July 1997 - Valley British Auto Club
July 1997 - Valley British Auto Club
&UNNITN'ffi@T THE PUI}LICA'I:ION OF THE I]RITISH CAR ENTIIUSIASTS OF THE SANTOAQATNVAI'LEY truLv1997 JULy t ST. neefing will be held ot 7:00 P/U The T\JESDAY, Round TablePizza - Firsf & Bullard We'll discussthe events for July and August and conduct "car" falk' NOTES. EXHAUST EDITOR'S o BAss LAKETOUR Lost Sundoy(Juhe 22) the peoplein the club thot like to DRIVEtheir BRITISH CARSset ouf for BossLokEon the BossLokeTour leqving Corl'sJr. McDonoldsot 9:OOAl{. Showingup for ihis'iour de roqd" were Pel'r 6eorge,Dougond Ar\orilynHonsen,Scol qnd DonnoPenn,ond Morly ond Doreen Hordison. 6ory 6ooch tnet us ot ihe Pork n ride on Hwy 41 whenwe orrived on schedulEot 9:4O. Dueto o lost minuteunovoidoblesituotioh for lhe 6uido's,we hod to PosfPoneihe BgQ ond picnic Portionof lhe tour. However,6ory ond his wife Judi were kind enough to invite us lo their hohe in Ookhurstio hovelunchthere ond we occepted' We "poPPedond Putted'our woythrough O'Neqlson our woy to North Fork (IN TOP DOWN WEATHERIIDPullinginto North Fork for o pit sfop AB5OLUTELyPERFECT qhzonito Loke' Monziniio the Hqhsenssuggesiedwe hoke o shorl hoPover the hill to ,l Loke is o beouiiful liltle lokethot is snuggledih lhe foothills iust out side of Norih Fork' o very restful spot, We hungoroundthere for o while discussingthE woesof the world qnd ttortihg geftirg hungryso we heodedfor BossLoke. We found lhe lake ot Millers Londirgond went oroundthe loketo the PinesVilloge. The porkinglot didn't hoveenough spocesfor oll of us to pork in the villogeso we decided1o heodfor Ookhurstand the 6ooch'sploce. Someof us (the 2 TR-6's)drove into Ookhurstlo gel pizzdond went bock to the 6ooch'sPloceto eot. -fhere we were giventhe grond tour of oll of Gory'smonyccrs ond hod our lunch outsideon their hugedeck overlookingthe FresnoRiver. Whot o greot Pldcethis but feels pioneeringcouplehoveforged oui of the wilderness!It's closeto the High$.idy milesowoyfrom civilizotion. I'm jeolous! We soid goodbyto the 6ooch'sobout 3 Pmdhd heodedhomein worm but not hol weoiher. We wcvedgoodbyohd split up 9oin9our nice tour seporqtewqyswhehwe reochedthe Friont exit bock in Fresno' All in oll o very indeed, When'sthe nex+one??? 6ENE FORDCARSHOW At the 5ihonnuol6ene Ford /v\emoriolCsr Showon Sundoy June first the club led the woywith the tnost cors ih o Closs(Foreigh) We hod 6 or 7 cars en+ered. The weolher wosperfect for o cor showond the locotiohwaso Perfecl plocelo stoge o cor show. Wewereoll treoled lo breokfost preporedbythe Kowonis Cfnbond for lunchwe bought liciousTri-Tip sondwichesPrePoredby the GeneFord Foundotioh.Ai the ehd of lhe doy Bill ond PeggyMerchont were the winnersof the 'foreign'closs with lheir Silver 1954Joguor XK-120 A 6reen Director's Choir inprihted with the cor showlogowostheir prize. Bill ,lhe proud owner,hod his picture token in his new choir in front of the Jog with o big grin on his fqce. BILL! And thonk you Donfor hostingthis event! CONGRATULATIONS NEWSLETTERSPONSOR THIS ,ti\ONTH's Ddn 