AAZPA. 1972. Transcript and Addendum
AAZPA. 1972. Transcript and Addendum
AAZPA. 1972. Transcript and Addendum - Reproduction in captive cheetah.. Keywords: Acinonyx jubatus/captive breeding/captivity/cheetah/husbandry/reproduction/sex ratio Abstract: A cheetah breeding seminar. Theme is the captive reproduction of cheetahs. There is a problem of a species which is endangered in the wild state. The species is certainly endangered in captivity. We also have the problem of a poor reproductive history within the zoo environment. Everyone hopes to find the magic factor. Is it dietary, social, psychological, environmental in the physical sense? Here perhaps we can identify a scientific approach of experimentally manipulating these factors and, if successful then identifying the factor or multiplicity of different but inter-related factors which are essential in the successful breeding of cheetahs. A few of the factors which, to date, seem to be most significant: social environment, sex ratios, ratios of two males to one female, timing of introduction of the sexes, especially seasonally, nature of the physical environment, space or area, enclosure shape, nutritional husbandry and physical condition of the animal. We need also a better understanding of wild cheetah ecology to serve as a key to successful captive breeding. l' ADo!tcrn q I A.rocI.116a 6r zoo1091c.r ptll(r r.a rq!.rjoD. I3!9Li Dt!.ctor, otrahoda city z.o B!. Phltlp c. lorgdo zootogic.t palr Atr1i.t B€h!vio!r.t, ch..t!b con.6!v.tton Proj€ct, sa3 Dl€qo 206rosi..r socl.ty ro!rd {tral1t. sarr!1 Hot.t ro'!.ra, 1015 c€r!! Bour.v.litl its !robr,df,s ' 9 ' " 1 , 2 , i o nontnator in AFxir, inlortant rhich the factor; j .t s p h y s i o l o , r i c a l IroF ltfe 1i thei! btgeractlve and, 1n caPtivltY. to th6 uduar Eedsntary of vtlit underst.ndins a' a key to s*" .h..t;h.. i"""r""a * ;;;.; i.,. ::;.;;i.r".f th.n c.pttve lbe 6:vlnq 5. ;;;ri;i;.';; inLeqratrn, chcet6h. i;; ""; ""'. eanel nebbe*irr "";r*";. iii ,",i.,.r' ." .i. p'"st.. i-i.',1" i.i.l i . . ' , r"*...*a ;-;;;i" ii,.; fur,l so PaPer that I'rt natn thtnq qet soaa settous Eol{tiong, discu's b'terrv a blt€f hr3- ..h.th1's !o ih€ subject 'ith :"i;;i";;;;r;;"4;;, rhe ceedlnss raceorE th€l! ".i rr., " "* i.".-"i. a;;rodcn .r'.i"..tt.'t . :";;;;;;;,;; th€ etsniricant to ide.ttrv .tu'*sr ii".r"h" bore {iII r {a. t,n that be not solns r vorkins or - orrrce! or the g".*i *i. r. tn..ai,"itr"" ' t r .11 c r v d e i""i r" rge;. lou, .i"i"r.,rt.r' .." t ara rt.t ;,.. r. "'" s'"" .'t .r eo ,"". "".*" ;;;-;'?;; i"""r" ""ra ii"l'"a r" nr" i"'vev - rscs r"r"ii"a * r" th€ ";rvev' r"i" a."".rY rs6?.o You "ventv-f,iv€ Elehteen or tho'e ronqevity bIt had inc!ca€ed bur L1e oe knoe thar e! Lner rn Eho rtr€r -dt lal srrr ved {ith, tr sh€ fcmal€ arrlved nor€ birth. i. "btrad.lphla. ptri,tth rlrr K!