Level 2 Glassical Studies, 2009 - schoolhistory.co.nz schoolhistory
Level 2 Glassical Studies, 2009 - schoolhistory.co.nz schoolhistory
t NZeA Level2 GlassicalStudies,2009 90247Examinea passagefrom a work of classical literature in translation Cred'lsF've 9 30 am Llonday30 November 2009 c h e c kr h a r h eN a r o n as r l d e n rN w b e r ( N s N ) o ny o u ra d m s s i osnr p s r h e s a m a e s r h en u m b e r a l l h e 'n Resource Exl,aclsAlare prov'ded Bookel90217RPu I oul the Resource Aookl€lftomthe cenlre.t ErtHERi TopcOne Nomeis Odysse,,lpages27) T o pc T w o G r e e k T r a o e d y l p a s e1s3S) OR: Top. Three RomanComedy(paqes14-19) OFr nlhelopLclhaLyouhavechos€n.ho.s€TWOollhelhr.cqu.slonsandansqerALLpansollhos lryouneedmorespaceroranyansweruseLhepaq€(s)provdedaLlhebackotthsbookerandc C h e c k l h a l l hbso o k l ehla sp a q e s 22 3 n t h ec o ( e c r o r d e r a nl hda l f o n e o r t h e spea g e ss b a n k YOIJMUSTHANOTHISBOOKLETTOTHESUPERVISORATTHE ENDOF THE EXAMINATION. l overallLevelof Porfonnance ft eudei@ be ,a6ryr6a,!m3or L l 2 Youare advisedlo spend50 mnulesanswering thequeslonson yourchosentopc. EITHER:TOPICONE: HOMER'SODYSSEY AnswerTWOoi lhe fo lowinqlhr€equeslions. Wile yolf answern the spaceprovdedaftereach E I|ER: QUESTION ONE Relerlo ErhactAon p8ge2 of Resolr@Booklet90247Rto answerthrsqueston. n the 116lpar.grapholthE erkact odyssels is aboultoen.ounrersome peopretuthefiBltme. . Wheredoes(hsenmunlertakep ace?Whatphys€l @ndi|on6 Odysseusn andwhy? . Odysseuspreviously encounte.ed lhe nynph Ca ypso HowdoesHomeasdescrptonofher islandd fer fromh s descnp0on of lhe slandn thlsexlEct? . Expan ndelai whyodysseushopesthathe s amonghlman beinss (tne6). 4 /4lvOlORiQUESTION Two qu6srion Rorer lo Enr.d a onpage3 of R€6oure Sooklet 90247R to.nswerthis h lhisexlEct,Odys$usB seking inspiElionrrcman eddierepisode i. his life. . Explaini. detailhM the'b'tn'(lines 3-9) F trkeOdysseus. . Explainin detaillhecrrcumslan@s in whichrh€'cydopsdevoucd[OdFsels] bEve com€des'0lne13) . Expainin d€taI rhe'cunningnotion'(rhe1,4)thatEreIercdro h€€. . Oiscus n d6tallONEway lhe 'dnning notion'lhalOdF*us ued ag6in$$e Cyclopsis smrlarlo lharwhichhe u*s 8g.insrlhe suiroB 6 tJVDlORi OUESTION THREE R6ferb EnFd C onpag64 of Re$ure [email protected] to .nsrer thlsquelionThebN is lh6€nlE-pi* orOd's5€u6eluh home, . Explainlhe cl.@mstan@s |nal l6dop to lh6 stdnqlngot [16bowandthe Bhodinqof h€ . . Eaplehh€ ctuEctendic lhal Odyseus shds in ords lo achlde suc4s in t s extract DiE@6s in debil hN hls abilltykr stringlh€ bowillustral€solh€rchaEdefttie of Ody$eus. Youare advisedlo spend50 mlnulesanswernglhe queslonson yourchosentopc. ORi TOPICTWO: GREEKTRAGEDY Answ€rTWOof thefo lowinglhee queslonsWnleyolr answern lhe spaceprovidedanereach ElrrERi QUESTIONONE Releflo ExtractO on paqe5 of Resource Booklel90247R lo answerLhisqueston nth6ertracl Oedpus slaknCwlhCfeon Theconversalion evenlualy lurnslo the laleof Laius, the