Evaluation Criteria of Project Feasibility for Inclusive Growth and
Evaluation Criteria of Project Feasibility for Inclusive Growth and
Evaluation Criteria of Project Feasibility for Inclusive Growth and Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia By Econ Team Yayan Satyakti, Ph.D. Dr. Mokhamad Ridwansyah Millennium Challenge Account – Indonesia 2015 1 Table of Content Chapter 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5 1. Background ...................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2. Objective ........................................................................................................................................ 9 1.3. Scope of Report ........................................................................................................................... 9 1.4. Methods ...................................................................................................................................... 9 1.5. Structure of Report ................................................................................................................. 10 Chapter 2 Ecosystem Services, Poverty Alleviation and Inclusive Growth ....... 12 2.1. Environmental Degradation and Poverty Alleviation ................................................ 12 2.2. Rural Households, Poverty and Ecosystem Services .................................................. 16 2.3. Renewable Energy and Poverty Alleviation .................................................................. 18 2.4. Project Context of Ecosystem Services ............................................................................ 21 2.5. Inclusive Growth in Project Context ................................................................................. 26 Chapter 3 Measuring Renewable Energy Projects toward Inclusive Growth... 27 3.1. Renewable Energy Project related to reducing poverty ........................................... 28 3.2. Financing Renewable Energy Project............................................................................... 29 3.3. Risk Identification in RES ..................................................................................................... 31 Chapter 4 Measuring Sustainable Agriculture and Agroforestry/ Forestry Project........................................................................................................................................ 35 4.1. Project Objective and Outcomes ........................................................................................ 35 4.2. Financing Project Objectives ............................................................................................... 37 4.3. Risk Identification ................................................................................................................... 40 Chapter 5 Protection of Natural Resources Project .................................................. 41 5.1. Project Objectives.................................................................................................................... 43 5.2. Financial Aspects of Water Catchment Area .................................................................. 47 Chapter 6 Ecotourism: Towards Sustainable Development ................................... 50 5.1. Project objective ...................................................................................................................... 52 5.2. Financial Analysis.................................................................................................................... 53 2 List of Table Table 1: The Impact of Human Activity on Ecosystem Services in Belawan (19882000) and Supa Watershed (1989-2001)......................................................................... 14 Table 2. Implications on Resilience Natural, Resilience-socio-economic ...................... 14 Table 3. Linking policies to pathways out of poverty ............................................................ 17 Table 4. Potential effects of improved energy services in poverty alleviation ............ 19 Table 5. Comparison of different renewable energy technologies for rural electrification ............................................................................................................................... 20 Table 6. Function, goods and services of natural and semi-natural ecosystems ........ 22 Table 7. Differences between Renewable Energy Soruce (RES) and Conventional Energy (CE) ................................................................................................................................... 27 Table 8. Renewable Energy Projects Components for Financial Viable ......................... 29 Table 9. Investment Cost for Renewable Energy Projects ................................................... 30 Table 10. Risk Analysis of Renewable Energy Projects......................................................... 31 Table 11. Political Measurement Risk in RES ........................................................................... 31 Table 12. Economic Risk Measures in RES................................................................................. 32 Table 13. Social Risks Measures..................................................................................................... 33 Table 14. Technical Risk Measures ............................................................................................... 34 Table 15. Indicators of Environmental Sustainability of Agriculture .............................. 35 Table 16. Types of Verifiers ............................................................................................................. 37 Table 17. Estimating Additionality Benefit and Cost ............................................................. 38 Table 18. Benefit and Costs Analysis of Financial Analysis woodlowt as compared to maize allow system Tabora District, Tanzani (US$/ha).............................................. 38 Table 19. Coefficient and Prices Assumption ............................................................................ 39 Table 20. Sensitivity analysis of the results of the financial analysis .............................. 40 Table 21. Additionality and project aims................................................................................... 43 Table 22. Assessment of Degradation Degrees ........................................................................ 43 Table 23. Framework for appraisal project in water catchment area ............................ 45 Table 24: Impact assessment by component ............................................................................ 45 Table 25. Outcomes generates outputs ....................................................................................... 46 Table 26: Spreadsheets Sample for Water catchments Project ......................................... 48 Table 27: Spreadsheets Sample for Water catchments Project.. (contd) ....................... 49 Table 28. Spreadsheets of Ecotourism Project ........................................................................ 55 Table 29. Spreadsheets of Ecotourism Project ........................................................................ 56 3 List of Figures Figure 1 : Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Growth (In Percent), Total Poor Population (In Million), and Gini Ration (in Percent) In Indonesia Period 2002 2014 .................................................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 2 : GDP/ Capita (Local Currency Unit) and Carbon Dioxide Emission (in kilo tones) during Period 1990 – 2011.......................................................................................... 7 Figure 3: Growth Diagnostic Framework Analysis for Assessing Inclusive Economic Growth ............................................................................................................................................ 10 Figure 4. Positive and Negative Poverty-Environment Linkages...................................... 13 Figure 5. Conceptual Framework of linkage between Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation .................................................................................................................... 15 Figure 6. Household decision to improve resource allocation ........................................... 16 Figure 7. Possible relationship between production areas (P) and service benefit areas (B) ......................................................................................................................................... 21 Figure 8. Three Different Projects of Environmental Services.......................................... 25 Figure 9. Measuring Inclusive Growth From the Project. .................................................... 26 Figure 10: Illustration of the impact of flood hazard on economic activity .................. 42 Figure 11. Multiple spreadsheet pattern in water catchment project ............................ 44 Figure 12. Relationship between factors in sustainable tourism...................................... 51 Figure 13. Simpson Diversity Index Additionality .................................................................. 53 Figure 14. Improving of Labor Creation in Local Area .......................................................... 54 4 Chapter 1 Introduction 1. Background Since 2011 Indonesia and United States has signed Millennium Challenge Compact to reduce poverty by promoting economic growth through three projects: The Green Prosperity Project, the Community based Nutrition to Prevent Stunting Project and the Procurement Modernization Project. In terms of project funding, The Green Prosperity (henceforth called as GP) has the largest project funding with 55.33% of total project. The project focused on addressing critical development priorities to increase access to clean and reliable energy in rural areas and improving stewardship of natural assets. The GP consist of sub project areas such as Participatory Land Use Planning Activity (7.53% of total GP), Technical Assistance and Oversight Activity (15.06% of total GP), GP Facility Activity (72.89% of total GP) and Green Knowledge Activity (4.21% of total GP). Total investment project which will deliver by GP scheme funded $332.5 million in targeted district. The objective of this project focus on stimulating and generate multiplier effect through concrete assessment by conducting Economic Rate of Return evaluation. Therefore, the GP will concentrate in provinces and district that have high potential for achieving poverty alleviation and environmental objectives. According to Anderson et al., (2013), inclusive economic growth affected by entrepreneurship and investment, this indicator shaped by two major indicators which should be assessed carefully by return to economic activity and cost of finance. Lowered return to economic activity led by two major causes such as diminishing social return and low appropriability by government failures, macro risk and micro risk. The social return especially caused by declining of natural capital, poor human capital as well as poor infrastructure. From this standpoint, it seems GP may contributes for supporting Indonesia’s economic and environmental priorities by founding new and lasting model for developing, financing and implementing the project at the local level. The project will trigger greater private sector to accommodate sustainable development principles for local entrepreneurship by expanding opportunities in renewable energy investment and innovative land use practices. If we refer to recent data, Indonesia Statistical Agency published poverty macro indicators as depicted in Figure 1. Although poor population are declining over time, and economic growth grow steady around 4-6%, Indonesia still has 28.17 million peoples are poor people with lives less than $2/day. On the other hand, the inequality increasing from 33% in 2002 towards 42% in 2014. This means that economically Indonesian growth benefiting to rich citizen rather than poor citizen. 5 Figure 1 : Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Growth (In Percent), Total Poor Population (In Million), and Gini Ration (in Percent) In Indonesia Period 2002 2014 7.00% 6.00% 45.00 38.40 6.35% 39.30 37.30 5.00% 4.50% 36.20 4.78% 37.17 5.69% 35.10 5.50% 6.49% 6.22% 6.01% 6.26% 40.00 5.73% 35.00 34.96 32.53 5.03% 4.63% 31.03 5.06% 30.12 29.25 28.17 30.00 28.28 4.00% 25.00 3.00% 20.00 15.00 2.00% 10.00 1.00% 5.00 0.00% 0.00 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 GDP Growth 2007 2008 2009 Poverty Total (Mil) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Gini Ratio (%) Source: Indonesia Statistical Agency, 2014. Despite improving economic growth, Indonesia’s economic development have been associated with impressive rate of devastating its environment. Increasing rate of deforestation which led by escalating carbon emission. Figure 2 shows these facts that increasing of economic growth inextricably to its environmental degradation. How does it linked between economic growth, environment and poverty in particular of inclusive growth? Environmental quality engaging with better ecosystem services which provided through better preserving of ecosystem such as forest, and other activities attributes to sustainable agriculture practices. According to Farley & Costanza (2010) ecosystem services benefits people, if ecosystem is utilized to produce human well beings. The possible impact of poverty and ecosystem services is improving payment of ecosystem services by improving productivity of land both in terms of improving soils quality and other efficiency measurement such as improving their preserving area likewise forest conservation or the participant of main groups such as upstream providers or downstream services users Pagiola et al., (2005). 