GPT Challenge Iss2 1993


GPT Challenge Iss2 1993
GPT- Winninq
with People
By GPTManagingDirector,PeterGershon
AIIGPT businessesare commiitedto Winninq witn
People.Allhave action plansto cover these important
issues.Al are being measuredagainsithem.
an organisaiionwhich prolltablyqbws our business
lh.ough theachievementoi wond class levelsol
It's your
For this io happen,we must make it possiblefor
our emp oyeesio coniributefullya.d dev6lop
ihemselvesto tlreirlull potential.
Winning with Peopb is the GPT way ol mak ng
s lr elhat w6oiv epdodt y t o o u r e m p l o y e e s . w i n n i n g
with People htqhlqhls t he tuc1oEwh ch diectly help
p6op e's pe,'iomance,namely:
a Performa@ review and objective sett ig
a Trainingard development
a Fecognlion and reward.
issuewe highight threeand
showhow the llP pansfitthe
GPT-Wd€ W nningwith
lf you haveany comments
on Challenge,
orwould ke lo
wrilean adclelor t, contact
a Clearurdersiandingby managers,and those
they manage,oi whai consttutes good
llP- the
action plan
L TCL enployff
Doyle dne.tor GPT V deo systems, has
I conf rmed his busin6s s @mmilmed to
I nvesrorsIn Peonlet. tho Th:mes Valley
Traininsand Ent€fprse CouncilfrEC),
He wrot6: "Tfainingand deveopment is an
ifvestneft in our employeesand ourimpDved
bls ness € is plaincommon senseio
maxnnisethat investmeni
AllVid@ Svslems emploveesreceiveda
qLestionnare;bo!i tra ning rnd deveopment in
Septemberio help !s assesshow we measure
aqa nst ihe llP standard.
An action plan s in pace. Onethlrq weae
evaluating,s how we I the train ng and develoPment
winning with People ensLresthatwe havethe
skiLlstomeel our cLrstomeBneeds.This ncludes:
O Maklrg sur€lhal ev6rybodyknows what
CustomerFocls means10lhem, perconaly,
O Developinqtheskillswe need ir lhe
the ro e of managemenl,and lhen
deve opnrgthe necessaryskils.
O Encouragng earningthrougheveryday work,
and supp y ng high qlalilytEiring
O Encouraqlngyoung pepeto join GPTandthe.
prov dino them wiih the riohi iraning and
developme.tthroughoultheir careeB,
To achieve these, we need the r qht systens and
procsses. This is ihe aim ol the nationalyrecognised
.hvestor in Peope standard-A tangib e sign ol
pDgr6s towards ihe goals oi Winn ng wllh Peoplewll
be when our busiresss achievethisstanclard.
at watk an llP.
wecLrcndydo s contributingtooLr perfomance.
We are aiminglor accreditationif the new yeal
a In July 1992,TCL set out 10achievellP status n
jusi 12 monlhs.As a fi6l step ln a fo laction plan, a
grcup olempoyees, nclud ng managementand
Lnion repr6enlat ves, leant abolt lP at Stoke
nochlord Ha In Sepiember,
L BSG at Beston, aiter discu$ions with the Grater
Nottinghah TEC,€tried outasutueyto see what
neededto be done to ga n lP statLs.The BSG Board
set up a tullp an to achievellP byJune 1993 6 pad
of their overal drlve to be recoqnised as a totuard
busines that is @mmitted lo productand seeice
CustomerFocusis at the top of our tistot corecompetencesand atthe hearrof ourVisionand WinninsCutrure,AIIcpT
businessesare committedto prografimesoftrainingand educationas part ol the processof improvingour performancein
delivering world " lass lpv"l\ o I c, rsromer sal r\tac rion
i) Make it easyfor our customersto buy our products and
J Provide telecommuniccttions
solutions which are excellent
valueJbr moneyand at world classstantlardsof quality
J Deliver all orders on time
J Ensure that customersare alwaystreatedpromptly anil
courteouslyso that theycan enjoya troublefree relationship
with us
crossthe vr'holeoI GPToverrecentmonths,
emp oyeeshavebccn aitendjngClsiomef FocLs
These workshops,wh e lallofed to meel nll v dua bLsiness
neeos,nale one ma n pLrrpose
To help us become the world's most customer{ocused
telecommunications company.
And one consislentmessage
- h the competitive environment in which we operate it
w i l l b e t he c om paniesw h rc h a re b e s t d r l i n d i n g ,w i n n i ng
and retaining customers which survive and prosper.
Key quesl ons that a emp cyees mlst ask themselv-^sare:
are your customersand what do they ,,,,antlrom yo!?
a Do yo! g ve them vihat they !r'ant?
O What are ihey tel ng yol and are yo! islen ng?
a Ho\,rdo they see you and your ser,,ce?
a !!hat can you do?