formefKingolThebes.in thecourceoatlie @nversalon, OedLpus d splaysMo qu le dlffer€nl ' . . WhydoesO€dplslhlnklhatC.eons hs b tterestenemy"(rne12)? EtpanndetaOedlpuseholonalstateInines1-23("Wellsr...lhalcanLngprophel hee") Gve evden@ftomtheexlractlo supponyouranswer Explalnn derallhe changelhal lakespla@ n OedrpusemolonalstaleIn theremanderof theexlEcl.GNeevdencefromtheexlraclto supporlyouranswer 10 A/vDloRr OUESTION TwO Relerlo ExvactE onpage6 of R€source Booklel90247R lo answer thisqu6ston In thisextracl, Anligone is speakmg wtthlh6Chotusaboutthesiateot hertifeandhff imp€nding death.ShelikensheMrlto'thedaughlerof (tin612). Tanlatus' . Namolhedaughler otTaniallsanderplainherstoryindetaL . Erplainin derailhowAntgones silEtjonis bothsimiarlo anddtfibr€nlfrom tharoiTantatls 12 /4/VDIOR; THREE QUESTION R6f6rto Elldct F on p6ge7 oI Resou6eBooklot90247Rlo an$ef thLsqlestion. ThisenEct @mesnea.lhe endof the play. . Explain in delaiLwhylh€ Kingslabb€d himsll . givessuchavividde5cdpuon ortheKings Explainindeiai theeasonswhysopho.les 14 Yooare advisedlo spend50 m nulesanswerngthe qlestionson yourchosentopc OR: TOPICTHREE:'ROMANCOMEDY AnswefTWOof lhe fo lowriglhreequeslonsWite youranswern lh€ spaceprovidedafiere.ch ErrgERi QUESTIONONE Referlo €(ract G on page3 of Resource Bookel90247Rlo answerlhisqueston IreFope,lke manyRoman@fredies,involvesacompr€ted plolbasedon mislndeGlandings . . . Explanwherelheexchanoe behve€nlhesebro peopleis raki.gpla@. WhomdoesScepamiobelonglo. andwhalis the natureoflherelalbnshpbehveenlhs sraveandhs masle O scussIn delarlhowPlauluscreales humoufinths exl6ct. t6 /4lVOlORiAUESTION Two Booklel-90247R lo ansrerthEqueston RefertoErtr.ctH onp6ge9 orResource Thewayinwiich RomanomedrasreE slagedchang€dgeaily overhme.a@odinglo lhg natuE ot lh6 theat€s in whidr the plays@e podoced and lha audienc who anendedlhem. . Erplain in derril hd thE wne would have b4n stagedo.ginally. Refd to where .ha6.le6 (hen.nd hM lheymovedaswel as lhe @stumesandpropslhatmighi we@positioned, . Explainin deEilTwO 6t€gng mnvenlonsollh€RomanstagethatarepEsent nihis enEct, andwhyll wasnecessary lo employlh€seconvenlions. 18 A/VDIORi QUESTION THREE R€rerloE{Ecr lon page10otResource Booklot90247R roanswer lhsqlestion In Roman@medes. Lheplawlighloftenhadlo go to hlge lengths lo bnnglheplaylo a sensble and believable @nciusion andoftenhe failed.Thisen6cl is lromnearthe endol lre 6h61. . WhoE Callidamal6 sp€dking toin hisopenngspech, andwhydo6heusesucha tim . . Explain padon in detarlwh6l lhlngslheoprcpides sonhasdonelhatrcquiehisfalhers DEcuss howTheopbpides eactsto CaIdamates speech, and€xptain rowharertentlh s €sclion3 @nsislentwith Theoprcpdes chsbclerthrcugholl iheplay 90247R Level2 ClassicalStudies,2009 90247 Examinea passagefrom a work of classical literaturein translation 9 30 am Monday30 November2009 RESOURCE BOOKLET Referloths bookel lo answerthequestonsfor C asscalS(ldies90247. Checklhal lhF booklelhaspages2-11 n the@r€doderand thalnoneofthesepaqesis b ank YOUMAYKEEPTHISBOOKLETATTHEENDOF THE EXAMINATION. TOPICONE: HOMER,SODYSSEY EXTMCTA 'WhatcounhyhaveI cohe ro this hme?'hcsaidwith a groan. 