Circa Brochure
Circa Brochure
CIRCA Alison Spear, USA Space maker. Public spaces are being reborn, and Circa is defining a new high standard of design. Luxurious yet practical, chic yet subdued, Circa offers designers a dramatic creative palette for configuring signature spaces. Circa is remarkably configurable. Enhance any waiting area with dramatic straight, circular, or serpentine arrangements. Create meeting spaces of comfort and utility for small groups. Turn lobbies and reception areas into showpieces. Modular lounge seating with standard wood legs in walnut or maple. Coordinating modular tables with storage, benches, and freestanding round tables. Legs optionally available in the following paint colors: black gloss, graphite gloss, arctic white gloss, midnight brown gloss, platinum gloss, and metal. 3 . COALESSE Coalesse Circa Modular Seating DESIGN ALISON SPEAR, AIA d = Available in Rapid10. product specs d e ta i ls Standard Includes Circa Modular Seating Upho Upho d Modu d Circa Upholstered Modular Arm Rests–Straight and 15° Circa Circa Upholstered Modular Arm Rests–Straight and 15° Circa Upholstered Modular d Arm rests–30° and Ottoman Modular Seating 10.28”D 18.5”W 17”H; 11. 28”D 18.5”W 23.5”H; 12.28.375”D 18.5”W 17”H; 13. 28.375”D 18.5”W 23.5”H; 14. 28.375”D 18.5”W 17”H; 15. 28.375”D 18.5”W 23.5”H; 16. 29.5”D 36.75”W 17”H; 17. 29.5”D 36.75”W 23.5”H; 18.29.5”D 36.75”W 17”H; 19. 29.5”D 36.75”W 23.5”H 20 Ottoman 20. 42”Dia 17”H Specification • TopInformation stitch on seams 4"W 291⁄ 2"H Specify with acrylic backer. m Recommended leathers • Straight bench +$ 28Overall: 28"D 36•3 3⁄Legs: hardwood maple orng walnut 1⁄ 4"H DESIGN ORIGIN:Tip: UNITED STATES Inside: 20"D 36 ⁄ 4"W 12 Modu Sand hardware Style U.S. Base Prices cSee Coalesse Surface Materials Reference Guide. are Elmosoft Grade C and • Ganging brackets included Seat: 171⁄ 4"HIncludes Standard Required t Number Fabric Grades: Angle w Degree: 30°O m Includes Elmorustical Grade E. and Ottoman M Upholstered Modular Arm rests–30° O8 w U Standard Required to Spec Coalesse 1 COM Specify 6 7 powder 9 legs Overall: 28"D 29 ⁄ 2"H • will Metal Legs71"W Powder coat steel legs M +$130 per leg with coat steel and10 1 Style11numbe Tip: Fabrics andnd leathers • Frame: unibody construction of hardwood plywood F ng T b 1 Inside: 20"D 71"W 12 ⁄ 4"H Tip: AIA For Customer’s Own specify color number: G ng ng T b 1 Style number • Frame: unibody construction of hardwood plywood DESIGN ALISON SPEAR, DESIGN ORIGIN: UNITED STATES appear loose with comfort 1 m box joinery Coalesse 60° Outside Wedge 2Loveseat Fabric or lea Tip: Special color match, from consult Seat: 17 ⁄ 4"H cSpecification Information, continued previous pagemutilizing O U S P Modular Seating 4138 Graphite Gloss Material or Leather, see necesutilizing•box joinery multiple densities ofApolyurethane foam 2 Number3ofWood fabrics if cn Angle Degree: 60° upholstered. wrinkles when 60° Outside Wedge Loveseat Upholstery: color customer 30° Inside Facing Seat 4140Wedge Arcticfoam White Gloss $2140number sary requirements, important w •m $2207 $2269 $2 • Upholstery: densities is selected Specification c m m DESIGN ALISON SPEAR,Information AIA DESIGN ORIGIN: UNITED STATES Topmultiple stitch on seams of polyurethane451-7460FO cSee Coalesse Tables 4142 Platinum Gloss processing instructions, and$2140 451-7460FO $2207 60° $2269Inside $2325 cWedge $2519 $2779 $2953 $3126 $3534m Freestanding $2298 1 $5382 3 $5936 •$2431 Top on451-3730FI seams Fabric or leather colo Tip: Recommended leathers M •Loveseat Legs: hardwood maple or walnut 4 Options, if se M stitch $1343 $1348 $1385 $1460 $1640 ft = 99$1503 COM/yds =$1409 4 ⁄ 2, COL/sq 4144 Black Gloss = Available in Rapid10. Style U.S. Base Prices ordering information S m • Legs: hardwood maple or walnut 4 Wood color number fo DESIGN ALISON SPEAR, AIA DESIGN ORIGIN: UNITED ST are Elmosoft C ftand • Ganging brackets and hardware included cSee Coalesse COL/sq = 99 COM/yds = 41⁄ 2,Grade Midnight Brown Gloss 1⁄ 4, COL/sq 451-7460FI m $2140 $2269 $2431 $2953 cSee $3126Coalesse $3534 $2298 Number Fabric Grades: Leather Grades: ft =4148 72 $2519 COM/yds 3$2325 cSee Coalesse Surface Materials w $2207 M and=hardware w $2779 • Ganging brackets included Surface M Coalesse Elmorustical Grade G H E. COM Standard Includes Required to Specify cSpecification Information, previous page U S C 6 8 ft continued 9 I from10 11 12 13 E (se F Reference nd ng Tb Guide. M R14 5COL Options, if selected ⁄ 4, COL/sq = 105 COM/yds 7 = 43S N number m G Surface M Tip: For Customer’s Own m