Byker Phoenix. Issue 08
Byker Phoenix. Issue 08
VP(|trtQ U L\AlJx ==,q71rfA Ll-lGQ; I Vlts\l-l UTH& IDSPLAY tEGTIONSPTCM ABYffi SGHOO illlros NTERTANNUENl Drnuaes EVYS [NF@RMAI|[@N su)ff filstir':rl GITENTN]ImE PINT FUR,{ STSRY fuy'4ye!S. 2 D D trtrtr job differenr husbdd) is Io' ' ln a4a house) soins uith 6) are rcvins . '.'L oo.:n; ..-i jc r€sr€t (dd thei; lihl.enr even the rmilies BEEfrEffiSfavu'ife btherdepaltuefrcn ftrdyoouncillorfil "5 L"hou 4qc:rlo! rol:tN colruclry enjq dd lndlvldual yoE 1e1sEe ressle, . Iplssedclehlsd's*E.eUofkl@ llAllT sf h spi!1t te!, r,tn@rnshlre, r once aqainst the top of Ms stedins : I crosed ny eyes and say, ' b'rt lesPecttvely, swe ad r@ +d. ! co@ctrm of cod*ed nltk to brs tnere outstde oeen sa.r<s of eotaEes, .olleddohtod-lsplaythequllLyof ofLa rs.tded by boys rlucrer fires, tn the laes ar nlght; 6e could hdve ones hat! at f@ 2d. _ boys rd- r 'coiqned' ny qoEd iDto ralke Rod by tbe ?1voli ,he!e I stopF€d for a !estrt Es there that uas a ,cuy tomr d at tne flvou netreek-Bobcepbelrllthede reqqed copFs Hith the oe reqqed Road/cffieciar at therr Road, alton elrredues by ,a*e! street, I nGt renarlbs Road jo]ney- (h6p) ,doon the ba.i, (or co.kins as re 'htte r notlced sheet cwerinq rhat o.€ hoNe had the qras lqeu it) rt'ere I pdyb&aeasbigds trsson e of hy goud for 2& (mrth aboc lp ln nodeh, rcney)i her shop {as 60 bad gather€d d etther of neighbous stde of the :n:;"ff.:T::fi.:Li'!#l,'n cratterinq over the louqh colble ,rth jdelnlg bortles, srn!o11.ofthe Contd.Page a( AM "r*."i qAN$r$q €l5Hl'Jq - rue ueLL Dl Yl rulltt an 4A'pr'"q T. stmes again to pl6qe i'to.the 'ny do]rd r cdded "toct,.q.L"* apFtishqsrelloffishedcnlpset RosYBucxlstflshy'.J$tthat several smll boys re trto th' $on dt aqain sdt$q dd tmdiatelY "Ha'Erv fiala raeclv theY'd s! h hasinatldr 6, chipsr" if -y"i Youtd browht ![d fallinqs fiaino those altemate sq@ezanq c bovs rrm a" p'd-t *!. "t.1."''rrc'=tprccamn"a. You ";. ai. -"iir u,v rrr".*ep*'+r* AlrthismdndYothern@r€s os|enstbryocopYinqaboutacoupre as r ldked once aqe sedds thatghastlyedlfice rere aH&e of nodem tlaff ?.. dce street shlprey ed i@"1d'h.d' tn" s"iai.r'. at cnorc t."n r"ut, 1*p. "r ;"L".te the}essba{dyparts.hdher domRanYstreetbuttnmed lnto convels Road then raloriouslv ks ('r.v td-t' . - "ury. i s:de3 rhat Are ths Feuld opera rlaritma' aqau H.5"#:*'* i.:"sJi:::"13"$ .fees|.PerhapstbisdassupPosedto be o rntoved Bvker, a qlass eYe' sa, a dog {rt! the skY' ln saH a l@k€Y ldth de huadled leqs' dab saw a sawacatt}atbeqs°s' by Paul Pleston, 10. ueu hdrinq - that 6 the uall a feH {eek6 aqo !r lt ls a qreat success' lha.ksrutq6toB111yddhseD.dd3 thinq every reek ad do€sn L enjov rt ({e evd hde d dechirphqhtnercrning