music class, they practiced the hymns and rewell-behaved, to mischievous and badly-behaved. sponses that correspond with what they learned. Personnel-wise, the camp requires more adult superIn Arts class, children learned about clay and had a vision, a full-time priest to run services and help with chance to create pottery candleholders, which were teaching, and at least one responsible counselor for then fired and glazed in time for them to take home. every six children. This would help greatly and will One day, while it rained outside, some of the children be necessary in order for the camp to continue running dipped candles to go along with their candleholders. smoothly. The other project was to create miniature tipis out of Many thanks to our counselors; to Father Cosmin MDF, bamboo skewers, and canvas, which were then Vint, Father Cosmin Sicoe, and Father Dan Nenson painted according to children’s interests. These projects for their generous gift of time and teaching; to Kathie all turned out very well, and the children enjoyed Crawford, our faithful cook, who prepared each delimaking them. cious meal and snacks to take on the road; to Mandy The schedule was very full! The children went Odling for her time and talents in the arts and crafts geocaching, canoeing, swimming (which was a reprogram; to Con Melit, who gave his week to help us prieve on the very hot days), and mini-golfing. They with driving children around to various events; and a played a lot of soccer in the cool part of the evening. special thanks to Preoteasa Mihaela Vint for her dediThe “Amazing Race”, a camp-wide, multi-event comcation, hours and hours of hard work, and for her petition, was a big hit with the kids. The mini-Olympresence at the camp. pics games were also a lot of fun for everyone. Rodney Peters The camp facilities are still adequate, but funding St. George Cathedral, Regina, Saskatchewan is necessary to purchase new furniture, mattresses for 4 PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 HOLY SYNOD APPOINTS ARCHBISHOP NATHANIEL LOCUM TENENS, BISHOP MICHAEL TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATOR SYOSSET, NY [OCA] On Monday, July 9, 2012, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah and the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops met via conference call to further discuss His Beatitude’s resignation, as reported earlier on the web site of the Orthodox Church in America. The hierarchs issued the following statement at the conclusion of their meeting. “To the Venerable Clergy, Devout Monastics, and Pious Faithful of the Orthodox Church in America: “Beloved in Christ, Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever! “On Friday, July 6, 2012, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, tendered his resignation as Primate of the Orthodox Church in America. The Holy Synod of Bishops, chaired by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, met via conference call on Saturday, July 7, 2012. During that meeting, the Holy Synod accepted Metropolitan Jonah’s resignation and deliberated on courses of action. “On Monday, July 9, 2012, the Holy Synod of Bishops, including Metropolitan Jonah, met again via a conference call to continue those deliberations. Metropolitan Jonah will retain the title ‘His Eminence, Metropolitan Jonah, former Archbishop of Washington and Metropolitan of All-America and Canada.’ “The Holy Synod has appointed the senior hierarch of the Holy Synod, His Eminence, the Most Reverend Nathaniel, Archbishop of Detroit and the Romanian Episcopate, as the Locum Tenens of the Orthodox Church in America. His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel will be commemorated in the Liturgy as ‘His Eminence the Most Reverend Nathaniel, Archbishop of Detroit and the Romanian Episcopate, Locum Tenens of the Orthodox Church in America.’ “The Holy Synod has appointed His Grace, the Right Reverend Michael, Bishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, as the Administrator of the Orthodox Church in America. “The Holy Synod has appointed His Grace, the Right Reverend Alexander, Bishop of Toledo and the Bulgarian Archdiocese, as the Locum Tenens of the Archdiocese of Washington. His Grace will be commemorated in the Liturgy as ‘His Grace, the Right Reverend Alexander, Bishop of Toledo and the Bulgarian Archdiocese, Locum Tenens of the Archdiocese of Washington.’ “The Holy Synod of Bishops is currently discussing arrangements with Metropolitan Jonah and, with all due pastoral consideration, will take into account SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 his requests as outlined in his letter of resignation. The Holy Synod of Bishops will also meet in due time to discuss future plans for the leadership of the Church. “The Holy Synod thanks Metropolitan Jonah for his considerate decision and requests that the Clergy and Faithful keep Metropolitan Jonah and the Orthodox Church in America in their prayers. “Assuring you of Our Archpastoral Blessing, We are, “The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America.” - SAVE THE DATE Family Life + All-Auxiliaries Conference “With Faith & Love, Draw Near” June 27-30, 2013 VATRA ROMANEASCA, Grass Lake, Michigan USA With hierarchical blessings & endorsement of the Episcopate Council, our Episcopate faithful are invited to The Inaugural Family Life Conference with the Joint Annual Conferences of ARFORA: Assn. of Romanian Orthodox Ladies’ Auxiliaries AROY: American Romanian Orthodox Youth BH: Orthodox Brotherhood Faith - Family - Social - Culture Youth > Singles > College Young married Couples Families with Children > Widowed > Seniors child care will be available Deans - Priests - Councils Church Schools - Choirs Workshops on Parish Life, Opportunities for Spiritual Enrichment, Social Events *Full Liturgical Cycle* Plan your vacation to spend a few days recharging & enriching spiritually and socially within the greater Episcopate family. June 27-30, 2013 - VATRA ROMANEASCA PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA 5 What the Church Fathers Say About … MONEY AND THE PROPER USE OF WEALTH Prayer Before Study: Where are the affections of the world? Where are the vain dreams of delight? Where is gold or silver? Where is the multitude of servants and attendants? All is dust and ashes, or a shadow that passes away. Brethren, let us then pray to Christ our Immortal King and say: “O Lord, grant your blessings to your departed servant, and give rest to his soul in your everlasting happiness of heaven.” — St. John of Damascus Scriptural References: ⇒ Matthew 6:33; 19:21; 20:15 ⇒ Acts 2:44 ⇒ Luke 12:16-21; 16:19-31 ⇒ Mark 4:19; 10:24-25 The New Testament does not condemn riches or private possessions, but there are warnings regarding false priorities. Jesus said “Seek first the Kingdom of God,” and He was critical of those who put their trust in material wealth, as in the Parable of the Rich Farmer (Lk 12:16-21): “Fool, tonight you will die, and your riches, whose will they be?” The Beatitudes speak of the blessedness of the poor and the hungry: “Riches choke the growing seed of the Word” (Mark 4:19). We all remember the statement of the Lord that it is “easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (Mark 10:24-25). Yet Jesus often associates with the wealthy and does not condemn them. The Church Fathers were suspicious of wealth, because they thought that riches could only be obtained by evil or questionable means. Christ believed too, that to be rich meant to ignore the poor. Our Lord taught the rich young man that to be perfect “he must sell everything he owns and follow Him” (Matt. 19:21). Therefore, one will find the Fathers in almost total agreement that riches, in and of themselves, are not evil but the misuse of wealth will bring damnation and earthly unhappiness. The Didache says it well: “Do not turn away the poor and needy, but share everything you own with your brothers and do not say that what you have belongs only to you.” The following statements reflect this belief and show that the early Church was very suspicious of wealth, because it forecast greed and selfishness. + Do not be one who holds his hand out to take, but shuts it when it comes to giving. If your labor has brought you earnings, pay a ransom for your sins. Do not hesitate to give and do not give with a bad grace; for you will discover who He is that pays you back a reward with a good grace. Do not turn your back on the needy, but share everything with your brother and 6 call nothing your own. For if you have what is eternal in common, how much more should you have what is transient! -The Didache + The earth was made in common for all . . . Why do you arrogate to yourselves, you rich, exclusive right to the soil? Nature, which begets all poor, does not know the rich. For we are neither born with raiment nor are we begotten with gold and silver. Naked it brings people into the light, wanting food, clothing, and drink; naked the earth receives whom it has brought forth; it knows not how to include the boundaries of an estate in a tomb . . . Nature, therefore, knows not how to discriminate when we are born; it knows not how when we die …. — St. Ambrose + Therefore the offering of the Church, which the Lord directed to be offered in the whole world, is accounted a pure sacrifice with God, and is acceptable to Him, not that He needs a sacrifice from us, but because he who offers is himself honored in his offering if his gift be accepted. By his offering, both honor and affection is shown to the King. And our Lord taught us to offer this in all simplicity and innocence (Matt. 5:23, 24). Therefore, we must offer to God the first fruits of His creation, as Moses said, Offerings are no longer offered by bondsmen, but by freemen…. They [O.T. saints] offered their tithes; but those who have received liberty set apart everything they have for the Lord’s use, cheerfully and freely giving them (2 Cor. 9:7), not as small things in the hope of greater, but like that poor widow, who put her whole livelihood into the treasury of God (Luke 21:4). — Irenaeus of Lyons + As a further motivation to give, remember that Jesus gave his all to save us. For each of us he gave his life. Because he gave up his life for us, he demands we give our lives for each other. If we owe our very lives to our brothers, shall we hoard our wealth and keep it away from them? Shall we keep things away from each other only to have those things burn at the end of the world? No, no! If we do not love our brothers, we are children of the devil and heading for the flames ourselves. But the true Christian loves his brothers! Love seeks not her own, but is diffused on the brother. About the brother love is fluttered, about him she is soberly insane! And, as Paul tells us, love is the only thing that lasts. — Clement of Alexandria + “Whom do I injure,” the rich person says, “when I retain and conserve my own?” Which things, tell me, are yours? Whence have you brought them into being? You are like one occupying a place in a PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 theatre, who should prohibit others from entering, treating that as one’s own which was designed for the common use of all. Such are the rich. Because they were first to occupy common goods, they take these goods as their own. If each one would take that which is sufficient for one’s needs, leaving what is in excess to those in distress, no one would be rich, no one poor. Did you not come naked from the womb? Will you not return naked into the earth? (Job 1:21). Whence then did you have your present possessions? If you say, “By chance,” you are godless, because you do not acknowledge the Creator, nor give thanks to the Giver. If you admit they are from God, tell us why you have received them. Is God unjust to distribute the necessaries of life to us unequally? Why are you rich, why is that one poor? Is it not that you may receive the reward of beneficence and faithful distribution . . . ? — St. Basil the Great + The poor man seeks money and has it not; a man asks for bread, and your horse champs gold under his teeth. And precious ornaments delight you, although others do not have grain . . . The people are starving, and you close your barns; the people weep bitterly, and you toy with jeweled ring . . . The jewel in your ring could preserve the lives of the whole people. . . . — St. Ambrose + He who holds possessions as the gifts of God. . .and knows that what he possesses is for the sake of others is blessed by God and poor in spirit. — Clement of Alexandria + The Rich-Young-Ruler The key to understanding how rich people can be saved is in the story of the rich young ruler. It may seem that this story means that no rich person can be saved. Not necessarily. Let us look at the story once again, but this time let us put aside childish misconceptions. A young man came to Jesus and asked, “What must I do to live forever?”’ “You know commandments,” Jesus replied. “Keep them.” “I have,” the man replied. “Just one more thing,” said Jesus. “If you want to be perfect, sell everything you have, give the money to the poor, and then come, follow me.” Hearing this, the young man went away grieved because he was very rich. Because Jesus taught with divine and mystic wisdom, it takes diligence and intelligence to find the hidden meaning in his words. In telling the young man to sell his possessions, the Savior is not bidding him to abandon his property, but to banish from his soul the wrong ideas he has about wealth — his love of it and his worry about it. Obviously, Jesus was not saying to have no property is to have eternal life. If that were true, then the beggars in the streets, who do not even claim to know God, would be the best Christians. SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 Another reason we know that Jesus did not mean his words literally is that even before Christ came some pagans gave up their wealth, and they certainly were not saved. No, Jesus here is not talking about some simple outward action. Instead, he is speaking of something greater, more God-like, and more perfect: the stripping off of the passions from the soul, and the cutting up by the roots and the casting out of what is alien to the mind. Yes, the pagans could give away their possessions, but they could not free themselves from their passions. I believe that those who did give away all that they had actually intensified the pride they felt in themselves and the contempt they felt for the rest of mankind. — Clement of Alexandria + Those who wish to make room for the Lord must find pleasure not in private, but in common property . . . Redouble your charity. For, on account of the things which each one of us possesses singly, wars exist, hatreds, discords, strife among human beings, tumults, dissensions, scandals, sins, injustices, and murders. On what account? On account of those things which each of us possesses singly. Do we fight over the things we possess in common? We inhale this air in common with others; we all see the sun in common. Blessed therefore are those who make room for the Lord, so as not to take pleasure in private property. Let us therefore abstain from the possessions of private property — or from the love of it, if we cannot abstain from possession — and let us make room for the Lord. —St. Augustine + Everyone who comes to you “in the name of the Lord” must be welcomed. Afterward, when you have tested him, you will find out about him, for you have insight into right and wrong. If it is a traveler who arrives, help him all you can. But he must not stay with you more than two days, or, if necessary, three. If he wants to settle with you and is an artisan, he must work for his living. If, however, he has no trade, use your judgment in taking steps for him to live with you as a Christian without being idle. If he refuses to do this, he is trading on Christ. You must be on your guard against such people. — The Didache From a homily on Romans: + If you wish to leave much wealth to your children, leave them in God’s care. For he who, without your having done anything, gave you a soul, and formed you a body, and granted you the gift of life, when he sees you displaying such munificence, and distributing your goods, must surely open to them all kinds of riches . . . do not leave them riches, but virtue and skill. For if they have the confidence of riches, they will not mind anything besides, for they shall have the means of screening the wickedness of their ways in their abundant riches. Cont. on page 13 PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA 7 IN MEMORY Judith Roman Scavnicky, died peacefully on August 8, 2012 at her home in Troy, Michigan. Judith was born in Youngstown, Ohio to Elie Roman and Ljubica Ruza “Ruby” Sirovica. Judith, a registered nurse, graduated with honors from Woodrow Wilson High School. She completed Judith Roman Scavnicky her nursing degree at the University of Pittsburgh’s Liliane S. Kaufman School of Nursing. Judith married Dr. Gary Scavnicky in 1964 and was blessed with three lovely daughters: Tatiana, Ileana and Elizabeth. Judith and her husband left Youngstown in 1964 to live and work in Champaign, Illinois and Madison, Wisconsin before moving to Detroit in 1969. In addition to being an outstanding wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and nurse, she was director of the Clintonaire Nursing Center for the mentally disabled in Mt. Clemens, Michign. She was a devoted Orthodox Christian and served in a variety of roles such as: president of the Youngstown Chapter of the American Romanian Orthodox Youth (AROY); singing in the St. George Romanian Orthodox Cathedral choir; teaching Sunday School and serving in a variety of church functions. Judith was a lover of the arts. As an adolescent, she was cast as the magician’s assistant in a popular magic show. Later, Judith danced in a Romanian Youth Dance Group. She passed her passion for the arts, culture and travel on to her children. Her family shared Judith’s love of music through dance and singing. She carried the melody when the family caroled, performed, or sang Christmas carols in seven different languages. She enjoyed watching foreign films, attending operas and theatrical productions. Judith had many creative talents including: creating unique Orthodox icons; antiquing furniture and developing interior design. She became a connoisseur of international fine art and began collecting various original pieces near the end of her life. She was well known for her cooking and baking, making delicious dishes and desserts, such as sarmale, placinta, clatite and many others. A seamstress, she crafted dresses and costumes for her young children, and a variety of home décor essentials such as Austrian curtains, pillow covers and blankets. Judith crocheted for many years and made large beautiful afghans for her family and friends to enjoy. 8 Judith’s thirst for learning was never quenched. She studied a variety of subjects such as: Psychology, World Religions, Medical Record Management, Fine Arts and others at Oakland Community College where she received an Associate Arts degree in 1986 and a partial scholarship to Wayne State University. She read a healthy diet of fiction and non-fiction books. She enjoyed traveling and visited Florida (often), Acapulco, Africa, the Canary Islands, England, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland. Ironically, Judith supported her friends and church members afflicted with cancer by rubbing their feet and backs and by visiting them often, years before she developed cancer herself. Judith devoted her life to her family who believe that she exemplified the characteristics of the virtuous woman as described in Proverbs 31. Judith is survived by her beloved husband of 48 years, Dr. Gary Scavnicky; loving daughters, Tatiana Ljubica (Mark Watson) Scavnicky, Ileana Lara Kristina (Donald) Reich, and Elizabeth Arcangela (Neil) Yaekle; grandchildren, Angel, Donnie, Drew, Luke Roman and Mirabella Elizabeth Yaekle; great granddaughter, Lilyiana Hernandez. She is also survived by her father, Elie Roman and sister, Beta (Tim) Burnich. Judith is preceded in death by her mother, Ljubica Ruza “Ruby” Roman. Visitation and wake service took place at St. George Romanian Orthodox Cathedral, Southfield, Michigan on August 9, followed by the Funeral Service on August 10. Interment in Oakland Hills Cemetery, Novi, Michigan. Memory eternal! DORMITION MONASTERY Rives Junction, Michigan NEW CHURCH CONSECRATION SCHEDULE Friday October 5, 2012 Vigil at 6:00 PM. Saturday, October 6, 2012 Procession with the Holy Relics at 8:15 am, followed by the consecration of the new church at 8:30 am. The Hierarchal Divine Liturgy will be held in the outdoor pavilion starting at 10:00 am and refreshments will be served between 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm. A formal dinner will begin at 2:00 pm (by reservation only). The day will end with the Vigil service starting at 6:00 pm. More information: 517-569-2873, email: dormition [email protected], website: dormitionmonastery.org. PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 WORLD CHURCH NEWS Ethiopian Patriarch Abune Paulos reposes in the Lord YONKERS, NY [SVOTS Communications, Aug. 16, 2012] His Holiness, Abune Paulos, Patriarch and Catholicos of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Archbishop of Axum and Ichege of the See of Saint Teklehaimanot, fell asleep in the Lord in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, early on the morning of August 16, 2012, according to a BBC report. According to sources, His Holiness had been undergoing treatment for a serious illness for a long time, and that he reposed in Dejazmach Balcha Hospital. The 76-year old Patriarch was an alumnus of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Crestwood, NY, where he studied from 1962 to 1965. He completed his Master of Divinity degree in May 1966. Dr. Sergius Verhovskoy, at that time professor of Dogmatic Theology, perceived great potential in the student (and then priest) Gabre Madhin G. Yohannes, who would eventually become the Patriarch of Ethiopia. In seminary archival correspondence, Professor Verhovskoy noted that “Father Gabre was highly intelligent, very capable, and eager to study.” After his graduation from Saint Vladimir’s, the course of young “Abba” (Father) Gabre’s life was determined by dramatic Church and political affairs in Ethiopia, which included his imprisonment and exile. Although his life had begun modestly in the village of Adwa in Tigray Province, its unfolding placed him in the center of many controversies that required from him enormous determination and spiritual strength in their resolution. As a young boy, Gabre Madhin had entered the Abba Garima Monastery, a place near his hometown with which his family had had a long association. He began his life there as a deacon-trainee, eventually taking monastic vows and being ordained to the Holy Priesthood. He continued his education at the Theological College of the Holy Trinity in Addis Ababa, under the patronage of Patriarch Abune Tewophilos, who then sent him on to Saint Vladimir’s Seminary for further study. After graduation from Saint Vladimir’s, Abba Gabre entered a doctoral program at Princeton University, but in 1974, his studies were interrupted by extraordinary circumstances in Ethiopia—the revolution that toppled Emperor Haile Selassie. Patriarch Abune Tewophilos summoned him back to Ethiopia, and along with four others, anointed him as a bishop. Abba Gabre took the name “Paulos” at his episcopal elevation, and was given the responsibility of ecumenical affairs by the Patriarch. However, because the Patriarch had anointed the five bishops without the permission of the newly empowered Derg communist junta, all five men were arrested, and the Patriarch was eventually executed. Abune Paulos and his fellow bishops were imprisoned until 1983. After serving his sentence, Abune Paulos returned to Princeton in 1984 to complete his doctoral degree, and began his life in exile. He was SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 elevated to the rank of Archbishop by Patriarch Abune Takla Haymanot in 1986, while in exile. Subsequently, after the fall of the Derg in 1991 (replaced by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia) and the dethronement of Patriarch Abune Merkorios, the Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church authorized a new Patriarchal election. Abune Paulos was elected in 1992, and amidst ecclesial and political controversies that gripped the country, his election and enthronement were recognized by the Coptic Patriarchate in Alexandria. As Patriarch, Abune Paulos took great pride in the history of the Ethiopian Church, noting the continuous 3,000 year-old Jewish and Christian presence in his country and its astounding size with 45 million faithful and 50,000 church buildings. During his term of office, many urban Church properties that had been confiscated were returned to the Church, notably the campus and library of his alma mater, Holy Trinity Theological College. His Holiness also led restoration efforts for Holy Trinity Cathedral. As well, he rebuilt the patriarchal complex and reformed the central administration of the Patriarchate. Further, he regained treasured Church artifacts, including those that had been plundered by British troops in the 19th century, including 10 “tabots” containing images of the Ark of the Convenant, which had been held up to that time in a British Museum. During his tenure, His Holiness became widely recognized as a scholar, peacemaker, and advocate for the suffering and poor. He championed the cause of victims of the Derg regime and presided over