Escape to the Other Cape
Escape to the Other Cape
T HE B0 5 T 0 N Gt0 B E MA GA U th X E /tUl- V 13, 2014 B Y A LY S S A GIA C OB B E Capc( )oclgetsalltheattentioninthesummcrmonths.Italsogetsthetraffic,andthe crowdr. li,rt it cercainlydoesn'thavethe lock on New Englandpicturesque,evenasfar ascapesgo.About 4o milesnorth of Bostonandmadeup offolr towns - Rockport, which is actuallyac\q - CapeAnn is andGloucester, Essei lvtinchester-by-the-Sea, by car9tl.I.t 58squaremilesofbeiches,boats,andfried seafood,all easilyaccessible t, commuterrail. Here'severythingyou needto knowto plan aneasy,sltisfying getawaythat's lessthan anhour from the city andblissfully Sagamore-free. BOSTONGLOBE.COMI MAGAZINT * n *t s$$ -gffi{i: .::* ii is eiv+ v*E".&:x the quietest and most conspicuously suburbanof the CapeAnn tovms,wittr a compactcenterlocatedabout ahalf mile from S!rufitilGBEAClf,whose sand really doesseemto "sing" in the wind (978-526-7276).Parkingat the beachis for residentsonly Friday througlr Sundayin the summer,with limited availability for nonresidentson weekdays.Luckily, the walk from the commuter rail station (or your parking spot downtown) is a pleasantone and the reward-Singing Beach'stJrpically uncrowded,sandysprawl in the shadowof wooded,roclqycliffs-is worth the effort. Onceyou'vearived, ttre t"A#fiHlilS &ULL, formerly the SingingBeachCanteen,is on hand to provide sandwiches,iced coffee, and extra SPFif you run out (978-526S{J$TV'$ 4103).Iet a conefrom C&pTA!ru (978-526-1663)or a glassof wine on the patio at TflH LAtr*gNffiAT7 flH$nYffiAiln if that's more your speed,be your motivation for the walk back to the cN (978-526-7494; : I n n , : i ;:i t. !'t:o |t'itt AW AyffOmthg slighfly gntry downtown-it is a city, after all-there axeavariety of beautiful sandyshoresto choosefrom, including EastGloucester'sbustling ffifit?ffiFgeffiffi#ffi ffiffiAflHand the kid-friendly still watersof tff$hlffi&trffi$F*ffiffi${ with the AnffiffiAf;${ nisquam lighthouse in view in the distance. Thoughthe fishing industryhas beencon- r HE BOS T O N G T OB E M A GA Z IN E /JULY 13, 2OI4 solidated in recent years, the tovm remains deeply connected to, and proud of, its seafaring roots-it's America's oldest fishing port-and, should it rain, there's plenty to see indoors. Dovmtown, the dAFffi eruffi ffitl5g$n# -reopening August 19 after renornations - houses cenhrries'worttr of fishing- and boatingrelated arbifacts, while the man at the wheel statue overlooking Gloucester Harbor pays tribute to the thousands of fishertnen who over the years went offto sea and never came home, including the 2 3".i z.= LLI lJcog.l p- oo EQ Ll-I _J ot 9 O> e$ coJ =O J> zf, =>I (^!n l/)1--tt'. <c &. v5z o< FF Oo. o-L -< real-life men immoftalized in the Hollywood blockbuster ThpPdect Stnnn (978-283-M55; minutes eastof downtounLthe artists and other residentsof ROCKVilECKpopulate lO0-yearold cottagehomespacked into a tightknit, walkable village with amplewaterviews. Here,studios run by artists like clottring rlesigner Sig5idOlsen,sculptor Walker Haneoch and ptaywright Lqrael Horoviu commirUle wittr gallcries and docksiderestaurantsalong the charmed RoclqfNeck Avenuc (roclqfneckartcolony. org). ffi&flffip#ffiT's tittLBRooK ilfrEADOltT(millbrookmearlowotg), an e:rpansive,gnassyknoll prirne for picnicking or book reading, regularly hosts community fcstivals and music events(rockporLu', while the HEADLAilDST often called"tlre overlonkcirpital of CapeAnn" is a