In Focus - March 2012
In Focus - March 2012
IN FOCUS March 2012 Links to articles New Sports and Aquatic Centre - 6 :. Congratulations Class of 2011 - 9 :. Focus on East Timor - 16 :. in defining what a great school looks like, I challenge myself to think about the following presuppositions. I believe great schools focus on these key factors. Staff professional learning is enhanced through discussion groups Ours is a Christian School that strives educational personnel, support staff and structures and procedures to assist students, to support our students in character parents to cooperatively and collaboratively development and educational outcomes. We enjoy a cohesive, shared understanding of strive to encourage each of our students to their contribution to the education process. develop a personal faith in Jesus Christ and to Programs are reviewed and assessed for improvement. offers learning opportunities and pastoral care, our students are encouraged to achieve their best. In a framework of continuous improvement, clear and explicit goals for students are understood and supported by In recent years our College has undergone and benefitted from reviews of programs at all levels including Senior, Middle and Junior School as well as the program at ‘Back Creek’ farm. New initiatives have been successfully students, teacher and parents. introduced and students are demonstrating introduction of the Federal government’s Believing in and supporting all students to learn. many cases the information used as part of My Schools website, the introduction and Our College aims to provide the right learning data, feedback from students, members of effort to prepare for and introduce a national environment that encourages and supports all staff and our parent body. A shared input into curriculum and the Gonski review of funding students to learn. We work hard to create an this process is invaluable. of schools, to name a few. Interestingly, my environment where students feel safe, valued direct conversations with stakeholders in our and engaged in the learning process, so as to community, including colleagues from other make the most of every opportunity through Teaching staff play a significant role in student success. schools, often specifically involve asking the programs, facilities, resources and services The selection and recruitment of teaching questions about the qualities of a great school. available to them. This is best achieved in a staff and a commitment to supporting each shared culture of learning where everyone sees one in their professional growth has been a themselves as learners - students, members of focus of our recent emphasis on teaching staff and parents included. and learning. discussion and debate surrounding schools and education in our country - The Factors to consider. In considering the elements that are factors Page 2 :. great school is prepared to remove barriers or improve programs in order to create lives. Together with a balanced education that What makes a great school? There is no such thing as a perfect school. A A shared understanding about the ethos and culture of the school. understand the purpose that God has for their Over recent years there has been much Barriers are Identified and addressed. positive outcomes as a result of these. In the reviews has involved student learning Our teaching staff are involved in a range of and a Christian College smart phone App For the staff to work collectively and professional learning teams to collaboratively will be introduced soon and will enable us collaboratively toward offering the very best consider initiatives and practice that to keep the entire College community up educational opportunities and feedback challenges and improves their effectiveness to date with events, celebrations and news possible, through reflecting upon their in classrooms. The introduction of a concerning the College program. practice and learning from their colleagues Effective communication through this and best practice initiatives. method will increase and enhance the For parents to encourage and support feedback provided to students and students in their learning as well as to be families regarding the learning undertaken accountable for their efforts and contributions throughout the College as well as details on by supporting the teaching staff in their efforts individual students. to deliver the program. delivery of learning for our students. Our shared aim. We have much to be thankful for at Christian Effective communication. This year I have challenged the staff in all The effort to use technology to improve areas of the College to focus upon and to reflective Teacher Performance Management program will allow our teachers to work with colleagues in order to obtain feedback that will support and encourage their career development and practice. The desired outcome is ongoing, high quality, state of the art practical experiences to enhance the communication with students and assist strive for excellence - to not only focus on the them with their daily organisation and also end result being excellent, but also to engage with families through the newly developed in a process of giving ones best effort to portal, are each aimed to provide effective continuing to improve. and more efficient methods of sharing In this way I ask our entire community to information. support and encourage each other in this goal. Change of this nature is not without For students to challenge themselves challenges; however over time through reviewing and improving these