Impact Award - CCRI—Creative Care for Reaching Independence


Impact Award - CCRI—Creative Care for Reaching Independence
CCRI Impact Award
Greta Miller—CCRI Caregiver
Greta has spent just shy of 11 years working with Kate and
currently works three weekends a month. Her dedication has
made a huge, positive impact in Kate’s life. Kate continually
speaks highly of Greta, saying “Greta knows what is best for
her”! The great rapport they have built with one another
ensures that each weekend will be a fun one. Thank you Greta
for your dedication. Your commitment to Kate is inspiring.
Chelsea Speed—CCRI Caregiver
Chelsea’s fellow team members and the women she supports
love the energy and enthusiasm she brings to work everyday.
When Chelsea walks through the door the room erupts with
instant smiles and pure joy! Chelsea is a great advocate of
exercise and healthy eating and leads by example. With
Chelsea’s encouragement, one of the women she supports is
participating in Special Olympic track for the first time ever.
One of the other ladies, who hasn’t been a morning person, is
now getting up bright-eyed and ready to take on the day.
Chelsea is always going the extra mile, is a cheerleader when
needed and can be counted on to focus on the positives in life.
Jay Demers and Deb Soland—Volunteers
Jay and Deb recently volunteered to help bring a group from
CCRI on their dream vacation—San Diego. From precious time
at the beach to a day at Disney, Jay and Deb ensured that
everyone got to experience what they wanted on their dream
vacation. The pictures of smiling faces are priceless! Thank you
Jay and Deb for giving your time to make this trip one that
won’t be forgotten for a group of very special travelers.
CCRI Impact Award
Alan Johnson and Jason Johnson
from Lakes Country Cruisers
Thanks Alan and Jason for making the CCRI Prom experience
extra special. Taking a ride in a beautiful classic car enhanced
their night on the town and made the evening one to
remember. The joy was written all over their faces as they
tooled around the town all dressed up!Thanks for sharing your
hobby with us.
Lindsey Kringlie—CCRI Caregiver
Lindsey brings new ideas to the table and always has a
positive, energetic attitude. When one of the people she
supports was faced with changing behavioral needs Lindsey
sprang into action and created a “helpful hints” list that is
utilized by all team members. The list is a great reference for
her coworkers and ensures consistency in care. Thank you
Lindsey for making an impact!
Sephora in JCPenney
The team at Sephora specializes in making people feel beautiful. This amazing group came armed with makeup, brushes,
and unlimited kindness. They shared their talents so the women attending our prom could feel confident and beautiful.
The memories Sephora helped create will last a lifetime. We couldn’t be more grateful of their generosity!
CCRI Impact Award
Patty Pemble and Maddie
Uglem—CCRI Caregivers
Making the best of every situation is
the mantra Patty and Maddie abide by
each day. They start each shift by creating
a plan with Liz. They are open to trying new
things and rather than hesitate and fret about
what could go wrong in a new situation, they
think of ways to make it a great experience. From
lunches at the mall to baking healthy treats to
shopping, Patty and Maddie are person-centered in
every activity. Their ability to focus on the positive in
every situation makes them an amazing team. Thank you
Patty and Maddie for everything you do.
Muscatell Subaru
Muscatell Subaru chose CCRI as their hometown charity for
their Subaru Share the Love Event. They invited us to share
stories to use on their website, pictures for their showroom and
included CCRI in countless media advertisements. The exposure
on radio and television was phenomenal. They also invited us
out to their showroom and presented us with a check for
$12,930! They made the event even more special by inviting the
local media for a press conference. WDAY did a wonderful story
about their generosity. We are so grateful for your support—
Thank You! We are thrilled to have generous businesses like
Muscatell Subaru in our community.
Behavioral Health Associates—Karin, Brian, and Lori
The team at Behavioral Health Associates (BHA) have
enriched the lives of so many people at CCRI. Their positive
and creative approach to challenging behaviors, sensory issues,
and communication barriers are truly remarkable. Karin, Lori,
and Brian each work hands-on and use a team approach in
developing behavioral plans that meet the needs of the people
they support. They continue to develop those programs
anytime needs change. Karin, Lori, and Brian exude positivity
regardless of the circumstances. Thank you BHA for all you
do for so many.
