PL14-0145-Notice-of-Availability-to -Adopt
PL14-0145-Notice-of-Availability-to -Adopt
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY county of ventura Planning Division Kimberly L, Prillhart NEGATIVE DECLARATION A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Entitlement: PL1 4-0145 Applicant: David Downs for Verizon Wireless Location: The project site is located at 909 Mission Rock Rd, Santa Paula 93060, at the intersection of Shell Road and Mission Rock Road, in the unincorporated area of Ventura County. Assessor's Parcel No.: The Tax Assessor's parcel number for the property that comprises the project site is 0990060535. Parcel Size: 1.55 acres General PIan Designation: lndustrial Existinq Zoninq: M3, 10,000 (Heavy lndustrial, 10,000 sq.ft. minimum lot size) Responsible and/or Trustee Aqencies: None Proiect Description: The applicant requests that a conditional use permit be granted to authorize the construction and operation of a Wireless Communication Facility operated by Verizon Wireless for a period of 1O-years. The request entails the construction of a 55-foot tall monopole with 12 panel antennas (3 sector arrays w/4 antennas per sector) located at the top of the pole and a 4-foot microwave located 42-feet high on the pole. The associated telecommunication equipment is located in a 34' X 14'-8" cmu walled lease area at the base of the monopole. Access to the site is provide by a private driveway via Mission Rock Road with an alternative driveway at Shell Road. The unmanned facility does not require water to operate. No vegetation or protected trees will be removed to accommodate the development of the facility as it is located in a developed industrial storage yard. No impact to the existing traffic patterns is anticipated nor are any traffic hazards or nuisances expected as the Verizon technicians park a standard truck in the existing parking area. B. STATEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS: State law requires the Resource Management Agency (RMA), Planning Division, as the lead agency for the proposed project, to prepare an lnitial Study (environmental analysis) to determine if the proposed project could significantly affect the environment. Based on the findings contained in the attached lnitial Study, it has been determined that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment, and a Negative Declaration has been prepared. 800 South Victoria Avenue, L# 1740, Ventura, CA 93009 (805) 654-2481 Fax (805) 654-2509 @ Printed on Recycled Paper Director Draft Negative Declaration PL14-01 45 Page 2 of 2 C. PUBLIC REVIEW: Direct mailing to property owners within 300 feet of proposed project boundary, and a legal notice in the Ventura County Star Leqal Notice Method: Document no Period: June 29. 2015 throuoh Julv 20. 2015 Public Review: The lnitial Stud y/Negative Declaration is available for public review on-line at www.ventura.orgirmalplanning (select "CEQA Environmental Review") or at the County of Ventura, Resource Management Agency, Planning Department, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, California from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Gomments: The public is encouraged to submit written comments regarding this Initial Study/Negative Declaration no later than 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the document posting period to the case planner, Becky Linder, at the County of Ventura, RMA, Planning Division, 800 South Victoria Avenue L#1740, Ventura, CA 93009. The Planning Division's FAX number is (805) 654-2509. You may also e-mail the case planner at [email protected]. D CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION: Prior to approving the project, the decision-making body of the Lead Agency must consider this Negative Declaration and all comments received during public review. That body shall approve the Negative Declaration if it finds that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. for Prepared by: Becky Lind (805) Planner Recommended for Approval by Lead Agency by: Kim L. Prillhart, Director Ventura County Planning Division the Public by: Brian R. Baca, Manager Commercial and lndustrial Permits Section County of Ventura Planning Division OOO South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009-1740 . (805) 654-2488 . http://www, INITIAL STUDY Verizon W¡reless Communication Facility Gase No. PLl 4-0145 Section A- Project DescriPtion 1. Project Case Number: PLl4-0145 2. Name of Applicant: Verizon Wireless, 2785 Mitchell Drive, Blvd. 9, Walnut Creek CA 94598 Parcel Number: The project site is located at 909 Mission Rock Rd, Santa Paula, Ca 93060 at the southwest corner of Mission Rock Road and Shell Road, in the Mission Rock Road community, in the unincorporated area of Ventura County. The Tax Assessor's parcel number for the property that comprises the 3. Project Location and Assessor's project site is 099-0-060-535. 4. 5. General Plan Land Use Designation and Zoning Designation of the Project Site: a. General Plan Land Use Designation: The proposed project has a General Plan land use designation of Existing Community and is not located within an Area Plan. b. Zoninq Designation: The proposed project has a Zoning designation of M3-10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size (Heavy lndustrial, 10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size). Description of the Environmental Setting: The site is located in an industrial setting on property used as a contractor's service and storage yard. The project site is surrounded by industrial and agricultural land uses. The site area is relatively flat and surfaced with dirt and gravel. 6. a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) be granted to authorize the construction and operation of a wireless communication facility for a period of 1O-years. Project Description: The applicant requests that The project consists of the following components: o o . construction of a 55-foot tall monopole lnstallation of 12 panel antennas (3 sector arrays w/4 antennas per sector) located at the top of the pole lnstallation of a 4-foot microwave located at a point on the monopole 42feet above the ground. The associated telecommunication equipmentwill be located in a 34 feet by 15 feet lease area. The lease area will be surrounded by a CMU wall. Access to the site is provided by an existing private driveway connected to Mission Rock Road. Alternate access is available PLl 4-0145 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 2 of 66 lnitial StudY - (Continued) from Shell Road. The unmanned facility will not require water to operate. No vegetation or protected trees will be removed to accommodate the development of the facility as it is iocated in a developed industrial storage yard. The facility is located to the rear of the subject property. 7. B. List of Responsible and Trustee Agencies: None Methodology for Evaluating Cumulative tmpacts: The methodology used to analyze cumulative impacts in the lnitial Study was the list approach (see attached list and map). Section B - Initial Study Ghecklist and Discussion of Responsesl lssue (Responsible DePartment)* Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS RESOURGES: 1. Air Quality (VCAPCD) Will the proposed project: a) Exceed any of the thresholds set forth in the air quality assessment guidelines as adopted and periodically updated by the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District X X X X (VCAPCD), or be inconsistent with the Air Quality Management Plan? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 1 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? The Ventura County Air pollution Control District (VCAPCD) reviewed the proposed project and provides the following comments: lmpact Discussion: 1a. Based on information provided by the applicant, air pollutant emissions from the development would be below the 25 pounds per day threshold for reactive organic compounds and oxides of nitrogen as described in the Ventura County Air Quality Assessment Guidelines. Therefore, the project development would have a less than significant impacts on regional air quality. The threshold criteria in this lnitial Study are derived from the Ventura County lnitial Study Assessmenf ZOli). For additionàl information on the threshold criteria (e.9., definitions of issues and technical terms, and ifre methodology for analyzing each impact), please see the Ventura County lnitial Study Assessrnent G uidelines. 1 Guidetines (April 26, PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 3 of 66 lnitial Study tb. - (Continued) Based on information in the project application, the subject project would generate local air quality impacts, but those impacts would not be significant. lmplementation of APCD conditions of approval relating to fugitive dust, particulate matter and ozone precursor emissions that may result from vehicles parking on the site and other project activities would ensure that project impacts would be less than significant. Therefore, the project development would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 1 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document; Analysis prepared by Alicia Stratton of the VCAPCD on November 12, 2014. lssue (ResponsrÞ I e D ep a rtm ent)* N 2A. Water Resources - Groundwater Will the proposed project: Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* LS Quantity (WPD) PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 4 of 66 Initial Study lssue (Responsrö Ie Depaftment)* - (Continued) N or indirectly decrease, either individually or cumulatively, the net quantity of groundwater in a groundwater basin that /s overdrafted or create an overdrafted groundwater basin? Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 1) Directly X X X X X X X X X X 2) ln groundwater basins that are not overdrafted, or are not in hydrologic continuity with an overdrafted basin, result in net groundwater extraction that will individually or cumulatively cause overdrafted basin(s)? 3) ln areas where the groundwater basin and/or hydrologic unit condition is not well known or documented and there is evidence of overdraft based upon declining water levels in a well or wells, propose any net increase in groundwater extraction from that groundwater basin and/or hydrologic unit? 4) Regardless of items 1-3 above, result in 1.0 acre-feet, or /ess, of net annual increase in grou ndwater e xtractio n? 5) Be consrsfenf with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 2A of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 2A-1 through 2A-5: The proposed WCF does not require the use of water and would not create a new demand for water. Therefore, there would be no impact, project-specific and cumulative, on the quantity of available groundwater supplies and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 2A of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Rick Viergutz of the Ventura County Watershed Protection District, Groundwater Section on November 6, 2014. PL14-01 45 Verizon Wireless PinkeÉon Page 5 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)" - (Gontinued) Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 28. Water Resources - Groundwater Quality (WPD) Will the proposed project: 1) lndividually or cumulatively degrade the quality of groundwater and cause groundwater to exceed groundwater X X X X quality objectives set by the Basin Plan? 2) Cause the quality of groundwater to fail to meet the groundwater qualitY objectives set by the Basin Plan? 3) Propose the use of groundwater in any capacity and be located within two miles of the boundary of a former or current X X test site for rocket engines? 4) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 28 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X X lmpact Discussion: The WPD, Groundwater Section reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 2B-1 and 2. No sewer service would be required for the proposed project. Diesel fuel stored in the emergency generator has the potential to contaminate groundwater if a spill occurs. lmplementation of WPD standard conditions of approval will reduce the potential to less than significant. Therefore the proposed project would not individually or cumulatively degrade the quality of groundwater and cause groundwater to exceed pollution levels specified in the groundwater quality objectives set by the Basin Plan. 2B-3 and 4. lmplementation of Watershed Protection District Conditions of Approval regarding stormwater treatment and conveyance would avoid the potential for substantial surface and groundwater contamination from site runoff. The development would not be located within two miles of the boundary of a former or current test site for rocket engines. Therefore, the proposed development would not result in project-specific impact on groundwater quality, or contribute considerably to a significant cumulative impact on groundwater quality. The project would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 28 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 6 of 66 Initial Study - (Gontinued) Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Anatysis prepared by Rick Viergutz of the Ventura County Watershed Protection District, Groundwater Section on November 6, 2014. Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS.M PS 2C. Water Resources - Surface Water Quantity (WPD) Will the proposed project: 1) lncrease surface water consumptive use (demand), either individually or cumulatively, in a fully appropriated stream reach as designated by SWRCB or where unappropriated surface water X X X X X X is unavailable? 2) lncrease surface water consumptive use (demand) including but not limited to diversion or dewatering downstream reaches, either individually or cumulatively, resulting in an adverse impact to one or more of the beneficial uses listed in the Basin Plan? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 2C of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 2C.1, -2, and -3: The proposed WCF does not require the use of water and would not create a new demand for water. Therefore, there would be no impact, project-specific and cumulative, on the quantity of available surface water supplies and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 2C of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Anatysis prepared by Ewelina Mutkowska of the Ventura County Watershed Protection District, Surface Water Quality Secfion on October 31, 2014. PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wi reless Pi nkerton Page 7 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)* - (Continued) Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS N LS PS-M PS 2D. Water Resources - Surface Water Quality (WPD) Will the proposed project: 1) lndividually or cumulatively degrade the quality of surface water causing it to exceed water quality objectives as contained in Chapter 3 of the three X X X X X X Basin Plans? 2) Directly or indirectly cause storm water quality to exceed water qualitY or objectives or standards in the applicable any other NPDES MS4 Permit Permits? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for Item 2D of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The WPD, Groundwater Section reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 2D-1. The proposed project will not individually or cumulatively degrade the quality of surface water causing it to exceed water quality objectives is contained in Chapter 3 of the Los Angeles Basin Plan as applicable for this area. Surface Water Quality is deemed less than Significant (LS) because the proposed project is not expected to result in a violation of any surface water quality standards as defined in the Los Angeles Basin Plan. 2D-2. The proposed project involves soil disturbance activities related to the construction of a new unmanned wireless Communication Facility. The proposed project will not directly or indirectly cause stormwater quality to exceed water quality objectives or standards in the applicable MS4 Permit or any other NPDES Permits. The proposed construction project is located within the County Unincorporated Urban area, it will involve soil disturbance of less than 1 acre. ln accordance with the Ventura Countywide Municipal Stormwater National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit CAS004002, "Development Construction Program" Subpart 4.F, the applicant will be required to develop and implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) for construction less than 1 acre designed to ensure compliance and implementation of an effective combination of erosion and sediment control measures to protect surface water quality during construction. (Table 6 in Subpart 4.F). Therefore, neither the individual project nor the cumulative threshold for significance would be exceeded and the project is exþected to have a Less than Significant (LS) impact re_lated to water quality objectives or standards in the applicable MS4 Permit or any other NPDES Permits. PL1 4-0'l 45 Verizon Wi reless Pi nkerton Page 8 of 66 lnitial Study - (Continued) 2D-3. The proposed project will not individually or cumulatively degrade the quality of surface water causing it to exceed water quality objectives is contained in Chapter 3 of the Los Angeles Basin Plan as applicable for this area. The proposed project is not expected to result in a violation of any surface water quality standards as defined in the Los Angeles Basin Plan. Therefore, proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines (ISAG) ltem 2d. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Ewelina Mutkowska of the Ventura County Watershed Protection District, Surface Water Quality Secfion on October 31, 2014. lssue (Responsible Department)* N 3A. Mineral Resources - Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS Aggregate (Plng.) Will the proposed project: 1) Be located on or immediately adjacent to land zoned Mineral Resource Protection (MRP) overlay zone, or adjacent to a principal access road for a site that is the subject of an existing aggregate Conditional Use Permit (CUP), and have the potential to hamper or preclude extraction of or access to the aggregate resources? 2) Have a cumulative impact on X X aggregate resources if, when considered with other pending and recently approved projects in the area, the project hampers or precludes extraction or access to identified resources? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 3A of the X X X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 3A-1, -2, and -3. The proposed development is located within or adjacent to an area defined as and is adjacent to land zoned with the Mineral Resource Protection (MRP) overlay. There are no existing permitted aggregate mining facilities in the vicinity of the proposed project. ln addition, the proposed project would not be located adjacent to a principal access road for a permitted aggregate mining site and it would not have the potential to restrict access to ì\ARZ-2 PL14-0145 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 9 of 66 lnitial Study - (Gontinued) aggregate resources. Therefore, the proposed development would have less than significant impacis (individual or cumulative) to aggregate mineral resources and would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines ltem 34. Mitigation and Residual lmPact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Ventura County Initial Study Assessment Guidelines of June 2011, Ventura County Non-CoastatZoning Ordinance (2014,58104-0), and Planning G/S data layers 2015. lssue (Responsible Department)* N 38. Mineral Resources Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS - Petroleum (Plng.) Will the proposed project: 1) Be located on or immediately adjacent to any known petroleum resource area, or adjacent to a principal access road for a site that is the subject of an existing petroleum CUP, and have the potential to hamper or preclude access to petroleum resources? 2) Be consistent with the applicable X X X X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 38 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 3B-1 and 2: The proposed development is located in the vicinity of existing oil wells and an existing oil transmission pipeline. The construction and operation of the proposed WCF would not affect access to or the operation of the adjacent petroleum production facility or pipeline. Therefore, the development would have less than significant (individual or cumulative) impacts on petroleum resources and would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 38 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Ventura County tnitial Study Assessment Guidelines of June 2011 and Planning G/S dafa layers 2015. PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 10 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)* - (Continued) Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS 4. Biological Resources 4A. Species Willthe proposed project, directly or indirectly: 1) lmpact one or more plant species by reducing the species' population, reducing the species' habitat, fragmenting its habitat, or restricting its reproductive capacity? 2) X lmpact one or more animal species by reducing the species' population, reducing the species' habitat, fragmenting its habitat, or restricting its reproductive capacity? X X X lmpact Discussion: 4A-1. The proposed project site contains no native or naturalized vegetation and consists entirely of bare ground or pavement. Thus, there is no potential for special-status plant species to occur and no direct, indirect, or cumulatively considerable impacts will result from the proposed project. 4A-2. Tlrc proposed project site is located in an industrial area and does not support any vegetation, there is virtually no potential for the site to support wildlife habitat for special-status species. The site could be a part of a foraging area for birds of prey. However, this is unlikely due to poor quality habitat for prey species. There is some potential for birds to nest, but because of the developed nature of the site, lack of trees, and high degree of disturbance and human presence, it is very unlikely. The project site is approximately 700 feet from riparian vegetation associated with the Santa Clara River. The Santa Clara River supports numerous special status species. However, no direct, indirect, or cumulatively considerable impacts will occur as a result of the proposed project because of the nature of the project and the distance from the site to any habitat area. M itigation/Residual lmpact(s) No impacts will occur and no mitigation is necessary PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 11 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)* - (Gontinued) Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 48. Ecological Gommunities - Sensitive Plant Communities Will the proposed project 1) Temporarily or permanently remove sensitive plant communities through construction, grading, clearing, or other activities? X X 2) Result in indirect impacts from project operation at levels that will degrade the X X health of a sensitive plant community? lmpact Discussion: 4B-1. No sensitive plant communities or native vegetation occurs on the proposed prolect site or within proximity to the proposed project site such that they would be subject to indirect impacts. Thus, no direct, indirect, or cumulatively considerable impacts to ecological communities will occur. 4B-2. Sensitive plant communities associated with the Santa Clara River are located approximately 700 feet from the proposed project site. lndirect impacts associated with dust as a result of construction have been found to fall below standards from VCAPCD that would require dust control measures; thus, indirect impacts to sensitive plant communities will be less than significant. lndirect impacts such as stormwater runoff could affect sensitive plant communities associated with the Santa Clara River. Stormwater runoff BMPs consistent with Ventura County's NPDES permit conditions will be implemented as a condition of the project. Thus, indirect impacts to riparian habitats will be less than significant and have no cumulatively considerable impact to sensitive plant communities. No cumulatively considerable impacts will occur to sensitive plant communities as a result of the proposed project. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. lssue (Responsible Department)* N 4G. Ecological Communities Will the proposed project: - Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* Waters and Wetlands LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS PLI 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 12 of 66 Initial Study - (Continued) N 1) Cause any of the following activities within waters or wetlands: removal of vegetation; grading; obstruction or diversion of water flow; change in velocity, siltation, volume of flow, or runoff rate; placement of fill; placement of structures; construction of a road crossing; placement of culverts or other underground piping; or Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* LS PS-M PS N X X X X X X LS PS-M PS any disturbance of the substratum? 2) Result in disruptions to wetland or riparian plant communities that will isolate or substantially interrupt contiguous habitats, block seed dispersal routes, or increase vulnerability of wetland species to exotic weed invasion or local extirpation? 3) lnterfere with ongoing hydrological conditions maintenance of in a water or wetland? 4) Provide an adequate buffer for protecting the functions and values of existing waters X X or wetlands? lmpact Discussion: 4C-1, 2, 3, and 4: There are no waters or wetland features that occur on or adjacent to the subject property. The proposed project does not involve removal of vegetation, grading, or the obstruction or diversion of any waters or wetlands. Riparian vegetation associated with the Santa Clara River floodplain is located approximately 700 feet from the property boundary. lndirect impacts will be minimal due to the buffer distance between the proposed project site and the Santa Clara River and the inclusion of NPDES BMPs. lndirect impacts associated with dust as a result of construction have been found to fall below standards from VCAPCD that would require dust control measures; thus, indirect impacts to waters and wetlands will be less than significant. lndirect impacts to the Santa Clara River's surface water quality could occur as a result of sedimentation or other pollutants associated with stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff BMPs consistent with Ventura County's NPDES permit conditions will be implemented as a condition of the project. Thus, indirect impacts associated with dust and stormwater to waters and wetlands will be less than significant and will have no cumulatively considerable impact on sensitive plant communities. PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 13 of 66 - (Gontinued) lnitial Study Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant lssue (Responsible Department)* N 4D. Ecological Communities - Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS ESHA (Applies to CoastalZone Only) Will the proposed project: 1) Temporarily or permanently remove ESHA or disturb ESHA buffers through construction, grading, clearing, or other activities and uses (ESHA buffers are within 100 feet of the boundary of ESHA as defined in Section 8172-1 of the Coastal Zoning Ordinance)? 2) Result in indirect impacts from project operation at levels that will degrade the X X X X health of an ESHA? lmpact Discussion: 4D-1 . And 4D-2: The project site is not located in the Coastal Zone; therefore, ESHA policies and analysis do not apply. The proposed project will not result in direct, indirect, or cumulatively considerable impacts to ESHA. M iti gation/Residual I mpact(s) No impacts will occur. No mitigation is required lssue (Responsible Department)* N 4E. Habitat Gonnectivity Will the proposed project: Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** LS PS.M PS N LS PS-M PS PL14-0145 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 14 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)* - (Gontinued) N 1) Remove habitat within a wildlife movement corridor? 2) lsolate habitat? 3) Construct or create barriers that impede fish and/or wildlife movement, migration or long term connectivity or interfere with wildlife access to foraging habitat, breeding habitat, Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS X X X water sources, or other areas necessary for their reproduction? 4) lntimidate fish or wildlife via the introduction of noise, light, development or increased X X human presence? lmpact Discussion: 4E-1, 4E-2, and 4E-3: The subject property is located approximately 700 feet from the Santa Clara River which is an important wildlife linkage area that facilitates wildlife movement and migration. The Santa Clara River's habitat provides a critical east-west linkage for wildlife movement in Ventura and Los Angeles Counties. lt also facilitates wildlife movement between two large core habitat areas, the Santa Monica Mountains and the Sierra Madre Mountains in the Los Padres National Forest. As a result, the River is a component of the South Coast Missing Linkages Project's Santa Monica-Sierra Madre Connection which provides a landscapescale network of connect¡ve habitats that facilitate regional wildlife movement. Because the proposed project contains no habitat and is located in a developed industrial area approximately 700 feet from the wildlife movement linkage, no direct impacts to wildlife habitat or wildlife movement are anticipated. 4E-4. The proposed project will involve temporary indirect impacts associated with construction including noise, light, and increased human presence. Maintenance activities could also result in temporary increase in noise and light and would contribute to existing indirect impacts associated with the industrial area that could affect migrating wildlife. However, because the project site and surrounding area already produce noise, emit light, and contain a human presence, these impacts are anticipated to be less than significant. ln addition, the project's cumulative contribution to impacts indirect impacts are less than significant. a Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Initial Study lssue (Responsible Department)" Wireless . Pi nkerton Page 15 of 66 - (Continued) Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 4F. Will the proposed project be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 4 of the lnitial Study X X Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 4F. The proposed project is consistent with all biological General Plan Goals and Policies Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. lssue (Responsible Department)* 5A. Agricultural Resources - Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Soils (Plng.) Will the proposed project: 1) Result in the direct and/or indirect loss of soils designated Prime, Statewide lmportance, Unique or Local lmportance, beyond the threshold amounts set forth in Section 5a.C of the lnitial Study Assessment X X X X X X Guidelines? 2) lnvolve a General Plan amendment that will result in the loss of agricultural soils? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 5A of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 5A-1. The proposed WCF is a non-agricultural use in an area which is zoned industrial. According to the lmportant Farmland lnventory Map, the project site does not include soil designated as prime, unique, or of statewide importance. The proposed development would not PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wi reless Pi nkerton Page 16 of 66 Initial Study - (Continued) remove any land that is currently in agricultural production. Therefore, the impacts of the proposed project on agricultural resources will be less than significant. 5A-2 and -3. The proposed project does not involve a General Plan amendment that would result in the loss of agricultural soils. The proposed development would not remove any land that is currently in agricultural production. Therefore, the proposed project would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 5A of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant Source Documents: Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines of Noyember 20, 2011 and Planning G/S data layers 2014. lssue (Responsible Department)" Project lmpact Degree Of Effec't* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS 58. Agricultural Resources - Land Use lncompatibility (Plng.) Will the proposed project: 1) lf not defined as Agriculture or Agricultural Operations in the zoning ordinances, be closer than the threshold distances set forth in Section sb.C of the lnitial Study X X X X Assessment Guidelines? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 5b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 5B-1 and -2. The project site is located approximately 450 feet from active agricultural operations on Shell Road and would not be closer than the threshold distance of 300 feet from existing agricultural operations as set forth in Section 5b.C of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. ln addition, the project would not result in the removal of any land from agricultural production. Thus, impacts on agricultural resources would be less than significant and no land uses incompatible with agriculture would be introduced. The project will be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 5b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 17 of 66 Initial Study - (Continued) Source Document: Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines of November 20, 2011 and Planning G/S data layers 2014. lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpac't Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS 6. Scenic Resources (Plng.) Will the proposed project: a) Be located within an area that has a scenic resource that is visible from a public viewing location, and physically alter the scenic resource either individually or cumulatively when combined with recently approved, current, and reasonably foreseeable future X X X X X X projects? b) Be located within an area that has a scenic resource that is visible from a public viewing location, and substantially obstruct, degrade, or obscure the scenic vista, either individually or cumulatively when combined with recently approved, current, and reasonably foreseeable future projects? c) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 6 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: c. According to the Ventura County General Plan, Highway 126 is considered an "Eligible Scenic Highway," and the project is located within one half mile of Highway 126. The land uses surrounding the proposed WCF site in the Mission Rock Road area include a mix of heavy industrial activities. The land extending from Highway 126 to the industrially-zoned Mission Rock Road community is used for cultivated agricultural. 6a, b, and The proposed WCF includes the construction and use of a 55-foot tall monopole which would be similar in height and location to existing electric power poles located in the Mission Rock Road community. The monopole will not be silhouetted against the sky as viewed from the elevated roadway of State Highway 126. The background will be the adjacent industrial uses and buildings and the southern flank of South Mountain. Given the characteristics of the Mission Rock Road industrial area and the existence of other utility poles in the area, impacts of the proposed project on visual resources will be less than significant. PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 18 of 66 Initial Study - (Gontinued) The project will be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 6 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Documents: Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines of April 2011, the applicant's site plan dated March 2015 and Planning GIS data layers (aerial imagery) 2015. lssue (Responsible Department)* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS 7. Paleontological Resources Will the proposed project: a) For the area of the property that is disturbed by or during the construction of the proposed project, result in a direct or indirect impact to areas of paleontological significance? X X X X X X b) Contribute to the progressive loss of exposed rock in Ventura County that can be studied and prospected for fossil remains? c) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 7 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 7a, b and c. The proposed development would not be located in an area known for the occurrence of paleontological resources. The subject property has also been disturbed by previous development and vehicular traffic. ln addition, the area of disturbance would be limited to less than 550 square feet. Therefore, potential impacts on paleontological resources would be less than significant. The project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 7 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant PL1 4-01 45 lnitial Study Verizon Wi reless Pin kerton Page 19 of 66 - (Gontinued) Source Documents: Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines of June 2011 and Planning GIS data layers (aerial imagery) 2Q15. Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS 84. Gultural Resources - Archaeological Will the proposed project: 1) Demolish or materially alter in an adverse manner those physical characteristics that account for the inclusion of the resource in a local register of historical resources X X X X X X pursuant to Section 5020.1(k) requirements of Section 502a.1ß) of the Public Resources Code? 2) Demolish or materially alter in an adverse manner those physical characteristics of an archaeological resource that convey its archaeological significance and that justify its eligibility for inclusion in the California Register of determined Historical Resources by a lead agency for as the purposes of CEQA? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 8A of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 8A-1, -2, and -3. The proposed development would not be located in an area known for archaeological resources. The subject property has been disturbed during installation of previous development and vehicular traffic. The proposed project would involve less than 500 square feet of area. Thus, the potential for discovery of cultural resources is very low. Therefore, impacts on cultural resources will be less than significant. The proposed project would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 8A of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant Source Documents: Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines of June 2011 and Planning GIS data layers (aerial imagery) 2015. PL14-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 20 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)* - (Continued) Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 88. Cultural Resources LS PS.M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS - Historic (Plng.) Will the proposed project: 1) Demolish or materially alter in an adverse manner those physical characteristics of an historical resource that convey its historical significance and that justify its inclusion in, or eligibility for, inclusion in the X X X X X X X X California Register of Historical Resources? 2) Demolish or materially alter in an adverse manner those physical characteristics that account for its inclusion in a local register of historical resources pursuant to Section 5020.1(k) of the Public Resources Code or its identification in a historical resources survey meeting the requirements of Section 5024.1(g) of the Public Resources Code? 3) Demolish or materially alter in an adverse manner those physical characteristics of a historical resource that convey its historical significance and that justify its eligibility for inclusion in the California Register of Historical Resources as determined by a lead agency for purposes of CEQA? 4) Demolish, relocate, or alter an historical resource such that the significance of the historical resource will be impaired [Public Resources Code, Sec. 5020(q)l? lmpact Discussion: 88J, 2,3, and 4. The Cultural Heritage Board staff has determined that a finding of no impact is appropriate for the proposed project because there are no historical resources within the project area limits. Therefore, the proposed project would have no impact on historic resources. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. No residual impact. PLl 4-0145 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 2l of 66 lnitial Study - (Gontinued) Source Documents: Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines of June 2011, Planning GIS data layers 2015. Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS 9. Coastal Beaches and Sand Dunes Will the proposed project: a) Cause a direct or indirect adverse physical change to a coastal beach or sand dune, which is inconsistent with any of the coastal beaches and coastal sand dunes policies of the California Coastal Act, corresponding Coastal Act regulations, Ventura County Coastal Area Plan, or the Ventura County General Plan Goals, Policies X X and Programs? b) When considered together with one or more recently approved, current, and reasonably foreseeable probable future projects, result X in a direct or indirect, adverse physical change to a coastal beach or sand dune? c) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 9 of the X X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 9.a, b, and c. The project site is located many miles from the coast and does not have the potential to affect coastal resources such as beaches or sand dunes. Thus, no impacts on Coastal Resources are anticipated and the project would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 9 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. No residual impact. Source Document: Planning GIS data layers (2015 aerial imagery). lssue (Responsible Department)* Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless nkerton Page 22 of 66 Initial Study lssue (Responsible Department)* Pi - (Gontinued) Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS 10. Fault Rupture Hazard (PWA) Will the proposed project: a) Be at risk with respect to fault rupture in its location within a State of California designated Alquist-Priolo Special Fault X Study Zone? b) Be at risk with respect to fault rupture in its Ventura location within County desig nated F ault Hazard Area? a of c) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem l0 of the X X X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Services reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 10a, b and c. There are no known active or potentially active faults extending through the proposed lot based on State of California Earthquake Fault Zones in accordance with the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act, and Ventura County General Plan Hazards Appendix -Figure 2.2.3b. Therefore, there would be no impact (N) from potential fault rupture hazard and the proposed project would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 10 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. No residual impact. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Jim O'Tousa of the Ventura County Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Division on October 15, 2014. lssue (Responsible Department)* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 11. Ground Shaking Hazard (PWA) Will the proposed project: LS PS.M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 23 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)* - (Continued) Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS N LS PS-M PS a) Be built in accordance with all applicable requirements of the Ventura County Building Code? b) Be consistent with the applicable X X X X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 11 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Services viewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: The hazards from ground shaking will affect each project individually; and no cumulative ground shaking hazard will occur as a result of other approved, proposed, or probable projects. 1a and b. The property would be subject to moderate to strong ground shaking from seismic events on local and regional fault systems. The County of Ventura Building code adopted from the California Building C7de, dated 2010, Chapter 16, Division lV requires the structures be designed to withstand this ground shaking. The requirements of the Building Code will reduce the effects of ground shaking on the proposed equipment and antenna structure to a less than significant level. The proposed project would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 11 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. 1 Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Jim O'Tousa of the Ventura County Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Division on October 15,2014. lssue (Responsible Department)" N 12. Liquefaction Hazards (PWA) Will the proposed project: Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* LS PS-M PS N LS PS.M PS PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 24 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)" - (Continued) Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Ggmulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M a) Expose people or structures to potential adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving liquefaction it is located within a Seismic X because Hazards Zone? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 12 of the X X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Services reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: The hazards from liquefaction will affect each project individually. No cumulative liquefaction hazard would occur as a result of other projects. 12a and b. The site is located within a potential liquefaction zone based on the Ventura County General Plan Hazards Appendix - Figure 2.4b. This map is a compilation of the State of California Seismic Hazards Maps for the County of Ventura and was used as the basis for delineating the potential liquefaction hazards within the county. A site specific Geotechnical study was conducted by Mid Pacific Engineering, report dated September 3, 2014, which evaluated the liquefaction potential. This study includes recommended design measures sufficient to address liquefaction hazards. Therefore, the project would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 12 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Jim O'Tousa of the Ventura County Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Division on October 15, 2014. lssue (Responsible Department)* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 13. Seiche and Tsunami Hazards (PWA) Will the proposed project: LS PS.M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 25 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)" - (Gontinued) Project lmp4ct Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effcct* N LS PS.M PS a) Be located within about 10 to 20 feet of vertical elevation from an enclosed body of water such as a lake or reservoir? b) Be located in a mapped area of tsunami hazard as shown on the County General X X Plan maps? c) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 13 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X X lmpact Discussion: The Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Services reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: The hazards from seiche and tsunami will affect each project individually; and no cumulative seiche and tsunami hazard will occur as a result of other approved, proposed, or probable projects. 13a. Based on aerial photograph review of photos (dated December 2014, aerial imagery is under the copyrights of Pictometry, Source: Pictometry@, December 2013); the site is not located adjacent to a closed or restricted body of water and would not be subject to seiche hazard. Therefore, the proposed project would have no impact, project specific or cumulative, from potential hazards from seiche. 13b and c. The project site is not mapped within a tsunami inundation zone based on the Ventura County General Plan, Hazards Appendix Figure 2.6. Therefore, there would be no impact, project specific or cumulative, to the project site from potential hazards from tsunami and the project would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 13 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. No residual impact. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Jim O'Tousa of the Ventura County Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Division on October 15,2014. lssue (Responsible Department)" Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effest* N LS PS-M PS PLl 4-0145 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 26 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)* - (Gontinued) Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS 14. Landslide/Mudflow Hazard (PWA) Will the proposed project: a) Result in a landslide/mudflow hazard, as determined by the Public Works Agency Certified Engineering Geologist, based on the location of the site or project within, or outside of mapped landslides, potential earthquake induced landslide zones, and geomorphology of hillside terrain? b) Be consistent with the applicable X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 14 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X X lmpact Discussion: The Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Services viewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: The hazards from landslides/mudslides will affect each project individually; and no cumulative landslide/mudslide hazard will occur as a result of other approved, proposed, or probable projects. 14a and b. The site is not located in a hillside area of Ventura County and is not located in a potential seismically induced landslide zone, based on Based on analysis conducted by the California Geological Survey as part of California Seismic Hazards Mapping Act, 1991, Public Resources Code Sections 2690-2699.6. The project does not include any excavations into a hillside. Therefore, there would be no impacts, project specific or cumulative, to the project site resulting from landslide hazard. ln addition, the proposed development would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 14 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Jim O'Tousa of the Ventura County Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Division on October 15,2014. lssue (Responsible Department)* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS PL14-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 27 of 66 lnitial Study - (Gontinued) Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)" N LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpac't Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS 15. Expansive Soils Hazards (PWA) Will the proposed project: structures to potential adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving soil expansion a) Expose people or because it is located within a X soils expansive hazard zone or where soils with an expansion index greater than 20 are present? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 15 of the X X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Services viewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: The hazards from expansive soils will affect each project individually; and no cumulative expansive soils hazard will occur as a result of other approved, proposed, or probable projects. 15.a and -b. Future development of the site will be subject to the requirements of the County of Ventura Building code adopted from the California Building Code, dated 2010, Section 1803.5.3 that require mitigation of potential adverse effects of expansive soils. The Soils and Geotechnical Reports prepared by Mid Pacific Engineering, lnc. dated September 3, 2014, indicates the near surface soils should not have an adverse effect on the planned project, page 10. The report recommends that improvements constructed on these soils be designed to resist earth pressures associated with expansive soils. Therefore, the hazard associated with adverse effects of expansive soils is considered to be less than significant and the proposed development would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 15 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant Source Document: Analysis prepared by Jim O'Tousa of the Ventura County Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Division on October 15,2014. lssue (Responsible Department)* Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS.M PS PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 28 of 66 lnitial Study - (Gontinued) Proiect lmpact Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 16. Subsidence Hazard (PWA) Will the proposed project: structures to potential adverse effects, including the risk of loss, a) Expose people or injury, or death involving because it is located within hazard zone? a X subsidence subsidence b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 16 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X X lmpact Discussion: The Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Services viewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: The hazards from subsidence will affect each project individually; and no cumulative subsidence hazard will occur as a result of other approved, proposed, or probable projects. 16a. The project site is located within the probable subsidence hazard zone as delineated on the Ventura County General Plan Hazards Appendix Figure 2.8 (June 28, 2011). The geotechnical report, prepared by Mid Pacific Engineering, dated September 3, 2014, indicates that some subsidence may occur in the loose, granular soils, but considering the foundation consists of a drilled concrete pier to a depth that would result in no adverse effects to the project. Therefore, the proposed project development would have no impact, project specific or cumulative, related to subsidence. ln addition, the proposed project development would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 16 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Jim O'Tousa of the Ventura County Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Division on October 15, 2014. Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N lTa.Hydraulic Hazards - Non-FEMA (PWA) LS PS.M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 29 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)* - (Gontinued) Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Will the proposed project: 1) Result in a potential erosion/siltation hazard and flooding hazard pursuant to any of the following documents (individually, collectively, or in combination with one another): . 2OOT Ventura County Building Code Ordinance No.4369 . Ventura County Land Development Manual . Ventura County Subdivision Ordinance . Ventura County Coastal Zoning Ordinance . Ventura County Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance . Ventura County Standard Land Development Specifications . Ventura County Road Standards . Ventura County Watershed Protection District Hydrology Manual . . . X X X X County of Ventura Stormwater Quality Ordinance, Ordinance No. 41 42 Ventura County Hillside Erosion Control Ordinance, Ordinance No. 3539 and Ordinance No. 3683 Ventura County Municipal Storm Water NPDES Permit . State General Construction Permit . State General lndustrial Permit . National Pollutant Discharge Elim ination System (NPDES)? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 174 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Public Works Agency, Development and lnspection Services and Watershed Protection District, reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 17a-1 and 2. The only additional impervious area due to construction of the site would be for the 500 sq. ft. antenna foundation. The additional runoff would be by sheet flow and attenuated by the surrounding pervious surface within an existing industrial storage yard. No increase in PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 30 of 66 lnitial Study - (Gontinued) flooding hazard or potential for erosion or siltation will occur as a result of the WCF facility. Therefore, the proposed project development would have less than significant impacts, project specific or cumulative, related to non-FEMA hydraulic hazards. ln addition, the proposed project development would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 17 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Jim O'Tousa of the Ventura County Public Works Agency, Engineering Services Department, Development and lnspection Servlces Section on October 15,2014. N 17b. Hydraulic Hazards Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effec't* lssue (Responsible Department)* LS PS-M PS N - FEMA (WPD) Will the proposed project: 1) Be located outside of the boundaries of a Special Flood Hazard Area and entirely within a FEMA-determined'X-Unshaded' X X X X X X X X X X flood zone (beyond the 0.2o/o annual chance floodplain: beyond the 500-year floodplain)? 2) Be located outside of the boundaries of a Special Flood Hazard Area and entirely within a FEMA-determined 'X-Shaded flood zone (within the 0.2o/o annual chance floodplain: within the 500-year floodplain)? 3) Be located, in part or in whole, within the boundaries of a Special Flood Hazard Area (1% annual chance floodplain: 1OO-year), but located entirely outside of the boundaries of the Regulatory Floodway? 4) Be located, in part or in whole, within the boundaries of the Regulatory Floodway, as determined using the 'Effective' and latest available DFIRMs provided by FEMA? 5) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 178 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion LS PS-M PS PLl 4-0145 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 31 of 66 lnitial Study - (Continued) The Watershed Protection District Floodplain Management section reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 17.b-1, -2. -3, -4 and -5. Based on the Applicant's resubmitted Site Plan as prepared by Derra Consultants, dated March 3,2015 (Sheets A-1, A-2, A-3, C-1, FP-1,T-1), the proposed project site would be located out of the 1o/o annual chance (1OO-year) floodplain as mapped by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on the Effective Flood lnsurance Rate Map (FIRM) No.06111C07788 (January 20, 2010). Since the proposed development would be located in an X-Shaded Zone (500-year) floodplain, it would not be subject to a Ventura County Floodplain Development Permit. However, the proposed project would be required to obtain a Floodplain Clearance from the Ventura County Public Works Agency Floodplain Manager. Therefore, it is located out of lhe 1o/o annual chance (1OO-year) floodplain and would have less than significant impacts, project specific or cumulative, to FEMA related flood hazards. ln addition, the proposed development would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 17.8 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant Source Document: Analysis prepared by Brian Trushinski of the Ventura County Watershed Protection District, Flood Control Section on March 12,2015. lssue (Responsible Department)* Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effec{* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS N LS PS-M PS 18. Fire Hazards (VCFPD) Will the proposed project: a) Be located within High Fire Hazard Areas/Fire Hazard Severity Zones or X X X X Hazardous Watershed Fire Areas? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 18 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Ventura County Fire Protection District reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 18.a and b. The proposed project is not located within High Fire Hazard Areas/Fire Hazard Severity Zones or Hazardous Watershed Fire Areas. Therefore, there would be no impact, project specific or cumulative, to the proposed development from Fire Hazards and the PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 32 of 66 Initial Study - (Continued) proposed development would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 18 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. No residual impact. Source Document: Analysis prepared by John Dodd of the Ventura County Fire Protection District on October 16, 2014. Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Projec't lmpact Degree Of Effec't* lssue (Responsible Department)" N LS PS.M PS N LS PS-M PS 19. Aviation Hazards (Airports) Will the proposed project: a) Comply with the County's Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan and preestablished federal criteria set forth in Federal Aviation Regulation Part X X X X 77 (Obstruction Standards)? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 19 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 19.a and b. The proposed project is located approximately 3 miles from the runway of the Santa Paula County Airport. At this distance, the project site is outside of the Airport Sphere of lnfluence for this facility. Therefore, the project will be consistent with the County Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 19 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. No residual impact. Source Document: Ventura County initial Study Assessment Guidelines of April2011 lssue (Responsible Department)* N 2Oa. Hazardous MaterialsMaste - Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* LS PS-M Materials (EHD/Fire) PS N LS PS-M PS PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 33 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)* - (Gontinued) Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effec't* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS Will the proposed project: 1) Utilize hazardous materials in compliance with applicable state and local requirements as set forth in Section 20a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? 2) Be consistent with the applicable X X General X Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 20a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X lmpact Discussion: The Ventura County Environmental Health Division and the VCFPD reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 2Oa-1 and -2. The proposed project includes the use of hazardous materials typically associated with back-up power supply for communication facilities. lmproper storage, handling, and disposal of these material(s) could result in the creation of adverse impacts to the environment. The required compliance with applicable state and local regulations will reduce the potential impacts to less than significant. Therefore, proposed project would have less than significant impacts, project-specific or cumulative, relative to hazardous material and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 20a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant Source Document: Analysis prepared by Melinda Talent of the Ventura County Environmental Health Division on March 17, 2015 and John Dodd of the Ventura County Fire Protection District on October 16, 2014. lssue (Responsible Department)* N 20b. Hazardous MaterialsMaste Will the proposed project: Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* - Waste (EHD) LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS PL14-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 34 of 66 lnitial Study - (Gontinued) Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)" N 1) Comply with applicable state and PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS local requirements as set forth in Section 20b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? 2) Be consistent with the applicable LS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* X X X X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 20b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Ventura County Environmental Health Division reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 20b-1 and -2. The proposed project development is not considered an activity that generates hazardous waste. Therefore, it would not have any project-specific or cumulative impacts relative to hazardous wastes and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 20b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. No residual impact. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Melinda Talent of the Ventura County Environmental Health Division on March 17,2015. lssue (Responsible Department)* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 21. Noise and Vibration Will the proposed project: LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 35 of 66 lnitial Study - (Continued) a) Either individually or when combined with other recently approved, pending, and probable future projects, produce noise in excess of the standards for noise in the Ventura County General Plan X X X X X X X X X X Goals, Policies and Programs (Section 2.16) or the applicable Area Plan? b) Either individually or when combined with other recently approved, pending, and probable future projects, include construction activities involving blasting, pile-driving, vibratory compaction, demolition, and drilling or excavation which exceed the threshold criteria provided in the Transit Noise and Vibration lmpact Assessment (Section 12.2)? c) Result in a transit use located within any of the critical distances of the vibration- sensitive uses listed in Table 1 (lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines, Section 21 )? d) Generate new heavy vehicle (e.9., semitruck or bus) trips on uneven roadways located within proximity to sensitive uses that have the potential to either individually or when combined with other recently approved, pending, and probable future projects, exceed the threshold criteria of the Transit Use Thresholds for rubber-tire heavy vehicle uses (lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines, Section 21-D, Table 1, ltem No. 3)? e) lnvolve blasting, pile-driving, vibratory compaction, demolition, drilling, excavation, or other similar types of vibration-generating activities which have the potential to either individually or when combined with other recently approved, pending, and probable future projects, exceed the threshold criteria provided in the Transit Noise and Vibration lmpact Assessment [Hanson, Carl E., David A. Towers, and Lance D. Meister. (May 2006) Section 12.21? Ð Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 21 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X X PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 36 of 66 lnitial Study - (Gontinued) lmpact Discussion: 21a, -b, -c, -d, -e and -f. The installation of the proposed WCF would not include any cut or fill. The proposed project does not involve the generation of substantial new long-term vehicle traffic. Planning siaff utilized the Planning GIS Aerial Photo (2015) in order to identify noise sensitive recept-ors (e.g., dwellings, hotels, schools, churches, etc.) within the vicinity of J!9 proposed project and found that a one single family dwelling is located within approximately 350 feet of the project site. "The construction activities that typically generate the most severe vibrations are blasting and impact pile-driving. According to the applicant, the construction activities of the proposed project will not involve blãsting, pile-driving, or vibratory compaction. There will be over excavation for the wall footings and the concrete pads. The tower caisson will be drilled. There will be some vibratory comþaction for the pad over excavation. However, due to the short duration and relatively small amount of vibratory compaction during pad construction, impacts to the nearest residence would be less than significant. ln addition, the Vibration lmpact Criteria state that the "level of construction vibration analysis will be determined by factors related to the scale of the project and the sensitivity of the surrounding land use" 1pg. 12-10). There are no residences located directly adjacent to the proposed project. The only noise that would be generated by the proposed project would be the operation of trucks and other vehicles during construction of the WCF. The onsite operations would be at least 350 feet away from the nearest sensitive receptor. lmposition of standard conditions of approval regarding construction days and hours would reduce any potential noise impacts to less than significant. Project-related traffic on State highways (e.9. Highway 126) and roads included in the County regional road network are not subject to County noise policies or review under the adopted lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Based on the above discussion, noise and vibration impacts of the proposed project will be less than significant. The proposed development would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Gõals and Policies for ltem 21 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Ventura County initial Study Assessment Guidelines of April 2011 and Planning GIS Aerial Photo (2015). lssue (Responsible Department)* N 22. Daylime Glare Will the proposed project: Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effest* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* LS PS.M PS N LS PS-M PS PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 37 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)* - (Gontinued) Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N a) Create a new source of disability glare or discomfort glare for motorists travelling along any road of the County Regional LS PS-M PS N LS X X X X PS-M PS Road Network? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 22 of lhe lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 22.a and b. The project would be subject to standard conditions of approval that require the use of non-reflective building materials such as painted (non-gloss) panels, and pre-cast concrete or fabricated textured wall surfaces. This requirement would reduce the potential impacts of daytime glare on motorists travelling on Highway 126 to a less than significant level. The project would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 22 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant Source Document: Ventura County initial Study Assessment Guidelines of April 2011 lssue (Responsible Department)* Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS N LS 23. Public Health (EHD) Will the proposed project: a) Result in impacts to public health from environmental factors as set forth in Section 23 of the lnitial Study Assessment X X X X Guidelines? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 23 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: PS.M PS PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 38 of 66 Initial Study - (Gontinued) The Ventura County Environmental Health Division reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 23.a and b. The proposed project includes the use of hazardous materials typically associated with back-up power supply for communication facilities. lmproper storage, handling, and disposal of these material(s) could result in the creation of adverse impacts to the environment. However, compliance with applicable state and county regulations enforced by the EHD would reduce potential impacts to less than significant. Therefore, the proposed project would have less than significant impacts, project specific or cumulative, to Public Health and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 23 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant Source Document: Analysis prepared by Melinda Talent of the Ventura County Environmental Health Division on March 17, 2015 and John Dodd Ventura County Fire Department on October 16,2014. lssue (Responsible Department)* Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 24. Greenhouse Gases (VCAPCD) Will the proposed project: a) Result in environmental impacts from greenhouse gas emissions, either project specifically or cumulatively, as set forth in CEQA Guidelines SS r 5064(hX3), 15064.4, 15130(bX1)(B) and -(d), and 15183.5? X X lmpact Discussion: The Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (VCAPCD) reviewed the proposed project and provides the following comments: 24a. The Ventura County Air Pollution Control District has not yet adopted any approach to setting a threshold of significance for land use development projects in the area of project greenhouse gas emissions. The project will generate less than significant impacts to regional and local air quality and the project will be subject to a condition of approval to ensure that all project construction and operations shall be conducted in compliance with all APCD Rules and Regulations. Furthermore, the amount of greenhouse gases anticipated from the project will be a small fraction of the levels being considered by the APCD for greenhouse gas significance thresholds and far below those adopted to date by any air district in the state. Therefore, the project specific and cumulative impacts to greenhouse gases would be less than significant. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: PL14-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 39 of 66 lnitial Study - (Gontinued) No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document; Analysis prepared by Alicia Stratton of the VCAPCD on November 12, 2014. Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 25. Gommunity Gharacter (Plng.) Will the proposed project: a) Either individually or cumulatively when combined with recently approved, current, and reasonably foreseeable probable future projects, introduce physical development that is incompatible with existing land uses, architectural form or style, X X site design/layout, or density/parcel sizes within the community in which the project site is located? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 25 of the X X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 25.a and b. The project parcel has a General Plan designation of "Existing Community" and has azoningdesignationof "M3, 10,000sq.ft., Heavylndustrial". Thedevelopmentconsistsof the construction and operation of a wireless communication facility in an industrial neighborhood on 525 sq. ft. of a 1.55 acre parcel. The WCF would have an industrial look (See Attachments) and will be visible from Highway 126. The proposed facility would be located within the Mission Rock Road Community which consists of heavy industrial land uses. The monopole would be slightly higher than the existing electric poles located adjacent to the project site. However, the proposed S5-foot monopole would be painted with non-reflective coating to blend into the background. Therefore, the proposed project would be in character with the adjacent and nearby development in the surrounding industrially-zoned area. Based on the above discussion, impacts on community character would be less than significant. The project would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 25 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. PL1 4-0145 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 40 of 66 Initial Study - (Gontinued) Source Document: Ventura County initial Study Assessment Guidelines of April 2011 lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS 26. Housing (Plng.) Will the proposed project: a) Eliminate three or more dwelling units that are affordable to: . moderate-income households that are located within . b) the Coastal Zone; X X X X X X X X and/or, lower-incomehouseholds? lnvolve construction which has an impact on the demand for additional housing due to potential housing demand created by construction workers? c) Result in 30 or more new full{imeequivalent lower-income em ployees? d) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 26 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 26.a. The prolect site is not located in the Coastal Zone and does not include the elimination of any existing dwellings. Therefore, the proposed project development would have a less than significant, project-specific and cumulative, impact on housing. 26.b. As stated in the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines (146), any project that involves construction has an impact on the demand for additional housing due to potential housing demand created by construction workers. However, construction worker demand is a less than significant project-specific and cumulative impact because construction work is short-term and there is a sufficient pool of construction workers within Ventura County and the Los Angeles metropolitan regions. Therefore, the proposed project development would have a less than significant, project-specific and cumulative, impact on housing. -d. The proposed project would not create a demand for new housing, no new employees are required as part of the proposed project. Therefore, based on the discussion above, the proposed project development would have a less than significant, project-specific 26.c and PLI 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 41 of 66 lnitial Study - (Continued) and cumulative, impact on housing and would be consistent with the General Plan Goals and Policies that pertain to item 26. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Ventura County initial Study Assessment Guidelines of April2011. lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 27a(11. LS PS.M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Transportation & Circulation - Roads and Highways - Level of Service (LOS) Will the proposed project: a) Will the proposed project cause existing roads within the Regional Road Network or Local Road Network that are currently functioning at an X acceptable LOS to X function below an acceptable LOS? lmpact Discussion: The Public Works Agency, Transportation Department reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 27a(1)-a. The proposed project would not generate additional traffic on the County of Ventura Regional Road Network and would not have the potential to alter the level of service of County roads near the project. The project site would be accessed by a driveway connected to Shell Road, a private road. No new roads are proposed. Therefore, adverse traffic impacts, both project specific and cumulative, relating to Level of Service (LOS) would be less than Significant. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Ben Emami of the Ventura County Transportation Department on October 23, 2014. lssue (Responsible Department)" Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 27a(21. LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Transportation & Girculation - Roads and Highways - Safety and Design of Public Roads (PWA) PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 42 of 66 Initial Study - (Continued) Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS Will the proposed project: a) Does the existing Public Road or intersection comply with current County Road Standards, and would the proposed Public Road or intersection improvement or encroachment associated with the project or required by the CEQA lead agency also comply with County Road Standards? X X lmpact Discussion: The Public Works Agency, Transportation Department reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 27a(2)-a. The project, as proposed, will not generate additional traffic on the County of Ventura Regional Road Network. The project does not have the potential to alter the level of service of County roads near the project. Therefore, impacts related to safety/design will be Less Than Significant. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Ben Emami of the Ventura County Transportation Department on October 23, 2014. lssue (Responsible Department)* Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M 27a(31. Transportation & Girculation - Roads & Highways Access (VCFPD) - PS N LS PS.M Safety & Design of Private PS PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 43 of 66 lnitial Study - Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N a) lf a private road or private (Gontinued) access LS PS.M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS is proposed, will the design of the private road meet the adopted Private Road Guidelines X X and access standards of the VCFPD as listed in the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? b) Will the project be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies X for ltem 27a(3) of the lnitial Study X Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Ventura County Fire Protection District reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 27a(3)-a and b. No new roads are proposed. The private access will be designed to meet the adopted Private Road Guidelines and access standards of the VCFPD as listed in the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Therefore, the proposed development would have less than significant, project-specific or cumulative, impacts related to transportation and circulation safety and design of private access and it would be consistent with the General Plan Goals and Policies that pertain to item 27a(3). Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by John Dodd of the Ventura County Fire Protection District on October 16, 2014. lssue (Responsible Department)* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effec't* N 27a(41. LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M Transportation & Girculation - Roads & Highways - TacticalAccess (VCFPD) Will the proposed project: PS PL14-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 44 of 66 lnitial Study - (Continued) Project lmpact lssue (Responsible Department)* N a) lnvolve a road or access, public or private, that complies with VCFPD adopted Private Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Degree Of Effect* LS PS.M PS N X X X X LS PS-M PS Road Guidelines? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27a(4) of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Ventura County Fire Protection District reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 27a(41.a and b. All existing access roads meet VCFD requirements. The proposed project access would be designed in conformance with VCFPD- adopted Private Road Guidelines. Therefore, the proposed development would not have project-specific or cumulative impacts related to transportation and circulation and tactical assess and it would be consistent with the General Plan Goals and Policies that pertain to item 27a(4). Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant Source Document: Analysis prepared by John Dodd of the Ventura County Fire Protection District on October 16, 2014. lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS 27b. Transportation & Circulation - Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities (PWA/Plng.) Will the proposed project: 1) Will the proposed project cause actual potential barriers to existing or or planned pedestrian/bicycle facil ities? 2) Will the proposed project generate or attract pedestrian/bicycle traffic volumes meeting the requirements for protected crossings or pedestrian highway and bicycle X X X X PS-M PS PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 45 of 66 lnitial Study - (Gontinued) Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)" N 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27b of the LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N X LS PS-M PS X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Public Works Agency, Transportation Department reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 27b.1, -2, and -3. The proposed project will not generate additional traffic on the County of Ventura Regional Road Network. Therefore, adverse impacts relating to the supplementary addition of pedestrians and bicycles into the area would be a "Less Than Significant. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Ben Emami of the Ventura County Transportation Department on October 23, 2014. Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS.M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS 27c. Transportation & Girculation - Bus Transit Will the proposed project: 1) Substantially interfere with existing bus transit facilities or routes, or create a substantial increase in demand for new bus transit 2) Be consistent with the applicable General additional or X X X X facilities/services? Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27c of hhe lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 27c-| and 2. The project site is not located near any bus transit facilities. ln addition, the WCF would not be a use that will generate new demand for bus transit. Therefore, the proposed PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 46 of 66 lnitial Study - (Continued) development would not have project-specific or cumulative impacts related to bus transit and it would be consistent with the General Plan Goals and Policies that pertain to item 27C. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Ventura County lnitial Sfudy Assessmenf Guidelines of April 201 lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS 1. Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS 27d. Transportation & Circulation - Railroads Will the proposed project: 1) lndividually or cumulatively, substantially interfere with an existing railroad's facilities or operations? 2) Be consistent with the applicable X X X X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27d of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion 27d-1 and 2. The project site is located more than one half mile from the nearest railroad. Railroad operations would not be affected by the proposed project, as all activity associated with it would be contained within the boundary of the project site. ln addition, the proposed WCF would not be a use that would generate new demand for railroads. Therefore, it would not have any project-specific or cumulative impacts to railroads and it would be consistent with the General Plan Goals and Policies that pertain to item 27D. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Ventura County lnitial Study,Assessment Guidelines of April2011. lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 27e. Transportation & Circulation LS PS-M - Airports (Airports) PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi n kerton Page 47 of 66 lnitial Study - (Continued) Project lmpact lssue (Responsible Department)* Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS N LS PS-M PS Will the proposed project: 1) Have the potential to generate complaints and concerns regarding interference with X X X X X X airports? 2) Be located within the sphere of influence of either County operated airport? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27e of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 27e-1, 2 and 3. Since the nearest airport (Santa Paula Airport) is located three miles from the project site, the project development would not be located within the sphere of influence of a County operated airport. Thus, airport operations would not be affected by the proposed development. All activity associated with the project development would be contained within the boundary of the project site. Therefore, it would not have any project-specific or cumulative impacts to airports and it would be consistent with the General Plan Goals and Policies that pertain to item 27e. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines of April 2011 lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS 27f. Transportation & Girculation - Harbor Facilities (Harbors) Will the proposed project: Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 48 of 66 lnitial Study - (Gontinued) Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N 1) lnvolve construction or an operation that will increase the demand for commercial boat traffic and/or adjacent commercial boat LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N X X X X LS PS-M PS facilities? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27f of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 271-1 and 2. The proposed project development would not be located adjacent to any harbor, would not affect the operations of a harbor, and would not increase the demands on harbor facilities. Therefore, it would not have any project-specific or cumulative impacts related to harbors and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27f of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines of April 2011 lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 279. Transportation & Girculation - Pipelines Will the proposed project: 1) Substantially interfere with, or compromise the integrity or affect the operation of, an X X X X existing pipeline? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 279 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: LS PS.M PS PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 49 of 66 Initial Study - (Continued) 279-1 and 2. Since no existing pipelines are located under or adjacent to the subject property, the proposed development would not substantially interfere with or affect the operation of, any existing pipelines. Therefore, the proposed development would be consistent with the General Plan Goals and Policies that pertain to item 27G of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Ventura County lnitial SfudyAssessmenf Guidelines of April 2011 Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N 28a. Water Supply - LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpac't Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Quality (EHD) Will the proposed project: 1) Comply with applicable state and local requirements as set forth in Section 28a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? 2) Be consistent with the applicable X X X X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 28a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion The Ventura County Environmental Health Division reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 28a-1 and 2. The proposed project will not require a supply of domestic water. Therefore, the proposed development would not have any project-specific or cumulative impacts to the quality of water supplied by the public water system and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 28a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. No residual impact. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Melinda Talent of the Ventura County Environmental Health Division on March 17, 2015. lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 50 of 66 lnitial Study - (Continued) N 28b. Water Supply - LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS QuantitY (WPD) Will the proposed project: 1) Have a permanent supply of water? X X X X X X 2) Either individually or cumulatively when combined with recently approved, current, and reasonably foreseeable probable future projects, introduce physical development that will adversely affect the water supply quantity of the hydrologic unit in which the project site is located? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 28b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The WPD, Groundwater Section reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 28b-1, -2 and -3. The proposed project does not have a water requirement and would not introduce physical development that would adversely affect the water supply or water quantity of the hydrologic unit in which the project site is located. Therefore, the proposed development would have no impact on the available water supply and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 28b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. No residual impact. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Rick Viergutz of the Ventura County Watershed Protection District, Groundwater Section on November 6,2014. lssue (Responsible Department)" N LS 28c. Water Supply - Fire Flow Requirements (VCFPD) Will the proposed project: Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 51 of 66 lnitial Study - (Gontinued) Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N 1) Meet the required fire flow? LS PS.M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N X X X X LS PS.M PS 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 28c of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion The Ventura County Fire Protection District reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 28c-1 and -2. The proposed project development does not have a fire flow water requirement. Therefore, it would have no impact on Water Supply- Fire Flow Requirements for VCFPD and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 28c of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by John Dodd of the Ventura County Fire Protection District on October 16, 2014. Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effecl* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 29a. Waste Treatment & Disposal Facilities - lndividual Sewage Disposal Systems (EHD) Will the proposed project: 1) Comply with applicable state and local requirements as set forth in Section 29a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? 2) Be consistent with the applicable X X X X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 52 of 66 Initial Study - (Continued) lmpact Discussion: The Ventura County Environmental Health Division reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 29a-1 and -2. The proposed development would not utilize an individual sewage disposal system. Therefore, it would not have any project-specific or cumulative impacts relative to on-site sewage disposal and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. No residual impact. Source Document: Anatysis prepared by Melinda Talent of the Ventura County Environmental Health Division on March 17,2015. lssue (Responsible Department)" Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 29b. Waste Treatment & Disposal Facilities - Sewage Gollection/Treatment Facilities (EHD) Will the proposed project 1) Comply with applicable state and local requirements as set forth in Section 29b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? 2) Be consistent with the applicable X X X X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Ventura County Environmental Health Division reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 2gb-1 and -2. The proposed project will not require sewage disposal. Therefore, the proposed development would not have any project-specific or cumulative impacts on sewage collection systems and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 53 of 66 lnitial Study - (Gontinued) Source Document: Analysis prepared by Melinda Talent of the Ventura County Environmental Health Division on March 17, 2015. lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS 29c. Waste Treatment & Disposal Facilities - Solid Waste Management (PWA) Will the proposed project: 1) Have a direct or indirect adverse effect on a landfill such that the project impairs the landfills disposal capacity in terms of X X X X reducing its useful life to less than 15 years? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29c of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 29c-1: As required by California Public Resources Code (PRC) 41701, Ventura County's Countywide Siting Element (CSE), adopted in June 2001 and updated annually, confirms Ventura County has at least 15 years of disposal capacity available for waste generated by in-County projects. Because the County currently exceeds the minimum disposal capacity required by state PRC. Therefore, the proposed development would have less than significant impacts, project-specific and cumulative, related to Ventura County's solid waste disposal capacity. 29c-2: Ventura County Ordinance 4421 requires all discretionary permit applicants whose proposed project includes construction and/or demolition activities to reuse, salvage, recycle, or compost a minimum of 60% of the solid waste generated by their project. The IWMD's waste diversion program (Form B Recycling Plan/Form C Report) ensures this 60% diversion goal is met prior to issuance of a final zoning clearance for use inauguration or occupancy, consistent with the Ventura County General Plan's Waste Treatment & Disposal Facility Goals 4.4.1-1 and -2 and Policies 4.4.2-1, -2, -4, and -6. Therefore, the proposed development would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29c of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Ventura County lnitialSfudyAssessmenf Guidelines of April 2011 PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wi reless Pi nkerton Page 54 of 66 lnitial Study - (Continued) Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 29d. Waste Treatment & Disposal Facilities - Solid Waste Facilities (EHD) Will the proposed project: 1) Comply with applicable state and local requirements as set forth in Section 29d of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? 2) Be consistent with the applicable X X X X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29d of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Ventura County Environmental Health Division reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 29d.1 and -2. The proposed development does not include a waste treatment and disposal facility. Therefore, the project development would not have any project-specific or cumulative impacts relative to waste treatment and disposal and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29d of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. No residual impact. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Melinda Talent of the Ventura County Environmental Health Division on March 17, 2015. lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 30. Utilities Will the proposed project: LS PS.M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 55 of 66 Initial Study - (Gontinued) Project lmpact N a) lndividually or cumulatively cause LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS a disruption or re-routing of an existing utility facility? b) lndividually or cumulatively Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* X X X X increase demand on a utility that results in expansion of an existing utility facility which has the potential for secondary environmental impacts? c) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 30 of the X X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 30.a, -b and -c. The project site is located in an area in which electrical, gas, and telephone services are available. No facility would need to be re-routed or expanded to serve the proposed development. Therefore, the proposed development would have less than significant projectspecific and cumulative impacts related to utilities and it be consistent with the General Plan Goals and Policies that pertain to item 30. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines of April 2011 lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M 31a. Flood Gontrol FacilitiesMatercourses - Watershed Protection District (WPD) Will the proposed project: PS PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wi reless Pi nkerton Page 56 of 66 Initial Study lssue (Responsible Department)* - (Gontinued) Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS 1) Either directly or indirectly, impact flood control facilities and watercourses by obstructing, impairing, diverting, impeding, or altering the characteristics of the flow of water, resulting in exposing adjacent property and the community to increased X X X X risk for flood hazards? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 31a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Ventura County Watershed Protection District, Planning and Regulatory Division reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: 31a.1 and 2. The project site is adjacent to a Watershed Protection District (District) jurisdictional red line channel, the nearest one being Cummings Road Drain which is located approximately 104.4 feet southwesterly of the project site. No direct drainage connections to District jurisdictional red line channels including Cummings Road Drain, are indicated on any of the Applicant's package submission. lmplementation of conditions of approval from Engineering Services Department, Development and lnspection Services Division, which would require increases in runoff due to increases in impervious area included in the proposed development to be reduced to less than significant levels. This condition would require that runoff from the site be released at no greater than the undeveloped flow rate and in such a manner as to not cause an adverse impact in downstream velocity or duration. Therefore, the proposed project development would have Less than Significant impacts project specific and cumulative, on flood control facilities and watercourses under the jurisdiction of the Watershed Protection District and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 31a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by Sergio Vargas of the Ventura County Watershed Protection District, Planning and Regulatory Division on October 29, 2014. PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 57 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)" - (Continued) Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS 31b. Flood Gontrol FacilitiesMatercourses - Other Facilities (PWA) Will the proposed project: 1) Result in the possibility of deposition of sediment and debris materials within existing channels and allied obstruction of flow? 2) lmpact the capacity of the channel and the potential for overflow during design storm X X X X conditions? 3) Result in the potential for increased runoff and the effects on Areas of Special Flood Hazard and regulatory channels both on and off site? X X 4) lnvolve an increase in flow to and from natural and man-made drainage channels and facilities? 5) Be consistent with the applicable X X X X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 31b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Ventura County Watershed Protection District, Planning and Regulatory Division reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: -4 and -5. Runoff from the project development would be less than 1% of the flow in the watershed to which it would contribute. The proposed development would be built in compliance with Local and State codes and standards that require the increase in runoff to be minimized. Therefore, the proposed project would have a less than significant impact, project 31b.1 , -2, -3, specific and cumulative, on drainage facilities not operated by the Watershed Protection District and the project would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 31b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 58 of 66 - (Gontinued) Initial Study Source Document: Analysis prepared by Brian Trushinski of the Ventura County Watershed Protection District, Flood Control Secfion on March 12, 2015. N 32. Law E nforceme nUE mergency Servi ces Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)" ( S LS PS.M PS LS N PS-M PS heriff) Will the proposed project: a) Have the potential to increase demand for law enforcement or emergency services? X X X X b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 32 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 32.a and -b. The proposed WCF would have adequate security measures which would include a 6-foot high chain-link fence surrounding the site perimeter. The project development would not be considered a project within the categories of projects that would have the potential to increase demand for law enforcement or emergency personnel. The proposed development would not interfere with any law enforcement facility and it would not include any new uses or generate an increase in population that would result in an increased demand for law enforcement services. Therefore, the project-related impacts on law enforcemenVemergency services/personnel/equipment would be less than significant. The project would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 32 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Ventura County lnitial SfudyAssessmenf Guidelines, 201 lssue (Responsible Department)" LS PS-M PS 33a. Fire Protection Services - Distance and Response (VCFPD) Will the proposed project: Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Project lmpact Degree Of Effec't* N 1 N LS PS-M PS PL1 4-01 45 lnitial Study nkerton Page 59 of 66 Pi - (Gontinued) Proiec't lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N 1) Be located in excess of five Verizon Wireless LS PS.M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS miles, measured from the apron of the fire station to the structure or pad of the proposed structure, from a full-time paid fire X X X X X X department? 2) Require additional fire stations and personnel, given the estimated response time from the nearest full-time paid fire department to the project site? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 33a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: The Ventura County Fire Protection District reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: -2 and -3. The proposed project would not require additional fire stations or personnel and existing response time would be adequate. Therefore, the proposed development would have no impacts, project specific or cumulative, to Fire Protection Services, Distance and 33a-1 , Response and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for Item 33a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by John Dodd of the Ventura County Fire Protection District on October 16, 2014 and Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines, 2011. lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 33b. Fire Protection Services Will the proposed project: - Personnel, LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS Equipment, and Facilities (VCFPD) PS-M PS PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 60 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)* - (Gontinued) Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 1) Result in the need for additional personnel? X X 2) Magnitude or the distance from existing facilities indicate that a new facility or X X X X LS PS.M PS additional equipment will be required? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 33b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion The Ventura County Fire Protection District reviewed the proposed project and provided the following comments: ,-2,and -3. The proposed project is located adjacentto Fire Station 577. Given the small scale of development, it would not require additional fire stations, personnel or equipment. Therefore, it would have no impact, project specific or cumulative to Fire Protection Services, 33b-1 personnel, equipment, or facilities and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 33b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. Source Document: Analysis prepared by John Dodd of the Ventura County Fire Protection District on October 16, 2014 and Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines, 2011. lssue (Responsible Department)* N 34a. Education - Schools Will the proposed project: Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS PL1 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi n kerton Page 61 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)" - (Gontinued) Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 1) Substantially interfere with the operations of an existing school facility? LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N X X X X LS PS-M PS 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 34a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 34a-1 and -2. The proposed development would not involve a residential use and would not generate new employment opportunities that would result in an increase in population and a corresponding increase in demand for schools. Furthermore, the proposed development is not located adjacent to any school facilities; it would not have any impact on school facilities or operations or substantially interfere with the operations of an existing school facility. Therefore, would not have any impact on education or school facilities or operations and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 34a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. No residual impact. (Ventura County Initial Study Assessment Guidelines, 2011) lssue (Responsible Department)* Proiec{ lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 34b. Education - Public Libraries (Lib. Agency) Will the proposed project: LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS PLI 4-0145 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 62 of 66 lnitial Study lssue (Responsible Department)* - (Gontinued) Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 1) 2) Substantially interfere with the operations of an existing public library facility? LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS X Put additional demands on a public library facility which is currently deemed X individuals to access public library facilities by private vehicle or alternative transportation modes? X overcrowded? 3) Limit the ability of 4) ln combination with other approved projects in its vicinity, cause a public library facility to become overcrowded? X 5) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 34b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X X lmpact Discussion: 34b.1, -2, -3, -4 and -5. The proposed development would not involve a residential use and would not generate new employment opportunities that would result in an increase in population and a corresponding increase in demand for libraries. Furthermore, it would not be located adjacent to any public library facilities and it would not have any impact on public library facilities or operations. Therefore, it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 34b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. No residual impact (Ventura County lnitial SfudyAssessmenf Guidelines, 201 1) lssue (Responsible Department)* Proiect lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 35. Recreation Facilities (GSA) Will the proposed project: LS PS.M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS.M PS PLl 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pi nkerton Page 63 of 66 lnitial Study - (Gontinued) Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)" N a) Cause an recreation, corridors? rncrease parks, in LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS the demand for and/or trails and X X X X X X X X b) Cause a decrease in recreation, parks, and/or trails or corridors when measured against the following standards: . . Local Parks/Facilities - 5 acres of developable land (less than 15% slope) per 1,000 population; Reqional Parks/Facilities - 5 acres of developable land per 1,000 population; or, a ReqionalTrails/Corridors - 2.5 miles per 1,000 population? c) of Recreation Parks/Facilities and/or Regional lmpede future development Trails/Corridors? d) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 35 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 35.a -b, -c and -d. The proposed project development would not be located within existing designated local park land, or within the vicinity of any local or regional facilities. The proposed development would not involve a residential use and it would not generate new employment opportunities that would result in an increase in population and a corresponding increase in demand for new parks and recreational facilities. Therefore, it would not have an impact, project specific or cumulative, on local or regional parks and recreational facilities and it would be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 35 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation and Residual lmpact: No mitigation required. Residual impacts will be less than significant. (Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines, 2011) lnitial Study PL14-0145 Verizon Wireless pinkerton Page 64 of 66 - (Gontinued) *Key to the agencies/departments that are responsible for the analysis of the items above: Airports - Department of AG. - Agricultural vcApcD - Air pollution Airports Department Control District EHD - Environmental VCFPD - Fire Protection GSA - General Services Health Division District Agency Harbors - Harbor Lib. Agency - Library Plng' - Planning Division Department Servicês Agency PWA - Public works sheriff - sheriffs wpD - watershed protection District Agency Department *Key to lmpact Degree of Effect: N - No lmpact LS - Less than Significant lmpact PS-M - Potentially Significant but Mitigable tmpact PS - Potentially Significant lmpact PLI 4-01 45 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 65 of 66 lnitial Study - (Continued) Section C - Mandatory Findings of Significance Based on the information contained within Section B: N 1. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or LS PS- PS X prehistory? 2. 3. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short{erm impact on the environment is one that occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future). Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? "Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effect of other current projects, and the effect of probable future projects. (Several projects may have relatively small individual impacts on two or more resources, but the total of those impacts on the environment X X is significant.) 4. Does the project have environmental effects that will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? X Findings Discussion: 1. As stated above in Section B, the proposed project would not cause significant impacts on environmental resources. Therefore, the proposed project will not pose any threat to fish and wildlife, nor will it degrade the quality of the environment. 2. As stated above in Section A, the proposed project development of a WCF will not create any significant impacts that would affect long term environmental goals. 3. As stated in Sections A and B, the proposed project will not create any impacts that are individually limited but cumulatively considerable. 4. As stated in Section B, the proposed project does not involve the use of hazardous materials in a manner that pose any unusual risks. The proposed project does not involve noise that will interfere with surrounding uses, traffic hazards, adverse impacts to water bodies located on or around the project site, and will not generate any hazardous wastes. Therefore, the proposed project will not create any environmental effects that will cause substantial PLl 4-0145 Verizon Wireless Pinkerton Page 66 of ô6 lnitial Study - (Continued) adverse effects, either directly or indirectly on human beings. Section D - Determination of Environmental Document Based on this initial evaluation IX] t 1 I find the proposed project could not have a significant effect on the environment, and a Negative Declaration should be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measure(s) described in Section B of the lnitial Study will be applied to the project. A Mitigated Negative Declaration should be prepared. t 1 t 1 I find the proposed project, individually and/or cumulatively, MAY have a significant effect on the environment and an Environmental lmpact Report (ElR) is required. I find that the proposed project MAY have a "potentially significant impact" or "potentially significant unless mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect I ) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An Environmental lmpact Report is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. I I I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or Negative Declaration pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or Negative Declaration, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, nothing further is required. Becky Linder, ner ø/asfrs Dale I Attachments Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Location Map AerialZoning and General Plan Map Topographic Plan Flood Plain Plan Site Plan/Enlarged Site Plan Equipment Plan /Antenna Plan NorthwesUNortheast Elevation Plans List and Map of Pending and Recently Approved Projects Used in the Cumulative ûaÊr Fc'l sèÞé G* rì 50 "". .òf t26 8!nb ¡ s I te {¡ E *nt" o U@rprt ir., È 0 r O.a6ù, 't I t p¡*LtJor chódllo ---Ì1. 1,rìiod P.i,t - (: a è q ¡t" ¡ llr¡ l-" ¡ Pdt W6dlko ¿lôuñlàr'r N¡tEñ¡l Rocrs.r¡ón AÞ¡ sh M County of Ventura Planning Director Hearing PL14-0145 Vsntura County, Cal¡forn¡a Ræource Management Agency GIS Development & Mapp¡ng Soryicss Map creatsd on Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, USGS, lntermap, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Th 06-0l-2015 RMA915 Attachment I Location Map 0 8,000 , Esri To ,2012 16,000 Feét Obcl.imor Ttu. 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SuHivis¡ons, Zone Rec€ntlyApprov€d Pþjeds ere defìned as approved w¡thin the lest I mnths Prcj* Chsng6, and General PlånAmendñenls 25 5 10 M¡les Recently Approved Projects as of May 04, 2015 Couty 800 of VeDtua . Rercuce Muagemeut A,geucy . Divìsion 5 Y¡ -{vrnur, \'enrurJ CA 93009'1710 ' (805) 654'2478 . vènLu¡â o¡g/¡hJpl¡¡ntfB Mod¡ficat¡on, Var¡ancè, Subd¡vision, Gèneral Plan Añèndøent and Zone Change. Source: Veatura County Planning D¡vis¡on Accela Daaabase, ss oî 05/0412015 Perm¡t Number Parcel No. Address Permit Type Approved Perm¡t Descript¡on Case PL12-O163 05601't3050 4072 E CENTER ST, FILLMORÉ, CA 930,I5 PERMIT 01122t2015 Plânned Development Permit for the conshuction of en afiordable 24-un¡t ñulti-femily development on â 1 36 ace properly in lhe RPD-12 du/ecre zone located ai 4072 Center Street (APN 056-0-113-050) wlhin the Resident¡al 10-15 du/âc PiruArea Plan land use designetion and the Urban General Plen lend use designâtion The proposed developmenl consists of three res¡denlìEl buildings of 5,253 sq Ít eåch housìng eighl rental units ap¡ece ln addition lo lhe residential buildings a 1,390 sq fl community builcling is proposed Access lo the sile woutd be prov¡ded by a 24-11 w¡de privele driveway via Cenler Slreet on the nodh side of propeñy with e 24-t wide åccess driveway viå Merket Skeel lo the south Both driveweys lead lo disconnected pefting arees which âre separated by the proposed communily cenler ancl associated common ârea 46 paûing spaces ere provided on-site in lhe two paft¡ng lol areas No nal¡ve vegetelion would be removed lhough 6 heritage s¡zed pepper trees would be feiled Wster is provided by Woring Wale¡ Seruice lnc and wasle water dispossl is provided by Venturâ Counly San¡Le.y Kilslina Boercl (80s) 6s4-2467 Date Plsnner Appl¡cant Câbrillo Economic Dev Corp 702 County Sq Ventura, CA 93003i 805Â72-2577 DistrictNo'15 Thelendscapeplenfortheprojeclilluskelesavegelativescreeningbetweentheresidentialproject andtheadjacentagriculturâloperalionesamod¡fedbuñer- Bybeingl00%effordablethe138-screproject qualifiiesforådensitybonuspuEuantCalúorniaGovernfrentCodeS659l5€5918 Thedens¡tybonusisparlofthe lormalrequeslinorderlobrioglheprcjectdensityoverthel5du/ecrelenddesignahontolTdu/acre Therequest inc¡ùdes a Volunlery Lot Merger (Percel Àrap Wâivêr) ìo merger lhe lhEe legal lots lhat âre part of the project PL I 2-01 63 056011 3050 4072 E CENTER ST FILLMORE, CA 93015 Planned Oevelopment o1t222015 Planned Developmenl Permil for lhe conskuct¡on oi an âtfordabl€ 2¿l-un¡l multi-family developmenl on a 1 38 acre propedy ¡n the RP0-12 du/âcre zone locâled al 4072 Center Strcel (APN 056-0-113-050) within the Residenl¡ål Krist¡nâ Boero (805) 6s4-2467 10-15du/ecPiruAreâPlanlândusedesignat¡onândtheUrbanGeneralPlanlendusedesignâtion. Theproposed development consjsls ot lhree residential buildings of 5,253 sq fl eâch housing eighl renLal un¡ls apiece ln êdditiontothe¡esidentiålbuildingsa1,390sq fr communitybuildingisproposed Accesstothesitewou¡dbe provided by a 24-ft wide privsle driveway via Center Skeel on the norlh side of property wilh a 2+ft wide access dr¡veway via Malkel Streel 10 lhe soulh Cabrillo Economic Dev Corp 702 County Sq Venlura, CA 93003, 805472-2577 Both drvôways lêâd to d¡scon0ecLed pârking areas which ere sepeEted by Lheprcposedconrmunilycenlerandessociåledcommonarea 46perk¡ngspacesareprov¡dedon-siteinthelwo parking lot arcâs No nâLìve vegetåtion would be removed though 6 heritage sized pepper lrees would be felled Waler is provided by WbÍiog Water Service lnc ând waste wåler dtsposel É provìded by Ventu ra County Senitary District No 16 The lendscape plan for the prcject illustretes e vegelative screening between lhe resìdenl¡El prcject and Lhe adiaceot agrcullural operelion es ¿ modil¡ed buffer By being 100% affodâble the 1 38-acre prcjecl qualif¡esfoÍadensitybonuspuisuãntCeliforniaGovernmentCodeS659l5€5918 Thedensitybonus¡sparlotthe fonÌal requesl in order to bring ìhe projecl densily over the 15 clu/âcre lând designãtion lo 1 7 du/âcre The requesl includes a Voluntary Lot [/erger (Parcel M¿p \^/aive0 to merger the three legal lols thal are pad of ihe prolect PL12-0163 0560113050 4072 E CENTER ST FtLLt\¡ORE, CA93015 Merger o1 t22t2l15 Planned Developmenl Permil for the conslructon of an sffordâble 24-unit mult¡fåmily development on a 1 38 acre propeñy in the RPD-1 2 du/âcrc zone loceted at 4072 Center Streel (APN 056-0¡ 3-050) within the Residential 10-15 du/ac Piru Area Plån land use designation and lhe Urben ceneral Plan land use designalion The proposed developmenl consists ofthree rcs¡dentiâl buildtngs of5,253 sq ft each housing eight rental units âpiece ln addrt¡on to the res¡dential buildings a 1 390 sq lt ømmunìty build¡ng as proposed Access to the s¡te would be provided by a 24-fl wide pnvâts driveway viå Center Sueet on the nodh side of propedy wìth s 24-fr wide access driveway via Market Slreet to the south Both dr¡veweys leâc, to disconnected parking are¿s which are sepaÉted by lhe propos€d community cenler and âssociated common ârea 46 pârking speces are provided on-site in lhe 1wo parking lol ârees No netive vegetalion would be removed lhough 6 her¡lege sized pepper trees would be felled Vvâter is provided by WerÍn9 Water Seryice lnc and wesle water disposal is provided by Venlurê Counly Sanilery Dislr¡cl Ño 16 The landscape plan for lhe projecl illuskales a vegelative screening between the Íesidential project andtheadjacentegricuhura¡operationâsamod¡fiedbuffer Bybeìn9100%ãffordsblethe'1.38-acreproject qualinies for a densily bonus pußuant California Government Code S65915-65918 fhe density bonus is pad ofthe formelrequestinordertobringtheprojecldens¡tyoverthe'15du/acrelênddes¡gnal¡onto17du/ecre Therequest includes a Volunlery Lol [¡erger (Pêrcel lvìap WâiveD lo merger the lhree legal lols thet sre parl ofthe prcject 1 Kristine Boero (e05) 6s4-2467 cebrillo Economic Dev Corp 702 County Sq Venture, CA 93003; 4054,72-2517 County of Ventura, Planning D¡vis¡on Recently Approved Projects osto4t20'15 Page I Permit Number Pãrcel No- AddÊss Pemit Type Date Approved PL12-O174 0630180465 101 ORCHARD DR, VENTURA, CA 93001 Minor Modrlice(¡on o4lo6t201 5 Planne. Perm¡t Description Case A new conditional Use Permil (PL'12-01 74) to replace expired CUP-4878 for the ex¡sting use of a menufâctured home as â cåÉlaker dwell¡ng lnit acc6ssory 10 a commerciâl storâge fâc¡lily loceted 91 1 01 Orchâld Drive in the Franca Rosengren: (Eos) 654-2045 #100 Vênturs, CA 93003i handled by the Ojai Sãnlâry Dislricl 8054424773 AlsoseePLl4-0045PermlAdJuslmentofPlannedDêvelopmentPermlNo s¡mullaneously 1380060125 51OO OLIVAS PARK DR Conditional Use Permil 11128t201 4 VENTURA, CA 93003 Vv¡ll¡am Kendsll 1601 Esslhân Avonue Thestorsgefacil¡tyisenlitledunderâseparotôPlanned DevolopmentPemil(PDgE7) V\¡¿teriothesileisprov¡dedbyiheCityofVenluÉåndwastewalerdisposal¡s NorlhV6nluråAvenueAr€e(APN063-0-180-465) PL13-0036 Appl¡cant ¡n 9ETlorsnex¡slingministorâgetåcilly process Condilional Use Permil for tempoßry ouldoor events within a 2 acre area on a 20 acre property ¡n the Agricullural 40 ecre minimum pârcôl size zone (AE-40) snd lhe Agricullur¿l cenerâl Plen lând use des¡gnat¡on âddEssed as 5'100 Olivas Perk orive (APN 138-0-0ô0-125) The ¡equest inclldes up to a maximum of20 events each yeâr, on SaluElay and Sundey w¡lh wedd¡ng reheâßals ând selup on Fridey when needed The evenls would be held belween the fronths olApdl end September ThoÉ would be a max¡mum of 175 people ât âny âny g¡ven event TheE are 2 owner operato6 thãt mân¿ge the sile, 2 employees âre utilized to setup and break down when needed, endlonsileceret€kerisavailâblelorsecur¡lyandsilemanegement K¡ìstina Boero: (805) 654-2467 Mary Mcgralh 5100 Olivâs Perk Dr Venture, cA 93003-7671 805€44-1235 l.fvâlerisprDvidedbylheCityofVenturâfor fire suppression purposes and wâsle water disposel for the evenls would be provìded by porteble to¡lets No guesls âre âllowed in the on s¡te build¡ngs The operetor has prepared an on site ciculâtion plsn wherc guesìs could unloed near the evenl erea w¡lhoul hâv¡ng a cue backup on{o Ol¡vas Park and has prepared e park¡ng plan for 1'10 onsûô pârkif,g spaces No new developmenl or imperuious erea ¡s beiog edded lo lhe site to facillate the proposed project L¡ghting would be prcvided by existìng light¡ng fxtures includ¡ng slring lighting forthe event are€ and pole l¡ghlinginthodriveway. Guesisareresponsìblelororg¿nizingcatedng,selup,andcleânup TheopeÉto¡hasaroll offlaash container on sile yeår round lhel PL13-0110 0560020300 Minor Mod¡ficetion 03/09/2015 ¡s made avâ¡lêble forguests as 0eeded MinoalllodificstìonloCondilionelL¡sePermiìNo 4803forath¡rtyyeert¡meefensionforVVer¡ngVvaterServicôs No adcl¡tionâl development is proposed Waring Wâter SEruic6s, lnc., weter d¡stribution system is locâled åpproxìmelely 30 m¡les eâsl ofVenluÉ, Cel¡fornia, in lhe community of Piru The waler system is located adjacent to the Piru Creek snd slighily slopôd to the southeast To the soulh of Piru lies the Santâ Clera River V\Êter to the V\ibring Waler Seruìces distdbution syslem is suppl¡ed by th¡ee water wells Wells 1 , 2 & 4) All three wells are ¡oceled south of lhe inlersôction of Camu¡os Street and Church Strcet Well '1 hss a 75-hp motor and a 500-9pm well pump Well 2 includes a 6o-hp motor ând a 200-gpm well pump (Curently out of seryi€ for repaùs). Both of lhese wells were constructed in the 1920s Well 4 wås @nslrucled in 2003 and hes e 150-hp motor and a 1500-gpm pump Pìruiscoñprisedpr¡mañlyofrcsidentielwateruseßandagricullurelwateruseE Nicole Doner (805) 654-5042 Hollee King 1327 Del Norte Rd *200 Camedllo, CA 93010; (E05) 901-2261 Onlyasmallpodionifut¡l¡zedfor commerc¡el ând induslr¡âl usage The curent population ofihe waler consumption arcâ is 2,'1OO people, repÍesenting 485 ¿ct¡ve domestic connections and 12 commeaciãl ãnd iÍigation connections All three wells åre ch¡odnaled using sodium hypochloille The groundwåler supply source ¡s designeled as the Piru Bas¡n, and is rechârged by the runofi irom Piru Creek ând Senla Clara R¡ver ¡n âdditìon to the P¡ru Recharge Sprcâding BasÍn This Þssin is psrt of the 483030 Groundwaler Mân€gement Plan which is oveEeen by the croundwâter Í\ranagement Council The distribuìion syslem ¡s compr¡sed of 5,170 l¡near feel (LÐ of 12-inch PVC pipe, 13,900 LF of '1 0 pVC p¡pe, '16,325 LF of 8-inch asbestos.cemenr pipe (AcP), 9,1 00 LF of 6-inch Acp, 11,500 LF of 4-inch Acp, 6,200 LF of 3-inch PVC & ACP p¡pe ênd 2,700 LF ot pipelines under 2-inch in s¡ze The existing d¡stribution systôñ wås conslructedinphåsesbelwsen1958and1965w¡lhâdditionelmsinlineinstallationsinl990,1995,1999 2003& 2009, WaleÍ from the wells ìs dìschaEed inlo a 1 1 mill¡on-gâllon steel slorage tank (lolal volum€) located o¡ north of Cenler street elong Wadng \^/¿sh Roåd below the Ventura Counly Wâlerched Frotecl¡on Oistricfs Debils Bâsin lhelgnkisprotectedbyåchainlinkfencewithslockedgale Theolevalionofthôreseruoir¡sedequateloprov¡de all customeß with e minimum static prcssure of 20 psi Thewaterstoragereseruoìrcan€dequstelysupplywâterforthefireprotectionbâsedone1,75OOgpm lwo-hour duråtion fre flow ('1 80 000 gsllons) elong with meet¡ng the maximum dey demand lor ¿ll of our domestic customers AnemergencygeneÉtorwaseddedtothesyslemin20lltoellowforcontinuedopeÉtionduringpoweroutages W€ter ¡ecords lor 2012 show th€t residenlial demând sccounted for approximâtely 36%, commerc¡¿l âccounted for 8ol., and irrigâtion accounted for 56% ofthe water consumed. The goal of Waring Vlbler Seru¡ce ¡s lo keep the percentage of waler lost below 10% County of VentuÊ, Plann¡ng D¡v¡s¡on Reæntly Approved Pþjects o5lo4t20'15 Page 2 Permit Number P¡rcel No. PL13-O122 6150060195 AddEss Date Approved Perm¡t Type Cond¡lionâl Use Perñl 12t2912014 Plenner Perm¡t Oescr¡pt¡on Case Condtiona¡ Use Permil for Oil and ces Exploration 10 entille lhe drìlling of 12 oil and gås explorelory wells on a 4 existrng wel¡ pads on å sile that is approximately 4 8 miles noñh oflhe H¡ghwsy 11€ and Tapo Canyon Road B€cky Linderi (805) 654-2469 Bob Booher 3221 Quail Hollow Drive Fairñeld, CA 94534i 707-399-7835 Frânca Rosengren (E05) 654-2045 Jo lllarevilla 8620 Santa Rosa Rd Camarillo, CA 93010, 805432-7 4gB inießeclioneboveTepoCanyonParkalthetermìnusoftheimprovedpoñionofTepoCenyonRoâd Theprojôclis locâled on a 447 25 acre pârcel within the AE30 Zone Distrid and the Opeo Space ceneral Plan land use Appl¡c€nt designalion (APN 61 5-0-060-1 95) which is part of â lârger lând holding commonly known es Big Sky Ranch Access lo Lhe pads is provided by an exisling dil roads off of Tepo Canyon Road w¡lh secondáry access provided bylheS¿ltCreekFireRoad Threeoflhefourwellpâdsw¡llbeimprovedtoaccommodãtelhedr¡llingilgs: Pad"2X alt " is proposed to be 33,600 square feel and requires 3,000 cubic yerd cuts ând 2,525 cubic yârds of fìll; Pad "5x" proposed is Lo be 36,259 sq f ând will require 6,480 cubic yads of Dut and 5,ô00 cubic yards of fill; end Påd "16" is proposedtobe20,5T0sqnândwillrequireT,000cubicyardsofculandT,000cubicyardsofñll Pad"15'wi¡lnot require add¡lional grâd¡ng end will be ul¡lized in its curent s¿e ând confgurâtion Three new oil wells end ân emergencyflareareproposedtobelocetedonPed"2x-ålt'Threenewo¡lwellsandânemergencyflareare proposedforPed"l5" Fournewoilwells,3oilstocktanks,aflowlreâter,1,000bblproducedwålerlânk,a L AC T unil, â tÉnfer pump â conlainment berm âround the lanks, aod ân emergency flare âre prcposed to be locâiedonPed"SX'A¡loflhewellswouldbeconnectedbyaRowlineleadingfromthewellslolhelankslocated on Ped "5X PL13-0166 1630140160 €620 SANÎA ROSA RD, CAMARILLO, CA93012 Minor Mod¡fcâìion 't22312D14 " Any water necessary for proposed ose would be lrucked in Àrinor lúod¡fcâtion to Condilionål use Permit LUo8-0060 (CUP) for a 10 year time extension, to edd bride and groom changing rooms, and minor condition language clarifcetion CUP LL,0E-0060 wes åpproved with the tollowing desc.