G-80(`sDx/ c- | ooosDx
G-80(`sDx/ c- | ooosDx
INSTRUCTION IYIANUAT G-800s / G-rooos c- | ooosDx G-80('sDx/ YAESUMUSENCO., LTD. c.P.o.Box r50() YAESU TOKYO, JAPAN YAESU G-800S/SDX& G-1000S/SDX HEAVY-DUTY ANTENNA ROTATOR & CONTROLLERS G-8005 Controller G-800SDX Controller G-1000SController G-l000SDXControiler The Yaesu G-800S/SDX and C-1000S/SDX are designed !o support ánd rotate medium- to largesize amateur and professional antenna arrays under remote control from the statjon operating position. The factory-Lubricated rotator unit is housed in weatherproof melamine resin coaled die-cast aluminum, to provide maintenance-free operation under all climatic conditions. A mast alignmenÈ gauge on the rocator housing simplifies accurate mechanical alignment during installation. The controller unit is a handsomely-styleddesktop unit which provides 360' indicarion of actual antenna bearing azimuth, in both compass direction and degrees. The deluxe SDX versions include operator selectable rotating speeds from 43 to 93 seconds per rotation, Handsfree operation is provided by both S and SDX versions: rhe S version having locking direcrion switches, and the SDX version having a preset feature rrhicb brings Èhe antenna around to the preset heading au@matically after being set, and slows rotation speed as the antenna approaches the desired heading to bring the antenna to a gentle stop. The operator may select the stopper heading (rhe bearing through which the rotator cannot be lurned) most convenient for his location and operation, állowing full rotálion th.ough north, south or both, if desired. In any case, 90" overlapping rotation allows rotacion through the selected stopper heading. Plug connectors are provided on both the rotator and $e and servicing is simple. Pleasu read rhis manual carefully before installing the rotator. controller, so cable connection SPECIFICATIONS Voltage requirement: 110-120 or 220-240 VAc Rotation range: 450" +0/-5" Power consumption: I O OV A Maximum vertical loa& 200 ks (440 lbs) Motor voltags S vers.: 20 VDC SDX vers.: 12 to 22 VDC Wind loading area: Tower Mounted:less than 0.45 m2 Mast Mounted: less Èan 2.2 m2 450' rotation time: S vers.: 55 sec. SDX vers.: 93 ilo sec, to 43 115 sec. ConEol cable; s-conductors: #20 AWG or larger Braking torque: G-1000S/SDX: 6,000kg-cm (434 ft-lbs) G-800S/SDX: 4,000 kg-cm (269 ft-lbs) Rotation torque (all models): 600-1100kg-cÍn(43.4-79,5ft-lbs) Mast diameter: 38 - 63mm(l-à Èo 2-, inches) Weighc G-1000S/SDXRotatori G-800S/SDXRotator: S Controllen SDx ConÈroller: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) 3.4 kg (7.5 lbs) 3.2 kg (7.0 lbs) 3.6 kg (7.9 lbs) Maximum continuousduty: 5 minuÈes UNPACKING & INSPECTION When unpacking lhe rolaror confirm the If any of rheseitemsare missingor damÊged, presence of fte following items: save the packing marerial and norify the shipping company (or shop where your bought it). Rotacor Unit ConÈrollerUnit Mast Clamp Round Cable Plug RecÈangularCable Plug Hex Bolts - I I I palr, I ass'y I ass'y M 8 x 1 6 M8x25 M 8 x 7 0 Split washer Flar washer M8 Nuts Spare Fuse 4 4 ( l l 7 V : 2 4 ,2 2 0 V : l A ) * t2 8 I Note that control cable is not included, as lhe length must be determined case-by-case. Contact your Yaesu dealer to obtain the Length of cable your installation requires. Before proceeding with insrallarion, confirm rhat the AC voltage label on the rear of the Controller matches your Iocal line voltagei either trllTvrf for ll0 to 120 VAC, ortt220í