2000-05 Poai Puni Series
2000-05 Poai Puni Series
Kanaka lkaika Poai Puni Series B~ Bill Danford T / hirty-nine men ranging in age from 19 years, Karel Tresnak, ro Tay Perry, Norm Dunmire, Norman Ho in their early 60,, along with 14 women mnging in maturity from teenager Lind,ey Noren~' to Paula Crabb, have been participating in race · since January in open ocean competition in the 0-1, 0-2 and urf ski open and age group divi>ion in the Kanaka lkaika Poai Puni Series. Tresnak, la>t year's tarbuck' Molokai World Champion hip 0-1 Open Men's paddler and summer addition 10 our Club' Intermediate member· hip, i the leader of the Poai Puni Point eric;. Karel also traveled ro New Zealand on ~larch 5 where he competed agamst the be t 0- 1canoe competiiOrs below the equator and won first over all in the men's open clivi ion. For those of our member hip who know of his work ethic, it is not surprising rim he is able 10 train, stay enrolled as a full-time stu· dent at UH lvlanoa, work in Tresnak Senior's shop, and live a normal life. His closest competition is his mc· ing partner Kai Bardell, and of course, our own pa r World Champion Mark Rigg. Donna Kahakui continues to hold on to her tide although she was defeated by a Big Island competitor in a race from Hawaii Kai to the urf Club Halau on March 5. This only make; for a better econd half of racing and the eventual state champion hip on May I-I, and the solo world championship title on May 28 across the Molokai or Kaiwi Channel. All in all, Club participant have fared very well in the open men and women's divisions as well as the age group 0-1 and surf ski competition. Karel Tresnak and Donna Kahakui lead the open division point series through six races in the 0- 1 category along with perennial top five finishers Walter Guild and Mark Rigg. In rhe urf ki open men's division, OCC member ean Monahan and jim Beaton continue to be in the top five spots along with Bill Bright, Kala Judd and David Buck in the age group division standings. Other tandout club participant in rhc 0-1 canoe cia Billy Balding, Andrew Glatzcl, Chris Kincaid, Courtney Seto, Jeff Metzger, Gaylord Wilcox, Chri · Crabb, Paula Crabb, Mary Smolenski and Tay Perry. e~t-~ff\,yic-1464ip le~c-e6 Preparing for the Oahu, Stare and Molokai ei•enrs are Torn Allen, lan Foreseer, Mark Sandi'Oid, Marc Haine, Howard \\lord, \XIalrer Guild and Mark Rigg. OCC participants arc: 0- 1 Men Billy Balding Todd Bradley Bret Chuckovich Chris Crabb Nonnan Dunmire John Finney Andrew Glatzcl Walter Guild Marc Haine Todd Hart Byron Ho Norman Ho M Ma.grj~~~ Smi Kell Summer . .. july 24 - 30, 2000 Kayakers and OC 1s ay is show rime as rhe oneman canoe and kayak ea· son culminate with the big races. The popular Kaiwi Challenge has paddlers making open ocean changes on one-man or two-man outrigger canoes as reams race from Molokai ro Oahu. 1999 champions Mark Rigg and Marc Haine will have to usc all of their experience to hold off the tide of youth which appears to be flooding rhe elite ranks. The course for Kanaka lkaika's State Champion hips has changed this year, raking racers on a favorable downhill run from Hawaii Kai ro Ewa Beach Park. Finally, Dean Gardiner and Karel Tresnak, Jr. will defend their 1999 title in rhe kayak and oneman division of Kanaka lkaika's Mark Eliashof Kala Judd Jim Kincaid Nalu Kukea Sean Monahan Marshall Rosa Tim Twigg-Smirh Surf Ski Women jennifer Bossert Su an Brown Kelsey Buell Lindsey Norcross THINK AHEAD Thas Month for By Genie Kincaid T.1pa Worthingron 0- 1 Women Paula Crabb Kelly Fey Donna Kahakui Gay Mcphail Tracy Selling ~ lary Smolenski Surf Ski Men Tom Allen jim Bcaron Bill Bright David Buck Bill Danford Chris Kincaid lkaika Kincaid Eric Levora Rick Lcton Scot Mcphail Jeff Met:ger George Pray Tay Perry Mark Rigg Gregg RobertSon Mark Sandvold Courtney Seto Ray Suganuma Karel Tresnak Gaylord Wilcox solo crossing from Molokai ro Oahu. Here are the