ALL òOULS NTCHT . , T'ONNY IORTMORE rr, Bonfirc!dor rhe rcllin! hiLLsides Ficurs danc. round ;nd aioD.,l To drums rhat poke our è.hoesofdartine$ Movinc to rhe paaan sound. O AóNNYPoRrùorÉ you shinewh.rc vou Íand And rh€ mr. I rh nÌ m rcú rhe more I rh,nr tonc All ihe brds in Old Enghnd roùld nót pu..has. somcrhefe in , hidden memÒn Im:se, nor Fetoremv cws Offraeranr n'ahb ol row and ol h,!f,rs And dan.ins tilt rhe nexr súnrGe. O BoNNrPóRrMoR.I am sor! ro see sùch, wotut desrùùion ot vou F r . rood on yÒúr \hore ror mrnr! rhe tó,1! \li! r'll rM I n! bors frÒm Anr'm cah. F floaan | .,n se lighG in tÀe disran.e Tremblingin the darl doak of nirht crnJt.{ and rnÈfB rc Jrn.Lne. drncrne A wrl.r on Ar Soule NrcHr O BoNNrPortuo4 !ou sh'nc !here you *Jnd Ahd Éc more I rt,int on lou rh. more I rh,nt tons tf Ì had eou now s I had on.e belorc All the fords in Old Encl,nd would nÒr purchase Fisuresofcornralks 6cnd in rhe shdows Hctd up Èli 6, rhe flame, LcrDh,sh lhe gftn t chr hotd. ù. hol y-F6h All rhe Bnds in rh. fores thèy bnierlv weo sayins "shcre will we shctrs or wh.rc wì[ ve stc.Òr', Fof úe O:k LJ rhe Ash,rlrr iR a .úft.n dow; AnJ rhe !all. of BoNNyfoirMorE i.e atl dó$n b rhe B.nfifs dot the rollins hillsidc5 Fìguresd,hce tround ;nd arcund TÒ drums that puke our c.hoesold'rknes And movins to rh. Faran sound. O BoNNyPoRrMoÀE yóù 5hinewh.fu vou $and And rhr mÒrLI th'nl on yÒu rhe morc I rh,nt tons Í | hed yoù noú s I had o,-. 6|rore AI rho Lùds ototd England*ouLd not purctì,ss ssnLlng on fhe bfdse rh,r.ross The wind is ruli of a thÒusandvÒi.s Th.y PN by Àe bridse ,nd me. I6'i pila u6 'nrp,uJ à) '1. rn,s.Dil r lr&n. se Mni,iotr @,ình .dlrruad ,À.,orÀ u/ ,Ac d.p,.kJ fu rrdhr .4idl. /,r Lderu okì otr urrurr lddrns ro lÍt o(dn, Ín?rnÒ ,n Iirt. 6oaú ,lrry urÀ úr ,nr!.n or ú" C.ln. A,r s"r,r N'sÀrd/d6,oro^r / !i,.1 nn. [@. boúa uut ,'r no, o'L ro mdl úr m0 r;. but ta uùn th. sa|l,sol tn! dtbaiè,] - L M. î . d.rruriar ol aLt sraut[ 10Íè!6 À6 t.Ònc dn mpdndn. .orJ.Mión nM itr re.d y,r. òk ir ú ror d tr4 r,{roneor o!?r,À. .?ikrs nan! al tfet'îd ' atà Mt tort\6 úà, t&eLa tu îlL t; dn rÍ4,Arllna DdDofi Onl, K.^r/vÀ,5,Àùi beena\r[Jafl n f..iabn:t rt* s n rd\túJ, TL Crd o,l o/ Pórmo. roo, or ù. ,,orjb olPodmorèCarl.onù€rÀÒrol LolsÀ &r -l Àì -I HE LADY I'ETWEEN THE Sne.oows.,.,, on Snerorr ,,,,, She Lnows nor whar the.uEe mav 6e, And so shs lerverh *cadlly, And lirdc Òrhft cÍc Lxih shc, TiÉ L^DYor SH^Lorr. On either sideth. river lie Lnc lÌclds ol bÍl.y and af rye, That cloih. ihe wold and mÉr thc slyt And thro' the neld the road run hy To h, C.nelori And up and dovn rh. púpl. co, Gmns the lilies 61ov Round in klinrl the.e below, Thc island of Sh,lÒr. And movìnc throush z mirror clear Tlar hanss beforeher rll rhe year, Shdows of thc so d,pp.,r. she ses the hichway n.r Vindine down to Camelo( A.d bmciimcs Àó' À€ mifn btuc Th. knishb come ndinc.vo and twÒ. She h&h n. loyal Knieht and ùue, THE LaD ór