ths , HIH10ffi
ths , HIH10ffi
RRCNDil EXTRA 7+ rnustnng i n uiuid blo.k * urhile V o1. oDRNCE{; OAKDALE HS I norne gnrne Our first No. SEPT '? HIH10ffi to {ollou {rnsl wi I I be ZO dance .be PaPen r.rill srnell?R r snRPPi.eR-- held Friday, Sept. 20, after our flrst home game with L i vermore. The dance wi I I be held ln the old gym. lt wi I I start at Here is the first issue of the 74-75 Arcade, There will be thirty-two is sues distributed c, week'ly basis except on or after holidays. $l with a student body card and 2$ wlthout. Our presses are on carrrpus this year and rnakes usf put out a srnaller paper, Althougl the paper is srraller it will be a snappier ar rnore imforrnitive paper for the student bodr we hope. 10:00 and end at I I :45. The dance is being sponsored by the student Body and wlll cost Shades of Gray wi I I provide the music. No tickets wi I I be sold one hour after the dance starts, and, ; one wi I I be permltted to return after leaving to the dance accord i ng sponsors. **t* ths , tJeoK R 1 The Oracle, Broadcasting and Arcadet sta are working together on the newspaper and other publications *d." ih. supervision o? English teacher Eugene Conrotto. The letters to the editor should be taken tc roorrl ZI and rnust be signed or they wonrt be nrinted, *** ************* gn PT .24 *FirstSE homeTo''otbal I game--0HS ,meets Liverrnore. : Soph ki ckoff 5:45; iVarslty: 8 p.m. Fi rst after- FRIDAY, urs hopt qame dance. Mus i c by Shades of Grey. MONDAY, SEPT. 23 :a Cross eounTry vs. Manteca, here. *TUESDAY, SEPT. 24 in ACI, noon * FA meets p hIEDITESOAY, SEPT qreets in team r at ts' F , Ta-Bldq, 7:30 *noon. ski i n room CI 9, ub mr noon. r EIer Arneilcan farnily is the Hiltunens. Ulla likes to sno-ski, swirn and caok in her spere tirne. $he will .att-end secondary school two rllore years before furthering trer education in coll*ge, :ai!:::irt , , :.: ,i..'r' r =i ,r: .'j..:,:!. iiir+*:;iffii Banz is 18 years He was born in Schlossure, Switze rland . He has six brothers and no sisters, His A rner ican f arnily are the Ingles. Banz Coesn't really have any ho *ffi€sl blir his ravorite group is Procul Harern and his favorite Arnerican food is pancakes. old. Erna' fl , fonr ign ex chnnqe kid s - { inT npd, . b $o +sR ': Ulla is 17 years old She w,as born in -Toyala, Fin1and. She has one br-other, ,akdale High school ;,three new foriegn ;hange students 's year-.Erna Matrasdottir frorn Ice ,d; Ulla Urhonen irn Finland; and nz Herrrnann frorn itzerland. ,lrna is 16 years ,1. She was born Reykjavik, Iceland, e has two brothers d one sister. Her ne r ic an f arnily ar e 'r.e : er*man, Dowdy". Ernaf OH$ TOP TE Ir'. rarrNG cARE or suSlNIe s3: pat ,2. BEACH BABY: Kerrie Highfill t_.