'Whatpeoplea.e L\erehere?Hostilend ucivilized sava8es, o r l i n d l L d n de o d f e a l n Sp p o p l cl n € r p i c . t r i l e ( h or a y ears,as thoughsone Sirlsw€reshriekinE-Nymphr who haunl thesteeFhilltops, thesprin8sof rn'.rs,and theg.ass)neadows. Oram I by any chan.eanon8 humanbeingswho cantalk asl d o T W e l l , l m u s t Eaon du s cm y o w n e y e tso f i n d o u t ' Sothenobl. Odysseus deptout from underthebushes, arter breakin8offwith his gr€athanda leaiybouEhfrom thethickct 10 to con@alhis nak€dmanhood.Thenhe advanced on then lil<e a mountainlion who sallEsout,deryingwind andrainm L\e Pndeofhis poweawith lire in hi5eyer to hunt dom theoxen o! sheepor pdrsucthewild d€€r lorcedby hunSer,he will elen attackflo.ksin a well protected fold.SoOdysseus, nakedashe 15 was,madca movetowaidsiheseEirlswith thei.braidedhan, necessily compelled hin. Grimywth salthe wasagnesome si8ht,md lheEirlswentsdttling offin everydire.tionalong thejuttingspitsof s.nd. Hlmcr nr Od!$Pl/ Bool 6 EXTRACTS As h€ lay therewd€ awalebrewinghoublefor his dvals, a grcup ot rvomcn,thc Suitors're$lar mirtks*s, @met@ping out of the houe aifflins and jokin8 anon8 therelve. Odysus anter I@ in hin. For a long timc he debai€din h's mind and heartwhatto do-Shouldhe ledpup and pur th€maU to death;or shouldhe let themspendthisonelastnightin the arns of thearotant Suitors? His hcart$owled within him as a biich grcwlsstandinBguar.loverher helpless pupe readyto fiEht when rhe se a sttmgq- In the sme way he grcwl€d l0 icide him*lf in dirage .t theirw'ctcdnessEut,strikinghis 'Patime, (hest, he .alled his h€arl to ord€r and said| my hean! Youhad somethintlar hore iFoninious thanthisto mdure when the i nvincible Cyclopsdevoured your bravecohrad€s. 15 An<lyet you m.naEed to hold out, till your .umin8 notion tot you clearol the@vewh€reyou had thouthtyour6d had Homer, DP O/yssq, Bmk 20 EXTRACTC One dow lay lo@ on th€ hblAbeside him; the Ht, whi.h the A.haem lo.ds were soon to experid.e, rerc stil itride th€n houow quiE He picl€d up this shafr,sr ir a8airet rhe bridge of the bow drew back th€ grooveddd dd the sking togetl€r, aI without rising from his srool,dd, with a sEaight aim, shor,Not a tingle de drd he mis, lrom tlre tust handlein& ritht through them .[ md dt at the last the a@w sped with 'ts burdd of brcI%. Home4ne Odys*y,B@k2l TOPICTWO: GREEKTRAGEDY EXTRACTD OrDrrrs: Well, sn? Whatbringsyou her€? Haveyou the lare to standLreforemy door, trovcd plotter againstmy life, thi€fofmI crown? Do you tak€ me ld a .oward, or a lool? Drd you supposelrvmt€d eyesto sce Thc plotpreparing,wits to counterifl And what a foolishplotlYou, withoutb&king Of fnendsor purse,to Bo in qrcstoIkin8slipl Kingdomsarewon by nen and moncyba8s. 10 CnEoN;Hearmy reply And when yo! know, rhenjud8e. OEDrpus:I doubryou.