Brazilian Junior Volleyball
Brazilian Junior Volleyball
(Based upon the upcoming Brazilian Mini Volleyball DVD by JVA) By John Sample and Dave Weitl W hat if your coaching assignment this year was a 14 & under team and you wete told that you could only play 4-on-4? What if you had an 11 & under team and you were told you could only play 3-on-3? What if your 14 & under and 15 & under teams required thar every player must play every posirion) What if your charter was to teach cooperation, responsibility and respect as rhe primary mission and you were instructed to use volleyball as the tool to do it) Welcome to Brazilian volleyball. There has always been mystique sur rounding Brazilian volleyball, whether ir is at rhe youth, junior or adult level. In the past 25 years, Brazil has dominated rhe po dium at vitrually every world competition at all levels of both male and female divi sions. One might argue that Brazilian vol leyball has been the best in the world. \X!hy is this? Is it because of the training, the players. the pipeline for younger players, or possibly the nature of Brazilian culture) TIlese were my thoughts on the long flight from Dallas to Rio de Janeiro. Waiting for me at the airport in Rio was my friend and fellow club director from Seattle, Dave Weitl of Washington Volleyball Academy. We were given access to some of the top youth programs in Brazil, and they would be allowing us to watch and film mini and youth volleyball training. We were both curious to see how much impact the mini volleyball programs in Brazil had on rhe success of the Brazilian Narional Teams and the Brazilian "Superliga," one of the top professional volleyball leagues in the world. Our assignment was to bring home infor mation to help USA Clubs with the train ing of mini volleyball (8 - 12 year olds) here in the United States. A formidable task, but one we were fully prepared to execute. Dave was already in Brazil because over the past six yeats he has been taking ju niors teams to Brazil to train and compete rhrough a unique exchange program with rhe Minas Tenis Clube of Belo Horizonte. He had been in Brazil for 10 days before r arrived. We were meeting at the airporr in Rio de Janeiro, where his te and coaches were spending t final day in Brazil before heat back home to the USA. The JVA had assigned us task of collecting video footage terviewing experts and researd the world of "Mini-Volei", as called in Brazil, for the proJUCI of a DVD for JVA member CO~ es. We had done our research scheduled our appointments we knew that it was going to busy week for us. Our first stop was in Rio we lost little time in finding I ing oppottunities. Driving by the beau beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana encountered miles of beautiful beach, even more impressive to us were the volleyball courtS that stretched as far a: eye could see. We got some great fOG as we drove, then walked and filmeJ a watched volleyball being played by SCI' juniors, totS and coeds of every age. W saw "futsal" being played (a ver~ion of on-five soccer played on a small court!~ aIso available in the US) along with faa ley. Foot volley is an amazing game of on-two soccer using three contacts pel and pJayed on a sand volleyball COLlrt using soccer conract rules: feet only. Yo see this game on Youtube at com/watch?v=ROptRgOpIcg. All a athletic action was taking place on literally hundreds of courts. That's right; I said hun dreds of beach courts! In many places the courtS were four and five deep between the densely packed rows of hotels and the crash ing waves of the Atlantic Ocean. It rook a full 25 minutes ro drive from one end of Copacabana Beach to the other end of Ipanema Beach. It was then that we knew: this was going ro be one tough assignment. Volleyball in the United States is one of the fastest growing sports for girls, and there are currently over 400,000 junior club players. Volleyball trails only soccer as the number two sport in Brazil, which may be described more appropriately as a religion than a sport. Volleyball in Brni I is played by over a million juniors and an other half million adults. During our stay in Brazil, we visited four cities and watched many hours of mini-vol leyball training, juniors training and com peting, as weH as observing while the men's national team and some professional teams trained. We focused primarily on youth training (ages 8 to 12). What we found was a little confusing because there was very little six-on-six being played anywhere by players under 14. Generally, the young players are divided into groups of 8-9 year olds, 10-11 year olds, 12-13 year olds, and over 14 year olds. The level of volleyball in each of these age groups was not as high as we expected, and although we saw hundreds of players, we saw very