6 Figure 2 : GDP/ Capita (Local Currency Unit) and Carbon Dioxide Emission (in kilo tones) during Period 1990 – 2011. 600,000.00 35,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 500,000.00 25,000,000.00 400,000.00 20,000,000.00 300,000.00 15,000,000.00 200,000.00 10,000,000.00 100,000.00 5,000,000.00 - - CO2 emissions (kt) GDP per capita (constant LCU) Source: Worldbank Development Indicators, 2015 1. Furthermore, another issue has been raised in Indonesia is energy. Its clearly stated in Law No. 30/2007 about Energy, energy security one of prominent issue in Indonesia to ensure economic activity and national security. Since 2004, Indonesia has been net importer country that causes energy security as importance issues henreafter (Satyakti, 2014). Gunningham, (2013) introduces three issues that Indonesia should be addresses called as energy trilemma. Energy trilemma consist of energy security, climate change mitigation and energy poverty. The energy security agenda defined as provides reliable and adequate supply of energy at reasonable prices Kruyt et al. (2009), or another words self reliance of energy supply by utilizing existing energy potential. APERC (2007) refine definition of energy security of supply by (1) the availability of fuel reserve both domestic and external supply; (2) the ability of a an economy to provide energy demand; (3) improving energy resource diversification and energy supply diversification; (4) accessibility to fuel resource and related to energy infrastructure and distribution; (5) resource acquisition. In order to achieve energy security issues and poverty alleviation, Indonesian government has focused accessible energy at an affordable price and mitigating energy poverty by improving local energy independency through renewable energy initiatives. Currently, electrification ratio in Indonesia as of 20142 has reached 81.70%, its higher than in 2013 which is electrification ratio lowered by 78.06% percent. This 1 http://data.worldbank.org/country/indonesia#cp_wdi accessed on 23 August 2015. 7 situation challenges by proximity problem where mostly of population scatter around remote area and far from on grid electricity network. Another aspect, is financial obstacles to develop electricity sector, this hurdle faces by every regional government in Indonesia to develop infrastructure system to install additional power plan capacity, transmission and distribution. Above of all this policy hindered by uneconomically viable for electricity price due to heavily subsidizes of the government on electricity prices that causes impeding of electricity investment (Winoto et al., 2012). In order to resolve this problem through Electricity Law No.30/2009 at article (4) the electricity development prioritized to improve rural electrification in rural areas especially for poor people, underdeveloped areas and remote areas to promote productivity in rural community, quality of education, and literacy of information as well as self reliance of on grid system. Correspond to Acceleration Electricity of Development Program those strategies will resolve by renewables through allocating primary energy i.e. hydro by 11%, Geothermal by 34%, Coal by 40% and Gas 15% of 10.000 MW (Winoto et al., (2012) ,Kumara (2009)). Apparently, this ambitious program rely on private sectors, the government unable to finance the whole target and lack of procurement process3. Concerning those circumstances, the GP project areas are well equipped for local areas to promote growth development through improving ecosystem services that proxies by sustainable land use and natural resources management and introducing renewable energy in local area to improve better productivity and local energy security. Another dimension that we should concern according to Anderson et al., (2013) is the channel of indicators towards obtaining return to economic activity and cost of finance. From both of these aspects Economic Rate of Return (ERR) as a tools to estimate return to economic activity and cost of finance are adequate method to enhance and demonstrates how the projects promotes inclusive economic growth as well as sustainable. This report intend to explore various aspect by offsetting grey literatures to acquire proper variables and indicators to estimate Economic Rate of Return (ERR) especially in two broad areas of the GP project. What variables and assessment method to measure cost and benefit for evaluation inclusive economic growth. We reviewed various literature both theoretical and empirical finding to support accurate variable for assessing ERR. 2 http://www.pln.co.id/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Statistik-PLN-2014_for-website-10-Juni- 2015.pdf accessed on 23rd August 2015. 3 http://economy.okezone.com/read/2011/01/03/320/409659/proyek-listrik-10-000-mw-molor, http://ekbis.sindonews.com/read/983067/34/proyek-percepatan-pembangkit-10-000-mwmangkrak-1427702134 8 1.2. Objective This report consist of three objectives as follows 1. Exploring and reviewing grey literatures to assess inclusive growth (sustainable development and poverty alleviation) in renewable energy sector, sustainable agriculture/ forestry sectors and ecotourism; 2. Economic model of those sectors on poverty alleviation; 3. Impact evaluation framework to build economic model for those sectors that assessed towards increasing of benefit of project on poverty alleviation. 1.3. Scope of Report This report focus on sectors with particular projects as the following areas Project Types Objectives Renewable Energy Projects Reliable electricity and fuel supply Sustainable Agriculture and Improving productivity of agriculture Agroforestry Projects along with best practices of sustainable agriculture Protection of Natural Resource Project Improving ecosystem services through Payment of Ecosystem Services Ecotourism Projects Payment ecosystem services Integrated Projects Productivity, Payment Ecosystem Services, etc. 1.4. Methods This report conducted by literature analysis with growth diagnostic framework. This logical framework we assessed according to scope of areas and assessed for each factor linked with growth diagnostic framework. As depicted in Figure 3. 9 Figure 3: Growth Diagnostic Framework Analysis for Assessing Inclusive Economic Growth Source: Anderson et al., (2013) 1.5. Structure of Report The structure of report comprises of the followings sections Chapter 1. In first chapter we introduce some concept and framework how the various project to be implemented for inclusive growth assessment. Chapter 2. In second Chapter we defined and investigates the linkage between environmental degradation, inclusive growth and poverty alleviation. In this chapter the linkage between environmental degradation towards poverty alleviation. How the channel between environment and poverty alleviation interlink and promotes as inclusive growth. Various theories and concrete channel has been introduces along with empirical evidence. Chapter 3. In this Chapter we investigates the project aims of renewable project and how to interlink between outcomes benefit and financial analysis as a benchmark to evaluate renewable energy project whether economic viable or not. The project aims still concern how the renewable project promote inclusive growth through renewable energy project. Chapter 4. In this chapter we measured the project which implement sustainable agriculture management and how the parameter capable to measure agriculture productivity wlong with improving agriculture sustainability. Various parameters 10 and indicators demonstrates that project be able to improve benefit for the farmers and improving poverty alleviation. Chapter 5. Chapter fifth elucidate the linkage between project output of agriculture or agroforestry to promote preserving water catchment area. This chapter provide output on how the agroforestry project capable to improve poverty alleviation and reducing land degradation in landscape area where the area interlinked through upstream and downstream that stimulate impact on the stream landscape area. Chapter 6. Assessed the linkage between ecotourism project and diversity index as an output to preserve environment in tourism site. The objective of this project is to produce financial analysis between ecotourism and crucial indicators as sustainable tourism. 11 Chapter 2 Ecosystem Services, Poverty Alleviation and Inclusive Growth This chapter attempts to link ecosystem services as an impact of environmental degradation that causes to poverty alleviation and how these dimensions are intertwined with one another then resolved through inclusive economic growth. In this chapter we distinguished the channel approaches of two major area of the project. The first one is ecosystem services as we noted in Chapter 1 mostly of the projects are conducted by inclusive growth mechanism through improving the quality of environmental management in order to reduce environmental degradation, since other project focus on inclusive growth through energy utilization by emphasizing energy independency and improving local economic productivity. At the first glance we elucidate the linkage of ecosystem services and poverty alleviation by channel through payment ecosystem services (PES). The PES works through offsetting benefit and cost of ecosystem service that lead productivity of households become poverty increasing or poverty reduction. Afterwards is renewable energy project, which is this type of project we need to clarify in which channel the renewable energy project affect on household productivity and energy self reliance. 2.1. Environmental Degradation and Poverty Alleviation According to World Bank (2002), natural resource are prominent for substantial production activities. Poor rural households heavily rely on their incomes from natural resource services. In rural areas, rural people greater dependence on natural services to earn benefit such as generation revenue and employment by utilizing theirs natural resources. In addition, Sunderlin et al., (2005) defined a linkage between natural resource and poverty alleviation (i.e. forest resources) as fulfillment of that natural resource to meet households subsistence needs, safety nets function and gap filter for utilizing its service in emergency period of low income. Therefore, the reducing of natural services may have adverse effect for the poor people to utilizing the natural resources hence their livelihood decreases in terms of assets, investment, income and well being accordingly. These effects altering the rural people vis-à-vis improving poverty causes or improving poverty reduction vice versa. Other authors suggested the linkage between PovertyEnvironment depicted into causal loop diagram in Figure 1. below. 12 Figure 4. Positive and Negative Poverty-Environment Linkages Environmental preservation Win-Lose Environmental management that excludes local communities (e.g. lack of benefit-sharing, dislocation of communities) Win-Win Sustainable livelihoods (e.g. sustainable agriculture, forestry, fisheries, ecosystem, management, adaptation to climate change) Lose-lose Lack of inadequate environmental management negatively affecting the poor (e.g. lack of adaptation to climate change, poor environmental health conditions) Lose-Win Short-term livelihoods (e.g. overgrazing, overfishing, deforestation) Poverty reduction Source: De Coninck (2009) From this figure we have figure out linkages by four quadrants dimension as winloses loop. The win-lose quadrant describes improving environmental preservation vs poverty increasing where environmental preservation disregard community participation which cause dislocation of communities in the ecosystem. These linkages imply to another quadrat which is the best counterpart is win-win quadrant. This quadrant portray ideal relationship between environmental preservation and poverty reduction by engaging sustainable livelihoods through improving ecosystem services by valuing the ecosystem as ecological, sociocultural and economic value (Groot et al., 2002). In fact, WRI et al. (2005) noted that ecosystem services generates environmental income for rural people. Where rural poor heavily dependence on ecosystem livelihoods, declining of ecosystem reduce their environmental income which is the poor vulnerable to ecosystem degradation (J. a. Fisher et al., 2014). In recent research Suneetha et al., (2011) investigated ecosystem change and human well being in Indonesia. The study were undertaken in Bawan and Supa watershed by over period 1989 – 2001. The impact driven by cropland activity that generated losses in terms of forest resources, flood frequency, soil quality index and changes of wellbeing on ecosystem. 