de cls "h1cn stalted thecdmrdtycmtle @ do a slod job sdlq). It nust at a great b19 daP€. the sirls notid ld:m dd r Mt itro nake a loverY oP of tea. (I I t}lnq ltlld refl {er1). dtd doths rhi;I rs a nlce ldea - 11 It is You blr.hday dy daY that {ek You ee gtva a birthdav cald 4d vou turi report on life atthetop,special fortheprotection Gommittee of theBureacracy Atarecentrc€tinqofthecmitt€e raughing Jacn tiseducarion 1n the uncivil cantlet ir uas generalry aqreed tr|ar nb depdnqt uritirq the articr€s orTtcq brrQ' ofnce thffielves. R$y street schmr uas hdd€d in) nay of Byks (see Phoaif, t paqe 24) l,I'l"l'Ll) 659591 CARRICKSTREET FOR a &e(&mm@&M@VA&E eqq6@ig%e^ ?ff^:,i:#^,;**"F* l,llssl||q 3 ?Gt3cal5 5f eai t i 39.ei/ e'.!.d FP I '' ii ;'iii! 4 gg ,f s{r # 3 dS ft YES CArtaAglE, Trl\ uA||DsghE, a]ro ta(r, irt.r Fls MCa^oRtr/ 1q & is 3 . s , :t 5 , NlrttsDllTrtl;'l'lllN r;ltOlllr -*'no" c"^*tt* t.,r.. *-.i ."4.ryr ;-, ih." -. nt*k.d "r.'1"a.:lr.'"d''BUT- ry u*t tni .rti 't.t 'r v", !9se t" '"'" ,,i.q r'.': ir ni"aq-q'" +"*rt"ffv"''* !n..t tt'"- t' * rcne iou uvt suerf ' a' --*r comcirror3 \!hat enlored then+rle<' Dolica ), -ir".."- t Mo so hord a one-ddv L!!9 glLt / "."i". e.u"" ddd) 'ho !o!!o b'..t..'*"_h* pr".." tn"..a..""."qn.rv"ut""t.evo* c.-'itt" aq"n" tn. i"t". r^rv c$pdEr rd o1€* t.ti Lrd/or "*;'v -. a**orrc -..-^*'1'1 ;.*rtt- d adrof Grcup ts -1unq iqe o uo"a. th*.r 6"c.d ,.pp." .! t": " Tf::.:,, rc eicgrt fte Nr*rv en Yd !e se arj ,ou ve 19:t r'nronr 5 ..1ro of au) You!39 {te1; r1210 ( Jork) ) $Nod !'5' f 7 of tos tno Ecobt to achd16dg6 I d vrlitns tchool!1m to tlE n'.dJl€ of tho Fp1'c@!r rULllg PrbEty School &d io t€l-1 vd thaL to! Lh€ n b!' SIML tld' T h^e6 asl6d tn€ Lord x@! io.pptu% ry db.n stl4 in6 lhe& of th6 dbatld C.dtt.. to tb€ ldt e.itts cu t6 scoEln€!.d. eit6r trtll i*e 1n. lo€itnS of ih6 Educatlon Codti.s 6f 1.i ,ns€ od I sb,.lt b€ h6!Fv o! ihe afteo@ dic. tt spFsdtEtlv€d to tE [email protected] lo! th6 !.tlitd io ,r.!so Croup 1! iho cous. of tlE I.?bm@!, of ihe &Ld liatlon io speak to th3 p.tttlon. ud fo! on6 !.p!6!@bttr6 1€t Fu d to Iai* I vr]1 Set h toeh tlth Fu a 1itiI€ bav€ !o!€ prcc16. d6tdLk 6 io iho ti@ da pLc€ ^a Yous r -=.-;1*.,; ^rt$:" -t -^rSY--q :::::-'S11"':""r t*mrot;tkt Clty tr irlir,on:r'rrri""" ^-tSY..;j::: *tqffi,ffi";".'i;.t#,-i $.;*''' ;-i e bNr PW q.;i.: ; .-- ,;.- ;:i ;i.-p.ii io e-. I I v ^$.^4 i" s' ,11e--t!'-:r.""r - f f i - i F:--':- f-S-SP ii-r;;l:';aii €!F., i;i;n'-n , i : n : " S 4 -c d1, l ] ! ! di i ,,rr. gl'trrP ; 6; Tiia r Il I II I dvrn, ; j : ' : stntno :.:.,::::-', th- 1,:.'---y: exceFt the cost of F€per and/or paint te rrear that IEIgI-9!l!4s! oi"t.' rNorfork e.