q ee sTfud rrTftq cmtrfrt RIHT 5$55 c\-n.^' i''""8, +n.tl*ti EDUCATION Nr.U iHOri-COUHCIL FOR TECHNICAL €f b t: (qKdlsr6RtnY6$irqft.fff6,rg)(ASTATUToRYBoDYoFTHEGoW.oFINDIA) F. No.08/01/MP/ PHARM/ 23 Dated: 23'07'2008 APPR''AL LETTER oF THE PRINCIPAL SECRETARY, GOVT. OF MADHYA PRADESH VALLABH BHAWAN, BHOPAL-462004 MADHYA PMDESH rb: r,- for establishment of nerv B. AlcrE approvalto p.s.EDUcATloNAL AND soclAL WELFARE soclETY, Village BorekhediThe oF PHARMACY, INSTITUTE VIKRANT and PHARMACY lnstitution in the name Mhow, lndore, MP. dated 14h sept 2006 . As per the Regutations notified by the Cquncil vide F. N9. F_.No. 37'3/Le9au20o4 and based on the to time {rom time Council tho rd r-\ns. stanoards,"pioi.our"" and cohditions prescribed by and EC Sub Committee, I am direcled to convev megnpr.qg!9f ;tr"1;i;i;;;;iil iifirt Committee Ano soctAL wELFARE soctETY, for establishment of new B. PHARMA0Y $.e, F.s.e-ouCerroHni "-" J,iiijri'iJio ityt" of VIKRANT lNSTlTuTe oF PHARMACY, Mllage BotekhediThe Mhow. lndore. rstitution in the name "no lP for conduct of the follorving courses and intake' lote: - of Approval (LoA) shall be valld for two yoars frorn the date ol issue of letter ol approvat tor odtlinrng Lmttitton wlth concerned unlverslty and fullilling state Government The Letter requlrements of admlssion The VIKRANT |NSTITUTE OF PHARMACY,.Mllage Borekhedi The Mhow. lndore, MP shall obtain per the prescribed schedule of the necessary affiliation/ p.*iiii* rior-th"..on.emed itlitiating University as shall send information about The^-qpplicanl etc. Authority U"ir""ityl Admission _society/TrusUlnstitution .omreni"r"nt of lhe above courses to AICTE, lncase the lnstituticn could not commence the above mentioned iourses lor whatsoever reasons during the two years period from the date ol issue of this letter. the approval grant ol fresh oiiomes invalid and the applicant society/trust shall have to make fresh application to AICTE for approval. i] I rnr approVat is tuhner sublectto lutfillment of following conditions. That the management shall provide adequate funds for development of land and building and lor providing relatecl irrlrastruu(ural, instructlonal and other tacilities as per Council's norms and standards iaid down by the Council from time to time'and for meeting recurring expenditure. Z. (a) That the admissions shall be made only after adequ^lle infrastructure and all other lacilities are provided as per norms and guidelines of the AICTE' (b) That the admissions shall be made in accordance with the regulations notified by the Council . from time to time. (c) That the admissions to the courses shall be made only alter the affiliating University /State Board has given permission to start the course. (d) That the lnstitution shall not allow closure of the lnstitution or discontinuation ol the course(s) or start any new course (s) or alter intake capacity of seats without the prior approval of the Council. zd trf,. "r.rattt qEq. qqqq c-{ ftrd-rrooot TthFloor,ChanderLokBuilding,Janpath'NewDelhi'110001 - -. . n.. q.'rnA4QQ. \Afohcita . u^^nr/ ainlo efnet in - ca) -T l,(o That no excess admlssions shall be made by the lnstitution over and above lhe approved (e) intake under anY circumstances' That the institutions shall not have any collaborative arrangements with any lndian antuor foieign Uniyersities for conducl of technical courses other than those approved by AICTE without obtaining prior approval from AICTE' That the lnstitution shall not allow conduct ol any unapproved course whether technical or non technical in the premises of AICTE approv€d institutiorVcampus and /or in the name of the lnstitution withoui prior permissioh from AICTE' (s) ' 3. ' l'-\ i., t , That lhe institution shall operate only from the approved location, and that lhe institution shall not open any off campus study centers/ extension centers direclly or in collaboration with any otnei institutiorV university/ organization for the purPose of imparting technical education without obtaining prior approvalfrom lhe AICTE' That the tuition and other iees shall be charged as prescribed by the Competent Authorily within the overall criteria prescribect by lhe Council lrom time lo lime. No capitation fee shall be charged from the students/guardians of students in any lorm' 4. That the accounts of the lnstitution shall be audited annually by 5. a certified Chartered Accountant and shall be open for inspeclion by lhe Council or any body or person authodzed ) by it That the Direc,tor/Principal and the leaching and other staff shall be selected according lo procedures. qualifications and expefience prescribed by the Council from time to lime and pay icales are paid as per the norms presoibed by the Council for time to time. 6. (a) I hat the institution shall furnlsh tequisite returns and reports as desired by AICTE 