Day 12
Day 12
WETCOMETOTORTOTA Tortoh is the lagest and mos lolulat€d of the British Vngin klaods, a grou! ofislands which form palt ofth€ archipelagoo{the Virgin klands. Loc,l belief is that the namewas oiiginaly given to the island by Christolher Columbus, ncaning"land of the Tu.tlc Dove".In actuaUtyColunbus named thc island Santa Ana.The Dutch senled,and dubbed it T€!'Ihol€n, afier an;land ofthe w€st coastof the N€therlands. When the British moved in they alreredthe nrme to its pesent dat fom ofTortola. Euroleans beganmaking theii mark ulon Tortola history after 1493,*hcn Christopher Columbus spotted thc British and US Virgin Islandsand naocd ihco lftcr the 11,000virgins of4th ccntury marryr St. U6u 'Ihough thc Spanhh made a f* attenpts to settlethe a!ca,{amouslnates like BLickbeardand Captain Kidd wele the 66t Eenuineinhabitantsof the island. Tonola is a nountainous island 13.5 dilcs (19 tm) long and 3 miles (5 kn) widc,with an areaof21-5 square nilcs (55.7 squarckh). Fohed byvolcanic activitx its hishest peak is Mounr Sase.t 1750 feet (530 d). 10:45p.m. DisnevTh Toltola lies ned an errthqnakefanlt, and mino! earthqu.kcsarc common. 'nre population ofTortola is 23,908.'Ihe princi!,] settlementis RoadTown, ile capiralofthe British Viryin tHlP's AGENT:ToRTolA: RomascoGroup ofCompanje5PO. Box 437,RoadTown,Tortolq lritish Virgin lJand, Tel: I -28449a2872Mobile, i 2845412537 g CruiseSales T*e aduntageofourcxclusirc retumb pudise on Dnnel CruGeLine. Visn)our Cn,is s.lcsMmag.r on Dcck.1,Middrip. .s. ffiq | ,\t,^r, vLr brL\ ( t tr, o,trt r" r r; .. ll;1: Ph*:"iy3#, AvrJr6le fmm Sl'utlF Stoo bv Shtrtt 6 to win 2 FREE 3x10 photos. ,\sk ttu slrho$ srlt viJriE M P O R I A N ] NUI L / I B E R 5 Fn /Ssurir/ Mcdic,lDMERC0^_CY HealthCentcr 7-3001 7 30m 7 1923 SPf,CIII, c{,{Mcm -"-.. gd6 eil,U. fo, pL/ n DiEnios IlLACES rtllICES &r.","rh; -s.'d,"rT* (Pcll) Di,*vlrlm{*iCl Wd. Wmldofs@tu DrcLis oFn tor}!6 dioybdt 9Y !!:: MdnTnr/c'c c&r (L:L0!a: l .!di1!4:! !!bry!"ir* " Miclq/srilrt! S.ywtd 7i0u) AFud D. wdu ltr7Dgr M"iL MEdtudd Mon Coffi h d. Crpnii! CI@ I lgrpqr* S*; 'R9s. ch,lr."s.-qb i"li;o;qud L]trcsh.k qhini{ii Oq Suir^fl@Ch d8. l"d, e!4!I!g !q/T'E T!"u 6-.Pl'""! SPECIAI D:! cMMqu I [PGS'roUo h:t tr999r Ta Sba 1(C) Mdi. (G) AlIACES Emi sn6 niobL tu f|ll, Diffiin Phn.fld.Loulst !v,itu ,8 ADIJItrS CFn"g MideliTntuiq Sliljlgtr M.lYdohlitut Sl&isFb c" rtr*" " @ . WdvRdr* WdtvRrhs ,ldrvRdM rftlrolht\w,Nr 9*q*, wljs,w DIHtF s@nsnHu, - ,s(qi" tloot I UD s3!Nofl,o.+!sI :,4 cr*.. .. : ::;:. . Y':'::::i:::. HmDtrUD c!q!!!4 ;r i"j SIECu! &B*t cfl McIn ft. S@di tuDmdc (PG) MOVIIS Moh.r]h. n&EqMdi. (C) AILACES Cruj"ssstrLift Dudlt W99dr (nflYNMui. AITAGES Lir Mri. 'i6 T'ILB,] D. RiqhStufi IDULTS ,{DI'NS All'LrPnE&Monntu lMdoryviHl l'! l om R.