Experimetrix Guidelines
Experimetrix Guidelines
September2008 1 Overviewfor Experimenters: UniversityPsychology Washington Department SubjectPool for futurereference in yourJaboratory Pleasekeepthis manualaccessible 2008 RevisedSeptember PleaseRead First Thisguidebookcontainsa FAQ sectionat thebeginningwhichmaybe helpful lor many students as a quick look-upfor a questionyou mayhave. This is thenfollowedby a morcin-depthdescription ol theseguidehncs. However,pleasemakesurethatyou readthesuidebookjn its entiretvbeforerunnins anyparticipants.Theseguidelinesareimportanlto ensurethatyou arein compliance with WU andHRPO-based rulesandarespecihcallydesignedto makeeverythinggo smoothly.Pleasenotethatfailureto adhereto theseguidelinesmay,in somecases,' potentiallyresultin temporarysuspcnsion to the subjectpool.lfyorr haveany of access questrons lab who is familiar with theseguidelines.In mostcasesthatpersonshouldbe ableto resolvethe question. However,ifthey arenot ableto provideyou with an answer,pleasecontactDr. Lambert al [email protected] September 2008 2 Outline FAQ (Frequentlyaskedquestions) Generalissues Protecting participants ' rights ObtainingIogonsandpasswords Dehricfino lnrm q PostingExperiments on theWeb Limitson Payments of ShowingUp lmportance FIowto Cancela Session participants Scarce Whomay issuecredit Studiesthat canbe offeredfor creditor payment UnderageparticiPants Contactinformation September 2008 3 FrequentlyAskedQuestions and I needa logon on Experimetrix 1. lwant to post an experiment andpassword.Howdo lget that information? Office)' Whenyou receivedappravaltot thisproiectfrcmHRPA(HumanResearchP.roleclian informed consenl' lhey sentyou a PDFdocument(withtheirslampof approval)conlaininglhe ol the sludy,and the debriefing Simplyfotuard that PDF' in its entitety' lo Alan description and he will issuea logon and passwordin the next day Lambeftat [email protected] orso. ln thebody af your emailtaDr Lambertpleasemakesurelhatyau specify the faculty spoiso. Pleasenolethallhis applieslo all gradualesludenlsas well as postdocs,as all faculty. department memberof the psychoLogy mustbe linkedlo a particular experiments 2. ls therea limiton the amountof creditlcan offerper hour? What aboutpayment? can ollet up lo one (1) crcdilor 10 do ats For onehaurof paflicipation,researchers 3. Can offer credit or payment? Yes However,anygivensludenlcanreceiveeilhercrcdilor pay, bul not bolh ll youare at{eringONLYcrcdil,or ONLYpayment,pleasemakelhat clearin you header' 4. I needto cancelan experiment.How do I do that? below. Pleasenotethatthereare difterent Seepage13 of the subjectpoolguidelines, you procedures are canceling24 hoursaheadof time or not. dependingon whelher 5. What happensif I forget to cancelthe study altogether,the student shows up anyway,and finds that therewas no experimenterat my lab? What would I do? You should avoid these sorts of evenasat a/ cosas, This hasthe potential to fostel resenlmentamangout students.Afler all, studenlsarc penalizedfot not showingup, and il is reasonablefor lhem to expecl lhat someonewil be there when they arive. lf this happens' pteaseemailDr.Lambedand he willtakeit fromlhere. Pleasenale Ihatthereare stiflpenalties for labs lhal have multipleexperimenterno-showsand this may involve temporarysuspension ofaccesslo lhe subjecI paol nal onlyfor yourproiect,but othetprojectsin lhe lab too Seplember2O0B 4 6. I am runninga minimalriskstudywith no agerestrictions.What shouldI do if an underage(< 18)studentshowsup for my study? pleasemake surethalyou readp. 15 of the guidelinesbelow, Thisis a bitcomplicated; you yaur BEFORE stafl sludy. 