Kinetics of decomposition of poly(vinyl chloride)/low-migration
Kinetics of decomposition of poly(vinyl chloride)/low-migration
POLIMERY 2005, 50, nr 7-E 601 BARBARA ślVIERZ_MOTYSIA1), KRZYsZTor PIEL1cHowsKl2)") Kinetics of decomposition of poly(vinyl chloride)/low-migration polyesterurethane plasticizer blend a thermogravimetric study - RAPID COMMI'T.IICATION summary - Kinetics of d€cornposiiion of Poly(viny] Ćhloride) (PvC), Plasii_ cized either by di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalaie (DEHP) or medium molecular $'eight polyesterurethane (PESTUR) or by both plasticizers, was studied by isoconversional methods on the basis of thermogra\.imetic data unde! dynamiĆ heatint conditions' It has been found ihai ihe initia] decomPosition temP€Iaiule is hi8hel fof PVC Plasticjzed r\'iih PESTUR in ĆomPalison vriih PVc plasiicized rvith DEHP oI 1vith PESTUR/DEHĘ and thelmal degrada_ tion shows featules of mu1tiŚteP Ćompl€x process' Application of Po1ymelic plasticizer leads to ih€ inclease in values and a "smoothin8'' effect in ńe course of energy of activatior'r and pre-exponential factor at initial stage of decońposition indicating thus the hindeled miglation of mediuń moleculal weitht compound from PvC mat x (in comParison 1\.iń PVc coniaining monomelic DEHP) due to stelic hindlances as we]l as due to sP€cific interac_ tions betrveen C=O and Cl groups along the macrochains. Key words: Pol)'(vinyl chloride), po1ymedc plasticizeł kinetics of degladation, ener8y of activation, ihermottavińeiiic analysis' Piasticize.l poly(viny1 chloride) (PVO is one of the mosiwidely used polymeric materials formedical appli cations. Flexible PVC is used for the manufaciure of blood bags, hansfusioll tubings and as packaging for pharmaccuticals [1,2]. PVC used inmedical applications coniains up to ,10 % (by rveight) of the plasticizer which i5 usua]ly di(2-eńylhexyl)phlha1ate (DEHP)' Horvever, DEHP is a hypolipidemic hepatocarcinogen and ihere are some reports questiollint the safety of DEHP in Pvc-based medical devices [3-6]. Generally, ihe snbjeci ofmigration and volatilizaiion of plasticizers has been rvidely studied [7-10]. Hence, various attempts have been made io reduce plasticizer ńitratjon fi'oln P1asiicized l'VC; meńods employed inc1rrde coaiin8 ol PVC sul{ace wiih polym€rs such as acfy1ai€s oI Polyestels, closslinkin8 of Pvc dulin8 plo' cessing wiih peroxides or grafring hydrophilic monomers onto ihe surface of PVC by l-radiation/plasma treatment 111, 121. PVC lvas also chemically surface modified by nucleophilic substitution o{ chlorine atoms bV Fhotołcii' e N Jrdiethyl diiIlio. albamaie jn aqueour)]ndust.ia] chenistrv Research ]n-.titut€, ut R)'dl8ień 8' 0] media in the presence of a suitable phase Eansier .atalysi - further crosslinking by inadiation with UV re' sulted in for ation of a barier for the diffusion of DEHP from Łhe matlix [13]. one of the Iecent r€search dilec_ tions tolvards lowering the migration and \,olatilization ofPlasticiŻeń ftom PVc j5 application of high moleculal Weight elasiomeric polymers e.8' Polyestef_bas€d dlel' moplastic polyurethanc (TPUR) elastomers as blending resins that display plasticize$' performance. Unlofiunately, PVC/TPUR blends are difficull to process due to iheir hish me]t viscosity and 1imited h€ai siabiliiy 114-161. These drawbacks could be at least partially eliminated if medium molecular vreight semi'soIld oHłelminated Po]yesterurethanes (PESTUR), showing hi8h degrec of comPaiibi1ity wiih PvC ńatrix, $'ere for plastification PuĘoses [17 '19]. Hcnce, in this communicatlon some kinetics aspects of the detiadaiion Process of PVc PlasticiŻed with nove1 macromolecular po1yesterulethane'based p]asticiŻef af e reported. EXPERIMENTAL 793 Ż) Materials kpielich@usk'Pi'edu.Pl,te]':(+.ł8]2)ó282727,Iłx] (+4612)62E2038 Wlocłarł'ek (Poland). CraĆÓ\! Uńn'Ćrsjty Óf T€chno]o8)', DĆFartmĆnt oi Cncńistry and Techlologv of Polymcrs, ul' łasza*Tka 2.1, 3] ] 55 Kjaló$'' ! To u'noń aIl cor.