¡ption: condil¡onâlUsePermiltoallow"Fest¡vals An¡malShowsândSimilârÊvenls,TempoÉryOutdoor,"spec¡ficelly lemporary, outdoor wedd¡ng events, b¡rthday and annive6ary celebrålions, non-proñt Énd charity events, fsmily reunions, corpoßle events, and sim¡lar lemporary events Temporary events shâll be limiled to 300 guesls for e maximum of 60 days within the celender yeer ParcelA (APN 163-0-140-160) is a 4 45 ecrc p¿rcel and w¡ll be be where wodding ceremon¡es anct receptions (or similer lempoÉry evenls) would take plece The lemporâry evenß w¡ll be locâled on approximâtely one (1) acre (garden and Len åce areas immedielety adjacent to ând south of lhe existinq residence), known âs lvlarãvilla Gârdens The celere/s prcparetion aree is loceled southwest oflhe exist¡ng residence, adjâcent to tho recept¡on area (See Exhibil "3", S¡le Plan) No new permânenl struclurcs (i e ouldoor lighling end accessory strucllres) arc 1o be consìructed for temporary events; the use of e temporâry lent måy be used for inclement weather The single-fâmily residence ìs restícted to the owne/s use and wìll not be leased out The on-sle agÍtcullurâl sales bui¡ding and relaled struclures sha¡l not be leãsed out for any evenls Pårcel B (APN 163-0-140-170) is 'l 12 âcres ând ¡s ve€nl This are8 would be designaled as En ovedlow perking ârea when the pr¡nary guesl parking arca on APN 063-0-140-160 is full Access lo this lower parking eree is di.ecily from the main guest parking lo1 Guest parking on ParcelA (APN 063-0¡40-160) is loceted ¡n lhe nodhesst corner ofthe property (See Exhibil "3") There ¿re curently 50 pårking spaces Gu€sr pârking on Parcel B (APN 163-0i40¡70)providesâlotalol100pârkingspaces lflhenumberolguestsexceedsl00people,v¡lelseñ¡ce shall be r6quired ss pårt ol lhe conkâcì belween le'lârâvillâ Gardens ând the lessee lo onsuE lhe addil¡onâl parking and circulet¡on thereof is managed and eflicìenl A lolal of fourteen (14) parking spaces are designåted for staf parkingandarelocatedontheweslernpodionofPãrcelA(APN063-0¡40-160) Accessforsteffemp¡oyeesis from a seNice diveway located on the nodhwest corner of lhê property No pârking ¡s proposed on Sania Rosa Road or shou¡der right-of-way Podeble reslrooms shall be provided by â locål vendor (i e Mission Valley Sanitation or sim¡lar compãny) Ênd shâll be required âs pâd ofthe conlract lor the event to be held at MeÉv¡lla Gardens The porlable restrooro shâll be ¡ocaled eesl of lhe des¡gneled rccept¡on/cocha¡l ârea- The public restroom serving the Agr¡culu¡al Sâles Bù¡lding and the bathrooms seNing the mãin residence åre prohibiled fiom be¡ng used for lemporary events lllâravilla Gedens shell not instâll any permanenl lighling lorlhe purpose of temporery special events Temporâry extedor lighting sh€ll be provided in the pãfting âreâs for sâfety end security purposes Temporary dânce lights wouldbelimitedtolheareareserved[orthedâncefloor OthertempoÉrylightingshallbeforceremonyambiance ended Any lighling in excesso[150wãttsshâllnolrcsullindirecl¡lluminaliononadjacenlproperl¡es Anyeñeriorlight¡nginexcessof and dinner lables All tempoÉry lighting shall be rcmoved from ìhe sile after lhe event has 150 watts shâll be hooded and/or diaected downward onto the subject pârcel lo prevent spil¡-over onto adjscent '11:00 pm The prcposed houß of opeÉtion for temporåry ouldoor evenls will be Monday lhrough Sunday from 1 00 pm to 11:00 pm for a maximum of 60 deys within lhe calendar yeår (See applicent's descr¡ption lor fudher deta¡ls) percels All lights wrll be d¡mmed by 10ì00 pm and complete¡y tumed off by CounV of Ventura, Planning Div¡sion Recently Apprcved Projects osl01t2015 Page 3 Permit Number Parcel No. PLl3-0184 6950062080 Date Address Planner Permit Type Approved Perm¡t Descr¡ption Case PERMIT 1210612014 The proposed projed includes the construction of a 6,81 5 square fool (sq, ft ) single fâmily dwel¡¡ng with an silached 540 sq ff Mo-car garage wh¡ch will resu[ in the removal ol one heritage-size oâk hee (Quercus Agilfolia), the rcmovål of one non-her¡tage size oak fee, and the elteretion nine oak lrees for wh¡ch a Discrel¡onåry Tree Perñit endmit¡galionisrequ¡red Theapproximately9,922sq fr loiislocâledwithintheRE-10,000sq fl ZoneD¡str¡ctand the Urban Residentiâl 2-4 Dwelling Unit Lâke SheMood Area Plân ¡ând use designation. The required qÉding to preperc the siLe ofthe proposed developmenl includes åpproximalely I,1 89 cubic yards of cut, approx¡mately 59 Chuck Anthony (805) 654-3683 Devid Alpern 26281 CtowîValley Parkway Laguna N¡guel, CA 926771 949-5E2€200 Kdstina Boero: (805) 65+2467 Chdstina Song, Core Communicelions/ Vedzon 2749 Satum Street Brcâ CA92E21; 714-3334441 [¡ichelle DAnna (605) 65+2685 Mike Sedell 2929 Tepo Cânyon Roed Appl¡cant cubicyardoffll,andepproxinatelyl,l30cubicyardsofexpod V\,atertolhepropertywouldbeprov¡dedbythe County of Venture Leke Sheeood Conmun¡ty Seruice Disfid and wâsle water d¡sposal would be hand¡ed by the Tdunfo Sânitâlþn District Access 10 lhe sile wÍl¡ be provided by a 20 foot wide åll-weather surface drivewây connecled lo Lake SheMoocl Drive. The qrâdif,g, constÍoctio0, and any gaound dislurbence ectivilies related to the proposed dwelling and tree removâls/a¡leral¡ons w¡ll not involve âny blast¡ng, pile¿riving, or vibretory compaction Nighflrme low voftage ouldoor ¡¡ghling lhat will be d¡rccled downwerd end away from neighbors. end window and door locks will be pmvided for security PL1 4-001 5 o3t25!2015 234011 0460 Requeslforal0yeartimeexlensrontoanexislingVeiizonVviÉ¡essCommunicalio0sfecilìty,CUP LU04-0017å1 thecornerolWoodRdandandHwyl Nochangeinequipmenl,one50footlallmonolrce,l2panelenlennâs, equ¡pment sheher and micrcwave dish No battedes, change to emergency gensrâlor in 2008 LU08-0130 INSTALLAND OPERATE AN UNIUANNED WIRELESS ANTENNA CO[/lMUÑICATIONS FACILITY CONSISTING OF A "lvlono tree" ANTENNA Res!bmitled ancl awaiting hearing onAugust 5 2004 PL1+0031 61 501 50245 2801 MADERA RD VentuÉ County Unincorp Permil Adjustment 12J0?,2014 Request for Permit Adjuslment lo Cond¡lionel Use Pe¡mf (CUP) LU07-0048 for the Simi Valley Landnil and Recycl¡ng Center lo adjusl lhe approved bofier area for the landf¡¡ to accomodale the shool¡ng range proposed by the Simi Valley Police Oepadment (CUP PL13-0132). Simi Vâlley, CA 93063; 805-583€772 PL14-0040 1520102D30 I\¡¡nor Modif¡câlion 11t1012014 Therequestfora25-yearrênewalloCond¡tionslUsePemit(CUP)4858 priortoerpirâtiononAugust2,2014, This Applicat¡on requesls a Minor Mod¡fication of existing CresNiew Muluel Weter compa¡y CUP 4858 tor an exlens¡on of 25 yeaß (minimum) Creslview Mulual Waler Company (Cl\4W, formed in the yesr'1950, serues an årea thal includes âbout 600 seryices in Unrncorporâted Vènlura County neêr lhe Cily ot Csmarillo ClvlwcurentlyholdsCUP4S5E(ettachedtoAPNl59-0-032-065)whiDhexpiresAugusl2,2014 Krislinã Boerol (805) 654-2467 Creslview Muluel Waler Company 328 Valley Vistâ Dr Camarillo, CA93010; 805-850-9998 CUP4858wås rnitiâled ând approved ¡n 1994 and granled ân extension often yeårs in 2004 |n200ô,aPermilAdjuslmentwâsâpprcvedloallowårcques1foral¡meefensionofupto25years lnaccordance with seid PermitAdjustmenl, this applicalion rcquesls e 25 year extension otthe existing CUP 485E ln an efort to confoÍm to lhe curenl Counly applicâtion requiremenls for mutual waler syslems we are submitt¡ng documenletion of syslem infrasl¡ucture ¿s well âs supporting cerl¡fcalions and permils as requ¡red. No Chenges Proposed This Appl¡cal¡on does nol propose any chanqes 10 lhe existing system; any new conslruction or upgÉde of infrastruclure, âny expensìon ofseruice erea orsystem capac¡ly Comp¡iánce with Curent Regulatory Requirements CMW mêels ãll the requircmenls of the current Venlurê County WâteMorks Menua¡ âs well âs Certiñed Un¡fied Program Agency - Hezârdous À/låterials Program Water Syslem Descriplion The inlrastucture system inconorates fivo separâle propeny s¡les with ebove-gmund facililies (Please see anached System Map ) They ere âs follows WollË4 6Alv6oDr -APN 152-0-332-165 Well#5,BooslerSlâtion,TreatmentPlanl(inect¡ve) Well*6 241 CreslviewAve -APN 152-0-'190-285 Reservoir#l Reseruoir 602ValleyVistaDr-APN159-0-032-065 Via Zamora -APN 152-0-410¡65 #2, Offlce/Yerd 326 Valley Vista Dr -APN 152-0-102-030 Note Well #6 is within the City of Cãmarillo jurisdiction County of Vêntura, Plann¡ng D¡vision Recently Apprcved Prcjects o5to4t2015 Page 4 Pêrmil Date Number Parcel No. PL14-OO44 01 70090470 Address 1 00 E El Robler orive À¡e¡ners Oaks, CA Planner Perm¡t Type Approved Perm¡t Description Case Planned Development 02126/2015 Plenned Development Permil lo replece en expired Conditionel L,se Permil for an ex¡slinq 4,003 squâre foot commercial building wiih 6 lênânt spaces loceted ¡n the Comñercial Oja¡ VålleyAreâ Plan land use designâtion and the Commercie¡ Plânned Development Zone Distr¡ct âddressed as 1O0, 1O2, 1O4 1 06, 1 08, and 1 1 0 Eesj El Roblâr Dnve The subject property 15,575 square leel and inciudes 24 parking spaces, e 25 access driveway on E¡ Roblaa Dive and a 25 foot wide driveway on Lomita Avenue One 1,006 squâre fool tenant space 6 dedicaled to â reslautânl which has â 470 square fool ouldoor eating ¿rea and lhe olher f¡ve lenant spaces åre occup¡ed by other commerciel uses The P¡ânned Development requesl rncludes the allowance to have tenant chenges ¡n the exisling commercial spaces lhrough a Zoning Clearance as long as the replacement use is permitjed by a Planned Developmenl PermiL es delâiled in Counly ofVenturâ Non-Coast¿l Zoning Od¡nance Seclion 8105-5 (permjfred Uses ¡n Commerciel and lndustrial Zones) and the replacemenl use has lhe same parking requirement as the use it FÍânca Rosengren: (80s) 65+2045 is.eplåcing AsignprogremhasbeensubmiltedasrêquiredbytheOjaiAreâPlân, Appl¡cant Robert Smilh 12777 Tree Rânch Rd Ojai, cA 93023, 805-558S322 Walerlothesite¡sprovidedby the lvlêineß Oeks Weter Dislriôt and waste wster is hendled by the Ojâi Valley Senitery Distr¡cl The build¡ng end site improvements were orìginally åpproved by Condlionel Use Permit 3786 wh¡ch hâs subsequently expired No new developmenl is proposed PL14-0045 06301 80465 1 O1 ORCHARD DR VENIURA, CA 9300,1 Permit Ad,uslmenl o4t0612015 PermfAdjuslmenl ofPlanned Developmenl No 987 lor a commerc¡al slorage fâc¡lity located ¿t 1O1 Orchard Drive intheNodhVe[lursAvenueAreâ(APN063-0-180-465) Thepermitådjustmenttncludesthelegâlizationof2csßo conta¡neß localed adjacenl 10 Build¡rg A lhe 2 cargo contaìners el¡minâted 3 parking spaces thereby reducing the perkinglrom40lo3Tspaces AnewADApârkingspacewillbeeddedadjaceñtlotheexistingoffiæbuild¡ng Additionally, lhe adjustment includes the installal¡on ofa new lresh enclosure, â decoralive iron sljding entrance FÉncâ Rosengren: (805) 654-204s Orchard Self Slorage L 101 Orchãrd Drive Ventura, CA 93001; P 8054424773 gate end a new concrete block entance wåll A rcvised landscaping plan has been submítled 10 author¡ze the inslallation of âlLernâtivê screen¡ng lrees along lhe noihwesterly ponion of the propeny l¡ne and add planls neer off¡ce buildinq and along lhe south easterly property line Water to the site ¡s provided by the City of Venturå snd waste w¿ter disposal is hândled by the Ojai Sânitary Dislrìcl Also see PL12-01 74 - minor modifìcÊl¡on of CUP4E78 for a caretaker dwelling to euthorize a 20 yeêr eÍension of iimê PL14-0046 ',1100060605 PL14-0056 151 PL14-0062 0040555 0290020020 7E4O BALCOM CANYON RD, SOMtS, CA 93066 Land ConseNation Ac1 1212t2014 Rescission/re-entry ol 4 etist¡ng agdcultural LCA conlÉcls Tess HaÍ¡si (80s) 654-2453 Ed Jefferson 2524 Townsgale Road LJnl D Thousand Oåks, CA 91 361 i E05-379-0020 312 ANACAPA DR CAMARILLO. CA9301O Pârcel o4lo7t2D1S A tênlative parcel map for a subdivision, PM5930, 10 create 2 lots, prcposed Parcel 1 will be 20,000 sf ånd proposed Parcel 2 w¡ll be 20,366sI Parcel I has en exisling 3'100 sf SFR end garege The percel cuiently ulilizes an on site sewege disposal system and waler service is from the pleasanl Velley Àrulual Wate Compeny Nicole Donerl (605) 654-5042 Jamos Johnsoo 220 Glencrest Circle Projecl reMsed to 3 lols on Mây Elìas Valencia (80s) 654-3635 4230 THACHER RD. À/lêp Lot L¡¡e Adjustment 01 t12t2015 1 5, 2014, new exh¡bils submì[ed oJAl. cA 93023 Camarillo, CA930'10; 805-208-990s An application for â 2 ¡o! PlllW-LLAto match existing lence line Both parcels ere developed with residenlal uses, and rndividual seplic disposal systems Apn 029-0-020{2 is a listod h¡storic site of merit PL14-0070 0280010090 î175 GRAND AV, VentuÉ Counly Unincorp Lot L¡ne Adjustmenl 11t1012014 PI¡W-LLA to adjusl 2 ofìhe prevously adjusled percels Both are vecant legal lots trom e prcvtous LLA 323-969-S904 Winston Wrighl: (805)654-2468 SD08-0032 previous lot line adjustment of 3 legâl lots and voluntary reslitclive coveoânts included for wetland selback âtd open space preserualion PL14-0071 8010310015 61 OO E DOUBLETREE RD. OAK PARK, CA 91377 lìr¡nor lllodifcâtion 1?J22t2014 The åpplicanì requests â Minor lvlodificalion lo Conditionsl Use Permil 4550 to åuthor¡ze ìhe cont¡nued operetion and mainlenånce of e church for en addit¡onel 5o-yeâr period No new developmenl is proposed The original CUp wasappiovedbylhePlanningCoñmissiononNovember30,l9S9forlheconstrudionolal5,gEosq ft church fscilitywithadelachedSo-ft tallspireforâ25yearperiodendìngonAugusl3'1,2014.tnâddit¡ontolhe15,9BO assembly building, the sile is developed with an apprcxìnalely 300 sq ft slorage Jonelhan Culler 4230 Thâcher Road Ojai, CA 93023-9368; Krislinê Eoerol (ED5) 654-2467 MaEârel Vânderfln 4861 Cslle oescaso Câmar¡llo, CA 93012: 805-44E-7672 Kyle Haris Aroyo Grande, CA 93420; 805-574-1 550 building for grounds meintenance l9Tparkingspaces ândtheassocietedlandsøp¡ng l4hlertoprojectsiteisprov¡dedbytheOakparkWater Seryice and wãsle water disposal ¡s accommodãted by Lhe Triunfo County Sanitâlion District County of Ventura, Planning D¡vision Recently Approved projects o51o4t2015 Page 5 Perm¡t Number Pârcel No- Address PL1ê0084 0900070080 12908 WTELEGRAPH RD, SANTA PAULA, CA 93060 Date Pemit Type Cond¡l¡onal Use Permit Plånner Apprcved Perm¡t Descript¡on Case 12122J2011 Condit¡onel L¡se Permit for an Agriculural Constracto/s Serv¡ce and StoÉg€ yard at a 9 42 acre properly located at Becky L¡nder: (80s) 6s4-2469 'l2908W6stT€legraphRoad¡ntheSantsPaulaareå Thesubjectproperty¡s¡0th€Agr¡culturalExclusiveZone DEtrict with s ¡[0 scrs minimum pårcel size end the A0ricullursl c€neBl Plan land use designat¡on_ The site is developed wilh e s¡nglo family dwell¡ng, en¡mal husbandry, ånd orchads Appror¡metely 2.5 ofthe property proposodfortheslorãg€ofågricuhur6lhucks,lrâileE,andågículturÞlequipment 1610040040 3756 Somis CA l¡/l¡nor Modif¡cal¡on 0312312015 Jose Gonzalez 1 2908 Vl,/est Telegrâph Road Senta Paula, CA 93060; 805-3384762 ¡s Theconditionalusepêmlìs proposed to abstê violetion @se number CVf3-0493. PL14-0093 Appl¡cant M¡nor Modificåtion to Cond¡tìon¿l Use Pem¡t (CUP 4,195-2) Cåse No LU10-0071 to extend the permit l¡me frsme for an addilional 20 yeaE, lo el¡m¡natê thô prev¡ous ent¡llemênt lo construcl â 98,720 sq ft greenhouse, and to remove the conversion of en ex¡sting 52,095 sq ft. grsenhouse to â werehouse The exisling S2,09S sq fl. greenhoùse w¡ll conl¡nue lo operÊte €s a 9ßenhouse N¡æle Do¡erl (805) 654-s042 Ed lves 3200 GofCourse Drive Venture, CA 93003: 805-386-5717 The sppl¡cånt provided thê follow¡ng project descript¡on: The prcject ¡s e request for a lJlodifical¡on lo Condil¡onal Use Permil 4495, lo 6{ônd CUP 4495 for an add¡l¡on¿l 20 yeâß (from June 1 9, 200E lo June 1 9, 2028) to continue the agícultuÍal operat¡on thât involves the grow¡ng, harvesl¡ng, as well as ¡mporl of loweG and other plants to be sob ãnd utili¿ed as ornamentåls The prcposed hof¡coltural opèrâtion inwlves lhe use of flowers and plents thal ãre dyed, ¡nfussd w¡th frog¡ânæ, dded and assembled ¡nto bouquols 8nd v8r¡ous other emngemênts lor bulk sele lo outs¡de vendoE The propos€d project w¡ll revsße the prev¡ous mod¡lløt¡on to construct ån sppmximately 98,720 square foot (s f ) bu¡¡d¡ng (Íeferred lo ãs buibing 8-'1 4), wh¡ch was pr6v¡ously proposed es a greenhouse. and this b!¡lding is no longer a pårt of lhê project L¡k6w¡se, lhe proposod conveE¡on of thê 52,095 sf Bu¡ld¡ng B-8 from â grc6nhouse lo ã wêrehouse will also be æmoved from the CIJP, All stored it€ms prêvìously ind¡calod ss e violâl¡on hsve been r€mov6d from the s¡te, and lhere s¡e no âdministEl¡ve ofl¡ce funcl¡ons onsnô (€ll hare been rêloetåd to a facility in lh6 City ofVentuE) Thå exist¡ng struclures onsilé will rema¡n perth6 Building Legênd indicotêd on the sit€ pl.n. No hous¡ng olherth€n one ex¡sl¡ng caÞtaker res¡denoo will continue to bå prov¡dod onsile. No composit¡ng operatjons are proposed as part of the prcj6ct. Thê Condit¡onal Use Pêrn¡t (CLJP) boundsry includes Êpprcx¡mately 48 62 acres ofthe subjecl prcpeñy. The proposed projBcl w¡ll not åltarthe sxist¡ng msximum number of 99 tull time equivalent ("FTE.) employÊes nor does the Permitlee pþpos6 to exc6ed e lotal of 99 employåês dâily or during the houß ot oparâtion The employees wofting on site as full-l¡me pårmenènt employees, contrect êmployees, and seesonal ând pâit¡mo lsboreß êngâged {hrough labor agenci6s will not exæed the tot€l of 205,920 houÉ per yeâr No trêes or nstiw vegeiation aÉ to bè ßmovBd as a result of lhis CUP mod¡fcation lhe project sne will continue to be prcvided by Ventura County t þleMorks Dislr¡cl prcvided by podable restrooms and Ên ¡ndiv¡dual sowage dispossl systen. V\ibter to 1 9 San¡tât¡on ¡s to be VVe a¡so request lhat lhe County remove or modify any condilions relaled to storfrwâter runoffand onsite delenl¡on due to lhe removâl oflhe delention bas¡n from the project end lhe lack of new impery¡ous aGa County of VêntuÉ, Plânn¡ng Div¡s¡on Recently Approved projêct¡ oslo4t20't5 P¡gG 6 Date Pemif Number PL14-0095 Pa@l No. Addess Pemit Type 645 LAGUNA RD. VentuÉ Couniy lJn¡ncorp Perm¡lAdjùslñênl Apprcved Plånner Pem¡t D€cript¡on Case 4924 to leqalÞe the construction of43,580 squar€ feet of to bu ¡ld¡ngs: 1 ) e 202 sq lf. sto rsge eq u ipmon I a 2, 17 ,441 sq. ft. b reâkrcorvpacking/slorÊg ê b u¡ld¡ng. Th ô project also ¡nclude the con@6ion of 25.595 sq fi. of ^d 9rcênhous€ to storage and the âcknowlegment of alÊsdy constructôd and permitl6d electricât buib¡ngs (4) tolel 5/t4 sq. lt on thê âpprovod site plen Kdst¡nå Boêrc: (605) 65+2,{67 Applicant Houweling NuÉeciês 645 W taguna Rd Camsrillo, CA930!2; 271 -5 1 05 The tollowing descr¡pt¡on hás been providod by the ãpplicânt forthis p@jectl Lighl¡ngl Th€re ¡s no new l¡ght¡ng proposed et this time. Park¡ng: Houweling's proposes to remove lhe lwo addit¡onal, unnecessary handicap sp¿ces, ánd âll spaces will be restripod. 1 Sttuctures edded lo sìte plan/CUP; Thô new stÍuctures have been ãdded to th€ site plan, including the irr¡gal¡on eqùipment slorage buildif,g the ¿ltered Gre€nhoùse 6 ¡ntêrior slorâge ares/mezanìne, the Greenhouse 5 storage area/m€zan¡ne/bÍeak Íoom, and 4 Ple.sorefêrlothesiteplanforfunherdet¿il. smãll,blockwâll-construct¡on6leclr¡c.lbu¡ldings The øl shâde slructure and me(sl storage bu¡ldings Édjacênt to Greenhouse 5 have be€n removecl. We request to add s total needed 2. The of25 sloråge conlãinôÉ to lhe cUP, which sre reloc6led regulerly Eround lhê sile ¿s fármwo*6r un¡t ment¡onod in the NoV hes been rômoved lrom the s¡te, out ofthe stete 3. Pavement and mâtôrials outside the easlem CUP boundary: An easemenl is bôing pursued from the ne¡ghbor¡ng propêrty ownerto use this land for psv¡ng and equ¡pment sloßge ând this area w¡ll be ¿dded lo thê CLJP when lhe eosement Ls æmpléted The eåsement lerm w¡ll metch lhe CtlP timê liñ¡l term- The d€bris located in the dra¡nage d¡lch is not from Houwel¡ng's opeEl¡ons The ditch parcel to lhe ôasl. ¡s locâlôd on the ad.iãænt 4 S¡gnsl Thô sign on the easlem srle of th€ entrance w¡ll be Emoved. The sign on the western side ofthe entrance will Émain, and it ìs 5'1 0" wide x 4'lâll (23 32 sq fr) and is currently 4' oñlhe groùnd, making it 6'to the lop ofthe sign The posts will be shortenéd end the sign w¡ll bo hwered to 5'totål hêight in ordêrto ænform to the sign ord¡nanoe (seè ett¿chod s¡gn exh¡bit). The sign arca ¡s Elready consislerl w¡th the ord¡nance al 23.32 sf, 5 SloÉge/pack¡nghouse/bfeakroom: This comment EfeÍs to lhe orþinal, exist¡ng, and st¡ll operat¡ons pâckìnghoùse. This structure has always been used Es ã psck¡nqhouse for Greenhouses I and 2, 6s well as â cooler, break Íoom, small office, and reæntly addêd storege srea The uses conlsin€d lherô¡n hew not changed, so the dosignalion ofthe enl¡r€ erca ås sloregê is in eror. The sile plan has be€n revised io relect the ex¡sl¡ng configurat¡on. Groundwater use relatêd lo additìonel f¡xtures: Eâch ind¡v¡duâl employee uses approximatôly 25 gallons per påßon per day. Sìnce theÍe is no increase in employees or personnel, and p¡6v¡ously lhe Greenhouse 5 and 6 employees werê using poÉâble to¡lels with wash bas¡nwetercomingfromth€well,iheonlyaddit¡onalwalerdemsndcomesfromlhetoilels Therefore,thel6 sdd¡tionâl toilêts create an addit¡onal waler demand 0f2,050 gallons pêr day This calcul6tion is based on 320 employees usìng the loileß, which is 1 to¡let pêr 20 employees, and assum¡ng thel each employee uses lhe to¡let ¿n eveEge of4 times per day, ¿nd each toilet requkes 1.6 gallons per use Sinæ the total water demand ofthê sile is âlmost enl¡rely agdculture-relaled, and fuclu¿tes between 500 000 gallons and 1,000,000 gallons a day, the addil¡onel 2,050 gallons usêd by the toilets ìs not ã sign¡fænt ¿ddÌt¡onal e¡ract¡on fiom the well. When seesonal weter usê llucluât¡ons are ænsid€ed, the âdditional use is even less sìgnifcant County of Venturå, Plann¡ng Divis¡on Recenlly Apprcvèd Prcjects o5to4t2015 P¡ge 7 Permit Numbe¡ Parcel No. PL14-0098 1550180045 Date AddÞss Pemit Type Conditional LJse Permit Approved Pem¡t Descr¡pt¡on 12t17t201 4 conditional Use Pemìt for an exisling wiroless communicaLion faci¡¡ty origanally approved as Conditional Use pemit Case 5311onOctober23,2003 CUP53llhassubsequen(yexptredsndpli4-0098wi¡lrcp¡¿ceit Planner Becky L¡nder: (80s) 6s4-2469 The curent request includes the fol¡ow¡ng: Appl¡c¿nt Sprint 6391 Sprinl Perkwây Overlend Pârk, KS 66251, 600-357-7641 The âpplicant Sprint-NeÍel, pußuanl to conditional of approval No 2a, (expied on Oclober 23, 20i3) of conditionalusePernitNo cuP53ll,approvedonoclober23,2oo3,isrcquesl¡nganewcondiliona¡usepe¡mit to replace sâid permit for the continual use of ils unmânned Wireless Telecommunications Fac¡lily for ân addljonal 10 (len) yeer period There ere ¡o proposed mod¡ficetions being made to the sile al lh¡s Lime Projecl Scope The applicânt, SprinLNextel, proposes to meintain an unmsnned, Wireless Telecommunications Facil¡ty (WTF) on an existing wâler tank lhal is 300 feet norlh of lhe inlersection of Eåsl Highland Drive ând H¡ghland Hil¡s Drive on a 38,279 squere feel ( E6 åcres) lo1 that is curenlly owf,ed by the PleasEnl Velley Mulual Wâter Company The ex¡sling WTF consisl of three (3) panel snlenn¿s ñounted on pipe mounts on lhe feçade oflhe water lank; ñine (9) remote râd¡o unús (RRU), lhree RRU's below eåch psngl antênnå; six (6) ouldoor equipment cabinels consisl¡ng of: 1)Balterybeck-upcab¡nel 2)ACpowercåbinet 3)Telcoceb¡net 4)Fiberjunctioncab¡net 5)trlodcellæb¡net 6)TWCBoxetcab¡net Allequipmenliswilhinâ4'high,CMUthÉe-sidedwellenclosurelhâìmeesures2l:B'¡ 11 -11 PLl&0101 0990060045 Lot L¡ne Adjustment 03117t2o',l5 Lol Line Adjustment belween lwo M2 Zoned Propedies localed ¡n the Mission Rock Road ar€a of Venturâ involv¡ng APNS 099-0-060-045, 099-0-060-165, 099-0-060-495, 099-060-505, 099-0-060-5.15, 099-0-060-S25 Ex¡sring proposedparcelA Parcel1is2l2,51lsquarcfeet¡nsizeandtheex¡st¡ngParcel2¡s125,699squåÍefeetinsize pârcelAisdevelopedwitha is303,219squ¿refeelinsizeandproposedPercelBis34,99'lsquarefeelinsize wasle weter lec¡lily which hås no buildìngs only wâll skuctures and â sewer line p¡peline ¡nteke parcel B is El¡as Vâlencial (ð05) 65+3635 Ben Turnef 812 RaikoadAvenue Santa Paulâ, CA 930ô0i 805-525S400 El¡âs Valenc¡e: (805) 6s4-363s Davis John R Tr 12179 Koenqstein Rd Sântâ Peula, CA 93060; (E05) 640-1ss1 Hai Nguyen: lJlatthew Lasecki E657 GÉnd Avenuo Rosemêad, CA 91770; developed w¡th aû oil well and oil tanks, but no buildings PL1+O102 0400220185 12179 KOENIGSTEIN RD, SANTA PAULA. CA Lol Line Adjuslmenl 05/04/2015 93060 No 531 1 known as Assessor parcel Nuñbers 040-0-220-185(PercellofLLA),040-0-220-195(Parcel2ofLLA),ånd040-0-220-205(percet3orLLA) Lot Line Adjustment between Lot 4, 5, and 6 of Parcel Map respectivoly The subject propedÌes âre addressed ås 12179, 12288 ând 12507 Koenigstein Roed in Upper Ojai_ Parcel 1 is curently 26 9'1 ¿c¡es in size, P€rcel 2 is currenlly 20.50 acres in s¡zê, and parcel 3 is curenlly 20 S0 acres in size The LLA would resu¡t ¡n Pârcel 1 be¡ng 22 45 ecres in stze. Parcel 2 being 21 72 âcres in size, and Parcel 3 being 23,73 ecres in size All of lhe lots involved in lhe LLA are within the Open Space cenerel Plan land use designetion, the Open Spãce Ojâ¡ Areâ Plan land use designãtion, and in lhe Opôn Space 2o-ecre miniñum paÍcelsizezonedistrict Asnumber6dlotsofaprcv¡ouslyrecordedpa¡celmapinJuneof2OO2,allofthesubjecl lols Ere conforming legal PL14-0104 '1550270165 o3t1712015 lots Al¡ result¡ng lots woüld remain as conforming lots lhål âre over20 acres in s¡ze Condit¡onal Use Permil for the ongoing operal¡on ol â Pdvate Water PuNeyor w¡lh reseryoir f¿cilities located on Assessor Pårcêl Number 155-0-270-165 wilh¡n the Opon Space ceneEl Plân land use destgnation ând the Open Spåcef0-âcZoneDislr¡clintheCamar¡lloAres Cond¡lionallJsePermil(CUP)No45T3wasoriginallyapprovedin 1989 to conskucl ân above-ground ste6l reservoir tank wlh e 400,000 gallon to supplement an exisl¡ng 5EO,OOO qallon resevoh tank thst provides storage for the Californ¡a-American Water Company (CAWC) Las posas Serui€ AÉa nodh of Camar¡llo CUP N. 4573 subsequently expired ând this parm¡l is being processed to replâce the (80s) 65,t5193 9164754740 expired entitlement The Lâs Posâs coñmunily serued by the system ¡s comprised primedly of res¡denliel end âgricullursl lend uses The curent population ofthe w¿ler consumption is ãpproximalely 2,400 people, representing 620 service connecl¡ons, wilh lwo irrigâtion connect¡ons for Mars Farro and the Las poses Country Club TheÍe are curenfly len lols approved undêr 27 PM 63 ìhal could be developed The syslem relies sole¡y on imporled water from Calleguas lvlunic¡pal VVater Dish¡ct to meel all of its customeF denand The señice area boundary is roughly bounded by propeñies on FaiMey Drive ând Câlledo Street ât the nodh, the propedies Ramon¿ Drive el Lhe west, onNo new developnent is proposed and the seryice area boundâry ¡s nol being expanded, the propedies on Cam¡no Concordie and Call€ AuroÉ et lhe soulh, ând lhe properties on Old Coach Drive at lhe east side County of Ventura, Plann¡ng Div¡s¡on Recently Apprcved p.ojects o51o4t2015 Page I Permit Number Pãrcel Date PLl+0105 7010030100 No. AddÈss 12220 COTHARIN RD, I\IALIBU, CA 90285 Pemit TyÞe M¡nor Modifoetion Pl.nner Apprcved Pem¡t Descript¡on o2to412015 MinorModifìcationNo PLl4-0'105,(Mod¡fic¿t¡onofCondiûonalUsePemitNo LU'10{100)¡ssrequestbythe appl¡canl 1o convert the ex¡st¡ng 56'1 squåG fool éxêrcisô room ¡nto ¿n addlionål @bin (câb¡n 5) that would acøñmodâ16 cåmp guesls The prcposed oonve6¡on ûouH not rôsuf inüeâss the size of the skucture or the Krisl¡ñâ Boèro: (E05) 654-2467 numbôrofCuestspermittedtobêons¡lê Nonewdevelopmentoraddit¡onalchangeswilhtheoperstionoflhe Applicant R¿nch At Live Osk 12220 Colhðrin Road Malibu, CA e0265; 310-457-3369 fitnoss ând wel¡ness camp åre proposed wilh the subjecl modif¡cstlon, Thê exist¡ñg frtness end wellness camp includes lhe @ntinued opôrâlion end mãintonance oflhê filness ¿nd wellness ømp (known as thô Raoch at Live O6k, 'Ranch) for an âdditionsl 1 5 yeâr pêdod, 6nding Apr¡l 1 2, 2029. Tâble I, below, includes en invenlory of shuclurEs thsl lho Ranch operalion w¡ll cont¡nue to ul¡lizô ss pert of lho R¿nch operâtion Tåblel-Ex¡st¡ngStructuresAssociåledwithM¡norMod¡ficâtionNo PLl+0105(Modif¡calionolCUPCåseNo LU10-0106) Or¡ginal Use Pemitted children3 Childrên's ChildBn's Children3 bunk bunk bunk bunk house house house house Use Prcposêd Use Squ€re Feet ofstructuß cabin '1 No chângê 1,087 Cab¡n Câb¡n Cab¡n 2 3 4 No No No Change Change Changô ô99 1,0BB 1,421 No Chanoe 1,344 RÊcreat¡oû Kitchen for guests snd recreelion hall (Recreetion No Change Båth¡nq Exerclse bu¡ld¡ng Câb¡n 561 NA Camp storegô No Chenge 384 Foremân's residence Lounge, k¡tchen forgùesls, guestdin¡ng h€ll (forcman's building/otrice) Storaûe and smâll ân¡mål Utility No Chenge 1,040 NA Pool end spa No Chânge 3,S00 NA Garden storÊge No Chenq6 480 NA Statrresidenæ hall fac¡lity sheds compound Hall) 5 bu¡ld¡ng 2,150 No Ch8nge 2,247 shed Guests shall continuê to err¡vê and depert th6 s¡tê e€ch week v¡e a shulle seryioe prov¡ded by the P6rmitlee A maximum of 32 ovem¡ghl guests shell slay sl lhe s¡te for a onê week pêr¡od The Éåcility shâll be limiled to e mex¡mum of E stâff membersAn onsite wætewâter treålment plant w¡ll conl¡nue lo be utilÈed for ell structures included w¡thin the CUP âre¿. ln add¡tion, three, 4,950 gallon watertanks w¡ll continue lo seruê thÊ Rânch fordorest¡c and fire supprcssion use ire hydrânls end turnarounds hew been ¡nstslled with¡n the CUP permit boundary eree and ere permitled as part of th¡s CuP Ex¡sting gaden walls and retain¡ng walls, rEng¡ng in s¡ze from 3 feet ¡n heþht to over 6 feet ¡n heþht, are locâted thrcughoui thê CIJP âreâ, and ere permitled as pârl of lhis CIJP Addilional The grading, developmenl, use, ând meintenance ofthe prcperty, lhe size. shape, arrangement, snd bcâlion of slruclures, park¡ng åreâs ând lands€pe ârees, and th€ prolecl¡on ¿nd proseryation of rèsourcês shâll conforn lo the projecl descdpl¡on abov¿ and all approved County lånd use heer¡ng exh¡bils ¡n supporl ofthe proiecl and oond¡tions of approvel below PL'+0120 5020010105 Land ConseNÊtion Acl 'lzlogaoÁ Th€ prcject is for s new '10 yeâr LCA confsd for Le€vens Ranches The propêdy ¡s ,17.ô8 scr6s ånd is pl¿nted ¡n lemons snd åvocados The contråct contå¡ns I legal lol compris6d of2 APNS: 502{-0'10-105 ¡nd 502-0-080-055. S€e LCA Contráct # 76-6-8 Toss H€il¡s: (805) 654-24ss Sakåguohl S Sua Tr Esi Etsl 9145 Jåll¡coAve Northridge, C491325j E1E-326.€898 PLlê0133 O10A20127D I459 N FOOTHILL RD oJAl, cA93023 Lol LlnêAdjustmenl 0510412015 Lol f¡nê ådjustmènl bôtween to two på@ls (APNS 01 0-0-201-27 & 01 0-0-201-2E) addÞss€d ås 1447 aîd 147-t Foolh¡ll RoEd in lhe Ojå¡ ArêÊ. The subj€ct pâroels ¿re with¡n the RuÉl Resklent¡al 2-5 Dw€ll¡ng Unit Ojâi Vålley Ar€a Pl6n lsnd uso design€t¡on ond lhe RurslAgriculture (RA-2 âc) Zone Designat¡on Pa@l 1 (ApN 010-0-201-27) is currênlly 1 '160 ecres ¡n s¡ze and Pârc61 2 (APN 010-0-201-2E) is 1.705 acr6s ìn size The lot l¡ne âdjuslment woub convèy en équal amount of land from and to eåch påÉêl msulting ¡n the same s¿e parcels ìhal e¡¡sled pr¡or to the lot l¡ne €djustmenl with P€rcel 1 being '1.160 ecres in s¿e snd P6rcel 2 be¡ng 1.705 ácÉs in s¡ze Ëli¡s Vslencial (805) ôs4-3635 RênniêAdam 14Sg Foolhill Road Oje¡, CA 93023; 805446.3675 County of Ventura, Plann¡ng D¡v¡s¡on Reæntly Approved Projec,ts 05r04r2015 Page 9 Date Perm¡t Number Pãrcêl No. Ptl+0141 6480260020 AddEss Pemit Typa Apprcved PASS RD, SIMI VALLEY cA 93063 Pl¡nner Pemit D$cript¡on Cale to - 4955 ln ordor to upgrsde ân exisling leleôom fãc¡lity en(fs0' toll sleel monopole lor Verizon Wireless - lnstâllation of twelve (12) E'panel ânlonnas (3 secloE of 4 antennås ôåch) centored at 50'for a mex height of 54', 12 RRU'S (4 on each sector), two (2) GPS ôntenn€s within án ôxisl¡ng ôquipmsnt sheller. one (l) 4' microwâvâ dish, B new 30 kw generEtor on s 5'xg' concrote spill æntainment pad. Becky L¡nd6rl (805) 65+246S Appl¡cant 1745 Orångewood Ave Suite'105 Orån06, CA 92E68; 81E 269 0002 The unmanned fac¡lity is loÉted åt 7401 SanlÉ Susenna Pess Roâd in the Sim¡ Vålley aß¿, APN:648.0-260-020 The lEcility is ac@ssed v¡å a gãled pdvote concrete dr¡vêwây known 6s Twilight Canyon Tl off ofS€nla Susana P¿ss Rd The fâcil¡fy does not ut¡lize wster lo operate. ll w¡ll be in opeÉlion 24 hours a dây, seven dâys a wêek Zoning on the site is O9160 ac, and ceneral Plân dêsignâtion ¡s Open Spâcê. A 6 fool high chain l¡nk fence êxlension with thÉe stÉnds of baôed wie ¡s proposed of72 s-f- to the exist¡ng 200 s f lease area, mak¡ng lhe n8w lease area 272 s.L PLl 4-01,13 1150212310 567 VENTURA BL, oxNARD, CA 93036 PômitAdjuslment 1?,O8t2014 ùo edd the geneÉlor pad aroâ Perml Adjustment to Developmgnt Permit 62 for tenanl change from pâinl storê to wholesâle Íoollng sâles end E VentuÉ Bhd., Oxnerd. dislr¡but¡on ât 567 El¡as Valenc¡e: (60s) ô5,r-3635 Pâtrick Mc llhennêy V¡e Alondra Unil E1'l-e Csmarillo, CA 93O'12; (805) 482-9000 Cß¡g M¿linl (605) 654-2488 Dee€h R¡ley 12900 Park Plaza Drivè Cerrfos, CA 90703; (e49) Th6 ådiustm6nl includes landscâpe ¡mprovements, acc€ssible perking improvements, a new 8'vinyl fenø with 30' wide manual bypâss gate, ând ouldoor stoÉOe of roofing suppl¡es ând circulâtion fortrucks An ant¡cip€ted 16E0 gallons of hazadous môleriâl wilt be stored on site as indicâled on lhê submitted Metgr¡eb and Wasles lnvenlory M€trix Repon. PLl4-0147 0600030040 10151 OCEANVIEWRD, Ventura County Unincorp Perm¡tAdjuslment 12¡3112014 Haardous PermilAdjustmentto modify equ¡pment on an existing commun¡æl¡on fec¡l¡ty tower owned by the County ofSanta 8¿rbaÉ, the pârenl pem¡l is Condition¿f Use Perh¡l LU07-0079 wh¡ch exp¡res 20'17 The ãdjustmênt cove6 A1åT equipm6nt upgrads as follows: remowl of two +fool pânel ántennas wilh RAD centeF at 64 fegl, removal oflwo 6-foot diameter microwave antennas wilh RAo centeß at E4 feet ând 91 feet, r6ñoval of one 8-fool d¡am€ter microwave dish wilh å RAD cenler at 15 feet, removal of one 2-foot diãmeter m¡croû¿ve dish with e RAD center sl 50 feet, the instellgtion of (2) 6-foot penel âotennas with RAD ænters ât 57 feet, (2) I foot penel antennas wilh RAD centeß at 96 feet. ¡nstâll 5 Remote Rådio Un¡ts to bê mounted beh¡nd the aúays, ând miscellaneous teleæmmuniel¡on equipment upgredes in the equipment enclosure on the grcund sdjacent lo the lower,¡ñproveñent in lhe ground leãsthe êmergency power plâot w¡ll be removed end replaced, plus the acæssory c6ble ând juncl¡ons boxes ss needed Site Number SB0V0'1 at 1 01 5 1 Oceân View Road, op€ralor AT&T PL14-0151 PL14-0f 52 0330372070 fi 0038'1295 11400 N VENTURAAV oJAt, cA 93û23 5883 LA CUMBRE RD, soMls, cA s3066 Minor Modifrætion Lot L¡ne Adjuslmenl o4t23t2015 12J15t2014 8?t 233-09E8 The åppl¡cant requsls s M¡nor Modif¡ælion lo Condil¡onâl Use Permit No LU11-0052 to author¡ze the co-local¡on by f-Mob¡le to en ex¡st¡ng AT&T w¡rôless commun¡cåt¡ons fâcility Th6 êrist¡ng fac¡lity is disguis€d as a mono-eu€¡yplus kêe The proposôd projecl ¡nclud€s thé âddil¡on of nine ånlennas mountgd al lhe 26-fool lewl of th€ exisl¡ng 42-foot tEll trse ånd ¡nstsllâtion of two ground mounted BTS câb¡nêts wilhin qn êxist¡ng 22-foot x 6-fooi lease area All the proposod oquipmenl apa wouE b€ surrounded by a concÞte masonry well. Kr¡stinâ Boem: (805) 65,1-2467 Pârcel Map VVÉiver Lot lino adjushênt bêtween two legâlly exltting d€veloped @nform¡ng lots in lhè RE-1 âc zone thãt will result in the trensler of owneßhip ol an ex¡sting, permittêd s€cond dw6ll¡ng unit Slading sizes: 1 19 and '1 00 €c, Resulling s¡zes: 'l 05 €nd l.'15 åc El¡ãs Vålânc¡a: T-mob¡le Vvest Llc Ontario, CA 91761; (909) 331-7344 (80s) 65+363s Mârk Såuer 5755 Velentine Rd Ventura, CA 93003i 805.656.58E2 5883 & 5887 Lã Cumbrê Rd somis County of Vèntura, Plånn¡ng D¡v¡s¡on Recently Apprcved Prcjêcts 05r0¿l/2015 Page l0 Pe¡m¡t Number Parcel No, PL14-0153 2300180105 Date Address Perm¡t Type Perm¡t Adjuslment Approved Perm¡t Descript¡on çdse 12t10t2î14 Perñíl Adjuslment to CUP-5287 I\¡7-T5 Moorpelk-Ormend Beâch #í and ff2 VerÞon Southwest corner of Lewis Rd and Potrero Rd Valenciâ: (805) 6s4-s63s Verizon Wreless 15505 Sand Canyon Dr lrvinê, CA 92618; 949 286 7000 Becky Linder: (805) 6s4-2469 Adrisn Culic¡ 10640 Sepulveda Blvd Los Angeles, CA 91345; (E1E) €98-9186 Hâi Nguyen: (805) 654-5193 Richârd fang 6391 Sprint Pârkway Overiând Park, KS 66251 (800) 357-7641 I\¡allhew Sauler: (80s) 6s4-2492 Alex Teague Planner This permit adjustmenl is for lhe removal oI six ex¡sling panel anlennas on e SCE lower and replacing them w¡th lour 6' pane¡ anlennas mounted 50' on cenler Four new Édio remote unils w¡ll be mounLed on unulil¡zed bËckels Two reyæp boxes will also be instâlled one of whìch wìll be mounled behind a replacement antennâ, the olher which will be installed wilh¡n ân existng equipmenl shelter. Applicant CUP-5287 orìginally permitted for I panel anlennas (2 seclo6 of 4) end one 2 foot diameter dEh anlenna to be mounted on an ex¡sl¡ng SCE Tower A 760 Sq. Ft ¡ease erea for 240 sq- ft equ¡pment shelter wÌth one cps anlenna lo be mounled on ihe structure Orìginally set 10 exp¡re on [4arch 24, 201 3, 11 2022 PL1+0155 16301s0560 €415 SANTA ROSARD, CAMARILLO, CA 93012 Cond¡tìonâl Use Permfr o4t20t2015 LLJ-1 20058 grântôd â l¡me extension for an expiration date of December Renewål ofexp¡rcd Cond¡t¡onal Use Permil 479ô, ¿n exisling wireless commun¡calion fecility at 94'15 Sânta Rosa Road Proposed modiflcalions lo the s¡le include replecing e¡Et¡ng óqu¡pment. remov¡ng 5 exisling ântennâs and replacing wlh s¡x 4E" hexpotl ând lwo 48" octopod ântennas, instelling two n€w LTE 2C RRU's Cup 4796 was approved by the County of Venturâ on May 26, 1 993 for the conskuction of a communtcelion facil¡ty consLsling of s¡x 46"groundmounledpanelåntennaswilhañâximumhe¡ghlofS'.âprefabricâted12,r25,xi3'undergroundvaull enclosedbyåchåinlinkfonce.SileoperatorisAT&lwireless s¡lenùmbêrisSBOV,Ig sitenemeissentaRosa Road PL14-0156 0610230020 Cond¡lionâl Use Perm¡t 03t30t2015 Replace unknown expired cLlP for existing wireless commun¡cslion equipment on ¿n exisling Edison power pole Siteislocatedâl8100VenlureÀvenueinCaslasSpdngs PL14-0162 0380080305 1141 CUMMINGS RD. Venlura CounÌy Uninærp Permit Adjustmenl o1t27t201 5 S¡teoperelorisSprinlandsilenumber¡sVR33C-XC024 A request to revise lhe prcjecl descripl¡on end plans of ân approved larmworker housing complex (planned DevelopmenlPerñilCaseNo LLJ05-0113) Theproposedproject¡ncludeslheeliminationofthreeepproved,not-yet conskucfed farmworker dwelling units from the Olivelånds siG (APN 064-0-320-07) €nd the âddition of three new units to the Al¡so/800 Camp sile (APN 064-0-310-07) 1141 Cumm¡ngs Road Santa Peulâ, CA 93060; 605 The originãl fsrmworker housing complex wes approvod on April 2, 2009 for 74 farmworker housing (modulsd units dislributed over two sles The proposed request will not change the total number of 74 units. Site I is known as Aliso/Eo0 Cåmp (APN 064-0-310-07) which is @mposed oflhrèe sub-sites or',cêmps,,t BOO Csmp, 800 Camp North,ândE00CâmpEast Theoriginelfarmworkerhousingproloctw€sâpprovedtoâllowfortheconstructionof5T unils (which are curenlly undeÍ construction) al 800 Camp East Site 2 is known âs Olivelands (ApN 064-0-320-07), ând the orginal proiecl wâs aPproved lo allow lorlhe conslruction of ninê units (wh¡ch remãin unbuilt) al Ol¡velânds The proposed project will eliminete three unils frcm the Olivelands site, end add three unils lo BO0 Câmp Eâsl The result will be 60 units et 800 Câmp E¿sl, five units âl 8OO Camp, three unils at 800 Cemp NoÁh, and slr unls ât Olivelands PL14-0167 2180093100 PLí4-0168 8000180215 4164 RAYTHEON RD, OXNARD, CA 93033 Permil Adjustmenl 12J1912014 Pemil Adjuslmenl is gÉnled to eulhorize the ¡nslallation of three 8-foot penel anlennas (one per sector) mounled a1 96 feel above lhe ground on the exÌst¡ng 1oofooi monopole snd lhe ¡nstallâtion oflhree remote rãd¡o unils (RRUs) mounled within the existìng 168-square fool leâse årea The new equipmenl would be owned and operâted by T-Mob¡le The sile number for lh€ WCF is SV00362A lhe site name for the WCF is LA362 Junkyard Dogs PermitAdjustment o4t24t2015 PermitAdjustment lo Conditionãl Use Perm¡l 5085 lo replsce two antennas w¡th a new 6' h¡gh anlennâ ând one RRU (one per sector) Anlennâs mounled on eristing 30' tall water tank at the Triunfo Sanital¡on District lânk site south of Savoy Coud in Osk Perk Permil approved for four anlennas mounted on the tsnk No mod¡fcalion proposed 1o watôr tank or vegelation and no gred¡ng prcposed No pÍoposed changes in cond¡lions of approval Sile number SV005934, s¡te name S¿voy Tank, operâlor T-Mobile Hâi Nquyen: (E05) 654-5193 Synergy Developnent Services 867 E Fronl St Suite A Ventura, CA 93001; (760) 803-6219 Becky L¡ndef (E05) 654-2469 Syneqy Developmenl Seruices E67 E Front Sl SuiteA Venturâ, CA 93001; (760) 8034219 County of Ventura, Plann¡ng D¡vision Recenfly Apprcwd prcjects 05/04/2015 Page 1l Pêrm¡t Number Parcel No. PL14-0í69 06500200s5 Address Pem¡t Typè Datc Approved Pem¡tAdiusfmênt 12t24t2011 Permit Dæcript¡on Case Permit Adjuslrnenl to condit¡onel LJse Pemit No LU0s-01 05 fo €dd thrôe new 6' h¡gh antennes (one per s6ctor) and one RRu behincl e¿ch now enlenna LU09-0105 epproved lor ¡nstâllation of a new wireless telecomñun¡€tions Cra¡g Mal¡n: (80s) 654-2488 Synergy Development SeNices 867 E Front St Su¡te A VenluE, CA 93001; (760) E03€219 Hai Nguyen: (80s) 6s4-5193 Matthew Simmons Po Box 1510 Frez¡er Park, CA 93225i 661-245-3111 Frânca Rosengfen: Leif Skoberg g73S Ojâi-sånte Paula Road Ojai, CA 93023; facilily(WTÐonanSCELatticeTowerlo€tedonSCEpropertyofFooth¡llRdiustwestofK¡mbellRoad Thê proposed fåcil¡ty will consist of6 anlennas locâted in 3 s6ctoF (2 antennas per seclor) located on en existing SCE l¿ft¡ce tower The anlennes w¡ll hâve ån ântênne l¡p heighl ol60,ebove qrade on Sedoß',A,,ând .8", end 46, i0,' on Sector "C'- The WTF Plannèr w¡ll ålso eccommodale 5 BTS câbinets, 1 battery bâck up unit, enclosurewithadimens¡onof30'8"X10'8'. Applic¡nt wlhin â three s¡dêd CMU ThefourthsidêoftheCMUenclosureisaproposedcheinlinkgate The equ¡pment will b6 located wilhin lhe lootpr¡nt of the lower legs of lhe SCE L8ttice Tower, No water ¡s necessâry to operåte lh¡s unmsnned fec¡l¡ty No generalor is proposed Access ¡s provided by en exisl¡ng 20 foot w¡de d¡rt msinlenance road vb Foothill Roâd (ms¡ntâined by SCE) Sit¿ êddrêss 7569 Footh¡ll Road. site numbôr SV1 PL1+D171 15660 Curlis TE¡1, CA Conditionel use Psrmit 11t26t2014 21 888, s¡te nsmê SCE(¡Foothill, opeÉtor T-Mobilê. Permit Adjustmenl to CUP Pl12-O141 The pmjecl descñpt¡o n for CUP PLl 2-01 4l is as follows: The project consìsts of the construction and use of a fec¡lity for inhêrôntly dengerous ánimals, known as lhe Lockwood Animel Rescue Center (LARC) The 1 0 5 âcre projed sile is loæled on â 20 âcre percel The ex¡sl¡ng on lhe properly ænsist of e 1,850 square foot (s.f.) bqm, 4EO s Í a¡¡mEl shede st.uciure, 5,OOO galon weter tank, 340 s t storage conta¡ner and vâr¡ous fenced an¡m6l pens and hoße corâls. The project includes lhe conshuct¡on of a new 22 7-foot tell 2,290 s f. ânimal shade struclure, 23-foot l¿ll 2,997 s f storage baÍn, S,O0O gellon welef tenk, snd a 9,600 s.f fenced pen. All p6ns will be construded wilh 1l{auge chåin l¡nk fence, and w¡ll reng€¡nhe¡ghtlromSlo'10foôtw¡thalwofootturnedtopâtå45degreeangle,fâcinq¡nward Eachpenw¡llhave double enlry gales, en ìnternal security gate end an ex|ernal perimeler qsle. ln addit¡on, an 8-foot låll se@ndâry perimeter fence w¡ll be construcled aþund the enl¡Íg project sitê Thê pþjecl also includês the outhoízol¡on of en otisting w€lk-in froezer unil, which was ¡nstalled without permits and is sccåssory to he an¡malke€ping uses fhe prcposed LARC fac¡lity will includo lhe follow¡ng: . A mârimum ot60 canideê, including wild domesl¡c end nonlomBstic dogs, cross bmed dogs (wolf-dog crosses). wolves €nd coyotes, bul exclud¡ng any big cals (9enus Pânthôrs); 'Amaximumofl0 horses; 12 domêst¡c dogs; mâx¡mum of50 pârols; ' A max¡mum of fve employees/volunteeß (peßonnel); and . Sovên perk¡ng spâ@s, one ofwhìch w¡ll be ADA coñpl¡ent . A nåx¡mum of 'A An e¡isl¡ng did ecæss dr¡veway connected to Curtis Tß¡l will provide aæess to the sile The proposêd projecl does nol ¡nclude the removâl of native vegetâtion or protecled lrees. No gradìng beyond whet ¡s ¡equ¡red to construcl the barn ånd sháde structuÉ foundetions w¡ll occur (Less thån 50 cubic yards). An exìsting on-site well w¡ll provide water, ând lwo portãble rôskooß will be instãlled for séwage disposal Anìmal wsste w¡ll be disposed of ¡n âccodanæ wilh lhe required Manurc Mânegemônt Plan (Condil¡on No 33). The greding, devêlopmenl, use, end mainleoance of the property, lhe s¡ze, shapè, ârrânqement, ånd local¡on of structures, paÍk¡ng âreâs ãnd lândscêpe arees, end lhe prolect¡on ând preseryâlion of resources shall @nfom to lhe projecl descript¡on Bbove ând all apprcved Counly land use heãring exhibíts in support ofthe projecl ånd conditìons of approvel below PL14-O171 0300060075 9739 OJAI.SANTA PAUU RD, Venturå Counly PemitAdjushent 01/08/2015 Unincorp PerñitAdiustment to condit¡onal Use Perm¡t LU08-0007 lo chsnge e ændit¡on of ãpprov¿l related to the proh¡bit¡on of h€atings in exisl¡ng yurls åt thê Ojã¡ Foundation (Condilion 33.d) lo ellow heating in yurts end lenÈlike structures. (805) 6s+2045 805446-9951 Pl14-O177 7010050115 10777 PACIFIC VIEW RD, MALIBU, CA S0265 Permil Adjùslnenl 1231t2014 Ddll nôw watsr well to replaæ watêr well no 0'1S20W09Q03S for ¿n e¡¡st¡ng single fam¡ly dw€ll¡ng approved in PlBnned Development Perm¡t locãted et 10777 Påcmc V¡ew Dr¡ve ¡n Mal¡bu Wnston Vvright: (E05)654-2468 Dustin Patrick 11438 Sumac Lane Sante Rosa Valley, CA 93012:(80s) 42ru594 County of Ventura, Plann¡ng Div¡sion Recently Apprcvêd prcÞcts o5t04t201s P¿gè 12 Pemit Date Number Pårcel No. PL140182 I AddÉss 330061075 Planær Pem¡t Type Apprcved Perm¡t Dscription Permil Adiustment o2'/1712015 PermitAdjustmentto Planned Development Permit 1064 to change the use ofa Truck¡ng SeMces Fac¡lity w¡th outsids stoÉge of trucks, truck repsir, and ac@ssory oñìces lo s Wlole 0istributor of roofing supplies with oùtdoor sloÉge oimatedãls, inside storãge, s merchand¡se display areâ, and âccessory offæs The subject propedy ¡s in the lclz Zone D¡strict ånd the lndustrial El R¡o/Nyeland AcresArea Plan lend use des¡gnal¡on loeled at 498 Lâmbed Strest The site will nol requ¡re âddit¡onâl êxêrior ¡mpþvements lo fåc¡l¡late lhê usê except for restrip¡ng of the exisl¡ngpark¡ng/storsgeareâs. Thedeveloperw¡llprovide20psrk¡ngspåcesfortheuseofemployaesånd customeß al lhê soùthw6sl corner ofthe prcperly and ouldoor slorsgê will o6ur ål lhe northo¿sl side of prop€rty thãt wâs ulìlized for outdoor truck stoÉge und6r Planned Dovelopm6nt Perñl 064, ¡ntedor tenent ¡mprovemenls w¡llbe Equ¡red to convedthe lruck seruice areas to ¡nterioi ñ6rchendize sloEge ãnd the a@ssory off¡cés will bs Elias Vâlenc¡el (605) 65+363s Jay Flores 497 Lâmbed St Oxnerd, CA 93036; 805-551-1096 oxNARD, CA 93036 Applicant '1 improved to odd thê d¡splây areâ end rcconfgured ofi¡ce space Vvstêr is provided by the Vineyard Mútuâl Vt/ater Company and wasle water d¡schargod is hândlêd by lhè Counly of Venlurå Seiliæ Areâ lÊ34 No edd¡t¡onâl grâding or imperuio0s areâ will be added lo the sile No addit¡onal landscaping is pÞposed beyond what was or¡ginelly inslalled p6r Plânned Developñent Permil 1064 TRUCK SERVICE PLl+0'183 0990060395 734 MISSIOñ ROCK RO, SANTA PAULA, CA 93060 PermilAdjustment 12n212O14 PermitAdjustmentloCondit¡onNo 6LUfl-0016loforaonÊyearlimeextens¡ontooblainaZoningCleã€ncefor conslruction Silo located at 734 Mission Rock Road. FrEnÉ Rosengrcn: (805) 6s4-2045 Râæs Bode€ 812 Railroed Avenue Santa Pâula, CA 93061; (805) s2s-6400 PL14-0184 0e90060405 736 MISSION ROCK R0, SANTA PAULA. CA 93060 PermilAdjustñent 1222t2014 PermitAd.justmênt for e one year timo extsns¡on to CUP @nstrucl¡on. Sle locålêd at 736 Mission Rock Road, Fnnoa Rossngrenl (80s) 654-2045 Rsrês Bodaå 340 E HIGHLAND DR, Ventura county Unincorp PermitAdjuslmenl PL1+O1ø7 1550160045 01 t15t2015 LU i 0-0023 br ¡ssuânce of a Zoning Cle.rencê foÍ Pêrmil ed¡uslment for the ádd¡l¡on of 3 (lhrBe) now E foot psnel antennâs (1 per sec[or), mounted on conter at end 3 (lhroo) new RRU's (1 psr seclor) âl an êx¡st¡ñg T.Mobilo unmenned wkeless communicát¡on fBcilly (SV0059gA) 350 H¡ghl¿nd Dr camêrillo. A bñef 18,11,, 812 RÉiltuad Avenue Sãnts PsulB, CA 9; (80 cilholm El¡as Vålenc¡e: (805) 6s4-3635 JessB Kíst¡nâ Boerc: (805) 65+2467 C¡n9ulâr W¡reless 867E FrontSt SuìlèA Vênture. CA 9300'1; 760.603.6219 pemit h¡slory tollows: zcl1-1251 Useinaugurat¡onforLUll-0003 Changeoutthrceexistingenlennaswithdimensionsofl2"by46'withlhreenew antennas with dimensions of 1 E" by E1" (o. ¿ltemativ6ly 7.7" by 81') al a wi¡eless commun¡câtion by Condition€l Use Permit 50ô8 No âddit¡onal equipmenl is proposed at th¡s fecility fscility approved Permit Adjustment Ll.J11{083 CUPSO6E PL14-0188 6730310290 lOOO S VENTU PARK RD, VentuÉ County Un¡ncorp Perm¡tAdjustment ou24t2015 Prcject ¡s installâtion of one new slx foot anlenne per seclor å0d one new remote rad¡o un¡l per seclorfor three sedoE (s¡le w¡ll have n¡ne antennås ánd lhree rrus) T-Mobile site SV00342. These changes subslânt¡âlly @nform to LU0+0034 All conditions of CUP LU04.0034 Epply. lryine, CA 92612: 760-803€219 Counv of VentuE, Plann¡ng Division Reccntly Apprcved Pro¡rcts osto4t2015 Påge l3 Perm¡t Number Parcel No. Address Perm¡t Type Approved Date Permit Descript¡on Case PL14-0190 7010030100 12220 COTHARIN RD MALIBLJ CA90265 Permit Adjuslment 03/01 /201 5 Site Plân LU'10-0108. wh¡ch wes epproved as a filness and wellness camp known as the Rench at Live Oak The appl¡cant requesb the grsnting of a Site Plân Adjustment which would author¡¿etheconvers¡onofthefourexist¡ngshedsinlomecfitationhuls Twoadd¡tionalmed¡tat¡onhùlsaÉalso proposed to bting lhe tolal number of ñedilal¡on huts to six and a total of 192 addilionsl square feet The following plumbing llfures åre elso proposed: sx com€r hand sinks in eåch hut, one exterior sink in the hut arce, one ADA balhroom with shower (94 SF) in o0e of the new huls, and one hot water closet (1 4 SF) for e total of 1 06 SF of adclrtionâl lot coverage All new plumbrng fMures wil¡ be connected to lhe exist¡ng wasteweter package tr€atment Knstinâ 8oerci (605) 654-24€7 Planner Applicant 12220 Cothârìn Rd Malibu, CA 90265-2'146; 0-457-3369 31 plånl TherewillbenoincreaseinlhenumberofguestsoremployeesthanwhâtwâsåpprovedwithLUl0-0'108(32 guests and I àmployees) The s¡te p¡en adjuslmenl also includes the ìnslallál¡on oftwo portable freestandiñg trell¡s posL sets (four posls each) wrlh open bamboo sun ævers thal would be locâted belween the Foreman's building ând Utilitybuilding Eachpodabletrell¡sisl6feelbygfeet(e0SFeech),foraloteloflS0SFollotcoverageTheopen bamboo sun covers w¡ll create a total of 270 SF or lot covèrage The total âdditional lol coveraqe proposed with thts sÍte plan adiuslment is 654 SF, for an incrcâse of 4 58% froñ the lol covereqe thel w¿s approved for LUl 0-01 0E PL15-0003 0600340185 3128 SOLIMAR BEACH DR, VENTURA, CA 93OO] Planned Developmenl 04t23t2D15 Plânned 0evelopmenl Permit to demol¡sh an approximelely I,600 sq ft single slory single fam¡ly residence ênd @nstrucl e srngle family Ésidence The new single fâmily residenæ is proposed to be lwo-story end 5560 sq lt of Kdstinâ Boerc: (805) 654-2467 habitablespacewitha2two-cârgâragesofllT6squerefeet Theprojeclincludesaserìesofgardenwallsand other outdoor añenities lhel are includ¡nq a swimming pool â1 the rear of lhe propedy The res¡dence hâs a private eccess ddveway thel directly connêcls to Solimar Be¿ch Drive Wsler for the project is provided by Casitas James Sandefer 5450 Rålston Sl #105b Ventura, CA 93003i 805-207 4894 Àrunicipal Water Dislricl ând sewer waslewåler d¡sposal is provided by lhe county of Venlur¿ Community Service DistricL 29 PL'15-0006 7010030070 PLl5-0010 0560113050 PLl5-0017 5000410355 12320 YERBA EUENA RD, t\4ALtBU, CA 90265 4072 E CENTER ST FtLLt\roRE, CA 930'15 PermitAdjushent o4t23t201 5 Site Plân Adjuslmenl to PL No 1964 The adjustment euthorizes the construd¡on of âpprox¡mately 1,384 squâre feet of slrudures on the pårcel subject to this Sito Plan Adjustment These shuclurcs include: . conslruclion of a 700 squâre foot dwelling wìth alleched 440 squarc foot g¿râge These slructuras was approved as a pari of PD No 1964 ånd Sile Plân Adjustmenl No PLl2-0123 bul wer€ never built , cooslruction ol a 244 squâre foot del€ched pool house . conslruclion ofâ 4jool h¡gh rèlain¡ng wall immed¡etely soulh oflhe proposed dwell¡ng Kristinâ Boêro: (805) ô54-2467 James Armsìaong 2300 Knoll Or¡vB VenluE, CA 93003 805-644-81 80 Permil Adjuslmenl o?J271201 5 PermilAdjustmenlto P¡anned Development Permit No- PL12-0163 The applic6nl requesls the granling ofe Pemit Adjuslment to PD No. PL1 2-01 63 for the construdion ol â sìdewâ¡k ÍÍom the nodhwest podion ofAPN 056-0-113-050 1o just before Orchard Slreet rn lhe community of Piru Krist¡na Boeror (805) 654-2467 Permil Adjustmenl o4t23t2015 Peml Adjuslmenl to C UP No 495 1 for the legalization of two, 320 squâre fool metal storege containe E for authodzed Wal¡ut Grove lemporâry outdoor events- The conle¡neß heve been âltered wilh windows and dooß one of lhe caEo conl¿ineß wes prevaously permitted under ZC10-0295ì however no building permit wâs obta¡ned for Kdsl¡na Eoero: (805) 6s+2467 Cåbrillo Economic Developmenl CorpoEtion 702 Counly Squãrc Dive Venturâ, CA 93003; 805-{59-379'1 X114 Neúon & Assoc¡attes 159 Moonsong Court Moorpalk, CA 9302'1; this contâiner 52S-34S4 PL15-0035 0900010065 1141 CUMMINGS RD. SANTAPAULA CA3306O PerhdAdjuslmenl o4t16t2015 PermitAdjuslmentCeseNo PL15-0035fortheproposedconslruclionofenapprox¡mâlely17foothigh,1,638 squåre fool metal conopy cover that will be atleched to the ex¡stìng end approved citrus påcking, process¡ng, and temporary storâge burlding within the ex¡sting Cond¡tiona¡ Use Perm¡t (Case No P1134117) boundary The canopy roof will be the same melal matedâl ând color as the existing and approved roofs lhe proposed projecl ¡ncludes â concrete slab that will be locêted undernealh the canopy ln ãddil¡on, the existing plastic c¡trus bin wâshìng activities will b€ relocated onlo the concrele slåb Wastewaler from lhe b¡n Chuck Anthony (E0s) 654-3683 Alex Teågue 1141 Cumm¡ngs Rd Sânta Peule. CA 93060-9708; 805-525-5541 washing âctivit¡es will dråin into a wâter collection system and will be recycled al the bin w¿sharea Whentherecycledwalerbecomestoodidy,itwillgointolhesewetlinelotheLimone¡rawastewater teetmenl p¡ant (WWTP) localed diEctly soulh ofthe L¡monoirâ mein câmpus, where I will be processed and used as rrigelion water The proposed project w¡ll n01 chenge lhe ¿mounl ofweslewster curenlly geneÉted by the existing and approved cilrus processing and slorage operelion The drainage panern w¡ll not be affected by the proposed projecl The City of Senlâ Paula will contìnue to supply weter to the existing operat¡on end to the proposed project .whrch will not change the wâler demand Access_lothesite¡sbyaprivaleacæssro¿dconnecledtoCummingsRoad D¡gging/trenchingiorthefootingsof the cânopy wrll requtrc less thãn 50 cubic yårds of eârlh movement, ånd eadh meteriâl will remain onsle No âddìlional employees or Íuck trips will resull, and the lruck circulation pallêrn will nol be chenged No new l¡ghting proposed The b¡n washing will occur on¡y dur¡ng the dây ìs County of Ventura, Plann¡ng Division Recently Apprcved proþcts o5to4t2015 Pãge 14 Pemit Number Parcel No. AddEss Pemit Type Datè App¡ovêd sD06-0075 14900510E0 2605 EUCALYPTUS OR, VentuÍa County Un¡n@rp P¿mel Msp 01t14t2015 Plan Planrer Pèmit Dæcript¡on Case Request lhe subdivis¡of, of a 32,188 square foot psroel contain¡ng 2 single-tâm¡ly dwell¡ngs ¡nto lhree approximately 10,000 squarc foot peræls, two conta¡ning thÞe houses (two on one lot, onê on one lo1, one lot vacânt). Br¡an Bacâl Appl¡cant (80s)654-5192 Amêndment). These prcjests do not appear on the assæiated ApprcvedrPend¡ng Prcjects maps- Please contact the Planner lor moE spec¡f¡c ¡nfomat¡on. County of Vèntu6, Plann¡ng Divis¡on Ræntly Approved prcjects 051o4t2015 Page 15 Pending Projects Couty 800 as of May 04,2OI5 of Venrura . Rsoûce Masgement S Vidorìr r\!cnrc, VcDrür¡, CA 93009.1740 ' i{gocy . Plauiq Divisiou (805i ó54 2478 ' lcnNrà ordrh¿/plann'Dß Pèrm¡t [llod¡lication, Vat¡ance, Subd¡vis¡on, Generel Plan Amèndmenl dnd Zone Chdnge Source.' Ventura County PlEnn¡ng Divisíon Accela Database, as oI 05/U/2O1 5. Pemit Paræl Number Number AO12-OO71 0560113050 Address Þemit Type Status Pèrmit Descr¡pt¡on Case Planner 4O?2 E CENTER ST, FILLMORE CA93O15 Plaf,ned Developnenl ln Review Developmenl Review commiÍee for lhe rcview of a 24-unil mulli-family developmeni ìñ lhe RPD-12 du/acre zone dishict located ât 4072 Ce^ter Slreet (APN 0564-113-050) withrn the Piru Area Phn lend use designet¡on The developmenl w¡ll consisl of ol lhree rêsideotiel bu¡ld¡ngs of 5,253 sq fl êåch housing ôrght renLel units ln sddition lo lhe resident¡el build¡ngs € 1,390 sq fl. community building is proposd Access to the sile would be provided by â 24-ft w¡de pdvetô dnveway vis center streel wilh e 24 fl wide secondary âccess ddvewey vi8 Mârtet Slreet to the soulh 45 porking spaces would b€ prcvìded on-site No natiw veget€tion would be removed Winston Wright: (805)654-2468 Appl¡cant Cabrillo Economic Dev Corp 702 County Sq VentuE, CA 93003 ao5ß72-2577 thoughf¡veheritegesizedpepperlreeswouldberôñoved Walerwoubbeprcv¡dedbylhê V\åÍingV\btérservicêlnc êndwâstewaterdisposalwouldbep¡ovidedbylheVenturecounly sânlâry Drstrid No 16 PuÉuant to the submilted preliminary hydrology ând hydrclic calculalions the majodly oflhe surfâce wâter run ofis proposed to be reteined on-s¡ia The submilted låndscâpe plên assooaled with lhe project also proposes a vegetalve scrcening betweên the projec't ând the adjeDent ågriculluÉl operãtion The 1.38 acre project includes e dânsily bonus, ¡n oder to pþv¡de âlfordeble housrngs, ¡s part of entillmonl requesl lo develop the sile ov€r lhe zone dêsignåted dwelling unl êllowance of 12 du/âcro lo be 15 du/ecre AD12-007 1 0560113050 4072 E CENTER ST, FILLMORE. CA93OI5 Zone Change ln Rev¡ew Davelopm6nl Reviåw Commiltôe for the review of a 24-unil multÈf8miìy developmenl in the RPD-12 du/acÊ zone district locatod al 4072 cênter s1reel (APN 056-0¡13-050) within lhe Piru Aree Plán land use designst¡on The developmenl w¡ll consisl of olihreê r6si¡tent¡âl bu¡ldrngs ol 5,253 sq n each housing eight rentål unìts ln âddition to ihe Esidenl¡âl build¡ngs â 1,390 sq ft community building is pÞposed A@ess to the sìte would be prov¡dêd by ê 24-fl wi,J6 prívatê dnvêwây v¡a Cenler Slrcel wilh a 24 ft wide secondary eæss ddwwey via MåÍkel Slreet to the south. 