-.t F.;try Frace It - dth upon she spread maltclou qosslF 'l'DD$H0lll' ;pirrg to fho E{BRHBSlrbniosr'rfilrrr' fhnt lrcs fil ho onllod lrOfd Itnhy$frcr:tI rid of h1n b€ca6e (ue cmend he feers he .e oE leaders to rook at the ,Private Eye, for a intsesting dM on Jin carbqhs). ",.\r no M- s.r it t", c..11'*" o (Noted f,lom the ninut€s tHllli' -4i\- 1 The Liltle Shop Wiih The BIG Reputation WAtsD8 EUIOtsE P E R S O N A LS E R V I C E AE PLEASANTLYSERVED r,rve c,:or\,orcss ha wtoors( ' !o l5 ar|r{vocsAct 1$e M"NiED _t6 q6 tson rh 4or|l( cEL!$nAre T|rnob $c,tcKs A'1 TAe VrCAfa I Compare our plices is bali.ving 20\22 sHtELDsRoAD BYKER.NrC654819 FEST'HVAH-, ea6 NHWVS Ftsfl-sflaP wed,thurs,tri andsat DlNllER tue,wed,lhuls,f ri, andsat NIGHT OU[I[ PWs OUArlflTl IS OURbNG 'HOWAYthe lads lora qood feedat BELLs of gyk;r' EUEilOEERd, JOHN HINDMABS C I U M E M B E R SA R E WELCOME FUNEBAL DIRECTORS 155 RABYSTREET NEWCASILEuponTYNENE6 2DN EilrEmenaGilr y serunDe c I '":l$n* toe Oay or night Telephone 655O12or663715 R E S T C H A P EL AVAILABLE o ^ lllflz-. HDiATICAI, AUIz A tctrt aurc ffi-ffiffilf-!ffi a tereglaph re&hs 301b. Prs half r ter€graph rhat 1s the re1qht of a teleqraph :ths of its 5 hd strike half bY ,7, Mat l@s to stltke is 10? 45nphsdthenext rhere,s this frog to qo coultlnq. frist a jup, FEs 11 r c a Jmp of 5 feet the 2] feet the secoid, 1t feet Hru Br 6Er Jmps harf each other. SEoli A lvlltlNEB YOUB WITTT BACK EOOKMAKEB LOCAL BRO'S KINDNESS 8 , B RI N K B U R NH O U S E lr0o:rl $ht4l OFF LICENCE FRIENDLY MEMB€F OF B.P.A- NDBA. CHEAP SERVICE GROCERIES YOUB PANTRYON THE ESTATE HORSE DOGS FOOTBALL FURNESS 211,RABYSTREET fl WMhWWVMffiWEWW 1. &gsqlEs1la-alrli!3!:sg las tesD s@ted lo! t!€ uso of shi4ev larr fo! llsila lemissto tEh€r " p"*uil..t duyetorp ror 2' ohil&s on 1@mns€ 4 veet. at shipLsv !tr1. d€;ar16 frcd ihs Bvke' & usator Recrearron^Esocia{ron Th€ folloyilg p1@ins 26t srd€lds 4oad (coEor Rr.d) shier& PoavAleFnd - Fopod€d ue Lsd ioud€i! bY nM,k RosEBack srrestrFemulh - elodrton of ? uit tolk8hop6 of 500, lrom ad,1'500 sq.!t. llbion Ro{ (patt ot fornsr DonestogF.ctory) A@ Str€€t' 2- hara b€@ rscstved:j epplications OEeb]ln of !!ai6@ 3s e prcloseit of iotor *. fo! Yhoreel€ didrirrution vshiole conpoledg. e*ction of 2 sto!€y office tlook vilh l,aaiBon Comitt€€ topicd r€!€ net o! r? I'14;n ,b{in ihe lollorins ;omittee rI€ liaism ols slao€ ed s@i llto. st!.€t C.P.o. fton lbe tuxorsins laisoa 0!6 I6EtirBl. nsdev6loFat; Prcsr€EE on the R.o.estion: fton th6 Citv rction cdt!