CCRI Impact Award
Tamara Twite & Trisha Twite—CCRI Team Members
Tamara’s coworkers describe her as full of positive energy,
always giving 100% to any project, and being willing to help
out with anything she is asked to. Trisha’s coworkers describe
her as positive and upbeat, a team player, and a rockstar. Is it
any surprise that Tamara and Trisha are sisters?
Tamara and Trisha hold different positions at CCRI, each with
different responsibilities, but their attitude to their work is the
same. They both exemplify CCRI’s guiding principles of being
person centered, professional, and working as a team to
accomplish what needs to be done.
Thank you Tamara and Trisha for being the embodiment of
what CCRI is all about.
FM Crusaders M.C.
Since 2009, the FM Crusaders
have partnered with CCRI to
provide support for Camp H.E.R.O.
Proceeds from their live and silent
auctions at their annual bike show fund
our unique camp. What started out as an
unlikely pairing has developed into a
tremendous partnership.
with the club
goes beyond
raising dollars for
camp—they are
vested in our mission
and have worked hard on
developing relationships
with the people we support.
A great example of this is the
bowling and pizza night they
hosted at All Star Bowl. It was
a great evening that furthered
the camaraderie between our two groups.
The FM Crusaders have some of the biggest hearts out there
which we see over and over with their commitment to the
people we support. This dedication and strong commitment has
raised over $100,000 for Camp H.E.R.O. Thank you for being
Crusaders For Camp!
Homeward Animal Shelter
Homeward Animal Shelter provides a place for the people we support to give back to their community. The amazing work they do
within their organization is something to be applauded as is the heart-warming opportunities they have offered to their volunteers.
The team at Homeward Animal Shelter has gone above and beyond to make the people we support successful. Recently when one
of the ladies was struggling to stay on task during her volunteer shifts, the Homeward team not only communicated with her CCRI
coordinator, but came up with ideas for making her experience better. They helped created a solution to keep her on track. It is such
an amazing opportunity for her as an animal lover to do something so rewarding and be successful with it. Thank you for being such
an amazing partner!
CCRI Impact Award
Dick Popp—CCRI Board Member
Dick has served on the Board of Directors since 2011. His continually
shares his time, talent, and treasure with us. Dick is quick to volunteer
when opportunities are presented to the board. Most recently, Dick
volunteered to help with preparations for our annual Polar Plunge.
Dick made countless thank you calls to previous donors and braved
the cold to set up the tent and the pool for the event. He was so
enthusiastic while making thank you calls and was excited when
donors thanked him for the reminder. Now it’s our turn to Thank You!
Thanks Dick for being such a great champion for CCRI and being
willing to do whatever is necessary to carry out our mission of
enhancing and enriching the lives of the people we support.
CCRI Hawley Home Team Members
This team is more than a group of caregivers, they are a family.
Over the last two years this amazing group has gone above and
beyond to ensure they are providing the most client-centered
care possible. They have learned to administer G-Tube feedings,
use oxygen, and complete one-person transfers. Throughout all the
medical changes they have remained incredibly positive, making
difficult medical needs easier for the people they support.
Together, this group supports each other—when one person needs
extra help, everyone rallies together to cover shifts and support each
other. They provide impressive care to those we support and to each
other. This group is a true picture of our guiding principles in action!
Harry’s, Northland & Midwest Towing & Recovery
Holiday Station Store Employees
Ryan and the team at Harry’s, Northland & Midwest Towing &
Recovery went above and beyond for the 2016 CCRI Polar Plunge!
They volunteered once again to hang out in the icy pool to ensure
people could get in and out of the pool safely. They also helped
promote the event to new people! Ryan and his team secured a
light for the event, brought over their digital sign for promotion,
and educated the crowd of bystanders about their diving equipment.
They even had a team take the plunge for the people we support. We
are so grateful for your support—Thank You! We are so thrilled to
have businesses like you in our community!