for 220 to 240 VAC. lf the labelled voltage range does not match, return the controller to the dealer from whom you purchased it (different power transformers are installed for the different volrage ranges). If you plan to install the rotator on tbe masq above or without a tower. contact your Yaesu dealer |o purchase a second clamp (model GC-038 or GC-048). CONTROLLERADJUSTMENTS& SWITCHES Bezel Front (l) POWER switch Press this switch to turn the Controller on to rotate the antenna. Turn it off when the rotator ls not ln use. conFol), then press the {momentary) PRESET switch to activate automatic rotation to the desired heading. The LEFT/zuGHT switch will abort preset operation. 12) LEFT/RIGHT Seesaw Switch Press the LEFT side of this switch to rotate tlte antenna counterclockwise. Press the RIGHT side to rotate the antenna clockwise. ln S versions only, pressing one side of tbe switch once will start rotation, and pressing the same side again will latch t}le rotator on (so you can remove your finger). Pressing the other side of the switch once will stop aotation. (41* SPEED Control Set this control for che desired rotaring speed between approximately 43 and 93 seconds per 4500 revolution. (3)* PRESET Switch and Control Set this control to the desired antenns heading (according to the angular scale around this + {5) OVERLAP Indicator This red LED giows when rhe anrenna is rotated beyond about 360" (to 450') from its original installation direction (0'). Check this indicator before rotating the antenna clockrrise, and turn the antenna counterclockwise to the desired position if the indicator is on. SDX versronsonly. - 3 - Rear (l)* RS-232C Cable Crornmet lf the optional Digital Interface Unit is installed, the RS-232C cable to the computer exits through this grommet and passes through the nylon cable clamp below it, (2) FULL SCALE ADJ Porentiometer This control calibrates the maximum rocation angle of the azimuti indicating needle to match the maximum angle of the rota!o.. {3)} PRESET ADJ A & B Potentiometers These controls calibrate the angle of the PRESET control on the front panel to march the azimuth indicating needle. Po! A mus! * be adjusted only at the 4500 position, and pot B only at lhe 0o position. (4)* OUT VOL ADJ Potentiometer This control presets the voltage range at pin 4 of the 8-pin External Control jack inside, for calibrarion of the A-ro-D converter on the {opiional) Dlgiral Interface Uni(. {5) Rotator Control Cable Jack The rotator cable connects to this 6-pin jack. {6) FUSE Holder A 2A fuse must be installed here for ÀC mains voltages from 110 to 120V. A lA fuse must be installed for 220 to 240V. SDX versions only 4 - CONTROL CABLE INSTALLATION Belore installing !he antenna and rotator, prepare the rocator control cable and test rotator operarion thoroughly on rhe Sround as described here. We recommend that after this you also check the alignment of lhe controller, as described in the following (cenrer pin) is not used. Conf'rm all solder joints are good and clean, as this part of the cable will be hard to access after installation. Don't slide the shell ( s ) Referring to your notes of the wire color ar each pin on the round (rotator) plu8, connect the wires to the pjns of the rectangular (controller) plug so thal lhe wire from each pin on the rotator plug connects ro rhe pin wjth the same number 2, o n t h e c o n t r o l l e ri,e . , 1 t o 1 , 2 l o erc. Pin 6 is not used. Don't slide the shell on yeL. Control