elements of our College communication links using technology, we will see considerable benefits in the months and years ahead. The new College website, a Facebook page Page 3 :. and take responsibility to give their very best effort to take up the opportunities provided to them by listening to their teachers, submitting their best work at all times and within the time expected and to use the feedback offered to improve their learning. College. God has blessed us with a clear focus on love and a great example to follow in His son Jesus. Our daily living, if based on His example and desire to make the world a Senior staff and students recognizing student leadership better place, gives us a tremendous purpose. We benefit as a result of the provision of great students, the most wonderful learning environment, excellent programs and facilities for teaching and learning, a professional and dedicated teaching and support staff and a positive and supportive relationship between the College and our families. This to me describes a great school, one that continually strives for excellence. Glen McKeeman, Principal. Class group learning in action at Bellarine Campus Campus Life The experience of campus life is many and varied whether it be in the classroom, the gym, the pool, the sporting field, the camp, the farm or on excursion. However there are two common pursuits we have for 2012 Excellence and the Sharing of Love. The excellence we seek is not a destination but a journey. It is the desire to see each student improve and grow moment by moment, day by day. Teachers not only Picnic in the courtyard for Year 7 families and teachers want this experience for their students but are passionate themselves to share in the New Sports and Aquatic Centre Recently the opportunity for the Middle School community to come together in our Sports and Aquatic Centre was a dream come earlier in the day by observing our basketball court quickly transformed into a community hall by a group of dedicated staff and able students. The commonality was the picnic tea, followed attainment of true excellence. We too want to by Chapel and finally the classroom to give improve and grow. the families a taste of a day in the life of their The love we seek to share is not love as the children. The friendship experienced over the world knows it but love as God intends it to picnic was encouraging and the time in the be. It is best defined by Paul in his letter to Chapel with our Chaplain, Mr Jason Morrison, unpacking our desire for students to the church at Corinth: ‘Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it true. Our Leaders’ Induction Service saw 620 This time together allowed us to praise God students joined by over 150 parents and staff for His provision and celebrate the gifts He to dedicate our student leaders, in service, to has given to our children. their school and to God. Welcome Evenings The venue looked and sounded wonderful Our Years 5/6 and Year 7 Welcome Evenings teachers listening and doing activities whilst and our guest speaker Miss Georgina Faulkner this year brought freshness and excitement the Year 7 families not only spent time in the spoke to the audience about the true essence to the experience. Under the direction of the Homeroom but also visited other classes. The of servant leadership and the ability of young coordinators Mr Peter Fossey and Miss Kerrie bell was rung to signal the end of one class people to make a real difference in their Reid each evening had common threads yet and the start of the next. A true experience of Wayne Hines world. This had already been evidenced each was programmed differently. a student’s life at school was gained by all. Head of Middle School, Highton Page 4 :. experience excellence in 2012, was inspiring. The variation occurred in the classroom where the Year 5/6 families spent their time in their child’s classroom with their Homeroom does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails’. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 Starting 2012 at the Farm The new vegetable gardens are in full production, particularly potatoes “Garden Cooking” is going really well. The Year 9 Rural 1 students have presented complete meals 90% from our own sources The hot house tomatoes are flourishing and Gathering wood for the boiler look like the ‘Day of the Triffids’ Rural 2 girls getting used to the working the herd The main car park has been edged with sleepers and shrubs to make a hedge. Elm trees are spaced along the car park The front gardens are divided into sections Rural Experience Overview The purpose of the Farm is to provide year 9 students with an enhanced educational experience through a residential rural programme where they are immersed into a working farm (primarily a commercial dairy), The school part of the Rural Programme currently has 2 full-time and 9 casual / sessional staff. Corea, Daisy, Hebes, Lavender, Diosma Green, Diosma Yellow, Grevillea, Boronia, Leucodendron, Proteas, Ti Tree etc. The bridge over the back of the dam is complete and now in use. whilst living with their peers - away from most of the comforts and conveniences of home. The farm part of the Rural Programme This new environment is a wonderful currently has 2 full-time and 3 casual staff. platform for children to discover things about • 98 hectares owned + 405 hectares leased themselves, taking responsibility, the role renovation of the ‘Gatehouse’ • 285 cows being milked twice daily Mr Earl Moore has been appointed as our does not just appear on supermarket shelves, • 271 sheep Teaching and Learning Operations Manager. experiential learning of tolerance for those • 54 beef cattle and calves to develop leadership potential, and using • 100 calves initiative in problem-solving. • 200 hens northern end of the cabins. 