The employees at the Holiday Station Store in north Moorhead
go above and beyond to make Kevin’s shopping experience a
positive one. Kevin has been shopping at this store for a number
of years. Throughout the week, Kevin often stops in for an
occasional soda, snack or grocery item. On each visit they greet
him by name and take the time to visit with him. This display of
friendliness means so much to Kevin. They treat Kevin as a
valued member of both the neighborhood and the larger
community. Thank you Holiday employees for making Kevin’s
trips to your store meaningful.
CCRI Impact Award
Tasha Breker—CCRI DSP
Tasha goes above and beyond in everything she does. She told her supervisor “I try to come in with a positive attitude every day. I
want to make their day.” Tasha had the vision to have freezer meals ready at the home so there was more time to spend doing fun
thing with the guys. Tasha requested a chest freezer and when it was delivered, the excitement she displayed was beyond words.
Tasha is always willing to try new outings with the guys even though new locations can be difficult. This has never stopped her
from giving it a try. She takes it upon herself to document all the fun new things the guys are doing with pictures to send their team.
This means the world to their guardians. Tasha truly brightens a room whenever she enters it and everyone is so thankful to have her
on the team!
Reid Hartl
As an Intake Coordinator and Case Manager at Gateway Gardens,
Reid has to change his “hat” often. Reid is always willing to help out
the people he supports, whether it is taking time to talk with them,
assist them in getting to places they need to be, or connecting them
with community resources. Reid ends each conversation with “If there
is anything you need, just let me know” and is open when people
need his help. Reid’s positive approach to problems and situations
that arise creates a relationship of trust with the people living at
Gateway Gardens. Thank you Reid for wearing your two hats well!
Rachel McCorison—CCRI DSP
Rachael approaches each shift with a positive attitude and a smile.
Her coworkers appreciate that she goes above and beyond every
single day.
The ladies she works with look forward to Rachael’s shift. She
spends the time doing workouts with them and they love that she
makes working out fun. She has helped make exercise an enjoyable
activity because of the energy she brings to it.
Thank you Rachael for all you do for both the people you support
and your co-workers. You are a rockstar!
CCRI Impact Award
The professional, motivated and dedicated SLS team ensures the highest-quality, person-centered, 24/7 services to the people they support. This
team exemplifies, through their daily work, the power of WE and not ME! They schedule 7,320 hours a week, 380,640 hours a year of services to
more than 100 people. This group ensures meticulous medical care and accurate financial management are carried out on a daily basis. They are
inspired by the outstanding team of DSPs as well as those they support. Collectively, they help others achieve life’s goals and dreams!
Rhonda Rice—CCRI DSP
Rhonda has a smile that can light up a room.
Her kind and caring personality is what people
love most about her. She has this “calm” about
her that is so comforting. Maryanne was in
desperate need of more opportunities to get
out of her apartment and socialize, and CCRI’s
Adventure Thursday group has been the
answer! Rhonda has gone out of her way,
adjusting her schedule to ensure Maryanne is
able to attend each week. Maryanne loves this
new activity and enjoys having something to
look forward to each week.
Heather Forbord—CCRI DSP
“I have never met someone who tries so hard
to bring laughter and happiness into a home”
said one of Heather’s co-workers. For Heather,
her work is about creating memories and
lasting bonds. Heather is always singing, joking
and encouraging new experiences. She opens
minds to new possibilities and isn’t afraid to
join right in! The faces of the people she works
with light up when she arrives—it is obvious
that she is making more than an impact she
is making a lifetime of memories!
Don Platt—CCRI DSP
Chris and his mom talked daily and would end each
conversation with Chris asking for her blessing. Their
good-byes in person ended with his mom drawing a
cross on his forehead.
When Chris’ mother passed away he needed a CCRI
Caregiver to accompany him to her funeral. Don was
willing to attend and support Chris at this difficult time
without hesitation. At the funeral Don asked Chris if
he’d like to go up and say good-bye to his mom. Chris
did. Don and Chris said a prayer at her casket.
