The Mary`s Ark of Salvation Report
The Mary`s Ark of Salvation Report
Published in 2014 The Mary’s Ark of Salvation Report The Miracles of Love by Our Lord and Our Lady through the little soul Julia, in Naju, Korea “Share the wonderful grace in Naju with other countries in Asia” - St. John Paul the Great St. John Paul the Great witnessed the Eucharistic Miracle through Julia Kim On November 24, 1994, Archbishop Giovanni Bulaitis, the Apostolic Nuncio for Korea (1991-1997), made an official visit to Naju and personally witnessed two miraculous descents of the Eucharist in the Chapel. After the visit, the Archbishop sent a report to Pope John Paul II through the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. After examining this report, the Holy Father dispatched Msgr. Vincent Thu, one of his private secretaries, to Naju on September 18, 1995 and sent his message to Mrs. Julia Kim: "I extremely love and respect the Blessed Mother of Naju and I also highly love and respect Julia." Julia was invited to attend the Mass in the Holy Father’s private chapel. During the Mass celebrated by the Holy Father on October 31, 1995 the Eucharist that Julia received became larger and turned into live and moving as Flesh and Blood on her tongue in a shape of a heart. The Holy Father was astonished by the Eucharistic Miracle The Holy Father blessed Julia after witnessing the Eucharistic miracle. During the Korean Bishops’ ad limina visit in 1996, Pope John Paul II advised the Bishops, “Share the wonderful grace in Naju with other countries in Asia.” The Holy Father also separately met Bishop William McNauchton of the Incheon Diocese in Korea to re- The Holy Father was very surprised when he saw the ceive more information about Naju and said to the changes in the Eucharistic species. He gave a blessing to Bishop: “I also saw the change in the Eucharist Julia and made a cross on her forehead with his hand in Julia’s mouth.” 2 and also blessed her family in Korea. This Eucharistic Miracle through Julia is being displayed in Italy with the permission of the Holy See public display of the information about it would not have been possible without the permission by the Holy See. In other words, the The Korean Bishops were again on their ad limina visit. During the lunch meeting, the Holy Father asked the Bishops, “How is the situation in Naju?” Then, he waited for a long time for responses from the Bishops. After the lunch, Bishop Paul Chang-Yeol Kim of the Cheju Diocese in Korea made a detailed report to the Holy Father about Naju and the Church in Korea. The Holy Father expressed enormous joy and said, information about this Eucharistic miracle through Julia is being publicly displayed in Italy with the permission of the Holy See. “I will send instructions to the (proper) office.” (Testimony by Bishop Paul Chang-Yeol Kim) Soon afterwards, the Eucharistic miracle and other updated information on Naju were broadcasted by TV for the entire area of Italy. The image of Pope John Paul II appeared with the statue of Our Lady of Naju (E-mail from Rita Slatter on Dec.7,2013) “My name is Rita, one of the foreign pilgrims from Singapore to attend the Anniversary of Fragrant Oil on Nov.24,2013 .when we were in the chapel praying, one day before the Anniversary, you were very kind and invited us to go up to the altar to see. I was very near to the altar and was the first one to go up and take pictures. In St. Michael Church located in the vicinity of San Giovani Rotondo near the eastern coast of Italy, which is the shrine in honor of St. Padre Pio, photographs and explanations of the Eucharistic miracles that had been officially approved by the Church are being displayed. From 2001, the photographs and explanations of the Eucharistic miracle involving the change of the species of the Eucharist into visible Flesh and Blood of Jesus that Julia received from Pope John Paul II during a morning Mass in his chapel in the Vatican on October 31, 1995 have also been displayed in the same church. The photos that I have enclosed are the pictures that I have taken. when I got home and looked at the pictures, I was so shocked! I noticed that there was a silhouette of a sad man, with head bowed with Mother Mary. I realized that the figure in the picture that I had taken of Mother Mary, was Pope John Paul II. He was present when Julia received the host and it turned into flesh and blood at the Vatican. I am sure that he is praying that Naju will be recognized and approved by the Vatican. His canonization is in April 2014.” As this miracle directly involved the Pope, the 3 POPE BENEDICT XVI issued an official letter to make his support known to Julia Kim of Naju In late February 2010, Julia visited Archbishop Giovanni Bulaitis in his official residence in the Vatican at the request of the Blessed Mother in November 2009. During the Sunday Mass (February 28, 2010) celebrated by Archbishop Bulaitis and Fr. Aloysius Chang, the Eucharist turned into visible Flesh and Blood on Julia’s tongue. Pope Benedict stated, "I am positive on Naju." (Testimony by Archbishop Giovanni Bulaitis) Our Lord worked the miracle of the Eucharist bleeding in Naju and instructed Julia to present this Eucharist and His message to the Pope. On March 11, 2010, Pope Benedict received this Eucharist from Cardinal Ivan Dias. After carefully examining the Eucharist that had bled, the Holy Father asked Cardinal Dias to preserve the Eucharist with care and respect. “Preserve the Eucharist with care and respect.” A few days later, In early March 2010, Pope Benedict XVI received a report from Cardinal Ivan Dias, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, about the Eucharistic miracle that had occurred through Julia Kim in a Vatican chapel on February, 2010. During this meeting with Cardinal Dias, Above left : Bleeding from the small sacred host in a shape of Pope during his blessing Above right : The reflection of Mama Mary streching her hands on the cover of the small pyx (the image of the Blessed Mother flying) On November 14, 2012, a few months before his retirement from the Papacy in February 2013, Pope Benedict XVI sent a letter to Frau Cӓilia Pohl, a Korean lady living in Germany, regarding Julia Kim. (One month earlier, Frau Pohl had sent a letter to the Holy Father about Julia’s serious illness.) In the letter written by Bishop Peter B. Wells of the Secretariat to Frau Pohl, it is said, “I hereby confirm to you the receipt of the letter of November 7, in which you reported to the Holy Father about Mrs. Julia Kim’s suffering. Pope Benedict XVI charged me with assuring you that he will be spiritually close to Mrs. Kim and pray for her in this time of her illness.” 4 (2 Corinthians 5:14) “My darling little baby whom I love! Through the pains you suffer while acknowledging that you are an unworthy, unqualified, and lowly sinner, even those souls who are rushing toward hell will return to the bosom of the Holy Catholic Church. As I and My Mother dwell in your childlike heart with which you acknowledge that you are a sinner who is always unworthy and lowly, do not worry or hesitate but resolutely and courageously spread (the messages) to the children in the world.” (Message from Jesus on April 14, 2006 ) “I love you so much with all my life!” - Julia KimJulia Kim has offered up her pains hanging between life and death for the conversion of sinners and the sanctification of clergy by subordinating even her free will to God’s infinite love. Fr. Francis Su said in his homily, “No matter how painful our sufferings are, they are such as being bitten by ants as compared to Julia’s suffering.” during a Holy Hour prayer on April 3, 2014. This description is greatly appropriate expression based on a deep meditation. On the 1st Saturday of October, 2013, Julia was at death’s door because of Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome resulted from septicemia accompanying the shock. Consequently, she couldn’t attend the 1st Saturday prayer meeting. She offered up those pains she suffered all night(over30 hours) for the pilgrims, and was ferried in an ambulance to the hospital and awarded in ICU. The doctor in charge said, “It is a miracle that this patient in a situation like this didn’t die but revived.” after he found that all hormones in Julia’s body declined and she had