13 Table 1: The Impact of Human Activity on Ecosystem Services in Belawan (19882000) and Supa Watershed (1989-2001). Parameters Water Dense forest Sparse forest Cropland Farmland Grassland Total Flood Frequency Soil Quality Index Food Security Fuel Efficiency Access to Clean Water Source: Suneetha et al. (2011) Loss in Bawan (%) Loss in Supa (%) -0.54 -10.17 -12.17 -7.83 0.00 -7.93 -5.08 0.00 -19.61 -5.64 -38.26 0 -31.21 200 -54 Decreases Decreases Severe They conclude that those figures led to fostering on well being through demonstrates the implication of declining in ecosystem services as in Table 3.2. This table confirmed that human depend on healthy ecosystem as most essential services to be provided for the people, otherwise severely due to misplaced policies and human action rendering various services of its ecosystem and fostering declining of human well being. Table 2. Implications on Resilience Natural, Resilience-socio-economic Resiliencenatural Positive Resilience-socioeconomic Positive Negative Positive Positive Negative Negative Negative Implications High resilience of natural and socio economic parameters indicating high adaptive capacity Exploitation of natural resource although social systems have developed capacities to adapt to disturbances Implies possible underutilization of natural systems Very low development of adaptive capacities of the population Capacities of both socio-economic and natural system to adapt and regain homeostasis in the even of a disturbances severely hampered. Source: Suneetha et al. (2011) In macro context WRI et al., (2005) reported that Indonesia suffer the world’s largest annual loss of forest cover more than 43 million hectares have been degraded with annual deforestation rate 2.8 million hectares from 1998 to 2002. One of major contributors is trade activity of timber export which contributed by 14 70% through illegal logging. It’s cost US$3.7 billion lost revenue of government in trade activity in particular of this sector. Besides that factor, palm oil activities responsible to increase of land use conversion of forest into agriculture crops that causes forest fires and burning as stated by Page et al. (2002). Nevertheless, environmental degradation activities foster declining of ecosystem services leads to increasing of poverty. How to resolve the problem between people and improving poverty alleviation through ecosystem services? Fisher et al., (2014) describe conceptual framework the linkage of ecosystem services and poverty alleviation. They distinguished poverty consist of poverty reduction and poverty prevention. Figure 5. Conceptual Framework of linkage between Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation Source: Fisher et al., (2014) Poverty reduction caused by three aspect that influence to natural resources management i.e. access and control of natural resources as endowments, entitlements, capitals, people preferences and means other than ecosystem services. These dimensions determined ecosystem services as access and control of people on ecosystem services. The access consist of behavior of people to get access and control into ecosystem services as regulation, cultural and provisioning of ecosystem services utilization. Through these channels people benefitting ecosystem services as cash from commodity services to regain environmental 15 income for the community. This access comprises by two categories as monetary benefits versus direct services benefit. Direct services benefits define as services provide by ecosystem with non monetary unit. This direct services is pertinent debatable on how the value of ecosystem services benefit with appropriate measurement. In particular countries such as Cameroon, Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea access to forested land tends to formalized by governance regimes. The government secured ecosystem services to enable group accessing to ecosystem services as well as monetary benefits that related to poverty (Fisher et al., 2014). 2.2. Rural Households, Poverty and Ecosystem Services In this section we defined in more specific literature review on how project investment as intermediary channel related to improving poverty alleviation. In previous section we portrayed direct channel on poor people well-being. Actually, there is a channel has been missed to strengthen of poverty environment links. What we missed in this issue is we should consider that poverty alleviation as sustainable process towards escaping of poverty. Reardon & Vosti, (1995) illustrates on how households allocate their assets. Figure 6. Household decision to improve resource allocation Source: Reardon & Vosti (1995) 16 That figure depicts that rural households diversify in income and assets, the diversity stem from difference of managing risk and assets which led them into poverty. Increasing of this risk closed related to fragile areas as well as limiting access to manage their assets. When the poor engage with small assets they will rely on open access assets as a complement to fulfill their consumption. This assets management makes the rural poor more vulnerable than the rich one. Along with decreasing of their assets because of limiting their access to formal labor market or non formal labor market, they will greater reliance on natural livelihood activities. Once the nature resource decline, natural services diminishes as well, the effect ecosystem pressure will seriously impact on the poor rather than the rich. Allude to this problem, investment strategies to enhance the environment and investment in on-farm and off-farm activity affect crop choice and intensification of agricultural activity. Basic fundamental towards improving poor people assets by utilizing their assets and payment ecosystem services (PES) as compensation for the poor people to improve their investment. This investment require input such as natural resource maintenance or enhancement to reduce vulnerability of ecosystem risk and willingness to improve their innovation to utilized their assets to improve their income and entrance into labor market. In 2006, The World Bank (2006) conducted the research to proposed policy framework to escape from the poverty as pathways out of poverty as depicts in Table 3.3. The linking policies of pathways comprises by the following steps: Maintaining a stable macroeconomy through low inflation, competitive exchange rate and low prices for staple foods; Investing in the capabilities of the poor by agricultural extension and improving education, training and information; Connecting the poor to opportunities by improving infrastructures thorugh rural roads, labor market and access to financing institution. Table 3. Linking policies to pathways out of poverty Policies Maintaining a stable macroeconomy Rural Farm Rural agricultural poor Urban Non-farm Rural Non-Farm Poor Urban Non-farm Poor Low inflation Competitive exchange rate Low price for staple foods Agricultural extension Education, training and information Investing in the capabilities of the poor Connecting the Poor to Opportunities Source: The World Bank (2006) Rural roads Access to credit Labor markets Through this section it is shows that macroeconmy assumption and proper investment on poor people assets improve poverty alleviation. By indicating these parameters we elucidate the scope of certain parameters as fundamental dimension to be concern for poverty alleviation project. Improving ecosystem services or rural 17 electrification to enhance well-being of poor people are crucial points for the projects to produce multiplier effect in the community. 2.3. Renewable Energy and Poverty Alleviation In Indonesia the linkage between energy and poverty driven by lack of energy access services Gunningham, (2013). At household level the accessibility of energy service mainly for lighting and cooking facilities. The energy access play crucial role in the energy profile of poor, accessibility due to cost arises (e.g. lack of distribution access) and collected fuel to evade monetary transaction are fundamental factors that cause poor people consider whether they change to switch energy consumption, type of appliances to be used and cleaner technologies. The cost of monetary accounting still dominant factor for the poor to switch from either previous technologies to newer technologies or fossil technologies to renewable technologies Bhattacharyya, (2006). Therefore, it is logic for the poor to have a natural energy preference for the energy consumption without money transaction. At least there are three economic factor that would fulfill needs for the poor household in terms of energy demand (Bhattacharyya, 2006), as follows a) The energy should suitable for the poor in order to satisfy households basic needs; b) Minimum of money transaction; c) The modern energy should meet with willingness to spend of poor people to purchase commercial energies. Since 1990-s Indonesia has been granted from World Bank Group for energy project portfolio both for Renewable energy small power and Solar home system (Martinot, 2001). According to Martinot, (2004), Ferrey, (2004), De Coninck, (2009) the concrete linkage of renewable and poverty is improved access to high quality of energy sources through energy resource saving and improving productivity. In household level receiving better quality energy to gain access of education, health services and productivity such as value added and job creation will improve prospect of a better life in the future (Bhutto & Karim, 2007). Bhutto & Karim, (2007) support Bhattacharyya, 2006) argument that energy supply to alleviate poverty attained through unfolded of energy services. Poor people acquire the access to high quality energy sources by investing economic efficiency and least cost technology. The access to modern energy services can contribute to reduce poverty by improving the quality of life by better lighting, access to cleaner cooking fuels and safe drinking water. Furthermore, improving effective delivery of energy services by strengthening reliability of energy infrastructure such as rural electrification for the poor to get reliable space and water heating, lighting i.e. extending of study hours to improve employment prospects, refrigeration of vaccines and other medicines and sterilization of equipment in health centers. Those factors are close to meet basic needs in order to improve poverty alleviation (Bhutto & Karim, 2007). Price, (2000) also noted there is potential effects of improved energy services in reducing of poverty. She depicts direct as well as trickle down effect on how those 18 dimension improve welfare effects for the poor. There are various ways those potential affect of energy services on poverty alleviation. As we mentioned previously the poverty alleviation engage in three primary factors that would generate on wellbeing. Improving economic opportunity to be regained by improving productivity along with expanding fiscal space for the poor may foster poor people to have benefit by enhancing its services. Table 4. Potential effects of improved energy services in poverty alleviation Direct effects on well-being Direct effects on health Direct effects on education Improved access to lighting, heat and refrigeration Improved indoor air quality through cleaner fuel Saving in time and effort (due to reduced need to gather biomass and other fuels) Reduced fire hazard Improve quality of health services (through better lighting, equipment and refrigeration) Reduction in energy expenditure Improved access to information (through radio, television, and telecommunication) Direct effects on economic opportunities for the poor Trickle down effect of increased productivity Improved access to lighting, allowing more time to study Easier establishment and greater productivity of business that employ the poor Easier establishment and greater productivity of business in general (including through positive impact on the environment) Saving in time and effort releasing time and energy to channel to education Creation of employment in infrastructure service delivery Easier establishment of health centers Better education Productive uses of energy Improved health and education and savings in time and effort increasing individual productivity Fiscal space (coupled with pro-poor policies) Smaller fiscal burden and higher fiscal returns from more efficient services More benefits to the poor if government spending is effectively channeled to welfare enhancing services Higher fiscal returns associated with higher growth couple with pro poor policies Source: Price, (2000), Terrapon-Pfaff et al. (2014) . Reconciling direct effect of economic opportunities and productivity improvement are strongly intertwined by associating education and health aspect. Those major factor are associated through repercussion process by enhancing labor skilled capacity due to improving of energy services which directly affected on health and education. Eventually, those dimensions are concurrently alter of the poor people well being and creates poverty alleviation. However, those factors are unachievable without the provision of electricity. Improving energy independence by utilizing of local energy to strengthen supply of electricity is another issues for rural people in Indonesia, should be addressed. Geographical factors obstacles and lack of on grid infrastructures has led rural electrification become a hindrance to achieve rural electrification especially in remote island or other outer area across Indonesia (Gunningham, 2013). On the other hand, there are several obstacles for Renewable Energy (RE) project to be succeeded by its objectives. The factors that influence on sustainability of RE project distinguished by positive influences and negative 19 influences (Terrapon-Pfaff et al., 2014). The positive influence consist of increasing capability and transfer of knowledge of local people to maintain and repair service of the renewable energy technologies, improving cohesion of trust and reliability between community and stakeholders which strengthen of stake holders organization in the community. Contradictory, negative influence also raised if the technology inappropriate and pol external influences such as politic, institutional and environmental aspect are interfere into project, social factor such as low motivation and logistic hindrance for installment and retrieving of spare parts for maintenance and reparation. ITDG et al. (2005) have compared different electrification in which electricity source and benefit of electricity source to produce social and environmental impact. For complete information please see Table 3.3. below. Table 5. Comparison of different renewable energy technologies for rural electrification Electricity source Capital cost per connection Running cost Comments Grid connection Low/ high (depending on remoteness) Low Can supply all services but can be expensive to supply sparsely populated rural areas Diesel generator Medium High Micro-hydro Low/High Low Available but expensive to run. Also supply of diesel to rural areas can be irregular. Good option for supplying many energy services. Long lifetime. Pico-hydro Low Low High Low Solar system home Good for household option. Low running and maintenance cost. Provides power for lights and TV. Expensive household option. Low running and maintenance costs. Provides power for lights and TV. Social and environmental impacts Requires centralized production mostly from fossil fuels that produces greenhouse gas emission. Locally polluting ans socially disruptive. Lack of local control Causes local atmospheric, noise and ground pollution. Depends on water availability. Very low environmental impact. Depends on water availability. Very low environmental impact. Pollution-free. 20 Solar lantern Medium Low Wind generator Medium Low Portable, simple cheaper than SHS, could run radio, not TV. Can provide largescale capacity as well as small scale. It can be competitive with conventional power generation. Pollution-free. Depends on wind availability. Very low environmental impact. Source: ITDG et al. (2005) That Table demonstrates us different impact of technologies on environment as well as social impact. From this study we elucidate the linkage between renewable energy technology and poverty alleviation intertwined from supply side path. The availability of renewable energy promotes well-being for the rural people and reduce poverty. From this standpoint of literature review it is clear that renewable energy is doable and viable to alleviate the poverty. 