their funerals, including that of Haile Selassie in 2000. With great reluctance, he acquiesced to the breaking away of the Eritrean Orthodox Church when that country declared independence, and he never ceased to try to bring peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea and to heal the devastation wrought by their border wars. He initiated peace meetings between religious leaders of the two countries in 1998, 1999, and 2000. Patriarch Abune Paulos continually sought to strengthen ecclesial relations among Oriental Orthodox Churches. In 2007, he visited the Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt, meeting with His Holiness Pope Shenouda III and reestablishing a relationship with that Church body. In 2008, he traveled to India to meet with Baselios Thoma Didymos I, Catholicos of the East. As one of the seven presidents of the World Council of Churches, representing the Oriental Orthodox Churches, he was instrumental in encouraging interfaith dialogue in Ethiopia. In that same capacity, he participated in many international meetings, including the World Economic Forum and the World Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders at the United Nations in New York. Most notably, he became extensively involved in the support of war-displaced and droughthit Ethiopians, making the Ethiopian Orthodox Cont. on page 10 PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA 9 World Church News Cont. from page 9 Tewahedo Church one of the major relief organizations in the country. He showed keen interest in providing solutions to problems involving youth, women’s issues, and the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa. In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the protection and welfare of refugees, he was awarded the Nansen Medal for Africa by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in 2000. In the summer of 2008, Alexander Machaskee, Executive Chair of the Board of Trustees at Saint Vladimir’s, witnessed first-hand Patriarch Abune Paulos’s care for the Ethiopian Tewahedo Church and his country. Mr. Machaskee, who at that time chaired the Board of Trustees for International Orthodox Christian Charities [IOCC], met with His Holiness for two hours, discussing such IOCC projects as the multimillion-dollar AIDS campaign, the children’s clinic in the city of Waliso, and several agricultural projects and demonstration farms. May his memory be eternal! State’s first Orthodox Christian school opens in Wichita The Wichita Eagle: by Suzanne Perez Tobias (Aug. 21, 2012) - The first Orthodox Christian school in Kansas opened Monday in northeast Wichita. Christ the Savior Academy, a private school at St. George Orthodox Christian Cathedral, is beginning its first year with 18 students from pre-kindergarten through second grade. “It’s just a dream come true,” said Jennifer Sebits, president of the school’s board of trustees. “The kids are so excited.” Sebits said the school is a project of the entire Orthodox community in Wichita, which includes St. George, St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Christian Church and St. Mary Orthodox Christian Church. Preparation began more than 16 years ago, when St. George broke ground on an educational wing just west of its cathedral at 13th and Rock Road. Three years ago, a steering committee formed to develop a strategic plan to open a school. Enrollment is open to all faiths. The school offers a classical curriculum, which features studies in Latin, Greek, art and violin beginning in first grade, as well as math, science and reading. Classical schooling also means students often study from original sources rather than textbooks, Sebits said. The school plans to add one grade each year for the next three years until it includes pre-K through fifth grade, Sebits said. It takes about five years for a school to receive state accreditation, and “We’ve done all the planning and everything we can with accreditation in mind,” she said. On Monday after arriving for their first day, students helped plant a redbud tree outside the school to mark the start of Christ the Savior Academy. “We hope and pray that the school and its students will thrive like that little tree,” Sebits said. Tuition at Christ the Savior is $2,500 a year. For more information, visit www.christthe savioracademy.org. [A similar school (Hagia Sophia 10 Classical Academy) has been opened in Indianapolis, Indiana (go to www.hagiasophiaclassical.com).] St. Vladimir’s Seminary to host college retreat October 5-7 YONKERS, NY [OCA] / August 21, 2012 - College students from across the US are invited to enjoy a weekend of fellowship, prayer and interaction with their peers and some of today’s top Orthodox theologians and teachers at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary here October 5-7, 2012. The weekend retreat coincides with the seminary’s annual Orthodox Education Day, the theme of which is “Inklings of Glory: Godward Journeys with Lewis and Tolkien.” Among the special activities planned is a presentation, “Tips for Building Your Orthodox Christian Fellowship,” by Andrew Boyd, Director of Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministry for the Orthodox Church in America, and a lecture and discussion on Lewis and Tolkien by Priest Andrew Cuneo, Professor of English at Saint Katherine’s College, San Diego, CA. Students are also invited to enjoy an excursion to New York City during the three-day gathering. The cost for the retreat is minimal—only $5.00 which includes Friday dinner, Saturday brunch, and Saturday dinner. Education Day food booth tickets will be available for purchase on Saturday afternoon. Transportation and meals during the excursion to New York City are extra. For registration and accommodation information, please contact Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak at [email protected] or 914.318.7505. Chicago area pan-Orthodox program aimed at reducing substance use and abuse CICERO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] / August 18, 2012 - The Orthodox Christian Coalition for Healthy Youth [OCCHY], a national alliance offering communities an opportunity to heighten awareness of how to combat substance abuse, prevent bullying, encourage sexual abstinence outside of marriage, and encourage respect for the sanctity of the human body, recently established headquarters in Cicero, IL. Founded by the Department of Youth Ministries of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, in conjunction with Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, OCCHY was awarded a five-year Drug Free Community matching grant of $125,000.00 per year, according to Archpriest Nicholas Dahdal, OCCHY Director. “Your respective bishops have all been informed of OCCHY’s new beginning, and we are thankful for their acknowledgement and blessings to go forth and to address this challenge together in the greater Chicago Orthodox Christian community,” Father Nicholas wrote in a letter dated August 10, 2012 addressed to all Chicago-area parishes. OCCHY’s Project Coordinator is Ms. Gordona Trbuhovich, who brings years of organizational experience to the coalition’s efforts. Visit OCCHY’s web site at http://www.healthyyouth.com/. For additional information please contact Ms. Trbuhovich at [email protected]. PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 2012 Annual Meeting of the Assembly of Bishops Convenes in September The 2012 Annual Meeting of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America will be convened Monday through Wednesday, September 10 through 12 at the O’Hare Airport Hilton Hotel in Chicago, Illinois. This is the third Annual Meeting of the Assembly which consists of the sixtysix active hierarchs serving the Church in this geographic region: eleven residing in Canada, five in Mexico and fifty in the USA. The first annual meeting was convened in New York City in 2010 and the second in Chicago in 2011. Provided below is the schedule for the Meeting, a proposed agenda for the several business sessions and a Timeline synopsis of the Assembly’s activities from its inception up to the present. The prayers of all clergy, monastics and laity are requested by and for the bishops. By way of background, delegates from the fourteen Autocephalous Orthodox Churches participated in a historic Fourth Pre-Conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference, which met at the Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Chambésy-Geneva, Switzerland on June 6-12, 2009. The Conference was a direct result of the Synaxis of the Heads of all the Orthodox Churches, convened by His All Holiness Bartholomew I at the Ecumenical Patriarchate October 10-12, 2008. At that time, the Heads of the Churches expressed their “desire for the swift healing of every canonical anomaly that has arisen from historical circumstances and pastoral requirements, such as in the so-called Orthodox Diaspora, with a view to overcoming every possible influence that is foreign to Orthodox ecclesiology.” Acting as formal representatives of the Autocephalous Churches, the members of the Fourth Pre-Conciliar Conference in Chambésy in 2009 affirmed “that is the common will of all of the most holy Orthodox Churches that the problem of the Orthodox Diaspora be resolved as quickly as possible, and that it be organized in accordance with Orthodox ecclesiology, and the canonical tradition and practice of the Orthodox Church.” The Conference decided to establish an “Episcopal Assembly” (aka “Assembly of Bishops”) in specific geographic regions which are beyond the boundaries of the Autocephalous Churches. The Conference identified twelve such regions throughout the world, of which that of North and Central America is one. For more information on the establishment of these twelve Assemblies of Bishops and, in particular, the work of our own Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, please refer to the new Timeline of the Assembly (http://www.assemblyof bishops.org/about/assembly-timeline). The agenda for the upcoming Assembly is also available (http:// www.assemblyofbishops.org/files/docs/ 2012ABScheduleAgendaSeptember2012d.pdf). OH, will be the site of the 17th All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America, a one-day gathering on Tuesday, November 13, 2012—the Feast of Saint John Chrysostom—at which a new Primate of the Orthodox Church in America will be elected. “The Holy Synod of Bishops met in Detroit on August 13, 2012 and decided that they needed to hold the special Council as soon as possible so the work of the Church could move forward,” said Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary. “It will be called the 17th All-American Council because it meets the statutory requirements as a special Council and due to the precedence of the 12th All American Sobor in 1965.” [Prior to 1970, such Councils were referred to as “Sobors.” Visit http://oca.org/history-archives/aacs/the-12th-allamerican-sobor for additional information.] “The bishops expressed their desire to hold a low key and penitential gathering, keeping costs as low as possible for parishes, dioceses, and the OCA inasmuch as it constitutes an unbudgeted expense,” Father Eric added. “Many sites were looked at, and it was decided to hold the special Council at Parma’s Holy Trinity Church because it is one of the few churches large enough to accommodate a large number of delegates and is centrally located, within reasonable driving distance for many parishes. Hotel space in the area is also quite reasonable.” The Council will open with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, followed by brunch. An electoral plenary session will follow, after which the newly elected Primate will be installed prior to the closing session. “Several hotels near the church will be used,” Father Eric said. “Information will be provided shortly with a special code for reserving rooms. We are looking into providing transportation from the hotels to the church and back.” The registration process will be the same as that observed in the past, requiring clergy and lay delegates per Statute Article 3, Sections 2 and 6. The formal agenda, logistical information, instructions and registration forms will be provided on-line by September 15 in order to comply with the 60 day Statute requirements. Members of the Preconciliar Commission, nominated by the Metropolitan Council and approved by the Holy Synod, include His Grace, Bishop Michael of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, chair; Archpriest John Jillions, Chancellor; Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, Secretary and Council Supervisor; Archpriest Leonid Kishkovsky; Archpriest Myron D. Manzuk, Council Manager; Ms. Melanie Ringa, Treasurer; and Mr. Peter Ilchuk, Logistics Manager. Clergy and lay chairs will be announced well in advance, as will chairs of the local committee and its members. Space for observers will be limited. Additional information will be released in the coming weeks as final plans become available. 