Tlre lrorkshops have empha3sedthat everytask we
un.leirakein olr workirg Ives sho! d be seer as ha! ng an
. r,. r" o o (
. o
,1 :1 |
' -f.. ol
io be posit ve. Th s means givin! wor!,
.t!alty, de very afcl service.and k..p:.! o!r pronrsas .ol
on ce .b ! t t m e anr : lt imea g a i n .
Exampes iravebee. q ve. in the llorkshops ot where . the
past vre got it r ght. blt also $,hefe\,vego1 1 !1/ong.
'V/c ar. a Lr.spons bl. for CusiornefFocls " says GPT
Oualty DlreclorJeremyGra'nmer. Workshopsar-. an
mpodant pa'l ofthe CustomerFoclrstraii ng ancle.llcaton
process.Howeler, Clstonrer Focus s an areawhere do.!l th-.
rightth ngs s ,,!hatrea y colnts afo t s ofly by cont nrraly
ooknrgat how !v-.can mpro!-. clayof .]ay ttrai we r, I adr eve
J 'q
d , r .o o l
and servce meansthatwe mustcontnL.tally
improvea I aspecisof our bLtsiness.
Cleary,a key area s d rect contactwith the
* B-h..iou
\ d n I n ^ o o ,d r 6
mpresson oi GPTon the basisof yourbehaviour
* ylsltsfo cusiomers- whenyou are with customers
YOU are GPT.
r V sif b) | u lo'-1-t la GPr lraa r .r Lono
way you wou d w sh to be treatedyourself
* Meetingswlth custamers cLtstomermeetngs
to mproveoltrrelationship
queres are
* Custamerqueries- al custoTner
to mpTove
* Replyingta letters open,cleat concise
r,.,' i nr
i tho i Fy i o.
| .one, .e viuF
* Dellveries- our produclsare more va uab e to our
customersif th-oyare deliveredcompleteafd on
* Tel-^phone
answerjng th s s oftenthe f rst contaci
the cusiorner
the cohfuston
lwo typesof
problemsare even mo€ likelyto arisewhen those
iaking part are irom diiferenlcouniies and culures.
Whdl T d ) bcpe ieo y aL ( ep. ablc . o"pe1o I r ol
one colnlry may be downrjqhtrude lo $meone trom
arother.Wede allcarrystereotypes
Americarsor romanlc haians)abolt oth6rnat'ons
Such stereolyps can lend to clold onludgmenl
when workino wih peopleirom differeniculiur6To minimisesLch difiicutieswhef workingwith
S - n -ns and wl" C-rn ar c, s oneB: poq, r t r r eol
Germancultura awarefesslraininqhas been
esiablshed wiihin GPI
a Unde6landing
Parhere for
thosewithline or no expenence
oi woiing with
a BuildingFe aiionswth Germa.Business
Partneb forthosewithmor6expenence
OurlnteFculu€l trainirgdoesnotalmto say,"This
wilhth6n". Thatwoud beto ta I backintoihe trapof
aimto help
peopleto prepareefiectivelyior ims culturalworkn\q.
Delegat$ 4d tulos an the thitd, tuva- >
dayGmm CDltDt4l
Attaten$s cau6e,
lahArded rhp 5pcondGerm.n Cu ru€
I Awdrends.ou,se, wr'!h has been carelu y
I desiqnedto easethe way tow.rcls bulding
pos t ve businessrelalionshipswlth our counlercarts r
The@uEhas been developedand relinedas a
resu I oi close col aboration between lhe respective
personneltEini.g departmentsof S emensand GPI.
lh Ju y, it was run by two fepresentatives from
S emers InteFCutural TrainlngTeam in Mlnich -Af
K€ogh and Karen Edwards.
Aboli eiqht deleqatesatiended lknewthree
alr€dy, but by the end olthetwo day course I had
aqued, sympalhisedand alghed with everyonel
The was structured arcuncl exercises,
videos,etc, which stimulateddisclssion and
experie.ce relatingon such topics as "The Concept ot
Cuture", Perceptionof Geman/BritishValues', and
"Meetings& Presenlaliorsi. Germany".
More lomally, we earnt about Siemens' mrporale
slfoctu€ ard lsoperations as asignilicants oba
playerin such iieds as semlconductorsand deience
electrcnics,as well as telecommunications.
Bylhe end ofthe.oLree, we had blilt up a piciure
of Genran hisloricalandcu luralt€its which
necessarilytorm th6 G6rmanworkelhic However,{e
dls Jl € n e d r o " o o l n f i e r r o d r o J n a e t sa n o o u ,
own culiureand behavour,
DEU]SCH MABKS: C.ventry ffipLyees
aNt tn.\EW @niti@tes tal
1 - d. p
I o, p"opI ' , dr-rv co- o Fro
1r . r . r at ,
1..e1 "rpo r--1u srb 6- ot dwhr .
him orh er rn .lbe q vc . . lar r nalllr ab-
It is the responsiblilyof a nraragerto:
Sel peGonaloblectves and be satisred rhat rhey
are, raisingslandardsof reqlired perform
an.e yeaf on yeafto ifrprcve olr ..mperitiveness.
