Kala Pointer - Kala Point Owners` Association
Kala Pointer - Kala Point Owners` Association
Kala Pointer September 2013 www.kalapoint.org Official Publication of the Kala Point Owners' Association President’s Message What Happened at the Last Board Meeting? by Dale Moses, President E-mail: [email protected] Home tel: 360-385-5530 This month I feel that I have to talk about the possibility of a new Parks and Recreation District (P&RD) for just Kala Point. I have had a number of phone calls on this and other folks stopping to ask me about it. With very few exceptions, almost everyone has major gaps in understanding about what is going on. There is concern but unfortunately not enough knowledge! So here is a bit of an overview. The November 5 ballot will have the District question on it�to create it yes or no. In addition, because it might pass, there will be five District commissioner positions to vote on as well. The candidates are filing at the Courthouse as I write this. If you are a voter in Precinct 304 (i.e. Kala Point owner, renter, resident, etc.) you will get a say in this issue important to us all. I sure hope you will vote no. You should vote for five commissioners even if you vote against creating such a District in case it does pass. At its August 13 meeting, the KPOA Board took a very hard stand against creating such a District and voted 8-0 not to support it. We also decided to hold two town meetings to help all our voters decide. The first one will be on Wednesday, October 9 at 7 p.m., and the second one will be that Saturday, October 12 at 10 a.m., both in the Clubhouse. Each session will discuss the District idea with speakers representing both sides, and will provide plenty of time for comments and questions. We will also invite all the Commissioner candidates to attend. We hope everyone can attend one of these sessions. The ballots will be mailed from The August 13 KPOA Board meeting was called to order at 1 p.m. and nineteen members were in attendance. Member comments included Bob Stevenson who was extremely pleased with his view restoration as approved by Jefferson County. Many other members were at the meeting to voice concerns about the Parks and Recreation District 4 (Kala Point) that will be on the November ballot. The Board voted to revise the job descriptions for maintenance and Clubhouse staff. All maintenance job descriptions have been consolidated under the title “Maintenance Technician” and the Clubhouse staff will all fall under the job description title of “Clubhouse Staff”. The Jefferson County Health Department did its regular inspection of the pool, Jacuzzi, and Clubhouse facility. The JCHD commented how well-managed, organized, and clean our facilities are. Kudos to the Clubhouse and maintenance staff. The expenditures for asphalt roadwork and repairs were approved. This work will be started soon and completed before bad weather sets in. Beach parking is still being monitored. Fifteen vehicles without beach stickers were cited and recorded. Subsequent offenses may result in towing. Several non-KPOA members were politely informed that the KPOA beach area is private property and their cars would be subject to towing. Several complaints have been received about an aggressive dog (or dogs) and the owners at the beach. Dog owners are responsible for controlling their dogs at all times. (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 3) Kala Pointer Staff September Editor: Bud Babcock Copy Editors: Bud Babcock Cathy Carroll Distribution Leaders: Helen & Tony Vogl by Mary Ann Schulte September Contributors Bud Babcock Sharon Black Gay Eisenberger Lorraine Fishel Suzanne Hempstead Bill Kaune Keith Larson Doug Leeds Michael Machette Dale Moses Jim Pate Dick Schulte Mary Ann Schulte Fran Shelton Gene Tenney Gerry Walsh Ed Zinser Newsletter Deadline The deadline for the October issue of the Kala Pointer: September 19, 2013. Submit your articles and/or ads to: [email protected] Before submitting an article/ad, please log onto www.kalapoint.org, click “Members Only” section. Enter “Username” and “Password” (Office will give them to you), then click “OK”, “Kala Pointer” and “Style Guide” for the current style guide. 2013-2104 KPOA Board President Dale Moses Tips on Fences by Architectural Committee BEFORE YOU DIG�contact [email protected] your Architectural Committee for V.P. Caroline McNulty guidance before seeking to construct [email protected] an enclosure of any type. The CFO John Oliveira [email protected] Architectural Committee has become Secretary Mary Ann Schulte aware of a growing number of [email protected] unauthorized fences created within Director Tom Andritsch Kala Point. Fences or fence-like [email protected] structures are NOT PERMITTED as Director Bill Hempstead [email protected] they detract from the open character Director Ron Kubec of the community and create a [email protected] negative visual and physical impact Director David Pitts