204 students participated in the Programme • 110 eggs collected, washed and sold daily Russell Barter, Director of ‘Back Creek’ living and working with them, opportunities Page 5 :. in 2011 (142 from Highton, 62 from Bellarine) The Farming Operations of primary production in the food chain - it Apples, apples and more apples! which the students look after. Plants include ‘Larry ‘ and ‘Garry ‘, our two goats are great for keeping the fence lines clean. Much new work has been done on the His work is focused on the homestead, its organisation and systems. New steps have been installed on the OPENING CEREMONY 1 2 3 The expansive new sports facilities at the Christian College Middle School in Burdekin Road, Highton was officially opened by Darren Cheeseman, MP and James Shirley, Chairman of Christian College Board on Friday 9 March. The new Sports Centre includes a gymnasium with two basketball courts, a circuit training room and sports administration areas. It will also be used as an auditorium for College assemblies and special events. 1. Year 8 Physical Education classes include swim training in the Aquatic Centre 2. Two Indoor Cricket matches can take place at once in the spacious new gymnasium 3. The Head of Middle School and the Board Chairman listen to the response from Sally Ramsay, a Middle School parent at the Opening Ceremony Page 6 :. During the Opening Ceremony, a plaque was unveiled acknowledging the contribution of the Australian Government. College CEO Daryl Riddle OAM stated that the long-term ‘dream’ of the College Board had only been Prayer of Dedication At the Opening Ceremony the following prayer was offered by Salvation Army Board Representative, Captain David Collinson made possible with financial assistance Dear God, from the Federal Government’s Building We thank you for Christian College Geelong - for the Education Revolution initiative. He the staff and students you have placed here and also acknowledged the pivotal role of the for the diversity of people that come through architect and Project manager, Paul Brewster. their doors every day. Mr Frank Costa OAM congratulated the We thank you for the gift of sport and the College Board for its vision and gave an abilities you have given us to run, play, swim inspirational message to the students and compete. encouraging them to develop character as We ask now your blessing on this Sports and well as their skills. Aquatic centre, praying for the work that will be Aquatic Centre Refurbishment done here and the care, support and education In addition, the original St. Augustine’s Orphanage swimming pools have now been completely refurbished, heated and enclosed as part of the new Sports and Aquatic Centre. 2 that will be offered in Your name. May this building be a blessing to the community here at Christian College and to the City of Geelong. Several of the St Augustine’s Old Boys took part We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. in the unveiling of a plaque commemorating Amen. the work of the boys and Christian Brothers in 1. The Senior Wind Symphony provided musical the excavation of the pools in 1939. support at the Opening Ceremony The pools will now be used for swim 2. Darren Cheeseman MP, Daryl Riddle CEO instruction throughout the year by Christian of Christian College, St. Augustine’s ‘Old College classes from Junior, Middle and Senior Boy’Charlie Walker and the College Chairman, School as well as by community groups. James Shirley in the new Aquatic Centre Page 7 :. 1 standards, ideals and integrity of this my school - Christian College. I will strive to show understanding, compassion and respect in my dealings with students and staff. I will endeavour to be fair and consistent in the decisions I make, whilst being committed to the high ideals of my College motto – ‘Seek ye first The Senior Prefects give their Oath of Commitment during the The 2012 Senior School Captains and Vice Captains are congratu- Investiture lated by the Head of Senior School and the Principal what you believe in. A good leader has vision: This means that a good leader can see what he or she is On February 14th the Senior School held its effective in serving those they are working for working towards, has an end result in mind Prefect Investiture Ceremony. While there if they love them. Without love it will be just and always has a plan of action. were twenty four of our Year 12’s who were mindless work, but if you love others you will invested into their new roles, we celebrated be considerate of their wants and needs and the qualities of leadership which we are all this will make your service more meaningful. able to display. I would like to outline some of the qualities of being a leader, as these allow us each to improve and to be our best self, and for us to help others become their best A good leader has a good attitude: Your attitude will not only determine your personal success but it will determine how successfully Every one of our young people at Senior School is able to work on these outlined attributes and to be a leader to those around A good leader is responsible: We all have to he or she does. Doing your part is good Prefect in our community and we celebrate be responsible for our own actions and to be but doing it with a good attitude and with with those who were