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Community Newspapers
June_23 - 29, 2009 COMM UN _ ITYN EWSPAPE RS. COM Pase ll South Florida Dducational I'CU awards full-tuition scholarships cltrring a tinrc n'hcn thc ccononrv is at RT TEE SfEPI]EflS thc forcfront of thcir uritrcls." Sotrth Floricta Ecltrcational Fcclcral Crcclit ccl U niorr (FCU ) rccctttlv an'ard- ftrll ttrition-basccl Floricla Prcpaid Collcgt- Scholarships to l5 graclrtating lriglr school scniors cluring alr 2009 South Floricla Ecltrcatiotral Fcclcral Crcclit Union Scholarship rccipicnts ancl thcir schools arc: Gino Agcno, G, Holmcs Braclclock;.f onathart Castrillotr, Robcrt Nlorgan Edtrcatiottal bv Ccntcr; Cotrrtncv Collins, Evcrglaclcs; \lianri-Daclc Ptrblic Schools strpcritrtt-ndt-nt Albcrto NI. Can'alho. Carvalho cncotrragcd studcnts to joscph DcPricst-Capparclli, Nlianri Strnsct; Kcntrcth Dvchcs, Nlianri Palnrctto; Ticunotr Ellis, Coral Rccf; Nlichacl .fanrcs, Nlianti Norlancl; Vinccnt Lcmotr, Nlianri Palnrctto; cvcn ing cctcllrollv attcnclccl t:rkt' full advantagc of thc scltolarslrip, calling it a n'innins tickct to tlrt'ir frttttrc. Scholar-ship n'ittttc-'r .focl Pcrcz sct tlrc tollc for thc cvctring n'hctr hc ('xllr(-ssccl his gratittrclc to tltc crcdit trrrion :rnc[ its boarcl of dircctors statirrq, "lf it n'crclr't for this scholarship, I n'otrlcln't bc ablc- to zrff'orcl to go to collt-gc'." .\ccorcling to thc Natiottal Ccntcr Ptrblic Polio' atrd Highcr F,cltrcation, collcgc tttition artd fccs Ior Irln't' irrcrcascd,t39 pcrccllt in thc ll:rst 25 \'cArs, n'hilc tncdian familv irrconrc- h:rs riscn onlv I47 pcrcctrt. 'l'lris st:rggcring trcttd is ollc of thc Flo ricla u'ltv Sott th rc:rs o rl s F.ctucat-iorral Fcclcral Crcclit Uniott ( FCLi) has continucd to offcr its llrrbcrt O. Siblcv Fortr-\car Florida Prcpaicl Ttrition Scholarship annttallv Ior thc- past 14 r'cars. Sincc- 1995, Sotrth Floricla F-cltrc:rtiorral FCU has an'arclcd 2 t I sclrolarships, totaling nlorc thatt $2 nr illiorr. "()trr nlcllrbcrs atrxiottslv look foru'urcl to orrr lorrg-stancling scholar- Zachart' IVlartcll, Coral Rccf; lknrilvah NIillcr, Coral Rccf; I(arina Pcrcira DaCunha, Coral Gablcs: .focl Pcrcz, Fclix Varcla; Nlario Robcrts, Bookcr T. ashingtoll: Clvdc Stnall, Pcnrbrokc Pincs Chartcr School, attcl IVIckalla \4 !'[cr, Evcrgladcs. To bc c ligiblc for Sotrth Floricla Ecltrcatiotral FCU's Htrbcrt O. Siblcv Fotrr-\'car Floricla Prcpaicl Ttritiorr Scholarship high school sctriors or thcir parcnt,/lcgal gttarclian llrtrst havc hacl a Crcdit Uniotr accottltt for at lcast oltc vcar prior to thc scholarship application dcadlinc. In adclition to thc Scholarship Floricla Sotrth Prograur, Pictured (l-r, back to front) are Michael James, Gino Ageno, Joseph DePriest-Capparelli, Vincent Lemon, Jonathan Castrrllon, Treymon Ellis, Clyde Small, Zachary Maftell, Kenneth Dyches, Joel Perez, Mario Roberts, Courlney Collrns, Kamilyah Miller, Karina Pereira-DaCunha and Mekalla Tyler. Ecltrcational FCU is ittt'olvcd irr its an'arcl n'itrtrittg, "Got Grccll?" fittart- cial litcracv progrant, paicl high schooI sumlllcr itrtcntships, attd carccr fairs to hclp prolltotc thc importarlcc of dcvcloping profcssional skills in thc rvorkplacc, "Got Grccn?" \\'orkshops arc availablc frcc of chargc to all Nlianri-Dadc E Counn'Ptrblic Schools attd Nlianri slrip tracliLion," said Stcvc \A'cbb, r'icc pr('siclcnt of Conrtntttticatiotts attd Ptrblic Rclations at Sottth Floricla F-clucation:rl FCU. "[t is grcat to givc Daclc Collcgc campttscs. blrck t-o our nlclllbcrs, particttlarlv <r'o trth ccl For lllorc infortnatiotr oIl Sotrth Floricla Ecltrcatiotral FCU's prograllls, call 305-270-6633 or sctrcl cmail to @ sfc fc u. org>, IH$UMifiE-I{OAM'p ffiM www.ymcamtam l.0rg 305-357-6622 ltlramr-Dacle o 305-254-0310 Soulh Dacle r 305-248-5189llomestead Seors Home Applionce Showroom London Squore Shopping Center 13550 SW l2O Street o 305'278'2377