on adjoining properties. However, [email protected] Director Mel Raley we recognize the need for [email protected] homeowners to contain children, pets, or to protect vegetation from wildlife. As such, we make every 2013-2104 KPOA attempt to work with homeowners to Committee Chairs create relatively small fenced areas to achieve their goals. Small vegetable gardens are permissible if Architectural Dave Harrah they meet the criteria for enclosures, but as KP is a residential community, BMAC Hugh Musser large vegetable gardens are not an Communications (in suspension) acceptable part of the landscape. The Elections Bill Conklin Committee reviews every request for enclosures on a case-by-case basis Finance John Oliveira and takes into consideration visibility Grounds Needs Chair impact from the roads and neighboring properties. What may be Internal Control David Harrah approved for one location does not Nominations Linda Brewster set a precedent for another. Even if you plan to construct an enclosure Personnel Dale Moses consistent with Appendix C of the Publications Nancy Leeds Architectural APPs, you are required to seek approval from the Committee Safety, Utilities Howie Hendrickson before construction to avoid & Preparedness removing an unauthorized/ Social Plus Nancy Machette unapproved structure at your Tree Normandie Anderson expense. President’s message (Continued from page 1) the Courthouse on October 16, hence the timing of these Town Meetings. There are dozens of factors to discuss on this issue and I don’t have the ability to talk about very much of them here. Suffice it to say, that a local Kala Point P&RD will cost us taxes and has no guarantee at all of “shielding” us from a possible County-wide Municipal Park District and its taxes. Since the supporters tell us that a Kala Point District wouldn’t own any facilities whatsoever, it is very likely that the County Commissioners would want the MPD to tax us along with the rest of the County (including Port Ludlow that is trying the same tax dodge.) The proponents say “no new taxes” when, in fact, a Kala Point P&RD will cost us taxes just to keep the thing alive as a municipal corporation. So just to have a District created serves no purpose at all. It would be a waste. Obviously, I feel strongly about this. I sure hope you will study this well and understand the issues. If you do, I think you will agree with me that a P&RD for Kala Point makes no sense and you should vote against creating such a District. I’m always interested in any feedback you might have about this topic or any others. Please send me an e-mail at: [email protected]. Helpful Tip of the Month When filling a Ziploc bag with food, turn the zipper over on itself. This holds the bag open for you and keeps the spills inside. Quote of the Month “Enjoyment is not a goal, it is a feeling that accompanies important ongoing activity.” Paul Goodman KPOA Office Hours Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. TGIF Clubhouse Hours Every Friday 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. At the KPOA Clubhouse M-F: 9 a.m.-8 p.m. S&S: 1 p.m.-8 p.m. 2 Committee Briefs compiled by Bud Babcock Reminder: All minutes are drafts until approved. Committee Chairs and Secretaries are reminded that minutes (preferably a brief summary) should be e-mailed by the 16th of the month to: [email protected]. Tree Committee During August, the Tree Committee made seven site visits. We approved the removal of ten trees, allowed limbing but not removal of two more, and approved the removal of two more pending confirmation by arborist or decision by homeowner. Limbing and trimming of 10 more trees was allowed, as well as the removal of one confirmed dead fir (exempt) and many dead branches. Emergency or hazardous tree requests may be made by calling any Tree Committee member including Normandie Anderson, Tree Committee chair, at 360-3855129, or Barry Birch, vice chair, at 360-379-0122. PLEASE NOTE: NO deposit is required for submission of KPOA Tree Committee Vegetation Request forms. Last Board Meeting (Continued from page 1) Aggressive dogs must remain on a leash. If you are victimized by an aggressive dog and its owner, contact the KPOA Office. Much of the discussion at the Board meeting revolved around the proposed Parks and Recreation District 4 (Kala Point) on the November ballot. The Board voted unanimously to oppose this proposed taxing district. (See the related articles in this publication.) With all the misinformation floating around and the concerns of many members, the Board will be holding two informational Town Hall Meetings with the same agendas. All Members, including the Commissioner candidates, are invited to participate. The Town Hall Meetings will be held in the Clubhouse on October 9 at 7 p.m. and October 12 at 10 a.m. Hopefully, having two dates and times will allow more members to participate. Our next Regular Board Meeting will be held September 10 at 6 