The Stamp Collector`s Data Base
The Stamp Collector`s Data Base
TheStampCollector'sDataBase You must.movethe cursorro rhe end of the field after deleting, then pressEnter. A list of printers will pop-up A revierp by Martin Richardson and you can then make your choice and proceed.Your 7130ClaybeckDr.', Dayton, OH 45424 printer should be capableof printing 732 chuacrerson a cIS 72455,2710 line to nke advanrage of someof rhe repon formats. TbeSump Collector's Datz Base,ver.4.1.0,by RogerEdelman, After you first accessthe darabase an indexand a cross 6002MaidenLane,SuiteB, Bethesda, MD 20817-6252. $75.00. referencefile are creared,bring rhe total numberof files ro (301)320-24s1, (800)321-SCDB1321-72321. CIS: 71570,2065. 29 and 3.96Mb. is inreresring k rhat 1984 the version conDemodisk$10.00, credited towardsprogrampurchase. Darabases file alsoavailable for Canada, UniredNationsandIsrael;$25.00 each. uined 44 files and occupied1.66Mb.The US database has grown from 1.26Mbto 2.12Mbin ren years. Othercountfies to become available. Introduction Roger Edelman'sprogram is without a doubt one of the oldestphilarelicinventory programssdll in existence, which in itself speaksfor irs quality and acceptance. Roger is proud of the fact that his advertisement in a 1984issue of Linn's StampNerysresultedin a new classifiedheading, Computer Software. I first reviewed this program, Ver. 2.0.1,n issueno. 6 of the Compulatelist(December1988). This review is basedon version4.1.0.The current version is 4.1.3. and differs from the version reviewed in that it containssome additional printer suppon and improved backup. StampCollector'sData Base(SCDB) is a DOS applicationand will operateon virtually any 80x86systemwith 320kbfree RAM and PC or MS DOS 2.0 or higher.The programsupponsExpandedMemory, EMS 4.0or comparible. This is not a rVindows program, but it can be run as a DOS applicationfrom within Vindows. Installation I installed SCDB on rny home compurer, a Gateway 2000, 4DX2-66V. This is a 66MHz 80486 CPU, VESA local bus system with 16Mb of RAM and three hard drives.The systemusesMS-DOS 6.21, Windows 3.11, QEMM 386 ver 7.03and Stackerver. 4,0. I had no problems with the insallation. Two printers were used,a HewlemPackardLaserJet4M and an Epson LQ-850. The installation disk contains three compressedfiles and an Install program. You must have at least 4.5Mb of hard disk spaceavailable.The program createsa STAMP directory on the desdnadondrive that will inirially contain 27 files and use about 3.7Mb. You start the program by entering STAMP, A rather annoying opening screenwill appearthat can only be clearedby pressing rhe ENTER key. The first time you nrn the program an initialization screenwill appear.You enter the location drive letters for the Databasq Index Files, and a Soning work area.The sorting work areacould be a RAM disk if you wish. The initialization screenis also where you specify the type of printer you are using. There are 72 different choices from AST Turbolaser to Xerox 4045 available.The procedurefor enteringa printer is somewhatconfusing. The default printer is a HP LaserJet500/+/II. The screen message states,"To Choosea Printer - DeleteContentsof Printer Field And PressENTER." If you deletewith the Deletekey the cursorwill remain at the beginningof the field. Vhen you pressEnter, nothing will happen. 52 Data Construction The databasefile furnishedwith rhe programis called USA41-94and contains4,571records,eachwirh 76 fields. The data is basedon the Scott catalog,7994edition.The database containsthe following categoriesand numbers: 7 - 2784,C1 - C132,CEl - CEz, Et - E23, FA1, Jl - J104,JQ1-JQ5,01 - 0148, Q1 - Q12,QE1 - QE4, Ri - R734,R\r1 - R'Sr60,51 - 57, U619, U625 - U627 $hy only thesefour "U-numbers" are includedis unknown),UX1 - UX173, IIXC1 - uxc25,uz| - uz5. Most of the major varieriesare included.The minor varietiescan be addedby rhe userif desired.I found some errorsin the entries,mainly spelling.You cancorrec!these as you come acrossthem. SCDB conrainsa separarerecord for eachPNC plate number.This is an atrractivefearurefor collectorsof this popular area.As an examplq the 1985Flag over Capirol issugScottno.2775,is lisred21 times,oncefor eachplate number. The plate