8tud i7.r$3&i,&**a.q, ......... E&n6a{i!$!ffi ia&n.k!6(44ts 4 Qe*a.i&tqiqf&:iiti!,&. AA,ii{ti!ids{a-...............................-..- ?1eicffi&l&ii*!*ellw 4e4'@(triiri S&t!&{tiafil{l i@(r&&6nii @4r&1150, . p6 [el B b Em Pr6 ad ffi ft [M] key Lonq @ @ D,&G Intu lvrds/Pffil btu tn In take phot6. on the €mer:. to. 3 s@nds to tum ofi fre .am@de. dd F [towed butun b onved bebeen drtrerent mrkns mde: photo/ vrdeo/conrrnuous sh@tinq, dm rc ryideo/Photol b!tun 6 qh the re6dh! / stop rsdhg fundron. rn Photo fiode, you @n tutnq mode, execuh 10 conthuous shooting mode shoobnq fundron. In d€r#tus, shod p@ss di@ b preview stus. i I ..",. sofi-r bffi&dlgtenings b se p€tu llB, rc I i ln the ple*ffi, *u"s. i"tu I f, s* ""."",,."""8 *snq intefrei pr* tupr/tDownr buen b mak *rinss, prs roKl mowb the nertoneaftei ontrcompretion dartthe sdinqs and @rn b 6ncel he curent *sinq and r€turn b the previous oenu. option, in the ume boton and aubmatr.arty [ilenu/8a.k] pB I@l key tMenu/Backl buton to acess the main menu, options, press fupl/tDownl butb *red [shoobng seftinqs] o@on, enErthe sh@tins pr*s toKl b connrm h 4q 3*wii'tStrssoon b q rwihD.-E-€e@. k G -c ._b &l. - - &6man@. Brupr/roownrburontosed br*(*LE€@E- cn -d:.y@ ,[email protected] ,E @ g,Et.d, p@q,t[q-!if p a @ 'E tQ br6d a r-E., rn p@view frde, pEss p€ssany keytoacriv*e l] :lX#"''*"" 5) Sup@ilmh96d upto @. 9) Porerffi/l*@nveEion 10) ultE trde4a#llens 13)RdaE*lkl@ I, , ,*--,--_,. 32GB 1 o j I .eri-r*-AetrE .-r--* *-r*-.-- -tsE-Atu I 1)openft@c#,bhoutbeb&ry@vei ao'*nmrm,Mbhryinb,hebdery@mtmenr,payatuntbntothebadcry lt-t, lffi:l'"*#*ffi,&se,hebery.verard6s*nnebery@rers-,*h. E ll_.tr :il :I (o 'ffid-.#5 ,EFEE@hqr-- end of thesuppr; usBcbbmnnefu wb powerada&rorcomputer,lhe #er€nd 6nned 1)Tum dh@ffione charge hdlcrorturns Ed, chaqirg sG. b he @l1& tu. '61onnefron 2) am s h @ 6 one end dSe supplied UsB 6bE @nneed se power adapbr or a @dpuEr and he eher end @nnd b & alEz, eled o** - "" ..o *""" f,, tumsd,(,ld&* E @rpM, the chaqhg lrqht goes out. 3) When @ Nota: !f ft ry B d l@dd when @me6 ls @nnd wls the came6 automatlclly shut down, 6e charse adapEr or @hpuEr, he daEe lndrator flashe red. iMictor 7 Power on/Fwer off 5 rcre.*rctv e.ora.omputerandtheother ^-:€-:j:a-::€:,i! ,* . - . .-.-= E :€ r) tue$ IPow€a a fre$ Pdw*l keYor key ror oinda I usB powercabetoturn on the camera. sond5 o. unpluq the usB power.able to turn otrthe @m'order ram.orderusinq Ac power supp y, B Prev,ew mod€ 6 t€frelrlmorycd rcre Durinq video rccordin!' soot didy inb 6e video p€view sbtus, shod pr€ss tphob/vld€ol buson b sb^ video rodinq sho* pr€$ ttuse4 key [email protected] oradjacentvid€o fres, shoil press lphoqvideol butron again to sbp €cordinq' eEykst€ shofr press lPowea kev to enveftto photo mode, press [photo/lideo] kev tPo,ei key b@nvefr to ftntinuous shootinq mode, vou can make 10 continuous shootinq tu vd@ r&odinq and contnu6us shoounq under wGA.e$Lution In video Dress totake photos Asain rh'd Note: exce* h n*, pE5 iupl/lDownl keYs to zoom rn / out the screen, rhe 'ufent state ofdig ta atb.ren Mt. e(+ ford& recordinq and.ontinuous shooting mode d wvil resoluton' peview zoom wll be rehemh'red and resumd Note: Invid6,@dirysEs, shofr press tPowed kevto proteddirentoradjacentvdeofrle' In l0secondsberore/aftervide flr's are both tbe previous and aft€r fr eswll be proted nosesetas write Prctected he power button, ffipes n.r aitomat€rv owennen deLebd. fi