17th All-American Council to be held in Ohio in November SYOSSET, NY [OCA] - Holy Trinity Church, Parma, SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA 11 HIERARCHAL SCHEDULE HIS EMINENCE, ARCHBISHOP NATHANIEL May 28 – July 29, 2012 June 1-3. Canton, OH. St. George. ARFORA / Brotherhood USA Annual Conferences. Friday: ARFORA Board meeting. Saturday: ARFORA & Brotherhood Annual Conference meetings. Great Vespers. Memorial Service. Sunday: Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. June 7-10. Frederick, CO. St. Dimitrie the New Mission. 5th Anniversary and Pastoral Visit. Saturday: Meetings with Ladies Auxiliary and Parish Council. Great Vespers. Sunday: Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. Banquet. June 11-12. Lake George, CO. Protection of the Holy Virgin Monastery. Visit. June 17. Rives Junction, MI. Dormition Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. June 22. Detroit, MI. St. Raphael of Brooklyn Parish. Urban Mission Program. June 24. Rives Junction, MI. Dormition Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. July 1. Rives Junction, MI. Dormition Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. July 8. Rives Junction, MI. Dormition Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. July 13-15. Rives Junction, MI. Dormition Monastery. Center for Orthodox Christian Studies Retreat. Saturday: Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. Sunday: Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. July 17. Detroit, MI. Orthodox Catholic Dialogue. July 21. Grass Lake, MI. ROEA Chancery. Episcopate Council Meeting. July 27-29. Hazleton, PA. St. Joseph of Maramures. Saturday: Meeting with Archbishop Tikhon. Evening: Great Vespers. 20th Anniversary Banquet. Sunday: Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. Lunch. HIS GRACE, BISHOP IRINEU January 1 – July 29, 2012 January 1. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. January 2. Grass Lake, MI. St. Mary Cemetery. Burial Service for Liviu Florescu. January 6. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy for Theophany. Great Blessing of Waters. January 7- 8. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. January 15. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. January 22. Troy, MI. St. Nicholas. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. January 24-26. Antiochian Village, PA. Meeting with the Committee for Youth of the Assembly of 12 Bishops. January 29. Southfield, MI. St. George Cathedral. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy concelebrated with Archbishop Nathaniel. Memorial Service for Archbishop Valerian. January 30. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy for feast of Three Hierarchs. February 1. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Vespers. February 2. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy for feast of Presentation of Our Lord. February 5. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. Afternoon: Assisted at Vespers. February 11. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Afternoon: Assisted at Vespers. February 12. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. February 18. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Afternoon: Assisted at Vespers. February 19. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. Afternoon: Assisted at Vespers. February 26. Utica, MI. St. Theodora of Sihla Mission. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. March 4. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. March 10. Grass Lake, MI. Bishop’s Residence. ARFORA Board meeting. March 11. Southfield, MI. St. George Cathedral. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. Memorial Service for Virgil Barbu. March 18. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. March 25. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy & Blessing of the bells. April 1. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. April 8. Dearborn Heights, MI. Sts. Peter & Paul. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. April 12. Portland, OR. St. Mary. Holy Thursday: Twelve Gospels service. April 13. Oregon City, OR. Descent of the Holy Spirit. Holy Friday: Lamentations service. April 15. New Westminster, BC. Holy Trinity. Midnight: Resurrection Service & Paschal Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. Afternoon: Agape Vespers. April 16. Seattle, WA. Three Hierarchs. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. Afternoon: Parish Council meeting. April 20. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy for feast of Life-giving Fount of the Mother of God. April 22. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. April 23. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy for feast of Great Martyr George the Trophy-bearer. PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 April 29. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. May 4-5. Toledo, OH. St. George Bulgarian Cathedral. Friday: Vespers and Profession of Faith of Archimandrite Alexander. Saturday: Hierarchal Divine Liturgy and Consecration of Bishop Alexander as Ruling Hierarch of the Bulgarian Diocese of the OCA celebrated by His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah and members of the Holy Synod of Bishops. Banquet. May 6. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. May 7. Rives Junction, MI. Dormition Monastery. Holy Synod of Bishops Spring Meeting. May 8. Grass Lake, MI. Bishop’s Residence. Received the Members of the Holy Synod. May 10. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Received the Members of the Holy Synod. May 12. Southfield, MI. St. George Cathedral. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. Memorial Service for hierarchs, clergy & faithful during Founders’ Weekend (100th Anniversary). Banquet. May 13. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. May 19-20. Alpine, NJ. St. John of Wallachia Mission. Patronal Feast. Saturday evening: Vespers and Banquet. Sunday morning: Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. May 24. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Patronal Feast. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy concelebrated with Bishop Visarion of Tulcea-Romania, Bishop Timotei of Spain & Portugal and Bishop Nicodim of Edinet and Briceni-Moldova. May 26. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy concelebrated with Archbishop Nathaniel, Bishop Visarion of Tulcea (Romania), Bishop Timotei of Spain & Portugal, Bishop Nicodim of Edinet and Briceni (Moldova) and Bishop Matthias of Chicago and the Midwest (OCA) on the occasion of the Celebration of the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord & Blessing of the Foundation for the New Chapel. May 27. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. June 1-2. Canton, OH. St. George. ARFORA Congress. Friday evening: ARFORA Board Meeting. Saturday: ARFORA Congress. Evening: Assisted at Vespers & Memorial Service. June 3. Alliance, OH. St. Nicholas: Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. June 4. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy for feast of Holy Trinity. June 8. Portland, OR. St. Mary. Wedding Service for Petru & Ioana Vulpe. June 10. Seattle, WA. Three Hierarchs. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy and meeting with Parish Council members. June 17. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. June 24. Dearborn Heights, MI. Sts. Peter & Paul. SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 Patronal Feast. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. June 29. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy for the Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul. July 1. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. July 4. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. Te deum for United States Independence Day. July 7. Southfield, MI. St. George Cathedral. Assisted at Marriage Service of Michael Gomez & Ana Lazar. July 8. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. July 15. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. July 20. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy for feast of Holy Prophet Elias. July 21. Grass Lake, MI. Chancery Office. Episcopate Council. July 22. Richmond Hill. St. Elijah Mission. Patronal Feast. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. Banquet. July 28. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Received the students attending Camp Vatra for Juniors. July 29. Clinton, MI. Ascension Monastery. Hierarchal Divine Liturgy. Money … Cont. from page 6 From a sermon on the poor: + “Anyone who would not work should not eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10) . . . But the laws of Saint Paul are not merely for the poor; they are for the rich as well. We accuse the poor of laziness. This laziness is often excusable. We ourselves are often guilty of worse idleness. — St. John Chrysostom + A possession ought not to belong to the possessor, not the possessor to the possession. Whosoever, therefore, does not use his patrimony as a possession, who does not know how to give and distribute to the poor, he is the servant of his wealth, not its master; because like a servant, he watches over the wealth of another and not like a master does he use it of his own. Hence, in a disposition of this kind we say that the man belongs to his riches, not the riches to the man. - St. Ambrose + The love of possessions is a sort of a trap, which entangles the soul and prevents it flying to God. — Augustine of Hippo Excerpted from What the Church Fathers Say About … Volume I, by George W. Grube, Light & Life Publishing, Minneapolis, MN, 1996. To order, call 888-925-3918 or visit light-n-life.com. PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA 13 FINANCIAL REPORT EPISCOPATE SUPPORTERS M/M John Pop Jr, Northbrook, IL ...................... $100.00 Veta Buzas, Allen Park, MI ..................................... $30.00 Aldena Jinar, Ellwood City, PA ............................. $25.00 GENERAL DONATIONS Annunciation, Montreal, QC (Hierarch Travel Expenses) ............................. $1,939.00 St Andrew, Laval, QC (Hierarch Travel Expenses) ............................. $1,000.00 St John of Wallachia, New York, NY (Hierarch Travel Expenses) ................................ $516.20 St Dimitrie the New, Frederick, CO (Hierarch Travel Expenses) ................................ $500.00 St Elias, Montreal, QC (Hierarch Travel Expenses) ................................ $400.00 St Panteleimon, Saint Eustache / Terrebonne, QC (Hierarch Travel Expenses) ................................ $300.00 M/M Constantine Prisecaru, Wyoming, MI ...... $200.00 St Nicholas, Alliance, OH (Hierarch Travel Expenses) ................................ $150.00 Doru Posteuca, St Paul, MN (Pascha Donation) . $100.00 Ascension, Montreal, QC ....................................... $100.00 Florence Westerfield, Warren, MI ......................... $30.00 Helen & Nick Burz, Royal Oak, MI ...................... $25.00 Maria & Corneliu Danciu, Chicago, IL (Orthodox Unity in America) .............................. $20.00 Iustina Cantor, Commerce Twp, MI ...................... $10.00 MEMORIAM Eugenia Baran, Lincoln Park, MI .......................... $50.00 (IMO Brother Aurel & Nephew Nick Buzas) Marcel & Elena Radu, Woodside, NY .................. $50.00 (IMO Dumitru Radu) Florence Churilla, Roseville, MI ............................ $25.00 (IMO son) EPISCOPATE ASSESSMENT Holy Nativity, Chicago, IL ............................... $17,800.00 St John, Toronto, ON .......................................... $6,900.00 St Mary, Colleyville, TX .................................... $5,520.00 Sts Constantine & Helen, Lilburn, GA ............ $3,020.00 Descent of the Holy Spirit, Oregon City, OR .. $1,380.00 Protection Mission, Pierrefonds, QC ................. $1,140.00 St John, Shell Valley, MB ..................................... $750.00 St Polycarp Mission, Naples, FL .......................... $600.00 St Mary Mission, Las Vegas, NV ......................... $400.00 Protection Mission, Ft Qu’Appelle, SK ............... $280.00 Holy Trinity, Inglis, MB ........................................ $210.00 ROMANIAN NATIONAL CATHEDRAL DONATIONS St Nicholas Ladies Auxiliary, Regina, SK ...... $2,000.00 St Mary Cathedral, Cleveland, OH .................. $1,936.00 St George, Toronto, ON ...................................... $1,465.00 Sts Peter & Paul, Dearborn Hts, MI ................. $1,208.00 St Andrew, McKees Rocks, PA ......................... $1,055.00 St John, Glendale, AZ ......................................... $1,000.00 Three Hierarchs, Bellevue, WA ........................... $430.00 Holy Trinity, Youngstown, OH ............................. $320.00 Holy Cross, Hermitage, PA ................................... $300.00 St John, Kitchener, ON .......................................... $300.00 14 Ascension, Montreal, QC ....................................... $284.28 St Anne, Pomona, CA ............................................. $205.00 Constantina Dita, Erie, CO ................................... $200.00 John Santeiu & Family, Garden City, MI .......... $200.00 Holy Cross, Phoenix, AZ ....................................... $151.00 Gheorghe Albu, Dearborn Hts, MI ....................... $100.00 Biatrice Ambrosa, Redmond, VA ........................ $100.00 Rozalia Buta, North Olmsted, OH ........................ $100.00 Dr Teodora Buzatu, Westlake, MI ....................... $100.00 Lavinia M Cozmin, Westlake, OH ....................... $100.00 Ion & Raluca Dumitru, Redmond, WA .............. $100.00 Maria Fedorean, Edmonds, WA ........................... $100.00 Liviu & Aurica Grama, Lakewood, OH ............. $100.00 V Rev Fr & Psa Remus Grama, Cleveland, OH ..................................................... $100.00 Eremie Klein, Willoughby, OH ............................. $100.00 Victor & Elena Muntean, Parma Heights, OH .. $100.00 Marian & Elena Munteanu, Redmond, WA ...... $100.00 Emanoil Olt, Bellevue, WA ................................... $100.00 Mihaela Popescu, Westlake, OH .......................... $100.00 George & Dorina Popa, Strongsville, OH .......... $100.00 Simona Sarsama, North Olmsted, OH ................. $100.00 Ionel Satnoianu, Lakewood, OH .......................... $100.00 Maria Tent, Cleveland, OH ................................... $100.00 Doinita Tiru, Shoreline, WA ................................. $100.00 Florin & Izabella Trofin, Lake Forest Park, WA ........................................ $100.00 C Mirela Catuneanu, Fairfax, VA ......................... $50.00 Alex & Florica Cotrau, North Royalton, OH ....... $50.00 Ovidiu & Georgeta Grama, Berea, OH ................ $50.00 Floarea Petre, Berea, OH ........................................ $50.00 Georgeta & Ionel Popa, Longmont, CO ............... $50.00 Silvia Schumann, Centennial, CO .......................... $50.00 Simona & Razvan Sirghie, Erie, CO ..................... $50.00 Rev Fr & Psa Ioan Bogdan, Frederick, CO ......... $30.00 CAMP VATRA FOR JUNIORS DONATIONS St George Cathedral AROY, Southfield, MI ..... $400.00 John M Toana, Indianapolis, IN ............................. $50.00 CAMP VATRA CLOSING BANQUET DONATIONS Gary & Anna Devine ............................................. $200.00 Adina & Tony Lohan ............................................ $150.00 M/M Joseph Bucciarelli ........................................ $100.00 Corina Ghertan ...................................................... $100.00 Emily Lipovan & Neal McNea ............................ $100.00 M/M Radu Stingu .................................................. $100.00 M/M Florin Tomas ................................................. $100.00 Petru & Nadia Vraja ............................................. $100.00 Radu Cosma .............................................................. $60.00 M/M John Onica ...................................................... $60.00 Dragos Beldie ............................................................ $50.00 Dorin Dumitrascu & Family .................................. $50.00 Richard Grabowski .................................................. $50.00 Dan Heisler ................................................................ $50.00 Kathy Kalugar .......................................................... $50.00 Jonel & Marcela Susa ............................................. $50.00 Schester Family ........................................................ $50.00 Tina & Daniel Ursu ................................................. $50.00 David & Stephanie Zablo ....................................... $50.00 Ioan R Irimie ............................................................ $30.00 Gabriela Mirica ........................................................ $30.00 Cristina & Radu Munteanu ................................... $30.00 PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA Cont. on page 15 SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 Episcopate Council … Cont. from page 2 It was noted that parishes and clergy should be reminded to not sponsor clergy to come to North America without prior Chancery knowledge and approval. It was reported that the former priest, Adrian Fetea, had been deposed from the Holy Priesthood based on his breaking of the Holy Canons of the Church. A letter from Fr. Romulus Bleahu having issue with the OCA pension plan was read. Father Bleahu is protesting that he will not receive full pension. It seems that he did not fulfill the time required to be fully vested. A request from Rev. Fr. Bogdan Nichitean to be accepted into the ranks of the clergy was read and discussed. The Council accepted the petition pending ratification by an Episcopate Congress. His Grace, Irineu, excused himself at this time. Mr. Mark Chestnut, Financial Administrator, presented the Finance Report for 2011 and for the first six months of 2012. He reported that as of this date, $13,000 has been received for the appeal for the building of the Cathedral of the Nation’s Salvation in Bucharest, Romania. Mr. Thomas Rosco, Chairman of the Parish Finance Research Committee, reported that he is still preparing information for his committee. Rev. Archdeacon David Oancea, Chancellor and Head of the Department of Publications, reported on his department. Very Rev. Dr. Ian Pac-Urar, Chairman of the Department of Religious Education reported on the progress of the search for a Youth Director for the Episcopate. He also spoke about Camp Vatra. He noted that the annual Clergy Confertreat will be held on February 11-14, 2013, in Scottsdale, AZ. A letter from Rev. Hieromonk Egumen Calinic presenting his report on why the Senior Camp was cancelled was distributed. Mr. Ronald Muresan reported on the progress of the 2013 “Family Life/All Auxiliaries Conference,” entitled: “With Faith and Love, Draw Near.” This is planned for June 27-30, 2013. The Council heard the report and passed the motion: “In our July 21, 2012 meeting, the Episcopate Council receives the preliminary report that the ARFORA, AROY and Orthodox Brotherhoods are organizing a Family Life Conference at Vatra the last week of June, 2012, to encompass their auxiliary conferences. We fully endorse this initiative, praying that it will radiate energy and Light into every corner of the Episcopate, our parishes and families.” Very Rev. Dr. Catalin Mitescu, Chair of the Department of Missions, reported that the Department subsidized the missions in Baton Rouge, LA, Brooksville, FL, Clearwater, FL, Naples, FL and Phoenix, AZ for a total of $26,000. He visited missions, SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 presided over General Assemblies and assisted the clergy and faithful when requested. Father Catalin commented on the problems involved with bringing clergy into North America from abroad. His Eminence, Nathaniel, commented on statements made by the Congress of the Romanian Patriarchal Archdiocese at its July meeting and also presented information from the ROEA Due Diligence Committees. A memorandum from Attorney and Chair, Michael Khoury on the work of the Legal Due Diligence Committee was distributed as well as a separate confidential report on behalf of the committee reviewing the financial issues. The memorandum began with the statement: “Because of certain statements that have been made regarding the process, we are providing some history as well as the conclusions set forth…”. A statement from Legal Advisor John J. Regule concerning a letter of Archbishop Nicolae (Condrea) to Archbishop Nathaniel (July 1, 2012) noting certain “inaccuracies” therein was also distributed as was a statement by Attorney James Carabina. No further discussion was held. His Eminence described in general terms the move of the Holy Ascension Monastery from Detroit to Clinton, Michigan in lieu of His Grace, Irineu, Acting Abbot. His Eminence reported on the forthcoming meeting of the Assembly of Bishops to be held in Chicago on September 10-12, 2012. Council Secretary Fr. Laurence Lazar distributed a flyer confirming that the 80th Congress will be held at the Saint George Cathedral, Southfield, MI, September 27-29, 2012. Petitions for seating were reviewed by Council and approved for: Archdeacon Chancellor David Oancea, Very Reverend Father Nicolae Stoleru, and Rev. Frs. Mircea Banu & Alin Munteanu. During the lunch break, Council members were led by Chancellor Oancea and Financial Administrator Chestnut around the Vatra grounds to inspect areas in need of special maintenance: the Bessarabian Shrine, the Cemetery Chivot, the Episcopal Residence and other areas. [Two weeks later, the Bessarabian Shrine was taken down because of dilapidation. Crews working at the Camp also removed over-grown bushes and trees around the Vatra campus]. It was noted that the Residence eves and fascia need replacing. A major face-lift is in store. Finance Report Cont. from page 14 Helen Zablo ............................................................... $25.00 Ioan Babut & Family .............................................. $20.00 Ioan & Maria Fratila .............................................. $20.00 Pearl Jonascu ............................................................ $20.00 Larentiu Grigorescu ................................................ $20.00 Paula Muresan .......................................................... $20.00 Anonymous ................................................................ $10.00 Fr Bill Clark ............................................................. $10.00 John McLaughlin ..................................................... $10.00 PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA 15 SOLIA CALENDAR 2013 CALENDARUL SOLIA The Annual Almanac published by The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America in December 2012 for all parishes and parishioners throughout the United States and Canada. ADVERTISING CONTRACT RATES & AD SIZES (Actual print size) All prices are in United States Dollars — Payment must be in U.S. Funds ❏ $125.00 Full Page [ 7”l x 4-1/8”w ] ❏ $100.00 R.O.E.A. Parishes & Auxiliaries Full Page One-half (1/2) Page [ 3-1/2”l x 4-1/8”w ] ❏ $ 75.00 One- REQUIREMENTS • Hardcopy of ad must be submitted along with this completed contract & payment • Ads and images may also be submitted in PDF or Microsoft Word format via email to: calendar @ roea.org One-quarter (1/4) Page [ 1-3/4”l x 4-1/8”w ] ❏ $ 50.00 One- (include all fonts, photos & art) CONFIRM RECEIPT BY TELEPHONE! Please publish the attached greeting/photograph/advertisement in the upcoming SOLIA CALENDAR 2013 I (We) have enclosed $ ___________ for the space of: ____ Full Page(s) ____ Half (1/2) Page(s) ____ Quarter (1/4) Page(s) • Digital images must be in either tiff or jpeg format • Photographs taken with a digital camera must be 5.0 megapixels or higher (350 dpi), and submitted in digital format (CD or email) • Scanned images must be scanned at a resolution of 600 dpi. • Both black & white and color photographs are accepted, however, all ads are printed in black & white • Photos must be clear, focused and with proper lighting Name Church/Organization/Business Address City State/Prov Phone Fax Email Website Zip/Post Code PAYMENT: Full payment (U.S. Funds) and contract must accompany all advertisements. (printer uses 133 line screen) ❏ CHECK or MONEY ORDER (Payable to “R.O.E.A.”) • ❏ VISA / MASTERCARD Card # Exp. Date 3 digit V# Signature The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America — Department of Publications P.O. Box 185, Grass Lake, Michigan 49240-0185 U.S.A. Phone (517)522-4800 ext 205 ✶ Fax (517)522-5907 The R.O.E.A. reserves the right to edit, limit and/or refuse publishing materials submitted. 