7. irr orrjer to ensure proper maintenance of administrative and academic standards. (b) That the , technicil institution shall publish an information booklet before commencement of lhe academic year giving details regarding lhe institution and courses/programmes being conducted and details ol infrastructural facilities including faculty etc. in the lorm of mandatory diselosure. The information booklet may be made available to the stakeholders of the technical education on cost tiasis. The mandatory disclosure information shall be housed in the lnstitution Web-Site. The information shalt be revised every year with updated information aboul all aspects of the institution. (c) That it shall be mandatory for the technical institution to maintain a web.site providing the prescdbed information. The website information must be continuously updated as and when changes take place. (d) That a comptiance reporl in lhe prescribed format along with mandatory Cisclosure on fulfillment of the above conditions. shall be submitted each year by the lnstitution within the time limit prescribed by the Council from time to time ' (e) That if Technical lnstitution fails to disclose rhe information or suppress and/or misrepresent the informalion, appropriate action could be initiated including withdrawal of AICTE approval. 8. That all the laboratories, workshops etc. shall be equipped as per the syllabi of the concerned affiliating University and shall be in operational condition before making admissions. 9. That a library shall be established with adequate number of titles. books, journals (boih lndian Foreign) etc as per AICTE norms. 10 Thal a computer center with adequale number of lerminals. Pnnters, legal software etc. shall established as per AICTE norrns & be (:o) -f 11. That a Refundable .3- Performance Guarantee Fee (RPGF) shail be deposiled with AlcTE, New Delhi for an amount and period prescribed by the Council from time to time. 12. That A.lcTE may carry out random inspections round the year any time for verifying the status of lhe Institutions lo ensure maintenance of norms and standards. 13' That the AlcrE may also conduct inspeclions with or without nolifying the dates to verify - -- ' complaints of mis-representation, violation of norms and standards. mat-praitices etc. 14' That the lnstitution uy.uirrue of the approval given by council shall not automatically become grant-in-aid any from the Central or state Government. :3' specific claimant to 15. That the Management shall strictly follow further conditions as may be specified Y vr by the r"e Council vvv lrom time to time' 16' That the institution shall lake in any form, in the tight lPpropriate.m.elsy.l:s for pre-vention of ragging directions of supreme court of lndia in writ Petition No. (c) 656/199g. -in.i". oi'i.irriu'to prevent of .ne lnstances of ragging by the institution, the councit shatt tike ln;i,.frn-g "pp.pn",u appmval. }I withdrawat of ".6; 17' That in the'event of a student / candidate withdrawing before the starting of the course, the wait listect candidates should be given .;il.rG;f;; fi;ilni admission against the vacint seat. ine entire-fee .ne student. after a deduclion of the processing fee ol notmore rh.an Rs. roooa-1nupee, -stuo'enucanoid;t"-"iffi&ng 9n; ody) shal be refunded and retumed by the tnstitution / university rJ rnJ from lhe programme. lt would not be permissible for lnstitutioris and Universities u :- :/ Leaving cefficate-s-^in original AICTEDPG/03(01)12008) I to force retention or to r;i;in'ih; s;iiooutnstitution aomiheo students vrvve'rr' resE (see public Notice 18. ln lhe event ln lhe.event of.non-compliance by of VIKRANT lNsTlTuTE OF PHARMACy, Milage Borekhedi rhe Mhow,.lndore, MP with regard to guicelines. norms-and .ondifio,r-.'pilil; lrom time lo 'time the council shall be free to take rieasurei for withdradio:r irc approvat or recognition. wi,rout consideration of any retated issues and rhat^ajJ,!F.bjljl,S-. 1{gi;J that of the concemeo VtKMNiiNlitiuil OF pHACMicv,'v,i"rrJi" "-tiJ;;ilj,a,,rljtor6 solety be Borekhedi I il ii The Mhow. tndore. Mp. ,[]i#l''' (Prof. ttbrtsh. G. Rat) Adviser- (E&T - M&T) Copy to: 1. jl :- The Director of Technical Edu., Madhya Pradesh Satpura Bhawan,4h Floor. 9.out. 9t Bhopal - 302018 (He. is requested to kindly monitor the compliance with the conditions as laid down in this approval letter and keep the ATCTE infoimed of the same.) The Regional Ofticer, A!!TE, Central Regionat Office, AICTE, Tagore Hostet No.2, Shamta Hiils, Bhopal -4620Oz v l. rt(neGhalrman p.s.EDUcATtoNAL AND soctAL wELFARE soctETy, VIKRANT INSTITUTE OF PHARMACY,, Mllage BorekhediThe Mhow, lndore, mJOnya pradesh ll1tu,'ntt'tutu is required to submit compliance report as per Alc't-E norms on or before 31,,August 5. The Re g litra r, Concerned Aff iliating Univeysity. 6. Guard file (A|CTE).