Thc eheuttRlde - Springfield Emanuel United Methodist Church
Thc eheuttRlde - Springfield Emanuel United Methodist Church
Spnrslilld Ensud Unihd M.oddill chuch $ chmh Mdt spriryr,.ld, N€r rcn.r 0703r Thc eheuttRlde March 2015 Newsletter Springlield Emanuel United M€thodist Church -A Failh Communiry lgn ed 4t God's Love ,R'SH BLESS'NG May the rood rise up to meet you lvloy the wind always be at your back l\ay the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains lall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, llay God hold you in the palm of His hand. In Ja.Dary, I had the opportunn, to spend a week on a missio. trip to Palmares, Cosla Rica, n{ NheE Edgd Nunez was bom and EiFd. Our teM s objective ws ro build a Er.ining wall which would suppon a new SNday scnool bunding for tn€ Palres Evmgeli.rl United Methodist Church. so w€ sPenl time laying bl@k, moving bck. spEading morrar, and by rhe end ol rhe w*k. we had buih2 {all sir feel hish. Futue *ill help finish the wall dd build rhe buildinS Bul rhe hignlBht of lne trip pas the rime we spent wirh the p€@le of Pdmres md Alajnela. we spent pmviding activnies foi children and e&h aftenen we tooh iine !o deliler the food thar naoy trlbr$l& the.hlldren of you decoEted and paid for. W€ went house !o house in some impovenshed neishborhoods kn@kirs oo d@s, otreri.g robr stdgen a lree gilt of a weok's word of food, md asking if we On thu6.t y. we brought the aood bags lo the neighbofdood [email protected] the Palmats Church d invite.l qch rmily to alend a special wonhip seNice 10 be held thal nishr al rbe churh. Thal ev€ning. the sanctuary w6 6ll€d wilh newmme6, nostly $osc whom we had invited that aliemoon, The lessn \ras cler io all of usr il ,ou wdr b bnng ne* people inlo chut'ch, if you wanr to bnng p@ple to know resus, you have to b*e rhe time ro invib them Qastor Biff Thursdar everins wor.hiD Mark Your Calendarr Carticles fol Lrre AIDS Min isEy Concerts on Aprn 18, 25 & 26 '. ..whatsoever you did for ono of lhe least of lhese bolheE of mine, you did lor me." I\,lalthew 25:40. This is ihe ministry orthe - c.nticles ror Life alDS Benefitconcerts. This ysais concerts are coming up o. Satuday, Apnl 18 (4:00 pm at the Chatham United Methodisl church,460 i,lain St, Chatham), Saturday, April2S{7:00 at ih6 Flemington PEsbylerian Church, 10 East Main St, Fleminglon) and Sunday, april26 (4100 pm allheFi6t PEsbyie an Church of Boonton, 5l3 Birch St, Boonton). The concens not only directly benent three amazing NJ organizaiions lhat support those impacted by Hlv/AIDS and in mamory ofthose losl to lhe disease, butihey also ai* areness, dispelisnolance and help to shi.e God's love throlgh the compassion, talenis and linancialgifls ofthose afiending The concens will feature a mix or tradilional, pop, jaz and other musi€l slyles. Vocalists KristenAlmeida and Nina Eliaswith sha€ Boadway seleotions. Theallmale Huntedon Hamonizers cho rs willfeaturc badershop pieces (Apil25 &26 only). GinnyJohnsion will again @nducl the Tnad Vo@l Ensemble, with Dan Crisci on the piano. And just on April 1 8, the Dan C