45 parking speces woold ba provided on-site No nsìive vBgetst¡on would be rcmoved lhough five hsritage s¡zed peppêr rêes would be remov€d Wator wou¡d bô provkJed by the \¡,isrring Woter Seru¡ce lnc and wâsle waler disposâl would b¿ provided by lhe Vonlurâ county sBnrt6ry Distrìcl No, 16 Pußuant lo the submitted prelininãry hydrology and hydrolic calculet¡ons lhe majoÍty ofthe surfaco water run ofi ¡s prcposod to be reteined on-srle- The submittêd lsnclscãpe plgn âssoc¡êted with lhe pþject also proposes â wget6liva scrcening betwe6n the projectê[dlheEdjâcentagrioulturelop€r81ion, The1.38âcreprojec{includêsedensitybonus,in order 10 pÍovide affordable housìngs, ¡s perl of ontillment rcguesl lo dewlop lhe sile over the zone Winston Wr¡ght, (805)654-2468 Cabflllo Economrc Dev Corp 702 County Sq Ventura, CA 93003 805â72-2577 County of Ventur., Planning Divis¡on Pending Projects o5to4!20'15 Page 'l Perm¡t Number Pârcèl Number Address Permit Type N VENTURA AV, VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Minor Status Pemit Descr¡pt¡on Rev ln P¡ogress warehouseopeÉtionthâlrncludedpârkingoflrucksandoilfieldequrpmenlslorage an Case Planner Appl¡cant 65+5042 AI crane lnls83,oST wås ãpprcved lo opeBle a kuck washrng fâcìlily for eppl¡can[owned vêhicles only on APN 06E-0-040-020, ln'1985([¡od6),âppl¡csntwasâpprovedforal,050squarefoolÊddrlionlolhe 2951 N VenturaAvenue Ventura, CA 9300'l 643-9963 ñaìnoffice;one3,600sfwarehouso(phåsel)andone1E,000sfwârehouse(phasel) AtLhe lime, ex¡sliDg fac¡lities included the msin office, two warehouses a dispâtch ofiice, lrock scales, ånd p¡pe sloEge yad As of Novomber 20l0, Lhe epplcsnl prcposês to l ) leoali¿e lhe operâtion ol of ñeld aelet6d conkâctorseNiceandsloÉgeyãdsforlwocoùkãcto6(MJlânklnes,KAGTanklin€s) 2) legal¡ze an exislrng 1,200 sf slruclurc (Phese ll werehouse) constructed without building permil on APN 068-0-040¡3 whrch wâs originålly shown on DPg9-6 as located oI anoth€rAPN ând proposed for 3,000 sf. 3) modìfy ând ùpdale lhe site plân to revise the pormìt boundsnes down lo 32,45 acaos ãnd lot coveraqe 10 be 25,581 squsre feet oI totål roof âre6 of bu¡ldings; 4) mod¡fy and update the site plân to indrcalé relocehon sId srze red!ction of proposed phese 1 wårchousê (4 800 s0, .elocetron of the eKsling dispatchsr office to APN 068-0-040-1 3, relocation of the exisling dresel fuel lank facil¡ty to 068-0-010-01; 5) relinquish PD 'l 992, ô) modiry and updele the sle plân to remove the auto ìmpound yed propedy (APN 068-0-040-120 and 050) bike peth (APN 068-0-020-01), Towing yãrd (APN 068-0-040-0E), end lhe lruck wesh a.ea prcperty (APN 066-0-040-02 portion) hom the DP 99-7 boundery, 7) Removel ofths previously âpproved undeÍ DP 99-6 [Iê¡n offic€ addition and WaEhouse Phese I both not yet buill: and 8) add l¡re hydranls, wâteline for tire and dôtention bss¡n The ex¡st¡ng uses which ere to conlinue on the sle âre heâW dÉyâge ånd tÊnspod and warohousing seNices throuqh its lleet oftrucks crånes, foftlills and yard spece with the base of operetion through lh€ main office snd localion of employee pãr k w¡lhoul rcskooms The appl¡cenl hss deleì€d the proposÊd add¡tion to main oflic€, and Phese I VVsrehouse prcposod âdjacenl lo the heaw repåir shop. Medi Concret€ Pumpiñg, Morton construction end Advencôd Recycl¡ng opeÉlors âro no longer prcposêd Applicãnt showing on sle plen the modifed conet boxes used by contraclors The exis¡ng uses whrch ârè to ôontinuê on lhe sile ere hesvy drayege ånd kânsporl Bnd warehousrng seNicos lhrough its lôel of lrucks, oranes, forkliñs and yâld space with lhô bâs€ of operåtion throu0h lhe m6in office and locetion of employee park wilhoul r€slrooms LU09-0082 0e30040060 5753 N VENTURAAV, Plånned Oevelopment VENÍURA CA93OD1 Envìronmenlâl Doc Prep REV|SEDlosddlhefollowingi lhesddilionof'12,000cubicyardsofgråding/dvercleanupend restorâiion is discretionãry End is now s pâl ofìhe CUP prcJect 8s PWA ¡dentifed during the ruview of lhe RV Slorege facility cUP epplicstion, The prcjecl dEscriplion will now include lhe pômit The grad¡ng wilhin the recorded CCCPM Reslrictive Covenanl cân be rncluded lhê environmenial rev¡ew for tha cUP gredrng Becky Linderi (805) 654-2469 in John Dewey Po Box 1 291 3 Newport Beach, CA 92658 (805) 259-9499 Plênned Þevelopment Permit Lu09-0082 rs to legelize ouldoor storåge of recre¿tional vehrcles The sub,ect propedy is 6 63 âcres of which 2,74 Ecrcs is pþposed for the developmenl Th€ Þmårnng 3 Eg acßs will be subject to e rcskiclve covenant lor env¡ronmsnlally sensitivê habilâl preservation rclêted to Conditronal Cerlificale of Compl¡ance S006-0046 The proposal ¡ncludes an âspháll perking lot thâl cån eccommoctale 112 RVs Recyclôd asphãlt is the proposed surraæ for the pelking lol which eccording lo lh€ soils ¿nd tôchnical Éporl ¡s a permôable sürfaco tho âs-built grading plan hdicêtes lhal ihe propos€d pârking lol areâ is âl leest one fool abov€ the 100-yeår tlood pl¿in base elevsl¡ons åccording to the local FEMA FIRM panel mãp The projecl ¡ncludesâ533squßfoolcaretakerdw€llìngtobeprovidedinapremanufaduredhome Access ¡s provided lo the sile by a 2oJoot wide privål€ dr¡vewãy of crushod misc bese (cMB) v¡e the intêrsectìonofN VentursAvenuoÊndcanândåLåeãRoad Wãlorwouldbeprovidedbythecìly of Vanturs and wâste water disposel would be provided by lhe Ojai Va¡ley Sanitâry Disldct A naturel hro-swele is proposed slonO lhe weslern edge of thê proposed park¡ng lot culminatino in â sÐnd/oil sgpeÉlor and snergy dissipalor The fscilily would be sc¡â€ned from Venlum Avenue/ãny públic vi6wing area with ân exisling 6'meshed, chåin l¡nk fence elop a 3-foot eãrlheh b8rm with landscâping to be plântod in fonl once weter ¡s âveilâbl6 LU11-OOEE 21 80091 120 3803 DUFAU RD, VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP ConditionslUse Pemrt Env¡runmenlãl Doc Prep Gonditional Use Perm¡t for lhe op6râtion of ân ãgdcùltu16l preliminâry packing and storâge fácility -Iess (over20,000squerefeelandundêr100,000squarefeet) ¡teprDjeclrnclucles (1)conlinuôto allow development on end use ofthe property es wâs previously pom¡tled pußúani lo Conditronal Use Permil (CUP) Cese No 4842-2 end Verìance 5249 and, (2) allow a new pêrking lol, olfce 65+2453 trailer storåge shed, cool¡ng equipmenl eñd stoEge contàineE thal were never previously pernitled on the prcpedy l rbsl€ wâler is handl€d by an on-site privale seplic system Har¡s (605) lvlissron Produce lnc Albers Oxnard, CA 93036 805-S81-3650 T¡m County of Ventura, Planning Divis¡on Pending Projeqts 05/0/u20t5 P¿ge 2 Parcel Number Permit Number LU1 1-01 03 AddEss 8630220110 Permit Type Status Permit Descript¡on Case Planner Plånned Development Submiltãlln DP 99-8 The eppli@nl roquesls that the DP 996 permil bê mod¡hed lo include lhe 2 74-âcrc prop€dy (i e the southsrly portion ofAPN 063-0-220¡10) upon whrch the currcntAera Energy operâtions are conducted an a gepsrste permil Other than this modification ofthe perml boundery, no chânges in the eulhoflzed uses or stuctuÉs aÍe prcposed ln lhis 2 7¿l-ecre area The existi0g p€rmil requirements 6nd conditions of apprcvål will Émâ¡n eppliceble in thË permit er€å Nicole Doner (805) 654-5042 Progr€ss Applicant mey conducl oede¡n uses ùnder leãse on the Aere Energy property (simìler to olher lease holders) in @nfomance wrth the DP99€ (now known 6s 0P99-8) perm¡t Such uses ãre cutrenlly author¡zed and ere not pârt of lhe cutrenl permI modilicstion appl¡cslion Nole OsT LU11{116 0410140090 35OO TOLAND RD, VÊNTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Permil Adlustmenl SubmÍttâlln Prcgress PemitAd¡ustment to mod¡fy conditìon 3i regard¡ng direct heul and lo modify condûion 71 regard¡ng noÌifical¡on to commÞrcial accounls ând newspaper advertisement 10 the Public Mrchelle D'Anna. (Eos) 654-2685 Ventura Reg¡onal San 1001 Padridge Dr#1 Ventura, CA 93003 805-658-4674 Sally LUl 2-0005 51601 20095 3165 SUBTDA CR. VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Mrnor Modihcâtion Prep for Hearing MrnorMod¡fcalion.LU12-0005 fora20-yêertimeextenslonrelatedloconditronslUsePermúno 51s3(CUP)torâgriculluÉleccessoryslruduresôxceeding2,000sq fl ona4S4acrepÍopely cUP witheRuÉlGenerâlPlânlendusedesEnalionândaRußlAgncullurcZoneDes¡gnatþn Sl93wasorioinallyapprovedforaT,36Ssq ft hoßebern,6,1' haybarn,enda2,740sq. Michelle D'Anna; Stewert Russell-kandi K 3165 Subida Cr Camarflo. CA93012 805-4S1-8327 (Eo5) 65+2685 ft hol wâlker lo exercise lhe hoßes A maxmum ot 20 hotses âre on the property el any one llme ând one full l¡ma employoe works ãl lhe prcpeÉy lo clean the hoÉe stsbles and feed lhe hoÉes L/lanure thsl i5 prodúced on sile is disposed of ¡n contâiners end håuled lo an agricultuÉl property to bs spregd on ân âvocado field No edditionsldevelopmenl orgßding is proposed Weterlo th€ prop€ly is provicl€ó by the Camrose Vì/åler Oistdct end waste wat6r disposÊl fortlìe pDject ¡s hândled by ân on-s¡t€ sêptic system Acoess lo the site is provided ân êxisting decomposed grenitê rcad basa dNåwey viâ Sub¡de Crclo LU1 2.001 I 0600082425 6766 BREAKERS \A¡Y Minor Modilicalron coastal Comm VENTURA COUNry LJNINCORP LU12-0034 0600350385 3O2() SOLIMAR BEACH RD VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORPORATED, CA 93001 Planned Dewlopmenl Coastal Comm Mìnor lúodmcatio¡ to PD 101ô to ådd cMU wqll along northern property line with¡n o¿somBnl area to accommodåte a raised wålkwsy for the sdjecent propedy owner The subject ProPedy is doveloped with a two slory single lãmily dwelling ãddressed as 6766 Brsakers ì /Ey and has å Local coåslal Plan lend use desìgnelion of Reside0lial High Dênsilv of 6.1-36 Dwèlling Llnits Per Acre and a Resrdential Beech (RB) zone designalion l\¡ichêlle D'Anna; (805) 654-2685 A Plånned Developmont Perm¡l (Case No. LU12-0034) for lhe following iBmodel of qn ex¡sting Chuck Anthony; (805) lwo-slorysingle-lamrlydwelling efìÉlfloord¡ningroomsddilion,enewrcof overlheex¡stingl¡rsl floor femily room, a second floor ñaslBr bedroom âddilion ând intem€l remodeling ofthe existing clwelling Afler construcl¡on. the dwslling will include spprox¡mately 2,543 feet of gross lloor area, a 447 squsre foot garage, and will be âpproximâtely 1 9 feeL, 5 inches in he¡ght The prolecl includes lhê reduclion of en exisling sxjool, non@nforming courtyard wall to a mâx¡mum hel0hl ofthree tuel in lhe 1 0 foot sôtback areÊ âdjêcenl to Solimer Beech Dr¡ve ¡n order to comply with Sect¡on 8175-311 (FencÊs,Walls,andHedges)oftheVenlurEcounlycoastElzoningord¡nance. An exrsting pr¡vele dilvewây drroctly off Solimar Beâch Drive w¡ll continue lo prov¡de eccess to lhê sìte Casilss l\4unrcipÊl VVÊter DistrEl will continue lo p¡ov¡de wåler €nd Venluro County Sery¡ce Are6 No 29 will continue lo provìde waste waler disposâl for the resd€nhål use ol lhe property. Approxrmslely 5 cubic ysrds of eårth will be moved (by â small truck load hâulêd âway frcm lhe 654-3683 projectsite)inoldertoconstructnowwslltoot¡ng Larry Graves 2105 HylandAvenue VentuE, CA 9300'1 80!701-1 51 0 Carone Peul 3232 Calle De Debesa Camarillo, CA 93010 aot278-4025 Nosûegradingorsitelopogrephychâng6swill occur No net¡ve vegetation or kees will be renlov€d as pårl oflhe proposed poiect (Exhibil 3) County of Ventura, Planning Divis¡on Pending ProÞçts o5to4t2015 Page 3 Perm¡t Number Parcel Number Address Permit lype ì4odificalion Status Perm¡t Descript¡on Environmenlal Doc Prep Molocross/Of-Highwey Vehicle Pârk in rhè Open Spacc Land LJse Desqôaiion The exrsting lvlolocross Pârk wâs origrna¡ly epproved v¡ã Conddronal Use Permil 4911 The projecl is locãted åt 4375 Cenler Slreet in the Commun(y of Piru wilhrn lhe Ope¡ Spece Zûne and Open Space Lând Case Planner Appl¡cant Jay Dobrowalskt, (805) ôs4-2498 Kevr^ Keehl P O Box 498 Piru CA93040 805-521 UseDesrgnelron Themoiocrossparkrsopenlothepubliclvìonday Wedoesday,Satudây ând Sunday Horrs of operâtion on Mondey ånd Wednesdây áre [tom I 00 AIV lo 6 00 PI\, and on weekends fÍon I 00 AM lo 4 00 PîVl The fgcilrty hâs '1 fùll lime employee who owñs ånd opereles lheparkandlivesinlhecaretãkerdwellingånd6parL¡meemployees Themotocrossparkhas ân exrsliûg 1râck, â carolakrng dwelling rnformal på*ing ârees for 6g perking spâcos, án tnlormal parkrng árca lor lârge vehrcles/hailers, ãnd lou 2,500 weterlenks The rcquesl rs limiled lo conlrnuingiheoperelionforanaddlionâl20yeaE,noaddilìonalÍacks bu¡ldrngs orimpeNrous åreas are proposed Waler for domestic use dusl coolfol l¡re suppresson, ând landscàping rs provdedbytheW¿rri¡gWater ThepropertyownerándproprietorrsElVlTtrernedandlhe -1 391 molocross track rs utilized by the Communny of Pru's Cilizen's Emergency Response Team es ân emergency rcsponse ârea The Íâck rs pl[mbed wilh pipìng for dust @nlrol 10 be done by hând wåler water tfucks end grãvel Wasle wâler from the careLâker residence rs handle by e pnvate seplicsysten Customersârcprovrded wrlh4podableLorlets Theapplcantrsrequesiinglo emend lhe lengoage of Seclion 81 07-29 4 ol lhe Non-CoasLâl Zoning Ordinânce lo ållow lhe continued operalon of an exisLing motocross tàcrlily rn an âreâ jhel was subscquently added to â Couniy âdopled Greenbell area and to remove lhe prohrbilion egarnsL haung e motocross fecrlity withìn any ârea desrgnâled by the F[e Prolectiôn Districl Bs a High Fire HÊzard Area LUt 2-0046 055021 01 00 Zoning ord¡nånce Amendrenl Envircnmenlel Doc Prep Perñil modificalion and Zoning Ordinanoe Texl Amondment to¡ the ongorng operâtion of a Motûcross/Off-HiOhwây Vehicle Park iù lhe OpDn Space Land Use Designaìon The exisling ¡/lotocross Pårk was oriQinally approved viâ Condìlionâl Use Perm{ 4911 The p¡ojecl is locslecl åt 4375 Canter Slreet in Lhe Commuùity 01 Pi¡! within lhe Open Space Zone and Open Spåce Lând lJse Designâtion The motocross pe* rs open lo the public [¡ondây Wednesday, Såtudsy, end Su¡dây Houß of operEtion on lvlondây and Wednesday are fÍom I 00 A[¡ 10 6 00 PM and on weekendskom900AI\rto400Pfr,l Thelacilityhasllullìimeemployeewhoownsândoperates lhepârkendlivesinlhecarelekerdwellingåncl6perltimeemployeês Themolocrossparkhas ãn exrsting trâck, à carclêkrng dwellng, rniormal pâiling areás fDr 69 pêftin9 spaces an intorlal parkìngareâlorlergevehìoles/Lreile6 endfour2,500wâlerlenks fherequestislimúedlo conl¡nuing the operåtion for an eddinonål 20 yeais, no âddii¡onal lÉcks buildings Jay Dobrowalski (805) 654-2498 Kevñ Keehl P O Box 496 Piru, CA 93040 805-521-1391 or impeùtous åreesareproposed Welerfordomesticuse dusìcoillfol,ñresuppressro¡ åndlandscapingts provded by the Warinq Water The property owner and propnelor E EMf tr8ined and lhe molocross Íeck rs ulilized by the Commundy of Pru's Cilizen's Emeeency Response 1èâm âs an emeeency response arc8 The keck ts plumbed wih p¡ptng tor dusl control to be done by hênd waLer, waler kucks, and gråvel WasLe weter from lhê câtet¿ker res¡dence ts henclle by a privale sepLic syslem Cuslomers are provrded wilh 4 podable loilets the âpphenl ts reqùeslrng to âmend the lânguâge oi Section 8107-29 4 oflhe Non-Coaslel Zontng Ordtnênce to ellow the contrnued operatron of en exisiing molocross facility rn en â€a thel wâs subsequenlly addêd to a County adopted Greenbell aree snd lo removè lhe prohrbition ageìnst havrng e moLocross facilily wilhrn âny âreá designated by ihe Fre ProLection Dislricl as a Htgh Fire ¡r'azeñ Arca LU1 2-0055 0000000000 Condilronâl Use P€rmii AweiLing Resubmitlâl LU417 1 PL1 2-011 3 New Condilìonaì Use Perm¡l to replece expired CUP 501 I tor an exEting wtreless communtcalton lacilily Sile rs loceled al 6672 W Old Pacitic Co¿st Hiqhway In Caltrans Htghway 101 nghLofwey at the rnlersecton of Oceen Avenue end Old Pacrfic Coasl Highwây, nêar Lhe house on APN 060-0-082-59 Jay DoÞrowalskr (805) 654-2498 Synergy Development Seruices 867 E Front Street UnttA cA 93001 (760) 803-6219 50000901 95 Conditronal Use Permit Submittalln Prcqress Sanda¡dgravelquarryonAPNs500-0-050-41,snd500-0-090-19,-20,-21 ånd-22 The åpplicatons is for e ltme elension frcm 2000 to 2025 ân increase tn lruck l¡affic trom 460 ADT lo 656 ADT, ând the combhalon of CUP 41 71 wìlh CUP 3451 (en adlacent small decoretNe rock quaty) rnto one permrt An EIR is in process Ebony N4ccee (8051 654-5037 1280040310 Permil Ädjustmenl coûìpleLeness Rev l¡ Progrcss Replecemenl ofcurenl balchplanL (1960 Slansleel 4 lon plant) with a new (20'11 cencor lnduskres [/ìodel 400 Ull¡adrumj plânt as permittd by NCZO Seclion 8107-42 1 lhê projecl will also include adding e pcrmånen1 Rubber Plant (hal wås previously portabls ¿nd temporâry añd a I'x12'x18'ddver over hoper uploedrng syslem wilh radiâl stacker Ebony fi¡ccee (805) 654-5037 i/rtchell Clark 11401 West Tuxford St SunValley C491352 81 8-504-3112 For full p¡oFc1 descriplion, see PROJECT DESCRIPTION rn documents teb County of Ventura, Planning D¡v¡s¡on Pending Projects o51o4t2015 Page 4 Parcel Number Permit Number PL12-O145 70t 001 01 45 Addres Permit Typ€ Status Pem¡t Descrlpt¡on Câse Planner Appl¡cant 8393 MIPOLOMOL RD, MALIBU CAEO265 Plânned Developnent Prep for Hearing The ¿ppl¡canl requests that â qoastal Planned Developmeot Permit be granled 10 âuthor¿e the follow¡ng .construclion ofa 2,500 sq fl. single-furìily Èsidence wilh sn âltsched 765 sq fr gårage on an existng pad; .Construciþn of two 1 o-foot diametar wa16r stoß9e Lanks end essocieted pumps ând plumbing for Franca Rosengren (805) 654-2045 Nita Mehtâ 22231 Mulholland Hwy #'113 Cal€basas C491302 818-591-7172 l\4ichelle D'Anna, (80s) 65426Es Ventura County Of 800 S Vicloria Av Ventura, CA 93009 (E05) .construclþn of an on-sjte wsslewåter healmenl syslem (OWIS) utilizrng s€epage pils and É .CDnstruction of retaining walls rengrng from two fest to six feet in he€ht, .Conslruclþn of a delenlaon bâsrn, culvôd end energy drssipeler; .consìruct¡on ot a 1sjoot wide asphâll-paved driveway and Fire Depedmenl hemmeñeed lurnaround lo improve lhe existing, grad€d did ro¿d; .GÉding of48 cubic yârds of fìll and I 585 cubic yards of expod over en area ofapproxrmetôly E 000 square feet A 1 0o-fool fuel modmcatjon zone wìll be requtred €round lhe proposed residentiål slructures creât¡on ¿nd msintenancê of this zone will result rn the rômovel oÍ Env¡rcnmenlal sensilive Hebilat (EsHA) 41o-footwidefuelrrodifcâtionzonewillelsoberÐquiredalongbothsidesoflheeccess roÊd ond dilvewey T16nches for utilly connect¡ons w¡ll be rnstalled in the foolprìnt of the existing accêss rced Th€ total ãrca of ESHA to be rsmoved Ês a rêsull ollhe proposôd projêct and the post-1977 unauthorized clearing is åpprcximetety 2 35 åcres This €res ¡ncludes epprox¡mslely .20ecresofESHAwithinlheconslr0ctionfootprinl (Thisareainclud€s0Tacreoflanddistuóed for bûildings, utìlity lÉnching and ¡nslâllatiûn of lhe OWTS, 1.2 acres tor onsite fuel modil¡cålion and 0 1 acrc for ofisite fuol mod¡ncalion-)i ånd, '0 35 scßs of ESHA cleår€d afler 1 977(these ¿ress åre the subjecl of lhe 1 990 violâtion ZV90-0515).ln âddiiion to a lolal of 2 35 acEs of ESHA removâl as s resolt ot the proposed project 6nd posl.1977 illegal gråding and brush removal,0 05 acres ofcalifornia Oeparlmenl Fish and Wìdlife jurisdictionãl dreinege hebilel will be removed which is localed edjsc€nl lo Mipolomol Roâd Consislenl with the County Locâl Coestol P16n policy, lhe applicanl propos€s to record a deed restriction on offsi{e lånd to reslore or preserye 4,8 ecres of ESHA lo pÞvde å 2 1 râtio of mitigatonforimpectsonsensitNehebrtelLhalwouldresullfromlheproposôdprojéct ApprcvalDf the propos€d Plennect Developmenl Permit woùld abâte Ventuß Couñty Code compliãnce V¡olát¡on No ZV90-0516 for unåuthorized brush renovsl ând gEding on the p¡oject s¡te that oæurmd afrer 1977 PL't 2-0 1 54 2340050350 1750 - 1760 S LEWS RD CAMARILLO, CA 93033 IVIìnor Moclificaìior CompleLeness Rev ¡n Progress Minor ¡,lodiÍc61roo 10 condúional Use Pemit (CUP) No 4737 for å lrme extensron and adjuslmenl to the proJsct boundêrcs lor Casa Esper¿nzã, located ãt I 750, 1 756, 1 758 and 1 760 South Lewis Roâd Câsa Esperãnzâ was spproved in 1 992 for the operatÌon of e 75 room lacility rn seven buildrngs prcviding 24 hour suppod end rchabrlìtåtìon to peßons with menlel illnesses The f8cil¡ly isownêrândoperåìedbytheCountyofVenlurÊ Thesizeofállbùildinqsrsapp 98 1-3300 36,623sq,frona 55 7 acre pârcol consisting ofAssessor Percels 234-0-050-340 & 350-This permrt requesl will change the boundades o¡ CUP 4737 from inclùding Assesso. Paræls 234-0-0540-340 snd 350 inlcude parc€l 350 only No addrtionål imprþvemenls ârc proposed ás párt ol the âppl¡cel¡on PL't 2-0158 0000000000 Zonrng ordìnence Submillâlln Anendment Prcgress RevEions lo CZO (Artrcles 1 through 14) Research, drafl, review ordin¿nce amendmenls relaled lo landscÊping, sensitrve hab¡låts, see lovel rÍse, ånd tree proteclion Address eroß and rnconsrslenc¡ês w¡thin lhe Coâste¡ Zoning Ordinance ând bring slándárds in lhe ordinance up lo dâle V1/ork wilh Coaslâl Comñiss¡on st¿ff to oblarn rnpul on proposed åmendments Develop ¿nd implêment public outreÊch program (idenlify stekeholders, crcote outrgech malgrials, pÉpare end hold public meelrngs) ReMew polenliel envkonmenlel impecls from the proposed amendmenls, evaluele polenlial ¡mpacts, prepâre appropn€te repols af,d documents, prep¿re ând tavìse envtronmenlal documents as nscossefy Jennifer Welch; (Ê05) 65+2465 Ventura Counly 800 South VlctorÌa Avenue Ventura CA93009 805S54-2465 Coùnty of Ventur¡, Plann¡ng D¡vision Pending Projects 05/0¡U20l5 Påge 5 I | pe.m¡t ruum¡"r Pãrcel Number Address Perm¡t Type Status Perm¡t Descript¡on case Plânner I Appl¡cant I I manufâcl!íng and slor age yârd to â conlËclor serv¡ce ând slorâge yâtd relsled lo the repâir ánd storâge of shipprng slorage conlainers lhe subjecl propedy ß localed al 10998 ñârdo Slreel hâs 654-5042 51 Niæle Doner, (605) 654-5042 Geofl Fargo 510 Castillo Street #340 Santa Barbara CA 93101 805-896-50E4 Har Nguyen (805) 654-5193 Jim Dastee 12900 Park Plaza Dnve Ceritos. CA 90703 949-929-9695 Planned Developmenl Permil forthe conslruclìon of a thaee story single lâmily dwelling and altâched 360 squ€re fool g3râge locâted rn the Residentiel HEh Coastel Lând Use Plan design¿hon ând the Residential Beach Harllor coaslal zone desìgnalion on a a vacant 2625 square foot lol eddressêd as 3347 Ocean Þ¡ve r¡ Lhe Hollywood B6ach area lhe subiecì propeily rncludes vegetation (no speciol siaius specres) whrch will be cleâred in ordpr lo construd lhe prcle¿l TheremovalofvegetahonalsorequresaPDpermil Accesslothêsitewillbeprovidedby a conc¡ete dívewåy via Oceân Dflve Weter and sewer seNrce will be provrded by the Chânnel lslands Beâch Serv¡ces District A mett foundatron syslem (n01 a deepened [oundât¡on constsling oi piles) will be used for lhe dwelling The enlire subject propedy wrll be graded Chuck Anthony, (805) 654-3683 Stephanre Vitacco PlennedDevelopmenlPermrtNo PL13-0062islorlheproposeddemolrlionofenex¡sling âpprcxin8tely 2 715 sq fr lwo slory single femily dwelling wilh B¡ atlached approÍmolely 600 sq fl garage and the proposed const¡uclion of en epproxtmâlely 3,855 sq lt singl€ fåmily dwell¡ng with an âllâched epprox¡malely 360 squere [oDl lwo-cêr UãÉge on a beach Íronl lol Êdclrcssed as 3349 Ocêân Drive rn tho Hollywood Beech communily The lot is htghly d¡slurbed Access to the site will be provided by â concÉte driveway via Ocean Drive WBter ¿nd sewer setotce will be provided by the Chenncl lslends Beech Seruice Dislricl A mal iound¿tion syslem (nol å deepenad foundalio0 consislrng of p¡les) will be usêd Ior lhe dwelìrng The enltre subjecl propedy wtll be Chuck Anthony, (805) 65+3683 anlndusfflEllandusedesignationfromtheSailcoyAreaPl¿n ândalvl3-10000sq fl zone designalron All storage and conlainer modificâ¡on equipmenj woùd be oulsrde wlhrn a fenced yard âs there are no building6 on lhe property conlâifler modification includes using welding equipment thât is stored onsite ãnd pâinting wrth waler bâsed parnls where less then 50 gallons of parnl ¡s stored on s[e eL eny qrven lime Wâler ¡s provrded by the Cily of Ventura ând podable loilets ere provided lor the employees' for senitât¡on Access Lo lhe sife is provided by Lwo gales vra N¿rdo Slrcel ln âddilion lo lhe chånge of Lrse, lhe âpplicanl rs requesting jo chenge the 0 Castillo Street #340 Santa Barbara. CA 931 01 605-696-5084 meximum heìgh1 of slorage fom 1 0 feel tâll lo 1 7 feet tall lo accommodale double slacking of lhe shrpping conLâiners and the removal of â permit ôxpÍrãlion daie Fûrlhermore, the appÙc¿nl ¡s requesting a cUP for rcnlal ånd leasing ofdurâble goods (contâinèrs) ãl this s¡le PL1 3-0û43 Conditiooâl Use Permil 12A0022065 Prep for Heering lvlinor Modificâfon lo Plo¡ood DevolopmÊnl Permil 1854 lo chenge Lhe use from a Lruss manulâcturìng snd slorâ0e yård lo a conlraclor servrce and storago yãrd relêted to lhe repair and storâge oÍshipprng slorâqe contârners The subjecL propêdy rs loceted ai 10998 Nardo Sheel has ånloduslriallåndusedesignetionfromlheSalicoyAreaPlan åndaM3-10,000sq ft ¿one des8nalion All siorege €nd contarner modrhceton equipment woud be outside wilhrn â fenced yârd as lhere are no bui¡dings on lhe propedy contarne¡ modifìcation includes usinq welding equìpmenl lhal is stored onsìle ånd påintìng with wsler bâsed peiñls wherê less lhân 50 qâllons of pârnl is stored on sile ât any given lime Wãter 6 provded by lhe City ofVenlura a¡d porlable ìoiletsareprovidedfortheemployoos'forsâni1âilon Accesstolheslersprovdedby twogâles via Nardo Shê€l ln addilion to the chenge ot use, the applcånL is requeshng [o change the maximurn heighl of slorâge from 1 0 feel lall to 1 7 feel tãll to ácconmod¿le double sLackrng ol the shippr¡g containers ¿nd the removel of a pernìil exptretion dete Fudhemore the applicanl 6 rcquesl¡ng a CUP for enlal end leâsing oldurable goods (oonleineß) el lhis site PL1 3-0056 090005'1 085 12375 WTELEGRAPH Conditional Use Permf RD SANTAPAUL,A CA Aweiling Resubmdlel A Condihonål Use Permit (PL1 3-0058) 6 grânted lo authorize the instgllâtion ¿nd operetion ot e newwrrelesscommunrcationfacility(WcF) TheWcFisdesignedâs470-foolfeuxmonoprne locâled within a 950-square foot lease areâ fhe faux monopine wìll be 70 feel lall h will suppod lhree seclors wilh fou¡ pânèl anlennas per sector for a lolål of lwelve pânel enlennes The twelve 8-fool lall panel anlonnes ând ¿ncìllary equipnenl will be mounted on the faux prne lree An SJool tâll chein link lence with ån access qete wiil be inståìled eround Lhe pêrimelet of the lease ârca fh€ lease arca will contan a 230-squâre loot prefabncáted equipment shelter ând ¿ båckupgeneretor Twoequipmentcebinelswillbeloce{edrntheequrpñentsheller fhe leâse erca w¡ll be scre€nod from pùblio viewng locåtioñs by lhe surroundrng avocedo trees The WcF will be unmánned and operáte 24 houß a day for 365 dàys per yeår PLI 3-0061 PL13-0062 206D233220 2DÊO23321i 3347 OCEAÑ DR OXNARD, CA 93035 3349 OCEAN DR, VENIURA COUNIY CA 99999 Planned Developmenl Planned Developmenl Prep lor Hearing Prep tor Hoadng 1991'l Northfldge Rd Chatsworth. CA9'1311 81 8-363-831 3 Stephanie V¡tacco 19911 Northridge Rd Chetsworth, CA 9'1311 81 8-363-E31 3 grâded County of Ventura, Planning Divis¡on Pending Projects 05i0¿l/20't5 Page 6 Permit Numbê. Parcel Number Address Perm¡t Type St¿tus Perm¡t Descript¡on Case Planner Appl¡cant Wnston Wr¡ght, (805)6s4-2468 Norman Chales R-carclrne Tr 8665 Duarte Rd San Gabriel, CA 91775-1'f39 626-2E5-9795 ElÌes Valencìai (805) 654-3635 Valestflno N¡ck J Tr 2300 Norfield Cl Thousand Oaks. CA 9136'1 8058€30-722'1 PL13{093 05s0110175 Lol Lne Adjustment Comp¡eleness Rev ln Progress Pârcel Map Wsivets Lol LrneAdjusiment 2 lots Nomlans Nußery Fìllmore LCA confâd R and R of3 and 1 NNR 055-0-160-36 is Lhg pdnary pârcel where Ell ofthe sÍuctues ãre loceled âs shown on lhe exhibils PLl3-00s7 6950140400 Lot Line Adiustmenl Complaleness Rev ln Progress 2 lot, lol line adjustment vaoanl percels same owner, Lake merqêd lots off Gi¡es Roâd PL13-0'109 0000000000 ceneEl Plan Prep for Heering Text âmendments to Non-coaslsl Zoning ordìnence Generål PlEn, ândAree Plåns (fhousend oaks ând Ojei) regâd¡ng wireless commun¡cetion lecilìties Aaron Engstrcm, (805) 654-2936 Annie Shim 800 South Victone Avenue VentuE, CA 93009 805-654-2936 Prep for Heâring TêfâmendmenlstoNon4oaslalZonrngOrdìnânce GeneralPlân,a0dAr€aP¡ensOhousând oaks and OjEi) regsrding wrÞless communicalion facilìties Aaron Engstrom, (805) 6s4-2936 Annre Shim 800 South V¡ctorìa Avenue Ventura. CA 93009 Amendmsnt Zonrng Ordinanco PLr 3-01 09 Amendmeot SheMood Th¡stleþerry Hill Tr8ct 805-654-2936 PL13-0116 5000!00055 [rêjor Modification Environnìentâl Doc Prep This proposed modilication to the existing CUP4571-5 would auiho¡ize severel chenges lhal will ellow the land owner/mine operefor to conlinue to develop lhê property's nelurel r6sources into commerciel products The rcquesjed chánges rn lhe permil Include 1 Changes to the perm¡t boundary rncluding the expansion of sand and gravel mrning årees Tle permú boundary would be expanded [rom 80 to 200 ecres and lhe ercâvalion area would be expanded from oppaoximately 48 âcres lo 134 acres 2 Elension ot lh€ lifê of lhe cUP Lo 2043 (30 yeaß) The ex5tiog p€rmit wâs scheduled lo Ebony Mccee: (805) 654-5037 Jones Brcltlaune Et Al Po Box 27 ¡¡oorpark, CA 93020-0027 805-52S-1355 êxprrein2012 llr€metnsíneff€dwhilelheoperetordilgènllyprocessesaCUPmodificâlion ãpplicâliof, 3 Conl¡nued opeEirons al exÉting f¿cilit¡es ¡nclud¡ng the prccBssiûg of mater¡aìs by such meâns es caushhrg gnnding. wâshrno dry scÉening, wel screening. floletion, mechan¡øl separetion end betch plsnt Allow an incroase in sand ând grâv6l mrnrng and plent LhroughFut production Ete from 270,000 lons/year lo 700,000 tons/yeer Allow 24-hour ons¡te opeElions Esleblish TÍuck TÉffic Lim¡ts es followsi Average daily lrips (ADT) of 240 and max peek of 300 one waylnps on any one day Of lhe 240 everâge deily [r¡ps, 1 E6 tnps per dây (eW.) w¡ll be for delivery of sand end gr¿vel products ând 54 lrps per day (aW ) will be for lhe rmpod end expol of recyclsblo meleriels end lhe products derived from them Allow rmporl ând slorâge of rccycleble asphall, ined c&D melerials concrete end clean fill did for processing end reuse or resele in bulk or in bags Allow tor overnqht parking ot 20 trucks to rcduce the fâmc burden of ofl.sife truck slegrng s 12 and deteil'N sheÊt'14, Bulk sampl¡ng Production end salê o[ ready nix concrele, concÉte products, êsphalt plånl mix sånd sorl mix, crushêd Énd NaluÉl bâse mix includinq the ìmpodáLion of such supplem6nlel meleriels âs êggrêgete, âsphâlt, ground rubber, snd rel8led ådmifur€s, Accêssory shuctures whrch årc necessåry end eppurìenenl lo the ebove described uses 4 5 6 7 å 10 11 l2 County of Ventura, Planning Division Pending Projects 05104/2015 Påge 7 Permít Number Parcel Number AddEs Pemit Type Status for Heâring Pemit Description Case Pl¡nnêr 8 30 yearl¡me elension 1 776 for lhe Brândeis Badin Cempus loæted on a 2 5SB ecrc propsrty locâtect ât 1 1 0 pepp€ tree Lane adaôent to the City of Simt Valley end Lhe Santâ Susannâ Knowlos Areâ, The campus is locaied wilh¡n the RuÈl Agr¡cultural Zone District ând the Rurêl ceneral plan lend use designelion The BÉnde6 Bardin Cenìpus tncludes the follow¡ng asseñbly end câmp uses educâtionål centers. meeling halls Mo dining h¿lls Mo ouldoor dance pavilions, æbtns ând colteges for guesls, barns and stâbles for guest use staf housing, spods fields, tennts courts, basketbåll courts, an j adventurecouße epr¡vatecemetary,endássocialedinfreslruclurè, Appl¡c.nt (805) 6s+2467 110'l Peppertree Lene BEnde¡s, CA 93064 805-582-4450 Becky Lrnder (805) Iodd Jespeßon 199 F¡gueroa StEet VentuE. CA 93001 AccessLothesileEprovided the lwo lane asphalt privale roed kñown eS peppedree Lene which commences at lhe Gu¿rdian Roed ând Tapo C€nyon Road tnleßoction l{åler to lhe sil€ is provided by lho Câlleguas Municrpal WEler D¡sk¡ct and weste wâler d¡sposâl is provtded by the City ofsimi Valley The water prov¡ded by Cãllequas is leed inlo lwo onsile rcs€rvo¡E wh¡ch sre utilízed ior dohestic ând fire suppression v¡á the Brêndeis Mutual Watsr Company No physicEl chånges are proposed to the campu5 gfounds by PL13-0148 0370012555 12727 HWY 1 50, OJA|, CA Condilionâl Use Permrt Pr€p for Headng ConditionålUsePemiilocoostruct Enewst¡glêslory,apprcxrmals¡y7,400sq.ñ.firestationwith 8n 1,100 sq. t gáÉge and 60 fool lâfl rådío tower The focil¡ty will prov¡dê ân ofi¡cé/recepÍon srÊa e fitness ând dåytim6 use erea, a kitchen ånd clining fecilily. dorms to aocommodate 4 employees rn 3 shifs/day A 50 toollono hosê drying rack ¡s Blso proposed An apporêlus bay wil¡ house 2 fire trucks and â proposed 9srâge w¡¡l 6ccommodâte a vad€ly ofvehichs/equrpment including wildlând fire equipment 65+2469 805-650-1033 lhe subJect propedy 6 located in lhe Open Space Zone Dislrícl, Open Space Oja¡ VelleyAae¿ Plan lând úse designel¡on, ând Open Spâce cenerel plan land use designetion Fire stetions are å permitted usê wilh a Planning DirecloÊêpproved Condittonal L¡se permit Th6 2 39 ècre sile, APN 037-0-012-555 is curenlly undeveloped and ¿oned Open Spece - 20 ecres. The property does not heve a stree1 âddrcss, bùl is loceted âpproximately 200 feet west of Chumash Roed ålong Ojåi/Sentê Pauls Roâd/Highwây 150 Th6 propos€d stâtion will roplâce en existjng fre slelton located et 1SO SummitTrail ¡nleEedion ãpprþximãtâly one hslI ol 6 ntil€ eâsl of lhe s¡te The exÉting sile snd slructuE will be sold as is fte Fire Depedmenl Will no longer use thet fâc¡lily fhe prcpos6d pÍojecl ts Ci¡culation on site will be one wsy ênlering tho s¡le trom tho eost sidè ol ihe s¡lê, and one way out bÉck to lhe hilhway on tbô wêst side of the sile. A rightìurn pock6t or decelerâiion lân€ ts proposêd for veh¡cles approaching the station frcm lhe wesl The honlâ9e lo Ojâi/Sentâ Paule Road will bê plented wilh firè-resislant demonstrstion gârden, and å monumenl sign will be inslål¡ed. A send storsge ârâe for oasy åccess lor sand bsg use is proposed edjacenl to the hãsh enclosùre. Vehicle pârktng svailable io the publ¡c or vis¡lo6 is proposed lo includê one regulâr perktnO space and one ven.