Give pcople maimum opportonly to developand
Appraiseea.h pe6on's perio.manceregu any and
pnoi, { Adlnc
o b F r ' F l,d
..\:4 a hp i
- "r o
aspralons, inrplenentinga.tons agreedat the
Make it possble loremployeesto advancewitholt
h ndranceand as rapidlyas possibc n GPT,an.l
prcvideencouragementlo widen their exp*ence.
Glve recognitiontof ouristandingpcrformanceand
relvardindivicluason lhe basis oflheircontrbution to r-.pon.ibiiry oia manaqa . ro ure d
I givcr se l o trc$ lrLcs hlm an, pr y s lc al, . nd
I f na^ a io a lhiFla a . aqr FFd\ pf oiobiFLrv F. .
Use lhese resowces propefy, iocus ng on value
crealingact v lies e lmifat ng waste and being mindlll
olihe frpa.t ollheseaclivles on the envionfre.t
t6 d r o p 4 o p ta to dlqi.r A.
. pd ob6
, J.,
delcgaing respofs bilty lo thc gealcst possible
Estab sh processesto fac litatc rhc achicvcmentoi
the team's obieclves n the mosi s mp e and d recl
Te each pe6on n lhe r chafqe what the leam's
oblecuvesare, a.d how urey relaleto the rceds of thc
Gve each personcleaf, measurableoblectves.
Reviewand m€aslr€ ndividlal's performa.ce,
re.og.isi.g afd rewardfg acheveme.t.
Provdelhe tools,tEining and leadershpto erable
nrdv.lua s lo achiele llren oble.t ves, creatng
Ufderstand the airnsa.d objecLivesof lhe
compa.y and be abeto 6mm!..ate them to any
audie.ce in a manferthal relecls creditan GPl.
onti.lols i.novation s necessaryn plrslit of
world .ass perlomafce. We mlst mast.'Ar
charOeandlurn ii lo comDetitive
t is a manager'sresponsibiiiv to:
Challengeestablishedcustoms.pract ces a.d
pfocesseswillr avewlo improvingefiiciency,qualily,
compeit venessand time io market
EfcourageemployeF to idenl t word best in,
class praciicesand seekto applylh.m.
t o r . g e p e o p e o b - r 'o r d - n "
ways oi doing lhlngs, and in the use oftech.o oaies.
ActveV promole lhe nnovaion AwardsScheme.
Pl ,Jcpencr,!n .lstomere pat n.rlo ou,
I tp o'Ju.ts a.d qo nq o. do n9 50. To e.sure th s
r ' u J l u l ! l j l n d e r s t a rd t h e r r e q ! i e m e r t <
and saristulhemon time. everytihe. wtth Droduclsa.d
servicesol slperlor valuelor iiro.ev, so ih:rt cPT is
perceivedlo be the vond s mosr customef oriented
t eec o m m ! n c a i o n s c o m p a n y .
Ll s a manageasresponsbilly to:
Creaiean environmenlwhere meetng the
obLgationsollheGPT CustomcrChaneris Llie
aulomrli. wl.h an'l pracl ce ol eve[, empl^]".
c.d b, - n, l- , !o opl q
'l I I d l " o
GPT to enslreihat meel ng clslomers'oonm
ovcr lunctionalor .lepartnental
eadefshipan.lvision fronr lhe top
essentialifan oQanisailon sto s!
ihe modeh bLs fcss word.
However,lf thai lision ls to be.on!
ltenuineachevemcnt,rt must be Lack€
nghr managementslr!cturesj process€
andaititldeslhrou.horx lhe.n,afia:l
Forthis to happ;n, manaqeisneed
understaodlhen rcies a.d responsibill
Manaqng for Su.ess ThecPTWaVil
prodlced he.e nr flllso that everybod,
GenerateenthusiasmaboutGPl, ls prodlcts and
seruices,encolraoino a lemp oyeeslo communcate
llrat enllrusasmlo everyboclytheymeel.
hve ..mmunri1 o. r. a hF harrr ol
Ii r r . 9 E | r c r f t p e r l om a n c e .
is a manager'srFsponsiblitrlo
Bea good communicatora.d laciitate good
.ommunicalion by al nihe team.
Brel peoplereg! ary and candidy aboul
t o" b r b . 'd r d r " . o . o b t " n . i d o p p o l r
ersuring that intormaUoncascadesqu ckly and
efieclivey lhfough lhe organisato.