key dates for this month: May 7 Kaiwi Challenge sponsored by CanoeSporrs. Molokai to Outrigger Canoe Club, 40 miles OC1 (2 paddlers) and OC2 (3 person teams) only. May 14 State Championship spon ored by Kanaka lkaika. Hawaii Kai to Ewa Beach Park, 20 miles. OCI, OC2 and surfskis. May 28 Molokai Solo Challenge sponsored by Kanaka lkaika. Molokai ro Hawaii Kai Towne Center, 32m· OC2 and sur 0 "Winners' Camp is one of the best investments we made in our son, Koa. The parent day seminar was worth the tuition in itselfl E1·ery family can usc the tools taught at Winners' Camp to get through the challenging teen years". Lrmi Ynkimum, Koa's Mom, Koa Yukimura, I!J!JB Krmai 1/igb Scboo! Graduate . Hawaii l'acijic University ..One of the most significant lessons I learned at Winners' Camp is that ·we cannot escape the results of our actions, we get what we give·. I hare been giren so much and I want to girc back to my Island community by becoming a Psychologist and work with teens and their families ... 1999 Pnnabou Graduate, Mnm Pavich · Uui11ersity ofRed!muls WINNERS' PeiSOilal and Atademic Success Ule-Skills Training for Teenagers U T R G G To request a brochure and application for your frunily, please call: Winners' C:unp hot line at 263-6909 Visit tis at: www.whmerscamp.com E R P A G E •• C\NCC& DE MAYO FRIDAY, MAY 5 DINNER BUFFET ON THE HAU TERRACE PROVIDED BY CHOLO'S RESTAURANT 6- 8 p.m. Publi hed by the Outrigger Canoe Club 2909 Kalakaua Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 Phone: 923- 1585/921- 1485 Fax: 92 1-1414 Dining Room: 921- 1444 Beach Attendants: 92 1-1460 Logo Shop: 921-1432 hnp:/Anlw.outri!\,~Crcanocclub.com Directors Taco Fish Taco Chicken Enchilada Beef Burrito Taqulto Tortilla Chips &. Salsa Rice Black Beans Guacamole Sour Cream $13.75 + tax + service charge per person Karl llc1·cr IV, /'resident llal llcndcrson, l'ice·l'resitleut Jorcc Timpson, Vice President l'ctcr ~onagc, Secretmy Chris McKenzie, Treasurer Jimmr Mc.ltahon, 1/isloricnl john )tarshall, /louse Glenn l'eny, Building & Grouuds Greg Moss,Atbletics 1iarc Richcn·f1nncr, Entertaimnent jaren llancock, Lcng Range l'lmwingl tlsst. Treasurer Sue Tctmcycr, Public Relations Uzl'erry, Admissions & Membersbipl Ass/. Secretary• Standi ng Committees STROLLING MARIACHI BAND MARGARITA HUT Standard Margarita 3.00 Shot Tequila 2.50 Cuervo Gold Margarita 4.00 Shot 3.00 Cuervo 1800 Margarita 4. 75 Shot 3.75 Cabo Wabo Margarita 5.50 Shot 4 .50 AI Serafin,Admissious & .ltembersbij! Bill Danford, Athletics Bob Dc\\112, Building & Grounds Suzy llemmings, Entertainment joan Shibura, Finm1cc Paul Dolan, 1/istoricnl Richard Ferguson, fiOIISe Dick Grimm, lcng Range !'limning B:ub:ua Del Piano, Public ReilltiOIIS Management Staff john R. Rader Jr., General .ttnnnger Gordon Smith, Compiroller Donald Figueira, Food & BmJrnge Da1id Kuh, ClubiJOuse Manager Manfred l'irschcr, E.reculive Cbef Debbie Stanley, E.recutiue Secretary joanne llubcr, Secretary Outrigger Staff Maril)n Kali, Editor Fax: 833·1;91 email: [email protected] Gerry Dellcnedcui, Assistant Editor Corona Beer 3.00 Hau Terrace and Lounge- Open Seadng Koa Lanai - Regular Menu Pam DaliS,tltfL'erlisi11g On rhe Cover: OCC one-man canoers and surf skiers txuldle around rhe Diamond Head Buoy in preparation for rhe upcoming Oahu, Scare and Molokai championships. Srory on page II . Phoro by Joss (Wtvtv.hawaiiphorosessions.com) @ Phone: 734·1622 Fax: 734·2370 Email: pdalis@lal'a.net PRit."TTID ON RECYCLED PAPHR PllmD Ill UWAII 11te Outrigger Canoe Club Designed & Printed by Obun llall'aii, Inc. Presorted Standard US Postage PAID Permit No. 174 Honolulu, Hawaii 2909 Kalakaua Avenue llonolulu, llawaii 96815 iI; L!IIIII iII i Ill i.!; I; I;;; Iii; I; li ILIi Ill; II; li; i;; ilill iI I :t: :~: :t::t:.'t:.'t: :t:.'t: :t:."t::t::j,·:~::n::t::t::t::t::t::t: :t::t::t::t::t::t::t:£CRL 0 T:t::t:COO? PAUL A DOLAN 501 HAHAIONE STREET #8H HONOLULU HI 96825-1447