jeti,r STATION OBIECTIVES Resources: Children ldll learn that poges3-Z * God pro!'idecl for the Israelites during their wilderness journey: * we thank Cod for the blessings God gives usl * God gave us special laws called the Ten Commarldmenls; I Cod wanls our love and worship. STATIOIU SETUP Place one large sheet oI paper on each side of the entrance to the room. Write commandments l-5 on one sheet olpaper and 6-10 on the other, providing a framework for children as they enter through the doorway. Post a sign that says "Games Station above the commandments. Photocopy the Main Idea, Bible Background for lfaders, Shepherd Tips. and Check Your Facts for each leader and shepherd. (See pages 3-7.) hto tb. koml..d Le.t Permtsston gtuted to phoro.opyfor loc.t use o 2OO2Abli(don prcss. Supplies: lorgesheets of brownor groy poper morkers moskingtope oplonol: poperfor signs ondpennonts WANT TO DO MORE? Decoratelhe room like a sports stadium. Post signs that say ''fhe Big Ten." Make ten colorful pennants. Put a large number (l-10) on each Pennant. SAFETYCHEGK tr The church should be a place of security-a place where children can count on things and people being reliable. 1.l Shepherds should know the whereabouts of every child in the shepherd s group, and they should know where to reach parents in case o[ an emergency. U Make sure the children have plenty of space to play games. Remove any obstacles. Resources: Bibles Ihe Word& Song BiblebyStephen Elkins o Make sure children use equipnent in a safe manner. Invite extra adult help, if needed, lbr thc number of children in this station. a Monitor the dillerence betwecn high encr$/ levcls and rowdiness. BTBLE STORY (5-10 minutes) If the children are fan]iliar with the story of Moses. do a pantomime to see if the children can guess which stories are being portrayed. For younger children, acl out [he stories described below. For older children, let volunteers act out thc stories: People complaining Bitter water and stick making water drlnkable Manna yourGod;youshdll haveno other godsbeforeme.' ([xodus 20:2) Quails flying into camp Water from a rock Moses receiving the Ten Commandments If the children are not lamiliar with the story, show them how to lind Exodus 20 in their Bibles. For vounAer children, read 'The Journey fron The word & song Bible by Stephen Elkins, pagesI l3-117. For older children, divide into groups. Ask each group to look up, read, and retell the story: Exodrrs 15:22-27 (Bitter water made sweet) Exodus 16 (Bread ftom heaven) Exodus l7: l-7 fwater from the rock) Exodus 2Oi1-29 {Ten Commandments) P€ntssron gmnrcd ro Dhot@opy ror kn{l.hurch ust O 2002 Abinedor Press. Po'.rxpEsln, Blbl. E4€d.&. si.tlo$m AGTTVTTY OPIIONS (45-50 minutes) Choose from the suggested activities as your time and the children s interest allow. ForYoungerChildren lhe R.ulesGcrrne Supplies: boll Have everyonesit in a circle on the floor. Tell them they will play a game where you will make up the rules. Sit!: rne first rule is "roll the ball. TalkTips: Roll the ball to one child, who will roll the ball to another child. Call tine after a minute or two. Wholoresomerules youhoveot school? Whydoyouthink youhove$eserules? Ask: lo yo, thlnk tlris game is easy or hard? ('fheLjLDIII prcbablg perhaps sau if is easy. boriftg). Tell the children you will make the game more interesting by adding another rule to the lirst one. Whydo youthink Godgoveusrules? Sdll You must bounce the ball once belorc you roll it. Play until everyonehas had a turn. Ask: How did you ltke the game this time? SAy: l-ef" add another rule: "Throw the ball in the air and bounce it once belore you roll it." Keepadding rules until you reach about Ilve or until you sensea rising fmstration levcl. ASk: Ho- do you feel about playing a gane with so many rules? Say: If th.r" u.." too many rules, it is hard to kecp track of them. This is why God gave us only ten rules for our lives. Readthe Ten