Handbook Edition 2016-17 © Aiglon College 2016. All rights reserved Section 1: Introduction Welcome This handbook is written to help you understand and learn about the Aiglon community. It includes current information, historical background and important general principles which we hope you will find useful. Inevitably there will be changes from time to time as we continually evolve. Major changes will be communicated by the school in letters to parents and updated information will be posted on the Aiglon website. We understand that the spirit of Aiglon cannot easily be captured in a few pages and so, for those only able to read this rather than be here, we extend an invitation to come and visit, to see for yourselves the joy of living and working at Aiglon. USING THE HANDBOOK There are three main sections: Introduction including ● ● table of contents important dates Principles and Philosophy including ● ● ● ● guiding statements expectations and code of conduct information for parents alumni information Practicalities including ● ● ● studying and learning and academic information beyond the classroom and co-curricular activities detailed information pertaining to life at Aiglon Updates are highlighted in this version by red text. Acknowledgements We are most grateful to those students, staff, parents and governors who have contributed towards the production of this handbook. Every effort has been made to ensure that its contents are accurate. If you have any comments or questions, please contact the school on [email protected] . 1 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Contents SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION ... page 1 Table of Contents Important Dates SECTION 2: PRINCIPLES AND PHILOSOPHY ... page 5 History; Aiglon Today; Founding Principles; College Leadership; General Principles; Summary of Expectations; Civility; Code of Conduct; Mid-Term Breaks; Exeats; Homesickness and Advice to Parents; Travel Information; Absence Requests; Student Health Insurance Equal Opportunities; Alumni; Educational Visits; Leavers SECTION 3: PRACTICALITIES … page 17 Studying and Learning …page 17 Timetable; Academic Courses; International Baccalaureate; Course Codes; Examinations and Profiling; Course Changes; Setting; Study Periods; Mark Readings; Rewards, Commendations and Junior Credits; Prep.; Extra Study; Classrooms; Classroom Behaviour and Expectations; Learning Support; English Language Support; Library Services; Leave During Public Examination Periods; Graduation Diplomas; University and College Applications Beyond the Classroom ... page 24 The Expeditions Programme; Round Square; Sustainable Development; PE and Sports; CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) Programme; International Award; Skiing Living at Aiglon ... page 30 Senior Student Leadership; Guardians, School Prefects; House Captains; House Prefects; Student Council Health, Safety and a Balanced Lifestyle ... page 31 Spirituality; Healthcare Services; Dietary Needs; Confidentiality; Seeking Help; Personal Safety; Security; Personal Belongings; Forbidden Articles; Fire Safety; Road Safety; Bicycles, Motor Vehicles & Accepting Lifts Responsibilities and Expectations ... page 35 Being a Day Student; Sanctions and Punishments; Drugs; Alcohol; Anti-social Behaviour (Bullying); Smoking; Relationships; Honesty; Cheating; Vandalism; Absence; Dress and Appearance; Responsible Use of Information Technology; Rules About Going Off-Campus; Birthday Dinners; Social Outings; Jogging After Prep General Practicalities ... page 48 Keeping in Touch; Money; Naming of Clothes; Laundry; Stationery: Cookie on Campus Appendix ... page 51 Appendix 1- Pathways to the Aiglon Diploma; Appendix 2 - Pathways to the Sixth Form 2 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Term dates 2016-2017 AUTUMN TERM 2016 Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th August Thursday 25th to Saturday 27th August School Council meeting and New Staff Induction New Staff Induction / Houseparents and Heads of Department meetings Staff development days 1-3 STUDENT RETURN TIMES AUTUMN TERM 2016 *Student information is in blue Thursday 25August 0830-1700 Teaching staff development day 1 Friday 26 August 0930-1230 0930-1700 1230 1330-1500 1630 0830-1700 Teaching staff development day 2 Teaching staff development (programme content to be confirmed, please see separate document) Uniform fair (Sports Centre) Lunch (Central Dining Room) House Teams’ meetings (respective Houses) Guardians, School Prefects and House Captains return to Houses. Meet in Sports Centre Classroom at 1700. Saturday 27 August 0930-1230 0930-1700 1230 1600 1900 2000 onwards Teaching staff development, day 3; Student return (Prep Form to L6th) Teaching staff development (programme content to be confirmed, please see separate document) Uniform fair (Sports Centre) Lunch (Central Dining Room) All Junior School students, boarding and day, new and returning, due back in Houses (Prep Form, 1st and 2nd form) All Senior School students, boarding and day, new to Aiglon due back in Houses (3rd, 4th, 5th form and L6th) House Teams (HSPs, DHPs and Tutors) welcome new students and their families Junior and Senior School new parents’ reception (South Lawn / Sports Centre Lounge) Dinner (Central Dining Room) All Senior School students, boarding and day, returning to Aiglon due back in Houses (3rd, 4th, 5th form and L6th) Junior and Senior School day students may leave House welcome programmes for boarders Sunday 28 August Student welcome programmes 0800-0900 0845 Breakfast in Houses Junior and Senior School day students, new and returning, report to Houses – Prep Form to L6th (bring No.1 uniform, wear home clothes) Uniform fair (Sports Centre) Student welcome programmes (Prep Form to L6) Teaching Staff: available for class preparation, to assist in House or to be involved with tutees in the student welcome programmes 1600 1800 1800-1900 1800-2000 0930-1700 0900-1730 1215-1315 Lunch available (Central Dining Room; La Baita) 1330 - 1830 1600 1615 1630-1730 1645-1730 1730-1815 1800 1810 1830 1830 1930 1930 3rd Form Expedition training U6th boarding students to have returned to Houses (prior to 1600) U6 day students report to Houses (wearing No.1’s) Senior School Tutor meetings and House inspection Junior School CAS Fair (La Baita) Junior School Tutor meetings Senior School Head Master's Meditation (Exeter Hall) Dinner: Alpina, Le Cerf, Delaware (CDR) Dinner: Belvedere, Clairmont, Exeter (CDR) Junior School Dinner with Tutors – day students welcome (La Baita) Day students may leave Drinks for L6th in No. 1’s (Central Dining Room, Exeter side) House time Monday 29 August 0755-0815 0820 Whole School assembly Lessons start period 1 3 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 AUTUMN HALF TERM Friday 7th October to Sunday 18th October Aiglon Round Square International Conference / School Trips Friday 14th October to Sunday 30th October Half term break - 1240 Friday 16th students may leave, ends Sunday 1st November (Junior School boarders to return to Houses between 1600 and 1800 and Senior School boarders to return to Houses between 1800 and 2000) Monday 31st October 0755 Lessons commence Friday 16th December End of term - students may leave after prize giving (Junior School from 1100, Senior School from 1230) Parent & Teacher meetings (1330-1600) WINTER TERM 2017 Saturday 7th January Staff development day 4 Junior School boarders return to Houses between 1600 and 1800; 3rd form to L6 form boarders return to Houses between 1800 and 2000 Sunday 8th January U6 boarders return by 1600 Monday 9th January 0755 Lessons commence Winter half term - Friday 10th February to Sunday 19th February Half term break - 1240 Friday 10th students may leave, ends Sunday 21st February (Junior School boarders to return to Houses between 1600 and 1800; Senior School boarders to return to Houses between 1800 and 2000) Friday 24th March End of term - students may leave after prize giving (Junior School from 1100, Senior School from 1230) Parent & Teacher meetings (1330-1600) SUMMER TERM 2017 Saturday 8th April Staff development day 5 Junior School boarders return to Houses between 1600 and 1800; 3rd form to L6 form boarders return to Houses between 1800 and 2000 Sunday 9th April U6 boarders return by 1600 Monday 10th April 0755 Lessons commence Friday 19th May to Tuesday 23rd May Half term break - 1240 Friday 19th May students may leave, ends Tuesday 23rd May (Junior School boarders to return to Houses between 1600 and 1800; Senior School boarders to return to Houses between 1800 and 2000) Friday 23rd June End of term - students may leave after prize giving (Junior School from 1100, Senior School from 1230) Saturday 24th June Graduation Day for U6 (L6 are invited to attend if they wish) CDC 26.08.16 4 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Section 2: Principles and Philosophy HISTORY Aiglon College was founded in 1949 by John Corlette, a British educator who had worked with Kurt Hahn at Gordonstoun School in Scotland. Aiglon’s first six pupils were housed in a rented chalet, Chantecler, in the Swiss village of Chesières-Villars. John Corlette, who was familiar with Villars from his own youth, felt that a British school in Villars would offer a close acquaintance with nature in its grandeur and most elemental forms and could not but contribute to a saner, healthier and more balanced outlook on life. Since it was the post World War II era, he also hoped to attract American children, to introduce them and the English (two of the most insular of the world’s peoples) to the different customs, manners and points of view of other cultures, at an age when their minds would still be open. In 1968, girls were admitted to the school and were housed on the first floor of Clairmont. “If a boy sits next to a girl in class every day and goes skiing with her in the afternoon, he is much less likely to regard her with undue interest, and much more likely to find that she can be an agreeable companion with whom he likes to share his pleasures and pains, his hopes, fears and aspirations”, said Corlette - an innovative standpoint for his time. Shortly before his death in 1977, John Corlette transferred ownership of the school to the Aiglon College Association, a notfor-profit organisation which he had set up specifically to safeguard his original educational vision and ensure the future of the school. Aiglon College is still owned and governed by this Association today. The school logo was created in 1960. In the shape of a shield, it contains John Corlette’s personal icons - a six-pointed star, a salient wolf and the Crusader’s Cross (or Cross of Perfection). The lower portion shows the young eagle (“aiglon” in French), about to launch itself from a mountain top into the world. The motto, “God is my Strength”, is adapted from the Old Testament book of Isaiah. The school has grown steadily and reached its current size of approximately 365 students shortly before 2000. Its primarily Anglo-American character in its early years has been steadily enriched by international diversity. Since 1990 it has consistently been a second home to students of over 50 nationalities. A situation in the Alps offers a physical and spiritual challenge such as the youth of today needs more than ever, in the shape of mountains to be climbed, on ski and on foot, and battles to be fought with the elements in the form of snow and ice, cold rain and cloud, sun and heat, let alone gravity. (John Corlette) 5 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 AIGLON TODAY Aiglon College is a non-profit educational establishment, wholly owned by Aiglon College Association. The day-to-day operations of the school are managed by the Head Master and his staff, who are all employees of Aiglon College Services SA, a registered Swiss company. Accreditation and Memberships: Aiglon College is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) in the United States, and the Council of International Schools (CIS). Other corporate memberships include European Council of International Schools (ECIS) and Council of British International Schools (COBIS), Boarding Schools Association (BSA) (UK) and Association Vaudoise des Ecoles Privées (AVDEP), Association des Directeurs des Instituts de la Suisse Romande (ADISR), Fédération Suisse des Ecoles Privées (FSEP) and Swiss Group of International Schools (SGIS) (Switzerland). Aiglon is a founder member of the Round Square global association of schools. The Head Master has been the Chairman of the Swiss Group of International Schools (SGIS) since 2006 and the Head of the Junior School is a member of the Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools (IAPS). Teaching Staff: There are 65 teachers, of whom 51 are full time. Currently 17 of the staff hold a Master’s degree or Doctorate. Teachers come from the UK, Switzerland, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Ireland, the United States, France, Mexico and Italy. Student Profile: Aiglon has approximately 365 students enrolled, of whom 88% are boarders and the remaining 12% day students. Over 50 nationalities are represented at Aiglon and over 30 languages are spoken although approximately 40% of our students have English as their mother tongue. 55% of our students are boys and 45% girls. Campus: The Aiglon campus occupies an area of 44,000 square metres on a south-facing plateau 1170 metres above sea level in the French-speaking Swiss Canton of Vaud. Aiglon College Services SA owns eighteen buildings (Alpina, Belvedere, Clairmont, La Dépendance, Delaware, Exeter, Forbes, the John Corlette building, the Aiglon Chapel, Près Vallon, Chalet Aiglon, L’Ancienne Poste (the World Languages Centre), La Baita, La Casa, La Dacha, Le Cerf, Les Collonges and L’Ancienne Gendarmerie. Our multi-purpose Tony Jashanmal Sports Centre opened in the academic year 2011-12. COLLEGE LEADERSHIP The School Council is the senior management team of the School. The School Council Members report to the Head Master on both operational and strategic matters. The Council deliberates upon Junior and Senior School matters such as educational mission, strategic planning, resourcing, financial prioritisation and planning, pastoral and spiritual well-being, public and parental relations as well as staffing the academic curriculum and examinations. The School Council provides a channel of communication between those in senior leadership positions and the Head Master and allows the Head Master’s decisions to be informed by the experience and expertise of the school’s senior leaders. School Council members may be responsible for the leadership and supervision of groups within the School, such as the Houseparents and the Heads of Departments. The School Council meets on a weekly basis. The members of the School Council are the Head Master, Bursar, Deputy Head (Student Life), Deputy Head (Curriculum), Director of Pastoral Care, Head of the Junior School and Director of Admissions. 6 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES John Corlette’s legacy Aiglon College came into being in 1949 as the living manifestation of John Corlette’s pioneering educational vision. As Founder of the school and its Head Master for 23 years he established a set of values and educational priorities which remain at the very core of Aiglon’s identity. These guiding principles were articulated in the first decades of the school’s existence through a variety of statements expressed by the Founder. Since his death in 1977, succeeding generations of teachers and school leaders have sought to sustain the spirit, purpose and focus of John Corlette’s vision; the school’s growth, evolution and rapidly earned world-wide reputation bear witness to the timeless values of his vision and to the passion of those who have nurtured it and built upon it. The statements below are the fruit of a consultative process to re-articulate the school’s guiding principles in ways that make them memorable and more directly relevant to our students. They are drawn from detailed research into all the guiding statements, formal and informal, that have been published since the school’s foundation, with input from staff, students, alumni, parents and governors. We have a responsibility to ensure that the school’s founding values and priorities continue to provide a strong and coherent foundation for the school. We must not see this as an obligation to resist change and evolution; indeed we have a duty to ensure that an Aiglon education remains relevant and appropriate for the young men and women of today, preparing them for a world in constant mutation. We hope that all members of the Aiglon family will recognise the essence of their school in these guiding principles, and that they will be able not only to memorise, but to internalise and enact the challenges and responsibilities that they articulate. The aim of Aiglon College is the balanced development of MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT through: ● ● ● ● ● Challenge Respect Responsibility Diversity Service The development of the MIND focuses on the intellect and the capacity to think, learn and reflect powerfully and purposefully. Aiglon seeks to challenge its students intellectually and academically, encouraging them to be inquisitive and motivated learners, able to reach an ever-growing understanding of the world around them through rigorous and critical thinking and the acquisition of a strong body of knowledge. This process encourages respect for a range of ideas and opinions, acknowledging that learning requires a need for openmindedness, humility and an interest in multiple perspectives. A respectful mind focuses not just on the self, but on others and the priorities of the world around us. The world of the intellect and ideas requires recognition that we all carry responsibility. A well-developed mind will reflect on issues of morality and rightful action, and accept that we must assume the consequences of our attitudes and actions. These responsibilities are to ourselves, to others and to our environment. A well-developed mind can engage with the world in a diversity of ways. Alongside knowledge and reasoning it shows creativity, aesthetic awareness, judgement, freedom from prejudice and true breadth of interest. A generous mind recognises the importance of service to others as an essential part of creating a harmonious and healthy society. 7 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 The development of the BODY focuses on physical fitness and the maintaining of an active and healthy lifestyle. An Aiglon education provides physical challenge to build strength, resilience and fitness as well as to build confidence and a sense of achievement as the rewards for physical effort. This process builds respect, both for oneself and for others who undertake physical challenges. Respect for one’s body includes good living habits such as healthy diet, exercise, rest, personal cleanliness and tidiness. Respect for one’s body requires making choices that reflect responsibility and the avoidance of habits that diminish fitness and physical aptitude. The development of the body can take a diversity of forms. In addition to personal exercise regimes, physical development is promoted through team and individual sports, expeditions and performance. Furthermore, dexterity, co-ordination, sensitivity and awareness can be developed through a wide range of skills that include all the creative and performing arts. A fit and able body means that physical effort can be applied in the service of others. The development of the SPIRIT focuses on the essence of ourselves and the exploration of faith, service and purpose in life. Developing the spirit represents a challenge to move beyond the intellectual and physical and to reflect on the deeper questions of existence. These questions may find answers through personal faith and through the teachings of Christ and other great teachers. This challenge also invites us to be “explorers” and to take risks. The concept of spirit embraces character, the emotions and the capacity to engage fully and confidently with the world in many contexts. The developed spirit demonstrates respect for the feelings of others and a recognition that relationships are built on an understanding and acceptance of a common humanity that transcends divisions of wealth, culture, religion and ethnic identity. By developing the spirit, a system of personal and collective values can be established which defines the individual and collective responsibility of the individual. This in turn shapes social awareness and the qualities of purpose, initiative and integrity that characterise effective leadership. The spirit can be nurtured in a number of ways, through action or stillness, the spoken word or silent reflection. In addition our lives are enriched by the diversity of cultural approaches to the deeper questions about ourselves and our world. The practical expression of the spirit – through generosity, humility, selflessness and compassion – is service to others, realised in many forms. Aiglon College pursues its aim through a series of objectives related to LEARNING and COMMUNITY. 8 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Aiglon strives for excellence in learning and academic achievement by ● ● ● ● providing a rigorous, stimulating and disciplined teaching environment promoting lifelong intellectual curiosity and critical thinking skills designing a balanced curriculum that takes account of the school’s cultural diversity and the aptitude of its students challenging students to perform to their full potential. Aiglon makes good use of its inspiring Alpine environment to promote a range of skills and to develop personal qualities Aiglon equips students to make responsible choices in ● ● ● personal and community relationships concern for the global environment service and citizenship. Aiglon nurtures a range of life and leadership skills including ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● a clear set of moral values respect for a spiritual dimension to life a habit of reflection and an appreciation of beauty a capacity for teamwork and action a recognition of the value of a healthy lifestyle balancing physical and mental well-being self-discipline and efficient time-management self-reliance self-motivation and initiative self-knowledge. COMMUNITY OBJECTIVES Aiglon seeks to be a welcoming home, providing ● ● ● a safe and caring environment a comprehensive range of counselling and pastoral services an attractive campus offering optimal conditions for healthy living and learning. Aiglon ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● pursues a culture of improvement in all areas, underpinned by regular assessment and evaluation is committed to responsible use of resources benefits from the wide range of cultures within the school to promote a happily integrated international community fosters a spirit of community based on courtesy and mutual respect strives to be a close and well-informed “family” embracing students, alumni, parents, staff and governors involves students in service to the wider community develops creative and co-operative relationships with the local community takes advantage of its proximity to many centres of cultural and natural interest capitalises on its favourable staff-student ratio to provide personalised support aims to produce engaged, responsible students who are kind and caring. 