1'g',,,ffil'*d'***'it**'****'i '..'' *'d {A} tt'$ e ge*d ptace. tm: N*, ii tm*q*s $lrs ffi$l f***l" t* **mrxute {C} $ sh*uEd ask ths rnan*$*n" =- frr€, ::::',:1,.:FF? ISIZr rrE zalNt 15 E ffin"* often € #v*ry *#*mi unr*mk. {B} F*r m month. -'-':* "- *c you visit the headquarters? ffi ***-*nu*o*t* f.. :: ,o fl v v6 r'qrr r wLrur{"j y$u pr#T*!* fr tamre at the front cr : 17 X tr\J $ {"r $rr€Ter & wsnfroinr r*pfacernent. {ffi} No, ! d*n't tfrink I eanr *oo*. it) -i h*v *:*i$: g**lq g***$. X r{ow are you feeiing affier taking y#ur medicine? = {4} You sho.urd'r*k*;' {Bi lt needs a littie sait" {#} prtu*f"l h*tt*r, thagtk y#il ;i; '-' fl r *qs *r**rr ruos-n crs$*s se*y t*day, doesn,t it? qo,, ivu, I #*usnT {ws $ta{T,ps. = 1.$-' ""€ {ffi} Y*s, $t sm5os ss sr1 the {C} l'rn sorry I was lat*. m**"1."1*. When ean ycu turn ;n *he final blueprint? :::::i:,::,:::,r.:,:.:l:::::',iii,::::::tr:'r..,,.::il:::::.:r':::::iri: .:::::'::::i ::p:.r,::.'i:':. {A} {t's already turned on_ :::::: g,m;"$'** 1t $t t* {,..hss${ {C} lt's out af or*er 20 t 11 E vvno is goirig to ieaci ihe meeting? {A} Yes, it's $irisf,.,1:,. - i*i ia,.E "",'.ru gnough. " '' '-'-t ''' '.,t,"t'..,,'"'. Did you leave the office late last night? {A) He is a police officer. {S} Y*s, I v.-rcrked i*ie yesterdery. $Skay, I'll try not to be late for work again. iiie fasiesi way io ger to the ,. ;,,,,.,".,,",tt,,.,,.,'.'ffi,US,*{j,!$tt:,',.. ,,i , .,,;:,;r, ,;,.:,,..,1..,:': Th** i.n*l$)stlsr nii\$.:': ,, ,,":r"::,,:,,",':: iC) Threg is r=vnai s ffie, .,t.'." ths$.55;,.t-,'.':1r.,:1',.r::::1r1.,, '-.-'961"6t*'*l*t: l,-', ::, :.. i:::::i:::::: ::r r1:11 :::,. f]:LJ:€.:,.r..,:r. :,::_.,,, :.::r,r:,::. , I ii:*ttiu. .',: {C} Vou'll need {o get u ii*t**t in advance. ' ..,:t',.,, ,:.,..,:,,,tt,.,,. 21 tE ,.,t ,,-,,,..tttt St-' v'vnai trme are you suppcsed to see Ms. Hwang today? ffil w ths$-i$'$$* , {$i twn h*usx. {C} Around the clack$s"r .,win,th,e :contract. sld {4} tB) {c} F} tEf p) tAl 'lwo sf the qqr{!{S.q FI GI Liz -rea.l}ssi ::\ ffilwe g$,C S) Let's'$ Fl Yes, f Gl lt's ntitcct til rn Fy Fil T?F $S The lr*rantriviet.com h - ' 38 E - -.t'.,,".,.',," - How many cases do you handie per month on average? usually about a week. iS) Setween ten and fifteen. . .....i...{ i, I havg four cas*s',iighi.n$$;" ,,,$Q!1f like.to:,hefp,orrgenize*h€party next week? w ]..6*n b:l*VSe'$. {$', 1S,,* t*rgl*i*d- ,'{A}, ' ::'. ,JS], it*,.*rrlsi,S,,$w$$.i. ,**$t $,tsw*;':.,' :.'...: 39.,,.:!.. ',' Who can give me,a.hand,,with, drawi ,.$is i? ,,,Has graph? t {Ai I have sorns time att*i dinn*r. F) The,ru,l.g{$s q61 Y 'do*u ,Wn'tiiOd,,sr is it still being worked on? handy for d -.'