Catalog - Chickasaw Press
Catalog - Chickasaw Press
2017 CHICK A SAW PRESS C ATA L O G TABLE OF CONTENTS CHICKASAW PRESS GOAL WHITE DOG PRESS GOAL NEW FOR 2017 3 4 16 HONORS & AWARDS 34 ORDERING INFORMATION 36 W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M BOOKS 2 1 CHICKASAW PRESS WHITE DOG PRESS Created in response to the basic need of the Chickasaws to own their history, Chickasaw Press was established as an entity of the Chickasaw Nation in 2006. The addition of White Dog Press as a secondary imprint under the Chickasaw Press, allows Chickasaw Press to build upon its goal of preserving, perpetuating, and providing an awareness of Chickasaw history and culture by embracing popular genres and creative projects that do not fit under the umbrella of research and scholarship – the primary focus of projects currently published under the Chickasaw Press label. W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 2 CHICKASAW PRESS GOAL The goal of Chickasaw Press is to preserve, perpetuate, and provide an awareness of Chickasaw history and culture by: generating and publishing research and scholarship about Chickasaw history and culture; making such scholarship accessible to Chickasaw people; exercising “cultural and intellectual sovereignty” by adhering to ethical and culturally appropriate research and publication practices; providing an outlet for Chickasaw authors and scholars. White Dog Press affords us the opportunity to further share the history, culture, and experiences of the Chickasaw people through literary categories such as historical fiction, children’s books, young-adult literature, how-to books, travel writing, creative or narrative non-fiction, poetry, and memoirs. WHITE DOG PRESS GOAL The goal of White Dog Press is to share the culture, experiences, and history of the Chickasaw through exceptional published works that inspire creativity, ignite the imagination, and inform readers. W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M Chickasaw Press publications enable the tribe to share its rich history and culture with non-Chickasaws and educate Chickasaw tribal members, thus enhancing relationships with the greater community and creating an understanding of Chickasaw self-governance and sovereignty. 3 NEW FOR 2017 CHICKASAW BASIC LANGUAGE WORKBOOK 1 MICHE LLE COOKE WITH T H E C H I C K A S AW L A N G UAG E C O M M I T T E E Learn basic Chickasaw vocabulary and grammar structure with Chickasaw Basic Language: Workbook I. Beginning Chickasaw-language learners are provided with easy-to-read lessons, vocabulary lists, quizzes, tests, and a comprehensive answer key. The workbook is suitable for classroom learning or personal study and incorporates both of the accepted Chickasaw spelling systems (Humes and Munro-Willmond) in each lesson. W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 4 Paperback: 978-1-935684-42-8 • List Price: $24.95 $15 9” by 11” • 102 pages • No Illustrations NEW FOR 2017 CHICKASAW WOMEN ARTISANS ALISON FIELDS In this collection of profiles, Alison Fields explores the artistry, inspiration, and individual journeys of twenty female Chickasaw artists. The women featured represent an eclectic mix of artistic genres, age groups, personal geography, educational experiences, and family backgrounds – yet all are connected to their art, and to each other, through their Chickasaw heritage. W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 6 Hardcover: 978-1-935684-32-9 • List Price: $54.95 $40 9” by 12” • 216 pages • Color Photos NEW FOR 2017 CHIKASHA STORIES VOLUME ONE: SHARED SPIRIT APP C H I C K A S AW P R E S S Based on the award-winning book of the same title, the Chikasha Stories, Volume One: Shared Spirit App features five traditional Chickasaw stories, presented in both Chickasaw and English. Highlighted narration allows children of all ages to follow along in either language, while interactive images let users touch animals and objects on the screen to hear the name spoken in Chickasaw and English. Available for both iOS (Apple App Store) and Android (Amazon) devices. W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 8 App Price: $2.99 • Also available in hardcover and paperback book versions NEW FOR 2017 CHOKMA CHICKASAW MAGAZINE C H I C K A S AW P R E S S Chokma Chickasaw Magazine is a biannual publication for the Chickasaw Nation that connects people to each other and illuminates what it means to be Chickasaw. Explore the boundaries of the Chickasaw Nation, meet Chickasaw citizens living unique lives, and experience food, fun, and road trips along the scenic Adventure Road corridor. Southeastern art, health and fitness, recipes – even a children’s page – all await you in a picturesque, thought-provoking style. W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 10 One Year Subscription: $10 Newsstand Price: $5.95 Feature Length Articles • Color Photos NEW FOR 2017 MISSION TO SPACE JOHN HERRINGTON Astronaut John Herrington shares his passion for space travel and his Chickasaw heritage as he gives children a glimpse into his astronaut training at NASA and his mission to the International Space Station. Learn what it takes to train for space flight, see the tasks he completed in space, and join him on his spacewalk 220 miles above the earth. This unique children’s book is illustrated with photos from Herrington’s training and space travel and includes an English-to-Chickasaw vocabulary list with space-related terms. W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 12 Hardcover: 978-1-935684-47-3 • List Price: $19.95 $16 Paperback: 978-1-935684-48-0 • List Price: $17.95 $14 10” by 8” • 24 pages • Color Photos NEW FOR 2017 TOLI CHICKASAW STICKBALL THEN AND NOW S TA N L E Y N E L S O N Stanley Nelson takes a look at the game of to'li' through the eyes of the Chickasaw people, exploring its importance not only as a recreational activity but also as a cultural phenomenon, teasing out clues to Chickasaw cultural and societal norms embedded in the game’s past. Intended as a broad introduction to to'li', the book includes a history of the game, a look at recent revitalization efforts, and historical and modern perspectives on rules, uniforms, and equipment. W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 14 Hardcover: 978-1-935684-46-6 • List Price: $39.95 $30 Paperback: 978-1-935684-49-7 • List Price: $34.95 $25 8” by 10” • 120 pages • Color Photos, Illustrations ANOMPILBASHSHA' ASILHHA' HOLISSO CHICKASAW PRAYER BOOK B Y T H E C H I C K A S AW L A N G UAG E C O M M I T T E E E D I T E D B Y J O S H UA D . H I N S O N , J O H N P. DY S O N , & PA M E L A M U N R O C IS FOR CHICKASAW WILEY BARNES I L L U S T R AT E D B Y A A R O N K . L O N G The Chickasaw Prayer Book contains prayers and scripture to offer hope, comfort, and blessing in Chickasaw and English. For the first time, multiple selections from the Bible are translated into the Chickasaw language and made available to the tribal community, general readers, and students and scholars of Native languages. C is for Chickasaw walks children through the letters of the alphabet, sharing elements of Chickasaw history, language, and culture along the way. Writing with multiple age groups in mind, Wiley Barnes crafted rhymes to engage a younger child’s imagination, along with explanations for older children. Colorful illustrations by Aaron Long reflect elements of Southeastern Native American art, and a supplementary activities section provides a springboard for discussion and learning. Hardcover: 978-1-935684-06-0 • List Price: $36 $30 6” by 8” • 176 pages • No Illustrations Hardcover: 978-1-935684-19-0 • List Price: $19.95 $16 8” by 10” • 40 pages • Color Illustrations ANOMPOLICHI THE WORDMASTER A CHICKASAW DICTIONARY PHILLIP CARROLL MORGAN eBook: 978-1-935684-29-9 • $7.99 Hardcover: 978-1-935684-16-9 • List Price: $24.95 $20 6” by 9” • 240 pages • B/W Illustration COM PI LE D BY J E SS E H U M E S & V I N N I E M AY (J A M E S ) H U M E S A Chickasaw Dictionary holds an honored place in Chickasaw and native literary history as the first published dictionary of our tribe’s language. It has served as an important reference