During the prayer, Chris placed his finger in the holy
water and drew a cross on his mom’s forehead—his
loving good-bye to her, just as she had done to
him. Don’s compassionate demeanor made this
difficult day go smoothly for Chris and allowed
him to pay his respects to his mother.
CCRI Impact Award
Mel Nygaard and the Haunted Farm Crew
Brittany Wendinger—CCRI DSP
CK Staff—CCRI DSP Team
Mel and his haunting staff set out to make an impact. Mel arranged for CCRI
to receive the donations collected as people passed through the Haunted
Farm and a portion of funds from the VIP passes. They also wanted to help
bring happiness and joy to the people CCRI supports on Halloween so they
arranged a pizza party, and allowed free entry to walk around the farm. To
accommodate everyone, they split into two groups—the first who wanted
all the scary effects and the second who wanted a toned down version.
Thank you Mel and your staff for making this Halloween a memorable one!
When you look at Cathy’s team and their longevity you can tell their
dedication has helped Cathy thrive throughout the years. Because
of their dedication, she has been able to remain in her home and
live by herself. Cathy’s staff have faced many obstacles lately as her
health is declining. Cathy’s apartment is not accessible and the staff
have been very patient with accommodating Cathy’s needs where
she is at. They want to ensure she is able to live out her hopes and
dreams for the rest of her life. Thank you for all your hard work—
you are truly person-centered in your care for Cathy.
Brittany is the person you go to when you need a good idea for a
party or a get together. Brittany loves to make ordinary events into
a spectacularly good time. She planned a water balloon tournament,
a pumpkin decorating party, and has even been known to have a
middle of the day pajama party—just to cheer someone up. Brittany’s
enthusiasm for her job is contagious and she brightens the days of not
only the people she supports but her co-workers too. Thanks Brittany
for creating lasting memories for the people you support.
Many of the team members working with Kevin and Kris have been
with CCRI for a long time. Their longevity and dedication helps them
understand what is going on with the guys without them having to
say a word! They have been the reason these gentlemen have
flourished. Kevin and Kris’s staff are always person centered and
creative in the ways they work with each person. There is never a
task to big to conquer. They recently helped one of the guys plan
a trip to Legoland—an amazing task for this gentleman who didn’t
like leaving the house. Thank you for all you do for Kevin and Kris!
CCRI Impact Award
Kelsey Wagendorf—CCRI DSP
Kelsey has been a fantastic staff to work with. He has displayed patience, kindness, and enthusiasm towards everyone he comes in contact with.
Kelsey’s positive attitude shines through, and he maintains a person-centered approach regardless of the circumstances. He once came back from a
bike ride on a day with a 100 degree heat index and another client wanted to go on a bike ride with him. Kelsey remained positive and ensured that
his second bike ride of the sweltering day was just as fun as the first. Thank you Kelsey for demonstrating person-centeredness each day.
Jamie Spooner—CCRI DSP
Jamie works with an individual who finds it overwhelming to leave
home so when Jamie suggested checking out the Renaissance
Festival, she was met with hesitation. Jamie encouraged the trip,
pointing out the things they would get to see and experience.
Eventually, he said yes!
As the trip approached, Jamie would calm his nerves about leaving.
In August, they took off! They spent a night at a hotel, enjoyed
dinner at a popular, crowded restaurant, and spent an entire day at
the Renaissance Festival! When asked about the trip, he laughs and
talks about the great time they had. Thank you, Jamie, for
encouraging him to step outside his comfort zone.
Sharon Christensen-Clark—CCRI DSP
Sharon goes above and beyond with everyone she works
with, whether it is finding new activities for them to do in the
community, getting them involved with volunteer experiences,
or attending fun events with them. In particular, Sharon does
an exceptional job with Joan. Joan loves to attend concerts,
plays, and church events. Sharon is always willing to attend
these events with Joan and strives to make Joan’s time there
extra special! Thank you Sharon for always showing the true
meaning of being person centered!