€fierd: re5er joined in 1e6o (Aprill sprnn€rl: anlndrs, tn just died ihe oat6, naI€ a!!iwed tbis fonale alriwed {ith atound oc!ober I95l he di€d both iere v€rr tiiature ruo oa1e3. a rittrr fhsy p!t_ ,r 1r siv6 you th!€. lhis is jnst sonethins to ttnh dbout. rhis is just '€sident .thoroqt€t, r€ hav€ r€cetv€d s5s,o0oro initiate r€n:dulr th.d€ arl not th€.€ in 5an Diego zoo! ny pny.torogtcar rltd five-acre volk t6 done cheetahE pens. ie ..|:, !ogt naru,ar dnvtronnent fo! in caprivity, certain !€rhaps pe!tlwhich nay lnitiare :blnar'. cheetan af!{ca indi_ ".Y b. ."'." -. ""tf in iiosL,oos !h"t..r:. !r:ed.:lqs ]n caettvlN n.rc.esul'.d of 3€ruar anxi€blss. "Frhae n.Les o:'jA- v"Fl. frture *hlch ,i11 sorr€ bloldqy hare had sroTrnter6.u ErEI' rr dnrv f''-caarive Ff'.ri rtdtt.d to.nly r]!rbecgne TxnEcr tn iLiilnd !da;;d i;-;;I ion-l*d rnc!ea,1nq.v obvrous rn,y .6t€ctive ---DeceDoer rt is 4no- behaviorar dar. nar€ and/or I two aniiars th€ tnaL ndle reiat€ in tbe o. is this renale tneoriz€ lntii.r conlnq 1sfr. i5 possibre . r^ ."pt,,i.v, r._ necessa!y tn rl.e'=,'"t.t"*"sieals {!on car (physioroqicar?) rais€d ln calrivity snilsnade, n€v9t:9bs€rved ollahona ;ith_ citv and tbibk copulatton. nale nanaqqnent shoura the!efore, r youtninkthe subotd.inate fo,Ld rilartf. sala!1, hi3:?!!oach of resea'cb r did at aflale of h:3.tudt€s just rtg-:I:ll-:! 'hich to clarify rj i9.ll *r" r. tri. tn tho rfan h6 calqntr crtntnqr starvtnq astan .heetahs indivtiluats in ntres rhere the {i1d r'r1 -r,oaa in jtrEt lrn rtke to nakc. an in.reasinqry se ale soinE exttnct rt is ,sc'dy.rclooin !eoronal a dtfre!enr rhls p!Ey tben re:ds they a.e lcreased don. 1n this iiro. rh6r€ possiblo s0ciart2ed ro their.orhe!€ {itr rlas been tne nothor natural bY Birl 1o!k. iD vhich cheetahs r thlnk rhe riv. feedlnq: aqatr. lnportant. in sbo.t, ald probably Pblr !€.h in sish! and t hope that steliion, tiact, r tbink nany o! nor€ p€ople 'trl rlrd anlnal noael _ in attEnprlns the aoledo 2oo, has a fil^ ei$ could Jtrnp or ou! o! this exhibit vould Jnnp. by etthe! ctrnbinq or jublinq. thtntr th€y do that!s flies. panel t€n feet ite. ar rre frt€. 1n the ve hawe tro the ctrbs rere tigr. 1971 after I the ?hey ar. physen€lgy lb th€ tly to. If ve are sttnuratrn9. F.11, {tr€ rlth rhoep3on,6 q:.etre all evtdanc6 polntE to r ,ourd acttvlty ln cho€rahs vhich !. aI€o plobabry b6hrviola11y s€a!€d for quit€ loloetcalry tn.y ..cia1 alrivtns boln on caie "q" -" r !.;.' they ouest!on: 0uestt.n i\. n€ver r' c c--;; =:;i; a!on sourh,est ^fr ica; interesttn, qoinq 11 -- i." ".";-' sJ_4 c. Nhat dhy viti]dutqu€5tion jurpins au,.sraon: rihar !t it panel i subject. 