[erd/rll 1on. (SirdidSa)n llllFn Chi|]ri^ii*Om Qd Mid4Mun Chilin ino.tu qct quf Mi.tIMbhsei!sc PMp ItUpiil llPa o4r 6112- / Chillii'ino.qdl tu Rpblstiz.ld Chillr'd MovieNiShrdl24 ll2O Splxhdom Coft C@q md Bod Gm6 FUNFORAtt AGES - 7'5A64 FLOUNOER'S REEFNURSEFIY DEBARK TALKBROADCAST Import.otinformatioo rcgudingdisenbrkationpKeduresfor D.4 5 Mi.Lli, O-$6a) - 7:30Ln, - t t:m ,.6, I'frnB 3ndT;l,4Lu cm enie M dd nivitie ai noubL R..f NwnT Rccn:tmr c fiisiorirc,6st sft€d e lLse .top brl ffi;:*7;;rio gDi2 noo".^.- i,io. Pon Canavedl and ,o!r journcy homc will bc cftrcd in this debdkation brie6ng.'Ihe broadcast wil be shM odtinuoust on channel 224 oflour statcroom tddision for )ou conrenience staJting ftom 4:00 P.m. today. , " :EANEER LAB '*,) ft 6)*',^0,21,.,*, ?:1'ad.'!I:tsl.n JACKPOTBINGO t:,, Ra.khtBdr D 4 Cashprizs to bewn.lh€ Snowbrl j.d<pot is apprcacbins15,000,and couldbewn at any trme.Lots ofgreat rafre priz6 ar alsoup for gnbs. CLUBHOUSE SERIES Mouelad InTrrinitu aL):loDn v;;kk.i G;;;.fi",r - Trk M in hioin! *rose! ;|n dr ori p.r Mickyiaou*. b STORYBOOK SERlES LIVEI\4USICWITHTALKBACK iJA.7:15,l0:t5 a,d I t:t5 P.,n.,Pro,l."ide Lo",8r Join ou duo,Tdk BacL,for f@ily tun anddancing. Lid. Ein.Eiu rt 7: l Spm - BL6r off b , mElion ofdqling. ringing. phying, ed endudi.g b!.d on Disn.y's Liitlc Ein*.is @na&d HOEDOWNTHROWDOWN tf,rr"u",".",.. P.I!$!&:Gtns tf CHIPITGOLF .1:00 1.,1-,Lobbt,'lIriM' It: par for thc cou.scfor glcsts 12 ud olderto competcon our special 'g!*ns" in this tun tou!@ment. Dancealolg to someoflour favoritesongsfroh wertonet favoritegirl non TcMc$ce, Hamah Montana.-.induding the Ho€doM'IhJordom. ar 12:45pn Haw I blai plaing tun gu6 wnn ou cneere arnverr senres at 2:00pm- L.m ,inpb lnnation tshniqn* dnd 6ai4ltie&l[tic! th.o put }tu n.w skiusto us. by dnwing omc ofpur fmrite Disney Elctts at a00pn - E@u6 sli4liqui4 ss md nrL!)rr "Flutt{Flik C@'in drb edlity{lR }e'c thc.ppEmie. M bath of N ] H E S P O T L I G H TS E R I E S crhesrmd<at700pn Comeled aboutditr r.nt wrld olores ud dirdiry in rik fri incdire gme. S O L V ET S E R I E S at 10:0oan- As buddinsDnncy Inas,nes &oud$d4&rld-tlzDa. lou wiu b. et th. ssk ofr.plcning rcrld h.dndc ejth . Dis.ey tsisr OU T AN D AB OUT S ERIES - S.t deignatd Youlhtuiivity 3pde, Ih. Kds Out andAlouit.n.d Dxp.denespbvids th. oppodnity ror lmind b d^y dE dELR@nm".Ld 8rB nd oItu ltr A C T I V TE S F O R1 1 . 1 3 Y E A RO L D S: H O L DT H EP H O N E Ans'itr ourriddG md -ale it ra*, nury brk b'Ib. Sock vithot nnishingla*. IMPROVAGANZA JAI/ P.rfom t*c* , impd skiE viih FU Fi.ndi NMENT ENTERTAI ADUtI EXCTUSIVE trl 'ou chue b b. ACTIVITIES FOR]4 . 17 YEAROLOS H2OSPASHDOWN 10:30P.n., M..t at17. Stt.k Ir's )ou ldnd ofpool party6{ed E$ tud gm6 andft.s. ACOUSTICSOUNDSWITH DAVID 7:!t t.n',, Ra.lir'BarD Acoistic orisinalswith Devid our Club Host PIANOAND VOCALFAVORITES 7:15,9:15,t 0:t5 uid t | :15P.D.,S.sio,s Pi/nirTim Mo$ plala'oir fa,olitepianotun.sin Scsions.Includirga ro die 6u'sicofBu( Bichdch ar 7:45p.m. specialribure T H ER I G H T S T U F F L I V E 9:15a"d D:oAn-n-.Ro.khiBarD Ou hosc b6d,1|c RiShtStu4 plal thehits thatvill kcep'ou rcchd all ROCKANDCOUNTRY t1:l0 r.Lt., Ra.kniRM D Ioin;u Crute Strf aw.round uD the