CCRI Impact Award
Jason Johnson & James O’Donnell–CCRI Facilities Caregivers
Jason and James’ impact behind the scenes is vital to the services we are able to provide. They can bring any dream to fruition. No
request is too small and they find a way to make anything happen. They build garden boxes, ensure each home is fully accessible for
the people living in it, install custom shelving and storage, hang up pictures, mirrors, curtains, and anything else needed. Because of
Jason and James’ passion to their work, the people we support can meet their goals without obstacles in their way. Thank you!
Jenn Nelson—CCRI Crisis Responder
Jenn has incredible passion and leadership for promoting a work
environment that supports a healthy lifestyle for our team members.
As a Wellness Champion on CCRI’s Wellness in Action team, she
initiated a healthy snack station, coordinated a CSA, had bike racks
installed, created an adaptive biking event, a healthy recipes board,
and helped secure a $16,000 grant for adaptive bikes! In addition to
this and the other committees Jenn serves on, she is the outstanding
daytime crisis responder with the SLS program and handles a plethora
of daily situations with calm professionalism. Jenn makes a huge and
positive impact to our entire agency every day. Thank you.
Beth Grosz—CCRI DSP
Beth always comes in with a smile on her face and a positive attitude
every day. She is willing to do any tasks or project you ask her to do,
and takes the initiative to ask for projects when she has downtime.
Whether it is planting flowers, pulling weeds, putting together
resource binders and new hire packets, cutting out SuperHero capes,
getting SuperHero masks ready, creating SuperHero photo booth
props, organizing prom dresses or anything else that needs
completing, Beth makes sure it is done to the best of her ability.
Beth’s willingness to jump in anywhere has been a lifesaver to
many departments at CCRI. Thank you, Beth.
CCRI Impact Award
Michelle Colvert–CCRI Employment Representative
Given that our company is located in a border city, we face the challenge of contending with many competitive agencies. When given
the choice, people choose CCRI because of Michelle’s passion! Michelle takes the time to communicate to each potential new staff why
CCRI is the best. She details our guiding principles that set us apart from other agencies and just how we work as a team to enhance
the lives of the people we serve. Michelle’s passion and engagement with our employees has helped make CCRI one of the Top 150
Workplaces in Minnesota.
Dennis Behl—CCRI DSP
Because he is so excited to see Dennis, Erik starts talking about
Dennis’ weekend to work days in advance. Erik loves to take a
short road trip and stay overnight in a hotel. Erik schedules
these trips and says Dennis is taking him (without checking
with Dennis first). Dennis is always more than willing to work
extra hours to take Erik on his mini-vacations. Dennis helps
Erik to make his own decisions on what he wants to do and
gives him the control of his life that each of us would want.
Randy Cosacchi—CCRI ARMHS Practitioner
Randy’s work with Andy (name changed to protect confidentiality) showcases
CCRI’s guiding principles in action. When Randy began with Andy, he
wouldn’t engage with anyone. As an Iraqi refugee, he didn’t know
English. He also suffered from depression, anxiety and was grieving the
loss of his mother. It was clear to Randy he was capable of more than
he was displaying. Randy began providing therapeutic interventions
that empowered him to take an active role in his life. He went from
isolating in his home to independently getting into the community.
He also has improved his diet and helps around the home. Randy’s
impact has jump-started his desire to live again!
CCRI Impact Award
Liz Frey—Sanford Moorhead Receptionist
As soon as you walk into the Moorhead Sanford, you are greeted with a warm smile and a welcome from Liz. She calls the people we
support by name and treats them with the upmost respect. By visiting with each person who comes in the door, she takes the stress out
of doctor appointments. Thank you, Liz, for spreading joy to all who walk by your desk!
Alicia Rexin—CCRI DSP
Alicia has spent her time working with Lizzie going above and
beyond coming up with fun and creative ideas to keep Lizzie
engaged in her daily routine—from her morning routine to
saying good-bye to people, Alicia helps make the transitions
fun. Recently, Lizzie moved into a new house and Alicia was
instrumental in helping make it Lizzie’s home. She even had
a beautiful “Welcome Home” sign ready for Lizzie when she
got there. Thank you for your continuous dedication and
positive attitude.