€loquen.e Bill teachmc mndr. You ar€ ny biftcr.st en€my; thaLI know. CREoN:lirst, l€t me tellyou- t5 OEDrrus:Tell ne anything Exceptthatyou ar€ honest. CREoNT Canyou b.licve This obstinacydocs you anyEood? 20 OEDrpus:Canl/or believethatyou m.ycatyon Inki8aes agamstyour houseand goscot-free? C R F o \ .| . l o ' r l do " d l J U l o b p L . a e. T e l lm p L l o u B h What wrong you thnk Inave done you. That nade me brinA that.antinSliioPhet here? CrEoN.lt Nas;and I would do th€ samcagrin. 25 O E D r r u s r T eml l . . . . h o w l o n 8a 8 od i d L a i u s . . . CREor:Did Laius NhJ t? I do not u.lerstand. OtrDrrus:How long is it sinceLaius ... disappeared? CnEoN:A long tim€ now; long€r than I can say. OrDrrls:Was this old prophetathis businessthen? 30 CREoN,Ycs,held in €qualhonour then asnor!. OEDTFUS: In thoscdays,did h€ evermentionme? CR.oN:Not in my hcaring. OEDrrus:Wasthereno inqucstmadc l5 CRrcN Lnded theresas.InQin. OEDrpls:And the man of Lrisdom- lvhy was he silent thcn? SoPhocl€s,(trs CradiP{s EXTMCTE s 10 l5 20 ANrrcoNEYousaeme,countrym€n, 9n my lastioum€y, rakingmy lastleaveofthelighrofday, Coingto my.est,wheredeatlrshalltakene Alive acrossthe silent river No weddin8day;no Fa[ia8e-musi.; Deathh'ill be all my bridaldowcr CHoRUT: But Alorymd prais€go with you,lad,, To you. restinS plac. You Bowith your beauty Umarred by the hand of consumingsickness, Untoucnedbythc aword,livhgandIiee, As noneorherrhateverdiedbeforeyo! ANrrcoNEr Thedaughterof Tantalusa Phrygianmai.l, Wasdoomedtoa piteousdeathon the.ock OI Sipylus,wtuch enbraced and imprisonedher, Mer.ilessastheivy;.ainandsnow B e " l d o w nJ p o nn e r m . . r 8 l e dh i l h h e rl . J r As shewastedmd died. Suchwas her story And suchis th€ sl€€pL\at I shall go ro. CHoRUs: Shewasa Eoddess oI immortalbtth, And wc arcmo.tals,th. 8r.ate.theglory, To sharethelateoIa god boh maiden, A lh,ing.leath,but a nameun.lying AN GoNE: Mock€ly,mocke.ylBytn€godsof our fathers Mustyou mak€me a lau8hm8ato.kwhileI yet liwe? Sophocles,,4, tr8o,s EXTRACT F But wore was y€t to see.Her dressw{'.pmed Wih Eoldenbroodes, which rheKing snarcnedour And thdst, from tull an's lhgth, into his eyesEy6 that thould se no longe. his shame,his 8uilt, 5 No longer seethosethey should nwer have seei, Nor see,meein& thosehe had longed !o *, Hmceforih ffi6 nothint but rutht ..- To this wild nre He pier.ed na eyeball6bme dd time agah, Till bloody tea6 ran doM his beard not dropt 10 But in full spatea whole cdcade desending Ir drdching catdacts of scdlet m. KingOeAipus TOPICTHREE:ROMANCOMEDY EXTRACTG ScEPrNro Whatdid voo .ome for? AMpE6.r li,r/i.drn'srprlr'jj: If ],ouhrvc ey6 )ou.m w r{hat I sanr. S.EpMNro:If yoxhaveey6 ]ou canw wh.t r h6nt. 5 AMrErrsc^:Thepriestess oI V€nusheresentme to askyo! for somcwater ScEpdN'o:Ah well,l'n thcpriestin cha.geh€rc You'llhaveto askne ni.