construction m 1 Style •Freestanding Frame: unibody of hardwood plywood S cSee Coalesse Specification Information Specification Information Tip: Special color match, consult m Tables m m w m Options U.S. Required t OM Overall: 28"D 363⁄ 4"W 291⁄ 2"H Material or Leather, m seeTip: necesFabrics and leathers will Overall: 28"D 71"W 291⁄ 2"H T b Price 2 Number ofWfabrics if contrasting fabric style utilizing box joinery customer service. wCoalesse m20"D 71"Ww 121⁄ 4"H G ng ng m 1 Inside: 20"D 363⁄ 4"W 12U.S. Style Base•SPEAR, Prices Inside:STATES StyleAIA Base Prices Overall: 71"W 291⁄ 2"H important sary 28"D requirements, appear loose with comfort DESIGNU.S. ALISON DESIGN UNITED m ⁄ 4"HORIGIN: Uperiscfabric Upholstery: polyurethane foam number selected Straight Seat Chair Seat:Surface 171⁄ 4"H multiple densities• of Contrasting +$115 K MAdd suffix Seat: 171⁄ 4"Hfabric A Inside: 20"D 71"W 121⁄ 4"H Number Fabric Leath Number Fabric Grades: Leather Grades: Options U.S. Price Required toarm Spec processing instructions,wrinkles and Modu ng when upholstered. c MGrades:SAngle Degree: Angle Degree: 30° m • Top stitch on seams 3 Fabric or leather color number for rest 60° Freestanding Tables Tip: Pricing based on highest w Materials fabric color n Seat: 171⁄ 4"H w Please sketch COL COM9 6 10 7 11 12 COL Overall: 28"D 71"W 291⁄ 2COM "H 6 7 8 11 8 12 9Tip: m 13 10 submit 14S C 13 E 14 ordering ac for$1778 gh Sea 451-2500 $1202 $1206 $1230 $1246 $1291 $1329 $1429 $14964 Wood $1560 $1436 $2588 $280• Angle Degree:information 60° OM • Legs: hardwood maple or walnut color number for legsCha M grade textile specified. Inside: 20"D 71"W 121⁄ 4"H Surface fabric ALISON +$115 per fabric Add suffix K to the sty • O • ContrastingDESIGN O U mmodular SPEAR, AIA applications. DESIGN ORIGIN: UNITED STATES cSee Coalesse SurfaceTip: Materials PleaseSeat: submit 171⁄ 4"Hsketch for • Ganging brackets and hardwareFire included cSee Surface Materials Reference Guid 60° Wedge Loveseat 60°Coalesse Wedge codeOutside seating 1⁄ 2, COL/sq SMaterials R SInside fabricLoveseat color number. ft = 55 = 2gangAngleCOM/yds Degree: 60° Reference Guide. modular applications. For 60° Inside Wedge Loveseat 5 Options, if selected (see below) Tip: Optional steel leg has Coalesse • Fire code seating +$225 Specify with m30° w M w Wedge Seat 30° Outside Facing Seat O Facing U S P R S m 451-7460FO $2140 $2207 $2269 $2325 $2431 $2519 $2779 451-7460FI $2140 $2207 $2269 $2 m Wedge w Inside m ing, contact customer service. S StandardSIncludes m cSee Reference 90° corner taper shape. a gh A Coalesse m esSurface – n Materials e med a Coalesse e wGuiR cSee OM M Fire code seating m $2207 60° $2269Coalesse $2325 $2779 $2953 $3126 $3534 m $2298 3 $5382 O$5936 S w m $2431 w $2519 W Outside Wedge Bench Tip: Fabrics and leathers will 451-7460FI 451-GANGPKG is available$2140 for 1⁄ 2, COL/sq $1343 $1348 $1460 $1640 $1815 $2059 $1555 ft+$225 = 99 $1503 COM/yds = 4$1409 w$3068 ⁄ 4$1732 , COL/sq ft = 105 COM/yds =m 4$1555 c$1385$1640 m 451-3730FO $1343 aluminum $1348 $1385 $1460 $1503 $2059 $3346 m 451-3730FI m Freestanding Tables code seating Specify with fire code 1⁄ 2"H c Tip: Galvanized liner $1409• Fire UA $1815 Coalesse G ng ng T hardwood b$1732 Overall: 1 S • Frame: veneered panelsM 3chairs). appear28"D loose25"W with29comfort $34 list (one two ⁄ 4, COL/sq ft = 105 COM/yds = 4colors w $1691 Tip:per These are different Acrylic backer 1⁄ 4, COL/sq 1⁄ 4"H 451-B7460FO $1686ftFreestanding $1736 $1754 $1798 $1841maple $1965 $2038 $2121 $2423 $1905 cSee Coalesse Surface M = 72 COM/yds = 3 w Inside: 20"D 25"W 12 1not Standard Includes m w is water tight, plastic liner m Tables ⁄ 4 , COL/sq ft = 72 COM/yds = 3 Options U.S. Price Required to Specify 2W • Top and legs: hardwood or walnut wrinkles when upholstered. m +$ 19 DESIGN ALISON SPEAR, AIApowder DESIGNmORIGIN: UNITED STATES •mStraightSarmrests and M than other Coalesse Specify Seat: 171⁄ 4"H c M Mfor UphArm rests–30° d M du•and A m R with –S OM aluminum Upholstered Modular Ottoman cS • Planter: galvanized COM/yds = page 3, COL/sq ft = 66 15° Tip: Please submit sketch Tip: These colors are recommended. different Frame: hardwood ven Angle Degree: 0° coats. DESIGN ALISON SPEAR, AIA DESIGN ORIGIN: UNITED STATES armrests cSee Coalesse cSpecification Information, continued on next Glass Insert • c M fabric Surface • Contrasting +$115 applications. per fabric Add suffix K to the style number and select Acrylic backer U 3O modular Tip: Please submit sketch thanforother Coalesse powder • Top and legs: hardwoo DESIGN ALISON SPEAR, AIA DESIGN ORIGIN: UNITED Materials colorSTATES number. armrests and +$ 30 ba 28"D Tip: 363⁄ 4"W 291⁄ 2"H Overall: 28"D 71"W 291⁄ 2"H Overall: 28"Dapplications. 