Tel peoplehowGPTard otherbusnesses in GPT
Stimuate comn!. cation with olher parlsofthe
compa.y to mprovewcrk ng rclationshipswth them
and increaseGPT s overa abi ity to provideslperior
Ensue reedbacrftom amployees,l steningt. a..l
. lis c !! 5 i . q i h e r v i e w sr n . l t J t l n q a ( l i o r s s i f l y w l e r c
Establshneaslres oi how efiecuvcly
communicaton and feedbackisworking.
one bri
iid6iElira't t-oi everyonern GPTto know niht it Ek6 ro t ;at;te-tuF
whichthey deliver,however,isequallyimporta.t ifwe areto ensurecontinue.lsuccess.
ions and responsibilities
down the
i: e.f! vrr.t r. c:tre'r r f . ) r r e r nt inaqer - q
.o tt.1 nixr rqei:i .r r.rr:nr.
afd .ieyelo.- . d
n ne I rh iliese reqr rerents.
Mrfrg n! llr s!.c.s.
The OFiir,raj !1 the b as s f.''he ier e. Fdent ol. Lr
n an rlers rlre ht!r.
llr lf o. ! s :
r . r ! r es .
he rn-Ay
o n.f o1 ith e l. i r , hi. h ar e. . r . er n. d
w 1h raslng olr.ra .!geii- a. t . a! a! t ies
The chalenqe to a manaq:rs is:
''Whtl are ycL lo fq 1oen:!re ttrai you are
l\rlaiaoin! f.r S!
Tfe GPT V/.y?
n training whlqh rs payrngdividends
< hhr. C i.ri
wnh t3t..
g ers'
!q levelqp
^ ^ + ^ ^ + i^
FotL:nl.rr, a p(ivi'le llre
J i ! : i . e : i : ir t r . v. !a b e p o o l o i
In.,:gP,"e, r tsrpeflefceon
wlidr n) (ln!r ln rhPllluf-e
fr lE
Jl .r,.oo!
pract ces thar .a.1o1 3enerate.err skrls !r.k
. f . ! ! llr a r . ! . n ! o L r : . 1 b r s , e s :
C.n.enrs s!.h .s thesehere | llr lhted at a TCL
w. r k s lr l p a i . l r e . ! e d . 1 t r e r B l s . . . . 5 k 1 s P f o l r . L
lls . m s a r . t o e f t n r . . l h . s k l s i i v o v € . ] n i r r e e t . !
iDmen are b rs 1-ass.trled!es. r,hie crearfg fi.
lr . i ) t r a s s . s s t r i . f 1o t t r a i nf ! n e e d s . a r r e d . L t
a1a bls ress ele \r.s e.hai.e! by pLliir_qth. s rry
dE e!lalc. lhro!qh psy.hom.,atri.
. enr eia . d f t e [ e s J i d v i d u a r f ( l c o r c s l s
lraf rlt fras.irJ pe elj !sfq a varlelyof nelhods
fewl! i.q! rerl.k s u bls.e!s bnsed pr.lcots afd I
a s Fe. a ! d e s i q n e db u s n - - s so a m e
s Skills
The I rst sraa.,as a and TCt
Fersoirrc O'e.Lof J!,ii a rfod. says il has Ci.n.
bri anty The be.efis, he says are clear
* A n! benert in.d inana!.nr.nrlnh an
rrFrlved ur.lerslaf.lnrqot lro! the blsness
.r A nor. cn.icnl ! r!r.onipafy
* Ar enrirortrrerrlapo .y lrlicl s lrerq
nrD.mLrn.. ..r!
* P r o m oo
i n oiyolr!€rdrnto posilons!lgrcat.t
T. folnd ofl sta'reone, LondontaslTtC s
:p!,rf a itrrnnrcn.. t.rl0a o.n bus iess pe.Fe
Th., xi h.iar S r llsN-.y!t
t r €i, r p,t r l a n . e . f n r r n r q € n r e f t . e ! e . t m . n 1 s l d ! j e
tlvo par rir! ::we !..le.vtay.
assagefor new team leaders
fi .e rj i
re qricky
nehber ol
-. " r I
stesan d b !sh ess,.s,t o ideni! hov r ' lher . F \ r r s
perceved acrcsstire orsa.lsation and rvhd
haini.g.eeds therewere.
This resear.h prodlc€dlrvo res! ts Frstlya
bookletwas produced Efs neerir€ Teai i
Leader:TheFole and ihe lranlng ror lt . Copies
oi rhis booklet,whlch srs the sk ls cornmor ro
n lream eader r.d somF oFron. ones.