e segm€.E. 9ttam "ry*i,ffi,=I:S5J::hr 10 Ptayback ,",""."".".,,""_,il,E* +"* d'ihe.p,.n,. en,e' press ffi ffi / In praybd preview mode, press tupt/toownl buronb 5ddthefrt. to be €ptayed, pr6s toxl butun to openthe video p.5 lxenu/Return] keyro rcp up rhe paybackmeiu. photo. vidsfrle. Duri.q vids p ayback, rons press IUpl reybhsli)lld 8trts frls. Dudnq hstroNad and reuind, pre$ IoKl or tMenu/hml Bbtubld key to enlatse the vide fi res, press [tuwnl key to redurc h tr e. lE to key b ewind p ayvideo tlhl tu vEeo is FUsd, press IUpl tq q E l{m b tu dehur srze. when in nonjasroruad/ rewtnd ptayback, press tMenu/&dt ffib&ahlryllEfu, pEss tupl/Joownl keys seledan adion to peftm, se-t"Back" oprion, p€ss lo( kqb6dbftffi& md€ E c # ru In Photo PlayHn*,sdpresiupytDownt the phob 68, rc IoKt hv t ootion. pre5s lo(l @btum bufton to browse pEvious/ next photo, pre* Iupl/tDownt keys ro zoom press tuel/lDown] rn keysb seredan acilonb pedom, *ted "B.ck, / lil !6iiiitili*t rnoa"I ad spo.t e ( rdt l$:;qi6iid ) vids prcktiq 6m@r&rE6nndd io c.r b6cket, irwifl altomaticaily open the 96vi, sensoi when the machine is subjectb .ecin accet€ation, h€ 6re6 aub6ati6ly Hgge6 the emeqenq re@ding potedion. Gmcorder automatcly proEd the corsponding nk. ln he @di4 plrcr, you 6n pres the pwer bufton to nanuaily protd cur@nr video fite.ran adjaent when rhe Thedefaultsdinq isrehcle u*tul:Mdft6l!4ffints$ftuse frle namesareapplied ( mode ld b di*nguEhvid@fE. &E( i lw@@, sdu* ),lnso modes, difierent { mode ) namd Drefrx Sm. The 6turc E m vre@ i gEeq sensor @u.ro fundon isshftedt@bpoMvid@fiEa@oal'E6li.:8tuaEaubmailGlysegmentdforeach rundon isshdedt@bpoMvid@fiEa'@oalh6l&8tuaEaubmailGlysegmentd 3 minubs, and when fre 6d is tull, l@daru al,|r]@ ffie&E E&ft inisatcoE6ge rh€re is scen Er and voice{amhgbaskwhetheroveilateord,inr0*ffi F6E,b6Mdsewamingand$opreodtnqatur the€d stul. trno ope€tions, irwourd E@&@dl@dtuledino, !f theord lsfulwhenyou turn on the@mcoder, therewillh w.rni4 b dr&d-d EE@a tuads, oveenb wil be done ddautt. h spotu ue ( mode ) , GPs and gEvry eng(fuffi. tud@Iry. l?!l.mqr!,6*;g noqel.hd nbdey' codtu sldB sF€m sE 1n rhe seneu rc berore/.tur and onloff , Note: Ii prevew mode, shod pess [towe4 btun tordd amdins to the cureit de, Iphotdv@l re.ordingfundion, Ourinq video r@djnq, modeconreEbn ffi tu b Iffi tu d @ ll*: @ tu Me, rhoto mde and.onrinuous d 6 mrdinq or conrinuous shoo|ng op,ion,, p@ss I up seqments, p,s l/t oown I keys to sered the sensitiviry or sEliry the poqer butun, both the curenv previous vtdeo flt6 wilt be @.1d6 b @r b6cker, it Bill automatidxy *ad sqmenEd oveBriren, vrdeo fites aE auromari€ty segmenEd ft6d & tuD, be emeE wilt autom:ricaily ovemrit€ the otd vid€ofite b ensu.e rhat there ts enough spac to Bd*h intoar@verase there is sc€en te,rand vorc warninq b ask wheth", prs "**." ""..,";" shod ", vid6 l@ b tum ofithe warning and sbp recodtng on the 6d is fult , rf no operarionsi dehutr "".""". as ovetunting ord r&rdings and tu lw @dang. Ifthe cad is ful when you turn on the cam6de, thefe wnr be uamjnq bask whether ov€rurte or M. r6@hns in s*conds, ovemHte wltbe done ddautt. wh€n the 6,*ts dconrdd to 6r b.ckd, *qme.ta60n ovemdftn tuatu* wil aubmaLca[ytum ofl when he fre siz€ your for 3 mihutes whil. conthue re@rdiE. shootinq mode. @nu. *e fEE@lt [EnEi ky b *r. <onds i, the vid& frte 14s,&1*d deildt*n connd mode 10 -l reades lGB, automaiic s4meffin E t|Ed ft&d.u, $F. @ t7 