6es3:on to discusst.n, Befo!e r rourd Just 'ant .ulrey rh!ouql' 4o6t of south stlrl contln6htal survoy ln a ha. bade observatlons 0f hts ovn 1n ihe fi€rtt sane officlars, .o it is pr.babr,y fhele a'e no bo'€. tine. has !a!ts Boueve!, be anir offict.Is .'a h€ estinares, of the .ontinent, bur thlt of arlica tn 'e najo!ity td south aflica cocrs€, tn Afrlca, eI!.94!C_l!!! 1! solthr€.t _ri!eq. 41!!r9la!! v€lnln 1n south'e.t Ehe6! or fhis is Alltca int6r€.t Africa, anluls, accofdrns and erserhele. ro 3af:ri lb havinq a the ones shich rt seens sos6rhlnq, htrnt rb.r,ttb tbey are hunttng ferentlar 1n that's pa.tEr g- o! ftqu!6 ts t!!o fo! selvlce ju.t {e xnor at of naitrter!nc€lnsn.qen nany aroa3 tn cohBisslon 'bt.h ras pa.seal the ruc{ anil entte r aonri hav€ rhingeI rn car15 for a ..' ,.'. .."=..,"1. be -Dfopaqated. !hat neans jusr b.ins rn raree rirr . ' ',..;.. cr rr." "i-a not h,ve so, r juEr .t!";q1y._ as*inq in then. !esorurt.n be rosponE rt€ !a!ki a u E s r r o N s_ h o d Do you 9j a (Eaton and Eerdnan) : ^ any orhar (skeldon), 9: seen ir. a probtcn a besides :abbit? contd you desclibe h fact cats sone behavlorrsms th13 *ey all t are co!trratinq. forro{lbs on her b:ck, .h6 a (Heldnarr) : exPcrience, ro{ b-L4:19!41.. actrarly coinea the carr xhich ls speed, 1t u6ua11y tndlcares qet a tlomendous anount of.trbniBsiven66s l!- s_!r-e!19- !h{c a lEatonl : duiing -q:q.e.a Lo be aqsrcabtw "9ft ci,nc; anto t ts very obvi.uE. rn6 out, glllrE rctr'ity ! hato ro dlling you lhich stlck behavtor dicar,ly .".*- tattl cutte!a1. Rob, a_3!319!34E ih j"jcr.r that my b€ slqniflcanr a Ehnrftiaq readiry. r tho ta.r rro ttn65 o, it lbar t r h.u. inL;od"..d.h.D. thcaa {iptnqs. in no'na1 delecacion tt thtbt of, thar brinq in re same thinq rh€ rtpln9 b" LL".I i r or r o v e r e d . ^"'",|'y .; 13 an be virr E3j9!]j ls b.hrvlo! ls the he is ln conract vith the ht6 nounil and thon rast tvo inrloduc!1ons, ln th€.nly olu. r bav6 b6€n ustrs ou€stion !nd on lsrand3 {B'.rnswilre) a scven to ntnc 'irhour touc!rtne it. so it rt 13 0ftsn €rcolrent and they jun! a.d crer! gives crtnbers a as rer]. of phedor€na t. ro ericit brecdinq ro do to elicit brccdinq, actual u! into a r.vet or acttvlty! to son€thilr (rauqhtc!). a fenare, vhcther pioblens, the various it noi cop- 1n- is had 1n keclins rdcattohs, (Eaton) t I havo ject, it,6 Ledn but thar Lqo'as): brouqht tnto Fbat car€ sholril bo tak6n rney wele rdxy r.mote connent (crvrc Hitrr: f,lrd ! have d or ;ixr vero r did ^frlcan huntine r trrinr subjecr. and r lurposes 1r shourd be ahe 39q!9!i9_l-qe.l4I]_: tie (cu!tis): Re3!on3e (Earon): biEtoric'1ly fr6n Randy. !cs. Phir ositvie to t6r1 no!1d wtrdrife you sonethin!. srr.n6or€a by !ion !o!1d rlldlife second Intorlati.bar think tit'oducrions to reploductive bloloqy rhe lroceadinqs (rcL!on): ne hrve /, anythibq crsetahs a'tificiar stl'ur1 operatin9 90t oxctted !;ter object start r tke tbe vrctntty rlnntns srid. R.dFon.