Phvsical Match of Fragmented Bullets
Phvsical Match of Fragmented Bullets
FireamrsLaboratorv- CascRcirot't PhvsicalMatch of FragmentedBullets Authors: Asne Klein Lior Nedivi Howard Silverwater d LlllEls P l r \ . i c r l \ l . r t c l lc l l t J p l n c , ! r e D March1998 !'ircarrnsI.abrtraion {lasc Rc (lrt AsneKlein,l M. Sc.;Lior Nedii,2 B. Sc.:and Htnard Sil\etvatet,3 B. EngineeritY' Physical Match of Fragmented Bullets glass' AISTRACT: Thetechniqueof physicalrnatch,whichis widelyusedwith naterialssuchasplaslicand metho4of tool of commonorigin. The moreconventional bunetslor d€t€rmination is appliedto ft'agmented fuearm. with a the bullet to cotrnect is late. used mark comparison, li! ftacturematch'{iagments phlsicalmatch,physicalfit' mechanical iorensicscienc€, KEYVyORDST Thetechdqueofphysicalrna6h'alsokrcwnasphysicalfit'mechanicalfitandftacfurematclrisoftenus€d or more, fiagments of plastic, glass,m€tals $ forensice:.1ertsin ordel to determinatea commonorigin ol two, "the eraminadon of tso or mor€ glossary, the AFTE malch as d€fined [U oi oOer sotsta"ces-nrysical W objeds either through physical, opticNl or photographic means wbich permib otre to conclude whether thi objects were eitter oni entity or were neld or bond€dtogether in a udque Nrrangementz The bigg€st advafiage ofthis t€chDrqueli€s in the fact tbat it is not necessaryto be an e\Tert to cometo the "Physicrl fits and broken edger ff anlthing conclusi; rbat there i; a physical match. WALLst2l wrole' getsbmkenincommittingacrim€,andifoneofthesepartsfufound&tthescen€andtheolhercrnbe "tioL"O .itl tne susXct, lh€n the fitting togethcr of tbe brok€n edges may pmvide th€ mos' incontrov€rtible €videucepossible- eddence which n€edsno scie ific training for its rppreciation". H€ colweyedthe commonbelief amongforensicexlerts rhat this is the bestkini of evidence '...*hetr the fragmedts show r physical fit of a fi* I:1 usea even sfionger words when he $roie, fractured surface' such cvidorc€ b€ing ro strong a3 to constitute a|mogt rbso|ute pmol,. These wolds emphasizethe importrnc€ of physical match in the world of forenslc science we should also rcmemtEr th€ judgqo and'/orjury, of the reasonfor all this wotk, meaningour appeamtrceat court in order to convincethe Israet, wi[ show the etrect of held in two trials, ftom inportance ana weigfrt of o* *ia*ce' Quotatons a random proc$s Nnd brea|."fu verdrcls: ?!$ phlsicat rnatch testimonywithjudges wh they write lheir lin€_ As we know x similarlreak p""ctical ol creating way cen tappen in inlinite wrys, but the"e i. oo ii r connecfon therc lhat I rm convrnced ftot th;; rre no where i; the world two iltenticd fEgerprints, Frcm another carln glars pi€ces from the def€ndatrt's betweetr the glast pi€c€s fmm the sceneand the demofftrat€d who "Th€ €lpert, Tml Mark of tbe ;dence brought beforc court, in ihe te3timony tdal: the lhe match between the difr€rent phstic piecd, prov€ beyond any doubt the po$ibility to conn€ct d€fendant's car to the scen€of ihe accident...'. ,ltthoogtr this techniqueis widely usealwhen hanalhngfiagmentsofplastic' glassand metal objects,it applies equallywell with fi:.gmentedbuletsfmgmented in tils anicle we-w t ldiscuss this problem and] gr€ two examplesof physical matchesof only one was question whether there of the bul€ts. Being abte to find such a match gave us the answer to fir€arrn, or morc, in the incident. rscientificofrcef, ToolMark andMaterialsLaboratory, DivisionofldetrtificationandFofensicsciedce Israel. (DIFS),IsraelNationalPoliceHq Jerusalem, )former fireannsoxaminerat DIFS.Duryofrcer, Allelby Bridgecrossingpoint,SHAYDisrrict'Israel Na[onalPolice. ]FirearmsExaminer,FaearmsIdentificatron LaboBtory,D rsionofldedt'iicationandFor€nsicscience Israel (DIFS),IsraelNationalPoliceHq Jerusalem, Irhr,'sical\'1atchof aragrnelrtedlhll€ts i r:i,:t\tncri fii ':irill. i .li'rl:,il'r,' Bullet trragmentation When a bullet hits its target, it sometimesfiagments Tle fragmentationdepcndson the bulfel's caliber' tt?e' irnpact velocity and trajectory within lhe urget. Bullets' like tlre caliber 9xl9 mm (9 mm Parabellum) with gpical velocities of 35b meiersper sccond(1150 feet pcr second)can ftagment into lwo or more fragments geat number of Higher velocity bullels, such as the caliber 5 56x45 mm (5.56 NATO). ftagment into a "snow storm" fra-gnents,surting at velocities of gS0 metersper second(3220 feet per second),creating the efect. See6gure I [6]. Vol-3107t/i Vel32o4 ,/s 977 r'.'lt $l:'.'