.FFdFd b! on , some leam eaders Lavaiabe
noh Peterfia s, Ehployee Developmenl
< , . ,o ll. 5
g" \a nca1 r.lP' r
'E..rnpennqTern Le:de s rolndr|orCourse
vr'asdeveloped.This thre+day corrse, rh'o !h
engincenngmanagers,aLlowsnew.rd pole.tal
t ea m e a n e r s r o e , p o r e v r h i r r h p r o e n v o l v e s .
what sk lls ar€ req! red, a8d what then persona
deveropne.t needs areElalneAdams, a sonwareenglneerironr TSG
at Poo e. sa d: Havingcompletedthe ean! Leaders'Fou.dationCourse
thlsyear,lam convincedit s a qood introducilon
ior anyonev/ho rs movinqlowards a leam
leadefs positior
We covereda wi'1erangeoi top cs. The lelel
!rn.,ighlror. folrdrllo.colise, rn.ithereuere
alvr'.ysp<'ri, ofperlonJ e\perie restobe
The fer Ma rag.Dcnr
De!e.pmeni Proofanm-a
irr.!'poratis.spccts olrr!
tfq !..r 19 MannlenrenL
Oeveoprreft Programmcs
v/lr.h h.!-a prev.!sy beef rurj
s e p a r - 1 !e t . . m ..l a r
s e e . t e d . r l i v . l u a s i r ttr e
l o r m a t ! : s t a g e s.l l h e i r
manallemenL.rreer!i.r r
to fre p TSG m.et1fr.
h a e n l e s n l r . h e a L e a dL y
capab 1!
lhe pro.ramn e s iie r {l r!.
araveopm.nt Llnt
rt Si fori Ufiv.rst!. nnd
..n.r.rat4 wr.
e te n
n fp
. L . . . . s n r ! , i 'r!.e
ve n p o r t
M. n.q.m.nt Atpl callon
Tre F..!tnmm. for 1992/93
rlr !!.cliel at a rpecia eled
n J!r-A T!r-e.ty-ailhtyo!n!
na.a!er5notrr SGCoveftry,
l i r / . r n . o l a r d P o oe a r e ta kn g
It cons sts oltvo.tages
l i r . 1 r s t l r a sf o l f ( e y n o d u e s
mirkeln0 finan.e. mana! ng
p c o p . a . o n a . d ! r g .n a n q e
r tlr .ss q r n. ns b. nal.n
nlegra plrt. T[e secorI stage
aev€optrien1 bdse., b!sfess
p f o e . r n n d a . r e .l i o l o fsh o f
,1{rEes1.rsa1sl./ ri !dua
tt'at * *r"r-fi;""'yr-hr.,
th.t." d..w.;r" *""ri", rh"
"r "ustomdrctisraaiomans
qualityot oui ttainingand develophent
prcgrammesby measuringrhed asainstnationatstandards,However,rraining;d
developmedtis aboul muchmorethanrunninscourses.w€ are slrroundedby opportuniries
ro tearnaI the time.both ar
work and outside,ltis by takins ad%ntageof suchoppolunines,as individuats
and as an organisarion,
rhat we 6an.tevetop
SC e.tlo_lees are dev.op r.t th.n l€a.lersi F
sk s lnd crth se pef s on. s Lr pef r s of ol
nranaq ers
a nd .tr.r sef lor s laf f , . s f ar l. l a
lnrq!e ir. I fg s.heme poneefed..l
llreTeam Lead,crship
Sk ls Deveopment
programne einpJras6es.anrinq I rhc
flolves a smal grolp ol l\ao orrhreeteafr ead!-rs
u ork. grhr cu qli ispe ca ly.l es 9. c . 1lr an r !
!r.aramme !n.r,ariheeyeol a managerand u th rlr.
Inrf od u.e oa t Dee sto nin . lLinc1991,t he ir ' 3120
g fo! ps oltea m ea de rrlele anr os tc om pet edr hef
..rrce and ihe se.ond roud ha.lusl start.l
aSG is novJ nvo!e.l in la ksu'rh the Nott r.h.m
TFC 10try and llet the lr'i r rq proqranne acciirtert,
so r-oc,oile
a Natona Vo..tionn
ala rcal on [NVO)upor co]nperon
T fe prog remme
con sstsol15 pr ac t c . t f . in f q
For m.d! e telnr eadersarc ai,rc. a rolk
base.l ass q.irrenl to pr.vide an opponln U io tli .!t
B eestonSre Fa cll e s F an. . 9 M r n. ! . r St ele
rctrer s on. ct thc coaches,lak r.! on ttro team
leadersin lhe lrst rcund of tre prolramm. and ly starl ll! wrh a fc( ltroup oltltree
Stevesav h s.ol. as av.! abe for s!pport
a nd lavce a .d act nq a s a s oundna boaf dioJ lhe
1e!nr ea{lrasnr borin.e .l-Air.fl
N elLanlj.rcl, r p hlsjca . les i! . ef lif c c r ulh
t s SG . S D X p r o d l c t g r o l p , i s a t e a m e a . r e f i l s t
comDer nq 1nepro.tranm.
T gave !s lfre oFport( r t! lo dir.lss dspe.ts ol
' ,,
, J '.