sci Jazz Trio will perfom a set. Pick up a nyer in Followship Hall, visii v44U.Q?nticlesiorlire.oq or contacl Ginny Johnston ([email protected] for mo€ infomation, includins how to purchase advance tickets and/or make a donation. Tickels arc $15, with students and senioBal $12, andwillalso be available at the door. So plea6e mark your calendars tojoin usl lf you cannot attend any of the apove dates, lhere wlll be a shoder concert on Sunday, April 1 2, 7 PM at St. Joseph's Church, 767 Prcspect St in l,laplewood. A freewill otrering will be accepied in suppori on lhe Canlicles minisl,'y. WINTER FACTS LIFE IS TOO SITORT QUOTf,S 'tse parieni and mdeBiadins. Life k roo shon to be ''Life is .ot losr by dyinet life is losr minub by hinut€, day by dr.gsins day, i. alt the $oumd small "Live every day 6 if il wre going ode d.y you're sure to be 10 be rishr.- your lastj for e l. Ii Winter, dars shon$t ud nighls de longest, and the rempeBrres aE the lowest 2. Wi.r ends and SDnng begins with lhe Mdch equinox. This k {hd lhe day md nighl a@ appoximalely lhc same lengib. Cmntly lhe equinol occus on enher March 20r' oi 2l 3 No two snow oakes are alike blt all sdo{Uakes i 'Donl fte @cord lor dle most snow mgeh at o.e time was sel in OnElio Canada in 2004 whm a couple ol schools joined to c@re I 5, 851 siow egols. nany 5. Anlarcli@ Eaftr Morant be fooled by tne calehdar. The@ m onty as days io rhe rqr m you make use of ''Go for il now. The fulue is ptumisd ro no on€ ,, 'As you erorv older, you'il nnd de only thinSs you esEiare the thinssyou didn Zacharr Sco rdo" "Wc only have one life and one body ro carc for, and rre bellei do n nght You nder know whot lomorow may bring aod so M bener live thn life rhe besl we can md be gnleful for evei]4hing se havo.,, 4. sl lhe re@rd for lhe world s 129 desrees lakenneit. 6. Avedge sos.fla*es &ll al3.1 mph. 7. lce is consider€d amin€ral 8 60% oflhe Eanht IEsh Mler is sto.ed temp.otw coldest ai io the pold 9 The bllesr snorman vas I l3 leei 7 inches alt nahed Anels dd mad€ in B€thel, Main in 1999 l0 The all-lime wodd @ord foi de larsesl snos,faU in a single day st in ihe United States o. q De@nbcr 4, I I l, when GmrgetoM, ColoBdo @eived a staggen.g 63 inches ofsnow norethb M 10. Wnl6 Bl@s or S€asonal af€clive disodor (aho .alled SAD) is a ty!€ of depE$ion that o&us at the ''Besin doing what you wat to do now We hale tnis moment, sparkling tike a std in our hand. md melrinCli[easnoLvflake' '11you wan, all thal happens is ihar ,ou ser older. t1 I2 chionophobi! is the fear ofsnow. Hibemation or Educed melaholic acliviry is 13. ln 1607-08. Londoners held then fiffi Iiosr fan frozo-ovq River Thames. l4 Wind chill un cause Foblems duins oi ll)e ''L{'s notallowouEelves ro be upserb, smaltitun8s rq shoulddespneand [orcet Remember Lfe E [o. the wintr Wind chill is lhe conbination of wind a.d ldperature dd h basd on lhe iate ofheal loss from exposed t5 ''I still find each day too shon lor alt the inoughB I wr b thinl, aU lhe Mtks I to take, .I rhe books I Mnt to Ead, and all the fiiends I ilhfto seo.,, wt ''Thcre comes a time in your life