& i-+ '.' v el-265o1/s 8o8 n/s *ii; Vel-2523 f/s v al-262ot/s 799m/. -- r'- ,1 r'.'l s v € l ' 2 3 9 5t / 5 73O rnls v€l2OlOl/s Vel 2139 ly'i 63? !nls 613 m/! o&''' Vel-1996 608 Y el-1674lls 510 n/s Vsl-1616f/s 493 nilt Vsl-!556 llr 474 nl/ t & Figure t - Impact velocity elT€clon bullet's fragmentatiotr' Co iesr ofDr' M I' Fackter crime scene The On occasion,parts of the fragmentedbullets go through the body and are left ?t the fragm€ntsfrom within examinerwho ieceires this g'ideircc is requircdto determinc,amongother things' if the firearms) and outsidcofthe My originatedfrom a commonorigrn (namelyonc or morc bullcts and Factors invohjedin phyncal natches Gupta [7] sumrurizes the factorsinvolved in physical matches: (a) The avemgeor generalthicl essofthe maEnal O) The variations and irregularities in this thickness. gencmlcolor. (cl The -gencrat shapeof rhc lrneof the Learor breatrr'e ziglag cun cd sraight etL tdt The Pll'sicil Maich o i fl ilqlrlclrtaiiEilllelri FirearrnsLa (e) Theinegulariti€sftom pointto pointalongtheline ofthe break. (D The$riatioru, rib-marl$or iftIErfectionsalongthecross-sectronal surfaces ofthe brokenedge. Whenexaminingbulletfi'agmenls, weobEerved thre€baslcmanneisofbr€akageGeparation): t. Alongthe longiMinal axisofthe bullet.Usuallyalongthedrivingor trailing edgeofthe land impressions, howeverit canoccurin between lhe landimpre$sions. Seefigure2. 2. Atoftgthehorizonlalaxisforwardofthe landimpression.Seefigure5. 3. Alongthehorizontala\is - insid€thelandrllarksimpressions s€ctroflor alonga cinnelure. Also,bull€tbrealopcanoccurwith diferenl combinatio$of theaboveftarneN. Whenencountering melhodsto try to co recltwo optionsI & 3, theexaminercanusetraditionalcomparison or moref:agmefts Sucha comporisonneed6the "help' ofa completebullet for exanpleanother€rr'idence On hh cases,he can conducta bulet or a testbullet (if the examinerhasthe firearm in his poss€ssion). The outconreof the comporisonbetweeneachfiagmentto lhe test bullet's land and gmve impressions. con@risonmight concludetbat bolh ftagmentswerefired ftom the samebarrel. Ho*€l€r, this doesnot nec€ssary neans thefragnentscomesfiom the samebullet. ln optionnumber2, a conparisonwiil be evenmoredifficult sincethe upperpart of lhe bullet (wher€the cannelures arelocated)generallycontaina lowerquantityand qualityof bullet striae(individuatmarksfrom thefireafin'sbanel). tn a[ thesecagesa physicalmatchcanprove,beyondany doub! that two fiagmentscomefiom a common origin,onebullet.Thefolowing examples will showthat evenifone ofthe fragmentsis s€verelydamag€4it is still possibleto geta physicalmatch. CrseStudies CaseI ln tle courseof a drsputebet*€entwo gangs,seve.alshotswher€fir€d by a memberof one gang at members ofthe othergang.Onemanwasinjuredin his leg. Recovered at lhe crimescenewercfour 9 mm Short(9 x 17rnm)canridgecasesanda Fagtnflt ofa bullel whichwasdelermined at thefirearmslaboratory, asa partof 9 Shonmm bulle! FMJq?e. later, anotherfragmentof a bulleq swgicallyremovedftom lhe victim's leg wajl-segtto the firefims laboratory.This piecewEsalsoidentifiedaspafl ofa 9 rnmShonFMJbullet.FigureTsho\ 4 baseviewof the twof.agments,positionedsideby side. \ 7 Figurc 2 - A ba!€ vi€w of the two fmgmeBts, Dosition€dside by sideFMJ bu et caliber 9X17 n Pl1'sicalMatchof FraEnertedBLrllets I FirearmsLaboratorv CaseRenoft Examinarion of theevidences discover€dthefollowingfacts: pistol,mootprobablya Czechoslovakian cz model 1. Thecartddgecaseswerefired ftom onesemi-automatrc 83,cdibergltrn Short. alsoagre€with tho6eofthe CZ 83barrel. 