.1... p.o/,
i o..
h.uro hand e d iiefenl snr.1ions, Ne sad - . . . o o r
- .-o-.!
you tr r r s riqht and llr r k ab!!t lt afie^v.rds By
gcnlt ihrolqh ihese nnnl!.s, !o! havelholqht
tlrrougha lot ol:deas b€toreyo! com. !n ala nsl
Roadshowin top gear A taste for success
trz ni.q d'\l developmenr
Visiiorsto ihe exhibton had
the lhance io 1ryour lhe
coLrseware for lhemse ves and io
1ak to l4lurers an.l iaci italofs
nas proveo a greer swcess.
In the three days the .oaclshow
was at Edg€ Lane,morelhan
1,000attendedand jnqliries for
inlo.mationon coursescame
.We leelihis has reallybroken
down the bairiersbetweenthe
peop e who providethe courses
and those who wanted lo know
more about what traininghas to
ofier." sad Gl Shylie, Open
LearningCenlre managef.
'We Elsoenr.edlromthe
Gll- by askns
Peoplequestionson the r genera
perceptiono1tEning, th€ r likes
lnd dislikesabod coursesthey
havetaken and how we can
rmproveor exlend the courses
rs ness nranasersin trre
trtvvesser reoionare earn nq
make 'good tuck
€ss or a cnancenappenno_
A Biitish ln$irute.r
ManagemenlWessexbraf oh
Programmeot evefing seminars,
caLl.d"Taslers".is qivingits
membersa taste of how qood
management"createsits own
l.argelyrh-Abra n chitd oi rhe
TSG I raining Setu ces Develop
ment Manager,DaveCarey,the
programmeis drawinggood
crowds oi managers eager 1o
leam how they can samp e the
iruitsotslccess The last seminar
al Pooleahaciecl 62 people
The hotto ror the seminar
seriesis "B-afrember lck is what
happenswhen preparationneeis
opportlntY Be proparedror yolr
opportunines- Tastersw lsho!r'
To date seminariopics have
* The blsjiress pol pouni a
se ection of management
nps t|] be usedthc
* Elie.t ve pr€serlai.ns.
* ouaity ma.agement.
)t Motivatng peop e.
NVQ- makinga mark at Liverpooland Beeston
lre fisi Natonal Vo.ationa
Q lalr..r o n INVO).e nl . ar e
O aned !.Ce ra p o t s.henr e
at B..slo: nasbe€. .rarded try
rh. Cr.aterNottn{rhanr
CoL,n. flEC)
a.v.r.y tnffrrs, vrho vro(s i
BSG s Siie Se^'.es Lrepaime.t,
re.e:ved her NVQ n Business
T he , ra t o nai!
re.ogn sed vork-based ralhef
rhaf acadenrc .t!a llcal ofs
vr'trclr cert ty the part c pants'
cofrpetenc-- n d. n9. pnrti.llar
n !1. n n! h-arceri fcate,
Bev er e! lias pas s edeilt l r ti n l s
She had 1o. ole. i and pr l v d e
eviden.-.ol hd dnnpd.fnr.r ir
ea. h r e d t o t he TECf or
as s c s s . r c ntI r . if c ! ded
des c f b nq hor ! s he hanoe d
varous prcb cms wh ch aroselronl
Beler ey. has beeh rth the
comDa.y for a most n ne yearsand
sraned the NVQvr'ork n March.
I,r.n r
- 5IG Lo L , . r L r . n s . h . m . r . ,
t e c h n c a le m p o y e e s r t h n t h e
lc.comnr!rications nd!srry
Llnderlhe p ot,a,1{i
cuslomei s.^, ie d employees
w vrork towardsa fat.nailyr e d o q f. . d . l ! . r r . a l o n .
Th. qla i.a1lns w be
lwa(led by ihe slandarasseninq
irody,trc T. ccomml. cat ofs
Vocaaioia Slafdards C.!nc
The s.her. was aufched on
O.rober l and iL s h.ped tr.
q l a l i c a t o n s w r b .a w a fcl .d n
Part. pal ng .'Amf,ll)]eer
hav. demonsttule.
.omp.t.n.-. h nsLaraiionan.l
TSGTechrica Trainina
Manaq.r SlLrarrD,r'sonsad that Ior
the ftfe there wo! d be
.lo.!m--nlary .!:dence vf ch
descJbed ttresk s ..mpetence
ahd k.o,ri..l.r. .l ihos, oyed
People with the right skills and knowle<lgeare our mostvaluable resource- To make sure rhat we maintajn and fenew these
skills means encouraging young people still at school to come into our industry and our company. Once they have joined us,
we need to develop theh so that they can play a tull part in our future.