4 s6on's 6RA55ROOTS6ARDENCENTER RD, 1508TOLLHOUSE 323-1303 cLovrs PHoNE gordenprobletns yourlondscoPe Downto EorthSolutions....for 'Ask oboufour free lowncorefor o yeorwithyourPurchose of 50 or nore dcres Blue6rass+urfl or Kenfucky of ourquolityRedFescue I nohK voul |/lcg atr,wsnlrneauw* And ra@ya call tltotE.ttJl4i on_ W thes<.dd maqatres er? neaf... bLF whst &I<l'rfontq,2 daddoaamxe data' tl;ct arl? Oh...vou.iuEt 1nn tle"w, ton- lik€'+h:9... M w M -\ C^LENDAR I997 BCEEVENTS HOST:KEVIN 436-1041 JLI-Y 17-20 MOSSBRITISHCAR FESTIVAL MONTEREY HISTORICAL AT]TO RACES AUGUST HOSTjPETER297-16ll SEPTEMBER VERY BRITISH CAR SHOW OCTOBER HOST:MIKE .134-3626 HOST:??'1 TOURTO YOSEMITE HOST:??? NOVEMBER BLACKHAWK AUTO MUSEUM OVERNIGHTTRIP IIOSTTDEBILYN136.104I DECEMBER HOLIDAY PARTY @ CHATEAU MOLINEAUX NEEDED......Volurtccrs 1obcrlrchostfor activilics. Plcasccall thehostsatrovcto lcl thcnrknorvJouarc In parlicipaliDg sorhcycrn slin plc nirlS i crcstcd lfan evonlis notgoingto bc according to intcresl. supportcd it rvillbcupto thehostlo cancclllrccvent. Wc alsonccda person(TourMastcr?)ifllcrcstcdin plannilrg hltcrcsliDg sborttourshr tlrcwornrnDnths (5 hoursor lcss)on ncarbt'backroads. Five surqeons are Lst sulgeon says: you open then up, taking a coffee !'Accountants everything are inside r'Nah, fibrarians 2nd surgeon says: order"' i n a l P h a b e t i c al them is 3r.l surqeon says. 4th sulqeon says: and their gutless break. ttTry electricians' lhe best to operate is numbeled." are the best manl on because when Evelything Evervthinq inside anslde THFM is t'I prefe! lawve!s. spineless' Thev're heartless' " butts ale interchangeable heads and their lo lhe listening To which the 5th surgeon, !,,ho has been quietfv ' car: restorers British says "I fike conversation, owet at tlre ehd " then you have a few parts left tbey always undeistand Classified Cus ond Parts Cars for Sale 1959 AUSTIN FIEALEY 'Buge]€"Spriteprojcctcar in pieces& rcedslols of TLC lrrcl"des:l cngircsir diffcrcntsircs. $800 Call Bob Suttona4)(619)375-8365 tlEAlY r0qA Rcd. r'ircs. ovcr-drivc.trccdsrron(shocks.hvdmt'li€s.possibrc l9Qq AlLSfrN lltrid svrtcmrvork. asknls$11.500Call Dick CrccrrlvoodWork-2(,5-ll2l Horrc-{:ll{161 *ith overdrive.wirc rvhccls. 1968 MGC-GT 29.000o.iginal riles (only2 oNners).Four-spr.td Runsgrcrt bul needspairlialld inlerior.NO RUST. Co eswilh allkirdofe\tra Flrls i cludlng: Auto O{ncr is nrovi g Trans.2 sparedoors-rearcnd.uscdcaqrls, nrastercylindcr.dashtnd inslrunlcnts.ctc. anddoesn'lwant thc projccl.$3000or b€sloITer.CallAl or Gloriaat (619)4.16-.1640 l97l MGB-CT Hascleclricoverdrive.Fro t SPAXshockconversioo.car llas strippcdand fr€shly paintcd.Ncw blrck inlerior(ccqrls ands.rLs). BraDdnew tires Nc$ allcnulor Elccltonicignilion or at *ork wilh hcawdutycoil. Nicc cruisirgcar. $4500 Call JonHcdtl (619)384-2289 (619)939-9711 l969MGMIDGET l275ccEngine.rcd rvithblackintcrior.5 lvire $heels. NEw - tircs.convcrlible cngineheadrcbuilland spinon oil liltcr kit. Upltolslrris il lop. shocks-backsprings,front slvaybar. goodshapc.Lotsofmisc. parlsgo rvilh il. Runs$cat. $3000OBO.Call ChuckMilli8an aa) (6tt)) 764-2462. 