myocardial infarction. Julia revived miraculously with the help of Our Lord and the Blessed Mother. She was about to die because of Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, which means that virus passes throughout all the organs through the blood vessel and takes away life rapidly. Through her suffering, our merciful God wants to give an opportunity of conversion to the most wicked sinners who lead other people to the hell due to their corrupted souls. There were so many occasions that Julia nearly lost her life because of tremendous sufferings and various illnesses. But on all such occasions, the Lord and the Blessed Mother saved her life. So many people think, ‘The blessed Mother will let her survive no matter how severe her suffering and the physical illnesses may be. But the Blessed Mother said “God can take your soul early for the salvation of many children.” in her message on June 11, 1995. This reminds us Julia can pass away anytime contrary to our thinking. But the Blessed Mother offers the solution in her message: “But when the prayers of numerous souls are combined together and soar high into Heaven, your life on earth will be extended and my burning Immaculate Heart will triumph.” And subsequently, if we practice the Messages of love through turning our lives into prayers for Julia instead of saying “She will not die”, her life will be prolonged and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will surely triumph. 5 Julia Kim’s suffering and sacrificial love Julia fell down during the Candlelight Rosary procession because of her severe suffering (May 16, 2013) Julia was exhausted and collapsed after meeting all the pilgrims who visited Naju on First Saturday (Nov 2 , 2013) Julia participated in Jesus’ suffering and fell down with the Cross on the Way of the Cross on Good Friday, 2013 Despite of her difficulty in breathing, Julia continued with great effort to pray for the pilgrims one by one (July 7 , 2013) A Nameless Flower While falling down on the Way of the Cross, the Crown of thorns worn by Julia pierced into her head on Good Friday, 2013 -Julia’s prayerI wish to be a nameless flower in the field, totally offering up for the conversion of sinners the droplets of dew that form moment after moment. I wish to be a nameless flower in the field that will be burned some day. When the Crown of Thorns was removed from Julia’s head, blood was seen on all of the thorns. Some of the thorns were broken when the Cross hit her head.(Good Friday, 2011) 6 I wish to lead a nameless life in hiding, totally offering up for the glory of God the pains that visit me and make me groan moment after moment. I wish to be a nameless flower in the field that will be burned some day. Excerpts from Julia Kim’s Testimony (March 1, 2014) Praise Jesus! Praise the Blessed Mother! Jesus will send down unlimited blessings on this prayer meeting on the 1st Saturday of March, because the Blessed Mother has been wailing and crying alone since she was left alone after losing her Son Jesus but now has you who will cry with her. Because of the extreme pains that I suffer now, I do not know what to say and how to say. It is too difficult. If I speak well, that is because Jesus and the Blessed Mother helped me; if I do not speak well, that is because of my fault. their staff, and water flowed from it and even all the livestock drank it. I have talked about Moses many times. He was truly a great man. Then, why could Moses not enter Canaan, the land of flowing milk and honey? This is a very important question. I have told you many stories to discuss this question and its answer. “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” This is the very subject that I intend to tell you. Please, listen carefully. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for Here is a story that I really want to share with you to- one who is rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. day. As I already said at the Blessed Mother’s House, a fly cannot go through the eye of a needle. Even a Moses should have said to the Israelites: “God prommosquito cannot go through it. The mouth of a mos- ised to give us water if I strike this rock. When water quito may go through the eye of a needle, but can we flows out, let’s give glory to Him.” Instead, Moses enter Heaven when our mouths only enter Heaven? said, “Listen to me, you rebels! Are we to bring water The answer is that we must be crushed and crushed for you out of this rock?” Accordingly, God became again to become littler souls. What should we do to angry and said to Moses, “You were not faithful to me become littler? in showing forth my sanctity before the Israelites.” If we did something good, we must reveal God’s glory by saying: “It was not I who did it, but God performed It is easier for a camel to pass a miracle of love by using me, despite my unworthithrough the eye of a needle than for one ness, as an instrument. Moses could have entered into who is rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven Canaan alive if he did this. Yes, you are right! We have to become humble. However, this is easy to say but not easy to put it into practice, is it? Thus, we can go through the eye of a needle not by spreading the messages only but by studying the messages thoroughly and putting them into practice and, thereby, by becoming littler and littler. Otherwise, we will never go to Heaven directly. Before he arrived at Canaan, Moses sent twelve men who were chosen from each of the 12 tribes ahead to reconnoiter the land. Ten of them reported back that “People of Canaan are giants. They are so strong that we can’t defeat them.” They also spread a rumor that Canaan was an unfit place to live. However, Joshua and Caleb insisted to attack Canaan saying, “We can do it!” God allowed only these two men to enter the God chose and elevated Moses, who had given up his land of Canaan. royal power, as the leader of the Israelites. When Moses delivered his people from the slavery in Egypt and God only allowed Moses and Aaron a glance of the was crossing the desert on the way to Canaan, the peo- land of abundant milk and honey and said, “Because ple had no water to drink and complained to Moses: you were not faithful to me in showing forth my sanc“Why did you ever make us leave Egypt? Was it just tity before the Israelites, you shall not lead this comto have us die here of thirst with our children and our munity into the land I will give them.” livestock?” Seeing this, God told Moses what to do. Everyone! We must always be awake and put the According to what God told them, Moses and Aaron words, which Our Lord and the Blessed Mother gave gathered the Israelites and struck the rock twice with us, into practice exactly as given to us. 7 of the children. How did I meet him who has become an enemy to me”, the meal will be filled with the poison of anger. Will it be well digested when her husband eats it? This is an example of enduring and The Messages of Love from the Blessed Mother in being patient only instead of offering up. Naju is very easy to understand even though they contain profound meanings and sometimes are expressed It will be difficult to go to Heaven, in difficult Chinese characters. If she only said, “Pray; unless we become little souls. do reparations, and repent your sins”, we could not be sure what penance is; what repentance is; and what sacrifice is, but the Blessed Mother of Naju explained If you graciously offer up your pains, saying and to us what sacrifice and penance are and what The praying, “My heart is hurting a lot, but it is nothing Five Spiritualities are in easy words and thus let us compared to what Jesus suffered. My husband will eventually read my mind and come know the shortcut to Heaven. back to me. Blessed Mother! Let this On March 1, 2008, when we went to meal of vegetables be filled with love Mt. Calvary on the Blessed Mother’s so that he may eat it and free himMountain praying the rosary, a bright self from his immoral, obscene sins light suddenly flashed from the sky as soon as possible under your lead on Our Lord’s Crucifix. At that moand guidance.” Then, he will eat the ment, Jesus on the Crucifix became meal of love and surely return to you. alive and gave us a blessing and said: Husbands must also be nice and lov“Worries bound by religious