Commandmentsin age approprlate language. ForOlderChildren Gheck Out lhose Rules rrepare: Copy the Ten Commandments onto two sheets of posterboard. Cut out each commandment, making sure that each set remains in tact. Mark a starting line at opposite ends of a hallway so that the teams carl see each other's work. hto tlre l\omb.d Lud l,cirnlsslon Elonl.d to phor..opy for local nsc o 2oo2 Abingdon Press. Resources: Bible poge45 Supplies: posterboord moskingtr:pe scissors poperclips Place the commandments printed side down about 20 feet away from ihc sf,rfin.t IinFc Photocopy the set of the Ten Comnlandments (page 45) for each child. |l/iththe children: IalkTips: Are some commondmenls more importoni lhonothers? Form two teanls oI equal numbers of children. Explain that this is a game to see who can arr:lnge the conmandrnents in the light order. When you say 'Go'each team will send a member to the stack of conlmarrdnlenls, take one off the top. lay it on lhe floor, run back. and tag the ncxt child. The next child runs to the stack, picks up thc next commandmenL, dccicles if il goes before or after the Ilrst one. and places it in the appropriate spot on the lloor. If someone thinks a previous comn?rndrnent is in the wrong placc, they must relocate it befor'c drawiig a new celrd. After all the connandnlents are listcd, ask thc children to look up Exodus 20: | - l7 and chcck fbr accuracy. ASk: Ityo.r coulci rearr2urgc Lhc cornmandntents. what order would you usc? Dislribute thc copies of lhc'fen Co)nmandmcnts (page45). Have thc childrcn cut thcm aparl and then Pirper clip Lhcrntogethcr. 'ltle commandnlent slips will bc used ag?rinduring thc reflection week activilies. Resources: Bible poge46 ForAllAges No R.ules Supplies: bogsfilledwith ossorted ibms limeror wokh Prepare: Prepare a bag filled with items Ior each group. They do not need to be identic:rl. ltcnls could includc a ball, wooden dowels, a basket, a rlct. three plaslic bowling pins i'rnylhing you have around the church or horne that might be parL ol a ganc. |lliththe children: Flave the children sit in a circle on the floor. (Divide into groups if you have more than eight or ten children. Give a bag to each group. Instruct the children to take the ilems out o[ the bag and set them in the center of the circle. Sdli You have eight nrinutes to play the game. Co. Set a timer or check the time on a clock or watch. If the children say they don t know how to play challengethem to figure somethingout. Call time after trvo or tbree minutes. Invite the children to express what they are feeling.Very likely it will be frustrauon and confusion. PemlsslangrantcdL('Dhoto.opylorl(xrl.hurchnsc,r2002Ab,ngdonI'rcss Fow.rxprcB.lrr Blbl. Drp.ricnc. Saatlon.s Say: fni" gurn" is very much like life. We don t know how to play unless we kr-rowthe rules. In the Bible Cod gave us a set of rules to live by. They are called the Ten Commandments. Read the Ten Commandmentsfrom Exodus 20: 1-19, For younger children use the Ten Commandmentsparaphrase(page46) with age-aPProPriate words. Resources: tor AllAges t'ttl|e Pcrck lheil Berg Supplies: Prepare: Fill each backpack with crumpled up newspaper. Use masking tape to maik start and stop lines on the floor about twenty feet apart. You will need one set for each team. 2 bockpocks 2 emptyboxes newspoPer moskingtope Placc lhc backpacks at the starting line and the einpty boxes at the stop line. llith the chilclren: S<tli 'Ihe Israeliteshad to carry all their belongingswith them as they wardcred lhrough the wilderness. They carried their things in goat or sheep skins drawn together and ollen thrown over a stick. ASki n.r- .tn ynu carry your belongin gs2 (Most LL,III s(lu backpacks.) Tell thcm thcy are going to play a game with bzrckpacks to help them remenlber the packing and unpacking the Israelites had to do as they traveled to the Promised l,and. Divide the group into two teams with an equal number ol