€ly oryou won'l gcta droP,Besidesi we duAlhat weUat our oM exPense, and sith our obn tNk,l day tcllyou.Go on, sayyour prdyeBnic€lyoryou.an'i havea drop of our r0 AMFErrsc^: Do )ou trudte me a litllc rvalerT Cdl you glr ne t{hat evenenemi6 Biveloenemies? SctrpNNro: C.n't you I've he what fricndstiveto friends? A M E U s c ^O h a l l r i B h th, o n e tI ' l l d o . n y t h i n g y o w u ant. la ScErNNroYippeelI n in luck.Honeyshccallsme Youshall havc your water,love L don'leipcctnothinEIo! nolhinS.C ivc !s your tug. AMpEus.r:Thercyou ar€.As quickasyoucn, please. s.EprNro: w.,t hcrc.I'llb€ backin. j'al, honey-lac ses nr.1 AxpEusc^:Thc old wonan rlill bc rhinkin8l'n takint a IonSrimc What shallI tell he.?. . Oh thal *a, itgilesme lhe hodors.But rvha{sthat?Ohmy toodne$, whatdo I *edown on theshorethee?Mymislcr, ihe old pimp,andhis Sicilianfiiend. Plartus,Tre Ropd E)(TRACTH TR^Nro:. .. assoonashe afives l'll givehim somettLing to lhink about.[Hszrtrs lo , 5 '10 l5 \DEsdri.* hom th. htbouf, 10ithtua stn@ cdryn8 hk bnggnge.l ITAEopaap TEEopioprDEs: Tharksbe ro Nephrneforlettingme o!tofhis clutchesto gethome sareanddry but only jusr.Do you hear,Neptune? If you €wercatchme puttinEa foot intowaterafterthisday,I giveyou leaw€to do ro me whateveryou hopedto do thistime I neve.s€nt to s€teyeson you aEainlrs thelasttimeI entrustmyrhin8 of mineto yourkeeping. Tndroi Youhade a bi8 mistal<e there,Ncptunc losinga Eoodchmcelike thar. TEEorRoprDEs: 5ohereI am at hone againaft€!thee yearsin Egypt Thefamilywill be riEhrBladto sccme,l'veno doubt. TNro: They'dberight Aladderto se€soneonebringingnewsof your death. i? rorr..loat,is nrpriselltofrd it loctrd.) ITHEopRoprDtrs8o?s THEopRorrDEs: Wlratt thc meaningof this?Thedoorboltedandbarr€d,in the daytime?I'll have to knock . Is anybody the.e? . Will someoneopen rhis door? rs iJ irstdtritedi.tt r dnhne.l lHe.arlnnlestohnrDrr nt thedoat;TtuNtoapptun.hes, TNro: Who.an thatbe,oltside our house? TsEopRoprDEe [sdr?Srr,]: ltt Tranio.My servantTraniol TNto: Oh maste.,sir,Theop.opidcslOh sir,I'h glad to s€€yoll sir,saJehomeaEain. Plautus,Tld Gldsl l0 EXTRACTI CruDMns: Justkeepguiet a minuts, will Fu, Igs ty tuh to speak.Listen. TsEoProuDEs Sayd, sir 5 CalrrDdaEsr You h@ I d yN sd! bestfriend, He cde !o me for help, b<ause he wtu to deer vou, after rhe LhinF he h6 done,which he tnows )!u know he has do@- Now I Mnt to askyou, bomh€at yo1' to pddon his youth dd foU)4He is ydr sol} you mlrt know that boyswill be boys.Whateva he has done,I haE beennis abetto. I am to blah€. Plautus,Tl'r Glosa 11 Ref€ren@s TopicOn. ExtraclA: Homer,Ire Odyss, trans E, V Rie!, @ised t6n5. D c. B Ri€u(london:Ponsuin p 79. aooks,2003), ExtraclB: lbid. p 266. Exrracr c lbid.,p287. E)dEctD: Sophocles,Ihe ThebanP/ays,L€ns E, F walling(London:Penguinaook6,1974), p p4 u 1 . ExlEctE: lbid.,pp 14S149. ExlEctF: lbid.,p6l. ExlEctG: Plautus,7he6hosr,Ihe Rope,A fh@dDollatDay,anPhilryo,l6ns. E. F.wauing (London:Penguln Books, 196!),pp 107 108. ExiraclH: lbid.,pp46-47. Enfacll: lbid,p83.