Accura and ltlleasurin
Accura and ltlleasurin
Accura and ltlleasurin No rnalter how accuralelg Uou rneasure sornething, Uou're alwags going to be a teensg bil out. It usuallg doesn't rnatter in the slighlesl for real-life, bul it does for gour Maths gxarn. 1) str and f,ffiffirstr bounds of a &$mm$ffitrssarent t .F fi ilt rf The sirnple rule is lhis: !il g l) { A room is given as being'9 m long to the nearesl METRE'- its aclual lengfh could i.e. HALF A METRE either side of 9 rn. be angthing frorn 8.5 rn up lo 9.5 m $o 8.5m and 9.5m are the lower and'upper bounds. 2) lf il was given as '9.4 rn, lo lhe nearesl v;! ]r',lhen it could be angthing from i.e. O.l rn eilher side of 9.4 m. 9.3 m up lo 9.5 m (9.4 m + O.l m) So 9.3 rn and 9.5 m are lhe lower and upper bounds. 3) lf a lenglh is gven as 2.4 rn lo ihe nearest OL-ng, lhe rounded unit is O.l m so lhe real value could be angihing up lo 2.4 m t O.O5 m givin! answers oI 2.45 m and 2.35 m for lhe upper and lower bounds. 4l lhe actual figure 'A school has 460 pupils to 2 Sig Frg' (i.e. to the nearest lO) (Whg isn't it 465?l could be angthing from 455 up to 464. So 455 and 464 are lhe upper and lower bounds. - - 2t filaximum and lvlinimum Values for Calculations rfl(-, drl H tsf d H 6rl .{E} F{ FC 5 I 7t g g T m a u l{ C When a calculalion is done using rounded-off values lhere will be a DISCREPANCY between +he CALCULATED VALUE and the ACTUAL VALUE: t DGMPLE: A floor is rneasured as being 5.3 m x 4.2 m to lhe nearesl lO crn. Calculate lhe minimum and maxirnurn values for lhe area and perimeter. g il il ,!, tr Hd tr, 6,J t#$ Tr, ll$ }l. {J -{x, F{ ffi $ $ lhis Boundless enthusiasm hope yours isnt weartng oat yet... L""rn all ihe bils and bobs on iuin over and see how much gou Trg lhese loo: ""ni"rernber. A gacht is described as 17 melres long lo the nearesl O.l m. What is rhe longest and shorlesi it could be? Z) * and g are measured as 2.32 m and O.45 rn to the nearesl O.Ol m. Find lhe upper and lower bounds of x and g. page then & tt t i ") I;iii;=;iilg,{indthernaxandminpossiblevalueeo+z.1@,^^:j]i\i:;,I:!;:r,:i,::Fi::|;" Section Two - More Numbers