guide ever since. Compiled at the behest of former Chickasaw Governor Overton James, the dictionary took Vinnie May Humes and her husband, Reverend Jesse Humes, two and half years to complete. Jesse Humes died in 1966, just as the first draft was completed. Mrs. Humes finished the work herself, in honor of her husband. Hardcover: 978-1-935684-38-1 • List Price: $35.95 $30 6” by 9” • 272 pages W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 16 Phillip Carroll Morgan’s deep understanding of Native history brings us his first novel, carrying the reader into the unknowable realm of what could have been. Anompolichi: The Wordmaster explores civilization in pre-Columbian North America with the action-packed story of three unlikely friends, one a “wordmaster.” The three find themselves caught up in unforeseen depths of intrigue and danger in the New World long before history recorded its discovery. 17 CHICKASAW LIVES CHICKASAW LIVES RICHARD GREEN RICHARD GREEN The Chickasaw Lives series contains articles and essays of Chickasaw history and culture. Volume One traces the story of the Chickasaws through a series of challenges from prehistory to the modern era. Topics include the Chickasaw’s epic triumph against Hernando de Soto, European colonial manipulations and wars, removal to Indian Territory, the land-allotment period, and the Chickasaw Nation’s revitalization during the twentieth century. The third volume of the series presents stories of cultural and historic preservation efforts, profiles of notable Chickasaw personalities of the twentieth century, and essays on topics such as the significance of the 1729 Natchez uprising, and Piominko’s famous meeting with George Washington on July 11, 1794, as recorded by future President John Quincy Adams. Hardcover: 978-0-9797858-1-8 • List Price: $24 $20 9” by 6” • 240 pages • B&W Photos, Illustrations Hardcover: 978-0-9797858-9-4 • List Price: $24 $20 9” by 6” • 288 pages • B&W Photos, Illustrations CHICKASAW LIVES CHICKASAW LIVES RICHARD GREEN RICHARD GREEN Chickasaw Lives, Volume Two features profiles of thirty-six tribal members, including an Olympic gold medalist, a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, a Chickasaw Nation attorney general who once rode with the notorious outlaw Billy the Kid, and three Chickasaw governors who played crucial roles in the twentieth-century revitalization of the tribe. The fourth installment of the Chickasaw Lives series rounds out the collection with, as its subtitle suggests, a mosaic of twenty-six essays covering a diverse range of topics, including eighteenth-century Chickasaw culture, a Chickasaw’s struggle with the aftermath of the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building, and the tribe’s role in the construction of the Washington Monument. Hardcover: 978-0-9797858-6-3 • List Price: $24 $20 9” by 6” • 240 pages • B&W Photos, Illustrations Hardcover: 978-1-935684-07-7 • List Price: $24 $20 9” by 6” • 256 pages • B&W Photos, Illustrations VOLUME TWO: PROFILES AND ORAL HISTORIES W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 18 VOLUME THREE: SKETCHES OF PAST AND PRESENT VOLUME FOUR: TRIBAL MOSAIC W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M VOLUME ONE: EXPLORATIONS IN TRIBAL HISTORY 19 CHICKASAW JOURNEYS CHICKASAW RENAISSANCE ACTIVITY BOOK W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 20 Ofi' Tohbi', the white dog from the Chickasaw’s ancient migration story, serves as a guide for children ages five through twelve through the Chickasaw Journeys Activity Book, an expedition into activities that incorporate Chickasaw history, language, and culture. Many activities can be completed from home, and others are guides to historical and cultural sites in the Chickasaw Nation. Children earn trade beads during visits, and completion earns membership in the Ofi' Tohbi' Club, with a club patch and a coin. Phillip Carroll Morgan profiles the experiences of the Chickasaw people during the twentieth century, from the suppression of their government to the resurgence of their nation. A sequel