0' 611
i iF GPI !p o.!o ,-d n Ld. nlsr ho, e. e. l / r ' r
- rfor a
onq ho day
lirolp of ch dien
Asked b! GpTto.ome !p $iilr a teaf pture.tlor
tre vear tre st!.lents .ho.. lo 4.1r dr.n tom
t l ood E LdJ!.lo r S.roo l r aov ent . / 10a hoic ay lhe\
lre so slccessnr that OPTTTan ng
O Da.ey Tlw r' s t c a r be. ar r iedon t he
I re lror p ra Jed i3.1 00 t_r olgh. ar v / a. hc s ,
l l m t r e saes. pa ra.h ltei!mp ng. ! r . . r s ! r inq . ! c . . .
n.rr Lanil: EnCto John O Groals slals and ralJ.s
a nd rook l| e chio fe, o . a f!. pac k edr eek t o
D.r.d. c Fouse n Derbyshre.
The stLrdents .lo Bev.n, Fa.h. 8.r1.!,
C!tls, SteveSersorf Jorjatlrar Plotr V.k Staf et
Jan.Tofkinson Jared Pr ce and Alan Wrltht are
s t Ld! nq. oirp uie rs.le n.e o
p a . . m. . ltion Jnre r.t!.tGiT
. C. f - . nia
nane,r'.aJ6sr. p'.1e.1. ar a pirt.: rerso ra
d. ! . o p f r c r l t r . i n r ! S t l d c n t s a r e p L l n a r e $
. ia at o . u h . h t h e ! h a l e a om . n . ! c i h e m s el e s
By d o . ! t s o : r . y
e a t r La l i o l t o r q ar i s a l i o ns k s ,
meetingd--adnes te.nrxork, hand fg oliref p:ople
Fo f . n r d . n : . 1 . B . v n r r h . y e a r r l b e s o r . e 1 hn g
s lr er l a l l l a y s o o k b a . k o n w i i h a r e a l s , p r s eo f F f d e
link- r r n
FLnd ra s n! .!er the 1rst lew monlhs seemed
parli.!3rry sou. she srLl, artrlreq!irecla olof
mcra e amo.g:h-at-aam.
V r l .s t a r l c ! t u i d a : i g r r r c a . l i a s h e s , 's a d J o .
E3.h one lras f !e holrs ol she--,hard rork rras
p .."
P T h e t o n e d w th
I r c J m b r d g c U n e ,sr J n a
vear Teachrnc
Codrpa.y Schenre,wiich vas
lawched in Septenrber.
U n 'J e r t h ss.h e m e .l h e
B l r i n t h e e n d , . l i r - ah a . c l o r k a n d b s 1 . r s . .
olr t n 9 e r s r e r e r . t h
T.achrn9 Companyprovides
rour gradLates(knowf 6
Associai6) 1oGPTior a penod
oltwo yearsto vr'orkona well
derrcd prcject ol particLlar
to lh€ business Th€
Associalesafe emplcyeesoi
the T.ach nq Company
GP I pals 50% or ihe cosis or
the anclensurs thal a
clf elullystrlcturcdprogrannne
or a.i ! t .s and progre$ rev ews
Tvr'oAssociatesw lbe
work!.g willr TSG al Lverpool
Worth nqton and itro vth
NSG.t Oovenh/, E liot Hatlon
'the inenitucus oi iheir
projeolwork ls on irprovn! thc
''T me to [/]arket perfo.mance
To ach eve this, fieydil
need to obtan a pracucal
lnde6tafdi.g ol ma.y Fpects
Coastto coast and
don't mindthe blisters!
ersora ieve opnrenilras iaken o. a trlroe 1.!.I
mea. ng t.f. qro upo ffiEl y . . r G PT1. . h. . ian
ta rees rectute d a st !e ai.
Irlosl ol tiie gro!p re.enlly b.rted i!. nst b sl.r..
sore m!s.l.s and some olALqlsi suorst vr'eatlErto
. o mp ele ihe '!C nr..o as1to . oas r lalk lr or n S1
Bees Heai l.ln.,p ra<e Distrct to Rob r, loo'l s tsayor
llre Yorkslrirecrast .e n i2 n!!5
T helra k w.s.e n a rsed . s a l! n. l r a s er by t he
n; r..r rlro r;rtto i.aic. a. adve.tlfe rleeklor
d sab ed yo!n! neon e irom C.v€nlry as part ol lhe r
qucst lorlhe prrze.llrLke.l ta nLilrltr S !e Aliafd
Lastveaf s re.rurtstreie en..!raaed ro take part in
thc alrard Ir] rhe aim ot comp ering t I theirlwo
Thc coast lo .oast ra r r qo io!.rds the:etu.e
s - . cton of t h,aara r.i n rhe rf f s r y eai, lielT- y ea- od
l r . incc..otrrp ele d a 30 trri: er ped t or i Der by 5f ne
as pdrt olthear.rd reqL efe.ts
Ihe gf.rp are also raking parr n hali da! sessio.s
at Co l e n t r ys p . . a s c r o o s , A i c c S l e l e f s a l d
s her b o r n eF e n s . t n b u d u p r e a t o n s hp s r 1 h t h e
dis abe d ! o ! n g p c o p .
