Paul ls Arrested
Paul ls Arrested
Paul ls Arrested They stirred up the crowd and seized Paul. They shouted,"This is the man who teaches against our law and this temple! He has defiled the temple by bringing Greeks into it!" ' 3 People cjlme running from all directions. They dragged Paul from the temple and shut the gated. Then they began to beat Paul, intending to kill him. trf When the commander of the Roman troops heard there was trouble, he at once went to the place where they were beating Paul. He arrested Paul and had him bound with two chalns. When the commander asked what Paul had done, some shouted one thing and some another. So he ordered Paultaken away. Thetrowds followed, shouting, 'Away with this man!" 6 As they were about to carry him into the barracks, Paul asked the commander if he could speak to the pqople. Then Paul stood on the steps of the barracks and signaled for quiet. &cts ,t" 1""'.,+1, t..i.i-.:.ii "lt; Ili I .j: n.:1ta &tr :2?*22 :39 r .tlit :ii&. I '*r":!.;::"rirrl.1*{t'! . l : ,: l:iif *,.) ,..:1. :. t,t: . r.;irlj]1r'' "'l:! lr':l :l , ,,9.r r' ,r'r3*. .r' F;"t.:l satd, 'The uerci satc 1o me, 'Go. i will ffi l-her, ffi. qsrnr"'l unir 1n ?ne Geniiies."' ..41 ihe meniion of G€nHk"w tlies the crcwd shouied, "Get rid of thrs mail. He is not {it tr: .; nirve." ' 'r:l:t:r '.r::i.i:i r,r,r:,,:ii . . :r'i .:i:; rtl::jr 'li:!l: i;ii:,1 l,-'r' ir'll,!.t,::.i:;..1!-. rr-1., ii!.r:r:i;i" 1,. ill:,,,,:,. :,:,-:'j tli:'r:lr '.1i,j: I j ,,,,.,,.; r t, 'l':.:;;:i1, ,ii;l ,:::r,1, .:: :i:.r,,i I ., ,,r. : , . li r:.-jt;:- .'r'a':1t : .. . 'e{ir.',. the ##fu "l"h* solcllei"s stre"iahec him nut to' neat hini. But Paui HW asxed the centui"ion tn enai'ge, Is rt ;eEai to ialhin a ffi air. The eonxrnander orEereei his men to Saai Paui **i"i:an eliizen vvh'l' has x''loi e'!/en b*en fou'"td guilti''?" p**ple nim wei"e Llpset with why se i.o irrlEl *t-it the !n or cl*r" T'he crovud was srtcuting and threwlirg dusi In:c ::r::i:i,:r ::! :: r r. '':,i i :,r:'I.. i4';'' e.,.,i,.; i_iiir i ..:?t'*-1 ..::, jititii llli r: ] i ,:r.,lrr.i : ,, 'i .:r, n:i,i i a 'ii ;l tir',:ii vv'n,*: tn€ Ceiltuilon heard ihis, he went ,o the ffi@ rtr+ Cornflanoe,'as iefl -aLi iii'-l : ;s /c$ I^,as ffi ffi cr.-.rirnanCer and reported it. 'Vtlnat are yo,".i qoing ffi& born a Fioi-nan.itizen," Fai;i replied" Se they diei nnt heat ninT bui kert hirn uridei"errest untii ihe mext clay. to do?" he asked. "-['his mbn is a []omarr eitizeril' 4d 30i