precepts ing to their wives in the same way. are only a waste of time.” Jesus let us know that there is nothWe must not be bound by the reliing that He cannot give to us saying: gious precepts only. Moses estab“Will God not much better clothe lished precepts based on justice, but you who are working to help my little Jesus taught the new precept which soul for Me and My Mother?” Even requires us to love even our enemies. Solomon, who enjoyed all kinds of prosperity, did not receive these imLet us love each other. However, even sinners and measurably valuable graces that you have received murderers can love someone who loves them. True and still are receiving here. Therefore, do not think love means to love someone who does not love me. or say: “What kind of power does my prayer have? It That is why love is sweet but also bitter as gall. Why will be okay if I skip one prayer meeting.” is love bitter? It is bitter because, we have to cover up even a tremendous falsehood not with a justice but with Jesus and the Blessed Mother said that it would be love, embrace everything, and understand everything. necessary for us to look back at the history, because Can you imagine that if a husband who is having an the current world has become as corrupt as it can be affair comes home, you might say “Honey, I cannot corrupt, worse than at the times of Sodom and Gomorimagine how hard it will be that you take care of two rah, the Deluge of Noah, and the Tower of Babel. We women since taking care of one is hard enough. Lie have to look back at the history, learn lessons, and live down please. I would like to give you a massage.” straight. It will be difficult to go to Heaven, unless and “let us get you a pack of restorative herb medi- we are crushed and crushed again and become littler. cine prescribed tomorrow since you have lost your When someone tramples down on you, say “Thank energy.” How does someone say something like this you so much,” instead of getting angry. without shedding tears. When I went to Rome, I was suffering from severe Is there any wife who likes her husband being un- pains. One foreign man accidentally stepped on my faithful and is there any husband who likes his wife foot. I said to him “Thank you for stepping on my being unfaithful? Nevertheless, this is because of foot. Thank you,” and he shook his head from side love, and it takes a lot of tears and pains until an echo to side as if he was confused and left. I could have of love comes back, which always does. That is why spoken to him with anger, but would it have improved being patient and graciously offering up your bleed- the situation? There is no need to speak ill to others, ing pains are totally different. as it will be a sin. A world of difference between offering up and being patient If the wife cooks a meal filled with anger toward her Some time ago, when we were riding our car on the husband saying “Uh~. I cannot divorce him because narrow alley close to the Blessed Mother’s House, a 8 Glo~ry, Glo~ry! Glory to Our Lord! van carrying several women suddenly appeared from a side alley. Our car almost fell into the stream to avoid the van. I said to the driver of the van “I am sorry” Then, he shouted: “Drive better!” I said again: “I am sorry.” Hearing this, Andrew, who was driving our car, wanted to say something to the other driver. So, I said to Andrew: “Glory~ Glory~ Glory to Our Lord!” Then he understood and offered up by saying “Alright, Ok.” Even though it was not our fault, we prayed for the other driver: “We praise and give glory to You Jesus, please bless those who were in the van.” One day, while I was preparing some things to give to a man, he deliberately pushed me with his van and ran over my foot with the same van. I passed out. When I woke up in the hospital and took an x-ray, the doctor said my toes were broken. He said that I needed a surgery at a larger hospital. I prayed for the repentance and spiritual healing of the man who hit me with his van. I found him and asked him to forgive me for having been present at that location and reconciled with him. Then, I went to the hospital and was told by the doctor that I was completely healed and in normal condition. When we accept a problem as “my fault” instead of “your fault”, Our Lord will turn evil into good so that we may never be seething with anger. Many people do not know about Heaven well. They think that they can go to Heaven if they attend Mass regularly and pray hard even if they live in sin. There are some other persons who offer prayer after prayer even without eating. We must practice love in order to go to Heaven. However, it is not a practice of love if we neglect our duties at home and busily devote most of our time to doing the volunteer work. even if that means less sleep. There is a way of praying that enables us to offer up prayers from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to bed, not neglecting the work that we have to do. Do you know what this way is? (Audience: “Turning our daily lives into prayers!”) What matters to many people is how long they will remain in purgatory? However, for us, what matters most is how to go straight to Heaven. If we always meditate: “Will this give joy to the Lord?” and “What would the Blessed Mother do in this situation?” we can easily overcome everything in our lives. We can do anything if we entrust everything to Our Lord! We can do anything, if we entrust everything to the Lord and the Blessed Mother like Joshua and Caleb, who insisted to attack Canaan out of complete trust and faith in God, entered Canaan. Therefore, Let us cry out loudly. “We can do! We can do! We can really do it! Amen!” Let us all go all the way to the end where God the Father is. However, to reach the Kingdom of God, we must always be crushed and trampled and thus, become littler, littler, and littler. Even when we are unjustly criticized and blamed, let us pray: “Lord, send down blessing on those persons.” Even if it is difficult to practice this, Lord will be happy to see us make efforts. Never say, “I cannot do it. It is impossible,” but say, “Even though I have not been able to do it in the past, I can now do it.” Now, let’s close our eyes and put our hands on your chest; offer up everything that has been hurting and bothering us, pains and sufferings, troubles and difficulties, completely to the Lord and the Blessed Mother with our voice. The Lord and the Blessed Mother will help us through Their invisible presence and reOne of my landlords was a deacon at a Protestant build the place which has been destroyed by Satan, church. From the moment she woke up in the morn- with help from us. ing, she asked her 85 year-old mother to take care of her nine children and went out to do missionary work. The Blessed Mother’s The old lady had to do all of the household work. De- Immaculate Heart will spite of my help (changing briquettes), how can an surely triumph, and, old lady do all of the house work by herself? I was on the last day, we confused when the deacon invited me to join her mis- will inherit the Tree sion work. She was misunderstanding by thinking of Eternal Life, which that everyone whom she had helped liked her. Adam and Eve had Of course, they will like her. Who will not like a per- lost, receive and wear son who helps them? However, it is not what God the royal crown eswants us to do, if there are maggots crawling over in corted by the angels, our house. The Lord and the Blessed Mother ask us to and enjoy eternal haptake good care of our own family, saying, “Who are piness at the side of the your closest neighbors? They are your family.” If we Lord and the Blessed want to do charity work, we must first do our duties Mother. Amen! 9 Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us! (The Miracle of Our Lord’s Precious Blood in Naju on Nov 15, 2013) Jesus poured out his Precious Blood on the Way of the Cross in the Blessed Mother’s Mountain. Many stones and leaves between the 13th and 14th station were covered with our Savior’s Blood. On November 14, 2013, Thursday and the day of the Holy Hour prayer meeting, almost 50 pilgrims from the Philippines came to the Blessed Mother’s House in Naju. They consoled the Lord and the Blessed Mother by praying together with the Korean pilgrims. Next day, they prayed on the Way of the Cross in the Blessed Mother’s Mountain. They earnestly prayed, meditating on the Passion of Christ, for their fellow countrymen who had recently suffered enormously by the destructive typhoon named ‘Haiyan’. When the pilgrims reached the 13th Station of the Way of the Cross, they witnessed an astonishing scene. Jesus poured down a large quantity of His Precious Blood between the 13th and 14th Stations. It was about 2 :00 P.M. on Nov 15, 2013. The Precious Blood of Jesus remaining uncoagulated Volunteers collecting the stones stained with Precious Blood of Jesus in the containers at about 9:30 P. M . In order to collect the Precious Blood, the volunteer workers went to the Blessed Mother’s Mountain at about 9:00 p.m. They were startled when they saw the Precious Blood still remaining uncoagulated seven hours after it came down! Normally, blood coagulates from about 20 minutes after its contact with air. Leaves, stones and the earth on the Mountain were soaked with the Precious Blood which was in the frightful scarlet color. Even other objects were reflected off on the Blood which was stagnant between rocks. 