New SCSBC Employment Contracts
New SCSBC Employment Contracts
Charles De Jager and Peter Van Huizen November 3, 2012 SCSBC Vision for HR Our Christian schools ought to model how a biblical community of employees (staff) and employers (board‐principal) work together. { Note the preface to the new contract. ABC Christian School (“ABCCS”) is a Christian independent school that provides quality, faith based education to children from pre‐school to grade _____ in accordance with its constitution, bylaws, statement of faith, foundational values and educational vision and mission. ABCCS strives to be a safe, positive and unified Christian community of children, parents, teachers, administrators, support staff, board members and supporters that show servant leadership, model Christian values and treat each other with justice, compassion, fairness and equity. The board, administration, teachers and support staff of ABCCS embrace this description of ABCCS and commit to make it a day to day reality at ABCCS. In Partnership For Service: Employment Contracts for Christian School Boards and Their Employees (2001) revised (2002‐03) Currently about 100 administrators and 900 teachers and support staff are using some version of an employment contract designed from a SCSBC Contract Template Current contract prepared in 2001 New and updated policies: Teacher Qualifications and Standards, Professional Development, Teacher Performance and Evaluation Community Standards Facilitation Staff Reduction and Recall Privacy Schools making changes to current contract Need the language to be teacher and principal friendly Ensure board and administration understand their role in issuing and monitoring contracts Make a clear connection between policy, practice and contract Brevity on language, efficiency on details, and clarity in presentation Accountability in the teacher / administrator role built into the contract SCSBC Policy Development Committee SCSBC Representatives (School Boards, Parents) CTABC Representatives (Teachers) CPABC Representatives (Principals) Approval by SCSBC Board (September 2012) Recommended to member schools (November 2012) Adopted by individual schools (December – March 2013) Teacher Indefinite (Continuous) Teacher Probationary Support Staff Indefinite Support Staff Probationary Principal Indefinite Principal Probationary Employee Term Contracts It is a legal document that provides ongoing employment and assumes the employee has met all the performance criteria set out by the School and has the trust and confidence of the Society to continue supporting its mission and vision. An indefinite contract assumes greater job security than a probationary contract provided the employee lives up to their obligations. It is a legal document that provides employment for one year for an entry level employee. A second one year probationary contract is provided if the employee meets the performance criteria set in the contract. Expectation: All teachers and support staff are eligible for an indefinite contract after completing two years if they meet the performance criteria set for an indefinite contract. It is a legal document that provides employment for a fixed period of time. A term contract can be used for an employee covering a maternity leave or a staff member on short or long term disability. There is no expectation given that suggests a long term employment commitment to the employee. The Teacher and Educational Support Staff agrees to… Provide quality instruction to students, model ethical Christian Leadership, be a team player and promote the mission and vision of the School Society Carry out all assigned curricular, extra‐curricular, and societal duties and responsibilities as directed by Administration and school policy Assume responsibility for on‐going professional development The School Society agrees to… Establish and adhere to clearly understood staffing policies in which each teacher is treated with good faith, fairness, justice, and compassion Provide professional administration and clearly understood administrative protocols and policies so the teacher’s employment contract responsibilities are understood Provide adequate compensation (salaries, benefits and professional development) The Administration agrees to… Maintain timely verbal and written communication with the teacher in the event the contract is compromised, in need of revision or requires termination Provides formal written performance evaluations a minimum of every three years Ensures the teacher is aware of his or her duties and responsibilities 1. Employed to carry our duties: References Staff Handbook: A‐1 2. Dates employment commences and range. 3. Maintain Professional Qualifications: A‐2 4. Maintain Community Standards etc: A‐3 5. Takes Professional Development: A‐4 6. Proof of Medical Fitness 7. Privacy requirement 8. Compensation Salary: A‐5a 9. Compensation Benefits: A‐5b 10. Performance Criteria and Process: A‐6 11. Disclosure of other employment 12. Confidentiality of proprietary and confidential information. 