Student Ambassador Program Biography Form 0
Student Ambassador Program Biography Form 0
N:lll1e: Abigail TCllnigon C;r:lJc: I{)'h Student Ambassador Program Biography Form ((I-IS Cdl: (817) 897 -7497 1 ~inCt: ,\ Z·rcnnison@m:> I\'e ne\'er li\'cc! anywhere but here, I'\,e :lhva~':> thought of my house ;IS more of a homc. It's a comfy, family frict1dlv and two story Jwelling that resides in a little neighborhood the cit~· of North RichlanJ Hills once named Steeple Ridge. 1. 1\ I~' ncigh borhood is ~)Jle of thc oldest in the cit~-, and I wouldn't ckw bt if the p<.:oplc \V ho livc hen: arc too. J\lthough you Jon't sec huge mansions scaling up every l110nth in Steeple Ridg<.:, the neighborhood i:;; still rich in personality. The thing 1 loYe most is the charisma, from the jm-i<ll fnces to the plcasnnt wa\-cs, everyone herc is like fnmil;; . .'!, \Vhell asked what I parricipntt: in, many differellt \Tnturcs come to minJ because of m~' nlthcr Iw;ci()t1~ iln'olvemcllt outside of classes throughout thc yenrs. I've been im'o!\-cu in mnny sections of the school, such as Choir, Volleyball, Studcnt Council, :lnd 1110st recently Bro:ldcast Journalism bene! knmvn as NDN-"r\'_ The last (\\,0 an: rhe only (:~tra-curricular acti\·icjes , curren rl~' t3kc part in, ~'et Im- pn:TioLls c-ndean)(s were a great c~perience ;It getting associated with the atmo:>phcrc as well as my pelTS. --1 J\lost recently I had the honor of recciving a place ill Keller High School chapter of Nation Honor Soci(;ty. hom recei\' ing the tlualifica{ion notice to the rigorou:> application p:lcket of accomplishmcnts, I had the grati ficf! tion of getting to walk across the stage on April 26th to be inducted as one of the Class of 20'12 newh' elected members. 5 I am a 16 year old ,\um of four nephews and one niece from the ages of I to 10. Being the \"(Hln.!4esr of the fa mil~' I get to cxperience whac its like to ha\'(:, little siblings, \vithou t to anxiety of living with one sun up to SUll dowl1. Yet I still get Co han: an imprint in thcir fn:shly molding lives by setting a vast example fwm them in hO\v I lead In~' Life. The chance to teach Litt.le ones so ncar anu dear to my heart is life changing for not only the kidos, but for me e\'en more so. 0 Ell1il~' Blair Tennison is a well known name around the tOWll a f Keller, and beC:1lJse 0 f this renowned reputation I pick hcr, my sister, as my biggest role model. The most !tn-ing, outgoing allJ headstrong women I han' e\-cr had the pleasure of knowing, has shown mc life as it should be li\'cJ, through the good times :lnc! the bad. ,\Iways going for what she wants and nc\'Cr accepting fililurc, I:,mily is full of life lessons I have slowly caught onto li\-ing by. 7 ;\11 my childhood I would visit a In:1gic<llland JUSt off thc west coast of I'-lorida h:· rhe namc of Sanibel Island. 1\0111 shelling to bikc rilling :lcross jrs 30 mile long paramcters. I 100·c the memories I have stored in Ill;: memory bank for the rest of m~' life from this land. Student Ambassador Program Biography Fonn Name: ,\big, Tennison C; mue: 10'h I"':HS r\ 7' 1'cl1n i~on@ 1l1~ n.C( >111 Cell: (817) K97 -7497 Onc thing I've always wamed to uo is tra vel on a Jllis~ion trip, to any country in need of a helping hane!. 1 know (hat making a difference in anOTher person's life trumps the pleasure, of a vacation anr day. S- i\!arh. !