p.m. in the Kala Point Clubhouse. These quarterly evening meetings provide an opportunity for those members who can’t attend a daytime meeting to attend and participate in our meetings. We’ve had good attendance at the last two evening meetings and hope to see more members attending in the future. Plan Ahead for the Holidays Kala Cares by Suzanne Hempstead In Memoriam: Bob Stewart Get well wishes to: Jan Stewart Betty Abersold Two Town Hall Meetings Topic: Parks & Rec in KP? The two meetings have the same agenda but are held in the Clubhouse at different times for membership convenience. Both sides of the issue have been invited to speak. Questions from the audience are encouraged. by The Progressive Dinner Committee Preparations are underway for the best-loved event of the Kala Point holiday season, the annual Holiday Progressive Dinner. This year, in an effort to avoid conflict with other popular community events, the Progressive Dinner will be held on Sunday, December 8. Participants prepare holiday fare that is shared with their neighbors in host homes. Last year, 81 Kala Pointers enjoyed the festive evening in 17 homes, and we expect at least that many this year. We are now lining up homes for hosting cocktails for 20-25, dinner for 8, or dessert for 16, including the hosts. Please call Ann Bambrick (360-385-6634) or Betty Kuller (360-385-2288) if you are willing to host, or if you have questions about hosting. Also, if you have already told us that you want to be a host, please refresh our memories. Reservations will be taken in November. See the October Kala Pointer for those dates. Newcomers are especially encouraged to participate, as this is a superb way to meet your neighbors. Wednesday, Oct. 9, 7-9 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 12, 10 a.m. to noon 3 Calendar of Events Bud’s Weather Report by Ed Zinser by Bud Babcock For further information, call the Port Townsend Visitor Information Center, 360-385-2722; Marine Science Center, 360-385-5582; Centrum, 360-385-3102; or Jefferson County Library, 360-385-6544. Web site, www.ptguide.com. September 1 Annual Fort Townsend 4-Mile Trail Run: 9 to 11 a.m. The Friends of Fort Townsend State Park and the Port Townsend Running Club invite you to the annual Fort Townsend 4-mile Trail Run/Walk Sunday, September 1, 2013. The race starts at 9 a.m. in the lower field overlooking Port Townsend Bay and continues through the scenic trails in Fort Townsend State Park. All proceeds benefit the Friends of Fort Townsend and the event is sanctioned by USA Track and Field. Location: Old Port Townsend State Park. Contact: Nancy Steinberg, 360-385-6568. September 6-8 Annual Wooden Boat Festival. The first and still largest wooden boat festival in the USA. See more than 200 wooden boats from tall ships and schooners to sail, power and paddle. Experts in all aspects of wooden boat design, building, racing, cruising, and fun. Music, excellent food, local brews, and art. Fun for the whole family! Location: Point Hudson Marina & Northwest Maritime Center, 431 Water Street. Contact: 360-3853628, ext. 106. September 7-8 Crafts By the Dock Arts Fair: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Annual Crafts by the Dock Arts Fair is a high quality juried fair featuring a wide variety of crafts from the Northwest and beyond. Location: Madison Street and City Civic Plaza. Contact: Donna Harding, 360-3793813. September 14-15 Annual Jefferson County Farm Tour: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, our various fiber farms that will host spinning, weaving, roving and plant dye demonstrations, local fiber artists will have lots of goods for sale! Sunday 15-20 commercial farms will open their gates and share tours of their fields, animal and cheese making demonstrations, apple tastings, live music and entertainment, food vendors serving locally inspired dishes, and lots of farm activities for the kids! Ride the Farm Tour by bicycle! Location: Farm Tour Central at Chimacum Corner Farm Stand, 9122 Rhode Drive, Chimacum. Contact: 360-379-5610, ext. 201. September 20-22 Annual Port Townsend Film Festival. The Port Townsend Film Festival, dedicated to connecting great films, filmmakers, and communities. Late in September our town fills up with folks who love cinema and what it can bring to each of us. Location: Taylor & Washington. Contact: 360-379-1333, ext. 1333. July’s rainfall of 0.00" was 100% less than the Kala Point average of 0.96" for the 1990-2012 period which had a minimum of 0.09" in July ’03 and a maximum of 2.63" in July ‘93.. Climate Data July’13 July’12 Precipitation (inches) 0.00 1.79 Year-to-Date Pptn. 9.93 17.70 Days with rain 0 7 Av. Pptn. per rainy day na 0.28 Max. daily rain (inches) na 0.42 Cloudy days 0 10 Partly cloudy days 12 6 Clear days 19 15 Max. Temp. 84 75 Min. Temp. (°F) 47 45 Av. Daily Temp (°F) 62 59 Degree Days 113 184 July’11 0.87 17.98 10 0.09 0.19 12 4 15 72 44 57 268 Rainfall at nearby