to the award-winning Chickasaw Unconquered and Unconquerable, the equally beautiful volume features more than one hundred new images and stunning portraits of tribal elders and other subjects by celebrated Oklahoma photographer David Fitzgerald and includes historical photographs from the Chickasaw Nation archives. Paperback: 978-1-935684-14-5 • List Price: $14.95 $10 10” by 10” • 25 pages • Color Illustrations Hardcover: 978-0-9797858-8-7 • List Price: $30 $25 10” by 13.5” • 144 pages • Color Photos, Illustrations CHICKASAW REMOVAL CHICKASAW UNCONQUERED AND UNCONQUERABLE DA N I E L F. L I T T L E F I E L D J R . , A M A N DA L . PA I G E , & F U L L E R L . B U M P E R S JEANNIE BARBOUR, A M A N DA C O B B & L I N DA H O G A N P H O T O G R A P H Y B Y DAV I D F I T Z G E R A L D A work that combines intensive scholarly research with a compelling narrative that reads like a novel, Chickasaw Removal uncovers and adds authoritative detail to a dark and defining moment in American and Native history. Amanda L. Paige, Fuller L. Bumpers, and Daniel F. Littlefield Jr. highlight the character and distinctive determination of the Chickasaw people during the trial of the Removal period and investigate the complex frauds that plundered the tribe’s once vast wealth. The first book published by Chickasaw Press, Chickasaw Unconquered and Unconquerable traces history from our ancient homelands in the Southeast to the thriving nation of today and proves why the Chickasaw people are considered one of the most resilient cultures in America. Images by award-winning photographer David Fitzgerald and insightful essays by Chickasaw writers Jeannie Barbour, Amanda Cobb-Greetham, and Linda Hogan highlight the incredible story. eBook: 978-1-935684-25-1 • $7.99 Hardcover: 978-1-935684-00-8 • List Price: $24 $20 6” by 9” • 320 pages • B&W Photos, Illustrations Hardcover: 978-1-55868-992-3 • List Price: $30 $25 10” by 13.5” • 128 pages • Color Photos, Illustrations W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M PHILLIP CARROLL MORGAN P H O T O G R A P H Y B Y DAV I D F I T Z G E R A L D 21 THE CHICKASAW COLLECTION AT THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN L O KO S H (J O S H UA D . H I N S O N ) P H O T O G R A P H Y B Y M AT T B R A D B U R Y & MIKE MCKEE VOLUME TWO: SHARED VOICES G L E N DA G A LVA N I L L U S T R AT E D B Y J E A N N I E B A R B O U R Chikasha: The Chickasaw Collection at the National Museum of the American Indian presents the stunning collection in brilliant, full-color images, with commentary by Joshua D. Hinson, director of the Chickasaw Nation’s language revitalization program. Hinson, an experienced researcher in Chickasaw language, history, and material culture, explains the histories of the objects, revealing the significance of each in Chickasaw life, past and present. Storyteller Glenda Galvan and illustrator Jeannie Barbour team up again to bring to life five traditional Chickasaw stories drawn from the voices of Chickasaw elders and historical records. Hardcover: 978-1-935684-18-3 • List Price: $35.95 $30 9” by 12” • 152 pages • Color Photos Hardcover: 978-1-935684-08-4 • List Price: $36 $30 9” by 12” • 96 pages • Color Illustrations CHIKASHA STORIES CHIKASHA STORIES G L E N DA G A LVA N I L L U S T R AT E D B Y J E A N N I E B A R B O U R G L E N DA G A LVA N I L L U S T R AT E D B Y J E A N N I E B A R B O U R Told in English and Chickasaw by premier storyteller and tribal elder Glenda Galvan, the collection preserves the storytelling tradition vital to Chickasaw culture. Award-winning Chickasaw artist Jeannie Barbour brings the stories to life with whimsical and vibrant illustrations. This first volume introduces the kindred spirit Chickasaw people share with animals and nature, providing important life lessons and an ancient Chickasaw perspective. The final volume in the series features stories that demonstrate the ancient Chickasaw people had for animals and their wisdom. Volume Three explores ancient Chickasaw culture, and for the first time in the Chikasha Stories series, humans