€sPond.nce should bc aadresscd' e_mai]] SuspensionPVC (K-70) ivas a produci of ANI{IL SA, POLIMERY 2005, 602 50, ru 7-8 As monomeńc Plasticizel di(2-ethy1h€xy1)phthalate (DEHP) produced by Boryszerv SA Sochaczevr (Poland) .. Polyesterurethane GESTUR) of Mto = 13 000 was synth€sized ai Industrial chemistry Research Insiitute by prepolymer method using isopholone diisocyanate and a copolymer of 1,6-hexanediol and adipic/phihalic acid. 60 !ło 20 Plepalation of samp1eŚ 0 PVC compositions rvere prepared in a twostageprocessr durin8 ihe first siage, dry blends of PVC and additives weI€ obtained in a high_speed mixer at 100 oC and then ihe blends homogenized ai 160 Óc in a Brabendel Plasiicorder were processed in a laboratory Brabender single-screrv extruder at 155-165 oC. Finally, square plates were press molded at 165 oC under 7 MPa pressure. The detailed desoiption of this procedure was pres€nted e1selvhele [17]' Fił' 1' TCA rÓfi\es 10 of 1-3 { ńe samPles is glven in Table l4 /F U rio EBB rro t2 l0 6! i {ł d 0,2 1' ó00 abtahed at heąlifig rate t?0 (33.5) DEHP 08.5)/PrSrJR Os) PISTUR (50) Desc ption of samples 190 j DIHP 3 400 Tcmperature, "C Klmin llałLÓztr Gńouńl i. lt' !') l 200 - ljo T a b i e 1' Des.riPtion ol the s.npleś oi Pvc PlaśtiĆizede'ith 2 0 0,4 4,6 0,8 Fig ' 2 ' Energy af ncii:oąt\on (E) and logarithn of pra-txponen!i"1 lactar (A) wrsus liaction7l mass lass (ct) fot the deyada- lbn yacess af sample 1 cd\c1l\ąled b! azawa Fl!11fl wal| M€thod Thermogravimeiric analysis OGA) was performed using a Netzsch TG 209 themal analyzer in arton atmosphere using open cr-Al2o3 pan, operating in a dy" namic mode at a heating ńte 2'5,5, 10 or 20 K/min. The sample weight rvas aboui 7m8. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION At ihe ljrsi stage, analysis was performed at heating rate of 10 K/min io ascertain the thermal siabiliiy of the samples - results ate shown in Fig. 1. initial decomposition temperaoC, lvhereby ture ofsample 3 is ihehithest, reaching 252 oC, respecti\.ely. for samples 1 and 2 ii is 215 and 225 Detradation sho'Ws featules of a multist€P compIex process. To obiain additional infomaiion of the nature of this process a kinetiĆ analysis was Pelformed by two isoconversional methods Gy Ozawa-Flynn-Wa11 and Friedman) thal yield values of activation energy (E) and pre'exponential factor (,4) 120-221. Both methods lead io similar resulis. The Iesults of ozawa-Flynn*Wall analysis of ńe ihermal degradation oI sample 1 are presenied in Fig.2. E and,4 are ploited versus ftactional mass loss (cr),lvhat It can be seen that ihe is a measure of conversion degree. There are three regions of energy of aĆtivaiion and Ple_exPonentlal factol changeability which arise from migration of the monońelic plasticizer and decomposition of PVc matńx' The first region is most likely associated wiih mi8ration ofPlasticizel rvhich is lost fiJst fuom the sulfac€ and then from ihe bulk. Murase et. al. [23] also investigaied the migration of DEHP i11 PVC under heatin8 by depth analysis but using FT-IR specboscopy and noticed that depth profiles depended on ihe stabilizers used. For PVC/DEHP stabi]ized with di"ź-butyl-tin-dilaumte, DEHP seems to be lost first from the surface, and then difflrses from the polymel matdx to the surface. lvhiĆh is a typical pattern of diffusion control. On the oihff hand, in Pvc/DEHP Ćoniaining dj-71_buty]-tin'di1aulate oI di-r-butyl-tin-maleate polymer DEHP evolution is less i iensive and characierized by a smaller rate coefficient is a typical surface conbol paitem [23]. - ihis Isoihelńal \,rei8ht loss kineiics of Plasiiclzed PVc ai oC, siudied by Alldouin the iemperature range 85-120 Ćt' nl. [2'|], showed ihat in this iemPefaluIe ran8e ihe plasiicizer loss lvas the only significant source of iveight change, but stiIl at least two diffel€nt kinetics re8imes POLIMERY 2005, 50, nr 7-E 603 lfele involved, as e\.idenced by ńe chalacieristic shape of A(henius ploi.Ii could be supposed thai almosi coniinuous plasiicizeI monola},el exisied ai ihe sańp1€ sulface, making ihe evaporaiion rate practically insensitive io the p]asiicizer bulk concenbation' Inde€d, vrhen this ]attel decreases, the free \.olume fuaction anct thus, th€ p]asticizel diffusivity decleases and can r€ach a criiical value beyond vrhich the !