16 PRAY AND WORK FOR ORTHODOX UNITY IN NORTH AMERICA Only one (1) photo per ad (if 2 or more photos are included for a full page, each photo will be charged the 1/2 page rate) DEADLINE: SEPT. 28, 2012 SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 • Preoòi de sub jurisdicòia Episcopiei care nu au parohie, diaconi, stareòi, daca¨ sunt acreditaòi de Consiliul Episcopesc • Membrii Consiliului Episcopesc ôn funcòiune, ca sçi presçedinòii organizaòiilor auxiliare ex officio. CONVOCARE ôn conformitate cu Articolul III, Secòiunea 7, a Regulamentelor Episcopiei Ortodoxe Roma[ne din America, chema¨m ôn sesiune AL 80-LEA CONGRES ANUAL AL EPISCOPIEI VINERI, 28 SEPTEMBRIE – SA{MBAËTAË, 29 SEPTEMBRIE, 2012 la CATEDRALAË ORTODOXAË ROMA{NAË SFA{NTUL GHEORGHE 18405 W 9 MILE RD, SOUTHFIELD MI 48075 (248) 569-4833 Toòi preoòii parohi sçi asistenòi numiòi ôn Parohii de ca¨tre Episcop, precum sçi toòi delegaòii mireni alesçi legal de ca¨tre Aduna¨rile Generale Parohiale ôn 2011 sçi ale ca¨ror acredita¨ri au fost verificate de ca¨tre Comitetul de acreditare al Episcopiei, sunt chemaòi ôn sesiune de lucru. Congresul va fi ôn sesiune de lucru ôncepa[nd cu ziua de VINERI, 28 SEPTEMBRIE orele 9>00 a.m., ora Coastei de Est. Ordinea de zi, dupa¨ cum este publicata¨ ôn Raportul Anual ca¨tre Congresul Episcopiei 2012, va include> • Citirea ¶ Aprobarea Procesului Verbal al celui de-al 79th Congres al Episcopiei • Raporturile Oficiale ca¨tre Congres • Raporturi din partea Organizaòiilor Auxiliare ale Episcopiei • Propuneri noi din partea Consiliului Episcopesc. Conform Articolului III, Secòiunea 1, Congresul Episcopiei va fi compus din> • Episcop • Episcopul-Vicar • Vicarul • Preotul Paroh sçi Preotul sau Preoòii asistenòi • Doi (2) delegaòi mireni alesçi de Adunarea Generala¨ a fieca¨rei Parohii pentru Congresul Episcopiei pentru anul 2012 • Doi (2) delegaòi din partea fieca¨ r ei organizaòii auxiliare a Episcopiei SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 Daca¨ delegaòii mireni alesçi legal nu pot participa la Congresul Episcopiei, locòiitorii lor alesçi legal de ca¨tre Adunarea Generala¨ Parohiala¨ a fieca¨rei Parohii, vor reprezenta Parohia. Nici o ada¨ugare, substituire or delegaòie ad-hoc nu vor fi recunoscute de ca¨ t re Comitetul de acreditare. +NATHANIEL Arhiepiscop al Detroitului sçi al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Roma[ne din America PROGRAMUL JOI, 27 Septembrie – Catedrala Sf. Gheorghe 9>00 am Conferinòa clerului 1>00 pm Pra[nzul 2>00 pm Conferinòa clerului sesiunea a 2-a 5>00 pm Vecernia 6>00 pm Cina 7>00 pm Sçedinòa Consiliului Episcopesc (Hotelul Westin) 8>00 pm önregistrarea delegaòilor (Hotelul Westin) VINERI, 28 Septembrie – Catedrala Sf. Gheorghe 8>00 am önregistrarea delegaòilor 9>00 am Ruga¨ciunea de invocare a Duhului Sfa[nt Deschiderea celui de-al 80-lea Congres al Episcopiei 1>00 pm Pra[nzul 2>00 pm Congresul continua¨- Sesiunea a II-a 5>00 pm Vecernia Mare 6>00 pm Cina SA{MBAËTAË, 29 Septembrie – Catedrala Sf. Gheorghe 9>00 am Procesiunea Clerului sçi Sfa[nta Liturghie Arhiereasca¨ 12>00 pm Banchetul sçi Programul de ëncheiere Parohia Gazda¨> Catedrala¨ Ortodoxa¨ Roma[na¨ Sf. Gheorghe 18405 W 9 Mile Road, Southfield MI 48075-4033 (248) 569-4833 Pentru rezerva¨ri la hotel vedeòi secòiunea ôn limba engleza¨, pag. 3. RUGATçI-VAË SçI LUCRATçI PENTRU UNITATE ORTODOXAË IN AMERICA DE NORD 17 öPS ARHIEPISCOP NATHANIEL NUMIT LOCTIç ITOR AL SCAUNULUI DE MITROPOLIT PRIMAT AL OCA Sfa[ntul Sinod a numit pe IPS Arhiepiscop Nathaniel ca loctçiitor sçi pe PS Episcop Michael ca administrator Ca¨tre Cucernicul Cler, Cuviosçii Monahi sçi Monahii, Evlaviosçii Credinciosçi ai Bisericii Ortodoxe ôn America> Iubiòilor ôntru Hristos, La¨udat fie Domnul nostru Iisus Hristos! La¨udat fie ôn veci! Pe data de 6 iulie 2012, Prea Fericitul Mitropolit Primat Jonah a ônaintat Sfa[ntului Sinod scrisoarea de retragere ca Primat al Bisericii Ortodoxe ôn America. Sfa[ n tul Sinod al Bisericii, sub conducerea Prea Fericitului Mitropolit Jonah, s-a ôntrunit ôn teleconferinòa¨ sa[mba¨ta¨,7 iulie 2012. ön cursul conferinòei, Sfa[ntul Sinod a a probat cererea Mitropolitului Jonah sç i a dezba¨tut acòiunile ce urmeaza¨ a fi luate. Luni, 9 iulie 2012, Sfa[ n tul Sinod, incluza[ n d Mitropolitul Jonah, s-a ôntrunit din nou, tot ôn teleconferinòa¨ , spre a continua aceste delibera¨ r i. Mitropolitul Jonah va avea titlul> ||önalt Prea Sfinòitul, Mitropolit Jonah, fost Arhiepiscop de Washington sçi Mitropolit al ôntregii Americi sçi Canadei\\. Sfa[ntul Sinod a numit, ôn calitate de membru cu cea mai mare senioritate al Sfa[ntului Sinod, pe önalt Prea Sfinòitul Nathaniel, Arhiepiscop de Detroit sç i al Episcopiei Roma[ne din America, drept locòiitor al Mitropolitului Bisericii Ortodoxe ôn America. önalt Prea Sfinòitul Arhiepiscop Nathaniel va fi pomenit, ôn timpul Sfintei Liturghii, ca ||önalt Prea Sfinòia Sa Nathaniel, Arhiepiscop de Detroit sçi al Episcopiei Ortodoxe Roma[ne din America, locòiitor al scaunului de Mitropolit al Bisericii Ortodoxe ôn America\\. Sfa[ntul Sinod a numit pe Prea Sfinòitul Michael, Episcop de New York sçi New Jersey, ca Administrator al Bisericii Ortodoxe ôn America . Sfa[ntul Sinod a numit pe Prea Sfinòitul Alexandru, Episcop de Toledo sçi al Episcopiei Bulgare, drept locòiitor al scaunului de Arhiepiscop al Washingtonului. Prea Sfinòia Sa va fi pomenit la Sfa[nta Liturghie drept> ||Prea Sfintia Sa Alexandru, Episcop de Toledo sçi al Episcopiei Bulgare, locòiitor al scaunului de Arhiepiscop al Washington-ului\\. ön momentul de faòa¨, Sfa[ntul Sinod cauta¨ sa¨ rezolve situaòia Mitropolitului Jonah, cu toata¨ consideraòia pastorala¨ cuvenita¨, sçi va lua ôn considerare cererile cuprinse ôn scrisoarea sa de retragere. La timpul cuvenit, Sfa[ntul Sinod se va ôntruni spre a dezbate planurile pentru viitoarea conducere a Bisericii. Sfa[ntul Sinod mulòumesçte Mitropolitului Jonah pentru decizia sa sç i cere clerului sç i credinciosç i lor sa¨ pomeneasca¨ pe Mitropolitul Jonah sçi Biserica Ortodoxa¨ din America ôn ruga¨ciunile lor. Ra¨ma[neòi ôncredinòaòi de grija noastra¨ pastorala¨, cu binecuva[nta¨ri arhieresçti, Sfa[ntul Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe ôn America SCHIMBAREA LA FATçA¨ 6 AUGUST Schimbarea la Fatça¨ a Ma[ntuitorului este unul din Praznicele ômpa¨ra¨tesçti ale Bisericii Ortodoxe, sa¨rba¨torita¨ la 6 august. Iisus Hristos ômpreuna¨ cu cei trei ucenici, Apostolii Petru, Iacov sçi Ioan au mers pe Muntele Tabor unde, ôn timp ce ôl priveau, Ma[ n tuitorul a ônceput sa¨ stra¨luceasca¨ foarte puternic. ön timpul acestei stra¨luciri, au venit Ilie sçi Moise sçi au vorbit cu El. Ucenicii au fost foarte uimiòi sçi ônspa¨ima[ntaòi. Aceasta¨ ônta[mplare dezva¨luie divinitatea lui Iisus Hristos, ônainte de Patimile Sale, astfel ônca[t ucenicii sa¨ ônòeleaga¨, dupa¨ ôna¨lòarea Sa, ca¨ El este cu adeva¨rat Fiul lui Dumnezeu Tata¨l sçi ca¨ Patimile Sale au fost acceptate cu buna¨ sçtiinòa¨ (Marcu 9>2-9). De asemenea, 18 ne arata¨ posibilitatea propriei noastre ôndumnezeiri. Aceasta¨ ônta[mplare a subiectul unei dispute ôntre Sfa[ n tul Grigorie Palama sç i Varlaam de Calabria. Varlaam credea ca¨ lumina stra¨lucirii lui Iisus era lumina¨ creata¨, ôn timp ce Grigorie Palama susòinea ca¨ ucenicilor le-a fost dat harul de a percepe lumina necreata¨ a lui Dumnezeu. Acest fapt susòine argumentul lui Grigorie, mai larg, cum ca¨ noi nu-l putem cunoasçte pe Dumnezeu ôn esenòa Sa, dar ôl putem cunoasçte ôn energiile Sale, pe ma¨sura¨ ce El ônsusçi se reveleaza¨. Menòiuni ale Schimba¨rii la Faòa¨ se ga¨sesc ôn Sfa[nta Scriptura¨> Matei 17>1-8, Marcu 9>2-9, Luca 9>28-36, sçi II Petru 1>16-19. Cont. la pag. 21 RUGATçI-VAË SçI LUCRATçI PENTRU UNITATE ORTODOXAË IN AMERICA DE NORD SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 VIETIç LE SFINTIç LOR Vieòile Sfinòilor sunt nisçte biografii spirituale ale oamenilor ôndumnezeiòi. Ele nu sunt ficòiuni, nici legende, ci cuprind viaòa ôn Hristos, a unor oameni cum suntem noi. Biserica Ortodoxa¨ recomanda¨ lectura Vieòilor Sfinòilor mai mult deca[t orice tratat de teologie. Cresçtinul le citesçte, nu ca informaòie, nici ca ônva¨òa¨tura¨ dogmatica¨, ci ca pe un ôndreptar de urmat. Le-am putea asema¨na cu acele manuale americane de industrie casnica¨ intitulate DO IT YOURSELF. Vieòile Sfinòilor au avut un mare impact ôn viaòa credinciosçilor din Biserica primara¨. Istorii despre Sfinòii Apostoli sçi ucenicii lor circulau din tata¨ ôn fiu, transmise prin viu grai, paralel cu Evanghelia orala¨. Viaòa Sfa[ntului Antonie, scrisa¨ de Atanasie cel mare, a fost un adeva¨rat manifest care a umplut pustiul Egiptului de ca¨luga¨ri. Este ônceputul acestui gen de literatura¨, continuat apoi de istorici ca Eusebiu, Sozomen sçi Socrate, precum sçi de Fericitul Ieronim care, imita[nd pe Plutarh, a scris biografiile oamenilor ilusç t ri ai Bisericii (De Viris Illustribus). Sfinòii ne vorbesc prin fapte, nu prin lecturi. Pentru omul de ra[nd, oratoria faptei este cea mai convinga¨toare. Sfinòii din calendar sunt cresçtinii obisnuiòi care, ôn Hristos sçi ômpreuna¨ cu El, au biruit lumea. Domnul Hristos a zis> ||ön lume necazuri veòi avea, dar ôndra¨zniòi, ca¨ci Eu am biruit lumea\\ (Ioan, 16>33). De aceea, noi ôi numim ||Biserica¨ Triumfa¨toare, spre deosebire de noi, cei vii, care ducem ra¨zboi cu ispitele sçi care constituim ||Biserica Lupta¨toare.\\ ön primul ra[nd trebuie sa¨ sçtim ca¨ sfinòii nu sunt ara¨ta¨ri venite de pe alte planete ori ficòiuni legendare< nu sunt nici ôngeri, nici spirite cobora[te din cer. Ei sunt fraòii nostri, oameni ca noi, asça cum spune Psalmistul> \\concepuòi ôn fa¨ra¨delegi sçi na¨scuòi ôn pa¨cate\\ (Ps. 51>5). Sunt membri ai Trupului Tainic al Domnului, oameni din toate categoriile vieòii sociale> ostasçi, drega¨tori, ca¨sa¨toriòi sau ca¨luga¨ri, doctori, profesori, foste prostituate sau ta[lhari, care s-au cura¨òit prin poca¨inòa¨ sçi s-au ônduhovnicit prin ruga¨ciune ... Cu acesçtia a binevoit Dumnezeu sa¨ ôntemeieze Biserica Lui pe pa¨ma[nt. Sfinòii nu au fost scutiòi de sla¨biciuni omenesçti, pentru ca¨ nu este om pe pa¨ma[nt care sa¨ nu gresçeasca¨. ön lupta lor ônsa¨, nu s-au desna¨da¨jduit, nu s-au ômpietrit< nu au pa¨ra¨sit Biserica. Adica¨, nu au ca¨zut din Harul Duhului Sfa[nt, ômpa¨rta¨sçit prin Sfintele Taine. Sfa[ntul Apostol Pavel numesçte pe toòi membrii bisericilor ||sfinòi\\< Evrei, 13>24< Filipeni, 4>21< Efeseni 4>12< 2 Corinteni, 13>13< 1 Corinteni, 16>15< Romani, 16>15,31. ... Spre deosebire de noi, fraòii lor mai mici, ei nu au tra¨it ôn pla¨ceri, ci \\au alergat cu sta¨ruinòa¨ ôn lupta care le sta ônainte\\ ... ||ômpotrivindu-se pa¨catului pa[na¨ la sa[nge\\ (Evrei, 12>1 sçi 4), adica¨, deprinderilor mosçtenite din pa¨rinòi, ada[nc ônra¨da¨cinate ôn inimile lor, na¨da¨jduind ca¨ Dumnezeul pa¨cii va dezrobi ôn cura[nd pe Satana sub picioarele lor. (vezi Romani, 16>20). öntrebarea este, daca¨ ôn lumea noastra¨ de asta¨zi mai SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 exista¨ sfinòi= Daca¨ ne-am ôndoi, ar ônsemna ca¨ nega¨m existenòa Bisericii, despre care Hristos a spus ca¨ \\nici poròile iadului nu o vor birui\\ (Matei, 16>18). Profetul Ilie credea ca¨ a ra¨mas singurul ba¨rbat credincios ôn Israel, pa[na¨ ca[nd Dumnezeu i s-a ara¨tat sçi i-a spus ca¨ mai erau sçapte mii de ba¨rbaòi care nu-sçi plecasera¨ genunchii lui Baal, dar pe care nimeni nu-i sçtia. (III Regi, 19>18). Exista¨ poate milioane de sfinòi pe care numai Dumnezeu ôi sçtie. Sfinòii au fost ôntotdeauna anonimi pa[na¨ la moarte, pentru ca¨ sfa[ntul este o persoana¨ discreta¨> nu tra[mbiòeaza¨, nu bate toba, nu vorbesçte despre el ônsusçi, nu face minuni. Este adeva¨rat ca¨ Hagiografia populara¨ abunda¨ ôn minuni. Din nefericire, la ata[t se ma¨rginesçte ônòelegerea cresçtinului de ra[nd> spectacolul, senzaòia. ... Sfa[ntul trebuie sa¨ faca¨ ceva iesçit din comun, altfel nu este sfa[nt. Dorinòa de spectacol zgomotos, de senzaòionalism, care sa¨ satisfaca¨ curiozitatea omului, nu este manifestarea unui cresçtinism autentic. Profetul Ilie asçtepta pe Dumnezeu ôn pesçtera din muntele Horeb. Sçi s-a fa¨cut cutremur de pa¨ma[nt sçi va[nt mare, dar Dumnezeu nu era ôn nici unul din ele. Apoi a venit o adiere linisçtita¨ de va[nt sçi acolo era Dumnezeu (vezi III Regi, 11-12). Esenòa omului ômbuna¨ta¨òit consta¨ ôn simòirea prezenòii lui Dumnezeu ôn inima lui. Sfa[ntul devine o isihie ruga¨toare. Pacea interioara¨, ta¨cerea simòurilor, acesta este semnul prezenòei lui Dumnezeu. Totul se petrece ôntre el sçi Dumnezeu, ca ôntr-o comuniune liturgica¨ - sacramentala¨. ön raportul cu ceilalòi oameni, sfa[ntul se socotesçte cel mai din urma¨ pa¨ca¨tos. ön Calendarul Bisericii sunt numai ca[teva categorii de sfinòi care ôntruchipeaza¨ virtuòi. Restul au murit necunoscuòi. Prin Calendarul liturgic, Biserica a voit sa¨ dea oamenilor nisçte modele de urmat. Sfinòii ne ônvita¨ sa¨ urma¨m lor, asça cum sçi ei au urmat lui Hristos, fiecare dupa¨ talentele da¨ruite de Dumnezeu (cf. 1 Corinteni, 11>1). Pentru a ajunge sfa[ n t, este nevoie de Harul lui Dumnezeu. Sfinòenia nu òine numai de resortul voinòei proprii, asça cum se ônta[mpla¨ ôn sistemele de morala¨ filosofica¨. Efortul sfa[ntului consta¨ ôn aceea ca¨ se ofera¨ ca un pa¨ma[nt virgin, pentru a fi lucrat de Dumnezeu. ön Condacul zilei de 23 Aprilie, ne adresa¨m Sfa[ntului Gheorghe cu aceste cuvinte> ||Lucrat fiind de Dumnezeu, la ra[ndul ta¨u te-ai ara¨tat lucra¨tor prea cinstit al bunei credinòe ...