when you have to lel go ofall the pointless draha and the psple who create i, md suround yoNela pith people who nake you laugh so ha.d lhai you forg€t tD bad aDd foc6 sol€ly on rhe good. Aite! ail. tife il too shodro be Wl€n n is Winler in the Southem HehispheE, il is Smmer in the Norlh€m Hehisphee. This occurs because rhe soulhem Hemhph@ is tjlted aNay fton tne su and the Nordem HenispheE lbe su tuoE diFtly be@6e of the My the e.rth is tilting t6 lrees and planls slop grcwing in the 17 Many animals hibemte or winle. misale away ftom the l8 l@ and snow de associated yirh winror in mmy t9 Besides snov, sldi hail and fftei.s 6in are ll/lsE THOUGETS MARCE DIRIED,\YS I 8 Allofus could tate a lessontom lre wedher 15 pays no anendo! lo diticisft 2. WIy does a slighl incree cosl you l7 hundred dollaB t2 lt ld ed a iwo subsranrial lax cut save you l9 19 INTERESTTNC FACTS 22 23 25 26 Lr t9 MARCE ANNI|IERSAXIES a ho$e hs both ftotu legs in the an, the person died in bahle. lbe hose has one front leg in $e air, the peson died a aresutl olwohds re@ived in battle IfrhehoNe h$ all four legs of, the ground, the pe4on died of Geo.Ae and Esher Reimlinsei Edgs and Mdearel Nunel 2 a slatue in lhe park Each ting in a deck of a p€Mn on Il of playins csds rDrsenls a l9 Spades - Kind David Heans - CharlehaAn€ 25 KEYS TO LIFE: FOUR SIMPLE KEYS TO A EULLDR LIIE PART 2: DI\4NE CUIDANCE M y Mmnin$for Divin€ Guidance @ come from many so!rces. Yet by to glidmce fom the divine, we oFn to th€ support ofpowrtul foroes greater rhan ourslls. The diline dilIeiml ntuiigs for diflerefl people, vbelher ii be God, Crealor, Jebovan, Allah, or Gleat Spinr Yet even ifyou don't believe in my ofthes, considr the posibility tlat thee is a very wise pan ol yousell a higher selfo! a deeper self - whi.h ca. povide you wiih guidanc€. Whal is importanl is thal we ope, to this pre$nce, bowever w€ choos ro de6ne lhe divine, and that we @nsciously inrii€ this po$rtul guiddce into our daily lives. ld All Reqnen otrly If It's B6t When seking divine guidece Nitn a sp€cific resul! be sm to end wilh "only iftnis is whai\ b$t " There are times when whit's ben n not whar's easiest or mosl eiloyable. sonetim€s un{&ted or uexp€cted chall€nges, diificult situtions, and even p6in cad t@h us inpoit nt les$E ihat, i. lhe long 16. help us 1o enjoy lile doe fully. Wllen we choose to see all expenences N gins fom the diline md opportuities Ior greud and Dndeslandin& we open to a deper level ofdivine Sridace. Clubs - AleMder. rhe Cer Dianonds - Julius Caeser 3 what do bulleFmofvesrs, fi.e es.apes, windshield wipe6, md lser pnnt€s all have in All were invented by women. 4. Wiat is th€ only food tha! des,l spoil? Honey 5. Wlich day are lherc more collect calls ihs any olher day ofthe lathels Day conbonz yea "Ilrdi ic b rfilcdr o0 drr&l'}816 {tr,.