Justin DePaolis-Metz—Spotlight Theater Director
Justin recently directed Spotlight Theater’s production of The
Music Man, Jr. Many people CCRI supports were a part of the
play. As soon as each person walked through the door, Justin
met them with a smile and excitement. He worked well with
everyone, always putting the person first, not their disability.
He had an innate sense of the strengths in the group and used
that to the production’s value. He made sure everyone was
heard and got their chance to shine during the performance.
Thank you Justin!
CCRI Impact Award
Mary Cummins
MaKayla Schroeder
Michelle Buckendahl
Morrie Nissen
Recently Mae mentioned to Mary that she had never had a birthday
party before. Mary took it upon herself to help Mae plan a 60th
birthday party! From sandwiches and cupcakes to balloons and table
decorations, it was quite the party. Mary also took pictures of all of
Mae’s guests for a scrapbook! A huge thank you Mary for having a
heart of gold and caring so much about those you work with!
Following a diagnosis that left her wheelchair bound, Wendy wanted to
swim. Michelle found an accessible pool and swimming they went.
When they got into the pool, Wendy was so overcome with happiness,
she cried! When Michelle asked why she replied, “Nothing. I just never
thought I would walk again!”
Michelle also helped Frank rediscover his love of biking. She aired
up the tires on his old bike and got him on it. He is now in the process
of purchasing a brand new bike! Thank you Michelle for thinking
outside the box and spreading joy.
As part of the prom committee, MaKayla ensured the day was
absolutely perfect. She made trying on prom dresses an event
celebrating each individual person. Not only did this put a smile on
their faces but she helped to make them feel beautiful. MaKayla even
followed through by calling the ladies before the event to ensure they
were still happy with their dress once the alterations were finished.
Because of her, prom will be a lasting memory for everyone in attendance!
Morrie has positively impacted not only the lives of the individuals at
the home he works at, but individuals agency-wide. Morrie is always
masterminding new ideas to try with the people we support—such as
cutting animals out of wood in his shop to paint, building gardening
boxes and planting veggies, making s’mores, and planning countless
round robins. Morrie has genuine interest and concern for those he
supports and also for his co-workers. His sincerity and excitement for
new ideas and outings is contagious. Thanks for making an impact
with everyone you touch!
CCRI Impact Award
Rachelle Staton
Danielle Peterson
Lisa Behl
Staff at L/L/N/G
Rachelle goes above and beyond to make everyone’s day! For example,
a gentleman served in our SLS program loves to visit with Rachelle and
enjoys assisting her with closing the office. He makes a checklist for
Rachelle that includes step-by-step details on how to successfully lock
up. He visits throughout the week to help her and she always takes the
time to include him with the task of closing up—even if it takes a little
longer to get the job done. If he is unable to come, Rachelle will call
and assure him that the list he made for her was followed.
Lisa has worked with the ladies at J/T/S/S for quite some time and
every shift she makes it her goal to make the time as fulfilling as
possible. She assures every person gets special one on one time and
makes it a priority that they each get to spend time in the community
doing activities they love. Always advocating, she never hesitates to
bring new ideas to the table that will better the lives of the ladies she
works with. Lisa is truly an excellent role model for both team
members and those supported by CCRI.
Dani brings so much joy, creativity, and positive energy to the people
she supports at CCRI. Recently Dani has taken on a new adventure
working with Beth, a wonderful lady diagnosed with Dementia. Dani
noticed Beth would become anxious and sad when she would leave, so
Dani created a board that included the days of the week, team members
names and pictures. Now Beth is at ease knowing when her caregivers
will be arriving and when they will return. Thank you Dani for being a
positive impact on those around you!
This home is like family. Recently, one the ladies support by CCRI
went into the hospital after a post-surgery complication, the doctor
had told the family she was given less-than-24 hours to live. Within an
hour the hospital room was filled with current and past L/L/N/G team
members. Hospital staff commented at how impressed they were and
how each team member cared so deeply for the patient. The team at
L/L/N/G have the “I can do anything attitude.” If you put a challenge
their way they will go above and beyond to exceed it!