€ of ii ths itetailsil nintes ete aEilane De!a*nd+ . P1si,€ or ae smarised of th€ lieieon comit+ge nerd on ilre 14lpri1 t€bil6 PJ BLrr lbe r,. shipl the dorairso arnuteE PaR cstn 4d ihe rctro! c@rre. ryier comuity 1- i{e|,rc Md or&! Iork€ Yor D'd hav6 f,orks baa€ ld star,€d! si6se of t{eirrrcla+ad 4he tiAi nBr nenv $ieet. noad' noticeit a lot of h4rd oore rrein€ 1dd lahird Shield€ otf the Thi€ ris trre r)ssjDins or. n€e Nad,hic,h til1 taks ile tBffio eadtuanv ioin u! Eith . "J*-*+ nl"r or raty s+ft€t ad {hich rill 'r J)rd u'dPr Lhel€11' FsssE !b€ rc@iruns ldsto of Rdbv strc"l,' th€!6 'B's 'or ji€tro ans stans u nid-rriJ [h€ f!_6r ar€. Drsi .be 'ime1 cd bo t6 ned the olq Police station Eo ihat a {iu a f€lce ti11 be put rlhe' th6 so.] stdtsr ove; tr." top. a ner ead tdlt uo aNmd Ln€ Xo!rc sLl,s hu! you ri-l ta able ro colri' br sL!€3! a g€L to sbre_ds Ro& el ons an" Irno o" *e.1 c -* ,i, *-s tle ir sJr.erj i! particuld sona of von yitr hav€ noricsii orher 'I€oinsF{nt, frcf, ooe of rh3 dt$ rro ts Rosi. fac6 @md a Eil,€ on hu€r brp s"; -n" sat"r 16 he'.s rdd hy xo'rnubrr4 'd'i.; th. no!!" The nev €e'er YilI conect w io all the eriEtirg seYe.s' rdv lutholity. in a}oui thlee {hen Yolk is conll€t€' or xbich dischalge into the Tyner Tn€s!1eonfl6.]a"lRoadlbonsolss!sE1ddrathrcu€' lhr€ Eite a nachjie hrrils€Llije rhe c r fFn iLc\ Th€ iic6€1i6 Roai. of st. m-Fli}e n1l bior. ie ral.@ rine xiIl rF6! of tbe nlr iars abour 9 no,lhs ad tbe .*"e-r* etigiina se{€rE' into i! layins the ner ssr€! !i!e itgelf d{r comectlna c@tlnued d Pas: la H,HAHSON COMMITTEE NOTES 'i.j.." i'Ji'i:='r ji'fr,.iiffi+iii; sirce the rast tire.vdu *--= vo:::::::-::: " ;"*i;L"* :,; , ""Y '1,,:'i.:*^ l ;".'. ;, ::_r:".:-:, ^ ;.1: :; -:.:.. .: .'",:i,:*.-.1 trr.:-" :"::,::,1^'"l;;;.""F *'" '' #i.; ' {I-,1 .3i,"""; ".::"j"'i :;"rr;-w";,^?'"ii!^'*'" ;;i.#fl;:*."i..;:., *"",! *-"-ryf--i:'=f' - 10 ch dre. sder shi'rer Frace/Norfork ssare Hcadtram1106"/relioi HdY/ll1Ghl! FdiM Ldelr4norough cr*i r4ut tce' -ii -li -lo r ?tL lloor, Ter,23tJ0 - Eten-ions 4bb! lb/. civic oenira, 14 rl H,ETTEMS ELSIE'SBAKERY B YS T R E E T dd sasele$ry !_13!9!!9!eg nv piseons. crinl.attheEastvieNclidctAYton staeet ed for fronsnalrbeqinntnqs Byker dea ue ,!sh to thdk then arl actsinthlsdlstrict vas ,hen he judqed the galned th€ resFect ed assrst dd w€ {ish hin a 1on9 ed &tDys lbfloRE 95, ST PETERSROAO r have just received fron the the Bvker Phdl* !y brothef riw6 on Bssd Road ed djoyed the alttc1e bv r espe.lauy about Byke tn the Nll1ids Irthu pass on ny cdplinsts vritten dd djoyabre FORYOURNEWSPAPERS I PERroDlcAts& coMlcs BY OUR G€T YOUFSDELIVERED TEAM OF FffI9.LENJ t€wsBoYs for a verv re1r piece. IN BYKER A}.IYWHERE *.g.o"1""r. ioen sms up the 2." coq * laslders ihr" * rv thir .r'"P *u"n r. rc a'rd the 3mst of dk i" d"rnq plltpstopaPer. nore dtErlty e1&rry a rlitle qnintddrns. thelr experiences. *s dd Ilnaqlnethatyoupubucatidisfu