sFres chsicrockand nftrn rboot :oJnin hiB.'Ihe prrw stsrs with a ;tom -pin dece pelfoma.. e fmtuiis the WJt Disney Theatrc Perfomco. O[ItsOAtsD WHIILE MOtsE EOEUOOY IN POPUIAiDEMAND! Haw your OWN Pop Art porftait painted to )our color specincations acdaimed Pop artist,Jean Pie!rc Rouselet. Make by ilteroationlll your selections for tomor@t iive rt auction!AIt Gtlldy Deck 4. WAIERPROOF CAMERA OF THE OAY OIYMPUS TOUGH 3OOO w,tc?roofup to l0 ft..Shockprcofup 12Megrpqels, ,o 5 it..Imrse SBbilizrrionrororly t229.95.Pcdr$ for Save1096oFmost categonesand rcc€ire Credh for ,ou( ne*t cruise by booking wbile onbodd Cruise Sal€sDeck, Dak 4 Midship, or c,ll 7-2848 tudShopp ngDesk HalhCenls $u{e6 ta Ul fri E tt) gt- RE!,AX ArrD IIAMFCR At tHE YlSfA sllA ;; \-g F.r,nv Fa-iatBookedbdrvE((( a complimentaryE)€ Treatnent worth S61- OT{BOAFD AINUI|E CHECK IN Iflou muld like to hat ]our bodding ps*s printed for )ou olbodd md hM lour luggzgetaken to the airpon for you, stop by Gu6t Serui.6 ro .ee ilyou dr elg b e for onbosd airlhe cne k n.Tonight 6 lhe la, .Irce to etuol fdisibk. M u{ haw Rssre, ed b/ | I :00 P m PIAI{ YOURNEXTCRUISE FLtrsCruieSoi€s D€sk POR' AT{O SHOPH G GUIDE bnnds & Rolq watchs B*t buys ashorc - Emelalds, Amorc jqclf at td and duty frc. priccs. Shop at tconmended stoEs or )our shopping nap to €nsure that )our puchases are guartdteedr 3i0 pir.- 530P.n 6:00 Fm 045Fm 8!0 Fm.- 845Pm SHOPPING UpBed VslaFad Saon OfficerPinTrading Tlade pins with the omc€B ofthe Disncy Magic in the Bs5 m sdet f$ aduhs13a d older,md dunig dredul6d hnlt *n15 Adunsmud b€ 2r &d o ds t' Lobb' Atiun frcm 7:1sp.m. 8:30p.m. Memories toTre6ure Treasurelour photo menoriesofFur dperi€nceswitb qclusivc Disnel albums, *i:pbook" andmor. Mnkey! Mae'.De<k4 Midship B|RS OltDECi( Duty FreeLiquor BarHours QlnlngHours EdllH'l tuolm tul d'id n e ha€bv intoined hat he |..d L5nol s-ufftl€^dy.dlrsd b Two bottLe spccial and more ofe6 availablc in Up Bert.De&3 Fotrrd. BREACISI ed Gallet 630rM. 615a.M930aM. Too Sellm lorhrFon' rSrp,.mbtr Doiitm$ tn romonow Sigials ol,N0Es ._ ,,oj:1j!11:.,P-Id":P:!13 DAILYCHALIIT{GE IopsderBdel u ql C6taMv Crl iswu 6land pandise.Eaplo( the hidden tieasriesin the bcooi, bv renrinsa rno&d set, nort aloneon a tube,takia biliride ouib the @tch twer or c;mbine aI thr€c in our moncy saving Getaway De'L oa Prckrge onlvavr'Jrbled rhe Porr Ad;c"ui DmkJ. Doni forg*tle unlqueCa.Bq,)Xiy"iinsdy 9ertsat h€ Jbnasy Pr'vilon.Othtr rdwntue includegmsailing,-6sh'ng, ula$bofton bort tou6 and De6ont wr.rdaJi tou6 SbdoSea BFITSITEET WHERE 01{ IHE IAGIC? to*ln'BdD (Goesb i8ddolder) Serskns Totsid$8ufi€t cl6 talENTGFT5ll 8€{tSteel DIilNEN Aimab*Pahh' Lumid€l' tunotcaf Hulo!DogHNse Toosider 'Pt{Dld 6roPr&tu0P3 6loPri&tu0PM 0!o Pr &830cM 6!0 PM.roooPM 6JoPMfuoPM uhtq aijqtrh IDOED IEAIURES Can }tu guss wherc the photo was takeni Know the ansr? Completea form at the Port Adventures D6k by 10:00p.n.tonight. The{inner will beadnouncedduring tomorow s Noon amou nifts.rrin$rP i,j \no