-.. WILDWOOD WEED: Larry Texeira i3. THING: Zane Johnston i5. YOU AND ME AGAINST AGAINST THE WORLD: WOI Judy and Brenda i5. i6. EAR ACHE MY EYE: Jeff Nielson ;7. TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Matt Vejar l+. WtLD 8. ISHOT THE SHERRIF: Steve Srnee L CLAP FOR THE . , WOLFMAN: Visco Grgich f 0. ROCK ME GEry] L_Vi"n[ the little freshmen s ,bbys are hiking, 'ows kiing, swinqryr4 and traveling. O,\KDALE TLORAL 822 \^/EST F STREET O,'AI(DALE. CALIFORNIA 85A67 r favorite singer Cat Stevens, and r favorite Arneric -i , food is corn on a c ob. He r futur e lns are to becorne .1Ur Se . FLO\A/ ERS FOR I\LL OCCASI(}NS ffi ANTHONY PHoNE A47-I7AA DAY OR NIGHT & JUDY FARINHA LIVERIJCRE HI MUSTNNGS OPIN HWI STNND lVieira, , Hiqh .guards and Rudi BurtSchool The 0akdale S,chi, center. t"lustanqs open it uP at home Fri day n i qht aqai nst the L i verr In !he backfield inore Cowboys, Varsity kickoff is at B, Thi s wi I I be the fi rst meeti nq ever between the two school s. Last week the underdog Mustangs tied Turlock, 13- flRCnDET I tu'I ffRCNMI EXTR6 /tlurTnns: all, while Livermore surPrised Atameda Hi, l3 to 7. hi ll be ll."t Vejar, quarterCoach Dal e Cl i_p_per gave 'ba ck; Louis lliranda, fullbackt the Arcadet the fol I owi nq st- G; ry Denys, tai l back: and Bi l l arting line-up: Matt Vej ar H i qhfill, riqht half. Hiqhand Mi ke House at ends; Don fi 1 1 I ed al I Mus tanq ground Costa and Eric Bettencourt at qa iners in the Turlock qame tackl es; Kurt ahaney and Gary t^ri th 99 vards. l'1 go / go / I o/ go / go [J^RR / go / go Ma nteca . Starting . lout this year therJ are 1 go / go / go / go t go /go / rro / go / go / go / s o / go / go / qo teRs uJl b. BETT[R!' well Keeney, will they that A slightly improved Cros.s Country team will open its 7 4-7 5 s€a son here , September 23, against , / seven Seniors , 16 Juniors , four Sophomores and nine Freshmen. Coach Bob Hake says this year' s tea m is one of the large st in two .years. Hake feels that the team will improve' and ' do at the V.O.L. champ- ionships. Some of the returning veterans are Morris Jay Gange, Steve Dougla s and Chris Chave z. Showing good form also is j unior Arnold Silva . ,ffi g." :THE'Iq74. " 3AKDALE HrcH N[U-FTAN_$5 ], ,"ow ,frorn lett- Matt Vejar, Micky McMahon, , : ''. .' , , . ,ilahaney. Craig Vasquez, Garth Hewitt, Dave 'lupi..Fr:ed Gatzrnan, Mike Orvis, Jeff Watson, ., -,,- , .. ..: ' -.-. * --, r-; .- .,' Richard Mghgley, .Luis wt"t5n+, $tt91r Pruett. ' Second row-- Tom Crooker, Gary Denys, Jim Nor.wooC, non Valk, Bob Johnston, Jim Fisicaio, Dan ', Itangtord, Gary Vierra, Rudi Burtscfi, Da1 Owens, JaY , , Ch; Thi ,Tet ;,. j ,;\ , i{: *i..' {b nnmr k Il3q3 H:*i i;,:kdal.i Hi students went to thil polls this l.reek to e1''''a'&j(..r!l : liiF*i' orrow, Jeff Ingl es, n Pottle, Susan Julie Nash, ect Student Leq i sl ature Representati ves. Kids l.rho won will nrett.y much make the 74-75 decisions on how the studentend of OHS 1 ife is handled. llere are the vrinners: ori vrls, Shallrt Ho'fmanr,, hlancy Jonston, and o, s , and Frank Ten- S0PH0M0RES--Sandy BartI ow, Kdtri na Beql i nqer n Debbi e Chu, Jalet Dyson, Debbi e Hutchi son, Lori l"luni ai n, and Sus i e Scherer. FRESHI,ItN__Nanc-y Bol kcom, Hol I obray, lane Brad Shuck " A Reeve Shawn SENI0RS--Gilda Cox, Charmaine DeSiiilas, Terri Gonsal- ,IUNI0RS - Ida tslntoRs Cind.y Browning, Candy