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Health and
the risks
to teens
By Tori Shelton
News Editor
“[Mental health] is something
that needs to be addressed,”
Carlee Miller (11) said. Miller also
said that there is an unnecessary
stigma around mental health. “If
you break a bone, you go to the
hospital,” Miller said, “why isn’t
it the same for mental health issues?”
School psychologist Debra Hamilton agrees. “If a person has heart
issues or cancer, we don’t really
ostracize those individuals, and
I think mental health is getting
a little bit more understood as
disorders that people are dealing
with and they’re not ostracized
quite as much, but I think it still is
a problem.”
According to the CDC, 1.3 million children in the United States
have depression, 1.8 million
“If you break anxiety,
and 4.2
a bone you
go to the
have athospital, why tentiondeficit/
isn’t it the
hypersame for
mental health disorder.
ton said
that some of the most common
mental health issues she sees at
Blackfoot include clinical depression, reactive attachment disorder, anxiety disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder.
In a survey taken at Blackfoot
High School, over 82 percent of
students reported knowing someone with depression, anxiety,
schizophrenia, bulimia, anorexia,
Blackfoot High School
870 S Fisher Ave, Blackfoot, ID 83221
February 24, 2015
Volume 8 Issue 4
Eight time state
By Madelyn Robinson
Online Editor
and science
teams place
at districts
By Macie Armstong
Features Editor
The FCCLA (Family, Career and
Community Leaders of America)
team recently went
to districts and
qualified for
state. Eight stucompeted
dents competand each
ed and each
one qualified one qualified
for the state for the state
competition. competition.
Stone Broncho (12), Tom Schrier
(12), Emma Nelson (11), Crystal
Ariwite (11), Calliese Bronson
(11), and Jocelyn Stewart (11)
all qualified in culinary. Annastacia Williams (12) qualified in
job interview and Camille Hurst
qualified in the ‘teach and train’
To prepare for the culinary competition, students practice making
specific recipes that they could be
tested on during a competition. In
the competition, they are to prepare a given meal in one hour in
an orderly manner while keeping
Unit 5, seniors
the kitchen clean.
Benji Bigler,
Mckenna Brown, “The hardest part is cooking the
Rachel Cannon
recipe right and getting around
and their coach the kitchen without bumping into
Dave Cannon
someone,” Ariwite said.
pose with the
“[FCCLA members] competed
team trophy.
and did better than even they
thought they could. They’re awesome,” FCCLA adviser Tamara
Luker said.
FCCLA members participate in
service projects in the community
throughout the year. Williams
loves doing the service projects.
Her favorite one was when they
baked cookies for the children’s
project at the Methodist church.
Read more about We The People as this story continues on page 3.
FCCLA will compete in the state
Also go online at for upcoming coverage of
competition on April 9-11.
other clubs and activities going on at Blackfoot High School.
”Honestly I did this because I
wanted to win. I never really apply myself 100 percent and didn’t
care about a lot of things fully,
but in this class I have learned so
much and it has been one of the
most fun experiences I have had.
Mrs. Kartchner is a great teacher
and has made me want to go
outside of the class and not only
work full steam ahead in class,
but full steam ahead outside of
class,” Trevyn Case (12) said after
competing at state with the We
he People team.
The competitive government
class competed in Boise on February 5. They participated in two
rounds of panels, 10
minutes each on varying competition topics. After intense practicing from 8:30 am to midnight
the night before, they were well
prepared, blew the judges away
with their knowledge and took
state for the eighth year in a row,
upholding the tradition.
“In other classes you compete
against each other. I came in
and I thought I would be that
way in units. This is the first time
I’ve been on a team, we didn’t
compete against each other, but
we worked with each other,”
Samantha Johnson (12) said, “We
sacrificed hours, sleep and practiced so hard. We are number
one in We the People by
300 points over every
other team. This is
the best of the
best and we hae
unlimited motivation.”
Students declare sweetheart dance success
the dance a few times.
The dance fell on the night of
February 14, Valentine’s Day. “I
The traditional Sweethearts
would have gone on a hot date
dance, themed Cupid’s Chokeanyway, but I felt bad for the
hold, came out to be a success
chaperones and advisers who
last week after much planning
didn’t get to go out,” Schnittgen
by the senior
“I like to see it all
class presiSome of the
come together. I get to dates did a day
The unique
see people in the best date along with
name came
the dance. Taymoods of their lives.” lor Smiddy (12)
from senior
class president, Conner Schnittgen and her group played games such
whos says he thought it would be as Uno and Ping-Pong all day.
a fun name to remember. He said “We were having a ton of fun,”
the inspiration for the name came Smiddy said, “I loved my group.
from a song that he grew up with. They were all my best friends and
The song, performed by Gym
they just make any situation a fun
Class Hero’s, was played during
By Abi Elliott
Staff Reporter
Kyler Croxford (12)
attended the
dance with
his date,
Wilcox (10).
favorite part
of Cupid’s
Chokehold DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY Seniors Cami Fields and Kyler Croxwas the
ford bust a few moves on the dance floor. Photo by Erick Wood.
dance. “I
out hearts in favor of the holiday.
am not a shy person,” Croxford
The profit of the dance came out
said regarding exuberant dance
to be over $1,000, with over a
moves he displayed, “I don’t care
hundred people in attendance.
what people think.”
“I like to see it all come together.
The dance was a fundraiser for
I get to see people in the best
the senior class, and was decoratmoods of their lives,” Schnittgen
ed by Pat Deru with lights and cut
Minority Report: Sports.............Page 3
Arming Teachers.......................Page 4
Recent Album Reviews...........Page 5
Interact Club Feature................Page 6
Simplot Games.........................Page 9
Staff Picks OTP........................Page 10
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