363⁄ 4"W 291⁄ 2"HFor gang- Overall: Msubmit w1⁄•2"H30° w Specify w with acryliccS Overall: N ottoman m G fabric for28"D 71"W 29 modular coats. O sketch U• S Sper leg w363⁄ 4"WPlease 1⁄ 4"H 3⁄ 4"W 1121⁄ 4"H Tip: For Customer’s Coalesse 121⁄ 4Own "H Inside: 20"D Inside:coat 20"D steel 71"W 12 Metal Powder legs Specify Inside: 20"D 20"D Legs 71"W 121⁄ 4"H 1 2 3 4P Overall: 28"D 36 71"W 29 ⁄ 2"H Surface S ROM a gh An m es –End omCoalesse Run wwithhM Overall: 128"D modular 71"W 171⁄ 4"Happlications. Inside: ing,1720"D contact service. Material 1⁄ 4"H esw–+$130 e med a cSee ew hou Seat: 17 ⁄ 4"H Seat:S 171⁄ 4"Ha gh A m Seat: Seat: 171⁄ 4"H Inside: 71"Wcustomer 121⁄ 4"H specifyLeg color Seat: 171⁄ 4"Hor Leather, see neces- Fire w code seating AngleStraight Degree: 30° Angle Degree: 60° 1⁄ 4"H Loveseat Angle Degree: 60° Angle 30° Seat: 17Degree: 451-GANGPKG is available for sary Tip: Recommended leathers Angle requirements, Degree: 60° important Tip:+$130 colors are different 4138 Graphite Metal Legs coatIncludes steel legs m leg Specify with powder c ATheseper W S Standard Required Spec Freestanding Tables wcode seating • Powder • Fire +$225 Specify with code seating. Angle Degree: 60° cfire m to cSpecification Information, continued from previous page Tip: are different SU.S. A Metal Legs • Options than Price R $34 list (one per two chairs). are Elmosoft Grade Cinstructions, andThese colors other d Coalesse powder processing and Standard 4140 Arctic specify color number: m m$1803 $1847 cSee Coalesse Reference Guid M ASurface mLovesea R1 Materials –Snumber gh ndW Sdu aIncludes gh O 451-5000 $1736 $1754 $1921 $2200 $2330 $2465 $2788 $1899 $4256 $468 Coalesse powder 60° Outside 60° Inside Wedge Loveseat G ng ng Thardwood b Loveseat 60° Outside Wedge Bench Tip: Galvanized aluminum liner M Specification Elmorustical Grade E.than other S $1997 a ghUph Sea Cha Style • Wedge Frame: veneered panels DESIGN ALISON SPEAR, AIA DESIGN ORIGIN: UNITED STATES UPowder Coalesse m S ordering information Options Information 4142 Gloss Platinum 4138 Graphite m hardwood mS w Metal Legs •M coatcoats. steel legs• Frame: +$130 per leg Tip: Please submit sketch for veneered panels coats. 60° Outside Wedge Bench 60° Inside Wedge Bench is not water tight, plastic liner Tip: These colors are different cSee 2 4140 WoodArctic color number fo • Top and legs: hardwood maple or walnut COM/yds = Surface 4, COL/sq ft = Acrylic 83451-7460FO M$1686 w Coalesse Materials M legs: wWhite 4144 Black G Glos m $2207 m$2779 $2140m $2207 451-7460FI $2269 $2325 $2140 $2431 $2519 $2779 $2953 $3534 $2298 modular applications. $2269 $2325 $2431 $2519 backer sp 451-B7460FO $1691 $1736 $1 w available • Top and hardwood maple orw walnut Insert •$3126 Glass insert for round Style U.S. Base Prices recommended. than other Coalesse powder Tip: w Contrasting option Tip: Optional steel leg 90° cSee Coalesse M •Upholstered Planter:$1841 galvanized aluminum M w wGlass w Modular Arm rests–30° and Ottoman Reference Guide. $1686 $1691 4148Surface Midnigh 4142 Platinum Gloss mhas w$1905 w 451-B7460FO $1736 $1754 $1798 $1691 $1965 $2038 $2121 $2423 $1905 $3301 $3561 30°has armrests ottoman +$$1736 30 OM Specify with acrylic 451-B7460FI $1686 $1754 $1798 $1841 $1965 $2038 $2121 $2423 41 3⁄ 4" thick m O3backer. 1⁄ 2w 3⁄ 4, COL/sq Tip: Optional w steel•leg with transluc Number Grades: M a 90° = 4and w ft =w99 , COL/sq COM/yds corner taper shape onFabric all tables ft = 105 COM/yds = 4gh coats. COM/yds =o3, COL/sq ftw = 66 m only on ottoman. Options, ifm selected (s OM S a A m es –End Run h Two Leg 4144 Black Gloss O OM cSee Coalesse Surface Materials Reference Guid 41 M coating on bottom surf COM 6 7 8 9 DESIGN ALISON SPEAR, AIA DESIGN ORIGIN: UNITED STATES corner tapered shape. m except 42" round. 