successful in becoming aware of the impact that those actions may enthusiasm is even better. one. The oath that each of these young negative. for: No one wants to follow someone who is unsure or wavering. Even if those you are Sam Liistro and Madelaine Blomfield . We are delighted that they have accepted these roles and we pray for God’s hand on them for the year ahead. This prayer, below, which we prayed for our School Captains is just as appropriate for all Father, thank you for these young men and year indicated their willingness to become a is always a consequence, whether positive or Ben McCarthy and our School Vice Captains Senior Prefects 2012 have a positive attitude about everything A good leader knows what he or she stands 2012 School Captains Alicia McNamara and our young people on the Senior campus. We are grateful to all the Year 12’s who last have on others. When we make a choice there I would like to particularly congratulate our them. you can lead others. A truly good leader will as well. the Kingdom of God’ women - for the people they are and for whom they will become. As Your word declares, we ask wisdom for them in their roles knowing that you will give generously. Lord grant them an increased creativity – we are made in your people made at the Investiture Service is set image and you are a Creator-so guide them in out below. As a community we are grateful new ways of thinking, new ways of problem that they have made such a promise. solving and new ideas for 2012. A good leader loves those whom he or leading do not agree with the beliefs you ‘With God’s help, I wholeheartedly accept the Susan Strong she serves: A leader will be much more have, they will still follow you if you know responsibilities associated with upholding the Head of Senior School Page 8 :. Amen. The 2011 Year 12 Graduates of our College have done particularly well in their VCE studies. We would like to share some insights and advice from a few of the Year 12 students who did particularly well last year. REBEKAH HINES: 2011 DUX OF CHRISTIAN COLLEGE Rebekah studied Group Music, Further Mathematics, Chemistry, Music Investigation, English and Mathematical Methods. She believes she did well with her ATAR because she had sufficient motivation toward what she wanted to do in the future. She made sure that she never stressed herself out, by remembering that her life would continue even if she did not reach her goal. This approach released a JACOB PETKOVIC ANDREW PEEL Jacob studied English, In Year 12, Andrew studied Drama, Indonesian, English, Accounting, Physics, Japanese and Literature in Japanese and Mathematical Year 12. Methods. He says that having a clear He believes that he did well goal in mind throughout because he continually Year 12 gave him the reviewed previously studied motivation, enthusiasm and topics throughout the determination to attain his year so that he did not lot of potential pressure. desired ATAR. Additionally, by choosing subjects he have to relearn everything when it came time for the This year she plans to study a Bachelor of Science at enjoyed, the workload and homework were much more examinations. Melbourne University whilst living at St. Hilda’s College. manageable. This year Andrew will begin studying Medicine at Various music groups and church/Christian unions In 2012 Jacob will study Professional Communications Adelaide University and his future plans include will also fill in her hobbies and keep up her life outside at RMIT city campus. As a part of this degree he will be being a doctor and then deciding upon his area of study. able to complete studies in a range of areas including specialisation. After two years of the Bachelor of Science, Rebekah can journalism, public relations, languages and Asian apply to start her Doctor of Veterinary Science course a studies. year early, thanks to her guaranteed ATAR entry. So, in After completing his studies, Jacob hopes to pursue a the future she will be a vet, hopefully working in a rural career in the broadcast journalism industry and perhaps area, but maybe working with some wild animals or in a work as a TV reporter. zoo ultimately. Page 9 :. RIANNI LANCASTER JASON ALLSOPP CHLOE LILKENDY Jason’s studies for Year 12 Chloe studied English, were Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Studio Arts, Maths English, Maths Methods, Methods, Specialist Maths and Rianni attributes her fine results to hard work and dedication. Physics, Further Maths Further Maths in Year 12 She says: “There is only one way to do well and that is to study, Success came to Jason Chloe feels that she did well though, you have to study smart by choosing what works because of a number of in her ATAR because Effort best for you. For example, I never wrote notes; rote rehearsal factors. Firstly, he found > Natural Talent. She put in was just a waste of time for me. Instead I gave meaning to the his goal, of working in the the ‘hard yards’ all through information by using mnemonic devices (memory enhancers) medical profession and thus Year 11 and during the year In Year 12 Rianni studied English, Further Maths, Japanese, Chemistry, Psychology and creating pictures at times (weird I know!) It is important to not underestimate the importance of SACs as well; I looked at them as exam. preparation and made sure I knew basically everything regarding that topic and what I didn’t know I would concept properly as she was learning it. began work then, so that there was barely anything She deeply involved herself in class discussion and was not new in Year 12. This