Minutes 1996-06 - Orange County Sanitation District
Minutes 1996-06 - Orange County Sanitation District
COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS NOS. 1,2,3,5,6,7, 11, 13 AND 14 OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES JOINT BOARD MEETING JUNE 26, 1996 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 10844 ELLIS AVENUE FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CALIFORNIA 92708-7018 ROLL CALL regular meeting of the Boards of Directors of County Sanitation Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, and 14 of Orange County, California, was held on June 26, 1996, at 7:30 p.m., in the Districts’ Administrative Offices. Following the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation the roll was called and the Secretary reported a quorum present for Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3,5,6,7,11,13, and 14 as follows: A ALTERNATE DIRECTORS DIRECTORS Ted R. Moreno Pat McGuigan, Chair James M. Ferryman, Chair pro tem Mark A. Murphy Thomas R. Saltarelli Roger Stanton DISTRICT NO. 1: Arthur Perry Joanne Coontz Jim Potts William G. Steiner John Collins, Chair Daniel T. Welch, Chair pro tem Barry Denes Burnie Dunlap Norman Z. Eckenrode James H. Flora Pat McGuigan Mark A. Murphy Chris Norby Sheldon Singer Roger Stanton Bob Zemel DISTRICT NO. 2: DISTRICT NO. 3: ACTIVE x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x~ x George Scott John M. Gullixson Bob Bell Glenn Parker Carol Downey Steve Anderson Ted R. Moreno Joanne Coontz Don Bankhead George L. Zlaket William G. Steiner Tom Daly Sal A. Sapien, Chair Sheldon Singer, Chair pro tern Walter Bowman George Brown John Collins Burnie Dunlap ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ James H. Flora Don R. Griffin Victor Leipzig Wally Linn Pat McGuigan Chris Norby Margie L. Rice Roger Stanton Charles Sylvia Bob Zemel _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ Jan Debay, Chair William G. Steiner, Chair pro tem John C. Cox, Jr. DISTRICT NO. 5: _____ _____ Harry M. Dotson George L. Zlaket Gail Kerry Marilyn Bruce Hastings George Scott Glenn Parker Steve Anderson Patsy Marshall Ralph Bauer Eva C. Miner Ted R. Moreno Don Bankhead James V. Evans William G. Steiner Robert Wahlstrom Tom Daly John C. Ccx, Jr. Roger Stanton Jan Debay _____ DISTRICT NO. 6: James M. Ferryman, Chair ____ Jan Debay, Chair pro tern William C. Steiner _____ Arthur Perry John C. Cox, Jr. Roger Stanton _____ DISTRICT NO. 7: a x x x x x x Leipzig, Chair Shirley Dettloff, Chair Roger Stanton DISTRICT NO. 11: DISTRICT NO. 13: Mike Ward Jim Potts John C. Ccx, Jr. Arthur Perry Ted R. Moreno Joanne Coon~ Roger Stanton Victor x x x x~ x DISTRICT NO. 14: Barry Hammond. Chair Thomas R. Saltarelli, Chair pro tem Jan Debay James M. Ferryman Pat McGuigan Mark A. Murphy William G. Steiner x x a x~ ~ _____ pro tem _____ Ralph Bauer Ralph Bauer William G. Steiner _____ John M. Gullixson, Chair Bob Zemel, Chair pro tern Burnie Dunlap Mark A. Murphy William G. Steiner Daniel T. Welch Joanne Coon~ Roger Stanton Thomas R. Saltarelli, Chair Mark A. Murphy, Chair pro tern Barry Hammond William G. Steiner Peer A. Swan Jim Potts Joanne Coonlz Mike Ward Roger Stanton Darryl Miller Tom Daly Glenn Parker -2- County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: McIntyre, General Manager, Blake P. Anderson, Assistant General Manager-Operations, Judith A. Wilson, Assistant General ManagerAdministration, Penny Kyle, Board Secretary, Catherine Biele, Mike Broyles, Marc Esquer, Janet Gray, Jim Harris, Ed Hodges, Patricia Jonk, Steve Kozak, John Linder, David Ludwin, Greg Mathews, Bob Ooten, MikePeterman, Ellen Ray, Gary Streed, Jean Tappan, Ed Torres, Michelle Tuchman, Nancy Wheatley, Mike White, Paula Zeller OTHERS PRESENT: Thomas L. Woodruff, General Counsel, Bill Mary Lee, John Shaw, Phil Stone Donald F. Knopf, ALL DISTRICTS Annual nominations for Chair of the Joint Administrative OrQanization The General Counsel Procedure relating briefly reviewed the provisions of the Districts’ Rules of to nomination and election of the Joint Chair and Vice Joint Chair. This being the annual meeting fixed by the Boards at which nominations be made for the office of Chair of the Joint Administrative Secretary Organization, are to the then declared the nominations open. Director John Collins then nominated was of the Joint Administrative Organization. as a There candidate forthe office of Chair were no further nominations. It pointed out that nominations would remain open until the regular July Board meeting. The Secretary then reported that the election would be held at said July meeting in accordance with the Boards’ Rules of Procedure for the Conduct was of Business of the Districts. Nominations and election of also be held at the a Vice Joint Chair will regular July meeting. ALL DISTRICTS Report of the Joint Chair The Joint Chair advised that employee bargaining units had signed side letters care providers. The Directors were invited to agreement concerning attend the Employees Family Picnic scheduled for August 10 at Doheny State Beach in Dana Point. He advised that while working committees do not usually meet in August, a tentative meeting of the Planning, Design, and Construction Committee had been set for Thursday, August 1. of health -3- County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 For the second consecutive year, the Finance Department has been awarded the Certificate for Achievement for excellence in financial reporting for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Finance Director Gary Streed and Accounting Manager Mike White, and the staff of the Finance Department, were congratulated on the receipt of this certificate, which is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting. The Joint Chair stated that the Hoc Committee The re Landfill agenda item regarding draft minutes of the Ad billings was being pulled from the agenda. following tentatively scheduled upcoming meetings were then announced as follows: Finance, Administration, and Human Resources Committee Wednesday, July 10, at 5:30 p.m. Planning, Design, and Construction Committee - - Thursday, July 11, at 5:30 p.m. Operations, Maintenance, and Technical Services Committee Wednesday, July 11, at 7:00 p.m. Steering Committee - Wednesday, July 24, - at 5:30 p.m. ALL DISTRICTS Report of General Manager Nancy J. Wheatley, concerning timeline waiver for the in place Director of Technical the draft ocean Services, provided the and decision permit discharge permit. She on status and renewal of the stated that a new 301(h) permit could be in November 1996. She then slightly spoke regarding the closure of Bolsa Chica State Beach due to elevated bacteria counts in the surfzone. Blake Anderson described the been presented to all Guiding Principles employees. -4- program which had recently County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 ALL DISTRICTS Report of General Counsel The General Counsel reported amended substantially County are no longer so on that the AB2109 County (Pringle) which had been Sanitation Districts of Orange included in the bill. DISTRICT I Approval of Minutes being no corrections or amendments to the minutes of the regular meeting held May 22, 1996, the Chair ordered that said minutes be deemed approved, as mailed. There DISTRICT 2 Approval of Minutes being no corrections or amendments to the minutes of the regular meeting held May 22, 1996, the Chair ordered that said minutes be deemed approved, as mailed. There DISTRICT 3 Approval of Minutes being no corrections or amendments to the minutes of the regular meeting held May 22, 1996, the Chair ordered that said minutes be deemed approved, as mailed. There DISTRICT 5 Approval of Minutes being no corrections or amendments to the minutes of the regular meeting held May 22, 1996, the Chair ordered that said minutes. be deemed approved, as mailed. There DISTRICT 6 Approval of Minutes being no corrections or amendments to the minutes of the regular meeting held May 22, 1996, the Chair ordered that said minutes be deemed approved, as mailed. There -5- County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICT 7 Approval of Minutes being no corrections or amendments to the minutes of the regular meeting held May 22, 1996, the Chair ordered that said minutes be deemed approved, as mailed. There DISTRICT 11 Approval of Minutes being no corrections or amendments to the minutes of the regular meeting held May 22, 1996, the Chair ordered that said minutes be deemed approved, as mailed. There DISTRICT 13 Approval of Minutes There being no corrections or amendments to the minutes of the regular meeting held May 22, 1996, the Chair ordered that said minutes be deemed approved, as mailed. DISTRICT 14 Approval of Minutes There being no corrections or amendments to the minutes of the regular meeting held May 22, 1996, the Chair ordered that said minutes be deemed approved, as mailed. ALL DISTRICTS Ratification of payment of Joint and Individual District Claims Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That payment of Joint and Individual District claims set forth on exhibits “A”, “B”, and “C”, attached hereto and made a part of these minutes, and summarized below, be, and are hereby, ratified by the respective Boards in the amounts so indicated. -6- County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 ALL DISTRICTS Operating Fund Capital Outlay Revolving Fund Joint Working Capital Fund Joint - - - Self-Funded Insurance Funds - DISTRICT NO. I - DISTRICT NO. 2 - DISTRICT NO. 3 - DISTRICT NO. 5 - DISTRICT NO. 6 - DISTRICT NO. 7 - DISTRICT NO. 11 - DISTRICT NO. 13 05/15/96 05/29/96 $ 873,862.52 $649,841.92 1,129,139.06 175,513.91 12,365.75 1,353.52 5,966.70 113,117.80 4,340.63 12,468.02 15,375.16 223,476.09 468,108.82 353,691.31 65,556.09 15,841.05 51,909.72 76.4,027.81 6,624.88 7,662.86 227,958.14 76,791.90 45,329.20 104,981.08 24,910.87 0.00 78.70 0.00 27.25 518.85 0.00 0.00 5,112.50 133,139.68 0.00 213.52 0.00 810.91 0.00 $2 827 888. 66 $1 75.329. 15 - DISTRICT NO. 14 - DISTRICTS NOS. 3 & 11 JOINT DISTRICTS NOS. 5 & 6 JOINT - 11,677.18 5,043.13 - DISTRICTS NOS. 6 & 7 JOINT DISTRICTS NOS. 7 & 14 JOINT - - 6,886.43 $2,590.61 3.15 MISC $ 108.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ALL DISTRICTS Authorizing staff to issue a purchase order to South Coast Air Quality Management District ( for payment Of various fees required by SCAQMD regulations Moved, seconded, and duly carried: be, and is hereby, authorized to issue a purchase order to South Coast Quality Management District (SCAQMD) in an amount not to exceed $185,000.00 for payment of various fees required by SCAQMD regulations, payable during fiscal year 1996-97, estimated as follows: That staff Air Amount Type of Fee Annual Emissions Annual Operating Permits CARB Emissions Compliance Source Permit & Plan Testing Applications $80,000.00 40,000.