42" round has cSee Coalesse Surface M COM/yds 3, COL/sq Tip: Please submit =sketch for ft = 66 COM/yds = 3, COL/sq ft = 66 4148 Midnight Brown c m m G ngwidth ng T square edge detail 41G m single taper Wb leg with no applications. Overall: 28"D 50"W 291leathers ⁄ 2"Hmodular Tip: Recommended Tip: 90° corner tapered shape S legs and Apage Metal Legs • Standard Powder coatIncludes steel legsSInformation +$130 per leg 17– Specify with powder coat Specification a ghTip: A m es ewns med aAe m w to hou Legs cSpecification Information, continued on next Required Specify 5corner. de es – nPower/Data esteel medModule aew 41 Overall: 28"D 71"W "Hn Inside: 20"D 50"W 121⁄ 4"H These colors are1⁄ 4different are Elmosoft Grade C and leg is standard on armCoalesse rests. Sm Legs • G ng ng T b Metal •m Powder legs specify color number: 1⁄ 4"H71"W 171⁄ 4"H Seat: 171⁄ 4"H Seat: 17 Overall: 28"D 41 1 5 Ou s decoat Atosteel m es M than other Coalesse powder 30° Outside Arm Rest–Intermediat 28"D 71"W 17 ⁄ 4"H S Tip: liner TheseOverall: colors are different Tip: Galvanized aluminum Options U.S. Price Elmorustical (45-T42RD only) legs are single Style U.S. Base Prices U.S. Price Required Spec • Frame: hardwood veneered panels 1 Style number Angle Degree: 60° Information, 1⁄ 2"HOptions cSpecification continued from previous page A 4"H Seat: 171⁄Degree: 1 Angle 0°Grade E. The ottoman Overall: 28"D 71"W 29 O 4138 Graphite Gloss 1 Specification Information A Overall: 4"H 71"W 29 ⁄ 2"H S Seat: 17 ⁄28"D m121⁄4"H Fabric Grades: coats. M w mand top other Coalesse powder water liner Angle Degree: 1 width taper with no corner. Number Inside: 20"D 71"W w 60°tight, plastic w than • Top and legs: hardwood maple or walnut 2 Wood color number for legs 5is not 6 7 8 Inside:Degree: 20"D 71"W Angle 60° 12 ⁄ 4"H 4140 Arctic Gloss Upholstered Modular Arm rests–30° and m Ottoman 451-A3730FOG $1036 $1040 $1069with $1089 $1c Glass Insert •per Glass insert forWhite round table +$241 m w m 1⁄ 4"H 1 Metal Legs • Powder coat steel legs +$130 leg Specify powder Seat: 17 Specification Information M ⁄ 4 "H Seat: 17 recommended. Tip: Contrasting optioncoats. available M8 M 9 cSee w 7 10 11Gloss Materials 12 13 14 Style U.S.aluminum BaseCOM Prices 6 m Coalesse Surface Reference Guid 3⁄ 44142 M w• Planter: w Degree: wgalvanized Platinum "c thick with translucent m Angle 60° Specification Tip: Optional steel leg has 90° wm m M Mmspecify w Bench AnglewDegree: 60° Information color number: DESIGN ALISON SPEAR, AIAW DESIGN UNITED STATES 60° Inside COM/yds3=Options, 3, COL/sq = 66Wedge only on ottoman. Tip: Special color match, consult Grades: Le m Number MORIGIN: if ftselected (see Gang below) Gcorner ng ng b onmall mFabric Straight Bench Style U.S. Base Prices 4144 Black Glosssurface coating on bottom ng Infor Low taperTshape tables w 4138 Graphite Specification Overall: 291⁄ 27 "D 363⁄ 4"W 817"H 60° Inside Bench Tip: Optional steel leg has Wedge a 90° Tip: Please submit sketch for customer service. S COM 6 9 round 10 cSee 11 12 13 m 14 Gloss C Surface Materials Reference Guid m Number Fabrichas Grades: Style U.S. Base Prices square edge detail 4148Coalesse Midnight Brown Gloss except 42" round. 42" 60° Inside Wedge Loveseat 451-B7460FI $1686 $1691 $1736 $1 60° Outside Wedge Bench S a gh A m es –End o Run w h Two Legs 4140 Arctic White Glos 5A ns de5$1970 A m es –End ode Run w 5Specification Ou ses An emU.S. es shape. Pricing $1543 $1548 modular applications. For 451-B5000 Canadian Tip: 90° corner taperedcorner shapetapered S a gh Bench $1580 $1596 $1647 $1684 $1807 $1887 $2246 $1749 $3155 $340 COM 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 ns de m es – n e med a e w hou Le Straight Armrest–Intermediate without Legs Number Walnut or Maple Style single width taper leg with no 110 Coalesse Seating/Occasional Tables Guide Tip: These colors are different Ou s de A m – me 451-B7460FI $1686F ees $1691 and $1736 $1754 $1798 $1841 $1965 $2038 $2121 $2423 $1905 $3301 $3561 ng Round Tab e S a $2325 gh Lovesea 4142 Gloss Multiply U.S. Price by the 30° Outside Rest–End of$1965 Run Metal Legs • Powder coat steel legs +$130 per leg COM/yds =Arm 3, COL/sq ftNumber = 66 Platinum leg is standard on arm rests. wcontinued S m S Rdata Walnu 451-7460FI $2140 A $2207corner. $2269 $2431 $2519 $2779 $2953 $3534 $2298 451-B7460FO $1686 $1736 $1798 $1841 cSpecification Information, from previous page than other Coalesse powder m $1754 WTwoBlack M Gloss Power/Data Module •$3126 power/two p =factor. 3, COL/sq ft =Options 66 451-A1800G A $1691 Canadian COM/yds =price 3, COL/sq ft = 66m30° Tip: colors SCOM/yds The These ottoman legsare aredifferent single U.S. Price Required to$ Specify A$758 $730 $733 $776 $807 $829 only) 912 4144 $continued 964 $1012 $1 Inside Rest–Intermediate without Legs coats. Arm2014 Specification Information cSpecification on Brown next (45-T42RD for round table onlypag mG $1165Information, $1169 4148 $1198 $1218 $1 COL/sq ft = 105 Information COM/yds = 43⁄ 4,April COM/ydsm= 3,cCOL/sq =451-A3730FOER 66 Midnight U See page 1 for details. w ft Arm Specification than widthother taperCoalesse with nopowder corner. cSpecification M m m M 30° Outside Rest–Intermediate