Sulon. WillÒwsshit n, ,spcns quiv.r, Little breees dusl snd sÀiver Thro'th€ uave that runs for ever By thc klrnd in Àe iver Flowinc down to CrmdóL Four crey walÈ, and four grey toweB, overtm! a spacc óf flóves, And the silent isle imboweis THr L^Dr of SHAlon. Bùt in h.r web shc $ill dclighc To weavethe mìrrcls masi. rshc, Fù o&en ù!o the silent nish6 A tuneEl, with plumcs,nd li!h6 And music, went to C,mclorl Or when the Moon was overhead, c,m. ruo young tóvc6 t.rsty weJ. 'l am half si.! ofshadows,'eid TH€ L^DYo! SH^Lm. Only rapcú, rcapinsearly, ln amonqth. béred b,rl.y Hear a song that echoeschRny Fóm óc fivft *inding.tè.!ty, Down to tower'd C,meloti And by the moon the reaperweary, PilingshÈavcsin uphnds ,iry, Listcninc,whispec ts rhe r,iry THr L^Dr or SHALon,' A larw{hor from her bowe?eaves, Hc ród. bctwc.n thù b,rlcy shlrvcs, The sun .ame daulins rhrc' úe l.,va, And nrmed upon the bmzengreaves Th{c shc werveshy nishr and Jiy A magtr web wfth colour s,y. She has heard a whÈper say, A.uf* k Òn hef rfshe *ay To look dovn b C,melot. A red cros knisht lor ever lneeld That spar!ìedon thc ycllÒs ncu, Besideremote sh,lott. His brcad .lear bmw in sunlislìt clow'dl on burnirh'd h€vs hk palhors ùodel From underneÀthhis h.lm.t nÒwd Hìs coal-blackcurls s on he rod., As hr Ò,lc Jown b Camelot. From rlì. ban! and lrom thù rivsr He nashedinto th€ ùy$al mftor, She lcrr ùe {ch, 5h. left the loom, She msdè drc. p,c.s thr, rhc urm, She sau the water-lilyblóm, She srw thc helnct and the plume, shc took'd down b crúctú. Oùt fl.w tÀe web and no,rcd sid.; Thc mnrcr raclt d from side ro sideì 'Th. .unc is cÒmcùpon me,'cried _fÈ! LaDY Òr SH.Lor. ln lhe sormy earwind sminin!, The paleyellow woodswere waning, Thc b.oad sreùn ln his banks .omplaininc. H.àvily thc low sky úining Over towèld Camelotì Down shc crme ,nJ found i boar Ben€athi pillow left anoat, And round rbÒlr iho prcw shc ùrore THÉ L^ o: SHALon. And down the river'sdim cxFnsc Like some6old Rer in a ranc€, SÈing rll his osn mis.h,n.. 'ilith a shsy counrenance Did she looL to CameLot. A n d , r , h c c t Ò s i nogf t h . , l ù y She lGed the .hain, and down she Ì,yl The bdd bore her far away, THE L^DYor SH^rom. HÈrrd a carol, mournful,, chznted loudly, chanted lowly, Till hèr blood w.s frozenslowly, And d,rkcned sholly, Turn'd to towerd Camelot. For ere.he reacn'dupon th. tìde Tùr lìN hÒuseby ór {,nrsidc, Singingin hcr sons she died, TH! L^DY o! SH^Lom. Under tover and bal.ony, By grrd.n-w,ll ,nd gàllery, A sl.rminÈ shap. sh. floatedby, Dea,l-pale ber*een the houseshish, out upon ihe vharrs tney came, Knisht ànd Burshen Lord and Dame, And óund th. prów rhcy furd hcr nrmc, THÉ LrDY oF SH^1ffi. vho is this?Ana what is here? And in rhè lightlal palacenea. Died iLe soùnd ót rcyal.h*i And th.y rtdkd fc,r, All th. Knieh6 at Camelo( Dut L.ncelor musedi little space He sid, th. h,s a lovely faccr God in hk mercy lend her cra.e, THr L{DY oF $^Lom.' UREENSLEEVES ..,5 Alas ny love you do me ft lar me ofi dis.ourteoulyi ADd I hrvc tov.J you oh so tons Dclichtincin your .omp$y. GRlENsLrEvB w$ my dglighr, CRsN$rÈvls my hcart ol sold cR€ÉNsLrÉvE was my hearr of iov And who 6ùt my Lrdy GRrENrrÉvEs. I hrve bten rÈadyar yÒur hm{l To scnr wharevcrtlìor wouldst crrvri I hxvc sigrd Lottì tifc inJ Land Your love and goodwilllor ro l,rvc. GRlrNsLrEvEw$ ny dcllghr, ClrrÈNsLÈrvsmy heaF of gÒld CReNsLrÈvtrwa: my hearr ofjoy And *ho trùt my Lr,lY GREr'sLfÈvm. Thy pdd.or of scndlcwLng Wnh sold embroidercdgorstoùslyr Thy ocÌÌicor olsll! an! whirc And .lìac Ì Loùghi glrìly. GR:rNsrEvEsw$ ny dclighr, GrrNslùÈvs my heaft of gold cRENaEla wN my heaÍÌ oftoy And who bùt nìy Lrdy GRTENTEÉVÉS. , dlnn$ 0oilù., [o0 Tón lvdi6 lold rùa ORrÌNaErvEs.V/h.i pr.trril! nl p'?vi,,r P.ór.lins P^R^|LELDRiaMs, uhr. uaùiry ù lo ens.Àiq dfL úg tÍi:tqùLLj oîd sponra o6L\ ft.onr,l rÀn da.t ii oia rd[? vi',ù]!r lvr ùh,lii€ ro rl?,r. ir. Hoú.uù, hq! n i5, Îon L M -TANGOTO trVORA ,,,,, Tkù p'(. rdr o'isrdll,- ùJidiurJ ,nd ft@\Ld lo'.tu Natiandl l;ln BML1al Cdnd&\ TH€ BLRN'NC T'Ms, , UOURTYARD LULLABY ,5', I HE (JLD The ihunderins w:v6 Íe .alling nì. hÒmdo yÒo Ttìc pou.Jinc 5ei is .illins me hom€ ro you. ìirlìGltr rÀ( leen nisht sIl On i darl nN ycii5 nichr on rhc w6i dori oI ctarc I heard your votr. s.ginc Your eyesdan.ed rh. onc YÒu! hrùds ptryql rLc iun! Twas a vision b.for. tr,c. Îhc.ourÌyrd $ill in ir5 5lecp AnJ oc,!c .omes ovcr yolr fr.c 'Hctr.d,r pul* .t rhe hnd fhe o.èrnt rtryrlìmi nuLl yoùr hcart n is hù,J To tìL,Ld \fe left rhÈ musi. brl,iid rùd rl\c drn!. ldúieJ oD As !c roLe away to th. stashore Vc smehihe brinc, felr rhc {ind in our hair And with sdncis yÒuFruicJ. AnJ wtìm rhe w nd dúss riDF Tlìe Nishrbtrds.ezsc (lì!ir $n$ Sudd.nly I kn.w rh,r yÒud h,vc b go My world uas not you6, your ers rold mc so Yd h w* ùce I feh rhe (o$roads ofrime And I ronder.d why L.{ nilhr vor soole of, d.c.n whùe {;d.r.J t" rh. -* An,r ea.h bird sans trs nnìs A Uniùrù i{ì tn ? tcaf As we.a$ oùr sÀr on di. tumbLingicr ofihuìdùiig Yd *i[ $me my*.'y bÈt t]s sùrc rs rtìr ù,.k !r)vs ft morn -fh. {orLd ro rilha llsns Ttì! {d ot Fabs o h Lofn 'Dor'( gÒfrr Gom rhe hnd Th. sc*ons hrvc rtln way No moril(.n undùrtrn,l WAYS 55" tìoovc\ rnJ hcfins wins.s As yoù ornrd ro go I lìcrfJ yùu .r my nane. You verc ril<ei bnd in a (se, spr.rding trr TÀ( !hdosr4À5 ohrÀ dpp.dr t' .Àr b@U?rlor rd{rn ar d ló'À (ni!n i!ùns lorlg| ,n n'n,s,l, utu( EltudbdÀF.ón dil , nlyl ior d (&l \y{[ii .À. l.&r 16 d @!r\dr, DdTldJd, .,.h.ornd l.\ o,úsè ia\ rtu iei at tn. dtu înihìù tu al .h. Lr|j.ortrrdÈùfid vÀi.À À!n! m TÀ. clornùr ir N& Yol Clr TÀ. rdrrdriA rfJ 'tu lodlr ar 60r[ nlÀ {,nÀ rdrÀ1. l)(-CÀrrri i.oi,{turÀr .l.pi.ins nìr nùdioù rilr lnr l4rÀ ód. o/ d! iàur lr @a o rhr .orrtur.l rùr ,hr /Ìi(.( ur 'rhe old says arc lo* yoù ens r! you ndw An{l I vonJcrc! shy I +n, I n{, À!u!o( N!! yrarÌ E . in Dooiitr, Connq Cìd , tddnJ etu rdr d!