numbers are conrainedin the Suffix field of the catalognumber, for examplg 2115-13.The program will not son rheserecordscorrecdyas the Suffix field is defined as characrerrype and nor numeric.This compromisewas made in order ro include most of the catalog number combinarionspossible.Roger indicated that the four-digit plate numberswill be a problem.You could use the Commentsfield for the longer plate numbers, The program doesnot generatea unique darabase file basedon your inpuq leavingthe original supplieddarabase untouched.Rather,the user modifiesrhe original database by editing its contentsand adding and deletingrecords. You cannot changethe design of rhe databasgadd or deletefields,etc. Documentation The programscomeswirh a well-wrinen 52-pagemanual that is organizedin a logical manner.If it has any fault it might be that it often containsinformarion on the workings of the programthat would not concernthe averageuser.The variousmenusand screendisplaysare shownalthoughnot u clearly as *rey could be. The appendicesconain samplesof the variousrepon formaa, a detaileddescriptionof the databasestructurg error messages and answersto a few commorr quesdonsor problems.The only index includedis onefor the screenmenuillustrations. The Conpulatelist luly 1994 Data Entry SCDB is sraned by typing STAMP from the DOS cursor prompt. After you press a key to get rid of rhat openingscreen,the 12-optionMain Menu appears.In mosr casesthe selecdonof an item will resuh in anorher menu window poppingup. Function keys aresupponedin some rnenus,and when used,the function key definitionsappear ffE Strt qgrfgit CollEtc'. rlE Gl l:f,+-ffi gr hac lhtr rd! logEr 3, Zlrlrar. llc r clEtlar nll rldrtr nccd Fig. 1 SCDM Main Menu The Main menu SelectDatabaseTo Use The first dme you stan the program you use rhis selectionto specify rhe databasero use. The selectionis stored and will becomethe default eachtime you run the programunlessyou changethe entry. Edit Stamp Data This is the principal work areafor the program. You arefirst promptedfor rhe caralognumber oflhe-enrry you wish to edit, You musr enterthe number exactlyas it was created.The Edit screenis full, and may be a bit'intimidating at first glancg but using a mouse will help you ger around the screenfaster than using just tab keys. There is a learning curve involved. Crt, t|!la:t X# futcrl ;15 loFlytlq tl lI bd CrtrgF!, Arll |. rolilrt--l-I ltbG il t i o l. lH-f-t fibG iFxlittb--l-t ir-e iF p x lltr -fr 7 I t G I l-'GX Lfr-l-t X b c x lEtIrt lr 3t |'. 1tI Cll lFr I Orrert l|tr b::tBill I tru Lt!:t97, ?teYtgttTt latla:I It?lFt I Ccrt Strt lEla t r r t S t r t u h Stcl 10i0aoe00- n€ Fig. 2 0I bd, grts.s:r(r.SoZ?F,E,ti's..e.tZ1.S8s,oc0.sB,&0.0e- Lla 5e8.0oe.*O,m0,St.So.0oa,e c,oe.m- D<tsrfaa 9 3.Ca5.F e.s i O.B 9 g 0.S t.n $ s e.I I o.F 0 0.O I o.Olald E I 0,6s$.e 3 3 O.S 3.yrS.S The SCDBEdit Scroon You must enterthe catalognumberprecisely.The program is case-sensitive in rhis regard. If you enrer "j10" insteadof "J10,"you will receivean error sayingthar "j10" is not in the database. If you enrer a number that SCDB cannotfind you areaskedro enreranothernumberor quit. To leavethe Edit Screen,you cannoruse the <Esc> ke5 but must press<F10> and then rype Quir in rhe field wheie you enterrhe caralognumber.Typing just the letter Q advances'torhe entry for Scotr Q1. Should you rry anythingother than QUIT, Quit or quit, you will get the "can't find catalognumber' message. Very annoying! The Edit Screenis divided horizontally into two sections. The top rhree lines contain rhe stampinformation, while the bocom 18 lines contain valuq condirion and quantityinformation.The function key assignmenrs appear acrossthe bortom of the screen. Each and every record appearsin the same formag which cannor be changed.The top line shows the Scorr number at rhe left and the current database in use on the right. The Scoc catalognumber consistsof threefields,the prefix, a number, and a suffix, A Scott number such as 2338awill appearas [ ] [ 2338] [ a], while C3a would be t Cl t 3l I a]. This caralognumber srrucrureis imponant and allows SCDB ro outperform orher programs,panicularly in the areasof soning and searching. The secondling from left ro righq containsa field