locations: July ’13 Mill Creek 0.03 Seattle (Sea-Tac Airport) 0.00 Mukilteo 0.00 Marrowstone Island 0.05 Sequim (Dungeness Lighthouse) 0.01 YTD 25.85 18.05 14.42 9.91 4.14 The average daily temperature this July was 62°, 3° higher than in June 2013 and the same as the July average of 62° from 1990 to 2012. Winds (at my house) reached a high of 33 mph from the west-southwest on July 25, and were 20 mph or higher on 7 days, 3 less than in June 2013. Seattle had no precipitation in July, compared to the normal precipitation of 0.70". Seattle had 1 cloudy day, 17 partly cloudy days, and 13 clear days. The warmest Seattle day, July 1, was 89°. The coldest day, July 13, was 52°. Highest wind gust was 25 mph from the east-southeast on July 22. Kala Point had 0.59" of precipitation in August by August 18 compared to 0.10" in the same period in 2012. This month’s weather trivia: July was the only month in my records without rainfall from 1990-2013. Also, July was the only month without any cloudy days from 2003 to date, and I don’t recall any from 1990 to 2002. (A few months had 1 cloudy day.) 4 What’s Happening at the Jefferson County Public Utility District by Bill Kaune The Jefferson County Public Utility District (PUD) purchased Kala Point’s water system about one year ago and, more recently, purchased the electrical system in much of Jefferson County from Puget Sound Energy (PSE). Thus, we now purchase both water and electricity from the PUD. The PUD’s original plan was to send us one bill monthly that contained both water and electricity charges. However, so far this has not happened, and we have received two bills monthly, one for water and one for electricity. This stems from the fact that the customer list that the PUD received from Puget Sound Energy was formatted differently than the PUD’s list of water customers, which made merging the two a difficult and time-consuming process. The good news is that they have largely solved the problem and expect to soon start sending single bills containing both water and electricity charges. At this time, the PUD charges a base rate of $7.49 for electrical service. You pay this, even if you use no electricity at all. PSE’s base rate is currently $7.87. For the first 600 kWh (kilowatt hour, a unit of energy) consumed in a month, the PUD and PSE currently charge $0.085011 and $0.091335 per kWh, respectively. For usage above this, the rates are $0.103589 and $0.110157 per kWh. As you can see, the PUD base and usage rates are already a little less than PSE’s rates. PSE’s bills also contained various fees and credits, so comparing billed totals is a little more complicated than the simply comparing rates and usage fees. However, at this time, electricity obtained from the PUD is slightly less expensive for us than it would have been from PSE, and this difference is expected to grow with time. The PUD is also now our water provider. In the near future, the PUD will upgrade the method used to remove minerals from our water. Hopefully, this will reduce or, dare we hope, even eliminate mineral stains that appear in our toilets and on our dishes. They also plan to connect our water system with their existing system at two points, at the large storage tanks west of Pinecrest Drive near its intersection with Fairbreeze Drive, and at the south end of Kala Point near the emergency exit gate. They plan also to install a pressure reducing valve alongside Kala Point Drive near its intersection with Nantucket Place. Along with the purchase of our water system, the PUD assumed responsibility for the maintenance of our communal septic systems. I recently talked with the responsible individual. He has spent considerable time here and has made a number of repairs including the replacement of one non-functioning pump. I was impressed with the seriousness with which the PUD is taking this responsibility. The PUD is led by a three elected commissioners. Late last year, the commissioners decided to form a Citizens Advisory Board (CAB). I volunteered and was one of nine selected as initial members. Consequently, I am interested in hearing of any comments or concerns that you have regarding the PUD’s service to us. My phone number is 360-379-3908 and my e-mail is [email protected]. Welcome New Neighbors!!! TGIF! Friday, September 27, 5:30–7:30 p.m. will be the Newcomers TGIF at the Clubhouse. We have lots of new neighbors now that the housing market is turning around. Bring a new neighbor plus a generous appetizer and whatever you and your neighbor would like to drink. New neighbors just bring a big smile. We know you are so happy to finally be a resident of beautiful Kala Point. We are glad to have you as our neighbor. 