without Le M Information, continued on COM/yds next page = 30° orWsteel silver mica O m with U Slegs PM 1⁄ 4, COL/sq Freestanding Low Four Legs OM OFreestanding M MEnd ft = 50 2legs 1⁄ 4"H Table R Metal Legs • Powder coat steel +$130 per leg Specify with powder coat and m w w W Overall: 28"D 71"W 17 coats. o Run H gh Wedge T Style U.S. Base Prices COM/yds = 3, COL/sq ft = 66 451-A3730FIG $1036 $1069 $1089 $1127 $1163 $1270 $1341 $1410 $1550 $ OM O Tip: Optional leg hasm90° Overall: Style steel$1040 U.S. m 28"D 181⁄ 2"W 17"H W M Seat:Base 171⁄ 4"HPricesSc 1⁄ 4"H m End-o Overall: 28"D 71"W 171⁄ 4"H color $1089 number: Overall: 28"D 50"W 17 wspecify c $127 m 451-A3730FOG $1036w $1040 $1069 $1127 $1163-Run Tip:171Special color match, consult Number Fabric Grades: Leather 1⁄ 2"D 3⁄ 4Degree: corner taper shape on all29M tables m Gang KGrades: Overall: 36 "W 231⁄ 260° "H 1⁄ 4"H Angle 45-T3730L $1858 Number Fabric Grades: Overall: 28"D 71"W 17ft 1⁄ 4"H 45-T42RD ⁄ 4"H Seat: Coalesse Seating/Occasional Tables Specification Guide cModular$336 Seat: 17 COM/yds COL/sq =8 66 42" round 513 Graphite Ou 10s14de A mnges oSea Specification Information 4138 Gloss 9 11 COM 12 13 15 Tip: Optional steel leg has a 90° 1 10 3 42" round. hasCOM/yds customer service. 6 =1713, 11 COL C–End ⁄ 4except "H 7 Seat: m14 Tip: left or10 right Angle 60° Information G60° ng ng T Specify b 9 COM 6 of 7 9Specification 11Low 12 13 E Ta = 3,Run COL/sq ft8m =1266 es AngleDegree: Degree: 0° Overall: 29 ⁄ 2"D 36 ⁄ 4"W 17"H Gang ng Wedge 5 ns de A –End o Run w h Two Straight Armrest–End with Two Legs 4140 Arctic White Gloss G ng ng T b c Le Angle Degree: 1 single width taper leg with no F ees and ng Round Tab e corner tapered shape. 1 5 1 m W 3⁄ 4"W 17"H Overall: 28"D Overall: 71"W 29 ⁄29 2"H⁄ 2"D 36 ⁄ 8"W 8 ⁄Overall: facing. 2"H ng m M 291⁄ 2H "D U.S. 36 F ees and gh Wedge Tab e Style Base Prices April 2014 1 Tip: Please submit sketch for 4142 Platinum Gloss Inside: 20"D 71"W 12 ⁄ 4"H Style U.S. Base Prices corner. m Ganging Kit Number Power/Data Module 42" •dia. Two data ports +$357 1 A$877 153power/two ⁄ 4$948 "H 451-A1800ER $852 $926 $1031 $1 Walnut or Maple O 5O$849 nsUwithout de A m es$895 n eTwo med awithout emGloss wonly hou Legs Number Walnut$1083 or Maple$1131Sunbur modular application. One pack- Seat: 17 ⁄ 4"H 4144 Black S–Overall: M w round 30° Inside Arm Rest–End of(45-T42RD Run with Legs For Canadian Pricing only) for table matte black Angle30° Degree:Inside 60° w Outside Arm Rest–Intermediate Legs 30° Arm Rest–Intermediate Legs 30° Outside Arm Rest–End Run withLegs Two Le Round Ottoman with Five Freestanding High with Four Legs mN.A. 60° Inside Wedge Bench End oTable Run H gh Wedge O N.A. U S N.A. Pof Midnight Brown Gloss ageCanadian is required per two chairs. Gang ng KTab 451-GANGPKG $ 37 N.A.COM/yds N.A.= 30° N.A. N.A. N.A. e N.A. RN.A. For Pricing Multiply by the MU.S. Price COL/sq ftN.A. = 50 21⁄ 4,N.A. or4148 silver mica U Freestanding H A m 451-A3730FIER $1165 $1089 $1169 $1127 $1198 $1218 $1256 $1292 $1399 $1539 $1697 $ Multiply U.S. Price by the Canadian price ng KM$1470 $1036 $1040 $1069 $1089 $1127 $1163 $1270 $1341 $1410 Overall: 28"D 181⁄ 2"W 231⁄ 2"H 451-A3730FOER $1165 $1169 $1198 $1218 $1256 451-A3730FIG $1036 $1040 $1069 $1163 $1270 $1341 $1410 $1550 $1227 $2442 $2662 451-B42RD $1653 $1658 $1686 $1711 $1 c m factor. mGang Freestanding Round Table Gang ng Low S$1841 a$1292 gh Tab 45-T3730H 451-B7460FI $1686 $1736 $1754 $1965 60° Outside Wedge Bench M 451-A3730FOG w ng H$139 g m W c$2491 wm $1691 Freestanding Low Table Four Legs GANG G$1798 Gang Canadian price factor. pagewith 1 for details. Tip: Specify left or right 30° m m= 66 45-T1815H $2013 m c ft = 66=M3, COL/sq ftSee COM/yds = 3, COL/sq = 66 = 3,=m COM/yds 3, COL/sq ft66 COL/sq ft = 72 =45-T42RD 31⁄ 4, End-o COM/yds = 3, COL/sq ftng = 66ng See page 1 for details. COL/sq ft =COM/yds -Run Wedge S COM/yds m Specification Information Specification Information $3363 $3623 G45-T3730L T b 1 COM/yds 451-B7460FO $1686 $1691 $1736 $1754 $1798 $1841 $1965 $2038 $2121Low $2423 $1905 facing. S a gh Bench 3⁄ 4"W 17"H m H 3⁄ 4"W 23 1⁄ 2"H 291⁄ 2"D 36 Overall: Overall: 291⁄ 2"D 363⁄ 4"W 17"H Overall: 291⁄ 2"D 36 $1858 3 1 Overall:Information, 29 ⁄Tab 2"D 36 ⁄e 4S "W continued 23 ⁄ 2"H 42"Dia. F ees and ng HcSpecification gh Wedge m next Overall: 17"H page m on Gang ng Low Wedge Tab e cSpecification Information, continued on next page m 11⁄ 16"W 1⁄ 2"H U.S. Base Prices Guide COM/yds 3,left COL/sq = 66 Style U.S. Base Prices Tip: Specify left or right Coalesse Seating/Occasional Tables Overall: 29"DF36 22 Tip: Specify or right ees and ng= H gh Sft5 TabAeStyle 16 17 18 19 20a gh Overall: 28"D 181⁄Run 2"W 221⁄ 2"H ns mW esw –End ocSpecification wTwo hcontinued Two Legs 1⁄ 2"D 365⁄ 8"W 8 1⁄ 2"H m de M Walnut Overall: or MapleSeating, Sunburst Top 111 Coalesse Seating/Occasional Tables29 Specification Modular Number Walnut or Maple Arm Rest–End Run Legs facing. w Rest–End facing. 