by offerinq M article or prece alort rgelsnylnterest obvlos that thls 1s You tntatid too. IaY I utsh You the best of luck a nd eat a ttn of (1tl a cat klck dM a hoGe' Kat' tts (a{E(Ds TE{$SE TDAYS FURN GOOD PRIC T e t :6 5 0 3 2 4I 6 5 8 5 4 4 bY ArthE {trrims. get s@ up of sdt ,Byker Brldqei is just the lnsptuat1@, uaitnrs to tonE}enatlersrcrsethekeysbeqin "'v ldeas of By this tire, to c€6e. typ*iterrsdatrcciousperrel. even luse tt Right! ny articre bridse. splttlnq' I m nd 1s tbtarly splutterins coNlrcedlthat is rcw dist.acted h, rhs of those gr@d floor d@rs being the vehicLes 'l1l leare Perhaps I e just 1n this d1rection. noile, bY the iraqinhq a1r thrs that of the .heering suery be hedd in {ar1send, lt thd speeduay at ts not ldecidetohdeacoffeddsnoke' brors first tne kettre lncdenlentrv tlj.ngs ']HANT(S Thanls qo out to rhe the shlpley Ned t@dds h11 ldd1e club rorly connluee ln teffi of the prcwtsld of tuch,! fo! 9u sentor citizere, .l0l,,lrl'lilrfN Reey nghna SADTER RABYSTREET te te656941 RABYS' uDMr<FILLET45pp€r!b [email protected]!! Frozen Chickens and Rabbit3 TRADE EiICIRE IYELCO|IIE Raby IROAD Strebt BENS@N information School an impmved at last service hparr.@t hwe 6ry after rcnths of k€.ltlnq it r6ks at is golnq to be able to open fd R@d dea b rrElness tn the Becd elther bY 6b9 a c4ft' Ren&{ck stleet c@mitY shoP or (if thelr nDb11e bfomatl@ qrdt is aPEoved), bY applietid of openinq the shop d the @! Road. mateve! Atale/B4s@ bstaU 1s to be prc'lded a sdlce happs byJlftrst-intneredtfuoloe r:ith jst cme ln ()€t to r. of p6p1e sayhg t€ to a tu! cosctllor Derd rebstq/ (st. Mthdrs ud trd drarnd of tl)€ Ed@tlon connlttee) has asleed Lo tla@ the etlLlon before the slqDatue,t (ord!+nhqelsefor in at 99 RabY street (ay rcrrnnq MiddaY - satudaYJ or to kno trts to the .\ction cent'e t. 'prcket' Fe dro have agreed P( f*,'*.r+.,:*:'" qgiii,s$-g;:-" "*' ff #:":r:s"?$.i"$ ::;' "-"' q*:iJ";* .=_r=.,-{\ \ *-*'{--*:l*' ) $*$tt= ' "'],'**" * *.i& '''"' -" $ffi FUNHOR FEBNHCEfrST e8B -A @@aa&a ary{wBe&e I .", " d"q "ith r sa{ a jwp€f ddce \4th eat a steak, jmp a ra}€, on thlee sllmerlsdaMins'birds tugs de bdking' cats qhosts, Salt andpepper Take a print (pickinq You,lr have to forget the qlains the salt, the reproduce the pictue/nasprint Slraw andpotalo Egg and bottle rt ont. Buck6t and spade A plastcbuckelandspad6 d i how muchdid rhe sp€ds r hed the chEch beils rlnq, ls n 'oallya spra ? SeenOis believlng, theveV A c r u a wn s a s e r i e so f c r c e s w r h i n c r c e s Y o u o c h e c k t h i s b y nn a scr c u n d w r h y o l r ln s e ' r{ ci;,"i |P"' JCnnefrc sn t i t i i i i l l i f i.l ll( \{' ("t .