\!arh is straight forward, to the point, always right rC( challenging :lnd scruplllou,~ at times, and fur aU this I enjoy learning it the most, The stimulating of the brain makes the subject seem of value, while the formulas and calculators helr it stay easy to grasp and hold on(O. The :lTlswcrs of math arc: definite 'llld one number, unlike the answers of science or hisror;.' that can't be proven and :lren't always correct. I like C()l1SistC'IlCy, so above all I like i\-fath. 9- Once I gradu:1te I'd like to attend Okbhoma State U ni\·ersity and major in commtlllication and technolQgr in the class of 201 6. hom the time of my sister's first visit to the future acccptance letter of my own, OSU h:ls had tlw fcd of n college town and the camaraderie J yearn to be a part of. B:lscd on the incerest I take in computers as well as otl1C'r cxrcrience~, J feci (his major suits \vhat I like: best anu how 1 feci my GlrCct parh will take me. 10- With a lack of ph;.'sic;11 talclH, other than mad \'olkyball skills back in the day. I feci as though m~' most bcneficial hidden talent :It this time is m:' ability of perception, [ am a \'cry obsclT:1ot person who pays attention to detail better [hen most of the om headed adolescence my agc. I J- The 8'11 grade was;"l struggle for me, .Just h:n'ing been introduced to nc\v :lSpt:cts oflifc" I was a lost little 13 veal' old tryinp to find her wa\,. In this mess of middle school one thing J .I ~ ..,taid consistent, l\lr::;. Corn. She \vas ,I 11 kind lady who lived by the moto "Never judge :l book by i[.., cover" and looking back now. I lo\'c her for that. l.acking appreciation for it at the time, [ learned many' life lessons about purring the past in thc past anu growing from mistakes. No longer a P<lrt of the l"':dler school district, I don't get to sec l\1r5, Corn very oftell. But when those days come to mind, so do her words of encQuragcmellt that made me the person I am today, Teacher Form ~[i~~=7 Recommendation /!L',~ ///j;, 7:';£fj~;,;1 Student's Name: Grade: ff BYp' " This Recommendation Completed . /" ". ~.' / Please rate the student on each of the following areas of personal competence: (Please check the <lppropriate box) Grasps fundamental ideas and concepts' ®Above Average Integrates complex information: [0" Above Aver<Jge Completes assignments: [j2( Accepts conslrucHve CrItiCism: [!] Average Average o Average bove Average ~bove Assumes responSibility: o o o Average Average o .'\verage Above Average 0 0 Below Average DNIA Below Average DN/A 0 Below Average ONIA 0 0 Below Average DNIA Below Average DNIA [k(Above Average o Average o BeloW Average ~bove Average o Average o Below Average Is mohvated to achieve: Has good work habits; is diSCiplined: o Average o Below Average o Average 0 Below Average Has positive sense of self: [E(Above Average Is reliable and trustworthy: gAbove Average Demonstrates leadership qualities: 52f Above Averege o Average ~bove Average o Average Follows dis1rict & campus expectations: 0 0 ONIA DNIA ON/A DNIA Below Average ONIA Below Average DN/A l ru' II i~I,h "",', ""', ..... ' I 11'''1 II,i~ " '" I", 'I I""" ",_,i, I,.,.", I I, ," II", "..II",. I."" I) :-iI'" 10-1 ,I \ r,,1 "',,'" I",. 1'1'1 ';':'-'"'' Teacher's Statement Special consideralion should be given \0 this student bec<luse: ,,; /~/ .~I/~A/ltfb/~':' .,. /-,.. ~ !:~ ;://Y/;:0~/ ,I!., /.-'~) >/£/4,;-' ,..y;6,. /~;Jf/:) //:' /, ;/ / :A: /4::'/' /7 'j:,'/I~i' ~:,;/~>4:':;' /.//.( '?/'t:, /1 h' /;1.' /'1 ,. r~;;: j;, / "/",''/ ,, , //.' ""1 ~/ ~., f 1/ -'/".rh .,/-,.1 /. '. Signature ..-, '" ./.!~z,/, PLEASE RETURN TO STUDENT TO INCLlJDE ,. '/b'0 ,/ "~ I~APPI)C'ATJON h "(j/;) Da te /! PACKET. A SEALED ENVELOPE MAY BE USED, J'''/-V ./