Langer`s Moms – Langer`s Moments


Langer`s Moms – Langer`s Moments
Langer's Moms – Langer's Moments Presented By: LazBro, Inc. Relax. We’ve got this.®!
The rights to use any idea presented in this presenta;on is limited to LazBro, Inc’s approval. Proprietary & Confiden;al 1 Our Capabili6es Communica;on & Marke;ng Strategy Crea;ve & Design Web & Mobile Development Media Planning & Buying A FULL SERVICE DIGITAL AGENCY Social Media & Online PR Repor;ng & Analy;cs Management, Training & Ad Opera;ons Proprietary & Confiden;al 2 About LazBro, Inc. • 
LazBro, Inc. is a full service digital marke6ng agency • 
We offer a complete suite of crea6ve, web & mobile development, produc6on, public rela6ons and media and social media solu6ons • 
We have extensive experience in both branding and direct response • 
“Big Agency” experience, “Bou6que Agency” execu;on • 
Exemplary service, up-­‐to-­‐date strategic thinking, and a complete understanding of the marke6ng ecosystem • 
Offices in Los Angeles, London and Johannesburg • 
Deep involvement in our industry – we make it our business to know everyone and build strong rela;onships with our partners • 
The principals each have over 15 years each of digital & mobile marke;ng experience Proprietary & Confiden;al 3 A Few Of Our Clients Proprietary & Confiden;al 4 We Know Moms & Kids Proprietary & Confiden;al 5 We Know Food & Beverage CPG Proprietary & Confiden;al 6 We Are Process Driven Proprietary & Confiden;al 7 Digital Touch Points AWARENESS Offline Ac6vi6es Packaging, Print, TV, POS, Call Centers, Events •  Content Syndica6on •  Video & Podcast Channels (online and mobile) •  Content Partnerships (syndica;on, editorial, blogger) •  Online & Mobile Adver6sing •  Lead Genera6on •  Services •  SEM • 
ACQUISITION Data Feeds SEO Lists QR and Shortcodes •  Website •  Contests & Offers •  eCommerce •  Online & Mobile Marke6ng •  Micro & Macro Bloggers •  Email, SMS •  Promo6ons •  User Generated Content Proprietary & Confiden;al •  Expert Advice •  Community Development •  Unique & Exclusive Content RETENTION Social Media 8 Word Of Mouth We Know Your Ecosystem Social Community Display Experien;al/
Sampling Search iPhone/iPad Applica;on Email SEO Social Media Facebook Page and Custom Applica;on Email Lead Gen Mobile Viral PR Print Custom Twieer Page Downloads Google TV Content (YouTube & Syndica;on) Proprietary & Confiden;al Custom YouTube Page 9 Strategic Execu6on Proprietary & Confiden;al 10 Strategic Approach TARGET AUDIENCE COMMUNICATION GOALS GEOGRAPHY TIMING ENVIRONMENTS Primary: Moms, 25 – 54 Secondary: M/F 13 – 24 Ter;ary: Grandparents, 55+ U;lize mul;ple touch-­‐points to build brand awareness, keep users engaged and drive retail sales US, Na;onal Jan, 2013 – Dec, 2013 Social, Contextual, Paren;ng, Coupon, Advice, Search Proprietary & Confiden;al 11 Objec6ves & Goals • 
Increase awareness of the Langer's brand amongst target audiences • 
Increase buzz and conversa;on around the Langer's brand • 
Engage hand-­‐raisers and influencers • 
Increase Langer’s database of consumers • 
Drive retail sales • 
Generate posi;ve social media feedback • 
Bring exclusive savings and deals to fans • 
Provide a strategic umbrella for marke;ng ini;a;ves to work under Proprietary & Confiden;al 12 Strategic Research Proprietary & Confiden;al 13 Who Are We Talking To? Proprietary & Confiden;al 14 Psychographic Profile •  Shops mul*ple grocery stores to get the best prices & deals • 
Shops with a list of items (i.e. Apple Juice) instead of specific brand names (Langer’s Apple Juice) Regularly researches products on-­‐line before purchasing them in-­‐store Uses Recipe specific des*na*on sites to prepare for shopping Uses the web or mobile to find coupons Decides in-­‐store what brand to purchase based on price, coupons and special promo*ons Uses her grocery store’s loyalty card Will try a new product if she has a coupon for it Uses digital coupons Loves planning ac*vi*es to create special moments Spends tech *me together with family Organized; maintains a rou*ne for her family Creates rituals out of daily ac*vi*es in rou*ne Uses digital to plan special occasions like holidays or birthdays Reads to her children Loves cooking with her children Enjoys trying new recipes Shares coupons with other moms Tells Moms to Search for coupons Yahoo: Brave New Moms, Google: Engage Proprietary & Confiden;al 15 Common Ground • 
Immersed in a media rich lifestyle • 
Read magazines • 
Watch TV • 
Have 2+ Social Media profiles • 
Ac;ve texters • 
Download music onen • 
Upload video and photos • 