for a X-Ref Number, Issue Date and Location. The X-Ref number field can be used ro enrera secondcatalognumber, StanleyGibbons, etc., for cross-reference purposes. Issuedateis self-explanatory. The Locationfield -provides spacefor five charactersof location information album number,etc. The Description field appearsat the lefr on the third line and containsspacefor 15 characrers. Ar first rhought, 15 charactersis not sufficient in many cases,but each record can have associaredwith it a Memo field thar can containseveralpagesof text. When a recordhas a Memo field associared wirh ir the word MEMO will appearin the lower right corner of the Edit screen.The remainingfield on line three is a 3O-characrer Cominentsfield. The remainingscreenareacontainsthe condition,value and quantity information. There are provisions for six categories: Ming Used, Blks (Blocks),Plrs (PlateBlocks), LPRs (Line or PlareNumber pairs/srrips)andFDCs (First Day Covers). Vith the exceptionof the last two caregories, each c^tegoryhasrhreeconditionsassociared with it: XF, F and G. This porrion of the screenhas five columns:Avail, In Stock,Valug Paid and Extended.If you had 10 mint copies of a srampin Fine condition, you would enrera "Y" under the Avail column in the cnegory row labeledMint, F. The program entersthe Extendedvalueby muldplying the In Stock number by the Value. The valuesprovided are nor necessarily Sconvalues.As we all know, Scon valuesare basedon "retail' price for a Fine to Very Fine sramp.If rhe userdoesnor wish to userhe valuesprovided in SCDB, they can be changedas desired. SCDB has a fearure under the Udlirv Menu *rat will allow tle user to increaseor decreasethe'catalogvaluesfor any categoryin the databaseby a user suppliedpercentage. You can changeindividual recordsalsoif you wish. Vhen I first beganusing SCDB yearsago, the Edir screenappearedcrowded and conrainedprice information I wasn't concernedwith. You ger used to it after a whilg but it is unfortunatethat it is so inflexible.Obviously,nor all of the calegories,such as PlareBlocks,exisrfor some stamps.The screenwill still displaythe caregory,but with blank fields. cont'donp, 54 cont'dfrom p. t3 FunctionKeys areimplementedin the Edir screenand includethe Note/t1emo key alrea.dydiscussedalongwith eight others.Duplicate will copy the current record and add it to the end of the database file. The useris prompred for a new catalognumber.This is a handy fearure. The UP-1 and DN+1 keys,will move you up or down onerecordin the database. Yes,UP-1 goesto r}renext highest recordand DN+1 to the nexr lowest! Keep in mind that rhe record numbersdo not necessarilycorreqpondto the Scon numbers.Soning *re databaseafter you have made changes will resolvesomeof this confusion. The Deleteand Undeletekeyswill mark the recordfor deletionor undeletion.The acrualrecord is not removed from the databaseuntil you use the PACK DeletedRecords commandin the Utilitv menu. The VALU function key will presenrthe stampValuation Sutus. This is a different format from the normal StampStatusscreen.All in-srock value and paid information is displayedalongwith percenrage changesin valuevs. price paid, The BLCK (Block) key actsas a toggleto preventthe Scott Number, Issue Datg Location, Description, and Commentsfields from being edired,This featureis a time saverwhen you are editing quanritiesor valuesonly, in records. SCDB review Add New Stamps This is the selectionon the Main Menu that orovides for addingadditionalstampsro your darabase. There are two options under this selection,Group Add or Single Add. Choosingthe Singleoption displaysa screensimilar to the Edit screen.You simply enrerthe informadonincluding the catalognumber, and rhe record is addedto the end of the database. The Group Add featureis interesting.You enter the staning Scott number and the number of stampsto add. An examplemight be: staning with number 2647,add 50 smmps.The remaininginformarion is also added,value, quantiry,issuedatg etc. This featureis usefulfor adding multiple designsheets,bookletpanes,etc.That is about all. It will not checkfor pre-existingrecords with the same catalognumbers. UTILITY MENU This menucontains11 selections, somg suchasPACK DeletedRecordsand ChangeCanlog