few with exceptional skills at the younger ages. Trying to reconcile the level of volleyball we are accustomed CO seeing from Brazilian professional and national teams with the level we were seeing in these clubs was confusing to say the least. Being the in ttepid explorers we are, we decided to delve deeper into what makes Brazilian volleyball so great. What we learned has caused both of us co rethink the way our club imple ments volleyball at the younger ages. Brazilian volleyball is run by the Confederas:ao Brasileira de Voleibol (Brazilian Volleyball Confederation) and takes part in national and international vol leyball competitions. For most volleybaH enthusiasts in Brazil, the cultural leader of the sport is Bernardo Rocha de Rezende, also known as Bernardinho. Since 2001, Bernardinho has been the head coach of Brazil men's narional ream and, prior ro rhar, was rhe head coach of rhe women's narional ream. As a coach, Rezende is rhe grearesr champion in rhe hisrory of vol leyball, accumularing more rhan 30 major rides in his 20-year career direcring ehe Brazilian male and female eeams. In an effon ro bener organize rhe junior side of Brazilian volleybaJl, Bernardinho be gan a yourh movement rhar divided ehe play ers inco ehe 8-9, 10-] 1, 12-13 and 14 and older caregories. Foregoing rhe normal erain ing rechniques, each age group was organized around a culeural objeceive, wieh voUeybaU serving as rhe cool co implemenr ir. Bernadinho formulaeed a progression of objeceives to focus on as rhe young players move rhrough ehe age divisions. Wirh 8-9 year olds ehe focus is cooperation-wirh mose drills being organized around one-on-one and cwo-on-rwo acrivieies co maximize cOntacrs. Mosr drills are designed co require acrions rhae are dependenc upon whae is occurring on rhe orher side of rhe ner, i.e., "reading" rhe opponenr's movemenrs. 1he couns are scaled down co accommodaee ehe sm,Jler size of rhe players and rhe ner is lower co facilieaee lors of successful coneacrs. Faccors: smaJler coun, lower nee, seeeing to score, ripping co score, coil shoes co score, underhanded serving, pass ing, reperieion, placemenr over rhe ner based upon rargers or acriviry across rhe ner. The 10-1 1 age groups are designed around responsibility. Noe only are rhe players responsible for rheir team and coach, bue they must demonserare respon sibiliry at home, school and wirh friends to gain a passing grade and progress. Their drills are designed mainly around a three on-three format and rbe focus is respond ing again to whar is happening wirh rhe three players on the orher side of rhe ner. Faccors: smaller cou rt, lower net, setti ng ro score, fronc sets, ripping co score, rolls shors co score, underhanded serving, passing, repeeirion, placement over net based upon opponenes' aceiviry. Ages 12-13 organize in four-on-four for marions and focus on rhe cultural of respect. The respecr is again d irecred rowards rhe game, rhe ream, rhe coaches, rhe opponenrs as well as family, school, and even friends. Games of four-on-four are again rhe rool rhar is used ro reach respecr. Facrors: smaller courr, lower ner, serring ro score, fronr sers, back sers, ripping ro score, hirring ro score, underhanded serving, passing reperirion, one-rhree or rhree-one (fronr row-back row) courr alignmenr, placemenr over ner based upon opponenr's movemenrs. In each of rhese age groups, rime was spem ralking among rhe parricipanrs abour rhe social progress rhey were making, how rhey were responding ar home or school and whar skil! drills, comperirive drills or games rhey would be doing in pracrice rhar could relare ro respecr. Some common denom inarors in each of rhese age groups were serving underhanded, tipping and roll shors, serring on borh sides of rhe ner and passing ro rarger. In addirion, rhe besr play er was always placed wirh the worst player for drills wirh insrrucrions ro help rhe orher player improve, meaning thar both players learn to become better teammates. ]he focus of 8-13 year olds was on both rechnical and tactical volleyball skills as well as the developmenr of social and cui rural skills through drills with very litrle com petition. We were also surprised to see rhe high level of play emerge suddenly when rhe players are hnally allowed to compere once rhey reach 14 years old. Apparenrly wairing for G years ro compere in six-on six play awakens an eager spirit EO go along wirh rhe grear ream antrude of coopera rion, responsibiliry and respecr, nurrured in these players through their paniciparion in Mini-volei. For more information on our research and Brazilian mini volleyball, drills, rech nigue and rhe conceprs behind rhe culrural aspecrs of Brazilian volleyball, warch for rhe new OVO, "Brazilian Mini VoJleyball" pre senred by JVA, available in January. C