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 Miscellaneous $1 85.000.00 TOTAL -7- County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 ALL DISTRICTS Amending Personnel and Salary Resolution No. 95-105. to Reflect Agreement with Represented Employee Units Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the Boards of Directors Resolution No. 96-54, Amending Salary Resolution No. 95-1 05, to Reflect Agreement with Represented Employee Units to Substitute the MetraHealth Point-of-Service Plan for the Northwestern National Life Medical Coverage; Fund Dependent Medical Premiums at 80% and Employee-Only Coverage at 100%; Convert Dental Insurance from Self-Funded to Fully-Insured Through Delta Dental; and, Amend Plan Documents Accordingly Effective July 1, 1996. Said resolution, by reference hereto, is hereby made a part of these minutes. hereby adopt Personnel and ALL DISTRICTS Authorizing the General Manager to designate members of the Boards and/or staff to attend and participate in various training programs, meetings, hearings. conferences, facility inspections and other functions Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the General his designee, be, and is hereby, authorized to designate members of the Boards and/or staff to attend and participate in various training programs, meetings, hearings, conferences, facility inspections and other functions which, in his opinion, will be of value to the Districts or affect the Districts’ interests, including, but not limited to, those conducted by organizations providing specific training, state and federal legislative and regulatory bodies and the California Association of Sanitation Agencies, California Water Environment Association, Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies, and the Water Environment Federation; and, Manager, or FURTHER MOVED: That reimbursement for travel, meals, lodging and incidental expenses be, and is hereby, authorized in accordance with existing Districts’ policies and the approved annual budget for 1996-97. -8- County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 ALL DISTRICTS Authorizing the General Manager to approve travel of James Harris. staff engineer, to witness testing in connection with Secondary Treatment Improvements at Plant No. 1, Job No. P1-36-2, in Denmark Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the General Manager be, and is hereby, authorized to approve travel of James Harris, Districts’ staff engineer, to attend the witness testing of blower equipmentrequired in connection with Secondary Treatment Improvements at Plant No. 1, Job No. P1-36-2, tentatively scheduled from July 29, 1996 through August 2, 1996 in Denmark (travel, lodging and incidental expenses to be paid by Margate Construction, Inc.). ALL DISTRICTS Receive and file draft minutes of the Steering Committee Moved, seconded, and duly That the draft minutes of the be, and are hereby, carried: Steering Committee meeting held on May 22, 1996, received and ordered filed. ALL DISTRICTS Verbal report from Chair of Steering Committee re June 26, 1996 meeting Ccx, Chair of the Steering Committee, gave a brief verbal report on the June 26, 1996 meeting. He reported that due to the lack of turnout at a recent strategic plan stakeholder’s workshop, staff would be reevaluating the number of meetings to be held and possibly include focus groups. Joint Chair -9- County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 ALL DISTRICTS Verbal report from Chair of Operations. Maintenance, and Technical Services Committee re June 5. 1996 meeting Director Pat Services Committee, gave for Operations, Maintenance, and Technical brief verbal report on the items being recommended McGuigan, Chair a of the approval. ALL DISTRICTS Receive and file draft minutes of the Operations, Maintenance, and Technical Services Committee Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the draft minutes of the Operations, Maintenance, and Technical Services Committee meeting held on June 5, 1996, be, and are hereby, received and ordered filed. ALL DISTRICTS (OMTS96-013) Awarding Purchase of Natural Gas, Specification No. P-170, to PanEnerav Trading and Market Services, Inc Moved, seconded, and duly carried: hereby adopt Resolution No. 96-55, receiving and awarding contract for Purchase of filing Natural Gas, Specification No. P-170, to PanEnergy Trading and Market Services, Inc., for the discount price of $.022/MMBTU, for a two-year period beginning August 1, 1996, with provision for two one-year or one two-year renewal(s). Said resolution, by reference hereto, is hereby made a part of these minutes. That the Boards of Directors bid tabulation and recommendation and -10- County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 ALL DISTRICTS (OMTS96-012) Approving Lease/Purchase Agreement with Scientific Utilization. Inc. to acquire Sludge Arc Treatment System (Specification No. P-171 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the Boards of Directors hereby adopt Resolution No. 96-56, approving Agreement with Scientific Utilization, Inc., to acquire Sludge Arc Treatment System (Specification No. P-171) for performance testing of sludge destruction and methane gas production, for a total amount not to exceed $360,000.00 plus sales tax, for a five-year period. Said resolution, by reference hereto, is hereby made a part of these minutes; and, LeaselPurchase FURTHER MOVED: That the Districts’ termination of the agreement at any time without penalty be, and is hereby, authorized. ALL DISTRICTS Receive and file draft minutes of the Ad Hoc Committee re Space Utilization Study Moved, seconded, and duly carried: Space Utilization Study June Il, 1996, be, and are hereby, received That the draft minutes of the Ad Hoc Committee meetings held on May 29, 1996 and re and ordered filed. ALL DISTRICTS Verbal report from Chair of Planning. Design, and Construction Committee June 6, 1996 meeting re Director John Collins, Chair of the Planning, Design, and Construction Committee, gave a brief verbal report on the items being recommended for approval. —11—. County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 ALL DISTRICTS Receive and file draft minutes of the Planning. Design, and Construction Committee Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the draft minutes of the meeting held on Planning, Design, and Construction Committee are hereby, received and ordered filed. June 6, 1996, be, and ALL DISTRICTS (PDC96-20) Approving plans and specifications re Job No. J-33-2 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the Boards of Directors and specifications hereby adopt Resolution No. 96-57, approving plans Sewage Pump (MSP) No. 3 Drive at Headworks No. 2 J-33-2, and authorizing the General Manager to establish for Main 1, Job No. the date for receipt of bids. Said resolution, by reference hereto, is hereby made a part of these minutes. at Plant No. ALL DISTRICTS (PDC96-21) Actions re Restoration of Old Laboratory for Human Resources Department, Job No. J-1 1-2 Approving plans and specifications re Job No. J-1 1-2 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the Boards of Directors and Resolution No. 96-58, approving for Restoration of Old Laboratory for Human hereby adopt specifications Resources, Job No. J-1 1-2, and authorizing the date for receipt of bids; and, plans FURTHER MOVED: That permitting, an the General amount not to exceed Manager $55,000.00 asbestos removal and termite extermination costs be, and is hereby, authorized. -12- re to establish for design, said project, County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 ALL DISTRICTS Verbal report from Chair of Finance, Administration, and Human Resources Committee re June 12. 1996 meeting Director George Brown, Chair Resources Committee, gave recommended for approval. of the a Finance, Administration, brief verbal report on the items and Human being ALL DISTRICTS Receive and file draft minutes of the Finance, Administration, and Human Resources Committee Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the draft minutes of the Finance, Administration, and Human Resources Committee meeting held on June 12, 1996, be, and are hereby, received and ordered filed. ALL DISTRICTS (FAHR96-29) ApprovinQ renewal of Districts’ All-Risk Property Insurance Prociram for 1996-97 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the renewal of Districts’ All-Risk Program for 1996-97, and business interruption coverage with: a $200 million All-Risk limit; a $30 million earthquake sub-limit, with deductibles of $25,000 for all perils except earthquake, and 5% per unit for earthquake, for a total premium not to exceed $1.4 million, be, and is hereby, approved. Property including earthquake, flood, personal property Insurance ALL DISTRICTS (FAHR96-35) Receive and file Treasurer’s Report for the month of April 1996 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the Treasurer’s Report for the month of received and ordered filed. -13- April 1996, be, and is hereby, County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 ALL DISTRICTS (FAHR96-38) Authorizing staff to enter into negotiations with J.D. Edwards re acquisition of new Financial Information System (Specification No. P-172 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That staff be, and is hereby, authorized to enter into negotiations with J. D. Edwards for acquisition of new Financial Information System (Specification No. P-172) in an amount not to exceed $1 ,525,000.OO, to be brought back to the Joint Board meeting of July 24, Director Mark A. 1996 for Murphy requested approval. that his abstention be made a matter of record. ALL DISTRICTS (FAHR96-39) Approving Amendment No. I to the Professional Services Agreement with Kerry Consulting Group re New Financial Information System, Phase Ill. Selection Process for Hardware and Software, and Phase IV, Implementation and Acceptance of the Selected Hardware and Software Solutions (Specification No. P-167 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: Resolution No. 96-59, approving Amendment No. I to the Professional Services Agreement with Kerry Consulting That the Boards of Directors hereby adopt System, Phase III, Selection Process for Hardware and Software; and Phase IV, Implementation and Acceptance of the Selected Hardware and Software Solutions (Specification No. P-i 67), providing for financial and human resources process and procedure re-engineering oversight not originally included in scope of work, for an amount not to exceed $23,567.00, increasing the total authorized compensation from an amount not to exceed $58,263.00 to an amount not to exceed $81,830.00. Said resolution, by reference hereto, is hereby made a part of these minutes. Group for preparation Director Mark A. of New Financial Information Murphy requested that his abstention be made record. -14- a matter of County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 ALL DISTRICTS Approving 1996-97 Joint Works Budgets Funds Moved, seconded, and duly carried: proposed Joint Works Budgets Funds of County Sanitation Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, and 14 for the 1996-97 Fiscal Year, be, and are hereby, approved and adopted as follows: That the Fund Total Amount Joint Works $ 48,700,000 275,000 385,000 44,895,000 Operating/Working Capital Compensation Self-Insurance Public Liability Self-Insurance