.''..,,', ng..- +tmr*as'*$!f$ry'gf,sphu:,,,,,, tA) You'd better work harder. >lK '.': ,, .'$t ,.,,.-,1, ,.:1 ,' -,,''r 5,g$f.lg.y*S! , S. ,:,,..'' ,-' ' ' ..:,r'S}',$$'tnstall$lt*n'm pute*, , I ::,.r 1,,,'': :,'.,' I'.: :li.r . 18 '""t'' Hasn't tne shipment arriveci yet? >K n ',,,' . 1., " 1np Tne snrp reTr a mrnu{e ago. '{S}:'.Y*$, $ j*st r*u*iN i*."'... '','i:' '".',',,1 {C} He'll be late. :' , ':1: " 1g'G.., pg5 .i5*he,enn*al FfanCiS*Ot'. :,,r.' '. , **nf.e e,g'in SaR , :1r:--: - ,, ..- ,,, ,, About the tre*as l*-,in*uitry.. ,, ,, $ (B) At the he-adquar.t$rci*:'Sa$, F+e,neisco. ,, le ,t- 11 {A} No, l'm not stapling. {,8} Anyone should have. {C} t'll give y*u mine. \.,.=.':.:..1 t::t== iC) Sn th* first 20== : :-:t.:::.. :::: *€ :::r: hltny. i: : i i i.:: Whu:.wem,$c* talking to on ttr*'pnonbf NSITZ rZIN 'l:. ,i:il tA) He is talkative. : l'::i {*i ,tc;:,i.* The ffisns$sr. ',., ::1.\:1:,..1:.il:: :,i::: *f Does anyone have a stapler? . l' ,, :r :liir:. l:.::l .:,, ,, ll :::irl::: : ii ij:, i-:::: ::, :'. : i: ,*ng:-',= ' "i,".,t'"' ,. Why don't we look over this case later :' ioOayt it;.1 tt . tA) My suitcase is already packed. {*} (C) l'* ou*il;ki;s !- 1ry,p *r* you r*rue-{ . ..,=i r:i'r:r:,tttt,-1..$$ii$*$$. ,i''-',, "* i; i$* "',,ff ,.wes chars$" ,:, ,,,',,," ,'N$,.h$,,*s.g*,,.t*$$$.*$$$..t*t*..,branch the men. '"' rr-r&r rT rs ,.,".t,.:,-,...i , , .:::.. .':-:.:,,,,-.-t, {B} The shop is newly openeC ioday. -'',, . S**$*;',',,,:',., ::,. ,'. t,,,.:t.,. t',,,t:.',.'.',t, : in Sa- ,...:tt:,., (C) I thin* ne purcfraseC tfre item on iafe. : a n*usnal t,,'=4t,, tt.,,,:t,.,= ,',' ,,,r,,' . ..:.,,,.',, B d*il$6;$tdh fd* *ffi idr. Faiei is in cirarge of saies anci markerrng. isn't he? - '**$ ***';* 'i$*il;" ii' := 21 I'd he happy t*. il'= ;i . ;;* i;= ;'i*i ;il=** + $ **$ x*" r*$* i I tike it. " €N'V ' (Bl NA; ]i dl$n- :,kh$ ,*n$,$$$Ag*,Uesigned ';t ,', , '$i B dd sd''*8. id. - " ;, ,,, , ,.,,,,, ,,, 1,, : what happened to this fax machine? 14 .' 15 t,', - !E ,.:iit,t#' . ' *d -,' $:*hew copy. mu**i$,bl' , {81",4 fax just carn$'i$1.. tC) lt's not plugEsd ln. .,,,:'..,t'....,...''... ,... :..=.',,,, ...:... .1:..,..... *$ru.'i;;;;$$$$;ili.il;il::*;$*+:l::n: i.E'6:, i*i#di6 il*;tiil {*} *ss, I was i**king f*r ::::::::: Where's the masking tape you bought last week? {A} Mark took it to seal some bCIxes. ....,FSSI' $,, The mask is too small for me. ., ,::',.i:, ,,' ,:..",u,..{ }:,:That's for protecting a surface. ' ' " 24 i... . it" .. fnsnns. Hoy lop have you been managing project? $i Airr"r*st six r^nsnths" >K T--- .tsi,.tt *ilt prouanV,, * ; ;*il' {C} The rnanager has ii. this lt.