€ (qe.dnan) : on afr€r scens rhis jusr lndicates to rtrs that it a.d that soncthins is drasricatry thrt nat6s hare dliw€r but ve dir.ction of !9js:ji__!!3ie!L (tra.16n conn6nt rhonaE) I p"-'*"...e, l,n.fraid, "*--,,.. ih. t nrsjrdq€nerr, ev€r tt nay the olirlnat !su!!ei, and !ot just .srsll::_q9sl3!3:! ry-g3l!!.L i6 fai!l]' lfcdi.t:rra ue af,e tiylnq vhlcrr oe rhink xtlr 'o!k for you can find anyaninarpopulatl.on *no{ auestio' rhat fire (poqlayon) : nares at san Dleqo? (d.rdnan) : Iu r]]e tnc!€a5ed notlvation not p!€rinin'ly say that thc r'n just trylns !ir1 vo!k. on tbe n.u,d buildtns a. io sayine rhe srgnirlca'ce is lnrer!'et and say to bs 3on€ sort or yet to D€ identr- s!!EE9!--!393!i!4 !ea! fehare i. Rone {hieh nare5, are srirl {itn the considered 3te!tr6 no{. sbe is past r3 sur6 rron sohatllrand. yhtcrr is in rhe pen vith an rnte!esrtnq ove,_.exeil n"'t"t,...p,',c"a of the f!€qlort ib the interp'etation, lirc! and srishrly less f,equdnt rrdney airn€n16 4gg:l-il9!-e-:li i"rare, ro! :nstance. pubrisr,ed on (crrtis): r froiL - ir ansuei (iatob) : y.u livet 1€ a rantastic in!orted, vrty tn captivity is somehov posttlrely Peihals a rack of actl_ rctared to rtve! disease. tor..d for rn rhts with wation !ie it and wirl thPorr€d cheetatrr laner Eo aro solnq the h€rri to have connitto€. to do, stnce and the 6!bj€ct nininar ciiteita tr. N. coutd use rhls rrir cheet.h, each laner S9s9g!__!9sEj! s!,ecif,ic fl.rttnq crose nenber quesrtonE tn !!ereseond 1! cohnent (Baysinqerl: i! (lauqhte!) . ve introduced connent (cu!tis): rhis heotrnq I/2 !€€pon6c of to O!63ttonE g!!!jM_!l tn ,hlch (a) plopasdtton clirat€ trou1d app€a! ltkel,y? sp€cificrlly: r extr6n€.r lb) (nore th,n {hat ld) Fa.iIiti€d' le) staff Ia) plobabr.y aitequat€ itennlns Pai!! abolt noi fivel ? Ar€ he have a !l,ace? dire, tyle (cas€6 v€. 'yalds(,, etc. conpetence. ooder:te cord rev€rely .!e roulil I ale (c) etc, Nunbe! of (c) lb) lru4tdttyt n.t u€rs illscoulage rnd/.! arythtns equt!!.it th€ nar€s and fenarer 6l,nc€ they nlsbt flqrlt anit scar one anothe! adrlse u5!.rIy vho t. unquallri..ar r'.atin9 (d) I !€conr€na ihould be d€sren€d flon att otb6r exce!t f€dar€ a!€a ( s) contact, coo.s tor exoticE. fiv6 ilu!Ins 5lnc6 barravior bl rneieupon acr.5 n.tins area for a conpound, rhlcb na16s and f.har.. actiwlty. rhe fenar. can tbe ..paratton feDce arc na16. 6hou1d b. ru' I Ea!onr corrlnued t601stton r!6a sbo!rir potelttar denning eLt€s, !ref.!abty snrrt cove!eir n'xi&qa vt.abilirr. .ho 16tr.1. in the e1ld avair.birity o{ otrrer d€n3 .ho{1d .pievenr abandontrent. hawe 3.v.lar te ard others, r.nc6 p.rfectly po.sibirilte3 borh tn th. aa€qu.t€. ir hlt by ! of inju!y, chatn llnk f€.ces, cheetah, thu! ntni'irins lunntns Blnc. B!!lapr rwatrabre in 1oo ya!!:r q!