Joint Works Capital Outlay Revolving Workers’ DISTRICT I Approving 1996-97 fiscal year budget Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the District’s 1996-97 fiscal year budget be, and is ordered filed, and approved in the following amounts: Operating Fund Capital Facilities $13,226,000 10,419,000 Fund Construction Fund - hereby, received, 9,712~000 1990-92 $33.357.000 TOTAL DISTRICT 2 Approving 1996-97 fiscal year budget Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the District’s 1996-97 fiscal year budget be, and is ordered filed, and approved in the following amount: Operating Fund Capital Facilities Fund Construction Fund - $61,124,000 61,555,500 29.680.000 1990-92 TOTAL $1 52.359.500 -15- hereby, received, County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICT 3 Approving the 1996-97 fiscal year budget Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the District’s 1996-97 fiscal year budget be, and is ordered filed, and approved in the following amounts: Operating Fund Capital Facilities $83,435,000 51,724,000 Fund Construction Fund - 1990-92 TOTAL hereby, received, 29.295.000 $1 64.454.000 DISTRICT 5 Approving 1996-97 fiscal year budget Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the District’s 1996-97 fiscal year budget be, and is ordered filed, and approved in the following amounts: Operating Fund Capital Facilities $16,615,000 12,888,000 Fund Construction Fund - 1990-92 6,088.000 $35.591 . TOTAL DISTRICT 6 Approving 1996-97 fiscal year hereby, received, budget Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the District’s 1996-97 fiscal year budget be, and is ordered filed, and approved in the following amounts: Operating Fund Capital Facilities Fund Construction Fund - 1990-92 TOTAL $14,526,000 9,753,000 3,384.000 $27.663.000 -16- hereby, received, County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICT 7 Approving 1996-97 fiscal year budget Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the District’s 1996-97 fiscal year budget be, and is ordered filed, and approved in the following amounts: Operating Fund Capital Facilities $20,675,000 15,979,000 Fund Construction Fund - hereby, received, 1990-92 7.821.000 $44.475.000 TOTAL DISTRICT 11 Approving 1996-97 fiscal year budget Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the District’s 1996-97 fiscal year budget be, and is ordered filed, and approved in the following amounts: Operating Fund Capital Facilities $13,392,000 13,479,000 5,433,000 Fund Construction Fund - 1990-92 Bond & Interest Fund - hereby, received, 1958 33.000 $32.337.000 TOTAL DISTRICT 13 Approving 1996-97 fiscal year budget Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the District’s 1996-97 fiscal year budget be, and is ordered filed, and approved in the following amounts: Operating Fund Capital Facilities Fund Construction Fund - $2,294,000 8,856,000 35.000 1990-92 TOTAL $1 0.685.000 -17- hereby, received, County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICT 14 Approving 1996-97 fiscal year budget Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the 1996-97 fiscal year budget be, and is and approved in the following amounts: Operating Fund Capital Facilities - ordered filed, $4,126,000 9,189,000 Fund Construction Fund hereby, received, 1990-92 166,000 $13.481.000 TOTAL ALL DISTRICTS Verbal report from Chair of Executive Committee re June 19, 1996 meeting Joint Chair Cox, Chair of the Steering Committee, gave on the June 19, 1996 meeting. a brief verbal report ALL DISTRICTS Receive and file draft minutes of the Executive Committee Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the draft minutes of the Executive Committee I 996, and June 19, 1996, be, and are -18- hereby, meetings held on May 15, received and ordered filed. County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 ALL DISTRICTS Actions re Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) application for consolidation of the nine Districts into one District Receive and file Final Consolidation Report prepared by Ford-Sauvaiot Management Group Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the Final Consolidation Report dated June 17, 1996, prepared by Ford-Sauvajot Management Group be, and is hereby, received and the ordered filed. Authorizing staff to prepare terms and conditions, and draft LAFCO application. for consolidation pursuant to Section 4730 of the California Health and Safety Code After lengthy discussion among the Directors, a vote by district was taken or not. Districts 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13 approved whether to consolidate consolidation. District 6 voted in consolidation, and District 14’s opposing consolidation failed, approve consolidation, resulting in opposition to tie. The motion of District 2 voting resulted in a whereupon the motion was approval of consolidation. A straw vote and Safety Following was then restated to polled whether to consolidate under California Health Code Section 4730 further discussion, it or 4730.1. was moved, seconded, and duly carried: That staff be directed to prepare terms and conditions and a draft LAFCO application pursuant to Section 4730 of the California Health and Safety Code for the regularly scheduled Joint Boards -19- meeting in September 1996. County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICTS 1. 2. 3. 5,6, 7 & 11 Establishing the annual Gann Appropriations Limit for fiscal year 1996-97 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: following resolutions selecting the annual change in California per capita personal income as the cost-of-living adjustment factor, and establishing the annual Gann Appropriations Limit for fiscal year 1996-97 for each District in accordance with the provisions of Division 9 of Title 1 of the California Government Code, be, and are hereby, adopted by the respective Boards of That the Directors: DISTRICT Said resolutions, by RESOLUTION NO. 1 96-60-1 2 96-61-2 3 96-62-3 5 96-63-5 6 96-64-6 7 96-65-7 11 96-66-11 reference hereto, are hereby made LIMITATION $2,884,000 11,079,000 15,289,000 2,732,000 1,770,000 5,217,000 3,300,000 a part of these minutes. DISTRICT I Second reading of proposed Ordinance No. 130 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: proposed Ordinance No. 130, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. I of Orange County, California, Amending Section 702 of Ordinance No. 119 Establishing Wastewater Discharge Regulations Relating to Increased Capital Facilities Connection Charges, be read by title only; and, That reading of said ordinance in its entirety hereby, waived, whereupon the Secretary read Ordinance No. 130 by FURTHER MOVED: That the second be, and is title only. -20- County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICT I AdoptinQ Ordinance No. 130 Moved, seconded, and duly carried by the following roll call Pat vote: AYES: McGuigan, Chair, James M. Ferryman, Thomas R. Saltarelli, Roger R. Stanton NOES: None ABSENT: None Mark A. Murphy, That Ordinance No. District No. 1 of No. 119 130, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation Orange County, California, Amending Section 702 of Ordinance Establishing Facilities Connection Wastewater Discharge Regulations Relating Charges, be, and is hereby, adopted. to Increased Capital DISTRICT 2 Second readinQ of øroposed Ordinance No. 222 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: proposed Ordinance County Sanitation District 222, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of Orange County, California, Amending Section 702 of Ordinance No. 214 Establishing Wastewater Discharge Regulations Relating to Increased Capital Facilities Connection Charges, be read by title only; and, That No. No. 2 of FURTHER MOVED: That the second reading of said ordinance in its entirety be, and is hereby, waived, whereupon the Secretary read Ordinance Na. 222 by title only. -21 - County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICT 2 Adopting Ordinance No. 222 Moved, seconded, and duly carried by the following roll call vote: John Collins, Chair, Barry Denes, Burnie Dunlap, Norman Z. Eckenrode, James H. Flora, Pat McGuigan, Mark A. Murphy, AYES: Chris Norby, Sheldon S. Singer, Roger R. Stanton, Daniel T. Welch, Bob Zemel NOES: None ABSENT: None That Ordinance No. 222, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 2 of Orange County, California, Amending Section 702 of Ordinance Establishing Wastewater Discharge Regulations Relating Facilities Connection Charges, be, and is hereby, adopted. No. 214 to Increased Capital DISTRICT 3 Second readinp of proposed Ordinance No. 325 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: proposed Ordinance County Sanitation District That No. 325 An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of No. 3 of Orange County, California, Amending Section Establishing Wastewater Discharge Regulations Capital Facilities Connection Charges, be read by title 702 of Ordinance No. 317 Relating to only; and, Increased FURTHER MOVED: That the second be, and is title only. reading of said ordinance in its entirety hereby, waived, whereupon the Secretary read Ordinance No. 325 by -22- County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICT 3 Adopting Ordinance No. 325 Moved, seconded, and duly carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Sapien, Chair, Walter Bowman, George Brown, John Collins, Burnie Dunlap, James H. Flora, Don R. Griffin, Victor Leipzig, Wally Linn, Pat McGuigan, Chris Norby, Margie L. Rice, Sheldon S. Singer, Roger R. Stanton, Charles E. Sylvia, Sal A. Bob Zemel NOES: None ABSENT: None 325, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 3 of Orange County, California, Amending Section 702 of Ordinance No. 317 Establishing Wastewater Discharge Regulations Relating to Increased Capital Facilities Connection Charges, be, and is hereby, adopted. That Ordinance No. DISTRICT 5 Second reading of proposed Ordinance No. 534 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That proposed Ordinance No. 534, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 5 of Orange County, California, Amending Section 702 of Ordinance No. 526 Establishing Wastewater Discharge Regulations Relating to Increased Capital Facilities Connection Charges, be read by title only; and, reading of said ordinance in its entirety hereby, waived, whereupon the Secretary read Ordinance No. 534 by FURTHER MOVED: That the second be, and is title only. -23- County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICT 5 AdoptinQ Ordinance No. 534 Moved, seconded, and duly carried by the following roll call Debay, Chair, John C. Cox, Jr., AYES~: Jan NOES: None ABSENT: None vote: William G. Steiner That Ordinance No. 534, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 5 of Orange County, California, Amending Section 702 of Ordinance No. 526 Establishing Facilities Connection Wastewater Discharge Regulations Relating Charges, be, and is hereby, adopted. to Increased Capital DISTRICT 6 Second readinQ of ørorosed Ordinance No. 628 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That proposed Ordinance County Sanitation