197 | MOB-CT Rcd/Blrck.nccdspainl.s og legal cbcrcarbs.lols ofsptrrcs,ori8inalcarbs includcd-goodtircs,roslylcs.possiblechargingproblc . $500 Call (209)439-7377 1979 MGB Burgundv/Black . Roslylcs.rcccntclutch& lop. Asking$3500 Call RichardGraham@ worl {21)9)2(r8-1j55or HoDrcr209)13:1r)721. 1962HILLMAN 4 DOOR SEDAN anda 1967SUNBEAM MINX Forrcstomriofl. call srctraflrrt (209)862411)7 Lotsofsparcs.$500Call 1973MG MIDGET Ncwtop.rcccnL cngincrcbuild.Nccdscosnrctics (209) Mrs.Tlonrpsoo 294-170.1 0BO. Musrscllsoo. 1967ROLLS ROYCE RIGHTHANDDRIVE,$10.000 Clll (510)4l0-2550 top, lightgreen,Weber,needssmog, 1974MGB white fiberglass top & blackconvertable Rostyles, needsmuffler(seeScotl)speedo broken,also 1975bodysparewhe€landtransmission. Asknrg$2500OBO Call JohnThonlpson 966-2943. PARTSFOR SALE . Pcrfcctrorhotdcscrtdriving. MGB RADIATOR withTRIPLECoREHclvyduty.redoue (619)377-196t) OBO.CallRobcrtGlcni $200rrcwlookirlgfor!;1,10 SPI'IFII{E I5OOMASTERBRAKECYLINDERITEBUILDKIT (Girling).Askingl;15. Cill Stcl€ Sutlorl(619)371-4839 Allcr nlarkct.in grcalshapc.lookinglo s€ll or lradc. TR-6 HARDTOP (619) Call SlcvcSuttor l7l-.llt39 TOP BOW Conpletely restoredtop-bow, rubbor sealsand canvasstop for TR-250. Readyto Dut on. $300. BROOKLANDS SCREENfora MGTD Jus$100 EADC!D4B $3s lRUXEL OVERDRIVE UNIT - Arnericalfrornthe 50's - nrakeoffer. CallTonrHinch@ 434-8221 WANTED TR-3 ALLOY WHEEL C:rllWcstK:rtzcnstcin rarl(619)+,16-6785 lm)Wrf,":P, \JY suNBEAM ".r..& OK GANG.HERE IS THE VERY LATEST SCOOPON Sts42. THE BILL SEEMSTO HAVE A LOT OF SUPPORTBUT IT IS STALLEDAGAIN AND IS STILL TOUCII AND THIS BILL AT THE BOTTOM AGATNST GO. NOTICETHE LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS *PROBLT]M" WITII TI IIS BII-L NI]X]' 1'IIAIR OF'I'tIIS PAGEAND LETSDISCUSS TUESDAYAT 1'HEMEETING. SB 42 BILL ANALYSIS Dateof Hearing: June16,1997 ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION KevinMurray,Chairman SB 42 (Kopp)- As Amended:February13, 1997 SENATEVOTE: 33-0 SUBJECT: Air pollution:vehicles SUMMARY:This measureexemptsvehiclesover25 yearsold fromthe motor vehicleinspectionand maintenance(smogcheck)program. LAW: EXISTING FEDERAL Rcq$ircsstalcsrfid localrir qurlily agencicsto adoplprograr$ lo {clicvc fcderalrn$icfll air qualily I'l0n Nhich Includesthoscprogrunrlo thc Urilcd stardrrds.andlo sublnita Slatc lmplenrcnlalion StatesEnvironmcnlalPmlcclionAgercy(USEPA)for approval. progrnnrbe adoptcdir cachnon2) Rcqlircsthal n nlotorvchicleinspcclionandrnaintcnancc in all scrious.scvcrcandcxlrcntc at|i|in|rlentarca.alrdlhat rn cnhalccdprogrlm bc i0rplenrentcd on-rllainnlcutrreas. UXISTINCSTATE LAW rcquircstll nrolorvehiclcsnulufaclurcdfor lhc 196(rrrodel-velrand thcrcuncr.to parlicipntcin lhc fllotor\rhiclc inspeclionand nraintctnnce prog nr. andlo oblaifia s[rog chcckccrlificalcor cc ificirlcof non-conrpliancc bicnriall]. pon prcviousll rcgistcrcdoulsidctlrcsldlc. lrunrifcrofowncrship.or upofircgistraliorof a \chiclc l) FISCALEFFECTTPotcnliallosso[rc\cnrc