9 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 GENERAL PRINCIPLES The school has basic expectations of good conduct; these apply equally to all members of the Aiglon community. There is a shared responsibility to make Aiglon a happy and positive place where people are thoughtful, respectful and courteous to one another. Good sense and conscience are often adequate guides to conduct, and most rules at Aiglon are a matter of common sense. However, there are some areas of life that cannot easily be put into simple rules. In these cases, it should be remembered that the most basic rule at Aiglon is: treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. EXPECTATIONS ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Be considerate, polite and helpful in all your dealing with others. Treat people with respect regardless of social position, nationality, race, gender or age. Respect the possessions of others. Avoid drawing attention to yourself by acting in a loud or vulgar way. Help to maintain a good working atmosphere in the classroom through your own positive behaviour. Dress sensibly and modestly. Clothes should not be worn in a way that shows defiance or attracts undesirable attention. Strive for high standards of conduct at all times. Make sure that visitors to Aiglon are made to feel welcome. Care for the campus as well as the surrounding environment. Aim to present a positive image of the school in the wider community and play a part in building a shared sense of pride in Aiglon. Rights of others Respect for the rights of others is expected of all members of the Aiglon community. Rudeness, offensive language or malicious behaviour will not be tolerated. Dishonesty, lying, harassment (including sexual harassment and any sort of harassment by phone, mail, or email), displays of affection that embarrass others, physical abuse or acts endangering the safety of others are regarded as a serious breach of conduct. Academic disruption, which includes inappropriate behaviour inside or outside any class, is unacceptable. In addition to respecting property belonging to the school or to others on the campus, students must respect the property of those in the wider community. Stealing or vandalism in any form, including the unauthorised borrowing of another’s belongings, will not be tolerated. Self-discipline and consideration for others are expected in all public and whole-school gatherings, in the classroom, in the boarding houses, on the campus generally, and in places outside the school such as the village, the ski slopes, expeditions, restaurants and on journeys to and from school. Civility A school should be a civil place where no one, adult or student, is subjected to discourteous, threatening or disrespectful treatment by anyone else. There will be disagreements from time to time, but one can be passionate without being offensive and one can disagree without becoming disagreeable. Antagonism, name-calling or defamatory comments are not acceptable forms of conduct. Aiglon insists on a consistently high standard of civility. This includes saying please and thank you when asking for something and saying excuse me when interrupting anyone or passing in front of someone; moving without being asked if blocking a hallway or passageway, and knocking on closed doors and waiting to be invited before entering. It is customary to address adults as “Sir” and “Ma’am” as a sign of respect. Aiglon is an English speaking community and people may feel uncomfortable if they find themselves surrounded by students who speak another language together. It is important not to exclude others by using a language which not everyone understands. Aiglon is in a French speaking canton and it is expected that students and staff make their best effort to communicate in this language when interacting with the local community. 10 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 CODE OF CONDUCT Students are accepted at Aiglon on the understanding that they make a sincere commitment to pursuing the general aims of Aiglon and show the effort and will to achieve them. Amongst other things, this means that students and their parents should be prepared to study carefully the expectations and statement of principles of Aiglon. This code of conduct contains certain specifically chosen school rules. In choosing to highlight these rules, the School is drawing attention to certain ‘markers’ which, if observed, provide a strong framework for a safe, healthy, supportive and selfdisciplined community. Such a community is a place where the highest achievements and ideals may be successfully pursued. Further details of these key rules can be found later in this document; full policy statements are published on the Aiglon College website: www.aiglon.ch Aiglon students and their parents should be aware that: ● Any student who uses or possesses illegal drugs or substances, or seeks to procure them, transport them or brings them to school, cannot expect to remain a member of Aiglon College. Drug testing: fully random, as well as random samples within a targeted group, are used as part of our anti-drugs programme. ● Smoking (on or off campus) is banned in the interests of health. This includes all smoking related products, for example, snuff, e-cigarettes or other devices / methods. ● Drinking alcohol is banned for all students except those 6th form students (aged 16 or over) who, by virtue of their position and age, may have the privilege of drinking, with parental consent, wine or beer in moderation, but not spirits, alcopops, cocktails, apéritifs or other distilled drinks. ● Stealing and possession of unauthorised sums of extra money (undeclared money in addition to pocket money) is unacceptable and will result in confiscation and a sanction. ● Insensitive, offensive behaviour, including aggression, bullying and sexual misconduct is unacceptable and may lead to suspension or expulsion from the school. Serious breaches of school rules (usually, but not exclusively, involving drugs, alcohol, smoking, theft, bullying, violence, sexual misconduct) will lead to a disciplinary panel* and are likely to lead to sanctions that may include suspension and expulsion from the school. * For more information about disciplinary panels, please see ‘sanctions and punishments’ in the Responsibilities and Expectations chapter to be found in the third section of this handbook. Students and parents should be aware of the following: ● The School reserves the right to administer regular and random tests for drugs, alcohol or other substances, based on urine and/or saliva or other appropriate samples, and to take any necessary measures to prevent attempts to falsify such tests. ● Whilst the holidays are properly a time for relaxation, young people should not be given complete freedom to indulge in a lifestyle which is contrary to what is expected at School. Apart from the confusion of double standards which this creates, it markedly increases the danger of serious rule-breaking during term time. ● In a small village community, the behaviour of Aiglon’s students in their free time and at weekends is an important factor in forming the School’s reputation locally. The same is particularly true of day students, given the greater freedom that they may enjoy at weekends. Day students should respect all school rules and codes of behaviour, whether that be during free time in the evenings or at weekends. The school expects the cooperation of its day parents in ensuring that their children observe this. ● Misconduct of any kind outside Aiglon College, or via communications media, will be subject to school discipline if the welfare of a student, or the culture or good name of the school is placed at risk. 11 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 MID-TERM BREAKS Mid-term breaks are designed to provide an opportunity for parents to spend a few days with their children away from school. Dates of mid-term breaks are noted in the school diary and also listed on the website. Since weekends are usually busy in Villars, especially in the winter, parents should make hotel reservations well in advance. Parents are asked to arrange their own accommodation directly with the hotels. The Tourist Office in Villars (+41 (0)24 495 3232 or www.villars.ch) can provide seasonal room prices and suggestions for local sightseeing, places to visit and things to do during mid-term breaks. PARENT / TEACHER MEETINGS At the end of the autumn and winter terms Parent / Teacher Meetings are held. These are an important opportunity for parents to meet individually with their children’s Teachers, Tutor and Houseparents. EXEATS Local Exeats (in Switzerland) In addition to half-term breaks, Senior School students may request permission to spend the night out with parents, guardians or other responsible adults (for whom parents have given written permission) on up to two occasions during the winter and summer terms and on up to three occasions during the autumn term, as a guide. These exeats may take place at home or in a hotel and students may invite friends (again, with written permission from the host parents and the friends’ parents). Students would not normally be granted permission to go on exeat on the first weekend of each term. Usually, at least one expedition needs to have been completed at the beginning of each term before an exeat is granted. Senior Houseparents will only grant exeat permission if the student is making satisfactory academic and pastoral progress and has a planned programme to achieve the minimum number of expeditions. Written permission is needed from both host and parent. Junior Students are unrestricted as to the number of weekend exeats, provided that they fulfil their expedition and other school commitments. Exeat permission assumes parental, personal responsibility for the child during the weekend, and will only be granted when the parents have personally confirmed that they will be present to supervise on exeat. Students who live in Switzerland In addition to the above exeats, students who live in Switzerland may go out on an additional exeat each term, but only to stay with their parents, guardians or family friends. They may not invite friends for this additional exeat. There must be written agreement of this arrangement between Houseparents and parents. Visits from Parents Students may have dinner with their parents or family friends during the week at Houseparents’ discretion. A set time must be agreed upon for the return to school (normally the beginning of prep). Permission is likely to be conditional on a student being in good academic and disciplinary standing. Homesickness Homesickness is the “sadness caused by longing for one's home or family”, (Oxford English Dictionary). Familiar surroundings, people, and routines help us feel secure and relaxed. A new place feels unfamiliar at first, and you're not sure what to expect. You may find yourself missing the familiarity and the comforts of home and loved ones. These feelings are completely normal. You might feel a little lonely, sad, or stressed; you might cry more than usual. Don’t worry… but do tell someone: a member of staff or a prefect in House. We can help! Once the new surroundings and people become more familiar, feelings of homesickness tend to go away. Homesickness can affect Seniors as much as Juniors. Often students settling in to a new school become tired easily and the sound of a parent’s voice on the telephone can trigger tears. Parents: please do not worry about this. There will be friendly, kind students and staff surrounding your child once they have finished speaking to you. If you are worried, please call the Houseparents who will be able to reassure you. Junior School students are discouraged from calling home too often during the early weeks of term, and are not allowed to have free access to mobile phones. They are kept very busy, which stops them from thinking about home too much. This helps them to make the change from home life to boarding school life more easily. Once this home/school transition has been mastered (although this may take several weeks), homesickness passes and the student will be able to make the most of everything that Aiglon has to offer. Calling home too frequently in the early days usually impairs even Senior students’ ability to cope with the home/school change and it is very clear to the Houseparents and to the Healthcare team that students who rely on their mobile phones the most, often have more significant problems with homesickness. 12 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 It can be extremely difficult for the homesick student to see his or her parent(s) upset and sad when leaving; parents of boarding students are therefore actively discouraged from staying around Villars for a few days ‘just in case’. They should instead plan a visit in the weeks ahead and look at the calendar to check that this will not clash with an essential weekend commitment. This will help your children adjust to boarding at Aiglon. Advice to Parents Although it may seem strange, do not contact your child too often near the start of term. Do not stay around to help your child settle in. Children actually adjust much more quickly when they are free to concentrate on making friends. Choose a time to phone when you are feeling positive. Don’t make things harder for the child by telling them about your problems when they are trying to make this difficult home/school transition. Choose a time when your child is likely to be busy and happy. If you call when they are already tired at the end of a busy day, hearing your voice can be enough to remind your child how much they miss you. Tears often follow. Use e-mail and texts when you can. Focus on the good and happy things happening at home and they will want to respond in a similar way. Do not ‘phone late at night. Discuss problems with the Houseparents and House Staff. Calls home cannot be monitored, particularly if they are made in the privacy of a bedroom or very late at night. The Houseparents and the Healthcare Team are experienced professionals who can offer advice and help, both to you and to your child, so please do not hesitate to let us know if you think your child is suffering from prolonged homesickness. Remember that “no news is good news”! Children will find that they are very busy at Aiglon. If they don’t call, it probably means that they are happy and involved. The more they are kept busy with their life at school, the more quickly they will get used to making the home/school transition. The School Counsellor is very experienced in helping students to cope with serious homesickness. Call the Houseparents or Healthcare Team to ask for an appointment for the Counsellor to see your child - a single session is often enough. You may know other parents whose children have been at boarding school for a longer time. Ask for their advice too - you may be surprised to find that they have been through the same experiences themselves. Further information and advice can be provided by contacting either the Houseparents or the Healthcare Team (+41 (0)24 496 6131). In addition, the Boarding Schools’ Association (www.boarding.org.uk), of which Aiglon is a member, has some helpful information. Personal Tutors All students at Aiglon have a tutor whose role includes helping students when they have problems, guiding and advising them and their parents about important issues arising during their educational journey and being especially interested in all their activities. If a student is going through a difficult time their tutor may be able to help them work out priorities and will liaise with subject teachers on their behalf. The tutor will also help students to set realistic and SMART academic targets and will go through their regular mark readings with the student. Tutors will usually be attached to a boarding house and will spend some time there each week. Students will also meet with their tutor once a week with the rest of their tutor group. Travelling to and from Aiglon Flights should be booked well in advance whenever possible for availability and cost reasons. Published dates and times should be respected. The school term dates are easy to find on our website (www.aiglon0.ch). An end-of-term departure time refers to the time that the student can leave the campus and not the time of a flight. Please remember to allow 2 hours for the journey between Aiglon and Geneva airport. The travel office can arrange taxis to and from the airport on request. For arriving students, a member of the school staff is on duty at a Welcome Desk at Geneva airport on the main day of arrival and can be contacted on +41 79 732 77 19. Once students have arrived in Switzerland it is expected they will travel directly to Aiglon. Having an extra afternoon or evening in Geneva for example is not permitted. The same applies when leaving school to go home for the holidays. Unaccompanied Minors (UM) UM service must be reserved, confirmed and paid to the airline company by parents. It is very important that the Travel Secretary knows at least 2 weeks in advance of any UM bookings. Tickets and the UM form should be sent by email to [email protected]. Absence from School and Class The school records all absences in the form of sessions missed, with one session equalling half a day’s absence. Staff record absence data and enter this on a central database and absences are reported to parents at the end of each term. Attendance at House events, inter-school competitions, cultural trips, long expeditions, academic classes and other school events are all equally important and we ask that parents avoid making private elective medical and similar engagements during term time when these arrangements can be accommodated during vacations. 13 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Leaving Early or Returning Late Permission for absence from school should be obtained from the Houseparents in the first instance with adequate notice for all to be consulted. Permission for absence, such as late return from vacation at the start of term or early departure before the end of a term, will only be considered under exceptional circumstances, reflecting the importance that we know parents, teachers and students place on full attendance and the social and academic difficulties inherent in a disrupted education. In the case of an early departure before the end of term or an unusual or extended period of absence, permission from the Deputy Head (Student Life) is also required. Houseparents will guide parents as to whether this extra authorisation will be required. In such cases, teachers and other staff need to be contacted and we ask that no arrangements are made until confirmation about whether or not the absence is authorised, is received. For Junior School students, parents should contact the Head of the Junior School about permission to leave early, giving notice as far in advance as possible. Colleges, universities and others seeking references often require attendance data from us. We ask parents to respect term dates and make requests for absence only in exceptional circumstances. It is particularly important that absences are kept to a minimum to avoid disruption to academic and other programmes. Medication in Houses All Aiglon students have access to healthcare facilities, 24 hours a day. Each house keeps a limited stock of medications for minor ailments. If at any time the Houseparents are unable to provide relief for a discomfort, there is a duty nurse on call 24 hours a day throughout the term. Students are not permitted to keep medicines of any description, even in small amounts, in their personal possession. There is absolutely no exception to this rule and failure to observe this will be dealt with extremely seriously as it compromises the safety of other students. All prescribed medication must be accompanied by a written prescription in French or English from the prescribing physician. Prescription medications brought to school bearing another person’s name, or without an accompanying prescription from the doctor, will not be administered. A specific policy exists for those students being treated for attention deficit and depressive disorders. Regular medication will be dispensed by the house staff on a dose by dose basis. If long term medication is for any reason discontinued by the doctor, or the dosage changed, a letter should be supplied from the prescribing doctor to the Health Centre, advising of the changes. The abuse of prescription or non-prescription medication, particularly their use in combination with alcohol, will be treated as a disciplinary matter (see section on drugs). VISITS TO MEDICAL SPECIALISTS Dentists and Oculists Whenever possible, parents should arrange for their children to visit the dentists and oculists during the holidays. This saves expense and avoids absence from classes during term time. The school does not arrange routine dentistry. Orthodontistry Health Centre staff work closely with a dental practice in Villars which will provide dental care in an emergency. An orthodontist visits this practice on the last Friday of each month; appointments for orthodontic treatment may be requested via the Health Centre. An initial assessment will cost Sfr 600 – 1,000 (see note * about SWICA insurance reimbursement) and will include a visit to Lausanne for specialist x-rays. A detailed quotation for the treatment will then be sent to the parent or guardian; treatment cannot proceed until parental consent has been received by the Health Centre. Use of this local service is encouraged to avoid extended absences from classes to visit a more distant orthodontist. STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE All students will, at their parents’ request, be included in the school’s SWICA insurance scheme, unless their parents indicate otherwise. In order to comply with Swiss law, all parents are required to provide a copy of the detailed insurance policy for their child on admission to the school if they do not intend to be part of the SWICA insurance scheme. * Please note: figures printed here are subject to change at the end of December. An up to date summary of student health insurance cover can be found in the Health Centre area of the school website www.aiglon.ch. Please note that aesthetic treatments (“cosmetic surgery”) are not covered. Orthodontic treatment which was started before enrolment with SWICA is similarly not covered. Summary of Cover for Out-patient Care Treatment by contracting or non-contracting physician and other approved medical practitioners such as chiropractors. Full accident insurance. 14 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Medicines As per recognised list of medicines and special items prescribed by physicians and naturopaths including homeopathic, phytotherapeutic and anthroposophical preparations. Hospitalisation Full coverage of costs in a private room in public and private hospitals worldwide. Alternative and Complementary Medicine Complementary medicine, acupuncture and naturopathy by approved therapists: 90% of costs, unlimited. Treatment abroad, full coverage. Spa treatment, SFr 80 per hour. Medical Preventive Care and Check-ups 90% of costs, unlimited various protective and travel vaccinations and preventive care checks. Emergency and Transfer Transport in Switzerland Illness: 90% of costs up to maximum SFr 20,000 per year. Accident: full coverage. Oral Surgery and Orthodontics SWICA health insurance reimburses 50% of costs up to a maximum SFr 10,000 per year (full coverage in case of accident). 50% of regular dentists’ invoices are reimbursed up to a maximum of SFr 100 per calendar year. Psychotherapy Up to 60 sessions at SFr 75 each per year with a SWICA-approved psychologist. Our School Counsellor is SWICA approved. Life Assurance Coverage in case of death by accident: SFr 20,000; coverage in case of injury: SFr 100,000. All students in the SWICA scheme are covered worldwide, which covers medical visits during holiday time. Students over 19 years of age When a student turns 19 years of age they change insurance category to “young adult”. The package is the same except they have a franchise of CHF 300 before they are reimbursed for their expenses. They have to pay CHF 15 a day for hospitalisation costs. In case of a visit to the Doctor outside Switzerland ● ● ● ● ● ● When making an appointment, parents must ensure that the doctor is properly recognised by the state as a proper Doctor. Original invoices (not photocopies) must be sent as soon as possible to the Finance Office at Aiglon College. The full name (first name in full and family name) must be written on each invoice. A detailed invoice is required (including full details of the treatment). In case of major treatment outside Switzerland, it is strongly advised that the parents/doctor contact SWICA in advance to ensure that the proposed treatment will be covered. Medical queries from parents during holidays +44 44 404 86 86. In Case of an Accident Outside Switzerland All the above points apply. In addition, parents must inform Aiglon College Health Centre immediately in order to allow them to complete a Claim Form and send it to SWICA. For this, a full explanation of the accident is needed. Please see the Health section of the school website. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AT AIGLON The personal, social and professional rights and entitlements of each community member, whether student, employee, governor or parent, shall be free from discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation or age. Aiglon College is committed to promoting a society based on mutual respect. The school strives to be a safe and caring environment in which the potential of all students and staff is fulfilled; this requires all students and staff to have equal access to those opportunities which can serve this aim. 15 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 ALUMNI The Alumni Association and the Advancement Office at the School work together to connect alumni and perpetuate lifelong friendships. The current president of the Alumni Association is Sandro Corsini (Delaware, ’75). He serves as an advocate for Aiglon alumni ensuring that their interests are promoted the world over, connecting and strengthening the bonds between alumni of different generations and in different countries. Sandro works closely with the School and regional alumni representatives in the United States, Canada, Europe, and the United Kingdom through the Friends of Aiglon College (FOAC) groups. Find out more on the Aiglon online community website: www.aiglonlife.ch. This website is a password-protected online community for alumni to connect and network. This is where you will find the latest news about alumni and the School. You can read and submit class notes, sign up for events, chat with Aiglon friends, create a CV, and submit a job opening. On the online directory, alumni can register and update their contact details, and search for friends. You can search other Aiglonians by different criteria including class year, city, country, and occupation. Upper 6th students and current parents are encouraged to sign in and join the community to stay up to date with what is going on in the Aiglon community worldwide. The Aiglon magazine is produced twice a year in winter and spring. This award winning publication is not a typical school magazine. It is designed to evoke the spirit of studying and living on the mountain. With increased use of social media and especially the launch of the Aiglon Life website, alumni are connecting in real time to share memories and stories. The Aiglon magazine brings the Aiglon experience to life in print, and the aim of this publication is not just to tell you what is happening at the School today, but also to embody our values. If you haven't received the latest edition please contact [email protected] The team at the Advancement Office at Aiglon strengthens the relationships, reputation, and resources the school needs to thrive; comprising alumni and parent relations, marketing and public relations, communications and development. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or need help [email protected]. EDUCATIONAL VISITS Trips and activities which enrich, support and complement the academic programme Trips and visits which are integral to the academic programme are organised and published in the school diary which is available on the website calendar at www.aiglon.ch. There is not usually an additional charge for excursions that are essential within an academic programme of study. Occasional visits which are supplementary, but useful, may be charged on parents’ extras bill. Parents are always informed about such trips or visits. The Deputy Head (Student Life) coordinates all educational visits and staff are required to complete risk assessments and detailed proposals including dates, costs, insurance provision and staffing well in advance as part of the approval process. LEAVERS Withdrawing your child Parents should give as much notice as possible of their child’s withdrawal from the school. Vacancies cannot be allocated to new candidates without this information. Notice should be given in writing to the Director of Admissions & Advancement. Parents are reminded that they are liable for one term’s fees if the required notice of one term is not given. Students who are leaving at the end of the summer term must therefore notify the Director of Admissions & Advancement by the end of the winter term. 16 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Section 3: PRACTICALITIES STUDYING & LEARNING THE TIMETABLE The timetable changes in the winter term to accommodate the ski programme. Some classes may occasionally be held during a Period 7 or 8. On Wednesday and Saturday, academic classes are only held in the morning, but there are school commitments regularly held on these days. ACADEMIC COURSES Junior School Prep Forms: Art, Drama, English, French, Geography, History, Computer Studies, Maths, Music, Physical Education, Religious Studies, Science, Literacy and Digital Literacy. 1st & 2nd Forms: Art, Drama, English, French, Geography, History, Computer Studies, Maths, Music, Physical Education, Religious Studies, Science, Junior EAL: English as an Additional Language, Art, Drama, Geography, History, ICT, Maths, Physical Education, Music, Religious Studies, Literacy and Digital Literacy. 3rd Form The Curriculum is similar to the 1st and 2nd Forms. An additional language option is added and the Science curriculum introduces the three distinct sciences: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The top French set sits (I)GCSE French at the end of the school year. Personal, Social, Health and Emotional Education (PSHE) is also taught. Further information is available in the 3rd Form Studies Guide. 4th and 5th Forms Students in these forms study 8 or 9 subjects for 2 years in preparation for the (I)GCSE exams which are taken in May and June at the end of the 5th form. The courses follow detailed syllabuses prepared by external public examination boards. All students take English, French, Mathematics and Science as well as a course in Physical Education and PSHE. In addition, they then choose 6 other exam subjects: ● one Social Studies choice from Geography and, History ● one Expressive Arts choice from Art, Drama and Music ● two further subjects from any of the above subjects or German, Spanish, Japanese or Mandarin Student choice is guided by the Deputy Head (Curriculum), Tutors and Houseparents who ensure that their choice is balanced and appropriate in the light of the student’s strengths and future goals. Entry for public examinations (with or without private tuition as available) is possible in other Modern Foreign Languages, including Italian, Russian, Arabic, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese. Further information is available in the 4th and 5th Form Studies Guide. International Baccalaureate: 6th Form Depending on their university plans (UK, USA, mainland Europe or elsewhere) students choose six subjects, one from each of the six groups. Three must be taken at Higher Level and three at Standard Level. Once again, the process is a guided one and the final outcome is carefully tailored to the students’ individual needs and goals. 17 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 IB SUBJECT CHOICES Students choose 6 subjects, one from each group. Three subjects must be studied at Higher Level and three at Standard Level. Group 1: Language A1 English, French, German, Spanish, Russian*, Arabic*, Italian*, Mandarin*, Japanese*, Italian* (all at either Higher or Standard Level) Group 2: Second Language English B, French B, German B, Spanish B, Italian B*, Mandarin B*, Japanese B*, Arabic B* (all at Higher or Standard Level); French (ab initio), Spanish (ab initio), German (ab initio) (all at Standard Level only) Group 3: Individuals and Societies Economics, Business and Management, History, Geography, Environmental Systems & Societies Group 4: Natural Sciences Biology, Chemistry, Physics (at either Higher or Standard Level); Environmental Systems & Societies (at Standard Level only) Group 5: Mathematics Mathematics (Standard or Higher Level) Maths Studies (Standard Level only) Group 6: Arts and Electives Music, Theatre Arts, Visual Arts. Alternatively, students can choose any subject from Groups 1 – 5, subject to demand. * These courses are subject to teacher availability and will incur an additional fee. Other Examinations and Profiling A range of externally-assessed examination syllabus courses are taught, including the US College Board SATS, Cambridge KET, PET, IELTS and FCE (EAL students for whom English is an additional language). In some cases TOEFL exams may be taken outside school time with the permission of Houseparents and the Director of University and College Counselling. Aiglon is an examination centre for IELTS exams. Aiglon subscribes to the PIPS, MIDYIS, YELLIS and ALIS base-line testing systems, which are used both to inform student choices as their school career progresses, and also as an evidence-gathering instrument for on-going departmental improvement. Instrumentalists can take grade and diploma examinations with Trinity College, London and the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. Course Changes A student wishing to change or discontinue an optional course for any reason should request a Course Change Form from the Deputy Head (Curriculum). It is essential that the steps outlined on the form are completed in order, and the completed form returned to the Studies Office for the approval of the Deputy Head (Curriculum). Setting: English, Maths, Science and French are set. The English as a Second Language (EAL) forms have a tailor-made programme which includes a heavier English component and fewer other subjects. Mark Readings Academic progress is assessed formally at Mark Readings which normally occur 4 times per year. Mark Readings from the 4th form onwards are included in the Transcript which the school sends to US universities to support applications, and the grades from this point onwards contribute to the final summary Grade Point Average. The Mark Reading consists of an effort grade (a letter from A to E) and an attainment mark (maximum of 7) for each subject. The attainment marks are averaged for each student’s overall Mark Reading. Each subject therefore has an equal weighting. It is the attainment mark which is used by the Studies Office to determine the end of term academic prizes. These totals are not made public. The Mark Reading Policy is the same for all year groups at Aiglon and it applies equally to internal reports as to end-of-term reports. Two indicators are given, one for effort and the other for attainment. Effort and Attainment Grade A students consistently perform well above the basic expectations. The high quality of their work might be indicated by such things as extra research or reading, a very positive contribution in the classroom, punctuality, a high level of organisation and exemplary classroom behaviour at all times. Grade B students demonstrate some of the above characteristics, but less consistently. 18 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Grade C students do what is expected of them, in class and for homework, but no more than this. An acceptable level of classroom behaviour and participation is maintained. These students are punctual and bring the correct equipment to class at all times. Grade D students periodically fall below the required standard, demonstrating some of the shortcomings described below as being typical of Grade E students. Grade E students consistently fall below the required standard, for example: by not doing homework, not bringing the necessary equipment to class, not paying attention during lessons, being late to class, not following instructions, disrupting the class, copying work, being lazy, demonstrating inappropriate behaviour in the classroom or showing a disrespectful attitude towards staff or other students. Attainment * ● 7 Excellent performance ● 6 Very good performance ● 5 Good performance ● 4 Satisfactory performance ● 3 Mediocre performance ● 2 Poor performance ● 1 Very poor performance ● 0 Cheating or work not submitted on time * Academic Departments have specific attainment indicators at each level. Honour Roll - average of 6.00 or above and no effort grade below B. Merit - average of 5.5 or above with a maximum of 2 effort grades at C or average of 4.5 or above with all effort grades at A or B. Academic Restriction - average of below 3.50 or 2 D’s or 1 E. Academic Restriction means that the student must attend supervised study and may also be on Academic Report. Assessment criteria become more and more predictive as students move towards public examinations. Rewards Students may be awarded commendations for any activities where they excel and impress members of staff (e.g. service work in the village, dedicated training in a sports session, excellent prep and test results in an academic subject, impressive behaviour and contributions during a Long Expedition). A staff member enters a commendation on the system. Certificates are printed for each commendation awarded. These are distributed to houses to be awarded by the Houseparents. If a student accrues four commendations in a term, s/he will be eligible for a Head Master’s commendation. At the end of each term, prize giving ceremonies provide opportunities to formally celebrate successes and achievements and recognise outstanding contributions to service, sport, performing arts and expeditions as well as academic endeavour and attainment. Special prizes for outstanding contributions and exemplary personal example, leadership and service are also awarded at the end of the summer term, usually at the Graduation ceremony. All staff at Aiglon are keen to encourage students to make the most of the many opportunities to succeed and develop the mind, body and spirit in line with our guiding principles. Junior Commendations Junior School students may be awarded one or more commendations by staff for good work or behaviour. The former are known as academic commendations and the latter as social commendations. Totals accrued by the two Junior Houses, Cook and Scott, are calculated periodically. Prep Prep means ‘Preparation’ or homework. It is important that students develop the good habit and self-discipline of completing work to the best of their ability, as work set for prep helps teachers to identify any problems and prepare students for examinations. All prep is set in class and recorded electronically on Managebac. (Managebac is a web-based electronic system used to record work set. Some staff also use this, or other digital systems, as part of our development of cloud-based learning). Prep that is copied from another student or incomplete is unacceptable. Excuses should not be offered for not having done a prep. If prep is not completed by the deadline given, there may be a punishment. Another evening or weekend commitment (school or otherwise) is not normally a reason for failing to complete prep on time. Students are expected to anticipate such events and do their prep in advance. Students must try to foresee problems with completing prep and communicate with teachers well in advance of the anticipated difficulty. Prep that is lost or left elsewhere will be treated as if not completed. A timetable for prep is issued at the start of each term. In the Senior School, students do at least one-and-a-half hours of prep each evening, from Monday through to Friday. Revision for tests, internal exams and end of year examinations is also an important element of prep time. On these occasions rather more than the usual amount of time may be required. Additionally students may need more time to complete longer assignments. 19 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Extra Study Students whose work is causing their teacher some concern may be asked to attend extra study within departments in the Senior School and in House in the Junior School. The teacher may request that the student completes or re-drafts a specific piece of work, a test, or revises a specific topic. The teacher will indicate whether the student is to stay for a specific period of time (which may be the full hour or less) or may leave once the work is completed. When the student has completed the work, it is normally handed to the member of staff taking the extra study session, who will then deposit it in the teacher’s pigeon hole in the staff common room. The extra study itself is not a punishment although it may be accompanied by laps*, departmental detentions or some other sanction. It is intended to allow a student a period of quiet time to complete a specific piece of work. A student regularly required to attend extra study, may need to meet their Tutor and Houseparents to discuss strategies for improvement. There may, for example, be an undiagnosed learning difficulty surfacing, which requires early support. *Please refer to the RESPONSIBILITY AND EXPECTATIONS section later for information about laps. Classrooms Classrooms are numbered according to the building in which they can be found. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● A: Alpina - A1 and A2 are the Art Studios in the basement. CL: Clairmont - Library. D: La Dépendance. These are numbered from the top floor downwards, anticlockwise (there are no classrooms on the ground floor), with D1, D2, D3 on the top floor and D4, D5 and D6 on the first floor. E: Exeter - English and Humanities: E1 to E9 go clockwise from the left on the first floor, E10 is approached from the outside steps, E11 is the Drama Studio, approached from the outside path between Belvedere and La Dépendance. EH is Exeter Hall. J: Junior La Baita, first floor. J1 is the Junior lab, J3 is the La Baita computer room. J2, J4 and J5 are used for general classes. JC: John Corlette building numbered top to bottom, anticlockwise from the staircase. Top floor: JC1-5 = Maths; 2nd Floor: JC 6-8 = Chemistry/Science; 1st Floor: JC10 & 11 = Biology and JC12 & 13 = Physics; Ground Floor: JC14 (“Oudang Room”) and JC15 (Keyboard Lab) = Music; Basement: JC16 = ICT (also the nuclear bomb shelter, used as the percussion studio). LD: La Dacha, which houses the two PF classrooms LD1 & LD2 and the J6 Drama/Dance studio. These are all accessed from the outside door by the La Dacha all-weather Court. P: Ancienne Poste (World Languages Centre): numbered top to bottom, anticlockwise. Top floor: P1-3; Ground floor: P4 and P5; Basement: P6 and P7. The Learning Support Department is in Exeter classrooms and there is also a classroom in the Sports Centre. LIBRARY SERVICES Aiglon’s main Library is situated on the ground floor of Clairmont. The History and Art departments house their own collections. The Junior School Library is located in La Baita’s J2. Collections The Library houses 14,000+ items, including periodicals, dictionaries and specialist collections. Items are classified using the Dewey Decimal Classification system. Details of the school’s collections can be found in the Access-It Library catalogue, accessible from the Library’s Intranet homepage. The Library houses collections of children’s and young adult fiction and general fiction, plus a non-fiction collection which supports the needs of the school’s academic departments. Reference material is available for use within the Library. Increasingly reference materials are available online. The Library has online subscriptions to EBSCO’s Advanced Placement database, JSTOR, Questia School, Oxford Dictionaries, Encyclopedia Britannica, Rosetta Stone and Accelerated Reader. The Library subscribes to Pressreader which gives access to 1000’s of newspapers (both daily and weekly publications) and a range of magazines. The Library houses specialist collections for college/careers of particular interest to students in 5th and 6th forms. A staff professional development collection and audio-visual collections (DVDs, CDs, audiobooks on CD) are also maintained. In addition, a collection of materials is housed within the Library’s archive. Details of items within the archive (including older publications of local/historic interest, plus a supplement to the main fiction collection) can be found on the Access-It Library catalogue. Staff or students wishing to borrow these items must ask for the item to be retrieved by staff. This will then be done within the following 24 hours. Opening Hours All staff and students have access to the main Library during the opening hours advertised in Houses, on the intranet and in the School Diary. The Junior School Library opens at times advertised in the Junior School and is staffed by a member of the Library team and the Junior Librarians. Access to the subject libraries is arranged through consultation with the subject 20 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 teachers. In addition to lesson time and free time opening, the Library opens each weekday lunchtime and on Wednesday afternoon. Extra opening hours may be arranged through consultation with the Library Services Manager. Any queries related to the Library and its resources should be addressed to the Library Services Manager: [email protected]. Borrowing Entitlements Junior Students may borrow up to five items at any one time; Senior Students may borrow up to eight items. The maximum borrowing period is three weeks with some items that are in high demand having a shorter loan period. Loans may be renewed, providing the item has not been requested by another user. Staff may borrow up to 20 items and have a six week loan period. Staff loans may be recalled before this time if the item is required by a student or another member of staff. Departments can borrow materials for up to a year if the items are otherwise rarely borrowed. Again, these items may be recalled if required by someone else. Overdue Notices Reminder notices give warning that an item is due for return within the following seven days and are sent to all borrowers’ school e-mail addresses. Should an item not be returned by its due date, an overdue notice will be sent by email. Overdue notices are sent out weekly until the item is returned, or reach a month overdue. All notices are sent out electronically, on Mondays during term-time. Lost or damaged books are charged at cover price, with a percentage added to cover postage, covering and processing by the supplier. Books that are no longer in print are charged at a flat rate of SFr 30. Any fines accrued up to the date the item was reported missing are added to the invoice. Charges for Junior Students are added to their next school bill. Charges for Senior Students are settled as outlined above. Books not returned within one month of their due date are invoiced at cover price (again with a supplement to cover postage and processing), and the maximum SFr 30 fine is added as this has been accrued by the student in the month since the item became overdue. In addition, five school laps are given for failing to return library materials and respond to library notices. Class Use and Support for Students A Library is an interactive area and teachers are encouraged to bring classes to the Library for reading, studying and research. Staff must contact the Library Services Manager at least 24 hours before they wish to bring a class in, to ensure that the Library facilities have not been pre-booked. Additionally the class teacher must accompany their class to the Library. Classes have priority use of the Library and its resources. A weekly timetable of class bookings is posted in the Library. The Library staff offer academic support to all students. This can take many forms from answering individual enquiries, identifying resources or helping students use equipment, to more formal meetings in support of the Extended Essay at IB level. Special Reserve Items required for specific assignments/projects may be put on special reserve in the Library. This means that the books are taken out of general circulation and are available on a reference only/limited loan basis for the duration of the project. Only students involved in the project may use these items. ICT in the Library A small cluster of computers is available for staff and student use and there are also ipads and laptops available. Colour printing, photocopying and scanning are available. Use of computers is subject to the rules published by the ICT department. Equipment Storage A number of digital cameras, video cameras, laptops and MP3 recorders are held in the Library for loan to staff. Staff wishing to borrow any equipment should check their availability at least 24 hours before they wish to collect it. Equipment will be loaned for a 7-day period, although with advance warning, an extended loan period may be possible. Staff who require students to borrow cameras must notify Library staff in advance. Book Fairs and Special Events The Library usually hosts two book fairs per year in the autumn and winter terms. Additional events, including visits from individual publishers and authors, may also be added to the school diary. At book fairs, students receive an allowance of SFr 75 (Juniors) or SFr 100 (Seniors). Money spent within this allowance is added to parents’ termly accounts. Should students wish to spend beyond these limits, they can ask their parents to send a fax or email to the Library Services Manager confirming the revised limit. Library Rules Food (including chewing gum) may not be consumed in the Library. Students may bring in bottled water, but other drinks are not permitted under any circumstances. Students and staff with mobile phones are requested either not to bring them into the 21 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Library, or to ensure that they are on a ‘silent’ setting. Students may listen to music providing this does not interfere with their studies or disturb others. The overarching principle behind the Library’s rules is ‘to show courtesy to others’. CLASSROOM BEHAVIOUR AND EXPECTATIONS Students are required to: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● be well equipped, neat and tidy for lessons; behave respectfully; behave in a manner that enables the teacher to teach and every student to learn. It is unacceptable for a student to disrupt lessons and consequently negatively affect the learning of other students; attend all lessons and school commitments as timetabled and take a positive and active part in those lessons, preparing accordingly. Unauthorised absence from lessons will be treated as serious and Houseparents will be informed. Unauthorised attendance will be recorded; respect the expectations laid down by the school and follow the guidance of teachers; take an active and positive part in all opportunities offered, whether academic, house-based, outdoor or cultural; develop positive attitudes to learning and social skills; be punctual for all lessons and activities. If a teacher does not arrive at class on time, a member of the class should notify the General Office in Forbes to report that fact after 5 minutes. Other students must wait quietly for instructions; report any unacceptable behaviour by others; work to the best their ability; complete Prep and hand it in on time; no food or drink (chewing gum included) is to be brought into the classroom, even if it is not being consumed. Water may be brought into some classrooms, but only with the permission of the teacher. Learning Support Those students receiving Learning Support in school will be given a programme by the Learning Support department where their other subjects allow for this. These lessons are charged as extras on the student’s bill. Sometimes students cannot be fitted into the programme if their free periods do not coincide with the Learning Support department’s programme. A student considered to have made sufficient progress during the course of a term to be totally independent will be taken out of the programme, but will remain on the list of special concessions in examinations where appropriate. This is reassessed continually. English Language Support Students in EAL (English as an additional language) classes receive intensive English and support within the class sessions. Those who have joined the mainstream classes are welcome to come to La Dependence at any time to get some additional individual support for their English. If it is necessary for a student to have extra lessons for English this can be organised in conjunction with the EAL and LS (Learning Support) staff. Students’ parents will be charged for these lessons. At exam time EAL staff are always available to give extra help when needed. If there is a demand, an activity may be run for students who would like regular extra support. Lesson Attendance During Public Examination Periods There is an expectation that students remain in school during examination periods and continue to attend lessons until an appropriate date, specified in advance by the Deputy Head (Curriculum). Full details of these expectations are published at the beginning of the summer term. GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Aiglon awards Graduation Diplomas on the satisfactory completion of the last four years of School, i.e. 4th form (grade 9) onwards. This would normally include completion of at least two years’ work in the 6th form. Three levels of diploma are awarded: Honours with Distinction, Honours and General, the decision being taken by the Graduation Committee consisting of experienced 6th form teachers, chaired by the Deputy Head (Curriculum). 