10 What a great love for us it is that Jesus poured down His Precious Blood so generously, when only one drop of Lord’s Precious Blood would be sufficient to save the whole world! The descent of the Precious Blood on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain means Our Lord tremendously loves the pilgrims to Naju. This phenomenon also is an evidence showing that the Blessed Mother’s House and the Blessed Mother’s Mountain are the most sacred places where the Precious Blood could descend. “The reason why I am revealing My Love even by shedding blood for you is to wash away your sins thoroughly and perform a transfusion. This is a testimony of my intense Love for all of you and is the Blood of the Covenant. For now everything may seem vague, but, in the not-toodistant future, you will clearly understand how important are the graces which I am bestowing upon you. Therefore, become more awake and pray, and, with a heroic loyalty, accomplish the mission that has been entrusted to you. My beloved little soul! In order to reward your prayers filled with your sincere love and tears, offered day after day, I open My Sacred Heart and send down blessings upon you.” - Message of Love from Jesus on January 27, 2002 Our Lord’s Precious Blood remains uncoagulated since 2006 On October 19, 2006, the Precious Blood came down on the acrylic cover. It was collected with a syringe. Oct 19, 2013, the Precious Blood remaining in liquid form in a syringe. The Precious Blood of Jesus collected with a syringe in Oct.2006 has not been coagulated until now. On Oct 19, 2013 Julia prayed over the pilgrims with this Precious Blood enclosed in the container and to our amazement, the Precious Blood of Jesus suddenly splashed in the container and spreaded. 11 The Signs of the Presence of the Blessed Mother in Naju The Blessed Mother giving us Fragrant Oil by squeezing Her whole body Fragrant oil with a strong golden color exuded from the Blessed Mother’s statue on Mt. Calvary in Naju (June 30, 2013) The Blessed Mother’s statue exuding Golden-color fragrant oil flowing down from the top of her head on Holy Thursday, 2013 Fragrant Oil came down on the floor of the Chapel (Dec 7, 2013) Mother’s Milk came down on the acrylic plate in the Chapel March 28, 2013 Dec 7, 2013 The Meaning of Mother’s Milk that the Blessed Mother frequently sends down in different ways in Naju is that She intends to nurture spiritually and physically Her beloved children as Her real sons and daughters so that they may become more humble and make progress toward perfection. It is the sign of the Blessed Mother’s love. 12 We are here with all our hearts and souls ! from India (May 16,2013) from Mauritius (Oct 19,2013) from Austria (Sep 7,2013) from Romania and Indonesia (Oct.19, 2013) The Mary’s Ark of Salvation Overseas Prayer Groups New York prayer group, USA Manila prayer group, The Philippines Jokjakarta prayer group, Indonesia Prayer group, Singapore From September 4, 2009, the Mary’s Ark of Salvation Overseas Prayer Groups were established in different countries of the world, forming a network of prayer groups participated by the children of God who love the Blessed Mother of Naju. Two hundred and fifty members of the prayer groups in 12 countries gather on First Saturday in every month and pray for the same intentions and following the same format. The School of Love , Argentina San Francisco prayer group, USA Manila prayer group, The Philippines 13 The Blessed Mother’s House holds a retreat for the youth every year in August. A lot of young people come from all over the region to learn Naju Blessed Mother’s spirituality and experience Jesus and Mother Mary’s love. The most recent Youth Retreat was held on August 13 to 15, 2013 and was themed “Chain of Love”. Young people learned the love of Jesus and Mother Mary and are relaying the messages to others as well. The Chain of Love: Binding us together for the Triumph of the Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart I had a lot of problems in the real world, but since I have been coming here, I have not gotten angry and am always happy. I saw myself, who is always smiling now. I hope I can manage these graces even at work and continue coming to Naju. While I was praying the Way of the Cross, my feet were hurting badly because I was barefooted. But, as time passed, my heart and mind calmed down, and I couldn’t help but cry because I was able to empathize with Jesus’ heart. I promised that I`ll strive to transform my life into Mother Mary’s humble child. Even though I have been practicing a religious life, my life has always been unstable and my heart turbulent. But, after a confession here in Naju, I felt completely refreshed, and now I feel spiritually very much at peace. I realized then, ‘Mother Mary loves me for who I am in any circumstance as long as I come to Naju.’ Participants and volunteers of Youth Retreat on Aug 13-15, 2013 14 Maria Culum : A group of young people who love Our Lady of Naju The Mary’s Ark of Salvation Prayer of Life Group is a preparative mechanism before formally establishing the Mary’s Ark of Salvation Religious Order. The applicants are young, unmarried men and women who aspire to lead a life devoted to daily prayers and activities especially of the lay persons’ apostolate, based on the spirituality taught by Julia Kim according to the Messages and instructions by the Lord and the Blessed Mother Who came to Naju and are present there. Julia Kim is the spiritual mother to the members. They are making their best efforts to carry out the role of the grain of wheat that falls into the ground and dies through their prayers and apostolic efforts. 15 Testimony by Bishop Stephen Lepcha I feel that I am ordained once again ! Bishop Stephen Lepcha Darjeeling diocese, India on May 16, 2013 His Excellency Steven Lepcha, Bishop of Darjeeling Diocese in India, visited Naju with Mr. Edmund (leader of the group called ‘Association of Crusaders for Jesus with Mary’) and 44 other pilgrims from India. On the last day of his visit, he testified that ‘I came here and received the strength and grace to return home willingly carrying the heavy Cross of the Ordinary of my diocese.’ He also said that he felt like he consecrated himself anew and his ordination was renewed. Nothing happens by chance, everything is planned by God. How do I feel? I feel that I am ordained once again. Thanks to Edmund and Mrs. Edmund who brought me here. They made a sacrifice for me to come to Naju to experience the mean- This year the holy week was very painful for me. The suffering that we were going through is caused by the one man’s sin. I was not able to forgive him even though the whole diocese and many of my priests were suffering that way. I’m enjoying being here with you and listening to Julia, Peter and Father and Mr. Edmund about the suffering that Julia has to ing of the Cross. Thank you, Julia, for being a faithful go through in Naju. I could feel deep down within servant of Jesus, experiencing Jesus’ love and Mother me that pain of Jesus and Mother Mary because of so Mary’s love and telling us the truth. Mother Teresa many sins committed by people. from Calcutta said “I`m nothing but a small pencil which God can use to write bigger things. I was not able to carry my cross. I was going to resign You have become a small pencil of God who uses it to from my episcopate ministry. I was praying and pray- write a love letter.Thank to all of you supporting her. ing but I was not able to carry the cross any longer. Continue to support her. Our mission beYesterday while comes her mission making the Way of now, and her misthe Cross I carried sion is the Korean the cross. When mission. Then the we reached the 7th whole world will station, suddenly I see the power and got that energy not love of Jesus. What to resign anymore. Jesus wants is also Mother Mary car- what Mother Mary wants. Let it be continued. ried the Cross and her beloved son is You are experiencing a great challenge from Gwangalso carrying the ju Archdiocese. Let us continue to seek God’s Will cross. I cannot just because we know this is the truth. Julia knows very see them doing it. I made up my mind not to resign well this is the truth. God allows us to face difficulties from my responsibility as a Bishop after meeting Julia. in order to purify us as to become pure gold. Gold will be tested only by fire to be pure, but that fire is very So I decided to carry on and carry on the Cross with beautiful. Door will be opened only by Jesus Christ through Mama Mary. God bless you. Thank you! Jesus Christ! 16 Testimony by Bishop Su and Bishop James Chan 2013 We came here to support you ! Bishop Su, Sibu diocese, Malaysia on June 30, 2013 Bishop Dominic Su (Bishop of the Sibu Diocese in Malaysia from 1987 to 2011) witnessed a Eucharistic Miracle through Julia Kim during his first visit to Naju in August 1995. After he witnessed another Eucharist Miracle during the Mass in the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Sibu when Julia was invited in 1996, he sent an official report to the Vatican indicating that: “this miracle was from God”. He has fulfilled his vocation by testifying to the glory of God that he had witnessed, while the Bishops and priests in Korea were only trying to read the Kwangju Archdiocese’s mind. For that reason, Jesus allowed him and his two other brothers (Fr. Francis Su and Fr. Philip Su) to witness another miracle that Jesus poured down His Precious Blood from his open heart on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain in Naju while they were visiting the Mountain on August 15, 2002. Bishop Su carrying the Cross on June 30, 2013 In June 2013, Bishop Dominic Su came to Naju to commemorate the 28th anniversary of Our Lady’s first weeping tears with the pilgrims from Malaysia, and encouraged those who work for the Blessed Mother in Naju. He said: “Our Lord has arranged ‘Mary’s Ark of Salvation’ community in Naju for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. What you have been doing pleases Our Lord and the Blessed Mother. We came here to support you!” - Bishop Su, in his homily on June 30, 2013 The Mary’s Ark of Salvation is truly Our Lady’s Bosom of Love greater than the universe. “There is much difference between Naju and other shrines of Our Lady such as Lourdes and Fatima which I have visited several times. That’s why I come to Naju on the anniversary every year and, with much joy, I meet Mama Julia and celebrate the Mass for the Blessed Mother of Naju. The Shrine of the Blessed Mother in Naju is truly a unique place. I assure you that “the Mary’s Ark of Salvation is truly Our Lady’s Bosom of Love greater than the universe.” I think Naju is the shrine especially for the faithful in Asia. Therefore, every time I come here, I pray for the unity of all of you and all the nations of the world in the love of the Blessed Mother of Naju. I pray that the grace and blessing of the omnipotent God will be with you and your families”. “Bishop James Chan had leg pain, he took a holy bath on Oct 21, 2013 at the Blessed Mother’s Mountain in Naju. And then his leg had NO MORE pain.” -Testimony by Felicia, the Singapore Group Leader- Bishop James Chan on Oct 19, 2013 17 Testimony by Priests from the whole world 2013 We have a very certain reason to rejoice, the Blessed Mother came to the world, this time to Naju ! Greetings to the Korean pilgrims! I love Naju so much that I am back to Naju for the third time. During the past 500 years, the Blessed Mother visited the world whenever the human race was faced with difficulties. We have a very certain reason to rejoice, because the Blessed Mother again came to the world, this time to Naju, Korea, in 1985, as we are facing very difficult and dangerous crises in our time. Rev. DDr. Enichlmayr Johannes The Blessed Mother's Mountain in Naju is more beautiful, because Naju is an extension of Lourdes and Fatima. Rejoice! We can lead a happy life thanks to the special graces from the Blessed Mother, the Queen of Peace. I am especially joyful knowing that there is Mrs. Julia Kim in Naju who continues to live as a victim soul to repair the sins in the world. Because God has especially loved Korea, His youngest child, He gave us this victim soul in Naju and this makes me enormously joyful and grateful. My hope is that the Holy Father will officially approve Naju soon, which is a source of life, so that its light may shine on the whole world. I hope that all of you receive much grace from the Blessed Mother today and return home and lead a life that is more conforming to God's Will. Fr. Enichlmayr Johannes offering Mass in the Naju Chapel with Pilgrims from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Portugal (Sep 6, 2013) I am grateful to you, as I saw your firm and deep faith and your love and adoration of the Holy Eucharist, which made me think a lot and learn a lot. I sincerely hope and will pray that the South Korea and the North Korea will have one heart in the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Mother and unify the country in a peaceful way. - Rev. DDr. Enichlmayr Johannes .Salzburg, Austria (Sep 7, 2013) A true and unbiased investigation will be carried out regarding the Blessed Mother of Naju ! This is my first visit to Naju. I have heard that the Naju Investigation Committee of the Gwangju Archdiocese has not conducted an objective and thorough investigation. As you know, it takes a long time to investigate and discern the reported apparitions and formalize the conclusion. I hope that an unbiased investigation committee will be organized and a true and unbiased investigation will be carried out regarding the Blessed Mother of Naju. Even though this is my first trip to Naju, I have already observed how the many volunteer helpers speak, act, and pray, which have made me realize that they are walking with Jesus and the Blessed Mother in everything they do.I ask you for something. Fr. Fohl singing: “Mary’s Ark of Salvation” in Korean In the Messages of Love, the Blessed Mother of Naju has repeatedly asked that people pray for the sanctification of the clergy. Please pray a lot for us, the priests. Only when the priests accept the Messages of Love and reform their hearts and lives, the Church will be able to firmly stand on the rock. Lastly, I hope that Naju will be officially recognized as soon as possible. Together with you, I will pray unceasingly for the Church recognition of Naju soon. I want to give you a gift of a song. (Fr. Fohl sang a song: "The Mary's Ark of Salvation" in Korean.) Thank you. - Rev. Dr. Martin Fohl. Pleiskirchen, Germany (Sep 7, 2013) 18 All of the apparitions, messages and miracles in Naju are authentic, valid and true Fr. Godfrey Odunga from Kenya (Apr 1, 2013) Praise and Glory to God the risen Lord! Alleluia! I am sincerely grateful to God for blessing me to come to Naju during this Holy Triduum(28th March - 1st April) What I confirmed as a priest with all my insight and knowledge was that all of the apparitions, messages and miracles that have taken placed in Naju for the past 28years up to now, are authectic, valid and true and that the merciful God was giving us a chance of repentance so that we could return to Him for our salvation. Through this pilgrimage, I witnessed many miracles and was born again after receiving the stream of water of mercy. I was healed physically and spiritually, my heart became filled with a lot of peace, joy and fullfillment and I am more firmly convinced of my vocation and ministry. I have