\.hole Ploc€ss b€comes diffusion-corlholled. A simple kinetjc model cannot, therefcrc dp.crbl ll_c \vLolc plasl;c.zer-los> procF-5 5 n.e there is plobably a kinetic transition stage behĄ'een the tiĄ'o legimes' At higher temperature a gradual decomposition of the PVC matrix iakes place by splitting off hydro8cn chloride. As earlier investitations shorved, during this process polyene sequences lvere formed that wcre acti\.e il'r sccondary rcactions leading to crosslinking ancl formation of aromatic pyrolysatcs 125,261. Kinctic analysis by Friedman method of degradatiorl of sample 2 showrl in Fig. 3 leads to conclusion thai the addiiion of PESTUR as po]ymeriĆ PlasiicizeI causes an increase in values and "smoothjns" of a curvc of activaiion €nel8y and ple-exponeniial {actoI versus deglee of conversion profile (up to a < 0.7). As ii was shown in Fig. '1, thc use of only PESTUR as a Plasticiz€r in amount 50 wt. % (sample 3) makes the ih€rma1 d€composition charactcrized by Ie1aii\.€1y siab1e E and Aprofile, apart from ihe final stage lor c. > 0.8. I011 ó0 ź loo =. 40. 21]l] 0- 0 ,20 -200 -400 0 0,2 0,.1 0,6 0,8 40 l Fis 3.E elłv ofacti1)atbfi (E) ą d lo4drilhm aJple-e|pofientiil fnctat (A) l,ctsus'fracliD aI t ass loss @) lot the deyatlaliDn focess af sanryIe 2 calculatetl b! Flbllnn methad The dlffelent kineiic behaviour of PVC plastiĆiŻed lvith PESTUR in comparisol'r rviih PVC containillg monomedcDEHPcanbeexplained interms of hindered migaiionof medilmmolecularweightcompoundfrom PVC matrix due to stelic hindlanĆes as 1vell as due io specific intelactions behv€en c=o and Cl $ouPs along the macrochains. Ii is well knolr.n that chlorinated poly_ ńels ale miscib1e 'lviih many Polyesiets and it has been shown ihai ihe miscibility of these blends can be due to hl'dro8en bonding betr"reen ihe c=o grouPs of the E = i r200 r20 I000 r00 .00 6A ',. ooo 200 ryłę 0 0,2 Fił. 4 ' El]"r&| 0,ó 0,8 Ól actixntia11 (E) nnl1 Ioła\ithn af łe-erya e11(A) ul5u5 alfipss loss k!) fol the deyalląfactor fractilJ lion racess a| safl|ple 3 cnlculąted b.! ozau,ą-F]!11n-wa1l liil PESTURand łr-hydrogen ol chlorinated po1ymer I27,28J or C=O C1-C inieractions of dipole-dipole type t29,30J. Bv the appropriaie anangement of Cl aioms in ihe polymel sfucture, the ]altel ini€Iachon wi1l becomc a factor controlling thc propcrtics of thc blend. This rvill occur as ihe greater ihe number of non-repulsive intemctions \ńich exist on a molecu1al Ievel bei .€en ihe b]end's componenis, ihe more dense lhe arrangemeni of thc miclosLructule ]€ading io an ińplovement in thc system's physical properties. On ihe other hand, the rate of diffu' slon of volatile prodrrcts ihrough microphase domain siruciure ay differ due to changcs h moryhology arlangcmcnt thus considelably affeciing ihe ov€Ia1l decomposition route. Morcovcr, the complctc moryhological and siructural descdpiion of PVC/PESTUR blend is exbemely Ćomplex sinĆe boih PVc, lĄ'ith its hielarchical miclosiruciural aIlanBemeni, and PESTUR, coniaining alternaie sofi and hard segment units, contdbute to the n1ultiĆomponent blend system thus affecting considerably its thermal propertics. Further kinctic studies to(.ards deiennination of ihe folm of f(c{) mod€I functions ale undelway and l,{i]l be repoft€d it1 ihe future [31]' CONCLUSIONS It has been found that the application ofpoll'estemrethane plasticizer led io the increase and a "smoothing" €ffect in the cource of acti1.ahon ener8y and PIe-exPonential factor at the initial stage of PVC blends degradation indicating thus ihe hindercd migration of medium molecu1al ' 'ei8hi cońPorjnd from PVC mailix (in comparison rviih PVC containing monomedc DEHP) due to steric hindrances as vrell as due to specific interaciions Cl groups along the maclochains. 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