15° Armrest–Intermediate without Legs U42"Number Overall: 28"DInside 71"W30° 171⁄ 4"HOutside Angleof Degree: 15° with 3⁄ 4"H Overall:Two dia. 15Legs 30°Guide Inside Arm of Run with Seat: 171⁄ 4"H 60° Table–Planter with Five Legs N m Freestanding W M O m OM G ng ng T b End o Run Low S a$1539 ghApr$1 A Gang ng Low S a gh Tab e S Angle Degree: 60°451-A3730FOER Overall: 28"D 71"W 171⁄ 4"H $1165 $1169 $1198 $1218 $1256 $1292$ 881 $1399$ 929 $1470$ 977 451-A1815FIG $725 $728 $746 $764 $787 $812 M April 2014 $1218 30° $1169 Freestanding High Table with Four Legs $1165 $1256 $1292 $1399 $1470 $1539 $1697 $1356 $2571 $2791 oRound Run H gh Wedge Tab eTable Freestanding H Seat: 451-A3730FIER 171⁄ 4"H Freestanding Round Ottoman with Five Legs c $1198 mEnd m Freestanding High Wedge Ta O30° O Low U Table 45-T7460HP Angle Degree: 60° ng T m U COM/yds =M3,ftCOL/sq ft$4958 = 66 Freestanding with Four Legs G 3 ng b Gang ng HTag COM/yds = 2, COL/sq = 44 1 COM/yds = 3, COL/sq ft = 66 Overall: m 28 ⁄ 8"D 18 ⁄ 2"W 17"H S $2491c mm 451-B42RD Gang ng H gh Wedge 45-T1300H $2374 45-T42RDW $1653 $3363 $3623 $1686 $1711 $1759 $1793 N.A. $191 M$1658 3⁄ 4"W 231⁄ 2"H 45-T1815H $2013 Overall: 291⁄ 2"D 3645-T3730H m 30 Ganged H gh Tab e w -Run hou Low LegsWedge Tab eH End-o Overall: 291⁄ 2"D 363⁄ 4"W 231⁄ 2"H m or right 45-T3730L $1858 Tip: Specify left Canadian Pricing Information, on next page COM/yds = 31⁄ 4, COL/sq ft = 72 FcSpecification ees and ng H gh continued SFor a Inside gh Tab e H 60° Wedge Bench Tip: Specify left or right facing. Multiply U.S. by the 15° Inside of Run Twoe1Legs HGGang mPrice W m M 28"D Fc ees and ng Low SArmrest–End a gh Tab eng181Low Overall: 42"Dia. 17"H Wedge Tab Overall: ⁄ 2"H End o with Run Overall: ⁄ 2"W 221⁄ 2"H facing. 291⁄ 2"D 365⁄ 8"W 81Overall: 1⁄ 2"H 331⁄ 4"D 703⁄ 4"W Canadian dia. 153⁄ 4"H 1⁄ 2"H Overall: price42" factor. Overall: 271⁄ 2"D Low 131⁄ 2"W 22S ⁄ 2"H a gh Tab e m 29"D 3611⁄ 16"W 22 Overall: 22 Gang ng K 451-B7460FI $1686 $1691Angle$1736 $1754 $1798 $1841 $1965 $2038 $2121 $2423 $1905 15° Sfor details. mDegree: Angle Degree: 0° 30 See page 1 m Gang Legs$1 c m m 451-A1815FIER $892 $895 $913 $931 $954 $979 $1048 $1096hou $1144 G ng ng ng T bw S m Ottoman 21 22 23 24 25 with Five26Legs Round End o wRun gh Wedge GGngngngng T Tb b30° Freestanding = Table 3, COL/sq ft = Table–Planter 66 HFour Freestanding High High with Legs 60° COM/yds Freestanding Five Legs GANG G aegh U ng Low Tab Swith Tab eWedge Table COM/ydsU=m2, COL/sq ftGang = 44 S Freestanding High Straight Freestanding O O U LT 451-B42RD $1653 $1658 $1686 $1711 $1759 $1793 $1912 $1988 $2061 m WSpecification cSpecification Information, continued on nextMpage Overall: 283⁄ O 8"D 181⁄ 2"W 231⁄ 2"H Seating/Occasional Guide 45-T1815H $2013 N.A. End-o -Run O U $2491 45-T3730H N45-T7460HP m Coalesse W$4958 M Tablescontinued cSpecification Information, on next page Gang ng$2374 HTab gh T 45-T1300H N.A. 45-T1300L $1555 ft = 72 COM/yds = 31⁄ 4, COL/sq Gang ng H gh Wedge eS a gh Tip: Specify left or1 right C rca C rca C rca Circa d C rca 29.5”D x 36.675”W x 8.5”H; 22. 29”D x 36.6875”W x 22.5”H; 33.25”D x 70.75”W x 22.5”H; 24. 42”Dia 15.75”H; 28”D x 18.5”W x 22.5”H; 26. 27.5”D x 13.5”W x 22.5”H; 27.5”D x 13.5”W x 8.5”H; 28. 28”D x 18.5”W x 8.5”H; 29-43 Wedge, End-of-Run and Ganged Tables 28”D x 18.5”W x 8.5”H; 30. 28”D x 18.5”W x 8.5”H; 28”D x 18.5”W x 22.5”H; 32. 27.5”D x 13.5”W x 22.5”H; 27.5”D x 13.5”W x 22.5”H; 34. 27.5”D x 13.5”W x 22.5”H; 27.5”D x 13.5”W x 8.5”H; 36. 27.5”D x 13.5”W x 8.5”H; 29”D x 36.675”W x 2”H; 38. 29”D x 36.675”W x 8.5”H; 13.75”D x 27.5”W x 22.25”H; 40. 29”D x 36.675”W x 16”H; 29”D x 36.675”W x 22.5”H; 42. 33.25”D x 70.75”W x 22.5”H; 33.25”D x 70.75”W x 22.5”H Circa d d Circa C rca C rca d Circa d Circa Circa d C rca Circa C rca Circa C rca C rca d Circa 21-28 Freestanding Tables Lounge Seating 10-19 Armrests d d Circa 7. 28”D x 25”W x 29.5”H; 8. 28”D x 50”W x 29.5”H; 9. 28”D x 50”W x 17.25”H gh nd 15 d d CoalesseALISON SPEAR, AIA DESIGN 7-9 Straight Seating A Circa Circa Circa 1. 28”D 36.75”W 29.5”H; 2. 28”D 36.75”W 29.5”H; 3. 28”D 71”W 29.5”H; 4. 28”D 71”W 29.5”H; 5. 28”D 71”W 17.25”H; 6. 