ó, dnl u,a5noB.l 6y.h. ar'iqr4 o/ 'À. $,n. o/ 'Àr .rl.6rdtio Y{ I úi n?r È) ,at rno.ln .|r'. 'Àq nay b. !,L rmndnò o/ IA. orl !ú n/.rins ù/ ' ns@ | M L-YMBELINE .,.I F.r no nìort rhe heat o rh sun Nor rhe furiouswlnÌcri rrscsr lhou rhy lorl'lly us! l,rr donc, Homc ar sone, ,nd ucn thy *ag.s. colden Ladsand snL: 3ll mu$, Thc $cp(d,lcarnins, phyr., nur All lollow thn ind .omc ro,lu$. F.xr no more thc fro*n o rh sreùi lhou art Ès rhc ryfunfs iiùkc. C,r nó nor. ,o clorlìe and eari To th.e thc reed r rs th. oik. The rcpùc,lcarnins, physn, nu{ All n,llrw rLn îd .ómc ro dùs All lw.6 young, ,ll lovtn nìur Consignto rhce and .ome Ìo dur Fearno more rhe liÈh.nins lìr'h, No' rh rllJrcr'l!'l ilìùìdrr $Òncl FcÍ ùor slander,censlrc mshì Thou ha* iinnhed joy and moin AIL l{ry$ young, rll l.vùs mùr Consicn.o thee and .ome to dur. Hù, d* Wiuidn Shd{ù/i&rtr r,Ìo!sÀù otr tÀ! rarÀlr !iJù. îÀi5 iona r.tr5 holra5 ,he ?^J 0/ /rn i,tuid ddr CYM8TL'NE ohi.h ur 0nr.i trdr rhr e al tn duthnis lifu. îtu l,la! n:ú 'narci.ri B di^ uhci.À. Rondú u.i! inldJii! ,L? ldr rèndinirs ortp t,t tu oUcìnr ordr L.M I HAVE IONC CONSIDEREDrÀsftzÌiu€ inr re 'o bc d ,6ir o thi^s ol |tace, ^at úînarded ú DMPa e nr.h 6 aùan '1., -:'wha ,rcrirPd lot. A rhiry, dLe, ol n\!a k thí\, d d uhd is hael so d.t s [nùàù d .h? isrÍ o/ rhe rd] ol sÀniL. î[ú retrdins dplkr rms o/ rÀzt n]s.rr. h L@kú wlL into th. eanid .6rm inflk nm ol tÀ! ccl8, ÌÀ. iilclii.dd ,hzt ú.1 s@nedJtm 6 laî o@t 6 t^diL belarebeia dtiw @ th. uqtn Nrcú' ol Ewpe in .Ae&itill Isi.r. WirlÌ rÀ"t n6i.dl intuf,..s dné rit"aL atùrd bn.h a d deathe^ich dea.en^e bnd d hob and húnEd; rtn Lì(. ìt*V 6 o lisn. AIrrudrèr, ore's euL nichr nù. to tnÒrÈ.rtLd c. ù tnotlcr lùn - pÍhats a ùee. T^e CelB Ln$ nau, a deep .hs,6 ùe ore rluninc ftsbzd lú dLl rú Lit' drÒundth2n. Thk 'drdins aPireJ io be no.ltr€ $ ncl d o relledior inta the @e al thev tiine:. vù-r sp.ciù!thhl<' to Briar Huch*, hll ly{ipcr, JoÀnwà)nd, ÀúÀd Floh,l,Gralan Hmd5n, Sm.i M.Koftn, Elisò.ú FsrJn, Dill &ke, Bob St4nP, Tin lvi|Jor, îÀm stdnmr, Ro$ Pdrd, rÀe@ll a s.u/io J06 dnd In@prionSornd, dnd rh! ndnr o.tur 0À^? dd.i!é "!i(ùf .atu ró b?dr m ún îhanl^, tód, to Feeivdl Recù&. ond U/anù Mwic Òl CirÀAa br úen ùùtaiútic :uppatÌLOREENA MCKFNNìTT GIR eunrar noao lrcduced by Lolena McKennnt có by Brian Hughs All ra.|(s Éorded and mixed byJcf\vol Fù at lnc.piion Sound, Toro nto. AdditiÒn il dordinc by John V/hynot ar Studrc 106, Tor onto, and Avenue Studìos,Hamilron. MKùèd b! cú.ge cB\6 r r"<rf ;,"..:-."." " ".."... 16( ;;;Í,ii;;.i;;r;;.J. Eg Desisnby S.où McKo*en, All phorq'phs @ hy Elú,bcthFèivn, tak.n on ldarion at QuinG Dss Torrcs, @ @ 199I QUINIAN ROAD _lfyouwouldlike to knownroreabour LÒrèera McKcrnlr andhèrmùsi.Òr receive regularnnilinAs.bourherconcens, pleaFsenda rou^ andreco.dingactì!ities, elf-addrc$edeóvelÒpe rd QuinlrnRord, RR5.R)x 933,Súatford. Ontrrio.Can&la, N5A 7M3." @ {D ,.-,,o.a.o .."'"tr.8,E,8 @ ',*"a.a