5 Kala Point Home Brewers Club Meeting September 14, 2013 by Gerry Walsh If you fancy yourself as a brewmeister, a brewing wannabe, or are simply a connoisseur of home brewed ales, then you may want to join the Kala Point Home Brewers Club’s next event. Couples are encouraged to attend. David and Vicky Miller will be hosting the next meeting of the Kala Point Home Brewers’ Club. Their home is located at 44 Trafalgar Drive in Kala Point. The fun is from 4-7 p.m. on Saturday, September 14. Please feel free to bring an appetizer to share and a scrumptious ale or lager of your choice or a product of your own brewing efforts. Cheers! United Good Neighbors by Jim Pate, Kala Point UGN representative The 2013 United Good Neighbors campaign will begin in October. You will receive your mailer the first or second week of the month. UGN of Jefferson County is the primary way local residents direct charitable donations to their neighbors in need. Your donations stay in the County and help support organizations that provide shelter and medical care for the poor and homeless, help feed the hungry, help the infirm and elderly, provide child care, and many other local services. Please take the time to read your UGN mailer. Use the detachable return envelope that is part of the enclosed brochure to make your contribution. Every donation is important. All contributions are needed, welcomed, and well used. Your donation will be automatically credited to Kala Point’s goal. The Kala Point community has been a great supporter of UGN. Keep up the good work! Many Thanks. General Manager’s Report by Keith Larson, General Manager Small Boat Storage Audit It’s time to do our annual audit of the small boat storage facility. If you have not placed your sticker on your vessel, please do so immediately. If you are not registered or if no sticker is identified during the audit, your vessel will be impounded by KPOA and you will be required to pay a $25 service fee to get your vessel back. A word of caution and concern at the Kala Point Beach During the past several weeks, I have received complaints & concerns of a woman and her dog being territorial and confrontational with members at the beach. This person would tell members to leave the area because her dog does not like other dogs or children. There were also reports that this person used vulgar language towards other members of Kala Point. Unfortunately, I have not witnessed this, nor have any of the members reporting these incidents gotten a name or address of the aggressor. She is usually at the beach between 3 p.m.–5 p.m., and always enters near the gazebo. If anyone knows who this person is please contact me immediately at 360-302-1255. Clubhouse Landscaping Project Our Maintenance Staff (Shane Ryan & Shane Trammell) has been working hard with the improvements of the Clubhouse landscaping. Along the lower parking area, a manor stone wall was built to perfection, backfilled with topsoil, and then it was all complemented by an excellent selection of plantings and topped off with bark. I don’t think you’ll find any area of the wall that is not perfectly level. Later this fall we’ll be adding an additional 300 daffodils and a couple more evergreens. Additionally, during the fall months the Maintenance Staff will be spending some time below the Clubhouse cleaning out the overgrown debris in the vacant parcel. This will complement the beautiful Clubhouse landscaping project. Non-member use of the Clubhouse Facility and Entrance Gate Kala Point’s distribution of member’s keys is currently at 1,803 over the past fifteen years that they have been in circulation. How many keys no longer in the possession of a KPOA member is unknown. The keys get lost over the years, they aren’t passed along to a new member, or the outgoing member just keeps them. These keys give you access to the Clubhouse, tennis courts, storage lots, and boat ramp. Why am I saying all this, well, sometime in early July it was brought to my attention that a person was using your Clubhouse/pool/Jacuzzi and sauna for several years by using a member key that he kept prior to selling his home in 2005. He also used a member’s name and address to impersonate a member of Kala Point. Needless to say, this person surrendered his key and was then escorted off the property and asked not to return. Identifying a non-member using the facilities is difficult; we don’t expect our employees to put a name and a face to every member of Kala Point, which makes it very difficult to identify these types of people. This is where you come in to the picture. It’s very important to keep track of your member keys and if you’re a new member to get the keys from the outgoing member that belong to your unit. Every key that has been issued is recorded and tied to that person’s unit in Kala Point. In addition, since we are on the subject of Kala Point Clubhouse keys and gate cards, if you lose a gate card please contact the KPOA Office so we can deactivate it. If you find it later, we will reactivate it at NO CHARGE. If you do not contact the office and someone else finds and uses it you will be responsible for their actions. We thank you in advance for your due diligence with this