Eckert, Kel1ey H,amb.v, ltla.ry Rees, Su i s ka Reeves , and Ka ren Cilrril lo, Svlank. AA AAA AAAAAAAAAA /.AA AAA AAA AAA A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Fnexh olecl- A/A'sA Browning, secretary. Dede Nash wls elected pres i dent of the Freshman class, also elected were Stacy Btrrford, vice presi denf; and C i ndy ophs The Freshman Yel lleaders wi I I be Hol lY Henderscn, Kathy Beglinger, La Vina Bi ngham, and Pam Vi erra. Si nce the mi dd hot, hot August I e of Oak- dale High School fs ruffiLHrru DAI RY AND BEEF CATTLE FEEDS 1 .! I t { lr I .1 I I 304 Nor t h Yosernite Ave Oakdale, Calif or nia " Colts have been preparing for the upcomi ng footba I I season. Coach John Quaccia feels we have itwo more tough prac- iti." games witn, Liviermore and Tracy. He 'is atso looking forward to the I eague iopener with Sf . Marys ion Oct. 4 . The team jhas been wor:king folgether as a un it, and ;ds a team if takes :everyone to make a winning season, Qual- cia said. tj : ::i: *.$s S *s' -$" --,$' PHIff'BR'dffN I Agqiculture JON JACOBSCN Vipe Principr] Na**' Art schssh*X: R*or*;s . Alrem k*3 l'*ar" A c ons iaeiautii chan, ged cast of students. A few faculty changes A new vice principal.. School started last week wi', h 1,2E5 kids enrolled. That :i:ill'i::ii.l:i MTK figure rose to 1316 after 10 days. There are 49 teachers *- a l' ' .'' PHIL STEINHAR T Engliqh " lloHhl $..:: A gr 'i.i = ..': tea.eher fs* each 27 students, He ad C ouns e lor Ne il lil eiche,rt s a*'df:his yearis ttr/alk. ,t fi. r r) r,rnd re gis tration t;:ri i1 f lSttcceSs, lt ''..';, i r: ncted soffIe i.ii:r;$lsrns with a lack of c Ias ,; s ele ctions in the schedule. ]":,.,i; : ! I{ER "r\ filR icultur ratio of t e r t ir t:, f? i-).1{ I I ilakdnln Vll*Eo ["iV trob B.y T0NI GRGICH SB Prexy As Student Body Pre sident my re sponsibilltie s are numer- $pontns Goo& Oakdale Village Shopping Center 1275 East F Street Oakdale, California 95361 ous--there's more tt.: the job than putting down freshmgn at an a s sembly " Thls pii st s ummer , I had the privilege of serving on a commlttee that selected the vice principal. There were five members on the committee , and each had one vote . It wa s a fanta stic learning experietlce . I hope ygll wtli try !o get to know our vlce princlFa I , Mr. facobson . (209) 847-4A92 Boys' and Gi r I s' GYIVI CIOTHESI ATHLETI C SHOES .Gclden S@IES€ure- Onceamonthlme- et with the student body presidents of every school in the Valley O;F League " i We exchange ideas to bring back to our school s . A great deal of my l3m9 is spent talking with ou.r aCinin- istrators" I give them your viewpoinis as expressed to me, anci they give me the jr.s. I'm in tire middle of a two way street and I try to Lre as objectirre a s:poq siblg . ' .. .: ii..::;.. 1,.. Per*rnsl,ine Yutrr ring . 'vaur ACcl tl'ie mcsf pei'sor.,c[. nro.rk, -qi$n{:ture engrcrved in go[d, to ;,,:ur cl$ss rir-rg crerried by John' Rcli,eris: Aik,qbout'ihe Golcien Signoit"rre Ri*g rcdn;v. TI T::FAi-i,-i J EIVELER^1 125 N. 3rd AVE. OAKDALE CA. 9536I