2.4. Project Context of Ecosystem Services Before we moving on into project context, we will address the scope of ecosystem services as part of decision making to be functioning to human welfare. Fisher et al. (2009) define spatial relationship between service of natural resource as production areas (P) and service that generate spillover benefit of its production services (B) as Figure 3.3. Figure 7. Possible relationship between production areas (P) and service benefit areas (B) Source: Fisher et al. (2009) 21 Figure 3.3. illustrates possible spatial relationships between P and B. Panel 1 indicates in situ classification – where the services are provided and the benefits are realized in the same location e.g. soil formation, provision of raw materials. Panel 2 indicates omni-directional where the services are provided in one location then spreading to another area close to surrounding landscape without directional bias. Panel 3 demonstrate services delivered into directional benefits in the upstream area into downstream area. For instance the impact of industrial and human activities in Upper Citarum River (UCR) causes high priority for remediation in downstream area that addressed for proper land use management and water quality improvement in the basin (Suharyanto & Matsushita, 2011). The last one is Panel 4 portray the service provision as coastal wetlands as storm and flood protection to a coastline. This classification of ecosystem services identify characteristic of landscape management as the spatio-temporal dynamic of ecosystem, public private good and benefit dependence of services. In addition, through this classification we able to measure the possibility of compensating scheme as payments for environmental services (PES) between beneficiaries in the downstream to compensate provider in upstream to cover opportunity cost of preserving environment offsetting towards economic activity (e.g. Suharyanto & Matsushita, 2011). In terms of project output, project provides goods and services with their own function. Subsequently, if we engage the project to provide either for natural ecosystem preserving or improving natural ecosystem services, Groot et al., (2002) classified 23 function of goods and services that closely relates to ecological structure and underlying processes of those functions. Table 6. Function, goods and services of natural and semi-natural ecosystems No. Functions Ecosystem process and components (Outcome) Goods and services (Output) 1 Gas regulation Role of ecosystems in bio-geochemical cycles (e.g. CO2/O2 balance, ozone layer, etc.) 1.1 UVb-protection by O3 (preventing disease). 1.2 Maintenance of (good) air quality. 1.3 Influence on climate 2 Climate regulation Influence of land cover and biol. mediated processes (e.g. DMS-production) on climate 3 Disturbance prevention Influence of ecosystem dampening env. disturbances 4 Water regulation Role of land cover in regulating runoff & river discharge 5 Water supply Filtering, retention and storage of fresh water Maintenance of a favorable climate (temp., precipitation, etc) for, for example, human habitation, health, cultivation 3.1 Storm protection (e.g. by coral reefs). 3.2 Flood prevention (e.g. by wetlands and forests) 4.1 Drainage and natural irrigation. 4.2 Medium for transport Provision of water for structure on 22 No. Functions Ecosystem process and components (Outcome) (e.g. in aquifers) 6 Soil retention Role of vegetation root matrix and soil biota in soil retention 7 Soil formation Weathering of rock, accumulation of organic matter 8 Nutrient regulation Role of biota in storage and re-cycling of nutrients (eg. N,P&S) 9 Waste treatment Role of vegetation & biota in removal or breakdown of xenic nutrients and compounds 10 Pollination Role of biota in movement of floral gametes 11 Biological control Population control through trophic-dynamic relations 12 Refugium function Suitable living space for wild plants and animals 13 Nursery function Suitable reproduction habitat 14 Food Conversion of solar energy into edible plants and animals 15 Raw materials Conversion of solar energy into biomass for human construction and other uses 16 Genetic resources Genetic material and evolution in wild plants Goods and services (Output) consumptive use (e.g.drinking, irrigation and industrial use) 6.1 Maintenance of arable land. 6.2 Prevention of damage from erosion/siltation 7.1 Maintenance of productivity on arable land. 7.2 Maintenance of natural productive soils Maintenance of healthy soils and productive ecosystems 9.1 Pollution control/detoxification. 9.2 Filtering of dust particles. 9.3 Abatement of noise pollution 10.1 Pollination of wild plant species. 10.2 Pollination of crops 11.1 Control of pests and diseases. 11.2 Reduction of herbivory (crop damage) Maintenance of biological & genetic diversity (and thus the basis for most other functions) Maintenance of commercially harvested species 13.1 Hunting, gathering of fish, game, fruits, etc. 13.2 Small-scale subsistence farming & aquaculture 14.1 Building & Manufacturing (e.g. lumber, skins). 14.2 Fuel and energy (e.g. fuel wood, organic matter). 14.3 Fodder and fertilizer (e.g. krill, leaves, litter). 15.1 Improve crop resistance to pathogens & pests. 15.2 Other applications (e.g. health care) 16.1 Drugs and 23 No. Functions Ecosystem process and components (Outcome) and animals 17 Medicinal resources Ornamental resources Variety in (bio)chemical substances in, and other medicinal uses of, natural biota Variety of biota in natural ecosystems with (potential) ornamental use 19 Aesthetic information Attractive landscape features 20 Recreation Variety in landscapes recreational uses 21 Cultural and artistic information Variety in natural features with cultural and artistic value 22 Spiritual historic information and Variety in natural features with spiritual and historic value 23 Science education and Variety in nature educational value 18 with with (potential) scientific and Goods and services (Output) pharmaceuticals. 16.2 Chemical models & tools. 16.3 Test- and essay organisms Resources for fashion, handicraft, jewelry, pets, worship, decoration & souvenirs (e.g. furs, feathers, ivory, orchids, butterflies, aquarium fish, shells, etc.) Enjoyment of scenery (scenic roads, housing, etc.) Travel to natural ecosystems for ecotourism, outdoor sports, etc. Use of nature as motive in books, film, painting, folklore, national symbols, architect., advertising, etc. Use of nature for religious or historic purposes (i.e. heritage value of natural ecosystems and features) Use of natural systems for school excursions, etc. Use of nature for scientific research Source: Groot et al., (2002) The objective of Table 3.3 is a basic indicators of goods and services with particular function to be provided by a project. Output of the project creates goods and services which accordingly to achieved function as an outcome either for generating production services (P) or benefitting of service areas (B). Furthermore, Figure 3.4. illustrates three different project based upon environmental service to be delivered. We comprises the project according to outcomes with three objective to produce the output. Every project aim is to produce significant additionality through three different ways. The additionality generate impact by the following paths 1. In static path, without project benefit produce steadily outcomes over period of the project. Otherwise, with project the benefit persistently increasing and produce significant impact in the end of project. This situation indicates that project generate huge impact rather than without project; 2. In declining path, it is assumed that project will improve efficiency. Decreasing of cost instead of improving efficiency due to cost saving or another factor will generate efficiency along with project implementation; 24 3. The last one is improving benefit during the project implementation. This increasing path compare the efficacy of the project to business as usual in particular period of project. Figure 8. Three Different Projects of Environmental Services Benefit Outcomes Additionality With Project Without Project Time Project start Efficiency Outcomes Additionality Without Project With Project Project start Improving Outcomes Time Additionality With Project Without Project Time Project start Source: Wunder, (2007) with revision. 25 2.5. Inclusive Growth in Project Context From previous section, we have demonstrated various indicators and parameters to describe relationship of natural resources management and renewable energy impact on poverty alleviation. In this section we concern on how the project affect on inclusive growth to the households. By employing in households level we employ method as stated by Ali & Son, (2007)4. Simplifying the process the inclusive growth, indicator measured by improving participation of household in the project. The greater of number of household participation in the project, the bigger benefit that household will received towards in the end of project. Outcomes will increase along with increasing of hare of household participation within period of project. The impact of inclusive growth measured by additionality of without project household and outcomes received by the household. By comparing to with project it is convey that project increase outcomes or benefit within period of the project. We can estimate how many household will received benefit as multiplier outcomes from the project outcomes. This result shows in Figure 3.5. when the project affect on improving of benefit from the project. Figure 9. Measuring Inclusive Growth From the Project. Outcomes from the projects End of the projects With projects Without projects Cumulative share of Households 100% for entire population Source: adopted from Ali & Son, (2007) 4 For detail formula please refer to Ali & Son, (2007). 26 Chapter 3 Measuring Renewable Energy Projects toward Inclusive Growth In early chapter we illustrated how the renewable energy project affect on poverty alleviation and which parameter we should consider to interlink between energy services and poverty alleviation associated through social and economic activity. In this chapter we explore into deeper analysis on how those aggregate indicators derived into concrete ways of promoting renewable energy project for rural people toward enhancing benefit/ outcomes in the project. We embarked the renewable energy project by designating impact of the project on improving the lives of the poor. Afterwards, the project should demonstrated in which channel project be able to tackle energy solution and delivering of energy services. Hence we evaluated whether or not the project is viable for improving outcomes to expand energy access for the poor. Later on we explore how inclusive growth agenda entail within renewable energy project by measuring outcomes through economic rate of return (ERR). Furthermore, we analyzing on risk assessment that usually occur in renewable project. Why risk analysis is important to be assessed for project evaluation? Because renewable energy source (RES) technologies differ compare to conventional energy (CE). This technology recognized have higher risk than conventional energy. For detail information of differences between Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Conventional Energy (CE), please refer to Table 3.1. Table 7. Differences between Renewable Energy Soruce (RES) and Conventional Energy (CE) Parameters Track record New Technology Time to Market Familiarity with technology throughout the value chain/stakeholders Operating margins Investment horizon Debt/ Equity RES Relatively short (<20 years) Fast CE >> 20 years Medium Low High Low Typically > 10 years 70/30 Dependence on government support mechanism Risk of unknows factors influencing the project profitability Sensitivity to variation in oil prices High High 10-15 years From 0/100 (upstream) To 30/70 (downstream) Low High Medium High High 27 Parameters Sensitivity to variation in electricity prices Sensitivity to delay in completion RES High CE High High Medium Supply Chain maturity/stability High High Level of development of technical standards High High Modularity (related to min/typical investment) High High High High Medium High High Medium Medium Low High Low Low High Medium High Low High Investment life cycle criticalities: R&D Prospection (license) Financing Conception Procurement Construction Operations Abandon Source: Altran (2011). 