S - Mads Tolling
S - Mads Tolling
By Christopher L0 i,: -: is unquesrior:ablr- the beast ,:* ::riough his :ard-bop grab. l:r'is is rhe nosi .leqant of ,,0:.. ',i ori,ing up ro a pleasing that by listening: The compositions and quarterback Tom Bradr-, rvith Ferrante'' improvisations, by and large, are as meaty and cohesive as the best-crafted standards and bebop solos. The most notable excep- :-:a:- a:hei and unrrindinq tion is the disjointed first track, "Vhite piano adding flourishes to rhe odd-metere; groove. Clarke's bori-ed acoustic bass lenci. classical tinges to 'The Contemplator.a pensive cut fbr soccer great Zinedint seduc- '17a11," :RRY TANNENBAUM EPFER itfi Lee & LEE KONITZ Sunnyside) lianisr Dan Tepfer had a,rr.o \\'rrh qa-xoDhonrsr Lee IFt-.. lionirz lor nvo vears br rhe }l --:mc Lnrs Lr-J \\Js recoroeo. E F I ni rapporr rhar had devel-i*.-: --it-m made it easy to create r,:: -:::::ovisations in every key. Of :;--;- :. :. relarive word, as Tepfer -: :-: --:rc liner notes, since Konitz :,-or. ---: challenges, whether he's . .-:--:.:i or blowing without any :1.: i:-.,rion. Whar is interesring : -.,,:::lt' pieces (a11 titled with a [:: ::-; .ignature) is how each one ::i.:=i-,: approach from both play- ::: :..s a spritely semi-classical 'F--.-' to which :r--. :: his partner ;-:'r--. ri-ith \\.arm notes. On "E," i: r;'..,.. some chords and lets them : i-. :' acruallv standing back to : :,-::::s ease in that challenging t: a:, : : r -::r has anv setbacks, they :- :--: ength of the pieces, none . :-:: ,::-: minutes, many lasting r . . -. pairs abiliry Lo conrain :. - :.'-:reble. bur rhe experience : :: :,:-.:ns appetizers for dinner: :*: -.'.':-:rour sustenance. Halfivay --::.- ---rer a full piece, Tepfer's I'I.:i.l Trkla.'' and rhey conclude ..-:l,s srandard "Tiees," but it's :-- r. :,rier rrhat could have been ::-; :='.': iet themselves go longer. ![N[.EY 'THREADGILL ZOOID Tg5 - us Io, vol. 1 ei) - )::: Brings Us To, Vol. I is Threadgill's ::-.osr chailenging record- i.:r. of Henry :rss. requiring grear focus. -:. rnerits don't always mea- i'.:r-l rhe altoist/flutist/com----::: Z.roid quintet are on their r':: ::. -.,' happening. :: =*- :s borh free and rule-bound, -:.:: :- :rrcrtals lor each musician --- ri .::r:. This narurally requires .:g:. ::::n rraditional melody and --:: -:iere's no way to know >: DECEMBER 2oog \Tednesday Off the which gives a severe misimpression about the album to follow (and perhaps was so intended). Though Threadgill and guitarist Liberty Ellman are most prominent, it's Jose Davila who's the most interesting player here. His trombone gives a shape both graceful and contorted to "To Undertake My Corners Open," while his tuba luses with the rhythm section (Ellman, bassist Stomu SCOT ALBERTSOI With Every Note, a St T_'_ __ . tL\ plu:i Zidane. Harris guests on both thar trac< and "The Risktaker," which shifts gears between lusion and reggae ro honor bas- t\1. - : ,; tjt ketball superstar Lebron James. __ a Pa-L:I Tolling also honors musical pla1'makers. "Starmaker Machinery," for John alone, handling e.'er^-,-: Mclaughlin, is a manic, sales. Take Scot album production :: Mahavishnu -{bt- Orchestra-like piece on whichTolling burns like Jerry Goodman, Abraham plays with Mclaughlins fire and Marrs imper.onare. into a slowly der-elor'-: Takeishi and drummer Elliot Humberto Billy Cobham. The paint on too broad: Kavee) to form the rippling textures and free-funk grooves of "Chairmaster" and "Sap." In the meantime Ellman spikes the tunes with a harsh, thorny sound that can be off-putting but does add angle and exoticism. As for Threadgill, he's most compelling on the disc's first half, where he plays rhe flute. His alto sax is more penerrating