{.efigl h t6 co hce! r}iind and 6ltt tc6ad e d!.at &el o0 fltc dnS.J tlc vcatft.i ic dnu 6 $6Lr6 EDd dEruaeDL thaB ([nde botiiiid tn our darb c..Ills trt$t tr&i sreJ." -ltalecds orrco Meditate. L,ve purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds. Shine! -Buddha ST, PATRTCK'S DAY RIDDLES l. ST. PATRTCK'S DAY St. Patrick\ Day takes place each year o. March l7'h,lhe Iradilional religrous leasl dat ofSl Parrick Comedbecf d cabbase h a tadiriooal st. Pairickt Day dish In 2009, rougnly 26. I billron pounds or!.efdd 2.3 billion pouids ofcabbage wete produced in tne United Stales sh soda bread get ns name and dntnctiv€ char&ter fiom the use ofbakins soda nther tltu ,eat 6 a leavening agent. Line g.een chrysmthenums ae oten equesred lor sr. Patrickt Day pdad€s and celebmiions. I Dav? Why 2 l@r shmiock on Sl. Patrick s cd'l you ion a fouFleai clover? 3. what do you catl a fake sbne in lleldd? qpe ofbow cannol be lied2 5. WheE cin yo! always find gold? Patickt Day? 6. WIy do lroga like 7. Wty did lhe elephdt wea. green sneake6? L Why did rhe leprechaun do for a living? Howcmyoulellila lepr€chau. is hayingagood 4 wh $ 9 10. U4at happero when I The tBt Si lanickt Day parade look place in lhe United Slales on March 7, 1762, wh@ Irish $ldies sNing in the English mililary marched do poople Wly I I 2 a lepMhaun lalls inio 3 WIar is lrish and lcfl out on the lam dl sunmer? U/hy did St Paldck drive all the s.akes oul of 1 throuEltNew Yoft City. More tban 100 St. ?ahicl!'s Da, parades are held across lhe Uniled Slates York Ciry md Boslon m home lo thc largesl elebmtions At the mnudl New York Clry Sl. Patriok\ Day psade. pafiicipants ndh up 5r Avenue lion ,14'h SlreeL to 86'h Srleet Eachyed, behvoen I 50,000 and 250,000 ma$hes iake part in the paEde which does nol allow auromobiles or float. Ns 13. when n ad lrhn polato not an hsh po€!o? 14. Wty @'t you borcv mon€y lrcm a loprNham? Irishl lrish you a happy St. Patrickt DaY. REMII{DER! There ar€ seven placs in lhe Uniied Slates named aft€r the shmock. the floml emblem ol Dayllght Saving 'l'lme begins on Sunday, March 8s, 2015. Remember to s€t your €locks ahead on Saturday niqht befor€ yolr go to bedl IEland includrng Mount Cay Shanr@k, WVi Shanroct, Txr Shamrock Lakes, IN; and Shamroclq O( Sixleen US places shaE the name of lreland\ capital,Dublin Wirh 44,541 resident, Dublin, CA n the laiEesl follo\red by Dublin, OH pith 39.310 Other toMs sith lhe luck oflhe kish include Emerald lsle, NC and lrishlom,IL Thele are 34.7 million U S. reidenls ivitn hish ancestry. This number is moe than svcn limes ttc popul ai on of Iieland nselt Across the counrry ll% ofresideirs lay daim to liish anc*ty. That nmbs more $an doubles ro 23% in the srare of Masschuens. sh is rhe natioh s second mosr hequently Eported mceslry, ranking behind Geman. hish rsks mong the lop five ancesfies in every state except HaNaii and New M€xico. lt is lhe leadine anc6try Eroup in Delasare, Masachusetts, and Nerv H.npshie. Thde are approxitulely 14,1,588 cudeft U s residents wh. \rcre b.m in Ireland l ST. PAIRICX'S DAY RIDDLf, ANSWERS 2. Because,ou shouldn l pft$ yor luck 6. Be€u* .h.yle.lqdy mdins gften 7. His rcd ones were in L\e wtsh. 3 He w6 a shoturder cool. 9. He is Dublin over wilh luslter I2. He coddn\ afiord pLnc fsa 14.* 6ey're slmys a lihle shon PRAYER FOR EEAIJNG AND WEOLEN EgS ffiIi-lifiistorra"oaine vahon, Belen delos Reve". Faittt s@( Man \cofl. DJbra S;oh.