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SERVICETICKET WELL CEMENTING EDWARDE BIRK 3g?,soUTE 16rH BTIRLINGTON,KS 66839 i,./^. t ,a - Otr.prCE, 62r677s - CELL 620-36+i3r1 f-r ^ -i,..'t , f-t - ),2't DATE:JLAfI Jl CITY/ CffY-F - ' /\n Lf ' Comtt.Y COUNTY - L-I' cHARGErctrlll(rf((lzirL ADDRESS LEASE& CONTRACTOR TWP SEC KIND OFJOB DIR TO LOC. RG MATERIAL USEI) QUANTTIY ](n s SERV.CHG )rl- lArf,l Ornrrrl BULK CIIARGE BULKTRIC MILES PUMP TRK. MILES PLUGS TOTAL ," 1870', t' CSG.SET AT VOLUME TBG SET AT VOLUME MAX. PRESS. srzF PIPE PLUGDEPTH PKERDEPTH srnHoLEb 3/4 CEMENTEROR TREATER PLUGUSED %o*M,l' *,h Pfu(M, ess Co .G7Q , ffi6588 +'_ r- ,t .'t cof{otTtofls a,ffieE :: '-e ae 1e'?= :a :_a -:L?s: a::e$': e a3ini ovef psable road, -_is:,:' s :^_ f,:*!- :-s:a :s ,f;., a: a*-e-s or inlemediary'sdir€ction, _: -*:a_s a ^{ 'a' aa.ages :r a.y manner to sidewalks, se 9' s-_?s ':::^:,! : ,9^a,! :- :-;s -9es s--,:*J ei:, *h'ch &e at customoas ^ ! -1---:. a::e::-e'a',--a-! l -_irs r : i s i s 5 m r n d e sp e r y a r dA, i_-ars :-ee. :-f':: ^ :: --:: ':' -::-: aoacretecontainscotreot _a ^:'a' rr_':-'! r's:E_::_ :' x E:e: ile da a3l assumeresponsibility tor cts, Inc. -o \o-aE onEF ='- -. :"': ::-'-::::'': :ai i-:se reEcrs slpplyingmaterialor sewicesto ::-a e'a :_ a aa"'z: aa' '?s-: _ :fe f:rrg oi a nechanrcslienon the proporty - ' t irrt.l C COOF'ERAT i TF '..F; I trOljRTl'lirT. Pi:-r: 3 f,itpi :fjrift jtj l:r F.r-.4::,: FOfiMULA NME ,lJrr i j "\.':i.: i.l LOAD # .r l':::i i '| CONCR€TE 6 APERISHABLE thEPROPERTYOJ COMMODITf ANdBECOMES IhEPURCHASER UPON LEAVING IhE PLANT.ANYCHANGES INSTRUCTIONS OR CANCELI,ATION OIORIGINAL MUSTbE TELEPHONEO Io Ih€OFFICE BEFOSE TOADING STARTS. ne lncsrgnm pfm$ lo paydl cds ncludh!r&son&lea[0me]5is. ncw& 1 ccl&tiq dy sums0w& Aliacc@nhnotpaijwilhh3,0&ys ol deliwrywll be4rnle.slallhe6le ol 24{ pe.snLm Matedalis Delryered. A $25SeMceCh&geild LN o{ fE CashD6@unlwil be collecied or ai 3ellmsi Ch*ks Ex6$ Delay nmeChdged @tsoAlR. CODE 'i ;,i. i,liit i,][i I r y l + : f r $ j ";,i\ . , ' , - , r l : , 1i i j j l i l , i i : : 1i l i , r , i l , l d fill ' i:l liil ti i/ir YARDS DEL, PLANT/TRANSACTIO.N # DRIVER/IRUCK : i r;:l BATCH# TRIM WATER TICKET NUMBER SLUMP 'I i'ri. ;::i_': i1'r: |-,r OUANTITY YARDS ORDERED itri i DA'IE 'i LOADSIZE 1," '.: iitit! PROPEFTY DAMAGE RETTASE (l'O8ESIGNEO BEMADE IFOEUVERYTO INSIDE CURB LINE) Deil CuslomerThs ddverol thisltuck in pr6enlinglhis nELEASE to youlor yoursignatu@ is oJlheopinion lhalthesizeandweightol his [email protected] dmage to ti6 premises and/oradjacenl 0l00emn I oac6 neinatenarn Ifls DaowneEvouoesfeil il.s irr'wlrir tb nAfibO fftvef';av sal we tr. bd ; o'de ro do-rh6 yousgn lhisRELEASE thedrivefis rcqueslingrlhal reliryinq himand lio6 anydamage thissupplier lromey aesponsibility lhatmayoccuf to the pfemisesand/oradjacenlpropedy,buildngs,sidewalks daveways. curbselc, by lhe delNery ol lhis malemlandlhalyou alsoagreelo helphm remove mudlrcmlhewheeso, hisvehicle so ,'"'lrji i ri GALX .WEIGTIMASTER :an iheundefsigned agrees to indemnitandholdhilmless lhedfver c1ih6 lruckandlhissupplier 'or anyandalldanagelo lhe premises propeny whichhay b6 claimed &d,or adjacenl by myoneto have SIGI.]ED 8Y LOADRECEIV€D X X DESCRIPTION PRICE UNIT EXTENDED PRICE i - : 1I i ' : :!:'i: i: i ' 'I I' ,'/ , '-"'''* # Hetunrueo to pr-lt'rt LEFT JOB A '1 3 5i r/t) LEFTPLANT ARRIVED JOB a ' ' l YI ,'r(.r"-:( TOTALROUND TRIP ' ,l j Excessive Water is Detiimental to Concrete Performance HrOAdded ByRequest/Authorized By "j*) { , ,t.i,;; TOTAL ATJOB FINISHUNLOADING 5,'3a) STARTUNLOADING 7',r(, TIIVE UNLOADING DELAYEXPI,ANATIONiCYLINDER TESTIAKEN 1. JOBNOTREAOY 6. TRUCKBROKEDOWN 7, ACCIDENT 2. SLOWPOURORPUMP 3, IRUCKAHEAOONJOE 8. CITATION 4, CONTMCTONBROKEDOWN9 OTHEB 5 ADDEDWATER TltvlEALL0WED ,,"' I '$[ ''*l?n-! J r .-tt . TII/E DUE ADDITIONAL CHARGE 1 DELAY TIi/E t,lft ADDITIONAL CHARGE2 li){,,,#,{-i