22 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 A Leaver’s Certificate is reserved for those who do not meet the criteria for a General Diploma. Awards are based on a student’s academic standing in the eyes of their teachers. In making its decisions, the Committee considers the following evidence: ● average attainment, particularly in the last two years ● effort grades ● programme and course load ● grades obtained in public examinations ● predicted grades in public examinations ● attitude to studies during senior year, including completion of courses and all public examinations. The criteria for the three levels of diploma are: Honours Diploma with Distinction ● ● the members of the Graduation Committee will, at their discretion, award an Honours Diploma with Distinction to an Honours Diploma candidate whose achievement they feel is outstanding; typically, an average of 6.0 or above and no effort grade below a B throughout the 6th form. Honours Diploma ● ● an average of 5.5 or above throughout the 6th form no D and E grades for effort during the final year. General Diploma ● successful completion of a 6th form programme which includes at least 4 Standard Level courses and a certificate in English and Maths. Failure to satisfy one of the above criteria may not necessarily disqualify a student from receiving a diploma at a particular level if the Committee feels that other considerations outweigh the failure, or that there are extenuating circumstances. Similarly, a student who satisfies the criteria cannot expect a diploma of a particular level by right. The Committee is guided above all by the academic standing of students in the eyes of their teachers. Any evidence of academic dishonesty will prejudice the level of diploma awarded. For an overview of the pathways leading to successful completion of the Aiglon Diploma, including the compulsory elements for all sixth formers, please see Appendix 1 at the end of this handbook. UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE APPLICATIONS College and Career Counselling Programme This officially begins in the 5th form and continues through the U6th form. Educational workshops, presentations and individual meetings with college and career counsellors take place year-round for the 5th, L6th and U6th forms. The counsellors are available to assist students and parents/guardians with the university search and application process for universities around the world, this includes (but is not limited to) course searches for UK universities and SAT strategy and best-fit searches for North American universities. Students complete an ISCO Professional and Personality Test in the 5th form which provides a base for thinking seriously about their future and the implications of their IB subject choices for the 6th form. Students also have access to SAT test preparation programmes on campus, the opportunity to meet with over 60 university representatives visiting Aiglon each year in addition to attending a college fair in Geneva with over 100 representatives. Skills are developed for proper online searching and navigation through resources for universities, course descriptions, applications and career options. Making Choices With a graduation diploma from Aiglon College, students are qualified to attend US colleges and universities (both within the US and around the globe), and many European universities and trade-specific schools (business, hotel management, art, etc). The most competitive US and UK universities will expect Aiglon applicants to achieve the full IB Diploma. For academic guidance on appropriate course selections, students and parents are encouraged to consult with the Deputy Head (Curriculum), IB Coordinator, and the Director of College and Career Counselling. Whatever a student’s goals, the (I)GCSE results, IB predictions and final results play an important role in earning access to higher education, in addition to following a comprehensive co-curricular programme and gaining positive teacher recommendations. All U6th form students need to be aware of the importance of a strong finish to their IB courses, in order to meet conditions of entry for those heading to the UK or Europe, and in order to maintain academic standing and earn advanced placement for those going to the US. 23 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 College and University Visits There is sufficient time during vacations to organise visits, therefore Aiglon College does not sanction visits to colleges and universities during term time. It is only in exceptional circumstances, such as interviews or auditions, that a student will be allowed to be absent from school. Any absence from school will, of course, be reflected in the student’s attendance record and is likely to have an impact on a student’s attainment. BEYOND THE CLASSROOM EXPEDITIONS Senior Expeditions Programme The aim of the Expedition Department is to lead students towards greater independence and responsibility through the use of the outdoor environment. Character building through adventure is an established feature of the educational programme at Aiglon. The outdoors is a very powerful medium for teaching independence, personal development and concern for others and the environment. The expeditions programme is possibly the most distinctive aspect of an Aiglon education. Although the term may conjure up images of tough, extended trips, our excursions mostly last less than 24 hours and are carefully chosen to match the abilities of the student. No reasonably fit student will find expeditions too arduous. For most students, expeditions offer profound and enjoyable experiences, and even if a few complain at the time, they all seem to cherish their expedition memories. In addition to the minimum requirements further expeditions are offered in the form of specialist activity expeditions: these include sailing, canoeing, mountain biking, high mountain ascents, rock-climbing and via ferrata. In the winter term all students take part in single-day expeditions as well as a three-day long expedition. The main activity is ski touring, although cross-country, snowboarding and snow-shoeing are also included. Winter expeditions take place on Saturdays in the Junior School and Sundays in the Senior School under the control of fully qualified mountain guides accompanied by Aiglon members of staff. It is important to realise that all winter expeditions, including the long expeditions, are not beyond the capabilities of any boy or girl who is fit enough to ski on prepared slopes. Expedition groups are based on ability and fitness. In the summer term 3rd and 4th form students are involved in weekend expeditions. In addition, towards the end of the summer term students have a 3-day long expedition. In the autumn and summer terms the students go out on independent camping expeditions. The local area, with its wellmaintained and marked paths, is a relatively safe one. After an appropriate period of training and testing, groups of older boys and girls are allowed into this area on their own. This gives great potential for developing self-reliance and gives opportunities for real decision making, which help to make Aiglon students confident. The system relies on trust and with the safeguard of a rigorous checking system, students learn to handle and respect trust. They are checked regularly by members of staff and staff always accompany groups of girls overnight. Students who complete at least five expeditions in one term earn a Bouquetin award. The boy and girl who have contributed the most to the expeditions programme during the term are awarded the Bouquetin Challenge Trophy, known as “The Goat”. Aiglon prides itself in having a firm commitment to expeditions. Only illness or injury (confirmed by detailed examination by our health staff) would prevent a student being fully involved. Expeditions are designed to be fun, but more importantly, are part of Aiglon’s holistic education. Particular attention is paid to positive participation, integrity, honesty and teamwork. Junior Expeditions Programme The Junior School has a very full expeditions programme and students are always accompanied by specialist staff. The programme and activities provide the basic grounding in campcraft and navigation that allow students to develop a greater 24 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 independence in the Senior School expeditions programme. A wide and varied range of adventure activities are covered and a greater understanding and awareness of the environment is developed. Children are invited to select their programme at the beginning of term with the help of their tutor. ROUND SQUARE Aiglon is proud to have been one of the founder members of the Round Square organisation and the Round Square IDEALS are central to our philosophy Aiglon has been a member of the Round Square (RS) organisation since its creation in 1967. It is a worldwide association of schools which share a commitment, beyond academic excellence, to personal development and responsibility through service, challenge, adventure and international understanding. Service to others lies at the heart of this vision and, at Aiglon, every student is expected to contribute to the greater community. The whole focus of RS activities is encapsulated in the acronym IDEALS: ● International Understanding ● Democracy ● Environmental Awareness ● Adventure ● Leadership ● Service A Round Square student committee, chaired by students and overseen by the RS Coordinator, includes a representative from each of the senior houses, and has the task of keeping all at Aiglon fully informed about RS activities, as well as helping in the organisation of the various RS school events. This committee helps in running various charity events throughout the year to raise funds for RS international and local service projects. The RS committee prepare and lead meditations and organise a culture (do we need to explain what this is?) about RS activities and projects at Aiglon. RS provides international, regional and individual school service projects, usually during school holidays. These service projects provide excellent opportunities for those wishing to complete the service requirements of the International Award Scheme (Duke of Edinburgh Award). RS gives opportunity for good students to attend and host conferences, both at Senior and Junior level, and offers worldwide student exchanges. RS also provides opportunities for those seeking GAP placements after their secondary education. It also demands that students raise funds for charitable purposes. The RS Annual International Conference is held in a member school during the autumn term. Delegations from each RS school are invited to attend. A delegation typically includes six Senior students, the RS Coordinator, the Head Master and, if possible, a school governor; this may vary according to the size and facilities of the host school. Every conference has a theme. The RS Regional Conferences are usually aimed at a slightly younger student delegation and from Aiglon’s point of view are based in the European region. EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Green Council, Eco School Project, Recycling Aiglon is committed to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) where pupils are encouraged to develop the knowledge, values and skills to participate in individual and collective action, both locally and globally, that will improve the quality of life now without damaging the planet for the future. Members of staff and students are actively involved in the local EcoPartenaire project. A Green Council has been established in the Junior School. The team has implemented a recycling system coordinating with the recycling CAS activity in the Senior School, established compost collection points at La Baita and La Casa and leads meditations to raise environmental awareness. The Green Council holds weekly meetings to discuss environmental issues and eco-improvements for the school, has developed a logo and an eco-code of conduct, has created an eco-animation film set of the rainforest and planted tree seeds and bulbs. THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS PROGRAMME The development of physical competence is one of the key components of a holistic education and students are expected to take a positive and willing approach to participation. Physical Education (PE) is timetabled for the Prep Form through to the 5th form during normal class time throughout the week. Currently, Prep Form students have one double and two single sessions of PE each week, whilst the 3rd - 5th form students have two double sessions of PE each week. 6th form students are involved in sport for a minimum of two hours per week. The aim of the programme is threefold: ● ● ● To give students experience in a wide range of physical activities and to enable them to find activities which they enjoy. To encourage a healthy and active lifestyle. To enable students to understand better the role of sport and leisure activities as an integral part of social culture and development. 25 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 The PE and Sports programme consists of two parts: a compulsory programme of classes and a range of extra-curricular activities, some of which are connected to intra-school and inter-school sports events. Where appropriate, PE lessons are mostly taught in co-educational groups and classes are often streamed by ability, allowing students to work at their own level. During the autumn and summer terms, the Prep Form to 5th form students follow a formalised programme taught by the PE department where core skills and tactical elements are learned. 6th form students choose from a wider range of activities, some of which are led by staff from outside the PE department. During the winter term, all students take part in a weekly programme of Alpine and Nordic winter pursuits; at least one of the two compulsory sessions per week must be Alpine skiing. Senior students may opt for snowboarding for one of these sessions. Aiglon also has an outstanding ski race programme. Aiglon competes against other schools in the S.G.I.S. (Swiss Group of International Schools) and the A.D.I.S.R. (Association des Directeurs des Instituts de la Suisse Romande). Teams represent the School in: Autumn: Winter: Summer: football, basketball, volleyball (girls), cross country running, rugby 7s skiing, snowboarding, freestyle skiing, skier cross, basketball athletics, swimming, tennis, volleyball, rugby 7s An ongoing inter-house sports competition comprising football, basketball, skiing, tennis, volleyball (seniors only) and athletics events takes place during the course of the academic year. The emphasis is on participation and fair play. The development of physical competence is one of the key components of a holistic education and students are expected to take a positive and willing approach to participation. Students must wear school PE uniform provided by the school shop whenever they take part in PE lessons and school sports activities. CAS PROGRAMME Creativity, Activity, Service The CAS programme, a central requirement of the IB Diploma Programme for the 6th form, is implemented across the year groups at Aiglon. The programme allows students to learn from experiences outside the classroom and provides a refreshing counterbalance to academic studies. The CAS programme aims to develop students who are: ● capable of reflecting upon their performance ● willing to take on new challenges ● able to develop a greater awareness of immediate and wider responsibilities ● active participants in projects ● balanced and well rounded Creativity can include a wide range of arts activities, as well as the creativity students demonstrate in designing and interpreting service projects. Action can include not only participation in individual and team sports but also taking part in expeditions and in local or international projects. Service encompasses community and social service activities. All students must choose one CAS activity from each section over the course of the academic year. The structure helps to provide a balanced programme and requires all students to set achievable targets and reflect on their progress at the end of each activity. The usual requirement for 3rd to 5th form students is at least 2 hours of activity per week with the CAS Programme. For 6th Formers there is more choice and some flexibility over the number of required hours for extra CAS activity. The CAS component of the IB Diploma Programme is a core requirement for all 6th formers and stipulates clearly the minimum requirements. CAS Service Projects are an integral part of the CAS programme. On such projects, hours which can count towards the CAS requirement are those which involve active participation such as building, teaching and the participation in an adventure activity. In contrast, time spent sleeping, socialising with friends, eating meals (unless helping others), watching a film or visiting a gallery or museum and other similar passive participation will not be counted towards the required number of hours. INTERNATIONAL AWARD A demanding, challenging award widely recognised and valued internationally, also known as the Duke of Edinburgh Award This award is an internationally recognised qualification. Aiglon is a registered independent operator for the International Award. Aiglon’s philosophy of a holistic education, especially the commitment to expeditions and service, make the school the perfect environment for completing all the relevant elements of the award. Below is a summary of the three different awards that can be achieved. Further details are available on the school website: www.aiglon.ch/dofe 26 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Bronze Award To gain the bronze award the participant must: ● be over 14 years of age; ● complete one term of service; ● complete two terms of their chosen skill; ● complete one term of physical recreation; ● complete a training expedition and pass an assessment expedition. A group leader expedition will count as a Bronze expedition and vice versa as the requirements are identical. Silver Award To gain the silver award the participant must: ● be over 15 years of age; ● complete two terms of service; ● complete four terms of their chosen skill (this is for direct entrants; only two terms are needed for bronze holders); ● complete one and a half terms of physical recreation; ● complete the silver training expedition and pass the silver assessment expedition. Gold Award To gain the gold award the participant must: ● be over 16 years of age; ● complete four terms of service; ● complete six terms of their chosen skill (four terms for silver holders); ● complete two terms of physical recreation; ● complete an extended training expedition and pass an assessment expedition; ● complete a residential project. It must be away from home in a residential setting for a period of not less than five consecutive days (4 nights away). SKIING Skiing forms a large part of the PE and extra-curricular programme in the winter term. Those who arrive at Aiglon as beginner skiers should feel confident that they will have access to expert instruction and support from our team of dedicated professionals. SKIING SAFELY Rules about Skiing and Accident Procedures No-one may ski alone. A student who becomes separated from the group must wait where they are in order for the rest of their group to return to the same piste and retrieve them. There is no skiing on Sundays, except for expeditions or organised ski races. Students must make every effort to arrive on time to ski classes. There should be no stopping to buy food or drinks on the way to the télécabine. There are predetermined stopping places on the piste returning to School. These are to help to keep the group together, to regulate speed and to clear the piste for other users. Students should always stop in a line to the side of the piste, in a safe position and in view of approaching skiers. Ski Clothing and Equipment Aiglon enforces the compulsory wearing of correctly fitting ski helmets for all skiers and snowboarders, regardless of experience or level. Back protection is also compulsory for all freestyle skiers as well as all ski racers. Aiglon strongly recommends the wearing of correctly fitted back protection for all ski and snowboarder groups. All clothing must be labelled and students must use only their own clothing and equipment. At the start of term, a rigorous check will be carried out to ensure that everyone has their own: ● Aiglon uniform ski jacket (with inner soft shell) and trousers ● Helmet, goggles, ski gloves, sunglasses (optional) ● Back protection should be worn by all and is compulsory for students involved in racing, freestyle and ski cross. No student will be allowed in any of the snow parks without proper back protection. Skis, bindings, boots and poles will be checked at the start of term by a ski technician. Equipment must be in normal, sound working order and will be inspected periodically by the PE department. Skiing equipment must never be borrowed from another student as, amongst other things, this compromises safety. 