discovered a servant of God , Julia Kim is a living Saint, a prophet, an apostle, a victim soul and a true ambassador of Our Lord Jesus and the Virgin Mary. Yesterday when I was praying with Julia, I felt I was totally united with God and the meaning of her prayer touched my heart even though I did not understand Korean. Also, Mary’s Ark of Salvation is the place for the salvation for all souls. Therefore, let us be more faithful to the Messages given by the Blessed Mother of Naju and pray for the Holy Father, Bishops, priests, and the entire human race. Amen! - Easter of 2013, Fr. Godfrey Odunga. Nairobi, Kenya- Julia’s healing prayer on Good Friday, 2013 Naju and Julia Kim are special gift to the Church and a special gifts to me as a priest Alleluia! Amen! Amen! Amen! I met my Mother in Naju and have been strengthened in my vocation as a priest. Thank you Our Lady of Naju. This has been the turning point in my life of a priest. Fr. Andrew from Kenya (Apr 1, 2013) I am certain that Julia has been imploring God for my repentance and greater faithfulness to my priestly vocation. Julia is a humble instrument of God’s love and mercy. She is another Christ, another Mary. Assurance that she suffers for my perserverance is already in my heart. Wish I had visited here earlier. Naju and Julia Kim are special gifts to the Church and a special gifts to me as a priest. we had experienced miracles of the Blessed Mother of Naju. We frequently smelled the fragrance of roses and experienced other graces while we were praying in the Chapel and on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain. The Staitions of the Cross offered with Julia Kim on Good Friday 2013 We will meet again in Heaven, sharing joy and celebrating the eternal resurrection. We intend to spread the Blessed Mother of Naju constantly from now on. Amen!" - Easter of 2013, Fr. Andrew Mbutu. Nairobi, Kenya- 19 Fr. Su’s Homily on Nov 24, 2013 - “I felt Mother Mary’s presence and love through Julia and I became a child of Mother Mary again.” That reminded me of the first time I Fr. Francis Su came to Naju in May who have wit1995. I cried a lot nessed the Eubecause I felt Mothcharistic Mirer Mary’s presence acles six times and love through through Julia Julia. When I came has been living here for the first in Naju, Korea time, Julia let me since 2011. hold Mother Mary’s hand, and she prayed Mama Julia has been graciously offering up her pains over me. Even though I didn’t understand what and sufferings for the conversion of sinners, and sanc- Julia said, but I cried a lot because I felt that I became a little child holding the hand of Mother tification of the clergy in the world. Mary, I felt her Motherly embrace of love and my There were so many things that I did not understand whole body was soaked with fragrance of roses. since I came to Naju. However, when I read the Messages of Love and meditate on them, Mother Mary I had the same experience on August 15 this year. I said to me, ‘You are thinking like an adult, you should again felt Mother Mary’s presence and love, I put my be a baby like baby Jesus.” Since then I completely face on Julia’s lap and cried like a baby. I felt Mother entrusted myself to Mother Mary. Then I began to un- Mary’s presence and love through Mama Julia. I became a child of Mother Mary again. derstand things better and clearer. When I was praying with Therefore, if you want to feel Mother Mary’s love and Julia at the Chapel around presence, don’t think like an adult. If we judge and 3 o’clock in the morning on criticize others, we behave like an adult and join forces Aug 15 this year, a lot of fra- with the devils.Let us become a little baby who depends grant oil came down on the on Mother Mary fully. Then Mother Mary will carry us box where a big Host came in her arms. She will guide us, and transform us to act Aug 15, 2013 down many years ago. like Jesus. Then we will enjoy the love, peace and joy. I was very touched by seeing you overjoy in God I am here to tell you that I was very touched and even cried a little because I can see your strong faith in God. This makes me very happy. I will spread what I’ve seen and experienced to others when I go back home. I hope I can see you soon, and I will bear all of you in my heart. I love you everyone! - Fr. Egner Anton from Romania Oct 19, 2013 I shed tears when I heard of Mama Julia’s coming I am so glad that I can be here in front of you again since last year. It is more delightful than last year because I couldn’t meet Mama Julia during the previous visit. I was depressed when I heard that Julia might not come to see us because of her intensive pains. However, when I entrusted everything to Jesus and the Blessed Mother and prayed with my whole heart, I heard that Mama Julia will come to meet us. I had no choice but cried at that moment. Then I gave thanks to Jesus and the Blessed Mother. I love all of you very much. - Fr. Marcel Bria from Indonesia Oct 19, 2013 20 Testimony by Laity “Our Lord needs our mouths and hands and feet.” Mrs. Cäcilia Pohl Cecilia Paul from Germany who loves the Blessed Mother of Naju exceedingly, annually visits Naju in September, organizing a tour for a European pilgrim group. Furthermore, she witnessed an Eucharistic Miracle through Julia in the Vatican in 2010. Our pilgrimage group from Europe visits Naju in September every year. Wherever we went in Korea, people curiously asked us, "Where are you from?" "Why did you come here?" Many of those who asked us these questions were Catholics. Our answer to these questions were, "We came here to visit the shrine in Naju." are you from?" Sisters answered, "We are from the Gwangju Archdiocese." I said, "The Gwangju Archdiocese must repent." The Sisters were startled and said, "Why?" I answered, "We came here to visit the shrine in Naju, but the Gwangju Archdiocese has never investigated a witness like myself regarding the Eucharistic Miracles. Why is the Archdiocese spreading false rumors and lies without even interviewing We have heard that the Gwangju Archdiocese sent a the eye-witnesses?" letter to the Bishop in Kenya, Africa, asking him to prohibit the people there from making pilgrimages Actually, on February 28, 2010 in the Vatican when to Naju. My friends! Never be overpowered by such a Eucharistic Miracle occurred, I was sitting right news. In Europe, a Cardinal who knows the situ- behind Julia Kim in the chapel. Archbishop Gioation in Naju supports our promotion of the Naju vanni Bulaitis gave the Communion to Julia in the information. There are many Bishops and priests in form of Bread and Wine and then to me. In front of the world who support Naju. our eyes, the white Eucharist that Julia received was changing into Flesh and Blood on her tongue. I was My friends, the Gwangju Archdiocese continues vig- so strongly moved and was only crying. After telling orously spreading the false rumors and accordingly the above to the Sisters, I added, "As you see, an eyesome Bishops and priests (in Korea) are doing injus- witness of that Eucharistic Miracle is alive like this, tice. In such times, we should have the courage to say but how can the Gwangju Archdiocese continue tell"That is not right!" Some people say, "I will make a ing the lie that the Eucharistic Miracle was fabricated pilgrimage to Naju when it is officially recognized." even without any qualms in their consciences?" The If we remain silent even when we see injustice, our Sisters could not say any words. faith is dead and we are not rightly serving Our Lord. At this time, Our Lord needs our mouths and hands I know well that the Gwangju Archdiocese prohibits and feet. My friends! Pray hard for your priests. At the you from going to Naju and continues their persecusame time, you must act. If we only pray all the time, tions of you. However, when you come to Naju next who will do the work? Priests can always lead many time, do not just bring two people but bring ten people of the souls in the direction they go. Are you going to per each of you. If pilgrimages do not cease but conkeep your mouths closed even when the priests take tinue like this, the official recognition is a matter the lay people to a cliff? No! You must be courageous of time. Even if they try to cover the light, the light and say, "Father, please do not go any further in that is