âcæssible hand¡cap space Public access port¡ons of th€ site w¡ll be seperalecl from the pr¡vãte uso areas by rclling gâl€s. Employee perking within the privale areâ consists ofeight employee spaces to the west ofìhe dorms, and ¡n froni oflhe pmposed gaÉge eßs feveßed by en unnemed drâinagê from the northeâst com¿r diågonally ecrosslothesoulhwestcomer llåppeaßloâcceptdrainegefÍomnorlhofthehighwaythrougha The srte is curently culverl. Grad¡ng oftho site to âcæmmodale dêvelopmenl will tolsl approximstsly 70 cy ofcut and 5,875 cy of f¡ll. A dmtnage report has been prepared for lhe proiect end is if,cluded with thts submiüal_ the projgcl sile is provided by the Câsìtæ Múniclpål \^/åter d¡sposel by ên rndividuâl onsile septic system VVåtgr lo Distict end weste wstôr County of Ventura, Planning O¡v¡sion pending prciecls ost0412015 Page 8 Perm¡t Number Parcel Number Addæss Permit Type Status Perm¡t Descr¡pt¡on 3344 On current boundsry ând cutrenl operåtìons, ¡nclud¡ng yeersforssfålocaleclnodhofThomasAquinesCollegt. the wells op6retions, for ânolher 30 fhemâjorityoflhêprojèctâre€isw¡lhin the Opgn Sp6ce 160 acÍe minimum Zone Dislrict and thè Open Spaco Genorel Plân lend use designation ìhough a smâller portion of lh6 project oreå ¡s withln the Agricuhuml 40 Êcre minimum Zone District end Agricullural GeneEl Plan ìând use designofion The modifcation also ¡ncludes the rônewål of the tem for drillino, testing, produclion end máinlenance of 1 E previously ãpprcved welb es ¡llustEtôd on lhe proj€cl plans Orilling penod for lhe 16mâining spproved 18 wells which axpied on Oclober 29 201 1 is requesled 10 bs efrendêd for the same l¡m€ penod as tho cUP, to Feh 7 ,2045 Case Planner Applicant (805) 654-249E 9600 i/ing Avenue Suite 300 Bakersñeld C493311 661 -869-81 51 All ofthe unddlled wells will bo drillêd on Lhe existing four Drill sites, ãs appÞved No new grâding or ßmovai of vegetátíon outsidê oflhe exìsl¡ng Dñll Sites 6 requied ìo effecluåle ìhe prcposed modif¡cations forthe undrilled wells unless end unlil regulãtions addresrng potential hydEulic fÉclur¡ng impacls år€ adopled and in place. Vínlege w¡ll not use hydraulic fraclurrng Gross prodùctron ¡rom the exisling wolls is hensporled out of lhe CUP boundâry via exìsting prpel¡nes and seperated and storcd off sile lt E antic¡pated thâl these existing pipel¡nes w¡ll be sufflcieùt to aæommodåle producl¡on lrom lhe rêma¡n¡nS approved 18 wells for l¡anspodelrcn of produced fluids off tho CUP boundary Thus no new pipelines leading off lhe CUP are proposed The inslallâtìon of pumpiñq units galhering lines, elech¡cal connections ând ¿nc¡llary equlpment will be necessary lo oper6le the Gmarning wêlls Acæss lo Lhe prcjscl sle is providêd by a privâle gated ell weâther sudace dr¡vew¿y lhet folks off oflhe common drivè thâl leads to ThomesAqtrnas college el 10,000 Ojai Santa Peulå Road (HWY 150) Addìtionel proj€ct dêla¡ls have beên provided by lhe Pêrmìttee ¡n tho appliætion pâckege County of Ventura, Plann¡ng Division Pend¡ng Pro¡ec'ts o5to42015 9 Permit Numbe¡ PL1 3-0 1 54 Parcel Number 6480250020 Addrêss 1244 VALLEY CA93063 Pem¡t Type Use Status Perm¡t Descr¡pt¡on Compl€ten€ss Rev ln P¡ogress Condilional Use PermiL for lemporery Case Planner Boero Land Use Oesignelion 3nd lhe Open Sp6cê 160 Acre minimum pårcel srze Zone Dislrici (OS 160) on e 464 ecre propedy âddressod ås 1241 & 124E Rocky Roâd in the Sanla Susânnå area Wåter 65+2467 Applicant (805) Arna '1248 Rock Road Srmi Valley, CA 93063 310414-5352 is provrded by lhe City of SimiVâlley Each wôddino/evenl will be limited Lo s mexrmum of 250 peopl¿, which will include bridEl pedtes guesls and orgenzeÍs Only ons wedding/event shãll take pláce at one lime end oech will lake pl€ce b€lween lhe houas of 10 ã m untrl l0 p m No more then 60 evenls w¡ll lâke place in one yêar, includi[g sel0p dgys âs evenl dÉys Evenls will lake plece on the outside grounds only, end no exisling buildings on lhe propeny w¡ll be used Polable reslroom faci¡ities will be avâilâble on the grounds forguesls and orgånizors Curently lhêre É on-site parking for 125 ørs with â súrplus tor 25 eddiltonal csß EvenlAreê Evenls will be locáted on approxrmetely 3 75 âcaes ofthe prcject sile, with edditional on-sile pârking on an âpproximetely 4 ecre lot ål 1241 Rocky Roåd Ama Vodenos, the ownorof 1218 RockyRoed,isthepimeleaseholderofl24'lRDckyRoad,whichwìllbeleffvacåntândforher personel use Tlere is â ono-fam¡ly residence and cuesl Conage on the projôcl sile ând these will nol be usêd for events Proposôd hours oloperalion fortemporåry ouldoor events will be Monday lhrough Sunday lrcm 10 â m.to11: 30 p m for a maximum ofô0 days withtn lhe calendar y€âr. Vendors ere allowed lo arive al 10 â m lo set up lor evenls. No lights cân be seen off-sile and åll guesls ând vendors will be off-site by11 30pm Calenng Food and beveráge sorvice on site will be provded by seiËsufficienl, licensed øteiing seNices The æteÉr or ê delivery renL¿l compâny will provide dishes iatwaÉ and glesses câtercd food w¡ll be prepered oÍïs¡tê ¿nd transported [o lhe event sile lor eåch evenl Pafting Guestpârkingwìllbelocatedlothenorth norlhwestandnodheastoftheMâin Resdence, and will be compdsed of 150 pelk¡ng spacås If the number of guests exceeds 40, then v€let parkinq will be provìded Stef/v¿ndor paúing for 20 will be desBnâl¿d within one oflha perktng arcas No pâlking will occur on Sanla Süsana Påss or Rocky Road Sound Appl¡cant hrrêd lrc€nsed ånd Égistered acouslic engineers who submitlôd en âflached study añd recommendâtions lo e¡¡ñt¡ale any noEe impeci to adjâcenl property owners A professtonâl sound syslem wås ìnstâllod end tesled lo tnsurc lhel no emplifed sound Íiom evenls can be heard mor€ th6n fifty feet lrcm åny sübjecl propedy border DJ's ând bands are contrâduâlty ßstided from bringtng any emplifieE or speakers onto lhe propedy The existing insl8lled amplifier snd spoakeß hÊve been installed so ihåt impâctful amplified sound will reach neårby properties - at peak volume - no Reslrooms Podable rêstrcoms will be purchesed and installed as a condition for the gÉnting of the Conddionâl Use Pemit ønd will be r€quißd for sll evenls Restmoms will be located egetnst the south wall of the receplion and cer6ñontal lewn erÊa Thore will be a full bath in the Matn Residence which will be reskicled to uso only by the brìdál pârty An ¿dequete quantity of portáble toilels for temporâry êvents will be provided ãnd mainleinod in compliânce wlh lhe Resource I\ranegemenl Agency, Environñenlal Heallh O¡viston s rcgulalions Thê bathrooms seruing lhe I\¡ein Residence County of VentuË, Plann¡ng Div¡s¡on Pend¡ng Prcjecas 05t04/2015 Pag€ 10 Permit Numbêa Pa¡cel Number AddEss Permit Type Status Prrmit Description Case Pl¡nner Applicant Kristina Boero (805) 65+2467 Scott Pnæ 15500 West Telegraph Rd. Guest Collâge will be proh¡bilêd from be¡ng used forlemporâry ev€nts Extenor Lighting No permenent l¡ght¡ng will be ¡nslelled for the lemporery events Exlerior lighl¡ng be provid6d wrthin lhe púposed projecl sile eround welkweys, temporary reslrcoms and dining lebles. as well es PLl 3-015E 0400220165 Minor l\¡odificeiion Envrronmentel Doc Prep rn desrgnâled pa*ing foÍ sefely ånd securly lemporary dance l¡ghts will be limited Minor Modif¡cslion lo cond¡lional Use Permil 3543 to exlend the CUP for Én ãdditionel 25 yeers, End to erpånd the CUP to include the ddlling of three ãddilÍonel wells ând onê rÊ-drill, 10 be " compl€ted over the couÉo oflhe next len yesß No olher changè is needed ¡n the CUP, ôrcept for adressìng access The cunenl CUP allows âccêss overthe "ellernele' ruula that used to €xlend hom about one mile up Koenigslei0 R0ed #d32 Santa Paula, CA 93060 805-933-1901 Lo Highwayl50 ThstElterdalerouteweshedoulmãnyyeerssgo,af,dslltmfäcw¡llhavetoulilize Koenigstêin Roed to access Highwsy 150 Koen¡gslarn is e public roed, lesding to Hqhwêy 150 also a public road The roed 10 lhe well pad is privatg, bul is conlÊrned entiÉly within lend owned by the Applicenl, Bnd rs lightly grcv6lled A nors€ sludy was compleied lo âddress the drilling of the new wells which includes proposed noße mitþations Those mil¡gâtions should bê considered psrl of the project description M¡Edâ ¡s not plann¡ng any hydÉul¡c fßcturing lo lhe new we¡ls or lhe re-drill al this time Much will depend on lhe developmont olthe wells snd enalysis oflhe geology something thal cannol be predrcled with Íeâsoneble celeinly et lhrs lime fherefora, we will come bsck lo the Counly for âdditional permitting, shoùld th€ need for hf âÍse in the [útu¡e County of Ventura, Planniog D¡vis¡on Pending Prcjects 05/o/V201 5 Page 11 Perm¡t Numbea Parcel Numbêr AddÉss Permit Type Status Permit Oêscr¡pt¡on Case Plrnner yeer lime extension for the continued Ojâi Velley OEsnics Reoycl¡ng FÊcil¡ly as permfied in CLIP 4408, l\4odiñcat¡on #2 The exisl¡ng fâcility ìs locBted âl 534 Baldwin Roed on ân 1 1 70 âcre podion of a 11 2 23 acre parcel (APN ) lhe propêrly ¡s zoned OS-40 ¿c, (Open SpÉce, 40 âcre minimum pârcel sEe) end ß designated Opôn Space in lhe Ojai Valley Areå Plan and County ol VentuÊ ceneral Plân to cA 93023 to 10 (805) 654-2685 Applicant Somers 2777 West Young Road Fillmore CA93015 805-857-4277 fhis operatron w€s fißt âpproved on Apnl 7, 1 988 for ã muntcipel r€fuse kansfer slalion, recycl¡ng ænter and Bolt¡e Bill R€dempt¡on Center for a five yesr l¡me period A permil adiustment to CLJP ¿1408 was epproved June 5, lg90 to âllow for lhe êxpens¡on of the operelioo to tnchrde the âddition of an oil-based ãnd waleÊbased parni recycfing area, båttery recycling êrea and ñolor oìl recycl¡ng ereâ On December 16 1993, CUP 4408-1 wes epproved ând consislôd ofs lime extensioñ of five 15) yeêE â0d â reduclion ofthe operation lo grêen wåsle rôcycl¡ng only with the prcv¡s¡on thât ihe opeBlion could conlinue for an ¿ddilional 5 yeåß wilh the sppÞvel ofthe Planning Director OnJuly20,19SE,1hePlenn¡ngDtreclorapprovedtheâdditionål5y€srlimeefension allowìnglhê operation to continue until Decembor 16 2003 CUP 4408 Modificôtion #2 was clôemed coñplele on December 16, 2003 lo allow €n ãdditionâl 10 yeár tinìe exioñsion to operate the fâcilily to contn0e "w¡ndrow @mpostiùg'ånd 'low lêvel composting' To presere flèx¡b¡lly lor use ai lhe siìe, the operator ålso rocêived approvel for "chip Ênd ship' operâtons thal mêêl lhe Stsle permttlinq requ¡remenls and the prcposed i0lroduction of ¡n-vessôl composlíng at â fuluro dBlê This mod¡fic€lion spplicÊlion is to pôrmìt the oÞeßlìon of an Org6nic Recycling Facility to contìnue es is foren åddilional 10 years No changes are requesled There is one employee workìng on site, The hours ofoperat¡on will continue lo be 7 days e w€ek, 7:30 am lo 5t00 pm, or % hour befoæ dusk, wh¡chevar is lâter The fac¡lity consisls of 'windrow æmpost¡ng", 'low lewl composl¡ng", "chip and ship" operations end lhe ínlroduction ol rh-vessel composling at e futrre date The sile w¡ll continue lo be linited lo s meximuñ of 4,000 cubtc yards of meteriâl on-s¡le end eccepts no more thån 1 50 cubic ys rds o f mâlerìEl per day wilh a max¡mum number of truck ldps a1 40 round tilps perdãy The fecililres approvôd in CUP 4408, Modifìcation #2 include a) Th€ existing 'low levol'ánd windþw composting operstion rncluding bins for hauhng máteriâ|, sk¡p loaders, e tub gnnder and ân excavelor (equipmenl) A portable sanitâtion fèc¡lity (eristng) A 96 s-f porlablê gâtek€ep€6 shelter (exsiing), b) c) PL13-01E8 PL14-0003 06001 00385 001 0l 90120 Permit Adjustment Conditional Uso Permit Awâding Resubrnittel Sile Plen Adjuslment 1o Planned Developmenl Permit No 1 246 for construction of s 373 sq n. ñtness room addÍtion lo en existng 5.895 sq fr Fire Sletion No 25 locåted at 5674 W Pecif¡c Coâsi Highwsy in Rincon Be¿ch Plânnod Developmenl Permf wes âpproved onAugust 30, 19EB for femovel of ân exEting fire slalion and construction of å nsw fire station. Cra¡g Envircnmenlal conditional Use Pêrm¡l for a wirel€ss @mnuntcãtion fâcility ¡oceled on an 1 60 ácß prcpely wtlhin tho Open Spåcê 1 80 acre minimum parcel sze Zone Dislricl and the Open Space cen€¡al Plan land use desqnÊtion âddrcssed as 31541 Slatè Highwey 33 in th€ Mâ¡icopa Vêlley The proposed f¿cil¡ty is a 120 ft ìâll monoptne wilh 12 panel anlennes tn 3 seclors wilh the top ofthe eolennas Becky Linder (805) 65+2469 Doc Prep mounlodalll0flonthemonopine Theessociafedequtpmenlisloøtedelthebaseoflhe monop¡ne withh a 50 fi by 50 n leåse aree with the eqütpmenl screened with¡n ê coocrête block wêll, SorneamounloIgrâding6requiredtoconstruclthefecilìly Accèsstothes¡l€isprovided by an existing dirl roed vie Highway 33. An emergency b¿ck up geneÉlor is proposed 10 be located within lhe êquipme0t erea No wâler is requir€d to operetê the unmanned fecility Malin (605) 654-2488 Ventura County Fire '165 Durley Ave Camarillo, CA 9301 0 (805) 901-6430 David Downs 2009 V Street Sacrament. CA 95E 1 8 916-217-7513 County of Venturâ, Planning D¡v¡s¡on Pend¡ng Pro¡ects 0sto/U2015 Page 12 Permlt Number Parcel Number Addess Permit Type Status Permit Description Resubmittål communrcåtìon 3945 W PL14-OO12 HY VENTURA CA93OO'I Case Planner å len Llse Permit fec¡l¡ly localed in lhe Coastâl Opan Spâce 10 ac Zone Dlslricl and the Coâstâl openspeceAreaPlenLendUseDesignelioninlheFeriaBeechAreâ Kristina Boero. 65+2467 conditionelljsePerm¡t 4776 wes origrnâlly approved ss two 30 foot lall loweß with lhê assocìated telecommunìcalion Applicant 2125 E KatellaAve Aneherm, CA 92806 949-233-0988 equrpmentlocaledinl96sqlfl equ¡pmenlenclosuÉwithinå18'X36.6'fencedleasearcaalLhe base of the lowers fhê curenl prcposâl is reqtresllng lo remove lhe fuo towers ând replec€ lhem wilh e faux pêlm koe with the lop of thå 6ntennes ál 35 fset lâll The siza ofthe equipment sheller and enclosurc ¡s not proposed io chenge Th¡s unmenned fsc¡lily does not requlre wâler lo operâte No vegetst¡on 6 proposed to be removed New balleries are proposed for emergency b¿ck up electricily PL14-0013 69500721 80 330 E DAVID LN. Lol Lne Adjustñent WESTUKE V¡LLAGE. CA EnvironmenLâl Doc Prcp Lol LineAdjuslment, 2 legal lots, one va@nl one developed wÍlh e SFR ãnd assessory struciurcs LLA for setbsck requûernenls and to match lhe fence |ne ElìasValencra (805) 654-3635 06003801 90 3945 PACIFIC COAST HWY VENTURA Po Box 6'189 Westlake Village CA 91359-6'1 89 805-402-7979 91 36',l PL14-0025 Wood Dawn E Tr Permit Adjùstmenl Coeslel Comm COUNry UNINCORP Perml Adjustment lo replêce e¡sting VERIZON equipñent, replace 4- 4' x 11 " panel antennes with 4-ô' x 11" pânel enlennas, seme localions, âdd 4 RRU beh¡nd lhe panel antennes new l l¡ber junction box, 2 new hybeflex and 1 n€w RET ceble, ãll loceled wlh¡n an ex¡sting monopâlm pole Lease âree end heighl of tower unchanged colocatloû on previous pêrmil Jay Dobrcwalskr, (805) 654-2498 Chlflstrna Song 2749 Saturn Streer Bree, CA 92821 714-3 1 9-0370 less Herìs, (805) 65+2453 Jefferson Farms L P 790 Håmpshire Rd #c Westleke Village, CA 9'136'1 805-379-0020 less Hams; (805) Brenl Lamo 319 S La LunaAve Ojai, CA 93023 805-204-1605 Operator Venzon Wkelèss P€rñiltee Am€r¡csI Tower epns 060-0-380-030,'1 90, 205, 305 Pt1 44047 1 100060605 7840 BALCOM CANYON PL'1+0048 0170160175 31 9 S LA LUNAAV. OJAI, ássociated LCA conlracl rocission and rc-entry Lot Line Adjustment Completêness Rev ln Progress PI,W-LLA 4 lots 6nd Zone chenge Environmanlal Doc PÉp Zone Change ând Tentelive Psrcel lì/lâp lo change the zone disl¡ict frcm Rurãl Agriculture 1 o_âcre minrmum pa16l size to RuralAgrículture s-acre mlnimum pârcôl ând subdivrde s 10 2 âcre percel into å 5 01 ¿cre lot (Lot 1) and 5 19 acm lot for â propedy localed within the Rural Resìdeotiâl 5 to '10 âcre m¡nrmum parcel srze ojå¡ Valloy lând use designalion cuÍenlly addressed as 319 Soulh RO SOMIS, C493066 cA 83023 Erì 654-2453 LaLrna TheproJectsilgincludes3dwellingunfts ThesubdivisionwouldresullilìLollhaving2 dwellings (a pdncipel dwell¡ng and e s€cond dwelling) ând Lol 2 would have 1 principal dwell¡ngTo avoid an increese in trafflc impects lhe apphcant is proposing 10 voluntar¡ly reslricl Lot 2 from devêloprng â second dwell¡ng unl Ño gredlng or devêlopmeni is requrred lo fâcilitele the proposed subdMsion. Acæss 10 the projecl sile is prov¡ded by an existing pdvale driveway entenng the sìte on Lol 2 with å proPosed eâsemenl running through the prop€rly over Loi 2 for the banefrt of Lol 1 This pírvate dr¡vewây ìs ex¡sting Waler to the proiect is provided by the Meineß oak Wáter Dislr¡ct and pubiic sewer ìs Prov¡ded by ojai Valley sânilation Dislricl PL1+0050 2340060120 2052 HOWARD RD, CAMARILLO. CÀ 93012 Minor Modifcation Envircnmentâl Doc Prep lllinor Modifical¡on lo Cond¡tional Use Perñit 2045 forthe Conejo lúlounlain Memoflal Park & Funeral Home al 2052 Howard Rosd in Câmâr illo spt ings to allow å phased 6 acre expons¡on of Non Uùan and Bu¡ll Up Lând Domprised of Unque, Prime Farmlânds lo bo developed for âddilional c€melery use hcluding bunsl grounds, a 25'wìde access drive end fiv€ new community m€usoleums (lhree et 1,845 sq f{- Ênd two ât 2,712 sq n,) adjacent to th6 sxisting fêcìl¡ty Addilþnål requesl ¡ncluclos an lhirly yeârl¡ñe extenslon for operat¡on oflhe facility Ex6t¡ng stuctures include 14,940 sq fl funêral home, 4,600 sq ft châpel, 414 sq fl offtc€ 3,200 sq ft mainlen6nce, ánd two mausoleums of 2 620 and 2,008 sq-fl. snd a 60,000 gellon water tank on Nræle Doner (805) 654-5042 Steven Geofüion 300 lvlontgomery Ave Oxnard C493036 805-988-09 1 2 thedeveloped235ãcreportionofthelolalll9Tlecreparcel Vl/¿terlolheprcleclsileis provided by lhe Cemrosa Water District County of Ventur., Pl.nning D¡virion Pending Prcjècts 05l0¡u2015 Page 13 Permit Numbêa Percel Number AddEs Pem¡t Type Use Status Pem¡t Descript¡on Prep lor Heaíng MOORPARK CA 93021 Cåse Pl¡nner eninals bolh inherently dsngerous of following desc¡ipiion was prcvided by the applicent 11 952 EROADWAY, VÊNTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Jay Dobrowalskiì (805) 654-24e8 The lryildlife and Environmenlal Conseruãlion (WeC) centor is hone lo many spôcies of owls, hâwks, eegle end fslcons end slso exotic fe¡ines There âr€ e variety ofseNiæs provided by lhe Appl¡cant O Box 2359 Moorpark, CA 93020 805-51 7-1 074 P centèt 1 Reheb¡lilâtion - The W6C rscoives sicl, injured and orphÁo€d wilcflife from msmbo6 ol the communily, law enforcemènt, ânrñal Íescues, veteíneilens, etc Thesê enimels åro 116ated lhrough the criticâl cãre process by licensed velerinailens that work togêlher wilh our staff and volunleeE lnvasive suEery pÞcedufes qE peílrned âl vet€dnery hosDilÊls The animels are elher lrensfeÍed to other facilitios. releesêd or r¿måin a1 the W¿C center for futhêr rôhábillâlion Énd placed in zoos 6nd other eduølioñal fac¡litìes On everage the WeC låke in betwe6n five and len enim8ls (eithor f6linês or reptors) peryear 2 Éducåtionel Progrôms - WeC offers conseruatton outrcâch programs lo our community schools churches, Iibreries ând oiher orgânizetions tn and 610und our ereâ. Ourvolunteeß tEvel off site w¡th raplors onv to meet wilh these groups el thoir required venues No fulinês are a pârt of the ofisìle educetìonal prográms 3 Conse¡vetion Eduøtion (on site) - WeC is not open to lhe pùblic Our mission is to meintein a small, exclusive, pnvete home base for our enimâl ambãssâdoas lhat represenl lheìr counteeaÍls ând lheir nâtural habitals throughout the wodd âs described in the WeC,s âgreement wilh the Ceplìve Breed¡ng P¡ogreñ (see efleched) We accêpt visitoß by invitetion or eppotnlment only We caler to smell groups repr€seniitg exisling and luture beoef€ctoß and our sister conseNâlionFts lrom other pans ofthe globe These groups Énge in numbers ftom two 10 ten people end there âre apprc¡rmslely lhrce lo fve v6its per month of lhese small groups throughout the year The maximum ¡umber of chtldren thal the WeC progrem E able to ãccommodate is between fneBn end lhidy, dependif,g on age and nümber ofchaperones fhese childrgn come fom our locål schools, boy scouls, gid scouls and oìher orgânized groups, primarily durng lhe spnng monthsofMerchihroughJun¿ AmaximumolthteeshoolclassesororgenEedgroupsof child¡en may vùsit per month. All visitors palk ¡nside Lhe property. The number of vehicles r6ngss genorâlly fiom one Lo lhrce cÊrs wilh lhe excepìton olschool visits ln thesê cases the perents usuelly tmnspod lhe ch¡ldren jn SUV5 or minivåns in Epprox¡maLely liv€ to six vehicles ln the Ére cåse lhal a bus is used fortrensport, there 6 room for a bus to palk tns¡de ol the propedy 4 WeC is primar¡ly a volunteer orgsnizefon There er€ betwean seven end Melve wlunteeß in tolel fheseindN¡duâlscontdbulevâryingnumbersofhoußanddays dependingo0theirt¡me Êvailabrl¡ty ând ere rotaled accord¡ng lo the needs ofthe WeC Therc âÉ five pâ¡d, ¡ndependent conkadoc lhât ere brcught tn on ân "âs oeeded' bâs¡s They include bookkeeping, rep¿iß ênd mårnt6nancê end en¡mel câre ând training The houß of opeßlion are generally Mondây through Fnday 700em-3:30pm However,trcâtm€nt câreândobseruetionsreprovidedlwenjyfour houß â dåy, seven days å week Visiloß âre welcome on wêêkdeys bêlween the houE of '10 00âm-3 30pm by eppoiñtment only l ./ator lo the f¿cility is provided by the County of VenluÞ Wat€Morks District #! ând wâste water d6chãrge lrom the dwell¡ngs on the prôpedy is hendled by a private sgplìc systm PLl+0063 1090031175 1021 CEÑIER RD, soMls. cA 93066 Modìfrcâiion Prep for Hear¡ng Minor Modifcâtion to s conditionãl tJse pemit (cup 5339) rclated to â i o_ye¿r tìme efension for ån e¡isting wir€less conrmunicÊtion fBcilily locoted in th€ Agricullu16l Exclus¡vè Zone D¡stdcl ãncl lhe Agric!ltuÉl Genoral Plân lend use destgnation loceted on s S1,20 ocÉ próperty eddrossêd ss 1021 Centet Streel in lhe SomisArea -fhe wircless commùnicsjion facilily lower¡s des€nod És e 70-fool tâll faux ptne trÊe ând h€s ânlonnes mounted êl 63 feei lhe essocistÊd lelecommunrcation equipment is located tn s 0' X 1 6' prefâbricâted equipñenl sheller al thô bâso of lhe tower No wsler is roquired to ro0 lhis unmånned fecility No emorgêncy beck up geneBtor exsts at the fãc¡lity. Access to lhe sile E pmMded by a secured eg ricultuÉl roed v¡E Centêr Strcet No new devêlopmenl is proposed ss thô requBst is limited lo â time eñension Thomas Chaffee, (805) 654-2406 Sean Scully 4300 Via Azeleâ Palos Verd€s Estates, CA 90274 818-426€028 1 County of Ventura, Planning Divis¡on pending prcjects 05r0ru2015 Pege '14 Permit Number PL14-0066 Parcel Number AddEs Permit Type Amendmenl 031 VENTURA CAE3OO4 PL14-0066 PL14-0075 09001 1 031 0 11201 COUNTY DR VENTURA CA93OO4 Zone change Planned Development 7000û10275 St6tus Permit Description Case Planner Appl¡c¡nt Env¡mnmentál Doc Prep coner¿l Plan Amendmênt and Zone chenge for seticoyAree Plsn updale Shelley Sussman. (805) 654-2493 Venturâ 800 S V¡ctona Ave VentuË, CA 93009-0001 8056542493 Envìrcnmenlal Doc P¡ep Geñerâl Plan Amendmenl €nd Zone change for S¿licoy Area Plsn update Shelley Sussmen Ventura County Of 800 S Victoria Ave Ventura C493009-0001 8056542493 CoÉstal Comm The spplicant requ6sls appþvêl of â PD Permit for the construction of å single-story Chuck Anthony, (E05) (spproximãtelyl0lôethigh),1,336squ.Éfoot(sq fi)srngle-fam¡lydwellingwithenâltschèd624 sq ft lwo-cer cårpod ênd 434 sq ft of ãtt€ched coverod pstios 654-3683 (805) 6s42493 ¡rrcheel Parrìs 314 Drcxel Ave Veniura C493003 805-901-213E ln eddition to the PD Permit for the conslruction and use ol the proposed slruclurÉs, â PD Pemil is r€quiÍed becâlse the propos€d project will ßquire grBding ¡n excess of 50 cubìc yârds. More specifiôelly lhe proposed prcJact irclùdes approxrnately 1,350 cub¡c yads of cul and approximately 520 cubic yerds of nll w¡th 830 cubic yards of export to prepare lhe srte forihe propos€d devêlopment crcund disturbence €ctivities (grsding, excêvat¡on, lrenching, digqing lðnd cl€anng, or construction) will nol includo blâsting, pile-dr¡vìng or v¡bretory compåction Pilvete onsile elechiæ1, phone, and communicâtion lines will be placed underground wilhin an existif,g Southern Cålìfornia Edison essement on lhe subject property A populalion of chocolåte lily (Frilillådâ biflora var biflorE) exists onsite and will be preseryed in sp€cÌfic erÞss ìdenlified on ths proposecl p16ns (Exhibìl 3) fhe chocolele lily plEnts will be protected during all development Ectivitiss and fuel modificatron activit¡es by Reggrng and îencing oft such plants The chocolete lily plânfs will be ma¡nlårned by hand weeding o¡ly, and the lsndscspe end fuel modrficstion zone (oulside oflhe chocolate lily arae) will be maintrned by weed-whecking, hând weêding, €nd tilmming, as nêcessary The Proiect âlso includes the rnstellBlion of lendscâping, pursu¡nt lo the landscapino plans for lhe Prcject A proposed, new compacled crushed shâle driveway vie Pacific View Ddve will pþvide access 1o lhe pml€cl sile An existing on-s¡te privâle well will provÉe waler, and ân on-sile âllernelive sepìic systâm in lhê form a 1,500 gallon tenk with seepâge pits ând e sând filt€r leech field w¡ll provide sewaqe drspossl, for the proposed res¡deniial use of lhe properly (Exh¡bil 3) PL14-0078 Major Modifìcâlion lo TÉct 5175 (å 23 lol subdivision) to mod¡fy the approved mitroal¡oI maasurcs Malor Modifcot¡on 51 901 9001 5 Resubmillal endcoodititionno 15toállowlhaprivelehomeowneFusof30'ollandmeasuredfromthèlopof Franca Rosengren (E05) 65+2045 lhe slopos in the resi yârds to install solar pholovollaic syslems end plonting of lendscaping Santa Rosa H¡gh Homeowners Assoqal¡on 2323 Portola Road Suite'150 Ventura C493001 (805) 642-0995 PL14-0080 PL14{086 6680080060 5000050075 WIIITE STALLION RD, WESTLAKE VILLAGE. CA 91361 27OO GRIMES CANYON RD, FILLMORE, CA 93015 17OO Plsnned Development ¡/lìnor Mod¡ficãt¡on Prep for l-leâÍirg Completenåss Rev ln Progress Plenned Oêvelopment Psrmil for conslruction of â 1,752 sq ft bedroom addilion end â new 1,385 sq ft solid roof patio cover al an exrslhg dwellìng localed al 2700 Vvhile Stållion Road in å Scenic Resource Protection overlay zone lmprovements arc locâled on lhe north side of the dwelling, Project elso rncludes interior remodeling ofìhe mEin dwelling ¿nd legel¡zal¡on of sn ex¡sÙng unpermitted633sqft seconddwell¡nguniL Parcelconternsexisting l5,983sqll jwo-floorsrngle family dwell¡ng, swmming pooland spâ The applicânt is propos¡ng to mod¡t lhe condit¡ons of cUP 491 3 es followsi 1) Th8t the prcjad be extended for an åddil¡onel 30 yeaß of opereLion, 2) lo incroase the maximum daily truck trips from 300 of,e-way trips per day to 372 one-way trips per day, 3) to increase lhe numb6r of oporâtì09 dBystÞm180dåysperye6rto250dÊyspsryeår 4)åndìochêngeCondilionNo.ô1b1,61c1 61c 3 relãted lo reportino Équkemenls to lh€ Counly of Venlura Public Works Geologist Nicole Doner, (805) 654-5042 Ed O'neill 11E0 Old Topanga Canyon Rd Topanga, CA 90290 (805) 368-1603 Ebony Mccee: (805) 654-5037 Charies Teague 1708 Cherry Hill Road Santa Pauls, CA 93060 80''525-283'1 No chenges are pÞposed lo the pernit or Eclam€lion plân boundary and no sifuct(res exist on sile or ar€ proposed VVBler to the subjecl propeÍy is provided by eû oûs¡te well with å 20,000 gâllo0 €sorvoir Access is prov¡ded viå Gimes Cânyon Roed by Bn all wealher sccess Oatod roed wúh e secondåry gated eccess road also to crmes C6nyon Roåd TompoÍâry loilels arê provided to employees County of Venture, Planning D¡vis¡on Pend¡ng Prcjects 0s/0,V2015 Page 15 Pêrmit Number PL14-008E Parcel Number Addess 00s00901 65 Permit Type Stãtug Permit Descr¡ption Case Pl¡nnor Appl¡cant PemilAdjustmênt Completenoss Rev ln Progress Proposed prcject rncludeds Évisinq CUP 3489-2 1o includ€ thô follow¡ng (in ecco¡dinance with thè Cha0nelKêepeÊMosler Rock SenÞmenl Agreemeni)i Ebony [4ccee: (805) 654-5037 Gralar Llc 2280 Moonr¡dge Ave Newbury Park, CA 91320-4534 805-432-3580 Kristina Boeroi (805) 654-2467 Alex Glassæck 12220 Cothann Road lvlalibu. CA 90265 310-457-3369 Winston lvÌight; (805)654-2468 Håll Kempton B Surv Tr Est '1273 S Rice Roed ojai, CA 93023 1 2 3 lncreâsê capecity of upper det€ntion basrn fmm approx 400 000 gsllons lo 1,000,000 gallons Pav€ lhe haul road from lhe ankance to lhe lhs upper delenlion bastn (approx 1 2 ecres) Replêce lower delenl¡on basin wfh severel weir lânks Proposêd projecl elso tncludes a mtnor ßvision ìo RPCA 3489-2 (Rec Plen) shsll be rev¡sod to €llow lhe paved hêul rcêd lo Þmern posl reclâmslion PL1+0090 7000140040 12220 COfHARtN RD, VENTURA COUNTY Plânned Dewlopmenl Prep for Hearihg UNINCORP PROPOSED 3 lot Lot Line Adjustñônl in the Ssnts Monþa Mounle¡ns, 3 legâl nonconforñing lols (existing developed Lol 1- 37 I âcÍ€s zonhg CRE 40, vecânt Lol 2- 77 I acrcs COS-M sdf zonrng,sdf minrmum lot size 1 00 ac and vêcånl Lol 3- 80 00âc COS-M sdf zoninq, sdf mintmun lot szel00ac TheproposedLLAwilladjustthelollinesandrêsullin2developsdlots(Lot1and3) ãcres Lol 2- 55.2 and Lot 2 wíll remain â vecânl lol The proposed peÞels will be Lot 1- 39 g åcres and Lot 3- 99 I âcres all will remetn non-conforming for lol srze RestriclivBCovenåntexElso0parcel?01-0-030-10 Biological UsêlheDocumentlabalthè pârcel lewl lo view lhe èntiro ReslriclMe Cov€nãnt EXISTING LJSES and PERMITS CoeslSl Plsnned Development Pemit (LU11-0061) to legalize en ex¡slíng gârage conveßion, upgEdeexislinqoleclrrcalend¿ppliencosinbasement,ênd@nslruclanew¡l20squarefoot two cãr gâRge. The gerege conveEþn oonsists of legâlizing the conveled spâæ 10 a Mo b€drooms and lwo b¿th heb¡teble spâæ These slructurês 6nd enhancsmenls ere located in the southwesl oomer of lhe paræl and part otlhe main hous6 ereâ Th¡s Cosslâl Plânned Developmenl Pem¡l is being prcc¿ssed conourêntly with Condilional Use Permit No LU10-0108, Pursuân1 to Seclion 8174-4 & 8174-6 of the VeotÉ Counly Coåstal Zontng Ordinânce This Section ofth€ Code requkes e Coaslal Planned Dêwlopmênt Permf es these uses ere considered minor developments bul erc locâled in a Sensûive Area (Sentã lvlonice Mount8¡ns) No g€ding ¡s proposed with this prorocl Access to the sile E vig two privaie driveways off Cotharin Road Vvelêr is providêd by å private we¡l thâl w¡ll setuice the camp ârea and the main house, An existing septic syslêm wìll seMce the cemp ârea and lhe main house PL14{082 0300070035 11 999 OJAI-SANTA PAULA RD OJAI, CA 93023 Lol L¡ne Adjustmenl Completeness Rev ln Progress IWO LEGAL LOTS WTHIN 1 APN, A 2 LOI- LOT LINE ADJUSTù,IENT'l'O oREATÊ PARCELA 23 06 AC GROSS, NET 22.0 AC AND PARCEL B 20.08 AC NET/GROSS. tHER ARE NUMEROUS EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPOSED PARCELA, SEE FILE FOR ASSESSOR RECORDS AND SITE PLAN 805-217-941 5 County of Ventura, Plann¡ng Div¡sion Pending Prcjects 05/o¿l/2015 Page fG Permit Number PL1 Parcel Number AddEs 4-0107 Permit Type Status Perm¡t Descr¡pt¡on Minor Nfodificâtion Aweitiog Minor f\¡odìfication to Conditional Use Permil No LU05-0023 lo request a 20-yee¡ lime e{ension and lo modify cedarn conditions of approval of LUo5-0023 to allow the oD-gorng operalon of an âutomobile repâir business locâled ât 501 Nonh Ventura Aven0e in lhe Commercral land úse desqnslion of fhe Ojai Vålley Areá Plân and the Commercial Plátned Developmenl Zone Dislricl Condilionel Use Pemi LU05-0023 origrnally approved lhe front buildìng ând konl polron oI lhe propeÍyto operate an ùsed car deelership and the buildrng ând reâr pofiron oflhe p¡opeñy to be used es a eutomob¡le repair busrness Previous to LU05-0023 lhe site was developed as a gâs slalion rn ÍÍonl with associaled Eulomobile rcparr 1o lhe reâr of lhe site in the earty 1 950s prior to Resubmllål VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Case Plãnner Kristina Boero 65+2467 Appl¡cant (805) James Clalk P O Box 604 Oakvrew CA 93022 E05€49-1 891 lhe need for a Plâniling Division enliiloment polion of the propely changed use such that theâulomobilorepâirbusinesslookoverlheentfepropedy Thisbusinessscommonlyknownas SubsequenL lo ihe epproval of LUo5-0023, the konl OJai Vâlley l¡ufÍler This pâdicülâr ãutomobrle repeir business specialzes in mumer Epe¡r end rnslalletion No oil changing or hand¡¡ng of liquìd wâs1e is proposed or ânlicrpaled The hours ol busrness opeÉtions are proposed to remâin lhe sême es 8 00-5 00 Monday-Friday ând Saiurday No new dôvelopmonl or rnperurous årea ìs proposed for the site I 00-5 00 Through thrs mod¡ficalion Lhe epplicenl is requesting Io reconligrre and ãdjust the number of pârkrng spaces fÍom 1 0 ouldoor spaces lo I oùtdDor spaces (2 of whrch would be fenced to ellow the tempoÉry sLâgìng ofvehicles thât åre berng worked on), aelocale e lrash enclosure, chênge the landscepe scheme from wes origrnel approvel, and lo âllow lhe fronl âulomob¡ìe bays lo have cår lìns ln eddition to lhe I outdoor perking spaces, the site hås 4 inìedor vehicle bays 1o work oñ and slore vehrcles thå[ ate beinq woÍked on Wâtor to the site is provided by cesitas Municipal Weler drstncl and wasle water d¡sposâl hândled by the ojer Valley sanitelion PL1 4-01 1 0 20601 73045 Completeness Rev ln Progress 2333 ROOSEVÊLT BL VENTURA COUNTY UÑINCORP rs Becky Lrnder (805) 654-2469 Roberl Mâtolã 2205 1 st Stree( Simr Vâlley, CA 93065 805-526-3916 VáÍence end Mrnor lllodficãtion to Planned Developmenl Permil ño 795 to legalize lhe change ot use from ¿ tøke oul restaufanl ând beauty salon to â sti down reslâurant locajed in the Commercral Coaslål Area Plân land used desrgnâlron ân the Coastal Commercìal Zone DEtrict âddrcssed ás 2333 Rooseveh Boulevârcl in lhe Slverslrånd Area The vânance request is to elimìnate lhe requrred on-site pârking to âdd ouidoor seating Thìs vanânce and mrnor nìodihcalion E lo abate ZVo1-0160 and CV11-0544 Becky Lrnder (805) 654-2469 Robert l\¡atola 2205 1st Street Parcel IVåp Waiver/Lol LineAdjuslment (PIIW/LLA) to adjust lwo adjacenl parcels in the Santå Susanâ Knowles srea tn the UnicorpoEied Area of Ventuta Counly ParcelAE comñonly known as Assessor Pårcel Numbe¡ (APN) 645-0-05 1-030 ånd É 9,306 4 squere feel ¡n aree end Parcel B E conmonly koown esAPN 645-0-051-020 end rs 9,543 2 squâre leet in åree The PMWILA would resull in Parcel A being 8,850 6 quare feel in area and Parcel B being Lg99 0 square feet in area The assocìsted parcels are cuÍently vâcsnl Wnston Wflght (805)654-2468 Robert VIaflon 580 East 3rd Street Oxnard, CA 93036 805-240-9233 Mìnor l\4odificetion to condilonal Use Permit No 4261 for the ongo¡n9 operåtion of sn oil and gÐs exploration and produclron iacilily on ân oìl teâse covennQ mosl ofAssÊssor Parcel Number 055-0-140-035 wilhin the Rarnonå Fìeld eãst of Piru in lhe open Spacê cenerel Plsn lånd use Jay Dobrowalski, (805) 654-2498 Jeff Besenberg 901 7 Reseda Blvd Northrìdge CA 9'1324 81 8-407-040 I Vanence and l\¡inor Modification to PlEnned Developmenl Perm¡l No 795 lo legâlize Lhe change of use hom e lake out restauBnt and beeuty salon to a si1 down restaurânl located tn the Commerc¡el coeslal Area Plan land used designalron an the coaslâl commercral Zone Dislact address€dâs2333RoosevêllBoulevardrntheS¡lverslrandArea Thevåriânc€requ€slìsto elimìnale lhe required on-sile pârking to âdd oùldoDr seeùng lh¡s var¡ence and mrnor modrncâlron is PLl 4-01 1 0 20601 7304s 2333 ROOSEVELÏ BL VENIURA COUNTY f\¡inor Modìficetion Completeness Rev ln Prcgress UNINCORP PL1 4-011 1 645005'1020 1304 GONZÀLES RD. SANTASUSANA CA Lol Line Adjustmenl Completeness Rev ln Prog€ss 93063 PL14-0112 05501 40035 Minor Modifrcâlion Prep tor Heering Lo âbale ZVo1-0160 and CV11-0544 desiqna{ronandthêOpenSpacel60AcreZoneois(¡ict Condilion¿lUsêPermil426lwas ¿pproved on '1985 for the continued produclion, reworkinq, end me¡¡lence of l4 oil ând gâs wells, ãnd á lank form, pump house ancf healer {rcaler and sn€rgy ofllce ånd lhe erÌployment of produclion ånd lrånsporting operetìons, facilìlies equrpmenl, ând olher sppurlenances accessory lherelo The only processrng operei¡ons permitled âl the well site ãre lhe separâlion of produced water and nato¡al ges from ciude oìl ond those processing opeelions bt rnjeclioÍl purposes end lor lhe tanspoilâtion of paoduction products from {he sûe The curenl rcquesl is for a minrmum of 30 yeers or until one year following the cessalìoô of prcduction No addilional wells or grading E Simr Valley CA 93065 805-526-3916 proposed Nohydiâu¡icfracturrng,âcrdwellslimulation,orolherwellstimulet¡onlrealmenlsper Publir Resources Code Sectron 3150 seq erc proposed County of Ventura, Plann¡ng D¡v¡sion Pending Prcjects 05/0¡1,/2015 Pàge 17 Permit Numbêr PL14-0113 Psrcel Number AddEs 0550140025 Perm¡t Type Status Permit Desc¡iption Case Plaoner Appllcant Minor Modificeton Prep fot Heanng It/linor Modif¡øtrcn lo Condilional Use Permit No 4271 for lhe ongorng op€ration of en otl ând gas exploralion ancl produdion fâctlity on ân oi¡ lease covenng approximately half ofthe wsstem porlion ofAssessor Percel Number 055-0-'140-025 wúhin the Rañof,â Field easl ol piru in the Jay Dobrowalski, (805) 654-24s8 Jefi Basenberg 901 7 Reseda Blvd #206 Northridge, CA 91324 Open Spece ceneaal Plan lsnd use destgnâtion ond the Open Specê 160 Acrc Zone D¡skicl Condilional Use Permìl 4271 was spproved in 1985 forthe cont¡nued prcdudion, rcwoft¡ng, and 81 8-407-0401 mornl6n€næoF9oilandgEswells êndatankfarm sndtheemploymenlofproduclionáncl trensporting operel¡ons, fãcilities equipment and other âppudenences eccessory lhercto The o¡ly pþcessing opeÉltons permitt€d åt lhe well sile aÉ the seperalion of produced waler ånd nålurêl gEs lrom crudê oil ond lhose proc€ssing operâhons lor tnlectron purpos€s and lot the fensporlotion of production produds froñ lhe site The curent request 6 for a m¡nimum of 30 yeaE or ùnlil one yeer following Lhe cesse¡on ot production No ãddil¡onel wélls or gÉding 6 proposed Nohydßul¡cÍÍâcturing,åcidw€llstimulalion,orothetwellstimulâtþnkeatmenlsper Publ¡c R6sources Code Section PL1 4-011 4 PL't 4-0119 2340050340 01 001 70025 1728 LEWS RD VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP 455 FAIRVIEWRD OJAI, cA 93023 Mejor ¡rodificâl¡on Mìnor Modificalion Compleleness Rev ln Progress Environmenlel Doc Prcp 31 50 seq. are proposed PermitAdjustmsnl 10 f\¡ajor Modificelion lo Condilional Use Perm¡t 4736 (CUP) for minor chenges lo the buildrng sizes ãnd láyolts ând edditional pa*ing CUP 4736 wes approved fot a time elensron and erpensio¡ oflhe resrdenùål cere fac¡lily commonly koown es Cesa Pacifica Cese Pacifcâ wâs originelfy åpproved on a 22-ecre Counly owned propeny to include four rasrdeolìâl cottâges hous¡ng '1 5 ch¡ldren per cottage ând án ¡0fånt câre facility cepâble ot housing 25 rnfsnts/toddlers Phasìng of the project Ênvisioned the ultimate development of up to I collages ånebllng the lâc¡lily to provido housing for a totâl of 205 children wilh â suppoft steff ot 302 The epprovâl included a drn¡ng/kitchen fecil¡ty, mulli-purpose bu¡lding, ând an ådmin6treLion buildtng with a tolal of 72.767 sq fÌ o[ developmenl in 14 buil.lings Several mod¡ficalions 10 lhe originêl entl¡emenl occurrcd srnce spprcved complete detâils of the epproved uses are l¡sted n the Conditions otApproval lor CUP PL12{117. Jay Dobrowalsk¡, (805) 654-2498 lJlrnor Modiflcetion lo condilÍonâl us8 Permf No 5234 to êxtend lhe snl¡llament for ân sdditionsl Becky Linderì (805) 654-2469 10 yoar t6rm forthe ongoing operation ol the Câmp Rsnrah RelreEt locaÌed on á 2t acre propedy withanOpenSpâcâcèneralPlanl€ndusedesignâlion ånOpenSpaceOjaiVâlleyAreåplan land use dgsigñâtiDn, snd in the Opôn Space 40 Acre Minimum Zone Dislricl åddrcssed es 455 Farryrow Roâd, ¡n the Olsi Aróo Th€ retresl wss spprcwd wilh sleepiog lâc¡liti€s fhe retroâl js Casa Padfiæ 1722 South Lewis Road Camaflllo CA 93012 ao5477-1994 JÊne Carroll 206 North Signgl Street Ojar, CA 93023 805$46€459 approvedforpeßonsoverlEyeaasoldwilh 1,)uplo4six-weoklormâlsessionsl¡miledtono more lhan 18 oveFn¡¡ht guests and lwo Þsdenl¡al employees Z,) up to l2 weekend sdult sessions fom Frday to Sundey; and 3 ) up to t2 introductory o0e-d€y sôss¡ons with no Íssidenl¡sl guests The oaximum number of people on lhe s¡tô within any 24-hour pedod shall not ex@ed 38 A maximum of l8 guesls and 2 employees may stay ovet ntght The activilies âre conducted in a mennerth8trsdelâ¡led¡nlhscondiitonsofopprovãlofCUPNo5234 Thefãcility¡ncludesãn exìstrng s¡ngle family dwel¡¡ng that is used as the mâin elreâ1, parkìng lor 1 7 ca6, and tha âssoc¡atêdaccessroadândlândscap¡ng Asubsequenlmodif¡cåtrcnin201laddedårope chEllenge couEe thEl 6 used by lhe reheel etleùdoes A previous sports court wâs enlilld v¡a cUP 5234 though it wes nol conshucled ln plece oflhe sports courl the rek€ât planted a vegetab¡e gerden end plans on replecing lhe paved spots court with a gruss turf aclivity areå in sn area th¿t wes previously orcherd The Permitlee is proposing 10 address condilion numbe¡ 26 of CUP 5234 by reloceling â gressland restorel¡on area on the sile where the sport coud wss entrcipsted lo be conslructod No new buildings or rmpervious åreâs âre proposed The permittee dogs nol propose to mod¡ry any of the cond¡tio0s of approvel estde from the designed locahon of lhe grâsslând reslo¡åtion areã. the gressland rsslorelton was proposed for the re€r of lhe propeÍly to lhe norlheast ând ts proposed 1o be relocBled to the kont of the prcperly to Lhe souihwest Wås ¡s provided by the CEsitas lrunicipel Water Compâny and wasl€ wâter ts handled by the Ojai Velley senilatio; Dislrid This âcl¡on âlso rncludes aulhorizâtton tor after thê fåcf hazârdous tree removsl An oak tree split rn helf €nd fell on a shed and â pEn¡c lable on lhe [orht eest comer of lhe propeny âdJacenl lo the existrng carport, (VCNCZO Sec, 8107-25 3 and 25 6,a ) County of VentuË, Plannìng Divis¡on Pend¡ng projects o5to4t2015 Page 18 Permit Numbe¡ Parcel Number AddEss Perm¡t Type Modifcetion PL14-O122 WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA StEtus Perm¡t Descriptiqn ca* Envìronmentel Doc Prep Minor Êt€ dangerous ênd nol inf€Þntly dângerous on a 2 êcre property in the Opên Space lånd use dosignetion ând the Op€n Spaoe 2o-âcre mtnimum pårcel size zono district addressåd âs 437 WBst Cârl¡s¡e Rosd withrn tho Lâk€ SheMood Aree Plen, Access io lhe sile ¡s via privale dr¡v6wÊy kom West Cedislg Roâd Wålèr is provided by lwo exEting wâterwells wlh â 10,000 gsllon holding tånk ånd e prassure pump An âdditìonâl 5,000 gâllo0 water tank js onsne w¡th a fire hydrânt prov¡ding for lire prolection s€ruices Domeslic wâsle welor is handled by en on-sile sêptrc system The enimals thal erc kept on site are permited by the Unitsd Slêtos Depañment of Agricullur€, Câlfohie Depártmenl of\Mldlife, the originelCoodlonål Use Permjtend include the Jay (80s) 654-2498 91361 Planher Applicant 437 W Cad¡sle Rd Thousand Oaks. CA 91361 805-379-31 41 tollow¡ng MAi/MALS 2 Bobcåls 1 ôanada Lynx 3 dogs 2 house côls BIRDS 't Sultur Crested Cockãtoo (m€dium) 2 Yellow Nepe Amâzon Pãrol 1 Llmbrolla Cocketoo 20 chickens 10 prgeons REPTILES (f, on-venomous) 1 K¡og snake 1 Reticuletèd python 6 Milk snakês 2 CaDêl pylhons 2 Green fee pylhons 1 Boe constriclor REPTILES (venomous) '10 5 1 Ratllesnåkes Cobras King Cobrå 2 Gãboon upers 1 Puff sdder 2 Collonmouths 2 copperheâds 3 Eye¡åslì vipe¡s 4 cila monsteß CROCODILIANS 15 Alligators 1 Crocod¡le l Ce¡man fhe Depadment ot Fish end W¡ldlife has permitted a w¡cler rângê of antmêls thaì csn be kepl on lhe properly lhrough a RestÍicted Species Permil and the owner is requesting lo mainiaiñ lhe full range of animals thâl would be âllowed under Rostr¡cted Species Permit The owner often resDues and shehe6 oxotic animaìs th¿t áre on the Rgstncled Species Permit No large predãtor csls or lârger memmals arc on lhe Reslricted SpecÉs Perm¡t end the epplicent E not rcquestinq to keep these lypes of animals on his prcperty or onlitle lhetr keêp¡nq through th¡s requêsl PL1 4-01 25 0990050095 600 TODD RD SANTA PAULA, CA S3060 Perm¡t Adjuslment SûbmilLel ln Progross PermilAdjuslmentofCUPNo 4735-2begrentedtoauthorizelheconstr!clionofe20,OOOSF Bnan Baæ, evidenæ stoÉge buildrnO al the Todd Rosd Jeil VentuE County Oi (805)654-51 92 E00 South \¡ctona Avenue Ventura C493009-1670 BO5-654-2022 County of Ventura, Plann¡ng Div¡sion Pending Prcjects o51o412015 Page 19 Perm¡t Number Parcel Number Permit Type Address Perm¡t Descr¡pt¡on Status ln RD MOORPARK CA 9302 Case Plãnner Appl¡cant rimrng modifrcalion for lJlZl condilioils ol ¿pprovâl Progress 654-5037 1000 S Seâwârd Ave Ventura C493001-3735 1 a056720200 Ptl 4-O12E 00801 60450 Conditionel Use Permì1 8320 BATES, CARPINTERIA CA93013 PL1 4-0 1 30 1 63001 0755 6750 WORTH WY, Awa¡¡ng Resubmittâl Minor Modihcaton Prep for Hearing CAMARILLO CA93012 CoDdilional Use Pernìil ¡or Verizon WiElEss for a wireless Communicâtion Facrlity loceted on e 1 0 05 acre property in the coestal Agricultural Zore Diskicl snd the Agriculturel coastal PlEn land use desrgnetioo eddressed as 8310 Beies Roâd åbove Rincon Pornl al the North County LinB The fâc¡lily E localed al [he soulhwest corner ofthe subjecl propely neer B¿les Roed and desqned as â 45-n tall laux pine tree lhe associâted telecommuniætion equrpnlenl is located al Lhe base ot lhe mono-pine within a 35'X 35' fenced leåse area ln addilron lo lhe [eloconìmunrcetion equipmeol e emergency beckup gen€relor ts ptoposed wilhh lhe fenced lease srea No grading E requtred Lo develop lhe prolecl and no nåtive vegetålion must be rerroved No water is necessary to operele the unmânned lacility ând only requìres periodic meìntenance Access Lo lhe sìte ß provided by a dif, driv€way viå Bâtes Roêd Sile number PSL#177707 Krishna Boero, (805) 654-2467 Mi0or lvlodiÍicelion 1o conditionel Ljse Permil 4242 ¡or e 10-yeer lime eiension lo âllow Lhe on-going use of an exisiing epproximately 1,800 fårm worker dweliìng unil lhal does nol mêel lhe Stândårds for MinElenel Farmworker end Aninal carelåker Dwelling Un¡ls due lo the añounl of amount of egdculluEl lend ¡n producLion The subjecl propely is approximately 21 acres rn spe, rs located wiLhrn lheAE-40 âcre minrmum percel sEe zone dislricL, Agricultural General Plan land useddesignalion andisaddressedås6700/6750WodhWâyrnlheCemarilloAree ACond¡tioñâl Use Permil is requked bêcãúso the subjeci property owner does nol heve 40 ãcms in ãgricultural prcduci¡on lhâi would allow â m¡nstedel approval for Lhe fârm worker dwelling Access to lhe siLe is from a privale drivewâyv¡e Wodh Wey No addilionãl developmenl E proposed, Matthew Sauter. Tricia Knight 123 Seaclrff Dflve Pismo Beach. CA 93449 805-44A-4221 (805i 654-2492 Keith Huss 6750 Worth Way Camarillo, CA 93012 805€03-2664 FL HOUSING IV]OD 1 TIME EXTENS¡ON PL1 4-0134 70001 1 0385 1'1827 ELLICE Sl Permi Adjuslment MALIBU CA90265 PL 1 4-01 36 1 630031 1 95 4385 HITCH BL CAfuìARILLO, CA 93012 condit¡onâl Use Pernil Adjustmenl to ãn erisìrng condominìufi approved in Plânned developmenl PermiL 797 for Sùbmiltålln SiLe Plen Prcgress illenor remoctel anal 175 sq ñ addìtion in uninproved besement to ebale violat¡on cV13-0354 Mod¡ficalions inchde legelizelron of unpermûled stoee and closel expansion, ùlility room exponsion ìnslâll€lìon othÞâting unil jn bodrcofl modifìcel¡on ofeleclrìcsl and plunìbing systems, Éplscemenl of wrndovús, slidrng door €placemeñt SitB located at 11827 Ellice Slreet in Målibu Prep for Hearing Wireless communrcatron Fecilly for â 57-fool la(r prne Lree (mono-pine) locáted on a 43 ecrc prcperly in the AE-40 acre minimum parcel sze zonc dEtÍct ând lhe Agrìcullural General Plan lând use des€nâlion addressed ás 4385 Hitch Blø in the Moorpãrk Areã (APñ 163-0-031-195) The facility E loceted along lh€ southern propedy line oflhe subjêct property ådjâcent on a ridgeline adjacenl to 4 othe¡ facilitìes The associåled telecommunrcå1ion equrpmenl rs loceted in Tess Hârris (805) 65+2453 Clive Dawson 28925 Paciflc Coast Highwey [¡aIbu, CA 90265 (31 0) 589-1921 Thomas Chaffee (e05) 6s4-2406 Davrd Downs 2009 V Street Sacramento, CA 95818 916217-7513 a30ft by30ñfencôdleãseareâetthebeseoflhemoro-prne Accessloihesileispr¡videdby a pdvâte diveway via Hilch Boulevâd No water is necessary lo operale the unmãnned fácility No greding or removal of nâlive vegelâtion rs required to prepâre lhe site for the proposed facility Site operslor Veúzon Wrr€less, site neme Ventåvo PL14-0138 1 2E0040050 Permrl AdJuslment Environmenlâl Doc Prep PemitAdjuslmenttoCond¡lionâlUsePermilno CUP52T5lomoditCondìtronNo 3(Hou¡sof Operâtion) lo add å staiing time of I 00 em tor e¡ectrÌc powerud eircrefl only, conslruclþn of e 20' x 20'esphell ped for hel¡copler nying and â 20'x 54'pai(i¡g area 340'hoñ bolìom of tamp west of lhe existing runwey CUP 5275 wes epproved for râdio conLrolled arcrafì operal¡on at 6000 block Crâig Ma|n (805) 654-2488 236-6691 of Vineyard Avenue near Seticoy in â parcel ownêd by VentuÉ County Watershed Prolection Diskrct PL'1 4-0140 64500E4010 Condi¡onellJse Pemrl Prep for Hearìng Condìtione¡ Use Perm¡l lor e wireless communicatron fâcilily lhât wâs orginâlly approved by ConclfiionelUsePermû4957|o€tededjecenltoaCounlyWeterwo.ksDislricrNo 8(C[yofSimi Vålley)waterlånkintheRE-20000sq fr ZoneDtskrctinlheSenleSuseneAreãonesde ãdrlressed es 5969 Hilltop Roâd The lacilly is a curenlly desqned as a 55 ft mono-pole and the currenlly proposãl ¡s to r€lrc-fil the e¡ìs1ing pole 10 be designed âs â faux 55 fl prne lree Bßnches willbeetischedlolhetowe¡åndthetowerwillbecoverBdwithfâuxbark TheunmennÊdfscilily has no efreBency g€nerslor back-up end is accessed by Corto arca is âdded to Lhe prcject siLo Roåd Sam Willìams 254 E Bard Road Oxnard CA93030.