7. I clearlyspecified"18 or older"in my headerbut an underage studentshowedup anyway. What do I do? Youpolitelylell themsorry,thatyoucannotrun lhem,andtheydo not creditor paymentlor showingup- As longas thiswas clearlyspecifiedin lhe header,il is the studeni'sresponsibility to readit. Generaijssues Seplember20Oe 5 As experimenters, our needsare - alwavs "' " q-r\) secondary with the needto: . respect participants, rights o complywitli guidelines of tle IRB andthesubject pool commrttee (e.g.educational benefit,r""iJ"""Jr;l Yguropporrunity to collect Uoy participants, andto userhe suojectpool,is a privilege,_O_".O nota nght. We wantto hearfrom you: questions/concerns aboutpoliciesare encouraged. September 2008 6 ProtectingParticipantsRights Underwhatcircumstances shouldI givefull creditro Question: participants whowishlo disconlinue experiment? Answer:All circumstancesOneofthe goldenrulesofinformedconsentis thatassoonas theparticipantwall<s in your lab door,he or shehasthc right to discontinue participationin your studyat anytime,andfor anyreason.In suchcasestheparticipantmustbe givenfult credit. Fs s ent rar ln s r e d l e n t 1s 0a l l e xDe n m e n ts: Writteninformedconsent Writtendebriefing Reporlall unusualincidentsto your facultysupervisorimmediately. are ln general,giveparticipantsthebenefitofthe doubt. Participants nothereto "serveYourneeds". Seplember 2008 7 Obtaininglogonsandpasswords (Revised 2008) HIISC has)argelyswitcliedoverlo ilic i'tenret for manyaspecis ofrhe revieNproccss,inclutiing Dolillcalionthal your expe ll,lenthasbcerlapproved. Suchnotifioalion t),pjcally afirvesln the form ofa PDF rvhichcontajntheslampofapprovalaDdthe datcofexpjraljon, llere rs oDe example(l haveomitledsomepageshere.) .: ; \\1iil',:, I J . : ! t n r ji: t I nlt i IEIq rne b ,, trdr 14@Pa,rLo1!6!ftE tqili ,, d!4,@ rEiEr s h drlr i !. i( A1si4r,4*.Ed.Fb t ail tle i to AlanLambert{alair !xt page).lfit doei; andpasswbrdwithiri'la clu one as a EXCEPTIoN:IFYoUDIDNoTREcIvENoTIFICATIoNFROMHRPOvIAEMAIL(AN!DHENCE ruST LEAVETHEFORMSIN MY MAILBOX. DONOTHAVEAPPROVAIIN PDFFOR]VD, PLEASEDO LETME KNOWIF THISIS THECASE. I'OWEVER, VIA EMAIL' AS]DE!ROM TI]AT CASE,PLEASESUBM]TALL REOUESTS EXAMPLE Seplember2008 I DualMechanisms ot CognitiveControl Wlratare we trying to leam in lhis research? the psychological mechanisms involved in cognilive Thissludyinlendsto investigale control. Wewantto examine the mechanisms of incentive molivaion on preparalory controland whelhermolivalioninducesdifferenlialreacliveor proactiveconlrolprocesses.In otherwords, goals?By having howdoesreactlve or proactive conlrolhelpus prepare for ourmotivated participanls pedormface/word laskswilching andmanipulating stimulus cuesbetween varlalions rn cognilive controlmechanisms reward/no rewardcues,we hopeto djscover is presenlor n01. according to whethera motivalor Why is this study impodant to the generclpublic? arethoughtio be imponanl in enabling theflexlbility, Cognilive conlrolprocesses co'nplexity, andsophistication ol humancognilion including atlenlion, acrossa widerangeof domains, paradignrs workingmemory, episodic memory, anddeclsion maklng. Cuedlask-switching have lileralures as a meansof;nvesligaling becomepopularin bolhlhe behavioral andneuroimaging mechanisms of cognjtive control(Schaefer, 2006)Usinga commonsel ol taskparadigms, we hopelo learnmoreaboullhesemechanisrrs of cognilive controlin termsof behavioral measures diflerences andage-relaled changes. andas a funclionof bolhindividual Where can I learn more? Braver, T. S.,Reynolds, D. 1.(2003)Neuralmechanisms of J. R.,andDonaldson, transienl cognitive controlduringtaskswiichingNeuran,39,713andsuslained 726. Schaefer, A., Braver, T. S., Reynolds, T., andGray,J R. J. R.,Burgess, G. C.,Yarkoni, (2006)Individual in amygdala difierences activilypredictresponse speedduring workingmemory.Journalol Neuroscience,26, 1012O-10128) Whatif I have questions later? 