bound to leak and shine. Please pray a lot that the direction. You and your followers will all fall." promotion of the Message of Love from the Blessed Mother of Naju will expand and reach many people in Yesterday, while we were eating at a vegetarian res- Germany and the whole Europe. Also, please pray more taurant in Gwangju, several Sisters saw the two priests for the priests and for the repentance of the Gwangju at our table and rushed to us. I asked them, "Where Archdiocese. Thank you. (September 7, 2013) 21 Healing Graces through the Miraculous Water of Naju There is no other Holy shrine like Naju We feel that we should share a few of experiences of healing that we have had since 1990 the first time we visited Naju Blessed Mother. mistakenly dropped it to the floor. I picked it up as quick as possible, but it spilled some out to the floor. While I was showing the bottle again, the empty part of the bottle began re-filling itself all the way up to the top. Everyone was amazed. No one spoke out. One gentleman named Mr. D. J. Skubich, who lived in Wichita. KA carried a small bottle of Naju Holy Water in his car. He and his wife would use it to bless themselves every time they would get into their car to go out for over a month. However, the Holy Water would never decrease and the bottle always stayed full, so he brought that bottle back to the store to show us. He uses a wheelchair, and his legs give him severe pains, related to that he gets upset to his wife often. However, after he used Naju Blessed Mother’s Miracle Water, the pain disappeared, so he and his wife developed good terms. I dropped a large, heavy, solid wood cabinet on top of my foot. While I was waiting for the swelling to go down for a cast, I put Naju Blessed Mother’s Miracle Water on my foot every day. Then my wife and I prayed the Lord’s Prayer and a Hail Mary for six days. After a new x-ray, I was told that all the broken bones had reconnected as before, the doctor was amazed when they saw the x-rays from 6days before and after. Besides all these, many others were cured of their sicknesses. A man told us they weren’t able to have We gave away Naju children, so they put Naju Blessed Mother’s Miracle Mr. Thomas Watkins, USA Holy Water to many Water on her abdomen, a baby was born and the 2nd Americans, they all have different religions, some of one is on the way. Another man drove four hours and them were Catholics, some were Protestants, some informed us what he has been through the last few were Jews, some were Hindus, and more. They lis- days. He received a diagnosis that he had diabetes. He tened to my explanations of the Naju Holy Water, and was so sad and cried all night. However, he rememtook them along with the information of Naju and the bered that he has a bottle of Naju Blessed Mother’s Messages that we printed out from Jesus and the Holy Miracle Water, so he used it and went back to the hospital. The new diagnosis came out normal. Mother. When we spread the Blessed Mother of Naju and Mama Julia to Americans, they were amazed and 100% of them accepted the facts from their hearts. One day, about 10 ladies were listening to my Naju There is no other Holy shrine like Naju. Naju Blessed Blessed Mother’s Miracle Water explanation, I tried Mother’s house is addictive, it makes us always want to open a small Miracle Water’s bottle. However, I to come back. (Aug 3, 2013) Rhodora’s Prayer Group shared the blessings about Naju Water of Graces ( March 1, 2014) a. Minda shared that her back pains disappeared when she applied Holy Water to it. b. Likewise for Cielo, her stomach was bad and she hesitated going to the prayer meeting, but upon applying the holy water to her abdomen, the pain disappeared. c. Rhodora shared Holy water brought back the consciousness of her grandchild when he had convulsions due to the breath hold syndrome; also, how the holy water made superstorm Sandy floods ( in the US ) subside in a New Jersey home. 22 Rhodora’s Prayer Group, The Philippines Doctors said in one voice, “This is truly a miracle!” Elizabeth Ruenzi's testimony on her daughter, Barbara's Healing My eldest daughter, Barbara, is 49 years old, but she has the mental age of a 11-year-old because of abnormal development. Since 2010, she has suffered from severe pain in various parts of her body: especially the joints, and the back of her hands and feet. So I took her to a reputable doctor, and took various medical tests. She was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis along with other Pilgrims from Europe (Sep 7, 2013) diseases. The doctor prescribed ten different medications and said, “Barbara’s blood tests came back very bad, and she has many illnesses. She must take all as we told her Barbara’s medical condition, she could not hold her astonishment. these pills.” Some of the ten different medications she had to take regularly included anti-rheumaticum, cortisone, antihypertensive, serum diluter, painkiller, and gastrointestinal medications. Because of her complication from the pain, she couldn’t work at all for a long time. After two years of suffering, she was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia by another doctor who is an expert in his field. This meant she had to take three more Medication sheet of Barbara Ruenzi(13 kinds of medicines) However, she calmed herself down and made a suggestion to us as the following: “I am not her doctor and have no medical knowledge. However, I believe taking this many medications daily would cause more harm than benefit. Look at her. She does not look normal. Let us cut all these drugs out, and entrust everything to Our Lord and the Blessed Mother by letting your daughter drink the pills, including a Water of Graces only.” sedative and an anti-convulsive. 오색 찬란한 기 Because of the 적수 사진 side effects from cortisone, her face was distorted and swollen, she had a rapid weight gain, and she could not work or have a normal life without medications. I believed it was a very serious decision Cecilia had to make, because it involved one person’s life and no In this unfortunate situation, my daughter Barbara, one can decide on this kind of matter without a commy husband and I came to Naju for our second pil- plete trust in God. grimage on Aug 27, 2013. This was intended for my daughter’s cure via the prayers by Julia Kim, a victim My husband and I gladly accepted the suggestion and soul. courageously stopped giving the medications to my daughter. Entrusting everything to Our Lord and the Prior to the pilgrimage, I was very grateful to hear Blessed Mother, we only gave her the Water of Gracfrom Cecilia Paul that Julia and the entire Naju com- es instead. munity were praying for my daughter. We had to pack 2 week’s supply of the medications and it was enough Barbara had a very difficult time for the next three to fill a normal sized carrier bag. When we carried it days due to the pain, but as a result of steadfastly enall along, arrived at Seoul and showed the medica- couraging her to continue the Water of Graces, my tion-filled bag to Cecilia two days later (29 August) daughter’s face turned normal (even looked pretty) 23 personality has become cheerful, she does her work well and gives joy to other people in her workplace. Many doctors, therapists, counselors, psychotherapists who have been treating her, as well as many other acquaintances, are both very happy and astonished by this wonderful phenomenon. They say in one voice, “This is truly a miracle!” I do not know how to express my joy. Naju! Unforgettably gracious place, just thinking about it brings me an immeasurable gratitude. How lucky I was, having had the pilgrimage with Barbara! Barbara meeting with Julia Kim personally (Sep 7, 2013) and her pain disappeared when we stayed at Naju from 4 to 8 September to attend the First Saturday Overnight Prayer Meeting on 7 September. Barbara’s condition had improved remarkably during a visitation in the Blessed Mother in Naju for two weeks. She has not been taking any medicines for the last five months, she has lost 12kg, her face has become very pretty, she has a pain- free life. Her I give all the glory and endless thanks to Our Lord and the Blessed Mother. Also, I send special appreciation to Julia, who has offered prayers for Barbara in spite of the immense, deadly pain she had in reparation