Use tablets Very Body and Health Conscious Enjoy shopping both online and in-­‐
store Want premium quality but love a good bargain Are very social • 
Like having friends, rela;onships • 
Communicators; Influencers online Love following brands Proprietary & Confiden;al 16 The Opportunity – Langers Moms, Langers Moments This heightened awareness, openness to new ideas, and desire by moms to create special moments with their families creates an unprecedented opportunity for brands. They can solve for the needs moms have iden;fied within each building block of family ;me by taking advantage of this new mindset. •  Elevate rou;nes into more meaningful rituals – for example, 64% of moms read to their kids, but only 17% enjoy it. Rou;nes can represent a great opportunity to help moms elevate the meaning of this ;me. •  Discover new rituals that moms can start with her family – in fact, 83% of moms enjoy planning ac;vi;es for their families, and many turn to digital for this discovery. •  Adapt tradi;ons to allow moms the freedom to experience them in a modern way. 53% of moms are already using digital to help plan special occasions like holidays or birthdays. •  Provide moms ideas and ways to Extend these moments so the family can relive them forever. 54% of moms already enjoy edi;ng their memories digitally Yahoo: Brave New Moms Proprietary & Confiden;al 17 What are their Online & Mobile Habits? Proprietary & Confiden;al 18 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 19 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 20 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 21 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 22 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 23 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 24 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 25 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 26 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 27 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 28 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 29 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 30 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 31 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 32 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 33 Consumer Habits Proprietary & Confiden;al 34 Consumer Habits -­‐ Paid Search Proprietary & Confiden;al 35 Consumer Habits -­‐ Paid Search Proprietary & Confiden;al 36 How Do We Reach Them? Proprietary & Confiden;al 37 The Brand Playground ONLINE
38 The Brand Playground What is a Brand Playground? A custom designed, socially connected, online/mobile/social playground where consumers interact with the brand through promo;ons, contests, giveaways, chats, Q&A’s, video and audio contests, coupons and mentor programs. It’s an online & mobile des;na;on designed with deep engagement in mind. • 
Completely branded environment Scaleable 4-­‐in-­‐1 solu;on with capabili;es covering Online, iPhone Op;mized Mobile Web, iPhone App and iPad App Integrates with popular social environments – Facebook, TwiRer, YouTube Integrates as a Facebook Applica;on to run rules compliant contests within Facebook Total control over campaign elements Deeper analy;cs -­‐ integrates with most analy;cs packages Own the data -­‐ sign up and registra;on is completely customizable Highly op;mized for SEO Builds SEO friendly brand content Builds consumer loyalty Completely customizable 39 Display Media/Banner Adver6sing • 
U;lize Display Media & Banner Adver;sing to: • 
Build brand awareness through high-­‐impact placements and sponsored content where available Maximize efficiency through CPC (Cost-­‐Per-­‐Click and CPL (Cost-­‐Per-­‐Lead) buying when available Focus on mom publishers with maximum audience reach Geo-­‐target crea;ve to support Retailer loca;ons U;lize flash crea;ve (300x250, 160x600 and 728x90 ad units) and rich media ad units with store locator func;on when available Challenges/Obstacles: Many publishers will have a minimum monthly spend requirement of $20K+ • 
Solu;on: Select 2-­‐3 Key publishers and build strong branding campaigns while augmen;ng impression volume through low CPM AdNetworks, Cost-­‐Per-­‐Click buying and DSPs (Demand Side Plavorms) • 
LazBro will request 72 hour out-­‐clause on non-­‐custom placements and full site transparency • 
Integrate Mobile Display/Banner Ads when available Proprietary & Confiden;al 40 Display: Sample Paid Media Partners April Paid Search Video Online Display/
Banners Social Mobile Lead Genera6on/