27 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Free Skiing Free skiing sessions are organised on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. Senior students can ski or snowboard in groups (minimum of three, maximum of six) provided everyone in the groups skiing has been approved as competent (Red Prince/Princess) by a member of the Aiglon PE Department. Junior students are accompanied by staff at all times. Free Skiing Group Leaders The Ski Group Leader is responsible for: ● Leading at a safe pace for the slowest member and according to the conditions ● Appointing a competent skier as “back marker” ● Ensuring that the group stays together by stopping to re-group at regular intervals (special care must be taken in poor visibility, when the slopes are crowded and when snow conditions are difficult) ● Ensuring that everyone knows exactly which piste is to be taken ● Making sure everyone skis in a safe manner and at a safe distance apart ● Carrying a mobile telephone to inform PE staff of any accident or incident as soon as possible ● Ensuring that the group is aware of and follows the Alpine Responsibility Code. Accident Procedure The following steps should be taken in the case of an accident on the slopes: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Assess the situation and ensure the safety of the group as well as the needs of the injured person Plant the skis in the snow in a cross well above the injured person as a warning for other skiers to slow down Decide whether medical assistance is needed If help is required, send one member of the party to the bottom of the nearest lift and request assistance OR go to the SOS office at the bottom of the Chaux Ronde T-bar Keep the injured person comfortable and warm. Only remove the skis if there is no danger that movement might cause further injury The injured person must be accompanied by a responsible person until a doctor or a member of the Health Centre staff is reached The Ski Group Leader is responsible for ensuring that the injured person’s equipment is returned to school The Ski Group Leader must report the incident to a member of the PE staff as soon as possible. The name of the doctor or the hospital to which the student is taken should also be reported. A log of all accidents is kept by the School. Accident Inquiry Serious accidents will be the subject of an inquiry to establish the cause and possible responsibility for the accident. Significant ‘near misses’ are also subject to inquiry to minimise the risk of a future accident. Ski Jumping Ski jumping is not permitted unless authorised and controlled by a ski instructor or suitably qualified member of staff. Skiing with Parents Students should respect and adhere to Aiglon ski rules even when accompanied by parents or other members of the family. When students are skiing with Aiglon, they do so under a set of rules designed to ensure good discipline and safe skiing. Parents’ co-operation is essential in ensuring that students also ski safely and carefully when they are under parental care, particularly when skiing in the local area. Aiglon has built up a good reputation over the years for sensible behaviour on skis. If a member of staff sees a student skiing in a dangerous or reckless manner and there is no obvious parental presence, the member of staff will treat the incident in the same manner as if it occurred during an official school session. Off-Piste Skiing The following areas are deemed to be off-piste by the Swiss Ski School: ● The back of the Petit Chamossaire including La Forclaz ● Between the Chamossaires more than 50m from the face of the Petit Chamossaire to the left of the mogul field viewed from below ● The back of the Grand Chamossaire towards Lac de Bretaye ● The back of the Chaux Ronde towards Charmet when barriers indicate the run is closed ● The Bouquetin when barriers indicate that the run is closed ● The couloir off the Chaux Ronde towards La Rasse when barriers indicate that the run is closed ● The bowl off the Combe d’Orsay and under the Grand Chamossaire cliffs when barriers indicate that the bowl is closed ● Electric Gully and all gullies on the télécabine slope ● From Croix des Chaux down to Tavayennaz 28 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 ● ● ● The back of the Meilleret Bowl down towards the Col de la Croix Under the Roc d’Orsay télécabine Les Tailles. Students can only be led down these slopes when escorted by a guide, patented ski instructor or a patented equivalent. They are off-limits to all skiers when the Head of the Swiss Ski School has declared a temporary ban on off-piste skiing. In this instance, the PE department will relay this information to staff leading groups. Aiglon staff may not lead school groups down the runs outlined above unless qualified to do so under the above conditions. Whenever students are taken into powder snow, either the leader and/or backup staff should be in a position to observe the descent of all students, thus noting the whereabouts of a fall and possible loss of a ski. All other areas, although not necessarily pisted, are deemed to be part of the skiable domain by the Swiss Ski School and therefore do not impose a risk of avalanche to skiers unless they are officially closed. However, staff leading students down the following runs should be aware that evacuation of an injured person could prove problematic: ● The trees at Les Chaux ● The Maison Militaire and parallel gullies ● Underneath the Les Chaux chairlift ● The old link from Meilleret to the bottom of La Rasse. Staff leading on these runs should be knowledgeable of the descent and be sure that the group can cope with the level of difficulty. A mobile telephone should be carried with the following numbers programmed: ● REGA 1414 ● SOS Tele Bretaye-Gryon 024 495 2519 The Alpine Responsibility Code (10 essential rules promoting safety on the slopes) Rule 1: Use your own equipment Look after your equipment and only use your own skis, boots, helmet, poles and lift pass. Rule 2: Control your speed Adapt your speed according to snow, visibility, steepness of slope and number of people on the slope. Rule 3: Choose your route down the slope carefully Do not cause danger to skiers ahead with your choice of path down the mountain. Rule 4: Overtake safely Leave enough space for a skier ahead of you to make an irregular movement without causing a collision. Rule 5: Look up and down the slope before setting off Make sure it is safe for you to enter the traffic. Rule 6: Stop in a safe place Always stop where you can be seen by other skiers and usually at the side of the piste. Rule 7: Keep to the side of the piste when climbing uphill Rule 8: Pay attention to all signs and markings Obey the piste markings and only ski off-piste when accompanied by a member of staff or ski instructor. Rule 9: Offer to help if you see an injury or incident This may include informing the emergency or rescue services at the bottom of the nearest ski lift. Rule 10: Take jumps only with a teacher or ski instructor. The teacher or ski instructor will see that jumping is done safely and in the proper place. The snow park is off limits to anyone without a ski school instructor present. MEDICAL / OFF SPORT PROCEDURES PE, SPORTS, SKIING If a student is injured, feeling sick or unable to take part in PE or Sports they must first speak to their Houseparents. The Houseparent will then book an appointment for them to go to the Health Centre to see a nurse, which is in line with whole school policy. (Information on opening hours of the Health Centre is in the front of the School Diary) 29 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 If the student is deemed by the Health Centre to be “off sport” their name is put on the online, off-sport register, which is accessible by staff. The student, if able to do so, must report to the member of staff taking the lesson or activity at the start of the session in correct PE kit. The member of staff taking the lesson will instruct the student where to go and what to do next. Students may then be asked to go to the library or PE classroom in the Sports Centre. The student should have sufficient work to occupy them for the duration of the session. If ‘off skiing,’ the same procedure should be adhered to, with the exception that the ‘off sport’ student, if 3rd to 5th form, should immediately go to the Sports Centre classroom in full Aiglon ski uniform, where they will be registered and if physically able will be instructed to come to Bretaye to sign in with the member of PE staff leading the session and should expect to stay for the duration of the ski session. 6th form students should report to the PE classroom in the Sports Centre where they will register and take part in a supervised study session. Students Off Sport Returning from Holidays or Exeats If a student is unable to take part in PE lessons, sports activities, or skiing for medical reasons after returning from a holiday or exeat, they must present a medical certificate to the Health Centre staff which states the reason why they are not able to do so. Where required, the opinion of the school Doctor will also be sought to confirm the extent of the injury or illness. The student must still report to a member of staff at the start of the lesson or session and follow the procedures above. Occasionally, doctors will state that a student can take part in skiing but not in expeditions. This distinction depends to a great degree on the individual doctor’s perception of what happens during a ski session and during an expedition. Whilst the school would not question the advice of a qualified medical practitioner, the PE and Expedition staff are experts in the winter activities of skiing and ski-mountaineering and know the demands of these different parts of the programme. At Aiglon, the distinction between them is limited: the skiing programme is designed in part to train students for ski mountaineering so that skiing deep, crusty or difficult snow will take place in normal ski lessons. The action of skinning is a gentle and highly controlled exercise. Thus students with a medical problem, which prevents some forms of skiing activity, will not be permitted to take part in any of the skiing programme. If a student cannot take part in sport or skiing, alternative physical activities will be offered which will help recovery from injury, such as swimming and walking, provided they are medically advised. They should see the Houseparents, Tutor or Health Centre staff to discuss their rehabilitation programme. The Health Centre regularly updates the PE Department of injuries and illnesses and lists are kept on the school computer system of medical appointments and students ‘off sport’. LIVING AT AIGLON SENIOR STUDENT LEADERSHIP Guardians The Head Master appoints one boy and one girl in the U6th form to be the Guardians for the year. Guardians are Aiglon’s equivalent of Head Boy and Head Girl, and have an important role in leading the team of School Prefects and in contributing to the smooth running of the school. School Prefects School Prefects are U6th form students appointed to assist in advising the Head Master and other senior members of staff and in maintaining good discipline throughout the school. Together with the House Captains, they play an important leadership role among the student body. School prefectship is open to those U6th students who embody in their everyday lives the school’s highest values, who display a natural self-discipline, a genuine integrity and who enjoy the respect of their fellow students (outside as well as inside their houses). Whilst the Head Master makes the final decision, the opinions of staff and students alike are taken into account by him throughout the period of leadership training and selection of Prefects and Guardians. House Captains The House Captains assist the Houseparents in the daily running of the boarding Houses. They play an important leadership role among the members of the House and lead the team of House Prefects. House Captains are not automatically accorded School Prefect status. House Prefects House Prefects are appointed by the Houseparents to assist the duty staff with the efficient day-to-day running of the House. Responsibilities include assistance with running laps, bed time and general tidiness and good order around the House. 30 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 STUDENT COUNCIL The Senior School Student Council is a democratic body elected by students to work closely with Senior Staff and other student leaders and groups, for example, School Prefects and the Round Square Committee. Rationale The Student Council acts as a student-based forum for Senior School students. Chaired by the Guardians and facilitated by a member of staff (Director of Pastoral Care or another staff member invited by the Head Master), school issues are discussed including student concerns, disciplinary issues, student leadership, uniform, food, welfare, social activities, privileges and school procedures. Function The Student Council provides a channel of communication between the student body and the staff. Student members of the Council are responsible for representing faithfully and fairly the interests and concerns of their year groups. It is their responsibility to find the most effective way to consult their peers and to feed back the results to Student Council discussions. Year group representatives will be appointed to serve, initially, for three terms, but may stand again if re-elected by their peers. Elections are usually held towards the end of September. Membership The Student Council comprises: ● two representatives from each Senior School year group: one boy, one girl ● the two Guardians ● one or two other staff members (invited by the Head Master, Director of Pastoral Care or Guardians on a meeting by meeting basis) whose input is deemed important for the issues being discussed ● School Prefects by invitation, other students are invited by the Guardians on an ad hoc meeting by meeting basis. Meetings and Minutes The Student Council meets regularly and meetings are held according to need. Minutes and agendas are circulated to all Student Council members. Year group representatives are responsible for disseminating and publicising information discussed to other members of their year group. The Guardians will update the school community at assembly, if appropriate, on matters considered by the Student Council and of any decisions ratified by the Head Master in consultation with any other relevant parties. All members of the Student Council carry equal weight in the case of informal votes or polls. HEALTH, SAFETY AND A BALANCED LIFESTYLE SPIRITUALITY Aiglon is based on a Christian foundation, but welcomes students from all faiths. A note about Religious Studies lessons: Christianity lies at the foundation of Western culture and it is difficult to appreciate how students can fully understand other subjects in this school (particularly History, English Literature and Science) unless they have a working knowledge of the religion which has so profoundly shaped European thought. In principle, there is no reason why anyone from any background should not attend Religious Studies lessons; however, should those committed to faiths other than Christianity hold strong objections to such teaching, the Head Master and Deputy Head (Curriculum) may talk to their parents. MEDITATION Meditation has been a distinctive and central feature of Aiglon life since the school’s foundation. Morning meditations are held in Exeter Hall for the Senior School and in La Baita for the Junior School. A member of staff, or sometimes a senior student, gives a 5-10 minute ‘thought for the day’, with a few minutes of silence before and after the talk. There is no applause after a Meditation; instead members of our community are encouraged to congratulate or talk to the person leading the meditation personally afterwards. The silence encourages calm and quiet reflection at the beginning of the day, and provides a rare and much needed moment of stillness in a busy life. Once a week meditation is replaced by tutor meetings and there is no meditation on Saturdays. Once a fortnight faith groups meet up for their own special meditation or discussion time. For those students who have no strong leaning towards any faith there is a meditation as usual. Church Services: all Junior School students (day students and boarders) attend the regular Sunday church services in the Aiglon Chapel, as listed in the School Diary. This is open to Senior Students on a voluntary basis. 31 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 HEALTHCARE SERVICES Your health and well-being at Aiglon Aims Health care at Aiglon aims to provide day to day health care and advice to students and staff with referral to appropriate secondary care providers, and to foster the concept of health as a positive state, promoting the values of healthy living as expressed in the Statement of Principles (should this be guiding principles?). Health Centre Medical care is provided by the Health Centre in Chalet Près Vallon below the Sports Centre. The health care team consists of six fully-qualified nurses and a nurse assistant. A generalist doctor from Aigle holds a consultation session in the Health Centre once a week during term-time. When necessary, Villars-based doctors are contacted to provide medical services and they will refer students, if needed, to local hospitals or specialists. Students with contagious or infectious diseases, or those requiring nursing care, are taken into the Health Centre for the duration of their illness. In the event that a student is involved in a serious accident or needs extended in-patient care, the Health Centre staff will always contact the parents and the Head Master as soon as full medical details are available. Daily clinics are held in the Health Centre at times advertised in Houses and on page 3 of the school diary (cross-reference with school diary). For minor problems (headache, sore throat etc.), the Houseparents will supply medications. Strict regulations govern the personal possession of medications in the houses. Please see the section on Medication in Houses for more information. Students requiring referrals to local doctors are usually able to walk into the village for their appointments. If immobile, too sick or very young, transportation will be provided by taxi or a member of staff. A responsible adult will accompany Junior School students and whenever language problems or complexity of the case requires it. Any charges incurred will be passed on to the student’s account. The students’ health records are compiled from the information on the health certificate which is completed by parents prior to the students’ arrival at Aiglon. It is also essential that the Health Centre be notified at the start of a term if a student has received any medical treatment during the holidays, so that records can be updated. All medical information is treated strictly within the confines of the globally accepted rules of patient confidentiality. If a student is unwell, the first point of contact is the teacher (in class) or duty staff (in house). Overnight, the Houseparents should be seen in the first instance. If appropriate, the member of staff will contact the Health Centre to request advice. The duty nurse or her assistant may come to collect the student, or may request that the student make his or her own way to the Health Centre for attention. All medical appointments must be made through the Health Centre. Parents who have arranged local appointments for their children are asked to advise the Health Centre, who will then remind the students of their appointments. The same system also informs all staff that students will be absent from school for legitimate medical reasons. Appointments to medical specialists can involve extended absence from the school with disruption to the routine and education of the student. Therefore parents are requested to make all routine and non-urgent medical appointments for the student outside of term time. Dietary Needs Aiglon is able to cater for the majority of dietary needs within a balanced and healthy menu and by providing a broad choice at each meal. Additionally, vegetarian options are always available and clearly signposted. Special diets based on personal choice and cultural norms are catered for daily. Where a student, due to a medical condition, requires additional support with their diet or special menus parents will send the Doctor’s report to the Health Centre ( [email protected] ) and the Health Centre staff will ensure that Houseparents, teaching and Expedition staff are aware of the child’s needs. Arrangements will be made to meet the student’s needs in practical terms with the caterers. We welcome and encourage dialogue between parents and the student, Houseparents, Health Centre staff and the Chef. Confidentiality in the Health Centre Health professionals (school nurses and other Health Centre staff) are bound by professional codes of conduct. This means that what a student says to a member of the Health Centre staff and other people working in, with or for the Health Centre (for example adults accompanying students to medical appointments or in sophrology sessions etc.), remains confidential within the Health Centre. When working in a group or outside the Health Centre, staff are bound by relevant school policies including the school confidentiality policy and guidance. Students can expect that ● their problem will be listened to in a professional, non-judgemental and confidential manner, unless it constitutes a risk to that student or another individual (in which case confidentiality and/or child protection procedures and guidance will apply) ● advice will be given, which may include encouragement to share the information more widely sources of help will be explored, including outside support agencies and those which are internal to the Aiglon community as appropriate. 