The Precious Blood of Jesus Julia`s suffering as a victim soul
The Precious Blood of Jesus Julia`s suffering as a victim soul
What has been happening in Naju? Naju is a small city of 100,000 people, located near the southwestern tip of the Korean peninsula. For the past 30 years since 1985, Mrs. Julia Kim, a housewife with four children in Naju, has received Messages from Our Lord and Our Lady for the conversion of the whole human race and suffered enormously for the conversion of sinners (cf. Luke 9:23 and Colossians 1:24). There also have been numerous important miracles such as Tears, Tears of Blood, and Fragrant Oil from the Blessed Mother’s statue; miraculous changes of the Eucharistic species into visible Flesh and Blood; miraculous descents of the Eucharist and the Precious Blood of Our Lord; and numerous spiritual and physical healings. Hunreds of thousands of pilgrims have visited Naju. The Blessed Mother’s Tears and Tears of Blood The Blessed Mother first shed tears through Her statue owned by Julia Kim in Naju, Jeonnam Province, Korea, on June 30, 1985 and began giving us Her Messages on July 18 of the same year for the purpose of saving the world. The Blessed Mother shed Tears of Blood for the first time in Naju on October 19, 1986 imploring the repentance of sinners in the world. Until January 14, 1992, She shed Tears and Tears of Blood intermittently for a total of 700 days. The Blessed Mother’s Fragrant Oil The Blessed Mother has given us the Fragrant Oil squeezing Her whole body. These are “Gifts from God” and signify “Her presence, love, and friendship” according to the Blessed Mother’s Message (April 8, 1993) Eucharistic Miracles To make the Blessed Mother’s urgent messages of love especially the importance of the Holy Eucharist known to all the people in the world, God performed the Eucharistic Miracles, considered the A large Eucharist that came down to the Blessed Mother’s most sacred miracles in Chapel in Naju and a smaller the Catholic Church, Eucharist that bled displayed thirty-three times through together in a monstrance. Julia Kim between 1988 and 2010 (The Eucharist turned into visible flesh and blood in Julia’s mouth 14 times; the Eucharist bled in a ciborium and a monstrance 3 times; and the Eucharist descended from above 16 times). The Precious Blood of Jesus Since November 9, 2001 Jesus, Who is the refuge for all sinners in the world shed His Precious Blood for the conversion of sinners numerous times on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain, in Her Chapel and Julia’s room in Naju. Jesus opened His Sacred Heart and poured out all His Blood and water to the last drop so that He could wash away all our faults, erase our sins, heal our soul and body. Precious Blood that came down on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain and in the Chapel and in Julia’ room was tested at Human Pass, gene testing center in Seoul and was found to be of Type AB which coincides with the test result at Lanciano, Italy. June 1, 1992 Julia Kim has been participating in the sufferings of Jesus for the purpose of our salvation since 1982 until now. She offered up all those pains graciously for the conversion of sinners in the world and sanctification of the clergy. Jesus gave us a spring of grace in Naju through the Blessed Mother on August 27, 1992. This spring is on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain. Countless pilgrims have drunk this water and washed themselves with it. Many people have been healed of their illnesses, sometimes even incurable ones. Fragrant Oil floating on the Water of Graces(left) The water was moving as if it were alive(right) Messages of Love The Blessed Mother has said that the miraculous signs are important but the messages of the combined Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Mother are even more important. “If you do not ignore the tears and tears of blood that I have shed and the unprecedented miracles that my Son Jesus has revealed, accept well the messages of love that my Son Jesus and I have given you, and thus lead a life based on the Gospel teachings, you will surely be saved even if grave disasters continue to occur in the skies, on the ground, and in the seas.” (Message from the Blessed Mother on March 31, 2010 ) The Stigmata The pains of the Crucifixion The books of Message of Love translated in many languages The Naju Water of Graces May 6, 2005 Eucharist changing into visible flesh and blood in Julia’s mouth on Sep. 22,1995 Julia’s suffering as a victim soul Five Spiritualities of Naju The pains and bleeding from the Crown of Thorns Bloody marks of scourging Julia received the Message from God the Father in 2014 On April 18, 2014 Good Friday, 3 p.m., when the Stations of the Cross began, Julia Kim suffered extreme abdominal pains in reparation for the sins of abortion. At the 12th station, when Jesus breathed his last, Julia also fell down, screaming. She stopped her breathing and entered the Heaven. She met God the Father and received the Message. In Naju, Korea, Our Lord and Our Lady have inspired Julia Kim to practice five ways of spiritual exercise in our daily lives for the purpose of the sanctification of our souls and the perfection of our virtues. 