Couponing For Presenta;on Purposes Only -­‐ Publishers Finalized Once Media Plan Is Complete Proprietary & Confiden;al 41 Social Media -­‐ Fan Pages & Communi6es • 
Create & maintain engaging content on Langer's’ current social media pages by developing a monthly Conversa;on Calendar in advance • 
Langer's Lifestyle Tips: Provide lifestyle ;ps to fans at least once a week. Encourage fan par;cipa;on by solici;ng ;ps from fans Langer's Fan Friday: Each week give a shout out to one of your fans for responding to a comment, giving a ;p, etc. Retailer of The Week: Each week feature a Langer's retailer with a link to a store finder Recipe of The Week – Feature a new recipe each week that showcases a Langer’s product Product of the Week – Pick a different Langer’s product each week and tell the benefits of a different Langer’s product • 
Respond to posts, comments, tweets within one hour • 
Curate content for users to share and “Pin” by providing more product imagery and looks on Pinterest • 
Create a consistent look & feel across all social media pages seasonally • 
Integrate a social monitoring tool, like Hootsuite or Radian6 for tracking analy;cs & repor;ng • 
Create Audience Analysis reports from Social Media Analy;cs to learn about what Langer’s customers are interested in learning more about • 
Integrate Contests & Promo;ons in Social Media Environments to increase database of subscribers • 
Create a Langer’s Mom…Langer’s MOMents blog Proprietary & Confiden;al 42 Social Media -­‐ Blogger Outreach • 
Media List Development – We will develop a specific media list with contacts and background informa;on on the most influen;al online bloggers • 
Leverage Exis;ng Assets – Amplify current content and create a blog on Langer' turn into bigger trend stories. • 
Blogger Rela;ons – We will reach out to key bloggers to promote products, contest, provide coupons, etc. while we are tracking metrics as to which bloggers have the most influence and drive the most traffic • 
Work closely with paid media team to leverage any opportunity to gain editorial exposure as a result of media buy Manage, measure and track earned impressions with media partners Proprietary & Confiden;al 43 Paid Search • 
Focus on Tier 1 Search Engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo!) for maximum reach & impact • 
Integrate Conversion Tracking within Google AdWords to maximize sales • 
Leverage LazBro’s dedicated Google & Yahoo! Teams to enhance Paid Search strategy and exceed goals • 
Leverage both brand (Langer’s), generic (Juice) and retailer (Schnucks) terms to reach the target audience as they are searching • 
Modify, Edit and Op;mize keywords daily based on conversions and weekly goals Proprietary & Confiden;al 44 Email Marke6ng • 
Develop an Email Marke;ng strategy that is consistent with an overarching campaign • 
Create email marke;ng calendar relevant to the marke;ng campaign • 
Acquire addi*onal customers by crea;ng opportuni;es through digital media, social media, etc. to increase email database • 
Create early engagement email series strategy to begin engaging customers and driving to retail • 
Provide exclusive coupons and offers to Langer’s email database • 
Create a loyalty program for frequent shoppers • 
Assist with crea*ng relevant content as needed Proprietary & Confiden;al 45 Measurement & Analy6cs • 
U;lize 4Es measurement methodology to measure: • 
Exposure Engagement Efficiency User Experience • 
Create measurable and track-­‐able goals that integrate 3rd Party Ad-­‐Server & Google Analy;cs reports • 
Use 3rd Party Ad-­‐Server to correctly and effec;vely measure media partner ac;vity • 
Reconcile all media partner invoices to 3rd Party Ad-­‐Server numbers Provide monthly reconcilia;on reports • 
Provide weekly repor;ng and op;miza;on recommenda;ons • 
Provide weekly, monthly and end of campaign reports Proprietary & Confiden;al 46 Sample Marke6ng Budget -­‐ $1MM Note: • 
Suggested publishers are for presenta;on only and programs are based on availability All sample media costs are net Agency discounts from media partners are passed through to the client Media retainer to be paid by the first of each month All media must be pre-­‐paid by the 15th of the month prior to the month to be run All crea;ve and development costs are paid on a milestone basis Deposits are non-­‐refundable Proprietary & Confiden;al 47 Relax. We’ve got this.®!
Proprietary & Confiden;al 48 Thank You For more informa6on: Jennifer Lazarus [email protected] tel: 310.279.5080 Proprietary & Confiden;al 49