28”D 71”W 17.25”H –S 2 Number of fabrics if contrasting fabric style number is selected 3 Fabric or leather color number for upholstery on seat and back 4 Wood color number for legs cSee Coalesse Surface Materials Reference Guide. if selected below) m5 Options, R –S gh(see 15 S nd cSee Coalesse Surface Materials Reference Guide. Tip: Special color match, consult Specification Information Coalesse customer service. Coalesse Style U.S. Base Prices Number Fabric Grades: Leath w Tip: Fabrics and leathers will Modular Seating m COM 6 w 7m 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 COL appear loose withModular comfort Seating Options U.S. DESIGN Price Required toORIGIN: Specify ALISON SPEAR, AIA DESIGN UNITED STATES wrinkles when upholstered. w w m DESIGN ALISON SPEAR, AIA DESIGN ORIGIN: UNITED STATES Surface • Contrasting Fabric +$115 per fabric = Available in Rapid10.Add suffix K to the style number and select m 30° Inside Facing Seat Tip: =Pricing based on highest Materials fabric color number. mmWedge w m w AAvailable in Rapid10. B C Coalesse grade textile specified. Information, continued from previo m ScSpecification 451-3730FI $1343 $1348 $1385 $1409 $1460 $1503 $1640 $1732 $1815 $2059 w $1555 Fire code seating cSpecification Information, continued from previous pagem Information w Tip: Contrasting option not • 30° seatsCOM/yds = 31⁄ 4, COL/sq ft =w72 +$225 Specify with fire code seating. mSpecification w Specification Information available on benches. w m fire code seating. • 60° loveseat and 60° bench +$585 m Specify with Style U.S. Base Prices DESIGN ALISONwloveseat SPEAR,w AIA DESIGN ORIGIN: • Straight and +$450 UNITED STATES Specify with fire code seating. mO Style U.S. Base Prices Number Fabric Grades: m Tip: Optional steel leg has straightCoalesse bench cSee Coalesse Surface Materials Reference m COM Number Leather Grades: 6 Guide.7 8 Overall: 28"D 363⁄ 4"WFabric 291⁄ 2"H Grades: 90° corner taper shape. 121⁄ 4"H Inside: 20"D 363⁄ 4"W COM mm 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 COL Ew w mC M 13 Seat: 171⁄ 4"H Coalesse Acrylic backer m Modular Seating w Angle Degree: 30° Coalesse Tip: For Customer’s Own • 30° outside +$ 30 Specify with backer.Facing Wedge Sea mfacing wedge seat 30°acrylic Inside DESIGN AIA+$ DESIGN ORIGIN: UNITED STATES Material or Leather, see neces• 30°Wedge inside facingALISON wedge SPEAR, seat 32 Specify with acrylic backer. 30° Inside Facing 60°andSeat Outside Wedge Loveseat S sary requirements, important • 60° outside inside wedge +$ 57 Specify with acrylic backer. $1343 $1348 $1385 $1 451-3730FI m = Available in Rapid10. Tip: Fabrics leathers will DESIGN ALISON$1343 SPEAR, AIAandDESIGN ORIGIN: processing Frame:$1815 unibodyO$2059 construction plywoodU S P loveseats 451-3730FI $1348 $1385 $1409 UNITED $1460 STATES $1503 $1640 •$1732 $1555of hardwood $3068 $3346 Coalesse instructions, and m UNITED 451-7460FO $2140 $2207 $2269 $2325 $2431 $2519COM/yds $2779 31⁄ 4$2953 , COL/sq $3126 ft = 72 $3534 $2298 AIA ORIGIN: STATES appear with comfort ordering utilizing box joinery • loose 60° benches +$ 38F Specify with acrylic= backer. D information DESIGN ALISON SPEAR, E DESIGN 1 cSpecification Information, continued from previous page ft = 72 wrinkles when upholstered. A polyurethane foam cSee Coalesse Surface Materials COM/yds = 3 ⁄ 4, COL/sq COM/yds = 41⁄ 2, COL/sq ft = 99 • Straight seat +$ 21 Specify with acrylic backer. • Upholstery: multiple densities of M continued w Reference Guide. m • Straight loveseat +$ 45 Specify with acrylic backer. Overall: 28"D 363⁄ 4"W 291⁄ 2"H Inside: 20"D 363⁄ 4"W 121⁄ 4"H Seat: 171⁄ 4"H Angle Degree: 30° 1-6 Wedge Seating 1 Style number d Modu A mR d C rca Product Elements Required to Specify C rca • Frame: unibody construction of hardwood plywood utilizing box joinery DESIGN ALISON SPEAR, AIA DESIGN ORIGIN: UNITED STATES • Upholstery: multiple densities of polyurethane foam = Available in Rapid10. fixed seat and back with top stitch on seams • Legs: hardwood maple or walnut cSpecification Information, continued from previous page Tip: Recommended leathers are Elmosoft Grade C and Elmorustical Grade E. Seating – Wedge seating detail (A) Tables – Optional Power/Data (D) – Freestand round table detail (E) – Freestand table detail (F) – Planter table detail (G) – Low end-of-run table detail (H) Seating and Tables – Optional Wood leg (B) or painted leg (C) 29. 31. 33. 35. 37. 39. 41. 43. Coalesse Tip: These colors are different than other Coalesse powder coats. Product Features 21. 23. 25. 