32 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Students should be reassured that ● their best interests will be maintained ● though staff cannot promise unconditional confidentiality, the student will be informed first and supported appropriately. The student concerned will be involved in deciding with whom information is shared ● personal information is regarded as private and should be shared with staff colleagues on a need-to-know basis only. Staff will be aware of important safeguarding and child protection procedures. SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE Aiglon College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the safety and well-being of all our students. Safeguarding Aims In most cases students will be encouraged to talk to their parents or carers and be given support to do so wherever possible, except in situations where it is felt by the School’s Child Protection Officer (currently the Director of Pastoral Care), or other senior members of staff, that to do so would put the student at greater risk. More detailed guidelines for staff are available from the Child Protection Officer and on the staff intranet. Seeking Help Advice for students on seeking help From time to time everyone experiences difficulties and problems. At such times, it can be very helpful to talk to someone. Aiglon encourages students to seek advice from trusted, responsible adults. Most importantly, the school wishes to foster an atmosphere of trust on the campus. Although the Houseparents and Tutors are there to help and advise, there may be occasions when students would prefer to talk to someone else. In such cases, there are a number of people who are willing to be contacted, including: ● School Guardians ● House Captains or School Prefects ● Health Centre team of Nurses or School Counsellor ● Chaplain ● Director of Pastoral Care (call or message +41792518543) ● Deputy Head (Student Life) ● Head Master / Head of the Junior School It is important to confide in an adult whose judgement can be trusted and respected. It is important to stress that this kind of contact will be treated in a confidential way. A student may prefer to talk to somebody outside Aiglon. If so, a person listed above will be able to make some suggestions. All of the people mentioned above are aware of the Aiglon confidentiality policy. Students who do not feel comfortable speaking to any of the people listed, can telephone the local children’s services helpline: SOS Enfants on 114 (0114 from school phone). Calls are free and confidential and can be made in English, French or German. Calling 147 will connect you to a Swiss listening service for adolescents - this is primarily French speaking, but many of the operators also speak English. PERSONAL SAFETY Security For security reasons, the school has a policy of not revealing students’ identities. Any member of the Aiglon community who is approached by someone from outside and asked any questions about the School should refer that person straight to the Head Master or a member of staff nearby. On no account should students or staff reveal information about students’ whereabouts, expected movements or schedules. If an incoming phone call is suspected to be abusive or offensive, a student should politely hang up. The duty staff member should be informed immediately. If the problem recurs, the duty staff member should contact the Director of Pastoral Care in the first instance for advice. Forbidden Articles Students are not allowed to have the following articles in their possession. If any are mistakenly brought into the school or are intended as a gift for a member of staff or local relative, they must be handed to Houseparents on arrival. ● Alcohol ● Controlled drugs and the paraphernalia of drugs or substances intended to resemble drugs, or ‘legal’ drugs which may be obtained online or from a pharmacy, performance enhancing drugs, anabolic steroids, glue and other substances held or supplied in each case for the purposes of misuse ● ‘Performance’ or ‘sports’ drinks with high levels of caffeine, for example Red Bull, Monster and other similar products ● Tobacco in any form, cigarette lighters and matches ● Dangerous implements, e.g. knives (except short pocket knives with Houseparents’ permission) ● Heating apparatus such as immersion heaters, hot plates, gas stoves, ● Pornographic material ● Medicines of all kinds 33 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Students are discouraged from bringing into the School expensive and unnecessary personal items such as luxury brand watches and valuable jewellery. School insurance does not cover personal items. (See also the section on Insurance) Room Searches House Staff may conduct room searches at their discretion. They will be accompanied by another member of staff or a student. Whilst desirable, it is not always possible for the student whose room is being searched to be present. Room Checks Rooms are checked by staff on a daily basis for tidiness and other practical reasons. Students are expected to keep personal possessions tidy and organised. FIRE SAFETY What to do in the event of a fire Evacuation Fire evacuation (and practice drills) should be dealt with on a “building block” basis with the following buildings nominated as “fire blocks” for that purpose: ● La Baita and La Casa ● Alpina ● John Corlette Building ● The Main Block (Belvedere, Exeter, Exeter Hall, Kitchen, Library, the Exeter classrooms) ● Forbes ● La Dépendance ● Clairmont, Laundry ● Delaware ● Health Centre ● Le Cerf ● l’Ancienne Poste ● l’Ancienne Gendarmerie Different fire evacuation requirements are necessary at different times of day: ● Academic Time - 08:00 to 16:00 ● House Time - leisure/prep/night time 16:00 to 08:00 Fire in academic time: The occupants of the block in question should react to clear the building and gather at their allocated position. A list of presence should be drawn up by the senior staff member present. The centralised fire alarm system will automatically summon the fire brigade. The senior staff member should inform the Director of Estates of the occurrence of the alarm and of the successful evacuation of the building. Fire in house time: The Houseparent, house tutor or duty staff member should have the house cleared with reference to the house list and in/out board. The fire brigade will be informed automatically by the alarm system. The house members present are to gather in their allocated spot near the house (remembering to account for members of Houseparents’ families). The senior staff member should inform the Director of Estates of the occurrence of the alarm and of the successful evacuation of the building. Meeting points for block and house fires: ● La Baita and La Casa: east end of La Baita car park ● Alpina: to the east and above the house all-weather pitch on the grass ● Belvedere: to the east of the house on the volleyball pitch ● Delaware: initially in front of the house on the car park ● La Dépendance: outside the tuck shop ● Exeter: to the east of the house, near the tuck shop. ● Le Cerf: on the tarmac area next to Heiz bakery ● L’Ancienne Poste: on the parking area next to Clairmont. ● JCB: the grass area by Kalouti observatory ROAD SAFETY It is vital that students and staff take all reasonable safety precautions when crossing the road. Students should use the steps en route to and from Clairmont, Delaware and Le Cerf, Villars and Chesières. The ramp leading to and from Belvedere car park is NOT to be used for pedestrians. All members of the Aiglon community are expected to respect the cantonal rules about using road crossings appropriately. The marked road pedestrian crossings must be used at all times. 34 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 The barriers at the bottom of the steps and the adjoining grass slope, as well as the drive connecting the campus and the street should be kept clear at all times. Students should not sit on the road verges, the drive or the barriers. As a courtesy to drivers who stop while you use the crossing please walk across briskly and raise your hand to thank them. Bicycles, Motor Vehicles and Accepting Lifts No student, with or without a driver’s licence, may drive a motor-powered vehicle during term time at school. No student may accept lifts in vehicles from members of the public, former students, relatives or anyone other than parents or authorised members of staff, without prior permission from Houseparents. Bicycles are not normally permitted except for specific CAS activities. When using the school minibuses, all passengers must wear the seat belts provided and must remain seated while the vehicle is in motion. Drivers should make this clear to passengers at the beginning of every trip, however short, and personally check safety belts. It is important for the safety of everyone in the vehicle that the driver (or another driver in the vicinity) is not distracted. PERSONAL BELONGINGS School Bags All students are expected to have a bag for daily use. This could be the student’s existing expedition day rucksack, or one of the bags available in the school shop. Bags brought from home or purchased elsewhere must be of a similar type to these. The requirement is that the bag or rucksack should be big enough to accommodate at least two lessons’ worth of materials (files, textbooks, laptop plus a pencil case and a school diary). Passports and Travel Documents Passports and other important travel documents are to be handed in to Houseparents on students’ arrival back at Aiglon. At the beginning of the school year, passports will be held in Forbes to check and request visas where necessary. At all other times, Houseparents will keep passports locked away in House. From a security and safeguarding point of view, it is not appropriate for students to keep passports in their possession during term time. This applies to all students in both the Junior and Senior School. Looking After Belongings Everyone is expected to be responsible about looking after their own belongings and to respect the property of others. School bags and other personal possessions should be marked with the owner’s name. Books and school equipment may be left tidily and only temporarily on the shelves outside Exeter classrooms, Hall and the Dining Room. Items should not be left on the floor. School bags and other property found around campus will be removed and placed in the entrance to Exeter Hall for collection by the owner. A fine may be charged out of pocket money and/or laps allocated. INSURANCE Personal belongings to the value of CHF 5000 are covered in the event of fire. For all other circumstances we recommend parents have their own insurance for their child’s personal belongings. The School’s insurance does not cover students’ belongings for theft or damage (other than fire). RESPONSIBILITIES AND EXPECTATIONS DAY STUDENTS Being a day student at Aiglon There are differences between the daily life of boarding and day students, but all are expected nonetheless to be an integral part of the school community. While special exceptions may occasionally be made to suit individual needs in consultation with Houseparents, day students are expected to attend: ● meditation and roll calls ● lunch every day, except Saturday and Sunday 35 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 ● ● ● ● laps or sports on Wednesdays and/or Saturday as required cultural events church services and meditations at weekends as indicated in the school diary whole school events. Changes to the published school diary appear on the website calendar (available on www.aiglon.ch). In case of discrepancy the latter is more accurate. In the past, some day students have found it helpful to eat dinner and do prep in House before returning home. This can be arranged between parents and the Houseparents. Day students are not normally allowed to go home for other reasons during the working day and must seek permission from Houseparents if they wish to do so. Houseparents may require day students to join the house for dinner on Sunday evening or for other special functions. Whilst the parents of day students are responsible for the health of their children, Houseparents must nevertheless be informed of any illness or incapacity which could prevent a child’s full participation in normal school life, including any absences from school. Living Locally and Going Out in Villars Day students are expected to adhere to the same rules as boarders during term time. This applies to timings and places they are permitted to visit (especially with regards to local bars and restaurants, given the relatively small size of Villars) as well as rules governing alcohol, smoking and substance use. Parents of day students are strongly encouraged to apply evening return times that are in line with boarders, to ensure equitable privileges across the full student body. ALL students should be aware that any actions outside Aiglon, locally or further afield, which bring the school into disrepute are likely to result in serious sanctions which may include suspension or expulsion. SANCTIONS AND PUNISHMENTS Expectations of students are high and are clearly stated in the student agreement, signed at the time of admissions, and in the code of conduct. The Head Master and the Head of the Junior School regularly remind students that they must assume the consequences of their actions. Failure to respect the School’s expectations can result in sanctions which apply to all students across Senior and Junior School. The aims of these are to deter, educate and encourage positive personal growth. Sanctions applied should take into account the nature of the offence. The reasons for any punishment should be explained in a clear and balanced way to a student and should be proportional to the gravity of the offence. Physical restraint will only be used in exceptional circumstances where it becomes necessary to restrain a student for their own protection or others’ safety. No form of corporal punishment is authorised. Laps House Laps are given as punishment for minor misdemeanours in the boarding house. These are served in houses after lessons every weekday. 1 lap requires 15 minutes of work. School Laps are usually held on Saturday mornings before school in the Senior School. Junior School laps are normally held on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. Any student who is given laps must be informed of the reason at once by the member of staff allocating the laps. Students gaining 20 school laps or more at once will automatically be put on a full school gating (half hour checks, removal of town and/or weekend leave privileges). Those with high lap counts may be required to perform community work at a time decided by their Houseparents or Deputy Head (Student Life). ● ● Full No 1 uniform is to be worn for school laps sessions unless tasks which benefit others in the community require other more suitable clothes to be worn. Everyone must be doing purposeful work as deemed appropriate by the supervisor. Houses publish regularly the current state of house and school laps. House Gating Students receiving ten or more laps are automatically given a house gating until the laps have been totally worked off. Official sports practices, activities, rehearsals and authorised commitments usually take priority over House Gating. Houseparents can, at their own discretion, decide to gate a student at any time. School Gating This is a more serious punishment. It normally involves confinement to the house during all free time, checking in with the duty staff every half hour. It may be accompanied by practical jobs. Gated students may not receive visitors and will wear smart No 1 uniform during the working day. School gating takes priority over all other school activities and anything else 36 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 which may distract the student from this punishment. The gated student will be permitted to take part in public events if they are deemed sufficiently important by Houseparents. At the end of the school gating period, the student is to report to his Houseparents with the completed gating sheets. 20 laps or more automatically attract a school gating. On Report Students who have committed serious or regular breaches of the school rules or have fallen short of basic expectations may be required to take a report card to all classes and activities, obtain signatures and remarks from the respective teachers or supervisors, and report to the Director of Pastoral Care, Deputy Head (Student Life) or Deputy Head (Curriculum) every day with evidence of progress. Disciplinary Panel Students involved either in serious breaches of school rules (including, but not exclusively, offences involving drugs, alcohol, smoking, theft, bullying or violence, sexual misconduct) or persistent more minor misdemeanours will face a Disciplinary Panel composed of the Head Master, Deputy Head (Student Life), the Tutor, Houseparent and a senior student (usually the House Captain or a Prefect). The Head Master, in close consultation with the Disciplinary Panel and any staff who have conducted an enquiry where appropriate, will make a judgement based on evidence and a process of reasoning, remaining mindful of any mitigating circumstances relating to a student’s academic and disciplinary record, before deciding on an appropriate sanction. Incidents in the Junior School will follow the same procedure but will be overseen by the Head of the Junior School along with the Deputy Head (Student Life). Academic Panel Students involved in breaches of academic honesty, persistent failure to attend class or complete work satisfactorily, or other academic misdemeanours may be required to attend an Academic Panel, meeting in the same way as the aforementioned Disciplinary Panel, joined by the Deputy Head (Curriculum) instead of the Director of Pastoral Care or Deputy Head (Student Life). The decision of the Disciplinary or Academic Panel will be communicated directly to the student and subsequently normally in writing to the student’s parents. Houseparents will keep parents informed throughout any investigation and immediately after a Disciplinary Panel or Academic Panel has been convened. The Director of Pastoral Care, Deputy Head (Student Life) or Deputy Head (Curriculum) will communicate the decision of the panel to the rest of the school community. A copy of the letter sent to parents will normally be placed on the student’s confidential file. Incidents in the Junior School will follow the same procedure but will be overseen by the Head of the Junior School along with the Deputy Head (Curriculum). Suspension Occasionally it is decided that a period of time away from school is necessary, either temporarily or in the long term. The aim of suspending students is to give them time for reflection away from school and to serve as a clear warning message that their behaviour is unacceptable and cannot continue. Students who are suspended twice within a year risk not being re-admitted to the School. When students are suspended from school the Deputy Head (Student Life), will usually place them, at the parents’ expense, with a local host who is known and trusted by the school, preferably with either a current or past professional relationship to Aiglon. The host typically will be able to host the student without judgement in a safe environment, provide suitable accommodation within their home at quite short notice and capable of providing intelligent support and care appropriate to the situation. The School does not place any responsibility on the host for counselling or punishing the student(s). Whilst suspended the student is expected to bring school work and reading to do, help with jobs around the home and garden and to be polite, courteous and cooperative at all times. The cost of hosting is charged to the parents. Students may alternatively be sent home to serve a suspension, when circumstances make this a more appropriate or practical sanction in the opinion of the School. Where an offence is punished by a suspension close to a school holiday or break, the School reserves the right to hold back a student at the beginning of the holiday to serve a suspension at school. At the Head Master’s discretion, certain records of sanction may be removed from a student’s file after a period of time. In cases of less serious breaches of conduct, the Head Master may, at his discretion, dispense a student from the obligation to disclose a disciplinary sanction in the context of an application to universities, colleges or schools. This dispensation is unlikely to be granted in cases of gross misconduct. Examples may include, but are not restricted to, drug use, a serious abuse of alcohol, violent or anti-social behaviour, gross academic dishonesty, illegal activities. Suspension Sine Die This is an indefinite suspension, and may be applied when the Head Master feels that further investigation or consideration is required before determining whether a student may return to school. 37 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Expulsion Following appropriate investigation and a Disciplinary or Academic Panel, a student may be expelled from the School for serious breaches of the code of conduct or of Swiss Law. DRUGS The School is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all members of the school community. Drug education forms an important part of the school’s Personal, Social, Health and Emotional education programme (PSHE). Drug testing is an important part of the anti-drugs policy. The School may require any student to submit to a urine or saliva test, or other method, whether on suspicion of the use of illicit drugs or other harmful substances, or otherwise at the School’s sole discretion, and may cause a search to be carried out of any student’s personal possessions or room. The code of conduct (in section 2 of the handbook) states that any student who uses illegal drugs, ‘legal highs’ or other behaviour changing substances, or seeks to procure them, transport them or brings them to school, cannot expect to remain a member of Aiglon College. Drug testing: fully random, as well as random samples within a targeted group, are used as part of the school’s anti-drugs programme. Further details are available in the code of conduct at the beginning of this handbook. ALCOHOL Alcohol is a powerful drug, but one which is socially acceptable in some societies. In Switzerland it is illegal for young people under 16 years of age to buy and consume alcohol. At Aiglon, students in the 6th form, who are 16 years or over, are permitted to drink alcohol. They may drink beer or wine in moderation, but not spirits. It is illegal to drink alcopops, cocktails made with spirits, apéritifs or other distilled or fortified drinks under the age of 18 in Switzerland. This Social Authorisation Privilege is given, at Houseparents’ discretion and, provided there is no written parental objection, to 6th form students who are over 16 years of age and who are in good standing, academically and socially. Aiglon’s policy is designed to promote a responsible approach. This approach takes account of moderate drinking within an appropriate social context whilst, at the same time, recognising the serious dangers that exist in alcohol abuse. Important information about alcohol at Aiglon: ● Drinking alcohol is banned for all students except those 6th form students who have the social authorisation privilege (please see below). Alcohol may not be brought into the school under any circumstances. Students who bring alcohol into the school will face a Disciplinary Panel and are likely to be suspended or, in extreme cases, expelled. ● Alcohol testing takes place on a regular basis including random testing. ● A positive test that is a result indicating the presence of alcohol from a student (or more than a moderate amount in the case of a student with 6th form social authorisation privilege) will be treated as a serious matter and the student will face an investigation and a Disciplinary Panel. ● The opinion of staff may take precedence over an alco-test result should there be a question of the definition of ‘excess’. In practice the health and immediate safety of an intoxicated student will be paramount and medical assistance will be sought on behalf of those for whom it is deemed necessary. ● Students who abuse their social authorisation privilege can expect to lose their 6th form privileges and may face further and more serious sanctions including gating, suspension or possible expulsion from the school depending on the circumstances. ● Moderate or sensible drinking is dependent on many factors including age, size, gender and health. Aiglon defines moderation as 1-2 drinks for girls and boys (standard glass of wine 1dl / small beer up to 50cl) with the 6th form social authorisation privilege. 6th form Social Authorisation Privilege is given, at Houseparents’ discretion, to 6th form students who are over 16 and who are in good standing, academically and socially. They may drink beer or wine in moderation, but not spirits, in permitted establishments. Houseparents and duty staff are responsible for determining whether or not, in their opinion, a student with the Social Authorisation Privilege has drunk to excess, taking into consideration a student’s self-control and general behaviour at the time. Each individual student with this privilege is responsible for ensuring that their drinking stays within the bounds of moderation. 6th form privileges are only applicable on Wednesday evenings when there is no ‘culture* and on Saturdays after the evening roll call. Additionally, permission may be granted for specific school events. (An Aiglon ‘Culture’ is a Wednesday evening event, talk, concert or similar that is compulsory for students to attend). On Saturday evenings, 6th form students who are not yet 16 years old may accompany their friends, but must not consume alcohol. 