€at .ia rn htillnq cheetah, che.rah r!o' peopt6 ch€€tahs snoultt 1..., .ontacr *ith contact vtrh I)ulttc tE .ut. Ehouta b. at htniEus. obseivrtron . prltlorar brind or oih€ri sqlalry recrudea location. l.) Dlfficurt tnar e, .iite tt of !aca, Iiw6-f6.dlnq lndividual tait) te li!,elattv€ rhar a gooa rh6 s.n. tnte!sction3, (to be kept a, 1d€ntitrer char?e€ ra lctivttr. r pe'son(3) 16 rtitrula16 !'hy3j..l condition. !€quiarty anil rar.ltns, shoutil b. acrtvity anit €uortonlr .h.{rd b. lrovtded, e.ch b€trs q!€at.r rhan tnlee pens .rrourd b6 plovtdedr one p.n anil an introducrolt.i pen. trarolntr, b€ ovellookec as 1.n9 as vltrt€! rs hrshry unrtk.ty pa1!1,n9 of :nlnat.. - ; houBtng 1e pr.wid€d. that 1u€r tro Eni6.ts gIII brosd. €ffolr anonE a las .006 a rininlE of .1* cheehh .borld a *ar1-!r€€snt€d 6hou1a acconlany alpttc.tlon fo! p€!rtti a r . o a c 6 r p r . r e 1 t 3 t o f p e o p r . cotrtact.it coDcertrlnq tha br€€ittrg cheetab should only b€ a 36!lorE.ttoDpt.r ..prottlotl,ob {trr b6 car!i€d our. I san {r/4 trne) {h6 alowe nuEt P!tvato tnaividual. ne€tins g!--E!:f1!-.9le-]ge-E than one Da1€ tn th. gloup hr1e6 and th!.6 f€!a1,.. anat th.t the nutrbe! Eto!ld.uffic6 of th€ lntt€it vher. (b) r have 61red ba31. paddocrr that no tess lhrt c€ltatn 8€eo eors cheetah 1iv€. 'ot1d ro betl€v€ that tt th.n d€p€nil6 on rhai hold *ourd be necessaly. eradtcatl,on tn southrest Afl1ca, pe!!.ct ie Asatn, iiteal health !€eo!d abd knorinq tn A!6!lca l.ad6 r..hoqld not,runllinq livlnq 5lturti.n h. {.1 t vould li.s Bat r trintnutr 61 2/{ *ou1a a plat starf conpetence Iton !a!k have in the la€tr bo!6 they rlrr itoae o! 13 beiag tllllns to tlt Just or a nlnl4un for lehale. femare.t breedinq/bordlre encro6utes (.ne for mles' pl!s thdtvidual cnbbins 6nclosures foi each rhe !ho b!eedins/holarns .41!.1€ t. to bresdinq/holdtns liritins factor cheetah b'eeatng, ln ca9tive thu. vould three. Ho{ever, fton x.pt aaail'bte say !n untir estabrish lt t3 ny oplnlot It body heat i. is of ren. too .ucc€6.fu].copu. lnvolv€d an.t ex- 3/3 rany ltrost?) the exlgencics to bre€!:t. fleshly suplositton qurr€d Lo esta!lrsh (d) (€) ch€etah inport and tndtvlduals p€.61t5 ble€dlng t6 lnrttiuttont crit€lla: should b€ tiattett of th€ follostns plogran aininur ihis If lhlolted i3 th€ p'inalr qoal rlth hou€1nq specie. lncru.ltrs a farine. researchea rhe vhlch €tth€! (t) l2) if Innovativ6. b€ anttctpat€d fo! rith cheetah. A !3r9!:ll4!g e'oq'dn baritlr, scienttfic ttons!6 65tabri6hed of !€c6!d. reflects it by iro qnligbtened of !.c6!dinq 1n th. instltu- 1 . . | ;r" t/, Aitit6ndu! quEsrlor/srarEuENl{ 2 obwtourly ::3:I fne e'trbllrh!.nt x!. dinih.l facllities von,t 9!ou! to h.lP get .he.t.h, Randarl Erron c6nr{nt.atlon {lttr oth6!. ln th6 fl6rd {tth p..r or !!e..nr €rp.rt€nc6. vlth cho.talr 1r c.ptlvity a.c... to p{brr.h.d !.t€ri.r. absollt. nu.t. .ndl besinnlns ro!)r o! rh16 pan.l (t6 d.r. contlnu€d) t. trw..tlsattv€ and coo!d1nar1!6 :ctielty n..d.d t6 solrr rr,th ctfftc!r,t-to-b!..a .p.ct.. and .hould ..!v. a. a b..i.