udblm 15 dofi6n''dtfetron. am *rr+ InsFfru*,rbMGrcoF6ton, LCDs.reen GDwiilaobmati.aly b€ shutotrii 3se@nds(excepttorsiEationsduilng repr4). sh rc any bunon b r@ver it. h vehrcte use, LcD $reen is atways on, when LcD sl*n bo, @ pB oK b!tun b shut otrrhe uD; when LcD *reen is shurofi tong press oK bLtun to turn vrdeo& phob tssd, ft<ffil@&@an dSa willshc automallclly when movemntEiE,d when motion debeon tundon In sehin! menu b objectrs moving aheaa. Reoding 10dtu betdthe kfl dffin E(,l@ n@@ atk*@16Ert'*@aMat6[r butndSd-, @nfirfr the seElnss. when motioi 'motion detedion 15oFned b!6n, motion detedion icon chanqeto'oFaddffiffi6' Ean bn 1 oplions, prcss"ok"bubn ." h"..t*" ! h"t.""". Sho^press tphob/video] .hftame6 willautomaticlly record. , .{8*,tdshutdn&rh| rf6!,t'i"r,$iii6&i.t'llllii automaticshddffi [email protected]@ r ffi- *t ilrhe h the sgm shuEown and l}4 tontu d Effi '@ding, 'l,Ir.4. phobshdngsGEffilE#sft@'sExlFinformauon. Connedyour camoderto car bEcket, GE inffifrleunderthesamename; dudng fundon issbed, he LcD soeen when GPs is.onndd to win disdayc6ffisb- etelte, t indifts " ", n@ GPS data willbe saved ,-", - w G6 l]os.'4 on ftdjdqutmdinq, undervid6 ruains,#,-,EMilrnl tsd- + auffi l'3renrc orr*a when GPs ""-". /-', 9ruq the u$&tutu @n *", tuom cam€ra sfll rui afrerdi*onneding wrh the usa *nc ft@l power, or options, p*ss iupr/JDownr key flme, prc$ tEnren key b at{ri*(l!,. i i-. . . : : --. b whder b *red ro shurotrafrer set. la : :.1:';, i. ". " : :. :, ;. .i usB podof rhe machine, and rhe otherend is conneed tothe mmpubr Turn on the Gmcodei .,*EEl*._*[email protected]*,.,n".,oon,Eil,icon,rhe@mputerd,sp,aysa 10 whether to aubmaricary $##fs d&&,bE o&d,&tu@oE#aFlG &.wlffid@(MeffiD@E- ftwseis.dju#b HD(I,tum Ushg Se t&[email protected] D F h h.d{l.srns 4F *hEFHted@e AEMrltuSehn*6ttu a!&fthnsFGtren&uE t tu 6e hG@Eil entuuE ft: To 6fl8 6at vou @n ood ffi remoE @d Et& ffi & &6 btu: AE h ffi 2) Sbp 3) d b Ek phob, make re@d'nss. as shiln htow: Fg cl@ contut lstop] bubn to sbp @dhq, .ortot [6obl key b Eke phdos, I tFdax I hcling li* A[i9at$k :" lI Erdfty ftankvou forpuddng6hms. From thedateof pu,fu, 1. wewar providevou tordtu(dred high quarrryafter-saresservice inthefuturerofacilrbteyourusing. in normalusing of rhe prcdud, we wiltprovideyou sales seruice For acordtnotoour k@ frE r.@nry crd popeily and safety. The watranry card together as pur.hase invoke wilt be necedv@ brenjoyiree watranry dunnq theetrdve warGnry penod_ 2, Inhe614 c.€, he waranry seryicewil be chargeabte. a) Excdiq eEmnry penod. b) @nnot @t a Elid purchase invoice and waranry ord, or the produd inform.tion on waiiantee cad is not ii accotu@6he dtrdive ibm( seilatnumb€r not mat h dc) c) un-affi.tftuons or repating h oth€r non,althonzd serutce @nter d) neaffi matonmons caused by failurero bilowinq the user manua. e) Pdcd@nuhdued byolr company @usd by drop or improper handling dunng hanspotudon erc. D Dek d @gs g) due b rfi€ $kesi frres, eadquakes, stoms and other naturat disa*ers and abnormat votEge, polotion, demd dm eused by the faitu.e or damao€. Please I fte "warEnrytu'bdty*6ffiffi Pl6sek@p'M@ddFtfuffi the wamnry wil &@.frd& Gl 1T3T000132 smp, Fdyad ssiet, Iunabtebpledtrmmnry@d &L Gl 1T3T000132 orpurcha*lnvole, fte 'wamnry Cad" Pldse the keeD Mmnry ls valid by d6ler o. tuntrdE "waenw Grd' and poda* intb F6 wlll & demed a wai@rdbe fuhL G1 4 d ry. t @M b p.*nt Se wamnv 1T3T000132 Grd or pldase inwl@,