District No. 628, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of No. 6 of Orange County, California, Amending Section Establishing Wastewater Discharge Regulations Increased Capital Facilities Connection Charges, be read by title 702 of Ordinance No. 620 Relating to only; and, FURTHER MOVED: That the second be, and is title reading of said ordinance in its entirety hereby, waived, whereupon the Secretary read Ordinance No. 628 by only. DISTRICT 6 Adopting Ordinance No. 628 Moved, seconded, and duly carried by the following roll call AYES: James M. NOES: None ABSENT: None Ferryman, Chair, Jan Debay, -24- vote: William G. Steiner County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 That Ordinance No. 628, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 6 of Orange County, California, Amending Section 702 of Ordinance No. 620 Establishing Wastewater Discharge Regulations Relating to Increased Capital Facilities Connection Charges, be, and is hereby, adopted. DISTRICT 7 Second readinQ of proposed Ordinance No. 735 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: proposed Ordinance No. 735, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 7 of Orange County, California, Amending Section 702 of Ordinance No. 727 Establishing Wastewater Discharge Regulations Relating to Increased Capital Facilities Connection Charges, be read by title only; and, That FURTHER MOVED: That the second be, and is title only. reading of said ordinance in its entirety hereby, waived, whereupon the Secretary read Ordinance No. 735 by DISTRICT 7 Adoptinp Ordinance No. 735 Moved, seconded, and duly carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Saltarelli, Chair pro tern, Jan Debay, James M. McGuigan, Mark A. Murphy, William G. Steiner Ferryman, Thomas R. Pat NOES: None ABSENT: Barry Hammond, Chair 735, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 7 of Orange County, California, Amending Section 702 of Ordinance No. 727 Establishing Wastewater Discharge Regulations Relating to Increased Capital Facilities Connection Charges, be, and is hereby, adopted. That Ordinance No. -25- County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICT 11 Second reading of proposed Ordinance No. 1124 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: proposed Ordinance No. 1124, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 11 of Orange County, California, Amending Section 702 of Ordinance No. 1116 Establishing Wastewater Discharge Regulations Relating to Increased Capital Facilities Connection Charges, be read by title only; and, That reading of said ordinance in its entirety be, and is hereby, waived, whereupon the Secretary read Ordinance No. 1124 by title only. FURTHER MOVED: That the second DISTRICT 11 Adopting Ordinance No. 1124 Moved, seconded, and duly carried by the following roll call AYES: Victor NOES: None ABSENT: None vote: Leipzig, Chair, Shirley Dettloff, Roger R. Stanton 1124, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 11 of Orange County, California, Amending Section 702 of Ordinance That Ordinance No. No. 1116 Capital Establishing Wastewater Facilities Connection Discharge Regulations Relating Charges, be, and is hereby, adopted. -26- to Increased County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICT 13 Second reading of proposed Ordinance No. 1318 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: proposed Ordinance County Sanitation District That No. 1318, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of No. 13 of Orange County, California, Amending Establishing Wastewater Discharge Capital Facilities Connection Charges, be Section 702 of Ordinance No. 1311 Regulations Relating to read by title only; and, Increased FURTHER MOVED: That the second reading of said ordinance in its entirety be, and is hereby, waived, whereupon the Secretary read Ordinance No. 1318 by title only. DISTRICT 13 Adopting Ordinance No. 1318 Moved, seconded, and duly carried by the following roll call AYES: John M. Gullixson, Chair, Burnie William G. Steiner, Bob Zemel NOES: None ABSENT: None Dunlap, vote: Mark A. Murphy, That Ordinance No. 1318, An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 13 of Orange County, California, Amending Section 702 of Ordinance No. 1311 Capital Wastewater Discharge Regulations Relating Connection Charges, be, and is hereby, adopted. Establishing Facilities to Increased ALL DISTRICTS General Counsel’s comments Prior to Closed Session General Counsel authorized items that by are reported to the Directors the need for a closed session as Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to discuss and consider the specified as Items 26(b)(1) through 26(b)(9) agenda. -27- on the published County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 ALL DISTRICTS Convene in Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a The Boards convened in closed session at 9:24 p.m. pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Confidential Minutes of the Closed Session held by the Boards of Directors have been prepared Government Code Section 54957.2 and are in accordance with California maintained by the Board Secretary in the Official Book of Confidential Minutes of Board and Committee Closed Meetings. No action was taken re Agenda Items 26(b)(1), (3), (4), (6), and (9). A report of actions taken was reported in regular session as set forth immediately below. ALL DISTRICTS Reconvene in re~uIar session At 10:05 p.m., the Boards reconvened in regular session. ALL DISTRICTS Receive, file, and deny claim of Andy C. Patterson: Jackie J. Venezio; Lacey Miller, a minor, by and throu~ih her Guardian Ad Litem, Georpianne I. Miller; Dorothy M. R. HoIm and as Executrix of the Estate of Richard L. HoIm: and Louis R. Sangermano (Government Code Section 54956.9111111 Upon return from closed session, it was moved, seconded, and duly carried: Andy C. Patterson, et al. dated May 17, 1996, for damages personal injury, be, and is hereby, received, ordered filed, and denied. That the claim of -28- for County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 ALL DISTRICTS Confer with Districts’ representatives concerning status of negotiations with employee group representatives on salaries, benefits, and terms of employment (Government Code Section 54957.6 Upon return from closed session, it was moved, seconded, and duly carried: increase in life insurance coverage for Confidential Employees from $15,000.00 to $50,000.00, be, and is hereby, approved; and, That an FURTHER MOVED: That the Confidential Employees as same provided Sick Leave Incentive Plan be utilized for to Professional and upon the recommendation of the Districts’ be, and is hereby, approved. Supervisors, based employee negotiating representatives, ALL DISTRICTS Landfill acquisition billings re claim of Saybrook Capital and Price Waterhouse for professional services fees (Government Code Section 4956.91b111 Upon return from closed session, it was moved, seconded, and duly carried: payment of $60,000.00 to Saybrook Capital Waterhouse, be, and is hereby, approved. That and $120,000.00 to Price DISTRICT 2 Appeal of Administrative Complaint filed against Porter Plating, Inc. and Jerry Porter ( Code Section 54956.9rblIll return from closed Upon session, it was moved, seconded, and duly carried: hearing date be set for August 1996 or later, and that the Board Secretary poll District 2 Directors for a mutually convenient date. That a -29- County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICT I Adjournment Moved, seconded, and duly-carried: meeting of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. I be adjourned in memory of Timothy Mckinley, infant son of Dawn Mckinley, Senior Human Resources Analyst. The Chair then declared the meeting so adjourned That this at 10:05 p.m. DISTRICT 2 Approving Interim Settlement Agreement with Security CaDital Investment Trust Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That the Interim Settlement Agreement with Security Capital Investment Trust, providing for deferral of determination of total fees due, pending outcome of District’s study of connection fees, be, and is hereby, approved. DISTRICT 2 Adjournment Moved, seconded, and duly carried: meeting of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 2 be adjourned in memory of Timothy Mckinley, infant son of Dawn Mckinley, Senior Human Resources Analyst. The Chair then declared the meeting so adjourned That this at 10:05 p.m. DISTRICT 3 Adjournment Moved, seconded, and duly carried: meeting of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 3 be adjourned in memory of Timothy Mckinley, infant son of Dawn Mckinley, Senior Human Resources Analyst. The Chair then declared the meeting so adjourned That this at 10:05 p.m. -30- County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICT 5 Adiournment Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That this meeting of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 5 be adjourned in memory of Timothy Mckinley, infant son of Dawn Mckinley, Senior Human Resources Analyst. The Chair then declared the meeting so adjourned at 10:05 p.m. DISTRICT 6 Adiournment Moved, seconded, and duly carried: That this meeting of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 6 be adjourned in memory of Timothy Mckinley, infant son of Dawn McKinley, Senior Human Resources Analyst. The Chair then declared the meeting so adjourned at 10:05 p.m. DISTRICT 7 Receive and file Summons and Complaint for Personal lniurv, Property Damage, and General Negligence Premises Liability, Daisy Brood vs. Calfon Construction, Inc., et al., Orange County Superior Court Case No 764464 Moved, seconded, and duly carried: Complaint for Personal Injury, Property Damage, and General Negligence Premises Liability, Daisy Brood vs. Calfon Construction, Inc., et al., Orange County Superior Court Case No. 764464, relative to personal injuries and property damage sustained in connection with the construction of Parallel and Replacement Portions Of Lemon Heights Subtrunk Sewer, La Colina Drive to Newport Boulevard, Contract No. 7-22, and Manhole Access Modifications to RA-14 Sewer at Newport Boulevard and Cowan Heights Drive, Contract No. 7-24, be, and is hereby, received and ordered filed; and, That the Summons and FURTHER MOVED: That the District’s General Counsel be, and is authorized to appear and defend the interests of the District. -31- hereby, County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICT 7 Adiournment Moved, seconded, and duly carried: meeting of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 7 be adjourned in memory of Timothy Mckinley, infant son of Dawn Mckinley, Senior Human Resources Analyst. The Chair then declared the meeting so adjourned That this at 10:05 p.m. DISTRICT 11 Adjournment Moved, seconded, and duly carried: meeting of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 11 adjourned in memory of Timothy Mckinley, infant son of Dawn Mckinley, Senior Human Resources Analyst. The Chair then declared the meeting so adjourned at 10:05 p.m. That this be DISTRICT 13 Adjournment Moved, seconded, and duly carried: meeting of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. be adjourned in memory of Timothy McKinley, infant son of Dawn Mckinley, Senior Human Resources Analyst. The Chair then declared the meeting so adjourned at 10:05 p.m. That this -32- 13 County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Minutes 6/26/96 DISTRICT 14 Adjournment Moved, seconded, and duly carried: meeting of the Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. be adjourned in memory of Timothy Mckinley, infant son of Dawn Mckinley, Senior Human Resources Analyst. The Chair then declared the meeting so adjourned at 10:05 p.m. That this Secretary County of th~’8J~rd~4f Directors San~jIon E~fricts of Nos. 1,2, 3, -33- 14 5,’~, 7, i1~ 13 & 14 FUND NO JT 01ST WORKING CAPITAL PROCESSING DATE 05/14/96 PAGE 1 REPORT NUMBER AP43. COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID 05/15196 WARRANT NO. i—~ > VENDOR 151784 AC&S 151785 AMS (ACOUSTICAL MAIL SERV) POSTING DATE 05/15/96 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION $24,227.00 $1,063.71 $664.28 INSULATION REMOVAL - ENGINE EXHAUST PIPING & BOILE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 151786 ASCE CONTINUING EDUCATION 151787 A I& T 151788 AT&T-PROWATrS 151789 AT&T-CELLULARCR&R 151790 AT&T-CELLULARCR&R 151791 ABATIX ENVIRONMENTAL 151792 ABRASIVE ENG. TOOLING & EQUIP. 