G P T t . a r r O o f l . e r K e nS r e r o . k . a n l a c a ! 6 0 0
s r r ou . lc o n r ei f J r o mt h e f a k a 1 d o l l r e ri r . d a s n s
cr.nls w llr-- re.lo'rer tre rert
Ke ns a d l l r a tn o t o . ! d i a l l i e t a f e e s ! a n
sorn.rh ne lronr b. r! in'o !.d ii se.rina orhers but
! . ler sG n". l n O t ! r h i i : h e g r o u p .
Th,.rerere a so sans of derelopmenlof ea.le.shp
and t r r e e i l g e m e . t s k s , h e 5 a d .
''l l l '
qroup lrei 1ok.o[ ea.h olher beller a.d delelop
For exampe. they will need
to know how we cu(ently do
brsiness,how des gn concepts
e'ro ve and are revievr'eda.d
changed,how engineerifgand
ma.uiacture inierfa.e. hovr'the
iow oi maierials s controllecl
and iniom1alon communcated
betweendepartments and,
lliim.tely, ho,, we provide
iimely and re lable vo lne
so uiions to fi..r {r. fecds of
encompassesthe reo!irehent
ioroplnlm iiler wo|k nrl oiall
GPTs products andtherewlll
thereiorebe considefable
.ross-br sihe.s interohangeor
iiiofinat on betweenthe
This s a newvenlLrelor
botb GPT and Canbrdge
Unlversitys Engineerng
indicationsare very promisinq.
Howwe provideaddedInsight
r cnd Insishtcroup Leader
A . dr hr'igl I uoJtse g'oup ledderova ll d \' na.'
lha d rhe cha r c et o helpen@ u€qe
/ Ahold. y s
ln o,eqtrsto tdle uo an enoineeri.ocareer
here ires6few' <
careers nrust dEan thal a qreat dea of Dotential
engin*.ins tarentls nol Sin,r exploited.
Therea.e qnbwhowould iketo go inio
q bd.r" nor e, colr
oo ,o. d rd lh, ,
- oinsir
eno up oorngsomemnq ese. 'gpd 'o
People ike fre ofienng iniormaton an.l
encouragemenlwill he p reclilylhis n iralance.
-hF nsighrcoLr.e. ror 9rl. { o I ov, tL I h rsreu
fhet Lower Slxth Fom, are sponsor€dbvthe Authoity and are d;signed to
inlroducegirs io dijferentlyp6s ol engineeingand
Myjob, as a qroup leader,was to he p the q rls
5elle i., mat\esure they kncw wherethey were
supposedto b6 and be availabletoarswer questions
aboll softwardelectronc englneeringat cPT, what
was ft , lvpdil n ! dp q'e pa d whar "s lt ar obeJ qr l
At Barh,the prolecls n.luded r br dq. buldrn,r
corrpelition,ar lrsightcou6e ogoconpeiio. usi.q
CAD and a qrolp proiedrto de5 qf a brn whrch
compactedrubbishio 30 per cenr of its orig ralsize.
Otheractiv I es includedan eveningoi
communicalion/teamqames,a sporls ev6nn9. and an
L LEADTNGRat E: Fnna crcst paints ke way t'at otti*.
industia visitwhch sparkedofl quesrionsabout
or ip.-haq hwere eer ro Jokrt
lhc GPT C.ker OpportunrlEsbrochures.nd a.kpd
questionsaboli career break p.ovisionsand how
women are treatedin lndusiry n qene€i.
uchof ihe iLiuretelecommun
willbe n soltware.Oneof ihe Core
on ahichour business
OTo i.creasethe number of traineclsoilwae
eng nee6 wjthin cPT.
based ls the abilityto developand sellsoftware
fetrres anclfacilitieswhich ofieroLrcustome€ rea
O To maxim se the cost effectiveness ol the
Our compeUto€ n ihis marketface the same
pfoblem as Ls, a shortageol sk lled software
OTo redLcestalf turnover,and lmprove
satisfa.ti.n ind Ffied venessamongs hose
unoetunnq me.ourse.
One ol GPT'Sapproachesio brdging this gap has
won us a Fegiona CommendaUonfor Efiecilve
' l- o u r o \ l e o o 5 l g a o '
This commend.nionlias been awardedto an NlSc
aim€d al ieletummlnications sofnrare.This MSc has
been developedjointly by GPT and theOpen
h p ob i"-i ps'o.l"v - loo- g. ndus 19
U r iv-rih
_rai_r! w lorl
Dave Ca€y ilra n rg Setui@ Deve opment
Managet,lhe drivinglorce behndlhe couesays: "lis
success is araelvthe esul oJtheenthusiasmand
oommitmerishown by those nolvedin its
developnent, both toh the OU and irom cPT. To
date 370 peoplehave compleredthe cours.,c