13. Intellectual property belongs to school. 14. Termination of employment at anytime “for cause.” Reference paragraph. 1,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13 15. Substantial decline in enrolment: Staff reduction and re‐call provisions. A‐7 16. Termination for any reason other than for cause. Protocols provided. 17. “Good faith and fairness in terminating employment under paragraph 15 and 16. 18. Notice protocols for staff. 120 days for teachers. 19. Dispute Resolution Protocols: In‐ school and Facilita‐ tion. Appendix A‐7. Mediation and/or Arbitration. 20. Implications for amending the contract 21. Notice shall be written and delivered in person. 22. A part invalid, remaining is still valid. 23. Consent and waiver provisions. 24. Acknowledge reading and understanding the contract. 25. “Rights and obligations binding on heirs, successors 26. Laws of BC govern this agreement. 27. Signatures Allows Board to amend policies over time. Hope this contract will serve schools for the next ten years. Provides opportunities to tailor to specific job descriptions: Teacher, Principal, Educational support staff, administrative support staff, other… Incumbent on schools to have informative Staff Handbooks that clearly outline the duties and responsibilities of all of its employees Schools must ensure that employees fully understand the contents and implications of policies and protocols outlined in the Staff Handbook Ministry of Education Requirements‐Statutory BC Professional Certification as issued by the Teacher Regulation Branch Independent School Certification ▪ Letter of Permission School Society Expectations Christian Perspective courses “The following particular standards of conduct of ABC Christian School are important non‐exhaustive examples of how teachers, administrative staff, board and committee members are to live within the school community.” Example: involvement in a Christian church Enrolment of Children (PreK‐12) in Christian School, Christian DL School or Home School respect for heterosexual marriage respect for the sanctity of life refrain from sexual misconduct such as adultery, sexual relationships outside of heterosexual marriage, the use of pornography or other sexually explicit material and the like refrain from the abuse of alcohol, drugs and the like refrain from criminal activity or serious civil wrongdoing Policy sets out process for dealing with breaches Expectations about ProD Expectations for full and part‐time teachers Expectations for principals and school boards Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Category A Category B 2.0% Category C Con't Courses 2.0% Cat. D Masters 2.0% 2.0% 40,820 42,948 45,080 47,222 49,372 51,529 53,697 55,869 58,052 60,244 62,442 42,377 44,522 46,674 48,837 51,006 53,183 55,368 57,562 59,763 61,973 64,192 44,074 46,242 48,416 50,599 52,791 54,992 57,200 59,416 61,641 63,873 66,116 45,891 48,088 50,292 52,507 54,727 56,955 59,194 61,439 63,695 65,957 68,230 Category A: Minimum 4 year degree, including Teacher Education training Category B Minimum 5 year degree, including Teacher Education training or 4 year degree from Christian College and BCCT certification Category C Meet all criteria for Category B plus 30 credit hours towards a Masters in Education degree Category D Meets all criteria for Category B plus a relevant Masters Degree at a recognized university BC Medical Extended Medical (Individual or Family) Sickness Benefits Extended Illness / Disability Insurance Personal Leave Life Insurance Teacher Certification CPABC /CPABC dues Pension Plan – CSI ‐8.05 % Annual Professional Leave Voluntary Early Retirement Leave of Absence – Deferred salary or unpaid leave Criteria for Evaluation: Commitment to Mission, Vision and Goals Pedagogical Skills Curricular Understanding and Skills Professional Development Other Written notice to staff to include: Reasonable documentation to show reduction required Criteria used to select staff for reduction Invitation for other options to assist in reduction Voluntary early retirement options Termination date Explanation of recall provisions The date by which a final decision will be made regarding termination of employment The following steps are built within SCSBC Employment Contracts… Facilitation (occurs occasionally) First step – Use of facilitator to bring about a resolution Mediation (occurs rarely) Second step – Use of mediator to bring about resolution Arbitration (never been used in 36 years ) Final step – Decision of arbitrator is binding I Cor. 6:1‐8 Biblical mandate to avoid courts if possible Reaction to new employment contract Contract issues within your own school
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