meant that when he got to Year 12 shy to ask questions or get clarifications. he had completed almost all his coursework, and could She says ‘If you start trying and truly understanding early on, on before the SACS, from the text books, study aids etc. grasp concepts better and ask more complex questions. Year 12 becomes easier and when exams come along you I found it so much easier to learn concepts well the first time, Jason’s hints to others include: revision and I could get into practice exams as soon as I could. All these students are It is also important to have balance; I made time to still do positive about the future exercise each day, have a couple of jobs, go out on weekends and expressed their thanks and things like that, but just prioritise; it’s not possible to do to Christian College for these all the time! start to their chosen career. He decided all this towards the end of Year 10 and in Year 12. Chloe made sure that she understood each ask my teachers. I also did every question I could get my hands so that when exams came around, my preparation just felt like giving them a wonderful he looked towards an ATAR of 99.95 Leading up to the exams I took at least a month off work, and didn’t go out and things like that as I found studying more Summarising his own notes and speaking everything as he wrote. Bachelor of Science, particularly focusing on Mathematics and Psychology. She wants to relax a little within her studies however, and hopefully take on some extra Teaching others helped to show where he lacked in his curricular activities, embracing her passions for dance and own understanding. photography. Having a balanced life (some social activities, plenty of Chloe is still unsure of what she wants to be when she sleep and regular exercise included) grows up, but she is fine with that. She would be interested This year Jason will study Dentistry at La Trobe out of it what you put in. It’s easy to start the year motivated University in Bendigo. His future plans include some then slacken off, but persist and it will all be worth it in the aspect of dentistry and travel. This year she is studying Law/ Science, which she believes will This year Chloe is enrolled at Monash University to study a Not leaving things to the last minute. important at these times. Just find what works for you! You get end. Still remember to enjoy it! are not in a rush to attempt to understand the impossible.’ in continuing her studies perhaps Honours, Masters and maybe a PHd. Chloe found it hard to choose between creativity and academia when deciding on a university course, so she hopes that she can continue to embrace art and hopefully find a career that encompasses both aspects. ‘keep her on her toes’. Page 10 :. Education continues to be a strong focus already experimenting with ‘fancy stitching’ to Christian College Geelong began visiting It is fantastic to see the adoption of new Viqueque in 2004. That year, a work-party technology and ideas for the improvement of ups, playdough, finger-painting, gardening established a community Friendship House lives in the community and in the classrooms. and water play, just to name a few of the new called Uma Maun Alin. In 2005, a second group With the advent of 24 hour per day electricity activities at the kindergarten. renovated another building in Viqueque, which in Viqueque in 2012, even more goals will now provides accommodation for visiting be met. This will positively impact the ICT groups and individuals. Many friendship trips timetable which will allow more students to have ensued. learn ICT skills on the laptops. The sewing The community of Viqueque has a formal friendship relationship with Geelong. In 2010 a Memorandum of Understanding was Christian College teacher, Ms Singleton joins in the sewing class at the Friendship House at Viqueque Page 11 :. embroider table cloths and napery. ladies’ use of the new sewing machines will not be restricted to starting the generator or coming to work when the power is on. Venancia is the third teacher and she will be following a similar intensive training program of experience at Williams House in Term 2 this year. A big ‘thank you’ to the dedicated staff at our Williams House Kindergarten. They are fantastic kinder teachers and the children at the Friendship House Kindergarten are lucky renewed and signed between the Mayor of It is hoped that the support for these programs the City of Greater Geelong and the District will continue strongly into the future. Administrator of Viqueque. The Friendship House, supported by Christian Kindergarten at the Friendship House College Geelong, hosts a range of important Kindergarten teachers from Viqueque, community-based activities. It currently Nurlinda and Lucia, both taught at Christian accommodates a registered kindergarten College’s Kindergarten, Surfside Kindergarten in the mornings and English classes for and Kardinia Child Minding Centre, as part of primary school students some afternoons. a comprehensive 2-3 month training program The ICT classes have become increasingly in Geelong in 2011. Their experience provided popular since another batch of laptops has them with new skills and ideas, which they These trips offer Geelong students the been installed at Uma Maun Alin. A women’s immediately put into practice upon their opportunity to experience village life in sewing group has started a business there return, transforming the Kindergarten Viqueque, and make their own contribution too. These skilled ladies make and sell school in Uma Maun Alin , the Christian College