3.1. Renewable Energy Project related to reducing poverty According to UNDP (2011), basis information to be shared in terms of energy project at least should reflect (a) innovation in energy service delivery models; (b) their contribution to mainstreaming energy access into national development strategies; (c) the extent potential to expand, energy services for the poor; (d) appropriateness of technology solution; sustained impact on targets beneficiaries; (e) level of participation of the communities; (f) mainstreaming energy access into national development strategies; (g) sustainability of the energy markets developed; (h) institutional capacities built at the local and national level to scale up replicate and mainstream energy delivery; (i) institutional partnership framework created to bring together with functional partnership. The basic steps for Renewable Energy project to be assessed is achieving objective of the project. There are four parameters objectives for renewable energy project should be addressed (UNDP, 2011): 1. Fuel efficiency gains leading to monetary saving outcomes. In this objective monetary and opportunity cost-savings as the results for the project which can impact on monetary measurement. The technologies that offer by the project demonstrates saving of energy consumption as well as saving households expenditure (fuel efficiency gains). Another parameters is improved quality of service. This outcome show how the project be able to 28 improve better quality live such as better lighting homes effectively, no pollution and improving health. 2. Productive uses of energy. Main objective of this activity is improving households productivity either for agriculture or other productivity such as small business scale (e.g. handicraft activity). 3. Employment creation and improved labor productivity. In some areas Renewable Energy project generated employment through construction, operation and maintenance of mini hydro project. Each project employs 8-11 local people during construction. In other project shows skills development in Renewable Energy Project creates employment opportunities. 4. Improved assets ownership. Electricity brings lifestyle changes towards home life more comfortable and housework easier. Its reflected in increased use of household appliances such as water heaters, clothes irons, cookers and grinder. 3.2. Financing Renewable Energy Project In this section the basic renewable energy financial evaluation conducted through basis parameters as illustrates in Table 3.2. In that renewable energy project components consists of project output as project outcomes that defined the outcomes that produces during the project implementation. The output should be clearly inform for the project whether benefit, cost efficiency and improving benefit within project period. Afterwards, depict households beneficiaries as an outcomes to be involved in the project. Explain output of Capital Expenditures and Output of the projects, evaluated whether the energy supply generated from the power plant meet energy demand for the households. Along with the outcomes generates, Table 8. Renewable Energy Projects Components for Financial Viable With Project Financing Project Outcomes (Benefit, Cost Efficiency, Improving-BCEI) Number of Households beneficiaries Size of Power Plant (PP) Power Output (MW) Energy Produced (kWh)-EP Capital Expenditure (Capex) for PP Operational Expenditure (Opex) and Maintenance Benefit ($ Benefit life cycle) with Project (BEN) Without Project Outcomes Business as Usual (Current Prices x Quantity) Number of Households beneficiaries Without Project Benefit Year 0 BCEI0 HH0 PP0 MW0 EP0 CAPEX0 OPEX0 BEN0 Year 0 woBCEI0 woHH0 woBEN0 Year 1 BCEI1 HH1 PP1 MW1 EP1 CAPEX1 OPEX1 BEN1 Year 2 BCE2 HH2 PP2 MW2 EP2 CAPEX2 OPEX2 BEN2 Year 3 BCE3 HH3 PP3 MW3 EP3 CAPEX3 OPEX3 BEN3 Year 1 woBCEI1 woHH1 woBEN1 Year 2 woBCE2 woHH2 woBEN2 Year 3 woBCE3 woHH3 woBEN3 29 Thereby, we can calculated Economic Rate of Return of Renewable Energy project as: æ rn - rn ö (3.1.) rn+1 = rn - NBn ç è NBn - NBn-1 ÷ø where NB = NBproject -NBwithout project , NB = Net Benefit that produces through benefit and non benefit. rn as Economic Rate of Return (ERR) between project and non project estimation. We accept the project with ERR > ERR benchmark. In addition we exhibit Capital Expenditure in Renewable Energy project in various Renewable Energy Source (RES) categories. This table is important to shows us benchmark of Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) composition and Operating and Maintenance Expenditure (OPEX) as a benchmark to evaluate rationality expenditure in the project. Table 9. Investment Cost for Renewable Energy Projects RES-E sub category Biogas Biomass Biowaste Geothermal energy Hydro large scale Hydro small-scale Photovoltaic Solar thermal electricity Tidal energy Wave energy Wind onshore Wind offshore Specification Agricultural biogas platn Agricultural biogas plant - CMP Landfill gas plant Landfill gas plant – CHP Sewage gas plant Sewage gas plant - CHP Biomass plant Co-firing Biomass plant – CHP Co-firing – CHP Biomass – district heating Waste incineration plant Waste incineration plant – CHP Geothermal powerplant Geothermal heat plant Large-scale unit Medium scale unit Small scale unit Upgrading Large-scale unit Medium scale unit Small scale unit Upgrading PV Plant Solar thermal power plant Total (stream) power plant - shore Tidal (stream) power plant – rear shore Tidal (stream) power plant – offshore Wave power plant – shoreline Wave power plant – rear shore Wave power plant - offshore Wind power plant Wind power plant – near shore Investment costs €/kWh 2500 - 4200 2700 - 4400 1250 – 1800 1400 – 1960 2250 – 3350 2400 – 3500 2200 – 2500 550 2550 – 4200 550 350-750 4250 – 5750 4500 – 6000 2000 – 3500 800 – 2200 850 – 3660 1125 - 4875 1460 – 5950 800 - 3600 800 – 1600 1275 – 5025 1550 – 6050 900 – 3700 5400 – 6300 2900 – 4500 O&M €/kW*year 115 – 135 120-140 50-80 55-85 115-165 125-175 75-135 60 80-155 60 25-41 90-155 100-180 100-170 50-57 35 35 35 35 40 40 40 40 40-50 105-230 3000 3200 3400 2400 2600 3200 945 – 1050 1750 50 55 60 50 55 60 35-40 65 Efficiency (electricity) [1] 0.26-0.34 0.27-0.33 0.32-0.36 0.31-0.35 0.28-0.32 0.25-0.3 0.25-0.3 0.37 0.22-0.27 0.2 0.18-0.22 0.14-0.16 0.11-0.14 Efficiency (heat) [1] 0.55-0.59 0.5 – 0.54 0.54 – 0.58 0.63-0.56 0.6 0.83-0.95 0.64-0.66 0.88-0.92 0.33-0.36 Lifetime (average) [years] 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 30 0.005-0.05 2-50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 0.5 1 2 0.5 1 2 2 5 Source: Satyakti et al. (2011) 30 Typical plant size [MW] 0.1 – 0.5 0.1 - 0.5 0.75 – 8 0.75 – 8 0.1 – 0.6 0.1 – 0.6 1- 25 1-25 0.5-30 2-50 2-50 5-50 1-20 250 75 20 5.5 2 0.25 3.3. Risk Identification in RES In order to elaborate uncertainties during project period, we have identified risk selected in Table 3.4. – 3.6. as risk factors that impact on project monetary value. The estimation on each risk factors estimated through Table 3.3. The risks measured by the probability for each risk factors. Table 10. Risk Analysis of Renewable Energy Projects Assumed Probability Impact (PI) 20% 30% 10% 20% Risks Political Risks (PR) Economic Risks (ER) Social Risks (SR) Technical Risk (TR) Total Cost Source: Author analysis, 2015. Assumed Impact (AI) PR *Financial Value ER*Financial Value SR*Financial Value TR*Financial Value Impact Value Expected Value of Risk (PI x AI) PI * AI PR PI * AI ER PI * AI SR PI * AI TR Risk Value Hence, in order to calculate risk value of the renewable energy project we refer to formula: Risk Value = Value of Project - Project Value Value of Project = Project Value ´ ( Min Return Risk Value) Project Value = Total Benefit Project (3.2.) (3.3.) (3.4.) Those equations from 3.2. to 3.4. stated how to interlink between risk value that covered during period of the project. This equation 3.2. estimate the amount of risk should covered according to different risk in the model. Probability of risk according to procedure of Table 3.3 as an input into equation 3.3. accordingly. This formula indicates whether the project highly risk or not to be implemented in the near future. Table 11. Political Measurement Risk in RES Measurement factors Lobbying local government Type of measure Accept risk Impact on financing costs Increasing cost of pre project cost Risk managed by deployment of measure Reduction in government commitment to RES Integration in risk management model: cash flow implication These measures are designed to respond to discrete points where different 31 Guarantee by developer of income start date after which the investors would receive base case income Legal and Permitting Bureaucracy outcomes to revenue can occur These measure will manage risks to the schedule (based on triangular distribution) Transfer of risk Increasing of pre project cost Project delays related to permitting, transfer of licensing Avoid Risk Increasing of pre project cost Project delays related to permitting, transfer of licensing These measures will manage risks to the schedule (based on triangular distribution) Risk managed by deployment of measure Integration in risk management model: cash flow implication These measure try to limit either the negative impact in cash flow and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of: Income delays (long permitting or late supply) Higher investment (price increases) or difficulties in getting bank loans due to questionab le developer bankability These measures limit the worst case minimum income when affected by Source: Hughes et al., (2004) Table 12. Economic Risk Measures in RES Measurement factors Type of measure Impact on financing costs Joint Venture and other arrangements Avoid Risk Decreasing in financing cost Various risks depending on the risk appetites of the JV (Joint Venture) partners. These can include permitting processes, insecurity of supply, price instabilities or doubts on developer’s bankability Insurance Transfer Risk Decreasing in financing cost Construction delays, failures of counterparties. This can also 32 Guarantees Transfer Risk Derivatives and risk transfer approaches Transfer Risk Cash management options Avoid Risk Decreasing in financing cost cover loss of business due to weather, vandalism or force majeure in general. Ability of contractor not able to deliver on time and on quality Various risks depending on the focus or risk transfer product (credit risk, counterparty risk or regulatory risks likely in respect of economic factors) Risks (for the lender) of the project not servicing the debt obligation as a consequences of allocation of debt service cash to other purposes those events. Implications on schedule based on uniform distribution. Other guarantees can manage Operational Expenditure (Opex) e. g. performance of turbines or Capex. Opex to service financial commitments of the financial instruments. Continued balance sheet strength if an event happens which is covered by the agreement. Risks (for the lender) of the project not servicing the debt obligations as a consequence of allocation of debt service cash to other purposes. Source: Hughes et al., (2004) Table 13. Social Risks Measures Measurement factors Integrated impact assessment Type of measure Accept Impact on financing costs Decrease on financing cost Risk managed by deployment of measure Numerous safety, social, environmental and health risks Integration in risk management model: cash flow implication These impact typically results in an increase in Opex or Capex. In the example of underlying resources availability, revenue can also be affected. 33 Specific mitigation and monitoring measures identified through assessment Avoid Decrease on financing cost Stakeholders engagement Avoid Decrease on financing cost There are numerous risks identified in and assessment ranging from biodiversity impact to the theft of modules Local communities opposition This measure will manage risks to both Capex and Opex. Avoidance of dely to schedule by proactive engagement. Source: Hughes et al., (2004) Table 14. Technical Risk Measures Measurement factors Type of measure Impact on financing costs Risk managed by deployment of measure Product guarantee insurance or First request bank guarantee by supplier Insurance (weather) Mitigate/ Transfer of risks Decreases on financing cost Higher failure rate of equipment Mitigate of risks Decreases on financing cost Service Level Agreements (Organisational Agreements) First request bank guarantee against minimum O&M Service level Mitigate of risks Decreases on financing Difficulty in accessing sites due to bad weather conditions Maintenance service company failure Mitigate of risks Decreases on financing cost Maintenance service company failure Integration in risk management model: cash flow implication Increase in Opex reduction in revenues Higher Opex and reduction in revenue Higher Opex and compensation for service level failure Higher Opex and compensation for service level failure Source: Hughes et al., (2004) 34 Chapter 4 Measuring Sustainable Agriculture and Agroforestry/ Forestry Project This chapter intend to elucidate financial analysis of agriculture or agroforestry project. As we mention from previous chapter, measuring for each project such as agroforestry or sustainable agricultures requires objectives to achieve. Quantifying indicators either as sustainability of agriculture or minimizing impact of environmental impact of agriculture is crucial to enable beneficiaries either farmers or households as an indicator for inclusive growth. Before we move on financial evaluation as generic measurement to measure ERR. Let we identified three generic causal chain to reflect casual relationship between sustainability of agriculture and project financing. 