\Mlliam I indenmuli, Eliabe$ \Mkotr Jaldd i& Anna smd!8p' Col;lado. Noi IrssaY, Rebe*a Albmia, Truo! Gnmth, O Donnell fmiry,leu Belh Curry, George Reir ing{. Md;elinr coi@do, comie Capimdo. sh:rlev BoM.. lad Maun I avi,, \at, Rsdv tlamr, Katy Rupe( Shmon Maass. \'ictm (€llv cro*e' Nair. cbklkno. shmn conr'di0e, Rddi sni$. Diu Ricl r.qhu, cdiomdo Hede AJa Kallv, Iudv colomdo, R .hel e Nct8d Piti EneFcia Li!,0v. J&c R.nlv. laria Srele, ldeL R".ali.d Gordano, ntr! Hoor er, Lo\ il, Pese€le. Jonn turta, Th; (tuDld Ieilv. ElDhe D'lane Gm$ calday, cvnthia lohnso, Rabbi P,iL DiMa P.n(ille Steve rord s lmilv, c,il Mtrk Mall<, Jud, Schoack, Rd. Thelna Colondq ?ilsr Fmciso, She6 Maenirc, J;seph ColoEdq Sallv Man@sdo, Da,nv Knchn6, lsiAlb l tu \ ). R;i; A Cr BrM UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Th€ Unit€d Methodist Women will meet r, on Wednesday, March I I 2015 at 1l:00 a.m. in Feuowship Ha[. Remember to bring food for tle food bark and meial soda tabs for Shiron. Bring a bag lunch; dessert wil be provided. D€ssen will be povided by Esther ReiE inser. Atl woBen de mlcome. TEE MONIE OE MARCE Tl€ w.rd 'Mrrch' .nme( fr.m rfi€ Rom,n 'Manius'. This was originaUy rhe firi monlh oflh€ RoDan €ale.dd sd was .dhed afier M!8, the god of Mr March asthe beginnineofourcaloddlrar we changed to the Nerv Style' or 'Gregorian' calendd in I 752, aad i! is only sincc then when the year began onJanury 1"'. TheAnglo-S otu called tbe nonth Ilrrd Drrd,, whicl mea.s Stomy month, or f/tued noe,, which mems Rugged nonth Alt though Lal thenaditional games play€d em bles and skippirg The $nes se slopped on fie streke oftwelve noon oi Good lriday, tlhich is some places ws called Matul€ day or Long Rope Day. The game ofmadles has b€er played for hundreds ofyears tud sobe hisrorids ey that it might have ben staned by rolline eegs. h lhe pasl, round slons, h@lnuts, roud balh ofbaked clay md evm cherry slones h"ve been ued \ LENT LILY O@ of tbe floweB mct associated wirh March is t1E ndcissus (Wild dafodil), nanod affer rhe boy in GEer mrnnobey lvho @ chmged into a {loret. N oissu is also loom as ttnt Lily because n bloom in €arly spring and the bloons uually drop befoE Esler Il n lhe nain dailodil sp*ies ofBntain. The dafodil becane a popular welsh symbol in the 19'i cenrury. Lloyd Cdrge used il lo slmbolirc Wales ai rhe 191 I Invesriure ad in oificirl ln England the d.fodil insprE4 amongst o1he6, Willid wordswonn to Mite hn fmod WEATEER.LORE, BELIEIS, AND SAYINGS s, Mnrch *.nn@ lore hB ke tust tunr ol.l $rin$ wi to Eua. N: "wbfl March comes in lilc a lioq n gGs ''A dry Mach FiU bams dnd da wetMay bays wth com md hay." 'As il Birs in M{ch so il rains in ''Mdch winds md april sho\t6 Bring fod M.y flowes." Jue." oll lile a the mad. TIe cturvds lhar wnr ahead ofhim ad dose lhat lollowed shouted. .Hos,m lo the Son olDavid!" 