151793 AIR CLEANING SPECIALISTS INC 151794 AIR PRODUCTS & CHEMICALS 151795 AIRBORNE EXPRESS 151796 AMERIDATA 151797 AMERICAN AIRLINES 151798 ANAHEIM SEWER CONSTRUCTION 151799 BLAKE P. ANDERSON $671.88 REIMBURSE CELLULAR TELEPHONE & MEETING EXP. 151800 ANGEL SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS INC. I..AB SUPPLIES 151801 ANTHONY PEST CONTROL $323.25 $330.00 151802 A-PLUS SYSTEMS 151803 ACS 151804 AQUATIC BIOASSAY & CONSULT 151805 ARMOR-VAC $738.00 VACUUM TRUCK SERVICES 151806 ASBURY ENVIRONMENTAL SERV. ATKIN/JONES COMPUTER SERVICE $135.00 $321.30 WASTE OIL REMOVAL 151807 151808 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING 151809 AWARDS & TROPHIES 151810 BFI MEDICAL WASTE SYSTEMS 151811 BKK LANDFILL 151812 E S BABCOCK & SONS INC 151813 BARNEBY-SUTCLIFFE CORP. 151814 BATTERY SPECIALTIES 151815 BAXTER DIAGNOSTICS, INC. 151816 BEACON BAY ENTERPRISES. INC. 151817 BON-A-RUES - MEGACOM SERVICE (APPLIED COMPUTER SOLUTION) ‘‘ 151818 151819 • BOYLE ENGINEERING CORP. BRENNER-FIEDLER&ASSOC., INC. 151820 BNI BOOKS 151821 CCI TECHNOLOGIES 151822 CEPA 151823 C.P.I. 151824 CS COMPANY 151825 CALTROL, INC. 151826 CALIF ASSOC. OF SAN. AGENCIES 151827 CAMALI CORP. 151828 CANUS CORPORATION 151829 JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS TRAINING MATERIALS $2,966.96 LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICES $910.56 LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICES $5.04 $11.97 LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICES $816.50 $239.19 $260.00 $36,651.01 $8.75 $147,154.04 $5871.75 $27,610.16 $4,994.33 $2,021.31 $5,905.00 $3,391.84 $11.59 $5.50 $2,654.00 $2,295.00 $1,571.39 $413.89 $692.52 $456.55 $331.11 $18,475.76 $123.69 $321.88 $5,881.00 $882.00 $1,289.23 $5,753.91 $1,498.11 $130.00 $800.00 $24,782.50 $31,306.34 LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICES SAFETY SUPPLIES HARDWARE ELECTRIC PARTS O&M AGREEMENT OXY GEN. SYST. M.O.8-9-89 AIR FREIGHT OFFICE EQUIPMENT TRAVEL SERVICES SEWER REPAIRS SERVICE AGREEMENT NOTICES & ADS COMPUTER SOFTWARE LAB SERVICES SERVICE AGREEMENT PAYROLL SERVICES PLAQUES WASTE DISPOSAL RESIDUALS REMOVAL M.O.10-9-91 LAB ANALYSIS ELECTRIC PARTS BATTERIES LAB SUPPLIES TRUCK WASH TICKETS TRUCK PARTS ENGINEERING SERVICES 7-IB-2 GENERATORS BOOKS PHONE LINE INSTALLATiON PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LAB SUPPLIES PLUMBING SUPPLIES HARDWARE WORK CONFERENCE REGISTRATION SERVICE AGREEMENT FIBER OPTIC CABLE ENGINEERING SERVICES FUND NO 9199 - JT DIST WORKING CAPITAL PROCESSING DATE 05/14/96 PAGE 2 REPORT NUMBER AP43 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID 05/15/96 WARRANT NO. rn >< ~—‘ POSTING DATE 05/15/96 VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 151830 CASHCO $420.84 VALVE 151831 MDT / CASTLE $358.95 LAB SUPPLIES 151832 CENTURY MICRO PRODUCTS 151833 CHEMWEST INC 151834 CLAYTON ENVIRO CONSULT 151835 COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT CO. 151836 COuCH & SONS 151837 COLOR ARTS INC 151838 COMMUNICATIONS PERFORMANCE GROUP 151839 COMPUSERVE 151840 CONNELL GM PARTS / DIV. 151841 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DIST 151842 CONSUMER PIPE 151843 CONTINENTAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 151844 CONVERSE CONSULTANTS 0 C 151845 COOPER CAMERON CORP. 151846 COSTA MESA AUTO SUPPLY 151847 COUNTY CLERK 151848 COUNTY WHOLESALE ELECTRIC 151849 CUMMINS-ALLISON CORP 151850 DAILY PILOT 151851 J.W. D’ANGELO 151852 JAMES DARLINGTON 151853 DAVE’S BICYCLES, INC. 151854 ALBERTW. 151855 DELL MARKETING L. P. $3,262.50 $149.61 $25,177.77 $10,161.91 151856 DEL MAR ANALYTICAL $950.00 151857 DEZURICK AND/OR CS CO. 151858 DIAMOND LINERS INC 151859 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP. 151860 DOVER ELEVATOR COMPANY 151861 JIM DAVIDSON 151862 JAN DEBAY 151863 ESP NORTH 151864 ELE INTL I SOILTEST PROD 151865 ELECTRA-BOND, INC. 151866 ELECTRO NUMERICS INC 151867 ENCHANTER, INC. 151868 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSOC. $976.20 LAB SERVICES 151869 FLUID TECH. SALES $816.80 INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES 151870 FMC CORPORATION 151871 FALCON DISPOSAL SERVICE 151872 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. $52,406.83 $7,008.75 $317.04 151873 FILTER SUPPLY CO. $685.83 151874 FIRST CHOICE $778.29 151875 FISCHER & PORTER CO. 0 $4,799.32 $576.70 $9,236.28 $240.44 $191,605.33 $4,941.18 $17,850.00 $322.64 $142.31 $10,240.84 $701.35 $88.76 $17,714.34 $951.29 $183.12 $38.00 $1,361.31 $961.20 $144.00 CO, INC. $633.57 DAVIES, INC. $16,464.44 $435.27 $5,734.29 $940.00 $403.70 $174.00 $930.51 $371.35 $5,543.74 $2,593.74 $2,800.00 $7,030.69 0 COMPUTER SUPPLIES & SOFTWARE PUMPS INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE SERVICES LAB SUPPLIES CONSTRUCTION 11-17-1 PRINTING SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MO 10-25-95 COMPUTER SERVICES TRUCK PARTS ELECTRIC PARTS PLUMBING SUPPLIES TOOLS CONSULTINGSERVICES M.O.8-11-93 ENGINE PARTS TRUCK PARTS NOTICE OF EXEMPTION FEE ELECTRIC PARTS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS NOTICES & ADS VALVES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BIKE REPAIRS CONSTRUCTION 3-36R COMPUTERS BIOSOLIDS ANALYSIS VALVES TRUCK BED LINER OFFICE EQUIPMENT ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE CONFERENCE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT CASA CONFERENCE REIMBURSEMENT MECHANICAL SUPPLIES TOOLS EQUIPMENT REPAIR INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES OCEAN MONITORING MO. 5-24-95 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE MO 9-14-94 RESIDUALS REMOVAL M.0. 10-9-91 AIR FREIGHT FILTERS COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT CHLORINATION SUPPLiES 0 FUND NO 9 JT DIST WORKING CAPITAL PROCESSING DATE 05/14/96 PAGE 3 REPORT NUMBER AP43 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID 05115196 WARRANT NO. VENDOR 151876 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO. 151877 FLO-SYSTEMS 151878 FLORIDA CONVEYOR & EQUIP 151879 FORD SAUVAJOT MGMT GROUP 151880 FORMA SCIENTIFIC, INC. 151881 FOUNTAIN VALLEY CAMERA 151882 FOUNTAIN VALLEY PAINT 151883 THE FOXBORO CO. 151884 FRANKLIN ELECTRONIC PUBLISHERS 151885 FRY’S ELECTRONICS 151886 FURON DEKORON 151887 GKK CORPORATION 151888 GST, INC. 151889 GANAHL LUMBER CO. 151890 GARRAIT- CALLAHAN COMPANY 151891 GE IND & POWER SYSTEMS 151892 GENERAL ELECTRIC MULTILIN ~ 151893 GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. eu 151894 GENERAL PETROLEUM ~ 151895 GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. rn )< GIERLICH-MITCHELL, INC. GRAINGER, INC. 151896 > 151897 WW 151898 GRAPHIC DISTRIBUTORS 151899 GRASBY ANDERSEN 151900 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 151901 DGA CONSULTANTS 151902 KEVIN HADDEN 151903 HARRINGTON INDUSTRIAL PLASTIC 151904 HATCH & KIRK, INC. 151905 HAULAWAY CONTAINERS 151906 PL HAWN 151907 HERB’S BLACK FOREST BAKERY 151908 HERTZ CLAIM MANAGEMENT 151909 HEWLETT PACKARD 151910 . CO. INC. HOME DEPOT 151911 RS HUGHES CO. INC. 151912 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 151913 IPCO SAFETY 151914 INDUSTRIALFILTERMFG. 151915 INDUSTRIAL METAL SUPPLY CO. 151916 INDUSTRIAL THREADED PRODUCTS 151917 INTERSTATE BA1TERY SYSTEMS 151918 J2 PRINTING SERVICES 151919 JAMISON ENGINEERING 151920 GREAT WESTERN SANITARY SUPPLY 151921 JAY’S CATERING POSTING DATE 05115/96 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION $532.50 $19154.59 $1,537.89 $285.00 $309.61 $168.37 $449.26 $954.72 $244.63 $3,596.12 $354.68 $10,525.11 $688.24 $623.48 $3,648.15 $9,746.80 $235.43 $1,613.99 $10,993.52 $1 .699.27 $20,165.15 LAB SUPPLIES PUMP PARTS MECHANICAL PARTS CONSOLIDATION SERVICES FREIGHT CHARGES PHOTO SUPPLIES PAINT SUPPLIES INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES PUBLICATIONS ELECTRONIC & COMPUTER SUPPLIES CABLE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES J-11-2 OFFICE SUPPLIES LUMBER/HARDWARE CHEMICALS INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES RE-PROGRAM EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC PARTS GASOLINE TELEPHONE SERVICES PUMP PARTS $317.86 COMPRESSOR PARTS $169.71 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES $2,437.28 $1,783.86 $6,737.58 $180.65 $1,560.52 $24.35 $2,625.00 $696.67 $435.10 $2,083.33 $510.74 $156.71 $202.95 $10,314.99 $12,808.07 $57.97 $1,123.48 $99.75 $1,065.00 $635.31 $49,870.00 $958.39 $873.78 ENGINE PARTS CABLE ASSEMBLY SURVEYING SERVICES M.O.6-8-94 CONFERENCE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT PLUMBING SUPPLIES TRUCK PARTS CONTAINER RENTALS ELECTRIC SUPPLIES TRAINING LUNCHEON WORKERS COMP CLAIMS ADMIN. SERVICE AGREEMENT SMALL HARDWARE PAINT SUPPLIES WATER USE SAFETY SUPPLIES FILTER METAL CONNECTORS BATTERIES PRINTING CONSTRUCTION SERVICES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES DIRECTORS’ MEETING EXPENSE FUND NO 9199 - JT DIST WORKING CAPITAL PROCESSING DATE 05/14/96 PAGE 4 REPORT NUMBER AP43 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID 05/15/96 WARRANT NO. -H ~ DESCRIPTION JENSEN INSTRUMENTS CO. 151923 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 151924 JONES CHEMICALS, INC. $30,860.61 151925 JORDAN CONTROLS INC 151926 KALLEEN’S COMPUTER PRODUCTS $121.62 $239.77 151927 KEMIRON PACIFIC, INC. KEYE PRODUCTIVITY CENTER 151930 KING BEARING, INC. KNOX INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES 151931 LA CELLULAR TELEPHONE CO. 151932 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY CO. 151933 LAW/CRANDAL. INC. 151934 LEE & RO CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 151935 PINKY E. LOPEZ 151936 R. F. MACDONALD CO. 151937 MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY CORP. 151938 MANLEY’S BOILER REPAIR CO, INC 151939 MARGATE CONSTRUCTION, INC. 151940 MARGATE CONSTRUCTION, INC. 151941 MARVAC DOW ELECTRONICS 151942 DONALD