CCRI Impact Award
Stephanie Moug
FM Crusaders MC
Shaylee Schei
Staff at B/B/S/J
Stephanie is an outstanding co-worker and influence to the people
she works with. Since she started her position there’s been an
incredible difference in attitudes around those she works with—
they’re now positive like Stephanie. She understands the needs of the
people she works with and is such a wonderful role model to
everyone around her. Not only does she make an impact on the lives
of the people she works with, but she also positively impacts her
co-workers. Thank you Stephanie!
Shaylee is one of the most amazing team members and has one of
the biggest hearts around. She is so compassionate with the people
she works with and everyone around her has a high level of respect
for her. Shaylee’s an honor to work with because of her fun upbeat
attitude—she’s just AWESOME!
For the past six years, The FM Crusaders Motorcycle Club has
donated the proceeds from their silent and live auctions collected
at their Annual Bike Show to CCRI. Over the years they have raised
more than $88,000 to support Camp H.E.R.O. Their commitment to the
people we support and depth of caring is truly outstanding. The club
and the people we support have forged a very special bond that goes
beyond the bike show—best stated by Brad “I love my biker family!”
The team members at BBSJ can deal with multiple challenges in a
day, yet do so with a positive and “go with the flow” attitude. When
challenges arise, they deal with them using exemplary techniques
and then shake it off. A recent comment from an Occupational
Therapist sums up the amazing work they do each and every day. “I
think your team members are the best I have ever worked with, they
all go out of their way to make the individuals‘ day go well, which
has a tremendous impact on their lives.”
CCRI Impact Award
Lyle Milligan
Ryan Sherbrooke & Brennan Borg
Chuck Thorne
Tyler Koep
Sometimes it’s the people we least expect that make the most impact
on our lives. Julia and Lyle hit it off from day one, and quickly became
buddies. Lyle is Julia’s bus driver and when she sees the bus coming
from around the corner she says with a big grin, “Lyle’s coming!” Julia
has struggled with going to work in the past, but when she can start
her day by interacting with Lyle, her day gets off on the right foot. Julia
says, “he treats me like one of his own.” Thank you Lyle for being such
a positive community member and making an impact on Julia’s life!
Chuck has huge fans at CCRI, especially David. Every Wednesday, David
comes to visit Chuck, and it’s easily the highlight of his day. No matter
what Chuck has going on or how busy he is, he will always take time to
visit with David. Chuck saves David cardboard boxes so he can build
houses with them. Chuck also prints pictures of David and his roommates
for him to take home. The pictures always reflect the personalities and
spirit of each person and are constant reminders of the uniqueness that
every one of us possesses. Chuck makes people feel welcome and valued
when they are in his office and goes out of his way to make a person’s day.
It takes a lot of determination to do a polar plunge in freezing
temperatures, but to be in the water and the cold for 3 hours
straight—now that is real dedication. This duo volunteered their time
to make sure that plungers were getting out of the pool and down the
steps without getting hurt. Jumping into water that is so cold can
completely take your breath away, but having someone to pull you
up right away and then assist you down the steps was amazing.
We are so gracious for volunteers like Ryan and Brennan
Tyler brings FUN to his job by bringing his fiddle to work. The people
he supports love this special time and their spirits are uplifted by
Tyler and his musical gift. Ernie especially enjoys singing and Tyler
does a fantastic job of playing songs that he is familiar with. Tyler has
also created “music videos” which are so much fun to watch! It’s
clear that there is so much joy happening during these moments.
Way to go Tyler for sharing your talents and creativity with the
people you work with.
CCRI Impact Award
Dylan Boehmer, Andrew Nelson, Dominic
Paczkowski, McKade Riedman & Eli Plunkett.
These five guys were exceptional in producing an amazing
Giving Hearts Day jingle and video to go along with it. They
went above and beyond to make our jingle dream a reality.
They created an amazing product in under a week and that
was so much appreciated. Their hard work put the jingle into
the finals for the Giving Hearts Day jingle competition.
Barb Bisson
Hardworking and caring are two words that are commonly
used to describe Barb. She creates an atmosphere that promotes
teamwork among staff and helps the people she works with
become more independent in their everyday lives. She is always
willing to go the extra mile to make sure new staff are informed
and feel comfortable. Barb’s big heart makes her a great asset
to CCRI, and anyone who has the privilege of working with her.