'Blessd is he who .omes in the name of the Holy r"veek is the weet befole Eater, comneftmtif,g events in the lasl days ofJosu' lifo oneanh. Il b€gi.s on ?alm Sudry tud ends on Esler Paln Suday n lhe .lay Jesus mived in Jerusl€n Il is a lime of elebianon as well s sdn€ss bea@ Jesus died on a closs less l!a! a wk a,ier he had enlored Jerusalem. h calebrares bn arival in Jeru.l.m for the .leivish feslival of P6sover. Crdt ctuwds ofp@ple lined the sireets Mving palm bidches to wlcome tin. Tte psple wee very excited. They spread br chesontneroadand flen laid doM their clorhes. They shouted, 'HosMal' wbich means Save usNow!' tnov wnat happ.6 io any lalm re left over? They are kept aid bumed to "Hosama i. lhe liglest heavenl" Wlen Jesus e.Eied Jeruslem, tne whole city slimd d askerL 'wlo is thh? ' The crowds a.swEd, "Tnis ws is Jsus the pmphet ftom UPLTFTINC QUOTES I A problen is a chan@ for you 10 do yo6 brst." t.'men everrthing sems to b. goineagainstyou. remember that the airpllne takes otr against ihe $ind, Do you orosses lhat make 6h6 ibr ner.t yeals Ash Wedn€sday seryices JESUS COMES TO JERUSAI-EM AS MATTHBW 2l:l-l I (MVl I{NG 4. Obsrel€sdon,tMve to stopyo!. Ifyoutuintoa wall, donl tum mud and give up Figuie out ho* to As lhcy .pproached Jerusalen and ane io Betlpag€ on the Mount ofolives. Jesus sent two di$iples. syinglo then. Co lo tte village ahead of you, and ar once you wiu find a donlcy li€d there, Mth her coh by her. Unri€ them and brins them to ne. Ifd.yone says anything to ,ou, say thar the lord ieeds them, aid he will sendthem rightaway ' I s toot place to fulfill what m spoken through "Say lo Dluehter Zion, 'Se, your king cones to you, gentle and riding on a donhey. and on a colt, the f@l ofa donkey thm. climb il, go through i! or wo* oud n ' 5. "1'1e erater tte difficllty, lhe moE glory in smounling it. Skilltul pilots sain their Epuialion frcm stoms md Iii.et6 r@pesh." 6 '?rob,ems ae not stop signs, lhey de guidelines." tte 7 "Prosperity is a s@t tedche4 adversity is a grealer one. Pos6sion pampeN the mind, privalion trains and sfengthens ii." MUiah H@lil ' dncipl$ re add did a Jesus had inslructed Tney boughl the donkey ed lhe colt ad plmed then cloaks o. th€n for Jesus b sn on. A v€ry lalg€ crcsd spEad then clo.*s on rhe road. rvhile orhe6 cul bBnches from the ftes dd spread fiem on The 3. 'Tbe gen .amot be polisned wilhout liicrion, nor man perfecred vithout fials." chhese pturefi 8. "Ho!e is inponant becauF it can malc the presit moment less diflicull lo bed. If re believe rhar tonomw will be ben.r, w @n bear a hadship rod.y." Thich Nhar Hanh 9. Nflerlel you head hang doe. N*ergive up and sitdoMed grifle rind anolber w!y. Aid donl pEy when ir ,ains if you donl pray wb6 ihe su shines " Leruy Sarchel Paige listen caretullv vouwill h*nusic in to sav rhe backsroud and Ood nnginu.lJur 'aled 'I loveyour called b saY h WIIAT IF GOD IIAD AN ANSWERING MACEINE? Hin? lfvon Iiul tmasine pravrngand heanng this' "Thank You oneo' lorcallinFMy FslhersHouse. Ple6e a Equest rhe foliownefour oPlrons Prs I lot n For Press 2 lor a rhanlssiving Pr*s I bcompl' rl4l all otltei inqunies, Pre$ I mdhed Wete sorrv AUof heloinEolh.r€uslomer, nEnl now & the order i {s;lne Your(ausillbemw(EJ in ec.ived. ' Wnal {ould n be lil€ if You neard rhe follouns r*ponss as vou calledGod's answering ''To E@ive the latst gromorional Bift wilh vour order fon Paradise P{ior, pres 0, a'd u oPeraior '"To find oul how ;anv ans€ls danoe on the h@d ofa relaule is h*, enLer hrn4tr dat€ .f dedh and list€n lor the list tbat foUows' "For reswalion infoftation or 1o co'fim vour resePatiors at M, Ialhels House. pre$ lhc lene* J-O_llN. followed bv nmb€E 3_1 6 '"fo knop ,hat your pasbr is doine al tbis monenr' "r" nnl.;,rlou !