speak and share their beliefs about Aba' Binni'li, the creator of all things. VOLUME ONE: SHARED SPIRIT W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 22 CHIKASHA STORIES App: $2.99 Hardcover: 978-1-935684-04-6 • List Price: $36 $30 Paperback: 978-1-935684-13-8 • List Price: $24.95 $20 9” by 12” • 96 pages • Color Illustrations VOLUME THREE: SHARED WISDOM Hardcover: 978-1-935684-09-1 • $30 9” by 12” • 96 pages • Color Illustrations W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M CHIKASHA 23 CHICKASAW: AN ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY CHIKASHSAHANOMPAAT HOLISSO TOBA'CHI PA M E L A M U N R O & C AT H E R I N E W I L L M O N D Published in 1994 by OU Press, Chickasaw: An Analytical Dictionary was the first collaboration between linguist Pamela Munro and Chickasaw speaker Catherine Willmond. Its preface contains a useful guide to the dictionary and a section on the structure of Chickasaw words. Containing more than five hundred pages of Chickasaw-to-English and English-to-Chickasaw translations, it is an essential tool for any student of the Chickasaw language. A CONCISE CHICKASAW DICTIONARY COM PI LE D BY J E SS E H U M E S & V I N N I E M AY (J A M E S ) H U M E S E D I T E D B Y L O KO S H (J O S H UA D . H I N S O N ) A Concise Chickasaw Dictionary presents the two commonly used systems for spelling Chickasaw words (Humes and Munro-Willmond), side-by-side for the first time, in a simple English-to-Chickasaw format. Based on entries from A Chickasaw Dictionary, this reference tool also includes new and edited entries taken from audio files recorded by Vinnie May Humes, after the first printing of A Chickasaw Dictionary. Hardcover: 978-1-935684-36-7 • List Price: $35.95 $30 6” by 9” • 408 pages Paperback: 978-0-8061-2687-6 • $30 6” by 9” • 618 pages • No Illustrations THE BEAUTY OF THE CHICKASAW NATION F O R E WO R D B Y B I L L A N OAT U B B Y, G OV E R N O R WO R D S B Y S TA N L E Y N E L S O N PHOTOG R APHY BY B R AN DE N HART W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 24 BY PH I LLI P CAR ROLL MORGAN & J U DY G O F O R T H PA R K E R The sensitive and artistic eye of talented Chickasaw photographer Branden Hart brings forth scenes of startling beauty from among the sights, small matters, and vast lands awaiting discovery within the borders of the Chickasaw Nation in south-central Oklahoma. Awe-inspiring images of cultural scenes, compelling destinations, panoramas of natural beauty, and upclose photos of artifacts of historic and artistic importance fill the pages of this large-format title devoted to photography as art. Researched and written by Phillip Carroll Morgan, with an introduction by Judy Goforth Parker, Dynamic Chickasaw Women presents the lives of women who had an impact on Chickasaw history during removal from the homelands, dif ficulties in Indian Territory, and the tumult of Oklahoma’s early statehood days. Some are widely known and celebrated within the Chickasaw Nation today, while the stories of others provide a few surprising revelations. Hardcover: 978-1-935684-35-0 • List Price: $54.95 $40 13” by 9” • 120 pages • Color Photos eBook: 978-1-935684-27-5 • $7.99 Hardcover: 978-1-935684-05-3 • List Price: $24 $20 6” by 9” • 208 pages • B&W Photos, Illustrations W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M CHOKMA'SI DYNAMIC CHICKASAW WOMEN 25 THE EARLY CHICKASAW HOMELAND FOOTPRINTS STILL WHISPERING IN THE WIND J O H N P. DY S O N MARGIE TESTERMAN I L L U S T R AT E D B Y C H I C K A S AW C H I L D R E N The Early Chickasaw Homeland: Origins, Boundaries and Society examines the life of Chickasaws in their original Homeland, before removal to Indian Territory during the first half of the nineteenth century. John P. Dyson draws on extensive research and knowledge of Chickasaw language for insight into the homeland’s boundaries, its place-names, and the society of Chickasaws who lived there. Poems by Chickasaw elder Margie Testerman honor her heritage and the natural world of her ancestors. Testerman penned the verses with her grandchildren in mind