38 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 A list of authorised establishments is published in houses and updated regularly. Students may visit ONLY the authorised restaurants / bars. Any student who returns to their house late or whose conduct is inappropriate, will risk losing this privilege. Houseparents will regularly test returning students for alcohol and /or drugs if they so wish. Excessive consumption is likely to lead to a sanction. Villars is patrolled by Aiglon staff both on Wednesdays and Saturday evenings as well as other times during the week, which is understood by staff and students to be a useful preventative measure. Aiglon’s alcohol policy applies to all school trips and visits. SMOKING Aiglon has a firm no smoking policy on campus, which applies equally to students and staff. Smoking is banned in the interest of health and consideration for others. Swiss law stipulates that it is forbidden to sell tobacco to anyone under 18 years old and that school-age children may not smoke. For the purposes of this handbook, the terms ‘smoking’ and ‘tobacco products’ include cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cigars, loose tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco and any other smoking related paraphernalia. There is evidence that very few people begin to smoke after the age of 18 and the school does all it can to discourage young people from starting the habit. Research also suggests that the earlier young people first encounter cigarettes, the higher the risk of subsequent dependency. Students who are addicted to nicotine and who genuinely wish to stop smoking are strongly encouraged to discuss their problem with a member of staff before their habit becomes a disciplinary matter. The school runs stop-smoking courses and can arrange counselling or sophrology sessions for those who recognise they need help to stop smoking. Seeking such help does not incur disciplinary action, but does not provide immunity if caught. The use of electronic or substitute cigarettes is not permitted. It is hoped that students’ home (holiday, exeat or weekend) lifestyle habits do not vary widely from their school life. Students holding positions of responsibility may have these taken away as a result of breaking the code of conduct, including the school’s smoking policy. At Aiglon smoking on expedition or on school trips, visits or where the student is representing Aiglon, is viewed as particularly anti-social and potentially dangerous, as is persistently contravening the no-smoking policy. Smoking inside school buildings, including roofs and balconies, will attract serious disciplinary sanctions as, in addition to the anti-social behaviour, it is potentially putting other students at risk. Students are punished if they are caught smoking tobacco or if e-cigarette products are found on their person or in their room; students whose breath or fingers smell of tobacco, in the opinion of a member of staff, will be considered to have been smoking. Students found in the presence of smokers can expect to face similar disciplinary sanctions to smoking offenders. Students caught or suspected of smoking will be required to turn out their pockets and bags and, depending on the circumstances, a room check may be carried out. All smoking paraphernalia will be confiscated. The member of staff will refer the student to their Houseparents, giving full details of time, place and those involved, for further investigation and sanctions as appropriate. Smoking Sanctions Sanctions for smoking are imposed for any situation, in which a student is caught or suspected of having been smoking, including, but not limited to: ● being in the presence of smokers ● smelling of smoke ● being in a known smoking area ● being in possession of smoking paraphernalia Smoking incidents are formally recorded by Houseparents and shared with appropriate staff and parents. Houseparents send a report of any incidents to the Deputy Head (Student Life) where a record will be kept centrally. The following guidelines exist for staff to follow in the event of a smoking incident (smoking in a building or on a school trip is treated as more serious and will incur more serious sanctions): Step 1 – first offence (normal procedure): 1 day Gating; No 1 uniform; Houseparent records and informs parents and Deputy Head (Student Life) Step 2 – second offence (normal procedure): 3 day Gating; No 1 uniform; Houseparent records and informs parents and Deputy Head (Student Life) 39 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Step 3 – third offence (normal procedure): 5 day Gating; No 1 uniform; Houseparent records and informs Deputy Head (Student Life) and parents in writing. An appointment is made for the student to meet with the Health Centre Manager. The student is required to attend although we appreciate that doing so under duress is not helpful nor is it the panacea for the underlying issues for repeat offenders. House staff will continue to invest in this process to ensure the student receives clear messages as well as sound advice. Health Centre staff will discuss health issues concerning smoking with the student and will assess their personal motivation and suitability for the Stop-Smoking Group. Step 4 – fourth offence (normal procedure) 7 day gating; No 1 uniform; no weekend exeat; independent expedition privilege may be revoked at Houseparent’s discretion; Houseparent arranges a formal meeting with the student, Tutor, Houseparent and Deputy Head (Student Life); Deputy Head (Student Life) communicates with parents highlighting the risk of attracting serious disciplinary sanctions should their child continue to smoke. Step 5 – fifth offence (normal procedure) 7 day gating; No 1 uniform; Houseparent records as usual, informing parents and Deputy Head (Student Life); a Disciplinary Panel is usual with the likely outcome being a formal warning from the Head Master. The Deputy Head (Student Life) will write a formal letter to parents. Step 6 – sixth offence (normal procedure) A Disciplinary Panel is convened with the likely outcome of the student being suspended for a period of time. The panel determines the exact nature of the sanction and the Deputy Head sends another formal letter to parents. Further offences – in extreme cases students may be expelled should the pattern of behaviour continue with no apparent motivation on the student’s part to stop smoking. ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR Advice for students about bullying as agreed and written by 3rd form students in November 2009 and reviewed by the 3rd form in subsequent summer terms from 2011 to present. Bullying is any deliberate and hurtful behaviour, typically sustained over time. It can be physical or verbal, overt or subtle intimidation. It can take the form of racial, religious, cultural, sexual, sexist, homophobic and cyber bullying. Bullying can be just as hurtful in the virtual world of social networking and texts. Bullying can include: ● making others feel unhappy, threatened or fearful ● making fun of someone else ● physical hurt ● teasing, name-calling, humiliation ● spreading gossip ● excluding or isolating others ● theft of/or damage to property, including hiding someone else’s belongings. Bullying of any kind is not acceptable at Aiglon. At Aiglon it is important that students should speak out if they think someone is being bullied. Silence is often the bully’s greatest weapon: watching or doing nothing can suggest support for the bully. By telling a responsible adult a student can develop appropriate and effective strategies for dealing with the situation. By addressing the issue before it becomes serious, both the bully and the victim can be protected from suffering serious consequences. Bullying behaviour is considered a very serious offence at Aiglon, and may result in suspension or expulsion from the School. Relationships Aiglon encourages the formation of sound and durable relationships. All members of our community are expected to play their part in fostering and maintaining constructive relationships with each other based on mutual respect, courtesy and a spirit of collegiality. Close relationships between boys and girls should take account of personal, moral, and cultural considerations. Public displays of intimacy which cause others to be embarrassed are totally inappropriate. Couples shall not be alone together in a closed room without specific authorisation from an adult. At no time is it acceptable for a boy to be in a girl’s room, or a girl in a boy’s room. This, as well as acts of sexual intimacy or cases where students are found in compromising situations, may lead to suspension or expulsion from the School. Honesty An important part of the learning process may involve making mistakes. However it is essential that all students at Aiglon, despite their many varied cultural backgrounds and value systems, are willing to accept the basic principle that honesty is important and essential for a community to thrive. 40 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Students who make a mistake should be truthful and honest and admit their error, making sure that they do not put themselves in the same situation again. This is all part of learning and assuming the consequences of one’s actions. Cheating is considered a very serious offence at Aiglon. Vandalism Wilful or careless damage will be considered as acts of vandalism, and costs of repair or replacement may be deducted from students’ pocket money. For larger amounts, a letter to parents will explain an additional charge which will be made to the student’s account. Vandalism includes non-accidental damage to property, graffiti, careless breakages and the defacement of school property, including text books. ABSENCE Absence During Term Time Unofficial absence from class is a serious matter and will not be tolerated at Aiglon. Attendance in classes is presented as a percentage on student reports. Parents should contact Houseparents as soon as practicable if an emergency absence is required so that teachers can provide work for students where this is desirable and possible. Agreed absences are often for official school business or essential medical appointments, though the impact on a student’s education can still be disruptive. Students are expected to catch up on work missed, as well as other commitments such as expeditions, whatever the reason for the absence. (Please also refer to the notes on Absence in section 2 of the handbook). Absence from School Lessons, Events or Commitments Unofficial absence from school functions, including sports fixtures and practices, outdoor activities and expeditions, meditation, church services, culture evenings and so on will be reported to Houseparents and students will be sanctioned appropriately. All students must follow their weekly timetable. If a student does not think they are able to make their lesson for any reason, they must communicate with the relevant subject teacher, whilst also keeping their House staff informed, as far in advance as possible, requesting permission to be absent. If a student misses a lesson without prior permission and with no reasonable explanation, they will automatically receive 5 school laps and in addition to this will be House Gated with immediate effect for a minimum of one whole school day. Should a repeat offence occur, students would normally be School Gated in addition to their school laps. Should a pattern of unauthorised non-attendance emerge, students will face an Academic Panel where appropriate sanctions will be accorded at a more serious level and could include suspension, the loss of their right to attend Graduation or to transfer to the next academic year, and ultimately expulsion. DRESS AND APPEARANCE Aiglon students are expected to present themselves sensibly, smartly and modestly and should aim to present a positive impression at all times. In general, dress should be tidy, clean and appropriate to the occasion. There should be a clear distinction between dress during working hours and dress during leisure time. However, even in leisure time, students are discouraged from drawing undue attention to themselves by a scruffy or provocative appearance. Items which are deliberately frayed or torn are inappropriate. Jewellery should be subdued and modest. Tongue studs may not be worn at school and noses are to be unadorned. Visible tattoos and piercings are not permitted. Senior School girls may wear more than one pair of earrings, though these should be discreet. Junior School girls may only wear one pair. Boys may not wear earrings. Both boys and girls should have a tidy hairstyle. Hair should be of a natural colour. Boys’ hair should be kept short; it should neither touch the collar nor cover the ears or eyes and boys should shave regularly as required: sideburns, moustaches or beards are not permitted. Winter footwear boots for both boys and girls should be plain and designed for use in the snow, i.e. waterproof and with suitable soles. Infringements of the dress codes by Senior Students are likely to attract House or School sanctions, including laps, and students who persistently fail to adhere to the guidelines for No 2 classroom / working day dress will be required to wear the No 1 dress uniform for an appropriate period of time. Sixth formers whose dress is persistently inappropriate will be deemed unable to cope with the greater freedom allowed by the Sixth Form Dress Code and may be required to wear either No 2 uniform or No 1 uniform for a period of time. Dress during examinations follows the normal classroom / working day dress code. No 1 Uniform Boys: grey trousers, school tie and blazer (which must all be obtained from the school shop) with a white shirt, dark socks and black shoes. The top shirt button must be closed and covered by the tie-knot. 41 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Girls: grey knee-length skirt or trousers, school cravat and blazer (which must all be obtained from the school shop) with a white collared shirt or blouse, black tights. The cravat should be tucked inside the shirt or blouse and be visible at the neck. Only the top button should be open. For both boys and girls, shirts and blouses should be tucked in at the waist. Footwear with No 1’s should be formal, black and smart. Girls may wear plain black, flat or low heeled, smart boots in winter with No 1 uniform. Winter footwear must have suitable soles. Crampons can be attached to winter shoes to When there is snow, ice or slush on the ground, footwear should, first and foremost, be appropriate for the conditions. Careful attention should be paid to the soles of the shoes or boots. Sturdy, good grips are essential. For formal occasions, smart shoes must be carried to the event and put on once there. If a coat is worn during cold weather, it should be plain, single coloured and consistent with the formality of the No 1 uniform. No 2 Uniform For Prep Form to 5th Form For boys and girls: a white polo shirt and beige chino trousers (to be obtained from the school shop), with socks and Timberland type boots suitable for snowy / wet conditions. For warmer weather, shoes should be plain and formal in style, not sneakers or casual shoes with a white or light band around the sole. Trousers may not be worn too long, frayed around the bottom, or slit down the seam and underwear should not be visible. In cooler weather, the school jersey may be worn over the polo shirt which should not be visible between the pullover and the trousers. Personal jackets may be worn on top of (not instead of) the jersey in wet or particularly cold weather. Juniors should wear their school ski jacket over the No 2 uniform when the weather is wet or cold. Dress in Free Time (e.g. going to Villars) Even in leisure time, Aiglon students should be dressed in such a way that they present the image of a clean, tidy individual. Overly revealing dress or offensive or inappropriate logos / slogans on clothing are not allowed. When going to Villars, or other places during free time, Aiglon expects students’ dress to be modest, sensible and appropriate. Sports clothing may be worn by students walking through Villars in order to get to the village sports facilities, however, a full track suit must be worn. SIXTH FORM DRESS CODE Sixth formers are expected to use common sense and good judgement rather than making an issue of their appearance. If further guidance is required House staff in the first instance will be happy to advise. 42 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 The Aiglon working day begins at 7.45am and finishes at 4.15pm, except on Wednesdays, when it finishes at 12.40pm and Saturdays, when it finishes at 12.15pm (unless students have period 4). During that time, the school campus is a place of work and the Sixth form should adopt a code of dress appropriate to a working environment. Within the code, there is room for individuals to express their personal style, but always in a modest and sensible way. Anyone who has a timetabled lesson during period 7 or 8, or Saturday period 4, should, of course, continue to dress according to the code below. Compulsory Items to be Worn During the Working Day ● ● ● ● business style jacket (not denim, leather, zipped or ‘bomber ‘ style) smart tailored trousers or chinos / knee length tailored skirt (skirts should be worn with tights, not bare legs) collared shirt or blouse or tailored top smart shoes or boots in good condition with heels no higher than 5cm Optional or Seasonal Items (These items may be worn in addition to the mandatory items listed previously) ● smart jumper or cardigan ● school ski jacket or other smart coat ● knee length ‘Bermuda’ shorts (only if authorised by the Head Master in hot weather) ● winter boots should be plain and designed for use in the snow, i.e. waterproof and with suitable soles Inappropriate Items During the school working day these are inappropriate ● jeans or other informal wear such as cargo pants. Trousers must not be ripped, frayed or faded ● leggings or shorts ● T-shirts ● tops with thin straps, no straps or cut-out pieces, or transparent materials ● sweatshirts or hooded tops ● sportswear, including rugby tops ● sports or leisure footwear ● beach-style clothing or footwear ● caps or hats worn indoors ● clothing with slogans or ostentatious logos ● ostentatious jewellery or accessories, such as belts ● heavy make-up ● bare shoulders, midriff or thighs are never appropriate REMEMBER Immodest clothing or ‘scruffy’ personal appearance is unacceptable at any time. This would include: ● overly revealing clothing ● facial piercing, beards, moustaches ● visible tattoos ● other items or styles deemed inappropriate by staff Full details of the Dress Code are displayed in Houses. Sports Dress in Class On occasions immediately prior to PE or sport lessons PE uniform is allowed in class and must include a full Aiglon track suit with matching top and bottoms. Sports shoes must be laced up. 43 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Ski Clothing and Equipment Outdoor clothing is provided as part of the school uniform and is used for expeditions and skiing. This must be purchased through the school shop. The outdoor uniform comprises a fleece jacket and trousers with matching waterproof jacket and trousers. Aiglon students are not permitted to wear anything other than this uniform for skiing. They may, of course, bring additional fleece clothing if they wish. GOING OFF-CAMPUS Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Afternoons 6th form students may visit Villars after 16.00 (i.e. cross the bridge) in their leisure time before dinner, but 5th form and below are confined to the school campus and Chesières, except on Wednesday afternoons (after quiet time at 15.00) and at the weekends, when Senior School students may go to Villars with their Houseparents’ permission. Students must walk, no taxis are allowed. Students may visit the Thai Shop and the Traiteur between 16.00 and 18.00. It is out of bounds at all other times on these days. Other than to take part in a school activity at the Sports Centre, students below the Sixth form are not allowed into Villars without specific permission from their Houseparents, which will only be granted for essential errands that cannot be carried out on Wednesday or Saturday. Students should travel to and from the Centre de Sports via the télécabine road, rather than the centre of Villars. Sixth form students, in appropriate dress, may visit Villars between 16.00 and 18.00. Wednesday Afternoons On Wednesday afternoons, between lunchtime and check-in at 17.00, students may be around the school campus, visiting other Houses, in Chesières (not below Le Cerf or towards Les Ecovets) or, with Houseparent permission, in Villars (as far as La Gourmandine). Students should be aware that the children’s play area below Clairmont is out of bounds at all times. There is quiet time between 13.40 and 15.00 when students must be in house or at an organised school activity. Wednesday Evenings (non-culture) Sixth form students may be in Chesières (not below Le Cerf or towards Les Ecovets) or Villars (as far as La Gourmandine). U6th students do not have to attend dinner at school and may check out at 18.45. They must return by 21.30 (Winter Term: 21.00). L6th students may check out after dinner and must return by 21.30 (Winter Term: 21.00). Students in the 3rd to 5th forms are in House, except with the express permission of the tutor on duty. Permission may be given to visit other houses, to use the Alpina soccer pitch or other agreed areas, or to go to an event. They may visit the Thai Shop or the Traiteur. 3rd and 4th form students who have been allowed out must be back in House by 21.00 (Winter Term: 20.30) and 5th form students must be back in House by 21.15 (Winter Term: 20.45). Saturday Afternoons On Saturday afternoons, between lunchtime and check-in at 17.30, students may be around the school campus, visiting other Houses, in Chesières (not below Le Cerf or towards Les Ecovets) or Villars (as far as La Gourmandine). Students should be aware that the children’s play area below Clairmont is out of bounds at all times. Saturday Evenings Sixth form students may be in Chesières (not below Le Cerf or towards Les Ecovets) or Villars (as far as La Gourmandine). Students may check out after dinner, and must be back in House by 22.30 (Winter Term: 22:00) (L6th) or 23.00 (Winter Term: 22:30) (U6th). Alcohol may only be consumed according to the School guidelines by those authorised to do so. Students in the 3rd to 5th forms are in House, except with the express permission of the tutor on duty. Permission may be given to visit other houses, to use the Alpina soccer pitch or other agreed areas, or to go to an event. 5th form students may visit Pasta & Basta, the Thai Shop or the Traiteur. 3rd to 5th form must be back in house by 22.00 (Winter Term: 21:30). Sunday Afternoons On Sunday afternoons, after roll call at 13.00 and before check-in at 17.30, students may be around the school campus, visiting other Houses, in Chesières (not below Le Cerf or towards Les Ecovets) or Villars (as far as La Gourmandine). Students should be aware that the children’s play area below Clairmont is out of bounds at all times. Before 13.00, students should be in House or at brunch other than with permission from the tutor on duty. After dinner, students should be in House. Students who have missed school through illness Any student who has been absent from lessons for illness on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday may not have permission to leave their House on Wednesday of that week. Similarly, students missing classes on Thursdays, Fridays or Saturdays will not be given permission to leave campus on Saturday afternoon; they will be encouraged to use the extra time to catch up with work and to rest. 44 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Visiting the Valley (Sixth form only) On up to three Saturdays in each of the winter and summer terms, and up to four Saturdays in the longer autumn term, Sixth form students may ask permission to spend the afternoon in Lausanne, Montreux or Vevey. They must normally return to House by 17.30 (L6th) or 19.00 (U6th), although this time may be extended by prior arrangement with Houseparents to allow for cinema times, for example. Students must check in with the tutor on duty in the House on their return, before following the normal Saturday night routine at school. Students who have been on a day exeat would not normally be allowed to go into Villars on a Saturday evening. The drinking of alcohol whilst out in the valley on Saturday afternoon is strictly forbidden for all students, regardless of age. Houseparents will not grant permission to students who are not in good academic standing, or who have an inappropriate number of outstanding laps. Exceptions to this must be agreed with the Deputy Head (Student Life). Montreux Wednesdays (Upper Sixth) Upper Sixth students may ask permission to spend the afternoon in Montreux on up to two Wednesdays each term. They must return to the House to check in with the tutor on duty by 17.00. As with Saturday afternoons, the drinking of alcohol is strictly forbidden. Houseparents will not grant permission to students who are not in good academic standing, or who have an inappropriate number of outstanding laps. Exceptions to this must be agreed with the Deputy Head (Student Life). Authorised Restaurants List The list below changes periodically and students should be aware that the list displayed in house is the one with the most up to date information. Wednesday afternoon – 3rd form to U6 unless otherwise indicated: ● Chez Francis ● Cookie Deli ● La Chaumière ● La Gourmandine ● Pasta & Basta ● La Cantina (pizza restaurant) ● Le Sporting (L6, U6 only) ● Tex Mex (L6, U6 only) Saturday evening – 5th form: ● Pasta & Basta ● Thai Shop ● Traiteur Wednesday and/or Saturday evenings L6, U6: ● Le Bowling ● Chez Francis ● La Chaumière ● La Gourmandine ● Pasta & Basta ● Rôtisserie des Alpes ● Le Sporting ● Tex Mex ● Thai Shop ● Traiteur ● Le Golf ● Charlie’s Bar (U6 only) Out of Bounds Students must be aware that the following places are out of bounds at all times: ● All private buildings and Aiglon family-owned chalets when the families are not there ● La Calèche Café (The Bazaar), except for 6th form students ● Hotels and restaurants unless authorised ● Below Le Cerf or towards Les Ecovets in Chesières or beyond La Gourmandine in Villars, except with permission of staff ● Staff common room ● Kitchen and serveries ● All roofs ● Girls’ living quarters to boys and vice versa ● Toilets serving members of the opposite sex 45 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 ● ● ● ● ● Exeter Hall, unless given special permission Other students’ rooms when unoccupied The children’s play area below Clairmont Laboratories, unless a member of staff is present All other personal/private areas to which you have not been invited. Birthday Dinners Senior Students with a birthday falling that week may be allowed at 18:45 on Wednesday to eat in Villars or Chesières, (maximum group number: 6) and must be back at a time agreed with their Houseparents, in accordance with their age. Money allowance is usually CHF 30 per person. No birthday dinners are allowed on form dinner nights or when other school commitments usually take place. Birthday dinners only take place if Houseparent permission has been sought and granted with plenty of notice and all participants are in good social and academic standing. Social Outings Outings to places of interest are organised for students on several