F. MCINTYRE 151943 MC JUNKIN CORP 151944 MCWELCO RACK-N-BOX CO 151929 ~—‘ AMOUNT 151922 151928 j VENDOR POSTING DATE 05/15/96 $126.08 $835.96 $144.61 5.93 $159.00 GAUGE ELECTRIC PARTS SODtUM HYPOCHLORITE MO 4-26-95 REPAIR CIRCUIT BOARD COMPUTER SUPPLIES FERRIC CHLORIDE MO 9-27-95 TECHNICAL TRAINING $623.39 MACHINE SUPPLIES $690.19 TOOLS $1,280.44 $8,523.00 $12,272.50 $54,286.83 $118.51 $1,098.57 $1,046.73 $780.00 $702,757.00 $34,866.00 $26.89 $424.50 $3,854.69 $1,188.21 CELLULAR TELEPHONE SERVICE SAFETY SUPPLIES SOIL TESTING 7-13-94 ENGINEERING SERVICES COMPUTER SUPPLIES REIMB. INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES MECHANICAL PARTS BOILER REPAIR CONSTRUCTION P1-36-2 CONSTRUCTION P2-42-2 INSTRUMENT PLUMBING SUPPLIES TOOLS 151945 MEDICAL BENEFITS 151946 MES COMPANY 151947 MICROTEST INC 151948 MIDWAY MFG. & MACHINING 151949 MISSION INDUSTRIES 151950 MOBILE HOSE AND HYDRAULIC 151951 MONITOR LABS $311.50 INSTRUMENT 151952 MOTION INDUSTRIES, INC. PUMP PARTS 151953 NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION $39.50 $186.50 151954 NEAL SUPPLY CO. 151955 RORY NELSON 151956 NE1WORK GENERAL CORP. 151957 NEWARK ELECTRONICS 151958 NICKEY PETROLEUM COMPANY 151959 01 CORPORATION 151960 OMNI WESTERN INC 151961 ORANGE COUNTY CHEMICAL 151962 ORANGE COURIER 151963 ORIZ FIRE PROTECTION 151964 OXYGEN SERVICE 151965 COUNTY OF ORANGE 151966 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS 151967 ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT $196.00 $1,976.14 $250.78 $6,045.09 $3,125.80 $134.66 $1,656.43 $161.00 $22,937.37 $57.76 $11,403.87 $240.74 $493.73 $1,013.65 $35.10 $4,383.00 $2,384.74 $60.00 $9,982.42 $31,692.90 SUPPLIES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT SUBSCRIPTION MECHANICAL PARTS SCANNER REAPIR MECHANICAL REPAIRS UNIFORM RENTALS PUMP PARTS SOF1WARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES CWEA CONF. EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT COMPUTER INSTRUMENT PARTS LUBRICANTS/DIESEL FUEL LAB SUPPLIES TOOLS CHEMICALS COURIER SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPECIALTY GASES ROLL CHANGE PROCESSING FEE REIMBURSE WORKERS COMP GAP WATER USE M.O.6-9-93 FUND NO 91 JT DIST WORKING CAPITAL PROCESSING DATE 05/14/96 PAGE 5 REPORT NUMBER AP43 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID 05/15/96 WARRANT NO. VENDOR POSTING DATE 05/15/96 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 151966 PSSI 151969 PACIFIC MECHANICAL SUPPLY 151970 PACIFIC PARTS 151971 PACIFIC BELL 151972 PAGENET 151973 PALMIERI, TYLER, WIENER, 151974 PEGO SYSTEMS 151975 PERVO PAINT 151976 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS 151977 PIMA GRO SYSTEMS, INC. 151978 PLANNING SOLUTIONS 151979 POLY ENTERPRISES INC 151980 POLYPURE, INC. 151981 PRECISION INDUSTRIES 151982 PRESENTATION PRODUCTS 151983 HAROLD PRIMROSE ICE 151984 PULSAFEEDER $96.00 $3,692.00 151985 PUMPING SOLUTIONS $1300.50 151986 QUALITY BUILDING SUPPLY 151987 RS MEANS 151988 R M CONTROLS $129.85 INSTRUMENT PARTS 151989 RPM ELECTRIC MOTORS $223.95 ELECTRIC MOTOR PARTS ‘~ 151990 R & R INSTRUMENTS ‘....n 151991 RSA SOIL PODUCTS INC $93.44 $795.00 SAWDUST 151992 RAINBOW DISPOSAL CO. 151993 RAININ INSTRUMENT CO. 151994 REDWING SHOES 151995 i-n $5,624.10 . CO., INC. $44.79 $20,164.86 $131.56 $1,053.11 $11.30 $834.48 $684.64 $1,313.74 $130,139.13 $750.00 $608.79 $38,789.12 $968.80 $480.23 $167.44 $1,122.67 $2,002.72 $195.92 SEWER VIDEO INSPECTION PLUMBING SUPPLIES INSTRUMENT PARTS TELEPHONE SERVICES RENTAL EQUIPMENT LEGAL SERVICES M.O.6-12-91 HOSE PAINT REIMBURSE PETtY CASH RESIDUALS REMOVAL MO. 3-29-95 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SAFETY SUPPLIES CATIONIC POLYMER M.O.3-11.92 INSTRUMENT PARTS OFFICE SUPPLIES ICE FOR SAMPLES PUMP PARTS PUMP CONCRETE DYE PUBLICATION ELECTRIC PARTS TRASH REMOVAL LAB SUPPLIES REIMBURSABLE SAFETY SHOES BOLT DELIVERY $113.78 $54.25 151996 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DIST $850.81 ELECTRIC PARTS 151997 RUSSELECTRIC ELECTRIC PARTS 151998 RYAN 151999 SAFETY WEST 152000 SANCON ENGINEERING, INC. SANTA ANA ELECTRIC MOTORS FREIGHT 152004 SCOTT SPECIALTY GASES, INC. 152005 SHAMROCK SUPPLY $1,718.92 $580.99 $591.39 $5,200.00 $981.29 $385.15 $59,046.89 $2,016.00 $221.38 152006 SHASTA ELECTRIC $46,775.00 152007 SHEPHERD MACHINERY CO. 152008 SHURELUCK SALES 152009 SIGMA CHEMICAL CO. $341.82 LAB SUPPLIES 152010 SKALAR, INC. 152011 SKILL PATH SEMINARS $694.25 $207.00 TECHNICAL TRAINING 152012 SKYPARK WALK-IN MEDICAL CLINIC $205.00 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL EXAMS 152013 SMITH-EMERY CO. $431.00 SOIL TESTING M.O.7-13-~4 152001 152002 152003 . - HERCO SCHWING AMERICA, INC. SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INTL $301.13 $5,328.64 METAL INSTRUMENT PARTS ENGINEERING SERVICES ELECTRIC PARTS PUMP PARTS OCEAN MONITORING M.O.6-8-94 SPECIALTY GASES TOOLS INSTALL CONDUIT TRUCK PARTS TOOLS/HARDWARE LAB SUPPLIES FUND NO 9199 - JT DIST WORKING CAPITAL PROCESSING DATE 05/14/96 REPORT NUMBER AP43 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID 05/15/96 POSTING DATE 05/15/96 WARRANT NO. 152014 152015 152016 152017 VENDOR SNAP-ON TOOLS CORP. SOUTH COAST WATER SO CALIF EDISON CO 152018 SO CALIF EDISON CO SO. CAL. GAS. CO. 152019 50. CALIF. WATER CO. 152020 SUMMIT STEEL 024 SUNSET FORD 026 152027 152028 °~ LAB SUPPLIE $11,365.55 POWER $19 19923 NA $2,400.00 $402.68 $2524 $2 095 74 $8066 $135.94 $30084 $2954 $517.20 SUNSET INDUSTRIAL PARTS SUPELCO. INC. SUPERB ONE-HOUR PHOTO SUPER POWER PRODUCTS . $47.50 152031 TAYLOR~UNN MFG. COMPANY THOMPSON INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 152033 1 52034 TONY’S LOCK& SAFE SERVICE ED TORRES 152035 TOSHIBA INTERNATIONAL 152037 TRAFRC CONTROL SERVICE~NC. TREBOR ELECTRONICS $89398 $1,139.95 $214.23 $7631 $74550 TROPICAL PLAZA NURSERY, INC. 152042 TRUCK PARTS SUPPLY 152043 JO TUCKER & $~298.84 $16981 SON, INC. $2,715.26 TUSTIN DODGE 152045 UNISOURCE&JOR BUTLER PAPER 152046 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 047 152048 $5687 $5097 $426101 VWR SCIENTIFIC $2 84826 $439299 VALLEY CITIES SUPPLY CO. VERNE S PLUMBING 152050 VERTEX TECHNOLOGIES, $11000 $490148 INC. $3,389.69 152052 WARD/DAVIS COMMUNICATIONS 152054 152055 WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION WATERMAN SUPPLY 152056 WEAVER & THOMAS 152057 MRS. WILLIAM WELTER 152058 WESTERN METRO UNIT 152059 0 WESTERN STATES CHEMICAL SUPPLY ENGINEERING SERVICES J-19-2 MECHANICAL PARTS MET TRUCK PARTS MECHANICAL PARTS PHOTOG RAPHIC SERVICES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES CONSULTING SERVICES MECHANICAL PAR LOCKS & KEYS EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT INSTRUMENT PARTS DIAGNOSTIC UPGRADE KIT $1 10827 TRIVANOVICH 152040 POWE ~STALLA~ON&TRAI~NG FOR NEW DATABASE SYSTEM $60.52 152038 TOOLS $12500 $6744196 683 SYMCAS -~ DESCRIPTION $1 23744 STAMEN Z. SPASSOFF P.E. STANDARD SUPP & EQUIP CO STERLING ART 023 152025 AMOUNT PAGE 6 EXPENSE R CONTRACT GROUNDSKEE~NG M.O.5-1 1-94 TRUCK PARTS INSTRUMENT PARTS TRUCK PARTS OFFICE SUPPLI PARCEL SERVICES LAB SUPPLIES MBING SUPPLIES PLUMBIN FIBER 0~~1~RVICES CONTRACT SERVICE-SECURITY GUARDS ~~.~NCLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR $767 72 $29747 $19313 $1 74331 $30,229.69 0 CHAIN PERMIT REFUND PERMIT R E F UND FILTERS CAUSTIC SODA MO 8-23-95 0 FUND NO 91 PROCESSING DATE JT DIST WORKING CAPITAL 05/14/96 PAGE 7 REPORT NUMBER AP43. COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID 05/15/96 WARRANT NO. VENDOR AMOUNT DESCRIPTION ELECTRIC SUPPLIES 152060 WEST-LITE SUPPLY CO. $114.84 152061 WESCO $371.74 INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES 152062 NANCY WHEATLEY MEETING EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT FIBER OPTIC TOOLS 152063 JUDITH A WILSON $611.38 $106.87 152064 WIRE MARKERS, INC. $504.91 152065 ROURKE, WOODRUFF & SPRADLIN 152066 WORDPERFECT TOTAL CLAIMS PAID 05/15/96 SUMMARY m >< POSTING DATE 05/15/96 #1 OPER FUND #2 OPER FUND #3 OPER FUND #3 CAP FAC FUND #5 OPER FUND #6 OPER FUND #6 CAP FAG FUND #7 OPER FUND #7 CAP FAG FUND #11 OPER FUND #11 CAP FAG FUND #14 CAP FAG FUND #5&6 OPER FUND #5&6 CAP FAG FUND #6&7 OPER FUND #7&14 OPER FUND JT OPER FUND CORF SELF-FUNDED INSURANCE FUND JT DIST WORKING CAPITAL $7,570.00 $39.00 $2,590,613.15 AMOUNT $1,353.52 $5,966.70 $58,576.08 $54,541.72 $4,340.63 $72.68 $12,395.34 $14,518.55 $856.61 $12170.67 $211,305.42 $27.25 $2,380.22 $9,296.96 $5,043.13 $6,886.43 $873,862.52 $1,129,139.06 $12,365.75 $175,513.91 $2.590.61 3.15 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT LEGAL SERVICES MO 7-26-95 SUBSCRIPTION FUND NO 9199 - JT DIST WORKING CAPITAL PROCESSING DATE 05/24/96 PAGE 1 REPORT NUMBER AP43 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID 05/29/96 VENDOR WARRANT NO. 1-Ti —i —I F—~ POSTING DATE 05/29/96 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 152096 ABB LOGISTICS CENTER 152097 ACS PUBLICATIONS $169.85 PUBLICATION 152098 ASL CONSULTING ENGINEERS AT&T- MEGACOM SERVICE $480.00 $703.56 A1W000 SUBTRUNK PLAN PREPARATION 152099 152100 AT&T- CELLULAR CR & R 152101 AT & I 152102 ABRASIVE ENG. TOOLING & EQUIP. 152103 ACCOUNTANTS OVERLOAD 152104 ACTION DOOR REPAIR CORP. 152105 ADMOR MEMORY 152106 TERRY AHN 152107 AIR CLEANING SERVICES CO 152108 AIR PRODUCTS & CHEMICALS 152109 AIRBORNE EXPRESS 152110 AMERIDATA 152111 AMERICAN SIGMA 152112 AMOCO ENERGY TRADING 152113 ANGELUS PACIFIC CO., INC. 152114 ANIXTER 152115 A-PLUS SYSTEMS 152116 ARTS DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. 