1. “Amen” 2. “It was my fault” 3. Turning our daily lives into prayers 4. Life of Offering up 5. The Spirituality of Semchigo “Go out to the world and more forcefully make known the Five Spiritualities, completed through your life that was tempered in the charcoal brazier of pains.” (Message from God the Father on April 18, 2014) The Messages of Our Lady of Naju have been spreading to all over the world Positive Signs on Naju from Vatican (Pictures : Asia and America) On Nov. 24th, 1994, Archbishop Giovanni Bulaitis, the Apostolic Nuncio to Korea visited Naju and witnessed the descent of the Eucharist and reported on it to Pope John Paul II. The Conference for the Blessed Mother of Naju in Indonesia (March 25, 2007) Julia Kim with Cardinal Sin of the Philippines On Oct. 31, 1995, Pope John Paul II invited Julia Kim to his priviate Chapel in the Vatican and witnessed the Eucharistic Miracle through Julia. During the Ad limina visit in March, 1996 His Holiness said “Share the wonderful grace in Naju with other countries in Asia.” Pilgrimage to Naju is allowed as the official position of the Church on Naju On February 24, 2009, the Archdiocese of Gwangju openly published a translated version of a letter (NO. 112/1993-27066) sent from the secretary of “the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith” on April 24, 2008. Through the letter, we got to know that official stand adopted by the Catholic Church concerning all the events occurring at Naju as “Non Constat de Supernaturalitate”, translated as: “Not confirming that it is supernatural” so far. The decision of the local bishop should be one of the following: ① LA Convention Center in USA (November, 1997) constat de supernaturalitate (confirmed as supernatural), constat de non supernaturalitate (confirmed as not supernatural), ③ non constat de supernaturalitate (not confirmed as supernatural) ② The second Eucharistic Miracle in the Vatican on Feb. 28, 2010 Julia Kim spreading the Messages of Love and giving her testimony in the Marian Conference in the Philippines (September 9 -13, 2005) Julia prayed for a blind girl and applied the water of grace from Naju in her eyes. Then the girl regained her sight(left).When dumb student began speaking after Julia’s prayer, everyone exclaimed for joy(right) in Ruteng, Indonesia on March 26, 2007. A few days later, In early March 2010, the Miracle which was occured on Feb. 28, 2010 was reported by Cardinal Ivan Dias to Pope Benedict XVI. The Pope stated to His Eminence, “I am positive on Naju.” On November 14, 2012 POPE BENEDICT XVI sent an official letter to make his support known to Julia Kim of Naju. In the letter written by Monsignor Peter B. Wells of the Secretariat to Frau Pohl, it is said, “I hereby confirm to you the receipt of the letter of November 7, in which you reported to the Holy Father about Mrs. Julia Kim’s suffering. Pope Benedict XVI charged me with assuring you that he will be spiritually close to Mrs. Kim and pray for her in this time of her illness.” “Non Constat de Supernaturalitate” means it may not be evident whether or not the alleged apparition is authentic. Thus, the current Holy See’s official stance on Naju is that the investigation has not been completed yet and therefore needs more observation of the evidences, testimonies, and fruits. It also implies that activities privately-initiated pilgrimages, prayer meetings, the Sacrament of Confessions, testimonies, distributions of newsletters published by Naju and so on will not be prohibited but be freely allowed. In conclusion, Pilgrimage to Naju is allowed as the official position of the Church on Naju (Non Constat de Supernaturalitate) “Naju is the place for repentance and salvation for the 4 billion people in Asia and also the light for all the people in the world!” - Archbishop Giovanni Bulaitis, the Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to Korea - Prayer Meeting in Naju ◎ Every First Saturday Mary’s Ark of Salvation Overnight Prayer Meetings 19:00~03:30 (The Stations of the Cross14:30) ◎ On every Thursday evening - Holy Hour prayers 19:30~22:00 ◎ Holy Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday) (Good Friday - The Stations of the Cross offered with Julia Kim) ◎ Special Anniversaries Overnignt prayer Meetings 19:00~02:00 (The Stations of the Cross14:00) * December 31 ~ January 1 : Year-end/ New Year special * May 16 : * June 30 : * Aug 15 : * Oct 19 : * Nov 24 : * Dec 8 : overnight prayers/ Jan.1 : Our Lord’s Precious Blood from the Crucifix turned into the Eucharist Anniversary of the First Eucharistic miracle Anniversary of the Blessed Mother’s first weeping tears Anniversary of the descent of Our Lord’s Precious Blood and the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Anniversary of the Blessed Mother’s first weeping tears of blood Anniversary of the first exuding of fragrant oil/ Descent of the Eucharist Feast of the Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Conception Meeting Our Lady of Naju “The signs that I am giving you in this small country, Korea, which is my youngest child, are the signs for the Church in the whole world.” (Message from the Blessed Mother on July 13, 1997) Our Lady of Naju invites you to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Her weeping Tears ! Date : June 26 (Special night for foreigners) June 27 - 28 , 2015 (13 :00 - 05 :00 ) Location : The Blessed Mother’s Mountain Address : 12, Najucheon 2-gil, Naju City, Jeonnam, South Korea Tel : 82-61-334-5003, Fax : 82-61-332-3372 Website :
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