to Burc.u ofAulonlolivcRepairof snrogccrtificalcfccsol $ l.li nrilliooi,r FY 1997-{t(six rronths).incrs$irtglo Xil.lt0lillion ir|l'ruall)try t;Y 1999-(X). COMMENIS: Thc aulhorinlrodrccdlhis nqrsurc.il sulcsthal il isdimcult for agingcarslo prss nrc arbilraryand nrrkc il snloglcslsbccausc origilal prrts arcdillicult 10 localc,uc\vtcslingproccdurcs diniculLfor oldcr vchiclcslo pass.and lluL lcslinSculpoinlslmvcbccusclrt lcvclsnrorc stringcntlhatl rvhicharc ilnpossiblcfor oldcrvchiclcsto nrccl.Tlrc autlrorfu(hcr originalnrr|rufaclurcr's spccifications statcsllul llrc numbcrof vehiclcsrvhicll $ould bc c\c lplcd fronrlhc snrogclrcckproSrami s rchtivcly 1ollrc au(Ircr.lotal 2l9.0oo\chiclcs. snrall.{hoscnrcdclycarsbctlvccr 1966ard 1973which,,rccordiug Accordinsto lhc rullpr. he hcsrcccivcdovcr 8.000conx uricrlions irr suoportoflhc bill. HorvManl Board,ovcr 200,000vcl clcswouldbc Cnrs,rrcEffcctcd?Accorditigto thc CalifomiaAir Rcsources cxcmplcdir theSoulhColsl Air Basin. causirrgan increrseof thrccto s pcr Ay i xir pollutantsbascd on:rr av€rageuseof 5.000nrilcyy.ir. Ho$c\cr. lhis estinalcis bascdon oienlptingonlythosc rchicles for scverryearsb€lNee8I 966a\d 1973. Sinccthc bill providcsa "rolling rvhichwcrc nranulacturcd ption for vchiclcs25 ycarsor old€r.each !,caranollrcrnodel-yearwouldbc crc ptc4 ullirnrlely cxcl e\enlplilrgup to 75.000 morccarsslatclvideill I 999.80.000morcir 2000.andso oll. How Cle||nor Dirly arc TlrcscCars?Accordinglo thc Dcpartllclt ofConsuncr A[Iairs.lheirilial nulnberof\chiclcs e:\enrpled by thc bill is modest,rpproNimalclv5 pcrccnloflhe vehiclcflcct. for I I percenloflhc snro!.lcstfailure Hoxcver.this relalivclysnull nu rbcrofvelriclcsis resDonsiblc rute ofthc ertirc vchiclellcel. While lllanr of (hcscvchiclesnlavbc owncdbv colleclorsandhobbNists which mairtain lhcir vchiclesanddrivethcntvcry liltle. lnrnv morcare nol.and thcscconlribule disproponionrtclrto lhc enissiolrsi[vcuton. tor lrcreascdMobilc Etrissions?While $c rutbor claiNsthrt lhc inilial lhrcc WhoMakcsUDthc DilTcrcncc tons/dayof ircrcascdcmissionsin thc South CoastBasinis negligiblc.it rcprcscts2 7 perc€ntofrhc tolal slalervidecNissionsreduclios attribulableto thc SmogChccklI progmln. As the rumbcrof \€hiclescxcorptcd fro|n lhc programincrcascwilh tine- thcrc\yill be a rcsultingincr€ascin cmissions.Itcalifornia is 10achicvcdre cnission; rauclions altributable to Ihe SmogCheck Il programas promiscditr lhe SlP. those$ho rcnuin subjcct lo lhe prograN will havc to nleel even higher slandards10ollset theseincfcases.why Nol a Plrl of thc o\€rall RevicwCo rmiltcc Discussion on SrnogChcckII? Th€ adninjstraiionandthc lmpectionandMainlcnance gs stalervide gheari to holdi is ctrr€ntlv Rules ComInittee andScnrte appoinlcdby lhe Gov€rnor.Speak€r pnsscd sc\ctrl Asscnrbl\] tl|rd program lhc strippcd ll rc ch€lk rc\ isc rhc cur t sntog dcvctoDrcco lnlcndrriotrsto md covcrnor on thc Lcgislaturc al bel*ccn prolidc conscnsus arrivcd vchiclcs tor anl nlcnsurcs to tlrc scnatclo (Baugit' (Thomson). AB 1492 (Migden)' 999 (Esctttia), AB AB 208 57 changcs10Sr)ogCheckII includingAB nndci{Deditious lo citherdela\'aclion (Villamigosa).and AB l52l (Murray). Il nuv h nDstaDprqoriatc AB l.