(805) -Ihomas Chaffee, (E05) 654-2406 No addiltonâl iñpervious County of Ventura. Plenn¡ng Div¡s¡on Pend¡ng Prcjects 05/orv20'15 Page 20 Permit Numbêr Parcel Number PL14-0142 0320201235 AddFss Pemit Type Status Pemif Descr¡ption Case Planrer Appl¡cant 655 BURNHAM RD. Modliceton Awa¡lin9 M¡nor Modìf¡cahon lo Condilional Use Permil 51 57 (lasl modified by Ll.Jl 0-00S0) to ùpqr¿d6 an exrsling wtroless communicãtion fecility loÉted on â ddgeline âbove Oak View rn lh€ Forcsl Home Retreåi with¡n the RA-40 adSRP Zone Dislflcl end Rurâl lnstitutionêl Ojai Velley Ares Plan lând use designetio0 The fac¡lily was orig¡nally approwd as a cross with lh€ ent€nnas located within the cross with lh6 âssoc¡ated telecommuniøtion equ¡pmenl and emergency beckup generålor located rn a 27'{'X '11'X4" leâse ârea that is enclosed withn cmu reta¡ning wåll snd chern ltnk fenced The antennes lhåì ere proposed lo upgr¿de the facilily €n not be €cconmod¿led w¡lhin the €xisting cross, so lhe áppl¡cent F proposing lo construct a new 40 ft. mono-pine âbove tha cross âf,d âdjåcent Lo ån existing seâlrng gazebo The new 40 tell mono-pin€ w¡ll conla¡n 12 p¿nel eñtennas, 6 mdìo rcmote units, 3 T[rAs End 1 Râvcep fiber demarcålion box surge prolector screened within lhe bÉnches The êssocisted equipm€nt end lêese areå will remein ¡n ils cuftenl locå(ion No additionål brush clesring will be required lo accommodate the upqr6de as the new tower rs proposed in en aroe thal F alrâady cloared by the ex¡sting devolopmenl on Access to Lhe unmânned fec¡lily is provded by a pdvale eccess road via Burnhâm Roãd Silô opeÉtor Ver¿on Vvireless, sile nåme Oâk Vlew MIX 41 âl 655 Bumh€m Roêd in Oâk Vrow Krist¡na Boero, (805) 65+2467 Maree Hoêger '15505 Sand Canyon Drive The rcquest F for e perm¡l adjuslmenl lo cond¡tionel Ljse Permil LUll-0137 (rc|âted to the Lake Club Golt Couße) in older to construcl ¿ 352 sq, Ít struclure neêr Calboume Laoe on lhe golf couße rtself fhe slrucluie consists of a privale men's reslrcom, pnvâte women's restroom, €nd garden storage are€. The skucture 6 proposed to be locâted lo the eâst of an exEting golf câd palh on the SheMood Leke Club Golf Course .rhe p¡oposed structure rs locåted 25 feel awây from the neÉresl oek lree (8300) Tess Hams, (805) Resubmitlal VENTURA COUNTY, CA 99999 PLl +0144 69503901 55 34,1 WLLIA[¿SBURG WY, WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA Awaiting Resubmittal 91361 Thrs Condit¡onal Use Permit was recently modified to edd an addit¡onEl 25 yeers lo lhe lerm entillerìânl and coveß the ShÉMood DevelDpment/LSR propedies, the D¡ckBns Petch LLC properlies, end lhe Lake Club fecil¡lies and golf course, PL'1 4-0145 P L1 4-01 54 0990060535 1 5501 40055 909 MISSION ROCK RD. SANTA PAULA, CA 93060 701 E HIGHLANO DR, CAMARILLO, CA 93010 condil¡on¿¡Use Pemit Environmeñlãl Doc Prep Lol Line Adjustnent Prep tor Heãnng lrvine CA 926'18 949-286-7000 65¡l-2453 lbrahim Hzayen 360 Twilight Court Camarillo, CA 93012 805-233-7778 oflhe Condit¡onâl Use P€rmiL for I wircless coñnunrcâtron fâciliìy locE(ed in the He€vy lndusìrial (M3) Zone oislrict and thô lnduslrial Gèneral Plan land us€ designålion addressed as 909 Mission Rock Roâd rn the s¿nta Pallâ AÉs The lâcilily ìs locåled lo lhe reâr of the subject propêrty snd enlsils lhê construction of a 75' tall nonopol€ with 'l 2 pânel ántenngs (3 sector ¡reys W4 snlennas per sector) localed al the lop of lhe pole end a 4¡oot mìcrowåve locåted âl 62 fsêl on the pole The ¡ssocialod telecommunicalion equipment is locatod in a 34'X l4!E" cmu wålled leâse srea 6l lhe bâse of the monopole Access to the site is provide by â pdvele drivewey viâ Miss¡on Rock Road with ân ehernativô driv€wsy al Shell Roed The unmanned fecìlity does not requirc wBlerto operate No vegation or prolectocl lrees wìll be removed to accomodâle the dÊvslopmênl oflhe facilìty €s il is localed rn a dsveloped ¡nduslriÊl storâge yard Becky Linder (805) 65+2469 Percel Msp l¡./âiver Lot L¡ne Adjustñenl 701 E H¡ghlend end 711 E Highlând camãrillo Elias Valenc¡ai (805) 654-3635 This LLA is belween lwo legâl existìng d€velop6d pârcels The two pârcels rnvolved âre 155-0-140-045, and 155-0¡40-055 David Downs 2009 V Street Sâcramento, CA 95818 916-313-3730 Kelly Marshall 701 E H¡ghland Dr Camarillo, CA 930'10 Eos 443 5808 Oneoflhepârc€lsislegalnon-conforming howêverlharcwtllbenodifference¡ntheEggregale â¡ee of the percels iñvolved Lot lnÞ adiustment is being requested lo follow line of exisl¡ng ¡mprovements on one ollhe prop€dies Land ìo be 116nsfered will yield no difference rn eres of currenl parcel configurelton Par 1 will be 2 66 âc gross and parcel 2 wìll be,76 ec gross aner the ødJustment County of Ventura, Plann¡ng D¡vis¡on Pend¡ng Projects 05/04/2015 Page 21 Permit Number Parcel Number Add¡ess Pem¡t Type Status Awaiting Resubmitlâl VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Perm¡t D€scr¡pt¡on The Orcund mounl syslem will @ñsist with a meximum hêtghl of4' '100 W Potroro Roâd, Thousand Oaks of4 of accessoty areys for â combtned 204 modules totålino 3,5ð2 sq ñ Case Plånnê. Applicant Melthew Sauter, (805) 654-2492 232 W Es€lones SanClemente C492672 951 337 2435 The proiecl proposal hcludes € Plennôd Dsvelopment (PD) permil to conslaùcl a two-slory 13 ¿l9O sq ft, single-family dwell¡ng snd e 8,748 sq ft sublerånean gErâge/båsemenl with¡n lhe Scenic Resource Proleclion (SRP) ovedey zone The båseñenl eocommoclâles p¿rkiù9 forlen cañ, a mechenicalequipm6nlrooo,andel,264sqft loungewhichs¡ocludedwithinthel3,4gOsq,fl, totâl hâbitable spoce noted above The pro,ecl includes a 2,016 sq n lwo-slory aæessory sÍuctuEth6tcontâinsa987sqfl poolcabaneonlheÍrstfloorânda1,029sqR,recreålion/ârtisl Euild¡ngcoveEgeropresents4.g%oflh6property Accèsstolh€sileisprovlCedbyel6-fool wid6 privÊte drivewsy wjlh €n ini€rior round-abou1 mDtotscool vte polrero Roed fmm the north, with â secondåry 16-foo1 widô dñvewsy exihng to Slafford Rosd on lhe eâsl Peilious psveß will be used on lhe drivewâys wh€f¿ porm¡tLed by thê F¡r¿ Prolection Disfict lllinor Modificalion ño Lu09-0078 to CUP 5090 proposes 7 234 c y of cut, ô75 fill, ând 6,559 of sorl êxpoft. CUP 5090, approved on Nov€mber 8, 1 999, âllowed grad¡ng in ths SRP ovelay zone, and ís Ésponsibl€ for creâiing lhe existing pad on lhe projecl s¡te- A seriès of relâining walls are included in the prcjecl ¡n ordea lo accommodåle the dèvelopmènt, includtng drivewoys, a sw¡mm¡ñg pool, ånaf ouldoor liv¡ng spêc6 The proposed grading r€qui¡es a minor modilìcetion to CLIP 5090 No nstive vegetatton will be removed snd âll existing herilåge oek trees sre proposed lo be prcserued The lendscape plân incl!des lhe ìnstâllation of edditional malure oak trces end oth€r native trees and vegÊtelion As pal of the prcject descdption, th€ âpplicânl proposes the rêcordÉl¡on of sn Arch9eolog¡câl Reslriclive Covenanl lo prctêct sn identifed ârchåeologicel sile oulside the srcs proposed lorthé resident¡¿l dÊvelopmonl. Additionãlly, the applicanl proposos lo relain lhe sefv¡ces of an ârchaeologrcal monilorlo be on sile dunng excevalion and g¡ãding ol tho Slâfiord Roåd dnvewqy Bolh restdctions ere oonsislenl wilh the recommendâttons outlined in the archaeological Epol prepåred by Robert Lopez on July 30, 2009. PL14-01 58 6950420065 2639 OUEENS GARDEN DR, THOUSAND OAKS, cA Planned Development Compleleness Rev ln Progress 91 361 PlannedDevelopmenlPêrmilforthoconstr!cilonofa4,960sq.ft stnglelam¡ly,stngle-slory sq ft of covered porches, and ån atlached 941 sq fl 4-csr g€Ege tocåled on s '1202åcrspropsrtyintheOpenSpÊc€1Oac ZoneDislriclw¡thtnscenicResourceprotect¡on dwôll¡ng with ô70 Sean 654-2453 '1000 Paseo Camarillo Camaflllo CA 93010 Ovsdey ånd the Open Spsce Lâke SheMood Areå Plen land use desjgnation The projeci developm€nt is limited to ân 1 E,526 sq ft ( 43 âcÉ) greded pod thel wås part of the devetopmenl apprcvêd vìa Tract 41 92.6 The remaintng sc@age of the prcporty rema¡ns tn a conseNâlìon aasment end w¡l¡ rcmain undêveloped No addillonel gEding orvegetåton is requked beyond whel wss envis¡oned in lhe environmenlsl review of TÉct 41 92€ Accøss {o the site would be prcvided by e 20 fi wtde pívete drivewây vis an âsphelt road known es eueens earden Drive ì¡t¿lerw¡llbeprovrdedbylheCountyofVenturaSeNiceDislncl -Irujillo Tess Harris; (E05) ao5-4444277 Westewalerwillbehandleviaa coñnecton lo lhe Trunfo Senitation Dìstrict PL1 4{ 1 59 6950420075 2613 QUEENS GARDEN DR, THOUSAND OAKS, GA 91361 Planned Development Compleleness Rev ln Progress PlånnedDevelopmenlPermilforfheconstrucljonofa4,962sq ft,singl€-femily,two-storydwslling sq fi of covered porches 560 sq n balcony/deck on second floor, ân stLâched 685 sq n 2-cárgârage,ândâdeteched5S0sq ll Z-cargâr€golocâtedonan1lOi4âcrepropedyintho Open Speæ f0 ac. Zone D¡sLrict wlhin Scenic Resouræ protecjion Overlay ând lhÊ Open Spâce with 604 Lake Sherwood Arêâ Plsn land use designâlion. Th6 project development is limited to ân 19,067 The remehing screBge ofth€ prop6dy rômâins in a conseNålion oesmÞnt ånd w¡ll rema¡n undevôloped No additional gEd¡ng or veg€lal¡on ¡s rsqured bgyond whât wâs êntrsionsd ¡n thê ênuronmènlâl rgview ofTrsct 4192-6 Access lo the sile would be pþvidôd by a 14 n wide privst€ cl¡¡vewsyv¡B an esphsll rosd known ¿s eueêns cârden Dilve !Jaterwill be prov¡ded by lhe Counly of VenluÉ SêNice DistÍ¡cl Vvssle wÈler will be hendle vie â connect¡on to lhe Triunfo Senileiion D¡slrict. Tess Hatris, (805) Sean Ïrujrllo 65+2453 '1000 Paseo Camanllo Camarillo, CA 93010 4054844277 sq ft (,44åcre)gradodpadthatwaspâdofthedevelopmenìåppmvedviâTrecL4l92-6 Coqnfy of Venturâ, Planning Division pending projeqts 05/04/2015 Page ?2 Permit Number PL1 4-0 1 60 Parcel Number 6950420085 Address Permit Type Status Permit Descr¡pt¡on Case Plonner Applic¿nt 2575 QUEENS GARDEN DR. IHOUSAND OAKS. cA 91361 Plånned Developmenl Completeness Rev ln Progress Plânnêd Dey8lopmsnl Permji for thè conslrucLion of e 4,707 sq f. singl€-fumily, single-slory dw€llng with 712 sq tt of coverBd porches ånd loggta, and an attached 900 sq ft 4-car gaÉge located on a 10 044 Ecre ptopedy rn lhe Open Space 10 åc Zone Disl¡ict within Scenic Resource Tess Haris, (805) 65+2453 Seen Trujillo 1000 Paseo Camaflllo Camarìllo CA 930'10 EO54844277 Matthew Sauter: (805) 654-2492 Matt Wright 782 Acacrâ Walk Golela, CA 93107 805-450-8878 Matthew Sauter, (E05) 654-2492 Matt Wr¡ght 782 Acaqe Wâlk Golela. CA 93 107 ProloctionOvedayåndtheOpenSpsceLakeSheMoodAresPlanlandusedesignation The proj€ctdevelopmentisliñiledto¿n16,824sq ll (3Secre)gred€dpedlhalwâspedolthe dgv€lopmenl âpprovod via Tråcl 4192-6 The renraining âcreage ollhe properly remetns in conseruation eesmenl ând will emain undeveloped No åddlionel gredrng or vegotation ts e reqúiredb6yondwhelwesenv¡s¡oñedinlheonv¡þnñênlelreviewofTrecl¿1192.6 Aæesslolhe sile would be provided by a 14 ft wide pr ivEte drivewây viâ an esphall road known ås Oueens Garden Ddve Walerwill be provided by the Couñty ofVen(ura Seruìce Districl Wâste waterwill be handle via å connecl¡on to the Triunfo Sannâlion DEtricl PL 14-0'164 0600077335 6746 OJAI AV. VENTURA, cA 93001 Plãnned Development Completeness Rev ln Progress Plannad Developmenl Permil for the demolition of Lhe remarning portion of 634 sq ft single-slory, srngie-femily dwôll¡ng thât was psdiålly reconstructed ând received e Stop Work Ordêr lrom Buildrng and Sefely end the reconsr0cilon ol a 1,,174 sq ft lhree story smgle-tâmily dwêlling wäh ånãttåched180sqfl,tandem(stacked)lwo-cargãrage Thereplecementdw€lltngwillbe constructed within the generål fooiprinl of the dwelìing lhât is rêmoved however Lhe replâceme0l homê would be constructed oulside of required selbacks An Administmtive Veriance is requesled slong wìth lhe Plâoned Development Permit ìo allow a tândâm park¡ng erÊngeñent ìn â psrking lìfr Wàtêr to thè sile is provided by lhe Casilas Munictpål V\¡bler D¡skict via an existing wster mel¿r Weslê wâter dischaqe will be âc@mmodEted by â new onsite individual septic syslem No nâtive vegetetion or spoc¡men lrees árc bêíng aemoved es a resull ofthe prcject crading is lìmled lo removel and re@mpåction w¡thin lhe property boundsíes The subject properly is locâlêd in the Rôsident¡al Beech Zone Dislr¡cl ând lhe Residenliâl High 6 1-36 DIJ/Acre Coâslel Area Plên Lånd Use Designalion and is commonly known as 6746 OjaiAvenuen in the Le Conchite Area P114-O164 PLl 4-0 1 65 0600077335 0640170430 6748 OJAI AV. VENTURA, cA 93001 ?PER¡¡IT Permit Adjustmonl Completâness Rôv ln Prcgress Awailing Resubmittâl PlonnectDevelopme0tPermitforthedemolitionoflherem€lningporlionof634sq fl s¡ngle-story. single-fâmily dwelling thâl wss pa¡t¡âlly Éconslructed and aeceved â Slop Work Ode¡ from Bùilding and Safely and the rcconslruDiton of € 1 474 sq n lhree slory s¡ngle-fañily dwelling wilh sn altached 180 sq n landem (stEcked) two-caÍ gåEge The replacement dwelling will be construcled wilhrn the general footpÍnl of the dwellìng lhat is removed however lhe replBcement home would be consfructed oulside of rcquired selbacks An AdrinFlr¿tive Vadânce is reqú6sted along with the Pl€nned Developmenl Permil to sllow å lÊndem park¡ng ãrsngement in e pêrktng lift Wâter to the site E provded by the Cesijqs Munictpal Water D¡skicl v¡s ân exEting water meter \ Þsle water dischårge will be Eccommodated by a new onsite tnd¡vidual septic system No nghve wgelâtion orspecrmen lrees ere beiñg r€moved Es a aesult ofthe prolect cmcling is l¡mited lo removal and recompâct¡on withrn the propedy bounderies the subjecl pþperty 6 loceted h lhe Resdenlial Beâch Zone O6trìc1 ând the R€sident¡al High 6 '1-36 DU/Acre Coâstal Are¿ Plan Lånd Use Designât¡on and is commonly known Ês 6746 Ojâi Avenu6n in the La Conchr(e Arcâ Sit6PlanAdjustmeotloCUP3636loaliowlhecontinueduseofensxist¡ng144sq Ìi unmanned Dommunrc€tions she¡ter for mulhple operåtoß CuÍênl users of the sheher ere Westlink Wlêlêss ând Skyriver Communtcãlions APN 0640170430 805-450-EE78 El¡as Valencra; (805) 65+3635 John Bryent 2977 Sexton Canyon Rosd (Willis Peak) Ventura C493003 805 428 3705 No water is needed lo operate the site 11 operaLes 24 houß e dey 365 deys a yeêr lhere is ûo beckup generator or fuel as part of lhe equipmenl sheller lhe five batteries for the fâciltty âre AGM type and contâin € totål ol 45 pounds ot êcid material Two hor¡zonlEl ¿nd two vedicel antonna mounttng pìpes securcd to the buìlding eß batng proposedloholdlheexistinqTenlennosforSkyrivèr,andl3entennasfoÍWesllinkVv¡rcless antennâ will erceed 25'el peak h6ight Aæôss lo tho fâcilily is lrom a privete dilvewây ofof No Sexton Canyon Rd CUP 363ô epproved lhe equipmÊnt sheller ANTENNA NOTEST WILLIS PEAK NW VICTORIA ¿ FOOTHILL Counb, of Venturr, Plann¡ng Division Pending Projècts 05r0¿lt20l 5 P¡ge 23 Perm¡t Numbe. PLl 4-0166 Parcel Number 16301 20145 AddEs 2855 HILLTOP LN VENfURA COUNTY UNINCORP Permit Type Status Pemit Descr¡pt¡on l\rinor Mod¡ficåtion Env¡rtrmentÊl Doc Prcp MinorMod¡fication-20ysart¡mêextensionforLUO5-0024f0râ1OS0sq fr fårmwolkerdwâlling å1 285'1 Hilltop Lâne, Cemêrillo. Subjecl prcperly is zoned AE-40 snd hss ân Agr¡culturâl Genô16l plân Dosignelion. Access to lhe prcpedy is provided by â påved 15 foot tevel asphåll privstê dilvew€y off ofSãnte unit Rosa Rd. S,/efer is provided by Camtþsa Vl/ater Distnct onsile seplic syslems. Case Pl'nner Appl¡cant Metthew Sâuteri Michelle Thordarson 2855 Hilltop Ln Camerillo CA 93012 805 388 E720 (805) 65+2492 â¡d wssle wâter is ¿ccommodaled by individual ecre prcperly is cuÍôntly in planted with eproximelely 1 l acres ofAv€câdo orchêds TheE ere no proposed chang€s to thg fsrmworker dwellìng unit and it will be usod to house a ßiired famwork6r oflhe subject property ThB 15 18 TherE is án ex¡st¡ng PL1 4{170 06401 00042 O SEXTON CANYON Condil¡onal Use Permil Complaleness Rov ln Progress siìgle famify dwell¡ng, ând å second dw€lltng unit o0 the properly_ Conditionel lJsô Permil for å fircwood opêrelion ¡nclud¡ng the impod of larg€ preces of wood the cutting/splitting of lhe wood inlo firewood, storags end delivery ofthe fiewood; and an egdculturel sårvice snd sloÉge yârd opereftons including lhe seMce and sioraqe oflrecjors. agilcullurâl aquipmenl, ând two ebovo grcund fuel tanks (one diasel âûd on6 gasol¡n€), Jay Dobrowalskt (E05) 6542498 Rrchsrd Atmore 2977 Sefon Canyon Road Ventura, CA 93003 805€44€851 The pmject site is locslêd near S€xton Canyon Road, north oflhe City of Venlure in Venture Counly. Celifomra. The Projecl includes lwo (2) fircwood lot areos one on Serlon Cânyon Road (Upper \^rbodlot) aõd one on Lake Canyon Rosd (Lake Canyon Woodlot), ãnd the ãgricolturâl @ntEclor's slorage yârd sdjecenl lo the êâsl sde ol the Upper \ bodlot. This Pro/ecl's frcwood opeEl¡ons cons¡sl of lhe processing and storege of ñrewood for eventuâl by-Praduols oflrcè râge of cut fircwood fwood impoted to the ta Oxnerd ând Cêmerillo âreas. Similarly, firewood dol¡venes âre primaily io the V€ntuaa åre6, wilh å smâller polion to OxnaÍd or Cåmer¡llo. Larger pieces ofwood a¡e cul down lo frowood size ustng chainsews ánd splillère, The processing oflree-trimming by-producls into seleâble firewood cliverts such biomass from convenlionel wesle slreems Equtpmenl such as brush chtppeis or lub grinders âre nol utiliz€d ês pãrt ofthis operation. the cutii exp a The Project's egnculturål seùice and stoÉge yard opsrElions ¡nclude the seNice ând slorage of tractoG and other agdcullurål €quipnent_ This equipment was acquirect to fscil¡laie vegetat¡on manâgemenl around ìnfraskucture associated w¡th Llo Enching ectivil¡es thal occur on the propedy. Rânchin produolion ås well ås avocádo production. Use oflhìs considsrod to be pâd of th¡s project. Two fuel tânks (o supp0rl lhe agricultural equipment, ås well as lh€ fircwood operations per¡odically ag¡icultuÉl equipmenl (6.9., a trãctor) is hãuled oftsite lo be used elsewhere. t Viol€fion 1 Non-permitled tirewood op¿ralion Violslion 2. Non-permitlgd opeßtion of an agrcullu16l conlructoF'señice snd stoÉge ya¡d Violalio¡ 3. lnsl€llâlion of 6 non-pormfted mobile home. County of Venturâ, Plãnn¡ng D¡vis¡on pending prcjec-ts 05/0rU2015 Page 21 Permit Number PLî4-0170 Parcel Number AddEs Permit Type Status condil¡onel Use Rev ln Progress Pêrmit D€script¡on Planner Applicãnt lhe import of large p¡eæs of wood, the cutting/spliting ollhe wood inlo llrewood stoÉge and dal¡very of lhe Erewood, ênd an agricullural yerd seNìce operål¡ons including the ând slorege of traclors, agncullurel service and storâgê equipment, end two above gÞund fugl Lanks (one diesel ãnd one gasoline) Jay Dobrowalsk¡, (805) 654-2498 Richard Atmore 2977 Sexton Canyon Road Ventu€, CA 93003 805644-6851 The Þroj¿cl sile is localed near Sefon canyon Roâd, nodh of the C¡ty of VentuÊ rn Venturå Counly, Câlitom¡â The Pþject includes lwo (2) firewood lot ¿reas one on Sexlon canyon Roêd (Upper Woodlot) and one on Låke Caoyon Roed (Lek6 Canyon Woodlol), end lhe agrjcultuøl contÉclor's storsge yard âdjâconl lo the essl s¡clô of lhs Upper Woodlol Th¡s Prcjecl's ñr€wood operâtions consisl of lh€ processrng and sloÞge of fircwood for eventuel salÊ Theseeclivit¡esincludetheimportoflogsendlârgebranchesthåléreby-produclsoftr¿ê limming ánd/or remoÉ|, lhe cutting/splitl¡ng of such wood ¡nto frÊwood, slorâge of cut lrewood until il ¡s dry (seâsooing), end expod of ñrewood es it ís sold The måjoilty ofwood ¡mpoded lo the Fêcilily comes Írom tñe Ventura Eré4, with smeller emounts coning from the Oxnsrd snd Camorillo srees S¡milårly, ñrcwood d6liveries áre p¡imanly lo lhe Venlura srea, wilh ¿ smâller porlion to oxnard or cåmarillo Lsrger prôces ol wood ãrc cul down to frewood size using châinsåws Ênd splilers The process¡ng of tÉêirimming by-pmducls inlo seleable frewood d¡veÉs such biomess ftomconvent¡onalwaslêstrcåms EquipmenlsuchssbrushchiPpeßortubgrindeEercnol util¡zed as pâd of this oper8tion The Project's ogr¡oulturel seMæ and storege yård operâìions includg the seryice and storag6 oI lrâdors ånd other sgricullural eqDipmonl This equipmenl wâs acquired lo lâcil¡late vegeiâl¡on managemenl around rnfÉstruclurê âssoc¡eled wilh Lloyd's oil field operât¡ons ând to suppol lhe renching âct¡vities that occur on lhe property Ranchtng ac'tivitìes include coltle grazlng for beef productron as well es avocedo production Use of lhis equipment ìn sn âgñcoltural capecily ìs not consdered lo bg peú oflhß Project Two fuel tsnks (ono diesel end one gåsoline) âre onsite to support the agdculturel equrpment, as well ss the ärswood opeEl¡ons Pèriod¡cally agricuhuÉl equrpment (e.9.. a lEclor) is h€uled offsite lo be used elsewh€re Violatron 1 Non-perm¡tled fr€wood opeEl¡on Violâtion2 Non-perm¡ftedoperetionofsnâgrrcufturâlconÍaclols'seNiæendsloÉgeyârd Viol¿t¡on 3, lnstelletion o[ ¿ non-permilled mobile home County of Ventura, Planning Divis¡on Pend¡ng Pro¡ecls o5to4201s Pâge 25 Permit Number Pa@l Number AddÞss Perm¡t Typ6 Status Permit Descr¡ption Case Planner Appl¡c¿nt (805) 654-2492 5777 Belcom Cânyon Rd Somìs. CA 93066-2131 805-529-8108 Eùas Valencia, (605) 654-3ô35 Hemandez Alfonso 639 Kathenne Rd Minor Modficet¡on MOORPARK CA93021 ouldoor evonls such âs weddings, b¡lhdây 6nd ânniverssry cel€brêtions, gãrden lours snd gârdening clåsses, arl classes non-profL and charity events, ând sim¡lar temporâry 6clivitiês Thô evenls would oæurwìthin ã designâled 4.16-acrô area on the subJoct prcperty Attendenc€ at ev€nts w¡ll be lÍmdad to â ma¡mum o1300 guesls (Mondeylhrough Sundsy) The fâcilitywouH operaleemaximumof60deyspercelendaryear Operet¡onaldeleilsoflhoproposedfacililyâre as follows Eve¡1AEe The lemporâry spec¡al evenls will be conduded within the epproximaloly 4 16-ecre arce deline¿ted on the pfoj€ct site plan The singlê{ãmi¡y residence locãtêd wilh¡n this erca is resewed for the peEonål use by the landowner ând shãll nol be leased or usêd âs pal of lhe temporâry event fâcility. The evenl area F accessed vte Brennan Road â privâte rced, which is accessed frcm Tierá Rei6da Road, a public rcâd undor the lur¡sdiclion olthe City of Moorpãrk The epplìcânl will mârntâ¡n Brennân Roâd iû a cleen condilion, by sweep¡ng end/or watering as nec€ssâry. 10 ensure lhât d¡fr if not heck€d onto TioÍâ Rejâds Ro¿d Attendonce Allendanceatevônlsw¡llbel¡miledtoamsximumof300guests(Mondâylhrough Sundey) Hours ol Operâtron The hours of operelion for lêmporary outdoor events wtll be hom I O0 am to 2 00am, for s maximum of60 deys withtn the cålondår year Vendoß would be permìtled 1o erive åt I 00am lo sôt up All evenl activili8s would end no laler thân 1:00 em w[h all guesls snd vBndoE vs€ting the property by 2 00 am Food SeNice All food and beve€ges wrll be provided by e selÊsuff¡cient, ltc€nsed cåtenng seruice D6hes, flâtware ånd glâsses will be provtded by the catercr or a delivery rental compeny Câtered food wìll be prepâred offsle snd tmnsported lo lhe sìle for esch event Food señce operatoß musl hâve a permil to operate from lhe Venturå County Enqronmenlâl Heelth Division Parking Guest pårking will be locãted in e parking areâ wiLhin tho pêrrel es dep¡cl€d on the project silo plan This areã rs loceled just south ollhe event âreâ (north of Brennan Road) end includos sufìcienl sp¿cê to provid€ 168 perkino spâces. Paftìng ånendanls will be prcsent during temporary ôvents lo províde tßffic conlrol ånd velel park¡ng whsn there is over 100 guêsts No peft¡ng associated wìth the ev€nt facitity ¡s proposed or eulhorized wilhin lhe right.of-w€y of Tierra Reisda Road. Reslrooms An adequsle quãntfy ot portable to¡lefs torlsmporary events will be provided and meinfãinsd in complience wilh Environmêntaì Health D¡Msion regulalions Thè rcstrcoms will be loceted ålong both lhe noÍhåest edge ånd in the middle of the area encompessed by tho Cl_Jp boundary The balhrooms seNing lhe måin residencr shСl nol be usod for tempoÉry evenls ExlÈrior LiOhtino No p6rmsnanl lìghling will b6 ìnsralled for the purpose of tenporary speciâl Thts Mìnor Modificalion requesl ts Lo I Exlend thê entitleñetf peñod tor â 20 yesr period 2 Reduæ the C(JP boundary from 5,40 acres to 4 l6 ecres, 3 Expand the event hooß Lo '1 0O âm hon 11 00 pm; 4 Expânc, all event houE to vacâle the premises to 2:00 Êm from 12:00 em: 5 Râduce parking spaces fþm 210 speces to 168 speces ìn order lo be outside oflhe foodplain south of Brenna¡ Roâd: ând 6, To add the usê of ån ex¡sting 2,000 sq tl, cove@d patio to the ewnl area end add the use of a regtslered recreationâl vehicle for e bride changing room PL14-0179 64601 80û50 639 KATHERINE RD. SIMI VALLEY CA 93063 Lot Line AdJUslmenl Envìronmenlâl Doc Prêp Lol Lrne adjustmônt lorlwo exsltng leqa¡ lots with såme ownsr Both parcels âre zoned RE-10K, One pârcel is non-conform¡ng One pârcel is developed wÍh â 2,788 sq ft 2-s1ory SFD, the olher is vacent Stâdrng Psrcel 1 - 68 acres, PaEel 2 - 10 acres Resulting Psrcel 1 - 55 âcrss, Percel 2 - 23 acres 639 Kathêrinè Rd SimiVolley SimrVelley C493063 alg 237 7947 County of Ventura, Planning D¡vis¡on Pend¡ng prcjecls 05/04/20't5 P¿ge 26 Perm¡t Numbe¡ P¿rcel Number Addræs Pemit Type N Await¡ng Resubm¡ttâl VENTURA CA 93001 PL14-0't 8'l 16301 40160 8620 SANÍA ROSA RD, CAMARILLO, CA93012 Status Perm¡l Adjustment Pep for Heeriog Pemit Descr¡ption Cãse Plannêr â Appl¡cant apprcved vie Developmenl Perm¡t ño 61 whrch w8s subsequently conveded lo Condilional ljse Pemit LU0+0132 when â proprietofs dwelling wss addod to the property rn 2004 Developrenl pemit No 61 wes originâlly åpproved in 1967 ånd lhe fâcility hâs been in coolinuous operátion since The inseclary grows benêficiâl rnsecls Fo¡ lhe agr¡cultußl industry for inlgga¿ted pest mânagèmant Th€ project sile is locaied al 1 08 Orchsfd Dtive oft oI Venturâ Av¿nue with¡n the G6nerâl lndustilâl ZonoDßlrìcl(M3)endthelnduslrialNorthAveñueAreáPlenlendusedesignatìon ThêPermit Adjuslment wss Èlled out Es the âppropriale pemììt modiJlcoìion process for e time êxlension in lho condil¡ons of åpprovel ofLU04-0132 lcondlioñ 2(a)l The appli€tion indudes shinirìg of slorege, Equesting the €bility lo 6dd sol¿r pånels to ell olfhe buildings on lhe propedy (in ths future and ss needed), adding a new sleclr¡cel meler to update lhe €leclrirâl servìce on lhê property, ând adding en elecÍic car chalg¡ng slêlion No chenges s@ proposed to lhè exisling buiHings end no nôw uses arc bsing edded lo the prolec{ sit€. Waler ¡s provided by Cesitas Municipel Wsler District and waste wâler discharge E handled by -, PermitAdjùslment to Condfional Use Permil 5273 tor the ongoing opeElion ofan exisl¡n9 Lârge Agricultural Sales Facilly Eleled 10 a wholesele nursery pursuânt to Seclìon 8107-6 3 and 8107-64 Theroqueslisloellowslo-yeartimooxtensionollheCondil¡onelljsôP6rmÍllhþugh 654-51 33 '106 Orchard Dr VentuÉ CA9300l-1116 E05€04-331 S Franæ Rosengren, (805) 6s4-204s Rob Loller 8620 Santa Rosa Road Camerillo, CA 93012 (805) 491-1400 Jay Dobrowâlskr (805) 654-2498 Jesse Gilholm oPerm¡tAdjustùênti0keepingw¡lh@nditionno 3 NonewdevelopmenloropêÉl¡onâlchanges Erg proposêd Water to the sitê ¡s prov¡ded by Camrosâ l/luntcipal Vlleter Dìstict and wâsle waler is handbd by an on-s¡te sepl¡c PL14{'186 03001 3005s 7250 OJAI-SANTA PAULA Perm¡t Adjuslment RD VENlURACOUNry Submiltsl ln Progress TJNINCORP PLt 4-0't 91 0330020395 11560 N VENTURAAV ProJecl rs inslallation oI one new eight foût panel antennâ per sector and on€ new remote r6dio unit per seclor (site will heve lolEl oI nine anlannâs ând three ms) This changê substan[âlly conformsw¡thCUPLl-joe-o113 A¡lcondilionsotLU09-0113apply SûeSV0094SA,LA549 Dennison Pårk Operetor T-[¡obil6 W6st PåmrtAdjustm6nt oJAt c493023 Prep Decisrcn Letter Permit Ad¡uslmenl to Plannad Dgvelopmonl P€rmil N. 1 028 for a tenânl chânge lrom a Wendy's rgstáuEnt tBnant change to ê St¿rbucks Coffee The 0 64 âcre prcpeÉy ß loc¿ted in lhe CPD Zone Disirict ând the Commerc¡al Ojer Volley Arês Plan lånd use destgnãlion and is addr€ssed âs 11 560 Nodh Venrura Avenue The proposed chenges tnclud€ removing e 330 square foot 867E FrontStreet UnitA Venturâ, CA e3001 (805) 830{31 0 Becky Lìndee (805) 654-2469 Steven Poon 17700 New Hope St Suite 200 Fountain Valley CA 92708 714 E85 3939 Jay Dobrowalski, (805) 654-2498 Cathy Beagle '15505 Sand Canyon Avenue lrvrne CA 92618 562-833^9903 Sunroomânclconvedtngiltooutdoorseating ìnleñorremodel¡ngoftheÉmãinìng1,718sq tl búilding, snd miscellaneous chengeslo lhe exlerior of the building, psrk¡ng lot and ddvelhru -fherc wrll be 34 seâts wlhh the building end '19 seets wilhin lhe outdoor seet¡ng â¡e€ The oxìsting drive thru facil¡l¡es w¡ll bè updsted w¡lh new signage New påving and sfiping ofthe parkrnglotwilloccur.aswellâsADAupgrades Atolalof2Tparkingspacesarebeingpruvided(2 ot which will be ADA spåces) Access is prov¡ded by Bn existing private drivewsy via North Ventu¡âAvènue PursusntlotheOla¡VålleyAreåPlanrequirementsasignprogrsmhasbeen submilled as parl olthe âppl¡cal¡oô PL14-0193 0600030040 10151 OCEAN VIEWRD, VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP condilionâl Usâ Permit AwEiting R6submittål Condil¡onel Use Permìt for en existing 60 n leil wirsless communicetion fÊcilily looated on Rincon Peak thêt houses 1l rntennâs: 6 pânel ånd 5 dish ântennas The fscility wås or¡ginelly approved via Conditional Uss Permit (CUP) 4849 on May 26. 1994 CIJP 4849 expìred in btây 2014 County of Ventura, Plann¡ng Division Pend¡ng prcjeqts oSl0/U20'15 Pdge 27 Permit Number Parcel Number AddEs Permit Type CANYON RD, VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Status Doc Prsp Pem¡t Oescr¡pt¡on Câse Planner Applicant lo L,se Permil No LU10-008€ for â dog kenn€l (animâl ke€ping non-husbsndry) rncluding occasionâl temporary ouldoor events The fscility is approved lo be operâl€d exclusively by the âppl¡ce¡l for ¿ctMilies d¡rectly related lo lreínìng probsstonal hendlers (typicêlty frê[ghters) end their dogs to peíorm sesrch-ånd-rescue operâtìons dudng disasleß Mâtthew Sauter; (805) 654-24e2 Natìonal Seãrch Dog The 127-ecre property ¡s loceted el 6E00 \¡vìeele. Canyon tn the community of Senta Psulâ end addressed ås 6800 Vvll€eler Cânyon Road The prcperty has a cenèral Plân lând use dês€nât¡on of Open Space ånd is in lhe Agr¡culluÉl 40€cro minimum Zone D¡strict Foundat¡on Ojai, CA 93023 805646-1 01 5 is The PermitAdjuslment request covers the followinq modificalìons 1 Relocale Euild¡ng F (Tower Prop), a 3-story, shrpprng contãiner siructûre lprevroùsly plånned andp€rmilledforAreeBtob€mowdtoAreaCasnoledontheproiectplaôs Eâchfroorcons¡sls of tour (4) 8'x8 5'x40 conteineß and â vêfrically pleoed conlatnsr lo serye ss a rappel toue¡ 4,032 sf This is the seme prop shuclure listed âs Bu'ldi[g F (Ofice Bldg) rn Area B approved via Minor [/]odìlication No- PL14-0024 with en addilionâl one contârnBr in width per fìoor ll hâs b6en relôcâlêd lo the becl ofsilé rnAreE C 2 ConsfùctâBridgePropwhrchrsl20'lon9x185"widex6'{'h¡ghstrucluÉconskuctedirom shrpp¡ngconlainêßplacedtwow¡detolormthebeseoflhéstructurc Thesidésofthetonteinefs will have plâsler "ârches'âffired lo the srdss ãnd the top olthe @nle¡ners shall have 'guerdre¡ls' end co¡crola peveme¡L 10 rôplicête â roadway Th6 conlâineß comprìse 1600 sf and 620 sf of wood fremilg. 2,200 sf The Bídgè Prop ¡s p¡opos€d to be local€d in Areå C 3 Consirucl e 2 Vì€wiñg Stends, which is er¿ wood fråñe (delÊched pÊtio) shade covers d€signaled âs âress lor vìsi1o6 lo obserue lrâining Thes€ viewing stands åfe proposed to be 260 sf One would be locsled in Arêå B 6nd one would be loc€lôd in Area C, 4 Construcl a Slab Prop which is s 30'xfg0'concrele psd e¡es thsl will be util¡zed Lo plsce/mount lemporary staks, lenks, pipes, etD and coveß 5,700 siwhich would bo locatod ¡n Area C 5 DesignalôdDebrisAreeswhichøvertheremãiningopeneråesofAreeC(approximslely 50.000 sl) which w¡ll hevs concrele rubble piles, vehicles, reil cers (3) ând lumber lo be placed and moved Eround âs needed fortrâining purposes 6 Reconlou¡eand€designthêWelæmeCenterwilhinthegeneralfoolpnnfasprevtously apprcved al lhe fronl oflhe propedy- The Welcome Cenler will increese åppÍoxìmalely 800 sf tn sEe 7 Redesignåndre-essiqnuseslowhatwâsâpprovedastheHandleisLodgeåndCeretâkers Residônce Whal wås notêd as the handleß lodge will now be lhe øÉlrkeis residence/offlcê end whâl wes noted as lhe carelakeß' resdence/office is proposed to be the hândle6 handle6' lodge w¡ll ¡ncroese epproxrmately 600 sf in size lodge The ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Gråding quânlity chenges will be 1 028 cubic yefds of cul end 1,785 cubic yârds of fill, for å perc€nt chenge ofthe Lotâl approwd cul (57,500 cy) of 1 5% and e percenl change of lh€ tolel approved fill (47,200 cy) ol 3.8% The Gfsding Pormil change order hâs åkeady been approved by Public \rvorkst pleÞse seê the attâohed appliætion and approved plân The increase rn building foolprint requesled would amou¡t to ên addil¡onal oflheapprovedtolål lnc¡udingthepr€vrousmod¡fcalion 2e¿ (1,479 squâre leet) theâpprovedfoolpÍntiotelwas86585 The sile is setu€d by erl exisling epproved waler well ând akesdy epproved ând ¡nstalled individual sepl¡c syslems w¡ll handle weste waler from tho struclurcs Lhal are proposed lo be rêcon¡guGd PL14-0195 2160040535 Permil Adjustñent Compleleness Rev ln ProgÉss CUP 393 merger Ebony Mccee 6545037 (805) Peak Operator Lh 300 E, Esplanâde Dr Sutte '1810 Oxnard C493036 ô61-829-9434 County of Ventura, Plânn¡ng Div¡sion Pend¡ng Projèqts 05/0i1J2015 P¡ge 28 Pemit Number PLl 4-01 97 Parcel Number Address 0330020385 Permit Typê Status Perm¡t Description Conditionel Use Permil Envimnmentel Doc PEÞ CUP for the construcl¡on ofa new 60'Mono-Eucelyptus antenna suppod slructure, anci¡lary grcúnd mounled equrpment, ând generator The Ðnlenna sttuclure w¡ll suppod lhree sectoE of four (4) I' pãnel sntennas (hr s totsl of 1 2), four remolê ßd¡o heeds per secior (totãl 1 2), ånd 2 surge suppression un¡ß lhe ground equipment ând generåtor will be enclosed within an oJAt c493023 âpproxifrate12'x13'leasespacewithinalergerexìsl¡ngeroeolâhaycompany communicalþns fâcilíly will be unmEnned, end operele 24 hours Thefecililywillrequirenoplumbingorwesteremoval E day, Case Planner Appl¡cant Hei Nguyen; (805) Jerry Ambrcse 654-51 93 3905 Staie St Ste 7-188 Santa Barba€, CA 93105 805 637 7407 Jay Doþrowalskr; Talwyn Thompson 899 Mrssron Rock Road Santa Clara, CA 93060 Tho seven dãys e week Batteryeleckolylecontenlswillìotel1988 gâllons, diese¡ fuel for the gênerator will tolsl 55 gsllons Acæss pnvâte drivewey off of Veitura Avenue Lo lhe sile rs prcvided via å Zoning forthe propedy is CPO General Plsn designâlion ¡s ExEt¡ng Communily The s¡lo is slso ¿oned Commercial per the Ojai Area Vallêy Plen Verizon Wrelêss Le Luna 1't570 N Venturs Ave Olar PL1 5-0001 M¡nor Modillcation 0s50140035 Compleleness Rev ln Proqess sle lflinor Modif¡cêlìon lo Condìlionel Use Permil 4268 lo ellow the continu€d production, reworking ând mâìntenence of srx oil ånd gas wells loceled ¡n lhe Râmona Oil Field al lho easter¡ 6dge of lhe counly of Venlura adjacenl Lo lhe Los Angeles county line Ior ân 6dditional 30 yeâr term The fecility wÊs or¡grnally approved in 1 985 and is located in lhe os-160 m¡n ac Zone Distr¡cl ând th€ Open Space General Plan lând use dêsignatron ln ådditron to modifyrng the term oflhe enlitlement, Conditron No 2, the epplicanl has removed lhe lank farm thal wes origrnâlly epproved el the prcduction site snd ¡s now lransporling the oil from the wells in en ebove ground lwo-inch prpe reledfor5000lbs,,toâtankbalteryhecontrolsonanadjacenlleeseinLosAngeles counly, No eddilrcnãl grEd¡ng or drilling, beyond for mainlenanc€ purposes, is proposed, No addihonal ground dEturbåncè is proposed as the fâcilily E elre¿dy developed in åccordânce w¡lh the terms oflhe oÍrginâl condilional use permil No hydreulic fráctuñng will bê 0tilized in lhe (805) 65+2498 805-524-7379 marntenaooe or production ât lhrs fac¡lity PL15-0002 1330032020 261 MONfGOMERYAV VENTURA COUNIY Permf Adjuslmenl PL I 5-0004 03001 001 35 12395 SISAR RD, OJAI, cA 93023 Facililycurentlyhâssix submiilelln ProJeclisaddilionollhre6pônelantannasendthr€eremoleÉdiounits Prcgaess snlennâs Sile will hâve â tolEl ol nin6 pBnel ant€nnss Monopole remsins Êxisti09 height- CUP 4967 was åpproved ås a 100 fool tall mono-pole wrlh 6 panel anlannâs locåled on the pole, snd lwo equipmenl cabinêls sil€ is sV003614, operated by T-Mobile All condil¡ons of cUP 4967 apply (805) Prep for HeaÍng Cond¡tionel Use Perm¡t and Vârience for a detached residenliâl accessory slructure tor book slorãge exceedrng the he¡ght lìmils ofthe mâin struclure snd within â requ¡Gd selback 12395 Siser Rd OjEi Metthew Seuteri (805) 654-2492 Bowlt-misler Trust 520 Caliiom¡a Ave #3 Senta l\4onica. CA 90403 310 451.9095 Chuck Anthony; (805) 654-3683 Lynn Heacox 209 Aven¡da Sân Pablo San Clemente C492672 UNINCORP Jay Dobrowalski; 6542498 slruclue is en averåge he¡gh1 of 32 feet end is setbeck hom lhe side pmpedy line 3 n cenèrel Plån designetion for lhe subjed site is Exisling community, Zoning ìs RE-2åc, ond ìt is also zoned URl-2 es pårl oflhe Ojâi Vâlley Area Plân Suftounding uses ere åll rcsdenlial The Tee Mobile 38 Technology Dr, Ste 250 lrvine CA 92618 949-930-7466 There is en exisling sngle family dwelling on lhe sìLe wilh a septic lank âccess to the propedy is lhrouoh a privå1e drivewey viâ Sßar Rd, off highwey 150 PL15-0005 7000070375 Parcellllep Environmentel Doc Prep conditional Certifcete of Compliance (C.C of c ) lo legaliz€ a lot thal was sold to lhe curenl propelyowo€reslwoparcelsononedeedrnl960 Thesubjôcl1g15êcreprcpedyrslocâled soúlheesl ofYerbe Buena and Paciñc coasI Highway rmmedialely Iorlh and edjacent lo Pecífc Co¿st H¡ghway (APNs 700-0-070-375 and 700-0-070-395) Ths propedy h¿s a Coástsl Opens Space 10 ecre minimum pâ@l s¿e Zoning designalion ånd an Open Spâce CoaslalArea Plân lånd use designel¡on ln ac@rdance wilh lhe Coaslel Zoning Ordìnance the C C, of C È being pEcåssed concurrently with a Pl¿nned Developmenl Permil The piojecl sile hes no wáter and conleins no development The p¡ojecl does nol rnclucte a requêst to develop the propeÉy at th¡s 71+7664525 County of Ventura, Planning Division Pending Prcjects 05/O¿U201 5 Page 29 Perm¡t Number Parcel Number PL'15-0007 12800602't5 Address Type Stat6 Pemit Dêscriptìon Clse Planrer Applic.nt 1895 LIRIO AV Permit Adiuslment EnvìronñêntBl Doc Prep Poml Adjustment to DP 144 for the instsltetion of a Cñc tuel¡ng facility rêlãted to Harison Crarg lilal¡n: (805) 654-24Aa Pam Pullen 4675 Macâilhur Court #E00 Newport Beach, CA 92660 562-505{}142 Tess Harns, (805) David Lewis '100 South ft¡ârn Stre€t Los Angeles, CA 90012 6'1 8-880-0364 VENTURA CA93OO4 lndustrßs Solid VVssLe lrenspod fåcility at 1895 Lirio Avenue in the M2 Zono District lend the lndustriel SSlicoy Arêa Pl€n land use dêstgnátion, This pêmtt is tor the tnstallslion of s pdvste CNG time-lill syslem thot w¡ll consisl of coñpressor equipment lhat will receive natur¿l gas by means of â pipeline from the pubhc utility l¡ne located in lhe Lkio Avènue r¡ghL ofway whrch is adjecent 10 the sublect proparty The naturâl gss wil¡ be fielered, comprgssed, and d¡stributêd thrcugh fueling posts mounled on individuâl caisson mounts for dispenstnq purposes to HaÍison lnduslries' tucks only Compresso¡ syslem equipment will incude â vendor fabricêtod cornpressor with ênclosue, natur€l gas dryer, ASME CNc sloßge vessels (above ground tanks), inlerconnecttng ptping, eleclilcsl conduit, and fãctory insjalled safety control syslems ¡n âc@rdanceloapplicableÞguletiof,soflheNst¡onalFir€ProtectionAssociet¡on(NFpAS2) The cornpressor equipment will be instålled in €n aaeâ prctecLed by 6n 6-foot chein-l¡nk fônæ ånd bollerdsloremovelfromlhegeneÉlc¡rculalton6Þasofihehanspolations6rvicesyard Atotal 0f 24 rnd¡vidual lruck.fueling lines will be ¡ûstalþd as pârt of this projêcl on 14 @ñcæte c¿issons (4 srnglè hose caissons'snd 10 cloublo hose ca¡ssons), The fueling stâtions double as truck psl*ing âÊâs âs lhe fuelìng must be conductÊd ovehight This is in keepinq with Dp 144 and will not roduce lhe silas pafting câpecfy- PL15-000E 0000000000 Plãnnèd Developmènl Submittalln Progrêss PL15-000S 0s20221295 11570 OAKCRESTAV oJAt. cA 93023 Lol Line Adjuslment Prep for Heanng Follow up lo emergency perm¡t for PCH roåd closur€ end Sycamorc Crgek + p€rk construction bssed on debns cleârancê Lol LrnèAdjuslment belween h{o existno legel percels APNs: 0320221295, and 03202212A5 Otai 654-2453 Elias VÊlencta: (805) 654-3635 Th6 lofs Erc both zon€d R1-8000, end âre designated Urben Resdenl¡ãl 4-6 es pad ofthe Ojat Valley Area Plan Oak Crest I Llc 23622 Calabasas Rd Calabasas. C491302 81E.398 3500 One ol ths lwo parcels ts våcânt, the other is developed with a srnqle family dwel¡¡ng connected to No resulling ¡ot will be made 0on-conformtng PLr 5401 1 03001 30065 7250 OJAI.SANTA PAULA Permil Adjuslmenl RD VENTURACOUNIY Compleleness Rev lo Progress UNINCORP dUo to th¡s lot line edjustmenl- Pemil Adjuslmenl to Cond¡lional Use Parmil 51 19 thal wss elendêd most recenfly vta Mtnor Modif¡câlionLU0g-0113 CUP5ll3wasapprovêdesa64-footñonopinewith6entennesin3 sectors Access 10 the sile is throuqh Dennyson Park on ân asphelt rcad to lhe pa*ing lot 6nd onto I dirt maìntenence road approximelely 12-fesl wde road LUO9-o113 êlended the pormf lor Jay Dobrowalskrì (805) 6s4-2498 Jerry Ambrose 3905 State Street Suite 7-186 Sante Barbara, CA 93'105 805-637-7407 ên âdditìonãl 20 yeers, Ths lovr'ôr was designed lo eccommodato collocÊt¡on end does not need 10 be replrced in orderfo 6ccoñmodete lhe Þdditionel antênnâs ThÈ permit âdjustmenl woùld allow lhe collocetion of th¡s facilfy with an åddit¡onal caÍier,s VenzonWreless anlennâsandeqùtpment T-Mobile,sp¿nelânlênnasaremountedwithlhetop of lhe êntônnås al 61 5 feel on the tower Verizons proposed collocaiion iocludes iwelve I fool panel ânlennss ñounled wlh the lip of ântgnnas âL 51 on lhe lower Four pãn6l enlennas woub be mounted thrce etrays. The prcject includes 12 romole râdio unds (ampl¡fier) end Z Raycãps (surge prclecloE) mounled behtnd thô ântennas Associâted telecommunicåtion equtpment would be locâted wilhin a g n by 14 fênced leâse areå ¡n Z cabinets âl the bâse of the tower A diBsel beckup generator w¡lh â 55 gãllon lank ìs ålso proposed with¡n the lease âreå PL15-0012 00801 701 55 8096 PUESTA DEL SOL, VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Permil AdJustmênl Awaiting Resubmiltal Perm¡tAdjuslmenl for ân altic convers¡on to living spece for â beachfronj singl+hmily dwellìng originelly epproved viâ Pl6nnecl Developmenl Perm¡t Lo 1736 in 2002 and rev¡sed in 2004 v¡€ Parmij Adjustment no LU04-0080 prior to consltuction More recenlly lhe hous€ wss rêmodôled wilhoul add¡ng rntedor squa16 toolâge viâ pe¡mitAdjustment No. LUij-0i13 Thå êxist¡ng hoñ€ hås 3.1 31 squår€ feêt of håbil¿ble space on the first foor, I 1,0S1 gquere fool 3-car gamge, 1,¿l4S squåre fê61 of covôred pâlio, ånd â 2,1 51 unimprcved ettic/stoaãge spece on the second floor Th€ curenl proposal woúld covgrl lhc second floor altic space to hâbilÊble space, No eÍeíor inìprovenents o16 proposôd âs lhe conversion will occur within lhe existing shôll oflhe single Kristne Boero; (805) 654-2467 Chrìs Joyce '1167 Coast Village Road Mlontecito. CA 93108 805-895-4743 family dwelling County of Ventur¡, Plannlng Divie¡on pending prcjects 05/0/U2015 Pâge 30 Permit Number Parcel AddEss Numbe. PL15{013 0000000000 Permit Type Status Pem¡t Oescr¡ption Case Planner zonrng ordinance Submìtla¡ln Progtess Nohdng' Radius Arnendment Jenn¡fer Choìì (E05) 654-2495 Appl¡cant Jennifer Butler 800 S V¡ctoriâ Ave VentuE. CA 93009 8056542495 PL1 5-OO14 PL15-0014 r 1 63001 0795 63001 0795 3r00 soMls RD, CAMARILLO, CA 93012 3100 soMts RD. PLl 5-001 6 01 801 01 025 5000410335 1370 S R|CE RO. OJAI cA 93023 Rosemary Rowan, (E05) 65+2461 Ralph Haqle P O Box 120 Somis, CA 930ô6¡120 (80s) 987-3E87 Genersl Plsn Añendment 10 change the lsnd Lrse designation of an epproximslely 11 ecæ seclion of APNl 63-0-01 0-7s5 (3100 Somis Roed) from Agricultural to lndusldal and e Zone Chånge lrom AgriculturÊl Exclusive (AE) lo L¡miled lnduslrìál (M2) Rosemary Rowan, (805) 654-245r Ralph Hâgle P O Box 120 Somis, CA 93066-0120 (805) 987-38E7 Completeness Rev ln Progress Condil¡onal Use Permit for a privât€ skåleboård nding råmp pußuant lo Section E'107-23 (Nonmolorized wheBled Donveyânce) exceeding 400 squere feet in egqregele eres Thìs proj€cL is being suspended pôr lhe request of lhe âpplicenl in order to prepsre â more detâiþd paojeci descr¡ption The request ìs to suspend processing for 3 weeks to Merch 2, 2015 Chuck Anthony, (805) Dylan Chappell 550 l\raple Street Carpintefla, CA 93013 805-205-4760 Sùbmittalln Progrcss Filming ectivilies for å slill phologrâphy shool litled, Jay DoÞrowalskì, (80s) 654-2498 Progress Zone Change CAMARILLO, CA 93012 PL15-0015 ceneral Plân Amèndnìent to 6hengê lhe lånd use designelion olan approximately 11 6cro section ofAPNl 63-0-01 0-795 (31 00 SonN Ro€d) from Agrìculturel lo lnduslria¡ and a Zone Chenge from Agricullural ExôUsive (AÊ) Lo Limled lnduslnal (M2) Submitlslln Submittalln Progress conclitional Use Permit PemitAdjustmenl 654-3683 Amy Ablakat 38 Technology Drive Suite #21 0 lrvine CA 92618 949 930 7466 PLl 5-001 I 0600300015 Permit Adjustmenl Prep for Scßening Permil Adjustmenl to LUog-01 33 to edd one m¡cmwåve dßh lo an exisling wireless communicetion lEcility ãt 2270 casúâs viste Roâd in c€silås springs Thomas ChaÌfee (805) 654-2406 T-mobile West 4100 Guardian St Simì Valley, CA 93063 (760) 803-621 PL'1 5-0019 6850207535 Modiiicel¡on Prep for Headng Minor Modifìcelion to CondÍtional Use Poim¡t No 5065 lo repl¿ce a 48'7" slim line pole with Z penel ânlennas siluated adj¿cenl to a Triunfo Sanilation Dìs1rìct waler lânft localed in the Oâk Park årea st 49s7 K¡lbum coúrt The ex¡sting f8cility hes one additionsl anlennâ mounled on lhe âcljacenl walerlank (4 panel anlennas were or¡ginally âFproved) lhe proposal rncludes removrng lhe slim pole ând replac¡no ¡l with e 53'5" s|¡m lìne pole wilh 4 flush mounled pânel enlennes ånd lwo remole ¡sdio heeds al lhe top ofthe pole and two Édio remote heads mounted al the bÊse ollhe pole The requesl inclùdes inslalling 4 pânel antennas flush ñounted onlo tho adjacènt tank in kêeping w¡th the ong¡nal approvâl condit¡on Use Permil 5065 was approved with en exp¡Étion dâte olApril'1,2019 fhe curent råquest includos an €dditionaltsn yeârlime extensroo No edditonel belleries are being edded lo the sile ånd no beck up geneElor suppods the fecility Kilstina Boero (805) 654-2467 I Areej Ralput 2749 Saturn Street Brca, CA92B21 7 1 4-72e-4404 County of Venlura, Planning Div¡s¡on Pending Prcjècls 05t04/2015 Påge 3l Permit Number Parcel Number Address 0430040410 Permit Type Use Pem¡l Status Pem¡t Oescript¡on Prep requests lhal a lo ãulhorize Verizon co-locale on ân êxist¡ng 'l 2s-foot Southern Câlifomia Edlson (SCE) tower located al 1672 Grand Avê in lhe F¡llmore sreå The proposed project would include lhe inslâll€l¡on ¿nd opâEtion oflhe ftllowrng equ¡pm€nt wifh¡n the 4Og squarê foot lesse ¿rea n¡nê ânlennås snd six RRU's Êt lhe 41-fool lôvel oflhe exìsl¡ng SCE toweL Spôctf¡cslly. threè 6'pânel antennas End Lwo RRU'S would b€ locâted at (3) three sectoß on the exist¡ng SCE lower lwo 11 squ¿re toot equipmênl shelters ons, 55 gallon, ênd one 1 sKW 0C Generâlor. FILLMORE, CA93O15 Case Pl¡nner Applicant Boero; 65+2467 1745 Orange Ave #1 03 Orange, CA 92868 949 877 6639 Krìstina Boero, (805) 654-2467 VentuE County Of . ' . throe Hybr¡d fiber csbles w¡th Raycâp súrgo prolectors, power snd 1êlco oables The leese area would be surounded by â 17-loot by 2+toot, 8-inch tell CI¡LJ wall with å 4-foot wide wroughÌ iron gale The u¡mânûed facility does nol reguire waterlo operete end will not general€ waste The s¡te is ¿onêdAE-40ec€ndAgículluralunderLheGeneßlplÊndesþnâtion Accesstothesiteisoflof Grand Avô, The site is presently devglopôd with en extsting single lamily rèsidence and oránge groves. A h¡stor¡c sde of merit exisls on thê sile PL1 5-0021 1330190095 Pernil Adlustment Prep Decision Letter PemilAdjustmentforCUPNo 5l44loinstâll3scÉsofgroundmountedsolerpânelsnodhofthe existngCounlyJuven¡leJuslicecomplexonAPN 133-0-190-j10 Thispárcetiscurenily undeveloped and owned by the Cou0ry ofVenlura. 