Values,havealready been discussed. There are selectionsfor backingup your database and deletinga group of records.The new version of SCDB uses LHArc to comDressthe data files. It achievesa 9Oo/ocompressionradt which results in only one disk beingrequiredinsteadof the previousfour. Some of the selectionsare only usedif you are conveningfrom a previousversion of SCDB or if your index files have becomecorrupt. The Collection Summarymenu will add the total valuesin eachcategoryin the databaseand provide a summaryon the screen.You can savethis information to a file if you wish. The most useful feature in the Utility menu is the CreateA New Databaseoption. Selectingrhis oprion will prompt you for the name of the new database. You can c1 then return to the Main menu and add recordsto this new database. SORT MENU The Son menu has four oprions:Sort by ScotrNumber, Son by IssueDatg Son by X-Ref Number and Son by Location. It is imponant to rememberto sorr your database after you havemadeany additionsor correcrions. The most usefulson would be by catalognumber. SEARCH MENU Thereareonly two selectionsavailablgsearchby Issue Datg and User Defined.The first needsno explanation.If you selectUser Defined,a window will open rhat lists all 75 fieldsassociated with a record.(The tersefieldnamesare explainedin the manual.)You can selecta field and then enter the texr ro searchfor in that field. You candirecr the output to eitherrhe screenor the printer. Although listed, a searchcannotbe accomplishedon the Memo field. The searchopdon .ould b. used,for examplgto display or print a list of all recordswhich contain specifictext in the Comment field. Topical or thematiccollectorscan put information in this field to be able to list all sramps showingbirds, for insrance. BROTTSEMENU This option enablesyou ro examinq locatg and edir recordsin a more efficient manner than the Edit menu. Browseshouldbe familiar ro anyonewho usesdBase.The screenshowseachrecord occupyinga singleline. F i g .3 B r o w s es c r e o ni n S C D B You can move wirhin records or ro anorherrecord by usingthe <Tab> or cursorkeys.Funcrionkeysareenabled here; these include a Locate <F5> function that will prompt you for a field and text ro searchfor in much the samemannerasthe Searchmenu.The Column Lock <F8> will lock a number of columnson the left side of your screen.Once again,you must rememberro sort the databaseif you did any editing in this mode. GROUP UPDATE MENU This menu containsfour selectionsinvolvedwith creating or using a file to updare your database.Dealers would find these options of value when updaring their inventories.You canenrera Scorrnumber,a Caregory(XF Mint, etc.)and a Quantity. You cannorenlercosrinformadon. The file you creareis then processedand the database is updated. The Cornoulatelat luly 1994 REPORTS - I also seeno reasonto include fields in the darabase SCDB has 58 different reporr options. The hean of that will neverbe of interesrro me. The abilitv ro crearea this flexibility is rhe useof a runrimeversionof the R Er R new cusromizeddarabase from the suppliedone would be RelationalReport Writer from Concentric Data Systemsin a nice feature.Minor annoyances includeborh the opening Massachusetts. This is a familiar program to dBaseusers. and closingscreens.The closingscreenflashes. X-.eponscan be generatedwhich include any carcBory, warningme to backup my database. condition, range of Scott numbers, want lists, inventory SUPPORT lists, etc., etc. You can print them in Issue Date order or Scott Number order. As an example you could print all - Rog-erEdelmanhas made a commirmenrto provide rechnical. supporr for his customersar no charge.itis adMing XF singlestampsissuedin 1923in your collection. dress.and ph_one number are in the documentaiion.Roger Ponions of rwo reports are shown here. is active on CompuServe; his ID is 71570,2065. Although I had no problemsprinring reporrs,I did have Yearly upto adjustmy font dates are supplied to 10 point in AlI.r 6t \sTMt\uaA{l - t{.8! lic 6t* Collacto!,r Dotu loro - &oncrd p.9.: Idiriod I lon o.t.f 06l2llra |ln! JltrP ht!i! x.pot! ar $25.00. The up order to get rhe scct laru. prna ft ; . Cood dates contain all conrtr output spaced rurbrr ortr otv vrluc lr-ta i otv vliui ric prid t i otv vrLuc t52 01/t1ll)2t ?r.illin I a,Oo ; 0 t.a7 0.OO i new the issues I as l,r0 O.CO p..hirgton correcdy on the l s t 0l/l!