to the ongoing efforts of Christian College; uniforms. With the addition of more ‘modern’ Friendship House. They have implemented and to improve the living standards and electric sewing machines in 2011, they are activities such as a home/play corner, dress educational opportunities within Viqueque, to benefit benefit from their experience. Recent trips… In 2010 and 2011, Senior students from Christian College Geelong recommenced regular trips to East Timor. When these students visited the communities of Viqueque and Kraras, they continued to strengthen the existing bonds between the school and the communities. Kinder in action at the Friendship House Kraras and Raitahu. The expeditions also SMA Calixa is in desperate need of renovation, moved by the personal stories of torture and serve to develop relationships between these but must await government and education survival. Rich, authentic learning experiences villages and the Greater Geelong community. department discretion as to when and where such as these convey a powerful message, Raitahu School funding is granted. SMA Septembru 4 School augmenting the school’s Humanities Last year, the Christian College Senior Christmas period. Despite difficult physical Prefects tabled a proposal to the Christian surroundings, learning continues with very College community and set a challenge for little in the way of material resources and staff and students to raise funds for a new aides, even if it is under the trees while the Friendship School, 15 km from the village roof is dismantled and re-constructed. of Viqueque. It was an initiative developed in consultation between Christian College Geelong and the village elders, teachers and parents of Raitahu. Christian College is thrilled to announce that a three room school, including a staff room, is well on the way to completion. It will be formally opened when the 2012 Prefects visit in June/July. We would Senior students and staff visited in 2011 like to take this opportunity to thank our group of teachers from Viqueque visited Geelong on a study trip. They toured their Friendship Schools Group buddy schools and enjoyed collegiality with staff and students. It is difficult for most families to support A dedicated band of Christian College staff their children through tertiary studies, so are once again visiting Viqueque in the Easter during 2011, Christian College inaugurated holidays this year, to maintain the buildings, support for a young man and a young woman and experience the friendship and humble from each of their buddy schools to go to surroundings offered by our mates and university in Dili. Typically, courses run for colleagues over there. three years. It is anticipated that new students will be supported in successive years. The 2012 Calendars Some copies of the East Timor Calendars are including nursing, teaching and chemistry. still available from Reception at each Campus. At the completion of their studies they hope The original Raitahu primary school is typical Parents are warmly encouraged to take a to return to Viqueque to make positive of remote, rural schools in Timor Leste. It contributions to their community, through calendar home and read more about our East is constructed of palm poles, a palm leaf education and health. thatched roof and has mostly open ‘walls’. Christian College Staff and Students to make a gold coin donation, every little bit In June 2011, Jill Jolliffe (author of Balibo) and Christian College in Viqueque. Forty to sixty primary school students attend this single room school, taught by three teachers, including the Principal. Scholarships Page 12 :. program. Then in November, a representative students are studying a variety of courses many supporters and look forward to your continuing support. The Principal with the students of Raitahu School received new trusses and a roof over the 2011 her Timorese friends set up a photographic and video exhibition, The Living Memory Timorese friends. At this stage of the year, the calendars are free, but if you would like helps support the people and projects run by Deb. Singleton Two senior schools in Viqueque are ‘buddied’ Project, at the Christian College Chapel at Secretary, Christian College East Timor with two of the Christian College campuses. Middle School, Highton. Many students were Association Proud parents congratulate the 2012 Bellarine School Captains Welcome to 2012 Once again it has been a very smooth start to the year and to this end I am grateful for the work all staff and parents have contributed in ensuring the students’ have a positive beginning to 2012. I would like to extend a warm welcome to those families beginning their educational journey with us as part of the Preparatory Year and also in Year 7. I enjoyed catching up with many of you at our Family Welcome Picnic and for those families The Chaplain’s message at the Welcome Evening communicate with staff via the Diary and may involved, even as your child moves into wish to follow up with a phone call or email the middle and senior years of schooling. as required. The Diary should also provide an Coaching a team, assisting on excursions or we encourage you to introduce yourself overview of student progress in academics, camps, offering to help on a special activity to your child’s Homeroom teacher and/or attitude and campus based events, ensuring day, volunteering with fundraising initiatives the specialist staff to begin what will be an parents remain well informed. or in the Barn are just a few of the ways you important partnership as we