800 S Victona Ave Venlura. CA 93009-0001 65+2022 PL1 5-0023 61 50150295 Lol Linô Adjustmenl Prep for Heâ¡ing Lo1 Line Adjustmenl between 3 legal lols owned by Wasle f\¡ânag€menl of CA, INC The I parcels rnvolved are Pârcêl B of LLA 04081 e-0226928, parcel B of ánd Pårcel 4 of44PM87 LL_A El¡as Vâlencia (805) 654-3635 04OEit-0221 269, Lisâ Woodburn 1671 Donlon St Ventura. CA 93003 E05 633 2251 1 curônlly consisls ofAPN'S 615-0-150-24,25 2S,30 33,46 Pârcel2currentlyconsisÌsofAPN'S 615-0-150-01 615-0160-03,13,26 41,2ø,29,37,38,39,47 Pårcel 3 curenlly constsls ofAPN's: 615-0-160-35. 36 Percel Parcels are zoned OS-160 end C¡ly of Sinlt Vâlley Pârcel 1 will go íÍom 24E.3 âc to 717 0g sc Parcel 2wil¡ 90 from 1527 01 ac to 985.33 ac PBrcel 3 will go from 7 08 ec to 79 37 ac The rntent of ths LLA is to hâve Parcel 1 encompsss tho entire boundery for lhe existing Landfill CUP, end to have ell the company's lând owned within the City ot Simi Vslley's Bsundãry withtn Parcêl 3, No non-conlorming lols will be creeted ås No Lenders sre inwlved PLl5-OO24 00401 80020 Condil¡onêl Uss Permil Prep lor Hesriìg pât ofthis LLA condilion€l Use Perm¡l for lhe ongoing opg¡âtion ofsn exisling 123 ft lâlMfrsless Communicâtion Facility wilh å whip entenne lhât efends to j38 ntalt. The tower is conlrolled by Am€r¡can lower End is locgted ¡n the Los padßs Nât¡onal Fo16sl åt ihe lop of Fråzìer Mountain. The tower hÊs numerous pãnel Êntennes, microwew dishes, end whip åniennas providing covorego for IJS Forêsl Seruice, Câlifornia H!¡hwsy pstrol, Southern Calitornia Edison, Vsrizon, NBC, and T-Mobile the associât6d squipment is wilhin â, leâse ares thãt tncludes an 1,964 redio communicãt¡ons €qu¡pmsnt bu¡ld¡ng snd an emergency back up geneEtor with throe (g) 500 Bêcky Linder: (805) 65+2469 Areej Rajput 2749 Saturn StÉet Brea, CA 92821 71+3334441 galhon propans tenks Access lo lhe unm¡nned l.acility ¡s prcvided by å Forest Service mâd commonly known es Frâzier Mountein Rosd ss illuskated ånd describsd on lhe sssociated säs plån No water is nêcéssery to opgrale the fac¡lity snd no nEt¡ve vogetalion wjll bo removed es l¡re cloeñng hås been ongoino PL1 5-0025 65800401 85 Cond¡tionál Cedifiætê of Compl¡ance Completeness Rev ln Progress Condit¡onel Certiñcete of Compliance for Assessor parce¡ Number 6SB-O-040-1 86, a Z 5 âcre percel localêd on La Csm Roâd near Newbury park Sile zonìng designation ¡s Rursl ExclusÌve acre mrnimum lot sìze in lhe Scenjc Resource Pmtection ovedÊy zone j Tess Haris, (805) 654-2453 Garett Garey H Tr '11581 Sumâc Ln Camarillo. CA 93012-8859 (805) 40!9596 County of Ventura, Plann¡ng D¡vision pending prcjects 05/0¡U20 15 Påge 32 Permit Number Parcel Numbêr PL15-0030 PL1 5-003 1 '1070090035 0000000000 AddEs Permit Type Strtus Pêm¡t Descr¡pt¡on 17802 S SOUTH MOUNTAIN RD, SOMIS, cA 93066 Conditionel Use Perm¡l Prep for Heering Condilionel Use Permtl for rcnewal of êrpred permil for an existing wireless commun¡cal¡on facilly locâled on the p¿ek of Soulh Moûnte¡n eddressed as 7602 South MounlÊin Roâd located ¡n lhe Open Space GeneEl Plån lend use designation and thê Open Spsce 100-ac S¡te consists of ân exisLrngl00'tâlltowerwilhl42 ãntennasona292lsqñ leeseereawithal44sqfl equipment shelt€r. An undetermin¿d number of unused añlennas årc proposed lo be removêd. No additional aqu¡pmenl is prcposed to be added to the sìte Sile operstor 6 Americân Tower, sife nama Soulh Mountâin rn Sånta Peule Agent is Channêl Law croup '1 Conditionâl Use Perm¡l Environmentel Doc Prep CUP forthe continuetion of expired CUP 5680 Pãcifìc Coåsl Highwey Poinl No LU05-0045 Applic¡nt Krist¡na Boero; (805) 65+2467 Bonnre Belã¡r 10 President¡al Way Woburn, lMA0l801 781-9264637 Hai Nguyen: (805) 654-51 S3 l\4ugu Sprint Sile Case Plannèr No LA54XC'1118 The applicenl Ls rcquesling lhe continuation ol the previously spprcved unmånned wirel8ss facilily lor â peÍ¡od of 10 yeaß. No fudhô[ modificstions ero proposed lo lhe sit€ âs eppfoved pgr LU-05-0045 The site consisls of an êxisting 38:6" lall woDden ul¡lity pole, ad.iâcont ånd sêåwâld to PcH, and is curr€ntly owned by Slate oÍ Cål¡forn¡â Dåpsdnenl ofTretrsportel¡on. The WTF consists of2 panel entennas wilh â centêrl¡ne ot20111'on ihs pole, with (h6 lop of Sprint Pcs 16200 Von Kaman Av€nue, #100 lrvine CA 92612 925-209-3642 ânlennas ei 22!11". l.wìthrn the 15!9" x Er22'equipmenl pad Spr¡nl has lhe tollow¡og equtpment: 1 ôleclriæl pan6l; 1 Telco/meter cebrnel; t sâf6ly disconnecl swilch, 1 Modcêlì 4 0 equìpm6nt cabinêl; I min¡ bâttery bockup cabrnel, snd 1 power cebinel A br¡stdescr¡ption of LU-o5-0045 tollows A modrficet¡on lo the existing Plann6d Devslopmenl PDl91 5 lo add ona panel anlenns snd åquipment cêb¡nets 10 thê communìc6tìons Îãcìlity thße County of Ventura, Plann¡ng D¡vis¡on Pènd¡ng Prcjects 0ai/04r201 5 Page 33 Permit Number PL1 5-0032 P¿rcel Number 09000 101 AddEss Perm¡t Type 05 Status Pèmif Descript¡on Case Plannêr Completenoss Rêv ln Progress Minor Modlficel¡on lo Becky Linder; (805) lhe Appl¡cent (Limone¡rã Company) rcquesls â ñod¡flc6lion lo existing CUP LU07-0121 for Agr¡culluÉl Promotìon6l Uses to ãllDw ¿ Pumpkin Påtch ancl Com llla¿e evênt be loæted sl thê L¡honeìÊ FBcilily (APN 0904-010-105, south otFoolhill Roed nesr Whoelêr Canyon Road) Under tho menagemônt ol Limonsiâ, Rotêry Club of Saniâ Paùla wall admìnistêr ånci opereig the Pumpkin P€tch during lhe month of Ociober on en ânnual basis The event will be open 10 the públic and promole agdcullure in Venturâ County through a ftir of aclivities ¡ncludtng: a pumpkìn petch corn msze, håy mâze, hây wegon ddês, pony r¡des, agilcullural exh¡bìts a country slore FFA petling zoo, Ê pumpktn chuckerst€(ion fece p6inting, hay pyÉmid, food vendors, €nd l¡ve entedainment This event has no proposèd permânent slruclu¡es or rêmoval of trees âs pårt of this annuâl evenl. 65+2469 Appl¡cånt 1141 Cummrngs Road Santa Paula. CA 93060 805-525-S541 TII'ING & AOMINISTRATION The Pumpkrn Patch will be hosted and ov€ßeen by Lìmoneire compeny and månaged operationally frcm e designe{ed locsl organization - Rolary Ch¡b ofS¿nle Peuls - who hss 7 yeårs ol experience in sdministêflng Punpkin Påtch evenls tn Venlurê Counly at thôir tormer Faulknêr Fâms loEalon âl the Hånson Trusl Propeny in unincorporaled Sanla Paula elong Telegraph Roâd Tle Pumpkn Palch event w¡ll be held enñuâlly ¡n the month of Oc(ober (31 dâys) w¡th ten deys lwolsys after for Event rcmovel (lotal days proposed, 43) The Pumpkin PâlchBndComMezew¡llbeopeolocuslomersonweekendsdùringlhehoursofl0A.Mto5 P À/ì., end lhâ Coin Ma¿e will be open on weekdays from 10 A M to 5 P M prior for Evenl set-up ând CùslomeE enticipstBd during the woekends tolel 4,000 perdey During the totâl 31-days oflhe Évent's operâtion rn thB monìh ot Oclober, the Evenl ãntictpâles 20,000 people will atlend bssed on a 7.year âvorâg€ of cuslomer slt€ndånce for the Rotâry's Pumpkin PBtch previously held âl Feulkner Farms, 'Employoes" lor thå Pumpkin Petch ìnclude security guårds ând adull/youlh volunteers end are enticipated to be 45 poople with two shifls per dey "Guests' al the Pumpkrn Petch includê VenclorsandEnlertainmenlpeEonsentictpaledtobelTTperdayontheweekendsonly No eñployees will resÍde on the propedy For ã full kâff¡c impacl analysis pleãse see lhe Rotary Club Pumpkin Pâtôh Trâmc Evâluât¡on tor Limoneire Compâny CUP LU0?-0121, lnieMesl Consulting Group, Februâry 26 2015 AG PROMOTIONAL USES fhe Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze €venl as intendecf to educâle guesls ånd pþmole ågriculture in lhe C@nty ofVenlurå and Sente Paula Ereâ through prov¡ding € mix of agiculluß-relåted Êcìivitissincludinq spumpk¡npalchåndcornmÈzeår6s,hâywågonrides,ponyrìdes,Egricultùral exhibits including enliquo f6ming equ¡pmenl, â country sl016, FFA pelting zoo, å pumpkin chucker slåtron face påintrng, hay pyrâm¡d, lood wndo6. snd l¡ve entertainnìent CIRCULAÎION & PARKING For full dêtå¡ls oflhê [âff¡c án€lysis, please seB lhe Rotsry Club Pumpk¡n Patch lraffic EvetuEtìon lor Limoneka Company CUP LU07-012'1, lniêNest Consulling Group, Februêry 26, 201 5. For sase of circulation, cuesG will elllve añd depaÍt the LimoneiÉ feo¡lity (APN 090-0{1 0-1 05) viâ lhe REnch Road entrânæ elong Foothill Roed Rânch Roâd has e metsl lockirg gêie that wllt be closed during non-operâlionel hou6 Road widlhs throughoul he Sile meet or exceèd Fire Access rcqoiremenls w¡th typrcâl roads meåsuring 28-feel wide accommodåt¡ng for two-wsy lrsffic, pedêsk¡sn wâlkways w¡ll be 12-f6et wkle end clearly d€lif,êê1ed - seperale ¡rom lhe tÊfñc flow ãreás, Párking âreas on-site are two unp€ved arôas lotal¡ng 5 2 âcr€s tn size and acæmmodste 780 perking spoces (1 50 câ6/sqe) Additiooel details arè prov¡ded PL15-0033 2060147250 81 SANTA [rtONtCAAV, OXNARD, CA 93035 Plenned Developñent AweÌling ResubmiHål rn the âpplication meteriåls Plãnned Development Permit io enclose ân ôxlerior stãrMây ¡nto e stairell on a propety wilh â Residenliel Beach-HErbor Zone designãlion sddresssd as 81 Santa Mon¡ce in the SilverslEnd Beach ares ln Eddition to the slâiñây enclosure the prolect includes â ma¡or remodel wilh a new rcoflop deck, exler¡or fãçade Íeplacement and inLedor improvements Matthew Sauter, (805) 654-24Ð2 Anthony Bennett 960 South Westlêke Blvd Suite #201 ' Westlake CA 93161 805-233-'1 502 County of Ventura, Plann¡ng D¡v¡sion Pend¡nq Prcjects o5ta420'15 Page 34 Permit NumÞêr Parcel Number Case Planner AddGss Perm¡t Type St¿tus Perm¡t Descript¡on 2836 FRIEDRICH RD, VENTURA COUNTY complience Resubmftål of an exEtìng wêter supply, slorêgo, and dislribul¡on system for40 yeårs Existing developmenl on APN 149-0-041-20 rncludês a weterwell 100,000 gallon stoÊge 1ank, 10,000 gallon pressure iank, pumping stslþn, office/storáge buildìog, ddvewey, fonces/walls, lêndscâping, and s¡gnage Exisling developmenl on-site wes originally pemiltecl by lhe meâns of Conditional Uso Permit No 4741, which erpiÉd on July '10, 2002 No nåw conskuction, gÉding, vegelålion removal, or ch¿nge ¡n use on APN 149-0-04 1-20 is proposed. Ths proposed pror€cl includes 6xpâos¡on on UNINCORP Appl¡cant 720 Nodh Ventura Road # 3 Port Hueneme. CA 93041 ao54a5-7233 APN149-0-04'l-lS0ofthewêlerfâc¡lity loincludethe@nstructionofsl00,000gallonsteelwêlôr lenk gEvel âccess drive, fronlage lenc¡ng end gatê Add¡tional esso6¡e16d infråslruclure inclldes án em€rgency interconnect¡on with Nyeland Acres Mutuål walôr Company (to replsce ihe exisl¡ng -fho projêct also ¡ncludes oblsining conn6ct¡on), r frcntâge-localed fire hydrEnl and e weter meter, 149-0-041-'18) âConditionalCel¡fìc6ìeofComplìânc€foreporlionolthesile(APN PL15{)034 '1490041185 283ð FRIEDRICH RD, VENTURA COUNTY Minor Modificetion Awa¡ling Resubmillal UNINCORP The proposed prcject consisls ol a request for e cond¡t¡onal Use Perñil lo allow thê co0tinuod use of sn exist¡ng wâter supply, storage, and d¡stibution system for 40 yea6 E¡isting development on APN 49-0-041-20 includes â wåter well, 1 00,000 gallon sto¡age Lank, 1 0,000 gållon pressure tank, pumpìng statron om@/storâge bo¡lding, dr¡vewây fBnc6s/wålls, landscaping, and signEge Exisling development on-sile was oilg¡nally permitted by the meâns of conditional Use Permit No 4741, which exp¡red on July 10, 2002 No new construction, greding, vegetãtion removâ|. or chânge in use on APN 149-0-041-20 ¡s proposed, The proposêd projêct includes expansion on Susan Curtis: Mike Baòer 720 North Ventura Road # 3 Port Hueneme, CA 93041 805-485-7233 Kdstina Boero (805) 654-2467 Donn Stout 557 l\¡€rcury Lane '1 APN149{-04'1-lS0ofthewåterlecilily loincludetheconstruclionotal00,000gallonsteelweler tank, gravel access drive, frontage fencing 6nd gate Addilional associatod ¡nfraslruclure includes an eme¡9ency inlerconneclion w¡th Nyelend Acrcs l\rutuÊl water Company (to replace lhe ex¡sling connêction). â frcnt¿gelocated fìre hydrent end e weler meter Thê prolêd also includes obta¡ning 149-0-041-18) áCondit¡onâlCôriifiæteofcompl¡anceforaporlionofthesìle(APN PL15-0036 0900190295 1015 [/]lSStON ROCK RD, SANTAPAULA CAS306O Permit Adiustmont Prep Decision Lener PerfritAdjustmentto Plenoed DevelopmênL Permit No PL12-0155 forthe conslruction of a sixJool high concrcte block well âlong the nodhern and soulhern perimeler prcpedy lines The block wall is proposed to be 21 5 line8r feel ln additron, the existing 8-fool h€h steel f€nce âlong the propedy frontâge (eåstern prcp€dy l¡ne) will be removed and replaced by end 6-fool high charn linklenc€sndmolorizedênlry9âìelhstareålotelof24025linesrfeel¡nl6nglh Brea, CA 92821 71+529-9935 fhôchatnlink fencing elong the southern 6nd nodhern prcpe¡ty lines will remâin PL1 5-0038 6730060370 Lot Lrne Adjuslmenl Prep lor Heedng Adjustment between 2 oxisting legal pârcels wilh same owner Both pârcels åre zoned RA.1 ac, and wìth¡n lhe fhousând oâks Areâ Plgn. Bolh par@ls are vecanl Lo1 Lrne ParcelA6730060360 1'15 5-0039 6730060470 Lol Line Adjustmeot Prep for Heenng Alì Fassih 4735 Glone Ave #7 Encino, CA 91436 818 857 7576 Elras Valencia (805) 654-3635 Al¡ Fass¡h 4735 Glorie Ave #7 Encino, CA 91436 Eclo'115 åc Pârcel B 6730060370 .092 sc to PL1 Ehas Valenqa, (605) 654-3635 -1 03 âc Lot line adjustment belween 2 legal existiog vacent parceb under same owneEhrp Both pârcels ere zonôd RA-1ac and wûhin the Thousand Oaks Aroa Plan. ParcelA 6730060675 07 ec lo 21 âc Pârcel B 6730060470 34 eclo -21 âc 818 857 7576 Venlu Park PL1 5-0040 6730060160 Lot Line Adjustmenj Prep for Hôådng Lot l¡ìo adjuslment between 4 existing legal vecânt lots under sene ow¡eßh¡p All oflhê rnvolved pârcels erc zoned RA-1 ac 80d within the Thousand Oaks AroÊ Plsn, Pa¡cel Percel Parcel Percel A 230 ac - 5 ac B 126 ec - 241 ac C 230 ec - 11 5 ac D î89 âc - 304 ec 11 EliesValencia (805) 654-3635 Ali Fassih 4735 GloriaAve #7 Encino, CA 91436 E05 E57 7576 Ventu Park County of Ventura, Planning Division Pending Prcjects 05/t!u20'l 5 Page 35 Pemit Number Pãrcel Number PL15-0042 6730090570 AddEs 1181 N MC KNIGHT RD, NE\A/BURY PARK, CA Permit Type Lot Line Adjustmenl Ståtus Pem¡t Descript¡on Prep for Heârhg Lot L¡nBAdjustmenl bôtween two (2) ¡egel exßti09 non-conforminq percels under sepâr¿le owneßhrp. Both parcels se zoned RA-j âc 91320 one of lhe s Applicant Elias Valencia (805) 654-3635 Sam Cesstdy '1179 Mcknrghl Rd Newbury Paft, CA 91320 8905 498 8042 Tess Harfls: (805) Sheila [4ayfield 1050 Potrero Roâd ThousêndOaks, CA91361 E',l 6-943-2629 e s¡ngle fBmily dwelling with añ âllached gârege. lt ¡s connecled â detâched gåÞge and som€ sheds on the poperty. to Sewe¡ fhe olher Case Plannêr I 6730090771 Parcel A to 6g ac acto 29 sc 92 ec 673009057 Pârcel 8.006 1181 N MC KNIGHT RD Venlu Park Newbury Park PL15-0043 6S401 70240 1O5O POTRERO RD WESTLÂKE VILLAGE, CA Cond¡lionel Use Permil Completeness Rev ln Progress door Events locsted st 10S0 potrerc Road (ApN on ValleyAreá. The subjecl propôly is 30,32 acres snd d th€ Open Spece Lãke Sheeood/Hidden Vat¡èy Areâ 91361 PL'1 5-0044 0630040160 5301 N VENTURAAV VENTURÁ COUNTY Pemil Adjuslmenl Compleieness Rev ln Progress Use Pemil (CUP) tvtodíficât¡on Case No. togråphy. The eppliænt requests e permit n no.2 lo exlencl the timo limits to obtâin UN¡NCORP 1) An additionâl on€ yeâr extension (ìo July lnãugur€tíon Zoning 2) A two yoer for Constructìon [or Cl exlensio CU 1 654-2453 ChuckAnthony. (805) 65+3683 Hollywood West Llc 750 Pismo St. San Lurs Obispo CA 93401 8055434333 Hai Nguyen: (805) Golf And Surf Llc 200 Lambert St Onard C493036-1094 805 384.9568 Tess Hams; (805) Ventura County Trans Com 950 County Square Dr#207 Ventura. CA 93003 805654-3968 5th, 20.t6) of ihe deedtine to obtâ¡n the Use Mod¡fication Csse No. Lu07_0001, ånd, 1 sth, 2017) to oblâin the Zoning ClèaÉnce (ZC) LUOT-O0O1. The applicant provides lhå fo¡lowing rêesons for thei requêsll 1) The âpplicânt ne€ds 1o modify the BrookÊ lnstjlute expansion pÉiling plen to oomp¡y with the County!perkingoldinsnce,implementedineedy2010 juslpdortoourCupapprovålrnthÊ summer of 201 0; ¿nd, 2) Brooks lnslitute's cuÍenl ¡eese term exp¡res 1231t2D16. Brooks ñust prov¡de lhe propety owner 6 months noitce (i.e., June 2016) of thetr intânl to exlend including thâ[ request for us to comm€oce the e¡Pensioñ. The requesl6d exlensions âccommodate the sppl¡canl's desìrc lo comply wlh lho curent parking ordinence ånd to accommodâte Brcok,s dghls snd long tem plênn¡ng wishås. PL1 5-0049 1 330072035 Perm¡1 Adjustm€nl Submillalln Prcgress Permil Adjustment to PD-16s6 plpE sALES & STORAGÊ Thê request ¡s for a new l-story 706 sq fl omce eddilton 200 Lamberl St Otnerd PL1 5-0050 0560060220 M¡nor l\4odifiôelion Submillalln P¡ogress 65+2453 County of Venlura, Planning D¡v¡sion pend¡ng prcjects osto4t2015 Påge 36 Pem¡t Number Pårcêl Number Addræs Permit Type CAMARILLO CA930I2 11400 HIGHRIDGE CT. CAMARILLO, CA 93012 Status Perm¡t Descript¡on Case Pl¡nner Progress conforming under sêparalè ownorship Both pãrc6ls are designâlêd Existing CommunÌty undêa the cenerâl plen, and ¿oned RE-1 åc. 654-3635 Both percels gach percel, î 516-0-240-'195 Pårcel 2 516-0-240-205 47,045 sq. n lo 46 893 sq, 47,045 sq- I to 46,422 P O Box 7163 Oxnerd C49303'1 áÉ 1 1 ! 8c in size The lot line ãdjustm€nt w¡ll hansfer ên oquâl ánlount of acreege to Pãrcel Applicant 8059881 001 sq n ft ,11410 HIGHRIDGE CT Camerillo PL1 5-0052 6950140320 Lot Line AdJUstm€nl Adjushenl belween 2 existing vacsnl legêl lols in the RE-låc zonrno destgnåtion Prep Decision Lol Leter One lol s conforming, snd (he other rs non-confoming lo minimum s¡ze rcquiremenls fhe êxchenge between lhe 2 parcels will rosuli in no nej gain or decrease in areâ LrnÊ El¡Bs Valenc¡a; (805) 654-3635 Parce¡A 6s50140320 '10,543 to 10,543 Parcel B 6950140620,46,466 lo 46,466 LakB PL15-0053 6ô300't0555 1049 CAMTNO DOS RtOS VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP P¡enned Dêvelopment Compl€teness R6v ln ProgÉss David Alpern 578 Water Oak Ln Unit #e Oak Park, CA 91377 805 626 0022 Shoeood Planned Development Permil for ân existìng RêseÊrch ând Scieñlific Laboratory wilh åcæssory nanufscturing of sc¡anlific davices for e fåcìlity commonly known es Teledyne ScientifE Compeny The lsbor8tory facality is located on a 77 acre sile wh¡ch ß locâted in the Nl1 Zone D¡strict ând lhe lnduslnel Thousend oäks A¡€å Plan lancl use designêlion wh¡ch ß âddÉssed as 1 049 Câmino Dos Rios (APN 663-0{10-555) Tlì6 prcj6ct sile 6 developed with two office/research and developmenl building with a combined squårc foolsge of 165,000 sq f with Building No 100 (as noted on lhe plâns) being buill ¡n '1963 sl 130,000 sq ff end Buib No 101 berng built in 1984 al 35,000 sq n. There arc also four delached suppol buildings, 459 perk¡ng speces w¡th a sh¡pping and roceivjng area, and tho âssociated site ¡mprovemenls which inc¡ude lendscaping ihe âppliænl is askrng the diÉctorlo âdjusl the requtred pâ*ing spsces downwerd pursuânt lo Franæ Rosengren, (E05) 65+204s Lise Porter 1049 Camlno Dos Rios Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 805-373-42'15 Sect¡on8108.48 WalertolhesileisprovidedbyCalifornieAmericenV\rsterCompanyandsewer seilice is prcvided by lhe Cily ofThousand Oeks No new development, imperu¡ous âreas, or grading E proposed The proiect wâs originâlly sppruved by Development Plan N0.246 and subsequêntly modiñed, mosl recenlly, by mrnor nodificalion LU04-0038 approwd in 2005. The 2005 permil mod¡lìcatron ãclded Ên expiretion dale which hes subsequônlly pâssed PL15-0054 PL15-0055 041 0300200 61501 50245 3117 WTELEGRAPH RD. VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Minor lllodific€ion 2801 MADERA RD VENTURA COUNTY Pârmil Adlustmenl UNINCORP Complet6ness Rev ln Prcgress Perñil (CUP) LU0E-0115 for sn addition€l 10yeârpedod CUPLIJoS-0115wEsorìginallyspprovediôSeplemberof20l0toellowTemporary M¡nor Modifìcation .equost to cont¡nue Condition6l Use Susen Curtis; Vena lvlummanenr 21 06 Glen Eagles Ct Oxnald. CA 93036 805 377-3355 EliasValencre (805) 654-3635 Scott ngnac 280'1 l/ladeE Rd Simr Valley, CA 93065 ao' 579 7478 Outdoor Evenls for â maximum 60 deys a year ât a locslion addressed os 31 1 7 West Telegrsph Roåd in the Fillmore Area on property with en AE Zone designstion ånd an A0ricullural cenerâl Plan lând usa desrgnalion lhe sübject prcperty is epproximåtely 34 43 êcres The âpplicanl is roquesting to change the mâximum onsite guesl @unt frcm 200 to 270, tncÞase lhe onsite pading from 100 spâces lo 127 pårking spaces, increâse the CUP ârea from 1 37 -ecre lo 2,ô5 âcres end lo ellow evenl to occur on Fridays and Hol¡days. Submittålln Progfess Pemit Adjustmenl to LU07-0048 Srnri Velley Lendl¡ll ãnd Recycling Centel S¡mr Valley The adjustmenl is to the epprcvod srte plen for the locâtton of the scale house -[here are no fudher chsnges being requesl€d as pad of lhis projecl Adescription of LU07-0048 follows Reqùesl tor l\¡ajor Modiñcetion No lollowing ilems E to CUP-3142 - Simi Velley L¿ndf¡ll This rcquest includes thê - LaleÉl ånd vedicel expension of exisling lândfill tncluding erpânsion of Permit (CUP) boundery from 297 acros to epproximelely 887 1 acres -sxpensionoflhelándíllopatstionsareêby6pproxirìately2lSacresto the operal¡on¿l life of the landfill from2024 at3,000 ils Conditional Use incressecspacityend tons perday ( County of Ventura, Plann¡ng Division Pending ProÞcts 05/l}/92015 Page 37 Permit Number PL15{057 Pârcel Number 0370080175 AddEs Permit Type Status Permit Descr¡pt¡on Câse Plânner Applicant 12626 OJAI-SANTÀ P¡anned Devêlopment Completeness Rev In ProOress Plenned Dov€lopmanl Permit for the conve6ion of â previously approved 9OOO sq. fl pr¡vâte sôhool into e ten bedroom rcsidonce with detâched Ésidentisl accessory structues exceedinO Metthew Sauter, (E05) 654-2492 Chnstiansen Per Ginge B 3140 Breâker Dr Ventura. CA 93003 805 652 0300 Elias Valencia (805) 65+3635 Tom l\4urphy PAULÂRD OJAI,CA 93023 12626 Olsi Senle Pru¡a Rd Ojâi The projoct rs locelod on a 2 65 acrc parc€l local€d at 12626 Ojai-Sånta paula Roåd (State Highway 150) The site wås oflginolly âpprcved as å 9000 sq ft church ¡nd 3500 sq ft doteched slorego buildrng A mrnor modification permitted the conslruclion of I second detached 4950 sq. ft stoEge building and a deteched gazgbo A second modificetion changed the use from church to privete school and expired on Merch 28, 2006, and cålls out the mÊin building ss 9200 sq a 3,420 warehouse, a 3,500 sq ñ, snnex building, snd an exÍshng commerciel kÍtchon lhal was nol io be used for mesl prôparâlþn n The åpplicsnt seeks Lo absfe CV1 4.0437 by conved¡ng lhe mâin building of the privste school ¡nto E ¡esidence, demol¡sh¡ng the commercisl kitch€n making sûy nôcôssåry inlerior improvemanìs to meet the cutreñl Build¡ng Sâfêly Code rcquiremônls and keeping tho delâched sccessory buildrngs ss non-hâbitable eccessory Þs¡denliâl slruclures I Thore will be no rncreåse in sny of th€ squar6 footages of lhe e¡isting structures, nor are lhers eny 8dd¡tional struclurôs being proposed Th€ site is seryiced by Cas¡Las f\runiciple Watèr District and is on septic. PL1 5-0058 1 550240055 723 ALOSTA DR. CAMAR¡LLO, CA9301O Lo( Linå Adjustmenl Prep for Heeing Lot Line Adjustment between 3 legÊl non-conform¡ng lots under 2 separale ownerships The lols arc all wihin the RE-1ec zonrng designalion, and Existing Community Urban Resêrue Generel Plan desçn¿iion 400 RosewoodAve Suìte 201 Camar¡llo. CA 93010 805 445 4404 723 Alosta Dr camår¡llo The thrêe loß involved ere es follow: Pâ¡cel A:1 550240055 APNconteinstwo separele legållots Lot22of 14MR 57âhd LotCof 16MR 33 fhe Lol invotuod from this APN ¡s Lot 22 of 1 4!1R57 P8rcel B 1 55026008 ThF APN consisÌs of several legal lols The lol involved from Polron of Lol 15 arìd Lol D conveyed 946 OR 247 Pârcel C Ìhs ApN is 155026006 Th¡s APN is comprised ol 2 legal lols Remarnder Lot 1 5 946 OR 247 and Lot D I 6MR33 The Lot rnvolved in lh¡s LLA rs Remaindor Lot 15 946 OR 247 The lotal non-conforming aree emongsl âll involved pârcels wi¡l not change, and no parcels will be m8de conformtng es pãd of th6 LLA ^on-conforming This Lot Lrne Adjustmenl ìs being requesled to setisry selbeck dElance requiements County of Venlura, Planning Divis¡on Pend¡ng prcjects 05104/2015 P¿ge 38 Permit Number 15-0059 Parcel Number Address Permit Type 20602431 Adjustmeol OXNARD. CA 93035 St¿tus Perm¡t Descript¡on case Pl¡nnêr Completèness Rev ln Prcgress Applicant Matthew The adjuslment ¡s for e f¡rsl floor remodel rf en ex¡sting 3,585 sq ff residence The applicef,t ¡s proposing to cEêle en edditionel bedÍoom by inslalling a pådä¡on well on the fißt floor There is no addnionel squarc fooiage being proposed es pañ olthis project (805) 654-2492 144 Oxnard Ave Oxnard CA93035 805 844 8755 Kilstina Boeroì (805) 65+2467 Scolt Pnce Scott Pflce Santa Paula, CA 93050 The lolal bedroom count w¡ll be (4) four âs ã result ofthis project, end there E ãn ex¡sting atteched 4E.E sq fl , 2-c8r garâge lo meet lhe psftang demånd 3545 Oceân Dr Ohard PL15-0060 0400010225 ly'l¡nor lllodificaùon Submittslln Progress The requested minor modif¡cation of Condìtion6l Use Petmil LU1'1{041 would authoÈe the rc-achvetion of4 curently idled oil well and lwo existing lenks rn accordance with Section 8105-4 ofihe Ventuß County Non-Coastal Zoning Oadrnence All olher aclNiies âllowed under LU11-0041rcmårnunchångede¡ceplforlh€useofKoeningstoinRoadtormeintenanceånd wlh e meximum of lwo kuçks per day 805-933-1 901 sh¡pprng PL'! 5-006'l 0600400265 3852 W PACtFIC COAST HY VENTURA CA93OO1 3E52 PACIFIC COAST HWY, VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Permit Adlustment Submttal Ptogress ¡n Permil AdJuslmonl lo LU12-0049 for the instslletion of an elevåtor in an êxEting shân Chuck Anthony, (805) 654-3683 Or€ìnel descriplion tor LU12-0049 follows The proposed projeci consisls of e requesl for a PD permil (LU12-0049) to construcl ãn epproximately 1,241 sq, ft. second-sfory sddilion lo an erisling one-slory singl+femily dwellinO ând¿ttechedgarage Theproposedprojeclrncludes afißtfloorcoveredpât¡o(6pprox l6tsq fl ) second floor covered porch (approx 84 sq ft ), and internâl rêmodel of existing frst lloor ând garâge; lhe demolilion/removsl of e firêplace, smâlì living space, and wooden ând masonry fences in (he setbãck areâs; end. the ÉplÊcement of tho existing rool and erchitecluEl redesign ol èxlenorwêlls Casitas Municipêl Wâtsr Dishict (C¡rWD) will provjde water ånd the VenturÉ County Seruice Dislrict 29 will provide sewaoe disposal seNices for lhe contìnued residontial use of ìh€ Turner Ben P,O Box314 Ojêi CA 93024 (805) 421-8174 properly Theproposedpþ,ôctdoêsnoLinvolveânyg.edingåctivitiesortheremovâlofnãtive vegelalion PLl 5-0062 0300130045 8560 OJAFSANTA PAULA RD. OJA|, CA 93023 Pemil Adjushènt Complelenêss Rev ln Progmss PermitedjustmenlloCUPNo.3234,[ilodificâtionNo 4loremovefailingpsckâg€treâtmentplant Kristjne Boero, (805) €nd sudEce clischÊrge ând replece with @nvent¡onel seplic syst6m Énd subsurfâce (leach lines) for th€ Phoenix Dormitory 654-24A7 Happy Valley Foundation Po Box 804 Ojai, CA 930221-0804 646-4343 PL1 s-0063 128003017s 1516 LlRlO, CA Plânnêd Dewlopment Submittel ln Plogress Plenned Development PeÍmit for â Conìråctor SeNice end Storsge Yerc, originally approved viâ Plenned Developmenl Permit 19E3 which wes laler frod¡fied by m¡nor modìficetion LU04-0079 The subiecl project in loceled ¡n lhe [r13 Zone Distncl a¡d lhe lndûstrial Seticoy Area plan lând use Kístina Boero; (805) 654-2467 des€nalionwhrchcoverså t9,800sq ft porlionofalárgerlotêndisaddressecfasl5l6Lrio Avenue lnadditiontûlheongoinguseoflhesiteasâcontractorseryice6ndslor¿geyarcl the epplicent is request lo constuct e 648 sq. ft equipmonl shâde structur€ No other opeÞtional or physical chenges âre prcposed thel cl¡ffer thãn wes åpproved v¡¿ PD 1983trU04-0079 No sde Waler ând sewer seryice are prcvided by the âdditronal impeMous area is âdded to the of Venl(ra PL1 5-0064 12øOO2207 5 11032 NAROO ST. VENTURA CA93OO4 Minor ModiÌ¡câtion Submittal lù Progress Don Walker 152 Stanislaus Avenue VentuE. CA 93004 805€47-1 31 6 Cly Plenned Dôvelopm€nl Pe¡mil for e Conlrâctor Seruice and Storage Yerd or¡grnally approved vie Plenned Development Permil 1084 which was later modified by minor modifi@tion LU05-0040 The subject project is locåted rn the M3 Zone Distdcl End the lndüstriål Saticoy Area Plan land use desìgnsl¡on which covèß a 3 47 acrê podton of e larger lot ând is âddrcssed es 11 032 Nárdo Slreet No operelionål or physical chânges are prcpos€dihel diñerlhan wås ãpprcved viâ PD 1984/LU05-0040. No 6dditionâl imperuious â¡eê is added to the s¡le Water and sewer sorMce åre provided by the C¡ly ofVenLure The curent rcquesl is to remove the expirâtion date from lhe Planned Developmenl wh¡ch was added via LU05-0040 âs condtt¡on number 4, Har Nguyen (805) 654-51 e3 Don Wâlkêr Ventura, CA 93004 E05€42-1316 County of Ventu€, Plann¡ng Divis¡on Pend¡ng Prcjècts 05lflu20'ls Pãge 39 Permit Number P.rcd Numbêr Address 75 NAROO ST. VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Pemit Type Status 111 Progress Pemit Descr¡ption (1U11-0007) Use ã teuse and ouldoor storâge. The curenl roquest is lo ¡emove condlions 22 and 23 in oder ellow outdoor slorege in a designeled slorage yârd and lo expend the CUp boundâry to ellow 6n âdditional Eg0O sq. n, o[ outdoor stoËge adjecent and noih ofthe buildiñg within € VCTC ríght of way ånd to âllow a pemit timB exenston to 2025 Cðse Planner Applicant 'fed 65+2469 '11175 Nardo Street VentuE CA93004 805-671-9394 Thê operEling businèss is known es Msjor Appl¡ãn6e Recycling Seryice (MARS), lvlARS proposes â facilly and yârcl thet eccopts ahd salvÊges lor reuse, a widô vanely of sepÊÉted, non_hezârdous discârds, including bui¡cling mel€r¡o¡s, household frlures, eppliencss ând furniture The proposâl ¡ncludes ntnoÍ repairs and reconditionìng Oucloor storgge is proposed ¡n an 6xisling losding and storâge yârd The pÞvìous use oflh€ subjecl properly wâs s kmon pock¡ng faci¡ity wlh en âccessory off¡co Wâter and s6wer srê prov¡ded by the Ciiy ol Venlura No nêw dBvelopmeni or imperv¡ous surfaæs âre proposed County of Ventura, Plann¡ng D¡v¡sion pend¡ng prcjects 05l0.f2ols Page ¡10 Permit Number Parcel Number 1 0701 40395 Address Pemit Type Stãtus Perm¡t Description PermitAdjustment to CUP 17081 MOUNTAIN RO. SOMIS, 12-O172 Prog16ss Cese Plãnner Appl¡cant Jay Dobrowalskii (805) 654-2498 Jesse Guetrero 337 Comne Hill Ct Thousand Oaks. CA 91320 SLryker Påintboll & Airsoft cA s3066 The rcquest is for ân expånsion ofthê exisling CUP boundary åddiiionâl perking. and á change the hours of opeÉlion E05-290-351 7 rn The expâns¡on area will be to lhe âdjâcent p¿rcel APN 1 07-0-140-3s5 ond rnclude ell of the parcel with lhe exæption otthe single fam¡ly dwelling on the lol fhe excluded e€a ¡s def¡ned by 3n e¡shng fence surrounding the home The expansion åreâ is undêr lhe contml of the applicant underthe sáme lease agreemenl thêl coversAPN 107-0-140-405 Addrtionâl Perking 40palkìngslâllsarebeingproposedatlhe nodheâstemcorner,Snewst¿llsalthecenLerofthepropef,y Curentlyô5caEarepernifredto park in the dêsignated pârking åreas No overnighl parking or rncßase rn cuslomer count is beinq prcposed AnirigalionsystÊmwìllbeinstallodalongtheunpavedddveweytoprov¡d€8ddilìonal 43additronelparkrngspâcesarebeingproposed dusl conlrol Hours of Operâlion Cur€nt hours ar€ sat & Sun gam-spñ ãnd one weôkdây 2pr1opm The åpplicant would like lo add the ability lo op8rále ofl 22 weekônd nights from gam to 1opm, end lo âdÌ!st weôkday hours to gam-10pm The hours of operâlion ådjustment dogs nol 9ranl an irìcro¿se in cuslomer counl A bnefdôscriplion of thê orioinal entillement (PL12-01Ð follows: conditionâl Use Perml for a new ouldoor pqrnlball/e¡ßon spoÉs perk on € 16 27 acÉ propedy within lhe Open Sp¿ce 8o-acre Minimum Pârcel Size Zone and Open Speco gener€l plân lend use dosrgnatio loceled åt 17081 Soulh lrlounlain Rd ¡n lhe sânla Peulâ ereå (APN107-0¡40-405) currently th€ prcpo¡ty is operâled ãs â t hole per 3 golf couße commonly known as lhe oziè OsbornPår3GolfcoursewhichwaseppþvedunderConditionalUsePerm¡lNo 4767on Februâry 18,1sg3 the curenl proposal would ul¡lize the exisling golfcourse fac¡lity [or å commerc¡al parntbåll and âtrsoft playfeld- The playfield would operste on weekends end one weekdey pèr weok The weekday use would be for Éfiêr school youlh group programs, WBekend operations would occur from9âñto5pmforãlotelofl04deys TheweekdsyopeÉlionswouldoccurfrom2pmto'lopm for s lolal of 52 days A maxrmum of 160 parlicipanls ¿nd 5-10 employees will bo on the sile eech busìness day 85 parkÍng speces sre pmposad as ilhrslralêd on the submitted sito p¡an All games would be superyised by a tr8¡ned referee lo ensurc the safety olall p¿rticipanls and to €nsure compl¡ence wúh cUP conditions PårlicipEnls ând employees would be required 1o wear safely goggles ând fÂce masks whiþ on the fieh of pley Pefiicipants musl ellend â safely môotings ând/or view € safety v¡d€o prior to plãy. All exisling slructurcs will remåin in plâce with no new pêrmenenl slructures or impêrvious ârea fhe use otAPN 107-0-140-405 does nol include the arees designEted on the sle plan rn lhe soulhwesl corner The èrcluded areas a¡e sepâraled by fencing and remsin under the contpl €nd rêsponsibilily ot the properly ownor, [¡elvin Osborn Tômporâry/modûlar shuctures would be placed rn the desqnaled plãylield âreå ¿nd consisl of: air [ìll€d bùnkers, h¿y bé¡es. wooden walls, drshEge pipe, msh scÍeen fencing ênd building facades, lwo sea ørgo conlaineß would be plBced on-site lo store supplies odsrde ofihe floodplain ârea Two polâble toìlsts would be pl€ced on-site lo supplement the two onsite employee Estooms ¡n the existing clubhouse PLl 5-0067 6950062160 181 LAKE SHÊRWOOD DR WESTL.AKE VILLAGÊ, CA 91351 Pârcel Itlap Submllal ln Prcgrcss Applicalron ior a tenlâtivè Pârcel Map lo sùbdìvide Assessor Parcels 6e5-0-062-'160 ('l 3,259 60 sqft)ånd695-0-052-170(11,75561sqÍt)rntotwolegallolsot'14,50015ãnd'10,5'l5sq.ffThese lwo lols were combined ihrough Merger 84302 Unit B. Site ¡s located et 1 8l Lake Sheñood Drive Percel conlarns oxisting 980 sq fi, dwelling ând 306 sq fÌ deiached gârage Vv¡nston Wright, (805)6s,t2468 Bradley Scheub 318 Twilight Court Camar¡llo CA 93012 (805) 445-9509 County of Ventura. Plann¡ng D¡vis¡on Pend¡ng Projects 05/04/2015 Page ¿11 Perm¡t Number sD06-0041 sD0E-0025 sD08-0026 Parcel Number 5000393165 04601 41115 041 02301 00 AddFss Perm¡t Type Ståtus Permit Descr¡pt¡on 2127 OLSEN RD VENTURA COUNñ UNINCORP Large Lol Subdtvision Envîonmenlsl Doc Prep lErge lot subdivis¡on 4 - 40 plus acre percels bio deed reslncl¡on 3712 SYCAMORE ROAD, FILLMORE CA Condit¡on6l Ceatificate conrpletenoss Rev ln Progross CCC-PM 5787 to 16gâljze one 30 acre non-confoming lot, AE 40 acrs zoning Th€ 3E åcre proj€cl sfe is locsted to the soulh of Highway 126 ând Totend Roed, in Fillmore, in ihe uûinærporãted ðree ofVenlura Counly Highwây 126 aod TeþgÉph Roed prcvide local Ênd regron6l êccess loJhe sìle Thê loì ¡s composed ofTâxAss€ssor's parcels 046-0-142-065 snd 046-0¡41-115 The site ìs bordered to the north by Highwây 126 end The Litfle Red Schoolhouse in Sånla Pêùla and is su(ounded to the eÐsl wesl, ând south by sgricullûrelly zonod lend thât is currenlly in active egr¡cullural prcduclion (orchord trees) Southern pocific RáilÞad lÉvBßes the nodhern porl¡on oflhe projecl sle, just south ofthe schoolhousê Compleleness Rev ln Progress The requesl is for â Pl\¡W-lârge lol subdiv¡s¡on to legElize e lol, approtìmålely 47,7 âcres in size The lol F curontly composed offaxAssessor's Pârcels 041-0-230-j30,04.1-0-230-.100, end 041-0-230-160 lhe proJecl site E located at Sycanore Sireel snd Sevenlh Sheet, in Fillmore, tn lhe unhcorporaled area of Venlura Counly, H¡ghway 126 and Telegrsph Roed provide local ånd ßgionãl access to lhe s[ê The project sfe conlains e singlê family dwelling and âvocado orchards The sile is boElerèd to the nodh by Sycamore Road, to lhe south by Highwsy 126. end 10 lhe óasl byAssêssor's Parcel NumbeÉ 041-0-230-150 aDd 041{-230-120 (which mak€ up the proJect site for SD00-0027) Southem Pecfìc Råilrosd tEveßes the soulheastem polion ol the O SYCAI\4ORE ROAD ComplEncê Large Lot Subdùision AND 7TH STREET FILLMORE CA ol C¿se Planner froñ CCC0213-p[4S379 eppliês Appl¡cant Kristine Boero (805) 654-245'7 Tess Haffis; (805) 65+2453 Sreersme K N-r J'Iru 5821 Laramie Av Woodland H¡lls, CA 91367 E05-797€784 Tess Haris, (E05) 65+2453 SreeEma K N-rj 5821 Laramre Av Woodland H¡lls CA 91367 805-797€785 less Haris, (805) 65+2453 Sr€erama K N-rj 5821 LaÉmte Av Woodland Hìlls C491367 805-797€784 fess Harris, (805) SreeremaKN-tJTru 654-2453 5821 Laramie Av Woodlend Hills CA 91367 805-797€784 project site sD0B-0027 o410230120 190 SYCÀMORE RD VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Lalge Lot Subduisron Completengss Rev ln Progress 'l'he requesl is for â PMW-large lol subdivìsion to legålÞe â lol, spptoximetely 4E 6 acres tf, s¡ze -fhe lo1 is cumenlly composed ofTaxAssessor's Psrcels 04t-0-230-120 and O4i-O-230-150 The pro¡ecl sile E locsted sl sycámore Skeet e¡d Sevenlh slrcel, tn Fillmore, ¡n the unìncorpoÉlâdareâofVentureCounty H¡ghwãyl2ôandTelegÉphRoedprovdèlocelend râgonel eccess to lhe site lhe site is borderêd to the north by Sycâmorc Road lo the sodh by Highwsy 126, and to the wesl by Assôssor's Percel Numbers 041-O-230¡ 00 ãnd 041-O-230-1 30 (which are part olSD0E-0026) Southêrn Pac¡Ílc Râikoad bisecls the southern portion olthe projecl site sD0B-0028 04102401E0 Lalge Loi Subdìvrsron Compleleness Rev ln Prcgress The request ¡s tor e Pllfw-large lot subdivision to legalize a lol. approximetely 59,4 scres in size The proposed lol ts currenlly compos6d ofTãxAssessor's percel 041-O-240-lB0 The 59 4 ecrc projecl site is located ât Sycamore Streêl and Sevenlh StrèÊl, ¡n Fillmore, in lhe unincorporated aßâ ofVenlurs Counly Highwsy 126 provìdes loc€l and regional acæss to the site The sile is bordered to lhe nofh by Sycamore Rosd, lo lhe south by Southem pâciilc Ra¡hoad to lhe eest byAssessor's Pqrcel Number 041-0-240-7140 (nol € párt of eny otthesê projects), end to lhe wesl byAssessor's Pârcel Number04l-0-240-190 (not â pârl ofany oflhsse prcjecls) sD08-0029 04'103û0280 2793 OLD TELEGRAPH RD VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Large Lot Subdivis¡on Awaiting Resubmillel PMW-LLS TO LEGALIZEA 42.ACRE PARCEL COMPANION TO LCA CON-TRACI SUBI\4ITTED JUNÊ 3,2OOE sD10-003¿ 0600270195 7870 ARNAZ RO, VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Lot Lrne Adjustmenl Awaitng Resubmittal Approvslof€ministerialLotL¡neAdjustmentNo sD10-0034tolransfer 07acÍèstrom sZ06 acrc percel (APN 060-0-270-220) zoned RuÉl Exclusave Z åcre minimum ìo s 86 acre pârcel (APN 0ô0-0-220-195) zoned Rurål ExclusNê 1 scre m¡nihum Approvel oilhe permh will 6sstst åbâting Violêlion No's 2V09.0175 ând V04-347 concurent pmcesstng of SD10-0035 PMW Merger is r€quired lo quality forrhe LL [¡ichelle D'Anna (80s) 654-268s EliasValencia (805) 654-3635 in Parent Douglas{nn Marie 255 Foster Park V\,^/ Ventura, CA 93001 (805) 646-3'159 Coqnty of Ventura, Planning Division pend¡ng prcjects 05104/201 5 Pdge 42 Perm¡t Nqmber Parcel Number AddEs Pem¡t Type 7870 ARNAZ RD VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Stâtus Resubmillål Permit Oescr¡ption Case Pl¡nær SD10-0035 PMW Melger is requi.ed to qualify for 654-3635 Applicant Apprcvál o f the minìsieial Lot Lrne Adjustment No SD'1 0-0034 lo tránsfer 07 ãcres from å 2 06 âcßpãrc6l(APN060-.0-27O-22O)zoîedRußl Exclusive2åcreminrmumloe 86acÊpercel (APN 060-0-220195) zoned Rural Exclusive 1 acÉ mrnimum Approvel ofthe permil wll Êssisl rn åbâting Violalion No's ZV09-0175 3nd VD4-347 sol 0{038 2160040595 4120 E VENTURA BL VENTURA COUNTY LÊÍge Lol Subdivis¡on Environmentel Doc Prcp The subdivision of å137 4 ecrÞ parcel with exisling agricullurâl uses. inlo 3 parcels, Percel 140 04 ocres, Pãrcel 2- 45 94 âcres and P6rcel 3- 51 4E scres A bu¡ldêble sile ând ãccess hgs been rdentifed for all 3 psrcels Ths prcpos6d wetersource is a privåtê wâler well and the pa.cols will hâve sewêrseruicô hoñ Csmerillo Sånilsry Distrìcl The enlire 137 acres is und€r cullivalion for row crops A preliminary dtÊinage study, Oaot6chnical report and å waler quâlìly rcpod hâs beon prâp9r6d. The project sile fronls Venturå Rosd south oftho 101 Freewây and is betwåen CônirâlAvêânclBê6rdsleyWashândlhereareMoRedlinèstreemsâdjacentlothepårcel The site is wilh¡n tho AÉe of lnlrisL for both the City ot Camarillo €nd Oxnerd Chuck Anthony: (805) 654-36€3 LâEe Loi Subdivision Compl€l€ness Rev ln Progress cleberg Rånch LLC Thé propos6d subdivis¡on of ã 1 35 3 acre parcel wfh exisling agncùllut8l uses, ¡nlo 3 pârc€ls Chuck Anthonyi (805) 654-3ô83 UNINCORP sDl 0-0039 2160040635 470 SPRINGVILLE RO. VENTURA COUNTY UNIÑCORP Parcell-4533ecres,P¿rcel2-4501 ecÊssndParcel3-45acres Abuildablesileandaccess hsve been identified for all 3 proposed pårcels The proposed subdiv¡sion will l¡kely resull ¡n fulure developmônt of dwelling unils compãtible wilh Agncullural Erclusive zoning on eêch of lhe 3 lois lhetotalmaximumfuture¡mperu¡ousdewlopmenlareemaybe499ecres Theproposedweter source ìs an existing pr¡vale waterwell end sewer seN¡ce frcm Cenâr¡llo Senitary Dislicl is Oroposed Sewerseru¡ceiscontingentonennexâlioninlolheCâmêrilloSewerSeryicediskict Most otthe exEting 135 (approx.) acres is under cultivation [or row crops A preliminery dråin¿ge study, geolêchn¡cal rêpod and s wster quality repod have been prepared The projecl s¡le fronts Ventura Road soulh ofthe 101 Fßeway end is belween CenlElAve. and Beerdsley \ /bsh ând thereâretwoRedlinôslreamsadjacenllotheparcol Thesile¡swithi¡theAÍesoflnterestofthe Crty of Camadllo sD12-0002 sD4410 032020'1105 955 BURNHAM RD, VENTURA COUNry UÑINCORP Pårcel Í\¡ep Envrronñênlel Asubdivision(TPlûl)jocreâta4percels TPM5878,2inthooS408nd2inlheR1-20,000sfzoning Doc Prep designation A ccc parcel map wås prccessd and reùorded on lhese lots, CCc0208 for epn 0320-0-201-1 55 ãnd CCC0207 AN 032-0-201 -1 05 and e l¡itigaled Negâlive DeclÊrâtion wâs prepared for the OS pârcel, mitigalion and resiriclions ere cu(gnlly rn plåce for b¡ological end erchseologicel resources There iå E fårñworker DU on th€ lerge OS parcel snd exisi¡ng ag b6rns and accessory structures The smâller R1 lot 6 vâc6nl how€ver lheÊ åre oak treos, GIS info ¡nclrcated sgwer aId water could be åvâileble lo lhe sile TEcl Mep Awåiting Resùbmiltal lhe proposed project consisls ol ê request fil) for âpprcval of ê Tentalive Trêct liap to subdñide 6 lots into 15 lots ¡n the comfruoity ofSânlâ Rosâ Valley, totÊling 49 ?g acrês, for future res¡dênlial conskuct¡on The proposed lols will range ìn size fom '! 96 âc lo 6 85 ec Danìel Klemann, (805) 6s4-3588 Danrel Klemann, (805) 654-35E8 The prcposed project site is locâled nodh of Sånta Rosa Roacl Acæss w¡ll be prov¡ded from priveteroads,includìngBlânchardRoad,AStreet,VoltaiE\/¿yandYuccaDive VoltareWay ¡il1ârsecls thô subdiv¡sion Therc are currently no existing slructures or uses on tho s¡te camrcse Wãter Þislricl will proMde wãlersediceandindìv¡dualseplìcsys{emswillseMceeachlotforwaslewâterdrsposal The proposed proj€ct will include thå dedicåtion of eesemonÙs tor ecæss ro6ds anct driv€wåys, d€¡nag6 bâsins, ãnd wel€ilirìê meinlenence (includ¡ng all slorm drs¡ns which will b€ privåloly rnarnle¡ned by s homeownêrs'âssocialion) ln ãddilion, proposed Lol 13 will contåin an oqueslriân Êâsêment A Firc Depâñmenl tunErcund will be consl rucled âl the €nd o f thâ privsle rcad lhBt inte6ects proposêd Lot 1 The prcposed proj€cl rncludos apprcximately 235,000 cubic yerds of grading (cul rnd fill. lo be balanced on-sito). County of Ventura, Planning D¡v¡s¡on Pend¡ng Pro¡ecis 05.104201s Page tli! Permit Numbêr Pãrcel ñumber 0000000000 AddEss Pemit Type Ordinance Am€ndment Stahrs Perm¡t Descdpt¡qn Cåse Planær Applic¿nt Revìsions lo the ProgÞss to enâcl lhe Zone (W\4P) These amendments tnclude language lo protecl and pfêseryo habitat @nnecìivìty Wildlife migr¿tion protection addresses the abìlity of aoimels and plânts to migråte safely among lhe County's increasingly fÉgmenled ereas of netoral open spãce The Articles to be amended âEt Articþ 2 - Delinitjons; Adicle 3 - Estâblìshment ofZones, Boundâ¡iês ând M¿ps Adicle 4 - Purposes of Zones: Ad¡cle S - Uses and Shuclures by Zone, ArlEle 6 - Lol Ar€â end Coverage Setbacks. Hetghl ând Related provisions, Adìcle 7 - Slândârds for Specìfc Uses: and Adicle g - Ståndads for Specif¡c Zones and Zone Types. Revrsrons lo thô Subdivision Ord¡nance lo pmv¡de for the proloction of wildlife migration during the pårcel map wåiver perc€l m¿p, and lråct mãp processes The Adicles 10 be emended âre Art¡cle I - General Provs¡onss and Den0itions, Article 2 - Mâp Requireûìenis, Article 3 - SubmEston of lenlalivo M¿ps, snd Aticle 4 - DeskJn Requiremenls zN09-0006 0000000000 Zone Chenge Submflâl ln Progress The edditìon of "HCP' designalion 1o zoning of properlies within the proposed Hab¡tet Connectivity Ovèrlay Zone. fexl smondm€nls to th€ Zoning Odi0ancê end Subd¡vis¡on Ordinance in lvlark Ogonowskt, åssooalion with this zoning designstion ers described ¡n pem¡l #2N09-OOO5 zN11-0001 0000000000 Zoning Ordinance Subminâlln 2011 Generâl NCZO Am€ndmênts to Ailicles 1 lhrough 1g Prcqress Revises clesr sight triångle, combhes residentiel ånd commercial/ind!striâ¡ zoning mâtilxes into e siìgle mêtü. Adds marimum buil¡ding coveÞge slandards (from cenersl plan). aev¡ses open stofage reqüiremetls, evises wet bâr requireÍì€nts, €dds stendârds for motofcycling fot peßonel usô, Évrses sf€ndards for bed ånd br€skfesl inns end boârdinghouses, revises lrâsh recoptical standards, ellows nlixed use developments tn RpD ¿one, Équ¡res energy effjciency stenderds h RPD developments, âdds design permij (for CBD overlay zone), Allows plsnn¡ng Dtrecìor to terminate app¡ication I pet mil is no1 aclv€ly puasued for 6 months, or il âpplicånt fa¡ls to pay slañ cherges âmends nonconlormrng châplerto pem¡t minisleilal mod¡ficalion of perm¡ls and permil Rosemary Rowan, (80s) 654-2461 adjustments endincludesnomôrousgEmmsticålsndclarifcÊtionchsngesthroughouttheNCZO Plan Amendment) These prcjects do not aPPear on the assoc¡¡led Apprcved/Pending Projects map, Ple¡se contact the Case planner for moE spec¡fic ififormat¡on, Counv of Ventura, Plann¡ng Divis¡on pend¡ng prcjects o5to4t2015 Page ¿14