Jaclyn Olson
Jaclyn has truly connected with and made an impact on the
individual she works with. Jaclyn’s sign language skills have
helped bridge the communication gap often experienced with
people with hearing loss. Thank you Jaclyn for being an
amazing representative of CCRI.
Erick Roder
Erick is one of our phenomenal volunteers. In addition to
volunteering at many CCRI events throughout the year, Erick
recently volunteered to film, edit, and produce a Giving Hearts
Day video for us. Erick spent numerous hours filming, editing,
and producing the video. His dedication to CCRI was evident
when he volunteered to participate in the CCRI Polar Plunge.
CCRI Impact Award
Amanda Noyes
Amanda is someone who has the capability to make the ladies
she supports become excited about their lives! Her optimistic
energy and creative initiative helps her to get them out and
about while actively participating in the community. She has
been known to even create individualized costumes for
different events based on the ladies unique personalities.
Rachel Gustofson
Rachel has gone above and beyond for the people she
supports by NEVER giving up on them! She has worked in
especially difficult, sometimes unbelievable, situations and
was still able to remain positive through these challenging
times. She incorporates CCRI’s guiding principles on a daily
basis by being team-orientated, person centered, and displaying
professionalism. Rachel is an exemplary leader who is constantly
demonstrating guidance, care, and perseverance!
Amy Walter
In a short period of time Amy has already been able to
positively impact the life of the young lady she works with.
She has helped her learn how to prepare healthy meals and
make the move to a whole new location. Amy is known to
do any task given to her without any praise needed. Amy is
someone who is constantly making sure everything the team
does has a positive impact on the person they are supporting.
M/D/L/R (SLS Site 37) Team Members
When you rely on others to assist you in all daily tasks,
obtaining a college degree may seem impossible. After 6 ½
years, Mitchell obtained a degree in business! This was made
possible by his hard work but also the dedication of staff who
accompanied him to every class, every group assignment
meeting, every test, and every final. They also put in long
hours assisting with homework, papers, and finals.
CCRI Impact Award
Jason Johnson
Jason is the person who turns visions into realities! As a member of CCRI’s parade committee, Jason developed and created an idea for
an igloo out of milk cartons. This kept the parade float costs minimal as well as fit in with the theme the committee wanted to use.
Liz Rowinski
Liz continually creates memorable and positive impacts for the
individuals we serve. The many creative ideas for hands on
Adventure Thursdays
or jumping up on stage during the talent show to make a client
feel more comfortable and have a successful performance are
two of the many things that make Liz deserving of this award.
Liz is always present for our clients and makes them feel heard.
AJ & Chelsie Sitzer
For the second year, Chelsie and AJ have gone
the distance to help ensure the annual Client Appreciation
Dinner is the best it can be. From leading volunteers to helping
peel 250 pounds
of potatoes, AJ and Chelsie took each task in stride and
completed it with a smile on their faces. The result—an
amazing, delicious meal for more
than 400 people!
CCRI Impact Award
Kathryn Neubauer
Wellness in Action Classes Impact
•Fruit Ninja’s—Fun With Fruit Creations
•Food Basket Creative Meal Planning
•Crockpot Cooking
•Fishing With Clients
•Yoga, Meditation, Relaxation, and Home Work-outs
Dana Bungert
Creations with Impact
•20 Special Olympics T-shirts, 3 sewing hours, endless hours
of memory happiness
•Took TREK ladies and AM shopping for fabric and sewed
them all personalized capes for the CCRI Super Hero
Angie Koenig
Volunteering with Impact
•34 hours
•Development Committee
•Talent Show Committee
•Prom Committee
•FM Crusader’s Bike Show Fundraiser
•CCRI SuperHero 5K/Walk
Senator Kent Eken
Advocating with Impact
•Authored 5% COLA and implemented on 7/14.
•Attended CCRI’s Open House, Prom, Staff Appreciation
Party, and visited our clientele homes