for sinners. Elisabeth Mueller- Ruenzi Reusli Str. 45 CH – 4455 Sissach/ Schweiz If you want to read original testimony in German, Please refer to this homepage : Testimony on Healing Graces with Video On November 26, 2013, Dorothy from Singapore was healed of her severe vertigo through Julia’s prayer. Dorothy’s living testiomny : Search keyword: Dorothy’s testimony in Naju On Oct 27, 2013 Gabriel from the Philippines was healed of his broken arm after he took a shower with the Water of Graces, and he could lift his arm two days after. Gabriel’s living testimony : Search keyword: Gabriel’s testimony in Naju 24 the Water of Graces The Lord’s Promise to give Miraculous Water through Julia’s sacrificial love On January 18, 1990, Julia wanted to do whatever it takes to relieve Bishop Daniel Ji’s suffering from persistent hiccups. Although Julia afflicted with her own pain from sacrificial suffering for the salvation of sinners, she headed to Daegu’s notoriously rugged Bi-Seul Mountain that is famous for its mineral water. She prayed that the Bishop, a soul specially appointed by the Lord, would get better from drinking this water and be able to do more work for God. Deeply moved by the extraordinary love by Julia, a little soul, toward Bishop Daniel Hak-Soon Chi and other pilgrims to Naju, Jesus made the following promise to Julia on January 18, 1990 and this promise became a reality: “In the near future, I am going to give you through My Mother a fountain of miraculous water at a location not far from where you live, which is filled with love and grace and can heal the body and spirit.” Julia saw the Miraculous Water in her vision On August 26, 1992, while praying, Julia saw a vision of the Blessed Mother climbing up a mountain with much effort, carrying several heavy bundles of soiled clothes and linens, one placed on her head, two held with her hands, and more pushed with her feet. She arrived at the spot where clear water began gushing out from a new spring and began washing the laundry. Very soon, water from the spring formed a river. Many people were drinking the water, washing themselves, and joyfully playing and swimming like children in the river. The next day, Julia went to the mountain and found the spot which she had seen in the vision and began digging the ground with her bare hands. Soon water gushed out of the ground, and as she continued digging, more water gushed out forming seven streams. When she dug for the eighth time, all of the streams merged into one and wetted and flowed down the hill. The statue of the Blessed Mother was built on the spot before She began washing the laundry in Julia’s vision. God and the Blessed Mother have been healing people spiritually and physically even healing incurable diseases and raising a person from death, also performing numerous miracles of love which have been increasingly amplified as years go by. Fragrant oil floating on the surface of the Miraculous Water, displaying iridescent colors.(Jun 30, 2009) Miraculous Water turned into the Blessed Mother’s milk (Jun 16, 2006) Miraculous Water in motion as if it is actually alive (Aug 15, 2007) 25 The Recent Signs on the Water of Graces (2013-2014) ‘ The miraculous water making very active movements as if it were alive. (Mar 27, 2013) Fragrant oil floating and moving on the surface of the miraculous water (Jan 4, 2014) Fragrant oil floating on the surface of the miraculous water (May 16, 2013) On January 4, 2014, during the preparatory prayer for the First Saturday of the New Year, Jesus and the Blessed Mother showed us fragrant oil and a variety of images such as sperm, uterus, and mystical movements on the surface of the miraculous water. It looked as if this indicates the Graces of new birth in order to be born again and begin a new life of resurrection by gaining a new life for the children, who came to visit the Blessed Mother’s Mountain during this New Year, in the bosom of the Blessed Mother. Fallopian tube Fallopian tube A mystical phenomenon shown in the miraculous water. Water droplets changed into images of sperm which has tail. Fragrant oil in the shape of Fallopian tube and a uterus To watch above the Miracle through the video : Search Keyword: Miraculous Water of Naju 26 ‘ Results of the Scientific Research on the Water of Graces from the Blessed Mother Dr. Masaru Emoto took a picture of the crystals formed from the miraculous water from Naju in his laboratory and saw the bright and energy-filled hexagonal crystals. He thought: Hexagoanl crystal of the Miraculous Water “Would it not be true from Naju spring that this water carrying strong energy enters human body and causes the countless miraculous healings?”– excerpted from Dr. Emoto’s book, a bestseller in Japan: The Hidden Messages in Water. According to Dr. Emoto, healthy water formed crystals that were closer to pretty hexagons while the crystals formed from unhealthy water had irregular shapes. Results of the analysis of the Miraculous Water of Naju (December 7, 2007) The water of Grace was tested and turned out that not even one bacterium had been detected in the water. Total Colonies : below 100 (CFU/ml) : non-detected Total Coliforms : non-detected Fecal Coliforms : non-detected Microbiologists in Hungary report after a year-long investigation, 2000 This research was conducted by Dr. Molnar Gyula who visited Naju in 1998 and several microbiologists at the National Infectious Diseases Institute in Budapest, Hungary. The process and results of the research on the miraculous water of Naju conducted in 2013 The research was conducted by ‘The Korea Testing and Research Institute for Environment’ at the request from Naju. Complying with the standards of this institute, the reports concerning the pumping tests and the follow-up management were prepared and submitted to the regional government authorities. The conclusion of the water quality analysis was as follows: “Based on all the results of the qual- “Several microbiologists have put themselves to the analysis of the water with strongly encouraging results since 1998. What we can say with certitude after a year of research is that the Holy Water from ity analysis of the above-mentioned water, it Naju stops such bacteria as salmonella, es- is confirmed that the quality of this subterracherichia coli, yessinia enterocholitica and nean water is at the highest possible level.” cidrobacter freundii from propagating.” Laboratory experiments executed in August 1998 demonstrated that just one milliliter of the water from Naju purified to the original level 200 milliliters of tap water. All this shows us that it is not our imagination which attributes these forces to this Holy Water but that these are entirely real, even if it is not always possible to give a definitive explanation. Dr. Gyula Molnar January 1, 2000 “My extremely beloved daughter! As I prepared at this place through you, a little soul, the spring of Mary’s Ark of Salvation so that all the children in the world may drink it,dip themselves in it, and wash themselves with it, dig the spring without delay.” (Message from the Blessed Mother on Aug 27, 1992) 27 Prayer Meetings in Naju Every First Saturday: Overnight Prayer Meeting 19:00~03:30 (The Stations of the Cross 15:00) ◎ Every Thursday : Holy Hour prayer 19:30~22:00 ◎ Holy Triduum - The Stations of the Cross with Julia Kim ◎ Special Anniversaries : Overnight Prayer Meeting 19:00~02:00 (The Stations of the Cross 14:30) ● May 16 – Anniversary of the First Eucharistic miracle ● June 30 – Anniversary of Our Lady’s First weeping Tears ● August 15 – Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady ● October 19 – Anniversary of Our Lady’s First weeping Tears of Blood ● November 24 – Anniversary of Our Lady’s First exuding Fragrant Oil ● December 8 – Solemnity of Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception ● December 31 ~ January 1 – Year-end/New year special Overnight Prayer Meetingi ◎ Address : The Blessed Mother’s House 12, Najucheon 2-gil, Naju City, Jeonnam, 520-030, South Korea Tel : 82-61-334-5003 Fax : 82-61-332-3372 We invite You! Website : E-mail Year 2015, the 30th Anniversary of Our Lady’s first shedding tears in Naju, Korea The Date of Celebration : June 27, 2015 28 : [email protected] [email protected]
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