locals' firvorite, \Mithpostcardviews of the village, the harbor, Motif No. I (Ilockport's oft-painted landnrark), and Straitsmouth Island Light, plus plenty of birds. Find the entrance to the Headlandswhere Atlantic AvenuemeetsBearskinNcck.The renoruredSHALIHtlU PERFORMANCECENTER, whosernain stageoverlooksthe harlxrr, offers a full schedtrleof music, theater, and film year-round,including the Rockport JazzFestivalstarting Au; rockport$rst 13 (978-546-7391 fromtopleft:Rockport's Clockwise ShalinLiuPerformance Center, harbor,Millbrook Meadow in Rockport, andSinging Gloucester's Beach Dusty's in Manchesfer-by-the-Sea andCaptain BOST ON GL O B E . C O M/ M A G A ZI N E s the two busiestcommunities,Rockport I and Gloucesterhavethemostto offerin tl of thingp to see,ffit,buy, and do, and Aterms all roadslead here besides,As such,they make the most senseto serveashome basefrom which to explore the rest of CapeArut. (That said,if you're lookingfor an overnight,the waterfront E$SEXRIVER HOUSEUOTEI, under new ownenship,is a clean, quiet, centrally locatedoption wittt no minimum staypolicy rare aroundtheseparts (978'768-6800; com). essg<riverhousemotel. the sprawlingBA5SROCK$ h ffit#A$ffiffiSTffiffi, of lilf{ (above)offersunencumberedviernrs OCEAT{ theAtlantic (andthe occasionalseal),a.swell asapool, roof dmlq and fire pit. Borrow a bike from the hotel wide, sandy to ride to any nurrrberof Gloucestet's beactresor cruisearoundthe mastline(888-802-7666; For artistsand writers, or bassrocksoceaninn.@m). thoseutro just like beingaroundttrem, ROCKY lUECK comprises11 roomsin two ACCO&lntODATlOilS of the colorfrrla,trtists'enclave in the center buildfuUs of RoctVNeck,all of which comewith wafervienrs, origrnal exposedbeams,and modern conveniences com). (978-804rO562; rockyneckaccommodations. ffi#{ffiP#ffiT-atown that ernbodies"cutej'is home to marryhistoricbedandbrealdasts,eachasquaint and enzyasthe next.Afew standouts,however,includethe tMERSOil ll[il BYTHESEA?a dassicNew EnglandVictorian-erainn, completewith ocearrfront veranda lt's a 2-milewalkto the shopsand restaurants of Main Streetand BearskinNeck,but the view and nighttime oceanbreeze-nature's white noise machine-more than makeup forthe mildly sctra effort (978- 546-6321;emersoninnbythesea.@m). The L79OColonialTUCKIHN is an intimate BBA that's a shorter stroll from the centerof tovm and a,s warm andwelcoming asstaytngwith friends. Breakfast-timebonus: OunrerScottwood, who nrns the placewith his wife,Tir.,is larownfor his homemade bread(978-ffi6-7 26O; 6 TH E B O S T O ] Y GT OB E MA GA Z IT IE lIULY T3,2OT4 ffi t's hard to go anywhere ffi in CapeAnn without ffi t ur"ing into a cla,m, and a perfectly ilrned out one at thatobut ffi#SHffi takesthe prize wtrether you like yours frie4 steamed, stutre4 on the half shell, in ctrowdet or all of the abo:re.You can't go wrong with Essexlandmark WOODilnAil'5,which has been servingup classic New Eneland fish shack fare to crowdsfor 100years (97 8-768-6057; woodmans .corrl),orthe more upscale REs. SHEA'sRIVERSIDT & BAR€rcrOSS TAURATIIT tlre street,where boaters end the day anchoredto the bar in front of abowl of steamersand afew pints of Ipswich ale (978-768-6931; com). sheasriversideessex. rurl The ne\MC.K,PEARLT by the Sheas'sonPatrick just next door,leanstoward a more modern take on the local haul, bolsteredby a varied menu of burgers, charcuterie,ffid creativecodrtails and sangria.There'splenty of waterfront seatingwith a killer Essex Riverview and afun, young crowd (978-SgO-7378; dspearl.