Cable Preparation Your control cabie should have five slranded conductors of at least 0.smm (#22 Sauge) if t h e c a b l e i s s h o r t e r t h a n 4 0 m ( 1 2 5 r ) ,o r 0.75mm (#18 gauge) if longer. (l) Disassemblethe Èwo supplied cable piugs: slide the rubber boor off the round plug, remove the selscrew in the shell with a small screwdriver, and then un_ screw the shell from the plug. On the rectangular plLr8, just remove the lwo small screws in Lhe shell. Save $e setscrew from rhe round plug and the tlvo small scrpws in a sale ploce urlrl :r-p 9, so you donrL loose them. ( 6 ) Temporarily connect the round plug to ihe rotator, and the rectangular plug to the jack on the controller. Make sure thar the POwER switch is rr rh- off {ourr po!r||on. anc tnen conrecl the cord ro the AC power outlet, \ 7 ) Turn on the POIVER switch. The piiot lamps should light, and the direction I n d r ^ o r o r m o v e t o l f e p o " r r r o no f t h e rotator and stop. \ 2 ) Slide the rubber boot and round shell over lhe rotator end of the cable, iar enough to aliow dressing lhe end of the cable, Slide the rectangulár shell over rhe olhêr (.ontÍoller) eno oÍ the cable. ( 8 ) P-pss the Lfl- | slde oí rhê .ee<a$ !w r.l-, and confirm that the rotalor (when vjewed from the top) and indicator needle t u r n c o u nL e r c l o c k w i s e t o g e ! h e r . T h e n p:ess rhe RICHT side of the seesaw switch and confirm thal the roÈator and indicator !urn clockwise, If rotation does not occur as described, recheck your cable connections. ( 3 ) Using special care !o avoid nicklng the rnsularion of the indrvrdual wrrps, strip back I5mm of lhe outer jacket of fte . a b l e f r o m b o rh e r d s , a n d t h e n s t r i p 5mm of insulátion from each wire. (e) If ( 4 ) Solder the wr-ês ro thp round pluS prns, noting Lhe color of the wire and number of each pin for reference later. Pin 6 - 5 - rhe rotator and indicator work as descflbed. repldce ll-e plug !hel1". "etscrew, two small screws and rLlbber boot renoved in step l. Controller Checkout & Alignment These sreps are most easily carried out after connecting the rotator cable, before installing the rotator and antenna on the mast or tower. They may be repeated after installacionto confirm controller calibration. The remaining steps on Èhis page are for rhe SDX versions only. ( t ) Press $e LEFT side of the seesaw swilch* unril the rorator rurns counterclockwlse as far as it will go, and stops. The indicaror needleshouldnow point pÍecisely ro 0'. If it does not, or if you want to change rhe starnng angle. see rRêposirioning rhe Direction Indjcatorr following lhis procedure. 17) Ser lhe PRESET control to 0", and press (6) Change the SPEED setting and confirm rhar roiation speed changes accordingly. rhe PRESET button (see rhe box below). Rocacion should stop at 0o- Now turn the PRESET conrrol sirghrly clockwise, and note whelher the rotator moves. If the rotator stopped befoÍe the indicator reached 0', or if it did noÈ respond when the PRESET conrrol was set slightty clockwise, adjusÈ the PRESET ADJ B (lower) potenuometerand repeat rhls step. l 2 l Note the precise position of the rotator** by referring to fte marks on the rorator hou"inS lust above rhe cable sockeL. Then press the RIGHT side of Èheseesaw "wirch ro rurn the roraror turns cloclwlle exacrly 360o (according to tbe marks on the housing or acllral antennà posicion). ( 8 ) Set the PRESET control to 360o. Rotaron should again srop ac 0". If not, adjust the PRESET