4.1. Project Objective and Outcomes In Table 4.1. we identified indicators of environmental sustainability of agriculture according to Reytar et al. (2014). Correspond to this definition we enable to identified output as practical consideration as well as performance of output. This indicators encompasses various aspect of sustainable of agriculture activities as a basis for measuring of project output towards financial based activities. We identified for each aspect as water, climate change, land conversion, soil health and managing pollutant that control nutrients and pesticides. In order to produce these indicators basis for estimation rely on accuracy of landscape data and proper proxies to be estimated in indicator. Therefore we should refine the purpose, scope and target of project beneficiaries to be engaged in the project. Confirmed, whether the indicator benevolent for poor farmers. Table 15. Indicators of Environmental Sustainability of Agriculture Policy Water Existence of policies requiring measurement of agricultural water withdrawal Practice Share of irrigated cropland area with efficient irrigation practices in place (%) Performance (1) Crop production per drop of water withdrawn (kilograms of crop produced per cubic meter of water per year) in combination with (2) Water stress ratio (water demand/water supply in cubic meters) 35 Policy Practice Performance Climate Change Existence of policies promoting low greenhouse gas (GHG) agricultural development Share of farm area with agricultural GHG emission management practices (%) Food production per unit GHG emission (tons of food produced per year per ton of CO2 Land Conversion Existence of policies limiting conversion of natural ecosystem to agriculture (1) Share of agricultural land enrolled in agricultural preserve program (.e.g. zoning to preserve production) % (2) Share of former agricultural land in conservation set aside program Soil Health Existence of policies that promote agricultural conservation (1) Share of arable land under soil conservation practices (%) (2) Share of cropland under conservation agriculture (e.g. organic soil cover greater than 30% immediately after planting) Nutrients Existence of policies promoting nutrient management practices Share of agricultural land under nutrient management practices Pesticides Actions to ban or restrict pesticides and toxic chemicals under the Stockholm Convention (25-point scale) Share of cropland under integrated pest management equivalent) (1) Conversion of natural resource (e.g. forest, wetlands) to agricultural land (crop and pasture) (hectares of converted land per year) (2) Share of agricultural land over X years that was stable, share that shifted to natural land, and share that grew from natural land conversion (%) (1) Share of agricultural land affected by soil erosion (%) (2) Percent change in net primary productivity (NPP) across agricultural land (%) (3) Soil organic matter (carbon) content (tons of carbon per hectare) (1) Nutrient input balances on agricultural land (N) and phosphorus (P) inputs and output (kilogram of N and P per hectare of agricultural land (2) Fertilizer applied per unit of arable land (tons of nutrients per hectare of arable land) Pesticide use per unit of cropland (tons of active ingredient applied per hectare) Source: Reytar et al., (2014). 36 Another literature that conducted by Stork et al. (1997), verified with detail objective in terms criteria and indicators for assessing the sustainability of forest management and conservation biodiversity. This indicators shows types of verifiers as a checklist for an assessment of indicators of biodiversity preserving. Table 16. Types of Verifiers Indicators Landscape pattern is maintained Changes in habitat diversity within critical limits Community guild structures do not show significant changes The richness size/ structure do not show significant changes Decomposition and nutrient cycling show no significant change No significant change in water quality/quantity from the catchment Primary Areal extent veg. type Number of patches per unit area Largest patch size of each veg. type Area weighted patch size Contagion Dominance Fractal dimension Average distance between 2 patches of same cover types Percolation index Total amount of edge for each veg. type Edge round largest patch Vertical structure Size class distributions Relative abundance of leaf size Gap frequency/ forest regeneration phase Canopy openness Standing and fallen dead wood Other structural elements Relative abundances of tree species in different guilds The abundance of avian guilds Abundance of nests of social bees Measures of the pollution size of selected species Age or size structures Diameter and height/ length of all standing and lying dead wood State decay of all dead wood Abundance of small debris Depth of litter/gradient of decomp Abundance of imp decomp’ers Leaf bags Frequency of N-fixing plants Soil conductivity and pH Soil nutrients levels Abundance / diversity of aquatic organism Leaf bags Stream flow Secondary Pollination success in key plant species Fruiting intensity Abundance/activity of terrestrial frugivorous mammals Time series of relative population-size estimates Life tables and their statistics Spatial structure of population Chemical composition of stream Source: Reytar et al., (2014) 4.2. Financing Project Objectives After we define project scope, outcomes and obvious output next step we elaborated financial estimation of agroforestry practices. Main objective for every project encompasses this issues should focus on improving financial return in terms of improving benefit or cost efficiency as we mentioned in Chapter 2. Analyzing the 37 economics of agroforestry practices is more complicated rather than other annual crops. This complexity due to harmonizing trees and crops within similar landscape area, which is this practices is difficult to assessed. For instance, evaluation benefit of the activities require large plots, times and larges space to evaluate within spatial and period of the project. Another aspect is long terms assessment of agroforestry evaluation, that stimulate long term investment and cost of evaluation that led to highly cost and more expensive. In the first step, we should determine whether the project produces additionality towards the project implementation. As we portray sample project in Table 4.2. We adopt one project from Alavalapati & Mercer (2005) to illustrate how to measure the project benefit and cost. Table 17. Estimating Additionality Benefit and Cost First Project $US $US Extra Benefit First Project Extra Cost First Project Tree seedlings Plantings Additionality Benefit - (%) Additionality Cost - (%) End Project $US $US Extra Benefit End Project Extra Cost End Project Source: Franzel (2005). Table 18. Benefit and Costs Analysis of Financial Analysis woodlowt as compared to maize allow system Tabora District, Tanzani (US$/ha) Mize fallow system Rational woodlots Benefits Maize grain yield Wood yield Pruning yield Total Benefits Labor Costs Land Preparation Planting Weeding Fertilizer application Harvesting Threshing Transplanting, watering digging microcatchments Gapping Pruning Wood Harvesting Total Other Costs Maize seed Year 1 142.54 Year 2 88.85 142.54 23.53 112.38 Year 5 Year 1 158.39 Year 2 158.39 158.39 158.39 8.59 2.53 9.41 1.18 7.12 4.12 8.59 2.53 9.41 1.18 7.12 4.12 32.94 32.94 4.62 4.62 806.62 and 8.59 2.53 9.41 1.18 7.12 3.71 4.18 806.62 8.59 1.9 9.41 1.18 6.05 2.33 1.42 5.18 38.13 56.3 4.62 34.64 3.7 93.14 93.14 38 Mize fallow system Rational woodlots Benefits Fertilizer Total Other costs Summary data Total Cost Operational Expenditure Benefits and costs Net benefit Workdays Net benefit to labor Net benefit to labor/workday Net present value Discounted workdays Discounted net benefit to labor Discounted net benefit workday Year 1 80.67 141.6 Year 2 64.54 68.24 179.72 275.11 102.87 -37.17 0.11 0.96 0.02 388.52 0.31 498.25 2.67 9.51 0.1 44.14 0.75 Year 5 Year 1 80.67 85.29 Year 2 80.67 85.29 93.14 118.24 180.64 118.24 713.48 0.27 806.62 5.09 40.16 0.09 73.1 1.31 61.36 0.14 111.68 1.31 40.16 0.09 73.1 1.31 Source: Franzel, (2005) Above of all from Table 4.3. the assumption should strongly consider on how to produce those value into coefficient and prices used in financial analysis. This assumption should be determined as well as source of information for the project whether project is rational or not. Table 4.4. provides coefficient and price to be employ in previous financial analysis. Table 19. Coefficient and Prices Assumption Variable Amount ($US) Maize Maize seed price US$ 0.18/ha Maize seed rate year 1 Maize seed rate year 2 Fertilizer rate Fertilizer cost Threshing Maize yield, pure stand Maize yield with trees, yr. 1 Maize yield with trees, yr. 2 Maize price 25 kg/ha 20 kg/ha 4 bags urea/ha US$20.17/bag US$3.70/100 kg 1943 kg/ha 1749 kg/ha 1090 kg/ha US$ 0.081/kg Trees Transplanting watering and 88 trees/day digging microcatchments Transplanting cost US$4.18/ha Mortality rate 34 percent Source of information Average of 1995/1996 and 1996/1997 market prices Farmers estimates Farmers estimates Research recommendation Market price 1996/1997 Farmers estimates On-station data adjusted On-station data adjusted On-station data adjusted Average market price 1995/1996 and 1996/1997 Farmers estimates On farm trial data On farm trial data 39 Variable Gapping rate Tree population Wood price Amount ($US) 34 percent 625 trees/ha US$ 5.28/Mg Wood yield 152.7 t/ha Tree seedling price US$ 93.14/ha Source of information On farm trial data On farm trial Avg. cost of wood cut and transp from forest 1995/96 and 1996/97 On-farm trial data, freh weight Market price 1995/96 and 1996/97 Source: Franzel (2005) 4.3. Risk Identification In someway, it is really hard to assess identified risk in agroforestry project, to avoid of increasing risk in agroforestry project usually its identified through sensitivity analysis. Although sensitivity analysis not often proper assessment for risk analysis, at least the results indicates us which parameter to impact on return on Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) or Operational Expenditure (OPEX). In Table 4.4. we shows the sensitivity analysis conducted by Franzel, (2005). Table 20. Sensitivity analysis of the results of the financial analysis Parameter Base analysis 50% decrease maize yield 50% increase maize yield 50% decrease maize price 50% increase maize price 50% decrease wood yield 50% increase wood yield 50% decrease wood price 50% increase wood price 50% decrease wage rate 50% increase wage rate 30% discount rate 10% discount rate Rotational woodlots Return to Return to labor land (NPV, (US$/workday) US$/ha) 389 271 476 298 479 155 622 155 622 443 334 302 510 2.67 2.1 3.49 2.19 3.15 1.42 3.92 1.42 3.92 2.67 2.67 2.51 2.84 Maizes without trees Return to Return to land labor (US$/ (NPV, US$/ha) workday) 61 -56 179 -60 182 61 61 61 61 86 36 55 70 1.31 -0.12 2.56 -0.11 2.72 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 Source: Franzel (2005) From this Table we have informed by sensitivity analysis that every increasing both yield and price may hamper to the return of land and return to labor as wages. From these indicators it is easy for us to identify risk probability that hampered in the project. BY employing different discount rate, the impact may hamper onto return as well as labor cost both form woodlots and maizes. Therefore with this analysis we be able to assess which parameters should have strong assumption as well as fundamental assumption for financial analysis in agroforestry project. 