@m). $q{i"3flr,,{F#ffi"fl is the placefor justcaughtlobster; ifs on the menu everynnftrerc, frnomthe casualcounter serviceand seat-youmelfback deck at BearskinNeck shackROY ililo0Rf,u}SSTERC$.(978-5466696)andlocal favorite FLAY5 RfD SKIFF(978-5ffi-7e7)to the decidedlyfancierffiY PLACI8YT]ff SSA'on the tip of BearskinNeck {97s- ffi6-9667; mlplacebythesea com). For the lobster mother lode, held don't miss LOBSTERFEST' on August 9 this year ( and other culina,rylandlubberu loveTOPilBG, ahot dog and clam shop alsoon BearskinNeck (978546-0006; Follow any and all of the above with house-madechocolatesand saltwatertatry from TU{KS (AilDY fAffORY (978-546-2UO; an espressowith a harbor view at Bf,,Al{& LEAFCAFE (978- 546-7500; beanandleafcafe .net).Aseleet number of restaurants in Roclcport,a drytolvn until z00l,norv senrealcohol,ffid this yearthe EmersonImbythe Sea openedthe town's fir-s'tfull-servicebatr Certain rules still apply, thougfu:No boozewithout food. Tty to considerit lessa mandatethan pmctical life advice. For a more varied cutinaryexperience,the choiceis #f;{3il**#*',Yffiffiu which has in the past fewyeart experienceda restaurant renaissancettlat thrives on a sea-to-table philosophy.MARKET,founded bytwo CtrezPanissealums in a former Annisquam fish market, servesup a daily changingmenu of local bounty - Atlantic-caught bluefin tuna butter lettuce from nearbyApple StreetFarm in Essex, ovmedby LEspatier chef Frank McClelland-in the quaint setting of the aptly narted Lobster Cove(978-282-0700; GloucesterholdsSHORT& [fAlH -this sister restaurantto Market featuresoystersand wood-fired pizza(978-2il -Oem;; a CapeAnn outpost of BostonhotspotFRAilKLlil (Af E (97 8-283-7838; fr; and worttr-the-wait breal&st ioint - that'sSugar SUGARIIAGNOLIA'S MaS to the locals(978-281-5310; At LATITUDE 43, fresh-caughtlocal fish starsin everythingfrom chowdersand entreesto sushi in a eorywarm spirce decoratedwith subtle maritime flair, while its bar,nillilGLEWOOn TAVfRlll, hosts live music and an occasionally,let's say,"spirited" crowd (97 8-281-0223;; minglewoodtavern .com).A goodportion of the 2O beerson fuaft comescourtesyof the CAf E *$lN BREWIIIGf,O.just down the street (978-282-7399; Facing Fog€,right Gloucester's Short& Main;thispage,from andC.K.Pearl5 top:WoodmanS, bothin Essex deckandentrance, BO ST ON G L O B E . C O M/ MA G A ZI N E 2 ro tip: The new CapeAnn Cultural Districts epp, a free download that includes recommendationsfor where to go and vrhat to do around the cape'sfour communities,feaf,uresa navigation tool to help get from one destination to the nsrt" Parkingin ffiil,\flK**#ffi? is traditionally tricky-few spots,by design.For those arrivins by commuter rail, there is a new walking pathwayto the dovnrtovm atrea.Drivers, meanwhile,eanopt to park in a free lot and take a quick and regular $1 shuttle locatedon Route 127just before entering downtown ( The town, itself fairly Roclsvellianin feeling, has alonghistory asan art colony,and .com-if you'vegot your eyeon a particular gallery call atreadto be surethey'reopen.The ilIOSHER GATLE RY,run by husband-andwife artist team Donald and Christine Moshe6 specializesin New Englandvistas and scenic oils (978- 546-3666;,wtrile WlhfDEilf,ERE ART & ANTIQUES, ownedby former Carsdrummer David Robinson,is more eclectig with an assortment of stainedglass,drawings,flfld paintings from local and nonlocal artists, along with