ADJ A (upper) pocentiomerer and repeat this step. {3) The rndrcarorre-o e "hould nnw po nr to exactly the same position as in step l, If noq adjusr Èe FULL SCALE ADJ polentiomeler on the rear panel so that ir does. The OVERLAP indicator should come on at about 360'. PRESET MODE OPERATION (SDX versions only) { 4 J Press the RIGHT srvitch again to continue clockwise rotation until the rotator reaches iLs end-stop. The indicator should now poinr ro about 90', and rhe OVERLAP indicator should be on. Pressing lhe PRESET button aclivates the prese! mode: the rotator wiil turn unril the indicator matches the PRESET conrrol, and resettinS lhe conrrol will s r a r r t h e a n r e n l at u r n i n ga g a i r a u t o m a r ically. Pressing the seesaw switch or turning power off will cancel the preser mode unril rhe PRESET bu*on is pressedagain. (s) T u Í n the rotátor back and íorth to each end-srop severaL times, confirming lhac the indicator matches the roraror rnalê .r lrfÊêrênr \ê*inac In SDX versions, set the SPEED conÈrol fully clockwise, and then hold Èe seesaw switch during fotaLion. In S versions, press rhe seesaw svitch nomenlarily to srar! rotalion, ancl press the other side of the switch to s!op. If the rotator and anÈennaare already installed, nole lhe exact bear'ng of the antenna boon instead of the marks on the rotator housing. 6 - Repositioning the Direction Indicator The azimurh indicaring needle may be repositioned, if desired, so thar the rorator stopping poinc is south (or east or wesr) instead of north (as shipped from Èhe factory). Of course the rotator and antenna will have L(' oe installed to maÈchlhe direcrion indicaror. {l) Turn on the controller and press Ée seesaw switch to set rhe indicator needle to 0o (stráight up). Then turn off rhe POWER switch. (2) Crasp rhe edge of the bezel,rurn it 10" councerclockwise, and pull it off, (3) Gripping the needle, move ir to rhe desired heading (we suggestonly mulcipies of 90" - that is N, E, S or W, since the orange and blue markers on rhe bezel can only be instatted in rhese directions). {4) Replace lhe bezel so rhat $e orange marker ends up aligned wirh the needl4. NOTE: When installing th€ antenna afrer resetting the needle direction, make sure Èo atm lhe antenna in same direction as Èhe ne\À,needle setaing. The compass heading labels can also be repositioned on rhe dtrecLlon .ndtcètor .ace, for situaiions where it may be more convenlent PiteDtiobête. Sbaft to have the upmost indicator position be oth€r than north. (1) Perform sreps I and 2 of rhe procedure ar the left, (2) Note the position of the needle, rhen Srasp it at iÈs center, and pull it straighr off. ( 3 ) Push the E and W (or N and S) sloes of the compassheading label sheeclowards the center, and remove the sheet. ( 4 ) Determine which compass direcrion you desire to be upmosq and reinstall rhe compass heading label sheer. R e p l a c e t h e n e e d l e a n d b e z e i i n the as Èhey were before. PRESET Knob Alignment (SDX vers. only) If it is not possibleto calibrare rhe pRESET knob using the A and B potenÈiomererson the rear panel, pull off the PRESET control knob, turn the shafr fully counterclockwise, and rernstall rhe knob wl(h lrs poinrer a( 0' on the PRESET scale. The knob sropper should be aligned with the countercrocKwtse edge of the sloÈ in rhe panel behjnd the ROTATOR INSTALLATION Thê G-800S/SDX rora|or unit is designed Èo accommodate medium-sizeantennaarrays, while the G-1000S/SDX rotaror uniL is designed