40 Chapter 5 Protection of Natural Resources Project In Chapter 5 , we emphasis on water catchment or water harvesting as a proxies of natural resource preservation project. Roetter et al. (2007) elucidated the linkage between agriculture and environment to eradicate of poverty and hunger stimulate by research questions? Is labor productivity low because of adverse natural or physical circumstances? How can we utilize (agro) biodiversity to increase productivity? How can we increase resource use efficiencies? In terms of ensuring natural resource management basic questions on how the environmental sustainability towards environmental sustainability as the followings are: Are degrading environmental impact intrinsically linked to agricultural production? How to analyze vulnerability and resilience in agricultural landscape? How to analyze agricultural landscape mosaic? These basic questions presumably as basic objectives of the project which encompassing of agriculture activities to preserve or protect biodiversity that led poverty alleviation. According to Roetter. et al., (2007) development process for improving soil and water conservation planning at catchment scale is priorities for farmer to improve production and soil conservation by against productivity looses rather than preventing soil degradation. There are several main objectives for the project should be considered to achieved water catchment area those are: Develop field scale indicators and measured of erosion and sedimentation based on indigenous knowledge of soil and vegetation characteristic; Measured frequency of erosion, sedimentation and soil productivity at catchment scale with erosion assessment as basis study for conduction project; Explain specific method to catchment scale and water conservation in particular landscape at farm level; Depicts and measured in monetary terms budget based upon activity to achieved those objectives. In particular of measuring impact of flood risk on agriculture activities especially for estimation direct economic flood damage, Merz et al (2011) proposes procedure to estimate direct economic as follows: 1. Classify element of risk into homogenous damage classes in order to resolve problem as well as improving efficiency of project investment; 2. Expose the numbers of type of element at risk by various scenario; 41 3. Conduct sensitivity analysis to measured different element at risk to flood impact by damage function. Moreover, Merz et al., (2011) illustrates how the terms of flood hazard and risk of flood risk impact on direct economic damage. Figure 10: Illustration of the impact of flood hazard on economic activity Source: Merz et al., (2011). If we looking at Figure 1, it seems that this conditions as a basis for business as usual (baseline data) that depicts existing condition within project landscape area. In this landscape area, it is importance to identify through information such as: Assessment of flood vulnerability, e.g. households or communities are vulnerable to floods at various impact. The impact consist of direct tangible which destruct on infrastructure. Direct intangible such as loss of life, injuries. Indirect tangible for instance production losses, disruption of public services; Indirect intangible such as trauma, or loss of trust in authorities; Flood risk mapping. This map performed in micro scale i.e. community area; meso scale i.e. residential areas, or industrial areas; macro scale-large scale spatial unit such as municipalities or administrative units. Optimal decision on flood mitigation measures, e.g. difference scenario to mitigate flood hazard; Comparative risk analysis to assess and prioritize for the household, in which area affected by flooding with consistent damage estimation; Appraisal of risk, whether insurance companies cover the flooding risk. Correspond to those indicators, the project assessment briefly portrayed in Table 1. In Table 1, fundamental assessment of project aims is improving additionality between With Project Results Indicators in Area 1 with Without Project Results Indicators in Area 1. In the last columns of Table 1 indicates project results that shows performance of the project, either improve or deteriorate of the outcomes according to ideal performance. By assessing these indicators through additionality, it is straightforward for us to estimate whether the project are highly impact on 42 improving benefit for the households especially for poor households or poor farmers in respective area. Table 21. Additionality and project aims Without Project Results Indicators in Area 1 Soil erosion Water conservation Flood frequencies Susceptibility Risk With Project Results Indicators in Area 1 (Target of Project) Decreasing of Soil Erosion Improving water conservation Reducing flood frequencies Reducing susceptibility Reducing Risk by exposed of households impact by flood Additionality in Area 1 Amount of decreasing Amount of water conservation Amount of flood Amount of coverage area Amount of Households beneficiaries Source: Author Analysis, 2015. 5.1. Project Objectives In the following section, we intensively proposes the project as proposed technologies to improve outcomes of the water catchment or water harvest project. Flooding frequencies occur due to soil erosion causes. Predicting of soil erosion in business as usual is necessary to predict whether the soil erosion in current conditions either improve or deteriorate. Moreover, Sivakumar & Ndiang’ui, (2007) assessed land degradation degree by identifying various indicators as depicts in Table 2. Table 22. Assessment of Degradation Degrees Degradation type Assessed degradation attributes Lost Soil Soil Erosion Soil salinity Topsoil Subsoil Gullying Space between rills (water erosion) Area coverage by holes (wind erosion) Sheet erosion Blow out areas, hummocks Vegetation cover Observed salinity (in ECe) Salinity change during last 50 years (in EC, and ESP<15%, pH<8.5, 3 range classes within the range 5mS/cm - >16mS/cm) Nutrient Range of values (from low to high degree) Global Assessment of Desertification of Arid Land Degradation Lands 1983 - 1992 (GLASOD) 1990 Little to all Little to all None to some Low to severe >50m - <20m 10%- >70% Moderate to severe Few to numerous <30% - >70% of area ECe x 103 < 4 – Ece x 103 15 mmhos Slightly to severely saline, depending on the number of range classes added to salinity prior to degradation Cultivation of cleared range or 43 depletion Vegetation forrest Cultivated crop Potential of fertilizer to offset lost productivity Quality of soil parent material Representation of climax species Loss in range productivity Range quality estimate Crop yield Perennial/annual crop Moderate to non existent Rich to poor 50% - <10% >35% - >75% Fair-poor <10% - >90% Source: Sivakumar & Ndiang’ui (2007) In more detail, DeGraaf (1996) proposes multiple spread sheet as multiple assessment to be included in the project. These multiple spreadsheet consist of various data should be attached in the project data. There are several databases as a basic assessment for with project and without project, as shown in Table 1. Figure 11. Multiple spreadsheet pattern in water catchment project Source: DeGraaf (1996) From figure 2, we follow the project appraisal by evaluating the project according to the following stages. We revised the stages from DeGraaf (1996) and adapted into our project objectives. We revised the project objective according to poverty alleviation as improving beneficiaries of households coverage within area. The crucial aspect in these stages are on-site effect of erosion which indicators indicates in Table 3. In Table 3 it is clearly defined that project activities in natural resource project especially in water catchment area consists by two major activities. The crucial factor in the project should address clearly is determining evaluation criteria in the project that led to additionality improvement. In addition of these evaluation, criteria analysis conducted into on site impact estimation (how much activities as well as output estimation towards improving additionality). In this regard, through those activities will generates costs as well as capital expenditures (e.g. cost 44 allocation ) through reflecting outcomes such as improving benefit of outcomes (i.e. inclusive growth and poverty alleviation). Table 23. Framework for appraisal project in water catchment area Project Preparation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Project Appraisal 12. 13. Preparatory phase Ecological setting Socio-economic situation for rural households especially poor households or poor farmers Potential components of water catchment impact Project organization – institutional matters Alternatives or option for achieving outcomes Role of actors (stakeholders mapping) Determining evaluation criteria in the project Input by stakeholders On site impact estimation (with project impact assessment) Downstream impacts estimation Other impact estimation Overall impact estimation Financial analysis regarding cost and benefit analysis Cost saving analysis Inclusive growth within project (improving beneficiaries in the projects) Sustainability Trade-off analysis Source: DeGraaf (1996) In more detail analysis, the Capital Expenditure should concern impact assessment correspond to output components as depicts in Table 4. The output clearly related to outcomes as a basis analysis for project implementation. Table 24: Impact assessment by component Project Implementation Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Effect Input Cost: Labor Inputs Material Inputs Physical effects: Reduced run-off Increased infiltration Reduced erosion Reduced fertility loss Economic Effects On site product Increase downstream eff. Source: Author Analysis, 2015. Y4 In Table 4, basis output as derived from Table 2 generates project implementation as shown in Table 5. For each outcomes as an output in Table 4 such as reduced runoff, increased infiltration, reduced erosion, reduced fertility loss, economics effects 45 and on site products incorporated into more detail in project implementation as we seen in Table 5. Table 25. Outcomes generates outputs Project Implementation Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Effect Input Cost: Labor Inputs Material Inputs Physical effects: Reduced run-off (RRO) - Material for RRO… Increased infiltration (II) - Material for II… Reduced erosion (RE) - Material for RE Reduced fertility loss (FL) - Material for FL… Economic Effects - Employment creation… - Cost Saving etc… On site product - Improving Productivity… Increase downstream eff. - Physical effect - Economic effect Source: Author Analysis, 2015. For each physical effect produces output and outcomes as coloured in red color shape format, on the other hand the green colour format shows us the impact of improving output as an impact on employment creation, agriculture productivity and ancilary impact of on site impact towards downstream impact. These impact shows in green colour shape format. In latest year in green table area, the checklist symbol indicates as an impact in fourth year that generates into economic impact as demonstrates in Year 4. In the following outcomes (i.e. green shaped format) reflected as an impact from red colour impact from physcal impact along with improving productivity. The linkage between green and red shape format should strongly produce determinant factor affected on outcomes effect, these parameters should informed through strongly reference that project activities produce outcomes. 46 5.2. Financial Aspects of Water Catchment Area In financial analysis, the water catchment area conducted through activities as depicted in Table 6 and Table 7. For every activity and assessing of Economic Rate of Return (ERR) assesed in Table 7. In this Table every outcomes as well as impact assesed through previous table and produce results in Table 7. ERR calculated according to Ely & Miller (2001), *0 Cn*0 + Cn-1 +... + C1*0 g n-1 (1) r= Cn*0 1+ g +... + g n-1 ( ( ) ) where C as cash flow and g is growth of return from the project, the economi rate of return estimated by two impact between without and with project of cash flow of project. We should evaluated additionality by two outcomes between without project as business as usual and with project as reflected in physical and economic effect. Those aspect are evaluated through outcomes as improving or decreasing of outcomes during project implementation. The figures shows in spread sheets in Table 7, both in physical effect and economic effect outcomes. The economic effect estimated by changes between net benefit ((benefit-cost of with project) – (benefit – cost of without project)) along with project implementation. During these project we see both outcomes increasing in terms of benefit that improving productivity in economic effects aspects. Net benefit estimated by estimating cash flow over discount factor across 10 years of project implementation. During period of project implementation, net benefit are negative in early project period and incerase in medium project of implementation. In latest row of spread sheets the ERR estimated at 32.62% which is the value of net benefit with project larger than net benefit without project. This indicates the value produce high ERR. We can conclude that project accepted to be finance feasible to conduct. 47 Table 26: Spreadsheets Sample for Water catchments Project Year 0 Capex --> Physcal Effect Labor Cost (person) : Material for RE (in 000) Material for RO (in 000) Material for II (in 000) Material for E (in 000) Material for FL (in 000) Total Cost Physical Effect: Without project: Reduced run-off Increased infitration Reduced erosion Reduced fertility loss With Project Reduced run-off Increased infiltration Reduced erosion Reduced fertility loss Year 1 5 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 0 5 50 25 50 35 25 185 5 50 25 50 35 25 185 5 50 25 50 35 25 185 5 50 25 50 35 25 185 5 50 25 50 35 25 185 6 50 25 50 35 25 185 6 50 25 50 35 25 185 7 50 25 50 35 25 185 7 50 25 50 35 25 185 7 50 25 50 35 25 185 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0.11 0.12 0.1 0 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.05 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.06 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.07 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.08 0.16 0.17 0.16 0.09 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.1 Source: Author Analysis, 2015. 