27. DESIGN ORIGIN: UNITED STATES C rca C rca Circa C rca d C rca C rca C rca C rca C rca Surface Materials C rca C C rca rca Upholstery: All approved graded-in , see Coalesse fabric database, COM, ELMO leathers and COL. Legs: Overall: 28"D 71"W 17 ⁄ 4"H Canadian price factor.116 For Canadian Pricing See page 1 for details. Multiply33U.S. 1⁄ 4"D Price 1⁄ 2"H Overall: 703⁄ 4"Wby 22the Canadian price factor. 112See page 1 for details. Pa n ed Me a Wa nu Map e m W M Coa H 2014 1⁄ 2"D 1⁄April ees Sanda ng Low Wedge Tab e -Run -Run HTab ghLow TabWedge w131⁄2"WhTab Legsc 27e 8Two 2"H e H Gang Low Wedge eOverall: End-o and ngFLow gh Tab30 engEnd-o H ng0° w hou Legs Overall: 28"D 181⁄ 2"W 221⁄ 2"H m Angle Degree: 30 Gang m m c m Angle Degree: 15° Tab eOverall: 1⁄ 2"D 131⁄ 2Legs H gh wo e27hou "W 221⁄ 2"H c m30 oGanged End Run Hmgh Wedge H Tab End Run Low S a gh Tab e Multiply the 1⁄ 4"D Price 3⁄ 4"Wby 1⁄ 2"H S Angle Degree: 0° Overall: 33U.S. 70 22 S m 30 End o Run w h Two Freestanding L Canadian price factor. S aFive ghFreestanding Tab e 60° with Legs HG Gang ng Low S Freestanding m Table–Planter High Straight Table For Canadian See page 1 for details.Pricing Freestanding 45-T1815L Low Straight T $1555 Multiply m U.S. Price byWthe$4958 N m 45-T7460HP U M 45-T1300H $2374 N.A. For Canadian Pricing Canadian factor. End-o H gh SN.A.a g 45-T1300L $1555Tab ng H gh S a -Run gh e Seating/Occ 1⁄ 2"W m price W M Overall:e 28"D 18 81⁄ 2"H F Nees and ng Low Wedge Tab e -Run Low WedgeGang End-o Tab 114 Coalesse Multiply U.S. Price by the 11442"Dia. 17"H Overall: Angle Degree: 60° Seat: 171⁄ 4"H facing. F ees c Pricing Overall: 29"D 3611⁄ 16"W 221For ⁄ 2"H Canadian Gang ng H gh Wedge Tab e Tab e–P an w15° h Two Legs on and Ba Anglee Degree: Coalesse F Seating/Occasional Ta End o Run H gh Wedge Tab e60 Ganged Overall: 27 ⁄ "D 13 ⁄ "W 8 ⁄ "H H H Overall: 27 ⁄ "D 13 ⁄ "W 22 ⁄ "H Angle Degree: 0° 30 End o Run M S o Run h One h Two Legs 30 wGanged Aprile2014 End RunTab ghwTab HLow Ge 30 GangHaUng hou Legs c30w End Gang ng Low S oa0°gh Degree: m April 2014 cModular Sea 30 Ganged 30 H ghEnd-o TabAnglee-Run w hou Legs H gh Tab e w h TwoM Legs HG Ta Freestanding Low Wedge Freestanding Low Straight Table See page 1 for details. 12 12 12 12 12 12 Coalesse Seating/Occasional Tables Specification Guide HG April 2014 H CoalessecSeating/OccasionalmTables Specification Gui 45-T1815L $1555 N.A. Seating/OccasionalN.A. Tables Specification Guide 45-T1300L Coalesse Gang ng H gh Wedge Tab e $1555 Hwgh gh Specification Tab e Guid ⁄ "H M 18 ⁄ "W 8End-o April 2014 Overall: 28"D OneaTables Leg Seating/Occasional Overall: 8 ⁄ "HGang S Coalesse ao-Run ghRun Tab eh S Low a gh TabDegree: engw15°H30ghEnd Angle Gang ng Low End S a ogh Run Tab e 27 ⁄ "DS13 ⁄ "W 116 12 12 Angle Degree: 0°H 12 12 12 30 Gang ng w hou Legs H H Tab e–P an e w h Th ee Legs 60e–P End-o April 2014 30 o hcRun h Two Legs Ganged Tab an End e-Run wFreestanding Two on andTable Back30 End-o For Canadian60 Pricing c w Legs mF m Low Wedge 30 Multiply End-oU.S.-Run Price byH thegh Tab e w hHTwo Legs M Canadian price factor. H G 45-T1815L M 12 41 42 $1555 12 Canadian price factor. See page 1 for details.m c c 60 Ganged Tab e–P an e w h Two Legs F mon and Back April 2014 60 End-o -Run Tab e–P an e w h Th ee Legs M Coalesse Seating/Occasional Tables Specification Guide w hou Legs M Coalesse Seating/Occasional End-o -Run H gh S a Tables gh Specification Tab e Guide wH Item # 14-0000254 6/14 ©2014 Steelcase. All specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in the USA. Trademarks used herein are the property of Steelcase Inc. or of their respective owners. For Canadian Pricing Multiply U.S. Price by the G 30 factor. GangH ng Canadian price See page 1 for details. 1.866.645.6952 118 RunMLegs w h One Leg 30 End o 30 RunEnd w ho Two H For Canadian Pricing Multiply U.S. Price by the Canadian price factor. See page 1 for details. H N.A. H page 1 for details. Coalesse End o See Run Low S a ghOverall: Tab 28"De18 ng ⁄w "W 8 H ⁄ "H gh Gang S aSeating/Occasional gh Tab eTables Specification Guide Angle Degree: 15° 30 Gang ng hou LegsEnd-o -Run H gh S a gh Tab e M U w 43 30 End o Run w h One Leg Pricing HFor Canadian 118 U.S. w Priceh by Two the M Legs 30 End Multiply o Run H For Canadian Pricing MultiplycU.S. Price by the m c m Canadian price factor. See page 1 for details. Apr Coalesse 60 Ganged H G April 2014 April 2014 Coalesse Seating/Occasional Ta April 2014 M End-o -Run an w hLeg Th ee Legs MwEnd 30 o e–P Run w eh One 3060End o Run hTab Two Legs w 60 End-o H
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