and captured the spirit and tenderness we all love about our grandmothers. Each poem is beautifully illustrated by a Chickasaw child, giving us a look into their world of imagination and wonder. Hardcover: 978-1-935684-17-6 • List Price: $29.95 $25 6” by 9” • 232 pages • B&W Illustrations Hardcover: 978-1-935684-11-4 • List Price: $20 $18 8” by 10” • 80 pages • Color Illustrations EDMUND PICKENS (OKCHANTUBBY) FIRST ELECTED CHICKASAW CHIEF, HIS LIFE AND TIMES J UA N I TA J . K E E L TAT E W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 26 Juanita J. Keel Tate tells how Edmund Pickens, her great-grandfather, persevered as a statesman and tribal leader during and after Removal. Tate devoted forty-seven years to researching and writing about Pickens, visiting courthouses in the Chickasaw Homeland, locating early homesteads, and scouring family records. Her insightful biography provides the testimony to Pickens’ character that this great leader has long deserved. Hardcover: 978-0-9797858-2-5 • List Price: $24 $20 6” by 9” • 104 pages • B&W Photos, Illustrations ILIMPA'CHI' WE’RE GONNA EAT! • A CHICKASAW COOKBOOK V I C K I P E N N E R & J OA N N E L L I S P H O T O G R A P H Y B Y S A N F O R D M AU L D I N Recipes, reminiscences, and Chickasaw life are the main ingredients for ilimpa'chi': We’re Gonna Eat! A Chickasaw Cookbook, the first cookbook produced by the Chickasaw Press. JoAnn Ellis and Vicki Penner mix recipes with scenes from their lives. ilimpa'chi' features a glossary of Chickasaw terms and phrases about food and family. Hardcover: 978-1-935684-03-9 • List Price: $30 $25 8” by 10” • 112 pages • Color Photos, Illustrations W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M ORIGINS, BOUNDARIES & SOCIETY 27 LET’S EAT TOGETHER! • A CHICKASAW COOKBOOK V I C K I P E N N E R & J OA N N E L L I S P H O T O G R A P H Y B Y S A N F O R D M AU L D I N ilittibaaimpa': Let’s Eat Together! A Chickasaw Cookbook brings together recipes, reminiscences, and heaping helpings of slices of life from the kitchens of five modern Chickasaw Nation families as they share their favorite dishes for those special times when they gather to enjoy good food and good times together. Hardcover: 978-1-935684-37-4 • List Price: $29.95 $25 8” by 10” • 120 pages • Color Photos DOUGLAS HENRY JOHNSTON AND THE CHICKASAWS, 1898-1939 M I C H A E L W. L OV E G R OV E Michael W. Lovegrove chronicles how Chickasaw Governor Douglas H. Johnston led his people through the devastating dissolution of tribal lands at the beginning of the twentieth century and through almost forty years of contentious political struggles that followed. The result of Lovegrove’s painstaking research provides the reader with an engaging primer in modern Chickasaw history and politics. Hardcover: 978-0-9797858-7-0 • List Price: $24 $20 6” by 9” • 240 pages • B&W Photos LET’S SPEAK CHICKASAW NEVER GIVE UP! PA M E L A M U N R O & C AT H E R I N E W I L L M O N D PAU L F. L A M B E R T Designed for beginning or intermediate language students, Let’s Speak Chickasaw: Chikashshanompa' Kilanompoli' is the first complete grammar study and textbook of the Chickasaw language. Twenty units cover pronunciation, word building, sentence structure, and usage in a conversational style that helps students master grammatical concepts. An accompanying CD provides examples of spoken Chickasaw that convey the finer points of pronunciation. Paul F. Lambert recounts the remarkable life of Pearl Carter Scott, teenage aviator, devoted mother, and revered Chickasaw elder. At twelve, she met and was inspired by Wiley Post at the beginning of his historic aviation career. She became a pilot at thirteen and retired at eighteen. As an adult, Scott served the Chickasaw people, became a revered tribal elder, and was inducted into the Oklahoma Aviation and Space Hall of Fame and the Chickasaw Nation Hall of Fame. CHIKASHSHANOMPA' KILANOMPOLI' W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 28 A NATION IN TRANSITION Paperback: 978-0-8061-3926-5 • $30 9” by 11” • 416 pages • CD • B&W Illustrations THE