152117 AUTODESK INC 152118 AWARDS & TROPHIES 152119 BC WiRE ROPE & RIGGING 152120 E S BABCOCK & SONS INC 152121 BANANA BLUEPRINT 152122 BARNES & NOBLE BOOKS $366.54 PUBLICATIONS 152123 BATTERY SPECIALTIES 152124 BAUER COMPRESSOR $949.90 $162.49 $170.00 COMPRESSOR PARTS - CELLULAR CR & R - DISTRIBUTION $3,240.05 $13.27 $6.77 $189.60 $2,651.20 $324.93 $1,805.17 $329.54 $1,465.22 $18,328.78 $182.75 $8,168.51 $350.66 $37,802.61 $203.79 $4,637.34 $11,633.06 $626.32 $424.71 $24.24 $182.22 $810.00 $8,201.03 INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICES LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICES LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERViCES HARDWARE TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT SERVICES DOOR REPAIRS COMPUTER PARTS CONFERENCE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT FILTERS O&M AGREEMENT OXY GEN. SYST. M.O.8-9-89 AIR FREIGHT OFFICE EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE NATURAL GAS MO 6-28-95 CARPOOL TAGS COMPUTER SUPPLIES NOTICES & ADS TOXIC WASTE REMOVAL SOFTWARE PLAQUES AUTO PARTS LAB ANALYSIS PRINTING M.O.1 1-07-94 BATTERIES 152125 BAYSHORE PSYCHOLOGY CENTER 152126 BECKMAN INSTRUMENTS 152127 BIO-GRO DIVISION 152128 BUDGET JANITORIAL 152129 THE BUREAU OF NATIONAL AFFAIRS $769.34 SUBSCRIPTION ON CD 152130 BUSH & ASSOCIATES, INC. SURVEYING SERVICES MO 6-8-94 152131 CEM CORPORATION $678.00 $543.61 152132 CH2M HILL 152133 C.L. TECHNOLOGY 152134 C.P.I. 152135 CPU COMPUTER REPAIR 152136 CS COMPANY 152137 CWCI 152138 THE CALBOND JOURNAL 152139 CALFON CONSTRUCTION 152140 CAL-GLASS FOR RESEARCH INC. 152141 CAMAU CORP. $85.52 $87,221.86 $3,330.00 $216,213.02 $720.00 $1,060.80 $221.15 $5,335.89 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LAB EQUIPMENT RESIDUALS REMOVAL MO 4-26-95 JANITORIAL SERVICES MO 1-12-94 LAB SUPPLIES ENGINEERING SERVICES J-31 GAS ANALYSIS SERVICES LAB SUPPLIES COMPUTER REPAIR PLUMBING SUPPLIES $21.01 PUBLICATIONS $59.00 $213,870.95 SUBSCRIPTION $74.02 $2,575.00 CONSTRUCTION 7-22 & 7-24 LAB SUPPLIES SERVICE AGREEMENT FUND NO 91 ~r DIST WORKING CAPITAL PROCESSING DATE 05/24/96 PAGE 2 REPORT NUMBER AP43 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID 05/29/96 WARRANT NO. J i—i VENDOR POSTING DATE 05/29/96 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 152142 CANUS CORPORATION 152143 JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS 152144 CASA 152145 CENTREPOINT COMMERCIAL INT. 152146 CENTURY MICRO PRODUCTS 152147 CERFNET 152148 CERTEX ELECTRONICS INC 152149 COAST FIRE EQUIPMENT 152150 COAST INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO. 152151 COLD SAWS OF AMERICA, INC. 152152 COUCH & SONS 1521 53 COLICH & SONS 152154 COMPRESSOR COMPONENTS OF CA 152155 COMPUTERS AMERICA 152156 COMPUTERS AND ACCESSORIES CORP 152157 CONNELL GM PARTS / DIV. 152158 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL 01ST $3,780.22 152159 CONSOLIDATED REPROGRAPHICS $79.74 152160 CONSTRUCTION FABRICATORS, INC. 152161 CONSUMER PIPE 152162 CONTINENTAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 152163 CONTROL SPECIALISTS INC 152164 CONVERSE CONSULTANTS 0 C 152165 COOPER CAMERON CORP. 152166 COSTA MESA AUTO SUPPLY 152167 C S U F 152168 DCC / CAL INC 152169 J.W. DANGELO FOUNDATION CO, INC. 152170 DAPPER TIRE 152171 JAMES DARLINGTON 152172 ALBERTW. DAVIES, INC. $300.00 152173 DEL MAR ANALYTICAL DELTA PACKAGING 152175 DEZURICK AND/OR CS CO. PRODUCTS,INC. DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORP. . INSPECTIQN 152177 DIVERSIFIED 152178 DUNN EDWARDS CORP. 152179 ElM COMPANY, INC. 152180 EIMCO PROCESS EQUIPMENT CO. 152181 EMA SERVICES INC 152182 ESP NORTH 152183 ELDRIDGE PRODUCTS INC. 152184 ELECTRA-BOND, INC. 152185 ELECTRO NUMERICS INC 152186 ELSINORE HOMES INC 152187 EMERGENCY MGMT NETWORK FIBER OPTIC CABLE ENGINEERING SERVICES P1-38, J-33 REGISTRATION-KEVIN HADDEN OFFICE FURNITURE COMPUTER PARTS COMPUTER SERVICES COMPUTER REPAIR SERVICE AGREEMENT $43.96 MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE $26.45 MECHANICAL SUPPLIES $30,292.20 $59,396.00 $1,794.36 CONSTRUCTION M-044 $208.72 COMPUTER SUPPLIES $1064.64 $48.67 CONSTRUCTION 11-17-1 PUMP PARTS PRINTER SUPPLIES TRUCK PARTS ELECTRIC PARTS PRINTING SERVICES $573.98 $224.06 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES $155.21 $991.17 TOOLS $2,434.50 $3331.22 $196.35 $25000.00 $1,196.03 $491.34 $123.70 152174 152176 $24,750.00 $94,176.50 $130.00 $996.69 $6,895.92 $20.00 $969.09 $4,312.50 $686,908.66 $890.00 $145.00 $1,281.39 $5,835.73 $2,668.00 $642.06 $1,088.82 $9099.49 $12500.00 $972.36 $5,997.11 $619.56 $486.64 $940.00 $3340.00 PLUMBING SUPPLIES PLUMBING SUPPLIES CONSULTING SERVICES M.O.8-11-93 ENGINE PARTS TRUCK PARTS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES VALVES TIRES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION 3-36R BIOSOLIDS ANALYSIS LAB SUPPLIES VALVES OFFICE EQUIPMENT PUMP STATION INSPECTIONS PAINT SUPPLIES REPAIR MECHANICAL SUPPLIES CONSULTING SERVICES MECHANICAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR BEARING CARRIER FRAME INDICATOR ENCLOSURE DECK INSTALLATION CPR/FIRST AID TRAINING FUND NO 9199 - JT 01ST WORKING CAPITAL PROCESSING DATE 05/24/96 REPORT NUMBER AP43 PAGE 3 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID 05129/96 POSTING DATE 05/29/96 WARRANT NO. 1 152189 VENDOR AMOUNT 5-24-95 DAVE ENGSTROM $159.00 $250.00 152191 FLUID TECH SALES 152192 FALCON D~POSAL SERVICE 152194 FISHER SCIENTIFICCO. 152195 FLICKINGER CO _____ DESCRIPTION TECHNIcAL TECHNICAL TRAINING ~ 10491 ____ $1,151.39 $1 792.02 ____ —_ 152196 FLO-SYSTEMS 152197 FLUKE CORP. 152198 TIM FOLEY 152199 FORD SAUVAJOT MGMT GROUP 2200 i—i ~ $685.00 CLIFFORD A FORKERT 152201 FOUNTAIN VALLEY CAMERA 152202 CITY OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY 152203 FOUNTAIN VALLEY PAINT 152204 THE FOXBORO CO. 152205 FULL SPECTRUM ANALYTICS INC 152206 GST, INC. 152207 GANAHL LUMBER CO. 152208 GENERAL ELECTRIC MULTILIN 152209 ____ >< ~ $380.15 $9,568.52 152210 GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. 152212 GIERLICH-MITCHELL, 152213 GILMORE S 5 152216 52217 $16,737.74 $365.91 152211 152214 $991.00 $178.29 $11,239.08 $60.78 $806.56 GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. GENERAL OCEANICS, INC. ____ $2,810.48 $105.45 $62.00 $530.37 $264.61 $5,366.15 $2,640.03 $323.25 $440.75 $7,680.00 $3,833.93 $231.70 $39.16 $466.00 $8750 $1,557:00 $474.11 $488.45 $23571 $279.44 INC. GRAPHIC DISTRIBUTORS DGA CONSULTANTS GRIFFIN CARRICK KEVIN HADDEN 152218 HATCH & KIRK, INC. 152219 152220 PL HAWN CO, INC. HERB’S BLACK FOREST BAKERY 152221 HIGHWAY PRODUCTS 152222 HILTI, INC. 152223 152224 HOKE CONTROLS DIV./HOKE INC. HOME DEPOT 152225 RS HUGHES CO, INC. - LAB SUPPUES VALVE PUMP PARTS LAN FLUKE ANALYZER EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT CONSOLIDATION SERVICES SURVEYING SERVICES MO 6-8-95 PHOTO SUPPLIES WATER USE PAINT SUPPLIES INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES LUMBER/HARDWARE INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES ELECTRIC PARTS LAB SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES PUMP PARTS AUTO PARTS PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES SURVEYING SERVICES M.O.6-8-94 LEGAL SERVICES TECHITE MO 9-27-95 EXPENSE REIM. FOR CASA CONF. - TRUCK PARTS ELECTRIC SUPPLIES TRAINING LUNCHEON TOOL BOXES TOOLS VALVES SMALL HARDW E PAINT SUPPLtES 152226 HUNTINGTON AMC I JEEP! RENAULT 152227 HYDROTEX INC 152228 1DM CONTROLS INC 152229 IPCO SAFETY 152230 ISLUA CONFERENCE $475.00 152231 TECHNICAL TRAINING $34573 $80000 CONNECTORS 152232 INDUSTRIAL THREADED PRODUCTS INORGANIC VENTURES 152233 INSTRUMENT LABORATORY $659113 ____ —~ 0 $1,381.69 $3,922.27 $1,776.61 $10,496.19 0 TRUCK PARTS LUBE OIL INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES SAFETY SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLI INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES 0 FUND NO 91 JT DIST WORKING CAPITAL PROCESSING DATE 05/24/96 PAGE 4 REPORT NUMBER AP43 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID 05129196 WARRANT NO. ~ POSTING DATE 05/29/96 VENDOR 152234 IRVINE RANCH WATER DISTRICT 152235 JP MORGAN SECURITIES 152236 GREAT WESTERN SANITARY SUPPLY 152237 JANUS INC 152238 DEE JASPAR & ASSOC 152239 JAY’S CATERING 152240 JENSEN INSTRUMENTS CO. 152241 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 152242 JONES CHEMICALS, INC. 152243 KMI INDUSTRIES 152244 KABBARA ENGINEERING 152245 KEMIRON PACIFIC, INC. 152246 KING BEARING, INC. 152247 KLEINFELDER 152248 KNOX INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES 152249 ORANGE COUNTY DIVISION 152250 LEE & RO CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 152251 LIMITORQUE CORP. 152252 LOGIC MICRO CENTERS, LMS AMOUNT DESCRIPTION $108.11 $75,870.22 $471.41 $116.20 $1,163.32 $815.16 $125.95 $269.88 $7,360.38 $171.77 $3,038.00 $57,587.58 $759.72 $4,028.85 $515.11 $500.00 $22,633.76 $227.95 $1,074.75 $1,413.00 $100.13 $112.15 $792.58 WATER USE REMARKETING, 1990-92 SERIES C COPS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES LAB SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DIRECTORS’ MEETING EXPENSE GAUGE ELECTRIC PARTS SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE MO 4-26-95 TECHLITE INSULATION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FERRIC CHLORIDE MO 9-27-95 MACHINE SUPPLIES GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTING SERVICES TOOLS MEMBERSHIP DUES ENGINEERING SERVICES ELECTRIC PARTS TRAINING EQUIPMENT RENTAL LAB SUPPLIES 152253 MDT BIOLOGIC COMPANY —I 152254 MARVAC DOW ELECTRONICS ~ 152255 DONALD F. MCINTYRE 152256 JE MEINHARD ASSOCIATES, INC. 152257 MELLON TRUST 152258 MICROBE MASTERS 152259 MICROFLEX MEDICAL CORP $365.00 152260 MIDWAY MFG. & MACHINING $3,415.00 152261 MISSION ABRASIVE SUPPLIES 152262 MISSION INDUSTRIES 152263 MITCHELL INSTRUMENT CO. 152264 MODERN DATA PRODUCTS 152265 MICHAEL D. MOORE 152266 NAT WEST MARKETS 152267 NATIONAL PLANT SERVICES 152268 NEAL SUPPLY CO. $10,522.00 $2,356.60 152269 NELSON DIVISION $554.06 152270 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 152271 NICKEY PETROLEUM COMPANY 152272 OCCUPATIONAL VISION SERVICES 152273 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION 152274 OFFICE PAVILIONS/INTERIOR RESOURCES 152275 THE OHMART CORP 152276 ORANGE COUNTY PUMP CO $822.80 ELECTRICAL PARTS 152277 ORANGE COUNTY WHOLESALE 152278 ORANGE COURIER COURIER SERVICES 152279 ORANGE VALVE & FITTING CO. $273.18 $153.65 $146.40 $14,845.71 $7,500.00 $117.09 $3,937.57 $220.00 $2,501.55 $430.73 $750.00 $47.58 $12,176.20 INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT LAB SUPPLIES CUSTODIAL BANK SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES SAFETY SUPPLIES MECHANICAL REPAIRS RUBBER GLOVES UNIFORM RENTALS INSTRUMENT PRINTER SUPPLIES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT COP INTEREST DRAW FEES VACUUM TRUCK SERVICES PLUMBING SUPPLIES MECHANICAL PARTS WATER USE LUBRICANTS/DIESEL FUEL $439.57 SAFETY GLASSES $5,435.70 $4,199.56 $1,470.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE REPAIRS SAFETY TRAINING INSTRUMENT SUPPLIES FITTINGS FUND NO 9199 - JT 01ST WORKING CAPITAL PROCESSING DATE 05(24(96 PAGE 5 REPORT NUMBER AP43 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID 05129/96 VENDOR WARRANT NO. J ‘—‘ tz’ POSTING DATE 05129196 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 152280 ORANGE COUNTY FORUM 152281 ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 152282 PACIFIC INVESTMENT MGMT CO 152283 PACIFIC PARTS 152284 PACIFIC BELL 152285 PAGENET 152286 PAINE WEBBER 152287 PAK WEST 152288 PARKHOUSE TIRE, INC. 152289 PERMA SEAL 152290 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS 152291 PIMA GRO SYSTEMS, INC. 152292 152293 POLYPURE, INC. POSITIVE FORMULATORS, INC. 152294 RSA SOIL PRODUCTS INC 152295 RAMCO SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 152296 RAIN FOR RENT 152297 BOLT DELIVERY AND/OR 152298 GEORGE ROBERTSON 152299 JOSEPH T RYERSON & SON IN $328.45 152300 SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INT’L 152301 R. CRAIG SCOU&ASSOC. 