rrom antmal as automaton
rrom antmal as automaton
i*Eii§ilip I-.-^.^' rrom antmal as automaton to the rights of living thiings r In the hisrory ofthought there has always been a contrast between men and animais thar sees radonaliry as rhe specific facror thar differentiares them insuperably and sers up an indispurabie superioriry. From the Biblical idea thai Adam received .. from God the privilege of naming the animals ro Descartes who considered them J,rtomatons arrd mechanisms without soul, reason ,"d l""g;;;;;r" rhe cenrra.l factors in a difference which le"giriirires the total administration ,n - when there is ,rJ, -" absolute domination of rhe ,.,irnd *oria. - In contemporary debate many scholars face the jssue of whar inrelligence and rhe emotional aspecr of animals are; they debate the ctassic visions marked bg antlropocentrigm in order to relocate hqqarls.in the ,,coral oiìlfe,, lDarwin; and to highlighr thei, phyt;;;.;ù"lrd: Recognising the relationships between h.rÀ"n and animal- subjectiviry identi8,ing the lineì of murual exchange, would mern quJsdonins rhe sub-ordinate posirion of animals ,na i-rgiii.rg different ways of inreracting *i,h ,h.*. - critical citizenship -*-:lr§ì::ff§ìx§§i§§§iiii:il ,1;t51u*,.,1gfOale The fox and the child 0irector Starring Luc Jacquet Bertille *oni-"'nt'u' lsabelle Carré' Thomas Laliberté Runningtime 92 minutes Production Genre France' 2007 drama, adventure' fantasg a wild fox' a young girl,meets by chance In a village in the French Alps girl starts the *'lJ*l instinct' voung Struck by the animal'';;;;""; It^tttit'g to understand its behaviour to observe and get ttott'to it' of this with the surrounding woods' Out and its particular relationship between tt"st' based on communication develops a true relatio"titf "f forever' species and destined to last alf.r.". Luc Jacquet's themes of philosophicalthinking' Picking up on one of the classic and nuances behind the human-animal film investigates tne compìexkg debate' What are with'r-n a powerful contemporarg relationship, placing itself have ang? How animals' admitting that theg the thoughts and emotions of ls ang form of them? and how are theg different f rom are theu similar to men communicationpossiblebetweenthedifferentspecies?Thefilm'sUoungcentral the relationship and other questions through character learns to Her she meets in the French woods fox that is established withthe wild specificallg fox's not onlg this particular observations lead her to understand 'n'*t"nt'u animalbehavioursbutt''ont'nO'''Oualsubjectivitg'discoveringinthefirst the surrounding to animal life and its connection person the complexitu of environment. 70 aa iiljèijÉr, From pantheism to ecologu The Stoic cosmos is a rational and providential order ofsense that governs and unifies the totaliry of things; in the words of Cicero it is described as "the shared ciq, of gods and men". This Stoic conception of the universe is tied ro the ideals of the rYise man's imperturbabilitg and innerfreedom and underlines in particular the network of relationship.r of rhe events in nature. Realiry presents itself as whole equipped with total cohesion and every one of its points is integrated in the global order. a scientific setting and without explicit metaphysical irnplications, the logic of the intenelationship betreen things is In found again in the holisric hlpotheses on evolution and life on Earth. According to the Gaia hypothesis, the geophysical components - oceans, seas, atmosphere, earth's surface - maintain balance and suitabiliry for life by virtue of the action of living organisms, vegetables and animals. In ùis way a planetary uniry is defined which could not be expressed as . the simple sum of the elements which make it up and which radically questions the impact of human action in relation to the environment and "ecological problems". w:' j