LIFE OF PEARL CARTER SCOTT eBook: 978-1-935684-30-5 • $7.99 Hardcover: 978-0-9797858-0-1 • List Price: $24 $20 6” by 9” • 280 pages • B&W Photos W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M ILITTIBAAIMPA' 29 R E B E C C A H AT C H E R T R AV I S Chickasaw writer Rebecca Hatcher Travis bases the poems in this exquisite collection on memories of life in her family and on the Oklahoma landscapes and scenes that surrounded her as a child. Her poems also serve as testimonies to the ancestors who have passed on to the next life. Picked Apart the Bones won the 2006 First Book Award for Poetry from the Native Writers Circle of the Americas. Hardcover: 978-0-9797858-3-2 • List Price: $18 $15 6” by 9” • 64 pages • Color Illustrations PROUD TO BE CHICKASAW MIKE & MARTHA LARSEN AND JEANNIE BARBOUR PA I N T I N G S B Y M I K E L A R S E N W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 30 Mike and Martha Larsen, artist and author of They Know Who They Are, the first book of portraits of Chickasaw elders for Chickasaw Press released in 2008, return with twenty-three more. In this second installment of tributes to our elders, the Larsens called upon Chickasaw historian and fellow artist Jeannie Barbour to write perspectives on the lives of the twenty-three tribal elders. The result is a broad sweep of Chickasaw history and experience. Hardcover: 978-1-935684-01-5 • List Price: $30 $25 9” by 12” • 192 pages • Color Illustrations RIDING OUT THE STORM 19TH CENTURY CHICKASAW GOVERNORS, THEIR LIVES AND INTELLECTUAL LEGACY PHILLIP CARROLL MORGAN Morgan reveals three nineteenth-century Chickasaw governors not merely as historic politicians, but also as complex intellectuals. Their lives are set against literary backdrops relating to their experiences—Cyrus Harris with the family of William Faulkner; Civil War governor Winchester Colbert with Native literature about war; and William L. Byrd with his great-grandniece Jodi A. Byrd’s critiques of colonialism. Hardcover: 978-1-935684-10-7 • $20 6” by 9” • 254 pages • B&W Photos, Illustrations TE ATA CHICKASAW STORYTELLER • AMERICAN TREASURE RICHARD GREEN In 1987, Te Ata (1895-1995) became the first person to be officially declared an “Oklahoma Treasure.” Her performances based on American Indian culture and folklore enchanted European royalty, Americans of all ages, and Native populations from Canada to Peru. Richard Green’s biography is based on extensive research of the artist’s personal papers, memorabilia, and letters and photographs exchanged between Te Ata and her husband, Clyde Fisher. Paperback: 978-0-8061-3574-4 • List Price: $24 $20 6” by 9” • 368 pages • B&W Photos W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M PICKED APART THE BONES 31 CHICKASAW STORYTELLER • AMERICAN TREASURE COLLECTOR’S EDITION RICHARD GREEN The definitive biography of one of history’s most famous Chickasaws is reintroduced in hardcover as a collector’s edition. Te Ata earned international renown for employing her talents as a performer in the interpretations of traditional stories, many of them given to her by her father, and many collected from other Native tribes and traditions. She used her performances, and the recognition they brought her, to build lasting bridges of cultural understanding and acceptance. This collector’s edition includes many previously unpublished photos from the family’s private collection. Hardcover: 978-1-935684-33-6 • List Price: $34.95 $25 6” by 9” • 408 pages • B&W Photos THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE MIKE AND MARTHA LARSEN PA I N T I N G S B Y M I K E L A R S E N W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 32 UPRISING WOODY CRUMBO’S INDIAN ART R O B E R T P E R RY Uprising! Woody Crumbo’s Indian Art tells the compelling story of the life of Woodrow “Woody” Crumbo (1912–1989) in parallel with the evolution of American Indian art. An accomplished Native dancer, flutist, silversmith, and poet, Crumbo is best known today for his oil paintings and silkscreens, revolutionary artworks that were discounted by many critics at the