1{youhaveanyquestions, reactions, or concerns regarding thisexperimenl lhatyouwouldlike to sharewilhus,whetheriheyareaboutthecontent of lhe experimeni or howtheteslingwas pleasecontaclus eilherby phoneor e-mailiAdamSavine(935,8547 administered, ), Todd Braver(935-5143,[email protected]) . We willdo our bestto answeranyquestionsor concerns io VoUIsatisfaction. Final caution and request As youcanimagine, if ourhypotheses wereknownlo parlicipants beforetheyhadfjnished their participaiion, theirdatawouldbe lessinformalive as to theutilityof thehypotheses So,we ask thatyou do nol giveout this sheetor shareits contentswithany otherstudents(evenjn Iater semeslers) September 2008 '10 Postinson theWeb Facuitymembermustalwaysbe listedassupervisor. Pleasebe honestwhen determiningnumberof creditsto be offered. Setcreditsby modal,notmaximum,amountof timetakento actually yourtask. If a minorityof participants complete mn over,givethem credit,manually.Suchafter-the-fact additional adjustmenls canonly be doneupwards, not downwards, Header:"JoeFridayrule" Justthefacts. (e.g."nalive requirements Excludingparticipants on basisof language Englishspeakers only")shouldonl suchasspeeded tasksinvolvinglexicaldecisions. If circumstances. you arenot sure,pleaseconsultwith the subjectpool commjttee. of "them" might give you Excludingpeoplebecausea certainpercentage "messier results",or because a higherpercentage of "them"mightnot yourinstructions, reason. is not a legilimate understand 'xlJlalutJodxguo pelsod,{pnls,{ue:o3'epeur3q ueo altu slq} o} suorldacxe o1q sluaruuadxoloJ Jnoq/0-S o1dn re;;o uec sraluaurrredxE luelu,{ed uo slIIuIT ii67 l'qu.,eloeg Seplember 2008 12 Importanceof ShowingUp As experimenter, to showup,on time,for your it is yourresponsibility you ownexpedment.Ifyou needto cancelanexperimental session, mustdo soonefull dayaheadof time, (seenextscreenfor detaiis.) (cases Pleasenotenewpolicyon no-shows in which the participant arriveson time,but the experimenter simplylails to showup, withoutproperlycancelingon time,) First experimenterno-showin any givensemester;subjectpool committeewill issuca warning. Secondno show: Automatic suspensionofaccessto the pool lbr tlvo weeks. Faculty lab is the unit ol analysis. Additionalno-showsper semester will resultin cumulative penalties. 2008 SePtember 13 Fcll How to Cancelan ExperimentalSession(revised Are you cancelingat least24 hours aheadof time? Cancelsession on website Students automatrcallY tecelve cancellation notice from Experjmetrix ?OOR\ lf parllcipantsshow up anlvav, they do not gel credil. Pleasedo noi ask or rmply thal parlicipantsshould srgnup agarnlor your study to get crcdit. TheYcan sigrl up for any study,notlust yours manuallY Beforecanceling, recordnameAND emailof who have anystudents thatsession up for signed Cancelsession on weosLle If thc studentdocsn'tshowup, theydo not getcreditof course I h'sueihem full credit for However,if the studerttDOES showup You!I].!!! man-uallY lo coLlecl you haveautomatically forfeitedyouropportuntty )'our stuiy (throughnebsite). lor this sludyeitllernow' or an!'iimein thefuture Thrsls true datairomilese partrcipants a minorpenaltv1()vou for evenifpadicipanisap;earwilling to do so' This polrcyconstitutcs that rhe tlil. After is;uingihemcre'lrtplcaseemarl studentcxplaining i"'ii"g i. the'\' drdnt If '. up """"'.i showed phvsrcaLlv ,'rgain,rhisalipresmes thatthev i i.,'*'" "r"J.*a" showup.no credrt. September2008 14 What to do, and what not to do, whenthe going getstough (scarce participants). 1. Considerpayingparticipants if fundsareavailable. 