vintagejewelry arrdtableware(978-546-3513).On BearskinNeck,the JOHI{cAG. GIANSGATLERY is run by the reno\nrnedlandscapeartist (g7S546-2414;j Blsewherein tolvn, find creative gifts and decorativehousewaresat (978-546-9007); Tif E GALLEREE cookbook, gounnet sundries,arrd kitchen €rc-cessories at LUtffS PANTRV(978-546-0010; lulaspantry .com);home accessories at MILK & HOI{EY(978-546-6546; and, well, ; booksat TOADHALI"B0OKSTORI, which is notable not just for its comprehensiveselectionbut also for Siving 100percent of its profits TH E BO s TO il G L O B EM A G A Z I N E/JUL Y1 3, 2 OL 4 Top:MainStreet,Rockport;above andat left:Rockport's Milk& Honey projects(9ZSto environmental 54,,6-7 3?,3; g'ffiffi"ffi''*" 'g'*4 rhiq'{;t4Ai:$ ff"$;&,'. , :Eif though not a shopping destination, is notwithoutways to partwitlt your cash:After a trip to the beach, stopin to GtADSTCIll[for a tiehtly curatedselectionof contemporary and antiquejewelry (978-7W. 94,10; gladstonejewelrycom)an4 next door,familyowned furniftre boutiquef,A*G0 Uillt | ilt lTf D (978- 526-7569;cargounlimited .@m).Acrossthe way,the charmBYTHEil0OK ing MAIICHESTIR is overstuffed,in the best way,with usedart hoks, novels,ffid kids' seriesoinduding many first editions and leather-boundrare finds (97S-525-2929; an iced coffee from the GR0V[ and prepareto spendsometime (97*7M-9388; Meanwhile, *h'{'$ra"rwithout don't leave .s*,rFti +.atrip to new,used,and mre vinyl dealer*ilYgTf,nYTRAIHR[[ORDS, where membersof the friendly staffwill alsorecommendtheir favorite local bands(978-281-8911; myste$ Along the water at StageFort Park, at the site of Gloucester'sfirct settlers,the CAPEAnil FARMERS' expansive IfiARKETfeaftres more than 70 local food and craft vendors,along wift cookingdemosandlive music, everyThursdayfrom3 until 6:30 p.m. (capeannfarmersmarket. org). New this year,the l-mile l{15TSUR TORIC855[X UHALKIHG providesan overview of the shipping tolvn of I t;i'i:;"t, settledin LG3/l,,aswell as suchlandmarks as the EssexShipbuilding Museum, Cogswell'sGmnt, the CoxReservation, and many of the antiques shopsalong Main Street.Pick up tour info and download a map at essexwalkingtour.comor find brochurespostedaround tolvn, Or simply spendthe day-or two; there is that much to flnd here-treasure hunting on your own.THg SCRS'PSSSK dealsin t'arly historical and decorative and mapsfrom the 1550s 1x'int,.s ToadHallBookstore Fromtop:Andrew Spindler at hisantiques shopin Essex, TrainRecords Mystery in Gloucester in Rockport, allto the 1920s(978-768-74A4; a more curatedselectionof goods,AHDRIW 5f f ilDLf,R useshis Sothebys backgroundto inform the oftenquirlry, always-pristineassortment of furnihrre, prints, ffid objects at his Main Streetgallery (97& 7 68-6M5; -ir's DAVtpI|ILIGAHAHTIQUE9 the one with the stonelions flanking the entrance-specializes in restoring and reselling 17th- and l8th-cenhrry fundftre and decora' tive afts from Europe (978-7683910; AHTIQtrIES, And at ilfiAlluSTREET o\ilner Robert Coviellohasbeen dealing in everything o1dfor 33 years,and no\ivoffersfour floors of antique and refurbishedAmericart and Europeanfurniture, glassware, lamps,and much more (978-768o'If 7039).AsCoviellolikes to say, we don't haveit, you don't needit!"-a phrase,it hrrns out, that mayvery well sum up the whole of CapeAnrt itseH.I afrequent Globe Alyssa Qi,anobbe, Magazinecontrthu,tor,l:iaesin Newbu:rgrport.Send,conutwntsto e.cstn. mnga,sirc@SI,ob BOST ON GL O B E . C OM / MA G A ZI N E