48 Table 27: Spreadsheets Sample for Water catchments Project.. (contd) Additionality Reduced run-off Increased infitration Reduced erosion Reduced fertility loss Economic Effects Without Project Employment Creation (per) Wages: Rp1000.00 With Project Employment Creation (per) Wages: Rp1500.00 Productivity Without Project Quantity Revenue; Price = 10000 In (000) With Project Quantity Price In (000) Benefit - Cost Without Project In (000) With Project In (000) Net Benefit In (000) Economic Rate Return Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.9 1 1 1 0.89 0.88 0.9 1 0.88 0.87 0.88 0.95 0.87 0.86 0.87 0.94 0.86 0.85 0.86 0.93 0.85 0.84 0.85 0.92 0.84 0.83 0.84 0.91 0.83 0.82 0.83 0.9 2 2000 2 2000 2 2000 2 2000 2 2000 2 2000 2 2000 2 2000 2 2000 2 2000 2 2000 5 7500 5 7500 5 7500 5 7500 5 7500 5 7500 6 9000 6 9000 7 10500 7 10500 7 10500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 1000 1000 1000 1120 1300 1350 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 10,000 10,000 10,000 11,200 13,000 13,500 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,000 9,998 9,992 4,346 4,264 1,889 1,853 821 904 357 457 155 206 67 93 29 43 12 20 5 9 2 4 -5 -82 -36 82 100 51 25 14 7 3 1 32.62% Source: Author Analysis, 2015. 49 Chapter 6 Ecotourism: Towards Sustainable Development Special relationship between tourism and sustainable development arises because three important aspects such as interaction, awareness and dependency (UNEP & WTO, 2005). Interaction aspect arises because the nature of tourism based on delivering an experience of new places that involve between local environmental interaction both direct and indirect, visitors and host communities. Awareness concern on environmental issue and differences between nations and cultures which affect attitudes and awareness for sustainability issues. Dependency as strong relationship between experience intact, clean environment, attractive natural areas, authentic historic and cultural traditions which these actors are inter related and attributes to each other. Through these aspects the tourism produce sensitive situation that produce advantage and disadvantage. The advantage of the tourism creates opportunities for enterprises development and employment creation through stimulating investment for local services; bring economic value added of natural and cultural resources to be more preserve and increases of conservation support from local communities as well as visitors; improving mutually benefit between environment and inter culture relation. On the other hand tourism led direct pressure of fragile ecosystem towards degradation of the physical environment and disruption to wildlife; increasing pressure to local communities and lead to dislocation of native societies; contributing to local and global pollution, detrimental to the environment by utilizing scarce resource especially land and water that led vulnerable and unstable source of income due to decreasing of ecosystem service of tourism site. In order to achieved sustainable tourism we constitute key elements of sustainable tourism by determining of factors such as optimal use of environmental resource; respect of socio-cultural authenticity of native and local communities to conserve their cultural heritage and traditional value by improving inter-cultural understanding and tolerance; assure that ecotourism project is viable, long term economic operations, generating benefits and inclusive growth, stable income and employment creation. There are twelve dimensions to achieved sustainable tourism (UNEP & WTO, 2005): 1. Economic viability; establishing viability and economic competitiveness of tourism destination and enterprises to deliver benefit for the people in long term. 2. Local prosperity; maximizing economic prosperity for local community. 50 3. Employment quality; strengthening and improving quality of jobs supported by tourism including level of pay, condition of service and available without discrimination by gender, race, and disability. 4. Social equity; ecotourism bring fair distribution of benefit and inclusive to the local economy to receive better benefits and improving better life for the poor; 5. Visitor fulfillment; deliver safe, satisfying and experience for visitors. 6. Local control; engaging and empowering local communities to formulate the planning, decision making and management for future development of tourism. 7. Community wellbeing; improving quality of life in local communities by improving social structures and access to resources, amenities and life support systems. 8. Cultural richness; respect and enhance the historic heritage, authentic culture, traditions and distinctive of local cultures. 9. Physical integrity; improving quality of landscapes to avoid physical and visual of local environment degradation. 10. Biological diversity; conserved of natural areas, habitats, wildlife and preserving ecosystem services in local environment. 11. Resource efficiency; minimizing use of resource scarcity and non renewable resource in development and tourism facilities. 12. Environmental purity; minimizing pollution of air, water and land the generations of waste by tourism enterprises and visitors. Those criteria are interlinked and creates mutual benefits for each dimension which depicted in Figure 1 below. Figure 12. Relationship between factors in sustainable tourism Source: (UNEP & WTO, 2005) 51 5.1. Project objective In particular aspect of economic analysis, project output ecotourism outcomes generates sustainable environment as well as economic viability. In order to deliver competitiveness in ecotourism project emphasizing in the following areas (UNEP & WTO, 2005): Understanding the market. Identifying the market potential as assessing demand of visitors (market conditions), travel patterns and tastes, or market research question for conducting demand pattern and preferences. Delivering visitor satisfaction. Maintaining the quality of services for every visitors experience; improving competitiveness through differentiating of tourism sites; assessing customer satisfaction by obtaining regular feedback from visitors. Maintaining good trading conditions. Improving efficiency of administrative process and reducing bureaucracy by mutual partnership agenda. Strengthening labor supply and improving capacity building by upskilling for local communities to be skilled labor. Provide good accessibility to tourism site by upgrading infrastructure which reduce transportation cost. Maintaining and projecting attractive destination. In this aspect we emphasized the ecotourism towards economic viable by providing positive and consistent image to ensure nature and quality of experience match between brand image and tourist expectation. Provide safety and security for the visitors. Preserve environment quality as preserving benefit towards ecosystem services for the local communities. In more detail outcomes Wearing & Neil, (2009) provides ideals of ecotourism ideal indicators as a basis for ecotourism activities Should not degrade resource, development and should conform to ecologically sustainable best practice. Maintaining biodiversity metrics to measure whether the resource as well as local environment or biodiversity is well preserved during project implementation. Should provide long-term social, economic and environmental benefits to local community. Generates benefit from the project that produces income improvement, employment creation e.g. direct employment, indirect employment and induced employment and enterprises due to investment in tourism business Should recognize limits to growth and necessity of supply-oriented management. Estimating capacity of tourism site as maximum capacity for the visitors to visit into tourism site; Should prepare travelers to minimize negative impacts through education, maintenance of small groups, minimal resource use and avoiding sensitive areas. Educating visitor to comprehend the linkage between environment and limits to growth. 52 Should provide cross-cultural training for appropriate staff. Respecting local cultures and educating visitors of local biodiversity improve ecosystem services for the local community. Should involve education of and understanding between all stakeholders and recognitions of the intrinsic resource value and encourage ethical responsibility toward the natural and cultural environment; Is sensitive to and carefully interprets indigenous cultures; Marketing is accurate. 5.2. Financial Analysis In this section we provide with hypothetical data of ecotourism project to be implemented in 10 years project period with discount price 13% for each year. Project aims is improving benefit of natural/ forest conservation area by improving Simpson Diversity Index (Simpson, 1949) to indicates the natural conservation improve in additionality terms. This indicators provide as how the ecotorusim project improve biodiversity index to be close to one. The result of the project shows in the Figure 2. Figure 13. Simpson Diversity Index Additionality 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 SDI Without Project 5 6 7 8 9 10 SDI With Project Source: Author Calculation, 2015. Note: SDI = Simpson Diversity Index In Figure 2 it is shows the impact of additionality with and without project which distinguish the gap as additionality of the project to improve biodiversity index. This 53 estimation calculated according to assumptions that with ecotourism project, the local communities able to finance for enhancing diversity in local area of forest. These financing activities delivered through ecotourism by erecting tourism site as capital expenditure and operational expenditure which contribute employment creation and improving benefit of enhancing income surrounding the area. Figure 14. Improving of Labor Creation in Local Area 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Labor Without Project 6 7 8 9 10 11 Labor With Project Source: Author Calculation, 2015. In Figure 3, it is portray that ecotourism project produce labor creation and improving income from Rp7.500.000 to Rp23.000.000,00 for each year. This benefit gained to the local communities which both improve natural resource improvement as well as labor creation. In terms of inclusive growth the increasing of participating of labor creation by twofold increase in average (2,05 per workers) during project implementation. We assuming that visitors come to this tourism site by moderate assumption in a year (2500 visitors for each year without any increasing). The revenue generates through three types of by cabin occupation , visitor attraction and only walking around the site. We enacted the attraction ticket with the same price with entrance ticket. Every visitor will get site attraction by playing paint ball, flying fox, and other attraction. With this offer, the visitor usually will take both of ticket besides entrance ticket. For detail revenue item, we provide in the spreadsheets below. According to the financial analysis the Economic Rate of Return calculated at 20.4% which means the project is feasible to be proceed for implementation. 54 Table 28. Spreadsheets of Ecotourism Project Year 0 Without Project Environmental Indicators The level of biodiversity pressure Simpson Diversity Index 0.5 Number of Worker 10 Income from Sites/ Year 7,500.00 75,000.00 7500 With Project Capital Expenditure Building Cabin/ House 3 person x 20 @ unit price Rp.10.000.000,00 20,000 Trekking 30,000 Sites Attraction 20,000 Preserving biodiveristy and water 10,000 80,000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 0.5 10 0.49 11 0.48 12 0.47 12 0.47 13 0.46 13 0.45 13 0.45 13 0.45 13 0.44 13 75,000.00 7500 82,500.00 7500 90,000.00 7500 90,000.00 7500 97,500.00 7500 97,500.00 7500 97,500.00 7500 97,500.00 7500 97,500.00 7500 97,500.00 7500 20,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 80,000 55 Table 29. Spreadsheets of Ecotourism Project Growth of visitors Revenue Tourism Visits in one year Occupied tourist Visitors Attraction revenue 1 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 - 2.50 1,000,000 150,000 50,000 1,200,000 2.50 1,000,000 150,000 50,000 1,200,000 2.50 1,000,000 150,000 50,000 1,200,000 2.50 1,000,000 150,000 50,000 1,200,000 2.50 1,000,000 150,000 50,000 1,200,000 2.50 1,000,000 150,000 50,000 1,200,000 2.50 1,000,000 150,000 50,000 1,200,000 2.50 1,000,000 150,000 50,000 1,200,000 2.50 1,000,000 150,000 50,000 1,200,000 2.50 1,000,000 150,000 50,000 1,200,000 20 - 20 180,000 180,000 460,000 820,000 25 180,000 180,000 575,000 935,000 25 180,000 180,000 575,000 935,000 26 180,000 180,000 598,000 958,000 26 180,000 180,000 598,000 958,000 26 180,000 180,000 598,000 958,000 26 180,000 180,000 598,000 958,000 26 180,000 180,000 598,000 958,000 26 180,000 180,000 598,000 958,000 26 180,000 180,000 598,000 958,000 0.5 120,000 0.55 120,000 0.56 120,000 0.57 120,000 0.58 120,000 0.59 120,000 0.6 120,000 0.61 120,000 0.62 120,000 0.63 120,000 0.64 17,778 17,778 17,778 17,778 17,778 17,778 17,778 17,778 17,778 17,778 1,200,000 940,000 260,000 242,222 1,200,000 1,055,000 145,000 127,222 1,200,000 1,055,000 145,000 127,222 1,200,000 1,078,000 122,000 104,222 1,200,000 1,078,000 122,000 104,222 1,200,000 1,078,000 122,000 104,222 1,200,000 1,078,000 122,000 104,222 1,200,000 1,078,000 122,000 104,222 1,200,000 1,078,000 122,000 104,222 1,200,000 1,078,000 122,000 104,222 10 - 10 23,000 14 23,000 13 23,000 14 23,000 13 23,000 13 23,000 13 23,000 13 23,000 13 23,000 13 23,000 0 75,000 -75,000 20.47% 0.05 35,377 114,256 78,878 0.07 18,356 28,307 9,951 0.09 9,446 13,352 3,907 0.11 4,456 5,160 704 0.12 2,277 2,434 157 0.14 1,074 1,148 74 0.16 507 542 35 0.17 239 255 16 0.18 113 120 8 0.2 53 57 4 Cost Employment Creation Operational Cost Maintenance Labor Cost Total Cost Environmental Cost Preserving biodiversity landscape Simpson Diversity Index Depreciation Cash Inflow Cash Outflow Benefit Net Benefit Economic Benefits (Additionality) Income for Local Communities Additional Jobs Additional Labor Income/ Capita Outcomes benefit Simpson Diversity Index Net Benefit Without Project Net Benefit With Project Net Benefit ERR 56 References Ali, I., & Son, H. 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