2. Classchamcl€ristlcs onbothfragm€nts arca partof onebulel or originateftom Thechiefinv€sligalorofthis casearl€d iftte twobr let fi:agments question in to removeany dout'l aboutthe fact ahe to this was unportant order diferent bullets. answer two ftat therewasonly oneshooteral thecrimescene,Inforsatronvilal to adwncethe investigationThetefore, Thetearline on thebullet'seNelope,on boti t'aglrents,sas localedbetw€enland impressions. striations. of landirnpression therewasno wayof comectingthemby meansof comporison SincetherEwasnootherbulletrccovercdaadthepistolFasnotfoun4 theonly*ay to tie thet$! fiagm€ s logetherwasby meansofphy6icalnatch. microoco,pe underhigh power Theedgesof thebulet envelope's basewereexamine4usingthecomparisotr magnification.By briryitrg tliemlogsther,oneedgenextlo ils couflerparqit waspossibleto se€the physical matchalongthetearline. S€efigues 3 and4. Thefnal e4ert reportstatedthat thetwo fragmentswercofone hdlet. In tiis case,a cerlain amountof "ac.obatic"denerity in hallding the two pieceson the clmparison the rnalch lt required in orderto positionthernin a waywhichxould empbasize microdcope, wrs necessary stutE,thelight'sFsition andthe light'sanglebeforcthe ffatch oanipulationofrhe oq,ectsotrthe microdcope's microocope tas used. A labletopLei{zcomparison became appgrent. figures 3&4 - Physicolmatchdong lhe terr lines Cdse2 A climinal wasslain in broodday light. The DNrder€rshothim fte timeswith a Colf Cobra38 Special revolver,the si{h bulletwasa misftr€dThevicti{r got{rp,ran Aom his attaclctbut dropFd in th€ middleof mod€l39-2 Strith & We'sson the street.At this point tle murderercam€clos€r,F led oula semi_altomatic pislol head (9x19 him once rn Oe mm) and shot Parabellum 9 Dm caliber one9x19mm cartddgecase,one38 Speciatlead unit atrivedal the sc€oeaod col1ecled The crims sc-ede blllet aoda fragEentof a 9xl9 mm FMJbullel (Figures5&6) Later,two more38 Specialleadbulets ad PhysicalMalch o{ [ragmentedBullets aiotherfragmentofa 9x19mmFMJbullet(Figure€5&6)werercco!€r€dby lhe coronerdring the autopsyof thevictim. It *ts obviousthat at leasttwo fir€armswercinvolve4but the iN'€stigting teamneedEd to knowifa lhird fiIearm was involved It wasnecessary to det€rmineif the t$o 9x19om fragmetrlscarneout of the sarre barrel.It couldnot be donet'y meansof land and groo!€ impr€ssioncomparisons sincethe fiIst fi'agment, forlndat the scenq*€r theforwardsectionof the bulet andtherec,er no land ifiprcssionmark on it. The only l'ay 10connectthi6 fragmentto a specificfrearm was ry firding som€aonnectionto the fragm€nt ftom thebody.Amazilgy enoughtftoughthewo fragmentsweredEfonne4a ph'sical rnatchwas rccovered possible.SeeFigures5, 6 and7. Iater in the investi9tio4 the semi-autorDatic S&W 39-2 was recor€redand a comparisonwas maab betElenthe 'rehilt" hrllet andtestbulets fircd Aomrhepistol. Wlen the case*!s present€d at courl the defensecounseloqectedto the p.ocessof physicalrnatchof the bull€lfi'agInentsandrequ€slad that thefragmeatsbecyaminedby his o*n €xper1.The trial end€dwith a plea bargainandthis evidence wasneverchallenged trtgurtt 5&6 - Ph$ic&l mrtch of th€ two 9X19mm bullet frrgments. o - Thefrognentfoundat thescene. b TheI/agnent rccoveredflomthebody. Figur€ 7 - IhFicsl match. Closeiev oJthe tear line. PhvsicalMatchof Frasmented Builets o Laboratory Firearms Renort Clase Summary: plr:rsicatmatcnes,bete/eenbulets i'agmclrts,can be a rery po*trfrn bol to the reams exanincr' betseena bulet iagEenl atrd it is the ody wayto €stablisha conneclron i"*fog*a" ,ta ooutt".Sometimes theftearm ii wasfir€dfotn- Rcferemg: ofFirr€nn andToolMark E (.rnirrers,AFTE f%9' Ifl Gbssary,Associatiotr Swe€!& Maxs€l Lidite4 Loadon'1968'Fp 14-15' fote*i" Science", izi Waff6,H. f.,'C.i^e pp 300-301' p. I*€6tiptioa", second€dition'Joh! Wilery& Sonss i:i K ., L., 'rfac"t ofForensicscieoce,vol 31,No' N4atches,' Joumal Phrsical Mod€ls of as suac€s i+i iloito", i f., 1435-1438. 4 Oct 1986,F.;Oi." I*"$igtion PIrysicalEvid.nceald thePolicetaboratory,"InteFciencePublishers' tit Xi.t, p.i., INC.,NewYo*, P.240. dsledMay 2l' [6l F;rkhr, M. L.IvfD., F.AC.S.,WoundBalistic Crnsd!trt, PeconnelConesFrd€nce InterlationalCriminstPouceRwiew,tune-Julv1970'p 198-200 of Fragmeots," ,.*, *,*, ii'k* "Tech"iq,tes of CrimeSceneldve6tigation"4th 6dition''p' E' iAt fiOer, S. J, PhysicalMatchof FlagmeltedBulleis 7 J