process. Boat Ramp Chain not being Locked This has been an ongoing problem for years and frankly is becoming a Huge Nuisance. On top of that, the lock has turned up missing. To replace this type of lock, because it is a membership lock and resistant to the saltwater, will cost over $75. There are so many reports every year with non-members using the boat ramp and this is why. When you launch your boat, be responsible, and please lock the gate. Kala Point Employee Recognition The Jefferson County Health Department Inspected the Clubhouse Facility and the Pool & Jacuzzi on July 31. The JCHD was complimentary of a well-managed, organized, and clean facility. They were also complimentary of the rules enforcement during their visit. Congratulations on a great job to the clubhouse and maintenance staff! The Kala Point Singles Bridge Every Monday E-Kala Pointer by Sharon Black 11 a.m. At the KPOA Clubhouse Notify the KPOA Office at [email protected] or call 360-385-0814 to receive your newsletter by e-mail. The “Singles Group” meeting is the first Tuesday of the month at 11:30 a.m. in the Clubhouse. 6 Who is moving in & out of Kala Point by Michael Machette After five years in the doldrums, the real estate market has heated up in Kala Point. Neighbors are selling long-listed homes and new homes are going on the market after owners sat out the bad times. Here is a list of homes & lots that have traded hands in the recent past. There will be a New Comers TGIF on Sept. 27, so take a moment to greet your new neighbors if you haven’t done so already. Phil Arnold from Kathy Jones/Diane Gale 110 Fairbreeze Drive Mo & Kacey Lemieux from Karen Hovde 23 Oak Shore Court Mike & Donna Colwell from Royal & Kay Keith 41-1 Seaview Court Bruce Miller & Ryan Seaborne from Darrell and Cindy Olsen 22 Fairbreeze Drive Bill & Julie Catron from Jane Rogers 83 Shorecrest Court Mary Ann Grigsby/Thomas Heil from Bill & Janice Gorse 70-1 Bluffs Drive Peter Schmidtcher & Carol Thompson from Nova & Misty Skeeters 60 Grenville Court Lynn & Ted Gifford from Cathy & Alan Lapat 32 Oak Shore Court Gregory Blana from George & Linda Pool 121-1 Upper Bluffs Drive Don Eppley from Bob & Janet Denhardt 284 Foxfield Drive Jim & Susie Gorski from Lowell Thompson, Estate 51-2 Seaview Court Leland & Janelle Goldhammer from Dennis & Jennifer Johnsen 241 Saddletree Drive Boyd & Wendy Ramsey from Marvin & Marilyn Reiner 261-9 Sailview Drive Tim & Janet Whyte from Michael & Cathy Carroll 180 Saddletree Drive Shirley & Richard Sackmann from Bill & Donna Pimpao 50-4 Harborview Drive Gary Lawn & Dana Nieminen from Steve & Kerry Sutorius 55 Shorecrest Court Susan Jonson from Richard Sackmann, Estate 261-2 Sailview Drive Michael & Cathy Carroll from Douglas Cox 13 Baycliff Place Fred & Judy Hopkins From Warren Schneider & Linda Robertson 30-7 Harborview Drive Bernt & Marlene Ericsen from Janet Anderson 293 Pinecrest Drive Sidney & Connie Hayes from Ken & Kathy Shumate 294 Cedarview Drive Mike & Debbie Burk from Ginny and Doug Moynihan 35 Oak Shore Drive Mark & Jani Weller from Frank & Margaret Boyle 170 Fairbreeze Drive Steve & Sue Stanton from Barbara Mason, Estate 24 Wellington Court Doug & Cara Warren from Harold Keil 60 Nantucket Place Mary Lezpona from Bill & Elaine Crook 42 Nantucket Place Carolyn Grimm from John & Joyce Engel 182 Oak Shore Drive Tom & Sandy Sullivan from Carol & John Fischbach 673 Kala Point Drive Harmon & Camilla Ornbaun from Richard Bell, Estate 1403 Kala Point Drive Ellen & Bob Niemitalo from Judy & John Adams Lot #184 (220 Cedarview Drive) Burgers at the Elks by Loraine Fishel We are back! The Kala Point Burger Crew is doing the burgers at the Elks Club on Sat. Sept. 7 and Sat. Sept 14, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. You can also get a free salad, baked beans, and dessert. The bar will be open too. Profits go to a charitable organization of our choice. See you at the ELKS for a great burger lunch. 7 Abersold/Goldhammer from Enlow/Johnsen Lot #96 Letters to the Editor Editor, On November 5 the voters of Kala Point will have the opportunity to cast six votes that may change the management of our recreational amenities for the foreseeable future. There will be a ballot initiative asking if the residents of Kala Point wish to form Recreation and Parks District #4 to manage privately owned recreational facilities within Kala Point. Since there will be no publically owned recreational facilities within the boundaries of Kala Point, there should be nothing to manage. Even the proponents and authors of this initiative admit a tax will be needed to run their newly formed P&R District. A district which they also admit, will own no property. So why did this proposal even get on the ballot? There are a few members who became convinced that formation of a parks and rec district would somehow exempt Kala Point homeowners from any new property taxes that may result if a municipal parks and rec district is formed by