-168 (hcir ive di k Dlan i rc u lil lhc adr Conlmitleevehiclcasthe lo anrcndthe measurca dmovcit alonqasapolenliaI Conferencc alrc;narively. rclaled Assenrblr bills. Co nrittccdrd wilh all lhc REGISTERED SUPPORT/ OPPOSITION: Supportedby: O$lrcrs Associalio of Jerrscn Aulo'robileClubof SoulhcrlrCxlifonrit CaliforniaAulontotivcWlDlesalers'Association C:rliforniaMarinc Parks& HarborsAssn..Inc. Crliloflria Roadslcrs CalifonliaSl0lcAutoorobilcAssociirtioll EarlyFordV.8 Club FanlasyJu|rclion ForcvcrClassicsCar Club Lotuswest C{r Club Authority OrangcCouIty Transportation ValleyMG Cor Club Srcranrcnto SpccialtyEqtlipncntMarketAssocialion SupcrChcvyMng"uilc VnllcyOrk Auto Opposition:(BOO!) CUYS',/) Irc. ( wHo TtlEl{EcKARETHESE AirQ nliryProdLrcrs. Board CalilbrniaAir Rcsourccs Dcparh cnt ofcoNunrcr AIIai6 'I WcslcflrStatcsPclrolcunAssocialion( WIIAT DO HEY Cn IN IF SB 12 Fn ILS'i) Amlysis prcparcdby: JohnSlcvcns/ atrns/ (916!145-tl8(X) We os o orouoof ownersof rnqnvof ihe cors tho+ foll i! the 1966- 1972hodelYeorshove in a biq wdv hu.htoloseif ihisbill i5 nol possed.At tha verv ledsilve$ill be inconv€nienced bv lhe Stote bureoucrdcv. Pleosetok€ +he tine $hile se siill hovesolne,+o send d letier to your regresen+dlive. Ii dlso$ouldn'ihurl io qivetheh c coll dndvoicevour oDinion dooin included ihe lelter thdi Kevinsubttittedondis fo. vouto use if vou wontdnd I've once ecsy rrov to con+oclvour representative ! eso ffi Date Addressee Address Re: vehicles. SB 42 Air pollution: 2, 1996 BY SenatorKopp,December INTRODUCED An act to amendSection44011of the Healthand SafetyCode,and to amendSection4000.1of theVehicleCode,relatingto air pollution. Dear, This letteris to offersupportof the proposedchangesas presentedby I enjoydrivingmy car on SenatorKopp.As a sportscar enthusiast, who Manyclubmembers in clubactivities. and participating weekends passing the new have had difficulty driv6theircarsinfrequently, test. The primaryreasonfor failureis thetestat "cruise"or emissions 25OO r.p.m.Whilethismaybe the enginespeedat cruisefor othercars, represent anysportscar' figurethatdoesnotaccurately it is an arbitrary r.p.m.'s, butthis at higher to operateefficiently Sportscarsare designed is nottakenintoconsideration. whichwere of carsin our clubfallfromlate60'sto mid-7o's, Themajority test, as it is administered today, smoglaws. The duringthe beginning they werebuilt.Therefore, of, whenthesevehicles was notconceived levelthantheirengjneers are beingaskedto performat a loweremission intended. usageof the vehicle. for infrequent thereis no provision Additionally, lvlostcarsin our clubare drivenlessthan2,000milesper year. The percentage fromthesevehicleswouldnotevenbe of air pollution measureo. We wantto havecleanair. Butthe currentemissionlawsare punitiveto carheritage.Pleasesupport andthreatenCalifornia's carenthusiasls amendment, andwe willcontinueto support SenatorKopp'sproposed you. Sincerely,