/192, I l.i5 0.50 0'00 i o l.ra o,oo r r5r 5 .arzr lr t) ?t tt.tr91l t rLrtkr rt -n ^ ^o i ! -!'!9 5 I ta.oo l, o. , o 0 i !,.20 0,oo lt,ao well 0,c0 price as uppage.Thereareno 5 t r 4 i l l t t / l t l ! t.rth! rrrltngton I rl ar . oc oo rt tr..OqO o ; O g r t e ! . . ? i 6 0 ; : .i i0 0 i 0 0 0,00 .,.6r 55t I .r . 5(6o crinl.y J.oo : g l! lail0lll927 ? l , 9 l t . l e - ? 1 - o.oo I 6..0 o.o0 provisions for 9t::i ,r.:e ;:;; i rc r?,'o 0..0 datesfor the eni tr:ii .l .:iillil:;l l/t3/!t2t J9::::--^.f,1.!.oD rr tf!.r: r.t! r . 0 o Ii o tr.,J o . o o ; i i i : ; ; i:il 5 . , . r / l r / ! r : r tire database. , l o u e o lo.3o r.oo i ; ;;:i; adjusting the ;:;; , i tj..Q o,fc Air.t'!v Yearly updates 0.oo i margins on the c::. c ,t.r! I .!1 9 !i.?r 0.,. .2itiitiill ./2tlr'l, D . r . v i l l .-!'br" nd o l o t ,:9 7 s r.l!.99 o o . i i ii ; ;i.i; ;:;; i ; ;;:;; i:ii ; ; : ; are also available printed oulpur. or.nd tor.t. ---------------r'>f>f to .16 6, l.a.0o o 0.oo o.0o T;; lot.l VaIr. Ol 8t.r?.r t{tf.a, for Canada and lnls ls a the Unired Namajor oversightin Israelis up tiong my opinion.I like Pll.: C. \$lrrxP\USAIl 9l.DBf lt. 3t.t9 Colt.cto!,. D.t. 0.ri - Adv.ncrd Udjtion dated everv rwo to have enough l u 0 . r . : o a / 2 7 / ) a 6t[r 6uEry l.Dolt vith taot.r years, laru. margin on the left &o!t l|lrbar D.t. D.rcrj,ptign CGnta Corbin.d C.t.gorylcond.ition St.rp tot.l. -_, llnt Ut.d llekr to punch the 5 { a 0 ' l 0 l l l 9 2 t Plrt.r Lpt,. tDc'r VALUE crin I on cq.r only 0 rt2 0ll11llr2, t D..p Ct..r Fs.!k).ii pagesfor a binder. r r a 0 0lllSlrrlt 2 x..bln.tcn The Sramo o 02l12llr?t ! violcr liecoli 0 Although you can 51 55 55 0l/15/l9lJ I l.Iloy an, X.rth. t..hi.oroa Collectors Data 0 ttt 0tlollrrrt 7 tl.ct tcri^l.v ' 0 direct the oulpur t 5 e oSl'tllt2t a OIiv. C!..n 6nnt Baseis a greatval0 g l l t ' / t t ? t t l q . , J . t t . r t o t lal OllLillrzt l0 0!.r9! to a disk filg you 5 a t roro. 0 ue for the general orlrrll9zr t6 D.rr rlu. ^r, a.."ftii,!1"' 1 0 0 cannot specifythe cc al 0 , . 0 collector, but oa/ll/rt2l 2a Crnin. D r.vtll.nd 0 c 0 0 0 orrd tot.l. l0 5 Z desdnation drive. 0 0 there is a leaming To get pagesforsurve involved. Fig. 4 Extractsfrom two SCDB Reports maned rhe way Advanced collecyou like, I would suggestprinring ro a file and rhen usingyour torg especiallypostal history collectorg will find the inflexiten editor or word processorto set the margins. biliry of the field srrucrue limiting. Someof rhe fearuresare directedtoward dealenand investors. ERROR HANDLING The repon options are numerous and cover most, if SCDB is far bener rhan most when it comesro error not all, realisticsituations.If you area dBaseuseryou will handling.I wasableto getthe programto halt but only by find the detaileddarabasesrrucrureinformation of deliberatelydoing thingsthar would normally neveroccur. Using R & R RelationalRepon Vrirer, I am able ro generThe program will nor permit you ro enter numeric dara ate reports suited ro my specialneedswithour difficulty. where it expectscharacrerdaa. If you rry, the cursor will Everything considered, SCDB is a grear program well not advanceto the next field when you press <Enrer>, worth its cost. Er until you make the correcrion.In somesiruationsall you haveto do to back out of an error is press<Esc>.In'rhe worst scenarioyou will be rerurned ro a DOS prompt. I ROGERS. EDEb\1AN never lost or corrupted a databasefile. CcrrificdNelWorsEngineer Gc,,6c, ,aga: I 301-229-6585 SHORTCOMINGS Th. major onesare rhe inability to do group updates simpln and specify the page format for printed ouipur. I would like to tell the program that I have every sramp betweenScott numbers x and y, and thar they are mini, and in fine condition.I could then edit thoserecordsthar were in a different condition or not in my collection.I would also like to be able ro extracror copy a group of recordsfrom the database into a new database. IuIv 1.994 Capitol Discount ComputerSupplies Sofhrore& Hordworeot Wholcsoleprices Consuhing Fod Scrvice Coll For Quoics The Compillatelist 6002 lv{oidenLn. SuitcC Bctherdo,MD 20gl Z