2. Try to plan aheadbetterthe next time. Fall is much betterthan the Spring to run expenments. pleasedo not attemptto "beatthe system"by: 3. Out of fairnessto otherexperimenters, a. issuinginformalrequestsor "spreadingthe word" in classesthatyour studyis "especiallyinteresting"or that your friendsshouldsignup for your study. iu class.We lecturersin or outsideof our department to havethemdistributeyour questionnaires b. approaching in classis a very temptingway to completeyour study, realizethathavingstudentscompleteyour questionnaire DO NOT APPROACHINSTRUCTORSTO HELP OUT YOUR but this is patentlyunfair to otherexperimenters. STUDY FOR ANY REASON. September2008 15 Who may issuecredit andrun sessions, but they RAs canpostexperiments Undergraduate leavethis duty for postshouldnot give creditsto participants-please docs,graduatestudents,staff,or faculty. September2008 16 Studiesthat canbe offeredfor creditor payment Any "minimalrisk" studyapprovedby theHHSCcanbe offeredfor creditor payment. bytlte psychology department areDinimal risk. Many Nea yaJJexperiments conducted procedures (e.g.quesliomajres, rcaclion ir'rvolve traditional laboralory ofthesestudies time studjes)but canalsoiDcludestudiesinvolvingfMRI or othermedicalprocedures, althouglthesearelesscommoD.As long asthe sludyis approvedat minimalrisk, il can be postcdlbr credjtor paymenl. risk: As for studiesapprovedat greater-than-minimal Thesestudjescannotbe offeredfor creditbut in manycasesihey canbe offered for paymenl.Ilowever,you shoulddoublecheckwith theIIHSC for anyspecial guid€linesthal maypertainto thalparticularstudy. Seealsoissueson thenext pageregardingunderage particjpants. Seplember 2008 17 (under18) participants Underage Whcnevcra snrdeDlarrivesto pa(icipate in your sludy, you sbouldask for hislhcr year in schoot, askthe potenljalparticipant's al)dthen.ifs/he is a first-ycarstudeDi, lhc expcrinrcnler s)rouJd is a minor (under18), speciat his/hcragc.This shouldbe a relativ€lyrareevcn1,bul if lhe sludeDt procedures needto be followedto proleclthejrrighls. llowever.dlfferenlplocedures spply depcndjng on whetherthe studyjs morethanminimalor not. L lfthc studvis nore thai minimalrisk PerHHSC regulaljorrs, nrinors(i e.,pelsonsrinder18) shouldnot be sjgningup for your strldyin jndicarion the first place. Such shouldhave alreadybcenprovidcd in your cxperimenlcrheader (e.g."no oneunder18"). Ifthe sftdentdjdn't sccthiswarning,andthey showup arlwa-v, potilcly inform them ofthe silualion and explainwhy they can't receivccredil or pay. 2. Mr'nimalrisk studies designed to protectthe rightsofhumaDsubjccls,no datacaDbe Due to Federalrcgulations collectcdfrom the indjvidual for RESEARCII puryose$wilhout adlanccd palcnlal consenl,cven you would for mjnimalrisk research.'Ihus,Jfyou wanl lo collectdataaspartofyour rescarch. necd lo oblain \]vrilleninformed consenl,in advaucc, from bolh parerrls. fhis can be done via far or by rcgularrrail, br.rtas a practicalrnaller,ihjs is vinually impossjble in mostcascs. (IJyou lvish to pursuethal roule. pleasechcck with the HHSC office first.) Ilowever, as an allemative,it is permissiblc1ohave tbc personparticipatein your siudy as pan of an cducalionalcxpeliencc(which it slioLrldbe anyway,foi everyone)bu1for legal reasonsyou cannolcollect (r€tain)dala from lhem as part ofyour rcsearch. Thus.you shouldfollow lhis procedurc: a. Belore lhcy begjn,verbally explain lhc study in suchas a way so as to reasonablyparallel lhc infomation contajncdin the informed consent. (Again, this is a ninimal risk study and so the issueofinforrning them oftangib)e risk is moot.) However,the studcntshouldnot si$ the infomed consenldocumenl. b. llave them participater'nthe study as usual,and then debiefas usual. c. Onc€ thc participantleaves,you shoulddestroyany datacollected. Ifyou ran your study on a PC. and you can set your progrimr for "demo" mode,then this poinl is rnoot siDceno data is collecledjn the firstplace. 2008 SeDtember 't8 ContactInformation Technicalissueson usingthewebsite(e.g.how to issuecredit,etc): wusll edu (LauraNesse)PsvchE{oartsci emailthewebmaster Please Forpolicy questions:Emailthesubjectpool chair: Alan Lambert edu) ([email protected].