voters of Jefferson County. There is no certainty that will happen. It is still only in the fact-finding stages and will have to be approved by voters. The petition was marketed and sold by the signature gathers as a way to avoid taxes, nothing more. Many of those who signed, after learning all the facts, have expressed regret at having signed. Even if a Municipal Parks District were to be formed, avoidance of our fair share of the taxes to support such an agency is not a valid reason to secede from our responsibilities as Jefferson County citizens. Support of the county in which I live and use other public recreational facilities, as well as a willingness to pay a fair share, is enough for me to believe this initiative should be soundly defeated. But there is even a less altruistic reason for voting no! The county administrator and county prosecuting attorney have made it quite clear that forming District # 4 in Kala Point would not preclude the County from taxing Kala Point property at the same rate as all other residents of Jefferson County. So, if the initiative passes, and the initiative authors are elected to the commission, and they continue to demand change in the way our privately owned amenities are managed, we will surely see contention between the P&R District #4 Commission and the homeowners of Kala Point. All of this and the potential to be taxed by two government bodies should convince all members of our community to vote NO on this ill-conceived initiative. However, there is always a possibility that with a low voter turnout, the initiative could pass. In that case, it is absolutely vital that voters do not neglect to select five candidates for the commission who will pledge to not accept payment of any kind for their service, will do everything possible to avoid a tax levy, will protect our amenities and will serve as commissioners with the good of the Kala Point community as their utmost priority. When you vote it is imperative that along with your vote, you choose carefully five commissioners whom you can trust to deliver on a promise to minimize the impact to our recreational facilities. REMEMBER, to protect Kala Point you must cast six votes. One to decide if we want our facilities turned over to a county commission. (Passage will create a second taxing body for parks and rec within Jefferson County.) Then 5 more votes to select the very best commissioners to protect Kala Point, should the initiative pass. PLEASE VOTE NO! Visit www.ProtectKalaPointVoteNo.com to learn more about this issue. Doug Leeds, 220 Fairbreeze Drive Editor: On a recent Saturday morning I had an unfortunate incident at the front gate and I thought I would let others learn from my experience. I was on the way to town and was pulling up to the exit gate. There was a car in front of me that had just gone through the gate and then stopped outside the gate. I had pulled into the gate opening and had to stop because of the car in front. All of a sudden I saw the gate closing towards my car and it hit my passenger door. Keith informed me later that once you pass the sensor area there is nothing to stop the gate, and KPOA is not responsible for damages. I guess the lesson here is watch the car in front of you and don’t enter the gate too soon. It will cost me $570 to have the door on my new car repaired. Gene Tenney, 617 Pinecrest Drive 8 Letters to the Editor Editor: This is a warning to all private personal property owners in Kala Point. We planted 20 trees on our lot 384 on Pinecrest Dr. in 1981 and in 2013. We used a Tree Committee request to remove them and a double-trunked natural cedar at the corner of our lot. After 32 years these firs are over 100 feet high, and we cannot see through the trunks to exit our driveway safely. They are only 65 feet from our house (which we built ourselves in 1980) so if they fall for any reason they will damage our house. The Tree Committee, with the General Manager’s advice, denied nine largest trees that extend over the road and our driveway. The roots will eventually damage the road and our driveway. Our neighbor across the road now had such damage. We appealed the Tree Committee decision. We have 50 neighbors supporting our taking all the owner-planted trees out. Also, six close neighbors wrote letters in support. Incredible, but one of the letter writers was told by the G.M. his letter could not be accepted. Even a Tree Committee member realized property owners were not being fairly treated and wrote a letter supporting us. At the Board of Directors meeting concerning our appeal, we maintain that, if neither the Liaison and Representative cannot be there, then the attending one should take over. Therefore, Mr. Hempstead should not have voted. Also, another APP IV stated that “Directors who serve on a committee shall not serve as a Board member during an appeal to the committee”. Fire hazard is high during the summer and worse on the “Plateau” from wind. We