&&!q!!!uss bY cll md R6' samn THE GIET OF IiIAKII{G EACH OAY A iIASTERPIECE 4.' So you press ihe,npels Fmm A llfe welllived rs simplv well spent. a.ompil.tion of davs 'D@gias Pagels Time canttake awav anvthins that has alreadv been q ven: Your treasures from davs qone by are treasures sti! ; vour most precious ;em.riFc wrll alwavs be. we learn, as we go along, that happiness ls not one biq, beautiful jewel we can hold - or Lose - h our hafds. Each one ofus is an hourg ass and ln the courses 6f our llves, we qet to keep the diamonds that come our wav among the passing sands' -Doualas Pagels Today is biq with blessings. is needed to mal'e a happv [re allwrthrn vou6elf, in vou. wav ofthLnking ved llttle -MarcusAureirs "ro, anl*os aseollheead\ ro naBe'ng q,.s,ons abour dnosau6. rhe and where Noah-s Arl6 w'l wanl ro klow shar I rhink olAmencan polrics,dor'lPessrnvthins. HanEupand lislen for laushter 'Ourcompute6 sho; dEr vou have called once rodav :lradv Plese haru uP iflm(LliarelY .Tnh offi* i; cbsed for the weekend. Please call 'lftou Th,nk God vou can tcallHim loooften' You 6nl! .eed to nns ;ce and He hds vou Bectuse or leis- vou mver Eer a busv signal. Codmkese&h call trronall!. He knosseach caller peconallv ell an.|.h. Dnd \|lt an\we'' vd "tll'rrfut 'help, an,1He itt sa!: '$erean / " (tsaiahl8:9) ''Ld v t MoreoveI, Cod ofien caus us. AJe vou Milin8 lalk to aor llis catl. or will You .nsw€nng mehine AWAKENING BY Bd&a 96ilq Crocus ladies s*alc to spring' ''Gol u!, get uP. il's imo for sping dairodih Lavejusl begu to feel lhe €aily wdth ofsun' fte The rcbin ariv€s to hunt lhe worm, scraLchins dound on londer bem $h e @dhirds nYand l'ol forhrigs. a n€sl 10 build in te tree ol fiss a Y bloons sins ''Awake, awake," ine to .ll ihe sl*Ping sigls ofspiing' "cot oul ofbed and glow anew, let .olors burst and leaves rener'" ll is T]IIANGES FOR'I'HE NE\! CHURCH DIRECTORY I !4ql: l)lcrsc.dd lSosn).,lorlinDn.ialStcr.rxricsundcrrhec()mniucconlrinMce l. Mcn,bu L,ist:;\lBo*nun run vc hoor.phoneitrmbelNo sprue behleen fi.r.d l.s( nurconemriis l. Wcddnr! AnnncMFr William md lra. \oll Jrtrr5' 4 C.isrirucms: Chaigc numher f$ Rorlel lo i5l45,1ri:6 Sr,"r,gN*Ao* Cm, * Kq -"S-- lopen D,n.e Fl.6r & Photo Booth- 5T. PATRICTS DAY Qr./lz solve the odditioh problehs lo find the answers to each riddle- the pqtron of Irelond? is What plont symbolizes 5'i. Pctrick's Doy? 3 0 o 3 3 2 1 2 +4 +2 +o +1 +3 +3 +O +1 2 5 4 3 5 2 1 2 +2 +1 +6 12 a2 +2 +3 +6 1 -5 i-6 A leprechoun's ireosure is hidden ot the end of this. Whol is o lepnechoun's t4easute? laaz<\ 2 3 r6 {3 6 +5 +1 5 4 +l +3 +2 +2 3 2 +1 -t t! *5 3 1 4 3 2 +5 +1 +1 +3 +1 5 2 +2 +7