but less enjoyable-and, on 'After Some Time," sounds completely Iost. This Brings Us Tb, however, is stronger than its weakest position "The Chicken," a Jaco Pastorius elements. MICHAEL Pee \fee Ellis com- from rhere. Even the closing cover of Led Zeppelint "Black MEREDITH WAYNE WALLACE LATIN JAZZ a Mirandy'' against r,: QT,JtNTET grandiose "Music o: prayer "Hymn oi -*:- Bien Bien! Patois\ At the 2009 Momerey with indie pr..';: ballads, a couple oi J-: on, a bit of whippcc sional nutty additio:, So we're subjec :,ings as Spike Jon:s- ;: syncopated baton J. WEST cr. ': a-s case bling the 15 tunes t".: I het determined to i:can do. The resuk s : ; sion of a ril/hitman s,::: catalog staple, is also a treat. Tolling opens the tune by playing Pastorius' signature bassline, then Ban-\7eiss takes the funln-. Dog" works. BILL one mal hard Jazz Fesrival. wherher by seren- jaunty "Save the Br: MADS TOLLING dipity or design, two of the Albertson has The PIay maker (Madsman) MadsTolling has an impressive resume with the Turtle Island Quartet, having earned 2006 and 2008 -'.t "Best Classical Crossover" Grammys for 4+Four a,nd A Loue Supreme: The Legacy of John Coltrane. The Copenhagen native moved to Boston to study at the Berklee College of Music, most impressive sets came the dexterity to go ir-: voice ideally shapec ::, in 2003. Jean-Luc Ponty recommended him to bassist Stanley Clarke, and Tolling's switch from viola to violin in 2007 now has him splitting time between the Tirrtle Island Quartet, Clarke's band and his own group. graduating Clarke, vibraphonist Stefon Harris, drummer Jeff Marrs and Yellowjackets keyboardist Russell Ferrante appear as guests on Tolling's sophomore effort, The Playmaker. But the violinist's quartet (with guitarist Mike Abraham, bassist George Ban-rVeiss and drummer Eric Garland) open the record with a creative cover of Radiohead's "Just," during whlch Tolling and Abraham alternately skirr and state the pop melody. "The Playmaker Suite" is a trilogy to three prolessional arhletes. The opening title track is lor tbotball dedicated from a fairly esoteric niche in jazz-that of trombonist-led Latin-jazz r-oi;: : merstein songbook : once, with a s*-.eit Love"). Il on his -:-r groups, being Conrad Herwig's Latin Side All-Star Band and the Bay a Area-based \7ayne \Tallace Latin Jazz Quintet. Both such a narrower groups demonstrated the ready adaptability of non-Latin jazz repertoire ro rhe syn- step forward. lb---. copated strategies of particular Latin MON DAVID rhythms, an idea central ro \Tallace's quintet album Bien Bien! Coming True (Free-,i* E, -_ . L.: Here, \Tallace cleverly-but also organi- _- a, -r t:: cally-gives Latin-arrangement packaging to S:- such jazz standards as Eddie Harris' "Freedom Jazz Dance," Sonny Rollins' "Solid" and Duke Ellington's "Going Up!," the latter a tribute to Ellingtont trombonists of note. \Thereas those arrangements have Latin identities from the ground and the grooves D:r -: Philippines-born i'; ueed is like din:= smorgasbord. sa1'o:-:i Eclatine, Andr B;.; 'succession. His dir:: on up, versions of John Coltranet "Nrici' and Ellingtont "ln a Sentimental Mood" a cloudless auru::: are ; joy and plard:1nes: ::, Latin-ized mainly on the fringes, via Michael Spirot percussion parts. \fallace, a fine player, musical thinker and doer the rrombone connecrion in songsmiths. er;t:::to Antonio Car-r. , he can scat *'iu :: ::: . "oloisr, one further on this date, bringing into integriry ol Elli:s. the lold special guest 'bone players Julian Priester and Dave Martell, who harmonize the melody on Vallace's opening title cut. 6 JOSEF WOODARD tr On ballads. -;,*, ]: E emn "Some O---- N "Never Let \ie -: stirring deptL o: J"i: o o