\\ (Mineiul Lunii Aprilie). Este o deosebire de esenòa¨ ôntre sfa[nt sçi omul moral. De multe ori actele sfinòilor se plaseaza¨ dincolo de bine sçi de ra¨u. S-a vorbit asça de mult ôn Teologie, despre morala de dincolo de bine sçi de ra¨u. De pilda¨, bla[ndul sçi dreptul Moise, va¨za¨torul de Dumnezeu, a trimis pe Leviòi sa¨ omoare trei mii de oameni, ôntre care erau prieteni sçi vecini sçi chiar fraòi de-ai lor (cf. Iesçire, 32>27-28). David, icoana sçi prototipul lui Iisus Hristos, a fost violent sçi a pa¨ca¨tuit. Profetul Ilie a ucis cu ma[na lui patru sute cincizeci de profeòi ai lui Baal (III Regi, 18>22 sçi 40). Sfa[ntul Nicolae a tras o palma¨ lui Arie ôn plin sinod ... etc. Cum putem noi interpreta anumite acte ale sfinòilor= Din punctul de vedere al judeca¨òilor omenesçti, Sfa[ntul Nicolae a fost Cont. la pag. 24 RUGATçI-VAË SçI LUCRATçI PENTRU UNITATE ORTODOXAË IN AMERICA DE NORD 19 SFôNTUL MARE PROOROC ILIE TESVITEANUL 20 IULIE La data de 20 iulie, Biserica Ortodoxa¨ Roma[na¨ sa¨rba¨toresçte ridicarea la cer a Sfa[ntului Mare Proroc Ilie Tesviteanul. Unul dintre cei mai importanòi prooroci din Vechiul Testament, Sf. Ilie este celebrat ca un mare fa¨ca¨tor de minuni sçi aduca¨tor de ploi ôn vreme de seceta¨. Sfa[ntul si marele Proroc Ilie, ônger ôntrupat ôn carne ce a primit de la Dumnezeu puterea de a deschide sçi ônchide cerurile, era de origine din Tesvi (Tesba) ôn Galaad. Numele Ilie ôn limba roma[na¨ provine de la numele ebraic Eliyah (Eliiah), ceea ce ônseamna¨ ||Al ca¨rui Dumnezeu este YAHVE\\.Tradiòia apocrifa¨, care a transmis aceste detalii despre nasçterea Prorocului, precizeaza¨ ca¨ el era din tribul lui Aaron sçi deci era preot. Se spune ca¨ la nasçterea sa tata¨l sa¨u a va¨zut oameni ômbra¨caòi ôn alb ônvelindu-l ôn scutece de foc sçi, da[ndu-i numele, i-au dat sa¨ ma¨na[nce o flaca¨ra, simbol al ra[vnei pentru Dumnezeu care l-a mistuit dea lungul ôntregii sale vieòi. önca¨ din copila¨rie, òinea strict toate poruncile Legii sçi se òinea ôn permanenòa¨ ôn faòa lui Dumnezeu printr-o feciorie indiferenta¨, post neôncetat sçi ruga¨ciune arza¨toare, care ôi fa¨cura¨ sufletul ca focul sçi fa¨cura¨ din el modelul vieòii ma¨na¨stiresçti. A tra¨it ôn secolul al X-lea ônainte de Hristos sçi activitatea sa este menòionata¨ ôn cap.17-20 din a Treia Carte a 20 Regilor din Vechiul Testament. ön Noul Testament, Ma[ntuitorul Hristos face referire la el spuna[nd despre Ioan Boteza¨torul ca¨ este Ilie care trebuia sa¨ vina¨ (Matei capitolul 11 versetul 14). Despre Ilie ôn Noul Testament ga¨sim scris sçi ôn Matei 17>3, Marcu 9>4 sçi Luca 9>30. A activat ôn Regatul de Nord, ôn timpul regelui Ahab. Acesta s-a ca¨sa¨torit cu o principesa¨ pa¨ga[na¨, Isabela, care l-a ademenit sçi pe el sa¨ cada¨ ôn idolatrie< lipsa de piosçenie sçi depravarea predecesorilor sa¨i ajunsese la culme. öncurajat de soòia sa, respinga¨toarea Izabel, el ôi persecuta pe Prooroci sçi pe toòi oamenii ra¨masçi credinciosçi lui Dumnezeu sçi se ônchina idolilor Baal sçi Astarte. Sfa[ntul sçi Marele Prooroc Ilie l-a abordat ôn chip direct purta[nd o apriga¨ lupta¨ pentru dreapta credinòa¨ a poporului care prin exemplu mai marilor sa¨i era ta[ra[t ôn idolatrie. La cuvintele Profetului, o secete groaznica¨ s-a aba¨tut atunci, ca febra, asupra pa¨ma[ntului> totul a fost secat, devastat, ars < ba¨rbaòii, femeile, copiii, animalele domestice sç i animalele sa¨lbatice, toate mureau din lipsa hranei, izvoarele secau, plantele se ofileau sçi nimic nu sca¨pa urgiei ônga¨duite de Dumnezeu, cu speranòa ca¨ foametea va face pe poporul lui Israel sa¨ se ca¨iasca¨ sçi sa¨ se ôntoarca¨ la credinòa¨. Din porunca lui Dumnezeu, Proorocul, acoperit cu o piele de oaie sçi ônvesçma[ntat cu piele de viòel, a pa¨ra¨sit òinutul lui Israel sçi s-a dus la pa[ra[ul Chorrath (Kerrith), aflat dincolo de Iordan (dupa¨ tradiòia bisericeasca¨, ôn acest loc a fost ridicata apoi ma¨na¨stirea Hozeva, care mai exista sçi asta¨zi, sçi unde a tra¨it sçi Sfa[ntul Ioan Iacob Hozevitul). Se ada¨pa cu apa din izvor, iar Domnul ôi trimitea corbi - animale pe care evreii le considerau impure sçi care aveau reputaòia unei mari cruzimi faòa¨ de progeniturile lor - pentru ai aduce pa[ine dimineaòa sçi carne seara, ca sa¨ trezeasca¨ ôn prooroc mila pentru poporul care suferea. Ca[nd pôrôul a secat, Dumnezeu l-a trimis ôn Sarepta din Sidon, la¨sa[ndu-l sa¨ vada¨ de-a lungul drumului efectele dezastruoase ale secetei, pentru a trezi ônca¨ o data¨ ôn el mila¨. Ilie a ajuns la o va¨duva¨ sa¨raca¨, care aduna lemne pentru a coace pa[ine pentru ea sçi fiul ei. ön ciuda sa¨ r a¨ c iei, ea puse ônainte de toate datoria ospitalita¨òii sçi ôndata¨ ce Proorocul i-a cerut de ma[ncare, ea a prega¨tit o pa[ine, cu fa¨ina sçi uleiul pe care le mai avea. A primit fa¨ra¨ ônta[rziere ra¨splata ospitalita¨òii sale> la cuva[ntul Proorocului, vasul cu fa¨ina¨ sçi ulciorul cu ulei nu s-au mai golit pa[na¨ la revenirea ploii. La ca[teva zile de ca[nd Ilie era ga¨zduit la aceasta va¨duva¨, fiul ei a murit. Cum femeia, ôn durerea ei, ôl acuza pe omul lui Dumnezeu ca ar fi adus nenorocirea asupra casei ei, Ilie a luat copilul, l-a urcat la etaj, acolo unde locuia el si dupa¨ ce a suflat de trei ori asupra trupului Cont. la pag. 23 RUGATçI-VAË SçI LUCRATçI PENTRU UNITATE ORTODOXAË IN AMERICA DE NORD SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 Schimbarea la Faòa¨ ... Cont. de la pag. 18 La sçase zile dupa¨ ce a spus ucenicilor Sa¨i> ||Sunt unii din cei ce stau aici care nu vor gusta moartea pa[na¨ ce nu vor vedea ômpa¨ra¨òia lui Dumnezeu venind ôntru putere\\ (Matei 16, 28< Marcu 9, 1), Iisus ôi lua¨ pe Apostolii Sa¨i preferaòi> Petru, Iacov sçi Ioan< duca[ndui deoparte, urca¨ pe un munte önalt - muntele Taborului ôn Galileea - ca sa¨ se roage. Se cuvenea ôntr-adeva¨r ca cei care aveau sa¨ asiste la suferinòa Sa la Ghetsimani sçi care aveau sa¨ fie martorii cei mai importanòi ai Patimilor Sale, sa¨ fie prega¨tiòi pentru aceasta¨ ôncercare prin privelisçtea sla¨virii Sale> Petru, pentru ca¨ tocmai ôsçi ma¨rturisise credinòa ôn dumnezeirea Sa< Iacov, ca¨ci a fost primul care a murit pentru Hristos< sçi Ioan care ma¨rturisi din experienòa sa slava dumnezeiasca¨, fa¨ca[nd sa¨ ra¨sune ca ||fiu al tunetului\\ teologia Cuva[ntului ôntrupat. El ôi urca¨ pe munte, ca simbol al ôna¨lòa¨rii spirituale care, din virtute ôn virtute, duce la dragoste, virtute suprema¨ care deschide calea contempla¨rii dumnezeiesçti. Aceasta¨ ôna¨lòare era de fapt esenòa ôntregii vieòi a Domnului care, fiind ônvesç m a[ n tat cu sla¨ b iciunea noastra¨, ne-a deschis drumul ca¨tre Tata¨l, ônva¨òa[ndune ca¨ isihia (linisçtirea) este mama ruga¨ciunii, iar ruga¨ciunea este cea care arata¨ ca¨tre noi slava lui Dumnezeu. ||Sçi pe ca[nd se ruga, deodata¨, faòa Sa deveni o alta, Se schimba¨ sçi sclipi ca soarele, ôn timp ce hainele sale devenira¨ stra¨lucitoare, de un alb sca[nteietor, cum nu poate ôna¨lbi pe pa¨ma[nt ôna¨lbitorul\\ (Marcu 9, 3). Cuva[ n tul lui Dumnezeu ôntrupat ôsç i ara¨ t a astfel stra¨lucirea naturala¨ a slavei dumnezeiesçti, pe care o avea ôn El ônsusçi sçi pe care o pa¨strase dupa¨ ôntruparea Sa, dar care ra¨ma[nea ascunsa¨ sub acopera¨ma[ntul trupului. önca¨ de la za¨mislirea Sa ôn pa[ntecele Fecioarei, ôntr-adeva¨r, dumnezeirea S-a unit cu natura trupeasca¨ iar slava divina¨ a devenit, ôn mod ipostatic, slava trupului asumat. Ceea ce Hristos le ara¨ta Apostolilor Sa¨i ôn va[rful muntelui nu era deci o privelisçte noua¨, ci manifestarea stra¨lucita¨ ôn El a ôndumnezeirii naturii omenesç t i - inclusiv trupul - sç i a unirii Sale cu splendoarea dumnezeiasca¨. Spre deosebire de faòa lui Moise care stra¨lucise de o slava¨ venita¨ din afara dupa¨ revelaòia din Muntele Sinai (cf. Exod 34, 29), faòa lui Hristos apa¨ru pe muntele Taborului ca un izvor de lumina¨, izvor al vieòii dumnezeiesçti fa¨cuta¨ accesibila¨ omului sçi care se ra¨spa[ndea sçi pe ||vesçmintele\\ Sale, adica¨ asupra lumii din afara¨ dar sçi pe lucrurile fa¨cute de activitatea sçi civilizaòia omeneasca¨. ||El s-a schimbat la Faòa¨, ne confirma¨ Sfa[ntul Ioan Damaschin, nu asuma[nd ceea ce El nu era, ci ara¨ta[ndule Apostolilor Sa¨i ceea ce El era, deschiza[ndu-le ochii sçi, din orbi cum erau, fa¨ca[ndu-i va¨za¨tori\\ (Sfa[ntul Ioan Damaschin, Predica¨ la Schimbarea la Faòa¨, 12 PG 96, 564). Hristos deschise ochii Apostolilor Sa¨i SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 iar acesçtia, cu o privire transfigurata¨ de puterea Duhului Sfa[nt, va¨zura¨ lumina dumnezeiasca¨ indisociabil unita¨ cu trupul Sau. Fura¨ deci ei ônsçisçi schimbaòi la faòa¨ sçi primira¨ prin ruga¨ciune puterea de a vedea sçi cunoaste schimbarea survenita¨ ôn natura noastra¨ datorate unirii sale cu Cuva[ntul (Sf. Grigore Palama). ||Precum soarele pentru cele ale simòurilor, asça este Dumnezeu pentru cele ale sufletului\\ (Sf. Grigore Teologul), de aceea autorii Evangheliilor spun ca¨ faòa Dumnezeului-Om, care este ||lumina cea adeva¨rata¨ Care lumineaza¨ pe tot omul care vine ôn lume\\ (Ioan 1, 9), sclipea ca soarele. Dar aceasta¨ lumina¨ era ôn fapt incomparabil superioara¨ orica¨rei lumini a simòurilor sçi, incapabili sa¨ ôi mai suporte stra¨lucirea inaccesibila¨, Apostolii ca¨zura¨ la pa¨ma[nt. Lumina nemateriala¨, necreata¨ sçi situata¨ ôn afara timpului, aceasta era ômpa¨ra¨òia lui Dumnezeu venit ôntru puterea Duhului Sfa[ n t, dupa¨ cum Domnul promisese Apostolilor Sa¨i. öntreva¨zuta¨ atunci pentru o clipa¨, aceasta¨ lumina¨ va deveni mosçtenirea vesçnica¨ a alesçilor ôn ômpa¨ra¨òie, ca[nd Hristos va veni din nou, stra¨lucind ôn toata¨ sca[nteierea slavei Sale. Va reveni ônva¨luit ôn lumina¨, ôn aceasta¨ lumina¨ care a stra¨lucit ôn Tabor sçi care a òa[sçnit din morma[nt ôn ziua ônvierii Sale, sçi care, ra¨spa[ndindu-se asupra sufletului sçi trupului celor alesçi, ôi va face sa¨ stra¨luceasca¨ sçi pe ei ||precum Cont. la pag. 22 RUGATçI-VAË SçI LUCRATçI PENTRU UNITATE ORTODOXAË IN AMERICA DE NORD 21 Schimbarea la Faòa¨ ... Cont. de la pag. 21 soarele\\ (cf. Matei 13>43). ||Dumnezeu este lumina¨, iar vederea Sa este lumina¨\\ (Sfa[ntul Simeon Noul Teolog, Discurs Etic V, 276). Asemeni Apostolilor ôn va[ r ful Taborului, numerosçi Sfinòi au fost martorii acestei revela¨ri a lui Dumnezeu ôn lumina¨. Totusçi lumina nu este pentru ei doar un subiect de contemplaòie, ci sç i harul ôndumnezeitor care le permite sa ||vada¨\\ pe Dumnezeu, astfel ônca[t se confirma¨ cuvintele Psalmistului > ||ôntru lumina Ta vom vedea lumina¨\\ (Psalmii 35>10). ön mijlocul acestei sla¨vite privelisçti se ara¨tara¨ ala¨turi de Domnul - Moise sçi Ilie, doi mari profeòi din Vechiul Testament, reprezenta[nd respectiv Legea sçi Proorocii, care ôl ma¨rturiseau ca sta¨pa[n al celor vii sçi al celor moròi (Moise a murit ônainte de a intra ôn Pa¨ma[ntul Fa¨ga¨duinòei iar Ilie a fost dus ôntr-un loc tainic fa¨ra¨ sa¨ cunoasca¨ moartea). Sçi vorbeau cu El, ôn lumina¨, despre Exodul pe care avea sa¨ ôl ônfa¨ptuiasca¨ la Ierusalim, adica¨ Patimile Sale, ca¨ci prin Patimi sçi prin Cruce aceasta¨ sla¨vire trebuia sa¨ fie data¨ oamenilor. Iesçiòi afara¨ din ei ônsçisçi, ra¨piòi ôn contemplarea luminii dumnezeiesçti, Apostolii erau coplesçiòi ca de un somn sçi ||nesçtiind ce zice, Petru ôi spuse lui Iisus> Sta¨pa[ne, ce bine ar fi sa¨ ra¨ma[nem aici< daca¨ vrei vom face trei corturi> unul pentru tine, unul pentru Moise si unul pentru Ilie\\. öntorca[ndu-sçi apostolul de la aceasta dorinòa¨ prea omeneasca¨, ce consta ôn a se mulòumi de bucuria pa¨ma[nteasca¨ a luminii, Domnul le arata¨ atunci un ||cort\\ mai bun sçi un la¨casç cu mult mai önalt pentru a sa¨la¨sçlui ôn el slava Sa. Un nor luminos veni sa¨ ôi acopere cu umbra Sa, iar glasul Tata¨lui Se fa¨cu auzit ôn mijlocul acestui nor, ma¨rturisind pe Domnul> ||Acesta este Fiul Meu prea-iubit, ôn care am bine-pla¨cut< pe Acesta sa¨-L ascultaòi!