share in the Support at home can help your child succeed! can remain involved and connected with responsibility of ‘educating’ your child. We see this as a reciprocal relationship that can be fostered between home and the school. A recent study at the Queensland University In order to bring about the best outcomes of Technology (QUT) found that parents who for your child, we need to be supportive of remain engaged with schools throughout each other’s roles as parents and teachers. their child’s education are more likely to Together we can achieve some great things! have children who complete the high school I missed, I am sure we will have opportunities The College Diary is an important tool to catch up as the year unfolds. in this process and forms the basis for Parent/Teacher Partnership Staff and families meet informally in Term 1 at the Bellarine Campus communication between parents and teaching staff. It is important that the Diary years and also go on to further study. This study found that there is a very high level of parental involvement in the early years of schooling; however this engagement starts to decrease as secondary studies commence. your school and child’s education. The QUT study also reported that parents helping with homework, discussing experiences at school and what is being learned lets children know that their parents are interested, concerned and place a high value on education. Ways parents can help their children learn 1. A positive start to the day. Assist your child with routine and organising the night before in readiness Throughout the year there are many be viewed and signed each night for Junior opportunities for you as parents to become School students and each week for Middle My encouragement to all parents is to take for the next day. This will prevent the rush involved in the life of the College. Further, School students. Parents are encouraged to advantage of the many ways you can remain and stress of not being able to locate Page 13 :. uniform items, books and notices etc. in the morning. Having an appropriate breakfast will also ensure your child has the appropriate ‘fuel’ for the day. A positive, happy start is a great foundation for a new day at school. 4. Foster a love of learning. As a parent you can enrich your child’s life and love of learning by showing them your own curiosity, respecting their questions, asking questions and encouraging their efforts. Filling your home with books to read, 2. Prepare for a positive reunion at the books to look at and books that will assist in end of the day. answering questions can be invaluable. Just as a positive start to the day is 5. Develop a learning partnership with essential, so too is a happy conclusion your child’s teacher. to the school day. Putting aside some Introduce yourself, assist in the classroom, uninterrupted time, perhaps 10-20 minutes maintain contact through the diary and take up to listen to your children talk about their the opportunity for Parent/Teacher Interviews. day is really important. This lets them know If you need to speak to the teacher in reference that you are interested in their learning and to a specific issue with your child, do it privately, they will value your attention. not in front of your child. Never criticise your 3. Remember it is your children’s homework, not yours. Discovering Highton Campus with Middle School students child’s teacher in front of your child. Staff will be SMA Negeri 2 Mataram Senior High School students and staff from our Twin School in Lombok, only too happy to oblige and attempt to bring Indonesia visited Geelong and were hosted by Christian College families from February 26 to 10 about a positive resolution. It is important that March. This is the 16th year of the exchange that commenced in 1997. Create a time and quiet place as a regular your child sees a positive relationship between homework space. It is valuable for parents parent and teacher. At the Welcome Ceremony on Wednesday 29 February in the Senior School Chapel, host students to encourage editing and revision of work; however it is really important to allow your children to make mistakes and complete their own work. This also allows teachers to gauge if your child has understood the material presented and encourages our young people to take responsibility for the quality of their work and develop independent learning habits. formally welcomed the SMA Negeri 2 students to Victoria and Christian College in Indonesian. A As the new school year unfolds, we look representative from the Consul General of Indonesia attended the special occasion. forward to working with you (the parents) The 20 students and 3 staff- including the Principal, Pak Hairuddin Ahmad visited the various to assist your child as they learn and grow to be the best that they can be. Together we can achieve great things and encourage in our young people a desire to be lifelong and school campuses, Narana Creations and many other local tourist attractions with their host families. In 2011 ten students from Christian College and their parents went on a 2 week study tour to Indonesia ( Bali and Lombok) and were hosted by SMA Negeri 2 Mataram and the local community in passionate learners. Lombok. Scott Elliss, Head of Bellarine Campus Visits by students and staff to and from Indonesia not only assist our students with their LOTE studies but firm friendships into the future are made. Mrs Carol Milton-Garner, Director of L.O.T.E Page 14 :. The collaborative team have so far undertaking this important process to benefit surveyed