have been advised by Fire Chief Gordon Pomeroy, Chief Low, and Community Development Director Carl Smith that the plateau area has very large amounts of brush and trees after 32 years with limited clearing permission by committees. Another main concern we have is to get more sunlight which is mostly blocked now. Three days before the appeal meeting the Tree Committee submitted “reasoning for its decision”. We notified the Board of Directors that there were at least 29 incorrect and even insulting reasons. One claimed “the Sheltons should have known they were on KPOA Common right of way”. In 1981 there was no KPOA and the easement and right of way given to the developer was seven feet from the front of the road. The plat at the County Recorder shows this is still true. The County Assessor states it is not possible to know the middle of the road which is only 20 feet. The 60 feet on the original plat was so the roads could be constructed. If the G.M. feels KPOA has 30 feet on each side, private personal property will be involved. Norm is a WWII Marine and I was raised on a farm. The stress of the last two months due to the treatment of the “ex officio” G.M., the Tree Committee, and the Board has harmed our mental and physical health. Social rules and regulations written by a few committee members and the Boards should be balanced by personal private property owners’ rights, common sense, honor, and compassion. Call me or visit, or call the Board. Sincerely, Fran Shelton Editor: This November, all Jefferson County registered voters who live in Kala Point will have a choice to make. Do we want to form our own Parks & Recreation District or not? The proponents of this private park taxing district would have you believe that you will save on property taxes and prevent a possible future Metropolitan Parks District from taking over our KPOA owned amenities. There are fallacies with both of those arguments, which we will address over the next couple of months. For now, it is important that you understand that there are a lot of Kala Point resident voters who have volunteered to help defeat this ill-advised initiative. Some are working with me on a committee to campaign against this initiative while others have offered money or time to help with the campaign we call “Protect Kala Point – Vote No”. It is our primary goal to get most of the voters in Kala Point to VOTE NO in November. If you would like more facts about what this initiative could do to Kala Point or if you would like to help in some way, please check out the website www.ProtectKalaPointVoteNo.com or contact one of us. Dick Schulte Co-chair [email protected] Doug Leeds Co-chair [email protected] Nancy Leeds Secretary/Treasurer [email protected] Thank you, Dick Schulte 9 ������������������������������ ������ � ������ � � ��������� ������������ ������������ �������� ��������� ���� ������� ����� ������� ������������������ � ������������� ����� ����������������� ������������������� ����������������� ���� �� ���������������� ����� ������ ��� ��������� ��������� � ���������������� ����� ������ ��� ��������� ������ ��������������� ������������� � ������� ���������������� ������������������ �������� � ��������������������� ������������ ������ � ���������������� ���������������� �������� � ����������������� ������������������� ���������������� ����������������������� ���������������� ����� ������ ������������ ����������������� ����������� ����������������� ���� ������������������� ������������������� �������������� ��� ��������������������� ��������� �� ���������������� ����� ������ ������������ ������������� ������������������ �� ���������������� ���������������� ������������� ������������ ����������������� ����������� �� ����������������� ����������� ����������������� ���� �������� ��������� ���� �� ���������������� ����� ������ ��� ��������� �� �������������� �������� ���������� ������������ ������������� ���� ��������������� �������������� �� �� ���������������� ����� ������ ��� ��������� �� ���������������� ������������������ �� ����������������� ���������������� � ���������������� ����� ������ ������������ �������� ��������� ���� �� ���������������� ���������������� ���������������� � ������������� �� �� ���������������� ����� ������ ��� ��������� ������������� ���� ����������������� ����������� ����������������� ���� �� �� ����������������� ��������������� ������ ����� ������������ ���������������� ����� ������ ��� ��������� �������� ��������� ���� �� �� ���������������� �������������� ��������� ������� ����� ����� � � ��� ������������ ������������ ����������������� ���� �� ���������������� ������������������ �� ���������������� ����� ������ ������������ �� ���������������� ���������������� ���������������� ��������� ����������������� ����������� ����������������� ���� �� ���������������� ����� ������ ��� ��������� ���������������� ������������� ��������������� ������������� ���� ��
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