beginning, but that ultimately began the movement that put more Indian art into museums of fine art. Hardcover: 978-0-9797858-5-6 • List Price: $36 $30 9” by 12” • 320 pages • Color Photos, Illustrations WENONAH’S STORY A MEMOIR OF A CHICKASAW FAMILY J . W E N O N A H PAU L G U N N I N G ’ S M E M O I R AS TOLD THROUGH ROBIN GUNNING In August 2004, Chickasaw artist Mike Larsen approached Chickasaw Nation leaders with an idea to honor his tribe’s living elders by immortalizing them in art. Accompanied by his wife, Martha, he began a creative process that turned into a personal journey and led to the twenty-four remarkable paintings and dozens of sketches reproduced in this volume, accompanied by touching narratives based on Martha Larsen’s interviews. The voice of James Wenonah Paul Gunning, as written by her son, Robin Gunning, narrates this captivating story that combines the tragic, the triumphant, the heartwarming, and often the madcap – all the shades of family life – into an unforgettable and touching portrait of the historic Paul family of Pauls Valley. Hardcover: 978-0-9797858-4-9 • List Price: $30 $25 9” by 12” • 144 pages • Color Illustrations Hardcover: 978-1-935684-34-3 • List Price: $29.95 $20 6” by 9” • 304 pages • B&W Photos W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M TE ATA 33 ER TI PR D SI EP N ES G EN S AW H D O EN IB A L R IS PA T D SO P S U B EN B A LI W JA SH A M M R ER O D IN O S N F A B R W EA A A N M O R K D LI K A S LA N W A AW H R O D A M R A D B O O K AW A R D D V A N A IN C H IC K A SA W IC ER M A E TH C is for Chickasaw Chickasaw Journeys Activity Book Chickasaw Lives, Volume One el ec zin g E x c og ni ce In In depe n g ec zin g E x c og ni el le n t P u blis hi n • SI LV E R • R el le n ce In In depe n den g ec t P u blis hi n zin g E x c og ni n • • BR ONZE den R Chickasaw: Unconquered and Unconquerable ce In In depe g Chickasaw Removal le n t P u blis hi n Chickasaw Lives, Volume Four den The Chickasaw Press is gaining notice not only among book publishers and organizations that promote literacy and literature but also from public efforts that support Native American and ethnic enterprises. The Harvard Project on American Indian Development, an effort sponsored by Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, recognized the Chickasaw Press in 2008 with its Honoring Nations award, stating: “The Press publishes books written by Chickasaw citizens, using the highest standards of professional editing and production. In doing so, it gives new life to an ancient storytelling tradition.” Anompolichi: The Wordmaster R HONORS AND AWARDS • • GOLD Chikasha: The Chickasaw Collection at the NMAI Chikasha Stories, Volume One Chikasha Stories, Volume Two Chikasha Stories, Volume Three ce In In depe n g ec t P u blis hi n zin g E x c og ni el le n den R Chokma’si: The Beauty of the Chickasaw Nation • SI LV E R • A Concise Chickasaw Dictionary el • R el le n • GOLD ce In In depe n den g ec t P u blis hi n zin g E x c og ni n g ec zin g E x c og ni ce In In depe t P u blis hi n R The Early Chickasaw Homeland le n den Dynamic Chickasaw Women • SI LV E R • ilimpa'chi': We’re Gonna Eat! A Chickasaw Cookbook el ec zin g E x c og ni ce In In depe • SI LV E R • R el le n ce In In depe n den g ec t P u blis hi n zin g E x c og ni n g R Riding Out The Storm le n t P u blis hi n A Nation in Transition den • • GOLD Te Ata: Chickasaw Storyteller, American Treasure Collector’s Edition el ec zin g E x c og ni ce In In depe • • BR ONZE R el le n ce In In depe n den g ec t P u blis hi n zin g E x c og ni n g R Wenonah’s Story: A Memoir of a Chickasaw Family le n t P u blis hi n They Know Who They Are den W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . C O M 34 ilittibaaimpa': Let’s Eat Together! A Chickasaw Cookbook • GOLD • ORDERING INFORMATION CHICKASAW PRESS PO BOX 1548 ADA, OKLAHOMA 74821 580-436-7282 WWW.CHICKASAWPRESS.COM [email protected] WITH THIS PROJECT, CHICKASAW PRESS SAVED THE FOLLOWING RESOURCES: W W W. C H I C K A S AW P R E S S . 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