Saturday or Sunday afternoons during the year. These outings are usually aimed at students below the 6th form and are tremendously popular. Details of such outings are advertised in Houses and dates are published in the calendar. Students must seek Houseparent permission to go before signing up for a social outing. Priority will be given to students who are up to date with all their work and who have already completed at least their minimum expedition requirement. Running After Prep Running, at the discretion of Houseparents and the Head of P.E., may be practised in the summer term and the first half of the autumn term on a set route after prep. There is to be no early morning jogging. In the latter half of the autumn term, runners in a serious training programme may obtain permission and guidance from the Head of P.E. as to where and when they may run (normally not on roads). Owing to safety considerations, there is no jogging after prep in the winter term. RESPONSIBLE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Aiglon ICT Vision: The School considers that effective and appropriate use of ICT can enable academics, administrators and students to become active, independent learners, learners who collaborate, explore, analyse and solve problems, learners who communicate with others, learners who share, help and learn together. We envisage that Aiglon College will develop as an environment where the use of ICT is an integral part of our everyday teaching, learning and administration. We aim to provide our academics, administrators and students with the skills and resources to fully utilise new technologies to impact positively the learning relationships of all at Aiglon. At its core we envisage 'anytime, anywhere' access to ICT resources and tools for all our learning community, a community which has the skills and confidence to make full use of these resources. Laptops, Devices & Use of Computers All students at Aiglon College have their own device. Junior School students are provided with a Chromebook upon the school receiving an Aiglon Technology Home School agreement, signed by a parent. All Senior School students are required to bring with them their own laptop computer. This computer can be any make or model, but must meet a few minimum standards. Any recent model will do: something very powerful (bigger, heavier and less battery life) OR very portable (smaller and offering longer battery life). Any recent processor would be fine and a minimum of 4GB of RAM would be a good starting point. As for storage or Hard Drive Space, again it depends on your needs. Aiglon will also provide you with a Google Apps for Education account. Ethics Computers are extremely powerful tools for learning when used properly and in the correct context. As a guideline, a user should be happy for any work that is done using a computer system or files stored on that device to be seen by a teacher, House Parent or the Head Master. See the Acceptable Use policy for more details. General Rules No user may bring food or drink into a room containing school computers. Software may not be added to a school computer nor may any of the settings be changed on any school desktop computer. No one may tamper or move any Aiglon computer equipment unless asked to do so by a member of the ICT Department staff. No user should perform any other inappropriate uses identified by the network administrator. User Areas Each user will be given a user directory on the network in which they may store their work. Users should not try to access areas of the school network that are not authorised, give out their passwords or try to find out other people’s passwords. Under no circumstances whatsoever may you use a Username/Password combination that does not belong to you. You may 46 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 NOT share your Username/Password with anyone or allow anyone else to use your username and password. Each student is encouraged to store or backup their work in the Google drive. Email, Social Media and Instant Messaging Using your personal email, social media service or any instant messaging service during a timetabled lesson is not permitted, unless you are directed to do so by a member of staff. Sending email to large groups of people (“spamming”) or forwarding of “chain emails” is not allowed. Students should check their Aiglon email frequently since this is the primary means of communication between staff and students. Social media use is not banned at Aiglon, but students are expected to use social media in a responsible way and never post anything that is either controversial or likely to cause discomfort or distress to others. Internet Use School-provided services, like Internet access, email and printing, are considered school resources and are intended to be used in a similar manner to other school resources, such as the Library. The school operates a web filtering system that blocks sites considered to be unsuitable for viewing in a school environment. Users should not visit Internet sites that contain obscene, hateful or other materials considered unsuitable; nor should they send or receive any material that is obscene or defamatory or which is intended to annoy, harass or intimidate another person. Personal opinions should not be represented as those of the School. Indecent remarks, proposals or materials should never be posted. Users should not upload, download, or otherwise transmit commercial software or any copyrighted materials belonging to parties outside the School which have not been legitimately purchased. Users should not intentionally interfere with the normal operation of the network, including the propagation of computer viruses and sustained high volume network traffic that substantially hinders others in their use of the network. Users who violate any of the guidelines set in the policy may be subject to disciplinary action and the School retains the right to report any illegal violations to the appropriate authorities. Copyright, Licenses and Software Piracy Copyright is important because it protects the interests of those who create, and those who invest in creativity. If there were no copyright, it would be impossible for creative people to make a living from their creativity. Now that it is so easy to copy material, it is vital to respect all legal copyright obligations. No pirated or cracked software will be allowed on any School Computer. Users should not have any illegal, cracked or pirated software installed on their personal devices connected to the Aiglon network. Pirated or cracked software most often contains additional Trojans or hidden code that are activated to collect your personal data or spread further using your account details. No additional software must be added or installed on any Aiglon Computer unless done by Computer Services. Plagiarism/Copying Material from the World Wide Web Web pages are themselves literary works, often containing sound files which are sound recordings. In a single World Wide Web page there can be dozens of different copyrights and the consent of the copyright holder is required for each act of copying. A user who wishes to print out a web page or copy-and-paste anything from a web page into a document should check first and should obtain the permission of the copyright owner. It may already have been granted; otherwise an email to the webmaster is all that is required. Sources should always be credited. USING LAPTOPS Senior School students 3rd form and above Warranties and Guarantees Owners of laptops should have a valid warranty or guarantee that covers the repair of the laptop in Switzerland. Without this a repair may take several weeks to accomplish and be very costly when the laptop is returned to the manufacturer. For ease of identification the user’s name and house should appear on a label somewhere on the laptop. Backups Each student is responsible for making timely backups on a backup device of their choice. Backup devices should not be used for storing other material and should also not be shared with other users, where backed up files could accidentally be deleted. It is strongly recommended that students use their Google drive to make online backups of all their work. 47 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Required Software Aiglon will provide all Senior School students with a genuine copy of Microsoft Office and McAfee Antivirus. Antivirus: An up to date and valid Antivirus package MUST be installed on ALL Windows and Apple Mac Laptops and PCs. All other mobile devices (except Apple iOS) must also have an Antivirus application installed. These antivirus packages must be kept up to date and be running at all times. Updates: Your system(s) must be kept up to date by regularly installing and applying software patches as released by the software vendors. This also applies to any additional software that you may require, for example, Office Suite, Java, iTunes etc. Ethics Whilst the laptop is personal property, its use in school is covered by normal school rules and the guidelines for computer use at Aiglon. See the Acceptable Use Policy for more details. Digital Material Material which would not be allowed under normal school rules should not be stored on a laptop. Laptops may be used during free time and prep but must not be used after normal lights out time. In light of the above, the School reserves the right to examine the contents of any student laptop. CALCULATORS All students from 3rd Form upwards must have a calculator. This calculator should meet our specific criteria and can be purchased from the School Shop. From 3rd – 5th Form students will be permitted to purchase 1 calculator from the School Shop and this will be billed to their account. Any additional calculators purchased during these 3 school years must be paid for either by cash or credit card. Lower and Upper 6 students will be permitted to purchase 1 calculator from the School Shop and this will be billed to the student’s account. Any additional calculators purchased during these 2 school years must be paid for either by cash or credit card. GENERAL PRACTICALITIES KEEPING IN TOUCH Mobile Phones Students in the 3rd form and above may keep mobile phones at the school. If a mobile phone is brought to school, the number must be logged with the Houseparents. The phone may only be used during leisure time. Calls at other times, including during meals, class time, prep and after bed time are socially inappropriate and may result in the confiscation and retention of the mobile phone by the Houseparents. Other grounds for possible confiscation include concerns about over-use and safety especially while walking around campus. The responsibility for any billing lies with parents, who are encouraged to impose judicious limits on monthly telephone usage. For students who have a Swisscom NATEL Easy chip in their phones, NATEL Value Cards are on sale at the local Post Office. Email Every student has an @aiglon.ch e-mail address on the school’s mail server. E-mail is accessible from any computer on the network and also worldwide at https://webmail.aiglon.ch. Teachers use email to communicate with their students, and so it is in students’ interest to check their Aiglon email regularly; at least once per day is recommended. Most students add Aiglon email to their mobile phones and other electronic devices. Please see the section on Use of Computers for further information. MONEY Information about Money at school, Bons, Petty Cash, Pocket Money Aiglon College believes that students’ general education and personal development are best served when they do not have access to large sums of money. Students are actively encouraged to be prudent, responsible and moderate in their spending. They are actively discouraged from making lavish or excessive purchases. Generosity may be appropriate in moderation when supporting charitable initiatives. The School promotes responsible, judicious management of personal funds and property by students. 48 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Debit and Credit Cards Parents are encouraged to provide students in the 3rd form and above access to an appropriate bank account for their pocket money which they can use to cover small miscellaneous expenses. We recommend that parents choose an account which is compatible with any of the local banks with branches in Villars: Banque Cantonale Vaudoise – BCV; Crédit Suisse; or UBS To assist parents in this choice, representatives from the three local banks attend the School’s start of year uniform fair and are available to advise on the types of accounts offered that are suitable for young people. The School allows students in the 3rd form and above to have debit or credit cards attached to these accounts which they can use to make purchases or obtain cash. We strongly discourage students from holding large amounts of cash at any time. If a student has over CHF100 then they should give this to the Houseparent who will keep it in a secure safe. Cash Provided by the School Aiglon will provide students with cash in a real emergency situation (e.g. unplanned emergency travel). Cash will only be given in an emergency where the School has received written authorisation from the parent or guardian. Any cash given in this way will be recharged and a handling fee will apply. In an emergency, if a student cannot access their own funds they can, through their Houseparent, request a cash advance of petty cash from the Finance Office. Houses hold a maximum cash float (CHF500), which may be used if the Finance Office is not open at the time of the unexpected emergency. Again, written permission from a parent or guardian is required. Cash Provided by Parents In order to anticipate the need to provide students with emergency cash and pocket money, the School recommends that parents pay funds directly into the student’s bank account, in the case of students in 3rd form and above. Pocket Money The School recommends that parents or guardians provide their child with access to pocket money of the following MAXIMUM values: 3rd form 4th form 5th form 6th form CHF 30 per week CHF 40 per week CHF 50 per week CHF 100 per week Junior School Pocket Money Parents of Junior School students are encouraged to lodge a sum of cash for emergencies with the School, which can be given to their child as required. The recommended amount is CHF 300. The School will hold this in a secure place and it will be distributed by a member of staff. Unspent balances can be returned to the parent on request or when the student leaves Aiglon. The weekly allowance given to the Junior School boarding students only is CHF 20. Parents pay for pocket money at the start of each academic term. It should be emphasised that all parents should strictly observe the pocket money limits set by the school. The failure of a few to do so seriously compromises the success and integrity of the School’s policy. Phone Cards and Credits The School can assist Junior School boarding students with charging their mobile phone or provide pre-paid phone cards. The cost of mobile phone credits or pre-paid phone cards are charged to parents. Bons The School operates a ‘bon system’ with local taxi companies and sports shops. Bons are intended to cover taxi travel and sports equipment and will normally be issued by Houseparents on Wednesdays and Saturdays. This system enables the student access to credit for these specific services and the cost is charged to the parent. This system reduces the need for students to have access to cash and enables House Staff to have oversight of expenditure incurred by students. The required items must be listed on the bon in French, the sports shop or taxi company must be named, and the ceiling price must be marked on the bon. Bons may be signed by Houseparents only and parental permission may be required for bons above CHF 150. The amount or the article entered on the bon may not be altered without Houseparents’ permission. Any attempt by a student to alter or falsify a bon will attract appropriately serious disciplinary action. The student may not receive from the shopkeeper the balance between the ceiling price and the purchase price, in cash or in goods. Students should hand in their bon copy to the Houseparents or member of staff on duty in House on their return from shopping. Houseparents will carry out regular checks by requiring the students to show purchases and receipts. Unused bons will be cancelled by the Houseparents after a reasonable time has elapsed. 49 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Day Students and Money The School does not provide cash, pocket money, phone cards or bons to day students. These services are only available to boarding students. Credit It is strictly forbidden to buy goods or services on credit at any of the village shops, restaurants or the campus Café. NAMING OF CLOTHES AND BELONGINGS All clothes should be marked with the name and laundry number of the student. Name labels must be attached. Parents should mark all personal clothes before the student arrives at the School. For boarding students, all items bought in the school shop on the day of arrival will be labelled by the School. Additional labels (for naming personal clothes before arrival) can be ordered through the Admissions Office and normally take about 2 weeks to be made. All shoes should be marked with an indelible pen. Any unmarked clothes sent to the laundry will be given to charity at the end of term if they are not claimed. Any other equipment brought to school e.g. a tennis racquet, laptop, phone etc. should be marked appropriately. STATIONERY The School Shop, in the Sports Centre, is open during morning break and on three afternoons each week for students to purchase a range of items. Staff are requested to place orders in advance via the Intranet. LAUNDRY Clothes for laundry are to be at the laundry no later than 08:00 on Monday. Late laundry (i.e. after 08:00) will not be accepted. All students must use only their own labelled box. No boxes may be shared. All items sent to the laundry must be clearly marked with the student’s name. Sticky labels do not work and should not be used. They can cause problems in the washing machines. All socks should be sent to the laundry in clearly marked sock bags. Loose socks will not be accepted. Students may visit the laundry (in the basement of Clairmont, entry by the door around the back of the building) ONLY on Wednesdays between 10:15 and 10:45 (morning break) or between 15:30 and 16:00. KEYS From August 2015 Aiglon has an electronic key system. In case of loss, a replacement key will be charged at a price of CHF 30 to be paid in cash, or by credit card at the School Shop. COOKIE ON CAMPUS For Senior Students only Campus Café Code of Conduct ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● School rules governing behaviour and conduct apply in and around the Campus Café, including those relating to public displays of intimacy and the use of foul language Respect the published opening hours Please do not go to the Campus Café during lesson time or outside opening hours Respect the space and help to keep the campus clean and tidy by disposing of your litter properly Please do not ask for, or expect, credit. Students must pay for their purchases immediately The Campus Café accepts cash or credit / debit cards Students are expected to manage their money sensibly Permission to use the Campus Café may be revoked o if students arrive late to class having been to the campus cafe en route, o if students spend too much money (what is deemed appropriate will be the subject of discussion between parents and Houseparents) o if a student’s behaviour is not appropriate o or if a student requires closer monitoring of dietary habits 50 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 APPENDIX 1 – 6TH FORM PROGRAMME Summary of the essential components of the Aiglon Diploma programme: Academic Programmes of study, academic standing, effort and positive approach Research Paper Independent learning and collaborative skills Guiding Principles Expeditions C.A.S Sustained positive approach to living out guiding principles. Make a positive contribution and fulfil minimum Full attendance and requirements for weekend, commitment to long & cultural expeditions lessons, sport, activities, school events Plan, perform, reflect, learn. Approximately 150 hours over 18 months. Explicit commitment to service Pathways to the Aiglon Diploma Programmes of Study IB Diploma IB Courses 3 HL, 3 SL subjects from the 6 IB groups Theory of Knowledge & CAS Personalised academic programme including some IB Courses, English, Maths, possibly ICT and/or IGCSE retakes 28 - 32 lessons per week Extended Essay 4000 words research-based paper fulfilling criteria Guiding Principles and Academic Standing Students are expected to show a positive approach to their studies and their progress and effort should be commensurate with their ability Expeditions Minimum Requirements Lower 6th Upper 6th Autumn 3* + CLE 3 + CLE Winter 2 + Long Ex 1 + Long Ex 2 + Long Ex Graduation Ex Summer *this includes the new students' expedition so returning students minimum requirement will be 2 expeditions plus Cultural Long Ex Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) Students are required to show an ongoing commitment to the CAS programme, recording evidence of planning, reflection and learning (over approximately 18 months: qualitative rather than quantitative IB Diploma students will show a commitment to service through the CAS programme and/or a local or international service project. Normal expectation is, on average, 2 hours per week Low 6th IB Courses students must complete a local or international service project in addition to minimum CAS requirements of approximately 2 hours per week Upper 6th will continue to show ongoing commitment to service through CAS activities and/or service projects. Individual obligations may vary, depending on the extent to which the student has fulfilled the CAS requirements. Whilst it is recommended that U6th students continue to maintain a healthy balance of activities there should be* no formal requirements to complete CAS hours during the winter and summer. *subject to authorisation from the CAS Coordinator, in conjunction with other key staff Students meeting the requirements, in line with the guiding principles of the School, are awarded the Aiglon Diploma. Students who are not able to sustain their attendance or commitment through to the end of the course, or who fail to meet the minimum requirements, risk losing the privilege of receiving the Aiglon Diploma at Graduation 51 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 APPENDIX 2 – MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAMME Academic Programmes of study, academic standing, effort and a positive approach to studies Personal Project Guiding Principles Expeditions C.A.S. Independent learning and collaborative skills Sustained positive approach to living out guiding principles. Full attendance and commitment to lessons, sport, activities, school events Make a positive contribution and fulfil minimum requirements for weekend, long & cultural expeditions Plan, perform, reflect, learn. Commitment to fulfil year group requirements Pathways to the Aiglon 6th Form 3rd Form 4th & 5th Form A broad curriculum including 3 distinct sciences and an additional language Personalised academic programme, 8 or 9 subjects following (I)(GCSE) courses taken in May/June of the 5th form year, Pre-IB programme for those new to Aiglon in 5th form is a personalised academic programme that may include some (I)(GCSEs) 28 - 32 lessons per week Independent learning and collaborative skills Including 4th form Personal Project Guiding Principles and Academic Standing Students are expected to show a positive approach to their studies and their progress and effort should be commensurate with their ability Expeditions Minimum Requirements 3rd form 4th form 5th form Autumn 3 + CLE 3 + CLE 3 + CLE Winter 2 + Long Ex 2 + Long Ex 2 + Long Ex Summer 2 + Long Ex 2 + Long Ex 2 + Long Ex Creativity, Action, Service Students are required to show an ongoing commitment to the CAS programme Students will show a commitment to service through the CAS programme and are encouraged to take part in a local or an international service project Students meeting the requirements, in line with the guiding principles of the School, will qualify to enter into the next academic year. Students who are not able to sustain their attendance or commitment, or who fail to meet the minimum requirements risk losing the privilege of progressing into the next academic year 52 AIGLON COLLEGE HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Editor: Claire Chalcraft The cover photo was taken by: Marcus Ginns Printed by: Artgraphic Cavin SA Aiglon College Avenue Centrale 61 1885 Chesières-Villars Switzerland T+41(0)24 496 6161 F+41(0)24 496 6162 JULY 2016 [email protected] www.aiglon.ch