|.I I i i , r l + + l ]ln€s, i,e. rtthout t6tln9 the p4c11 -:t Parallol lines? Caught out W h a t s r h eo p p o sr e o l n o r ' n 7 (see dravinq). (.ochin€l) t rn abu' ol card lhalf cdd) a md Plerce {s€€ drduinq) dd re€r hordl. un-L ......_:|4! uhatlsthlssigrrsay? !rye@aRts,@E PIA sffi by M&ea (etth, ro. (Eyk€rc.!-e.) oeveropnenr P6jed tEl$ffS Fffi *t*':'*.ffi ) ) /-.V?., ",?,.*: ,.rr:"$.$"'j:*' ,*;""*.:'ry- S.j;:S\,Xj:; B(DHrfr'Sfl SffiffiEHE: -. SCEil(D(DHr.- ''':.i; r *,ii::;5si;.ir,,.',,",,+ { ! F,",r;r ^' *"'"", ' ';r*t-t" I :r::::-.:"*:Ii::: ii:l.:lii,lTl ri--r":l_^:5 I ;:':";.::,lijil:"iTl.;:":r'ffi ) ,.p ; TE{ANEfrS la o$ryN BYFSmffiS financihl WHUARMS uholyounayask'trethe}"!erl'every ju.lor .har!€! bynllrtdlsddGlFlsb.ik'inlnrich tedsofsixthfomersb'ryed!e11 l.frgina'yshdesusinqthepilcesquot€d 1n edrY Febnry te of t (yes, there stilr crltutoastaqqdinst29, 5 c qp r r i t r r r unfolt@tely, ls split up rnto reql@s, de of slch t5 ueeks the falrriq a ross of e14oo lesultlnq tn a f1na1 so, apa't fron the joy of iimine, bom dd b.ed 1n Byke, three havrns jct to see hd the other half rive, core f.on the media. flctlaal ted ras arl4ed a .20,00c mith of cash to that to be smd at firdce Diminetm vlrlaee, need a birra thrift !fiey tu, llket' (enda1 street @ you don,t rdghoh In ye jEt uichip close!}'ekouthclose re. coxElo ilichaelParrlch lllscountUrrehouro NEWT D6E ST,,NIWC^slll Fd E*rythind ElEr.ial At Greatly R.du.ed rJoo- . l h c Q as Y A t a - r a r{ -rrMe Fa( Ul5 S q $ sr r $ e $ o a A | - f A s l -'url h -i dl:r. rdd ANSWERS 1 Jdri ed irdl r' xdl G b-.. .. MD@ ud E&dr r.d* 6 P&dr d .d msoo.. r, Md, -d 3 viE ud Fmtir' ?. Fdldr I -v) d . g.DlckTuph-1es l. Hia,atha - No ,s BYKER6TPET .mct8tuw(g&B0c s0ctAtCI.UB GOWA ENTERTAINMENT SAT& SUN colrectlvert pressed the co@ci] to S UN.'AY NICHTLY NOON F8l N|GHT CABARET kept pressinq their & d@a DANCING M O N . NI G H T D A NC I N G BAND RECTION N:;.'"U GANG ZOO n.".*tL. stv c.u.rr,. g.oup dd afeqinq trlps *,.,t ei-. for the .t.s*"rth. th. crac; h (Daisy of uPsrairs 4d tumstairs f4e) Never have 'e het IItre hallPy qo lucky fimry in th€ hearts let !r CooI your Mcql Todqy KezncU THECHIPPY ?zaeeo T.l. 655186 20 Hedtoh Rood, Newcostle-upon-Tyne.6, CIEAN FRESHFISH & SELICTED FOODS cqd, B.rr4r crdi lBlls' dd %*6d1. -q, Pawnbr roker s & J ewe l l er S r NiqhLlyexceFtsudays' 107 267 RabySt.. v scmthorpe (Narionar Leaque) Ne4ort Divisionar SPEEDWAY t*er. rhe joke {hter cup) x.o. the-Byker kqid tn the finat of the aqarn just after the lEddrc cr6 rF"side xoore (2o qoals) I (6 eoals), r. crossrad (.oreiqn trinister) (14 qoars), p. oisrien Analeu Leasre (42 9oa1s), (..riifrths (42 qoals)j k. Fdrey (hother care 4d 66 qoars), caltainedbyu. von all le of thelr natches _ s.o!in! _phon..550549tofindout. Ohikh'ollsDoolllsfrtun ll0l,AN SlllDD'l' $0H001,, ("". ; i!.f "Lh.a' F Y , r ) r v v E $ 1L r r t - - . ?our lcA! !rlNi9(r:r' ;ul 1Alr5 'ra -r$( ql @n -----.