ro accommodate large ancenna arrays. The maximum safe load depends on rhe wind surface area, srze and weight of the anÈenna(s), meÈhodand qualiÈy of mechanical instailarion, ánd maximum wind velocity at rhe installacion site. If your anÈennaspecilications do nol include vr'ind surface area, reíer to Èhe Chart on mls page. The diagrams beiow show several recommenoeo installations.Notjce that moun!ing the rotacor insjde of a tower provides lhe greatest supporc capaciry (anlenna wind surface area up !o 2m' for rhe C-800S/SDX, or 2.2m2 for rhe C-1000S/SDX), and is preferable for targer antennas or in high-wind areas. Use our Cs-050 or C(,-065 Tower Mounr Bêanng ar lhe lop of rhe lower (and make sure rha! the bea.ing is aligned precisely wirh the center of the rotator, so the mast is exactly verticall. o f i n s t a l l a t i o n t o a n r e n n a sw i t h n o r m o r e than 0.45lLm square meters of wind surface area, where Lm js Èhe length of mast (in metersl beÈween Èhe antenna and rotaLor. In addition ro antenna wind loading and regardless of the rype of installation, rhe overall size and weight of the antenna should be considered. As a general rule, for Èhe G-800S/SDX, the product of rhe rotating radius and weight of the antenna should not exceed 180 kg-m (1299 fr-lbs), and for the G-r000s/sDx, 230 kg-m (2020 ft_lbs). Where mulÍple antennas are to be installed on the same mas! make sure to add the wind loading for each antenna, and the products of weight and radius for eacn wnen calculating che above loading factors. Make certain that the antenna attáches to the mast ar the center of gravily of rhe a n t e n n a . T h a t i s , l h e a n È e n n as h o u l d b e balanccC, providing only downward force on lhe mast (when lhere is no wind). These rotacors can support up lo 250 kg (550 lbs), If the rotator is mounred on the mast àbove the tower iÈ should be as close to the ancenna as possible, to minimize !he stress on the rotator caused by wind pressure against the antenna. This bending force on rhe roracor 1imi6 the supportingcapacity of lhis rvnp Be sure to leave enough slack in the coaxiàl cable feedline around the rotaÈor so that it can rotate 450o. ÁNTENNA WIND SURFACE AREA CHART Mast Bracket a - Freq. EleArea Freq. Ete (MH, me.ts nf (ltlH, mêits 7 2 2.2 l4/2r 3T. 7 | o.2 11/21 4T. 7 2r,c'0.6 21/2A 3Tr 7 3tr l.t 2t/2a T 14 3 0.1 14/21/23 3'rt t4 4 1.2 t4/2V2A 4Tr t4 5 1.7 50 4 2t 3 0,45 50 5 21 4 0.6 s0 6 2t 5 0,8 50 2SQ 2t 6 1.3 t44 t0 21 2SQ 0.3 r41 t0r2 28 3 0.3 t44 IOr4 28 0,42 144 10x2x4 ! 28 5 0.6 430 12 23 2SQ 0,3 430 r2x2 7/14 3'lr O.5 43O t2x4 7/r4 .130 r2x2x4 4Tr 0,8 * t = vith loading coits SQ = swrss Quad confiCu.aiion Tr - Trapped nultibander No narking - iÍll-size monobandêr Area m: 0.4 0.5 0.3 o.4 0.4 0.4 0.25 0.3 0.3? 0.3 0.2 0.44 0.95 2.O 0.06 0.12 0,3 0.6 Mast Bracket Assembly & Antenna Positioning 11) Loosely fasten the mast bracket hàlves ( I ) to the rotaaor housing using four shorÈbolts, spliÈ washersand flar washers 12). t2) Insert the mast into the bracket, and Referring to Èhe mast gauge markings on lhe rotalor housing, tap lhe mast bracker halves to center the mast while alternarely tightening the short bolts (2) and nuts (4) o. Èhe long bolts alternately. finger-tighlen lhe four longer bolts (3) with splii washers, flat washers and nuts (4). ( 3 ) Se! the controllêr so thac ir indicares precisely 0o (Norch). Then, using an accurate map and known landrnarksj position the antenna (without using che controller) so