152302 SCOTF SPECIALTY GASES, INC. 152303 SEA-BIRD ELECTRONICS, INC. 152304 STUART SEVERN $18,667.36 $53,373.17 $134.19 $431.25 $1,323.25 152305 SEWER EQUIP CO OF AMERICA 152306 SHAMROCK SUPPLY 152307 SHURELUCK SALES 152308 SIGMA CHEMICAL CO. 152309 SKYPARK WALK-IN MEDICAL CLINIC 152310 SMITH-EMERY CO. 152311 SOUTH COAST WATER 152312 SO CALIF EDISON CO 152313 SO. CAL. GAS. CO. 152314 . $160.00 $28,195.20 $118,164.00 $24,259.53 $1,294.59 $1,208.75 $61,394.69 $1,096.79 $289.63 $559.72 $1,054.12 $129,548.16 $21,022.20 $197.23 $795.00 $767.49 $1,099.98 $24.00 $87.00 $566.08 $65.51 $18,624.68 $114.32 $7,109.00 $599.00 $70.00 $29,895.14 $18,826.57 MEMBERSHIP DUES GAP WATER USE M.O.6-9-93 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES INSTRUMENT PARTS TELEPHONE SERVICES RENTAL EQUIPMENT REMARKET AGREE. FOR ADVANCE REFUNDING OF COPS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES TIRES LUBE OIL REIMB. PETTY CASH RESIDUALS REMOVAL MO. 3-29-95 CATIONIC POLYMER M.O.3-11-92 CHEMICALS SAWDUST PARTS CLEANER SEWER BY-PASS PIPING DELIVERY SERVICE MILEAGE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT METAL OCEAN MONITORING M.O.6-8-94 LEGAL SERVICES EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES TOOLS TOOLS/HARDWARE LAB SUPPLIES PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL EXAMS SOIL TESTING M.O.7-1 3-94 LAB SUPPLIES POWER NATURAL GAS $269.88 METER $280.15 $606.10 METAL 152315 SUMMIT STEEL SUPER CHEM CORP. 152317 TEKTRONIX, INC. 152318 THOMPSON INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 152319 EDWARD M. TORRES 152320 TOWN CREATIVE SERVICES 152321 TREBOR ELECTRONICS 152322 152323 TROPICAL PLAZA NURSERY, INC. TRUCK & AUTO SUPPLY, INC. 152324 TRUESDAIL LABS 152325 JG TUCKER & SON, INC. PERSONNEL ISSUES LAB REPA~RS SPARLING INSTRUMENT CO., INC. 152316 - SPECIALTY GASES CHEMICALS $2,911.90 INSTRUMENT PARTS $82.42 MECHANICAL PARTS $317.36 $474.76 $259.22 $6,549.84 $510.11 $1,269.00 $1,826.72 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT MAILING SERVICES ELECTRIC SUPPLIES CONTRACT GROUNOSKEEPING M.O.5-1 1-94 TRUCK PARTS LAB SERVICES INSTRUMENT PARTS FUND NO 91 PROCESSING DATE JT DIST WORKING CAPITAL 05/24/96 PAGE 6 REPORT NUMBER AP43. COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID 05/29/96 WARRANT NO. rn >< VENDOR 152326 USPOSTAL SERVICE 152327 UNISOURCE&/OR BUTLER PAPER 152328 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 152329 VWR SCIENTIFIC 152330 VALLEY CITIES SUPPLY CO. 152331 VALVATE ASSOCIATES 152332 VORTEX INDUSTRIES 152333 W.S.S.A. 152334 WAL-CON CONSTRUCTION CO. 152335 CARL WARREN & CO. 152336 WEF 152337 WESTERN METRO UNIT 152338 WESTERN STATES CHEMICAL SUPPLY 152339 WEST-LITE SUPPLY CO. 152340 WHESSOE VAREC 152341 ROURKE, WOODRUFF & SPRADLIN 152342 XEROX CORP. TOTAL CLAIMS PAID 05/29/96 -H POSTING DATE 05/29/96 AMOUNT $5,000.00 $7,618.73 $1,524.14 $7,082.90 $1,056.63 $635.53 $992.81 $225.00 $131,839.40 $473.17 $15.00 $1,301.33 $20,934.97 $578.17 $4,494.73 $73,629.14 $26,471.97 $2,827,888.66 DESCRIPTiON POSTAGE OFFICE SUPPLIES PARCEL SERVICES LAB SUPPLIES PLUMBING SUPPLIES PLUMBING SUPPLIES BUILDING REPAIRS TECHNICAL TRAINING CONSTRUCTION 5-37-3 INSURANCE CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR PUBLICATION FILTERS CAUSTIC SODA MO 8-23-95 ELECTRIC SUPPLIES VALVES LEGAL SERVICES MO 7-26-95 COPIER LEASES FUND NO 9199 - sr DtST WORKING CAPITAL PROCESSING DATE 05/24/96 REPORT NUMBER AP43 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID 05/29/96 SUMMARY #1 CONST FUND #2 OPER FUND #2 CAP FAC FUND #2 CONST FUND #3 OPER FUND #3 CAP FAC FUND #3 CONST FUND #5 OPER FUND #5 CONST FUND #6 CONST FUND #7 OPER FUND #7 CAP FAC FUND #7 CONST FUND #11 OPER FUND #11 CAP FAC FUND #11 CONST FUND #13 CONST FUND #14 OPER FUND #14 CAP FAC FUND #14 CONST FUND #3&1IOPERFUND #5&6OPERFUND #586 CAP FAC FUND #687 OPER FUND #7&14 OPER FUND JT OPER FUND CORF SELF-FUNDED INSURANCE FUND JT 01ST WORKING CAPITAL POSTING DATE 05/29/96 AMOUNT $15,841.05 $6,391.90 $3,518.00 $41,999.82 $16,850.89 $702,378.56 $44798.36 $2,210.77 $4414.11 $7,662.86 $4,071.34 $213,956.59 $9,930.21 $24.17 $63,940.85 $12,826.88 $78.70 $29.57 $26.36 $462.92 $5,112.50 $17.70 $133,121.98 $213.52 $810.91 $649,841.92 $468,108.82 $65,556.09 $353,691.31 $2.827.888.66 PAGE 7 FUND NO c PROCESSING DATE JT 01ST WORKING CAPITAL - VARIOUS PAGE 1 REPORT NUMBER AP43 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY CLAIMS PAID - MISCELLANEOUS HANDWRITE WARRANTS WARRANT DATE WARRANT NO. 05/17/96 152067 BE1TER FLOORS & RESTORATION 05/17/96 152068 JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS 05/17/96 152069 DALY & FANNY FRIEDSTADT 05/17/96 152070 DIAL ONE GENE BELL INC. 05/17/96 152071 WATEREUSE ASSOCIATION 05/17/96 152072 WORLD RESTORATION 05/20/96 152073 CMS. INC. 05/20/96 152074 JAMES COWAN 05/20/96 152075 KERRY CONSULTING GROUP $4,896.81 05/21/96 152094 LOGIC MICRO CENTERS, LMS $913.13 05/22/96 152095 BARCLAYS BANK PLC 05/29/96 152343 MTA US&C 05/29/96 152344 TOSHIBA AMERICA INFORMATION 05/30/96 152345 GARDEN GROVE UNIF. SCHOOL DIST 05/31/96 152346 THE BALBOA BAY CLUB 05/31/96 152347 EMERCON CONSTRUCTION 05/31/96 152348 PAULINE JOHNSTON 06/06/96 152371 A.Q. TECH ~: w VENDOR TOTAL CLAIMS PAID AMOUNT $4,286.02 $40,432.39 $9,097.16 $418.00 $150.00 $2,112.27 $5,000.00 $108.00 $98,042.00 $150.00 $179.95 $96.00 CORF SELF-FUNDED INSURANCE FUND JT DIST WORKING CAPITAL ENGINEERING SERViCES P1-38, J-33 NEWPORT BEACH CLAIM NEWPORT BEACH CLAIM TECHNICAL TRAINING NEWPORT BEACH CLAIM RETAINER FEE EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MO 11-15-95 TRAINING EQUIPMENT RENTAL COP LIQUIDITY FEES INVESTMENT POLICY/REVIEW MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ROOM RENTAL NEWPORT BEACH CLAIM $648.76 NEWPORT BEACH CLAIM $4,990.43 $450.00 $175,329.15 I JT OPER FUND NEWPORT BEACH CLAIM $3,358.23 -~ SUMMARY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $108.00 $45;329.20 $24,910.87 $104.981 .08 $175.329.15 NEWPORT BEACH CLAIM TECHNICAL TRAINING I of the certify that those portions County Sanitation reporting of the minutes of the combined Districts of Orange County, California, the actions of District No. 1 are a true of said District and that the additional matter other Districts shall be regarded as on regular meeting June 26, 1996, and correct report of the minutes reported showing the actions of the surplusage. Chair Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 1 of S&~45 Sanitation County Orange County, of of i trict No. 1 California J:\WPDOC\BS\FORMS\96\FO1 -06.DO1 Orange County, California I of the certify that those portions of the minutes of the combined regular meeting County Sanitation reporting Districts of Orange County, California, the actions of District No. 2 are a true of said District and that the additional matter other Districts shall be regarded as reported showing the actions of the surplusage. f Directors of ion of J:\WPDOC\BS\FORMS\96\FO1 -06.D02 June 26, 1996, and correct report of the minutes Board Secretary, ~rd’ç4~irectors of County Sar~ifatiortJbistrict No. 2 of Orange County, California on County District No. 2 Orange County, California I of the certify that those portions of the minutes of the combined regular meeting County Sanitation Districts of Orange County, California, reporting the actions of District No. 3 are a true of said District and that the additional matter other Districts shall be regarded as on June 26, 1996, and correct report of the minutes reported showing the actions of the surplusage. Chair Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 3 of Secretary,,8,~ard ~of,4i~ectors Orange County, California of County S~ritation(b~trict Orange County~California No. 3 of J:\WPDOC\BS\FORMS\96’,FO1 -06.D03 7 I of the certify that those portions of the minutes County Sanitation reporting Districts of Orange County, California, the actions of District No. 5 are a true of said District and that the additional matter other Districts shall be regarded as of the combined on regular meeting June 26, 1996, and correct report of the minutes reported showing the actions of the surplusage. oard of Directors f County Sanitation District No. 5 of ~ Sanitation i of rict No. 5 County Orange County, California of J:\WPDOC\BS\FORMS\96\FO1 -06.D05 Orange County, California I of the certify that those portions County Sanitation reporting of the minutes of the combined Districts of Orange County, California, the actions of District No. 6 are a true of said District and that the additional matter other Districts shall be regarded as on regular meeting June 26, 1996, and correct report of the minutes reported showing the actions of the surplusage. B ard of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 6 of Secretaryf~b~rd,-~ Directors of County Sa’r1itatk~p’District No. 6 of Orange County, California J :\WPDOC\BS\FORMS\96\FO 1 -06.D06 Orange County, California I of the certify that those portions of the minutes of the combined regular meeting County Sanitation Districts of Orange County, California, reporting the actions of District No. 7 are a regarded as June 26, 1996, true and correct report of the minutes of said District and that the additional matter other Districts shall be on reported showing the actions surplusage. Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 7 of ~ Sanitation of trict No. 7 County Orange County, California of J:\WPDOC~BS\FORMS\96\FO1 -06.D07 Orange County, California of the I of the certify that those portions of the minutes of the combined regular meeting County Sanitation reporting Districts of Orange County, California, the actions of District No. 11 are a true of said District and that the additional matter other Districts shall be regarded as on June 26, 1996, and correct report of the minutes reported showing the actions of the surplusage. Chair / Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 11 of Secretary, County Sa of Orange County, -s of ict No. 11 I iforn ia J:\WPDOC\BS\FORMS\96\FO1 -06.D1 1 Orange County, California I of the certify County reporting that those portions of the minutes of the combined Sanitation Districts of Orange County, California, the actions of District No. 13 are a true regarded as on June 26, 1996, and correct report of the minutes of said District and that the additional matter reported other Districts shall be regular meeting showing the actions of the surplusage. /~21’rn. hair Board of Directors of ~L~j 7 County Sanitation District No. 13 of S cretary, ~6~d’o~4~irectors County Santtthion(~(strict Orange County, California of No. 13 of J:\WPDOC\BS\FORMS\96\FO1 -06.D1 3 Orange County, California I of the certify that those County Sanitation reporting the actions portions of the minutes of the combined regular meeting Districts of Orange County, California, of District No. 14 are a true of said District and that the additional matter other Districts shall be regarded as on June 26, 1996, and correct report of the minutes reported showing the actions of the surplusage. Chair ,/ Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 14 of Se’cretary, BQ~d df,D~fectors of County Sanitation liWtrict No. 14 of Orange County, California J :\WPDOC\BS\FORMS\96\FO 1 -06.D 14 Orange County, California STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )SS. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54954.2, I the Notice and Agenda 11, 13 and 14 held inspection on in the main for the Regular Board _________________, lobby Meeting of Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3, 19~ was of the Districts’ offices on duly posted for 5, 6, 7, public _______________, rWy hand this IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set hereby certify that 19~ cZ~~~day of 19~ _______________ Penny Kyle, Secr~r~’,ø(/each of the Boards of Directors Districts Nos. of BSIFormsIF27A of(O~unty Sanitation 1,2,3,5,6,7, 11, 13 & 14 Orange County, California
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