children. Ask Lllcir to number ofL Give the first child on each tearn a backpack lilled with crumpled up newspaper. Sttli You are part ofthe band ol IsraelitesfollowingMosesacrossthe deserl. Each day you move toward the Promised Land. Each night you must unpack your ihings alrd pack them up in the morning. In this game. lhe first person in line will put on the backpack. walk (not run) to the stop line, empty the contents of the backpack into the box. put the backpack back on. and bring it back to the start line. tahe it off. and hand it to tie netl person in line. This next person will put on the backpack. go down to the line, repack the backpack, put it on, return to the start line. and hand it off. Continue until each child has had a turn. liOte: lf yo" do not have an even number of children. ask if anyone would like to be the'job captain" to make certain the bags are packed a]rd unpacked correctly. Ilto tlrc lhoml..d lrd Pcrnrssion gdied 10 phoro.opv ror us.. O 2002 AblDgdon press. Talk Tips: Howdo youtfrinkthe people lsroelite feltos theypocked ond unpocked werydoy forfonyyeors? Resources: brb|e Supplies: plosticdropcloth moskingiope 4 buckets Aqiust the rules ilyou have a drild with a handicapping condition. ForAllAges Fill My Grp, ford Prepare: Go outdoors or place a plastic drop cloth on the floor to catch water spills. Use masking tape to mark a start and stop line lor each team. spoons Place a full bucket of water at each stop line and an empty bucket at each start line. |l,liththe children: Ask: wtut o.r" thing clicl the people of Israel neecl every day they were in the desert? (w'@terJ How much water clo you think is in the desert? How do you think thcy lbuncl water? Ialklips: TheBiblesoys God provided themwith lhewolerlhey needed?Howdoes Godprovideuswi$ thethingswe need? ttead (or invite a chilcl to rcacl) Exodus 15:22-25. 'l'ell the children thcy will play a game where they will transport water from one place to another like the peoplc ol Israel did. Form two teams with equal numbers ol children. Give each team a tablespoon. Sitli water is very precious in the desert.You must be very careful with the water as you carry it from one place to another. In this relay you will "last walk" lrom the st.rrt line to the bucket, Iill the spoon with water, come back, and place the water in the cnpty bucket. Ilyou spill the water. you must go back and get more. The game is over when everyone has had a tum. Ifyour children are competitive. measure the water in each bucket. Or, simply make it a fun game to demonstrate how precious water was to thc pcople in the desert. ASki Uow important do you think transporting water was to the peopleof Israel?why? 'l5"""-g""'t l?'" L';#Tl;"iil;'1fl *,t;t u*' Reminder:savethecommandme:t:'::::i::::::::":t* *"""*o"u''.''"""' :::'::fl';::ll=*""'olln'';'" -U1 CLOSlns croslno ; Pennls3lon granlcd ro photo.opy fo.local clrurrh usc. () 2oo2 Abingdon Pr*s. Pow6rxpr..rlrr Btlrl. E p€d TheTenCommandmenls l. Youshallhavenoothergodsbeforeme, 2. Youshallnotmakeforyourself anidol. 3, Youshallnotmakewrongful useof thenameoftheLordyourGod. 4, Remember thesabhath day,andkeep irholy. yourfatherandyourmothen 5. Honor 6. Youshallnotmurden 7. Youshallnotcommit adultery. 8. Youshallnotsteal. 9. Youshallnotbearfalsewilness againslyourneighbon 10.Youshallnotcovel. ([xodus 20:3-17) Into th. Ps4lcd lad Pemisston gmted to phordcopy for tocal church use. @ 2OO2 Abhgdon press. len Gornmondmenls pqrerphrcse l. There is one God. 2. Praise God. 3. Do not use God's name in a bad way. 4. Remember Sundav is God's special day. 5. Love your parents. 6. Do not kill. 7. Love your wife or husband. 8. Do not take anything that does not belong to you. 9. Tell the truth. lo . Do not want what someoneelse has. Frcm Coudr!9 io Te^ @tthM6es by peg Augusthc ud Daph.a n€eFl. O 1999 Ablig.lon pr6s. Pcrds.n ear.d ro phordp!' aorr@r .nuh u*. € 2oo2 Abh&don pr*. p*.xFs.rr dbr. EFdd* sr.d.r.r