that it points to true North, AlÈernatively, consulr a Geodetic Survey rnsp for your area to dêiermlne the Vlagneric Dêvjation ar your locdLlon, ànd then use a compass to posilion the antenna so thaÈ it points to lrue North (Magnelic North + Magnetic Deviation). Be careíuL nol to disturb the anrerrra direcrion when Íghtening the mast bracket ln the next step. Mast Gauge markings CAUTION: The G-800 and c-1000 roracors are designed for verttcal mounring only. One haif of the housing is mark€d trTOP SIDE'. Warer and conraminantswill damage the motor unit if it is mounred horizontally The rotator moror is raÈd for five-minules i n t e r m i t t e n t d u c y . H o w e v e r , i t can safely run conlinuously for as long as PÍoviding that it be broughÈ to least len minutes afterwaÍds. 5> qB I -;> XoÊ, :T __l *l+ aa iÊl& tt3 a l ê r 5*: NÍ ; l z_t_ ,lG/trA ï 5 noq/I0'0 Q F t) [09/t0 0 I { zí-zn r i't ta È9 ozorvsz nll (nl tl 6 t 3à... 619 ./p+ ,-È.-,r-* t0- "n"á*" *á aLt aza a a s r s ra q -rê Rr a a g l s Í a ( I t09/du In cr ï O i ^{B Í.d U s ms/i0-0 Á0q/t00 lJ 3 z r sasrsi I ï,1,,, iE X zlu f,tu zt zn 9 E K ozolvsz lzll NZom Íc 9908X2 ,l .g a/ê{ zrÍs )Alo,at OIO AdS 'lns <t > iM (!z) &r r lsnJ rr {>Frmr'ítro o ! È S A - Y 1 - l I E =, + O ----E----r Ë ':ê trl l L .'eallY ro'l grJ -E li lÈ -,1 - -J zq !J -------t llsl --t- I ' 3 a . :1 ; 1 s l'El "l Ê13"l: ï 3 ;t : - Èt i Èl' l tI - m ' I 716 u :t t93 E H HH HI+ cJ I É',r 9ÊJ El ri.. e ,0t &l a F ;- 4t g . i Ë E Q I .141. l: eV'f*ïi -l ÈgË lÊ t/ affi3 N +|+ ^'^glx r0r elÊ 10's36itr9i I ) É*sï H,t2 a t ;l l3r !13 -sliJ jÀJ v,í i ) t0 )í!É ml- !!L [Íb I '" \+ K 016É || mr trr ,l 'ïrot M , lE s. zrzn ---;t gÊ'.1,,' s Ë T,v\,A' -rA+= qFl lfrsÉ )+z uoti\) L: sql rcr.an-fi !i lr9-s ul q..É [+- ÈLqLÉN ÀU, ts r-rii L s /4\sr3rE 1A Êrs i=-ra -=--r 9l.E t?11 ----rÉl 6Sà " É qrgÈérió - ! - 1 2 - a _@J -,ótl gtsI E Êl 1 È rcl 3ZI3 Ë *,,0, Ei :terlol rorss! )r4!-+ r1' E l = -s- á -)nt+ -\ f s E È lLn *Ë )#r lDr - qztt -tl-e.É . l * È | wtj J .pt 4lËl Í!,) )í8f, t6lt ri,ALrat jáfi--.,,ël Êr-r* l' '6 ^* h l --Ft-lrs -J- IS 3X I srsrJs w.ït I ''r$J t0t 9:Á r6c SISIG t ^ \ ë Í{t'l iGlt *il af! I I sÍxL_ 0r0 913IH ut l6t +t s ' Ë srl- tt :\ slo g fi -i , Ë 3 pJ A\ I t. lm t99 lsl{ trd srorísI 5 J 3|lrí 6 | l d Àsl a l[í X \- i l l 9l áw 38 G-800S/SDX only 32 29 4) 11 I 16 Í4 I 7 .6 PARTS LIST Rotator Unit (l) 12) (3) (4) (5) {6) Lower Housing Upper Housing M6 Split washer (x4) M6x20 Screw {x4) Ball Bearing Socket Gasket (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) ( 13) (14) (15) (16) {l?) 3x10 Tapping Screw (x3) Inner HousingSeal Plate BindingScrew (x2) Inner Housing M3x8 screw DC Motor Motor Mount Plate M3x6 Scre{ (x3) Lo!íer Gearbox Plate M3x8 Screw (x4) (18) Coil Spring (19) SpringWinder (20) M3xg Setscrew (21) Motor Pinion Gear (22) 2.5mmE Ring (23) Gearshaft(x3) (24),(27) Gear Assry n (25) Gear Ass y C (26),(28) sandwichGear #l (29) Divider Gear #l (30),(31) Divider Gear #2 (32) Spacer Bushing (33) Upper Gearbox Plate (34) MOx6Bolt (x4) (35) Rotation Limiter (36) Retainer Ring (37) Limit Switch (38) M3xl6 Screw (39) Pot. Mounting Plare (40) Binding Screw (41) Potentiometer {42} Pot. FIat Washer (43) Pot. Lock Washer (44) Pot. Nut (45) Pot. Gear #l (46) Pot. Cear Setscrew I47l Por. Gear #2 {4E) Mast Clamp (GC-03E) (49) M8x70 Bolt (50),(53)8Ím split washer (51) M8 Nut (52) ErnmWasher (54) MEx25Bolt OPTIONAL PARTS GS-050 50mm THRUST BEARING THRUST BEARING cc-038 GC-048 MAST CLAMP MAST CLAMP 't4 -