-Ylf,Qil , r r I (rcu*tedns its ceune -{f,^21 l- -* .,'"'".'.*t,r V;$^ ai,\) Gracle: fbn British rrke rnat west Halt1eF he sa! 30 closed then aqaln. in the .lqht, a qdp dd a pratitde tafsson: the rape dd forelE1er pi11a9e so be Nilsr 1{ife _ d.tdnrt nind the pillaqe, ou hedge agslst ulrur- lst for evel-y occaston infration (titter! but pln tltter) .ausr soralec, ;ffi""fl.i::"#.****so''oificersofthecivlccstre4dbYRalph isstillplagedbytedhhqtosres@pefrftt€lB1lEl<l street bu! betreen tines keeps a qodatherly ete m Bord stleet (N11s, lob), cnlJts (Mtke Draqe) ad Jeet street (Dave), tlylnq to put qrappln! irth the Psbrd6 to Fut Par behind him, ts glappllnq rath the teet qlapprlnq wlth the vemon is stilr to a rest on Atton street, ed 1&ktrq fonard prcbtm of fi.drnq quiet butldlnq. He ras last ses headinq t44ds dd in the F€ace @ Friday night. ... .... .. 'sorry Mlke, dld't his bed.m nee to {d}e you' vhen r cde past t, .!ash m starJs, (aqain) i,Hel1o 1ds, l|ltrne: il1le botton iwelrr by youive a rrE end of pelinet jEt as the Heatd vocarajJ r suppose 1t'1t ned old sld {m,t a knighth@d "Glve u bleezes in to the dd a praatude, FipFs in the .drect ln lt rrev" posuion' futsldetheskYtllrG "ohno.'.quickl hter: ?3 prds, 3071 tqets, I nrituon (o! thereahouts) doqs ad tre ret Govds (to each onfE€d, blt (s, a btoke puhjnq Mrere ls he? beconinq es!y) €iqht a!ro, friend. ... . (Rhubdd fiqhtlnq his {ay rhrouqh t iEy up lads whats Roqe!) iNa then sither, (fr@ the sde do nd i-. oo lvioaHej ed Helro {o'rdriods ee a fine day today, va? |\/ ry, hd rhe self Not a day ro be ti€d up ln look at the ceihrs ehlrsr ve iry thls dtalect): "lhatrs e rons ddk ubrer dayi (ir b*t three etc.) toh as st€erinq Radio 4 volce) doqs 2+ Mary (shouting): :?:r.;::*::"TJt,i:tfi:.,;":: itri::.:ii"t::"il: :ii":1*"**" l,: [:: 1"":. ":"i: :" :: " - .:.], , - . "".:;;: .: :-;:; j.:T;.*. f',;:: -:i::" :'" i"""'--" ff::"t:"..;:;;,.,""",i:,-":;:',,,.*.:t, :! :T.. ."._*r-. ;.- ". '")tv-$t J-vtv *'H"{ \ . t l r 1|5 HF,ECTK$N MAY XS rs{ElRsmaY 6"..... preaseaccept f"t tu rc, th'.k or *qu*ti- rerated to lnflatid? lhdt x ru &titud€ relar€d to r0. a) Dd you ieel replesent y. f --em,r*" lf lllf lvlvDll$ FOR EV E B Y O N E * u p o eo , r su, THE .,", ,* c o m i n gs o o n o tlLEs* r$A}tonstred,Byker. CANMffi consemtlve, st. Lavrences 2z nade a vlgorous &ive LABOUR to ensue that r..1. "rtr,.tJ de aiscr4, job or Mrk sivinq 9. $ LrerRnL .\t arr tlmes ro(d). rhere is qrorthissFFtomticoft conpleti;. of rhele Laranced .odidares jointly who d€cis16s that affe.t the indlvlduls nateupthatcNityi.basic'BER[ opportutty Festlval. 