\\. Acest nor era harul Duhului ônfierii sçi, la fel ca sçi la Botezul Sa¨u ôn Iordan, glasul Tata¨lui ma¨rturisea pe Fiul sçi ara¨ta ca¨ cele trei entita¨òi ale Sfintei Treimi, ôntotdeauna unite, participa¨ la Ma[ntuirea omului. Lumina lui Dumnezeu, care permisese mai ônta[i Apostolilor sa¨ ôl ||vada¨\\ pe Hristos, ôi ridica¨ la o stare superioara¨ viziunii sçi cunosçtinòei omenesçti cônd ea stra¨luci mai puternic. Iesçiòi ôn afara¨ de tot ce este vizibil sçi chiar din ei ônsçisçi, ei pa¨trunsera¨ atunci ôn ôntunericul supra-luminos, ôn care Dumnezeu petrece (Psalmii 17>12) sçi ||ônchiza[nd usça simòurilor lor\\, ei primira¨ revelaòia Tainei Treimii, care este mai presus de orice afirmaòie sçi de orice ta¨ga¨duire (Teologia mistica¨ a Sfa[ntului Dionisie Areopagitul a fost aplicata¨ Tainei Schimba¨rii la Faòa¨ ôn principal de ca¨tre Sf. Grigore Palama). önca¨ insuficient prega¨tiòi revelaòiei unor asemenea taine, ca¨ci nu trecusera¨ ônca¨ prin ôncercarea Crucii, Apostolii se ônspa¨ima[ntara¨ cumplit. Dar ca[nd ôsçi ridicara¨ capetele, ôl vazura¨ pe Iisus, singur, redevenit ca mai ônainte, Care se apropie de ei sçi ôi linisçti. Apoi, cobora[nd 22 din munte, El le ceru sa¨ nu vorbeasca¨ nima¨nui de cele ce va¨zusera¨, pa[na¨ ca[nd Fiul Omului nu se va scula din moròi. Sa¨ r ba¨ t oarea Schimba¨ r ii la Faòa¨ este deci prin excelenòa¨ aceea a ôndumnezeirii naturii noastre omenesçti sçi a participa¨rii trupului nostru treca¨tor la bunurile vesçnice, care sunt mai presus de fire. önainte chiar de a ôndeplini ma[ n tuirea noastra¨ prin Patimile Sale, Ma[ntuitorul arata¨ atunci ca¨ scopul venirii Sale ôn lume era tocmai sa¨ aduca¨ pe tot omul la contemplaòia slavei Sale dumnezeiesç t i. Din acest motiv sa¨ r ba¨ t oarea Schimba¨rii la Faòa¨ i-a atras ôn mod deosebit pe ca¨luga¨ri, care sçi-au ônchinat ôntreaga viaòa¨ ca¨uta¨rii acestei lumini. Numeroase ma[ n a¨ s tiri au fost ônchinate acestei Sa¨rba¨tori, mai ales dupa¨ controversa isihasta¨ din secolul XIV, despre natura luminii din Tabor sç i despre contemplaòie. De notat de asemenea ca¨, dupa¨ o tradiòie care circula pe vremea iconoclasmului, prima Icoana¨, scrisa¨ de ônsçisçi Apostolii, a fost aceea a Schimba¨rii la Faòa¨. E vorba desigur mai puòin de un fapt istoric ca[t de o interpretare simbolica¨, prezenta[nd lega¨tura intima¨ ôntreòinuta¨ de tradiòia Bisericii ôntre arta Icoanei sçi aceasta¨ Sa¨rba¨toare a vederii lui Hristos ôntru slava¨. Se crede ca¨ Schimbarea la Faòa¨ a Ma[ntuitorului a avut loc ôn timpul Sa¨ r ba¨ t orii Corturilor sç i astfel pra¨ z nuirea acesteia ôn Biserica Cresç t ina¨ devine ômplinirea prin Noul Testament a sa¨rba¨torii Vechiul Testament. ön prezent, pra¨znuirea are loc ôn 6 august, cu patruzeci de zile ônainte de ôna¨lòarea Sfintei Cruci. Asça cum Petru, Iacov sçi Ioan au va¨zut transfigurarea ônainte de ra¨stignire astfel ônca[t ei sa¨ afle cine este cel care va suferi pentru ei, Biserica leaga¨ aceste doua¨ praznice pentru a-i ajuta pe credinciosçi sa¨ ônòeleaga¨ misiunea Ma[ntuitorului sçi faptul ca¨ suferinòa Lui a fost voluntara¨ sçi pe deplin acceptata¨. Pe vremuri, sa¨rba¨toarea Schimba¨rii la Faòa¨ se situa ôn Postul Mare, dar a fost considerata¨ o sa¨rba¨toare prea vesela¨ pentru perioada respectiva¨. Sfa[ntul Grigorie Palama, un mare propova¨ d uitor al ônòelesurilor Schimba¨rii la Faòa¨ este pra¨znuit ôn zilele noastre ôntruna din Duminicile Postului Mare. ön Grecia sçi Roma[nia, anotimpul recoltelor ôncepe, ôn mod tradiòional, ôn ziua Schimba¨rii la Faòa¨. Strugurii, ôn special, nu se ma[ncau ônainte de 6 august. ön unele parohii, primii struguri sunt adusçi la biserica¨ pentru a fi binecuva[ntaòi sçi ômpa¨ròiòi enoriasçilor. Tropar (Glasul 7) ||Schimbatu-Te-ai la faòa¨ , ôn munte, Hristoase Dumnezeule, ara¨ta[nd ucenicilor Ta¨i slava Ta, pe ca[t li se putea< stra¨luceasca¨ sçi noua¨, pa¨ca¨tosçilor, lumina Ta cea pururea fiitoare, pentru ruga¨ciunile Na¨sca¨toarei de Dumnezeu, Da¨ta¨torule de lumina¨, slava¨ òie.\\ Articol preluat din http>¶¶ro.wikipedia.org RUGATçI-VAË SçI LUCRATçI PENTRU UNITATE ORTODOXAË IN AMERICA DE NORD SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 LASA-¨ MA¨ ôN PACE Ce crezi tu despre Biserica¨= Esçti cumva sub impresia ca¨ deoarece Biserica are nevoie de ajutorul ta¨u, ôncearca¨ ôn mod constant sa¨ te aduca¨ la sa[nul Ei pentru motive egoiste= Crezi ca¨ Biserica este o \\instituòie\\ care e doar una dintre numeroasele instituòii omenesçti care contribuie la buna¨starea sociala¨= Sau poate crezi ca¨ Biserica este formata¨ din oameni care nu au altceva de fa¨cut deca[t sa¨ \\mearga¨ la biserica¨ sçi sa¨ prega¨teasca¨ ma[ncare pentru mesele duminicale sçi sa¨ faca¨ orice altceva li se cere\\= Crezi ca¨ cineva trebuie sa¨ fie anormal ca sa¨ fie interesat ôn biserica sa= Ce crezi tu despre Biserica¨= Tu ai nevoie de Biserica¨. Biserica a fost ônfiinòata¨ de Dumnezeu ônsusçi (nu de om) sçi El a la¨sat-O pa¨zitoare a bunurilor Sale ceresçti. Ignora¨ Biserica sçi o faci risca[ndu-òi ma[ntuirea sufletului. Dumnezeu nu are alt plan pentru om deca[t sa¨-sçi salveze sufletul. Sçi prin Biserica¨, El ne cheama¨ la poca¨inòa¨ sçi credinòa¨ ôn Iisus Hristos. Prin Biserica¨, Dumnezeu ônalòa¨ crucea Fiului Sa¨u Cel ra¨stignit, pentru ca toòi cei ce ôl urmeaza¨ cu credinòa¨ sa¨ fie ma[ntuiòi. Prin Biserica¨, Hristos ne ofera¨ soluòii la problemele vieòii. Prin Biserica¨, El ma[nga[ie pe cei aflaòi ôn suferinòa¨, da¨ na¨dejde celor neca¨jiòi, ônta¨resçte pe cei neputinciosçi sçi viaòa¨ vesçnica¨ celor muribunzi. Daca¨ nu cunosçti Biserica pentru ca¨ ai stat departe de Ea, daca¨ mintea ta este cuprinsa¨ de prejudeca¨òi sçi neônòelegeri cu privire la scopul sçi ônva¨òa¨tura Bisericii, vino sçi afla¨ despre ce este vorba cu adeva¨rat. Biserica te vrea, nu pentru ca¨ are nevoie de tine, ci pentru ca¨ tu ai nevoie de Biserica¨ sçi de mesajul pe care ôl propova¨duiesçte. Biserica ne ônvaòa¨ drumul spre ma[ntuire – dupa¨ cum Hristos Domnul a poruncit Bisericii Sale sa¨ ônveòe – pentru folosul TAËU!!! Pr. Romey Rosco Sfôntul Mare ... Cont. de la pag. 20 neônsufleòit chema[ n du-l cu striga¨ t e puternice pe Dumnezeu, l-a ônapoiat pe ta[na¨rul ba¨iat viu mamei sale, profeòind astfel ônvierea moròilor. Ajuns prin ra[vna sa pe culmea cea mai de sus a virtuòii, Sf. Prooroc Ilie nu a trecut la cele vesçnice, ci a fost ridicat la cer fiind considerat demn de a vedea faòa¨ ôn faòa¨ slava Dumnezeului ôntrupat, ala¨turi de Moise sçi de cei trei Apostoli ôn ziua Schimba¨rii la faòa¨ (cf. Matei 17). Sfa[rsçitul lui Ilie este prezentat ca o minune care s-a petrecut cu puterea lui Dumnezeu, pe Care Ilie L-a slujit cu multa autoritate. Simòind el ca¨ zilele pe pa¨ma[nt sunt numa¨rate, sçi-a ales ca succesor pe Elisei. Ata[t de mare a fost personalitatea lui, ônca[t Domnul i-a fa¨cut aceasta favoare de a se muta din viaòa aceasta pa¨ma[nteasca¨ la viaòa cea cereasca¨, fa¨ra¨ a trece prin poarta moròii. Este a doua personalitate a SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012 DE VORBA¨ CU OLARUL Ra¨u ai iesçit cu mine la socoata¨, tot asuda[nd cu lutul meu pe roata¨. Troheul, iambii - ie pe ulcica¨ voiai sa¨-i scrii ôn smalòuri, uita[nd de ghiontul ce-ôòi da¨ graba, dar tare-mi este frica¨ de ma[inile-òi frumoase ca¨ le-ai ma[njit degeaba, ca¨ nici o strachina¨ ma¨car nu òi-a iesçit din ca[ntec sçi sudoare. Tot mai visezi ôn mesçtesçug de-olar din lutul meu - povestea de ulcioare= Cu mine ôntocmeala òi-a gresçit, cerca[nd din lutul aiurelii za¨ba¨uc sa¨ scrii cu nelumitul bra[u pe oala¨ ôntreaga toamna¨-a doinelor de nuc. Arunca¨-mi lutul fa¨ra¨ jale, fa¨ra¨ frica¨< urzit a fost,de ce nu vrei sa¨ crezi, spre-a deveni o alta¨ chibzuiala¨= Ma¨ va culege pentru cuib vreo ra[ndunica¨ asemeni ma[inii Lui sçi eu asema¨nare sa¨-I òin cuvintele-n sçtiubeu de lut, fla¨ma[ndele de psalmul Lui, pa[na¨ vor sçti ca pe de rost lumina sa¨ I-o zboare. DUMITRU ICHIM Vechiului Testament care s-a ôna¨lòat cu trupul la cer, dupa¨ Enoh. Minunea a fost va¨zuta¨ de ca¨tre ucenicul sa¨u, iar el s-a ôna¨lòat la cer ôntr-un car de foc tras de cai. ön tradiòia populara¨, Sf. Mare Prooroc Ilie este considerat ocrotitorul recoltelor sçi a ra¨mas ôn istoria Bisericii Ortodoxe ca un exemplu de credinòa¨ sçi curaj demn de urmat. Biserica Ortodoxa¨ ôi aduce multa¨ cinstire, pentru ca¨ este pomenit ca mare ba¨rbat sçi erou al credinòei. Fiii Bisericii Ortodoxe Roma[ne au o evlavie profunda¨ pentru acest sfa[nt fa¨ca¨tor de minuni. Exista¨ tradiòii populare diferite din toate zonele geografice ale Roma[nei, ônca[t unitatea este cinstea deosebita¨ care i se cuvine profetului Ilie. Oamenii cred ca¨ atunci ca[ n d se ônta[ m pla fenomene meteorologice spectaculoase, Ilie de fapt traverseaza¨ cerul ôn ca¨ruòa lui de foc, pentru a ne ocroti. El este mereu sçi mereu ôn slujba binelui. Dreptatea si autoritatea precumpa¨nesc ôn raport cu alte virtuòi ale sfinòilor Noului Testament. Fiind unul dintre Profeòii evrei, Biserica Ortodoxa¨ ôl cunoasçte sub numele de Sfa[ntul Mare Prooroc Ilie Tesviteanul. Pe 20 iulie, Biserica Ortodoxa¨ sa¨rba¨toresçte suirea la cer a Sfa[ n tului sç i Marelui Prooroc Ilie Tesviteanul. Articol preluat din http>¶¶ro.wikipedia.org RUGATçI-VAË SçI LUCRATçI PENTRU UNITATE ORTODOXAË IN AMERICA DE NORD 23 Vieòile Sfinòilor Cont. de la pag. 19 ga¨sit vinovat sçi ôntemniòat. önsa¨ Maica Domnului, ôn vedenie, I-a restituit Evanghelia sçi omoforul ca semn al reinstituirii ôn treapta de episcop. Dumnezeu zice ôn cartea Profetului Isaia> ||Ga[ndurile mele nu sunt ca ga[ndurile voastre sçi nici ca¨ile mele ca ale voastre\\ (Is. 55>8). Pe de alta¨ parte, sunt ôn Biserica¨ sçi sfinòi nebuni pentru Hristos care, din smerenie sçi pentru ca oamenii sa¨ nu le descopere sfinòenia sçi nevoinòele lor ascetice, acòioneaza¨ ôn public ca nisçte bufoni. Cu ei se ômplinesçte cuva[ntul Scripturii care zice ca¨ ônòelepciunea oamenilor este nebunie ôn faòa lui Dumnezeu, ||iar ceea ce socotesc oamenii nebunie este mai ônòelept deca[t ônòelepciunea lor sçi ce se pare sla¨biciune, mai puternic deca[t ta¨ria oamenilor\\ (1 Corinteni, 1>25). Desigur ca¨ ||nebunia pentru Hristos\\ nu este iesçirea din minòi a unor sectari din America, sau chiar ôn Roma[nia de azi, care se cred ôngeri, profeòi, inspiraòi sau chiar reôntruparea lui Iisus Hristos. Sfinòenia nu poate fi o aventura¨ personala¨, ci este fenomenul de ôndumnezeire a omului, prin participarea la Sfintele Taine ale Bisericii. Sfa[ntul Ciprian spune ca¨ fa¨ra¨ de Biserica¨ nu este ma[ntuire (De Ecclesiae Unitate, Patrology vol. II, Johannes Quasten, Pg. 350). Asçadar, ceea ce ga¨sim noi la Sfinòii din calendar este modul de viaòa¨ al cresçtinului comun, care tra¨iesçte dupa¨ Evanghelie, al ca¨rui model este ônsusçi Iisus Hristos. ön toate ômprejura¨rile vieòii, sfa[ntul se ôntreaba¨> Ce ar face Hristos ôn locul meu= Cum ar reacòiona, cum s-ar comporta ôn anumite ômprejura¨ri ale vieòii, ce ar zice= ... De aceea, pentru noi, Vieòile Sfinòilor sunt un ghid de urmat, un manual practic. La sfa[rsçitul fieca¨rei epistole, Sfa[ntul Pavel alca¨tuiesçte portretul sfinòilor ôn nisçte cuvinte ata[t de simple, ônca[t desfiinòeaza¨ complect imaginea celor ce ôsçi ônchipuie pe sfinòi ca pe nisçte ara¨ta¨ri iesçite din comun. De pilda¨, ca[teva spicuiri din Epistola ca¨tre Efeseni, capitolul 5> ||Nu va¨ ômba¨taòi de vin ôn care este desfra[nare, ci umpleòi-va¨ de Duhul Sfa[nt, vorbind ôntre voi ôn psalmi, imne sçi ca[nta¨ri duhovnicesçti.\\ ||Supuneòi-va¨ unii altora, ôn frica lui Hristos.\\ ||Femeile sa¨ se supuna¨ ba¨rbaòilor ca Domnului.\\ ... ||Ba¨rbaòilor, iubiòi-va¨ femeile voastre, cum sçi Hristos a iubit Biserica sçi a murit pentru Ea ...\\ ||Ba¨rbaòii sunt datori sa¨-sçi iubeasca¨ femeile cum ôsçi iubesc trupurile lor. Cine-sçi iubesçte femeia sa pe sine se iubesçte, pentru ca¨ ama[ndoi sunt ma¨dulare ale Trupului lui Hristos - adica¨ ale Bisericii ...\\ ||Copii, ascultaòi de pa¨rinòii vostri ôn Domnul, ca¨ asça este cu dreptate ... Ca¨ci Domnul a zis> Iubesçte pe tata¨l ta¨u sçi pe mama ta ...\\ ||Iar voi, pa¨rinòilor sa¨ nu ônta¨ra[taòi la ma[nie pe copiii vosçtri, ci mai degraba¨ cresçteòi-i ôn ônva¨òa¨tura Domnului ...\\ ||Faceòi ruga¨ciuni sçi cereri ôn Duhul Sfa[nt sçi sta¨ruiòi ôn ruga¨ciune pentru toòi sfinòii - adica¨ pentru ceilalòi membri ai bisericilor ...\\ ôn Epistola ca¨tre Filipeni, cap. 4> 24 ||Bucuraòi-va¨ pururea ôntru Domnul ... ömbra¨òisçaòi ôn Hristos pe toòi sfinòii ... Ca[te sunt adeva¨rate, ca[te sunt de cinste, ca[te sunt drepte, ca[te sunt curate, ca[te sunt vrednice de iubit, ca[te sunt cu nume bun, orice virtute, orice lauda¨, la acestea sa¨ va¨ fie ga[ndul.\\ Coloseni, cap 3> ||Lepa¨ d aòi de la voi ma[ n ia, iuòimea, ra¨ u tatea, defa¨imarea, cuva[ntul de rusçine ... Nu va¨ minòiòi unii pe alòii ... Fiind sfinòi preaiubiòi ai lui Dumnezeu, ômbra¨caòiva¨ cu buna¨tate, cu smerenie, cu bla[ndete, cu ôndelunga¨ ra¨bdare ...\\ etc. Acesçtia sunt cresçtinii pe care Sfa[ntul Apostol Pavel ôi numea ||sfinòi.\\ Sunt oameni normali, asça cum I-a vrut Dumnezeu. Este uimitor ce simple lucruri se cer omului pentru a deveni sfa[nt. Greutatea sta¨ ôn ruperea din sclavia egoismului sçi a pla¨cerilor din noi, care au creeat o a doua natura¨ - omul pa¨catului. ||... Sçi ucenicii uimindu-se, ziceau unii ca¨tre alòii> Atunci, cine poate sa¨ se ma[ntuiasca¨= Iisus, privind la ei, le-a zis> La oameni lucrul e cu neputinòa¨, dar nu la Dumnezeu. Ca¨ci la Dumnezeu toate sunt cu putinòa¨.\\ (Marcu, 10>26-27). Asçadar, sfinòenia este lucrul lui Dumnezeu ôn om. Arhimandrit Roman Braga (articol retipa¨rit din Solia, Octombrie 1997) MA[NA¨STIREA ADORMIREA MAICII DOMNULUI Rives Junction, Michigan Programul slujbelor de sfinòire a bisericii Vineri, 5 Octombrie 2012 Priveghere la 6>00 PM. Sa[mba¨ta¨, 6 Octombrie, 2012 Procesiunea cu Sfintele Moasçte la ora 8>15 am, urmata¨ de slujba sfinòirii noii biserici de la 8>30 am. Sfa[nta Liturghie arhiereasca¨ va avea loc ôn pavilion cu ôncepere de la ora 10>00 am. Dupa¨ slujba¨ vor fi servite gusta¨ri ôntre orele 12>30 pm sçi 1>30 pm. O masa¨ festiva¨ va ôncepe la ora 2>00 pm (numai cu rezervare). Ziua se va ôncheia cu slujba privegherii de la ora 6>00 pm. Pentru informaòii suplimentare> 517-569-2873, email> [email protected], website> dormitionmonastery.org. RUGATçI-VAË SçI LUCRATçI PENTRU UNITATE ORTODOXAË IN AMERICA DE NORD SOLIA JULY/AUGUST 2012
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