staff on teaching and learning the foundations of learning in Mathematics. practices, collected data relating to student learning and consulted Mathematics specialists regarding best practice and the latest research. Teaching Workshops At the start of this year a highly successful program. This undertaking by a Professional Learning Team under the leadership of Mr. Page 15 :. Schools. Mathletics. teachers from both campuses to specifically learning tool that integrates home and school explore teaching strategies and exercises learning via the Internet. to enhance understanding for students in Students from Years 1 to 7 have been utilising some of these in classrooms as well provided with 24-hour access to Mathletics as some of the resources that were shared. and can access this by using a unique user The next stage of the process will involve engaging experienced consultant teacher a review of the Junior School Mathematics Mathematics to build upon in the Middle Mathletics is a web based Mathematics were extremely valuable and already staff are Late in 2011 Christian College commenced and deeper levels of understanding in workshop was conducted for all Junior School classroom lessons. These hands on sessions Year 3 boys at Junior School engrossed in Mathletics As a result students will experience richer name and password. Prep. students will commence using the program in Term 2. coaches to work with our teaching staff We recommend that parents spend time to further implement and enhance the becoming familiar with the program with effectiveness of the teaching of Mathematics your child so that you can gain the greatest in each classroom. understanding of how Mathletics works and Curriculum Audit how it will benefit your child As we prepare for the introduction of There may be times when your child’s the Australian Curriculum we are also classroom teacher will set specific in the process of auditing our current Mathletics tasks to be completed either at curriculum and assessing new programs school or at home. We ask you to encourage Wayne Hines, as part of the College Strategic to best meet the future needs of students Educational plan, aimed to assess the in our Junior Schools. strengths and needs of the program covered I am encouraged by and appreciative of the from Prep to Year 4 in our Junior Schools at efforts of Mr Hines and his team as well as the Belmont and at the Bellarine Campus. staff at the Junior Schools for embracing and your child to use this invaluable program at home each week. Glen McKeeman Principal. Following on from the Year 7 Orientation Program, the Year 7 Camp is set early in Term 1 with the similar aim of ‘providing opportunities for students to form new friendships’. Cave Hill Creek Camp is set in a pristine bush environment on the outskirts of Beaufort. The camp program, designed and run by the Homeroom teachers, has ‘adventure’ as its theme and is designed to stretch students both physically and in their relationships. New student and staff bonds are formed quickly as Homeroom groups are mixed into Camp Platoons who then participate in challenging, team orientated activities. Over the 3 days, students were involved in activities such as raft construction, canoeing, low ropes course, bushwalking and the Cave Hill Extreme Triathlon. These activities pushed students, and some teachers, out of their comfort zone and, in the process, naturally fostered relationships and engendered a competitive team spirit. It was great to see students encouraging each other and attempting to try activities such as abseiling for the first time! Camp is also a fantastic opportunity for staff and students to see each other in a different light and get to know each other outside of the classroom environment. Kerrie Reid, Year 7 Co-ordinator, Middle School Highton Page 16 :. Christian College is developing a free smartphone app, compatible with both iPhone and Android. The app will include all the latest news and events streamed from the Christian College website. Other useful features will include a photo gallery, term calendar, canteen and uniform price lists as well as campus contact details. Due to be released over the next couple of weeks be sure to keep an eye out for it on our website: At various times throughout the school year, However, if any parents do NOT wish their son photographs of students may be taken in class, or daughter to be photographed for these in sporting teams or when involved in a broad purposes, named in College publications or on range of learning activities. A selection of such website reports, you are asked to notify your photographs or videos may be used for College Head of Campus in writing as soon as possible. publicity and promotion including class displays, Parents would be aware that we live in a visual student presentations, media presentations or society where images convey more than words. for student teacher folios. Often this can be an In addition, communications between our effective way of acknowledging student and College and families are increasingly being College achievements. Our staff are always careful to choose only appropriate photographs to support our printed publicity, promotional material, newletters or news and events reports on the Christian made by electronic means. It has been decided that this year’s In Focus Newsletters will be published on the Portal and on the College website and NOT printed in hard copy. New staff for 2012 met at Senior School for their orientation sessions before the start of Term 1 College website Page 17 :.