2q NdspaPers s. comsity acomurttyn€'spaperisaslnpleone qiven to s ro' the dea. ln ih€ir 6. Neiqhbouhood coucils - Mr'.hinq r m sue drl yos cosctlld' ,ou1d take hte'ests letters ssjed ro certain derccratic safe- md r rcu1d !e debate . paltlcular Requding sFectfic area Pr lath had eiouqh drrcusron strdq to fomulate Ft hd;t.i.r .'.. 3!] l9!s!9 "r the "Byker Phoentx". the coucil, The as{ers nor wlth to gain tnfor'iatlo rFve isvefyN.hthecoucil tIBERAI f that cutting back od to provtde a q@d ere*ed, on the TO CONSERVATNE 9. pdent 16 the loca1 partictFltion asPa?.ofthemty just a not dd of a te.ets r- rhe ad'etages ts that dcalsatid t1'e Peopre k; rom or cffiunicatlon. uhrch a orqdts'tls qlv ed then for cd sF€sl< ,i tn*- -.. t. is ru ch dren are . rooeLhe. 16 this comu.ttr organlsatlon so that stren+henins dd et to tne siq.ificace just th€ nd€ o' bY a nunber of oPlnions CONSERVATIV of the rrene !I! le, cNenatlve, East '1tv .,*i ;d ;. d'""uc.r1v d obie.ttve, x-e *.;. lnfonative ",i.* ad , ac'udte hlre.e the Fo11t1.a1 pdtes ror rcthers dlff€r of vith s. c@slty nsspapers hav€ a very tn the Present econonic 0E to cutal1 th€seet1re'enutnotnegledthe 'ho de ress retrbds of the @rurslty availabre to helP forftleasonorsotherattendpublic dry has to b€ Judqed d 9. its rellts. r19c i H111 rre saved frcn ou huge shourdbereducedbyharf'Decetr@ar As a renber of redt/kache. pal.iciPaterntschmling 5. coMutty fte ph@1x nevspaF€rs -e of en.ouaglnq nufri]doIp:r.ents thef chiklar's b reettnqs. ny erF€rlence they are Fdentsshouldbe partlclpatethis apo'o.d.d in dythinq acratn€d produedbyoutsldersbutfubyByker 10(a) I reted to I belteve very stMqry r i.*. has been videly a very comity th th. P-ty ,ho *"rd I @y uish to do. COMMUNIST cil for too 1d9 the @rftlci* con'nDlty par.t.iFtid. just rike have once tuno-acy is cuts in essent$r as a cheaF nees palticipation. cutbackslnPublic e*F€nditueuetotallymc.eFtabre. peoFle r+ nilud €vednq. just on a seeclar Parents parenrs slth sFciar sk11ts cohn@uy life g1 COMMUNIST shard be thdoushly dlscusd. As a swsesrlon for dis.ussion r rculd say all olsdisatlons in the omuity comun.tty r fe1 !s34 n€ds orqdnsatrons de a ehether they b€ nerd 'or[]rs bet!+ntherndlvrdulddthe riqhts- esseatial neiqhbouh@d independdt advice ed Pracinq rhe individuar F.r-|iculaneed uhere the sentces nachlnery needs a informtlon 3!*'g8*;"i!:.i::5,-"-@*L:x'-' faciuLies, onry ir flris E a is not just purtnre a *d !lqq. Enqrish, ? I I sheEappedthflupl'abiq N" F""pl.'s have ay ";- wish ro expklnt YOUR PHCIEN EEBS w"#,*F::dffm,# W'ffi:t#,Wr;#fffi"^; w;:wy:frwff at T.loP^,tn rb.AXi ^ n*'iluxsaaXs W\n{ff-"